the sentinel: JOSIAH TURNER, Jr, Editor. ' MONDAY K. MAfi ?7. 107 STTE 1L"J f KnrilNRATl TRLLT CWVaUMIK S ' Hon. "A. S. MEKUIOX, Uf BunHitiib ftH MUTf. ttoVfcttK).!; . i Majob JOHN IlLGliK, f CraVeB. ?;.'' . t ju w. m. suirr, Of Merklenbtirg, A r.'B TIIKtHUKIt ; ro aitCKKTT r tt: ' JOfLV A, WOMACK, I If Chatbiui. Fo AUiilToa: Gu. ,0. LKVKNTIIOIU'E, of cij.iL,4jiI ; . u pt. ri., itmiBoctiua ; N. MKNpLSlIALL, f f - IH lluiliurd. ...J rs strr. ri muc woaae! J. II.KPAHK, Of Wake. A.'.A .Sentinel fur the lauinilcn. At tlie Gubernatorial and t'rtwdential Campaigns promise to be aa exi'ilinx a I 'important, wc have concluded to furnish tli BkXTixBi. t ihe &H?'mg liberal Kate. . I Copy Waekljr Sentlnal A man tha, k Coyiee. . " l ' M 4 H tt BU "; J tt tt tt II M .) (hiew.pylrattogtnrupofClttbolWaadjOatholk'a; tablet for the Holy Alliance, 1 Copy aeial-M'iMkly gen ul, ntoatba, I'i.SO I io 'I u . : j fuo. MiHtre'a lauie, however, will reat uj: m " m. ;r tm Mia besutiiut anl degant It tab Melutlhw la Copy f .at Io elU up of Club ol in prod actioni of the rareat excetletUMi that 1 Hop, I)ell, BealineJ avKKka, I 5 0 a piea " " iMiw io " ' " " . an uu XU u . t. . tt u i,w One eopy fa to g tu ap of efub ol IV an4 i - - 1 - i Tiuiee and placet for boliiiug the Norn inatiug Peuxtcralic Conaervalite Conven tion! is tha attrerai Congreaainnal Diatrittt Of Ihit HUla) i: lat District, at Ed:uUn, Thuratlay Ma; 9, 187it til District, at 0..I Ulmro', June Sth, 1872. . 3J it WUiuLlgluii, UuaaJay JqneS, 1878. 4th District, at lUUlyh, Thuraday Juot , 1873. , , Dt'trirt,. at tlfeBilKi5o',. Wdns day May 23d, 1873. 6tb Disukt, tt -Cbarlotta, Tburtday May S3, 187J. S 7th Dittrict, at Wilketboru1, Thurtilay Wayt 8,1878. 8tb Diattii t, at Marion, McDowell Co. Saturday, June 1, 1878. It it iuiposaihle ta carry oa effectively a Campaign without fuBda. VtrUiut public documenta have ta be published and die- tribttted if acauipalga It made floctire. The enemy will be well provided with every tort of documentary weapoa that Ingenuity can Invent or money provide. ' and the Conservative party muat aee to it that every reading man It Informed at to tha merita of every ijocatlon that will enter Into tba diacuaaiou. , Mooey will be eeded and muat be bad. The ijui-alioa it bow cut tbit Ua done. It occura to ut that the Centra Executive Coutmittee lu very county thould at an early dtty make aa etfiirt to raine funda lulBciont to tup- ply the demand for doeuuientt, tickuta, Ac. It it too important a matter to t neg lee ted. Strange to aty, la tha yy ex- citing and important campaign ol 1870, and in the but little leal important on of laet year, t hie natter waa tbaniefully neg lected, and tha burden full tipoa a few. In- ilivtJualu, but mainly upon one peraoa who la other wajt waa renduring the J'erhaps, ia the abtrnc of Mf Turner, who la at bit home at Uillaboro.' tbtire can be no better time1 than the preet-ut for a few plain wordt about tbit matter. But few peraaua know how much eacriAca he bat made for the caute of the people. Ia tba matter of expenditure, eicluaive of toil and worry, he bora far mora than hit aliare In thelaeVwrapalgtK-fiw mote '.ban be ought to hire borne bt than Ought to he beea required at bit haoda. Ma furuliihed over $700 wortlt of printed mat ter tor froe distribution and to tint d iy lcaa than J00 of that amount baa been prid him thin firciiir him to ejjxiuil over toW iu one campaign for tba good of tha party. In tba campaign of 1870 be waa taled in tha tame way to an al mott equal amount., ; 1 ; - ' Will tba lialligent payert of North Carolina require a eoutiautuce of tuch aacridcet I Muat one faithful toldier who baa atood the . fierce! fliea of the auemy Sviih Uudiahnig courage, ,and baa carried often diauiay into their raukt, be allowed to again take upon binut-lt the heavy bur den or aupplying the State with docu meuta aud other printed matter at kit rj.enu. We tiucerely bop not locaiucou, at we have laid, wiU be re quiitd, and fundi to meet all neceaaary titpeuae in procuring them, ought to be ruined. i -; ,f ; ;. Tha Deiancratkfejnaervaliva State Ex etutivC.i initio are without fuuda. . , -We bpw-rn Ihit matter, aa ia aouie other, that m word U tht 'vim mill i tw- TUS VlltaiXU KLSCTJOX i.niiuv;iua watcaniea by the Couacr va'ivcaby a lare majority proUllbly a tii .u-iiti i. The Coipcrvaiivca el-t their t,. ii t t I.ym titling- tpt the jMtiyof. T!h? ijiiJcitdiu.t railical caujid i c I' i tl.nt ';'. elected. Norfo'k Pt' ".?;n,,iulii ftnH, DanviiSw have all gone Qvu -vtvativt iv;itbur judical; A weiek muo woffifn) somV rem irk npon Robert llurne ee I be petof Baluiw. rsllow enerally appreeiatifl linn other writer f high poetic ijlfia. Wcauslly referred to that awect and rcisaliie t of Irw- land-Tb. uiaa Moore.' Without attempting, in ihia plaw, any ihing like crilitpie, we omul make anew remarks Bp biut, leal (he reader ehoutd later bn what be bem will of Burnt, thai ihe forcniisW of Inab pocta Wat But after all writer of great vereatility uj origioality. He waa uuijumiioa ibfy tha Anacrooa And. Catullus of bis century. Hit reputation aa writer ifiiuiu al poems, ha greatly Injured hit unpularily " and inliw-nrc. . If we-omit reading bit poem published under the pseudonym of "Thomas Little," we wilf not find mm h in hit ti met to oAVnd the taste uf a religious censor . Miiore prolific aa aa author tad of great veraatil it j. A brief eurvry of hi writing will show thia. Ha tint tTanelated tha 'Odea' of Anecrwm.I U exhibite 1 considerable reading and "prolh feney in Ori-k phil.aj npby," but waa no! faitbfal to Ihe original - 'v b) UUh r. fier than C.rwk.' lilt neU rohimawaa Oda and Epitb,' writtHi la cwtj nl grerful language. Tbea lit jiul.liliid . bi n ThouiatT l,iule ol uma that datoauml hit reputation and hat Jonearacb barm, iltt Bed began bit brilliant aerioa of political tatirvl that were yery aucceMl'ul. Thi'jr ar muter pirea of their kiud full of the keeneat wit and iuoat UuyliltT provoking raillery, writlea io a atyle ingularlj graceful and tirj. 