; - . - - r-r-y '. ; " 7 " "V ; . : .' ... y. " ,.-. ' , - tammftemaim- ,rt m. j .' - - x'- ' y '..'.- . ' ; ' ... " -.-' -' -J a . - -IV.YV . ' .',..., , , , ,L; -- -- , . , , .JL, , : , i.., ... ,. . , T . T - I Mwji JPHfBSWgr TCKsAt. . --rnin.n .newt n mi ininii - i i mi j - : - - .. . . , , - - 1 , - - -w..i -VsJr - . i i J. , ..,r . . 7" ... .., "- ;; -T - - ,-- - , - - ; - a o h f . - j t jr. fVfj.- v v'- jltlf 'mw $ .: u". . ; " " , ' ;' - - C - vJ; ' ',-1 , ' 7 1 ; ' - - .1 1 THE DAILY SENTINEL ADVEKT1B1SU KATE. , ! AfrertWtimiU tll lielMKridd ta the ftifijr . 8 riaL at Um fuUooltitf mU act KUn of ow luufc, or tea bhumm uu. ' UuMiuaru Uiu letii Uia wefk,... , 1 Hiiwra, 1 ek, f 3.-" I uw, T I 1 ' , I mount, I . V ,r I S muX u.uujl : t " , Iti.uujt " , 1U 1 4 " ai on,! " ,11 I I " fe.u .... Add to U above nui for Mh tddiliuul ro' t moMth, I 4.A0 For f rnoathi, 1 1 00 iuliuit sua . 8 i iauu W 8 . 8 IU H.UU 4 " . " l "f . 16.IW : 'i ; tout 11 ihuu , U " ll.VU tor t)i Paui-Wtokly sloM, UirM IttU of Ulty raw. Fur tlx Weekly tloo, twoAflh of pili Fur Ui Tlly n) Bval Weekly toinMned, Illy LXT lM;lll,Oll Dully WW Fur 111 Uniljr lit Wtklj comblfted, lorlf percent on lifllrM. For tb Ihillr, Brnr) Wnkly M WeklM blBMl, ninolT oral o Uil.y nw iiiiMrlsl NuUcm. Of It pwwmton LHuIr mtK AtfvwtueBMaU IB Local toliunn, Ho twU or lioe, i HOMK IoaT OFFICS WREeTORV, - Ruleiyk Poa Vffift Arrangement. Of&ct buun irum 7 ""A. H. to 8 i. At., during th week (except Uile Ibe mmibi ire be ibg diitributwl.) . Tim of ArriMitnd Chtiag tht Mailt. Wbktkhm. New Orleiui, Lm., Angustn, Georgia, (Julumbia, S. U., Charlotte, 8ali burj, Urueoauuru', . baleui, C ha (Mil lliil, llilWbor', iK! , duo M 1.30 A. L Clow at f . M. ; EahTkhn. ChrIeton,'8.'Cn Wilming V, Nuwlwrn, Beautiirt, Qo!dauotu't Ac , due 7 P. M., ol.M 8 Y, H. r , Noktukrn, i Weldiin. New Yoitk, BaltiiuorB, niiladulphia, Wabiugtort, ItioUinoiid, Petersburg, Moriolk, Weldon, &c., due at 4:00 P. M., eloae at 8:80 A. M. Fatkttictiu.c via C'batbam B. K., due A. Clone 8:30 P. H. OlHce hourt for" Kt-gblered Letter and Money Order Department, from 8:30 A. JI. to 4:30 P. M. . , ' ; Ko maila rrceiTed or asnt o Suudajl, . therefore the otlloe Will not be opeued on that day. rOR V0SQRBSS. ,f First District 0, M. barter, of Beau- fort.'!:.. Becoud Ditrict-W. H. KitchenTof Halif.t ' , Third District A. M. Waddell.ofNew Hanorer, ' rwlr.-i)iari-ts -,- Hiigere, of Wake. Fifth DUtrict J. M. Leach, of David son. ' i Sixth District Thomas 8. Ashe, Anton. ' ! : "-' Suventh Diatrict W. M. Robbins, Rowan,; ; , ..": .. Eigih DUtrit-R. B. Vance, Buncombe. ELECTOR. v Firrt Diatrict Octafiua ; Coke : Chowan. Bocond Diatrict Swift Galloway, Oriwne. ' ,.7' '7 Third DiatrictVT. V. Fuller, ol Cuin berland. Fourth Diatrict U. A. London Jr., of Chatham. v . Sixth Durtrict W L. Steele, of Rich mond. x . 7". Seventh DUtrict-F, a McDowell, of Iredell. . Eighth Diatrict Thomas Johnson, ol Buoeonibe. , We are cumpetM t emit editorial ffiirtM. 'We find it aiately impoHilOe daring the eMnpaig ! frtve that rarit rhich Is wesaafT aakaw a pa rak adahle. Our ideal is daily marred, ao r ' eiMMdoa all hope of doing betier n(i! aftef .the eleeUonvi la the bsis tins we will enilearnr to make the Skntinkl fiesh and effiiejit-a powibW uuilcf I We hare bwa Ttry kindly preaontexl with hatnt ticket " to partake of tl). "tiold Bparkling Soda and Mineral W tw". of Meeare. Dpp fc Jonee' le4t eaUbllahment. It will affird as high u afactioe, to arall OaraeJrea ww and tlien of the in vital k.' ( . m. i We publiahed. the, call of $e meeting in Oxford ia Saturday's paper. Os yes terdaywa followed a ditfterent cob and to. t uc lueauog.is oa iia. u B au re to eead the AddreaiTof our en- Works, J. H. Separka, Esq. Jt rings oui the right sort of aiuaie. With two sue worthy working men on the ticket u Herrimon and Separk, we cannot believe that It wiU be beaten. , I' LoCAlDora.- 4 of of of Gun. A. J. Dargaa h ia the city Read the new advertisemedta. ,,, Potter's cigar are cheap and excellent; A gill of strong Sage U-a, taken at bed time will break night sweete. The Republican County Convention meets sometime next week. k i f t J. G. Wilson, Esq., of Charlotte is in the city. ... .... . ., ... f (.j f , Large number of alleged kukluxesar rive every day. No cases at the police court yesterday I uesuay) morning, . , Potter's green turtle soup is all the go, It can't be beat. ' Rememberhe tloraoe Greeiey Minstrel l roupe at Tucker Hall to-niglit (Tuesday.) K. P. Battle, Esq., and family leave to 4y (Wednesday) for a visit to the North. There will be a church meeting ni tli. M. E. Church 6n riunday next to agree nPn J plan of the proposed new church. Our friend Nat L. Brown has apened a Brat else Confre lic.nery More onaTetle ville Street t Brig's old standjfjitj wrrr nave- everytutng in apple pie order and treat customers liberally. Call and see him. mi niw viorc oi the Treasury is getting up a table descriptive of the dif ferent classes of bonds iasued bv the State prior, during, and since the war, for works of internsl improvement. This is-made necesssry ia the department to glveinfor- uiation -lo bond holders. I Will be printed la circular form,,, l;j , . . t j Woodson, of the Aeist seems to take great Interest in a certain otsi of easea to be investigated by the V. S. Circuit Court. We suppose that he has passed