. ..iZc.fi ,...! lj, ' - - . -.-. - - 7-7- , . ' Z.Z "I -" . .i.wTSinm Li -" . rt.AKi 11 wai. - t 1 - - KaBa. k 1 !..: . ... Uji ftuM m jwb 1 . . m 1 i r v ' - - , 1 7 J08JAH TURNER, Jr, Edit . T. HL KINQoB'JttT, AsaoclaloJCdBoe;. WtI).NEf(UAY. MAY , IK7. WKDNI A"'"-" ro MTfcK'a 1 . " , lion. A., 8. MERUIMOK,- Of Baanatdttb, jj t-3 run upt. bumh' Ma JOHN IJl'tlllES, ' . '.. - , Of Crafea. A '- w, m. shut, , Of Mciklmburg, MM .'i V i ' . .Ill 't . ,.'.A r-.B RKMJM. : Major JOHN W." GliAlIAMP Of Orange. .AAA. . " '" .,'. lU l ftft . rM trrr. ri'suc iarat'CToii i, .K. HENDLNHALL, . Ot Auilfmd. - mm frrr. wi it wonts: 7 J. II. ski-akic; Sentinel for the cmpi!gn.' A the OiiirniUiril nl l'nliBlil Cwpi(n pmiaiwt w lie u f iiiiig M ' unp'ftiiti t hv com-tiuM to funiUh th StmiKEL t tbt folio iag libenJ iutM- v:;:r.::.....r7v--! 1 ('r Wwklf nUiM) uautU, 1 W tl'UlilM' f U . . IKMI do . ie i Mm tnpy Im to fHifi( Llib ! 1U n4 ; afjiwarri. 1 1 oij wral AVkljf Bra lacl, mutiUu, H M CupI " " " II HI " . . ' ' Om t'opf frM to (etlor up ef Club ot W tut iprd.', 1 Covj BHr lest'tlXst BmUiL t 00 OouU " W w m - v nu.uu (M 7 (a. to lUf p ot t)b of 18 M-UJ M UJl.A-'pg'WIW '- '-" Time ! plx fof M'ling th N-irn , loitimj Ifinncrt- CVBefrit Cumeit ti-i io tli Mfrl Ongri-iwioiwl Dittrkt mf tii-t)'HiryiH - Vr l4 Dirtrtrl, H Elcnt( 1 tmrxdaj iiJ 23. J7i : ; ... -. .kir W Cmftri'Sil JiitlriiH f'f. Xaiti 'likf, Hlifai ; Henry It. Brj n, C'ntwn t rt i. ni.h, tuigwimuiwt un w. Iluu)(lirt7, 1 a UiritH t, m W liming Wo, WlueUy Ju,17SI. ' - - '- .. 4th Diitrict, al lUU-iijti, TbunJuy June , 1ST3. ' . 1 6ik liwtrkt, at Gnuo..ru'( Wednca- Im ! OH 1 J" "' ; d.yMay 2!d,1H?3. 8ih UUlrirt, at Cbarbma, Thuraday Hay Jl, m 70i DintrM, at Wilkeauiru', Tbaraday Uj n, 187 Btb District, at Marian, MvOoWell Co., Saturday, June 1, 1873. A HO TOSS Kt&K-UOLDSX WAR. It 1 beginning to appear, that ttia cam p ii)(B of tba year U to ba a repatltiva Io aoue eileut of that of tw yean ag.i, bea Uuldea the iafnuoiw, made bla dry ' ilish war apon the pxiple of Alamaoea and Caswell; We are aain to hare some of the burrors of fiat terribte year re en actei. What y innocent men are made to suffer uty!d iujurki if iIm acuuadruls auceed at lnt. IS C1111 ifri.ua, Grant's bmemjiiiljon are prl !nriiig Uieitend.un til alter tin presidential c iuipalgn Oiaut'a poWer to iuapend at will the writ of jLnii earput. lit North Can.li'Aa tba pre cursor of Ihe storm ia already beard, Tba eternal kutlui la to be tba tbl f nard the Radirtls will ply..r-JiVa ara told (hat a building baa already . Ixien ael td in Raleigh when tba k timt of Radical dp- preaaioa ara to be conflucd. Tba ordi.r !. 8"Jg!U.gJW.tto)i.m -sunt lorib to arreat, and itnprisoa, acores of the best clil'-tii of our State. A reign of . terroriam la to U ajjuedily iuaugurated andUrant'a and Caldwell's soldiers will be trsoping over tba Plata pillaging and arresting peaceable and unoifuoding citl lent. Tba miseries and torments of our Caruiina ara ta b xlul4. apoaf own psople, aad all this that the thiavea aad villains may continue la power. But ,.,v. ' Ihe people wilj remain firm to the great , uMponubUiU entrusted to ibem. Nciihu j perssoition rinr tribulations; beittier : y armed soldiery, nor iB4eot aatrapaj a. ' Uiar dungeons eor banking will prvTeiil tba people frum rtaiatin at tbe p llt tbia ayatematie and pndongad attack apon tboir propority, happlnvaf and libtitii. ( now AB&qr comwsTBXCTi ' The democracy have spoken ia very aa- terms at tha twind aiiidUa la thia 8t da. " The 6iuTiNRb was foremost in it aliuxe of ibem, but Om. W. Aeewea fitr. aukl (ww tf IS it wry aumsy (e tuy it Amttiul Jot A'r. lkrrrlKimlt.u LuuJ , Vrr. ,"' ..-..; . foeiah Turner,' Sr., furnished the money for tha purchase if tbe catiTtjim., ibr which be gave hit bond, npoa wbitk bood v tbara ia Judgment, efecotioo. aad levy aipoa bia real estate to tati.fy. Moos but fogaea, liars or twjDilhn ever charged with untruth or fraud. , . Gov. Caldaell saw tbe State robbed of . $1S,000,OOQ by bia party without uttering ' a word agataat it, Whea there was' a tuiauuikrstanding betweea the Stat printer, Mr. Moore, and Ihe printing com. initUs aa to how the work tliould be 'inpiurel, 4?tdweN aad tb radicu r.'jnica alteuipttd tb nuke tbe eWtiloa . t4ra 00 tlie uiUuadi'Matfdiiig 'between Ir. M wre and the committta, llmgikn, Juatiro and Geo. PhilJHaw- Ik rft.!,'l4 re1, 4t!n.J publirly and prt- watrly. that afti'fai f'jll invi tiit'tliou there; h no fisad or rn',J'...ti in' Ihe matter f iii K.t.' ( 1 i.,.. U t.. i In it waa ii-ir 01 (land, tbe i.tit.r of the Pi";T:t. ta i 110 Iti'iH i:t? rf ii. mn J but m i org rtsiL. "Tb living hM of Uwtitoe and rusa wnrKaantat, aJajb'uUrt h ecaf ia lii piwi of ve.-pt-nw Unn-bmV fci M l gw truth. - TWipwlar frw th fit P"a ojrt iif bf purt DHlri"U f fiiriiH-r n li wi riolrnt. K coili-tv io rHilk'l.' thr auw tntl UcB to'fact Hb thu.terri lbr ilra..to-a bpiMa w g'ru- um-oI of ehH HlxTtT. Tbe d t" lb M'I"'1 lif miiny ppl bo r BMiher- riciMit m i(jart. They B gavd o Idiik upxs tlie htleitt( fce of criun (ht M btf kxt it d.