'Thejr are lull of the utoat bappjt turut of ingenuity, o(the gj fi7 whicb annua the peculiar beriue uf tba iuUllw-l.' They exhibit, alao, much turinuaanJout of the waj reading.' 1 bo FuJue 1'aiuil in Pnriar.lie Twopaa-. ii j ruai ixij, iiuyiuca oo vaaa, Lora ana !"g be read lor their brilliaucy and hM bwn 'Vl- Pt!f is their rytbiulcal flow, aar abounding ia lelicaey of aeclituent, clothed in diction that hi invariably neat, artistic, fiuinbvd. ProL tthaw tayt, that Moore'a ' lyrka art modelt of the miait refined and claaaicai KngUsli,' but that touieliuiet hit ' paaeiou' ia 'Itittcred away in .cold and sparkling concetti,! and lu Itiaet in deplb and ten deruett more than it gaint ia iegeoulty and .ejeganoe.' ' , We have not time to dwell upoa bit Lulla ltKikh," an Oriental finance, that la at once gurgeiHia, lieautJfiil anil pleaa ing. Hit pura'narratiua in tbit poem ' it one unceasing epiirkle of brilliant antitbe tia and Eastern imagery.' The poem aa a whole ia maryelloutly daty.ling and ti1cndi1. ' Tbtre ia, however, too great a profutioo of ornament. The taate pal It, tla eye ia dazed by the glit ter, thb mind becomea, fatigued undet the weight of tha rich and coelly em broidery of atyle. Tha eifeot of the whole ia like that af torna Oriental Job iu which the, whole texture la concealed with an unbroken surface of pearl, and ruby, and diamond.' Tbit criticlam ap pliea to all of tba romance, but ipeclally to tha Veiled Prophet. The Fire-worahip era It not to original at tha otbeia. He evidently here waa indebted to Byron 't Bride of A by dot, and to other of hit Ori eatal epica. The Light of tba Harem tba general favorite. But read where you will, you will find the moet entrancing melody and the moat dvliciout iucanta "oa. in tlreee pnemt,' aayt Shaw, " the aonge introduced, and the lyric paaeitgea In general, are luetpreiulbly. tutirul. Mooret other IJrusntaJ poem, the Loves of the Angela, ia ) tucceaaful, although mere art many paaaagnt of great merit. 'breathing a rich and graceful perfume ol pasaiun.' lie wrote many ether poems ol merit. - Hit National &ingt and Eveninirs la Ureeca are diatinguiahed by bit excel lenoet of style and tcntiment, and are re plote with grace, tenderneaa and barmoa Ha waa a very tuccesslul pttwe wrltor. . ilia It vet of Bjrt.n and Sheridau are excel lont perormauca among the moat inter- sney ociong. tin ISplcurean, tale cjf 'antique manuert,' it not to excea- aively brilliaut aa the pMae portiona of uallab KiKikb, but it none the lest beau tifui and iuipreeeive. , , - Taine, ta bit great work which we read foceutllt ITijtory of English l iterature auea not diacuaa Moore, but refers to him u few pataagBe, lie evidently liaf Sot beea impreascd very favorably. He aayt of him 'the gayest and moat French ol all, a witty twiter,'tao jrarefirt and rr-cfitr ea.' He graiita that hit riental bla toriua, 'diaguieed.,. .Ba.jijwetamerf,1 -the decoration are 'splendid,' 'an Inundation of splendours' we are maaed, dfeafened'-r-but, 'what ban i we learnt, felt, bava we, lu truth, felt any. thing f He conUnuea 'After all, there it little here but decorations and scenery; the sentiments are factitious they are operat ic aentimenta' the author "it only a dev. t man, a libctti maker, nVaoufacturer of patyted eanvaas' he drawt 'bit ideaa aot ftom the bean, but frota the, bead., Hucb it the impreasUMi lett by Lai la Kuofch. lie aayt It ia a 'great decoraiive uachiue suited te the faaliiou.' It lacks the -mark f genius,' because 'he fails to discover some wide unexplored region ui human nature" , lie concede 'mocb cleveraeat and koowledire.' He-tavt 'hie im V-u.K .l- 1. . .. ... M uiwrai mat De XUOWS "III paat time and distant lauds only aa aa autiquarian and traveic.' 11 It 'niiuute' bit deacriptiont, his 'notes' re lavislied withuut atiut,' but the great truth', Inch lint ia the penetration into the eentiinenta of the character Mramvl --- j llui.' He tlirnkt le.faiied in bit Greek pormt and in bit Indian poeina. The tVJ- iiit'vrgi Kaira told Miure that hit Ana creoouca 'were fit f.r ttie tlewa.' Talue ?, to write an Indian poem, we muat be pantheiatical at Heart, a little mud, and reJ..JWf:ii: visiooaryjto write a Orttk poem, we mutt be poljUuitUe at hrT;1iiBtamenT.i7Iyp.2a-, ati'Tii BaTur dlat btf pnrfi'aatiMi. Kiwn, thoretorF. failed. He Jim aoi trier to Moore aa a anbg writer. , Wbiiat be drrotea fort na" to Min. Wi ureter th" inlerore tathia F bare attempted, In brief, 16 1 1 tut : of Tame, aHuoutco we are willing to al uitt tti tt tliere ia truth and fortw in taiM b that be aav: We feet eonfident that aa hHig aa pia-IM-taate Rtnaisa, tha aontrt ol Mwre a Hi W ra d with uniniugled pteaa ura and aatiataetioa. . ' ":- ; X A. O. - The Senior editor being abaeut, we