through so many ordeal of this kind that he re gards all soch as a joke. Ue is mistaken ; we have nut been 1 summoned. We are sorry for the Joang njsa and sincerely hope be will get through the Summer without the hydrophobia, no matter who bites him. ". -t. .,. H.W TO Ut'iT Toaacro. ifntrfA asl llm ay tlie best ilang to told .ia the mouth is a m.uih full of cold water, rt aewed every tw minutes. - It will take away the paving lor tobtcoo quicker Hiaa saythibg elss and is wholly uaob jeouonsixe. A. piae Stick is the bestpf "Fthiali tof chew, hut the 'ohjectioa that, and "to anything that is chewed, U jJIijlgi-Aiui-j,fiikifne tie salivary glands. In quitting the use of tobacco, quit at once and not attempt jo ea off gradually. D. Vkiei Wecad atteation to thU i.'eatleniMi'i adTertisement in today's isuc. He has high reoommeadatioas from Gea. Colston. A. EmDie.K. Vtimi lb.d Sprtini, B. Worth, Esqrs.; and other well known citiaens of Wilmington, anil from Dr. McLean and Rev. Mr. HuaCa )t "eUevilU, regarding his skill as s dentist and optician. He will not remain mng in Kaleigh, and invites those who aiay need his services U) call a poo him at ovm. Any peraeas having weak, of d- ujciive sight wouia do well to consult him .... - T V, 8. Cikcoit Cou kt. Yesterday morning the Court met at 10 o'clock ao. curding to adjournment, Judges Bond and Brooks prcaiiliug. The criminal docket resumed, V. 8. vs. Lewellyn 0. Estis, from New iiaoover county, (two ludictmenU.) Em. teazling public money; defendant M cognized in the sum of $3,000 for his ap pearance at the next term of the Court. (7. & rs. David Mitchell, 1 el, mm Chatham county, going in disguise and ntiog intimidation ; transferred to Greens boro', . Several caaea on the., ducket, "where judgment wi had been entered was stricken out, upon the appearance of the partiea, -.' - . J jrhe civil docket was taken Bp and the case of W. II. Hulleinan va 0. Dewey, assignee of the Bank of North Carolina, in bankruptcy, wasarjued. Mesars. Hay wood and Fowle tor plaintiff, and Messrs Mernmon and Moore lor delendsuta. , .r.. I ! .. .. ! i Ilna. M. W. Hansom arrived in the city yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon, ml left oa the western train tof Trinity Collcjs a few hours after bis arrival.. .... , Ramiuh Cottok Mabuct. Reported ' for the bsKTiNU, by Lynn Adams, Cot- un Factor, Urocer, c., Market ttqiiare, i KaLKtua, June 11, 1878. . Cotton to-day fiim at 23 18 to 'i'i 81 'Sales 3 bales. .. . , , ,, -v -' Capt Ike Toung, ain't you ashamed of yourself J Yon know yon wrote every one of those laudatory notices of yotir peech (f) appearing in the last issue of the "Arab." There are about seventeen of these laudatory notice, call ing for copies of the speech, and were written, we believe, by Capt. Ike Touug, We learn that Judge Rodman wan call sd from the city on Monday to his home ToHi-iNTiKa. We have eouclndeU to Bublish daily the price of turpentine, as so "SmalBff 'TuTMWnjira are illoeas of his child. initj,-. ,V. :, ; WfLMiKpTOH, N. C, JuneS. Friarr TcRraKTina Sales of 445 casks at 49 cents per gallon lor Southern packages, Murkuttrutsnd has advanosd i 8 ct'ut. ' i itosm Sales of ItSO bbls at 12 90 tat JsEo. ,4tf4 S3 friw pale, 4.90s4 75 -jot pak', ant f 5 or extra pale, Cauua l uurnNriNS salts o 8112 bbls. at J..0 tor hnfti. (3.73 for yellow dip, aud f.5U str vlrgiB. i'fclWUCAaUXli. s IIin. A. S. Meriimon, Democraik Cou eorVittioe (.uudidate lor Oovernor, and Judge W. K- Sbipp, candidate for Attor ney tltjoeral, will address the people of Uutoa Couuty.at Dallas, on Thursda) S0h June,l87 : i - Cleveland Cuunty, at .Shelby, on Satur day 82od June, 1878. . ' . " ! Rutherford County.st Rutberfordtoo, on Monday 24th Juue, 1878. - Polk County, at. Coluinbus, on Tuesday i.h, 1878. - I HenJa County, at neodersooville, oaThurdiy STtri, 1878. ' l i;v '; Let the people (hear olur candidates. Corns out and !itsn to the truth. Our candidate for Lieutenant-Governor, M ijor J jhn Bnghes, and oor candidate for Slate Treasurer', Major J. W. Graham, will address the people st .the fblljcing points- at the timee mentioned 1 ""J 1 ' . Went worth, Rockingham county, June Mth. - j. , ' N D inbory, stokes county, Juno 27th, "Winston, Forsyth eoanty, June tSHb. " ."jcksville, Davie countyJuly id. . Sfbcial KitnH or tbb Board or CfTT CovwissioNBiu Yesterday (Tues day the Board of City Commissioners held a special meeting for the transacting of some city financial matters. Mayor" Whitaker presided and CommiB si on ur Prairie, Stroiiacb, Battle, Churchill and Dunsion were present. Mr. Battle stated the particular object f Jrtw f8tig:: .et;bie .tit discuss th fnir pnsty-iiiHiiK itewist-tMrhy'tJflnlr lor a short time in lieu of the outstanding city notes ami warrants. This would hot increase: -the city debt, being a mere ex change of acciiritiea. 1 la order to bring something1 tangible ' before . the meet ing. he moved that ibe' Treasurer be au thorised to issue,' not exceeding $15,000, of one and two year 8 per cent bonds ot the asms description as those heretofore issued, ia exchange for such city orders ana matnrea Donas as may ue tendered within the next sfxty days. i After a discussion, participated in by Messrs. Gorman aid Prairia, the prriposi- lioa was adopted. On motion Uie Board a y mrni il SrrnxMi Cocat, This court met yea- tarday at it a. mi. -' All the Judges', present except Justice- Rodman. The. following cases were disponed of :.,.,. j L. Froelk k v. South Express Company, Duplin county ; argued. Bittle A 6ons for plaintiff, and Moore t Gatling for dtt I fendanta. ,1 i L Inul,.ll nutnli Jul Sth - "4'VIIIWI -s..nnl. 