7 - 4 ) V ; i ! 'aw, i J X.R!...t -' li J '. - ..' .' . . n'T. f? :1ft w.-r"i I ... ('r!i " i.' ! I f. I 1 tart MwV'Ifci 1 (tl I fva; I i-Ti 1 M j'q , tM d M ft J ,. W I TO i .- ' f ; itw ,,t r "' ' " . T1""1" ITT I N A tn V ..-. i Jt M.M III S Vutt I .ftp ,1 I kl k -j . .- -jr. . .. . . . tv -kr -ri r i '- I V .M, ImT ... k..W -JaaaT. at! H.YW !r 1 "W k. ! i I THE'DAM. SENTINEL wrriiia. M Um fuUvnrtsf raMa far i)Mfa W 144 Is aliora rata fur Mh tddlttwi tmr I ontfci ' rr T WMtto, flaw I-,,', , li.MI -Lt 1 rr thf ir1MM hiS,tMw-(ni M m t M rwiv JTkte lS WUr -4 WUy M lit-. J. itada M OmUr ntM. K1LH0H POST OmCI ABRAHQ- v "TtrT,, ..:- . -. N.OrtalA)rU.e,0ohumhU, I. C CitiMiotta. talutavir, i MalraL-Ckamt BilL UiUttiW, Ac A. kL-VioMattkA H. M. Bnalort. UoldbtrW, te, eu M 4 r. JL t HOT l " iwiBtrumDoi: ... i . . Z. Li .... . J U'ultinrlnit rum, xvwnn'viir. nKHimi . ftUhUor, .fhlidpUK htm Irt, c.a 1 P. M..4om 0W A.U. FaTetteTtll din in a. oaaw r. IMtee hnnn lor Riirternd lelter hm mxu rdarlMpaftannUlniailfciWA. M., toaf.lt. fed- -ft. m AM HuautaVV. BMmaj n nrnvm www . ryuriDVoa first Districtjj.' Cuter, of Bea .- . Second iJbtrioWW. E. Kilchea,- of foo' Watxict-Slqn" 1H. Bog, of ritU DUtrict-4. H. lick, of Drtd 90S. . Hixtk Pwtrict Tbouu 0. 2uhe, ol Aw. ? ? 8Tentb pUtrlpt-W, M. Bobbin, at KiRth DUtrictr-R. a Vooof Buocooib. ' ' ELECTORS. Chowan. . UeeofA. Watrict Swift Galloway, of Third DUtrict T. a Fuller, o Cum Fourth DUtrict H. A. Londoii jr., of Cbathaat. Oiztk OUtrict W. U Btoeki, of Rich . rJerentfc Wtrio-F. B. McDowell, of Eighth District Thoco Joudmhi, of BUaMMi " ' ' PUBLIC BPXAKDCO OorcandidaU for LUutonmnt-Gownor, Major Job Hugh, and our candida for SUtt TmMMC, Major . W. ranaiii, will ad (Iron tb. peopta at th foUawing poinU at tht timea mentioned s , StataaiUta, IredeU county, July ith. ' Mornntoa, Burks county, July Jth. I Box. & H. VUmZI' AironiiirrJ Hon. Bion BVRosera. our eandldaU for Coogrwa, will addreai Um Moplt a the following places at tba tin mentioned. , MntUn) Cvuntfhgnm Monday, July ntft; oaowi,Tuaay,uij owi, OKeaTa, WadMaday. JTuIy Ut. . "0thf nppolntiBOBt will noon ba n- nixiDoed. tt .ii K. nMik bmA tmd traa. turn out to near our gaiiant amuwuimHa thif dlatrict, and h will ahow np radical rognary n ana i villainy in lU true colon. JUDGES MERRIMOM AJfD BUIPPti' aVPTOINTIIKNTa. ' Tbo Daioio CtoaaerratiT candl datw far Ctoranuc tad Attorney General tomca; ., r: v .. . ;., - Chwnakoro', ! GuilW oounty, Monv ' daJolJ 8tM87a. V - A Wiaatoo, FomyUoouaty, Wadaaaday, July lth,187. , TadklnUl, Tadltin .courrfyi Friday, Jal lSth. IStX. : . i ' " :A' .-' ' WUk bore', WUkat county, Monday) . July 15th, 187a. Trap Hill, WUkeaooojty.Tnsadaj, July ' Wth, 1871 '-- .: Fanoington, Dark county, Thanday, - Jury 18th, 1871, 4 '- . Midway, DaTidoa oounty, Satunlaj, Julyl8th,187. i,'r .,' V'1' Iiazlngton, IHTidsoa county, July 80tb, ' 18W.';'A';A'' 'n, jj V .. ,i I Browen Hilla, Randolph epwnty.ad ' aaaday, Jury Mtb, 1871 ' y Aahboro', ftwM&matfr TUjunday, Morgioitow, Burk ounty,- Saturday, Joly Win, 1871 ' ' ' Wo will ba glad Utirt local preai wUl copy UasnboML iVATiTn DnMocsxTW 1 wruntr CawTBjrnoa. Tha' On area and D ocrat of TfaJu eomty Will aaet in OaTanlioa la BaMgh, in tha OmrthotHC an Thnnday, July 11th, at ti, a for tan porpaaa af noaaiaailsg eandidataa fcrlho V limrlaWnri and county oiBcoa. Town- chipa an ni (Mated a hold BMetisgt ajid ' aaad dekgata. i .:. v 0. H. 8OW, Lecu. Dora. . Rani the new adWrtLwojamtaT'' "Jadga Fawla a4 haatty laft far Na oaaai at tho FoMcc Oowt Saturday nwrnlng. . ' The Board of Ootanty tJaaaaaaioMri umhI on the 10th Inat ' Bom. D.'M. Barrtngar and tnc left Frt- D. B Ooodlee, Iq learea for BUl- more WlpeMUy f if , ;f , The mda of WeetemWard hctd e nwwt ing hi the new echool honee Saturday nhjhi. WebawhearnoperiiceJar. CapCX Atfciaaaav Ua.lTr editor ol the iMk CWam, paaed thmngk au city on Saturday m rvwte for Baltlaiora. The mail route between tbia city and ATTaaUiro. Jnhaatun eountf , kaa been The' ae4dwa M the garciaoa, hartag been receotly - paid of, are now hayipg a gy titne. Mf t u -. " Major y. H. Cenieron, Sseretary of the Wilmington Hurtu Carolina Life Juur aace Oompany, ie In the elty . , - Haring e niultiplKsUy of dutie to per form, in the abaeooeof both the Chief end Aarociate, the " local la able to pay but The counties of Cbatbara end Ran- dolph hare aunt . to the Secretary of tie Cotiaerratira Demorratic Execaure Com nnttee their eontnbution lor campaign . Letter are held ln; the poet office ol thie city, for lack of proper postage, for tit following partlre) . , ;! i ' R. B. Coffietd, Edeoton, W. C; Mil Lilly Gain, Korwood, Stanly county, N, C; Mit Mary StoDebanks, College Point, Long Island, K. Y4 Mint Emnia Diloa, Atlanta, Ua. RnjOJOCi Notioe,--W are miuested by Dr. T. H. Pritchard, pastor of the Raleigh Baptist Church, to state that he Will preach a sermon to day (Sunday) at 11 a. ., oa " The Religious Condition of Italy," and will-take p n eonectkm to build a church In Bome, , ; . Scrum. ' Cocut. On Saturday' the Court met at a. so. All the Judges present But one case wss argued : ' State ra. Green Brown, Greene