.Poetry. -i ' From ti.e H nj. BCNakT MLflNOS. . - - ,-,,,,, , Hi mauu i Lots of mine, tile day t done, "j "" Ad the long bright, fcummnr day' So the WuNt 1h ' d Mt Biuka iu.tti.rpMSloudBAway, Naiure fia,u,i, calm r.i-oaa. . Not a x pity r yocka UM rosa, ' ' Not a f if) 1-it.tt lue tide, '.' And Uia hi it bust thatgUd . ' ).nly afowa iu stream. Fin USAeUadoWa ia a dreanv ' -frutuua utoverhig I. at m stirf"-- ' Bee and baUerdv and bird, ' , ' . f-iltateak-ep. Above, around, Hangse Biiliea eo profound ' That eplrtt ewe-strer eiuritriuk. Aa of Aden date it think', : Half .Nruwt here to see, . Th d.ieoidiur lleity. Love of nilnV, nen life's Iain mtiJ 1 aim milt (slowly goes, , it tore; wmrj J uniey run, ' t ailed roonir uf jot a and vara, ! May hew tali, kola im; " lftliiftH up ti wing, a tullB 1 our h arts, hu ti k.'lug trl ' -'. " Here ii-h gra-f bas art iu seal '." May B .ll.lli.mn.fi a Uiia, . . ; rp our mjuIs la ptmwi hlua,''' , I 1 111 Ui worry end (he stride, ft lliw lever, we rail life, i With it pain and passion tew, And we re t iii.trfrt im- v Love of mine, duty w, Wbultl, Lden'a vKiUul . Aadur last I, elk li. away by us, In ii "uuui of day I" , Jaw I t, ieMi .. .. 'ft , W. ti.ii ' i mn BUUUtL ntOCKEDIStJrttiF THE JiylUU CAR OUXA AGHU LXTl'RAL AXD IS- . Dl'STRIAL l-VMVFRTION. . , IUliiub, X. f Jut. 1 i, A. I. iSTl. TEMf.Jll.lKt OBttAMfZATW. ' (ondTJKCEO.) Pridijr MoroiiiK, JU 1 g o 'click-, f Thi ctittveniiufl mot purouiuit to J joumiutnt, II. m. D. M. Ufringi- ia lite cnsir, i Mr. Nfrwoo rtnewfd bin rv.ammt In Ctviir n( Hie rotsula.iuua inlmJinnl Ljr liim u rl nigufc , , . , . "' A diwiiteiiin roe iiLi( u prti.i ptfd io bj Min llerk, Wwiflfin,. J. B. Brnilh, W. A. Htttnpiirm ni Pruf. Kerr, whn Col. k (.fl.n.J On! following ui u.itut li.r Mr. Ninwood' rrwliitiuu, . Which Wat tdtiptrd : , . tlftwTllPTC fH 1U. JiKh WOOIl's HM l.l flIK 11 rl. HKCft, Kt fieri, Ttiat ttie ihlature of North Crolii b ri)U-.. t -ttroct ihf tUte lieolopist 1 orpmim.. dnarlit Dill of tgriTOlture In ronnwti'Hi whh his fre-H-nt tli., and tiikt til TPKolttiioB whicti . Ii.(un in p:l.in( gr ultur in thf liol be rf f. in) tnm roiimiiili nl Ih e to report to tb of m biei'ting of thit ci.B 8KH. W. K, CVX' BgH.RTIOK. ' G n. W. R. On fnlrodured llm follow ing nwilminn w ii i h m ilopli-d ; ' i itewvn, Tlit live wtiitemci wllli ' ilrj to utrute th Psliil.l! Iiimnt by in ternal ii.ntl co njH-rnlMB of ''a g(n. riil and nsteoiaiic pUu of 1 uli jf ra(,ljK: ileteoro li'Ki l obwrvatiorn kud crop Rporu" in oidiv to rrialjle tli i.f;rii-ulluBt to ollin Hit full twmlit oflii lUr, nJ thtt w ... r trust ti' Oiiutfl GuvtriiuieBt will . uih nwipcrmtMiB in I tie innttrr M nmj criirc tlie olrt nhk'b U otiglit, . 7it'rfti, Thst epT f tliin rewilution i wnt to out f. pNiMttBtH-on ia t'onfpvta with tlit rtiit tht it b brnoplit hi the n.itice of Uia pmjwi dcputiueuta of the ' gnvernmrati ; i tU AKRWirH' HMOLtSTUlK O THAKIU TO THK ttX lKTY Of miKMtW AMO TO ...-...r- . j.i(ir:"..'-t.' - Qcd. BnninfTer ofliid .the 'following - molutlon tthirh M unnim'bly mdupt i! '''" ' " ' XtsoUt'l, Tlikt tlie Hunk of thin Coo - irfntirn urn due mi ire fndcrrd to thr Hci(!iy ot Fi it'll di in .lidlitmore fur "the nimld f.illll'' ko piUM'emiullr eatjih l heil tiiKlor thiir ffJ(iioi, in Uulltoid t.ounly in thin Httl.tliat we iliire to ri ; prrH ,vtir grntiiful x kiiowlrdnnientu to ' W. A. ttemimoB, their inrftlH;ent luprrio .. ti'dtletit, fur lli (irBCtlcnl iiiliinnnliun he hu coinniuiilckiud to tbii Cunvi-ntinn, ou the ll isiporiHit thi'tof Agi-iculturkl improvnint in North fkrolin. Prot Kair, fir the eommittee on Ball road trknnoortiitiiin mn.ie report which wm rfd nd rTie(i. j , i N. W. Woodfln, cbklrmaD for ctnituit ti oa alicp and dK, utmiittd a mport which wu rtiyl ai.d rcti'ivc.i; EPotiT on t:rj) mtciMHii f. ; CapL Ttiifit'n for tht comuiittee on 'Fence rabmiUed a revised n purt, which. 4 after iodm dincuwiioD, wm rctcrrvif back to Uie eonioiiltcn In rrport at the next oiMting of the t'omretitiiin. Uu million, tht Prrtidenl wan inatruct ed to apMint two lielcpatc to attend the Agricultural CoiifrxiM at Vliin(;too, U. C.t aim two alu niHica. i On motion, th Ciniu'iitiuo adjuurned 1 uulilD o'clock, p, m, , i.. R A 1 t U 0 A D S . , I .LlfK I.vATRAN( E.' ? 'ILMISTON WELUON S, M. Ornca C,In. wft'u BiVt. , Wujuwtnw.W.C. MajrT, ISA ll; PHANOE OF rX-HEDCLK. I" N n4 afuir MOHOan, ttiewh linuuil, tral. d'U.u road Hi leave Vidunvxu, ai il. IA a. rl an V 4f . m.. and arrivt at cldoi. .; a. a. and H.tw u. ia, luwrn W id I LUUU a. ui. and 1M i. lit. : arrivi- al n iIuiuiie iin at 4.0U a. m. and 46 ji. lu. il toe day krauu j 1)1 aotrun on Buiida. ' ' Aa aco.Diimxiauoli and frelk'tit train will kare V,i,mmUm W M a. . daily, (Bumla) fijLinia. i mkiiMC cmm euuwMMUwa at vuiua Uoro lor KaJtiiL-a. KutuniiuK. I , floldj.trtro' at 00 a. av, abd arrive at MiittaiiiKlou A li p. an. Tl day trauw Umva H liiniitiou tt.lS a. at., and Aida Hi w a. ia-, ouuaact (dimly witk IarOoro' braiwlt Icaui. yiUi uaaMeioc'-r uiuim THK mio.m upb kmviiM( KUuilKKlou and WtdiiMu ua Mtiuittya, I n tttlut'JMlaya aiul t ruiaya, aiao vouueck lMal, vim Uie larbwru' vraucn bun, a U fKKMONT, laaalltf Jto. A duoL w ii.MiNI10J tiukt'ti tAltoLl.NA LI 1M0 INSliHANCE CO OF THK i tlml TTW Of ilkBM A. PaiLitxi rau, Pa. Uatrtarai t laaarlal Art af fexraat, lam. ' Casli Capital, $1.089 000. ANSl'AI, 8 TATKMENT. . JAMt'AKT I, IHT'4. I 711 KM !i'J LSUIUNCE CO. OiriCERo: BOB'T H. t'OWAN, Prwddnrt?