-fi.rmiiy to a gwn x iC i " br lko aieaa mi-o per t lima rtifir iili4 dmi ao lont; that tlitji liavi wKfi U lw hi ti . fled of h kfr'l. fbi w Uiff iuiuU uf that w itiif f lb great 4iiBnt, ' , 1 km r. p-aud, fa llt tlie vuul'rkiK aluf, itlt.a iliuia vUkfV cfaa." I Tiioy a-M ao il ta tbcir rnantry, thy 'lA kwat A. l . Ill dl IT Tlll Ia tflM M pulpit aniwn ; thry amild b grlfrrnf and tet-aiaded if tuid tbat they cither fored fwtited tha ho were ailber traitra to tie pcupla at lha a.veophania aad para 4te of th.at that ara trlura IhemsHvai ; (hey ara blinded aad eaac4 aai. .'Walk ag tm the ry Terga .of a gotaaieBtal preeipire, they frar ao danger ; benealh ibeei hi Ibe tfrrlhle l)jra ito wbich they tut) be prrcipiuted at any woiumit, and siill tbi-y bg iba ltteriig Mactii I" ibi ir wula and listea. rb armed . In ihe, ayren that " aii.a " Jl ia wtll,'' Ilia bud rumbling of the .anifrr atm tiM heavei) wards aith.ik Utrribb vMiad, bat their bania aMrrtrittrtHgi ire ati beard by ear tbat tataa aaaied aud deaf f .rever. Xbey way. yat ba atuwwd liy i Bationkl calamity that win atartTt ihe wartd iud irava ci. J )itiirty aad eoo- .;i.ii atitaliounl giiitrdi ibiverod and brukea iata a thoutaad atooM, It will thin be Um lata. Now, bjiita the alium bm barat or Ibe plunge hu been mude, ia the lima to rtwiM tba cuuatry. Horn ia llir lima fur every true roan ta atreUh fdrtb ihe Jtaad far im a-year braoe, aad all may ba lout, . , -. Wa are,iod(fadriltiig ia periloua Umea. r 14 weak dirxpit hd app royalty, and ready to play tba part of a bhatdy die tatw, ban dime alt ba can to imperil tin ark of liberty, in wblrh we bT placed all nor heart and all our bo pea. He eJwteJ, -iuined by anjrity of bii' ia taniaiwl ooMiitrymea, and ka will then lay aalde rj preteullua of feputiliran Mii, and dntbiiig bia pampered liiuUa ia r(.lead royalty, will "do aucb tiling aa til! mRk Urate liearla fkiut and eveu as gel weep. . , ..' f Say, if yoa pleaaaj (hit all litis far eon wiiao Uhf;iniiinn humbug. Call it What yoa will. . Onutt welwied can i.nlr amve a Nero. Itaa be not aurrnund U4 biulsef witTu niraaitM and diva t I I ...... ' it ha out lha aay victim of Aattery and de Jhd. t Jl. n,,t already tweu swin to 0utraga deceaey and to perpetrate the uuait tri'uu Vil"ua wrong agaiaat Ihe pw) pla I Uaa ba ant, aa Is so well charged ,io ! his arraignment by tba Clm lniiatl CventiB rendered himwlf afuitty. nf,wanloa disregard, of tlie laws olf the land, ami of powers not granted by the 0titution I Uaa lie not acted aa if Ibe laws had binding force oaly for tlioee who ara" grrrerned, and! ant for those1 w ho gov ern;! Has ba not struck a blow at the fundamental principles of constitutional government sod tin- liberties of citizens?" Has ha not dna all Ibis and very much iti.tre. And la ha a4 Io day clothed with tba. authority of a d.-sp.4I Is not tlm lilierty of eveiy man in Nwth Carolina at hi mercy f X I'aa be But at anyjour Sua pt'd Iba great writ of Ao&km evrjkt, that ia the chief bulwark: of lilierty, and send to prinon any citiron t Can he Dot send his satraps, accompanied with armed sol raiera tor your bouaa, tba fiveumn's caatle, and without any warrant of law solas you in tba midst of your family and march yoa olf to a Joethsnm prinon there to J!lffJtL5lJ?llgte'lt-Jft-l-JltfigBti and tried upon anme bsaeleaa charge be (oris a corrupt judge, with a packed jury and auboracd witnesses! . And yet, you aaj there UK 00 danger. Hugging the chain1 of aa inaufferable slavery, yoa yet natter yourself they are only silken cords of Jove that bind yon to the tender, yield imt "heart J( your asaatar. ' 0, men of , North Caronna, lArrw it sfaapar. Clouds and dsrkneaa are about yosj. Enemies to you and yours ara lurking In ynnf pathway. A despot is whettiug bia sword for aT aevenfold reaaaaoe, aad Bale yea rise op ia your manhood and throttle tyranny In it youth beftra it basgrowa to lusty maturity, yoa ara) alavea forever. A nu who Can read the history of the timet and sea ao danger U blind. A man who ia familiar with what baa transpired and ia tranopir ing la our mod and belicre that tb cntry U fl la aa iriljdelaa a px)l, Grant's eouras in the past assurea every intelligent mm what If will ba lath ftiluTei -'Tae stridu h has made ia the but two years toward oespollsia have bea)a tbuaa of a giaut. Oiva hiut another ur yaaa bass, and yon may go and atapd around the gtttrf of liberty and srerer asart of biltoraeas Uiat you were crer born. Aad yet Caldwell our. Caldwell th candidal of the Radical party f Gov era or, dec Una openly thai be ia ia favor of the auspeaaioa of tbe Great Writ, with out which tfaera it not tut caa be any liberty- toNlbe citiieo. . let thi a every good citizen; every maa who truly hives bit owm hi satire or adopted land, re- .lv that he will do bis whole duty ia tba campaiga la which wa are engaged. Ri'im-UilK-r, ngtf it th tliue toaava your country frMn lha"'" oppreaaora Wryiig" and" tba Dai pic7 , lawga. "Take tbe instant 4j.m Itewemoar.. . . .- ..J. The patient die wMIe tha phri&'-bui ilvi'i; - 1 be or Lma imihw wlol alia oinrttor frd : Jui.ir it ieatiUHT alow Wta widuw v , auvii- w tpuriirig iuit iniecuun Liut Ai. M close our article with a wise and pivnaut acr.tcnra borrowed trom an 01 J Latin writer, wliith. wt: coouacad wit!) all iraaiintoraoi-a and f to y eea'lt " !P"'a toaiTT )um kir ia A behind ihe ia UaJdi if rt nmkertg tfo. taot yoa a.y hoJdhe, but fyuffdrml -ipt, ao jupitof biaclfcaiictFcrcati.b srMPATur run bhj.Voi.ii tml. Mi. C'baadb, Ir-mi Cummnltea iio C'oia ounce, rvporid th Hear aad brb.if i pfuprittiow yVtll. aad ge autlue be houid call li an oa TiMwdnT. . " I ' Mr. Tliurmaii reported ibe lbue bill ir l'h.il.1 a Vanei : tHaea- lfetn( Can at rolriu, ft iuvpraanit1 ooeaitlrraiaHhi vi n - air.