'Ji Jane Gt 7Siow eonet, June 22A ' ' '" X , " , Caohoa, Stokley- ir Co., vi. K. H. Rob inson atV, 'ew Hanover toonty; argued. M. Lind-a for piaiutil., aad Bbort Strange for deteoU uita. X . ., Wescott, adm'r., va, ITenry C. Hew lett, New Hanover -eoanty argtwd: W. S.SH J, Devane tor Uie plaiotiu and Bobt Strange for eWeodaut. ' ,T x v M kktiso or thi Boaas or Cm CoMnmatoNitRa Mimjay the Board of City Commissioners ; held aa adjourned meeting m the Mayor's otnee. Mayor Wesley Whitaker presided, and Messrs. Battle, Gorman, Churchill, . Ellison and Dunston, Commissioners, were present. The ooinotitteeappoiftted te4evestigate tha hm of ths W4of - D A.- WUAst, late Clark of the Market, tusde report. The re port stated that the committee had sulBcient evidence as to the existence of such a bond, and therefore recommended that the City Attorney proceed to sue the sureties of D. A Wicker in the sura of $2,000, and if necessary employ addition counsel -In plain English this bond of the late Clerk has been stolen. Tis sanort awa Adopted. 3 The City Attorney submitted a report on the tease of . the-, western basement of the Mrket huuie, stating that the former occupant, Mr. Clifton, had a right to sub let The report was adopted On motion of Mr, -Bat le, North street was ordered to lie opened fifty feet wide. Mr. Gwinin introduced the following ordinance which was adopted : Be it Ordaihtd, That no flan monger, or other person, shall soak flab within the market or eicinitv : and any person vio lating this ordinance shall be subject to a hue of 110, The following ordinance, introduced by Mr. Gorman, was adopted : Be it (Waiwi, That It shall be the duty of . the Chief .of Police to have Disced oa the street in front of the north and south doors of the city market. a barrel at each door for the deposit ol all garbage and refuse vegetation of the tnaiket, and hucksters and stall keepers are hereby required to deposit ue sai .herein. A failure to conlorm to the pro- Tub Cobt Hot'a Bui ur'"' friend W. H. Jones has showed ut S trh-grstti sent him by Ha. 'H It.' R'flefA which brings the pleasant news. Ih it the bill ap propriating, we suopnse f lOU.OilO, toen-rl a lswcw-aotTnwtrws "blnTainif la Kaleigh, baa passed both k'SJsea. Our neighbors of the Arm have agiu. placed us under obligations by giving us the use of their press to work off our paper. Unfortunately' we had 'another break down on Sit rdnj-evening lat, ami but for the kindness of our friends would ec t nave besa able to wnrk oft two nil tmositf thoMwriaau. We willbckul to recipnttste the courtesy In any way and at any time, although we hope they win bos oeas unfortunate at as have been. ADDRESS TO TlIK MEC'IUStcS "OF, ' NORTH CAROLINA. .. i"aujw Crjis-r.-n is doubtless know a to you, that the Denioeratie-Con eei venae Conventios at tireenstMiru' saw fit lo nominate me as their candidate for the office of Jtaperinteadenti eli Public VVuika, atul as the pressure ol sqt busi ness, which haa to be pitrtonneil with mi bands, renders it iuio.Hs.ibls ftw-me to eanvsss the btate, aud see sou lace to save as I desire, I have deeuud it proper te set forth my views in the form ot a circular. 1 feet proud that I belong to the. Me chanical claas, wboss inbors lend so nmeh to develop, the resources ot the country. and are so largely a benefit to society. It is-under your magic skill that the un bewed roeks of the quarry are turned into the sacred temples of religion, that bless snd adorn oui land ; that the rough um bers are converted lute beauulul cuius ; that the mountain ore, through blazing lurnaces, is fashioned Into turning plows, into buy wheels of useful machinery, into railroad lines and telegraph aires. The vast usefulness of mechanical skill is teen in the bouses, sheltering the tarn ilies of ealh ; In all the garmesits, clothing the children of Adam ; in all the bridges, spanning our rivers ; in sll the labor saving machinery, ben tilting mankind ; in all the Vtlitcias rolling through the land : in all the locks, protecting property from thieves ; in all the commercial ships floating upon the waters, jn countries and la every depart meat and condition o-,hte, the etnar evl deuces ot their untold, uselulness sparkli as thickly through society as -the aurs the blue heaven above us. ' It is etniueut- ly proper therefore, that this claas be rep resented in the omues ol our niate. 8o thought the Democratic Conservative Convention, when tliey aominatMi a work rag mechanic for the offlee 0T Bupcriutea J- Lutui.fuiaic wxirkiLana .1. xitr ui ju as fellow mechanics, that I believe the auccese of the Democratic -CunseTyattve party, wilt be the success of the Meclmii. cai classes. The interests of the mechanical clause always flourish in proportion to the gen era! prosperity of the country at 'large. now 1 am contldent that tne general pros penty of uie counuy will ue advance hy the triumph of the Conservativc -Dcm ocrattc party tor the following reiwons ; rirst, uccaiue line party rtas sua wi oontinue to reduce the expenditures of the iWate government. - Second. Because the taxes wnicn may be collected lor the support of the State government will be honestly applied, 1 mm. Decauav i.oe superior ihuwuiu ship of this parry insures peruiaucnt quietude va the land. , Fourth. Jtecstise its policy tends to develop the resources of our btate. The pram, prosperity and permanent iuterest it tlie country, an Bang upon tut success oi our p irty. . For these reasons i can upon tne me chanics and sll others to vote the coiiser- vative ticket. 