- JOli M W A I K I Nl-OM, Viue f naldeat K. H. CAMbhilN, th-crauiy. .' lr. k, A A?"iJtiiSU, MedJcaVDiiwtor. Rcel.ta fliatlllreWtv&U Tiifrf!av.in Nitttlaah AaarU dur iiu tbA rear. w,ia aa ( ash In Bank and Tru.t Com oai... m.tmw flovaniuiuoL ktala nod Muuiii- pal Jkwria BtS.OOO 00 Irfiatte 'aeruml by Firat kiorl' aar oa K. KUM frn.nw n trtKd and Unpaid freuuuiiia 11 41 Aucrucd Jolaiml ,! w Total Awta January t, 1TO, $i,l.,.U 34 iLUBILITE. I I Total auuiuut raqulrad UiauMy I luaure all ouinianiluif( rirka, f 1,1.011 wi Loaiasa ivpirUMl butiioldue... Iki.tW W PIRECTOK8: J. W. ATXinaoa, Geurl Innnranca Atf'nt 1. B. (iaaiKukH. riaud lit Haiik of New Haaovnr. r. W. K laoHMP. Oruuer aud Cominl.oo Man bank ; t;. M. M-ratiHta, of Wribt A 8 adman. T H boy. of W. A. biudtrad 4 Co. , firsueyuM.. ' . , m. 4ii, rreawi-oi. 11. o. a.o.aaa( toNimiNHifm rafficiiafii. A. A. W IM.UHU. ul Yi l.lUrd brt.Uii ra. V. A. t.i!MMi)ii,,of Norihrop A t. unniilitc 1. W. Hwu , of Wiiliauia Alur.lu aun. ....... ku M iaHiV, of R. Mnrray A Co, A. J 'llli..r.TT. of 1. li'.wtt Al To. kuar. Hmu, of iaK feet Hen aiiia . Let. Bi'Kt'KT, tirllUb Vmtoa.nl, of dl'nutt A tlmaiitt. r. mmrni. auorner at i.w. j. U Uill.mj. ot 1. l. WilUjoia A Co.. aayuiuiTioM . ' .' a. v- alcana, Alt y at Lav, raTeUerlll J. b. aaicr, Mrrciuuv, aenaiiiiViue. . i. fuva, Atcrutuuit, Luuilwrtoa. SCECIAL FEATl"RS and advan- let. Mo reatrlt-tloa 00 iUaldnutia or Trarat 1 lid. S axtra char- on Ui Hraa at fautalK . . . -. t Si. Pollclea Ineonteetible after Five tear. 4tli. The rail's of Intorwt on the FunJa of the CompMiy bi;hr tbaa ttioni on the r nude i of iMmtfMuoue iiM'Awa 10 otowr auuni, uiae ui aunnf targfj uivioeuoe ui roiivy uoiatva. 5U. Tlie Dlrix-Uirt and llffliera of UieCoiaV aajr are i)ruunnu MOH'l M OArtuUINlAfr, auo are aauea w oe lueo wl i MihlJ p auu r? jn &w. . -, ' '" ' 1 I (, The Vomiieny ia eeUMUbed on a antid aod paiiuaiMUi baNia, eUiia baviui bei;ii takua w Miurmae ua uifiiai . to a.M,vu. - 1 . , "- Tth. Au. th fuNoe nr vh Oowi-Vist aa lvTiu ia Tula biaTB lo Uw II- urao aaioeu 011a own faoPLa. Ihle faol bouid tioinownd the tJompauy, aliove all ollra, VI North Ijarolnuaiia. '-'ii ia Wflianowa 1 that liuiidrrdaol Uiouaiuuia of loilara la Ufr 1 f reuiiuoia are anuUAllv aeut Nortb to eorlcb Norm l aiwli.u, Uiua euuUuiully dwiuiiig our imop)iioi liuuittuae amouuia auwib euoum t kupt at iioiup. tin U111 I'ouud Uie frivinla j 01 una t.ouiiaiiy MiHiittciuiiy apMmi uieviiry ou of Uie Uid Norlb aula, auu ak their aup oonforiDii Hiiaa lRatiriiTioa, wliklt, white it uliure aulijiauliuliy all Uw advauiiwi a ot Norihisru Vuiujjamea, belai ui build up bum ' JAMBS IX BlioOKS, Ueurral cuow. tauia Arfrnl, Kjtirlllll. M. I. DR. B II At WOOD, IK, VV( U.liiU,, M-du-al klxaioiiira. . ' 11 , faili.m apiiiiiuif for aiceiK'itu can coaimuiil eat wall l 11. 11 id Arttcal Aalit ut J. il. tfrooka, ticoural Avut. aiw m 11. Total Llabilltiea ) in. 1, 1K73, f l.UVi.Tun M tturplu (MMUrlty attdlllonal to Htduaiiranf Fntid,)... , 1, 041, MB 82 No. Am't Polielm Imu. a. 171 ;., t(iliiii!i Polii'lea Id force Jan. 1, 1,4 IH,0J0,7 H A STKONtl CTH K OUPA.W. H13TINCTIVF FEATLHE3. LAHU I CAPITAL ($1,00(1, OUO.) rKUKKl.TrKel'BITr: U.TKACT8 UKFlNITR. NlllilVlDKNIJ 11HAIK10N8 ' TO K PLA""N. TWO DOLLARS OF AbMTS Trt F.VERT DOLLAR OF LIABII.Iir. C'ONnKKVAI'IVC INFLUENCB OF L'M'ITAL. LiHkKAL NON rOKFEITlNQ ACai'lHE.t FOI.1CY N It MILT WOULD YVIKK. t'LANd eiMI'LB. LOW SATES OF KkMiLM. , OFFICER . fLAffFlfCie Ii. CL ARK. Praliant. " L'";"! ".Vf.JoV:r '. f Vlce-Prorta, Jai Cooa.a. Ckauwaa Finanoa and ' JCitecutive Commlttre, Iiuioi W. PiT, FliUadclpbla, Hecntarr ; i - . " and Acwlrv. Joh M. BtTTi.ea, AMUtarrt Bocretttry To aKaia or Inietrity, who an aeeuana 01 UwuaacUux Uie buaineaa of Life Insui'aim apn bonet aud corrw:t ptiuclplea the Com pany la pmpmrad to odur aa Ulwrol indueemetiai aa rail oe anonimi uy im hw rawa, ? Applinttlona (or aKmrtea or for polictea Biaf be niKdt. to the Conipaoy at it Braucb Olho ui rauaueipiua, or 10 BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL 8 A.I. TINOSI, Oirp T ovt MD. Tatanua Sraaat. DB. J01ISOV, P. P. PESCn)&S0N.. mar It tf Kalriitfh, N. a Q F.NHI1AL1NSLKANCK ACilCNIJV 1 ... LIFE ANDFIKKI Tie National Life of He? Tart The PlifDii Fire of Brooklyn, IXll.Kll.AS BKI.L. AL'citt. a.(.tS tf Olllce nut the Yarboro Hotel. II B T K B 0 B 1 V E 0 QKETo.N 5Tuni.j, PRIMROftK. PtTTT A NEWSOM'B Biay 11 U V"' " 1 - IIUUKCOHN' AU Kl'E WUlbKV. 8 0V.01 k, p. m. , The. ConVfiition nut punimint io ad " journraent The Priaidi-Dt in the chair. - -t BiiU4io(,Mju.Jiijr.t;i.tJ.tlieidi,liRtTO I were limited to tWa oiiimtca on iirat, aud three minutct in aecond fjieet'hca, KBeOLCTloX MKi.ATtv To erne oF fTATB WWtllUleT. CapL Tliip'n oUVrr-4 Ilia followiug twiiitioB winch w adoptwi. Iutulml, Thai' Vh ccinv ntioft had lusrtr- I with great pLVnre in view , of tht TitaJ importance ot hat office) tint the It'ialature baa riTuscd to " abolish' tht rirlica of BtaW Geoiogiet. PnOP. atciraa'a HKH'iM'TlfB kducatioh. Prof. Mctver piwid th following res olution which wa adopted : ilftelttd, That thia convrtitioa wnf , niinatbe necea -it y ot an cliioicat and jn-. diciona ay 'etn of f'tt 6chla a tha e lief foundation of permanent Improve- trwiit and pronpemy in tlie egrictillural intenmta of ithie btun'.: . m-iw.iit o tEnnt.KKna ab-committpo. The report of thaX'ommitti 00 Kertll . jiora a at taken op, and, on motion. It waa ro-omraittt.d to th commitlca to repa) ' at the next meeting ot the convtution. (TO BK 105TIKLKD I JtAltt UOI, VA. ! ,Wa haveia uc!ialul eieratloa ear ' UlNTIJUI.KltYi Jftvr WarrmUm, JV, C," And are makliif one hundred aud Bfty gallona j pwAaji,jM.tlw Jusat .and. parent . CORN AN1 hVK vViileKT ever offered for Hi In North Carolina. The former reputation of ninrwhlaky, known : aa - uie uia uurinMittta vt biaky," ahaji lie sua talnvd m every rcaiiei, auxs we prouilae out cttaiutuurea icnuiite aud Biiadultiaud anirlt I wf aiitnbt oa Uie uioel roaeuuabie hauM. To aumvaiiua we wuiild eapeclully recommend our liir.ky tot, IU. tun- medicinal unaliunaaa Irxetroin "draga," eheiuicau add