vol. yii ... i : ' , ,. ....,...,:,.,...,, ., j.1 t. ill i'B vflfE DAILY SENTINEL 1 AUVkBTliuNU BATES. cal Dun. I&wt the new advertisements.4 -Ths various churches wen wall attend a Y. MeAden Horn. J. M. Leach and are in the city. - Judge Bond arrived in the city on Bat urday. ' t AdTerUsrut.-iiUwtU be inserted la the Dally taarsav-AiSYi fuilowln Ma pet (quart ot oue iiitt, tea ausioe liuos. HeeasUartotlt-Uiue.... ............ Sl.lAI mbsueul inserliua less Uisn a work... ., , (0 t .i,r 1 ek & VI 1 mum t ik A'S All 1 I month, uu;i ,. . juu The Associate leave thia (Torstliiyi) tmi w 2;I!!jJeeni"g attend the cooneocKiueni al 1 ai.ool " 11". kw I Trmlty-Coileire. 1 14 ft S.uuil M U " I ' ! 1 . , K4 1 V We leara that Judge Uerriiaoo'a re Add to tha alxm ntoa lor auh additional I ceptioa m Carterui and Bunraun oouutim amounted to an oration. lortmomb, 4 00 liountba, ) - U IU - " .( a ; " l.w - ' : Tnt 1 Biontha, aH(W " li . a i i4.uii i - -v " is m Ut ' 17.UU J B( Ca lis Fakmp.b f. June, flllei! with UKtui aud icmUb nistt. r for tht planter haa come to band. Published at Wilmu gt a N. b, VT. If. B reard, at f per annnn. l'it(NAi U. Uit. Tlien. Uitmr,of rvUevUl, lata of OoufwleraU- irnijr, waa in our eity jricnUy. Wearr happy Wlrn fn m hia friwida that Uu Guwialia looking well and ii in good pirita. Tne Oineml aa a gallant pfficer and our Slate ia proud to claim him at hereon, . For the Vrmi-Weekly ataae, Uiree-tftlw u( Uall; rau . . rur tiia Weekly atone, twe-afthe of Bull) ratea. .n l ur Uie Sally ana Int Weekly :eoniMaa, litjr our cent a Daily ralee . ' " ur Llw Uaily and Weekly numblne, fort) iHTi'mt on DBtlvnitee. tut the Dally. Bcoil Weekly and Weekly coo taeed. nlnaty iereal on Deliy rawa. aKial Noticue, fifty per cent on Daily ratea. Ailrei lieeuioule ia laical Colaam, tl6 eeaU ya Alt. . i ' The bow la of caninea in the email hour of the night Kill rudely invade the alninbert of eitiieua in eutoe. neighbor hooda. . ' ", . ; Rty. Joea B. BubbiU, Editor and Her. H. T. Hudson, Aaaociate Editor of the CKritUa AJtotU. baVe kft for Trie itjr College Commencement. There were bo eaaea in the Police Court yesterday morning. The Mayor, acting aa a J. P. iaaued aereral yarranU iu civil The rayetteville Eaglt thm writea of the addreaa of iter. A. W. Mangum, of tlm city, btfore the Wamnton female College : . The addreaa of the Key. Mr. Manguro waa full of wit, humor' and eloquence. I ne niuh literary reim;tloo tit the Quaker waa lully auatamed m thia tiT itt. Gen. It' F, Hoke baa returned to the city after aa abaenoa of aevera weeks ia Texaa.-' !, r " 1 : Hon. W. M. L. McKay, of rajetteyille, loot. Btrang and M. London, Kujraol, Wllnililtrtiitl rw in thaMlvln illuml.nr ,MV v " upon the Supreme aurt. . . ; i ; ... POST OFFICK DIltEUTOllV. . hour. lr.u 7i A. M. to a F. M., during tlw week (ecpt,while the mailt are be ing dwtributeu. W uitkkn. Mew Krleana, La., Augutta, Ueorgia, Columbia, 8. C, Charlotte, rial it bury, vreeoaburu', balem, Chapei Hill, llill.oom', A , due at 1.B0 A. M. Cluat at P. - KAtTEki.-7harleaton, 8. C, Wihuing Uu, Newborn, Beaufort, UolUaboro', Ac, due 7 P. M., close P. M. NoKTHtaS, Tia Weldnn. New Tork. , Kaltiiwira, Philadelphia, Washington, Jtiibuiou'i, Petoraburg, Norfolk, Weldoa, dec., due at 4.(K1 P, M., ctoeu at IfcaO A. M. r-FaTttrray.iLX.a, ria Chatham H It., dur DHL, otoae M P. M. Office hour for KegUtered Lettera and Money On! or Department, bum 8:30 A. M. to ;iW P. M. No niajU received or aent on Bundaya, therefore the office will not be opened on that day. t"OU VOAUHJttHi. Firat DitUiet 0. M. Carter, of Beau- 1-Hr- : W. H. Terry, of Chatham, lodged in the jail of thia county eotue moutha ago on a charge of illicit diatilling, waa re lented yealerday on hit recognisance. There are letter! in the pott office ad d rawed to J. P. Kennedy, Fajetteville, N. O, and Jno. Nading, Winaton, N. O, beld tor lack of proper pottage, Scott Brown fld Charii Dunaioni pro fwaort of great renown in the tonanrial irt, have one of the tnot elegant aaloont in the South baaement ot tha etore of K. B. Andrewt Co! Clothing eatablitbment. Maj.J.M.BIair,J borough illonte in thia city, baa taken charge of the Spnrkling CaUwba Spring. The Major it a team and will run the aha" bang accord in jfta 11 isy tc HoRVCK UKHtl.KT Muun'ilBbTBeUFE Thia troupe will give aVenlertafuineqt a i ucaer nan tnia (rneada)) eveoiug. bough th it ia an amatuvr troupe, a nuui W ,H il tmmbert pownaa rare mutical talent, and thoee aho may attend their penormanoea will ,De aura to past a pleat' Miy VVBUIUg. . . Opr frirndii lu Omnville and other to hoc CO cuuutu-a aho tell tobacco in the feat e.n countiet are iufornind that complaint wwn i oe tuienor article tnac la toiu. 1'bc Tarboro' Kntfiirtr ihiuke that high gradet of, (.