are running the PbntinbX to tuil ouraelf. We have taken lite raaponaibility of copying into our C"luiliOt a letter Ibat appeared ia Ihe-Uat 'auuilwr of Iba JimUhm ikmm puoueueu aa i iiartuiwi, auu vuimmi vj unit aluhlxirn fihierj bet her aainat it emy is war or an eoiuiy oa "the ittmct UblWituent-Gei)eral l. H, ilili. it h, In mi the pen ol aa educated geBtlemaa ol I Granville, who but been juat' end can.lid enough to make aotue forcelul and truth lul remark! about tba Senior txhnu of I th ia paper, lor wb'uh tha wiiter tbauktj bt heartily, m kil., VUMMVXIVATIOSS. We have pa baud a Urge number of I Cotumunicalioot which we will publiabl aa auoa aa uotaible. Our eoluiBiw now ai I to burdened with 'campaign inalb-r that we are preriuib-d the privilege of pub- bailing many of our iima KlWKaie, ur -f giving Wat Variety wliM'H uur Journalistic . ..... . ... . tnate 'fend judgment demand. We ate limply doing our utiuoet to liiilke till Haul IMKI. reailahte, ti meet the claims ol correspoudenla and the wiaht-e uf every r ailer. i ." , i &JKXA TUH HASS0M. ' Thia diatinguiahed gentleman writet to the editor of the Wilmington Juuriud, Mat. Engelhard, that he aill canvaaa KoHhnCarVniuTlunu V. H, iSeu ate aJj'-urua. We tejoice in the ann-uju uieul, and bipe to bear "glad tidiuga'' from him from IheScuboad to the Moun taint. He will in tb is campaign bear to the front of battle. Hie Hag of lUroKM, ltan hkmchmknt and KaTRiauTloH with the tiQUe ateady courage and high reaolvr, that auituated aud tuataiued him wheu be led. to yictory Ilia gray coated bo I from the aand bills, and tbe uKiuntaina, fruth the wnrkahopa' and the jUifea, iy those crucial tliuiat in a hich the metal of character waa tried. Jl'DQ &MBKR1M0X AT JSCKS0X A prominent gentleman of thia city in- foitna us that the tpeacb of our candidate for-Governor at Jackaou, Northampton couuty, wat of niaaterly ability. It waa opinion of gentlemen of unusual intelli gence who heard it, that it wat the bet tpeecb tbey had beard since the cloee of the war, whilst tme gentlemf of clever parte placed It among the very beat I speeches to which tbey bad ever listened . Judge Merrimon had an audience of more than average intelligence and made a cap Ual impression. t. . . . , -aea. J10X. TM0MA9 8, ASIIB, In tba burry of going to pn arday there waa an error in the i-pelliiig nf ll.ia iMnll...i, h .. It - I I of thti gentleman's name. It it above printed correctly. DIPLOMACY. J Since the Carliata, alter their- defeat, made th.-ir pcip into France, the Hpan iarda are disponed to take issue with thai kingdom, aad even indulge in the na tional luxury of grumbling and threaten- I ing the cheap practice of belligerent peoplet. It It aaid that Bismarck it at the bottom of it. Prussia It now so strong that It could do a great many things If she so willed, even to getting tip a split be tween kingdoms of the awuc race It ia alleged tint the Pruasi m Minisier it striv log to divide Ihe Lttm race, and hence he ia active in influencing Ainadeua. the I If imr of Koain. tbronah hi. VI,..,. . , v - , . . I Emmanuel, King of Italy, to growl at t ranee in no very araraula mood. II Italy aud-Soaln. both Denoted bv Ihe Latin race, thould uka tid.a against France, ol I (tie aame race, ami uutte in tneu Dobcv i with Prussia, then the Teutonic power I nd liabilities January 1, 1873, $50,510, would be dominant thouyhout the .totttu.-.l?? - em aud middle parts ol Europe. e- i - Out governiiieiita. State and Katitmal, am m4 'only in the hands of wicked, cor rupl men but what ia almost aa bad, they an utterly incapable of discharging the tunc tiontoftbturomi-es. Bet weea i wbat Isstolcfl and the .more ia Qguree that are made our people have a terrible time of it. Taxed ; . .. , , to.lMWaioapQVtbtite waated by corrupt otfl.Mals and leeches, hfy are In t fair way of being ruined for- vef, Kendall, of Penn., hat shown in the Roum of lkirii,ltiira.,-tlitit thew'l'aa4,W'!f,'l,n" finport of aa iateetiiratimr alarming and anaccouutable discreDimci ,. , t . J ' betweea the vutoue reporta made by oer- talo official who ought to have tome knowledge of fixture at well at honeety. We eannot give all bitiflguret a be clew- r - , e uv iui- lowing will answer our purpose in show ing the discrepanciea between the reportt t-of lb Secretary of Treaattry and the Com- mlsaioner of Iuterual Ibtvenue, and be tweea the Register of the Treasure's lie port and the Fifth Auditor's Report ; - iLxceae lommisaioner over Secretary. tl?,0304iiry Exceaa Secretary 'over Regis ter, ,,. J-,,,.,,. , 87,(40,787 Eeeest Commissioner over Kegiater, , , . 81,871,821 Exceaa Register over Audi- --a - S,03,UU Exc Ji S.fBtary over Audi- 1 i-r, ,171.84 815 Eici-r Comiiiisaliitier over ; Auditor, 188,934 774 These diacrAiaticiue would dnurraoe boa ineas utea sol ui the public service. Fur ine noe year ending June 10th, 1804(llwe Bud a discrepance between the ttabmient uf the Filth. Auditor and the Commiaaiea er ol Internal Revenue amnnntingte $31,- 776,438; for the11 year ending June Bill h, liB5, $30,831,5Ji, and for the year end wig Jtjne iioth, istitl, i."ij,ti4,4l(l. Wheatwu tocounti;ig oibceln ol the government can- not come nearer eth other thah bit y-thiee mtllioaa ia their respective eutemente of tbe total of eollcctione made frum inter- nal revenue for one "yeer, h it time to tnt. i pvet tuuietbiog wTuujf., 1 - Tia'If'Ttat'iBii'ilial liWrtf " If lop, plllUd if Ctllrtlil N ButiiH tsPEECH Or HOH. J, M. XCiL nr NilkTII l' A RUUN K. IN IIU UOt'SEf Ktr'iE.tESTjtTIVli 7 arliil. 