- ttaiaball tpaatar I laa baWu.au.l wU Mere waa aw aaaaaMiy tor thta crt,"tt)e people did not aant il ; Th aw who waul ed Io lie' J I'lii'-a, di-iru t aitoroeva, and ansraital, ami llu- rp -ruralH ia towe hi' wht 1 iif tmtf a ware rtamorinir lor Shea additional e.rta The- taYeit might want tlirm, liul the Intervals o ike people did mx demand lh-ia. Mr. Thunuaa aaui 1 hi bill (mated tut aeweuait, M Saerety pKi-d thai.. tba Jalrurl judge at .t,leWn'l ali'ill a.HU two liui iti hit c-uii at Toledo, fmr were tuaay adioiraltii caaea arialag at T Ird.i, tkwuoUUl Ulvolv, . ia which waa O mall llial it tnl il mK piy tbe partita U tt't t" t velaud. I be iudu -waa iulavor of eiiis bill, ahh.iucb it would Tie aa In- Convenleone to bnu ; th bar or I cm poo hat a-krd fi.r t, aud it wa thalatweat of tb people. This Wa blow indirect at Judge Dick's W Krdcral Court to b.' eatatdUbed iB tb in lUntaiOS byttlTlding the .Siartb Carolina diaUu-4. l)ic-k lor Ju ljfH, Tourgea.fur district atlrae)V "ajor Foot ftic marshal, and our old friend Dralae for clerk. Til. a ia the alsta at reported by an intelligent avgro. 1 - - . , Mitjor FiAle bad boea a silent bundle tail until litis new court was talked off Then be lagan speech making. Soma ot hie Democratic friend have asid foi 1 tbiae years ; " Oh, F-"Mt a gocid Ikiin r be appear a.llt Jical .oiily to hold ItU place anil turo, as old fiwiiintt would any, an aonerft penny or I wo. ineae eanae"' brfcl!e tail pret-nd tht Billy Bmilb Uad.-m -it. Tbe truth ia, Foote Slid B.lly rjioith are ah ut as giHnl J. in.. rata a the man who apologia for tbw. Ws bav Billy Smith's word fur It, that lie Voted SOO negro ' women dnwaed in men's clothe. W b'av the word of one f bis frieaJt whowai agc'iti at iba' Bliopai thai cWrgsai aold Lis soldiera' rations' and Unij flaiith bid for them. ( l)f eilttia tteloved, Ihe rrgfitfrtUil Hoblen, c-iuld not get bacna to Ibe Sliopr tatt enouith for Kitk and Bergen to sell except by. working on duuday. One ol the liiibineua men of tbe city told tit on yaalerday tiiat Uoldva seat baon to K.irk on Kmiday. " . i t'ruuAlluld.Uilly 8iuit!i' lorcmin, fricud and, agent at the Mbops, told us neatly tw.i ycaia ao,' that Burgen-aold Holden's aaooB. For oue lot, Unn. Hud Eye Bill , Albiiglit, who wa to ait on Holden's oott martial with Gea Willie 0. Jooea, bid eight rent, Billy Hmith, Freaiden.t ol llie rua.I bid nine cent, and he ('rutcli: Held bid tea cents and got Ihe bacon. Bolden paid twenty two for it in IU1- elgn, and bia agent and olUccrt aold it la- tea cent at th Hbop. When Geo. W. flwepinn was in thia' city hi testify before the committee inves tigating fraud!, he held a long ronver aatioo- with Iioldun, and it waa not oai . baplbm. After this eonver satioa betweea ilijldeo aad Uwepwm, B.llyPmith also - held a eonfab" with tfedden, snjjjt Wa not on Itaplism. At night, Billy approached Swepaon and told biin that bench warrauts would be issued for him aud heavy bail would be required, and be, Baepson, would be put ia the penitentiary. Billy agreed to furnish tbe engine, that Swepaon might' esea from tha city. The engine was Bird up and ordered to rendeavou at Caruy, wber Bwepaon met it after travelling from the city to that point In a carriage. It lint dee and Smith did not 'plot and plaa tbe earape f Swepaon from this city, w pray to know 'who did I Knowing these things, wbeu a demo crat or a br'ndle tail vote for Bmilb, it should go sgaiuat it character, aad he should b regarded as a man looking out for bacon or bonds, or something elae to flBrn uffcy the electitin of1 Billy.- These are hard truths to tell on a can didate for congress. If Ihey ara not truths wa shall gladly correct them. We have Smith's own word for voting tlie negra women, aud . fcava CrutchBetd'l Word about the bucoB. , .. $ There may be good reason why Tim ws'rdrtg'JWatt Billy, but ft Is enough to d n a democrat or brlndle tall and cause his neighbors to auspcthim."'i':" 1 nox or THt SKMA1SIHQ r&KSiB TKimroar, Pants, May 17. The argotratlon ba twerfi ibe government at Varaaillet aad thGrmB Miniater, looking to th total avacaatina ol the remaining French terri tory bow occupied by German troop, are report to be progreating favorably. And Greeley's nt 'initiation at Cincinnati Wakesrantlookfcvoritbly poaamnaaty and th removal, of course, of all cohort and spies front tha South. ' , , V':,'"; ''f;' ova coxQRtaa. This body contain soma virtue doubt less, but it also contains a vast deal'uf Kith an 4, corruptioa. Thi 1 too true for th character of the nation abroad. We live is degenerate aad corrupt times, ia which ' peculation, fraud and villainies generally, flourith moat rankly aad tbell forth their pestilential injueaoe. To our Congiea may be applied tbe kriking aad iritcuacly severe language of the great and iucorruplible Burke. It ia a bitdy, "ia which ara engendered the whale brood of creeping ascarides, all the rndleas Involu tiilna, the eternal koot, added to a knot of Ihoaaineipognabl lap. wormf which de- UffiUf tb Bmi tuerit; a4 eat Dp the bowels of" the Boulhera BttK.; ' 'i. 9'lier Ames aai Mark, Clay sad Web elerepa, A biriJie teaWrit owife-f t ef a PM4 ; Motion, dinetwed in itodv f-d u nVn4;. ' t aitu bt poiao to pttlliitt kir.d,, . , H'lller, th heat, ail ima y di fli a. , 1 ho 6'i tat1 mmi TikJ ta Hi AndSaumer. liatKvil ((a-ou.M hut till, -' Mow p'ayt tit farUaa and au the d.'' Trva " Ala ; A Satire 00 It Times. Ws etatetl of yraterdty'that it waa the Vjiota, of fhe IUlial pxty to carry th Vlj rllftioa ia '5V"? ! aeary' hazard Ilitt tliey will boI ati'p any dangii to he)oUB.ry'ir 4" any wBrria; to the 4 pittpterao th-r wail accixilWitA their tilt bolw al call. They Bteaa) wr war ttpa the cltiiena war ufoa any aad very on 1 a ho aad la the;Wy pf ihrir aqere, or aVao ' avillinpt an ttM-ib avieaa and ahraitbfumra iobe kat mtTva of IheHtatc. ;7 All a inl aw and r anmoa afnae w eai to be 6ed Jbe rottea marm al.m i k all ducaacy , yaaviaa and tvnaaw. v Tbey kr a blind .a be a and a deaf a adder Tb.) are c.itiui the utti 4 ronleaipt ia which Ihey are held by eve y tteotat maaj A of th mora raj. new and Un, pu lent Ty to h thaoh w via