-hearing tobuoco would be in uemana. , liy all lueana meet Uie.demand W lib good article,, si ; . I I'RrmKTmit. We have concluded to publish daily the price of turpentine, at to many of our aubacribers are IntereateJ in it: WimiKoTow, N. C, June ?.SpirUt Turpentine ijuiet at 4i 18 centt. Itoaln firm at f 3:1 18 lor low No. 1, 3 to for no. i, ).ou lor extra pale, ft 25 liar lo pale, f3 lor pale. Crude lurmntine . . l..L.i-.r . . .. ..1 ai mt.au ior nam. a.Ta lor tpiiow I ney can be round in tnt I "'Hj r,-uu "lr rgin. -j ar tieaay at f J. - i . - - . VUitora at IJavidtos Cullega duiing i;uiumcuccnieii week thia year may ex pee. to aee and hear U fofla Wr"" The Baccalaureate Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Pbtflipi, and the Ctuiatiaa Attocla- uorby the Rev. J. B. MCkJgf the Ptea. terian Church, on 8unday, June I3J. The coming radical nominating eoavonyf t' " ednmday .may be aceit ked heard tion promiwa to be at turbulent and. in- I the gallant Uenl J. B. Gordon, at tha harmoniout at their previoua conorm. I Owtor before tha, two Literary Societiea, There art about, seventy ova lochia city land the Alumni will welcome their Soud Dittrict-W. iL Kitchen, of Halifax. x Third District A. M, Waddell, of New Hanover. Fourth District Bloa H. Rogers, of I who are bent upon, being nominated for I brother the Rct. J. D. Burkhead, of Oa, ouiithing, and God onlv knows bow many of the country radiate down with the same complaint. Honry Tirurod aras one of the trnott poets the South baa ever produced. , We tie pleased Jia learn that our favorite North Carolina publishing bouse, . J. Hale t Son, of New Tork, are about to Wake. Fifth District J. M. Leach', of David son. - -Sixth District Thomaa 8. Ashe, ol Ansou t - ' Seventh District W. M. Robbina, of . Rowan.. ' ' Kigth District R. B.' Vance, of Buncombe. fcLKCTORB FOB PKE81DENT AND VltK PRESIDENT. .. i First District Octavius Coke, of Chowan. Second District Swift Galloway, of Qreeue. ' ' Tbiid DittrictT. C. Fuller, of Cum berland. ' ' ' Fourth Distrlct-f-H. A. London, of Chatham. :.....::.: L'2 riixtn District Vf. L. Steele, of Ricb mond. . I' ' ' ' ' i ':: ': Eigtb DistricaWTbomiu Johnson. Rauswui Cuwoh MAKKKT.--Re potted f ir th totrnnmi by Lynn Adams, Cot ton Factor, Grocer, atc Market Square. (". Malbhih. June 8. 1878. C!nttnn ro fhj firm at 23 18 to 28 34. Ralct 3 bale.',, ! . at nigm tue puuac uwy uecida lietween the npruttnUUvet of tne two Societies. Mo eye or ear should bo turned Irom the Seniors, who for four long jeurt have kbet-n prcpariiia to make their fajws at entrance in life, eq Thursday Commence ment any. Wkiu This gentleman recently from Berlin, Prussia, eotuea to ut highly recommended aa an Oculist and Optician. A distiguuliedx citizen of, Wilmington writea to nt, that ha baa been tuiptoyed by all of the moat prominent citisena of that ry, who have bad oecaainn for hi etrvlcea, aud with univcru) a-ceptyiility. He may be consulted at the Yarborough UAtaiLaaa Ucraaaaiaa. ThU eiprMtlua ia often ami, bat It is manifestly ab-nrd. Uioom and melancholy ate not tpouumoout. They are annalural mental jcotulittoot aud eaaally have (ornmKudiiu( nam It there It no apiwrenV reason t despundvnfy, K la a symptom ut ph)-8kil dbease. In nluecatss out of tea the siou.ara. tlie liver end the howalt aes reepantible t Ux etoad whleb rests ran Um bralii. In sH a je'i esM i-a niedawe and ; rona lr? relief siav b ohUia bytaot Uott it-.r'tetom ch Blteri it the dl!-tiTe errant sra weak su h!gorsi.l It nccerfarji ; U the llvlr U d;rd. rej at, idte- raHve U required j it the bowelt.are coutu Iu Uitt i.m .ut viyeUble rciae Jy It t Uiiw medicinal n iet are- aoaMamg'ttd with several olbert of tr aetroely 1 sa Important character, hence U apeedliy enret irirv lt of hyiorhiaklrla arising Ir.m natolU eauatt. by iMnovuw the causes themiavi.n. In the summer, whea dlturos of the atojusch and naaela, -WU a eompi .hi-i and nil aUeat a which aflect the asim,la'ia( sutl sscreUva or.-iu are eapeciadjr prevuluut, ihi Un;)diuii.et of h ng UiU hivaliubd Wn ic, alteraUva aad eurieitive in every dwelling. and wlihln the r.ueh of all who travel by land or aster, esnaot be over estimsuid. At it Us s.ault article throughout the country It im TE1EGUAF1I1C JSEW t ' MAKKETS. " ' Raw Iokk, dun 8. 0ltn firm ales 5 '.XI ; uplanda it -; Orleans a" 8 4. Flour quiet, conitiH to fair efea ..W), good to chok 10.25I3 00. H t(Wkj tirni, 0U.,U1. YVtleat chawd .slea- ity; winter rod W extern $1.00 to $.rj. Un quirt, fiur demand at 7a?0 t 8 ; white southern H6 Rice steady at 8 f-Sa . J I'ork qim. Hef nine. Lard mile firmer', 61 3 4i9 3 4. Navala Him. Tallow tinner. , Freights ateady. J Money eay, 4a3. tSterling 4a9 t-S. Irtivernmenla I Hal 4 lowijr. Oold 14 1-8 alt 13. Teoncnaee'e tirnL 78 1 i aud oilier southern, steady, . LIVkri-uol, June 8. Cotton opened strong; nplaudd U 1-3; Orleans 11 8-411 7 8. : I TONOREsSIONAL. 'vVasbinhto.h, June 8. The geaateat nine o clta k Ibu itturwuii naoat d the sun. dry nppitttiaiiiiieiit bill with ninety-two auionumeuts, ineluuing Kellogg s supple mental (force bill, extending the twinfal in d. fault of fiftv thousand dollars I for liW. j W. F. Beer, hibt edlMr of the Triluae, n ueao or eugaitin l Ihe brain. I " !