Hijurltna cvmjniaiioa.. . lua (iicLiu of tfarmntob unaulraoiulj Kiev iu m-uuuu'ucim our woiaay me t 't nASl uiat am iwen in mid inaraec aiuce uie vwar, end preatTli'e It rr their paiienu. Vte aiw aallioit waaaky, wkkk ere fmar. I auiee to be Uurly d.witxM alniiuir thau iu.wi Jivruiira wbntky, v ai.u W i au per tfailoa I y uie uairui. ruruouai parwol a Ourrul at 'Al.tki to I . pcraaTiua : bo u,uuuty uwtur live Iniuui xiu a uie uiHUlltiry, . Ve win rachana-a tt biakv forCora Or Meal, I at in raiea of wue aaiii.ui wkwkr for two I outiiiuta oru or mnai, uie corn to be ullvartMf at Mrarrtuloo,vol. Uuvia Mill or Uie iliatilliiry. WewulreciiUe Uoga at the (UatUlery'ou I C fi KID-f MAS, FOOT B A CO., 1 fIT-d.1tnm AV arrenlom N. C, mum, rem 4 ,VEw.n. BUKT'S CELEBRATED II OO I'M, , t 6AITKRS, W Ooiiifrowaj Oxf'ora'ai B HO E 8 Pbratran f-tl Mlehratad IuaUtnUpn. dii- rovewd. wlwo la the rtl itiwiuiaia of r.a hp fiEi kuKiaod, Fimoc and rlaewbere. Ike uri tcrUiu lMl axanlaud rf. cilia remrily in Ihe world for all enteaaee or abbaee of lbefyat"a. ' ' Wcakueaa af the Back or lAmbe, trW-tora, Aitction of the KiUiMfva or Biedd, liivolua. larv IHachaicea. tmboUnicf . Gpiwral UebUity, NarvuaaHtra. 0aoeisia. lauiruor. Low dwnta. iOnf oaion' 1 of 1.1 -a, I'ai iu.lon of the Heart Tluuiilrv Treai.lii'K, Uiiiloeea of Bifltt or liiddiaiw, ih--ai 01 the rPaa throat. Muaaorskiu. AltncU maof Ute Liver. Lonea. Mtomai'lt ir ftowla thtHMi Wrrlble lwrira artiui- from dolltary llabitaof tuutb m aar and ..fil .rv nracUcea iH .re faUl t their vie. time than tha aoeie; of the Dvrna to the Ma- iiara of tilyaaea, MiKbUnK tlwir woat brn Pent kopea or anticipation, rcu'tertior nr--riaue, & t linMuubie, doalroying both body and bond,. TOl Ntl M FN , J y.iBciillT. who have' fce-oibe the rl. tloia of K011U11 We, that dreaxfui ahd deatru.-ilvf k,itahich aoaaally aweepa to an untimely jcrav llmawiila ot yoatin own- of the wioat aialul talcuU and bruliawt inlilwct, ebo uuaba otfe TWiae have eutraneed taleui"K Hi'iivina wiih the ti.uailrtni of eloouetHw, 01 akrd to eculacy the Uvuig lyra, away call With full eouadence. . , - MARKrAne. Marrld pi.rt'a, or Tomifi;inrncoviti.inplat o,tf mW'ritv. aware of rlnaicai WcakocM, Lnaa of friKrca'lve Powr lliepotcuey), Ner- vota Kictiaoility. raiput Mi, Oritai' iai Of , Nurvoua Lhn.iltly. or any other tllwiuaU gculiou, p. ixlily ei'lieved. , ' . Me who tflacmi lilmn If under Uie rare of Dr. J. via 1ik1 .u.lv r.Mittde la hi Uvaov aa a Kentlewan, and couudeutly rely upon hia akill aa a puyetciau. OKU AMU wEAJtNKBd ,. .. Imma.llati.lv l ured anil ! nil Vutor Reatored. Thta diuainK Alf etioa which reudera lib. uia fable and loarriae uniwaaibleal the ornalty twid by tlie vitruina of iiuprojior .lu Mna Vonne tieraona are too apt loeoia at it eieeaaea fmu wot being aware of Uie dmadful obeU.mcia thatmay enaue, tnow, i. il,..i aiuleriindii tlikanolilectwili pretend to d. uy lint iM power of procreaUoe la lot aoouer by twiae taiutiif mip..-,,. than bv the urndent? Beide beina- deprived of th plranure of healMiy otti.pritUf, the most aa.MaaaaiMa aeaaroeuee aguiMJutaui uuwwnv and uiiu.1 art . the avaiem liotooiea dfii ed tie Fhvaical and kienul Functlona weak ciie.1, l ima of Procieative Power, Nervou lrrtieWltty, Iypcpla, Palpitation of Uie 11,. n Indimiation. Oouaiiiiiuooal Dbiliiy asd WaatiiaX 01 the Frame, Coiuth, Couaonip- U011, Decay ano ueam. A CUKK BPBKDILT WABRAHTF.W. Pcraona ruined inhfialthy tir uiiWned pre- tendera who keep th to trIBinf, nno'h alter month, taking poiaoooua anu iujurnw pooude, abould ajiply imniediately, DB. JOHNSTON, Member of the Ruval College of Bunreona, London, (raduate of one of Uie iaot eiiiioent Ciillenea in he Ijnitea nuue, auu toe neat pert of whoa life haabenpnt 111 the boa mule of L.iiid .n. Paria, Philadelphia end elue- wheie; hai eflectcd otna wf-'he moat aaton ishlov e irea that were ever known; tii"f trim led with ringing in the head and can Wt.en alip, ifreet nervonaneaa, being alalia id ut aufiden eonnda, baehfulneaa, wi h fre quent blushing, attended aometiioe with d caiigcnient of Blind, were cured lmnaediately. T-KB PARTICTLAR NOTICE. Dr. 3. addreaaeaall thoae who have Injured llieiuel' ea by improper tndulgetic? and-aott-tary hablta, which rum both body and mind, unriitiruf them for either baaineae, atady, o cieiyorinarrhuf'. ' ' ' , Tlj are aoiue of the aad melancholy1 ef fecta produced by the earUily hatdt of.yunth, tU: vVaalmtMol UieBack andXiiuha, Jfaioa la tlie Head, Uimneaa of Burht, Loaa of Mua c ilar Power, PaltiitaUon of th Heart, Dye pepaia, Nervoue frrital'Uitj, DeianKtnKnl of the iee Ive Fnnctiona, lion oral DeWlity,, Bvniitom of iMWuaiptlon, Ate. i AlKMTALLT. The fearful effecta on tiiej uilna are muck to be dreaded. Lone of M.w ory, ConfunioB of Ideaa,.Dcpreaion of Bpl ita. I" VJ( rorettOutllKa, averaioo w w.:iet.y, '. MIELLAXEOUS. In ptir.uwe of ,an act of the General A wk oiblj, ratified the Slid day of January, IBTa, I haracauaed to be puljliahed the 6ilwing eertiftod copy tff aa art to alter the Constitution of Ninth Carolina. g: j. 'WAKKhJ. -- Pmiuent f t Ac cWf. A ACT to alter tht, CotutiUlum of timtk L'artilma. . ' Bkction 1. The General AwxinMy nl Niarth Carolina d jfoact fthrec-fitUia of all Uie nteuilM.'ra of aw:h Hotiae coucur rut ) Tlmt the Conktitution of tliia State be alteriit ae fi.llowa, ti) wit : f Amend Hcclion ail, of the first article, by striking out the flint claunc thrrof, diiarn bi and includtoe; the word "lint tbii bsiujj the vlatuw rdaiing to the Mate debt " Amend aecti.ro two of thvancond artii lr by atiikiu out the word " annually," and iuaeriiiw in linn thereof, tha word " loco nlallv boioif in rcl. fence! to the anma of tliOencral Aaarrnbly. A 111.