pent lemen, but tb f(iel m d ibt-w know well in aht eMiiaate tlxy ant held by Ihe virtue amt -iBtelllwc of TNwrth I'arolin fiaagty fur orfli-e, maddened1 arith passioa bflixied by aual for party, aullcn aud e Rant, sjieew of o lb tottder mercie of evefy vH pritw4pt ad' every enrspt atutiVe, they are nady lorwah tbe car of tttaie into th Bel banana) d p'ht ot poli. tte.il daknoaa aad degrail ioa aad ruin. 40 they can ride ia. triumph, battauing upon the gartrrge they have Itobw, and IWaaiing the livery of odtctv Tlie ruia'of ium cminirj x ortuga an iatwi.au oianpuiie tbtn. Ibe criea of orphanage and the tar rif widows are only melody to their ears whilst they " cry bavar and let loot the iloga df war . fueling raf tbent-elve, and rouardlul of the trouble and siio;iing th. y entail upon tbe tclpkua and ibe iu- n in nt. . v. "' '. We bare aaid, they have ao window left- if they ever had any of that precWw aiiicle. They are about to pur.ue a couie that will imuira their ruiu aa certain aa ht followa daikuesa and truth tiuslly pretaila over error. It them begin their b!uh mm k of oppresaion again let bum invade tlie sanctity of tire pwtples' h 'tnea, and they will be swei t away lo the Augiut atoriu as faded leaved ara swept away by tlie autumnal winds, do on, mitcreauta and toole o tyranta and im ItecTIeaTandf t neOofanouwTn vUit Mpou you io du time that r( tril.u live puniabnti-at which, with uuturiug i Unity, will overtake tbe oppuasor and rilUtia - " What wa have- Written h been tug- !eltd by the following paragrtpbs a bk u we take -from one of our Btatcaville ti change, bat having oogfected to-write the uauie at the. time we clippt d tliein We are. unable to 'ive doe credit We give the eatrarrt without coiniatinl to-duy. I'be reader wilt aee tbe ant' of our op- pouenlt bow lieet they are ou mischief, ahd flow reckleaa and deaf they are to the utouiiitina itf es)M!ri:uoe and Ibe voice m' reaaon. Here ia Ibe extract : Oh'varliius occ itioiia, leadinif rmm Iters of the radical party have been kiitwn to threat cu to attempt to drive the gaod men out of the atate if necery, rather than run the riak of detent, by mean til jW. 8. MarMhul, upon the cry of alleged auaoi. ' A revenue officer was heard to say on our afreet recently that be hire t'aldwell could be txajen, many of th poor whit men and niggers would ' have to die.' And a report lrtim Char lot t says that, if neceaeary, uirea nimorett 01 ina couaerv tlve voter of Meckrenrturx will be arreat ed, if that many will beneceeatiry to carry the election for tbe corrupt party now in r: wer. How many u Irtileil we a m i miw. These wanton tnreats mav onni; trouble, but they caa never bring radical triumph. The French National Aasenibly passed very severe nctinent recently lor th Mippretuiiitn of tbe vice of druukennesn, wlin ti, It has I wen otiaerveu, nas euor monsly increatml, pkrticularly lu tl.e cap ital, since the rupture witn Germany, but especially during the J'aris Insurrection. Alter lour convictions for drunkeonett, thai drunkard will be deprived of the tiilit oi votiuir, ol sittiutf ta tha .Nation al Assembly, of aarving on juries, and of peiiiirming oilier public tuucliooa Such a law ia North Caroliaa would be a bard blow upon the judiciary ; aad such radical preachers aa Parson Sinclair aud Rev. Kichard Joiie. of Grn Vote. Uowafmrrtbtidkax, nichald it aiAat.CaJdi well and has a Hat or appointmenta m Granville, where aud when he shall advise all republicans not to vote for Caldwell. nr. 1 , k 1 . r 1 . : t ne nav aw. rgu iu uraoga auu (taoien ive K Rev. Rchsrd is Granville. We have lost John Inland in Alamance, and gam. id two negrtie ia his stead. Tha Charlotte Dmoerot, in comm int- Ing npoa What w aid a day or ao ao about Uarptr B wiiy, (pake tb follow fhg remark !:"- -. ; v ' Ws boartily 'endorse tha above, and have etlea heretolor spoken soout tbe matter. But th strange! thing of all ia, that some aouthera paper will (ill their Soiumea wkh peoaectua and edoriai pulls of ", nortlieru trashy - publications. Y.at will sea in. some of our soutbero pa lters, thrt aXaroely get enough bomeMt ronatra to keep soul and body together, long special nottct advising people to take some newapupcr or peiUHlu-al pub liahed at the Kort h. Many of the north ern paper that piulend to WrendTyTo" tb Mouth are only ao for tha pnrpoa of securing Southern patronage. If they love tlie South, let them count down here and live am"g a peoplt) who are oppreaf ed by federal, revenue and military otti cent, and where editor and other are Walked off to jail without area being in formed of the charges against theut." W indorse ail this. We do hot believe in applying political or sectional testa in natter pertaining to literature, but Wbeu papers or BitgaziUct, profctaedly publish ed ia th intereit of Wj tiers, at prostitu te to tb basest party and, aad . are asarely nsed to malign aa oppressed peo ple, w r tbeo against them, and aa far a we cB -wJU-prevent their circulatioa among onr people kjit thm again, brother V'atea, ua tbe Aral occasion. M. Gbkki.i' Wuitb -When l!r. Greeley lelt b editot wl loom on re tignitiii cooVmaud of th Tribune, werefd that "in one corner of the naim there ai thirtyai boea, frtao Ibe d.fjrenl New York hatter, each containing a ahite hat, They haii ctiioe IB so fast that Mr. Onsek-y ,1 b-wrltuled I bam to tb employee in the bildi"Sl'bo' ssimpoaiura mist hav rane in for a good share, a the majority of tliam, a they patted to tbscompooing room that evening, eJ crowned wiih a hit bat. proo-iinenf g-nfo Xoefa) Caroiimv' aod Jwmerly a at iat ia'icd Colonol tr the f'oofi ikra'a army, e Ibe date ot tbt 1311a, lnt WtW u at follow 