-e "- t FROM BALTIMORE, ; j Baltimorb, June 8 The cleriral cminilltee, liy wlch rhaigs aifidivit Kev. Ir, L. D. Huston, of the MJ K tliurch South, have been inveetigatrd, j hot a anmon oi ililiu-mti.in ll,r.,oi-li the entire Bight,. fiveo'cle-k thia m.a ing ileclared him not gmity , the charsjea. The clerical committee before ahieb chargea agaiiuH fir. Huston were inyti. iratetl, coaaistod of Rev. Nelson Hea.1. I. U., oTJeshrir. Va.. Rev. H. Lt'n haw, Fail 14, Va., Rev. T. K. Carton. M nincneaier, va.. Ite. J. 11. w ilnT al Kockville. Md.. Rev.' J. M. Pnamrl.. ot lUllimore, Md . with Rev. Or. Rinlgara, Preaidirig Kkler, as President of in vest I gating committee. Tlie reMrt acquittirrf ""-o " sisneu ny an tlie me. oera of we committee. , i i J "a . . J.HJ 1 u.n K tin: AW. I srEClAL KOTICKS. BATOUELOH'8 HAIU DTB This splendid Hair Dvs la the best lJua iinuKts, miaoie, uuiauiaua,ua. du7 na, eor any vili ir domou. arouueii ral it or deafli. A void the vaet-t- til 1!li;r l""" boastjiar virtues Uie kwlliairDwi has had iklyaars' BaUn.,.he,: irpauti.mw Bliold Its lutnfri'j M Ui enlj pwreet Msir Dj-iUf or Hrown. held bi 1 I ,F1..r.,!la A....lu -. Ill u . . ' aov rdl . " , v CEDE L ' A U HOTEL, 8EWKLLS POINT, HAMPTOX ROADS NaiB Nobimu, Va. Thlt New and BetuUful UoteJ will be i wr vimiots on MOKDAT, JUNK J, 187 1 RAD WAV'S l.K.lDr.l5E LIEF turee the tVorat I'uiiis ii frintlaltlttltr nii.t,. (NOTtNilhU,.V after reailliiu tliir jovertlemnf i .. hl-'rr'KK Willi f.KlXi. RADWAT'8 kfcAl KKI.Ikf . ' viitK .''' ,T1 lr d1 tH ONLT PAIH RKMIDf that Jmuntly au. tlw nait exemrtatiiia iint, aiuys lnnaiiiutioiii uui ru... , IT t!uS h,.U, f uie Units, huhiuu I,, .. t:. or ether Kiaads r Uyi uum st,tHUou7 ia iux D.Nfi ia TWKNTr MISCTKS. no- natter how violent or exrrawlailiur tha wain the KtlKUWATti! uZl ,..ln Cnj.Ul, Nervooa. .ana,wt m i ,uM U r,imm itiix taut CuK-AOO. June,?. Furl her rvoortt nio e uelion reuulations. which now annlv to I cerninK the ureal atorin of Thunulnv niirl.i f.sted or Irreirular a geiule ajierleut t UK-did, I Cltai 01 enty thousand luhsUiUula, to I central Uiinoia show that aa itumrniw i an vHiug procim ia ...-.... . . i nmount or namaire waa done in Peoria, ilousis l lw nuuoaiUiax t . KettonVa I Fuitonl Knx wad -other ronrrri In lht liircu bill, which phaaiii the henate this I section ot the State. The destruction has j aniler tlie naiwrel'hia of the n,l,.lr,l k. hi "j iv iw ea.w niiuw.s,ui r.in. uuumi, iuiu wui ue aept WILL AFFORD INtfTANT tASK. 1 (LAM A I Id tK JiU ' ,.i u l- mt, . . I .TV inn et.AlidlK. COM. ke I H , t,f a. IvstJr fl 'ZXTt .XhJ'iWJS L (' BKEAIWO, U V 1 K I . AS A FIRST-CLAW WATIK1N0 FLACK CXTATlskvIX ' 'ON THE pea sina morning, is tlhtuig to keep it oa the Speker'a table. 1'hU will deleat the saoary appiirtionmebt bill, wbkb involves s Niie Ui.ny thousand dollars, Ui whu- h.i .1 gas bill is an aia.iodiiieot.li, ui.lle. taolhirda of the House to take action on the bill, and aa the democrats been almost ruinous in the eity of Peoria the fences and trees were blown ,! and cellars filled m iih water. Ferv rail- j road kiading out of that city aufferrd m-ire ar nev arm no trains left there yeatd; y; The Cbingiv Burlihvton and Quiney Railroad bad about lour miles of lit track j-ciu deivrniiiicd. an extra aesaioa ia quite and many bridges swept away. The T.il- proljnUlu. . . . I elo, Peoria and Wabash K.wd also suf- liol.su The bill r, moving atverat po- I fored severely, haung one bridge 15 feet lilic d ditttbi la ti-a passed. I in length and tha entire road bed in Hid suuury uitd ai-propriatioa bill, I number or places. A urge force of men wilb the tt.natc auieaduieuta wax received I baa been set to work reiuirinir the Ari. uld U xt to iapoaslbk to find s settle-1 lutiln u,,, tu0 lto tn U. travel. Splendid Fishing, Fine Boillnii, Bait Water iMouiiiK outueu urovvs, miliaida, lea f'ls Ma4e, and evarv lusuiv ot iha and sai eaa lw found tt Ihls iklighifulnud evuvswent Buuiraer KesorL , Aniu;enieau bsva been msde with til various-U'""uU, to seU relura tUkvts lo raw, io vai ue l ean at one fare, provided, the ticket iu, stamped at the Motel Set ore iKiuriiuiK. eumuors run slarnat enniUntly between "o-iuui, ruitomouui and Um Hotel. Teh-eraiw tlffl.e in the HouiMt Tsaas: Hires dollam per day j lhlrtr-r wv wv&aa ; sixty oooara iter ttiontk n a ii,m,.m t ? , oprt' tw AUsaths it'otad, NuJ-foik. Metuouist E. CBffBOB. The sermoa of ReV. A, W. Miuaum, the pastor, on 8tb- publisa B complete edition of bis poems I bath morning waa based oa Matt 7 ; 1-5 in o"ne volume, to be. edited by Paul H. I It was eminently search idg, pointed and fistne. one of the most gifted living I earnest. It presented the dangers and 'singers ol Southland. 'Price fl.50. Fine J sinfulness ot efficiaut judgment clesriy gilt $3. Bend oa your orders. Pkksbttkriah Chubcb The pastor, Iter. J. M. Atkinson, preached on Sunday night from Matt. T: 81, . It was a cap ital discourse. Tba opening was especial ly rich in condensed thought. .,' The lan guage of Mr. Atkinson la singularly taste ful, appropriate and happy, indicating always high culture and patient study We are not acquainted personally with any minister who excels him in the use of felicitous phrases and exact language. He is certainly one of the most erudite gen tlemen in tlie State. The attentive heare cannot fail to be edified and pleated with his preaching. . Weather Report as marked "by TherJjjTut.BsDwfKtmcT miimeU-raafAiuusd. ifewkrtore, June I burnt clay wilt generally auawer all pur- Iutide 78d. at door 84 -wnT At Itt A. 84 decrees." - At 12 M. Inside, 88 degrees, at door W -egrees. - poses as disiuiect-tfei of foul siukt, drains, etc Dry burnt clay will absorb and hold moat foul odort ia its substance, prevent ing tbent from coutamiosting the sir. All fauuliea should prepare It tor their own; and forcefully.. i