county. Attorney Oeneral and Battle. A Sons far the State : he counsel for the defendant, The Court adjourned until to-day (Mon day.) ScaUioran Potatois. Boil in ski: Peel qulckljf, when done, and rub through eolander, or coarse aieTe, or. smoothly ; season highly with salt, peper, and butter t add two or three hard-boiled eggs chopped fine. Four eggs to quartJ of mashed potatoes are nice ; but if not plenty, two will answer. , . Fill baks dish with h, and bake long eaoogh to forma delicately brown crust ,-,Berea coon as taken trom the oren. Jcmst ArfvurTHKirn er- OoW. Bion II, RottlM axb UxJ. W. A. Surra. Below we giro the foils-it i joint appointmsots agreed Upon by' cbe) two Casdidates for Congress In this district : . - it .1 fiiwaeflMV-Ozford, Saturday, July I3tb; Henderson, Monday, July 15th Brass- fields, Tbunday, July 18th, FVunUin Franklinton; Tuesday, July Jth) 10oUiburg,Wedncday, July 17th. got KashTillcv Saturday, July 80th ; Sullivan. Monday Jul? 83d. . rU Rolenille, Wednesdsy,; fMti tttht AutaraThursdar. Jl 5U JUiwm CUytoo, Friday, July tfith ; Smlthfield, Saturday Joly I7tb' Ingram's, Monday, July lth ; Meadow, Tuesday, July 80th; O'Keals' Wednesday, July 81st. Lcsct JfATunJt The following din lrom an szchance eoaosrainr a col ored tad hailing from this state: . The Knoxville Prat M Herald sari a colored bor. named John, residing Ln that city. prssonU severel oeouliaoOea. Ba hi mches hkb. Hi arms are. two feet in lescrth. and it is tweetr-two and a hslf Inches from his chin to the back of his d. It is Bine iachte from his chin to his chest bene, and fourteen inches m ear to ear. Hi mouth measures serenteea inches round. His see naile grow eery long and are pecollartr shaped. Alte- reuier, he is a very remarkable specin of the genu homo, and as an exemplar of Um uarwkaiaa aoctnaa anouia attract tM attention of the lenmei etudes ts ot that RxrcsticA Corvjmojr.-The xfad of thai county met in this city, at Metro politan Hall, on Baturasy and nominated the following ticket, and. a sweet one U Is : SentU-Mta a Harris, nejgro. ' , Wm f Btiptvtm&tiemK C. Badger, a SeyitUr rf Jd: ,W. W. Whit., . Traswer-W. M, Brown. ' Jt Cerm J. B. Ooktoogh. JSurngrr Smith. , 'CtmuimiimtTt -rBW ifry nne, WU&am Jenks, G. M. Todd, B. (X Jones, colored, ad 8aUMf ifajner, eoteredi i; t A : Billy Smith was on band and Bke to have'lmitbunslfs-blowlBgf Bilry aver aged about 49 Bos te the minute. Pretty moderate for him. We congratu late him on the much improved state of hhveraiiti. ; , firing dctalaod, by dntice te fBe office ere could not give onr readers a full report J. C ormm., Sbmri ; Elbon wd R r.. a . .... . r ' . F. T. Bamma bet 8J.0O0" that fiiejev Will beetcemd. t ; f I A RichnMSid f lady Werdered $ ft pair e steckHigs M ow wojduig. . y , American tern make, .the . IBcosch A eon olets suit of clothes, nude for fifty The habit of taking arsenic to beautify the complexion teen the tcraer, ssuoag Doumnuiitw ion. It to mid that eew hundred and fifty thousand workmen go to bed drunk cYery oaturday eight In ixieooo, r .... , -ItU estimated tliai China wlt be uket for AoMrtoan batter end cheese to the amount of 500 ions annually, . .Victor Hugo mys : "The devil has been sh tempted him. Woman commenced' k LaciMr was tsmnag fcaeeauty. bj raradiae. ate saw e ami e4an Tl4f- A toung man asked hi sweetliear if ne might tie permuiea 10 kins ner ana give her an sffuctiouate hug. - "No," eeid ahe. "I eaat allow that, but I'H tell you whatl wUl do. I'll split Ue dilforeuce with you- yea may kiaa me, nod I'll bug . A oonstable in Ohio lately testified In oourt as follows ; . I know nothing of Ber but what I bear, um neighbor say snd In my opinion, what a woman aa ot anofaei is no wormy ot Deuu." Ah editor my that h has rleartfuf a secret down In Portland, which was so pig mat H required all the women In the town to keep it; and they could not do so without the help of their husbands.', t . ; Social Pabtt. We return thanks for an invitation attend n social rty gives by thscltiiens of . Louisburg, on Fridsy evening lSth inst complimentary,. to the Faculty aid yoiihir ladies of tht Louis burg Female College, . V ' TltS TEaTFKRan-ca CoHHWNTQM.--The State Temperance Convention witisiect at the Common's Hall; in, , tills city on Tuesday the 8th day of August. The Convention will convene at 10 o'clock. The 1111 will be beautifully decorated with evenrreeDa. wreaths and Hairs. The Citizens Cornet Band has" been engaged for the occasion. - Distinguished speakers will be present sad address the Conven tion. The galleries will be opened to Vis itors. TJelegstes will be passed over the various railroads for one fare. ' ' " ' Statu Cahtass. Kevsr within eur memory, snd it reaches back to a period quite one-nan toe existence 01 trie jrov srnment since the first inauguration of Washington, dm Uiers oeen auctt a can vam ot North Carolina as that now going on, 0ur State ticket la busy, oar coBEres stooal ticket is active, our electoral ticket has taken the field or Is preparing to do to, and our county candidates are being alert and active. In addition to all these, everywhere, in all sections of the