.!ii:-k.nir it: t t . , - - . , ., , . .. " V ' - . .. . , . . . "" "7"- .--.v..---. ...... , i iitni,,! urn, tW"- . ' I1 ' '" ' - - tlf - ' S ' ' :. . mjv : maim muwL - 4 11IK DAILY SENTINEL ADVr.K.lBlNU RATES. A.lvertiaetrieiHawm l Inserted In the Daily Paris '. a toe Mlowiuir raU r mmn of one He I', w tea omhmiw aiwea. lyuaauuare one Uute. tlflu let UllUI ' i (otiwt,! wek,8 fll . I month, 8.UUI " 8" am! 411 uu 44.UU 41l II . linmil " W I 4 Muiil II ' - KM to tlte Ikit nun (or Mefc luidiUl . .iuu m WW: I u. nth, 4 Ml for 7 moullu, 9IM i uuiiUia, itoii " H IS mi S HIW V i WW) i.-4 10 16U 6 " lu.lM "II " 1 ' tl . U.UU li . " K.r the rVml-Wwtklf kluoe, three Bfliw f Ihuly ratea, , K .r Um Wr.-Vly sluoe, two fth of Ball) raia Kir lh tHIry and Knl Wuritly fimiWlut sintj Iot iwnt on Dally raiaa For Uiu Ihkllv a. Wwliljr oomblixa, forty iHTK'Ut irtl Dally ratara. -fi.r llw Dally, Hi-nt Wwkly and Wwkly ro I i.hi.Mv uarMatua Iklll taMa. tMM'lal N.iUroa, Bhy -r Daily fmb. Jb (fcuto 'lr limy HOMK- AfKAIBA POST OFflCE DIRECTOKT. KuLriijk PaU Ojtir ArrHiymuU.Otiic Uomi ifm Ik A. M. to 8 P. M., Uurmg Llio work (ekivpt lnlo the WaiU are be ing distribuU!.) i Turn qfArrifd and Citing th Mailt. X ' WifiKi;.Niflnii, fJ., Angnit, " Jeorgia, tJoluinlwn, Ik !., t'liarlotte, Salia bury, UrwniiUmr, tnltxi(, Cliaiwi Hill, iill.l.r.i', i-.,tiw"kl l,a( A. A. d' at 6 P. M. r ' ,-.,7 . KirrKKS. Charimtfto, R f., Wilming Ion, Ne!-, Biuf"rt, tl..ldi)uom', fc'., . diMTt'.M.,!l..P, M. Nobtukkn, i WelJoa. New Turk, B.JlimiOT), Plul.lflpliM, WMhinKUw, Itu hnioii'l, PKUTabiirg, Norfolk, Wld.iu He., due at 4:W F: M., cloae at :w a. n. J-TKTTaTti.i.n, mC'hilham B. E., dot 0 A, M,,eUmm P,i. t Ottic houra tVr HeifiaturedTLaUers and JiliHivy Older Deurtiueo(, trom 8:B0 A. M. to 4:80 f. M. i : , - No aiaiii rcirad tent o Sunday, . thereture the otHce will not beopeoed on ;lAd.4le-.-...' i.-..- : . JCUtiE'7 MKHK1W0N 8 Al'l'OXNT- ' ., '' WKNra ' ). - The IXtM5-Crterrtieoiididlr for 0Trami wi ,ddrea tbe peopla si theMluaiog place at tb uma BMBtiooad, viz: . ' " M WuHnglon, Benufnrt Ooonty, on tnui'day lrt JuM ; v. . . .. FOB L'0XQBK8& . finrt District D. M. Carter of Beau fiirt. '," ' :. ' - Fjfth Dltrict-J. M. Leachj uf Darid - eiitb Diatrict Thoin&i 8. Aabe, ol Adiiob. t ". . ; StTeoth Dintrict W. M. Robbine, ol liowao. . I . '-" ' ELKtTORS FOK PRESIDENT AND VI' EPKESIDKNT. 7 ' Firat Dial rict JctTiu ' Coke, ol jt'bi'WaaJ,..'--.-.'! Sixth Diatrict W. L. 8eel?, of Hicb ittouii. - ' Eigth District Geo. R B. Vaope. Eigtl) Dialrict Tbutuaa Jobaaoa. Rf i,ia Cottoh Mabkkt Reported t jor tW lOtxuiKi. bj .Ljnn Adania, Cot too Factor, Oroewf, Ac-' Market rkjuarc Kalkiuh, June 5, 1872. OUoa to-dj firm at 2 JBatai 4 AVaim AruAT-- ? Counler Irriialion--Tli aentinwDt It apind bj lu wauner or the avatage 4r . giMHla clerk. v - i - : rTiy wi ti.diitioo th at be M " beaid. himself nilb liquor." v Whrhull aslingjcapiuriatbecslM an "old punip," wbio ftivm autlraoi poverty uileaat liWy W get succor t . The bar rooms at Lwg Branch are to lAreaiMulely cli-d ou Bundsyn, adder hK hwrnwed br rwwwtrinil preasuw T.-ry " dry limes may be snticipated- Thr grnins of Cnniftjctirnt haJ di'rised " lK-vrr.xc uiidiJ the name if " uialiuted LuUxiuJl.M sat I W-M4lj(i'i W'l cm. plaint U llw lakabiuuiU of ilatoi end MaiwachuaetU. j . - 1 be ivuctitr rstmrted from the Frrwh Ind. mniiy lund tit Oeo. Von olrke"F pnvsle use makes Franc as hittrt las Oai.l can be. Naturally enough, It iX mm-s rrwohmn to sh their boole" appntprisUd foi Iheif yictor's et wdb out Uallicaakio'. Jf. T. r'rU. HckHTUMFHi. The tatber Is eoot--fire ery pleasaat " . , ' -net npclulwfor the Skktutbl. " bare" sn "oiccllent Jo Optics. Rjnd in your orders. Chsrges tpoderatf We e turning qui daily tery t Work. Try us. We hope our friends win bear ia niin.l. ' " . 1 W cnmpelM, owi! to lite crowd edt-ondilioaof oorcoluinn to omit ci aaaal Tsriety. This we regret as we bad ,llatl uuch lnUrating matter that will gr w alale before we ca publish. Jud;re Memrnoa speaks to-day atClia tm. Iwin return to Rakigh oi to morrow. W icknowleda (ljthe receptioa, witl tbanka, of lavjutfoa to attend the Comm. nrainent errcis of R.nke Co lege, Virginia, to take pUceoa 10th, ITia. ISth S4tJ 19lb ifl liT, Dr. Dabn , delirers !h Ad.lr.