-11. t wMn five Of tha acrotnl arth-M, by atriking out all that precfiici tht worda. tii aiiiil Mcnate dialncu , and M alrtkiiii; out the phraae " aa atoienid or" iu aaicl aoition ; Uie p trt no lrit ken out haviug rrtererwa to the stale cvnant. Add a new aection to Ihe wound r iclc to tie Myted " aection 80," and to nul as lollowa; "The motubora of the Uuucrwl Aaaembly aliail each receive three h 1111. 1 red (lallnra aa a eompeuaatUia fir their arr vii-ea duiinjr tlo ir tenn, aulijwt to stu b rcfculatiiine in rcKard to time of paynicnt aud nttliiclion fur non-atUfmiaiuie aa luuy be prescribed by Uw ; but, they Ri.'iy huve au additional allowance when they arc called t'4Hhcr In vpiiiul 'naMin( and iiuleukTH ahall be ten ecu la per mi ie lia earn aewmu. IliViTunt Lave of Solitude. 1 imidtty. die., art lomeol tlieevin prouueea. -Tbousanda of peraona of eQ ai(e eaw bow lud! what ia the eaaae.of their 4lecllulnir health, tue aar ek? vhror, tweomina; weak, B CRTS' PRIZE MEDAL OAltiVs, I 0 .HOES, ' METROPOLITAN TIES, -1. JL-tD, i -.E, ,-.. TOSEMITE BHJIPE3 , ?RMR06E. PKi'TT tt NKWAOM'll Are now orn to tUk. Iu Wa.ri, are pJ iratt d for Ui cure of R(i tirostistna irut. or UyiwtiLerv, UtwiLtMi of tlie L'trti, All i ttona of Uk likln, flrpw-iail? of typoiliiw orU TUB BATHS , . Vr tn VtnjvFJitUff frmn ''O ia Vip& - JfAttireritiif., Uti pwsitt variety uf ( fimoic liit th. luty urn nnr 'r ftmiid io T"-tM! til at.rtMA ftir Hi hvlH rKJ 1 a4't,n of iilnt foi'ti'i tt the Viinouii utht-T MiiiemJ fiitri.thref. Ml D BA IMs lurts bt'tm counlrtift .4 HiitlaJ to tiHtftfl tliat ftre lrtf!y uwtd ml tli tn H - jiHri-ii Pf-rtrt m r .unity, imi wht h pvjfl itt,;; rj u I- t-nt m ine ttry vaHttuit JW m i h Kil-r I KCAMti) I ) t.A 'if'Ns 10 Ikih the iuvdltd tnd itfiM nt una cliVat Lity iat-'M rrrf'r,',iil',(t. ' Y- t J i. C.t!n I., V. D.of tl.el'nleer e'v cf N 1. 1, h'-...nl rlii-si mo. r f i.:.' ".til and i... 1 a,: f.-aa fi, C Tir'i' at to., Hi.i'n d, v, or J. A. A1. '1 - r, Mao-cve, tint ti''.i..;, Bath to , A..,- : . v , , , n. . - e -a v TJEDCtTiON IN PASSAGE KATES I ANCHOR LINE 8TEAMXKS tart, ivaat wavMaenar ap HTuaoar Faaaanirera beokd to and tram any Railway- .uuon or aV-aHirt ia ureal Hnlaiu, Ireland, ' ivta-wav, owwilen, ueiotmrk, lieruiatiy, r rauce, &iuiiuu, m-iKiuui, mhi uie uaium aiaiea, Cabia fare, noiu New toik to luoidon LiverK)l, hlaag iw awl U rry by V educadat a Meauiera k.l. hy Cvamrdaya bk-auie a tvi auu ' :. Iiri'R-ION TICKET'S, I1S0 InierBfidiaU, (M, (cra tJH, ail payable ui .,iirreuey. PartiM acndlnif for their Ji tende In the eld 1 ouuby nan purcliane ucketa at luwe I raiea For further luriu iilaia api'lvto the At(cuU, ' llk.NDt.K8o,v liitOTMkR-i, 7 liowliuKUreen, Hi. . Renpoaiiible AgsuU wauuid a Town and Country. . , . ... . n.av 7-dAwflnt iCOAEl 8LQAE1I Vtandird A, iatra V, - c. Teirow,- aOVaft-tf Dcmorara, " : ': , - . PoU Rico, For aale very low at AC. BACMlKkSwio., ' eio, it, MarUa SUeaU I . t -lit... r e 1 1. aM-v.s.-nt er e-sir.l t-j ,li. v. ly ' . i 13 AOON AND LA Kit. H.Cnaraa, - Lard, , V - Balk Bidca, ' -,: .. Bulk P.H-k, Vauvaaecd Hme In rrn-at alisndaac at A. C. BAl Li t K A C o 'a., , nov 25 tf x No. . Martin atM-t TTllSU! FIbUI TISUl -A.' 50 Bbla. new Mackerel, W - Cat Ucrriiiga, yuat received, apr II U. u. T. BTRONACU A BSO. ,1th. luainw i k. air pale, nervoua and emaciaito, iiaii a aiuxo- lar eiiLwaiai.ce about tue eyea, eouun auu aytnptouia 01 vonaurapwu. YOUNG -MEN Who have lnjneedv themaelvea by a crti nriu'tice. hiduiimi in when aloue, a habit tre nnenlit learned from evil eompaoiona or at acnool, rue enecwi 01 wuien aca niiiuj .'i eveu when aaleep, and if, not eured reudera marriaire uiiu.xiall.le. and d aLr.iv boijt Blind ami body, abould ajiply loimJiatiy. W but a pity thai a youug Uiau, Uie hope of hia eairi, the pride of hia parenta, ahoul, be aitaicbrd trout ail roaclo and euyoyoieut uf III by Uie eonaequence of deviaUiiK froia the path ot uaturu, auu touuixiu hi m wiwi awnt liatilL Buck paraum luuat, be torn eou u.inplauii) x " MARKIAOE, Reflect that a eound mind and body are the Moat liijiary rt'ipiiaitea to piomuui i-ohuu-I.U l.ui.i.ln. s. indeed, without three the jou.ney Uiruiikb Hie becomea weary pilgrim age, Uie proaped hourly darkrna to the view, the Blind becoiuea aliauoweu wiui uea.uir, ane UlhdaiUl Uie niulaneii ly rrllerth that Uie happine of another la blialilcd a lit) our own A CERTAIN IJiaEASE. When the miKcnldtd and imprudent votary of pleaaiirn finds lie haa liutnbed Uie aecda of thia oamful dlaMuie. II tio often happen that an uruned aetiae or anauie or arraam a rover? drura linu from aoolyina" to thoae who, from rdutation end rmpeeiablUty, era alone uejrieiid aim tie raita luui uie aanua'oi henorant. and denliiumk- pre 'ww. era, who, til vatabte of curiua", k'ch hia iiecuuiary tut alance, ke p him U.Hina; numtii alUir uionlh, or aa l..n.r aa iha arfLll.it fee. .-an be Obtained. and in de-i.alr leave liim aiU rulued health to aia over niaaaini'k onwpMiutoien, , , vj Uie uae of Ilial deadly potroa, Atertory, eauaa the conatituuvuai ayinptoma 01 tuie oorrio diaeaae to make their aiuieeranee. anch aa al- 't aiwwid ame -hioaaidiiiaaad-mwa, apctinrtd paina in the head and iualM, dimneaa 01 a ltnt, deafneaa, nodea on Uie aliio bonce and aruia, biofc hea i the head, f-ce and eatremtUea, pro)reaiiin)r with lilijhtlnl rapidity, till at but uie palate 01 uie luxmtn or tnenonea or uie Biiea fall In. and UieVietinf ot thia awful dia eaae becomea a b .rnd object of coiuiuiaera Uoti till death palaa period 10 hia dieadful euu'Viiia, uy eeuuilia mill w uiai. uwiim.".. etiiinlry .' rout whoae boiuua hQ traveler re turna." To ioch, therefore, Or. Johnaon oflera th moat, ceruun, . ipeeuy pieaaant ana euuetuat VU.KVJ IU UlC 1VUIIU. j Ofllr-f). T Soaih rrt-ricrirk M Uui(iiure, Mitr)lund." Left hand aide arcAna; from BaltinNra atxeet-, a few doore lrom Uie corucrA Fall not to ob. aerve name and number. t vF No ia tore rcceived-wnlraa portpald and eoutaiainf a auuip to be nad on the reply, Perwaw writiiuf auoald atate atfe and ae4 a pomoa ui BUYt rtiaunent oeacrlbuig ayuip. t be Dortor' DIPLOMA banga Its hht office. