.'HE SENTINEL .XiVltlll CAKUUNA ' I peaches have tf-en shipped North from Wilmington. :.- ,., 1 KrT. Jnu. 8. Lang's lecture lu YYilming toa on Lots tod Ambition, wee grew A fearful il.ig-war it raging. w aa annic" Would write It, "I being Muril " u HU Bliflgtoll. , ... ""'i... :,. !...,....," II.iB. John Bltrr, now f Trim , Kill a.Mmsi people of RUaaerforil at tbe Court Jl.m-e wu S5tb. TUc Wiliuingfonians are ah-ait to have play at tin ypere , House celled "lb Swamp Angels ; or ihe Luwerj Bandit .j k i ' Tue Wilmington Pfirt as Dr. W Potter hu : Ikto appointed Quarantine .' Physician Is Muithville, in place ol Or. W. U. Curtia, removed. NnuiHATlok: -Jatne M. Guilder and W. W. Fleming arc the LVuiiar.ruliccandi dates for the Hcnate io the District com posed ol Caldwell, burke, Mi Dowel Alitclull and Yauccy. Habd on Bin.. The Rutherford I'm dicator says ttiayjohu Overton, negro, halt Mt tli Koguee' erty because Billy MiKtwNon joined It.' : Daniel BnnKit' SikiKh. ft niay not be generally knows Hint sister (Hannah) of the great llauul frame, I lie pioneer ol Kentucky, is living in Caldwell county. N. C. 8he hit reniHikably good health is now eight) lite yean old and tiia tntr to reach a hundred. CAorolfS Vmorrof The Charlotte Olmemr. myt j "We un- ilersuind Dial time hm licea B colored militaryciinipny organized and armed , here rr ten" Btontlie. w don't know wlicthir this U true or not, but II so, w hy liai it Iwen done an aecretly I Can any one answer the question? Inhe death of Mr. Richard L. Harris, which' occurred on Tnesday last, from typhoid fever. Hut lici foul county baa ha one ol luir hem citizens, and tne comma nil? In which lie lived a kind licariid -. rriitl iiiau and (? neighbor. He vrea fifty yiaraof age. -.ftuf A. VinituUtf.. r lUUICAI. JioiamATt". The BoUHHW- lions bar Congrwm are : " lat District !. L. fVlib. 2d IMatrict Charles It. Thomas. 8il District Neil McKay. 4th District W. A. Kniilh. Sib District- Tboniaa McKle. 8th District O. II. Ihickcry. 7t Diatrict 1. M. Fitrchr Bib District W. (1 Candler. - A Ix'TAt Joikik. "Mr. T. T. Rest, of Fniytli, pnlMiahea a card in the Winatou Vfedf ifiel, which Id mtlu r hcfiy on .Inline Cloud. He aaya that, he hail Ilia Houor aunuiioacd to apa?r aa a wilneca Ix lorc a waKHitmtc'e eourfc - Ilia Honor replied: "Tell the I'lainlitf to ro to hell, and aat to the court that I will'micome. The North Canilina oegnasa bae giveo tw amne quea-r ipettiineua of judgea. tioutk '.. Uum. , . , j Mn.iTARt CaWhXV. A Fompany haa jm4 been organized iu Charlotte with the following oMUvni " Ciipiaiii, Muj. J""fJTntIiirrS; fat Lieut., W, U. Undirane;'M Lieut., D. M. Higha; 8d Liet.v Wr B. Taylor; Snrpeon, Dr. -tl II. Hrem: 1st rW-iyi-alit, C. C. HortoB; ' Bd 8eieant, 8. S. Ffcgniin ; 8d hixeant, II. P Hi nimon.i 4ih CHTi-aut, L. a Holt. Thin is, we believe, the Brut white com puny orh il io the State, since the war iimi the Xouth. It ia to be armed. S duttthtm Bomt. ' " .. s . t ... . . . , ' Cam. THRZiivAKT. The rolunibia Pho?nii of Sunday corrects its Kalurduy'a report ot this gentleman, by aaying that " ' a carelrsuly worJed diptcli from ('hnrkHton by a ft-ieud to the, family of Capt Trezevaut here, led at into some ernm, 'yesterday, in rt'lation to the rek-aae of Capt. Trew-zant on habtat arrpm before ; JudiTe Bryan. The flnwl hearing haa not yet been had. Tbe true stale of the cane as denied Iron) the counsel f ir the defence, . i , who arrived here yceterd ly, ia that Judge ltiyan, having determined to h'ear Capt. Tieaevant's case on its merit, hns instrnc.lt cd Cooiniisaioner B.uzer to take the te t - tj-uat, both for the pr vcutioo and de fence in Chester, and ie)Kirt it to hun ; aiid in tli mmnlime haa diachari ed Captain Trerevant on reconir.anre, with iU'elie , to appear and abide bis deciniuu. Char. .., .... OJ, rwr, , - VIHUINIA. The neit annual meetii g of the Educa tional Afsocialion of Vnginis, will be field in Staunton, on the second Tuesday in July. . ..'.'