-as bef-e thTong Men's Christia AsaociatUla and1 General . . Brlley T. Jcbon dTi mm the Addrew belit tb LitwJ Sietie. Other a . dreaatn are to. be dcliTered' by prominent ' fffittemea.' r" . LocAt. Dots. ... Pepper's turtle Soup cant be lient. Kutd the new advertiM-ments. The city is crowded with strangers. T, V. likhardaom Ko., has Mar Bed to the city. . j, illajor J. T. Llttlcjoba, of Oxford, is iu the city. , . . Potter, at the Star Salmm, is fumialiing Ruck beer and turtle soap to bis cue toniera. . .... . ... Tbejw are nine colored men oq the Grand Jury of tbe V. 8 Circnit Court, i COincrrative IVocratic Diatriot Cos vealiun weels here today. . Jeaae flooding, the little boy so badly injured by dogs some dayrwgo near lias ity, ta, we are gla.1 to learu, rapidly re covering. . Turtle and muck turUs soup hi beeora rng popular now In this locality. : Tilt Wiluiinglon Junnuil of the 4th Hint, announces the arrival of Mi-asral D. W. Rain, John Nichols and R. II. Uradley in that city. ' . The city authorities are going to ulai a puuip, of the. Kitchen patent, at tlie north went corner of Fayetteville. street uid Exchange PI tee. It will, it is said, lorce water over the market house: Nit cases at the Police Court ywterilsy morning. ' j The dclegat.es to the meeting of the tjrand t'bapter uf Jtuyal Arch MaMmaal W'ifiniiigUin from tliia city will return Ui (Thursday) eveuing. x (Jen. tloke is expected to irrive to nior nw. The Uuneral bus been iu Texas for the pant few week.' ' . S. R Taylor, TrvaHurer of Oomlow uountv, was in tlie city yeatt-rilsv'. He liew Iniui the Public Treunury $I,T35.1 lor school purposes iu bii county. Raleigh ill be reprenenud at Kittr'ell'i .fyiings thin season by a strong delega tion. . 7 .- Billy Smith was blowing his born is this city yesterday. 1 hat instrument will never jtoot .B the Hall uf Coogrea. : The temperance wax is ab ot to raje 4gaia.y Peace, bretbren, peaue. -r . Fisher's elegant new building on Fay etteville street is rapidly approaching COttplerio0,T;f'-'2J :::,. y'1 j : Iti pupils of the .Methodist Stindaj ScbixJ will bevsvaa uontaioa to Cary U iuuitow (Fri.lay ) The pupils wtil jas emble, at the ringing of the bell; t the eburcb, at 8 a. iu, ,ad mtrcb to the depot to take the cara. They will return at d p. ta. . : , I ' 0. W. Bullard, Ej., of Cutplxrlaod, it in the city. Mr. Bullard is the demociat le candidate In bis cuuuly fjir the Huuse uf Representatives and will carry hit ek iion in a " whoop." . ' Mia Juani Patterson again d.JighUd, n Tuesday eveuing, a large and- tasbioo ible audience in the If all of the House ol hit-prcaentativea, , with her Rcadiiigs and Iteuitations. The uuaniiuowi crilk-idin is hat she is good, beautiful and bijjlilj tjupli9h. d. j!, i. j'. The, case of TJ. 8. mt H. C. Jones, of Charlotte, and others, for alleged iutinii Jation of voters, lias been transl'erred to tbe Btatesvill term of the Weatera Cir euit Court.. .... .. ... Tbe exauiiuation of tbe pupils of the Weal) an Academy began on Mimdny and will does at .the Hutropolitan Hull tliia evening1. Mr. Teawirk is a successful in ttrucuir and bis scbool is fl.mriahing one, .:'( . ' tiHABVU.I.B Coumtt Itbsis. Tb Rads will bold a county couveuliouon tbe IHh int 1 - : : :: ' : ".. : The crops are more promising now than they were a few weeks ago, The weat crop is poor and the area Jf land in cnll' vation smaller than usual. Spring oaU we very promising. Corn and tobacco are doing weiC f The CoBervatlve will'nouiinata candi dates for the tegislatqre In due time.- Graoville stiU keeps np Its reputation lor fiue Ul!k,ii;A.fiW..-i,,d.J?..Wr.p 1;. Lyon sold in llk-bmood VaS.OOO lbs, inmgtft$ " tferttnW'Ta,!wM" higliesl brooght I0 -his lug.:.5a B. F;' A IkW wwragetl flS'pw lmlnrt,"vl. king 0O ft, hbr lie Ind flTof Ms rtieaiieatV -lteiiiamlir Morse ild 'at an nerage of $65, obtaining ill H. his beat. Robert Fleming averagrtl $ )8, get ing $97 for bis beat aid $34 50 fo hi. most inferior., Oraoville cau beat the world in making fine tobaccos i ' - . V . i a at i i i , Hskierix. KitUuil's Hotel l the tilai for a good dinner. This tbe travel tors over tbe rtdeigh & Olstoa Road have long since discovered. , ' . f 1 A new store is - being built " by Cspt.' Young. Heavy freights are coming daily to the depot and wagons come to Header a'byscureV' fv-.tte 'f , TheAaaocbrte ia'linaef Aligatioqa for favors rendered by gentlemen, in .wing to advanca Uw interaste of tbeS-" iwitu ne returns thanks to those who Have already subscribed and urges tber to4 likewise at suet lit hopes the friends of tbe Bkktihw. at this place will exert themselves in its behalf. Examine our club rates. j ' ... ,,-u- - ' Vwts W were pleased to see at our office oa yesterday Maj. i. T.XiHbs, Oxford, who was ttcommeaded V the Orsnville OonwatVoa for Congi, ani J. H. Horner. Eq . probably tbe most fajaous 'em- her ia Ok South at tb tin. Kt awe pin' to tbe war, tty Sv vt his pooils were at tbVui'aity. B.th gn tlimea war ia eieellent health. : v, . Ws bad tlw jileaatni uf a viait at oor flu o yeatciday f U-m. Jan. Uuiiing. Jr., of Chaihua. He ia in fine health nut) rrjHirts fine cMt ia bis nunh KlTTRKI.K A new al.HV houar, of Urge dim.