.at. - J i T I It - ,A r paeral throu. 7 Tb f'" ? ..T general ttirug. out 8- Twelv polka aire 1.M week. . NY Irinta poUliirm are wortk tS Im-betm Wilmington. ? , mr" a aut -r- The H ann GoUL-bore ar In bat au etcoraioB to Bafutt v 4t Juts. , t . i e - . 4 4 ? 4 AnoaniaafVwr! fcff, drowsed , r lbs wharf at Plymouth, while bs arts jelling shingle. Tb coUinA Firs Company' of WB iuiiuna eV rum to I'barleetnn, fi. C. to participate in a firrrnw't tournament Memorial Par wa obwrved V Qolfi H,ru' on Itutt ,nity. A. S. Bmedat, Esq delivered th Address 7 . j r jld cul I k'rio ConvaniioB at Co rd nffii ia 'iM- - wMMtM says u. H Dockery will ta tbe aominee. rl Atciander Roll, Ej., lata member at the House of itepieaentativa from Moot county, died lecmiW at hie reasdasor - ..... .'..rll.u.. - - 1 ueai v Col. Walter L. Strele, of Buckingham , prominently spokes of in connection with Hi Coogrewuiaal candidacy ia tth district. Some nigbl ag a lhi f entered the (lore of Mr. J. r. HimiMi, at riymnaih. and Unlr f.WO. TDH 1 the- third affeii nf the tort that be occurred, in eix month. Tba Billahwro' BtorJm- lajra: Bunas Slower, a white fi living with Mm. Catharine Hnler thie county, walked nut laat Sunday craning toward tba rail mad and hasn't beta beard of aiuoa, - Ticknor.'the forger, who swindled the Ruleixhana and W ilmingtonianriraa txi lrd and convicted In Kk-hnioad, and at uU-u d to four yoara itSpriainujetit In III JKIWilll. . . It thought that Col. W.'A. Allen, ot Duplin, and Col L. W. HUuipbniy ol Wavne will be at-lecuifl aa tin btna unal candiuaiea oj unraiwii i" m Dintncl tbaa atwli oa HSU io i at . Olive. ' ... - The rraulta eT laat election are already felt in thia enminnntty. Ilogi run about looae. and D"roea are tuM'ing. " We hear or one thi a egw fitirl laat Thura- da mcht and anoinar negro waa nean; killed on Saturday "BtghC eWf Meaigtr. The Newbern Titntt karna from private .letter thai tUe Britiah brig " John Bver," bouiwl (runt Baltimore to Wil hiinirtoD, in foaltaat, waa wracked few day ago after Newbrrn, N. C. It did not "o-a aiieuier mere were any nvta ioat or . '' . 1 - " - A earieaa a.ray eernned at -fluajfrWHTT lpot uetwern JCd. Wllauo and Jaa. 1H idtn, boib colored, resulting io the Hounding ol both badly. On waa arm ed with a knife and. the other with tnrpententiiM ermner. DnTiUwia i daa- (fvr.nMily wouudwi and Wilin ia in the luiidi of the hheritf and in jail at llock- ingliara, Kithraund couuty.," v ' Mr. II. H. Helper, of Sialiabury, aavi to lie Miruiia uf tliu Canipaiga J'rtimu: Having fluruid Iroui tbuCiwiniiati Lion veutioti an lata aa atourtay iaal, and tb lurthr delay In receiving my engraviuga, neveasarily defera the iuu ince ol the 'I ri bum for twok wet kii. Mutking, n youi jmrt, however, ah all be luai by thia delay. Kkvkniik BKUumtVeilerJay Ih'jMJlj Mandial Petera brought iuto the city a distillery and fiauirea, together with three iiUudred galkma ol e-rn wbikey, alt the ni.i-riv ol John Korbia, an illicit dioiii Kr H liaaton county. r-t'har. DuqiaUk The Catholic fair eloeeU but uigbt, niter a very auoeeeaful week. vry one Kiiicernvd in it h:ui worked nmat Uithfui ly and we truxt that tbty will leel anipl) -rcwaiikid lu tb eull. WU. Jvurn.il. V1RUIXIA. Iii the Shenandoah Valley, of Virginia, the wheat, oata, and rye ctojm give aolcn U d proruiae. Mr. Hearing, .who Uvea near Aalein, Va., h ta kilted, wabia the laat ail mouiba, la bldck bear. " Spicibe Powh vtah, Va., May 18, Willimu T. 1ovi I'onituitted uu:iile tint ni iruing at : I'owliatan Courthouae bj thuoiiiig hiinaeli ia the mouth with a eh itguu. The cauwj. ia auppoaed to be picnnwry embwriMneut. The " lioiiHD UAScca." The following ris.iluuorj waa rjninmi iusly adopted by (lie Kpiacnp.d t'ouacil, at Norfolk, Fri d,-: .: . i.X' ;l - : ' " iiauktd, Tbat in the Judgment of thia council all member of thia church luiuld diBCoiiutenance the practice ot oniiistera, by their paaturai influence and hy laiibfuily executing the canon of the church bearing upon -the aubject, (hould distourag ana rottraio it," tiNoehAR CJoiKCrDEKCE. Sin year ago, at 9 o'clock in the morning of Samr tty, May tltb, Jane, dial wife of Daniel A hiteaet, who reaidea on Cbriatiaa creek, near hiaiittton, died , and on Saturday mod wile, both baring died