...,,. . , v . - The crop on lower Jaiuea River is said to tie the beat since the war, while in tlie Valley of the Kapp thatmiM'k, from the long continued drouth, the crop will be short. In the southwestern portion of the Hlste it will lie generally a line erup Tbb ExCKfritP. Tliere' are two gen tlemea in Lynchburg, Vs , who are Bot embraced in the recent amncaty act of nieiiilwr of the iltith and UTlh Congreaaes, aud Dr. MP. Chrialiah, who was a sur geon in the t'uiud Male navy, and re signed Ink eouimisHjon to enter the servW of the Confederate stales navy.- AjwA bury ViryiHiim. Cahkrd Pkachb. Mr. J.ihnC. Moo maw, of Ckivirrdale, ia mak-ii eitenatve preparations to can a tanre ipiantity of u peacbeathe coming SBaaon. He repruaiiiits the pencil crop in hi neiglilwrli'KHl as li y giaai, and rtpecta tn put up .'Ml. (XX I Krm: ' THrf; 3f Vferauif -ntpMwhH has ob mii tinned Mont Adtennf reptt-ii and- it , Said that dealers nmnilt-1 a divided pref" " erence for It. Fineattlt ITtruli " A Btn Pi-iot There was a very as. . rimn slide on. the Lyimliburg and I hin ville railroad, yeatordayx evening, at tlie aection near Fishing creek, one mile be low the city. A large numlwr of bands .hy. beta Jut aniiin ninulluv eng;iged-4 cutting through a ery roiiuli bluff, in which heavy bliatingwraa Minind, and they had 'oinplrtod tins job, at they i thought, and pna-eedud further on. , But yesierday, a w holesale slide cam , liiwxpected tion them, and in a few moments not k-sl t han forty thousand aijiiare Npiare yards of tonc and dirt tumbled in up.in tbe track which had . been already graded, fillicg up the sjiace in web a way aa to require the whole job to be done over again. . Fortunately there were no handa in the cut at the time, acrernl of tbem having paw. d throtiglf a short time previous to the slide. Tbe strangest thing alxatt the affiir ia, that tbe solid atone wall through which tlie track had be-n made, were con sidered aa aufe a though they had been Ceu-nted togctlK 1. LynehlMrf ItqmUi tun, Utk. : .', ' ' h'7 (en. Jiilul, A, Karly ha written tetti r declining ihe use of his anli'fif tiaigri in Ihe L)ii..l.l.nr;-dHtrict. tleaays:' " If ever llicte wa a time wlie there Was truth in tlie words of tlie pnet who haaaaid 'the pot of honor ia a private station," that time is my, and h t none the iea ao becattne of the trials aveuding tliat station in our ir!povctihe4 innil. while office, eiiei-ially under tbe I'nited tttalea, is gcoernlly atlende.l with large emolument. The great bun of our s. Country at this liuie ia lte wild bunt after ottice, and 1 alull, rerUiiily, not add to that eU by iny peraosaJ eiauipia.'' mUHOMf AJ.M. 8pKted Tall make a telling extrinp Oa Ibefr return fiom Niagara Fall tbe Japantue tulwMy will stop it Bamtcgo. Mi Nihww la to be muritd Hie last wer in July. Maalou Maibl truly saya that j .uriial iaui "is certainly tbe lu.aK Utionuua uf the prokMatoua,'' . . Hid Cloud wears a white hat. th,u...iJ 1 . i.i..., ... . i i leatUer. B.rfh the parents of the late John Lttt-k dud IB tdiubMryh the aaiue week, re vttitly. ' Bcharler Colfax haa the diniiiui.;K.i honor of having had more H eaiera babies Bawed fttt him than any other politician. Tenuie C. Claflin ha been elected ool- llrl of theeiirbtv Bull tiuuuein ia,u.n rut. new sura. Tbe marriage bond of David IW-kctt l to be presented to the Stale libiar of cuueo.ee. u uear Umvy s aiguaturrc- Mr. Alfred Henrr Forrester, better uowb by the nuin de pluiue ot "Allied I 'rowquill," died recently iu London from am ulaeaae. Uue of JameaOordon Bennett's oiieer Imu ies was an immense bird cage ulled with ram bird from ever section ot the git be. . , The onlv ruember of the Bennett fami ly preaent at the funeral of the late Jiuiie UidB Bennett iu New York was lr. James Uordoa Beouett Jr., and it was aisled that Mrs. Beuuelt and li Jeouie Beuuett reutaiiied in Kraiue. It is stated that Cautain Aleiander Gillespie, tonuerly aa army iiflicvr, but bitelj residing oa a farm near Barku.Uiwu, mis county, committed suicide a day ur wo aiBce, by suootini: bnuselt with a tus- lou Senator Suniner favor the eight hour movement, aa afiordiiig the laborers more time lor education and improvement ; tins snow mat ue tiaa not a orouer coo O ption ut the situation. . The Mtn Aat aays that the licv. rrcenmn l tarke ia good deal l ai icouia-laat, with all Ilia muservatwiu. II wugis Iu r mluablu war