-nw.uui U going o i The hotel is brng couMdtvalHy . euiargrd. This "burg" isevidiully prop riii((. Will not some friends of tlw SaxTiSKL at this place make an iflort to get up a club tor ust : I'uisoNuW notice ani.ag -tlie ar rivals at tlie Va bmghlloaat, 0w. tlraliain and Ma) Jno. W. Uraliam, of HilUboro', Hon W. K Uake, oi K-h-HMMid county, J. II. Horner, of Oxford, Cyrus r, Meudenhall, of Clreensltoro', W. J Williamson, Ria-kiugham county, and IH-. J. T- rituilh.llerUurd. The Yarboeo' is pretty well crowded wivh guests. HtiPHBMK Cocht. For the folhiwing reKirt of the mccediiigt of the Hopn uie Court yuxtiYday, we . are indebted to oar Iriend, Ovide lNim', .,. ; (ttephen W. Britton sw W. R. Miller at as, Bertie ; put st the enil ut the docket, W. N. It. Smith for plaintiff, D. 0. Fowle tor delendnnt Louisa Esau s Jos. R. Billaps t afs, IVnpimans; pnt at tbe end of tlie docket. W. N. If. fcnltl, for plaintilT, 0. V. Strong for iieledant, - - - Miles Miuh. il rs Marina Jlil. lu ll, llert ford ; argueil. W. N. II. Smith for plain tiff, J. 11. IS.ilchrU for defendant. Tlw point diaruaxed in this case was tlie radical anu legal mewilug of tbe term "orphan." Whether tlw iurt has the Mwet under existing statute to appren tice the fatherless children whose mother is able to earn a livelihood without their agtiiKtaiK-e, , ' J. W. Tone ' st. Thomas fi Tone, at tlty Pa-ijnotauk ; put at the end of the dock et. Buslwe & Biubec, for tbe plaintiff, Smith & Strong for defendant. Slaters. John Bray and Willis Dudley, Bertie; srgued. Attorney Qenerat, O vide Dupresnd Battled Sons lor the State, south & Strong, for defendant. The point dicassed was,. "Can the ludgn, in bit private apartment, and In the absence of the prisoner sod of his Counsel, receive from tb jury a verdict of " tiailty uf re ceiving stolen goods, knowing' them to be stolen."' ' " , ., .i;" Mbtio ' or tub ' Board or Citt Commih&ionkiu. The Coinmisslooers met " '"""T . . J ir . : .. .. . , i aa - I r.OTUl-. . ju,in, Messrs. Chqrijiin,' B ittleSirfinach, Oor inun, f rairie, Cpchnrch, Ellison and DunstiHf. Coiiimsioiiers. Proceedings ofthe lst meeting welt read and adopted. The committee' appointed to rent out the west end of "the Market basement room, submitted a vetbisl reort. Ou motion of Mr. Buttle, the report was referred .to the City Attorney for , his opliilou.tu r. ird to the transfer of the lease with'The li.-eiise for retailing liquor, and if the original leasee has tb right to tub-let the premises, ic. " , Oa motion of Mi, Battle, it was ordered that tbe present street fores be reduced to 25, who shall be selectwl from tbe iuilua trious alile bodied, permanent citix.n of Raleigh. ; ;-. .. ' t- Hr. ilattle also moved that all the new streets lie)jened as soon at practicable. cveu if work upon the streets should be suspended. Adopted, It was ordered that Peace Street be i. li ned ton feet each way, 0(t"Hsrs. John Nichols, D. JU. itojsler, Handy Lockbart, ColoniJ Hiaflor aud Tbotnss TetixnhTKerepptfltffrrrtrrsarBfi apew aoBonllnit to law. ; .rrt1 J. P. Adam was electod tax sssloaor, vb CoL Sliff., rmigmil; i On motia f DuusUmi, col., a commit lee of three, ciHiaialing of Messrs. Gorman, Ohnrehill and Klliaoa, were appointed to examine tbe books of the late city officers aud to transfer them to tbe new officers. 7 On motion of Ellison, rot , the Clerk w'Wautlioriwu aio, all tbe public wells ia order,to furtish sjorln Bad pliliam,, Jv.Tbi cfctk.4 rauatve tb peopnsais is tea days. ; ,t, The old stable building oa Wilmington street, adjoining the new Mock of J. P. Piairie, belonging to the estate of Mrs. 14. ctniith, was condemned and ordered to be removed wilhia tea days. ;; Ob motion of Mr. Gorman, it ws or dsred tbat One of Kitchens'- N.itth Csro llna torce pumps lie placed In the well at the corner of Exchange PUcc and Fayette ville strict, In iwdef that Iti merits may be tasted. 1 'j- . ' """ Tlie following ordinance was oAVred by Hr. Battle and eaaaimoaaiy aloptd : OrimX, That if any pcrsiHi shall wil fully or negligently, or by uiirtamHislilo violence in aing, injtiw any public well or pump of tbe city, be shall ft flit and pay $10, and the city police be instructed to use sprrisj diligence to cany this ordinance in j etfect. ' It was ordi red tint the Street Cotnmis iioner cover np 'tlie aell now open on a vacant kit in iheitrnward. . , Orborue Bolt wss re-etosted eeivm lor tbe city cemetery. . ' .; . ! Ueary HuntiY, to), was elected aexloB for tbe colored oeowtery. '; - Nichol Ciwnwn. wer ekcted ciiy Bftntam 'v. '' -1 -. Oa motion of Buttle, ih City Treasurer, was auiborixed to borrow rautey at sbot time lil the pm pose of paying lncidWi expema-softbeeity. amt fmimii' sm-y received b taxes a avcorirrr' . Aaj.JOfBed to uBdajr night next, VBistimb PoabKR.'l'iiy auliaeri Iwrs to 111 is cmwigw piper will 1 sup plied through the poUiXuco, tbe low rat of sulwritioa xhs! a.lniiuiig ,4 carrier. 