at the aama t.uur of the aama day of the week and mouth ; and, aa a further coincidence, --both, were earned 8 the grave in ttureame l.wuneand Iwried by the axuie man at the nme hour of the Sunday following. KitaatM Vindicator. . . ": , The Weatheb kd Cbop. Th Cul r(i OUtrwir of 17ih inataut aaja : "We . atieoded Kiippahasnock court oa Moo tly laat, and were'griered to arn from , t il laruier ol that county that the wheat tad oat crop will be a perfect failure on aocuunt of the drouth. A few, weak ago the wheat wa eery flourishing, but now h ar that many s ll not get tlieir aeed. tt noticed .,me field on thev river bot hiin that looked well, but w team that thr Joint worm and the -fty1Tr made tl.tir appearance. Th corn that ia ap vilnok badly, but rain will bring it . 1 be Warrentnn hdta aay : "W bad a li ;ht shower Wedpeaday night, wetting "io tuimy earia to uie aeptn ol an tnca. But in eouimosjt, with other aectioa we fc'il the want f rnin. Wt fear t ha oat aad kiycron alll orova an entire failure Everything i wtfcrVng for raia. Thn I . 1.1 - , ' ' - .I. tO. L N - Ajmiuuij r iryiwM ot UIC loin . bwuut aay: - A gentte, aoaking raia tell M night, which wil) be of iuoatainable bi at fit to the growing crop. , a. a i J , , Tb droll vhft' .ia airll.niuh naiveraal I'fonghtmt the New tliid, all the utue, ana nine of the AVratera SUtea. N .vigatioo ia aerioutly interrupted, and tlireatetui to be more to. At PhilwM p: i the 8 huylkill, the aource of auppiy 'r d'o'uieaiii! ua ia the citv. it au low - that m.uiy Utiiiiiea cooiplaia of want of in ineiraecrmd atortea Rucb com plaint before mmmrt n.n.M t..rl. 1. a - a"'" Angt tlirougli.Ai(tmr :i 1-U.C iliat ta ftffitl ut l.aa a! 144 must ont ipk (t revitg He Knitted the-m tn ..I... r..!,.,....- 1 1...-. r. aa th tttciiw,kriik t. i.M intum farTbVfciwieC LETTER TROX HO. B. F. l OOIi TO R GOODLOE, . l latwteifABrii i ilrV: -mr VKum rfW' i tenders fa aeiton at the tincmnai coaeentii W-rllrf-publican aboi !) enavrM to conaider lb poluic d f- ii i me country. Turoouhont mv life I have Vwn ... Jnl Warvf ehil Ubertv. aa aecured nA enHreted by a eonaerTative republican iiaf':gitrftimeni. . Bia ittaM ri .um 17.. 1. A a.-.'" '. .... -. uv vmiiiu uiin, mi wnateve Bt bom ar duniu Ued. tulu., mor tbarougtiiv attached ta the U nion thaauyaeif; and, aimpty, beca(tot lu iu uimjbi , alone, t nave ever reroguiced oniy uiiK ietii eecurity mr the bli g of true IiWoba. . L. bVfore Mr. Weuater ntteM1 that tin otic arntimerf "Liberty and Uoioa, one and inaepaytble" (patcjotic only bniiar of it tru. 1 had thoroughly eniorated iheaHnti t .eviction j and my heart baa ever b&s njea te sniclaim, in the Union devmad baguaga of Mr. Clay, that we ahoald Know do North, no tioutb, no Three noble Kobmrrrti have ever Wen the sole at ail of my brad and tur heart not became of an grandeur, or eloquence, nr beauty in the language of I heir utter nee, but became I have ever believed Mif tihertf muii sot oiet wilAuxt UtUm. mr Caw wilArul tib rtf. And 1 Mt aure mat in a exiateace and eulUvation of arc lioual itritia would diarupt I La familv tie nt the United Hiater Hutea I adored liberty" ;aud, Oitrtfan, 1 lored the UniiHi, If aereralire of the btate would atrt,anlu nave grcauj auKDl.lluaor itierter aerureit tb libertiea of my cpuutry, aa did the revolution of "74, I ahould have ewra a relief. But my judgment waa too de cidedly eupoatd to kuch a"b. pe, even to allow aw to rdeaire a aeparatioa uf the. ... - 1 I .'..ii ,1 . i . : j - 1 1 aurw, iuii well, lona II aiaoaiOB ahould tare, ed, onpoains ktaadia- armie iwouia array in Dorder line or rival re pubuxa-t-iuiplkCabla feuda . would con tantly ariae and burnt inUi ferncioua war, to De followed, f antm. by con quest, by the oyerthriw of cavil author ity, by the eatablinhmat of despotic rule. and by ageaerat abjection of tilixcati, once tree, to the tlavery of military rote. io avoia tneae horroia1 1 have ever been and am bow, a devoted Unionist. It ia natural, then, when I aue in the ad- minietratioa of tk arorersuii-nt a diare irard of the fundamental nrinciotea nt lUmrty, that I fhould fear lor the reetora tion of the C'nim. ' . . . Ia mr indiremeat thia dianurard ha been mamlented in aa eminent degVee by th usurpation of ungunraine. d powertj wa