5 ; , ji 1 " "'riX ; "Tho Weat W al. iliva lo tha aupp-rt iw rim htttte U-aita-ratif rnu-awvati It ket, and if tlie E at aad Cliire will do tkr part- pittl tbrr, Hrrl ttreniith, Ihi U-fcei will lie carried by a lmgely f; c-raee-i i'y vef tlial'of twi yeat Tbat.it,s of rd cali.m I l.LUMmjil be aiitl-rrd14aAu'M' and Movmiia r. ' - Vfe lltakk. w aiat waatre fcivk laat ih Kaid and fentre willyolo their duty. ( The fttud Im are Ituroiio. tile kltirtn bat w.de,t, the campi..a. of right h.ve . . gone forth mmq.J and to cnou. r, aad wkea Ihe tun of August goe down, it will ba lo teave; as ww hope aod Iwjieve, ihe banner jut flavdi-ta atii-td J iaWei t'learntrg with tu am pi fnd n-iir pro puitat hua, altilat (be ahouts of tTie ricaort ahAH read the ekiet, ; VarirtU. -- "tba Falli rsh eaten t tir C'kfwsi. ail tMcMidreiM' iMth ara ba kda. ." '' JLtrtli a, ... o'r- : ... . Father Reb) d'laiillea) btatHly 4a admii.'- btrttor, be it remembered ) After whiib radical judge appeared drunk in public and in church.' Even Mr. ruillipt apolo ifized fi a life of thirty year - drunken 1 by calling it aa. triJlrmUy, know) to and albtwed (ty tlie people. He that ta Im prt h. than b Ivllled Utenal .". Sccl at araaXUL V.. W Inch living interpreted by Brother Vard, would read thus : " When tlie f eacbe-re distil, th indiiiary will get druuk." ' . ' V . .' "' ii! in aa a f L. j for tha "entitle! II9CU3SIOJf AT J0.NkNBt)li('. ! Jomutonno, May Id, 1S7. Hon. .4jiiiiiwit:...r. , JStor fir; fht yesterday a gil num ber of the voteta of old Moure bail th Sl attire of seeini; and b arim llt.i can'li atra for Governor at thi place." Judge Herrimon opened the tiiniiwion in a speech of two hours, aud the crowd would tva listened to liiiu u Hours uitir pleasure j I am no Itittor pnju liced pat man, ami I mi ray I have tieter n-eu or heard a iu B alio suataint ti iu-ll anil tlurcauM be adroeatea aa wellaxJatla Meftiiuoo. I ahull oot alteuipt to give the kiieecliet tmiiie, bnr I am Sktii-tled that if Judge .Vteirimnn canvaua. the good od Koflu" SStaMS tIIr,tieT-tfre-ir oI-Tlec ttoa. If there is tru.y a tejirewiilnliie man iu tb Histe it ia Merriuion. I with vr vote of-th Wtate Could tea the two catttlidattavatid bi ar I In in. 1 am aatiktied that we Would have a Governor who would bit honoicd, ntpi-ftui uiul lh It.veil, U-cause ol hit homaly, in'.eiritt and purity of character, Gov. Valdw lol lowed in a harraugue of two, hours. He did mil controvert ime friilliiy. pi Aitkn. taken by . Jude Merrim i. . Ilia-, whole speech wnaabiut war and kuklui -.-did not tell tbe .'ile who toblwd th trelw ury and diir.iced (he credit iif the "Inter Il at hiltnillitliutf lo at and ber Ibe Chief Ksecutiya ot florin ( nlolina, o.'iiil' M'. n Utg to aucb misetable sppeu to tbe- iir nor int, and atrivinx to mir up malice Im tween the white and colored r ire I never heard him la fore ami i could not bi lit ve until I did hear bint that he woidd rondeKt'iid so biw and make aucb ataU inetils which be and all othera who know anything that were faltu pn-aching the doctrine tbat t!onaervativ. if in power,, would put the colored uian in slavery, Gh Governor, where ia Ihi kbani ! I toil you old io re will givo Judge Mcrruuon a mijority that he -vill be p, mid ol. We want boaeat men, neli muda iiieu. aiid men alio will deal Justly to men ot all parties and colorn, ui govcro and role Ihe alt urs ot tlie ntate and nation We are proud of o if noble standard bearer, and we will prove our admiration of hiia by caa.iug our vote tor him. A 1'IUVATK. i'orr'poaee olth H. I. Htrtld. PKOGKKS8 OF TllE DEMOGRATIO AH I) UBEllifX FUHIOM-CAM- PAIUN Vi OUK TO GO ON AT ONcE VOOUI1EE3' FAII.U1IE. WaauixnToB, Muy 19, 187S.-Inimedi aitly after the tiljouri.uieilt of the Ciu-.:iiln-utti Dunvamlitm an apal was prepared ny soma ol Hie lighu of the Democracy in WNigiw, calling uputt the party to de mand of it Eaecuttye Comuiitttia a Nat- ioual Convention, and upon its people to send delegates to ' - that t'onveiitloil. plwiged to vote for no one but pronounced ileiiiocrstic cria.Vjdatce. That appeal was signed by thirty nu mbers of the House, but when presented tor senatorial signa ture it did not meet with sooctws, as none wer i willing to make eueh a hasty com mittal.' By tbucoiiheel of the more judi dims anea of the party tha manitettoes I wetw-wtier1 issued, aviti all anppoai d il h..Mt Ku ., !... i . r .1. and soma of bis friends, amicus to test the strength of (heir position against Jrlr. Geaalee. nnilerlotik to due to revive the iprwl) for ,nttt purpow held a con I .J ' ..... ... sulfation to devise wn.ie plan of attack, when to their astonishment tuey louud that only a fourth of lha nrriginal sign er of the deelttrati'in for a -a;riiout th other hsd declared for Greeley, or were non committal. The Democrats not hcr tofi approached were found to be to a roan op pontd any action that 'Would injure Mr. Greek-y't chances for a I)emo mitic fmdoraemew Baltimore. One 0 pgtetiiiiau who hud ttgned th appeal gav at tu reaaon for repudiating bia for mer action that his dis rict1 Wat onani monaly for Greeley, and ta append hia name to,thn d'icumemv bow would ba his poll ileal death. To m irrtiw there will be con fere o hrrelietween tbtt DeranCTat and the Lib era) Itenulilicana to mature soma ultn of Kw.iou tor tlie coming Irampajn, and there ara her already acv.ral prominent poliiieiana from Virginia, Watt Virginia, Slid a targa deltnatioa Hum Mv4o4, To Morrow ther will be added acveral Irtan New York and Pennsylvania. In well informed circle it ia reported that thisroiin'rence will devise and arrrange some plaa ot united action, and tbat cam paign work will be at once begun, with out waiting fur future convention. It It claimed tbat aaturam'ea bar i beea. re ceived froia a majority of the State that J .1.1;. J.L...U1 ill mn. h n.lli.n .r. In' K ttucttd for th Ciocinoatj aomin- , HR1I nvniiw " . ' ......... . . 