State, our prominent men hsve arirdsd on their armor and go forth to fight one more bat tle for constitutional liberty under a free government The result cannot be doubt I fuL Success must attend them greet ef forts : and w eonndantlv mok forward to such a Tictorv in Aueust as shall redeem the Btsie-Jorsvsr reom - raleelSi asmnrie and ruin. If we fail It will be our own wait, and we shall have no on to blame but ourselves. - Thoroutrh oriranisatlon is all that Is now necessary to insure a triumph. Let us perfect it at once. Sntbtrn Journai tf Comment, , ABciXn is m Kax's Hsau Kjlvxx Yxars. At the first battle of Manassas, Mr. Crockett Grayson, of this ceuoty, wss shot in the need, toe bullet entering the temple, pasting through the Inner ear and lodging in the bone back of the ear, where tt remained until last week, when Dr. Faubtlerov, of Stanton, bv direction of Dr. ' Stribling, extracted Mt Upon boring into the bonewith a tnfine, the ball was found so armly Imbedded that it had to be clipped out with a chlaeL The lead removed weighed half an ounce. nr. OHM sue went -ttrrowi without taking chloroform exhibiting great ooolnem sad fortitude. Once, du ring the operatiaav he called a balt and after -ejecting a mouthful of tobacco jdlce- godij uuo nis neaa on toe tauie ana m, lurmed tne doctor tnat he could now "go ue was aomar wall at last ae- oouata. Mtmlfvmery Memngtr, tiun . MWmmSBhw---m j"".'" HmiRAlI fob oiuit-A' V W extracts below show why men witti Southern Wood is their Vein should hur rah for Grant; Pmnai,to be hsndcuffMl. Tha ' TVnu. ty United States Marshal tor this county; s colored man named 4enn Lee, nes ex preasad his detenainatioa to handcuff and ti white men that he may have occasion tq arrest hereafter. Thu expression on hie part wee called forth by ths f set the ee SeturdsT last William Kerr, a eohatabJa of York, brought to the Jell at this pli bed a colored man, named Heart Hob lev. cbarned with stealing a mule from M& T. V. atitcseum January last Whether the aid negro ought to have been tied er not we do not pretend to say. it usy have been, necessary to prevent his escape, or it may not have been necessary, Urant- &t that it was not necessarv. the law gives a remedy against the constable for unnecessary violence. We know that the said negro has been before the courts seve ral tunes already eur the asm offence with which he is now chargedjaetd' we there fore are disposed to think that the tieing wss a very wise precaution on the pert of' ooostanie sverr. lmsmt iieptrur. f To Miutsbt PKisowxaa. Uiace the 82d ultJoaathan Moore, K. L. Harmon. Jerome P. ktosa, W. D. Parker snd W. U. Wbita have bent released from Imprison. meat on bond. On the Stth, John E. CsrraU, of this county, was rs arrealad tnd ensnmittsd'to Jail. There are bow ssvea pneoners I tbsjsiU rriwU X- Tbe foUowbs nsmed gentlemeB'bave been rei easel en bail since owr last report: Beasm. James Pecker, W. H Eddy, and Baxter Chspmsa. The foUowbw an the arrests : D. T. Sewman, James lrty end ex-DberUT T. M. Psysinger. Mr. Com tiseioner Bunkl who has been absent for. sometime, returned to-day, and will prey; wed with the ewttoees of jrtvuijr ielasr - ,.!.-. I Me ssesaaw 1 r lUaksW fisasilns as this. sDOil.lnaiKia of lUw,J4rti. Bks., ThaVl- IkN pe UwUTtt si kBWkMW by ' rkysMnis se be Ike aseet sooavfal wisy aaswn mi Imee Itloadr Ur t'iiilili t, lisSvieseasn- bmIs OmplstaU ; Huealipanus. ; JtasassaUam " - at lha Kidsmrs: STuhilitlc AummttmVm Saia IMseasiis ; Ckruuie lunifluiiis, ate. but a tele prai'smtlMe H Is aiiaiS with vetmisMe wwi SaiSSi watea wsw tm w Cuablv eafaalisa, . Heat Sii'ii twaw orwla m lsUw4, sat as 4 knma Puriiar Um BAKiApAKrlXIASIl III HIS' PsV UOHf has BO rnat It nraeJnw ll a trial to aeavtBai tas ssest setpueal t,wH... ' i imm m i . .. Pee fessale Cemplahtbv whether in yseng or old. Bsarrksd si siiisr) . at tha daws of Be similize or Um tars of Rr. I. tau's Liver fills sre en sksowledea4 n r " .in , 1. um lis ltu Dr.Tutt's Haw Ore has Jle Bad 90m . Ditcker'si llgktatec 1 ly-KDlr swwps tesmisB aae Biaarums aness aanuj -T? la d kj daakn rarras I., J30W JUTsYtiiasftnta, : It soclss acko Cmrvrr , H Ci ' ' " 'j Raxt tsrm htn Sept. Mih, 1U - FaclU nes tor edvcalioe ensanassed. - Localiti healthy. Aaanal axasawis tram to $m. for aataloeas er tejonauiuoa atiply to " .... ... .- . atol.AKB, . ' Chalmma ot the f S'-uiiy. m 1 v. . , . .1 U 11 ' - a-ast uuiw 1 mntMmM vviHfjp) si. w. . , . -M ... JUV s-UAaPM . . TjV.U u J J A It B . Wa have in star a large stock of , U 4 0 M 8 A H 0 OEM FRUIT JARS, and ean memsmmt, them te he psrhwtly saw, ' 1 -,-.h'-- .' - . ' ... sndretUbm. " l t . tf m . . .7 . ,..V- t J 1 I j 1 . ; ..i -...- v. . . ! tt . 