against IMlea, and wouiu suia a oil tlie liev. Iroui the ol a clergyman as uuickly a an irishmau wuiu mt a Head at Dounylmiok Fair. Among the lcadiug dimucral in Vir ginia who go for Uivcley appear the names ot stu b statesmen as llou. i'huiiiH , tkuock, Hon. Itubert IHild, lion, KM. -ton Y. Leake, lion. Jolin Uianie, Jr., Himi. J. Kaiidulph, lien. Bradley T. Joliuiam. udge W.' W . Crump, aud tliouaauda ol lea ael light. . ;. .. Il ia said that BecreUrv Boutwell lias aigiiiUed his tnteution not joretHain in lieu, Urant'a awxiud term caliiuet should tlie 1'iestd.vt be reHileuted. and U is already given out that he will be a candi dale against Baiika, Dawes aud Butler lor Senauw Wilson's place, should it be Va cated. ' U HAKNKAtf. Uue thiaikle hoi It brs wacon. , Wtwinm wte TS hirse aauau. tHilh uiailn lv Kuiaaell ami uiwly ttew. i wo mu of uoulile bat neaa. One art of hKavr ll.ik'lu liar neaa Ttf Sale heap. , J .ue I II W C KTUUNACU A CO. j BBLs. IKIDB POTATOES FOR Plants mg aud table, lust received, ' awl8 W. V. BrRHNACH A Co.' T UE HOT SfRiNUd, BATU CIX, VA. re now even to visitors. IU water ara cale blmU-d for. tbe eure of Klieuiuullam, llnut, Parabala, Torpor of Urer t lir uiie liiarrlHes or liyai ulery, OUea-a ol tlie I terua, An e- una or uie bkio, e;peviaiiy of ryphilitic eri n, and numerous clnvulc tHaeaua. THE BATHS Very In temperature from W de to VG irg Fabreuneit, and present every veiwir ot Cbrouic Bath. They are. moreover lunnd to prepare the ayrteai fur tlie I tntlte al acliou of Watera found at tlie various utber klmeral HpiinKS, Ml D HA 1 Hi bave been CoUKtiu. t en rmisrw uiose mat are largely used at the most eeleliimled anas In tie.ruianv hiiiI wlneh giv. s nulteier tii beBeiit of Uia very valual.l reineuiai utema eoniainea lu Uie si 'nival Mint, ttieae anmua olt.-r U. I KfAKt) 1 THAI rlli INS to bulk the Invalid and Pleaoure Sucker. The f qaipuient and ktau anxinuRt art aoal 4o these of trst ctssUity Ho U. Kverjr Modem Improvement baa been provided Prof. J L. CABELL, M t , of the Onlver ally of Vutiuia, Keautent I htaUiaa. fur rampnli ta and Clreulara, ad ire 8. 0. TAKIlY si Co., klehinofld, Va , or i. A AtllaUdr, Manager, Uol Hyringa, Bath Co , Virtrini. i may vH sodioa 1 '... F OB BALE. ' Pataioco Vamilv Fluur. atrlck'vNo 1. A Wo. N. 0. tiniiiy flour iu acks wa. sou W. 11 JONIU ACi pfrKUUtTlON IM ANl'UOK LI NaT PAiMAOK KAftl BTEAMEKA aii. JXSriSfll,fiilCLSbTX!a)AV, Paaetiera booked to aud from any Hallway 0UUOU or Beapurt. la Ureal BritaiM, tretaatl, N'Vwtty.eweileii, lleninark, C4niMuiy, k'raiies, UoIIjhu, fevieituu, and Uie Hulled nialea, . Liaoia ars irom new itna t ioihiimi. Liverool, Utlaifow and llerry by WednesUai day's S 4-4. hleauiera aiiu. By twlurday'a HteaiiHii iniff f. EZt.'IWnlON TICKETS. 1J0. ' In'ermeilnte, A.1.1. tlUwsge fa, all piyatile tn Cureeta-y. . Parlies aendlui; for their ft lends in the aid .. ounttT can . par eJiae llAiliel M 4 I rates. Fur furiinr parileuinrs aply to tlie Aleuts, kaNUKK-'Ul.N Bttl)I'HIll .rearffcartiiiiflfwr'' ' ihHiiponiiUjlis Agunis. ;waaid at A'oare and wwfttry."'J,u " k'',, may I.dv,tHii -K,INCKAI)LKSAND(iKAJ.XTllfS i et receive l at Earmors' II dl a Utge i'ly oi tlie uejit inaae of ft or ll.icer tlKAlN UltAllLM, all warranted to xiie aaUsfaelam, and sotd st uiaaafacturera' prn-ea ', JAS, M. TOVVLEi Jirae -tf" -V gTRAWBEKKlEdt BIKAWBEKKJKBI I Families eaa be supplied wlln Btrawberrles for Preserving very low. '. ..' .(;. . may 94-tf W. H. JONEft A fa . i I, . .1 . . . rpo ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. I have opened a rioating Machine Hliov la thia ity and pn-Mied Kl rep-iir Db-sia Engines, Butlers, tuw Willi, Water Mills Cir cular Saws, Ma. blocry ia reoeral and baud BeW ones. Have also o hand a twenty bor power Htnun INnUtule KB.n, will sell it wilh iw wilbout Kaw Mill It can ia; men al Adaiaa A rloa'a Voeadrr. Blill'a repaiVed Ad.lrvra, . M tJEIJ.T, '. . ntayUOwXswif KhI. uiI. N n. JALElOll rkMALg BEMINAKT. Tbe llflh sr alow will -a July? h, 1HTJ Fourevfie lenerd leseh.-ra einr"Kd m Uletarr fie srtnient. two ia Maal-.