'rorth Bentinal Ski, a. Mav 1873. ' Memcr. F.MTtiaW:i-Allow ni to any: B.llV rjmiih beii.g the -candidate for Con gress ia this Dikirict, itdtccomea the duty of the ctmsnrvativea to natuiiiate a man that caa beat Smith in this county, Joha aton, and I augrrt tha name of a gentle-, man of ourp-nmiy who la thabeat apeaker, w tdowo here think, n the district, and aa gotel aa any io lha aiate, and w ho beat the radical candidate for the. Senate two year ago 500 votea in Johaetoa county. anl that mane is L. R. WaddelL I'le-. puhlialt this fot ua, and oblige a lubacnher to the sfcHTlHKi- The moot reinsrkab) phedomea of the nineteenth centary ta visible juat now in trie aouihwesteru division of thep UiUcai haaveoaX It it a Preaidential trjibur-in- law out of vftic.--i,tV tot ta CRHELtT EXIXJltr-ED.' . TM Jfttphertt dem cracy. Jf :nct a leWitf the leading men ahowpire 1 th rtrt-bi;y. a flHnrt atwmtuieiit or kf.aci 'n mUion, em tobeoteiit wiib fiie rvai4ilainjmW Orwliy. 4 wil tl j.i:TU uW sit.t endorkc. bun. Tit- Vkiuth, u arrve a lew leaninjj u ni'Wrais North, caiiBol afotd to forego the dinneaw of beating Grant with UnW Fur Tear more iif Grant's rule wllt-ak lite South hit' better than H,iyti or Ban l)o wdnpri, The H'wU t'poaea tbe nomiuit tW'B a OrecwH', a1'1! g'l'ts. aaw feaH bt not votiiiK or hjiit, t airutia liofuJli'' . taut ahete Gindey fMlled 8. yu.ur and the HVi liam, itc. . ' (tieek y did attt do ua hair tit damage f ' of murdering; burui.ig yla;'l.' the A.ulb. at did Haw l Brow Band Frauk Biair. If a. ami e can rai for one of Ibete, whv not fotsGree ley I . ' ' ' if a liemia-rat runs again Grant the itsiaVWilt lie aCteHalon and the wan. Aad tltat' will be tb ioe for Jwtnty jrears pi .utile. - ' , In the last ratupain. acceawitm snd the war was th Insue, and lha democracy on ilie'.l. teii.e. And ho they will be sguin. The Iniquity of Grant's adnsinittrattott cannot b mod aa iatue ashing at the SiSltt it t iuducted under the colora of r public ma and ileuilcrtla; " l aeiift yon tor pimiieatton aneiiraii froui the Jritk lMrmuer.it at a IKmin ratU mcetmit held in Ae k'oik : ! ti.inwll.ir Lane introduced Col. Btr plieti J. Meaney, etlilor of the Irish HffH eeraf. Jlr Meanrv. at Be to.; wa irreet eil by a fur.ire of appldtise which but d aejeial minitle. lit aporrb wis short hul lo Ihe point. It had ta it tbe true rUvor ol' lush Auieric.u patilotiHU. II iwid : - ImWdbabiim rtie military till with wl ictl ftie 1'reni.lcnt ba bottoired me I an, no Coloni I, hut nintfiy a joutnalPt, a couiikellor at-lnw. and a tutvict In fcng. hsli tyranny for the a'r'.ciou i'liuie ot loviiii' lrt liii.il. 1 am 1 inociul. heart and oul. nu' liio. i clratioef sid clianLT wiih I In io. 1 am too much a of llie world to tl nir to old aaniet be cause, tliev nre o il u taiea I am tai much a wan of the world in i hog to oid parties alien a rn -pat tare ft art hem involves no mcmiKisii iicy (o piineiple. I am linked hear' and aoul to the idea of sit'xtaiuing l. iroveriimciit n the people ayuntl iru IMtliril USD i pul., n and military rule We h.i e In entii.1 lie. new Whether thall accept a hfitim iteetialilion. 1 aaid iH lcre 1 aim an old I nn lit mocratbard shell or Soil ant 11 ; 1 care not what you oil me. But lam here to niclit to raise in v voice in behalf ot the Union of the liuipicrala ami I.itwral Repiiblicttu, - llttriMM- Gici ley, tltc.ataljsJirRsidelil of the Knited Male, aund before uf in a triitne CBp.ti -ily, AaauiuB privately, he is an boii.if to Immunity. I'uliijcally he hai ever hon Unit his opposition has becto guitltd by liiini.y autl niU;rily Ait iournitlitt be i the briahleat lion of tH- pioi'e-aioii. N w, I itak aa an Irifli ma. 1 ask as lb uincrat that the nohii ua'ioe of llvraee (im ley Wl y a.eet with rinrtitrMrajir-in oTrvyiy li iiMttiwitrtbirr ami. ICIieer.i and niiiUuse.l . I .mi mi Ii !.-liiiinn. Wwli h! our fHiil's, ItifSituudt: was lievtr Clirgdtttaiiist the Ir.-di elciriclef. I here l ike no deparliin trom the Old ileuViK'r-iiic ranks, b-it eome to pirdi'i! iiiyacli' licnrt and aoul for 'Hor :ic- Greeley, the fr cuj of Ireland aud I Halls lit it l he Iricnd of every loreigoe III it count to thia bind. Let no in in toil me I am innonsiateut, The man who Kl.in.it by old err.na, disre i!iinliii'' new facia, is the moat inconitist eut nit l in the world. If-mice Oreeley h is never climbed aa the friend of tbe lorcii'iier, and I, n an liiahmuo, stand I. llotkce Clitul. y, and will stand by him till ociitn. Mr. Meany atx.ke ofthe tone of the En glinh jrtiwt in .ridiculing Mr. Greeley.. He aaid their nlii"ct was pliin. Ii was for Ihe inn reel of ilugiand to have a man like Grant in the pitnidcntial chair, who w.aild toa.ly tit roysllr, and make the American Gorerniutut at nearly iuijierial as poatitile,. u txintiiiut-d " No matter what dilt'erence of political opinions have divided tbe Irixh Interwt heretotore ; no matter what diflerent ban ners w have ranged ounelve under and fought uuiler ; I have coui here to-night to nay that 'for Iloruce.Urevlcy the Irish feeling, the Irish aentiiuent, and Ihe Irish vote will be unit. Discarding all other paMiea, we come to recognize the one man who bus ever been the Irteiid of tbe Irish people. I ahull bo for Horace Oreeler snd all (he friend over whom 1 haveatiy control willgn lor him, .Horace Ureeley ana.i oe our neat ritMiueni." Mr. Meany'a speech was frequently in terrup'ed by beaitv nurtawions oi to