1 No postage will be charged. ' ' ' i Wiuiirotom Distrht. Through lb courleay ol Dr. Blacknall, we are able to place tb following tebgram before the reader: - ' Wit.aiKoToa, JuneS, 1871 Jhr. BUtlmUKtltigi : Nomination--Waddelt fr Congress and T. C. Fuller, Electorboth by acila nwtina. Largs delegation. .,' M. J. McstWEKN.' Match Uamb. Yesterday a BiaTch game'of lisse -ball was plaseil bet ween tbe tint nines of the Cook ami . Academy Clubs, .which nsulted in a victory f.Jr the Comet. Tbe Academies svotvd M titut while their opponents mule i& 1'tie Academic couuted 8 fly catches and 3 home runs ; theComeU, 4 fly catches and S borne rune. Ta Comet are jubilaut over their victory as the opposing club is composed of much largrr boys. At tlie n'of games sow Stands 1 and 1 the e rules having won the first gaino we suppose a Uiiid and dciiaive match gam lor the championship will be played. OxroKD Notbs Tlw Hyriug snsU'ia of the Ft male Seminary clostl last week. Ou Mouiluy night tbe Caiitul cauieoM most brilliantly, and on Tuesday night the semi annuid MnimU K'irttA wliii li was a great sow-ess. Tliia school L undei the joint mauageuH-ot of Mrs. Uraut and Misa Mitchell, daughters of the lU I'ro frnan MiUhell of the University. Mrs. Morrow is the music teaclteri and it is owing. to her taste, skill. aud fi lelily, that the ueopln of Oxford are rtririlrced to en- J y such delightful musii al re uaiont. T next session begins oa last day of July. On last Friday night the young people bad an agreeable hop. Messrs. Horner aoftGravw, school Tje gins on 4tb koaday ta July. , The new tobacco '"ware bouse b in coarse of erection. It is to be 100 by 60 feet in size. ' - V 1 ' "The health of the fowa (s now golt. IT. 8. CtRCDrr CocitT.Court met at 10, a. m. .. .,,,....:!: ;,(..,!'..,;'' Tbe case of U." 8. w W. H. Thompson f. f. wsiiranferrod to the Western Cir cui( at OrVentboro Term, 1st Monday in ucuujgr. i t ."-' p. Moffiu, Chatham cmnty, charged with removing brandy fiooi distillery, before paying tuxes was next called up. District Attorney Starbuck appeared for the government and Battle Sons W the defendant. The defendant's counsel msde a motion to quash the indictment oa the ground that the bill found by a grand jury of one term was ameuded by the giraud jury of a subsequent term without passing upon the hill as amended. After argument by counsel, the Judge reserved bis deeatioa aud tb defendant went to trial an the plea of "not guilty." AfterNargiuuent by the counsel and tbe charge of the Judge, the case was given to tbe jury who, alter a abort absence, re tamed B verdict of " not guilty." ' , Tbe Court then adjourned to meet agaiu at 8 p. in. , Tlie following ia Ihe jury In the Mollilt case; ' Juo. It Coats, Geo. W. I'lipoa, 1. W. Saddler, Wm. T, U.axiaie, Wile tl Grist, ff. D. Haywood, Allen Firrell, Thot, Daney, K. A. 'Whilaker, Mitrtin Wbitlock, Ephraint Johnston aud J.stepll C. Hyatt. District Corvbhtm. rTha Dswo erattc Conservativ Coeveniiim of this dis trict convenes ia ti ls city, to day (Thurs day) to rioiuiuale eauJidite forconisas. Tba Memorial FaU being held in Tui ki'r Hall and the Circuit Court omipymg Metropolitan Hull, the Convention will am itiUw Uootbuusa at 10 a. m. In ' aectiua wUb the nomination Miswrs. Si on II. Rogers, D. G, Fowle and W. It Oov of J. T. Uttleiohn, of Granville ; J. J. Davis, r"Frshkmi Imf ' wVn'DfAWre' rrnml nently spoken of. ' Tlie following is the list of dclegaUirJir this county, tb'High by a resolution, passed at tba Convention appointing them, all good and true eon tervatirss mt democrats present will be eonstoVrtd degst. : . '. vi : M Bsrringer, J B Donn, f W Thompaoa, ft C Manly, It F Tmnnlc, 0 M Hashes, I W Btfliee, W W Pstok, K tl Battle, Mills 11 Brown, B Y Rog er, E V Wortdson, 1 USyme, J J Ker" rail! A M 'Lewis, WeaUm Galea, J P H Kiiss. 