1 The direct tendency of the republican party is to burden our citizens Willi extravagant taxes ana reduce mu white mechanics to the level of an Interior race. But under the fosterinsf care of con amative success our lurn.-ices will Witau! brighter, our anvils ring louder, tarnia- chiues whirl faster, our buxiness grow livelier, and peace and iinwiHritv will crown our whole laud. jA-t every man then cast bis vote for that party whose turceas Insures such Ktorluus results. I appeal to every true son or north Carolina to exert all bis influence to free The clerk of the market shall provide 8 the emptying and draining of .the barrels dally. . h ' Mr. Gorman introduced the following ordinance, aud upon his motion it was adopted : Ik it Ordained. That so nrraoB occupy ing city market stalls ahstt be allowed t iws but amis towi C'B o the street in trout of bis premises, and aoconp shall be allowed witbia , the alalia. The riimen lions of the OKip shall be aa follows : Three Icct wide, three li-ct lont', ana four ft hiirh, - wsf.-";is Ifym fwnr-f tfrjew-ce sltrwnir-' pelted ' to keep the ssiuescruptiiousiy clean. The same shall he under tne su nerviaion of the Chief of Police,, and any ocraoa violatiue the proviskme of this urdioaoce shall forfeit and pay a toe ot $100. to be collected oa warrant by the Mavor. on the tsouiiAiitnt of the thiol ol Police, or anv citiien V the city. Ail ordinances in connict with this act ate hereby repealed. 7 ";'" '"Y- 0a mtion. the order la regard to the oonJemnatiua of; the stables belonging W the estate of the Mrs. P. Smitht was rescinded, and a committee, consisting' bf , Uiaars. Gormsny ptiun-liill and .Ellison, was appointed to investigate the ssatter. Mr. BatUe offered the following resolu tion which was adopted : Rfnoltfd. That the Commissioner of I the fUnkina Fund hsve authority to bor. row mooev to nav the Julv iniereat a the i.-,n mio debt and rroav tlw same out of the first special tale which may' come in to hi bands. . 'j! ,' . . On asotaoi'of Mr. Goreun, it was or dered that the office of the City Treasur er, in the uppx part uf lhs market h tuse building, be aul up with the aeeewurv furniture. - On motion, the B.rd adjonrned to meet again at taa regular time, ztn iiutant ' " ' '"..;;" :' " '' " '' ''' '' '' " A Good (l laa. 'Lots of EnclUh women are einiursuns; tu Uie liJi8 aea LUnda and become wives of the natives. Here's a chance M the Raleigh lkea, oppruaaioii that have sell nigh crushed Her in tne dust oi uuuiinatn.n ana ansmc. Let ua go forward witli will aud deter- 1 sginatioa to bring her to that standard of pure, economical and honest government oat wus ner crown and glory in vne uitvs ol our lathers. . K. apectlullv youia, JO.-. II,. RKPAKK IrlAKUaa.ll t la aocaiiurluni on Uie Ji Bat . alssah osa Btswsst, sail Mus' Viaui.au Covikotos. T - WAaaocB, Editor of the MsUsnboiV Argus, and Ml Vlawsu F Barriss. Atiest ; laN CharlwUs, on the bti ioL,.lJr. 1. M faircsuBB, asd about So years. . At Uie IttSsns-AsyliuB an Utta ilv, oa the 4Ui hut., Miss Aucstasisa, sgsd iyosrs, daiubter of the 1st U1. Zenas-Urtr of Micklenburg j.uuniy. .f; ..'.:, ,r. i Bctltkr fiiffltiOB. Li's Is rsadetsd misanulk itwl the dlgcs- Uvs organs srs huinursd. 1 tXxl oeeuuii re psisivsi Uie body cwaciateu ; tfis Moua sw ureHod. sad Bkuutuoir brooos utar y.ju. 1L11 8 VAt.slSBl.a. UVs.it 'li,t is remeuy for Unen etiUj Uir nrodiiya SiUjl eafnauoa ; crsie a gouu spfuwu:, waiw jUssuiug sku sua u.riuu44SS Ol uuuu. taisitaros, AC, Aug. 1, 1 V. Xr. W. h. Tntt : llear el -1 wish to Inform voa. and If roe deau-e ua m liuUlish m Uisl I Itafs SeSu antietcd tor UiJWsrus of svveuvesrs sits lV sp,;uwa. .1 evala sai auiaing loaiAgrssu wiiS lus. 1 bsusv-s eiBACUM!, Ii44 noswvrgi, sua rlt kIuoibv aod mrlu.;iir sll tus uws. 1 ksfs wusa omss! famt luivsr- sUw tor teas wcess, soa asvs . espe-rieiicea uie grwsusi nueSl. 1 have a Bus aiielite, sail ess sow trmL Mat aaiMs. 1 earaisiif ruesuiemssd immm to ail st aas I)apla. .,.,. , Dr TeU'a HslrDye ennteina io Sogtr Load. ' oae it aaswlWAWtli i v " pKUVlat -'Ma. .. . i., UotfsBals mis, s '- 8 Unas. uar tlaias t . I krusfasi sinus. SU K ua rarvbsre. apr U-tf LA AC II BW, . arucera LATE TELEIiKAI'lHC -'i i I- : t flLllUni1 Naw YoHSj, J,ime 10 -Cotton I 4r hwer; K.! M . 1 1 . .Id a . I . Lfet 4. PtM onier, ' conimoa n fair extra 87.80, ad l eti.scs f 10 j5e 18 00. Ivliiaky8rns,i8t. .Wheat ctoeed si dy j winter red Woatern (1.81 to $1.03, Cord qut.4, tor demand at 7ali91f; white souther Wl Hire steady at 1,-te t-riwaiii-T'er laid a in lie hrmeH l 4.,a j 4. NsralRtreailv. Tallow steady. 1 1 tal i. ' "Twrpeatie sternly, 7uli it ;Jiain quiet, strainetf ami. rn-igm nrnt, ' Money easf.'- 4 eHeiJing; tatst I. Govrtninents 1 sl tower. 1 oht 14 1-8 st4 1 1 1esnssr Ann. 7H I A' and ether aeSjlherhsteady.- ' - l - r ' '4 l.tYKHnifiL. June 10. 