Ueie heie plain, whole some truitis mscutasu and sums telling nut mane. Altogether It wet cslculated to ao gooa ana would oeueut the com munity at Urge it attended to. It was lueh a. scruiuu as might be moot judio iously preached lo everjr man and woman in the laud, lor all have siuned more or leas in the manner pointed out in tlie dis course, i us congrcgauoB was large ana attentive, . , , . Mr. langum gave notice that on next Sabbath the rite of Infant baptism will be sdmiuistered, sad- -en the following bat unlay and Sunday, Quarterly Conference will be beld, the urns bavins been changed. At night be preached anotlier sermon, the last of the series, to young men. We referred to thia series oa a former occs- , S1IHI. " " BUPRKMB lklkT. Court BMK St 9 B. m , yesterday; All the Judges present. The following eases from the 4th district were -called and til -nosed of: State va. CCtif ton Taylor, New Hano ver. Attorney General lur the State; no counsel, lor the uvfc nrj mt. Siru ken from -t 8 P. M, Insids doors, 83 degrees, at I w The ordinary clay eartb completely I tbd docket j NewlJ(iai)Qm coumy lu pay door INt dinireea. . At 8 P. M., inside, 80, at door, 78 de grees.. . - . dried and pulverised will " answer every purpose. r Powdered harcoal. put. in ana supenaea IICRRYettAPUa, ' ' ! tint up elnlw for the SicirriNKb. ri on t elfu Tin oud joce-is in. iuasM,n ibe "tuwr rcturuecT on Moudsjr after Iiicamated Ruscality has b ta about faeigh f.arsouis tipia, s ... , , - Judge Merrimon speaks at Trinity Col-k-ge on etxt Friday. .A lew brrndle tails can be teen bo and tiiei upon oar streets. - - v For principle in an editorial in jester 'y I p iper road principal. Ibe error was I ot oars, '' ; -- ' ' ' . ' x Una fswuds aid rememberlpg ut. Orders 'or ib a yik art, coming hi. Leiytbers d an their orders, The DeicomficConservstive Executive Committee of Granville county wiil meet la Oxfwd on ilh'int.',4- V A package of money, wrapped in letter Pipvfi suppoaed to contain 840, was drop M y s laly oa Saturday, between Mr. 'necb;s Jewelry ostebrbhment' aiTtht t-a-borobgh House. Any oir finding it id returning it to the Associate editor of r-RKTiBEi, will be most liberally rs- the cost. I :L,. frepjifib; fs. ijulbern lxpresa Cei, in a cistern will Jo I Ibiuho, y HatUe & Sons tor plaintiif. aud much to keep the water pan and free j Moors A tl.ng for the defendant; Loft irom offensive substances. .Charcoal bat I bpon. ai.uuWful abeortwnt onalkiea. When the I Ute vs. ftathan Pordie st al.. Bladen sir-ia-iiapaiw it -tr"Mrry bs dislnlcid- sVsMaJiaaiiw with some volatile suxsunc in the air. 1 1""" '"r me ueieuuiuiui. Aig-ieo jott water ia, irood absorbent of noiton ens substances Irom-be air, and a liirie ornamental fountain tbat works by being wound up like a clock it of great vuloe in S sick room. The jot that it makes, fatt ing in a sort of spray, helps to pilril'y the air aad ia summer cools it. Such a foun tain ia ornamental V arei a uaefui. i'm ut pare w ater in tha sick room sea better tliai nothing. v. - ; j- TdSti-B Sour. Yesterday (Monday Potter, at the Sur Saloon, served up this delicious soup to his customers and sup piied many families. It wss indeed a dih with which the, most.lieMdioaaepi cura could find no lault, as to tha material used, seasoning and cooking or to the manner in which It waa served. Families cast be anppikd to-d.y (Tuesday. V' J VT: S. CiBClTT CotKT.-Thi Court yesterday opened t id a. to., Judges Bond and Brooks presiding. " Th Court gave attoineyi an opportu nity lo make motions before the calling ol the dockat. A i. - Henry Melvin et til., vs. James iCMeivIa tt ad., Mlailen, Cvutinuea. ... f Thos. D. McDowell, adm'?. $. W. H iVbite, Bladee. Continued. ' v Cameron, Stokley fc Co., VS. H. H. Robiuaiin st ., New EUuover. M. Lon don for plaiutffs snd aud Robt btranire r defe-odaiita. Traiuierred to snd oi district. - Mxhad Cronley -vs. Fiederi.k 'Hail. Sew Hanover,. Battle fc Sons lor plaior tiif and M. London for defendant, . Ar--J K. Weaoott, Adiii'r, vs. Henry C. Hcsi- lett, New Hanover. Robt. M range fol plaintiff; no counsel fbr deteuJaat. Continued. . ' , I)e on demise, S. W. Nash tt si, vs. Wilmington dt Weldoa R. It Co. M. Idmdon and It Strange for -phiititi remand M.xa-eik Ustling for dcfen-lauu. , Trns t'erred to end of district, ; Da. Wri.kf J. Palm ttR. From Ihs In spector's Report nf thte Institution t the IVf and Dumb, Canada, over whu h Dr. Palmer, so wh'l known to our C tit -a, presides, we copy the following exi ao ; Belore closing this, my fi st rt-p,ti. upoa the Institution for the Deal and Oumb, I have pleasure in recording mr entire snt siartion auk tlie manoer in which Or; Palmer has discharged lis The civil docket wsa called but ao trimi. I V'V- i- Tbe criminal, docket was next called. r. ..... . ... .1 wni - I A large number of acrcmlmH. indicted ...,,! .!,,., in . nnamnn ,J Pn . Happt Trio Sinelfungiis, long nose j for coogpjrscy, it-, Were transferred to the I dfl during the pit J-e.r. To the sea , western circuit A Urg number of da-J KT ZJZ? it. . tendants, in knklttl ea Irom Moore snd f a..tuialiK w a "rgs uegiee', ib Chatham etranties, were recogni-d to sp tucces that haa attended tne brat year s oear at the e it term of the Court Tleae oprati(" of the