-aJni ona in Orna menud braiebe. t ' A west bat ckeae aniform is we a. by the aiadeifta Hoard sod English Taltloelioo w aeaskai of aveaaoalaw. , Apn V f.w ealaloame - F. P. lluBt0fl. A M, JnnelSd.tdtia. Pnneiil JUIVIHI. SB. ' i Boies Balk Kulea, ' 4 Hhda. smtfsr Mams I (.teak fast tlliips. Al Ketrs Pars LarX - LEAtH BROS)., ' , aprll U taroosra run isaokTMESt or tuuniw, Vauataand travelliut Bag cvwatalitly oa haod. R. B. ANDREWS A CO, , Cvoraiaaa, asd Gam' ruaaiaasaa, Nit door to Ta.-kw'Uall, iimeltf BakUUvH C o O o o a a M u a , s 'I ) 5 4 h" N s tei B? a. a 2 a 0 O 0 9 0 v 0 6 o 9 09 I a 5 -.a m if! U) K a ri ? n 8 C3 a u art u W a a o o Hit : vlH f 2 P si 'A 'A U 7 WILL NOT BE SK8PON8IRLB FOB JL any deota contrac ted b Lottib A'. Baev waix, she having, without a cause, left homa. NU. U. HAUWaLL. March 5, 1ja, june t twpd nn ESTATE EXOIlAiNO K, UNDER fULEIUH NATIONAL BANK. Land buyer Bay rely oa Purcbaainf direct from the Property Owners. No Middleta aw or Agents allowed ' to fepeouUle or charge, an . adraaoe on the owner . ... price of Farms, Aa Houses and Lots for " Sale. .may f-tt .. ' ', -: G- AND OPENING CDAELEI Bum . LlliEt ILU filBDEK, ON 1 lll'KUUAT MAT 80, 18W. COMB ONE! C 0 M S A L Lt! and get a Ulass of II IX o K U X3 K II, Freely given to asy friends. Lunches and Cool Drtuks of 'every de scription furnlshsd at all hours, CB.EEP for CASH. COME AND SEE ME.' may SOU N EW BOOKS) MABEL LEE; MOHTOM Bousa," BY TUB AUTHOB Or W ith Itlii.lratlom Just oak per, II; u dots, ! ! Price la pa M OR T K D A B T H U Ri . ' SlrThoeiaa Mallnry's Book of King Ailliur sndkis Nohle Kuwhls of lle Round l aule. HALTED WITH F I It R ; at a uni or aiMa., o. ' llaa.ll.rfn.-l) IwSMd lu i loth Prnell. . Bead tor tbeaa, or anything In the tHwik lias, IO J J'lNtS, .-. Bookaef ler and riUiioucr, -bmt in-lt ' Hsb-wa, H C. TBJI!.AfWBl'lWNU., BOOKBINDER AN 6 BLASH BOOltJiAil-. Lf.ll IL'llb i -owns m iaoja aooaTast, erM.Hi'aw'hsif Mti-wB we aestyfag UiN'keta msoe ui uonv. , . Norlh Carolina hVporta mat OTVter la)W Binika, Ixmnd iu aupelior laiw Bindiug, MUwIiik uumiiers of Uie Keanie shmdM sad odd uumuers lakea in aieuuige tut Mud' li. ' . - " ". 300 DoZ rHK&,i Ku('s' (0 Fat Fowls, ' 'itki Bna. I vert FvUVw, on" Ineh do. ay IU W.C. BTBONACH A Co. The 'CaiTollton rntUA NEW AM BEIl'TlCUL ll'TEL A. la low Oia to tbe puldie Located ea the sit of Uie odni Soifnla'S HiHef," e trnded by aa elegant front oa Baltimore street, it la eonvenxeti t alike to tbe business man aad tbe toarfa " It is toe onlv HotH ia Baltimore uf .the aew wtvte, Hnhraetna Klevalora. Baita of sVaima with Bsllia anal all renreulencea ; ierfe(t tea Illation and liaM llinmteml and wa planned and budl aa a Hwi, new from iu torn.. Ul. Ha. fo aeeotMMnKlate ti sr. 'Basts Ad iMTMewa, who visit balUiaors, tnerro(H-letor will rharve K per dav or lite Knows oa fourl and auh Boura, making the dHUerwuw on ae oantot tb elvln.n Imlinnry 'I'nuMieat KUs for lower Bow, t r diem HaesU of tbe lim.se desirlnr to take ad rantrs of ttis atcive rates, will picaee aoUfy IBe. C'ferk bailing Booms are ssvlbcd. . An laeaovan Ki ivsTnei ma va ra or tLTs, fa acaaiaax'asTaavLr, fmm a m , to U t aa., tKsa reanering tbe uplier rt'Wiea aeeeiwiiils w iUuHit fUeue. The anderaiKoed liters W'tiMesrowroT over thirty years, ss a HH Msnser la New Torle" and BsliunorA, eonsdent lost, witk s new snd miAlera boUMS, bV can ffie entin. saliMla. Uoe to ! iHienU- R. COLfeW AN, Hal ti in. Mi, Match 18?A PlvpncPW. avjavtw Teofessional cards a. w. Hooaa. . -aa strut MOOBB 4 QATUNO, ATTORMKTBAT LaW, KAUE1UH. M. a State anil Federal CuurU and the CaiailU auv St U. i --4 pnnjLipsiV lrixxutimoN, 1 JV.ttoriiev at Litw, . liAIJCJdii, N C. ; , a.raauir. awntf. y a pace. ATTORN Y AT EALFIliH, N. 0., LA W Practices ia the several Courts of the BitU dudk. iai lltsUict, and iu Ike HuiH-enie Court ol N.a-Ui t'aroliua Prompt alienuoa given to me eoueeuow ol rnuioa. auv a-tf . V. BASON, AyT T 0 H N ft AT LAW, OKAIIAM, N. C. Practtcea in Alatnatu and adjoining coub ties, and m the Bupreine and U. a. Courts. lebat-Swt 11 . K . NAHM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HILLbBoBO' n. c, Prartkes ia I Irainrr and the adj .luliiir ismm- ues, nnn tne Duptwme aau Ki .' a. Cuurla. feb itV-dAut AAMUM l.tul. PAUKEK fc L0X1J, ATT0RNKY8 AT LAW, UKAllAM, N. C, ' Practice In Alamance aud the a1k.li.la eouuUea. and In the Supreme aud U.d. courts. en dw-adUlT v . 