canviav, iu a uarau auu cruel manner. of granted power; and by oflicial Cor- rupuoB, ao aumeroua aad eo openly tole rated bv th aduiinkMretioB. that era erally otHeetiolder have Dot, only loat all love of . virtue, but. have Owed even to manifeat a eae of ahama when iletocUd and expftoed Hrtheii fraud a In mr ODinlon no greater cur-a nan af- II et a free people thaa the exhibition of and cnuuuiKd on cilineaa, who , openly proatitale their ofDcial poaition by extortion of money,, and embezzling the public fund eniruxt ed to their euatody. A geurral populat demomliaation moat follow the toleration of villain thu honored . ith public fa voir. And so mere form of government, bow ever exalted in sriuciple,. will bit able to check it. Nothing lea than lb Itdiiinaiit uutburat of putilic cemure and eiwuign guniahment will reach aud Jiuiireaa l lie evil. VYIIh theloeaol uu-ic virtue, private virtue rutt a ion ceae to XL and aa thew pai awny, liberty nun perik wittr them. 1 lie hirer or the Union, who believed at Uiiiou wi the greatoal ol all iuran- uk of p liticdl liberty, joiced .in the nanutof Urant aa he I Hire the national (1 of to the goal ot victory. Honor, nut- uraiiy and gratelully tollowed bia atea, bteauae he bad ventured hi hie to oimn tain " tiuerlv aad tuioa, and bad uc- oreded in Ibe nolii wsrk. It Be ui now qually ready in h art Hi aire the libartiea ot am country, he could,, in my juuginent, exhibit ,nt higher or purer pauiotuni than t quit a p.unu which, ia hi Hands, emlunger the Ion ol all be baa ever achieved for hi country. 1 here mu .t be a reloriu ta jne civil rviceoiour goVBrument. The eviltir- la which have preyed upon ita blood with ilia appetite ot barpie, muit be cast out ol x it, eeijfici', Tilt M -the gra woik which now lie before tiic Ain -ilcan peoula It aehieveineut I the only aatt ty ol the people. lhi ia the tiraat deed, whicn 1 uaderaund i to be th attempted taak lit the eonventioa. itj (lod ipced the e cent ion of Ibe bie purpoae. If It ahall be accomplish ed, liberty wf XJuion will (tend ahere only they can Maud u and iiueparutof optin ihe r k of national virtue j aud beh', it untied, ih y may unu - one ana iuaeparMe.uow aud torever." , ... , So far a caa diMxiver, the nirnt dtltraf S la 'Mil vigilant patriotism have onttusc'lled tin convention of true lover ot their country. Hhould it tail to ed. Mill the nation wili be aure to reap, in an early day, a rich harvest of the aeeda BOW 0WB. .. Very truly your, ,..! v . B. F. MOORE. FOREiaT'oOSBIP. Th fipanioh government ek the C'or- tea for power to raia 40,000 Irenh troop. The municipal coancil of Pari bu KtitBdltt Error tf ttiee(titreioByif tfau way throughout the city. Mnat nf theanilon whoatruck at Poulh- ainntoM have returned to Work, and the irike them t thought to be over. Ouevn Victoria ha appointed th Countes of Mayo to be the honorary Lady of ta Bedcbambet to her Mnjeaty. The French Comihianioner ow Capita tatioA virtually lay on M. Jule Favre the blame of the aui render of Pari to the Gcnuaii. , .. .- , .. , The mnnicinal electtoo in Prasti have been marked by great tumuli at the poll- tng place, necewitaung tne interference oi the militiary force. ., ;,t..u,' Aiiatic choler U aid( to have broken out i KamioBck, ia Poland BdtwrtH oce death from tba epideaue took place in nine day. ? v Tlx telcfrnttn tfnnoancing the reault of the Uuiveraity boat race nccil plea ia irnna miwon from London to Bombay only 1 minut 50 second, r Th FtevHi bndiret aire the financial eatimate of the government for the year 1878 at g,4(ie,uo,taj lor expenditure! anq i,ti5,0OU,(XK)ilor rereoua x It is nropoaed that three Scotch and two IrUb militia regiment ahall take part in tba operation of the next antumn ma nauvre on tlaliabury Plain. Jr'- sTheTurin kiumal atate that mow coo imiui in lie on iu Hi on cboo rami extent of forty fist, i Nothing tike hd ever in .re been teen there. The Simploo Mad sow iaipracticaa, The Riinert. 