13, 1-573. fit, having eatahliatied, aa I rooeelre, the paitMHit taken m the outart it j reiiiafka, aaaerting the mat fliiant uaur palhm of piiwer hf the Fieaideiit and I'wijTtea in tlu opireaaia of the Hoatb era .Hi alee and ia the unparalleled eltra va(aBec f eipetiditurra, I m bow to make imI tli piaition ukea that the radical 0 .verwri and kialatarea nf nvt of tba aouibera tt itea have tieea guilty ol the greateet oppression, Kr'-aaiat rurriip tiM), and aioat bundleaa rauictty that any civilized pp m tba fu-eofihe earth were ever emwil with : aid, d, ea K nd lortiU.-d, 1 am torry to any, Io moat of Una aelerioua work, tn Ihegoverimnnl ol .tuc.tlintre it, wboao aok-ma duly it waa under Ike nm atituiiita to protect and preaerve the pr perty and liberty of the citiu-n, inatead ol aaaiatiog to opina na I dewror. In tliia coninction, I begin by e,'toli"g froarvtbeTa, mainly hih KeHihik aa au tbority, laBKUaije llumgh true, yet mure vimpetaliv) than I would venture Ut we in tint llouae. Mr. Onetey, confeieJlt the abU-at and imwl itiftili-ntial K. pulA-an editor- ia the I'uiteil titatea, hiaurll a aiirlhera mail, in tM-aliiuK of the colored people to. conu tlou with the northern adveoturrra, aayt : ,. ,' "III ttui inltsu.uU.M A uut.IjA n..11tb.dl I ei.lraw hiwimnt Ihev have fallen Vii lima i . . ' I to an iiiiaiuoiia honle ol wlvenlurera fnuu the nortlw4H rttalea. whoat robiieriea they lack (be sagacity, and perhaps the imiim t ol reaMoaiuiiity to prevent. . lie alirewd . r and mure- unarrupuluat uf their own people have joined hania with these thieving Carpet-baggem, aiaj the reult,ia feign of crrupiiou and ouoresauw eti tin ly without a parallel ta tba biatory ol4 tne L.nneil nialea. - , Aud, air Mr. Ores-ley migkl hayb a.lj.i wilb equal Initb; that not a lew native bite citizens j,iiud hm-lia. with tluaw tte alluttrd -to; ta thil "Oltil ial iliahouesty aud plunder. ' ! - Mr. larli tbea qu.itea ftom the Mew Yoik TrihuHt, the t'iiK-inaat! OnttlU, Seualur Bchur aud Trumbu1.!, and ltep reaentative Voorbeea, at to tae infamous character of the rvcuottruoted gbvern menta of the South, ahich we ate coa-r-IIi u to omit.- Mir. I do know, this ConaKta knnwa. every inicllieol tbiidtiug usa ia the country knowa, that this jui-stm frautjht witn XKn trenHniloul ioiim cjiiukii-Si that w baiiuthg" ap for Milutioo. cannot be ix poned uicu n lonuer, but must he de cided, either fur weal or for wi, by the merit-in iieople. 1 desire to make one iui-re qaotation. It i Iroin the gieat H,ii ke, wboae pervadiog miud in lit mighty sweep anrnt to have comprehead- vci au lortui ol gnvernmerrt and every phuae of aocietv, for with prophetic vis ion and wood' rlul 6lm-ie ho bat given an illustration of the .govermneiila in the iiiiTIif," in TneTIcloiiiig graphic language : "We know that a swarm n locusts, al though individually despicable, can ren der a country more dcaoiate tbaa Uenglita L migbqLjihiiaa, to iuublirJb,ftidMM n. nan or lamailana. It oat uou AI preaumpiiou oi f naraon lie Uidtiot tttvet bit purpose with lions and tiirers. but he eent locust, lice, mice, lioga and every thing loathsome and coulemptible to pol lute and destroy the country." ' Sir, in further proof, beyond question, of the truth of the foregoing quotations, and ol what I have said; I bow come io eta and nuuree of radical urofliuacv and rapacity in ' the aoutbern stales, Ut se8tcd ,uJ eoaeDtltit f,(m., . r..l... ....1 it. l.:i Virginia. Debit and liabilitiea al the cloaeut the war, 1111,088,144 50; iiebte and liabiltliea lat January, 1873, iS 480. 543 81. AivlA Carolina. Debit end linbilitiit wf the cloee of the war priuvipal, f tf.GUO, S00; inte real, 11,201,818; whole amount, lt),W1.8l6. Debit and liabilities Janu ary 1, 1813, t:t4,8o7,47.85. " te utA Caniltna. Debt and liabHiliea at of the waa, S3.O4O.0OO. Debts and liabilities January , 1872. f;i,lS8, bit 48. Georgia Pebta and liabilities at the close o the war, nominal. Debts and lisbiliU-s June, 1871, ,"0,637..W0. t f loriila. Debit aud, liabilities at tlie cloee ol the war, IJ'.'l.tMW. (Kbts and liabilities January 1, 1873, $15,768,447.- 04, Tenntut. Debts and at the close of th r. t-0,tt),l,08. IKbta and liabili January 1, I8T8, fl.I.eSS.aiia 46, lal-antut. Debt and liabtli.iea at the coy of , waf) W)0:ia,B53 87. Debit ami ilibilitiet January 1, 1973. tit "HI . 889 88. lAUmtna. Pebtt end liabilities at the, c,iiw oi me war, aiu,u, et. imou r ij, on aua iiauintiea at the rlose of the war, nominal. Debt a and ttsbrltvwe-shmmiry t,-trw, fW,S0I,07B.: oi- . .