1 I--s - i :.. -t .. . "i ... . r i i 1 i f. - TUOOdAMOt TUTirt TO TBElhV hJXKTta, T. H. BRIGGS 4 SONS. juiyest TALUABU CITT fBOPBRTT ALB. ' - FOB If not sooner disposed ot wi will sell at BTas4iBBm asMBBiliihB 1 aaal BBfiiiaiBl isal ISsl a, - ruu ne a tfCuom, we sioasay ms Teat Ssy of Jufy, the beUamg aoe eesapwd by as as s roeerJ8tore.;''J "J eerms and deeeripttoe of property sp- spply to ths BuaerslgBed,.,,,;, ' : " July tf ' --W.tt tTBOWACa A Co, TTOBJSnV MCTLBt tt WA0ON8 P0R8ALK. Vo. Mmek Murgaa Uont betwasa UinM a4 four, ysan old, goei style snd settee, guarsa- I M work aayebars snd will makss vary fasttrmrsller, ,.y :e, One By Vula, si years old, thoroughly broken, quick ra karma, easily sept aad will tas large Moms eoforsd Kul, twd vs year eld, good tor heavy draft. i , 0ns tw koTM Waco, Kaascls awke, aaarfj 1 fs fv . . ir ' One Hew Terk Dray, aMae by J. C. Klpye, rotsntly esrhsalsd sod nearly ss good es nsw. Two Single Istte of hsavy dnay Barsaas la (ox4esad1tiea. ' Apply te ' . . jnly s-tf " W. C. BTBOMACn A Co. TTAVINO DETERMIXEP TO DI8SOLTE -A. A. our vopanaerabip, vs our t Cost, satil tbs 1Mb 4ay af July, ear eutrs Steak of nsavyaBa raaesy wveartas, . - . -AU parUaa hWebtad te ee ara sa aastad ta eoms forward at ea and settle, as a wUk te etnas tb eat Ira auaiaaaa at lha ana Itk. liUk JJ.I. . 1 " JBiya-ai ..... w . SJ. BTSWItAUH at CO. Gronciiiftni. GULLXTT8. .'STEEI ' BBUbU GIS. ,U.BT DBAfT IB. tXTI ARB A0EBT8 BOH TBI ABOTB V f easaad aims. , . T rrR6icar a irtJ, 'Agents.,'" yeshss-tf kUrlust aad MsrUa SU., kaMWk $1,000 ! f e any sbrsal auia we eta to hnalncsa oa is quMh i rasraate an laaiau ViaaTt SB. Saally. ratiWTy, and ta serfact. safety. NA4- 1 WAHla a al El.T.' " ' iu iMaKker eHnet, Hrw Tort. lit. t ittsfimin&xm -t. in .Irmwuv't 1 11 t-VMM S.;OaS U i ! t Mt i MAJaBJEToV Vital MawTo, July l.)BV1eoseerkat; eperators tdjoemed " 'W " Moaday.aa. Fkmr quiet, eomreei ky wstsa VIM,' goad 'akosrw f9.Tawfl4n. WhBBTTdun,181' WkeM rtoeed dafl, uwster -red .Wertenr 11.88 to 1.88. uarB Steady, fmr sTememd at 1 wbMtWherilM. -Bine eteadyat 8 l-8a 8 Mi Pork euiek Beep- aaiet Lard 'Ma firaaar,( u8 I B. Bevameteady, iBtHnr ami. w 1 Haw i n. -iwivewMa , 84sM t-i.M Kosbi vm, straiaed 888. Freighm irta.' " . w.m Money easy,' 4aSL Sssrflnt tt a8 fA floMl8 8alB84. tKweraBMWs eiossd duhy Teepees rm,T8 I 8 Lrvks roL" fottoh tipeued 'V1 Ki I NKW TUlUt KEWflTr " ? Kaw Yeemv8olr Ahsjm Fall liiafwtok says that eo U srvrnuig fri the third three tatted Use ton officers visited Thoroid, small plere, about aiaa milts from too rana, em weiland -ressl, and forcibly souk with thorn young asaa aameei wuuam White, a snip earueater. of Chicago, .White was pinioned and bludfohied. After going' tour' miles in the country tt wss discovered thU White ww ths wrong ataa. White state that ths olaoars ware after ia Juiklua who bad bueaeoaeected with th Ureensburq' C4wMga(f v, V -rv ,, ' - Murphy, a student of Easttnaa's CJ asire, Pouk-bkeetisie. babMiuius to Ueoriris, souiden'sJiy shot himself today. Hi woods mtn latat. At tha Tssanany eebratioos, lion. Jaa. TJrooka, rXtt Cox, W. K. stobarta and oth ers msde speeches. The bang net term! aated the exen-hws In the evening. The iacidesml mention of Horace Ureelryv assLs wss received with Immeum entns siam. ' . ' . Yesterday evening, the trains on the South Bide railroad, Long" Inland, Collided between Fresh Pond and ftuohwick sta tions. One train h4 stopped to avoid running la to another. A telescoping engiuet took ptsce, three persons killed sud many Injured. -- -At Hit time of the collision the pas sengers were jumping from the car amid scenes' of great excitement. The sufiurers were' for a long time without water or provisions. '; ;' - : About thirty fir (Ira occurred during the day, aoue of which were very serious. Twentv-four persons died front the effects of heat ' . ' - ''' -1 KiBety-srven cases of saastroke were reported: forty of which were fatal. --The Stokes trial fennasmeneed to-day, There was a hanrs atteadaBce. The eorts- Sal for the defence opened the ease, by reading a detailed printed report of the meceedtngt at th laqaast aeid over Fiski bodr by Coroner Young, evideBtry with the intention of consuming time. In the urogiem of- tha-testimony sharp tilts occurred Decwaea counsel. ' The question, did Stokes make any statement ss to whether he wa going any where oa tht morning of the killing of FwkWss mked by 'a witnem but the Judge thought it bsdmlssibte. Trsmaine argued Its ad sMIm IHy .te behts; a part of the censwrjtiaf link of the evidence which would prove mat mt presence at toe uraaei ventral Hotel wss not with BTurderout intent , The District Attorney replied, support-' kg tbeinadmiaaabUity of the question, to waicn 1 ram sins msnoaoea sere snarniv. coademnina the Course of the Distract As- tsraey ano tne press, us aiiaoea ee tne District Attorney bsrlng private coansel ib inw osas ib a aarvBam; bbubbbv, so wnion th District Attoraey responded bv call tog TremalBe's attention to the fact that neKTremaue) wss employed a private coonsel M ssmst the rHste Avteraey hcthe Cow mumer cam aad also twmrred to the bet that Ttomaine associate eras private copatsl 1a tbs Canclme Aurder case. ' McCeaa also fasd a tirV with the Dis trict Attorney and wa repri meaded by thejudira. .-...,. Tehwrams of ef Stokes on the 8th of January were offered at evidence, to show ths prisoner's intentions est that day bat wer exoiu aeq. ' . .. 