700 bora power, armor clad rambip. flit"'? Chatham Dock yard, KngUnd, n Orflere.! to ne compMiea lilt al ieou:n, iti'iiw w .vmi- sea M beig eouiu.!ini -.,. Th tipi for W nSani of Cfimany baa dHMraird Count tVuaiu,.tb Aa-tnu-Htfina.'iaB hititer to !! G-iBian Coort, with the grand cr-a of tbe Ordtf of the liedt-s . . ' ..; ., , W. , .... ..' . .. ' . . ; I ' - t M ' ' "J : f t . fi a . i i . . C Hra-jl ; j - jj VVaahua ChiUini lh.iis.,. .ki. -i.v . ami net a Aeeacv. ' . RETAIL PRICE. , Addren. W. C. BaIM, aaaufaeiarer and Pinmior T..i. a. u . W. H. Mmrvrw-r .L .i V"." : 4 i A ol u a Hi O ' o 4" 0 0 0 23 i-i 14 i3 t Era m - m 3 p 4 -IJ 0 O a-t o w a a. o 0 'A b 1 0iU Hon and Lot m Wwttern Want text to B Moore' nmul-nca. fuur rooma ui in at'lra, ) Arre la int. beanUful traea and lawn tar--iwtt.-:tMnt tianten, ruit Tree and vraiie Viaea and well of xuini water ia rear Aleo, tj Aere Lot Mljoioing ar.v! dr-rtbe4, lame kihle and aamber of Vrnia I'm. and urttie vinee. ternx lll-rral,ariilr to ai.jrli-U. CBTkONACRA Ce. C L 0 T U ISO . NOWIN BTORB - FINE" BLACK DRESS 8CIT3 ot oar own Manufacture, Xqaal In Style, Qn lity and Make to the beat tutom Work at p-ieeaufty percent lea, . fVLL uses osxrs rimy ISlUSQ Q00D3 ALWAYS IN 8T0(,g R. B. ANDREWS ft CO., - ClOTHiaaa, III FiyattBrHIa MlreC aiirJaVlf Rai lh, C, iALIi"t)r V AI.I'ABLK UNOTS W'AK- 5 . HKN toUMTT. In purraaaeeof a 4een made aaJ mervnirA at thu Novaifibar IVrm, l,"L, ot iaa t ir ait iHiurl ol uie Duiied taua, 4th ( m int and wiimei or aiortn 1 ai-ollua, lu U c unit ol Janina A. Noaland ri. -hi i'e, BaJlie, Khisiti-th Arala, Kamucl Bnil.irth and Julia HcR. Arala, biamtilla. aaaiait feter U Davia Helm- daal. I shall ur ead lo Mill a the door ar tiia tAturi H-iwM. In Uin town of WnrreuUn. ..iM .the 4Ui Monday of Hkj, lJ, the tract of land aevii itMNi iu tne nicadinir kuoa a aa " Ijargo " ia the Cxuntji of warren and Utnlf eecup.ed Ut tna aaul iu K. Ibna roaUnniug ') acaea more or kaa 1 bu aakl tract ut laal waa eonveyed by detd of niortiniire bv the aid liana lo toe plaintitta Mania A. Noohmd, alitali. Ui Ami. Minuet t Bu,lrworlh and Julia Med.. Anita, wlucb deed was proved and ri'KisWrwl in tlw prolate Uountx oa the 1Mb dai ' Septeailnr, Inat. I ho land aid Ins aol , jccl to theeoa tlnen intermit in I lie uil raorucmie deed mentioned, k tne hiahest bidilertoi ash, Um purcUHker to i(ie t nd and bullk-leut atvurhy to pay tlie anautuaa de erihedin l ;e aleadlnt unoaawng iu the total ta 1 1.4U0 per aauuia durina the. hvea of the four aauu Unu ra- ecUvvly, aa the aania mav'hermlwr becoaM due. and In addttlua Uusraio the p(raaaer nnrfu pit.r m cauu uiv auui or e,V3l Wl-iuif ol "hi- h 1 priectpai and liarlnlern-l at six r cent until paid, which au nf i,il te IW iuciutiwii the ouiuitr wlik-h fell due iha tiih liaiuar, 1K7I Tne purchaser ahall aiiM iar me eoaiaol tne sun. rtb aaie aaamuea ai.ah ba a iltltrd . M J KIHUU K Clark Trlt ditaawtd. U. i. Ureal! Ooartt ad. ia Aw a.d Warn-ntoe Uattu aopv. QkuttttK r. Uakukm, Late o( Mewbera, if. O, V : ........ witb ' Q SX) .W.WEBB tissLaa i FINE WATCH lis. HlCH JEWII.BT. Mr. flarden in c Jliaa the attention of bis friends in Um. South til bis K.t ma wtta the wwti kvims hitsarof eorW; H-enhf-re- txt uuy tnfURim uiom itia! u in i'.'.n pleaaea to give Mis personal ana careful alien noo to any fniuintsniotis Uiat mar he entrua- tea tti hiin. He feels aas red that as will be enabled to pleaa ttiem from bia maAy rears exiieVii-nc ia IB buMeeaa, his kuowtaoe of the wanui of we people of uie South, ann the exuosiTe sioca or arVt-iaaa gomia tliat are eonotanlly kept in store. SS'hna ibe arlersoa of ank'h a Is le.fl wltn htm he will u. par ttcuiar pains ta aerare We bet and moat suUV- ant v or wlii ehwrtullv fiaa'ay wforwiaie in rafily to inquime hy mail concerning Uir basina. tieo. W. Webb aaafcaaaapaeiKltyof f TKIPLK BlLiTEB PhaTED WAKE kir la each general aa and admlrabl adap ted for Tea Seta. Tblwara. Ice Pitch, re. Mr. Drdr will alas be triad to hare his frlrade call oa bin wheuerar Ihev come to ftattnntiei and aiaiaine the 4i,bs l aeaairy ana khitwi, Cobxkb BtLTiaoa aan Lioat ftraarra. HiLTiKoaa. mil , . may dAwtha. ' UOZ. FRESH EXt& "I : I f. a Fat FowU, ' 10U Bu. tweet PoUloas, ; . 0! Irish do. v ' ' I ' f maytf W. fi TKfi)t ten Ta. N tW bmhsl 1 MABEL ,1.1 Ej BTTRV. A0TI1OB or " BiiBTOB Botls," Wl-Ji 'hi antral loos Jnat oU Fika is pa per, Ii taetota, l.u. A , Jf ORTE DARTHVB; glr Thotnua Msilirrs bonk nf Kinr A-ihut and bia Noble (nteMa o Ua kou4 laura. tuOpaK. CWth tl Ml. : 8 A L T E DW IT ft FIRE; stt anbf eVsruUBotttV. - HandimBuiiy U.und In cloth. Pries L . Sand fur tbeia, orjth'iit la the hoSk Use, W - ' J JuNEo. Bookseller and Stationer, -pt M Aaietsii, H. & I i 5 I I w 54 . 