0tt. nixfltal str.Mig; BplAB.f II 1-v ; Orleans II 4stl I 8. - " f '''; VlltlU XB.1 VrtBlT - 1 ! firfW niakerk wood carvers, confec ti. ", Ottman printers and barbers have cumliincd lor a stnke. t The IlnruW 1 Madrid siieciaf asva. Dr. Howard's release has Iweu official I r da manded, otjiiTwi the lulled tilates tswerjMRm ai'J take decisive action. The ineurra-uonery news trota Tecra Gnrra is alarming, , . 1. , To-tlnv clear and warm. . tt is said that three bundled womea will hiin the striker's hroceanton. Au immense crowd attended the tiap- tinui by immersion of Miss hiuilU-y, the quakcress preacher, who will herealter pic.icn aa an evangelical pre u bcr. C0NGRt"8Si0NAL. Confcnme hsulted in lli withdrawal of the IVm h ratic oicmlHira and the alop lioo of by the remainder ol the aditica- tioa force bill requiring the application ot ten instead of two votes to secure the Federal suiiervision at any voting pre- cificLa aud 11 lulling the nuuiut-r o mar shsis, passeil,., .... ...... , . ,.. lite Unuss rtiei'ted the senate bill si lowing "boat used exclusively for towing ana iivigtiumr additional steam. The lliiuae bss reiected the report ol the cotifnrvme committee, on elections. I lie aisendmeuis sad bill were recom mitted. The session ia is extended to oclock this evening, in the bope of a comproniifte. The tight seems to be tri- aiigulnr. The more ultra radicals' want an extra session. The hut hours of the session were spent iu getting through several miscellsneoiia matters, principally lor the beuetit of clerks snd employees. ,,, The Senate eineudiuenta to House bill extending to Arkan ias tlis advantages ol the agricultural college bill were concur red ut Dr. MVFy" E."Welker attempted to sgwak fr.du tile Speaker's chair in the House to day during recess. The Capitol police . t - eqtiutcneu ner. authori-d to witness all the prnoeedinga intending I lie counting ol tote and luxk ing of ail the returns llien-ol, as provided h t ha act lo which this is so am. o.im.u sad aa saw-k ol said '.11m lunviu sp ph sted s may las ucueassry lor said sup'pk nient.4, sod amendatory proiis.vus 'ia hereby apruopriste.1 fiom and aJter the aesssge fihs art, '. , - -j ' ' .1 w-Ttrir-c!-f, jTine 10. Halainorea adTkesiK the Sill rep,rt the,revlutiotiit auiuer iiwroga as nsving rs raptured MiiBterey oa the 4th lost. Before G. t'etellos rou'd tvea-h there wilh reiuforce nienta, tjuleroga furued on C belli with H his fiiroe and pmpelled Bim to retreat t Me, where he was vt-slerday. It is belu-veil to dsv that .Cebelhav usunot ro- niain ia the held against the inurgcnis sun nw present Inroe, and is retreating (hi Mataasnras to ehelter himself behind the forte and the national guard. -. ; Several of General IVIialloa' heavv puna have reached Heynnst, h iving Hjvn sent in advance to prevent tlieir retaking tlieia ia his retreat, : ;';.......,;,,, '. Gen. Uuu-roga'a an ia es'iruited at a,00u he having impn'ssed InUi his ser viiw V.JO0 BiisoiM'fa eslitunul fum r.,.n Coiryliaj in the iv-inu-uis at Monterey. , arn. vensuos lw.ii.-.l a proclsmatloB at MievyesSisd.tysesmrwIrMlijingthe dl sstorat M.Hiir-y, and tu rmrwswttne-4f therevolutionls. Their advanos uhi his hiroe, aud in.li. st intr the nmbabiliit ol his retreat hers 'which is bow lieinir exe euted, another siese o- Matamnnu ia 1m- miuen t. The prestige of nxaml sncoeas is in favor of the revolutionista, ., , FROM HAVANA. ' UAVAHA. June 10. Cantata General 1 Valmeaeda has arrived at Nuevities. A severe engagement took place between ! toi. Baaoones and Vicentegsrcia. The Mpanlard report the killing ol twenty in surgents, including Aicogoruge, arcond lis Command of tiareias forces., InsucJ gents attempted to recapture Caiiso alter ne was wounded, but were not suoceas- iui. nj JU ' .1 .-u !''" ... UIIIL. J.J , X l.JL.U 1.. New AdvertiBemoBta. tyAKKKNTOfl FEMALE C'OLLIOK, Wabbkktom, . C. ri.AVORl.Nii KTiA Ts anof laHasary luttmrtauev tu cookery uni ut all arlivh s .! this riiwripUi. tin, hul.lr runretilrsUM BlacdaiYl kttraets, uaeijairs.1 bv Joaeok si .r sell A t'u., e,.HtoB sre priMwH-ed by 1 sd in f-uikliiier frol.Msor blot among the BumtB-r-ine purul ami, iwk . ., , HUMAN KF. atS.-itvrya ane boar s HitMl with brokeu dV.sa a. Iiuena of ho aaatut) an4a that arena lav hope of ssl aiti, At Ioj-si eiuuihs of Ue migbi tw g'.lrd with new vltNlitv. by s crtsr e of Ifl: )UrMHrntm Vialtsf 'Brrrtrs;-" Mu? are ftdrl rlus tiout itr re Uoa of ruts pullul l Mtters or (iu,-rf iV niliurils It U clisrsr- txrMie ot Ur Walker's Ursst KtuMtiiV' uiat It UruU.linea Uie eg ,1 ot Mhm ails . a l.-d n ufHit,a..d aeeoaiidiahes, iadasUias s ixrteet cure, . ., .... , NATTJRK U1VBU I'eTEKTU bul.had.ws 0" un serve snd l.urifv 0i in. Tnal oiu-t aw uua Willi rrsgfsui B,,a,HW,t. Ttis OVatsI sous snd its miiisel cualiis srs eaads invaiaer sul to sll dettruetive u.rjiiriH-es bt Uie dally ue vf tew beaiiti-siit nreusisuoa. 7 t .Ml OflO tHH.LAM WILL BK PAID tar anv n-iueuy a nu-a sill ear I brunts KneurueiUta, .una in me l.unt.s, Ba. t an4 Cheat, Bre Uimat. luiKMtl ailBua. (Voun la at.wv t:.ilie, Spraiue snd V.uui'tiig,ituksi Uisl)r T.itilss' Venettea Lil.lmeul; ealshltMltxl B) lJi Bver fafis.X e.d I ky all lteugvlsts. tepit, 10 fsrk i'lara, Men; org. t 1 FRATT'S ASTRAL (UI.