- . JoiiMma -DebU aud liabilitiea at the clone of the war, t ,S,058 87. Debit and liabilities Jauuam 1, 1878, 1:18,883, V87.84. Thlia It will ha IMS th.t th. R......1.1I ca Lgblaturet involved the tea Statea enumerated ia the enormous aggregate debt "'"" 'haa two hundred aud eighty four million dollara. And vet nd paWic work hat been constructed on c- count of Ibete vast eipeodtturre; to tnrat 1 koo nl certainly none in NoitkHar-- jj m imej eailltruuii U( UlUDrJ and even in tbit the republic uertv (as onimitte of tha last General Amblyj baa irauticed upon tlte mate the gronvst traui andjmpoaidon t so that the greater .part of the unxwedt of tbit public robbery "t paaaed into tha bands of the plunder- Z. '"".. .7 people at my state at tins time (financial-' iy; is tne present odious system of collect ing Internal revenue taxes oa tobacco and Injuore. Under the prrpmt law tlie utea id limited meant ire deprived of the pri vilege granted to tlie loammoth disiillet iea ana "whiaVy ritigt'ul the north. I have felt it my duty to endeavor to reme dy thia evil aud injustice by tbu introduc tioo of a bill allowing peraoos of atuall meant, without iucurriug heavy expeutce before beginning, to make reK - aled in the bill' all tax on brandy, tkid vu. si uowu ou w iiisa x io niiy sputa m g tl:oa. This is a matter ol great impir tance t0 tbe people OtVmy sttte. ihe enormoua ux on tobacco it most anjust I have endeavored, in eo-operatioa witb Irieuda, to get it reduced Io a uniform tax of aixtuew cents a pound, wad the cntioua are that this reduclloo, or at least a rvducuoa to twenty cents uiloria tajt, ill p usa. I am fully eaueued that by such tvvlucttoa 1 oa i whiskey and tobacco the government would realixe e larger reveuua tiiaa at the pwaent- vxhorbuaiit ratee. It is a matjer of eutpriae that tbe adininistratiop ehouiU'have Wunderwl on so many iuellicient and dishonest. jitfWffl iulUe lou'ru.d revalue. arvwf - and fust cause of giimlcOnip,aint ia louod iu the oppie-oiou, as well aa the dishonesty ol colluctora, assessors nd their numerous tubordioatea. To tay nothing of the illegal exactions and tvrannv Tt 'moat of tbe tsaeort ,ln my Bute, I have bfur. tae an exreotive doc.omtJt from f rcretaiy hVlt Welti showing that op tn ueremner 1870, the defah-atiowa of cmllertore in North (Carolina waa ;,4).iS 18. wbirtt anieamt asw John Uaae. ex rolhr- JUtll4!tJ terta Ihe umof int.tiat M r And-I tba loaoy a illi. ua they isdlieal f l lot pe.ito that thia rt.-lumeut (X liihita. eotwe of the4 rflaU"ua U ap at Jiinh aa $731,000 And on in vi-atlgatioa it will Itefouml the boodatiiee ol Uw biimI of the.villainnu detaultera aie men of alraw. And thus the people'f nosey, give. . !: is.k, sir, at the outrageous m'snilean.i tvrannoua abuse ol th aarml riglila ol I ihe people by Biany ol the liovernors 1 1 trie .x.umern niaiea. alio, wun lew eaeep I hum. owe tlnir pW-ft-rtaeBt to i-llW, bi to Ihe power of the ballot but to the force f the bayonet, and Bioat or wnm. although poor whea mauguiaie.l. have yrowa rich, aad have been the leadera, in the rltalca of which Ibey were the Eiecu livea, in otipiewiion,extrlioh. and plus der. 8ir, I propose tn paat them in review l. hue lite people. 11 ore cm. a tioni , of SruTltr l.aiolHia, liil maa uiipeacli, and depiajed from otlkat for high Crimea, and by the votes of a auiu ber "I Si nators of hit own, at well t thote of the Democratic party,' N. it i cot t, of tuth Carolina, iiuieacliid by his own piriy, but by Irau.l ami bilben avoided WMivictioB. Mext ctaui, and r.iol,l,v nSsm'S low arils I' that arrli villain liullock, ol Qeotgia, who, to eacaiie impenchmnnt and certaia conviction lot hie pcculationt and enormoua frauds upon her people, fled from the state be liwi to mcrcileasty plundered. Mexl, Keed.of r Ida, ImiKJaclicd by the Itgialalufe : the Inan who has time and again relUMid to deliver on r. uulsition of the present, Uov i-ruorol my Mete, into the hauda of jus lice that prince of scoundrels, the nolo rioiu Ijilu-uVId, who b e' swindled North Corolina out ol inilliocs of d.-llaia. Next, ( lay ton, ol Arkaiisiw, now L'nitei.' Mates fa nutor, w ho la under grave cbargea ol election frauds. Tnen comet Waiiiiotii, of bouisl.iua, litgariied by both p in lea aa lieing a- political trickWr. mid nni-nlv charged by tlie Irii-nds of the Aduiiuia Iraik.n ihoiigba atrong It, publican as being acousumiiiate rasi al. Laxtly, Davir, of lViaa, who is under indiciim-ut for Iraullulcnt couduct in the lt election anil lor Issuing fraudulent certificates of elec tion. Sir, when aud where Ixloieiu the biatory of governmeuta were a civilized ieople ever subject to tuch upprea-ion ami plunder, or cursed with sucji rglera I You wH search in viu to tind a patallel. Mr. HiH-aker, I bare spoken for my con atitueota and in defense and iu behalf of my State, at I think an independent Kep reeentative ought to sfieak. I have apo ken the truth. 1 submit what I have said tr the calm judgment and decMon of the people of Monti Carolina ; a people w ho Hit Jumltiat w 110, BT. rtmw-WBeA crdenta and record, lor many years paat : whom I have endeavored to serve with tidelity, and whoae prosperity and hnppi uesel have always nought Io promote. Aud 1 liuat that North t arolina, mitwilti tiaudlng aba hat b, en moet grievously wronged aud nppruned, will shake oil ber apathy, cram .to repine over the paat, limh the voice uf taction, nnite the true men of all pRl-IIca, in rebuking ami displaiinir ftLiu puwer, l,hoae,who h hrafuewitt to villi I y, dei'iade and oppress her and catching inipiration Iroui her past history ana glory, rise in her might bio majesty, aid with united effort restore aud ra ce tablUh ber former g ream ess and prtmperi- nm-carr oe. mim uy riiat atrenr out potent weapon, the baJlatr" : "A weapon tlutcomea Jown as still Aa auoa a ifcea fall upon the sod j But exceuits a fretukun s w-U, At ligbtutng d.ies Uie will of God !" N For the 8,!iitlueL ; RALiton, K. O. May 8S, 1873. Mkbsrb Eorrohe;My niima hat tieen suogealed in the public presa, and I have also received many pcraoual applications. to allow lit use belore the Couveution