1 5 7.;? - JJ 3 fl! i i a. , Booaa foBB aarua 1 1 ; ' MOO&B OATUNO, , : k T T OR N 1 1 8 AT tAW., ! '""baleiqb. vi. a ' '; tat aad Federal Ooarts aad the Coart 1st aad Sta Jailklal Dutrtrta. " ' ' aov l tt j. V I 1 nxir.Lirs v mmiHimow A.ttornevs at Law. -'SAXJCIGII.' tt". A V. raauars, ieeTS-ll . I.' BBBlXfOB. ATTOR S I t ,;t'A .T. iJf . .W' " U. y . BALEIGH, H. 0., ' " rctk'S"u tha sernal rnurta nf Ih. Mlwth Judicial llnlricl, aDdlatheaupreMal.'ourtof nwta ixroima. frompt atuaiMua gtraa aov -tl . , . .. c O. F. BAS0X, ,, ATTOBNKT AT LAW,; -r'-', wRAiiAkiii, a '',.. 'S Fraetlee ut Abtmue and aiUntalnv mum tie, and ia tha Bapraaitana U. a. Court. , HMiar-emT H. Jt. X A ii 11 , ATTORNEY A T L A W, HlLLsstilW N. Ci - .. Practices la fwanaa aad th adlnlalair m Baa, and ia the Surauie and b. B Cuurta. fab HU-diHut a. a. raaaaa. : j. 4, PARKER & 10X0, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OKAMAs, n. c. . Fraetlce h) Alamaoea tod to aliolidrur eoautiea. ami ui taaBuurcmaand U. A uouru we -w-aoiar t a, a: sex. iab'l t. wituAH UVSS V Wll.LIA.1l, ATTORNstYB AT LAW, - ROCKT MOUNT, H. C WILLIAMS A BUSN, ATTORNET4.AT LAW, ' RALEIGH, N. C. Business letters aaar ba addraaaed to Riw.br Mount ot KaluiKh. , t laioia oolteeted ia snv nart of North olina. '. . . ' Pnu-lh eVli the Ruureiua Coart of""iIS"itL.C and ta Ui Federal Coart at Baieigh. . A. AMI K, A.t torn ey at Iaw, Will atbmd thit fltate and Federal CoarU hl t the 50 jn tie of Wajijaaud Saw, Maauvar. - IJKNIAI. Nolle. , . i : . . -I ntll further notice aud until the eitaUlUn.. neat of suitable otlice, oruomfor nit pro fraiona sorviee, mar be left wlia c tt ifeartl or at Um Slate Nsuon.d Hiih, whtist I will promptly attend the reaidaaceaof pauvnta, . , jaaa-tr t (- r, in .,:( jj " if.- II.VBAWa--04U, " DENTIST- OPFICS, O.Yf.i TKTTKVILIS BZt OrrXMlTETUCEEK HALL. 'ali H.l.l.B ... 0 VIDE D V f I E, " ATTOR r AT LAW, . Raleigh, X. 0. ; Fmctluaa la the (Jonrta ef Wake, and in th FeBaral Co una. aivea special au.auou to the aruirtK of eausea la the Uireine Coart of .v , eonecia eiaims agame! any Fire or Lire insure Coiniianv bi Uia U ulted State, aud aueuua pniu)itiy to any outer proi vusinesa mtruatea so ana. leb 7-U Ty M OAHU BKOWHIt, roifalll FAINTEB, j . Ho. Is, FayetlerUI Blraet. Life slse Picture pahitiid from life. Photo- graptia or IlaKUureotypes. ' ' 1 Old family f ortral'ta and Pleturei thoroagh ly reiairl aud reatored tu freabueat war s-aoui waltbs CLsac. "" . m. ru.a CLUlit & sirLi.E.v: " 1 T A TT O K N E Y s A T' L A W 1 - i HALIFAX. , C, " Fraetlce lo all the Coiirtu of tiallf si. Wort . amiton lCdifecmnne and Mhtrtia emtnti.-a In thf ?aWMB' court of Kurth aniliua, aud li the F-eoemi Cunrts iroiiacuout aud ttf any bart of North Car- ollaa. soar aV-dlr. B o ours, s w. ATKtisua, a. s rnaaatAa - rcWETTaTTTjr " Dbaiab ia UaaaatL Uaacaaacisa ssb Commission lerrhantu,' i N APEX, M. 0. .. L , ' ,. Order for ShlnubM and Lou bee Iliad rem)illy and at low prices. : , rt ar v ueouiui". i,sa V ... .... "V I.- , i ! -t' G BOTTOM will. BROWN'S JEOnOlA fXJTTOS GIN. Pwisiamwa m aaiofarrtiai erawaals. I aia Ax-ot (ur th aaie ol Una Cottoa U end. wtfl be pleae-4 to ethlMt them tu any out dealruf to purrbaae Uina There are a rruit laanr ia ase In this aat-thai of ibe emra rV and 1 bare Teste Bad saw that iiore not do sll th t It was (filaraulaed . to do. Aay bum baa af tws lurwMSaal. ' apr -tf " 0 T- BTRONACn. (J LPKWOK Table CnUerr. Silver PlahM Eniraa. Itilrer Ferta. Soaera' beat Tea and Tnhle Wpoon. W. B. IH H A t a. pHE WILSOM COIXEUIT E INSTITUTE. L baatd-a rivina the moat nodera and Ummov matnictioa m tha aaual literary, arUatie and at4entlAe braoehr, baa a Depart ment of iAawwarar Aaawatf and .1 ateimiteav ha- yoanc Laaiea, anS of aeinalara, iJvrUnd tmrt and hmotav, for young Iteath-niKa, bay der Ui efhrint control of Mr. t W. Weat br ob. -ealonal letnres by Prof W. C. Kerr. Initioe from 4 ta tl. and Board (to eiaaingeVj-rrihlmri at pwsml . IL.ytUliBBAtASCS.1, AV. M., ar t-d lia PnncioaL YlfAT THREiiHElta A CLEANEKA liiilaer A Card d-s celrhrsted generator. ai imnf w i -. ii trr wiinnwt Bfirw p"wrT.t d.lrreeed at any Uep 4 on the Kaiipavta at ajaMUfaatoresa price WU iahrht aaVleaL '. . maara aa.iuid t ant iu ariy w aecaf; iMav ehitwa ia lime aa tiie protptt is go.rd lor a t. H' Brv V JAIUM.Tf)WUEa.. MAjtt 'BARKR-t Tin:;iiUtu su: ratlrrt of .rly tife tn Sonfe Cvri'ina by Chirlle Venoie. rtee A rent aettt by auti ya rcclit uf pbra. , WAA H. HMHidiL i "a i,, ' --i -r I ' !"