-Hore aeelrieaki occur fnun s-l uuul .!,,, tliai. trooi ateain laais sod rsllruada enoiMneil. rv-r 000. si anoilus eouuuas Ui liars rtmtt's Astral Oil, and 110 scfidruiadiiwlly or lmtlrx-ll haisoo err4 f rata bunoiw, stortne r tmedilnt it Nw'iCT 'M,, aBAVJsaaa, A ttTlFrt WniTF, tflHmm.tli snd elear skia Is p oduosa by asiaa-u, W. Lslrd'a " lUuuut of V .uilfc " 1, rewovea las, frrcS lea, sanbsnia, and all other discolors! limn fnits the kia, Usuug Ut eooilealua brilliant and beautiful, Sold at ad tlmLis. 'tliiapri pa rslion la enilrrly Ires fruw suy msisrlal d- M-uaeuMM auaesiHI. . , . TX) TOBACCO MAN C FACT 1B1KA AdMuusa f TO oar r. ia Cm oa aacsr laiavd rsliM wlB sauds on BUls of tjadln of eoasigamente t ear botue. I u Unit at rate of per swa. par aanua. frompt rs Bras made Witt check for balance dueiOtlp. pet JlliMiiiliattjr na asWot aas - i-. -. - ..-. aols hapartsrs ol tea A7 Ouflo brand f paaUh MsaaUeerkW ' ' X ' " " v f. r . HUFFUAK. LEI Jtca', Tobaeco tnimlMOs Nen liaiiis, ' ' . "' d a-aargeFier, srlsod9aa - HaiUiaore, Mi. TpLtASAtT OiSOF.M CLASSICAL -a. . ecuusjl.s. MALE ASO FEMAf.k (IILFOEO CO., ... , , , , ... .X 1 Rev. T. 8. WhrtTiMip..) A.k.'Prlictp'i WIU opes the Sv..Ui sssstoa the tdat Jnly, lorn, snd roullsn lareniv wwka. bvlsrd mi good ismi lea soar Uie lastuuiioti at per m.mln; all foand eieept light. TuIIi.ib froia iu to !... ' CeiHingsni loe IW-essis (tui denui eoutlug by r.ilr.ia iil l tireens B4W', llrsnveisnciisriUai9lUiniilf s srs suvlSiA f Mis Urn. Tnse i' h la ad- tm ariarslaia sddisss tee rrinclusl I .it ,u V.UICS. Jobs sls.i , 88 tt'TIFUl, ui or krubroiilerles. At twisdssroklefs, Aa A tifNllNB OOLbEN HELL f a 1 ait seeorainir to tlis orurl- The WaU a,..:.,, 111 K,.,i, ik. a,, July, luia I sLlutlon stlonU aitrlor sd. Caauuns for Mae-se.ai tins of a tkoransk and aeeoiaoUalied eju.auun, ,, j , ,.,-', t aoui 1 rt gasatoM or 190 ss-sa: , Rusrd (eselualv of aaablug and llgblalin) (SI 1'altiou Is regiilsr pourae uu bllrsslaillor, UKKl.-ialo ,! ' . For jaartleulara apply to t m .ftiVr 1 juneiaim , freaiil.nl. .g------""'':' CATAWBA K. LIN i BP.BI KGB, 1 Ajini-e rasiMk'e-0'BtiBd tudax. alien tMicukor Hiaiue rebuked lu pnsentstive I'latt, of Virginia, who accused HI nine ol falsa oount The H.mae suatained Bluine, Wlieni'lnU spohigised, whereupon llluine regn.ltcd that the uuprucrdeuu d charge had srovoked b i iu tu say th it Piatt wss eubef grisjaiy igurantor grossly aisre epjcttul. .The session to dy was prolonged from hourtu hour, finally the force bill to stiiend the set approved Felirnary 881 h, ISil, passed as roliowa : tbrit whenever in sny cViunty of parish in any Congressional llialrict, tliere ahull tie ten citizens theieof Of fc-ood siAuiltBf wu ana reiria- truimn of voters for an election for ltep reseULatives iu Congress, or prior to any election at wlneh a Representative in Congress is to beoted for, shall make known in writing fy Judge ot the Circuit Court ol the Lulled Hiatus lor the district wherein such county or iMrfti is situated, their desire to have said rivlnuion or electl. both guar ded ana errutiniand'j it shsll be the duty of the said Judge of the Uircuit Court witbia not less than tenXdsyt prior to said registrathm or election aathe 1 may Be, to open tne mitt iiuri at the moat convenient point in said district, and the said Court wlien opened by ssid Judge, shall proceed to appoint and oommiaaioB irons uay to any sud from time to time, and un.ler the hand at the said Judge, and under the said Court for such election dintrn r voting precim t in said Ougrcawionul dis trict as shall in the manner herein pro scribed have been applied lor, and tu re voke, change of renew appointments from time totiine. .:,. Citiaens, residents of ssid election dl I Have this dav takea nkanrs tvf Out stuisa. Sprlnira and wbl oit n tbeni m thi UIUIbsL,. --.fsassasanetnina of siienditia- a lew aiontiis si s watering puu-s win sun ao waers in tne oouin s wore coin oriame resorb- Israss rtvsonsola. J. M. BLAIR, Tormerlv of the Yarborouirii llouss. Jaae U tjutyl 1 Haisigh, N. 41. JjOH DALE. - ' Another lot of Vs. llama. JiiesiWtf ; 4 W. H. JflNES A Co. ' f ' JUST THE RKMKDT NKLDED.-i-Thsnka M Mrs. Miulow a Boolhiug fvrup, we tiave i'.r years Been relieved iriib aaeilMaaLihu of isJiiful ssuiiiug with poor euaortiig levUi-uigehildrea. FOB UY4TEPSIA, Indlirsatioa, deprauloe of apuiu snd giu-rl detuliiy la tbrlr various I lurum, siau, aas provsuuv agsiuat sever and Ague, aud other luumoitmut fevers, Tlis If-cmi L'hustOiurate.1 klisa- of Oattasyav Bade by i,aawell, Uawi4 at t ., Ne4 fork, and sold bv sll DruHiHata. is the ttset tlak-. and a a tonic lor pautiata paoov. rtng truuitsvavor oUwr sb kaeaa, it has bo eusk KISI.ET'B fXo. rt.NK WaI asl foraaula of frevost,. Carls, so loi.g and fsitrsbly known W Ui euaUimsrs ufllsvi Isnd, Hsrml sud rtlakiy sud Uuilr branches, fur Its due psraisaeni fragrsaee Is bow wade by H. W. hod. y aud the I rule auppited by Ills pm-vwwyra, m.intaa dt AUUey, W UOliMSle UrOg- B 1M.. THrRT()N'E IVORT PEARL TOOTH POrtlDKH. The bast srUcl. known for slesa aiug aud prusurviug U. terlli sud iruuia Bold t.v all llruggials Pries m snd Ml easts per uciws,., s, y. nciia attgewjiursWw'e CAKHOI.IO IAI.VI Bnenaalledaaanasl. lug tuiupouiid. i'liv.ii laua reuoiuineud It as lit Biuat wonOerrul remedy ever known. Fries ao cents pur not. Jobu F. Henry, sol F'r'eteriJ . CIlRISTAMHtiB IlAJBmETU. lillicciileiuiouud ia byiHid contlngeiMy, Ute I saissa arid nion miauie ura in ssiatene sever laiuns; wi uttwn 10 uie tiair, nuituriu- j- - rninnissa, ran I