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PKBSS. The many thotkaand eared wt thia entahltah. metit aitnn Uie laat tweiitv veara. ua tha huiuwiua inifiorlent eurgiral 0ieraUona per foriued by Dr. Johuron, wiUiemied by the onpreHuiawvea h toe rreeaaiM aiaay othera. nuUiwe of which have amwartd avain and aicaui iHFiurr uie punuo; soaidea hia aiandniK n a man wi ni.itur aiyn rwrvneuuiuy, iaa auf. , KINNJJI8EAIJ SPEkWLT CURED. mar tw-Aty. 'X 1ST O T I 0 E" BaJd propoaala will be received by the Principal ol Ihe N C. Inatitutiiia for Uie Deaf and Dumb and the blind, during the unit ."..:m, j um,,, oie letuoa; oi a contract 10 hat d aa aodiiion to the liittltnuon. aa tier "mi auu i.we i4oa'nna. aica can ua acea by eaoiuK oa Uie Pnneip 1. - ' The Board leaurvea the rbiht to relent anv bid Uiat may be maile All nronoaaia to 04. auunaaeu to toe ooaru 01 iiiMteee.- ' Jaay -uut O R ALE D ictiiuii awitfi, Al thr VomiCr.t.t a Nd. , Now Weak- t L.i.d t'reaa. , . ( "VTiCE .NltvV MATlRKaoka. Lately rewfii ed direct from the tnaniifaar era an..iber aii.piy of 1i.-ie and double Mat treaaea at very reduced nru-ca. ''", JAMitB M. TOWLFS, bay I Iw , ' t ora. MerchaaL X)R RENT. A new np( !y lt received direct frmn the f A bandaoma realdenca on Favallevllle aimiacunv- Aim), t muni l-lowa. ttllllvatorj retract. Moe haa & Koom. one acre mmi.l 1 au ii-."w,J (aaua. 1 Uaioin aeraUia poaaiuxKia Ktven onoe. . yaiu Aa-eut, uaya-U w, AL dUAk.lt CO. A. DUNN, of Wake Co., N. C. tiENRTO TT ON, 01 naiuinora. . A. 1UNINT cV Co COMMISSION JBERCIIAXTS, AV. ti SoutK 8trtett AW EjvMgi PLmx, ' "' H ' " ' ' "." " 1 1 RrkHBHC. Cilireua' Kattnna! Rank Hal. li?h, N.C; J. IJ. VVilhania, Proa't Bute Nai'l Daua, aieun, a. n o, Hlluawa KaWiuh. N. C: Citiaeite National Bank. ltaliiM,.,ra ai.l " wanuniuu,. eteru s aa, ifaiuniore. Ato, oiiusne eiuioi, i,8. ( isiiiuiore, Md:la liott-Bi.Ht, Baliiinore, Atdj Patturaon 1 oeMi, naiitmora niu. VV ill aive iell attention to aak of T,Vf . co, Cotton atyd Oram, and to the purchaar of A BEAUTIFUL CX. La.- LOT OF Eiubroidertea. ... . '' . . - liaudkerrhiefa, yio, " ' PRIMROSE, PETTI A NEW-SOU'S, aaay S-U ". Amend auction one of the tliirif erliclc by strtkitiff out the words " four ytmra," where they fwcur Drat in aniii aection, and inserting, in lieu tlirrcof, the word ' two vcara," Im-iiis in ri-lcrctice to the tirui4Vnl eteciitive oiriccra.1 Btrike out the words " Siipcriiifcndi nt af Public Worka,". ttlterevur they on.ur in th Conatitution, thtia abolitihini; that Otfil. Amend Mt'tion aix of the third ait.clc, by atrikiiif; out the word " anrni .ll)." and inwrtinir, iu lieu thereof, tb word " binti. uinlly ;" eo aa Ui oontoim to tlie provimon rcxm-ctiiiir the acniiona of the UcikthI A- acuibly. . btrike out aecliona two and three of the rourth art uile, Iwioe the piovimona which Icier to the appotntmcnl and duties ot the Code ConimiaaHMitm, Alu.r aection four of the fourth article. ao that anid aection shill reoil aa follnwn : ' I'he iudiciui tiwr ol the KtHteshnll tie yMed in Court tor the tnttl ol imiienx h BientaT a BnprtTtne CVufl, SiipcniifTiinnH, aycli inferior Court aa may be wtjblUlii by law, and Court ol Jueticcaol the 'eace. Alter section eli'tit of the fourth article, ao that aiiiiV section ahull rend aa lollowa i "The Supreme Court ahall consist of a met Justice and two Asaoriute JUKttcre ; Provided, That thia shall not apply to the justices during their prewnt tern of oitic, nulcaa by death, reitiation or nth. erwiae, the number of Associate Junttrca shall l reduced to two. Alter suction twufve of Uie fourth arti. cle ao that said section slinll read as fol. Iowa : The BUite ahall be divided into niiui judicial districts, tiirench of which a udue shall be choecu ; and in each dis trict a Superior Court shall be held at least twice each year, to continue foi such tune in each county respectively as may lie prescribed liy law. Hie General Assembly shall lay off said diatricta iu dun time, so that the said bine judges muy be clioacn and begin their oiHciai term at the first general election for nieuiht-ra of the Urn errd Aawiubly which shull occur alter Ihe ratirlcatiou of this section. 1 he Oenernl Assembly may reduce or iocmtw the num. ber of districts to. takn cll'et-t at the end of each judicial term." fcilrike out aection thirteen of the fourth article, which Axes the preuent judioinl diatricta, Amend amnion fourteen of the fourth article by striking nut all 'after Uie word 'ollice,'' and inserting, in lieu of tho pnrt an strKkeu out, the following: "The General Aiawuibly ahull presenile a proper system of rotation fur the judges of the Superior Cnurw, si tlmt no Jude may nue the seme district twice in succession, and the )tiiea may also exchange dia tricis with each other, as may be provided by law." Mnke out section nlt.ecn of the fourth article, and iumrt in Icu thorenf, the ful lowinu;; ",'i'he Oetuiral Aawiiibty' shall have no power to deprive Uie judicial dr. pdrtinriit of any power or iurisdictioii whicti riiidllully pertains to it as a coor- linnte ucpuitiiiniil; but the (Jcncral A h iiibly hIi.iII allot ami diMnbutv that por tion ol this power and iuiiailution, which dws uot peilaiii to the rjluprctne Court, atuunif the other courts nrescriited in this constitution or which tints' be t'Stab'ihri by law, in such manner a it way (her, best, provide also a proper sywem of np Praia, and retrtiiate by law vvhrri necei-aH- ry 'thenietboda of prwedini;, in t he exer cise of their powers, of al) the courts tx-- the Buprenie Court, so tar aAthesainr may be done without conflict wiith other "proviefotitfhfg-wynrTtttnion.