to meet in tint City on the 8th pr..i , to nominate a candidate J'or Ciogress tn.iu thia District in the next House of H. pre aentativea, of tha-Uuiied Statea. While duly gratified lor Ihit manifestation of coiiti.leiico by my friends, I muat reapei't tully decline the u-as of my mime for that purpose. I do to the more cheerfully be cause of the decided majority our political Irieuda have in thia District, aud because there are still several worthy gentlemen who are spoken of lor this high honor. My only iuu-tvst iu tbeaubji-ct will be to secure eutue Uarmony among tru uds, and etlicieiit orguiiizitiou in imr ranks aa will leave no doubt of the aucceaa whicb our cause so eminently deserves. Verye-pc-ctlully, yours Ac., -1 - D. M HAKIUNGEIC I , FOREIGN GOSSIP. England baa borrowed the idea of the American palace bare, and la elated there at. The Prussian Minister of war has issued a decree for the organization of a military corpt pi aeronaut a. v The q ieation of compulsory education it again the subnet of debate in the vari out prortuciul aasembltje in France. ,Aiy numb.'t.,ul.liuiiks. hiv,.,.l-a.,..piiU-. isinea m uermanv found on tue r mnco- Prussian war, wd bow a crop of plays uaa eommencca, r: . . . The Italian coral fishery b s beeu sue awful this season, the total value of the yield being about, 8,0uO,0O franca. The Q.ieen of Uullaud la verv- litererv io oeriamraana oaciiaexpeumng two- thirds ol nur income in thn direction. Europe ia supp ere to enntaia 8O0.W0'. 000 people.- One huudriid yt&it aguL thu eaumata waa out u,tw,ouu. The Rigb Hon. E.rl Spncer, Lieu tenkn t hf T rVIiiri (t," eh i . t t be" Lord touijaalsry of 20,000 per aunuui, Vr f 100,000. - It UI the nillicV of Hill) nreanol. an ment of France to mnkir Ttm-cn the prin cipal mutuary pon oi me country. The ignorance of the French neaaanln ia said to be unparalelled in the civilind world. Not oae in a hundred rata reed or write. . The catalogue of the new University Library Of Strasbourg embraces one hun dred and seventy-thu-e thousand volumes. Aa International Exhibition of oil paint- J i .,ra will tuba ,..m na..t . i O...I. 'I . ., . - , , uwmt 1M tU OOllia, under the auspices id the.Crowa-Princees Victoria, s i Annonncement rs made la 'the Londna papers of the deaib of the- Mnrquie ot Camden, which Usk place at Eaton Sqiiare. la consequence of an apoplectic fit. 1 Hn lordship was only thirty-two y ean of age. ' ' . Marshal Bizaiue it not sot to be grati fied by beviug hit n quest for court mar lial cited in the order for holding it; neither will he the advantage of Mailre Alton's AdVaoe baeav-Wi-aos. -V :-. - ;- Tlieeite oa wba-h the buildinK W the Vienna Exiiibi'ioa of 1873 will be erec ted it tix timet larger tbaa that oa which the exhibition p dare waa constructed in 1807. - . '.,:,.,.:...: Lord Mayu't colleagues ia Disraeli,' ad ministration of I Mi, have, addressed lu Lord Mayo a joiui mea-age of condolence which They awy they ott.v at a tribute. of heart felt tympathy. " , At a reout,CoA vocation of the Uuiver tity of Oxford, 1 deputatina waa appoint ed to wait on the Secretaryiof War in ref, erence to the pmepueal tor making Oi-lordamilitarj'ccnire. W B 6 O I 8 . "MABEL, LEI, 1 KOVIL By the author of 1 VALERIC AILMEK"," 7 MOKTOS UOl?B, AO Cloth It $0, lpar eoWrt If 00, "BALTKlt WITft flBf , , A 11 v 1 la aWff, A IT A ir t ' 7 -1 U. LaOKASUl, Cloth It 00. "THS MORTB D ABTHCR," -, i. fc Its Intueeea ee the Spirit and MaaAera of tin M1NKTKCMTU CKNTURt.. . ' ' Paper oer, 3Acta. " r The atiore books ana the ir.4ueUoa of three itilh-ruui lauU-s of North Carolina, and K Is hopeil that 8uie prt.le will awaril Uiem a libe ral and guuerous support. - ' Beul by mail live ol postage. (Tor sale at the Book MloTa of ALFRED WJ-M.IAM apr-tf. MABKI. I liisti .VMK A NH.W NltVI, liisiiaa held, author or Vaine Aylntea. Moruiu nou-ie,.ele. iwip. r editsou 1 IS, etoih l.uu. tfeut by wall on receipt of priee. . J AH." II iNM.-B, ajfL, apriT lf N C. Hook t-lore. JA.N.NtD. may V If Klillt AND V KtikCitlLtA. w c ai Ro AtiiaCo. ILOURt T LWRIFLUt'K rti 40 Wilt, rami!) JTIoar, 100 " txlra do. may 4 If LEACH BKO'8. 1 nan mm FOB , DemtK-raU and ('oiiaerratlTe. -a Bpukf -lVff fefr f i'tmp f t- Jolm Bpehnan, ICditor, RALEIGH, Nv Ct On or about Wednesday the Sid tint., will be Issued the tirat number ol ihe Pei)itti Campaign Paju-r, bearijig ihe abuea nayia.-, I, - 1m -iasiied tlesJtly till tlie close of the August elections. TkiiMa. Single copies, .25 Clubs ol five and upwards, toiww aJ- a B ttihf Pvuxltr" will heartily and vigorously support the nomineea of the Ureeusboro' Couveution and expose and dewonnce, unrelentingly, Radical rascality tod abuses. It will be larger than, bat much upon the plan of the " LittU Ad der," m aucceaslully conducted by the undersigned during the memorable cam paign ol 18IH); and will occasionally conj tain appropriate lllustrul ionf. . --r-- A puper fearlesa in ita ciiunie, end attain able by reauain iif ita extremly low price, is much needed by the Beat maaa ol the ieople aud cannot fail to aid in arousing them to the deplorable condition to which we are all reduced by Radical villainy aud mis rule. , The subscriber calls ujion tbe active, leading men ,or the State to aid him in reaching the popular mind by giving to Ibis paper the widest circula tion. A alighV effort on the part of each of such nice in the several countlee of the State will tecum at once a circulation ol thirty thoumnd copies A hich will be tbe means ol laying important htcls quid figures ocioie one io iwo tiunurmt mou.