8 J Allen, K Beavers, Gast'ifi U V) ilder,-Geo II rtoow, I. D Stephenson, J J Bailey, W 11 Wbitaker, Lewia Peck, J II Bell, Alpliius MoutAgm', K' T Williams, C F Dowd, O L Burcb, J 0 Palmer, W It Miirdw k, O lly A 8 Merrimon, J H Fletnming, A 1' Mial, Geo V Strong, II O I'urk.r. t A Temple, 'Ark Koyater, Tlx a P Deveresvux, 1 Adams, Jr., Isaac Itogert, Itouiwa Flemming. Patrick MrGowan, G H Al-i ford, J U Bupsifkv VV B Cox, IxigiaS Bell, W V Clifton, C J (Jreto, I. C Maalv, C N Allen, W E Pieroe, (W J Hotleman, i T Lsach, W H Jon, A P Hopkins. R B . Haywoodr Ovida Do pre, O G Fowle, S A A she, J R Rog ers, Mobt. Taylor, Bryaw Green, J J t.itelilool, V Billard, tT Suooach, Wm Au lrews, B H Norris,T D Sledge. W A Bhaint, Allh-d V hun k, J M E liogbHi, K U. Haywood-, Carter B Har ris, Roubea Ptemming, F, 11. Bnabris, T H Kamsav. '., :': (' " . .V-:- - --4! - , . Duutvr'- LigltBins Flr-KHIrT tmrrf Uwss od and rltars Um hosw sycOily Ti J It oW f asws xcry wkwa. . pi -xW. . i ...., ;- ..... - i-' I v-f r-'-A; ' .'V MtkKicnt "y. ttsv. 'ft It. RHta, im the ls of May, at t)i nwMea,f nt th 1rii)e's uiior.. Mkw KrW( tl. Tiipho, of rmi.klui rounty, to Jo. r. liviLt. xf Uiisril). . . ," "J- "' "'' : IHcd j Willi a. Tanwrsow at ktt rrsislettc la Vfai eoanty oa Tkarsdav t'lw,ti Wt. Nw Alvartiasraeatt. IT Ast!' "BAMIf 'I He alnatt C'snvaa Ham at IV pat lb. t. al ROKAill a mo. tlsw M. . ( st st 1 a A Mil U. T aiKMNAt H t BKO. II.. . ,. rnuH-ti J.ioe ft-tf " N HW IIOTKb AT TB1NITT VOI.I.BOK. I he en.lmlirai4 ka tast rossnlet and fumiliW s New Moirl at I'riitlii. (roaiina: tlte . sj4 MLv of Um esanims He is iireistvit to aeeuuiuiouutfl a wrxe uaiatier or iMMrdfa-a, etlber iwrnumeni or trnleul, In (n stile His Haek w.ll knI all trains High IrutsA Uariu; th wssktul CuwMisa sMwnt I .... VV. It. FKAZRR, june( '.'w Proprtelor. f AUHft ST(l g or ZKI'IIIK WtWJt. ta Inst rt.-ivstf st I8AA0 tlBTTlNUKR'tl CsHI4N4M8, lAXW BRAtirl,(.MKONItT. 1 eurisaiHl otuur hair gtMHls, u -t to ImuhI st , ttKYTlMttaK'tt. I'ANH.VaN, KAM8, AM K.NIH.t.101 V ' rleiyat ' Ostl'TlNUKH'tt. K Z ID UIA OBTTlNUttt' FLOWKKB, lilBliilNa, LACK., RvTHUt aavwhitsst . ..-j, OK-TlNUKK.'f TACiNHt AND BvVlMft INitrKTIONd sod Etlgini, at OKI' n.Nuttlt'B HANDS tCRi:mKfa,L AOS COLLAR ami attu at . OstfllMUaK'. LAr3 kiii ies ai d en i idrk n HiTei ai UkiUNUKK sV TAA1LT KECKIVIMlj LAD1E i, AiUSEfi anil Chtiiirea UaU at OETTIWOER'B. I tALL ro NRgDI.t, F AHOT AND V. lmiiss' rumutuiur tvoads OfcTTlNa I'B. L ttrUW RAm, FANCY AND FLA IN a. liibbuna, U on 1VAA0 OITT1N0BR. UN6IR8UIVE8- ( at ' 18AA0 OITTINOIR June tf '. f.rAONIN'8 HURAL RETREAT AND ' LAGEll BEER GARDEN. , npposlt ttat Fslr Grounds. Open . at all umea . No bniroperehtraetart allower). A. MAGNIN,' Ja'ia dim - Freptistor, G RAIN CRADLES, Tli txht t the LoweHt IMgurvH. ARAM ANDORAIN rt'TTHE OF EVERT DKSCKIPTIOSI. .. lUhON'rt LATEST IMPROVED SELF-SEAUWJ ,.. , ...jAita, .,.,: ,.,., CHKRKT 8FEIIKKS, TUB BBT. " il'UU LtWM A CO., ' ' . 1 HslelKh, N C. ---WIliK UlbH tX)VEIWf - ()CtKM Fit EFZt.US ! "j llyl-rt rbBNIaUlNU BARDVi ARE or . - U T LWW A jusjeA tf. Or r i c it i I D UWlKOI NtiRTH CAROI.IM RRXErieiAL AtMM . CI ATI! IN. - . Csas IA Drawn at U at-Jmss tat, 178. 88, as, 84, R7. JW, HO, 9, 18, W SR. 8. M. I Lias 14 Drawn at 5 P M. .lum 1st, la la, A8, 81, IT, W, W, 8, 81, 80, r.4, la, -Jl XjaaesVtt. .-,.. . ; : 'JMt IWiNr. OUTLAWS' IN-th SMWttl tJarollttS Baaart. ntOni plet History of to Mwlera Rob Hon ssat Rolrla I bant. (isKes. fnt, 8 M ky aaali.. ITtit aasv W ' , -j., , JAMRM H. ENNILAari N. t Bouk autre, Makmii, K. C. jnnettf . I ti tlKltM 8 ALU U ' FENDT IW) VASTER ; HAVE "tTl'KKD. A FKI8T CLAIM K.I CKEAK ialodn. (Her M-s. OeUliisw'a Mbm oa rayettrvlile street, Ain the ro.Hu lotaierly occeiM by Mrs. Hettinger, Mltlivtr. . 'ibey liar suared seitlier tmuhle aor tipta to msM tola Uss sot sfnr.irta4.1 sail elegant, saiooa scr epnatal m tots uy. a THET KEEP TUB HIT AND Etc HUT UHKAM THAT CAN BE MADE, Sail ewpretielly olie:t the patroaaxv of Uw pai-he, 'thet bava atw ortetie4 a braaca Saloon at U, l. wl ator Hillablaru' Ml , dw tkt te edrarqo.laUi ol lit ia.ii- tio dunot Slrttl to X. farther oowa the street. rAMLUKi FlRNkUED IS LARUE OR SMALL QCANTITIB8. Ot.ler left at H. Peivlt't nr A HrotUet .rtyiitli svo-nMdto. ' 1 ' IL tlT. D. Bi.rttw (itv aaatrtai. i ' . A- D. stVloTER A BKO. juns 4 41w ;-- V UTE misi.'KAIMMCMib Ha 1 ViRR, Jun 4 --rintroa firm : sales l.O'.'ll ; tiilanda fi 1 Orleans 3 A - 1'Uair .uuicl. C4iiuIih to fair rJUia (7 Mi. giMi u. iliiMieltUi'i.iAiami WhMk Brill, 4 .HI. WiWI Cl.. I sltw- ly; winter ted ft extent $1 10 to $19 I Cora uuW, lair ibniaud at 'Wi 1 ; ahileaoulhrrn t0. , Hhx-aiea.li at 8 l-ta I 1 4. Iirk quiet. IWf quiel. I Aid s tnllfl firmer, a it 4u t i N avals him. Tallow thmer. FroiKhls siaadv. Muuey acuta, 4.V MuiiliaK tli t.i 7 8. Oiyre 8A: ernim-als 1 8l I lower. I eiuicsMie s N 4 . fa. and others timet tMd44 I ( loUs S. t . l.ivnaroou Jane 4 Ciloa opeoed strong ; upLunU 118 8; Orhan 1184.; h - prow; wIsiuNtmix. Wash i notorv June 4 There wss a lull nbiiH-t meeting to day sscept th Atuir urj ueuerat, . . . .... 