- Ptrike out sections sixteen, arvt iiteen. nineteen, twenty five and thirty-three of the fourth article. ' ' V - Amend aection twent six of. the fourth article by atnkintt oufull that pnrt which lMs"ittX and fptiows the void " bial' in uid aection. and. tn lien of tlie nsrt. ao stricken imt. iiwrling the t'nilowing ! "The judicial otficur and the tilorkA oi any court which may be established by lW,"b8ft 'be chosen by th vote of lh'. ijitanncu electors, and tor such term s uay ha?- prearriwi hy law; Thf vrttirs o; each prtcinct, established s ia risen hire peomtwi tor m mm oBtBtKmr shall elect two justices of , the peace for such term a may be liied by law, whose jiirw dictioo shall extend throughout: their res peetive counties, ; Th Oeurml Asseniblv may provide for.tiie uiectioa of more thsit two fustiee of the peace tn those prrclnrta which Contain cities or towns, or 10? which other special rnasim renderXit ajxpedient. The chief magisrrstea of ciriila and incor ttoated townaataii hav theiiitiicial now. erft of justice of the peact." . . A menu section thirty ot th fourth ai ticle by strikiiiK out the word "town ships " And inaeiuiijr.jin lit 11 thereof, (he wid " pteciucts;" also in the laat sentence 1 the same aection, strike out tha word.. " the ivdiinnsaioners of thecounty may an point to anco ottic fir thav uneapired uwiii,"' and in lieu thereof Insert " an un- pointnient to flti' such vtcancV for Uu- unexpired term shall be made aa may he precrit)ed by law." x ( Atnena sections one and seven of t in flftb article, by atriking .out the words commlHOooeraot the several coontii" where they occur in aaid sections, and in lien thereof insrrtinp: the word "coiintv authoritic eatabhshed and authorized by law." -, . .. . r i Stride out aection four of the filt h arti cle, ruling to lunation to pay Uio Bute debt and mtereat. Amend section six of the fifth artick by inserting aftur Ihe word iiiatiument ' in said section the words t or au-i oth. r personal property.' , ' I imert the word " and " before the word aurvr vor " In aection one of th acventl: article, and strikeout the words "and live commissioners" in said section ; also add to aaid acctioB th follnwmsr : "Th Uenrnti Assembly shall provide for a sys tem of county government for tha. Several Amend srrltr-n twerof th aetrehth r- ticlr, bv atriMnx out the wor 'Vominis u..nrrt" mid in hn Uiereot inrt,ine th' words "emtinty sflthorities ls)lihed and amhoriiitd by I iw, ami in in atune see tion atr.keoitt the "tyords, "tl registor ot derda ishall I heM efhVi clerk of th l oirdof c..iniisl"nera. Strike out section thref of the aevehtb aruclcaiid iu lieu flierrof insert trie V Ufini : "The county anthorilie estah lh.fird and autho ie.l by taw nfiall are that the n-M-tivecotliitira are divided into a stiitabh-tiuinlirrol sub -division, cony aicnt anil coniart inaliaMaspoaailde,afid marked out bv definite innumane. wnic m iiv be al teiwl when necessary, friaid sub divisions shall he known by the name precincts. They ahall have no corpoj! powers. 1 nr townsnip govermneiiAS aiKiluhed. T he Ixiuudaiirii ot the pre cincts ahall be the same s llpwe wlili herrh-dore deilned the townships unlit they stud lie altered." " Mink wnt sect ions four, five, tit, ten and elrvrn of I he "th art icir, w hich Iclatrt to the tow.nhlup shlem. , Amend ws'li.iiiseiiilit and nine of lh seventh article, lit striking mit the won "or townships" where they occur in sai. StH-tifllltt," Htrike out Section three of the ninth article, and in lieu thcrrol iiiwrl Ihe foil. inns "The IJcneral Awrnibly ahall mai siittHblr pmvision bylaw lor the niatiHn- miut nnd regultttion iA the publm scIkki and lor M l ticlioj iheytriu ol fiee pul lie nisi r ucl 1011. Mnke out section five of Ihe ninth tide, and in lieu thereof, iuacrtthe follow ing : The tiencral Assembly shrill have power to provide lor Ihe election ol Trua era of the Cuiversity of North 'Carolina, in whom, when choaeti, shsll lie vested all the privileges, riihts, liaiichiiwa and an doKuicjakh-ereiolurti iu. any. ic.. irrjinl; Io, or crnfi rnd iiiaih tha Hoard of Trus teea ol tuud Ciiivwdlv : and thr Urnctai Assembly lo ty make such pciivisious, lawi and regiilttuous tioin tune In tune, as may lie ncie-waryailUeiiM-ilient, for the iniiiii ten Mi ami muiitueuiciit of suid Uiiiver- Hliikr out sections thirUfn, f'liurtec ninl tilleiTi of die iiinih iirl iclu, relating to the Liiivcrsiivot North I 'uroiinit; Allien section ten ol tlirelrveriilt artirleltv hi ri k lug iflit the won It "nt the clisi-ro of th hudc, " nod 111 Jicii thrriHit, insert th words klby theSfiilr; and moat who iiotown iiroii.i'iy over slid above the bomestetui mid peisou.-it rroiirrty pm scribed by tins t'unslitiitinu, or being minors, w hose niireuts do not own pre iiertv over and above the siiiur, ahull be i .irrd for nt tie ch'iige of Ihr' Mtutr.' Alter section wrveo of the. fo!irtienth aiticlw-ao thiit stiid si-clion slmll read aa follows: ".No person who slntll hold an oilier 01 pl-ice of trii't. ir pn tit uiider the tinted Minis,, oran dep ii'iiuiiiit tlit-rii or under I his eitiite, or under auv oth' Istlitr OF-.rerMoieul,i.niil hoid-e-Ctrtfctse any other oilier or p'ticr of trust or prolit utidri the Mulihoiiiy of this Ktitte, or be eligible to a sent 111 either holts.- of th. Menrrnl Aaarmbly ; PriiUd. 