8. A. Alill E , - A.ttorney aV Jj.vvi KALKUiH, . Will attend the Bute and Federal Courts he I la Uie counties u( Wake and New Hanover. mar un-na. KNTAX. NollCH. Until further notice and antll the estaldUh. ment of a sulut.le emce, orders for my pro feastonsl aervwe, may be leflaiUi u l. Il.rlt or at lias Bute National Bank, when 1 will promptly attend the restueucesof iislieiila. isaK-lf p. Bab njK. Duriki ATTOKNICV AT LAW, Raleigh, N. V. Practices Is the Courts of Waka. and In tlie Poderal C'ourla. alva aiwcial alteutiou to Uie arKaiug of causes in Uie Bupreiun court of it, C, eollecU elsnas aKalust auy It'ira or Life luaunmee Comiiany m UM l ulled BUlea. aud attends pnnwpUy to any olLer protuuoouaj bualneaa mtrealed to hue. yM. OABLBItOWNK, ..v f" IT, Jr A Ill IH,..U . No. IS, FayeUevllle Street. ,r Ufa alas PtcUres painted from life. Pboto- grapbs or iagusRut)pai Old family Portnula aud Pn-tursi thorough ly repaired aud restored to freattueee mare-dou WALTttB CLAJtK. A. M. HULLBX. CLARK & MULLEN, ATTOKN E y 8 AT LA W, : HALIFAX, N. C., Pracllee In all the Courts of Halifax. North- auploa. KdKeeowbe uid Maruu rountiea, lu uw auireum courfc 01 Aotui carol I us, aud lu the Vwlaral Court i ' coiiecuuiis mads Is auy part of North Car line. mar a-dly a S ours, w. ATKiaaoa, a. a raiitaiAa II. C. OLIVE sV DauJtasia Oaaanu. MaacBAWDii ab ComuiiBBion HcrtbantB, . - apex',' n.c. " . ! " Driers for 8lifni;ltia and Lumlier filled rumpuy sua si ww prices, spr V asodoms. M AUNIN'8 BUBAL BETE EAT AJ1 LAfiERBEERetRDKN. Opposite Btate Fab- Urounda. Open at all times. . , No Improper characters allowed. . A. MAOM.V, June 5 dim PioejiK. QKOCEKltd Vkoal AuLka, Au. Id Kegs Family 8b.d Kim, " - Bei-eived to-day, maylf W.C BfK NAC'HACo. QUPKKItiB Table., Cutlerj, filyirr .PULul.KuisaaJUlsas V.m U..J ....- e.. . ... iu -- - i.",vi. n t mm i ira n wtnw. aprW if W. H JUNUAi o. rpilK WllJt iN COI.I.KHI 1-KiNBTI TUTK, L Ueatd s Ifteltiif lbs uio4 w abva sod UnwiHieli instruelnw m llu usual blerarv. arliiiiic and aenwlilie tirauclira, baa a tiepjrt toryouna- loin's, andid .lj.Wirr. ,rtul- isre snd luau.ve, .w yiutug Oculleiuen, Is der Uk eia.-uml eoutrol at Mr, c. W. sat. br Aik. iKin-imnl lei't'nres t.y Prof H, C Bwr-.- ' T'lntiou flolbH lu ll). iini Board liu- eiuding rerytloua) J4 a;r moutli . - V . 1 UMM.-Mkliillc.AJayysB BtarT-d.ua Priw-ipaL ' MART HAKKER-A TllKILl.tNU Nan rUv.ot tiails lain sw- Mrta vtsrottna by Ciiirim Venniu. Price 'dU ceala. Beul bt mdl oa receipt ot piiee. 4AH. It. SKI, epcW-tf at. il Book nuHa, IF Tl'KK AAU CUKB8K. : B-if-'. W. I!. BTRONACH C6T 40 f f IBW MA4;aVKBaU. U Bids. New Mai kernl. ! f W. U. BTRONACH CO, atwC-tt. BAIN AND uKAX. BCllllEtf. .'net. may lie touad oa Un) Rt U amfiAK Tw tinM ,-AMKS It TOWIaIW, i lfl If tf Auaae.1 s r at FBI It L I N u 8 P R I N 0 8. ATA Have Uiia day taken chares of tbe ahrne Bprinaa and wl'i ooea Uiem ua the Ivtu mat. rerawas eesfr. as of spemlina slew noniibs at walcritur pta.. til Slid no wbent ia Ike a. mi t b a more com ' ortatde it sirC t erne re. eoaahl. I 1 -' ' ' j J. M. BLAIR, ' Formerly of tb Tarboroaidi it.noa', " Juim I ! ljuli 1 Kalenth. N. C. Q O P A K T NEK B U IP. Wa. N. II. HtiiTH, Oiconiii V. fVrnnita. ATTOKNKiS AT LAW, R A L F. I fl H , N C IHfle-t nrer tne Cttixeus' Nstimisl Bank, Eulissee Plaro. aw) a.ima C. 4!L t ai 1N f taret w ins, cnesp . Jani-iJi a ' Htl JiJ&ES Co. aMSCKLLAXKoUA 4- t'OA.VA'a t TV Ait 0 kg AXO HUB kTS FTBBSM'ke l'aiti rpr.iUI, $:J. '5,001 JM II I1HIPKK. pHesinasv. N. M TANVtK, Vl t rktaluaf. ' U. A. Viklslts K: caaniea BKNJ. UAHKlmiN, AsatavABT CsaBiBa. SHuacronsI J Awln-w While, W I, W.tkma. Prank PoU. K T Amnclusv J. P Ullamow. W H, Msllory, M. Tapper. , Ir bits rc.el.ed tn IJ.h.p, Binsa, or t iaKSkii fur wliuk reriibiules will new ftM-d, payalde io kiint, oa demand, with mter- sal li an dale nil .paid IsTiuast alluded oa dally balances subjeiA t.. .he.k. .. . J -tA.llei-ti,moa all aeceaaiUe poiots, aud re lents inaue pruuijiy. mar iv-lt Stndwell Brothers, " ' 7 ' v II" Muif-ay latrects No w York. Jfsnufacturers and Jobber of BOOTS & 8U()IiSf ;' ' FOR . v MOUTH 131 IN TItAlIC Have a eomdete stock lu all line. Including their popular IIkahit Bvavb Bau, Kir Puiw Bnoas sud Woktia PsaaAk. Orders aolki led aud carsf ul ly a lied at hiwest market rates. ' , J. E MOO.