1 smrgTT, 1 - FOIIKIOB HEWS. - - FBOM BXOUXD. ' ' Lskboh. Jul? A.A despatch from CoBatsatinople Lrings sews of a terrible oonlsgmtioB bow raging is that city. Owe thousand bouaut ia tha poorer qear ten and suburbs of the Suutsri ware al ready destroyed when tW tali grsisj was rarwsruea. iio muacauoa) was given tnat Uat nre wss apdor control aad turuier de tails ar aaxioualy Awsissd. , ,,j , ti FBOIt FUAJItB. o.fesU , is. Pixn, Juty 8. Duke Da Roailea; the newly sppointed aainista of France to tlie Vnited State, kwvc Paris te-day for Brest, to take ths stesmer for New York OSA'DALIS r -v CHEAT SOCTBIR r for th cur of ikro. Ailous Taint khmnua- lu!a,rV isV WUiM H-rllioi. tisst. Kioitra, ConsuiBr'tuHa, tkarm stuKsas aiafctfily and ell Sis leaoe arisiBf from aa isstfurs eon idi'loeof t Wood. I TSBMrtlae)fliianlaMaai. tattaa aas at vaMS awarUMt s natnaa U km aanaaawy la rmiaS Iks aaJw of ikia Jmrai l aanl, 7 I"T" kan a Sana, a tkls -aalt LMtiStat-eSia a BMaaafcSSiaal mm 1mm fraruaa, Whim an. ""d ata-iatllualiM UriHiabual th -in,-.t,rtnr-wi latha klrbM SaiSM '. M. W Kara On ( alllnnr aaaaawdltH cues ol aW aia ana ataat saaaaaaa wMkeiaik saw Ift. T. !. SSBa-BSnr hlrr.ra nwiaanuM It an all. fMrrMM auaMMS jlia turmmt lliiail, Aalns II la w vTua j :y.riBj as kat arar Sit Bsaaia BVatt af Wia lakt. aaaasa. i-. I aa'iu. Maf add -a .smc TT l Tanaaaa aay. It cwad klaaad I a ' IMi annum aaaaiaB aha atllasl. 1 I MuilBaa-mSlaiaart arn If . fj ara;rni, It ,t.,ir "iffail aia Ulttaka1 mJ mmg ni naary n- Sana, h ta vaaar taaaaaSBaaa . -kr..,..a mmm k j ,1 ua m u iyln. al M- al-I aiharallaa I'k.l r-M, CM fa a ncatlaait naaaal axiEXTSACe- i nALTTmm rf n jrrnwMw Jouet fihs war, 1 Be. I CotiWs pi..rs, ' - J. iv , r -fa. Ill' Ms A aMBsaw r' 11 inata aus, inUOT4niiuksrs ha ' It 1 a at. mmnmmlten by It, mm W' eaa fca at.FMrti m mii ta a) at i jaat KaHrna.Ji trj araimm laraaT Jim I 1-J aaiaaa,Ca I'mniili, at On "asaam hmillr, Va.. aia al awar kaa SukaS aaMBU-iMMi. B,i nnaa, la anr aan-v aataaa va rwal f!ta an kHftaf! la frrB aary t.l la rka IMlk an Baaa Uiaa ijtm knun-w aaaary man, aaaai . Mas aaiat mtirf am aim at array I fcasaMai aatd Wall Brass iaaa. g an 8 idsm issj iti iths mt Bswawattikm fair eaat. has fraaa rtminss,, Btotehs sad sVvpUiaaa, parify your bland by takiag Dr. naros's ttaidse Medical Dweevery.- It has aeaimal lot tkltpurpata. - 4 ' "' a;"J i Cms Ht ma Boor a.BB rr TMTc"l9.-4f wsi Sana eaatem wB ef kla eouatry who Skakrn tW bastes wf grssa grew ' erhsm ssdy see gretr batsss, ewrety be who pradoasts ITiorieee crop ef hair ea a eempsmtlvsly bar ren e-avtp dtasrrm tba hesrly thanks ot ths. ebrgwi party, AQ honor, mentors, to Pro fessor B. T. Lyes, lor, unqwairfloMbly, blare-, aewasd BjtJulroa aeeoMpUabm thsj ebjeet tlmtttmiia wkeat whtakars sr. thy of ataxias; amtr.appeanacs to tore, or the tbsrs ef Wato WintndMlbrloal these BUtiiaV eaat aletsBstt" ; ta Walsh aVaastanaiue-tilts was nana ae fasssnsv wUllnd tb)s tislf lar essAer the aaost wtrndatfel aBsemwger of 8b reut'eVBtormeBt that ha ever yet besam reated. Both asxas sn sdvlssd to e It, as, by 8 kdds, It Is'tb best srucr t rbrevtog Uia sieeWi aad kaaBto et ths hah, aaaatef tt fnawbeooaalBf afah,dryaMrayviiAt-K a rhA gloss aad sadowbig It with texUduty-? sat ToUot OsOAlstry hjw ur evolved from tnd veptshwHiicdoea. ' JulytdeodlwAwlt' l,J- . ' Ts Gasnma or Sasse Bsnsor Tarvaty susmwew have slspttd arses H was brkO sa aouacad last a w vt-gotabl tonic and t' tora tlve, bnaaiog.lb Bameef Uoaloltor't Stom tab Bitten, had been added to the llatof Pre MWve and RettomUvs siiodlclnas. aThe atod sst sdvavtiseaMBt which hulled stteutloa to Um preiaMTtUoa ttsied that R had h.s esed wit gnat SaKsrsa, hi privste practice, se a ears lor dospeptla, biltout eopSalnts, ponsU paUoa aad inUnaltaVent fever. It was soon diseevsrsd fust ths article possuaaei sxtra srdlBsry pro'partl". Ths 'peo4a, of every That, testsd tla aaasiu aa a male, sllmuamt eorrsatlve ead raatoraiira, aad (Btaad that Ua effuets ntqrs thea faUUed their hopes ami s pscUUoas. , Emm that Um to the proaeut its wens has bees uyWard sad onward, and It slaads te-dsy St ths head ef all meOklnes of Ms class, Axaarkaa or fmrawted. In the mas-nt-tadeel lu ssles tad lw lepstattos sea aala, agrvmlil and psaajit taviKOiSBl sad restorav Uva gar la or or and dolillity, lack of ai tlls snd aTsatru) dbturbsmces, se eoeaniewdBr Ing Um summer Baoai iia, It la absolutely Hafain tH lad ureal ins, baUams diaonters, coasl l( Hon, Bervousueaa, periodical favan, and all Iks ordinary eomilaiBts xeneratod by s viU sted sad hsmid sttBoapbsra, vank under its reaovatlug and reftauuinjr aaUaeuc. Tblt Is it nourd, svoaehad by volsuaM or latelltgnit teaUssuiiy, sikindlBa; over s period of B fifth ' of s ternary, and compachesdlBir the names of liioaeanaa et wnH-knowa etUaeea beioas; lni to eeary alsaa aad calllasj. la Kama It I totmitto irreat tmns; to ettar. tbs patron an of royally fur a'-pavaat medleltta," hot aloststter's hitters ha born tjionuuaouetysp, proved by Btiluoa of tedeiendeut eova ereurns, as h s hi am snonms m msar aaaorti JUII -nuaiel,. -n A ,-, rLAltf QUBsriOMSrOB IK VALID. Bae Ik awtUa aaeaHaUKs et Uw pnifaetiusi does voa b a-oud t Are vu disoounuod and mtsorahM f II so, teat the properliaa of Ui near Vtsressbls 8pacitl& lit. Walker's Call funds VuMgar Bitlawa, alraady fasaeua aa the liuwt favtaotaal. twraetraa and alUnaUva. tkat has ar seea th liKht. Uyautuitiat and veraona of bilioua aabitlioald keen It, wiuan (eack, if eavavau kaalth and ansa. . WBAT EVERT BdRsEMAN WAMT8.