-T'" JO H CI KIPlk, yba,enai h. M Ta M Si 1 K. V kb- l aiaiuaxr. . . , HARKI-OH, Aaa.avaarCAsRlB. 1 -m r , 'ipiiu(oioasr: " I Andrew Walta, W. t. Witklws, - W. H."Tamv. ' ' ' '-"U t)a sits rented ta tins, uma, ar v ua wii, toa wuva eatiaalas wall (a is ivaoie ia tiad, oa deaiaud, with toiler aal from date till paid: iaraaaaT ahw-ed oa daily halaaaa ah4el tU4-haia. i l- ...... T r toil Uoa, oa all agceaaiba aohiu, aait re- -. a:-v- nt " . r. . ftr ,, SUdwell Brothers, ; IV Murray Htreet,- ! ;. . i :'",..vt- .', ' f No w 'T'ork.' Jfanufacturer and" Jobben of HOOTS '& ' . FOR . I" ..:." V V-.I. 4UTIIKU7r TltADK, Bare etunplete stock m ail lioat, mrlndlnc their pular Oataita Stat Btta, Kir Plow saoas aud Wuatiaa rxsatu. Ordensolleitedandiiai'eXully kiledat lowest market rates. ' J. E MtiO-E, Baleasaaa. JaaJW-drla . . BUiaiHd' LO IB IN IIIK Ul.t. V Ui RUAM, AND FAKM IMTUE ; VlCIJtlTlf , , . . F 0 K 8 A L E. Fin' eaak or eiedlt hi suit naihaaara. The Hotel Properly a Uuroaw, aad BaiWma Uits In the haart of Wwa. - Also. Uie P.-att nlantatioa. Also, tha Ooneh planuttoa, the Hammond plaiaaad Uas Mar -Apnyto - . At M. BIUKHIB, Afeak JRmas A BROTIIEK'O "T- CATAUWDB Of. n.QM KH JXD fSUKTABLtSKktlS Aad Mninmer Flfiw-rinir Bulhr, for 1S7I noa n-aily, coaNnliwc of over 't ijte, mi ro-e tiuled "t, wit upwards til aint ae(iaiate KUta. an4i-liv.i tWorvtf KtitW "t'inAir, a iieaiililul 'de kii ' In colors, the rh-lien i ever 1 ull nli. d. nvnd i-vnls fr a eiy, not mie-haii the value ut Us. eiiored' lau . tn Hie. Ju-M urdtir. aaneanuia( lu lint. -aa than 94, lin-i riceoi OaUtloene. will imi uia aasne roomie- wiut oia. 1 rrae to uld .latouiwra tiualilv uf etala..aijai ui lati-kau. pi1 'S ami pietmUiUA uUtrvd, maka it to llle sdtantaire of all 1a tiwvhaee amis uf na See CauliMiue for estiaonliiiarWindatnuKui. 1 ou oiilini j 11 if you do not aee our Caw lorne tK-foreord-ruiH e6eda. knhar ot o- r two ( hiooios for lTi si's Ifxaa ua s Sower n ate of Nulnens Phuiis. iania:aUilr uf LUkie, .Vc -th otb.-r (if Auhual, Biennial ana rerenutal riauu, gnaianuml we atusr (Lauaat ruoaav caanaoa ever lsnut l hi tlila coanun ' A uiirb parlor ornament; nailed, pot il 1, ou nxelin of 16 tea a; aue una ua eouUbo stMUIod ta UirieloKti : AiloWs " BKIillit . Blttll lirit. I KmM tm. J Kochoatcr, Nuw y Ul s. till Hotels &., ' AMERICAS HOTEL " " " I OUEBTMUT TK RET, OrposiTB Old iKUKPhMrKsns lUtx, ! ririLAUKUMiiA . . ! H H. liKUJMO.-i; rm-aiioai tpltt-dtf '" a1 IT. CATHARINE'S, ONTAfilO, 7. OABAttA?"'-'" TH! ".TKFIlESMirilllUE." -ASI BATII.S ui I eonnectin with th eeteliraled well of ... . a - - J . - ... V SALINE MINERAL WATER a new opa for tha race ut toe of vtsltora. ' foraoua ds Iroua of of atftog board will uleaae ad4ieM Uu) Propntwaat BkVEKU TIHWRRXJN f..rr T-tf 'HUE HUrtRKmlTY OF Tilt, UNlilVAL--L , LED. . 1 !, jVyLtj-jife.aBVpiBaiiaiaasaiiaiaiaTaaiaiiaaii. .. j i - ! . rum , FORTE is roncvM brail who fcara CABEFULt i.yUAHl It astsran..: r , h t.-.Utba HEW SCALE,, , t(: The Manufacturer has taccaaded ta naktt i s;lh MOST PEKKECT PIANO-FORT " poraibla; beeee they are prafemd by at - GREAT ARTMTg OF THE DAT, And reaoatasMided by all Uie ' LRADING MtWHHAf KIIS Prices will ba found aa mtaoamlUe as emiius tent with tlwronKi BoninhiB,J.'":.t'?r.V:--;-'. WAKKUOObU,..'. !Stb imn, Haw Toat, Cob. Mt graasr. Bee.T If .... .;, . , ,. - . Ol'EMNd OF THE- - SODA WATER-SEASON : (EPF Ii .ONES'. COYmJO rarlllsar bjocIh Water, -tvffh ipeauiBiet fruit Hvt-iipsi, tat aW 11mc ummI frosa our aetvr atsact ele irsaut ITountnla at No. SKI, rny. tterllle mtrnct. To thlaj Isrctnch of liuwlnrans wet (flax as oar as t riot irawaissl nttutla( tt Mhtsll bfl our endenvor to mnintalu the tarh tnlnrl of excel leacro -vrbtclt tt haa) fto utrel. - , : 7 -,,t '. srrnoxs. " Jl?or tlte nonvoitlciieo ot icrona nt st dlait rtrtort and tlioese Ito profV-r to tsrUe HoslattBd Bllnorval Wtirai itt li-1 r ltotnrat, ' -wra ItrtTe In rxlursl ay-plso (Isot I loss Isoldlnif oas iaart -lt. IViiin t Itlli (lie trn Is'ras fitn ha druwtl k.nrblliif (ta from the fountain.' DCEP A J0KCS, syJT-dtl ; r ,, . , ... JU Jt i X I Tn E SENTINEL f:. ut:.. WILL BE rifRSfIBHttI TO SUBSCRIBERS. - .,.".a .