'J'hat noth lug herein ronlnined slmll cxietid to oth ccra in the minus, justices ot the peace, commissioners of piildm chanties, orcoin uiisftioncra lor special purposes." Add Himlhcr section to the fourteenth article, to "bo styled "seclien aud to read as follows : "County ofllccia, lustier ot the peace ami other j.Hieers whose olii era arc anninhcii orrhangrd in any way by the nltairiiliim l (lieeon'tilutnui, shall cimtiuiir to txrrcise thrir functions until any pro visions nwrstwirr to Iw made by law itiomer to give mil rrhwtt to ttio alter lions, so far a relntes to said officers stlall have been iiiadd." .1 He numlier the sections in (hose avrtich from which any section ha Ijecn stricken, withoit the insertion ot another in its stead ; and givc to any new section that number which by this method would have been given to the section fur which it is substituted, and the alterations shall lie embodied into Ihe constitution, and the sections' iitimhi-rcil eonsis ulively. liitilird th lUth day 'January, A. T). 8TATK OF NOltrir CAROLINA. OtFK'E UK Sh'CKl.T.tllY op NTATrT, Htl.ttlfiH, Jan. 22d, ltiTi. I, Henry J.1, Mcuniiiifcr, (secretary of Hlritc, hereby cerlilj tlmt the ton-going is a a true copy of Uu Original act on file in this oilier, U. .1. MRNNINOER, . . Semtary of SUil jan 2.1 Gin. .OTI10AGO! aaaaiiii 1111 --ityaKwiaiii w UKil HliNiJHKU AND FUUpHf VtHMH HAV tVMr VJrtKD SO TIH I'HKatt HtV AT K'N i l THHIH 3 pAPHtUI VaiLUAUUKi. Iff TUS 1a.Hitiili.il OniCACO FZIIZ3. IiniPJNtI'M PATENT CHAMPION PIKE iU KI KuL.lt PKIIliP SAFES. AwAitnri) tub I'hi.B MkUAM at rnc Wont.oa Kaib in Iiniv.s .1 AT" THR ExllHlITIo.f -1'NIVIIWBI.LB IN Paws, ANtt . . i Thb "oni,t)'s rin iw Nrw Tobjb-. 1 , .rvv-t ;j v j ' llm., : ' j Ai..,u! M 1 s ' H 1 t iCIAil.K OF rT " IT'-Tf "i;-iBn iiiibw ma n iiwiiaw jjhilTB' . - LIFE ' :NSURANCE COMPANY ...-.i ... B.f - V --- , " f 77 i : VIBGMa. 13K1DQ WUTEHgJPETllHSIJnie. OrilCKKSt A.O Mell.WAINE, Frealdent, R' .l It Xb, Vice' Preautenta. V. a, lna.ii, I I' k n , taiVI IKS IW. J 1 U lu l.f.k BA M'L B. PAUU atauattut aijtl eecjrtar),' " ' Zj' ' . " ITiinnr wiumlMrri. G. Mcll.vt.Al.Niw, D'AKi Y PAUU a. 1E.NNAM. T. T, BKOot EA W At. B. M ALLOKI. ' Actliara. dhai t)kaw.'t A. O. Mi ll.WAINB, C. W. BPltk,K, EserullifS I'oiiiniltten. bko. II. DAVla, ilAVIDCAl I vr JLT. ARlUNiaftiN, , vaU-UNDEg, DIRECTORS: C. BakwRaWa, I- Piii BarUeit k'.p r . A BrV;. John M. vt J Brulifw - . uui.M 11, A. fl. Mellwalna, ( D'Arey Paul, ' ' ' Robert H. Msnn, D. B Tennant, T. T. Broocka, David Calk.ir, ' Wia. K. Mailory, John Ainnguas, B. A. I'luii.iner, VVm, i'aiueeon, . Oeorge Cameron Jamas O Kiodie, R. A. Mania, H, D. kciwalue, J. P, UHIiiuuaoa, Win. tt. Jobuaon, , . Charles VV . Bpiver, : W. L. Wiliiauta, Ueoricr 11. Davis, K. O. Pukkiu, : ir. Jsmea Dunn, J. U. Drake, John Mann, - K. T. Arnutt a, R. B Boiling, Dr. u. w. Laasmf, A. A. AiUa, Itajhiii Among tha otneara and directors will be foaud aoue but uantes f 'tu,.i. i T and esaluxl hrungrity, aa wul be a guaranuxi, that Uw atuat tepuaed lu Uua a Uli.itt and laill.fuilv kent. - ( m m awasBf With an ample Capital, tioderut rates, Policies bob forfeltalde after two yean is paid In fatrt asili every advaulaKu Uiat can with prudence and safely be e h'hjeu boiuers, una coui.auy apM'aia wn,u oinunem-e o rue auipie Of ,Mrlh ( arooiia i a T aud ofl'ers them an opportunity to invest with safety iu a most saiivd cauae w A Koarifof directors will soon be established In Kalelch, who ill ui.r,'l..i,.. ... of fimda received ia North Carolina. ,' , . , Thia arnuigeuieut wul I .,r..M.. 1., a adulil I, rnrh-b dlstaut rotumniutlea. Oar esudlUoiui are- so simpia, and au hberal u, J-n H' keep In-circulation a capital smone onr own tjeimi,, .K1.4,. . " been arut abroad to ai raunilate io ttr. ai..ia of IumT ituillj luvito tmpwUiftui. w.Ha iuaJT eumyu) iu Ui world. n. G. Williams, IfftU aj. it, 'i .V "77 ." ;" W.If. PACE, AUorntvy at Uw Agent. lUM'" paiNCU TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 12. BEGSOIJ MERCHANT JAILOR aao oaauia ia , . ...... - 1 Fsrtigi Clolht, CiMiiBf r BiJ Is tinr, fatbttevillb street Opposite to Market House, Returas hia thank for paat favors, and takes pleasure in announcing that he hu ra v turned from New fork, with as fins a stock of goods aa could h selected from the best Im ported 1 i I FKENCH AND ENGLISH CLOTHS, CAJ3S1- MERES AND" VEiTIMOS. I will sell at the most reasonable pnees, ix cLirsivsi.1 roa casa. BatisfacUoa tcaean- teed ln very respect, or no sals. The best of French workmen employed, nisr IB-Sin . A GREAT OFFERII lIiHUCE WATEUS, .31 Broauwat 111 di nose of i)NK HtrSinKF.n' PIAN'OH. MKl.(il)Ku.N8 and OltliANS of alx fltst class makers, including Water's, at BXTHKuaj.t low paicaa roa cash, or will lake .arlrah and bal .ace monthly auUl jatid New 7 octave' I'lAhotti modtirn improveineiiia, for tvif,, cash a new kind of f AKLOk OltH AN, Ui most beautiful style aud perfect tone . ever made, tttfw uu aahibtiioo at. ASt Broadway, maylXtf lOUiHAMPTON AND BL'cJAR 1 IKED HAMS. ' W. C. 8TR0NALH A Co . may tf Q HOICK may 9-tt SILVER AND UoLHEN 8YUUP8. f W. C. BTKOKACII A Co.! rtOR 8ALB, Two nicely luroroved Lo's in the vl II jure of Cary. E eh dot has a nicely tiiiMiwl n. w -vrtwv-wwrnotn - smt rflrti'.lrw nhout tie Aen. Jhia place finesses peculist ad' vantages, pood schools, good society, good aier, suci 00 t.iquor nuopa ' -Commutation I ckets to and from Kalel -h may -be had at two eeats per mile. T rsiu at aiutoat any nour ui uie a. 10 goudiiuawus uie auvvs wui ue sola (rnciapv , ' . ppyi If P, - msySd2 wy, it. C WI0KE8' :: EGLECTIfl Olla Is rntrndei! for ase In ordlBiry kero,,,, lainpa, wherer.it gyvod HKht and peitWt tw. ity from accident are aeuulied. it it preiarrf can-fully at Uie HUDSON .RIVER. OH Kit , AsucAor ssrcjcixiju) roa . I'orlty, Uilliitiirif ttad rconatny. Furniihud la caus, eaaea andprtise hbla j J 0. Brewster, .' - ; 1 . - OXALIB .),, ,f -1 LAMl'H, o . , ., JV. 4, UARGSTT STRSST," auxsT roa : :unl-itfh, . o. tab tddHin M1SCLLAXE0US. RtOTICC. . 