-A food, eh eap snd reliable Ijluliusut. Such ss aytieM m Dr. Tol.laa' Venetian Hon Unl aws), . tint bottle at On Dollar. For Lsass aeas, Cats, Walls, Colto, apnusa, ., nar raatad basiar Bjaa anv otker. Bold b tha urttgguu. iMoot, 1U rarx riaos, Jiuw lurk. . . . . .. . . - URsfirri COCCVtlalR.-A Mm noun ef Ceoaa-Mat Oil. Am., tut ike II air, knaeaWb- aaaea a stana-wia rapaiauon, iu aaiuiai aatmuun, areraoimoaa, aaa rraeoraa iron 11 lBluraou or BoiUnar FrooerUna. tnceikar with iu tlMatpatMta raapart w durnblllty and tla al bcHUa, aandar it ajsaqiiaihsd by say Bill or DretinraUoa m the world. ar aula br eii.i)tiieia.t.-..,,r . -, .: MkiilC Of TBB MaUTIL-Odtfnross 8e- sodotn, raoders Um aaoutk eai -hasting, eom posod of rare, SBtlsopUc hrrlia. It UnatrU iuleee to the teeth, s delk-kras lewer-lik arotaa to an kratk,and prasavvw totaet, from ymtwtwatsatvethai .- tJ.v. i . , fkATTi ASTRAL OIU-More krclhirta tKtar front aaimr aaaaf ulM, tlian from aaeara uaas aad aVulraBOteewuliied. Over ou.ouu naaiUkaa eouUuas to bura fratt't Astral UU, sad so sceidiiiU directly or IndlrarU r hav e oc curred from barniog, ttortni; or bandlluir it. uu niass oixvaae rnui, svaDllsue i iw, Mew Karlv.i . !,-..- ...V A BBAUTirOL WHrrt.' toft smooth1 snd Clear tkia Is prodaosd by sain U. W, Laird't " iikouaf tuvtm." It rvaaoraalaa, freckles, SBBbenM, and all other dtacoloraUona tn Uta akia, kaviaic Um otBlexios brilllaiit and BesuuiuL sold at u tlrUitKUts. Tula pniua raUoB at enUnly Ires fjvuisnj hMtarlal dV lUHT THR REMEDY NEEDID.-Thaaika to Mr. Wutlew's Bouihkns; By nip, wa kavo nar juaaa aaaan raaaaaan aaiia aau4inaB Blsjliaa of piuaf ul walcuiiur BiUi pour saiasrlug tawtu- ngauemta,M ... , - . a. FOR DraPEPUA. ladWmUo. divraaalo. i spirits and oanil debility ia Uietmsiyua BunBsj also, aa a Ufeveauve ajcalnat revcr tnd Ays, snd tUir UpternilUent fevws. lb farm PaoapiioraUd RUtiref Caliasya, mad by CaattalL llaxard as .li. Maw l(erk sod sold by sd UnwUvta, is ths beat tunic, sad at a tesu far pUiraoi(arin trout (avtvur eUier ska.Bosa, R baaNpo i(asL riblry'8 cenuisr MOLDKN bell OUbUti.tB ITAFsrR aeeovdtng w thsoruci- nai loraauia sr rravoaa, rails, se Kmg ana fnvembly know to tit eawtotaera ol hafk kaW. MatTal aad Rily aad Ik air brnaekaa, te na Saw paratanfaat traa;nuiOa ia now atada by H. W. Auwy and tb trad auuuiiad b hie tuisutiure. Mont as at Kisltur. Wkutatnk Uruir- IMS,NWIr, , . . " " Tnr,TnTora,lvoHr peaIil tooth row Altai Tke Baal srusl known forofaaB' lag aod pi ta i im Um tretk ami nan, sand by all Uriutft-tale. Fries to an au aenka pas Mam- .m. v. wua vtt., Jtw loraV . CARROLIO 8ALVB aaeeaallet m t lleal- his; Uaaaptanad. fbyatokaa raeunaaaattd it as ttt Baoaa. . wuavaarlui rcutody evsr kuoua. friet at eeau par vol. John F. Henry, sow rroortatov, ColJcf Plaeav New lerW CHRIiTADORO't HAIRDYR Tula BlaaaBtoomuoead Is bvyoad eotUiBKeucy, ui eafsst and tast rsaaaul try ia eaaaMBat 1 faiiiac to MrMn4aM Maar, aailonav lw et eukart' nottrukUMNil aad euwUcily, kbrnulactaary, B Matduaiaan, bW fork 1,. RVAFMIA at Opium part Hod of Its srekea- Itw aad- DO I aon one miainUn, It at a perlaot saudyne out proUuciiur hemlaoks ar couauhav lata ot evwats, aa ia uie ae n iw ouier pr ot oytsaa. Jobs Fsrr, Cbetulet York k. as, ft" July t-eeodlmwAsw. J, T,B ACS U. Will B D , 'la TrBstoeS ef Fsitoe's Ulk Fcheot B tewa ( Ftiaaa, intplia euaaity, Bortk Canlraa, dattni to employ cotnueicni (enUtjnaa to ask charge of tald Bt-bool th Bear asaattm, euwieaenciiia; ana nrwt aauBday m Aus'imU 'leri TktaM ealnna- k iKMitaoa wui paaaa uarrtipuad with any osm ot the ti. BlCL, W. FAliOJf, V' am, niLils, Ayj. FAinoif, lb saaasJ tuwttng of Rtoekholdflrt of (he Rakish Atticust ilr Lis KaHruad Cew pany, wlU b hid at Um Oiknk, to tk Uiv of laaiugk,a Fraday lb ASIA July, l71 ysiy 8-tw A' X Jt rECUL0TIGli4 ,,i ,, ,, , , , ,.,,,., .W'-d. 4mU 1UTCHELOK.-3 BLAm.DTM, i Tbb srteadtd Uak- Dye I tta bnat la Ux eorhl UanBlot tlaraalus, rllalila,iulaalai'uu, doea not centala Utd. Bar ear masher aaWs, psndse para! rata ewdoath. Avoid the vaoattd nod dbluaiae ureitaratiotui boaUr.a virtatn thei d But Maaaiam The rename of W. A. ImudaS ear Hair ty ha had sat yoar' Mumilabod aeotitnUim to Bpuold Its lubyrtry aa the 0015 perfapiHakr D)kkMJl or IbwvraV Bald) bll lrrnirrlais. Apply St IS Bona St., n. 2. u llit annus maetlnr of ttMiBtockholdera of th Rakiirh A Haatoa Kaiiroad Company, will ie htal St Um (Mo of tba Va, ta toe Cltt f Ralf-Uru. on the Uurd Tharaday behia tbs. tth of July, 187s, oouiaiattcluc st W , miyB-ta " v- ' Bar-ysaei WSl kn iaU aa Uia nmnkua at 11 n'eLnrk SB' WtaliMMlay th lTth inaL, antoaa dttprKWtd ei pdmtlv, Wiaar aa Ike fcattara Ward of tb v. uy ui Bsiaurn site ironnrnr aa .nsrua nirect keirif a part of Uia Colburu property out en" by tile saw aar-wl Boar bains; opaaed, seatsis mg uiraa tousutaiu sera, nio-a or lew. The property will ba divided Into alx lots with St feat Iruat aad rtaaaiiur hat-k 310 faeVt wtaibis very oonreliicnt and dealrsbut lots for maU reaiaenru. : " ' Tarmt mad known en day etsals sad. wUl BS isroraoitt to uurvtlaaera. . JAMKs M. TUWI.ES, Asrtlonsea lyttas, , .x. B " I I II I- NO A SI 8 Mockinj unifCAfiea. a a K T - MAaO-XS FRUIT JARS. f ' .i WIRE SIlH CUV1 R, UAMOINO btVKETA ICE CRRAB , .FKBEiCEBA , APFLE fAUEKa. .Sr . , PEACU FAREKA. ,1, f i :i-' r A . II n 1 ' , i , M ,.,, f RAT It ASl'RAU OIL. , wsi .Vrni ant hi'- . "At ' Uardesrs Uou , of ' ' ' ' JL LII S LEWIS A OO, . . 