irtstitutban." j i .. . .h itK.wa tn We have Bo doubt tiiM these kind dehndants, tgetherwith witnesse. to WMli$ emioeBll. ;iut. Or, P. suauan- ths number of 30, have Deafn compejiea to .,j an enviable name in ti.it comumiiitv "'1, of the Federal Court,, and the ob ' wind congrew-ional ipirsnt, Willi D. Jmw ...... ' , " sea-ea in the same pew on Bun -Jet certain church. " " bretbrea to saitj j" - msi-t, Biar or remote, uuprovb.ed with a stick ol t is famous vegetabk reslor .tiva ju .s U-dcoAlwAw TBI T BAdTV or TavTar. When a nation as clear haa lad at the Americans ouce beeeme eontlxeed, from long experience and obserrs- tion, tkst an article possesses superior excel lence St S medicine, not all the preposteruaa clamor of til the-worthle s nostrum vendert ia tha universe can thske their belief mitt tiS el ney. Tru h It a very teuacioue thin, as thes worthies are beichmlng to diseover. PlavUthm Blttert'st bK flrin a bold iipJa the popular eat, em to be In Uie slightest dt ea efleeted ty the cold water ulutritae wblrh the advertisers of fermented slutis. without a partiele of alcohol," are so tond of ltun hlng sgainat sleoliulle preparatlona Tha public kaowt very tej that this peerless movant and toalc does cuntals spirits, but it also knows Unit they are of the purect and ssost wholesome deserlptloa, vis : line old Kt Crolc, the most aetls and beneAeisl dlfraser of Its remedial snd invbrorstlng properties throughout th tyttem which could pusriuly be adopted. Umplct oa tlie Face, Eruptions, Blob hss, fierolulons diseases, aud all sums arising fjotu tmpara blood, are cured by Dr. Phsre .'aUol dea Medical Dls -overy. , , ' June 11 deodlwJtwit . '.."k,'l'.l ' in th town of Hilton, tha damAtraa ie ,eriiu. in iown i almost entirely Huuci wmer aim oarns anil stocks uave been swept mile away. i FROM LONDON. I. aiia u d men I a, aud asks for a eotuoutte Ol conterenoe. . , , ( Mr. (laifleld mads the motion tbst the bill be taken from the breakers labia aiii referred to the commttto -oa appiw piialions. .-... The Democrats opposed this set, as the Euforcent act had been put on th bill h tllH Htat Altai lli.l tl,A .mui,L meat was objoctionalile to them, At rn"u'B',u",",".wul fJuitcd State, turnt mads with clieek for balance du ihlo. the bili was oa the Sonaker'a tabled 8i"et relative to a delhiite settle- ' 'M Dalane du ship- it required a two thinU vol touke ii "wwt ot the consequential damage up, but it it should be referred to the ar. pre1rnMin satlslKctiirily. i.Biiiriatiim--ejmawltlem;Mcf' Sdiilil' re-1 n rnc Ueta-etit tbo Atlanta p.t it back, and a majority vol would " u?"ll"B crews, which is appointd.1 to it. As long a tha lull remained on I " r T ' " auernixm, iq. the Soeaker'a tiible. tlie Dcmocrata bad oemng " thru toou Lomimw, June 8rT1i Dailu Teiv.ivJk tlii awHBiug nays it haa reasou to believ rP0 TOBACCO MANl'FACTO RIK8 4Hjf J r !. Cast da sseer tained value will bs mad oa Bilb ot Lading ot donslgnmeutt to our bouts. Interest at rat of f per cent per annum. Prompt ri per hamsdiately oa salt of goods. H-kjte1h(ortnbt lhe "VStii, brsn'd KpauUk ' MaatUeorica. were entertained. 1 Heillhr UiKCatioi. U' la rendered nilaerai le when Uie diiret. live organs sl-ri Impaired. Food tiecoiust re pulsive; Uis bbl .waeiate,-; Ihs noiid de prvsMtii, and niuVtieholy hrooUs uw yoe. 'lU IT 8 V f.(ia I'aBlJC 1.1 V Kit rii.l.S is Ui n uiedy lor Uiese eda; tOer produce sound ilufxlion; enMlesauud aouetil. Iiniau-t re, fjesuing sleep sua ensenuiiiiss or aiioa. tiuiaisroa, 8. C, Ang. 1, 18a0, Dr. W. A. T.U l i - Dear clr I wish to hi fori ion. and If ru lesiia yoa e,a publish it, Uiat f have beau alUicled lorauwards of seven years with llj speOL 1 could eat nolliing tual-airred with a. 1 neca s wniMiawa, ban ne ensrary. aua i. ciouiav ana Hieim:utov ait uiv waa m .,. .. .. . ..i .e .1 . ; have been ulug your A,iver fd t lor tlirec '" V" ml i" " M' w!u," !u P'"" waeks. sod save esperieucea tne irrtawsi I UM iu im-muurai, was 111 viotauon 01 beuellt ' 1 hsvs s lue SMpsUUi, and van no I the 1 onstltntion of the tinted State, and the uowcr to orevent iu Dasaaire. and thia I t, AmericaB ereiv tliey annouiiced tat be their iutouiiou tin- 1 U,w;?t circumstanca of Uie 1, iiu, ol.iu-ti.m.i.la ...i. ....... u "orm is th running up stream of the taken off, aa the responsibility of putting ,m ')"? Ti't " toluins of it on rested with Uie Senate. The Demo-1 lrcu ""vara hat craia made a propositiw to let the bill aad ",""u "ackwater ana Uier Is s atroug all amendments, except tha enforcement f"".' """"t 1?.rt'ird- T,' "ver act, go to th oouimitte to be reported iMLB,?ht ,iU pidily and bsck and paased by a msjority vol, the " 'lnni .imsg from this source enfonx-uient act to bs reserved on th Sneaker's table under the two-thirds vole lule. Garfield would not acre tn this, and tha democrat intimated that they would ceieat tne mil rattier than pas it with tint obnoxious intendment ' l bs matter Wat discussed for tome time, when objec tion was made to further diacuwiioa. aud tha bill took ita plac on Iho hwsker's umie. nuiNH-queuiiy, uauiptiell, ot Ohio, nffured a resolution that the bill snd lbs amendments Iw selerred to the cummittee on niipronriataius, aud that all amend menu be reported back snd paased by a im jority vote, except the enforcement act amendment, which should require s two thirds vu to nM it This resolution the SiH-aker refuard to entertain upoa s point of order raised by nour, ot siass, ami uuciareu the tllivt ol It waa an effort of the minority to reserve to meiiMKlvee the right to defeat the bill tgmnst the wishes ot f he ne.joril v. mi x oiierou a reaoiutiou. il.