1 OiNGltKSLONAI WAsHikuroii, 'June 4. HoPsR. The bill diaUibhting the quota of anus to I he insurravtLsaary States I rota le to lbt, Pi. - ' . ' ,. ,. Another disability removing bill pssatil. Tb conleieui n port on the tarilf and tax was ordered : It gnea to the Preal dent'. '." - ftt. -I ; .,.; ... . , - The tax- (hum tak ft" on lb tat uf July, 111 tariff the first ol August. I iw retiucuoa ol ine revenue by Uie bill is estimated at fitly three and a hall million dollars, ..ti-.. Th tax oa Victm) niatehea was re stored. - This is revenue Ipmm ahHb two and a half iaiiiioB are liurived. Adjourn dm Friday. , t. Bknatb Theday w spent In diartuv sjng the New York Custom tlnuae, i The Srnate eora urred Iu tbe t'onfereaoe report npiw tlte tanlf and toi bill. lioueal'irvase bllle. friimIocwyokr. Nkw York, June 4.Kperi Klilpmeni Unlay thiwr hiinilnd (bouaand dollars. ihiinoontt fiw lo-ruorniw oae aud.ae nalf milliuua, , Mis. Jnue Fiirley, In s fit of jealous d tinm liniy, lui her llin at. Cli i lea U't'nnner Is aiiruini th case nf th pvopkt airaun Tweed st. itU. In the Methodist Conlurence, lb V. Dr. Fuller offered a leaoluuou to eslauiiab s conference in the luirmiry now occupied by Georgia sad Alabama. The resolution wsttsbhd. ..L.isJ. L-.-w.. ,:. m, Admiral Nelson, charged with complic ity with bit ton, Abram Nulaon, in pur- lnininit valuable papers from lit Sale ul Phelps, Dixtife ..Oi, Was this morning held for trial ia five, thousand dollars bail. A C'ainargn ipei.'ial reports that Trevino hat rallkd uia lorrea and utterly defeated the government trooiui at Monterey. ' Tb Grswley ratitk-atioa meeting Was A letter from Montgomery Blair, tpaak ing of radicaliam, says : " Not until at larked by Sumner, Heliura and Trumbull wsj it brouirht to bay." . , . . A letter trom Senator Trunibull eon- gralulaUw the UIktsIs br tlieir deliver- auce trom party trauiinels, and ts tor sir iug tlie people an opportunity to elect iiismos Greeley President to-paeifythe government ana ouniersuf oia auimoi- tiet. Gen. Imboden says h hastens lo assure the hiMiiug that Southern men heartily untie In support of the policy and norm nets of .Mi Cincinnati CouveutioB. T he uusaimity ia the South is without a lisr ill hi Tne npimitioii in Viigiui is too leeule to provoke s campaign. - FROM PHILADELPHIA. , g PhI.AiKi.rniA, June A. B. (lornell uieds Greelei on th Nationsl lb-pub licaa Executive t'oimiiitteo. Dele:t are arriving in lurge Bumlasrs. No ast. d nt occurred while rout$. Tbe rwlru lamas is cluse rigaid ng the vice-pies dewy. . i, 5 v - FROST MlvMPIIlS. I i ' Mkmi-iii; June 4, A tornailo swept oyer tXinrUalnl. Ala. A inu tout was prnsiraleii, injuring Ihrtw ai'tors. Mdeb usiilag was tloae to louln.r. , . . v FROM SAN KKANi LttlO. SaM FRANi'lstsi, June iV-Tbe federal oo iiinitiott of M r.Hilnn la ciAtliniied. All western Mexico Is now pacifil. ' ' f The il in nllr Convenlion of ! An FROM MAOH1D. ' j Mauriu, June t ' Maishal Serrano has lakea UieXoalh of i lli.e as I'mtident i4 the Uiuisnd and Xml-ier of War in the new miuistry. Thtse piasiiioiw hve lj u Umtstrarrly urturb! Admital--TwfH;- illlli.iii My ! of. !! liUiolleH I ... .It. .... ... I..... w..i:.l.l...l H.iiAiui',1 ekmuMiy I t low win. n.ieilnii . tifcHirnila. TtMi si-AVMHl ' xtsjsj SttstU ItMII- At (hi - seasoa of th year, tb Woe) k s(.t U) h..nM tiajair; Un appeUte tl akin lbs Ui'sly'er.f. itt.4 T tb system n au). sUt It sus,-eptll4 to ttlkf Chllu sad rv. r, Rlisuiaalisiii, eru. by I list ski sad OV vsl..oi t uf lh en" litJ Uw wiadti-bias ase of t aloaisl. a saw troahk may he v.a4 by as 4 few tMMtlesof Dr tutt's BataspatlUa as ga.'a Dellirhl It It hsratlest la K eBVta, but s posrsrlal eaeuiy to .'.' Tiy it, sa4 y" sill find t frhwtsn 0-I. " . , ri T' lit, TsU.' Llr Fills' moves Ui Bnwiih) to JaAis)riaJ9Sjfe ally, swt ttMf lislsu .Us aretslfcai, sa ta tealtby Bad aataral asana raxpsh 8 im pwiUesniUVwt weakrldiNtUM woy. i j ' Dr. Tatt!' Hair Dy Doe Not Ii.avUw Ilalr. T T II KG EM CHUBS! i Makss tb tost aaaUty of Arm If .How Bat tr froat 'tseUilk )a fwm two t v ntiBats. After featoval fust tlwrkarnsa8 sUinf, It I ready "fur lb UuW Or itaekbic Being prrfeetly free irora whry or milk. It re qtrbm so working wlttitb peddle at epoon, sad will nmaia sweyt loig than anyar Id saad froaa soar or sarompnaed milk ty rbtbts v Cba-a loll m rr farUief partl eulsii adilree. . ' J. H. OKR,fV-wary ' f r i y ticmChara Company, .jruif VbarWU,N.C(V MlSt TJ.IaANKOUS. A KiK KR'M