'aUlrlnh, B. fe' juty 5 tf I tt Q I NT( A , L.A N D 8' RIVKIt BOTTOMS AND ' ROtlrf C&TTLB . , t w i. 4'- ' Jt 1 1. . e ' ,' , u FUR SALE. : . a hTaui., ppo'iiTi:NiTy; , r in! i . , t will tell stpubuc sucUuti, si Uio kits rosl di-tico of OavlJ (toodkoouU, dawsaed, in Floyd County, Virginia, im lllLHallA t, Ulk 1&1U DAF OF ALjL'I', 14i, i ' u i j J TURCRuV ALC ABLIv FAB M 8. I 1st, THE UOMB fLACE. .tin ACHES, - v ' t t i , Onavhatt eloated, elukrsciiig U ) srt of level botitim buuia, Ml aQma,llnt-t:laaa meadow, sed 440 acres uf good pasture hitida - 'J u nil cland laud Is all covered with tlitvlieat whin oak timber. 1 lien at s gooa s ftoooi Frasns Dwelling- Mouaa, Bam, aud ail taaber air anitry , Tk wkol place is ku good rep.ilr aud well watered ; lie oa the we,l fork of Mule Klrer, t mile South Weet of Floyd .Ootirt-koBM, ta ; snd US uiilaa from tthrtXMBabttra; Ucpot, a Sue A., M. at . kVaMiand. . 1'ker is epua it water power iU4 nt fur any sMohuwry, ; 3 I""'-" ,.'. ; . , , ' SqA TUB aVKDULE FASH-,, StB ALBEA - ? ,v--r -. - .. :,-' !.' ;, ' .j Four Suit clnarotl t bu-ludua SI - ti-rua of eieadow laud. Cleared tan t (a til well siel In stbm, 'Thia farm it aiiiea 80111 h ef Fkiyd Courfhouadon th HIHsvlHv anil Floyd ComrV ho use lurupilui, sud is well walwuil, , . . j Hrfi. THE BTLTONFARM.' i'iO ACRES. Two-Uilrda elesret. I.V) Were la (tsat; 'all well watered. ioare at agood room lww linir House on this tract It tie T uillca eoulli I West of J kyd O. B., ua tha Dur afroi Koad. 1- The auids ar not vd fur debt, but lor dMtribotioa ainoiuf heir. Money haa alwayt beee Btaua oa tTMstt. Mr. Alfred Uoodykoouia lire on thf lium Flaco wd aull take plea Bra In ahowlux Ui property. . At Um etna Una and umua. Hie Adutulstra Para at Oarid OoodykoouUtttuc'd, Bill aeU at yvulle Asettoe : " T ' - ' - -v . ' so two aad tores year old IStuort, , v; two yoar old kufyra, ' 1 llokof Oxeo, " "-' .-?. i'.'. tt Hiam, ' ! - ; ' , . : ' : u stu, Ii Cows tad Calvos, " - i 6 TaarllMXa, ' ' " . 1- ' ".: ' Hon, , 1 ' 1 Hockey Mower and 1 Jluiocy Kaka, 'Fanniait uttinallt tulTleiinit to work UiS Farms, snd '.arse tut uf good Ilottiehold snd htitckt'B Ksniltora. ' ' ..'. -'taa-Baaef bale l.awtlrr) per cent, cu 1 res tdneipl, S and t -year, eiil l iuslaliiiniita, purchasers gtvuia; bond ith 'xeod satmrfty, ntid lu-n reiaiuetl till puhiiiaa money la paid. I awll at Commissioner of rloyd lllrcuil lioart ander adacis ta friendly suit, . Tti CntAM 1U IM sold tw K days crvutt. The other, Personal I'rniasrty, will Be sold on six moatks nrntlll for ll sains evert .V puichssar fprkif hosd Bilk good security ; t-arh lot loa sums. ' ' Add ret the srsdertlcBed st ChrltUaatbaru. , V,U"! 1 1 ARCllilH A FHLEo AR, -r ; ' V r Coutmisaiooar. f ly -UU 15UI II SU. iCliLKYAX dU.'ALiCMr fOK MOXfr - f r--- - . r, sdsm j ktatEt, alKii; n. e. ,f I ' .! ' Tb Fa'l Tarns will bek-ia Aag. L: let, sud sopiinst'' . - . !,.,,. i- Prlmsry Ft)R-bah " ' '" 5 8l , Intuniiedlaui aud Ad vau'-erl Englbtv a) Oil , IjUIo and tlret-k escp . t r k t ! Ma beieaUc Uauryujcbly UuisUt baeaobuV parunajitt ,, 1 .... laciikaital fee for each pupil 13. ' 1 For furUlar luformnilnu taliln-aa the Piliicl I all. HKV.B. bUTRAWlCK. ...ii aVew-ew. -.. , rJ1E AOtJCAtA JtXt4ABB. Tkit hutttattna v-r,d-f W ar-fata tranearUoas to UOXu. S. UkAiN and I u..Z f UluCX fur iaanaedMts at- . outre aaiirsrv, and apxsally tor the parrii 1 and ft of south. era Becaritle. A dajli i ii wiade of ail u laaaSns eeettritlui la t. . tnvw uf Vinnbv honk Carolina, Motuk a Carol ins, ,,:. Timiaeaaas, Alaiiaina. Jfltmila, iii.lf,tv sHm.tiatia, Tnsas ana srka-es, aaularacatix bTAtR RoNDo, CITY tuKiM, RAILWAI BONUS, -- .'.. -- , RA1LWIIW''V ; , , . ' r l MJtMCtAClCi-iXftBWJkAxA. -"' ?'"' dtc. Vi!.,'ve.' Ttieonilprsljrnrd.BaaralworUMirGVtTA -F.XU1A.N'R, aoiirUevdam to bey tajstli aa. tnwa is the abovs llnei , ,,..77, W: B. RobSYts, korert,'Mwrrlt A nlnvara. 'O B. Raooa, CoStoaUtMBiB il at Mart:kaaH. Jpka t Freaanunii, UUtaa-struker for Aa RnZ'lk -$n.;il AtU"! 'f ??, -A. Bwik ef kWi, Bn-ara J. ! I Jdi Jsuklaa, ef J.VJ. Jbs1b, (Bre nt uanwi, 01 i-anlel Hill. a 1L rbinlay, C, U Phuitrvlr fSi." ;,W, H. Harraat,ed arr.lailitlrXiT. A. -P. Boava, Broker, . i, , , ' W. F. Herrbas;, al Ckurhont, nvrbACek' , .b M. Clark, of jTl Clark Col T. hranth, ef Branrk. am nt M.- li llK-kirtan, Preaideat Bnrisfit Sal aad tiraultevili Factory. , .,-'. C. A. Kowland. Coannloiloa Merrfcaat . i W, si Kead.oi Frakitn. KeadJIv. k If rod hakor, 4sUukUvBl Eubfigaris ' A. M Jt?kon- Fevnmlmtaai'ViivAMBt at:l tk M.U'Dewe, mt U. Viaowd C,i ,') P. L. Co em of Joka J, ikdim t Soea. W, R. Jaekaoa, 1'raaioVnt ot KaihWA) auk ' , of Aimuatt and AuguaUt Factory. ' ' " T.Ar. Barrelt, ot Barrett dt Caswell. "H M. P. movslV Cotton Fsoaarand Oem ft f lion Merebsut. , a - OetjrMlLblbrcy.of J.