proval, and wlieo'cvYr tltenamn cf , Horace Greeley was iint .one.l the euthusiaMn aroea to a high pitch. When Mr. Meany too. Ills seat ne was applauded loud 1 v. and in I lie midst of the excitement the Committee on Permanent Organization re- portcu ine-ir ticnei. lutuiMI auKaa.ail LiiMKomi ratu.iy uoraa. " iira'l " " Brood Mara, " I arm liurae, A. V. BAUNUEK8 ACo'a, Nu. a, Martin Btmek. For aale at auv ao U WANTKD, All lf.aTTsV- d TO I2.V) PKR " moll 111 ever v lie re. Male amMrMaal- w u.mvwh;d miw ;uillltlHI IIBpTMVetl AlAb,- sltALI SfcW.Nu MAt'HlNtS. This u.a tkltw.wtll aU-tu-h m. Mi. touk bind, t.no.1 eorif "ipiiit, and oiiti.rt,id, r tit a titotl aupuiW manner, friet, oi.lv I5. tullv licensed arid wa ranted for dve ,ars. Wa will ti uiul "J taaeama, uuru price or Hw,lllat will aa rt.iAt4iaidi4.t; u.iaMi wu ug wnrs, tt raaaaa Ute SVLAe 1 it j IA1 K al l ll.ll. krvry kta-ood tliu-h run ha it, aud, titU Uw e.otw uatt aolliwtHitwd auan WIUiOUl U-OIU4 it Wo pay AtttstlU I UU to pat ui..,irv. ani .ipenfet, or t eo.uutia tioa Iru a l,..iV. ilw ta t anion.. I uaa be made. 'ur u,rctitat-a atuL.Juuttaaui.iv to aw udre,, ' ,r a. JiAiitsHvi Lca . ? ti a lot N ttsAtr sraca r, Aa ita-k. . CiUll.m ll wot be Ituooae u.a bv olir iwruea ttavt-.at! Ulruua Uos taiunlry paliiMMri-.'oil woitblo-t. f..i iron utocbleea un ter litt. taut tiai- or uiberttiaa. liar hi tint; only -euulua aud ttuilv chcau marliiua iawaataataiaa.' - H. a. Cd. ,. . - ap lT-tm. JJCWJili- 110MK ISSTHTTIBSi! 6ECVHITY AGAINST FlitK I rJORTil CABOX.X1MA H0MB IN3J3U.S' C3IPIT B.4LtIH,..c. That Oomnsnv. now naar tha l tv. third year ol It existence, eonUnae te write foltcie. at fair rate, caa all rA i... atttr uruuerkv. . ike property. -u : Aif Lo.i'ea are prompter sdjnat To UuM at " u. j. lusted and paid. favor, aiHi appeala, w.uj euuddeece, to insur ers of propiiny id North laroUna. AliaJSilS 1 aid, fAtil. 0 1UA STATI mt; ia public fr B R(K)T, Vice P-aii,a-.T. R. H. H.V1TLE. Jr.. ftLtaioaktv .KATUN WALKS, BBC, . IV V.'-.!1. ru rKi "uwaviaoa. H. MCRLiOCti.Aaa'T. Btto. t'll'lf ,' . I- -. k.- aureruatug lor uw 'Home" will pltaay kktaitliiit u.ia lor tina-advarukeuituiu l.Hiau.eia- " 7luBlil.MIAVI)BtiUHrlDI1N C V - i,tu te nana. aiy tit H JuM S A Co. Tea .-ua.. yiit ,t rr-TfI7i -- racktr s t civitiaittd lkt, .u t... luei a .arivslied auu te U ilioo. U, BUu.S !0Mt CH3 aV aadaealeraU l Jtaaafaetans of ZJachlncry & Plows ' . -';;' ' '.-.. 1 ' ,' . att.nj Eigiart Siw lills Firm Itthiie rj, tc, Vfiini. . . . - BRA84 ANf IRON ClflTINI.J CK Al.,- OKaC'IRFTKiNa. MAM TOOKllfctt. Woatd call tb tsattnai of titOpabla toWwk i a . , aWB0CGHT COTTON SCKKWA' all slat aad leugtht, for kaatl ur pviar, AUte, totbHrCrowell't Taient " 5 . iron rssciMJ. aometbuta; asw, ao, and oootf . --- iAlto, to oar aewatten, bnprov A .BUNNY; Bol'Tii COTfOJI FUtV. Bnitouhtedlv Ui aseat potyalar aod aaaeptai good eottoa aad culitvaiitne p'oa atade. Partlet aeaedlng snj kind of ' "- " ('axktiafe tor a-atea, 91111a. m , i I and oifcer Ma.'fetBerf , ar Beyaurlafel way lib t pern, 1 1 okotuled, WvJ4 klu li k aive at their order. - - aar iM-aaa. ; ,i' !, e--.it ) 'j"ai i MruLAiujai jho nut rBUPaT' V't Bills B. H. M w !,.. - Hbd.. " . it Mad. NnwuL'topCuba. Bills MiMcOvada, ft i"- N. i.rlema. - U " Sillier tlrlpt ' ' ' . LKACH BROS., Ut l t.ro er T io THKLLlUIEd I would reaper tfolly ata. lb attntttlon cf tha Uiheaof thi towf and Bltde tu uy , . LAKUK UTCK A OF Mir, 1. 1 srEit: LADIES' FANCY I ... Furuislting fHXllla. tie.a attt J To dealartui -lk eoontry end ay to Milllne: I baa to aa , thai I caa tarabb Uieta Irimotad as well Batrtutuiod . ,, ,., (atl m, .Tbjtip .". as tt.tv ran bay th taaa la my bouat tm be Tors City. AU t ask It trbd. , , wits, aarmatnx ' t- ' will attead to th retail Millinery bikuch aa aaual. Our place of baaiaeu I still at No. 4B FaivUcvillD klreel, wltb th only rlutage It being on tha FIRST FLOGS . ISAAC IETTT.NGRB. Instead of ap stairs. - sprb-Sm. - I -. - Th CaATollton' qHlS NEW AND UEAU I IKt'L lloTKL X. I tow a ant to tbe pul ihe Looite.1 ta Ui tit at tb "IHd fouata Hotel," ez-t-ud, d by an lt,rsnt front on baltlut. 4e street, it I convenient alike to tbe buaineaa man and tb tourist ... . It la ti.e only Bote) Id Baltimore of the new atyle, cnibracint; Elevator, f uita of K'x.nn wltb Batba aad all euavcahiacw ; perfect tea Illation and light Um.uiflioui end was pbtnued aud built as a Hotel, new front It fouutlaiion. To accommodat MiaoaaKTs D orn , who visit Baltimore, tb rroprlelor will charge ta per day or tb Mootna on ftiurUt and BtUi Buoia, niaklua; the difference on ae, ountui tha elevation. Ordinary Transient Rates for tower boots, per alum , . Uuettt of the Uuusa deklrltnf to take ad vntra of tb bov rates, will pleat notify lb Clerk before Room are tsrued. . ,: Aa htraovaik-XuivaTOB roa vaa caa or Ucasra, it auaaiNo cohstaktlv, fr.an a m , to U p aa., thus ren4eHtur tb apper atorie aecatkinla wlthoot faUWae. The aadurtbiued refers u hia Mm. o nnt tbhty year, at a Hot -1 Manager lu Sew Turk aud baltitnura, contdaait that, wltb a aew aad modera house, b can a-iv tmtiru saiiretion lo bia iruetta. at. B. COLK Al A N. tttiniBBwvMd.-; March auTa: i'liipiiebw apr 111 lm 1 r0LA8SIS AND amuri M Bbl., 8. H. ByiB , 30 Tlercet MulattM, 6 Hbd. da nay 4 ti LlACB BRO'S. s W K X T t-f t A TO SWEET POTATOES!! ISO Bua gwetit Potatoe Just recaived. aptlBwU.. It. X AXJ1UAIAU1 dt StfU. R N M t A L Una Baa bolted MeaL v ajtr US-a y O. T aTRONACH A BRO. 2i nfiA CR8 OF OAK WOOD FOR JJVJ Bale delivared. eitber ui tba clu or .la lh Hit of tbt N. C. bV. R.. onlv a aullm from the city. r apt at u . T. TR'J3IACH A BRO - N tUI UKRR1NU8. 