VEiiETAIILEs, ' A. ) W kins rsinily 8had Roa, ' " ' ti-f.' Ksev4ved to-oay. ...,..', may f r " W rj. BTR' -nach a Oa, Q RAND OPENING rmtrs Bnuv utn i ti um, ,. UN lUl'KallAY MAY f..l COXKVNKf CO H K A Lit! ad gal a lists of , it i: ia' w. Freely glvea to my trkoJs. . i Lunelle and Guol, Drtakt of nry 4s- seripllua fursisliul at atl hours, 1'Ukk.P for CA8IL ' COME AND 8RS ME.' may 3VU ITVI DE L'BAU HOTEL, 8EWELL8 rolNf, HAMPTON ROADi - NtAt NoaroLa, V. . , This Maw and Bsaubf ul, Uotel alU b oprn for visitors oa t MONDAY, JUNK S, 1671, ' anitrr t.h surwrvl ma of tb aniteri htnsil, as slatMl by MK. Jno. HAM UtvWMK,ol foil luouih, awl will be kept AS A HRST 0LAM WATER1NQ PLACE w ON TUB SEA BIDE. - ! Bpleadld ribtn, Flaa BoaUsg, Bslt Wstsr Bathing Miaiied Urovs, Hllliania, lea Pius. Muake. an everv luiU' V of the sea aud teed esa b foaad at r fan sVltilil(ulsii4cvsaBt tmiaiaw Keaort, , . . . .- , Arransi atmu aava beea iasa with tb vsiloat Roinauta, to sell return tlekel to vI.iu.it to V us tie I eas at on fare, provWed, lii tl. lo w are tuuiiivd st tlte Hotel enlur setaeHliis-. f ' ..."..v. . Btuauurt rsa sltaiwt eoastsaUy bstween No Mk, PorUwouth sad tlis HoUl. , Tekuraoh UlH.e in to House. " 1 I saae: Ihrre dnllars rr 4ayi thlrty-ve dollars for two a- ; sixty eiHi.rs per sunaut. .-, -?', .. ,.. H B..UODl!. Pmprt tor Atlaavte rtotel, bohlk msy tl lmt F"8 BALE. ' Pslsp tea Family Flour, atrkkly No L Abo, N. ,0. amity k'luur la Hai ks m-.y m xr -:. ; . ... W, fa. JONW A Co. IT I N T O N ' B . yawlly Rim aad Vat HerrbiKt tor sals, vary hiw i or esli. iLayHUII W. II JONEB A Oo. N W S T 0 C K 1 NKWOOHDSt! W, trt sow leeeiviug our HEt'OND STOCK of LADIES DRESS GOODS. r Pnrrbasoil lit dd. T"ur, m to last tea lay in tin Prim Jpal Nortbr aiaA-ts - J Tbsas UOihIs srs diioeilly ebs,r, tliss any which ka bsea ottWl la th awket wit tesaoa. " ' ' I.-: .' "OUR MOTTO. ! W still ailhor to: Tlw Hoe of l)rs Ooods rutnUts of . ' ' JOllttRII ANI BLACK URANIIIIRsW, si r'-ll K.U A Nil rilKi n suninas, . ' -tj villi. a at 1 1 1 li. - l lihl tliounrl Hraittdinas, with Oulored . - , . . . ....:-...,. . ? Fltiae.a, . . ! ' tripil n4 t'hrek8 HTSSiM'tl. :. f Japatilas Po4iaMlit8UiVoats.. , :- JBijaalatl ha, ,.twwmm!tP"miim . 1.1'nTF.IIEMEA, ; . WrMTEIUBnTWGH.. 8TRIPKII, PIlil RKD AtiW PLAIN Lfr"a Foil BIIKETISMI. basT su4 White Law us sad Vhoiliua, j ' ftwb.ip, Vsttta-l aad Hauuook Madiaai Ha aa Whit aM"d YynmVlM, sad tliaar mysssot l"ss Uooua. . . W, ti..ia. Viaaa-i"j. I A bauoaoui rnsnl. tv as rayviurviiu au-V ttooae has It Rooms, on scic urouBO. Qarilea'svrs4-piiainsswT Riven attitiiss. ssaa, ., W, lLJUfc!UCo.. r , . ; f rpilE H,0T BIRIMI8, JsATU COt, VA An aow oprn to vlsltoes, Its U-r areeele-braU-1 lor, Uis cum ol Rheumatism, tsost, Psrsltsis, Torpor of Uvr, . laruule t'iarrli.ea at Oysasiliery, )irar ut tlw l u.nia. n -e tUHS Of Ui rfcltt, "-"e.'.j ... rMuiww,. (ia, sod auiasrwua Oarsnae Ulsaaaua, -, ; . THE BATHS Very in t. ml'-ralure from 50 ilea; to l' ties; hannhrli. ami la-eart riv vsrttSv ol otnutue liath. Tney atj miavotar l.iahjt to urrisre Uk- a.teili t.sr Ui l-auetlr ai selHtol W stars lama at Us i-a ollwe Vliaertl JtteUMrs. At 1' KA I itr have lieen cotirfrBi-t eXa uol'ir to lliuse Uial are lareely a..tt at the atasA eeUttirsleit spas in (.let-uiany. and alin s it. a atiit.mra Hit le-Metit oi U.e very.vainiiMe .euaedlAl ait'Vils eirttlamej IW Um. M'SeriJ Slad . TkNa BeniMS olter I' Nt I Uf AN? K A I I Al I HNa to bulk tli lavalm anil keektv- tUt Mullnaeat d ! ageUM-ut Srs Silttiil tu tiKiaet Srat elaw t it) iio !'.' Kvery Mudera itaprtnaitKint baa been wrovLled. i - fr.IT J. L. CABELIil M. D , ot 111 lolesr- aliv of VilSlulS- Kiwtlent ritieia. r'rt- f .tiorfl.-ta and tlreiiiani. sri-tree B. O TAHiiY tjo,, Uniiuoid, Va, or J. A. Al Ui Bf, Maujer, tint (iprinj-a, baUl C. Vuarluia. - may a audia - 1 ',.' l.::.''- no: enir.i AIlSCXI,LVNfc:t)US. " XL IL IL K 4 W A Y M ' K K.4 1) Y REM E v . Birrs th tf - imu frsRitatutvf njfxTiiRiid. KUTOSE IIOIR after resdlnif flit, ailrertiaMatii tiee4 any on ...... w niinrAli, kADWAi s Kk.AHV MM.ir it ' CLSE ftial kVEKt PAIM. ; It was tjw tna ami la HE O N L T r A I M R r u r, w thtt BSStanttf tunia . "au iwiw,, alUys toaaatatHMia, ami eurea t w Z - s "J w api inalmn. rROat ONt 10 TWENTY XISLIM, await Imr lanav ssL .L-aatt aass i..u. ; ..i iala Una KllkUMAlHl, Hsd ruuiea. Jroi, brifphMl. Nirvaaa, NearaJa;, U anaUatea) aim tfisaata saay SBRsr, . HJUri lEiDT KELIEF IM.'ArrtistrIN8TNTFAHR 4.NKl.J.?4A1HJ tMf llts, KIDVKYS IPLAMslA I Klfi ttlf THg m.AIIIII R, IM'l.ivuiTlnV , .k- n 1. ...... . . .. OUNiikt-TtiiNoPHIK H'.Niit. UOUV 1'IIU.O 1 ,,IL1.'