-. FOR THE t v . :'..-r . . r . . : Campaign of 1072. AT THE ' ' ' F0LLO.vi'O KEPCCCll yt-r s t :: - j -'--rB"--'iI7l , "i .v. j . ii wirnn v i:;vi irVi..i Copy Bionths ' $ 1.50 t;i& ia so i Copies S months, 10 t month. to t mositba, L UM ONE COPT niKB TO OETTEn CP OIT CLXJH OIT io' OH MOUE1 HTJUMGAEI IliCllIf, taitnl Weekly ntftirl I Copy I month, 5 Copies I mootba, to .. to , $ iM i H it UM 40.00 ONE COPY FREE TO ANY OttZ - ; O&mUti UP A CLUB OF 19 ' ; ; OK UOUlj- SUBSCRIBERS. JAILY hi;ntini-;i.i t Copy 1 month, '" n )0 'it SU 40 00 Copies 4 month, - tMIUO CLLB OF 10 OR MORE BL'BaCKllUlts - Tba linint wtll b f uralahed at Ad'ealea for Tbt Monti. ,T1 i :i ? " V . Tfca Stat aad PrssldenUal Campaigns will 0.01 (nu m.mtrut ana mtswan io our wnofs i . " ; peopta. Every clUt should know whet I - j - . trauaplrtnj ia the poUoeal wstrld, that h may :! - :jf .uy properiy abdarftaad hi pollUcal obUoo, The isirrt'ax will' supply aba witb ththla needed Woraat ioa. . 1 It wUIalso eadaavor ts swat all th od of stood - ---...- Hewn Taper. aoaey with alt erdara for paper. - Addresa, - iEsrristEL, , Raxaioa, 1 f viiivanoDrlriiiv swim i im .ii-i vn i ii-a j sa BVf SOUTH CAROLINA WVIB10B. , CoarrTa'f Bnaw, T 0 i - -MnvUi, Uii., Oatada'Wli.nda HsirbSii t taraaa Usm. will ba ma anaa liu. ilmatwa us t totoaaee atia-lam lolaawBifi' i... ,va -line TABLCt ? . . . not.Mi- tuar.' ! btatioxa ! LEA VS. t.'kartotla. IWf.M. l eocwd, , ;. lf.E a au ' Baliaiatrre , j a 6 LnatnW . 'lu at " " iu a . Hark f.aut, .. hU t " hi it i .Uawswborii', - - Uiiiai lt I oniuy Bhopa, Ut4 M mil naiiuwr, ,. i av larliaa's, , t I bv Kaie'tb. 1 ua iU - d, 14 " lata. . II, S IS , . tjolilatmo1, r'OA " A. at. ' - J UOI.NU WEht -t- )' u -w -r bTATIONA ABBtvA LfcATB. C barlows, , J A. . . " i. oucora, BaiUbury,.1 Ixinutim, . HWkPtflot. IMLlt l ,, 1 ' aw , in - tirevaahuro. I oniiauv Shops, luu r. m. U 15 F. H. ouiaaaWy. r.-.' .!! . 4& . 4 S 10 " iP.M. a aa - AM 1.15 &.ii " 4 iio a-aaai s, staieua. -Sidiua, UeniatMiro7, Mall Tnuaa will rua dallr b.ith ware the entire huih of tlie lined, Kiprcaa 1 rains a ill ran iiolli war Iwt weea oairMy 8hup .... i u awny i-umij' avavaf'ttHl. 1 frehtht iraloa a ill run txilll ways the a ire wuiftaol lias Kuad ISuntUy s axci j Ud I w iJaMoMnu! aaw. will va aiuietK-a to t lie rs lknt train between un-eulhoru' aiid r;nl.U- boro' (or Uia aeuaaatudtllon of iMUUH-uirera. . . , . W. U. UKEkS, ape 1-tt t If aster TrauauortaUoa. TSJEW NOV E1JI BT NORTH CAKOUSA M I At tiiUliA v I Aa Hjtrmll a JVrawA Tale, by Mn. Jiaa t. Iraiu, uf Charlotte,! H. U, paiier avnaf aw wuta, aeut y aiati oa raualul I" . ....... a d. tt EJtJUSS, airt, tirHTlf N.CUookBtor. tt T A E i. H bEA5( ' tXW f!.L FOR BALK rtliteea Hnrae Powiie. aa aood aa tn a-ll the whole low, ur hail In partnor'who win mruiMi a jr.KMi lotwtnun iorastltaBaW mul tsnatsiiii aiit (..uttAMi ilia. It.- ' AV(4jfbi i a. JT Jiiir4t' - " ... . IJIK.WARKPIKLD .." , EAUTI1 (JLOSET, w la l.v all Jidda tie A,, ..( i ifaa -r lattetitail Heil n w Av riKi p 9 i." f ' urn i'irtvi m ! m M 1 O I f ve Nrta Vtuk ft' tt..Mi.ova - - TiaiiititilKt. tar Call mill aaaaw- " HHI. . ... Two bow oa hand at i - W. JONK8 Co., tmrW-tl Aa-euU "i.W- ...i...... i . --. O U P E E. M BLUE DlAGOHAt, COATS AND VEeTS, OLIVE 1 DIAODNAL COATS ASI) ' VESTS, DAHLIA III AuViH At. Ct 1AT4 A YD V EeTi, niaa viagouai toau and veala; Jaat received at 4- - E. B. ANDREW! A CO'E, prKtl t'lothler. 300 BUls,,R,' bjltib siv it-u u. i. si ttimtiH a Brio. T O A R I). 1 eaa furiitair Ten iir twalre nemona with good board and eowforta ila roosts at the raaideui of Mrs, Henry W. stiller, Mewheia inaaa. 1 wo orac room In the yard anw rarsnt. aprd-lf tiEu. R. bAEEU. $1 6,009,000 dCLescts ! M TNA. i i .... 4 i ,,- .-j. , Lifo Ins. Co., - - In uulides a).ea Lira boas ; 10 TO 60 TEAB IBCLDilVB. TWTnT)jfirrbi5buriir6u anyTinsnK' 3(p OUt. W. H. CHOW, Oes'l Manager, Worth Carolina and part of Virginia. i.aab 'jr ' ,T"."