-aiid readers weekly. The eflectof thia' need not be dwelt upon. To achieve such a leeult turelyis worthy a little effort. Shall It not be uia.Tc I- Scud in the liota of tub scriptioua. Alrundy ihey come in cluba of lens, and hundreds. The cash must iu all easi-a act-outpany the order. A ltante.1 Hu'mifr of Select advertise ments will lie inserted, by urgent request, at 1.5(1 IH.-I' inch for the drat and secant v- money u.Uat also accoiupatiy tu- advertlse ineuta, . Addreas, ..' JXO. SPELMAN, ' ' V , ' Editor A PmpVietor,' - . v Raleigh, N. C. I tt7T uur bretlb-ren of the prese will ada to our okli-iatHtus-bv trtrmg thei aoove a- n w in-ef i i..i,s and such notice at they tiunk the euierpiiae mcntt, and alto oy cAU-uamg w. u tbe Javor ol an r- change. 1 1 f A-v 1 1 r,Ai- Nt 8 a no TO t J-W PER" t mjutU ser - here. Mate and . . m-1. wtronwer -mAemone rm, roved ai K- ,j,m fT.,,.x. a.waiw.ffi. im,;a am Will -i t u. a (a. let ,sue, bind. iMwid, ore ijtiot, and tniwoifcr ui a suoal unuaHir mama i rr wii .a,er snmol anil sra rauleti lur Ave .car.. Mr. win ua. aiuuo lor an,' -ii i U uo, uin vinos or iow. inat will sew ron'i", ui.,e uauulul ur Hsimelatlc earn th.iu ours, n wakv- ih. ki.iTi,: i-c a, i 1 1 Oil. Every ee ni l atiu-b ran t-a eut, ami aob luee.otn ea ai, ua nulled aoaet wuaai aruia it W x.. jidunu aus, ... li uioi, aid . ; pa.i-es. Or a coinutia-m-.m tioui a hi. ii -laic i.i. t uuouut eaH be taatt t or c.n auu tei ma. ae.piv to or auUiaaa, B. MaKSHAI-L Avu. lu-: haaaav mvaxar, - v Am tort. t-aCTiow Iki not be hnooscii tl i -. n hv tl..r p-jiiiea linveioo; Uirvii-U ihe i-ountrv IsuniMM oa wuitiiier eoei iiuu aiachina under theiaie i.u.e orothe-rwiM.. iw i. the ouly vcnuiye aud tuuin ehiau machlua uianuietuied . " M it . r. IV tin, . "pUXAlX ttlluM iT ,?AI coCEitJI. t ha ve owned a Flo-jrinc Mueiitn uk. w Ihis Uty and (ireuied w eteam until a, iioilera, Baw Mills. IA mut u.iu . eulr Saws, ktactuuery ut general aul buud aew ouea. Have also on baud a tweuiy burse power steam foruhle, will aeu u with .r'Wtlbool Haw till! It .... i.- . ... . - , v.. mt .bum tJt eoa . Sounds. Stiu' n-Daiied aiayi-OwAswcf haleib, N a AkoliUiUS holler . tn ne anderthriied harm iin.lifl.A. .-,. lorow Um estate ol John barns d)wsio.l rretiy ars ssts to ail i.,.,,,, ,.t. ..ti- , . said astata to mike UaaioUiate pavaieac, aad persons b .viun cianua aau.-i aaid asiate, ll fc.ui ihe name duly autlieulb ated wnhiw mtf ttiiw.preseiioed l, a ,,r ,!, BoU(.0 ( , W iTt.d Ih bar jf tn,lr h-eove y iS-Mtt M. HAKRIH, may 38 Wwt ,8 , , kir JO tt" A L X . . C. Family Fl nr and beat wblU Meat v msy Sttt W. H. J0SS Co. r EEPAItlT, inCHS A, Co , Maaafael of and dealer to Machlnciy & Plows. Mela IikIim. Sav lilla,ririi litkiat - rjf, Iff I(Plffa, ' M BRASS ANI IRON CASTINGS OF ALL .-.''. ' .' -DESCRIPTIONS, MADE TO ORDER. ' Would call the atUntina of the public to their ..- - . r 7" WROCGHT COTTON SpREWS ; all tUet and hmtlts, for hand or power. Alto, to their CroeeU's Patent , iron rsseifW,- something aew, eoon, and oaaap. Also, to oer sew pattere, Improv d BUNNY SOIJTII COTTON- PLOW,- endoubtelly the moat popular and chat pest good coUoa anil cultivaUnn plow made. Parlies bearding any kind of t'ttatlngi for ninet, Mllla, and other Machinery, ov RepaMarof any kind promptly aaeeaied, would do well to give ua their ortlera. j apr ItHu. I rOLAHSKS A Mil PINK SYKUPd. J.I bhla 8. II. Molasses, It) I luicea Slllids. " - Nrw Crop Cuba. A bbla. MusiovaUa. - ' & " New i.rliuns. 8 " Silver Dripa. v . I.KACII Bltfill., aprll-tf - . , Urtt. era. if TUB LA DIE: I would respectfully ash ths attentloa if U laebaeof thta Iowa and Stateto my LAK0K STOCK OF MILLlNEliY, v . LADIES' fAhoy f ut&isii tug- vm&-4, re.7Tetc. To dealers ia tha couutry aud also to MUliuaia I have to sa ,that I can furnish tUera trimmed as well as unuhnuied . Cioode aa C'licnp aa Uutv eaa Iwy.tha saaea las aay aoataia iurkOity. All 1 ask Is a trtaL MILS. (ETTINCiEU willatteadto the retail Millinery brauch as aiual. Onr place of bulness to still at Ne, , 48 raj e tie Hie SI reel, with the ouly change It being ou the FIRST FLOOR ISAAC CKfTINGKR. Instead of ep stairs. . aprVSm. .... TplCOlRAOK UOMI I.XeTITiriO.XS 1 SKCLRTTT AGAINST FIRE I . r'jto. NOBTTJ CalBOLXN A home mmzi mm RALEI4.1I, N. C. Ar- Thlal)m tiailV. WAST M,BF Ik nl.w , , ,m third year of lu exiateuiiH, oonUnaea to urlle rblldea, tt fair rales. Ou all ehuaea of nan, able property. All Losses are promptly adjusted and bald. The ' liOMK " la raoklla irn..llu In i,Ll.n. lavor, and appeals, with euurideuev, tu uiaur ers of properly ia North Carolina. auents in ALt pasts of h stats v tt . " ' i , t iea i r'iii.kio, R. H. SATTLK, Jr., Paaatoan. tt 8EATOS OALK8. Sac., "'.'.-. PULAsKl covVKEit, eunaviaoa. W. a MUKDOCU.Aaa t.Bau tepttl-U faueffa now ailrertislnr fortl, nil, wtit pleaae subaUlula Uua for the advertMemesU aheady In them OLASSKS AND SYRUPS. u.i)iiim,M,BhlAJftJ 30 Tierces Molsssea, Bhda. ' do. . " may tf v . leach bro's. g " T I O T A T U M U X SWEET POTATOES 1 1 f150 Snt. eVeet Po la toei I u.t received. r tn ix-ii t, l aiMOiVACll E 111 O. 0 R N URAL Bus bolted Mosl. ' wprionf . T eTROSACH BRtt" 2 AAA CORHS t)F OAK WOOD FOR VfUyJ Sale deUramd eitoaai. -uwMw-eirw the line of tha N. U. K- U-, only mltea from the elty. - , - ' X tt 8. T. 8TR0S ACH A BKO W t; tft HERBIN08. 