-clariUB HOFFMAN. I KK At On Tobacco Uumioiaaloa MarehanU, . -. Asensex-e riaee, aor'ta-eodma Hjoiiuuira. tl. ri uTrrr-n, . - ."' 11 r - .isvn.ii.1,1.,, RIIRUlill,!. . uiuicmut, At KtillUA " ' 1 bs aiwlkaltusvaaf Uia k.. i, . ... i . inN"1 dol.vi.it, mjm, Will alkawtamudeun.l.irk Tweutv Snnia In l , r . , . .ui in afe.;,;:7: ...'".",'". w,w aour bum.. Y?z?:r.iP. rr'' : . , ss- tv (I.H Mirui. j (t r dropt la water will pretsat airanesa Ari..ns Irom ebianfs rf waur. It it tu V... trench BraiMlvorbit.atasiuuuiM.t. , , '. FKVER AND AOCE." FKVKS Avn im-v . '' reuu bilhU world H,t ..the, rLr-n.svrw i 'i'-r- r"1 p ouh-k as UAUWAt'8 KJtAui" ILiia' ruiy eeni par nolUe. . , ' Health I Scautvl VI. A 1 H AA.V A I, UVA1TIL, , "IT DU. ILaDTsTATrS a'-- i-u$!S iiV' FA- .V..f.-A-At b rum rkvi. cujctxurr HUSllAAthU Hi Hi. JDLIA8ANT CARDKX CLASSICAL Bltte'Ml.S. MALI AND FKMALR, OCILFORD CO., FROM TOLEDO. , Tol.xno. O.. June 8. There haa Iwea a lurioui ttorm here. An unfluUhed bulld- mu wss Broslrated. eTdshinir tha aiiinln- I.. . t I- . . uie uuuuiua. . una waa killed and several periiapa laially wounded. , Two men were drowned liv the ca nai ling of a boat drain elevators were un roovea and other ButldHigs dsmajreit. - ICUJauNU as UA.SVli.Lk KAiiTuUAU. NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. ! CONDENSED TIME-TAHLF. Tn sfTect on and alLir Biimlav Jura 4th - - - . Ivery Day is -Btitaii is titk 11 r ' Weirtthlfts snd Frit. THE GREAT RLlVin Pitiniau ..... mmv-yrmr s J J,. J la Rev. T. S. WBITTmoDon, A. M., Princi AW. dV of the SAR8AFAKIL1.1AN K Will onsa Ilia trnMilh' ,k. a .t I BOI.VJCN I eouiuiuuieauis tlimuli il. kLi xwy. ji-is. asiaeonuaae tweet .nrl. . H...-.I In good land let near the inaili ul Ion at iier aiouth: all fouud steept lUrhla. TulUoii troia l to I5U. C'ontlnitent lae Ml eenU MLu. dent touting by railroad will stop at tJmeus boro', wiiere eouvslaneea Will weal liien, if arw auvixu or ins lima. Teruia nuh In mit. vanes, For particular address tha Principal jBSst-lwpd It A, sTKA0TIFVI."Ltr OF ' ' '"simbrolderlea. ..-:i ttsudaMrchlels, Ac, ' - PRIMR08K, PRTTT NIWSOM'B. may ll-U G.w rACKKU'S CaXKBRATKD AN1 IM1 NORTH. at anything. I cordially roeouuiieiid Uieia to all who lus Uyspepaia. , , i.mmau'UAi.iAJBAn. Dr. Tntt's Uslr Live couUlus no Sujar Lead: June U dsjdlwjiwH 8IAKBI:li In Tarboro' on last Thursday night, the 6ih tttat , at the residenc of Mr Htttacy, yjlhs Kev. Joseph Wheelsr, Jans E. iiUMossiud Una Marv Bussst, both of Tsrboro. 4n tills city on entntsy tliefb Inst., Cabmiisb Fa sets, li.fjnt dstigUler of Dr. K. B, suit Lucy Aun Hay osLsged,on.yat j&am at) MaaS taBds-a. "'f111;' '' lhe funeral ttHVlves will tak( pUce, fiom Christ thu ch on fu-jsusy mtin3! at.t) O'tiOek. P. M. -4-4 Now Advertise mcnts. i : e .-B t.nnd la tha ta.uiul ruuun a bnuih of Ays. ! Aeulv to P. W. MeO W AN t bit offics la tlie 9 s. iiuuse hr mitu ttf aivaiuV JW UiJ 'pa . -t. AS Owl!, aheta.., ,,, .m,, , . 1,6 It-lS ' " - F&UII.'t OUTLINE MACOF xoiia CAi'tLijiA.-- , we nsva 7ii punii.nea, lormt prai n.wjr. u(ji,iU,4 Mf o 'IHfc alAlt, in avd ra. sua etl,4 UM-lies, showing ins cow uresiioual Ul-H J and Kofi" the aeriytia votuijf poUiianoa OI emeu; sa aasll sa uuu ui tiia cti ii tfis vote for AUornev (teiieral. la i ; Ins AneioriaJ Uiaineu. ana the aitfo ur vf KeuriitaUve to whieh the rstpso bvs .una tea ara vuu:icn. AtsieU re ut all taoties should havs this sail, ss tt H UMIol In tuaay ways. i-Mijrs . cents; luiuea ai,a m how SO vela, lor be pociutt, I t.W, UKluuing poal- aga. ta.ia.aiut Juntil- MullC-LS 4k COKMAN, . ali elh, N. C, LUTIIEtt SHELDON, PkALBB J Row pleasant I dwell together in I j - H Rananui t deli Vv the van tlieiii h'a,.waa, Vkstsva-or thr ft fidelity Buvl feal Jn ib discharge if llA.laresTriuitj.. AaekMOewt fimea.ani put to the expense of Coming bia duties .when at rfie he?l w our 0.l 1 Brud j ., .1 ' and Oumb lost itoti jn. M bk la chroat I IW; it.1- 1r o llih. C.iy. I Kw mxvM ut North .Csroliatan j rrim, of Ge-nuia, pieai h'es the Annua! Ti,e conrt S'ljourti'd to 10 a. m , lil t tj,d, but we would rather hv Uieit ! "rinjs. I mpruing (Tttettisy .Jf' ten-ice st bom. DoOeisr'sssnEs, blinds. BouIJiBjt Rrarketla, XUir liiili, Krweli, SitlA.OL,HS' II AKU A K 1., raluts. Oil Glajw, rutty, And building Ma'erlsl of evertidescrlpUoa, ITS Water Mrc-et, Xorfolh, Va, (aeoa'lr stsicara before nuking Minnow 'ran- ) ... . Z'y apra-wly. ; ' T 0 ST It A if 0 ' W ABBA I t V.nia I to give ntities Ui,t I tntend siakln all.caltoe to U19 CouiltiiMtonnr of i'enloua l,af a- la.-le ni l.abd .Walrant, iu iieil tit una HSU,d tat ' Manna a. ebaw, a t-l-ov vt Calviu i. Cliaw, Co. II-, l. C. Vht." Metltu war. for toitat-re ul litd, wtiieli was iaul athtul Uie y ar iritt, sfHI wan loat In lit toall ttel weeu Arkaoass ul KaleiKb vue-tiote Ul Uie yl or ni,i, and la it-, .