- TNA FIRE C O, fB Aaaels k,00a.o B. csresebte4 try W. H. CROW.Aewt, Jaa IT fia BWtB,!l.a $5p BE A KOI ,Jt will (Tire M reward forth body of R .h art M. turuiaen if eaptureS In th conly of H'-rtle, and thO naoturtd uutaid... in. rooNta. naut nrniKBH wast stiBtlmaal jur, at lha errei,t Um of twua Hai-Ju. tourtsn.i as aped out of mv enalo.lv hlu bebis; takes fronithe Jail to tiie Umm liu F. W. BKLL, . Vlndaor, Msrch II, Wt, BhariO... ah ir-.wina. QOVioraTERa-''"'Vn BRANDT PEACHES, 1 s CANNED PEACUE9, ) ' " . E cne's mx'btard,. t' 4 Mijrert Pickles, ,. ,;'.E38BM(E COFFEE, ,' .! PLA1H AND FtSCF CANDIE.1, , . BAIMNS,'' -' LEMQX CAEE3,, . ; r bVDA CRACKERS, , Ae-.j., Ae.- ' ft 1 'rVho'ea.V 4.. kslal. iMjric.:;...ui.EAcn mio-s. 40 m NEW MACEE8EL, ' tiB'jU'Kew Jft te.el ' i'1 V .fe. - .-'. e X.,l jWILBXiH A nnobbK, r,sy '-.js vi E'-Ba Pir., Hotth V; f!Kri t fattBsaowi: V. C. f " Baaoa or m V . .,. . c- Lao. Fear. I I h.l.M tu ,a f w dautwrtaa. ....;'.;'. ;,'., ' RMaboro' ' bonaKvlHs........ Si , .er? ............, il I -;) 1' 4 ' tt v a'ai-u. Lexington. , W Favftivilla danheiite' hank of Newtunt " aria era Bm,K nr i.m..i. . dluera' ai,d fiaaten' hutt..."""v CoaaaMrelal hank of Jwn.. . Iiaorvia ........ P. V. B. tL.Btock ; . T- Wa ba ami li t . yl . '.'. . norw i ar..,(lna t'miM eawa a au other tnarlo tatae uwu. f frden for iUnk t.. ..... ... ...... kaadarsvf fUaaawill will .,. . fc-U l""l "a- ke tarns for aayiraa paeiuiet of r,-,k r, ea ," ar ferem-rJ. Kr LUa aad Kvre lasaraae roHc(, Wafd f. a i w. uaaa r I- LIFE I.N'li.VMv: """ THE . riffW'iETru nsrinri tmmv t IURTFORli( WSNfXTU VT easr, Chaa. P. Honuuue A Sou are u- !- kaows euaeral AffraU for KorUi fa. ol.ua, ' aad Marylaad. . , ' .. AOMWlsTERKn "iTRIt TLY (IN TllV v i vat. rt.A.1. M.fOv.OOt) OF AbSKT Th polMua are all , JurreltahleM' M0 EKSTRICTfOm PLACED M TttAVEli WW OR RESIDENCE. teT" Promptly pay apoe all hwaea imil , Ou tlima Irwarei Ira joara, or the ' Eudowiuanl Plsu. , f " 1 . - " .il No Earaa OoBraat at Hittaioa Aaaoait. . KALEKlH AiiENCF . JOHN DEVEKECX. Ea.. , Oo in 8truuai-J building oa second ttutir. ManuiAt, EuttiKia, , ', "' ,J ' P E C i A i. T t . r.l WE- D RB 88 SIIIRT8. Oor FREN'Ctt Tin a aiiiura 1"! rtralM , t.v. IHa.aiwvr and rrl.a Uia aa but .aaaa aotaitb ud. f th heavy ad fauna in uuuia and Linens AV.S.aVAUb.RnSdtCu.. aprlfitt Lltltiiitra. Latest from tho Ccat i -'..- OfWarlnthoEast! RFflT brrev innrer . . . ...... ..... iiaU, V4iliai.0ii Ti .yt.-- Tbe pablle mind hsvlnir heeome somewhat ' ern e. sod oeacernlna- tb fate uf the Rvboaua " outlaw., -; . ,;t Bitrslesrsto annannr. totiia r.i. . tli nubile, Uiat he haa just relumed lioih ma'.,; UBeA and Beat beautiful styles of i ....... i . : I GENTS' fl ft A n k j . , ComsUUiuj of ., , , i - rrsacb ' anet rmrti.hi ' ; BROADCLOTHS, . ; DIA00XAL8, I ' ' ; FANCT CASSfMEPtES. mtSCn WOHSTED, CmthUag new 1 t'LAIM AND FAKCT- : - - FKENClt AND ,. ,",-..v,r f,;;;, ,..,,,jaiauaa yESTjmoa. ,V Nullfal Itt-tBjcjjtl Tbeaeweod Sra mall alemit. T- - ara h narakaalnar l i'-aaV"""" ' '- 'FL,' tier iKM3m - , Rah-iyh, ti i ,s ffiUE Wat (JtuiDS AT Tllg LOWKaf J .;- I'Klfc'Ks. ,-, .. ,:,, lb luast and lanreat stuck of Bi-nits it ?" Shoes aray brought to tb City. ,.; , ' , v i " '.-.At aprlK-tf - ! - CD UEASTT A fvi , 4OR THE BEST X)TS AND BHOE9 IX a City fir Ilia bast niuiicy go to ,"', '1, " ;.' frtt tt '.-b, Q. IlEAKrf A (L . . QVRBtXiTB AM) BUOL GIVE UiT. 7 tt- atlfetloa thaa any other. aprUtf O. D. HEART T A Co. JF XOU WAJ1. XHEMCEaltUlFuJI.T th least aosey, aom ts , '.v aiwMU 0, D. KEARTT C01.1" 0l'R 8rotK OFE.NrFlKMhH.S(J .jSijO. rnot'b beatts hs alyhaare) ptiera. pv U U . , C. It, HEATT A I'll, 1 e -QRE$S MAkLNoT" . ' K , f WW. a, J... tlVBl'RCII '.-A-fti-. offers her serrlca to tkeladk uf f's! !i.!i .i, l (tttaatf s . .... ' j " . MASTCA MAKER t her ri-aiilem e near iha Fooruir. V c it dime neali and r.ni U. ,er, .l h ai.a h iud her tor tne pi.nn. n. J .u ... Sjfff sMIclted. - -..-ia. Sr lU V U-.uu. a. .1.1. ... . . , the r.iiiilij i mieNi ut ha run, iir..u ,m... perty ran be aecomnaoU.it a -i hi- ,. V io pr tt h. T. i K ...-. t. . iAi.im vt 1 1 ti -t ,k. A hi O tlilUil.Nr SIWee jiPi-r.-!. M1 lamiTiia, l-i,ii-r l t..UO. Njit t mall 'l' ir" r .: I - ' ! J.i:.. o ( SirBTW l f r- i L n c.t k'su T t i.U 1. 1 HI, i-a.f 1 i lt' v. m 14 !? -' t -