-E, Balusmaa. laa :w-nm 1 Vw,dMN tOi W tH UTt n STo? I 111KI1AU, AHll fAKM IN TUE VICINITT F OR SAL R. For rash or eiedtt to suit uuir haters The Hotel frorlv a llnrtsui, nod Building Luis in ibi. heart ot town. Alao. lbs P all ulaiilalioa. Also, the Hooch plantation, tbe Hammond plaie and the Mer rtl place. ' App y b It 17 tf K r. MOItKIB, AgruL IU008 A BKOTHEiv'B , " "''' OATAUNIl'l 0 "':'"' fLUWKR Al VBVSTABI.M BKKl And Bummer Klowertiur Biiltis. fiw 1 871 now mnly, conaislma of over IBs lames, on rose. Uutcd Mar, wim wpwsnls of sou sefwrsie cuts, aud nt Ardnlo'W Wira1 t'lalnf Cover. a beautiful design, tn colors. The riebest iiMMif ur e.ne pui'.iH.iew. reini ao ecn.s uw s copy, not ony-ksif tlie value of lbs colored liauw I n Mie jtrm WWT, M1HUI1.III M. u.H less than (I. Lhu nnee ol Catalogue, k.. will tw refuud.-d lu ai'da. New ruatomers placed tw tlie asms finnbig with old. t ree to old riiahmivra. CJualily of aeeda, alas of packets, prleiw aud prewluma ottered, make it to the. adeanbure of all to purebaaa aeeda of us, Bee Cstsiiaiiie for extraordinary iuducem.nia - I im will iwlas It If you dl But sse oar OaU. wvne before ordering needs. - ' Either of our two Ckiomos for 1K73. slsa VxM one a Mownr itan nf Bulbous PlauU. coiMiatiug of Lilies, ate tbe ether of Annual, Bwuuial aud rereauial Puuita, guaranteed tu osi BxnoseT vlobaI. caaoMoa ' ever laaued In this country A superb parlor oruamenl; mailed, aM paid, on rmMpi ol 15 lenia; also rieey ou ouuiuoua sHK'iUed m Catalogue. Address BKIHUH A BIIUTUFU, lAVoeisAedltHii I Rochester, New York. 1H HOTELS ic, -r- AMERICAN HOTEL i CHE8TIPUT ATREET, Crroarra Old Imdkpeniiemob HaxL, 1 PHILADELPHIA. A U. UKVUSOA, IWniarroa, aplBdtf. " ' ' ' - ' gT, C'ATUARINE'B, ONTARIO, . s' ;' CANADA) .":..';:;r:-" TB I "sTIiPBEItSflJI IOL'SI."t - AND BATHS U) eonaevtloB with the celebrated wall of , SALINE MINERAL WATER is new ope for Uie reception of visitors. Psraon da Irons of engag'ag board will please address Uie Ptoavswus. ( BKVrKLY TUCKER A BONA fair f-tr. rtllK aUPBKillltlTt OP THE UNK1VAL- 1 ' LEW WH Lk - PIANO i .. ..... .... .. V; j- ' ' ' fliRTE ' '' f Uiimrrded hv sll who hsva CAREFIILI uiaiaasaasil tnthe , NEW SCALE, I The Msnutsrturwr has swceanhal ta maklr the (J8T PKPECT PIANO PtiKT Bumihje j buiice they ara preirrred by at - ; tlllKAT ARTISTS OP TUE HAY i '. And recommended by all the ' ' ; I.KA1IIN0 NEWPAPKRA,; Ptlcrt Will lie found as re.oi,.l.le as mwIi tent with thorouga workmaasbip. actwtrj dec 7 if OPKNINO OF THE SODA WATER SEASON 1MEPP Si JttXKS'. : QOLU r'piirkllug HMlrt Wa M'aVWl r R-r-nnlne I Vtslt yf l ! now UsismI fro out' new nissl ls'(riint ITounf iilu at No. Vay. tovlll esfr-t. To Ihln lra-la of liUMlneai we (fivo out' MfrK-t i-M4iia I wtt sitl I6ii, tt aaliiiil w our entlnavor tiiint hIh the IiIatIi M(nriInrl ol estteL leatoe -wlilc-Ii It litss ;'e ulrssl. I ., s , . a r rit ox s. . . i 1 Vttf tUei von T-uI?ti ol i M-raios Ht ndlninn'e, (saktl tlttraun Wlio riVr to tnka H.mIu uikI SI I u oral Wnlcra nt I heir homcn, we have lilrMliioMl ew-ihorv Itof la liulIintr, ouu wnrt imduOoai -w liils I ha win !- nn t4i ilrnwa ua IturUIiiinT uai Irroiu tlio A on u ti In. ' ' r Dap a jimai a-dU ; MISt'KLLANEOirs. rjUE dKKAT CAMPAIUN TUB lEKTlKEI WILL DK .. rVKNiailXD TO SUBSCRIBERS, FOR THE Campaign of 1072. 'It "the FOLLOW!'! REDUCED 1.A.T.RS ; WKKKLY HKNTINKL I Copy 6 month 5 Copies 6 mouths, 10 - niontli, " SO " 6 mouths, t I K) - .2S 1150 22 SO ONE COPT FREE TO GETTER' UP OF CLtlU OV IO Oil MOUK NUUHCHI Ilfcll. Pernl-Weekl, So uflnol. ' $100 40 OU ONE Copy FREE TO AMY 0E " - ' . oirrma up a club of io OH MORE SUBSORIBliRS. J 'y mmiilis, f lioo 5 Copies s iiiniiiiis, ; ' ; ' : situ I" " ' ' " ' "",'.'.