12l, BIM.JUHOKB vVA-ITtSi), UOTI I need apply who cannot alvt awid rafas ewes and Ihe iwcoamry bunua. A guud 0(m tunity for eiie-ruuux wen to makk- ftiiia lav Is. four luouaaud dollar imt year, Awi'ly W H. ilk. Ill, Qea'l Acnt, i Idle Aaauciatkwi u! Aiiiuii.-a,N '' ap 14 tf . . RaiUKS. N a f JILUKlV'S PaIE VT SASil SAU-NCAA We desire tn sail eonntv rurhi fur rAumriit luuiroveuMrnlin fcasb Baianeea, EULSukHtf oeuk H1I1, 1'bV, uv the folioa mg counties; HmIiisx, O11itl11rd. Alsiander. warren ' Hanioi..n, Willi Oranviiie, MonUtmuery, A-ua. . naaa. - Mauley, . , ('iiiiaeu. Ki.uil.lin, , liavrtson, . Waiwiav ,. Wllsoa. ' Forsvui. Burke .lohnston, ' . BtokRS, ' X lesvvlsiid. : Haru.ilt, Burr, - Polk. Moote, ''. Taiikia. r. Ku111arf1ifa.lv Chathiun, . Data, , MeDwau. . Alitinulice, K0W1UI, ' I aiiecv, oraiiee, Insli ll, IfeilUt'rsna. ': Caswell, . ti ulou. . Bmi.tiuiiie. ; Kockbtahata. I.m. nln. ' Madtsoa, Jackson, (untwist, - Hujw.sst " Uacos, UaniKisj. " ' BxaaAan tod a, cd scbuvcx. . a aaar. jytmirttwy. ' 'l. qf liiiUtuAort. 0' Jbt'linwrt. ' Jv(k- ,"""i" 'W'W' I TODDj, 8CIIKNCK 4 CO., General Commission MerchantH, x to tb AU aao ruacaAaa or tobacco; cottox," grain, flovr, raoDtrcs, And Merchandise of every description, 40 W. LOWBABP St., CbOW tXCBAWOB PLtCX BALTIMORE. Awarded at Ui Paris khlMUon to th Be t tittfe Bi ia(l World) ' nEIUNC.'S NEAV PATENT ('hTtmptirn ItaiikTer's H&Ten I . Patent high sod lew jtoel-weldcd, combined wpb IVenl Frankllnl', Proof ijrainst the blow Pl, as well ss the drill. With Patent ti.ns;d lonvue sn.i HroovtHl Door snd Psienl Kiit.tier-l'apaed Flanuxs. Proof against wedgna nitmjtH-ceiiuev.n;.d gunpowder. alanfct.rr.d iHjIy tjv I' " '.- ' ?:(,--' HrHKINO, FAUHfir, A PIIFRMAI" S'd A 4'k Broadway, cilr. Murray 8t, N. V. FA"FM., lIF.RRI.St, A CO.', PhUaJelphia. . .... it ... v -t r. ,. k uicaio. 'counUet of th But," HKKRINij, FAUUKL 4 8HF.RM.VX, New i irlttsea , ' - - Sr b ao.t'3ot. . ... s...:.' ' :: .,-j,' QOT ro.M" fii.D OIL I 1-1 A, vslnaWe atstitaia for Linsar d Oil and at one third Ut ost - ' JLLIU8 LEW IS Co , . ' ' '' KaleSah, N. 0., 'BujlS-tf Manufacliutirs Agaiita, - ,. 'kariuaiicia: ... " n.K. wiuiama, r resident Bute .national Bank, 1 Kaleiirh, ti. C. - K . MartiB Co , Petersburg, Va. . Mcliv-aiaa ) Ck, 1- - " Vtm Fisher A Bona. Baltimore, Sid. : J. W. Oueat, Cashier Citizen Nauoual Bank of Balumore. .1 J. Shan, Jr., tiasite.r Farmers and Merchants' National Bank, Valuators W. i. Faireloto, Uuldabro', N. C. , ' A. J,, ISaHoway, ' . te a io-dnu' ml,,,. ,..., -.1 'fllE Hksr PltRbiDU'.M SoF 1HI DAT. THK ohk-aT . ENGLISH 'QU A RTER LIE ' V . ' AKU ' ',''" rivviui'i EJiutlursB 8a;aii, . KtrKIMTBUBT ' THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLIellHO Cfl., I4U FHltun Street, Ne Turk, At aiW imt third llu pries 1 tin i'""!. The Fduibuciih Review, 'I'll L0H1MM Jasrlvjf Keview, . x The WealiHiuater Review", .t.u Itroisl, ili.Ariarh' Iteviev, Puhtiabed Quaiturly Jaa'y, Airu, J'dy, ti AXB ' ' ' . AwAwaf' A'diatwfF JF"' A tac-ainiile of the original.) JPabiiahaA MvNiuiiy. TTtftMl or1fAfR"ft(ir T For any one Review I P" For an two Hevkwa. ' For any three Hiiewa, For all four Reviews ..... ... Fur Blackwood's Mansidne Po Black wfliod and I Review... For hlackwood and Reviews., or Mlai-kaviu.il and II Reviews.. v.... o. . . ... ... ,.., a umii,., Istal r.M IllflUII ITtWII UU IHCt Rt'.vn. . Postage, two c nt a niinilwr, hi be preiaai by the quai u-r at the oth-e of d. hvaiy. , Clltl. ' " A flisenutrt of twenty per rent will be s" ed to tluiw of four or more pers. na "! fo'ir an plea of Black woe-dor of fflie '" ...ii .--.! for AlAW; Mat coph a of ihe four Kc- lews and Black ewsl ,ur i.s, anil su mi To elulw of ten or mora, above discount, a copy urnUs to the getter apol Uw etun. , - PBBatlCatl. NewsnlHt-ribtra l.w Uie yeir 1 "vy without char-e, Uia aunibera f"r u "T qua ter of !S7i 01 sack periodicals as ) Dubscribe for. , .....jm Or, instead of UieahOT. new m""' any two, three, or four 01 toe , iiml caa, may hav. aa sr-mium, one or t Kevlewa' tor lb1 ; swnaenneva have two-of Ute Foor hevn-we . II is) . Uu , 4UU , Ti pi uu .( tn sd 'Ltles t ,tw wdl oeahowt' TTTE ARERrCjI E9 tED TO ANNOUNi F V V d. I . Boirt rs-as a candidate for ishet 1 It auhhict to the derision ot tea Demvcratts Cooveuttow axsa to be ho.d. Buy ai-tl v ... VllllAUlS tt I ST wood, ' -. r,- - - .) . . . . Wrolbbalc ASjD Rfrraa URtioawra, ...' rt , Save In Store a well aulected sbwk of drun Bledicinea, ehenucais, pawta. oils, dyesiuila, paieot mpvUcioea, pharmaceutical prtaiarationa, twrfumerv. fancy aruelea, tampa, amount; and ciiew tna: tobatreo, eersrs. wuhs and brwjritea winch are ottered tor sale al lowest luai-ket prices. . it : - ' act iw-u . . .. .. ... ...Iu.lli.1.. SMiinex tirt uiiunta w ., CJlllH to clulM can lie sllowt d tialei U hi lemltted direct la- the publishers, "f , mtlinia chu ue aiven tw ciuu. ..j.,.r Is To aecure premiums, It will he ''f"M mke earlv appiu-wtiou, as the stock sv tor that pttrpoi as hfttlbsd. a, 1 t'lreuiara w UU furthttr informs' 1 had wn apt'liestion. 1 m ' Thb 1 aoiAHn 9cott Pra Co. 14al ttluin slieet, l.",, VlIE LEONARD ScTTiTpt BLIiHINO CO. AJJorvwi"" - tub farmer's aviv Tt Pfirntitic and Piactical AgHrolM thehtteJ P Aoiv.Pfsw'"lu" AaiKuhuown tale toliego. N- Two tola. KosI octavo, loud f-?: nmnerouseniiratuiigs. Pric V i J ""' r lo i"tr 1 '--t o a F Flowers, 1T L B Flowsr Bawd and from the Kelryn Gardens. Bulbus Reots may W. kC JOSE8AC0. . . m . n IF ' IFALE1HH FEMALE r-EBUW The Fonrth Seatloa wiU open i i.ti, iu 1 1 Ills JllrUtJllW COIIII 111 - . ,; home With the sdvauuiges. 01 a a- teutale SchooL . . errtVei" InaU-u.ll.m Uioronihltrshersf . and ,ac-es-fnl ; eM'fV la.i ny " '",. (piiring a Uioningf ntuea.n ; chaiges "fo, CI enlar eontaialng fail pW appl to Iha Inn- '11- botSO-U , tfcBdsTt furls I. T. HOBGOOD. A "r