3 Bl.lt. httt received " a- ibt.tt . i. bTRONACH BRO. (j b8. IRISH POTATO FOR ttant- ui aad table, but received, , , . , pr IS If , " W. 8TBONACB al Co. JA BBLB. OF FLOUR FROM FINE to Family.'. Juat received. ' apr IS-if W. a 8TR0.1ACH A Co. BTTABZL. ;mC3a3 UCOEICE MASS AND STICK, ITALIAN', SPANISH, GREEK' ' ' V-- FOR 'SALat jB)f HENRY' M. MOItEaS, ' Importer and Jgcn4 for the U:S. and Canada"- . Ho 73 ' Vitf&imnd 1 0 Old Slip ".';,.'' . .,, Vw Vonit. A., '.-j-. - 'pfrtTIFITATKil IW tli Itw.lint; Mamifaeblrer-B Virginia, Norfh Caroliiat, ' Kantacjrjj ' Miatotiri, ludiaaa, lllittobi, Ol'iia, New York, abd Canada. , ( Warranted Superior Powdered licorice. kt Arret for B W unl itla I rnm.k b a rmnnrttllowa of Ucorire at S1 n ''.L"1 nH r"1 ' 1 1 nJttw i r. otpuy Addrtta, I ti - ""'r lie Ll )' Be', new rtiar. ail er-tea ' aikoj.I.B , piANO FORT Eg; toam lo :-JI lie tr fttlea J a -,... ..". . Utaa ai.yt.tl.er ftt. -t,.ih:",I,''a peraotw a -nil t ,!,,,. y, I,"?1. aad .a Ihrtr. atlvaultu;. o cali and ..if" draws Waretoiiso. , i Svia ra a 0 of Lake voatooa, - -' m ""sildliie, fc, , V a , w aiubattka. nkM,u o ..... . . " ow drifts, istvt t 1 Fawn. rut ta tuft doork aud lit an h , ;i j luraeu ap hi um- andKmM l ,1 ,7 ... Nil ... aol.k. llu-bU Sweat Potato PI MlaW ' ..UJ0NBt , ij Ca Otw rxa o vaa rttaau sac., , CW.,T We. am. Ikdiiaaaaatr.ka. t . "S gTrua Cbowbxl, final tral, UBai Mt aWri4 ba-wrVaaaoeaa, ' '' faikkuka i-atw, s-ctviao... W m ,-Hi aaowaajk. Mat bw Matyi IklLj-Xtftttl , At. 0 , .. .' L flkB l:-vv. tr bapiiv b.bifna- that i ne rti.il Intur.w. e Z,Z.'? ' iio ill uar ALL her b-. .rtTZ."' " eat if- ner MSX -atHPl, oVC2lZ k-svbit; her at.utiti uj r,wd) for ItiuiuwtT toJ,'"' ""-"t" on tk-uibor tat toll, u M. Capital. -itroaa tturplut, I to , eVt-, l lasted but not duo. i 4. tbtt. 1st, 1071,. .-. . ; I it . Vbnaarn loaWa a 111 a,rl Me d. ta t.,inaii , atty etntai, .. . aAt!-, Atl' ar. rail ol tliaepb.iaw ""9 . W.ak Utiokuwillattt atctkal ad4 Tbe.httwta nui tact .(Wi-kott abut 'yn. ia lo-dar t-ou-.d and - mt i.j....'- f fail l l.r.l Ch.eao.Hll.t UtMim i eMtpa ui aujn.icra l.akv beea ,1k.. W-kol tlie aeeue ef diwM.f wiUt bi.k.rti at sell a- all luttet and par tbe ftine la e t rt Vie c....Kraulaia our pauvata kad ivnjvct OB ottr good lurtaha. t - - tr.raE!ciit-FxC' lv''tt .,Fiw1 Pbenlv In, t c mm ,vfy-kt ieel: l9!i!IGcariniShaftiiitPulle75 'OMMmoW! et.N0 FCnACIHCUlARjEii -to at. INTL JiBbEISia BLATitsT" ' J at received a lot of the new pattitt M.tbt bik whnol aiate of dltlenait alsea i.d ntbtt, troua Al to to n nls ek. li inev make tt ao te w lien tuey tali aud are not easily uo.k.t, v.traaiat '.ii-..' t. a. jonw : . taarM-tf..' ,'' ' - B.s.1, mh. Tho Tribiinc AW KKKLr ll.l.URi'lt Alt D CAHi paiirn t aiwr. of Uie abuve title. dl a. edited aud plll.li-hed by U. ai ders'ifked. oa and after the J Tueat'ay lu May ueai, u saa. atrk ot mil t.iiK:rat Hepuuncat. aim Cuuk-.-vatlve eause of the baate, and td tha at,. a country Tbe Irifraw will advocate nV.mi.ia aad i.eforia : the - One-Term- tl'irabldatbii principle, and all the Important suuj-.it kvre toluru slinonuctplJ In the llaf. Atatfa. v'l ; I at veraal Aiuuely fablic aebuol lHtaa-bw neacinipiiuu ot rprcie rajiueoi a act at ttoatrmt recotrulxin our Buinestttd Lsa CAt Alwtitiom u) lac mhuU Jhlcnal Armat ' tMt-m Ihe f uudiuf ot tin Natiutisl drftt -4 ar cent. Uti.K bonds the irreatett po abb pr to cflowairaii.al sttaiopoii bbrul es im In av.iry deptrtm.tut ot tb tub- and tt tioa T a;oveitiiiieiit.arrCitniplt-ui Hefitna of iba fablk; nurrlee, In all krauebea, bulb auurwd Natiousl, and lb elevation of none bal Uwh and capable men io otti. r llie eiptlutib. cm protiilae of tiia old debt of tbe la , tad U,t en tint reiiudiktlon ot the ue otttsi-. aatton- ot a Commit in, to lit paid froat lb) Mate 'freasury. In aid 'of lmuibiallutt u coi roiiii.uit .bosti I y te all "eeret Pnllhl Oraau.B.ctiunt of whatever uantttur cbaraelrr Iba division o the ottte uito two Judicial !. iclt die , die , A . fat f lbw wi I flit all thieving t arjiet-bairirera leave bi quit 1 Nolhiua, of a peraoiial chars.-lar sballtp ar In tli, roluuiua of J'Mt 7'nl.tM, rditun ally or otlieiWIae, tbat cannot ba tnlmbuiusly fenrvvd by elliier raworded ot hi inn rvulwcs. 1 be eauvatt will eoniinaalt Bioi.tfia Iribati wlU be patHikhed tt tba loUoaiisj chcan ratea ; , v - Ultrp iw, mm Itr - rtm . atoe 4 tlwae eerl, ,f pJJ, "!,'VV" UttkAf lMo.,lwu.yAT;? tat W will a ll.ey mvne alUnti,a, ti L .J' retawre w ,j ,hi. m ,luL ttia-Muery tlui otkaa- t.....; t- IfViU frS fAVATTR WIIFPf ei.k'l ,!"Sk" II taaldlj. tin nua I itnplas, t....t tU-g,.- 1 - 1.1.1, 8 RATES , For tea copl.-, f'lfieen copba, f Twenur . " " Thirty " Korty " j-v '' Filtv ' -" ' f.. Bev. nti-Bve coiiea, "k One timnlrtxl . 4 I into V3,i Bti.tai astkl Ml.a) eiiitj Invariaitly etitA itterfwtaet It ia eonSdeuUy eipccied that oii.lXW coplei will be aubkrciln-d for. Bubscnlw.-. "J atonajt .u,, J-eai Oibos Onlua of in lur."1" Letln rs at Editor' nk,. r, , VeaAtr trattiiing notv JVeat vgottwrnt av"" ptojtd. - . it in TrUnnt will b aiiturjittsed tt a as amtiator,atia,,si). ... b b ni-re- BsLisauat, ). CL April am, lbU. . apr ttf-f ' s jRl BLAIR'S B0ARDIN0 B0CSI Mr Blair, baving kieted ftwetablr, tr of Harrelt and rtultbuiy slretta, wui p very. grateful for patron.- reratina isui.. boii d, abo prefer to furnish tbiilrea roetst, qanbaetimmjdaled. Tabk boarder. sp ally deairei r ' ' apr B-It, B1 IFF BAMS AND TONGUES, SuoUdBrdQiug Beef, .; Fultoe Market ' do." . . 1 m) tf W. C. TK0.NACH- F -ira n rtkir,or, TOCtlTAk Kit rOR f Werrtnaa, fw al at JsmrevlW JF . lootand. by It- W. atlt'5 ibvr liF-1 TntiET XSV SICI" ai t M" N.w J: '4 ,.t. i;;tJit-5 z. "Ui 1 1 fvT, vjC, I"