-r ti.ro r.t'ovrwd. spr4-v al.ill.a Hi Art. directing the clerk of th Roue to re! urn tha bill to the Seuate, wjtu the riijueat that they rescind their action oa thu en fonctueut act smendmeiit, L'pon this. neck moved to suspuud the rules and pioa it l liis motion was defeated by a vote of Uailleld then moved to suspend the rule. sua rcicr ins uiu to tue committee on, p 'pi inrrtttua. . '1 his was negatived by a strict party vote, 7 iiiiys to 07 yeas, it rrquiruiu a two thirds vole. The House then rcatihied other busmeaa. Au all night session is ptolltl. Di.NA-tit-iiet at six u clttck tins even- "IS- iwlerdav's aussion ovnrttie suiinln- iniiital loriM billr WaS! very: bitter, It p.i.w d b ill to li, - : - cmiiiier moved at an aua-nduieut hit civil rights hllL The thtiirutan, Mr. Puruery, ruM it out of order, Sumner aniteqietl hoin lb rul- r HUT WHiM tuuiued' 'I'oiueruy, Jen oi, nays I).. - ;, UHU li.m-i a have sd.ipte l the" con. ar- eiiue rcnort urioa tlm aiiorniiriui.o.u bn . , ... , . swDMt oi ,tlm euutheru claiuia commit ion. ; ' .: ... i 1 at Uouse U llIKflll,buttel intr over th luppie.-iientui lurcn bill. iu.je seemt to he prispcel, lit. a cuiiipromisw,. but m any en nt iim patsiige ol u.e lore bill this sw-sion is very imurobable, The B.;pte sgrued to the conference re port on the t-.eaj.bt.ut bi!U7 Tb JioUitC ii is not yet aeiciil Tiie detail of tb rc- f jil are tk-p md reach to night BTATI0N8. Man.. .Kxraaas. Leave Cliarttitta, ' I 8 W P. si. M A M. " Concord, t.M " 7 H vil " 8a)llniry, I11H7 " . .47 u " Jaoliwlon, ill .14 " U 111 u litk-li I'otal U.m A..' M. i ) Arrive (trti;iutxW. w il uu -I Leave ttrta-uatKu-o' 1 do : II IU' H" " Co. hle,, it ;io u m ft, n -'" Hlllntatro', 4HS ,, ,, , - kaiaiuil. 7. 'SI - Arrlvebidtisiwro', lu 10 4 M .... rurtvallcdl Ire Crrum Freezer. 8KC0ND STOCK THIS SEASON. These rREIZKiU kav bee in ase tine .l.,e.:..-MT -. -.-At;! tsu.-ssrujrarassKiw (MMtjBLaL, Espuau. lHt8,wlth th most tattering reaHlta. sale at For ; 8TATIONA 'j " Mail. I Leave lioidnboro', i 4 Wt f. M 'tV, Halela. , . t.t'i . t i " . lllJIaooru', I il " I Co aitota, il) IU AmveOrufiulioro'. 'U ilA. M. haav Ona-naiMtht', 1-1. IU " illxh Point, I !ti " . " LeklltKbw, 1 t SA " 41 rati. Iiurt, I it m " " l oneoiif. I 4 :l " Arrive st Charlotte, .Me, A M At NVV"y'0UKJUi"rAlL TRICKS, JJUIGGS & SONS. if. r. ac 440 ' 1 .Jti .li) " I.lfl Av J,IU P.. MJ 20 DOZEN CEM'INK KENTUCKT COW, SHEEP AND H00 BELLA. .v j r ;:oii new yoitjc, ; ,., ' Nw YtiH, June it Dr., Liushan has bin rclcaSvd ud ttt. tbotieaud dollars OalL . . - , , -.. .- --.- ; Sjevi slupmentt to-day were nearly t million !ol ar, .bhipioent ior the week ere a t laJiuoos. . . .-.- . - . 'I here war meetings of th vstious trades tiiis moruiug, nearly all indicating that, there will bra large turnout oa Moa- d..y. .. .. , ;; . . . . , v,, 1 he gas men struck this Boon. Commissioned Rumstead, of Jeraev City. hat been sentenced to V months ia tne hUle Prison. CimitnissiiHicr Yfeeland will be sentenced nextaext Lartre dctstclim-mts of police ar sta tioned at d liferent works to prevent dis turitaoccs ii any ocur, ., lite work linn purpose to strike for 8 hours, ami it is leared that the ei ly will be darkness to-night . V ' Captain Calvaoonnta had, tiirlilv thou- A.nii doiisrs in bonds wilb huu when he was uiuiiiertd. Thrre ia no certain clue yet to the robbers. Tea thousand dollars reward at oflerod for th ttotea bonds, I lie bt Crwtxns resolved to strike Sjsmst th nyim tlm of wsgi. li p pa ra ti, mt are niatle fbr partus of all be tratlea on Momlay. 1 lie printers thresu n to join the eight hour movement early in Jar. ' . , ' , Ui. Lsnahan, of the Methotliiit Book Concern, V a couuii)ttel to Ludlow jail j t'aa eliv.tr tral.i leaaiiur itaii lir-i at V IA f I . Uolinerls St Itret-liAltoru Willi fcoarLl,rn Mtund Irani maktti( lb), quit best Uate to all rtltrll-iHI eiu.-S. f 'H'O ol Li, LuU tyuue aa via .M ill ti'jius daily. iKite a,a. ever entire " r.ip ea dan between Altai panr aiiouaitu- liarlotle (nuutlayscnplird.i I All faaasitgvr iraiiia eoniieet at UreeuaJvW itriUi truina to ttjd from kiijtttsond. I full ma., faitcs I ,ji, a uihl tntltia h-taeea- elial.olLt and Ulebiuoai, (allh-)Ul ei"uta i: ... - , .av. a AtXttN, ! .U (iRKKM, - lieu tlteaetAaBBt Maaier rr.tittvrUtlo.... rr- t i.JuBelOHI ' ' v" ' -T- T WILL NOT BE HEiPONfilRU FOR jl any sems vontrs. tea JWiitia AJan.. wakA, she baiiug, wiumut a cauae, i.-n lioma. WKU. la. Oil, Wt l.t,. . Mart:h s, 1 !TA ., ....... juuss-dwpd juuu tV-tf isWCfi'AaTtieW r-fas NEK 8 Wit, C -F A B T. Wst. N..U. Pnnii, ' CKotttia ,y. Sr boko. I "" ' ' ATTORK78aT LAW,' .-V, -.--re National' Bau V , . . . n A L K I ii I 1 Omo over th Cil Etleluwhte rises. . i may tit-iu , . , II ABVEmsrur G BAIIiC'BAUl.lUSA.NUUltA8t,CIXilKd dual reeelved st Etrmert' H ill s Unite miptitv I Uie uut iaaa oi ft o- n Hirer IIKA1.N I ttitALtbaa, ail warsansaavto l(la aaUsfaetun, I aits so a st llialiulae.urera prtvn ' dAd. M. T0WLB8.- ' June tf 4 CCTI0N BALES OF FINE i l aii rcbi SATURDAY, JILV 8tB, 1878. Will lie sold st Towles' Atu tlon Ware I House ou w iliulrttitoa ntreet Bale to com - SA lOeioek: , ONE FINE MtBBLE TOP S10EB0ARD, C-NE8KT MAMOttASTX ' sofa Bottom ciiaibs;;' ; ' ONE HAWiANr. CENTRE TABLE ; ) . ! ONE BOOK U ACE ; ! ;.- . CLASS IHHihd, ' . lt ' . 0E FOI.UIN0 TABLE; , t O0D KKKIUUEItVXoH ; 3 On ex-eftent Feather Bed tud outer liouaa- bOld aruclea and nierehanli-s JA. at. TOWI.RA, f AueUoaeefi, Juns 8 tt :.. ,.....