- 4tl m. .sot...f iitVawln.i.e. . r. ...i W0m , Vl-LB UT 4b OR. MORE SCBBCRiSatiS : TbegasTlsat. wNlsi fu furulslied at halJrtUt foe-Tl.res M...illia HIM I I II W t . - . .... ; -The. Stale aud PraldcttUaLCainpit;iis.wiU .' . i, . t be of great moment and Biterert to our whole people Every citizen should know wh.it. v.l ' V . .. : b-ansplrmg In the pollUcai w uid, thst be may ..... ; properly nudarstand but pdlllcAl obLgatlona. The 8ssTiai. wlU upply him with Uiia needed uilorwa ioa. It will also eudeavcr to meat aU tbe enda of t good . lacwa Taper. money with all erdem ftw'papera. . Adibess1,' ' ; ' ' , IIMINICL, -' RLama, '( f "rtf Waka Co , H 0 I Copy mouths, 8 Copies months; ' 11 US 10 " ' " ' . S3.su 20 - ' " " " '. x uaaaai North Carol ina Land Compnuy, KefAJlUtillliOi'tmTmi. , IViWiaportrntion a Xeaonttont . ,:, , . OF . NiMITBBHJI ABU KtlHurKA BKTTUtHI NOKTII CAROLINA. TUCKER HALL, RAI K1UU. N.C. ' I ill 111 t.nuiwny has been hi awimafnl ope I ration lor Bearl) Iwoy.wrs, snd veiif ara liuue tu r-siA, l.llsa, ur Rsa r real r..uU, u me nnsw latroraiHe lerms, auu if eivaiod t, u annul uaew are nnnv Muratlm All a.rMJUsbatuie lunlKtosril will dim to liieir inUTwit U. rail al our .oiih or cor reepoed it a, as out 1st uiUe lot Melting y- IU1 resslSi; every Uay. . . ; as U oa or InsioaiTioa ass aoa sat, a endwe rail upiifi al! Mortti Caroiiunuu ttt aid as in pramouug oi ao-sl enterprise and feeJ b. luunl up our waste places. I bs President snd Uuv, wn. of thecommat -- h,uii i u..-h . ...... a , . i r - - , aw, r.i iit.ui t.wn neaa in tiieu; hands, hate the neat assaesnc Uiat they will be lairly repreaited. ' Ime an i-osiiei u.1 with auv other janv Aaen. K i-ompany protraMiu: to dtrtnuaueM in Wle Stale ;. cUlt are olterntiua' onlv aiidet Ins name ami sit lent "Tea Nintva lii.siai Lahu. onrssl." aa ekarlered Io HueiHul A. i of the Lsulsture bearuig dale Fetaraary au ji.i,. iran. ... Addreaa all communications to "The Nortl tandma Land Co., or to Win. B. ott.neer'ibuv OhiO.U ri LlC, J-res. W a. Scott, 8ery omat-Tinu: r Old. fleo. Utile. Alee. K F. tick Una W. Best, Ur d. B. amiLB. Itua. 1. L i:ii. " ,n. o. "l l WS4, - aa It-dAwlf . 7 Ikbolic acid AND CAKUOLATK OF LIME UnsJaMt dinlitfactanta in nse. Heeommeudd bj iasiniW fsaitA throuck- out Uieiouulry w B.uenus ami retail by ths man n fact urers, BaLTinoaa Coal Tab ao Misnr's Co., . W,B CliarbaBt., mayJS-dw ' . Baltimore, hid. NEW NOVELB BY hOKTH CAKOWNA AtriiiiiKa i'As Jenatre JWjwnv-A Tale, by Mr. Jimee l", Irwin, ol Charlotte, N. awr eibibm prl ad cents, sent by mail oa rec.ipl of prKw. .. . 1 -d. U ENNlttS,a-t, epr'-WU . N.UBo.AM.He N TICK, 1 Alt narliea who ant..nkluihA.-M.w rn plesmi voum forward aud selile Uteir sjihiuu ua or- o. lore uie 1st dsy of dune ss as shsll msks a rbsugs m oifr IiiihIiiiwi. on that dam. majsiifi w. u. 6tl.K,ACtt CO, Til hi W AKKKIELl) KAUTIl CLOSET, ' 1 . l t.y all Htcli tli btt yt I 1 J fcHTH 'UTI. Wl-V Ml. "WT Stnk, tot IiVatrritttiv) LHavl -t "e ilia." Two now oa baud at , M W. 1. JON KB A Co., '' . Aeenl s U P E K B BLUE UlAdONAL etui's AND VESTS, OLIVE .DIAGONAL C0AT8 AND DAHLIA DIAGONAL I'OATA AND VE8IS, Bbwk IHsgimal Coats aud Vests, Just reeeled at - ' " " - R B ANDREWS GO'S., epriAVU - - - .- - " tlollilrr. 300 ,Ul'"KW Bou,t,) MEAL, apr tl U B. T. "BTRONACH A BK0. JJ O A R D . 1 can furulih b-n or twelve nersoaawltk good board and comlortaiih roinns at the reMdencb ot Mrs, lleury W. Miller, Newbura BlreL 1 Twe olllca rooms In the yard now vacant nprm U BO. B. BAB BR. OVEIl $16,000,000 Assets! J2TNA Xiifo Jus. Co.; Issue polirla upnu Lives from ' . 0 To SO Hill fBCbrrITB. Tbtjargast amount oa ssy oa life U $ D,- oao..': , : .. i.. W. H. CROW, Oeo'l Msnsg r, North Carolina snd part of Virf IiiIa ...... .1 . ; Cash Assets tn.OtSI Vsl Oil RejinuelJed l)f W. H. CKliW, Aeiit, i ianani - "T''Ral.-Wh, " $50 REWARD! 