KEWBOM'S.' sssya-tf ., .T.rt a - Jni;wi' - pack EE's cklidraticd isb ., -, 1 Ht WF f ' ('rivsUlrel Ice Cream Frawieri, - - "i tx ... . .lrts BECOND STOCK TlIiaT 6K.ASO ,: These FREEZERS have bees ia bss shwe IMO.wlth the aaost lattsrliig seoului, sale at .... ,. new tork retail pnra:i 1 I Fur at UKIGC.3 d- SONS. l i 20 DOZEH CE.SClNr KF.STUKY toV 811EEF AND IKH1 BILLS. June -tf lty of - color, nutirlahnient snd clsaUeiir. at.suraclury, Maidui Laos, Mew Hers, ' iVAPYI A Is Opium purified nf It sleksa iwi sud potooueaa (juslities. It la a perfect snodyne n.it produrimc buadschs or eouatlhs- uoo of Bowels, as Is tlis esse with other pre psraiKina 01 episin. new lurs, , B t-UflkH-vOXl VY1NC. k-atat. John Farr, Cbeuuat June 1-dsodlmwAsw, Verv mod at M eentS S Bottle. ' ' ' Juue mil w. it. .luNES A Co AM1 fOstkllllK ajvstet wis, v,.' : )uns Itf-tf- . W. II. JtJNkfl A Co. OWllBOAM nCHNAPFd, UT TU UAE, very tow JUIIS U tr ' , W. H. JilNESAUO. TT-ELDOU MEAL: June 11 tf , W. H. JUNES A Co. i: bl'JiClAL NOTICES. ' BATOHELOR'8 HAIB DTE Til. .... .1 . . 1 1 .. 1 r, 1 - . . . , . 1 . wrfrf.r f ; !lv"." .r'J" . lu neat in O S f 0FASTNEKSHI1' Wat. X. IL Surra, Gaaxna V. Btrcmo. ' HSIITII Ai BTHONG, -- . - , . " r,4 ATTORKETS AT UV, i ,ii,-;t 4 ' HAL I 0 H ,"K . " Offlns over tea UlUaea' NaUoaal ftiwlri Kxeluwge rises. ... , , . -.,, Btsys-uoa . . - - - II aRVEST 187JI i -I A ftiMMiiotisi Uisuacw and givuig the sggi-.-gi.le tina iNtpuuiuija o rses, aa wen s analor Hie cUi.liu: lint Vote lor AiurriHsv lieiVrsl. an; in ewasiuritfi tiMa..eis sato Uie ntrn el ol MemtuauiuiUles lo. wloeb Ills rssloaa- tive 1 .'Uu ie sre mu I d. Meub.ra ol all p ll a ahould havs tlii U .. . ... .. . .. 1, ' 1 a(. w m 1 a hwiui in inativ wdve. 1 si'is ju tnti I. d.l. 11 and te stoat Ukais we .beyouwa. at is, Iweliniliig. fOi4 .MlUlirilJI SI litlHW ,'V. - 1JI . It. . . ... i k. , kAito.lll.. MAi.Ui AcAfkallL R A B ' V 11 AM OK. Ur. tt. W .fl, 0"-uli,t and DnU.-lsn of Ber lin Prussls, IS atopsing at lbs m linroas-h llouae. he oiler bi the cilia as of haienrtt and vlelnity s ruiikrwr Article of Hraalisn rebule tlses. rjiaufaclerd bv hmisslf only, which b sdspta 10 eve.y eoudilion of aiglii. vur-fsiruoBisra sv t.irculars, eunieiulus ne eeaasry inlonuaioHi snd a ttuiiioar of isioiu- UiundaUoiia f.oui lir.tiiiinuiil peraitl4. lie may ue consulted eaiiv ti.nu v a. At to sr. at i;un uiis.bm fine . 1 luluis to be. received Iu Ihs nsrlorsnd iren tUnieH la tlis erptisi room, or sue -Y as berxuab.' Peraouv uol sole to esll will lie sal ml upset st tlK'H riaidcutus wuluiul iu siuouuf wsrue. juue U'lw llU i IOaL ol.' I I.I n MA I' uK MDvl li paiiafT, who siiain f OTeiciil pilitic drM ulj , u ,,, J.,p ,,g 'i a SiisTAl K. In plUu, sad able to read ana rH ut 1 sulurs, ituli- :ai nee.'.ltuwing tbe Cos t .glinb langnage, and whoslmll W- knowa snd desiimated aa-supervisors ol th slectioM, tBesaid court, when opened by t!i esMi judge as required herein, shall tiKtmroai and thereaiter, and ap to, ana including the dsy folkiwiug tbe day of the eixutnu, l always "iwn lor tne truB-aae uoftjrifc businwis emlsf thtt ac,, and -rue poweta and yiu-tsnicuon ner.uiy granua and coofei red, shall be exercised a well n want aa iu term tines, A judge a h, a sitting at chambers shall hsvu uie asms nowevs and luiud.cti.n, ineiumng in. yvs,hafs,y)a aa44aVABhlt ally CollUils N lis awMV.ioy aa ayrii silswg I - the Court, snd no person shall -be appoihtett under this act, as an iwi visor ol election, wno is not the time of hit- epeoiutmsnt att- actnal qualihed voter.- A county or parish -aextioa aisinct , vonog (rw.ii-v for which be is appointed t and on perana - sh iU be sppiauted deputy M tiaftull under thie Ac, of the Act ol wrrWh Mats -H autundabiry, stlia is aol niililiel voter at the tiiue. of hi ap. pooitiueiit m fhe coBnty, pansti, dis if let or precinct ia wh.ch his liij ties an be lien rnil, mihUi- sm.-hou u, d th sot ut wined Una Is sb SfHrtidUitBt, ah ill be osiraiiMd t suinonM sud r uumt tbe t liuuil Con r Is ot the Lullwl atates in said tectioo uitmtiooed, to natoe aad appoiul, as siMHi as way be, st er the passagu . aaf tlis Aft, .b Comuussioncr protioeu for ts ssia sw uou, hi au cases hi wince aucw ' apBotututatits stave aot al ready bean made ia ounlorniitj ibesewith, aad U.e Ibn.l section ot tbe Act to svbtcu this is aa amendment, shall Be taken aad construed toatit horisu each t tbe Radges Uieir Circuit ot the Laited btetea desilfitalo on or aiore at ut the judge of the district courts withia circuit to uisUisig Uie autiea arising nder Ibis act of tliu act, to whkb ibis m aa miijiiientaiij til words " any per son' in mv.ii.iu lour of the s.-t of 1, 1670, ali-ll lr held to.iiif'lu.le an otti cef of onu r Tieraria havmgViuwvrs if riu- Ue ot an ollicial cbsractcr .UVkB this Set, or the act tu whit h Ibis is an smendmeot : 1'rmi.ltd. farther. That tbe supervisors her. in provided for shall have uo powia to niaae altera, but are authorised to be Ibe ixiuiK dia e pnisetH-e of tbe oil. , era holding the election, aud Utet are hereby nut eontaie Isad, ane any vital lo polsou, la produce isuaiyais ordeaiu. avoid Uie vsunbou 1 and (h'luaiv pn-arstloiis brawling vwlu. Uicj lilt nnl IMiMMiM 'I lia wwiitilua nf w a Uuti.l.