-..,.. ,. .. ,..-,4, , ..... V , , gTRAWBRltIE8t 8TRAWBERK1E81 ! tamlliw eaa bt supplied with Strawbsrrttis for Fressrving vsry low. may 'J4 tf W, II. J')V! i Co. J3 A R V E 8 T 187! ' On deposit s Farmeia Hall, .'mm Uie laat Stat f air., snd for Sals st in.lnuiaeLuraxa', arte wih Vight, tb awtttarsa.- ,.a ,.v. ' CLlfl'avR MOWER, v , w , - CARDWKLL'S PREMIUM . , . . j ",, HORSEPOWER,- CAKDWELL'S 1 ; : ' SEPARATORS AND ' i ' '; ' ' CLEANEHS. ' i HORSE RAKES AND GLEASKB8; 5 - SINCLAIR'S .'" ; ORAfN CRADLES;' ' .'"'""'' L WIIEAT PANS, AC, AC, AC. , i- . x , JA8. M. TuWl.Hs. ' ' A'itl Juns if ' . sweat, Urine, and oUier Suidt and JitieeTo the s.vstatm As aajAjr ty, Ux H !-,, uts wstitaal ol Uis bouy Willi nw and sound me tertaL Aertifwis. SubhUu. dauwiu, ..f.... twatra, duxw, f itvn m (As ltewj. JU miA. JW. ' Aetlas a IA VmmU aad ofur afaam Sues AW e. . 'tf ! ' .'em If AM'tlivn, v A'rapHttiat, Inw AWm, Aaiil Html, rW --n2 bnU AVkawm, Arfipmif, Aa, tMmi A 4 -, iifnrrm l,t it,, "w wwwi,lit ami ta,i,J,(l,i, y II lyi fmm uJr m attlA m Ihe eunuhm r ., IAs awtadar t Jf udem t-Aamitrtey, at duus was mUl ottowA. aitv Mrata. mtii u i-. tUhw thmjurmt i aiawut lis j-.tal ftuavr KiDNEI A BLADDER COMPLAINTS. - " Orlnsry, and Womb dlaesis-, 0 ravel. ltahei. nrtity aiopiiaKa ot Water, luvuitUuvnee ot Cnua, Bniilits lilaeaas. Ali.niiiliiuna. a,l a all eaaea wtere Uier ara brkik-duat .-taiia, . ur Uie wakti ia Unek, etouor. milMl Willi am- tUnoes like ths White ol an ex, or tinvsls I iias.wuiui ana, or mere la atuoi utd, 4rk, til Uous aplMSranee, and white l.me dut tie. I taKi jaod Wbea Hots is S prl, hu.ic liuriiiiijr antiunion whrn auwui) witter, ai.ti tou in Ut vwm. im ia uaa atuu ai,ia tut lttus. Dr. Iladwav,a l Terrtft rurcallfe l'i'.n. Perfectly tasteless, tltaHr tvatled allhawaat, (uiu, purae, reulal, piuily, cU-aliaa, and' airtsiKUHHi. a . i-iii, for toe eureof all tlitjrti.ira ut tint M "'ll, ,ljii "T. l-tiwei. Hteney,'1,itsirA:f', N. nuua . lo !U SeiM, CoaaUiUiii,Cuslaneas, I tnlU'wU-Mi, t'J"f a-paia, OlliowsieaS, bilious tewr, ii.il.i. maotta of the Bowtt!. Piles and al) lemt".i-i Bianla of Iks lularnai V im era. W arraub a ta elli-i-l a IHtaitiva cure, 1-urely Viyr latue, cmt-, untune- wo mercury, miuerala, ur dcieieiiims dl'UKlC, . ... . r .. i '.., Iff -iitiserv Uie f..ll.twlnir ivnipioma w. aailutr from llistiniers nf Uie in -...ti,,, i ,rj CouslllwUuu, Inward lllea, ulinma i ti.a. Blood in tit lli-ait. At lolly of in-bii.iu , h teosea, lleartltu-H. lin.'iiNl ol 'io,l, r.i . neas or VV.-ti;ht ut tlie iiutuia.-.tt,, hour l-.rttt-tis ihtlts, tfnitlin or siul le-,itn- ul. il,i i-ti ,,( tun autuscb, aauuntuia- o ww- flvsd, vinrri.-.r - and itllteult ttreaLliuiif, r liiHainiL' at Utt,. Heart, or (tutlot aiit, ullllh i, n in a l.ytaajr. t-'oatura. itutit. . Vt on (,.o. VV tea helttrw tlie ii.:ttl. 1 rwf a i 1 1 1 , . . i t : i , ill?? Head, Im ih l,.ii..v ut iv--, ..f v.., I .. . . -o- tf jiti im.io ;-i h'i t . ,n , 4 lti-t, IjiiiI, ami auvhi, u k u.i, . t itt -ij, but steji in Uie Ktettlt. A lew atoaea el KAOM'A) F:1J 4 i l free tl, v -u ro f-. -e 1 lie. ;.. j , .. orders. - tVit-AlJia.Mit per IK.i. pt -l.il . ,' OilLidiiats. . . .. , i , i hKAI '"AIaK AM) liil K-' a nj ..-w ii-tMr-st!Uitr lo BAlitVAT - s CO, .,'.,. - Vrre Strett, lor. ul cUu-tli Mrwii. N w Sink. IulonuaUuu ayulU L.j., , : J u - -keaiyors,-! , Juneai deod twly ' fJO,AU. wlroM. It JlAX CDS,. I n-i : I htvii -.tpefted A Fl ,tnf TTi ' r1' 'i Bits City sod -pruparea to rvtt.ir r'...Mi kneirtea, B-ui- rs. a ... v W ,i t An!... ( it- tuiar claws,- Stai-liiiiery in - ... fl an i ets.t ew ones, lia ve atflt tie hMl a I a etn , u. n, j power (u-ain 1'oritue Kiii;i,,c, vveVt. t! w it ar Wltiumt Biaw Mill. H eati he t-ur A.'it.ttii it Boa's Fonudry. huu rei..nn .t. r -. A-ftlreta, M l. K! ! T, Njsnay av waswis - - jtJeile . - IKANBLINTO 3d A! t I tIA.VM.lieioN, W. E. PotmtK, MILK AC N. C. P, anno 1 1, j T1I1EKI H.-'CKliiKK P. OIV-KS 10 Oi KM . a prtt a-a a, It .ul ,n Itta e aumi, t o Hni - : rota' tsLMti, At, ir tits iti.ftt-ifiMi oi eilltit or uo to in Uie ciamei a ttui.-s, jt. t-autoty ut aottii..i,.it ntui t., h-ae. i- pbi-istts Sis ssctuttttt devotion Ut tbe taeitll asA lie-riJ ittiit.toetn.-itt til- tlto souyiia ai,o net lie vrtnteiiltiTl t It M el. In fitr t-ttraOefl of wsek f Hd hu rratrtl lo!.,.. id aoii; ai eoiM0ei4ilUiis 4- iVtwrt.lt, ottf l-ii.i e a 1rma ,wl fitt ths stM.1 t,f fie atonth. eotntte tt Oie . 0,4 Huwtiat iadu7,ca..uatt ol iutlits ad awi'nx JV. C. TAY1., A M. Roanoke News a-4 Itt-.wr-.fM' AJaeew will gtf. ibe stttt tsar .A,ee e.d tr Wattl at-etttte'a to ate. j-o. ;-. 1T Fall tvHtaKin of U ls It.-t. uutwr.ts Muutiay i idy l.i, io.4. . - TltJiJ: A Prtmsrv Dtfartluciit ki s-K)a ltO. : 1 Rt-tnlltr rn?''ii. Course, ; er leeka, ,a Ul. . jt.ia.icrt, Initio ami (Iit-ek, r t Weeks, UU U0, i t laitkJtntoei tit lftt-. w.u..' ' j u ti ai.ti i,.i,.h h... tM-t't, , . tiot.d IfVr litti ii.iiU hi, a lu.-,,. eaixuftr. !' tool! U,m1 -t, ' , ,,-.J , I f- St ft n, V .o t . t i.t-,-ti i-v A nto,'etfi Ot " 1 fvtfo'. t a.ta'i.e.m. . -YS C w et Mil . .V c. A- 9. I'-: pKilVlfll NS. , B-tiit Bu'k :'l-s. ' S inula, Mi.-.r liatnaX 1 " ptO ftt toil-;-!, Al Kt-gt Pais Lwd. v:a, h