1 will (five I'll n-ssrd lh body nf B b art t. l(i,,, r, ,f eMienU in Ilia I ,hh. of H.iin-,aud tin! if capumd iuKI et Uie Count twid tthUvrrs was ioiivh mt r ji.rl at Urn current term of 0.1 lie IHipernn J onH and rs aped est of my cio.Uj.lv while Inrins; taken llolu tin; dait Ul llle lllrt llnusa Windsor, Maria II, 1WJ, ' ' aiw'itf! QOVFttlMtRRB, . li KAN III PKAMIES, i, ' CANNED PEACHES, " ' RANK'S MUSTARD ' . ' . : MIXED Plt KLEB ' ftBENCR ftFFEE, tUIXNI FANCt CASWES, N ; ' Ram ms. -. . ; r . CALKS ..'; whia t t it K Kim, ; j Ac.', Ac, Ae. TVhoea le nd RetaU-. may MKW.JIOtlDI.N0 HO V t g : at vnaf'Aca Petn Bixa lb ,1 i.inu. OM FAY KTTEVl'Ut KTIttlT Fr.wwnent and dak bmid. ii.. 1. . able muisaad ssiifi.Mi,i t-b,.n MKA W. r. Win; I'M ' Psawiaaio lanivaavo Mr.mn: J M Aiknison, Hon. i. k. K.rnu, T',,n,, M.Hee, ., Jul,, u. Millwins! k.LJ ' may -I U ' 1 a ' ATKAFJltK C i . J ' CraB&Btoro IViouey l i.i kat BtYISw RATEBOr BANK NOTES, - av W II Jl IN A Bllt lb K, B A N K K K. A V 11 UiUisue BnimalLa, .m.tb Klm Biawrf, IlKllMMNUl), N. I', Bok of M. '...., l'V at c',t- Pear.. , M " barlolie.;., . SO " wvW' -i V iln.lnt;l.ni. ... to " Boi,': u TboliiKtville..,. 4 1 XfTm I .." l"l 1 Leinc,nui,......., ....I,, I ,OUOW.IVe.. ,....,,...,.. I ' Pa .-I lev llle 7 , Mertnenls' H.,k ol Nrl-.i. l PaioK rs' Bklik ot ttm-ilnno' 1 M im rs' a:l f'Unu r" Bk . lu I'ounnerrinl Hans ijuorurton irninla Bank Notes aerau auout 4 oiMiik i aroliim " ..... ' ileoria xh l. C K. K. m.Vj We bur and cli at lite.t 'i....' ... 1 Silver, Noiln t n.ii. b.kj, I niieu M.u s tHHnls and M oilier marleta!.!.. it.. L, ""ten ( Bank Nole. t.y deldoie and Block. ons win wui iM eilc i.n.uji.v at hMiUue. ' ' Keiuma tier unrraa naeasir. of tt ,,.w n.,.. e., a 01 be nu.de oa tlnr day receded, tiy be,A ub Nw lora ur Bsititoore, of ui ci.r Cbin y, ft deired. Lite snd ptre lusarsniv Poltelsa Uul 1. HK.i,Hfl kl beat r.tea. mr lo aui THE II . .. . HARTFOltn, CONNECTICTT Messrs. Chas. F. Montague A Son are tin. wst- kaowa General Agent for North XaroUna. and Maryland. ADMINISTERED "sTRicYf.Y OM THE I uicii. rutn. 8,000,000 OK ASSETS The policie am all '-mm fuvfeiUbhi'l' NO BJSBfRICTlONS PLACKOON TKJ,f.JU lanu OK kicsiiiAiNCIC. UT FrompUy pays apoa aU loasea proved , On bvas Insures ten y. sri, or Uis , , Endow uteut pua. No Barsa Cowt-sat a ll.ma on Ajsoad RALKMin AflKNcr JOHN I) K V E K K I' X , E... (HBee ta Btronarb buildiHg on s..md Sour. Mamt'ii. KliuissH, W. F. MALLET, M. D. aov tf ' ri ' j P CI 1 A L T I . HIS DRESS SHIRTS. .0' 'KENCH TUKE BHIRTS are . rivalled for Pit, lloaiaiciTi .ml 1 Pit.ua Ibssa.ne a. Ia,l ..Iuo uolaiH-Und.' Bg the heavy sdiine., in 1 uu..n an.1 4,in.-wi, i n- o iiium a ji Io., ... . - t lot her, W Haleii,, N'. C. Latest from tho Geat '",!"'-.-:. -' ..'.. of War la tho East! BESBr Km 10WE8I amiEDn Th public mlBd having beeome somewhat appesaed euncerulng the fat of lbs Robeson oaUaws, 0. WZXIII23L Mcrrhnnt Tailor, Bmrs tears to announce to his friends and the public, that he bsa jurt returued from Ilia NiHlhern rilies, -here be lis seleeUd the tales! aud wont b.-autiful stylus of OENTS GOODS, " ConsUtiug of Ierh and I n.Ii.bl BROADCLOTHS, P0ESKIN9, ' . - ' DIAGONALS' V lL . FANCY CASSIMERES,' FRENCH WORSTED, (wmething new') PLAIN AND FANCY FRENCH AMI ;:' UNOLLHH VESTING S. Irittliful Icolrii Chf tiuts fof Snilt. TheiegoiKbi ire renlly elegant Ton eaa save by pun basing of C. vVFlRFU. ..aHM dnni ' -;"1UTeuiu.-&Vr' PMIIB BKST fount. AT 1 UK LOW Its C X , I'Kit .S. Ihe S neat and largest st a k of BwU anA Shoos ever bruugut to the City. aprKl lf C. . BPAKTT A tli'H JOft TIlkbfcoT B1K.1TS A.NDBlliitS IN twernty'fBf this ViA iuou.yiio'"''' '"'s'!'': Pf'!'tf -."..' C 0 .HEAETT A COe;-.- ' QPR COOTS. ASD 8H0KFiwl K hlrT" ter aallsf'aclloB llisu any utliers. ,jyi v. . ii s a fttrxcrr "" jp You WANt iStNtrkiFf ft a7 a Uie least nioo.-y, coins tu 4... 1 . . . .Bin-13 tf C. D. HEAK'I T A tt.'s. 0UR STOCK OFtlKNrS Pl'KMsui Mi Oirnl csimot be besTen instylk "sii'J "piT.'iii' ajwiBtf C D. llEARTTAtti. Tjy rV.csi ak i mi . - ' una R. j. ii'. uim u 1 oilers herservices to tbe hulks ot fall , ), ; 1 d vicinity ss . - , - ' , , ' ' . MtmiA MAKER at her residence near the. Fnnrdiy W ik dona neallj and r"it.),t . inuMlxpu. eii.e ha. Uil.J her lor Uia uuina, 1 alii i. ij.. aote'ited. j .UII P A. OIINN, ol P. ik,f 1 o.,'N. C. HKNkY H 1 1 l .V, ul l.Umt, 1. .. niTINIA; O.s COM MISSION Mllhl HAM'S, t'U'lt, N. J (i. V, it:, nn s, 1 ,,"-,.'.( bat.lk. KrtU'll'h, N f ; II li 'tt :- k, . ( N. MlKrltt N Xi i tt it'M'iifi i ,-H ifi N A i tv t JiHItl.-aoM tli! Ml1 , ttflt' li '!-. , t- lii.UMIV, t5:t-H. K.f.:..tiV i - tt .11 tt.w -.m s. . CO. t.tl'H H .1 (,!.;',, It-:i illAltlO SOvi 3ki-tl.cAts. ,fe , I: V .