- lor'a Hstr ly hiaa had Ml years1 nularniabed mimutlon te nntiMd Ite liilen-ntv as tlis onlv I perfect Hair Oa Black or brows, asld by all DniKfi.t. Apply at lo Bond f)L, M. V, "V7 L' E I) K L'E A U UOTIiL, V BE VVELL'S POINT,, llAUl'TUM K IADS Nasa Noaroi.a. V . ,., :i ... 1 - ' V Thla New and Beautiful Hotel will be open j lor visitors on , t t , IfONOAT.JL'NII, 171, Bnder the supervl ion nf tlie nnd.Tuhrripd. ss- sialed by Mil. Jim. bA .11 tlliUWMCof i'orls- Bioulh, Situ Will D snpt . ,) 1 t AS A FIRST CLASS WATER1N0 PLACE tiN THE SKA BtiiE, FHlXl.lfi.ilt.. JI..C. . E. t"rsB, v Piiiielria. Itte F'll seaatoB of Oil a Iii-t.lullou will enaiaieuc Uuauay Jaiy let, Isij. TssMa Frtmsrv IK partmeut. Ik susaloB BO week IU Ml. ! - keaular kssUab Coarse, per seseiuB BU wecsa. is uo. liavalcs, -lub ana uress. P I session Bu weeka, sw ou, Fraukllui.in la sltnated Iruiuetottelr apon tee Ks.eigi; slid (lsu.iit Ht.ifn.ad, sud u fi,K-c-sliy aowa tor w b.-siiu. sud momiity ( iu :tiseata ........ - v . lioud board ess he obtained In Brit ale fasiV Ike st frits 4 VI to sill UU, -mt kioi.ui. rblera ffj pnnia-lon to Ke T. M. suns, Wsmso- a Seuiaie io.fe: Kev. W. M VI lit est, viaa oiMt :otlire: k-v J. b. ( lir- l.s-e, isruuro', . (J. i Ur. A. a. I'errt. Louis- erg, it. v.; urs. n. . tt. t. Uieea, cr.U'K.iiirob, a. K.. sisl sll LITliEU SHKL1U, 1 DBAi.aa ia DOOiiS, SASUra. BLI.NDH, Isuldis: arsrkflli, Ms if Kajlt, Nrwrk UlAs,Ussf.s)' SIAHUtV AlCi;, llftfr,til, Glass, ruttj, And Buildmk M'rll of every deserluuun. IT Waaler nircft, orfwlkr Va. leend lur stscaid beiora ctskiua- Iv taduw rrawca t eprBwIy. T If LAMP Or A It H A T i Kb la to give uotUs th d I bitend mat ins t-pl.f vtluai to tee C-'Ai;eificr oi Perna.iiik lor a lfspiii-ate Land Wsrvsot. bt ibm of .ue beoed to ' Habits Sifasw, .w.d-w of Csivis U. siiaw. Co. 11.. a. 1:. sirauw aar. f I'j'scr.- of Laul, wlj'cb KM uteued stuiut U.e rW i and was leel In Uia iaii between a raise a aae asu-iira suibetinMi Is the y-r lfJ or I ivi, and lias anvrr Ba rwoered. !.' i)-.i I, mrrvmsrmntmssstJisr a,.i.i., mi.,.(.. .iu.., uui.,..il 'i .., tu... Muale, end every iiiiu-y of the eea snd land ma be f.mitd at this dJigbtfulsnd convena-nt Bomrser KtiMort. Arra.iL.'- !auta lisvs beea mads wits the vwri.i.ie K-ie.Hula, to S...11 return tickets to etlore to va 1 d I esa st one-rrs, iirovided. Uie ticket see Isuikhi at Uw iloWl.belsr returuiriK. ... - BteAhier nm slmost eonatsntly nvtween Nti-yuiki nrt.simralh and the ttuw-L; . -3 'tTUrgarfflv-mveliiilie Ifiniai.. 'l aaaei litre dollar per day ; tlilrtj-flve doUaraiur twu weeks ;etxiy doilara wrm.inUi. 1 It B. IMIKSoN. I ProprV trw AUsnuc liulet, Morfulk. may 31 riiui-XMSL 1 On deialt st Farmers' Hall, 'rum the taut Btate sir, ami for sal st inauufaclursrs1 prices, with freight, tlis celebrated CLIITER MOWKH, , ' CAUDWELL'B PREMIUM , 110KSE POWER ; , . . , .. CABOWKLL'sV , .. ,,. BEPARATOHS AND , 1 . H CLEANER, ,- HORSE BASES AMD GLEANERS; ' : MNCLAIB'S '" " ' "' '" '- GRAIH CRADLES; ' WHEAT FANS, AC, AC, AC i ' " JAS, M. T0WI.KS, ! JuBB-4f , ,, rpill SUBSCRIBER PHOPOSFSTO OPES J. a pnvais at I1110I m lis. dwelling, twu uilns from datura, it c, far ths In.uscU.is of elt-lit or ton bove Iu the cuMviesl tiu.ii.-a, pre pustery to adtuhudua Into Coile)re. He plndires his sseittelv devolion t(i tl mcptti sriBtvrtfivnWTVmnt of the Vomiia alio" may he cuhiuiHI.-iI to hi chain, ib fur- uierane 01 wnicn etui- nta retire.! lu.aii.ia and staple tecesiuaoalaOwis- pn-fc-et taviuahi OptlOfttllltllS -.. Tsnns SI iO for the aeaal.inof Ave rn.iiitl.a, rOHnaenrin; sseond Monday la July, en-luaive ud light sud wsahing "V "' C TAVLdfJ, A V. Rosnok News end HaitierHim' Advaue will give the slwve four liu.ril.ma aud bw vrMTd S' fl. -.'IE ZJS- "J ! ?,0:J..-.S.5-1! S I O C ' S tt at . ve A g t-1 ' -t? mit T - rr-lK a M 2 : pS-3 sf f 7- eH' 0 5 ' a s' g si: -? 5 wS y P S.5 U , Q 0 'P: - ' f I -' aav. B-" V. 5 k O - ' 'J- H-' ' '- 3 a :. 5 ;?( 1 '" - 2' ti" z o at - s& t se.Hiuni B Hie, - jane - - A54BOUOACiU T7; AND CAKIU)LATE Or" LIVE '" " . .. T' hCvt fl-.t 'v ti k.i . L''.-.imiii.-ii.i. d by j il.tr. h Uuuufi- onl Uiecomiiry. - VI iicleaais sud rct.'tll by th miienfiiciitrers, . UsLfiHoas Coal, las artn AUsi-a a t o., 1 . a - j , . 411, tihstlssBt. e ' fnayS44 . lialinuorv, Mil. !NohTH CAB0US "cojf,'" r,ow IBs , H. C.MJacwn lUia, - 8,000 , 8UUk. .'iso, V x 8,0UO Lbs., Davit Sugar Cared Hon, a may lit npt ALL)VH0M "t h. IT MAT COM. UK M. have oriened s Fiostlns Marhlne i-h-vp m Oil Clly snd ureparml lo r-.ir tinia kuciua, bi.lit-ra, Art M 1 n, wt r Vt - t Cuiar fw, Ms-bihel7 m If en- ral uTil hniiij one. Have aiKU on tuiid a tariii v l-t e power bteam f'orUtbie i".rtiiilj,i, H '.II ii it in- wititout Bsw Hid. It eau ucim.-c,u at ..Uua d Bon's If ouudrr. tfUU a reptilit'l. Addre., ' M KFUT. aija) AwU .. ' luiivmu, Ji. C. REWARD! A-UrtiHAk. 45ia4W. JKq VISION 1A.UU0 Lb. aidc tiiti iUttia. t,0f)0 d pm Urd. - f l.c mt-r. Iii. to uv-. i n tirtDM- H nli wiil Ur K'lcviii, V a ut i ll jMm mt tfe, UmiI 3 U h:o v. ?? t.., bMf 'r tin tin1, r-j, ut hp. I-1 i , I 1 tiTid raHier r t'ie. "iut l- 'M, -lurk, rjin-'k -'.. -n atul wu-n Ui.-u-.i,. aMvUt 4 ft-' t. J tli' fi- t-.illl. frt f I U a( ruu :K- t 'H' ti'l tv wn hituts i ) n,c th.i Cotinlv l.iMsri of '-rftivult;, t-.i.l J - - ? lcVB, i - M'4. (BW-Wl- H-v if 'tt'1-f ts or iMm,iui( tu. ut tu -'V i.v, WitJ p U Hii-ne r ar 1 fut i !i if - ffviMiiA. liitut IsV tiv i'H UiM i i' t v-t i A.aan'. fob 1-dtf 'i LEACII BK0T1IE V: IT It-W" ' 1 1 7