-tMhW A ,... - n-ru, . W. T. Wueetese, of Wbwoaa C. w O. M, rlotM, of laser T. Beard Co, . . ' tt., A. Allea, of Walker Alien. t F J. ;M Banlidt, Cow-ataioel M err bank jutwtm t J. I A P stss, ut i. i. ream, B0tjff Wvr)' -. A,Foullalu,Tl Fouliain lMviaaa. - , )'j I Cannra.I. Jacksuoi of isnorvn T. JAU ' . A Co.- - -I - - - at te . W. tt tildey, of Saabar A SlWer, and re- ., slurat of LauKiey MauufacUtriBK (joniaiir. v J. J, Doughty, Coltoa Coin nitakia Merv"'" Cb"-: . . . .'" -tU W. . Bandera, or Inmaaet Sunders. ' - 4. . ; W. H. Howard, ot W. H. Moward A Bmvl m Et f. Ulaytoa. ef E, P. Clayton a C mZ K W Heard, of a. 0. Hoard Son. M. L Hrnn h, cj Branch, tU A C'rw' " J t. R. Ilotigherty. Of Bones, Brown Ce 1 k I koinit r. Blovarl, ot ewtaall At Hattr- K, H.May,ot K.0 MaymCo . ,-, , r J. O. MsUiewaoB, Tolatoou, Cotton (iooda ' suit Umtural lroda Itwekatit. f.-s 3a A - K. J. of Doi.er WaltOo, It. P. Carry, kUnker aod Brokea, ,-' i'X,,,i Jsnira A. Cray, of Jaaiea A. (.ray A Co. " U at Mllkr, of J. F. U J. Miller; . -t . f ,t Fi A. Tlmberlake, of Kamary A Tiiauwktka. . 3 bos. M. Jat kseo, of Cos, Jaekaoa A Co. -'. t U ,, Wllrunn, of Breach nun A Co. JuoSVdAwlme t -, W jmtt 1ST' ASIIVILLE Litis 1KSI'1S a ti-jtii-wK r ,-r r o.-- a-if vr i .t AMUVILLX IKNNjeseBJi Ratta ot Asset to JAabWnett- clZX " ''''' aitl sadk'1 5 . . Viw t0 ie-,,, ae ljL " 1 ' " Mima enkd; li 1 ' " "" ' '". f V ' -. V, "otl TRAVEL oV 4 m RmnitTioN REE-JJEMOE. i, I i - t r i a ' A . 11 o a.1 dsiti mm fin 11 TffltTT llTta - I 1 t.ap Savxat ana tvf tewej. tt" 110LICIE8 NO jt FOEKElTINil j j - dj 2 ? . .. a, . mr mmmmm .e -aM srr .--.4 A SA1 ta kd alt"' coVdirr 1 wm ettf r " a ...1 A' 8 OUT 111 tOMBiaiBO . . p.!- v! s'i r,4i fft f ' FEcTRITV ' -"" w v"ftw tjfe 11 ' -'at, t xBTB8JT"w4ij ., s i aa Jt L gfXlSOlttki II " x '' t b,'J m m m t II ,mj DIL Cl TAK MtTBPHY'. l slna m Hs ;s;,i . JlBBBaVkkRVAVWAwmrei ti m .e. . a ..,-, i...Ryt, Bl''lihI,K C, ; CiPTAik TltOtt BA1LETJ r, t wsnb M f 1- 1 m. i .v - BUts BwSi'Sbne. at. fa a uoclU-lm. ..4 -in ., ,. t. .... . , R1UUMUNB DANVILLE KAJAJtOAAk w -ih ' I ' " B-T ClRkDiviaiov,j -wzr "7"" . , TaAaproKTATios UrrK-B," f ITnmiaattWn al. AL. Juaaa 1UL, AnTSja alt NOTICE oTOCkHOLDER .- OF THE w North Carol iu Kaiiroad to., d'ainm of attondina-' t!ia- Anneal Motiua-oi Uhms CwoW- 1 pny, to b bald at Kalrlirli on Tharaday, July lito, IhTt are hereby noiiliod Uit on'iretw- Wiob ol their rorliHcate ef stock to Cuskluo-tnii - tors, Uiay whk Uwir Im mediate fsisllie, mil 1 be pnaaed to and from y?ieiKtt free. Couuuc " pes villi not rtMornla oarulieatet satatrniiis; ta eboa paaarsirera tak Ui brain at point hnr . Una KalelL'li. Certill -ale will be rcf;med V Irpffl the invi to Uialnth of July Im-luaive. j g t- rij orucr. ot piiwnuiwtmi , ' , W.U.REEN, :rl BaelH-atd . . rjta MOT Rl-tUJrtlky JIAlU , COl, V aV, i, Aro now open to vial tor, I at wti.ert sr eit m lirubaft fur tk cure ot Rbentmitiain, (Mtt, . raralvala. ToriNr of Liver, i iironic Muurrh.1- M or klyvetitery, illaaaaua of late tj lema, Aden. A tiotta uf the dkita, esiHieully of t ypkuiue ori- xm, sud Buowrou Ckroatc Oisvaaa. ' ' ' .TUB BATHS - Very In tmiperatara tram M deff. to U detf,.rf Fturantkeit. and praseut vrr verietr ef ,. I brume Bath. Tliey are tnoraovw found to5 ori-paa Um systom rrr Um beuuaciic'"a ivtyn Wavna fouud st the various oilier Mineral rpilnira. MUD BA11IS kava beta eewira-t- f ed ajnailar to Ibon thai are kanrely ssedat Ua,9 Baust eelebnitetl aps la ulermaD , aud abi- it (tve tsilentri th heaeSt ol Uia very valuatu ? rinaedial aatila eoutained la tde M n.-r ,1 Mint Tlw-a BiiriuK oiler E JitU. KrMi-sikil 3 ATTRACT KlNe to both th Invalid nnd. I'tonaere buekur. The kuuipuHMit and Wn: afemi-ut are equal to Uloae of Sr cuwt Cy llo ls..' Kvary Mtnlenk, Impavvsiiavul kjA.,a bsuB prutlui-d. , 'prof. J. LNCABF.IX, M. D , ot th CbIwi y of ViruM.ut, Memdenk rlii.um. ' F l'initilrU and Clreulara, an irees A 0. TAKIJY A Co.,' Klclnwond, Va., or J.'A.! AliULdT, MaaagcTr, Hot rvrwf a, bavh Co , . "; Vintiiil. ' v , " a t.BXaVawesdBbt, f l- ? TOHN ARMaf KON0. . i .' 5 tl -' ' ..l'. .':. V: ft BOOEBUIDER AHD BT.A v;, ,BOOR MAJI- , . (JFACTLKi ' y " I Ovbb TBI noarra OAnouna sooiFToaai !r ) ' ' o BALXIB, M tX t - , !, - ,4 i Trial, Eneatlea, Mtebt, and Beerj!sf Docket Buut to order. 1 Jlorih Carolina Kejiori and rtrrrar- latw'' Rook, hound in superior Law Binding. i Mw-unn lumber ol Uia Keiiorw utr!Ul and odd number aakea ia axriitasur tut oumV" Hit,'"-""'1 ,'r-"ij ,. . 11 ,1 11 1 ' , 1 11 1. 11 in. .. g V B ;. iA,W; .1,',.,.;, , Wa$llv 'iMatltl'y of clean, toimd Wheat -. ' Btmsi - for winch a fJr price wUI be iil, , -; Aid)-.to ' ' "'..!-.:',. ,. JAA 11, MOOIIK, S'..wa.4 July 3 dlt.twlt lu,n- .... n, ,' kiw cijiy twice, - : j -' ' -11 ' ':t ' . . , i. this lean but win do so It our next, i w. w. v Ana, atooHsry Trrnaur, r. '" te ptisooert on uajL JSosfcrry p r4 ; pen., ft !( I Jufid'St 1 HyfrdeodAwly, w jalyt-lf A 1