... . . .... n.d.. PALPI I Al ION (' HIE HkARV. HV8IAKK8 iKotl'.DIfUTIIKRJA CATAKKH, INkU)KN.A. . IIKADAlilK, TtRiTIMC'R. NEljKAl44IA,KI!Ki;MA'ittM. WI.U l llll.lJt, tlil t 1IIILIX partor part wlwre u pain or stiuieuky auats will atlora) aae aaj roiulurl. Twenty s)ro la bait a towklurof water IU ill a f..W Huwu.nl. .un. I ..... ..... . , - - . ..... niaamk Siar HbwuuiJ, llu.Mh.M iu.. ... '. . . ' .. , ...wv.., . . t .. Mlt lt. F. awb.,. D.asiU, Cwlte, Wmi la Uutsna.ia, aud ail IntertiaJ Paiu. Iravelam abimlii arwav carry a but lis of Rauwst'a Kiuui Rauas- wiui Ue4it. A iw drvuata Water will wafunt au-kM.... nr ....... Irua ebaair at nass. It ia Oetm tnau raaeu tuauuvur Buuaa as a sUiuulank , t FEVER AND AGIK, V rrVRW awn am-v .. a .:-...tiL - . . . . , ... . aml I ' no, ernia, I wot erweuial aireet in thia wirtd n.al wn, e revar sua J-ju, ana all oilier Ali.: rlous lllloua, M-let,Tlvplh.M, Yellow, au.i oiiuit revwa (aid.1 by kAllWAVa MLlJil snuuiik aa RAIiYtAY'B AKAUt Ri.Uk. ruty tatuta per buUla. .' ' Ucaltli I Beauty I ITIIOXn AND IH'RS B1CB BUH01(. . IViA.I.IA Or 4-A.S AMI WkluMI ( I AM ft AM UKAVritXb I'UJt- J'liXJOM AAwAA'i l it ALL. : , SAESAPABILL1AH EE20LVEST HAH MA DM IllK Mn.fi.iintstjx'ti tf'AAlk . HO VfVl AiAO HAl-iU Ana 1UM .HA,lit.a I UK tlutl, ,.AA r. uviua, iajjkk Tim i.n.rr,ri: Evtry "' Be? ib iBffMti U flria a, 5 tlifct It S tl iiJ Ft It. rtj TnK GREAT BLOOD J't'lUFlEiL AVarB itrap ot th 8 A RMA PAKiiXI AN RK MllLVEN I etnutiniliuauia Uhihju tlie UI.kkL oweab, unaa, aim ouier auma una yuiees of the syatosn ts tayia- uf tor It retatut IM waalusoi Uis bo.iy wuk iivw anil aouuU in. terwt. fT..fMja. Syfhiiit, I mmt.fAum, Waul. Mr, dimatt, l!kr (As lAreul, A.SUA, I'm-Nvura,- AtKtm ift IA 0ntmis ataii ,a7ur parlt ikT'lAs ws av Arts,' Mawrwrvs Jrm (Aa Aisea, and Ms aural yoi-ra, 64 o, AeurfMhft, aa' Hnrfm, id M4-, hntf Hfirat, -&tU iWa-ana, A'rynfa-isa, Arm, JJmet Su(a, H.inau la (As wA, .'unaves taatvra m .m! H tsnli, asuf til maAtfiHf n4 frui t1t, A,.r f, AsjfAl aViasala, Um &) aaa aHosscst .if IA iy 't striaeoVa, a-wAia f A watH raiky f (Ala awnoVr if if.atVm I Amusies, a.nl a ,na atiaya wss saall Jieuaw l ay yarraea auaaal M )f tiihtr ' Ikru jvrmt aouar ata Mm bumf weratAvv. RiflNEY 4 BLADDER fXlMPLAINTi, Urinary, and W iwnb rj lesi, U rav'l, IWahetiw, lrOMy, u..hk of Vlau-r, laconttueaes ,i tirltie, Bi li(l.t s iiiraatt, Alimiiniiunik, anil a til ease wt srs lltara saw tirV.S siiml d-fawo., or Um tak la UiieA, etouity, mixed witji aun ataaeee like Uw alula ol au rr, or tliofiau iilie.whito silk, or tliem Ut a luornnJ, itars, liu tlous a,iHMUaluul, and White tMun.Ual ua poalu, aor! : u Umre la s ri. kmc tnrrntii; staaaauun wbee tsssiiiR watS',:au faaui la to auiail ot toe hatk and aioiiR itiii liu Dr. Xladwav'sJ tmrtcihF tmmUtbm, rtutruiiiy .Ut $mevt irHm, purKi, prulk.U Mi(a i. $)u4 trtnihfUtttti. RtAjwsty' Viiin, ftr Uw vmrr vtt U aimkr- ut km HUmuu 1jvh, Mi;U. iVrtliM))'-, tiBVttij4rt Nnrvumi I'ik ut", Hi !, CotftUitttJua, Uenkfi, Iiwarfrttv,,lt UfMtWJIfA, KiillHllHlt)ftk, tituM If cvtir, luila-. HLIAtUtrfat Uf ttt lljl, ViU BUlai lilt IrHTallle .?trU C Uift liilstTrrsifal Vih-jik. WattmwRt.t u eflici t pJaitUv ettrvj, furt ly Vt .-Ul-ie, tsu Uiniitfr t luriTury, mintviUk, ur tit U UTriu .s$B-Wpaw. fasf Miiv (ti foUitwtit ny!ii.tttn r j uuufn.iti Ulttcr, ..." -l Ut iHK--iilrsoiv.m. lJtJtuUlA4i4 UrW-l-tl ttUi, Ult44eMI(l. Um HUhnI tu 1U .l'vl, A. i.lM) til tin' Wl.iCiinrh, Nr , l.tlilt'ii, iMitMl f1 tYtMMl, ibi. MrM 14 Wt iijlil lu ih hiirtuiu U, Ktir Htm l bHMi. eWKiitg tf riuti!tiiii aI tlm ftl mI Uia tHoiMw-tiv iitff, Wi 4.ia, UiTiiKi MKl' ihttKV totvHhttt; fhftirtuifM XttJr- HttfUt, T hUirthtollllltf I BtM rHs Allt'fl . ifc l.t-Hftf liuHiur, leittun' t j Vtt, iot ur W fli Jwliin- Uiit;lti, ri v.-c hiM (nut Tmiiiii ,,, . . ; Um -tttnti. t rt of f'v'rs.t iimlM'ti, VU$- ttum f Uh$ UkM fUtkl KltHH t'tUll EM iUoM.lf, K lUittt, Ultl'r-. ftlitl 4itlcU KlUMLlCttOf IstWtVa trvm Ui yUnt U id! ni-nvr iian.. .) ,tls- .i-. onl. rtL iVt., HU 4iiu fr Ai. M-UJ UV WtsorU.mp to KtAV A N si Wamm tij I. to?, of tUutth Mi.t, Nun ' R E A L . K S T . T ii UNDKH KAbfllH NATIONAL BANK.- Lead buyars may rly oa Piirel atn direct bom th Propei ty Owners. No ' I . Middlemen or Aj nt alltWsd . . to Spwculat clarj ait " advanc on Ui twoo s .... pric if .'s on, Ac rio-isb.! aail- pot:- f-r s.il-ll , N ' 10 K a 11 S' tV ft k JE P a . A new Slip,. Iv hi a rf i in I ;!'t!iv hi m t!ii snitfat U.,.. .1 1 . l. . l i !'- t .nllln row .. J.tl'i.lH i'-UiiJ, may i tl At? nt. y . i. ' UtiLlli tU t-LtiAii. apt S-tt , T, iX:!'. iNAUJ A 'CO,

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