88 Bhla liut fM'ns apr . r. bTRONACR ft RO It 1 BBLS. IR18B POTATOES FOR riant- tag tnd table, Inat received. aprlS tf ' 150 BBLi 0F ,""UB FROM FINE to -Family. Just received. - ,: .-n:. lf 18- W. C. STROM ACH Co. 1 i.,i - , I a terta t. W. C. BTRONAOH A Co7 I snay tf " wTcrBTRoN H UCOEICE IvIASS STICK, ITALIAN, SPANISH, CREEK, TURKEY AND SIClU FOR SALE BV" J HI3NRY MI MORRIS, Importer and Agent for thq U.S. and Canada, ,( - No, 73 Water atrewt, tind 19 Old 8Pi KKW CURTTFICATES ftom tlie hailing WanufuWErii ia Yiririuis, Korth rarolna, Eaut' AIMiaaun, Indiana, llllinsj K. Warranted Superior AsAirftit for IT if ur BPih i t at , l eew rioe,, a),, . ' L 1 A iN O JAMWPIRfVKrtan,,., tlH-o. ir llal Mle, -"Ji letla-k f Um.s -rtirk pd "SOstaa,; Vi. K.KAT L' MON uispi Cv1??., .'"-. V. i A to Whleh Uie, Invite .tUa,u,i ' bij? ' cwaonrcos of ifet. e.,011.,,, o. ' '" ' A,. I'ilieta let iHO Llu-I Pc.. ' oilier la. I iv. y ... "i-. "-a t a araek i. I muJ "oier nrsl etaM au.t.1 . . "''iWta llu..tit,l1rehlt "n'L 'M.aal tj - rianos ta-rort oBrehiuauu u.7.T aeiiu for ciri'ulsr to i "- r. Ual(llllSw,.u;t Wat. t. uaavaa, W. T. Law "CUU Graves Warehouse, ;7DAiiVttu, vaj ' "T6i"ii"liB TTrit Have w ' " V A ihoa' .Ll"i.,.. T'V"" to sL beaiarrS.uf.-d houL, W Tl ZnZ5f i owu. v. iui iu laiye doors aud iu J. 7 agunt hwkad up a, Utu reUoasa i r .j miiiwiiuiKi, uooa ruouu, ' to Uis iniereat aud -T'C ""Uw utairtraiua. ... "wfta " .Oct 1-41 jf -- . . KkkM r-H.JU.ks U Kens ft retailing parpi parpoaea w.u.m'RHAt:B ic. , tit) w u ; . . - - v Ory.clor vea Paaaix laauactrh, " Ko. IWB,anwaV,".CV oraocaiwiu, rrealilent I ncliscsir Bauaix, Vii PrldeL failjisoaa Macw, Srerturv. 1 Mm It t:aowai.L, Marine eaereiary iW W. AH-t ftmtr An. ty, liaea HiaiW. are h...... t..'.. that the I'laiila lmiuiM ,.., 'TT " I will May ALL, her la,. . V V-hwt her afu'J 2.! .me I Uer NK . .HVII . .... --- l lowgt 1 Lore, etc., ad lusted bat aot due, '8''i4 Oct, .lei, 18.1, - . . : nai. Cbk-siro losses will not r xeewt, ill1'Si'8!'H auyaveut, . . . . tarn Aad we ai firmly of tlie opislua WiU"p toae will uol exeeed luinti 11-- ,",,iierK4HHISUlV,at lk, ly to-day aouudanda veL,'," 1 an i nr iiiMsea ai tiueaKO out i t Its net aii.i; -sujuaura nave twaili.iauiw,. wtUle all losaea and ir II..- i.yu . T " We congratulate our atron sad 'rJii. on our good fortune. " 8IKPUEM-Ktil!,L "'Atf pr.?- hwliit la. la is av viuJfATER VVIIEEL MillGearintShalinSPijl!eL'3 iL6END FCRACIRCUlABjfc: . Jai.IH.IN71. II : Just tecelred a hit of the aw patent Vote lest lionl n.sU t Ol different ami imna, from Ml o 40 eenu eaeB Ihev ant. m no se wuea uiey tall aud are aot easily taut, tor sals at ? A. mt? , . mariil-tf, ' . Hoot Wert, . Tho Tribune. . AWKEKL.T 1LL0MTRATKD CtK palKO l afier, of ttie alaive liile, villai edited and uhil'-he4 by the e. detainiwil, w aud af t-r Ihe 2d Tuo.j!ay in May usii, u Mr port ol Iba. jLilieral Republieaa ami Km vative cause o( the Stale, and ol Uw wink couutry The 7Yica will advocstt kesuiia and heforw ; the tine-Terra tPraeidsoiUit principle, and all the Important subject bc- lojore aanouoeea ia wi o ui-vunaa, ns: i w , vernal Aniuealy Public bchooi Ifuuiat. keaumpuoa ol specie Pa ments aa at a? t'ongrti s rvcotnrizing oar Homestead Lis ths Atjttim Zf tlte atuit Inlrnul Km .-ysfna ike lumtUu ol, the hattonal W it 4 per eent. lous: bonds the greatest po sis pr MreUia againat tmwopaiUia ,arVS is my iu every deputraeui ol the stale sad tion l guvemmeuta--couipU.ts Kefona of us Punllc tierviee, In all brsucbes, boiiietalsail National, and lha eleieuuii of nutie trntawa and capable men tu otli.-e--tlie eqniutiireiss', prouikaa nf ihe old deht of the Bis e, - tM " lire repudutlou of U miw Uis OfiiUii xailoa ol a (.'ononis le, Ui be isoU fri. lis Mate Treasury, in aid i f Imn u;rslie uouii romlslna ho.uii y to all Beerel fiiuikd ornaa islioiis of wha nur usmeurclwiew tbe diririon o' tbe Siaie Into two Jiutu DisHcIs, e . aie . a c II T, ttsw i.t pis aU thieving t arpekain( leata ta quit (Ii thing of a trouJ charseuir tlisUa is-r lu. tna euluiniia of Tht 'Inborn, edilort- ally or ouvcrwlte, that nannot bo saUUstatf . proved by xfither recorded or Ui big endssss t ne canvass wui eonuiioe six noiiuia. Jritmm will be pubUsued at tns loUotaf, cheap rates : . , or single eoptet, ULt'B RATES: A , For ten eopli s. - " Filleen eofdctv ' Twauly - ' ! Fun - - - rim " i " bev, nta-lve copies, ' l)i hundred '- Invariahlv euM as a It ia eonlidentlv expecurd that M, "I4" .III UflHIWreHKU 1ST, 1, 1 . .- - ' I . uions. in foat Uice Orlrsurni Kft,""1" !lt , , ... . U..KA.OuirSll,r i 1 ,ii- iratiitKg nor teuashasSw sapsil. -. - - ;i Ine ?Viiir w he Kiwerpfssad as at A vt.aK niwium. hjj bU&, ; Sxinerai, H, C apr 1 ii .April Sth. I1!': A BSt BbAJR'S BOAR DIN a HOUii , BWe.fc.Tt located IAferelf.Cf5 Of HanruU and Salisbury street, " N graletul for paminaaw. Punmnt wWiiai. boai d, who prefer to furnish their osb sJ be accommodated. lahUi beardtra ally deeirja. : i aprS-li. . . JgEEF HAMS ASD TOS0CE8, . Smoked-Broiling 8f, - Feltoa Market FIVE HDN11KE1I THilAVn Heminrs, f.- sale at J.n,v,l W f tnonaai rt. by d A . U- apr I n lm TORK. , Kew Tort, Slid Canails. PcJ-wtLered Lieoiica i,. i,. imMH.ii.mi of L niritt as ,1 tie i i 'MM, Wai II JtltTT tnl aH' li.un.lWie do. " marZT-encltaa. A, ' . ,. biitafu-