';(..- ' H ' ' - wjmm IV f f .. ,-efsk .A A. A. A -1 VOL. VII NO. 272. 7 RALEIGH, N. C, Fill DAY, JULY 10, 1875. 7 r If If - 1 rat E ii m i ' ' ' II . a . i n w m, i I . I i ' bb -i "i rT trti 7 TIIE'DAILY SENTINEL ADYCETI81.no KATES. Ahertleriw-nta wHI be leeer-ted fat Dm Dally gssnaal. as u suunwa-ur r- . I.u.a ur Lei, BUBUM Buss ' WMV " OiKiUrooeUme......4 LW ck aabaeuueat fasaruoa to I ...ore, I week, I 8..V lZnim,To- o0 iMODli, B.OUl " 8 " - & 1 t.i.ll - MM AO 1UI 1 31 U S, JAWlt u a li.uul " J '.. Mu.01.il . " 40.1 .uu 10 . a 4.1 uu 4S.0U BAUD J Add to Die alio rate for ,,IIowm: i sddtUoaal for V ukhi'Ii, 4 no For T months, 1.0 viz s .. ? u ' Ml W II " 1.U0 ; lLiiB - u " ii Yo, the AeiuWWeoklj lhrB-fiUi W flXl w?Mr, Kawu UUj rtb. Pnr i IWnl Weekly comblsed, par Um. OIB COIMTIT TICKET. x ' FerU8tiUtU. ' X OKN. WIUJ1H R. COX. ' I tvtQ Uvum tf Btpr-tntath. -rich arb a battle, OKEEN H. ALKOHI), ' -"-"-JkBtHrPlW ft JOWEfl, WILLIAM H. PACK. CvtiUf Comminimtn. J. B. HOWELL, ' WILLIAM a tn-'HUBCU, UKOKUB a ALLEN, GEOltOK W. BOARBOKOCGH, W1LUAM a POOL. yr Hhirijr. SYDNEY M. DUNN. For BegitUr tf Ihed. i. W. LILES. - Fvr Treatnrtr. J. MA11S II ALL BKTT8. far Ovrttyer. . i JFEXDAJ. BEAVER! 1 JAMES M. FOREST- ' ," County Bxtcuth Conumltiet. , ' Uioimi H. Bnow, ChurrauY Euwakd JC IIahuii, i Jona MrTT, ' Uboruii T. Stbohach, . ,. pBTMC. FMMUM....Y AflxniUmenU fornr GtMfuttr. ' Uovw Craek Towuhip, Uyet', 8tur day, July 80. I Oik (J row TuwoaUip, 0k Grov; Mon ' day, July &k ' " Codar Fork Towiwhip, W. Lyaa's, Tuesday, July S3. j s White Oak Township, Womble'n School Houne, Wedneaday, Julr 24. Uuckborn Township, Laalilcj'i Xlloadi, Thuraday,July 25. . j Middle Crock Township, Johnson', Friday, July 28. ' ' - . , - ' Panther Branch Township, Ja. Adjuna, Saturday, July 27. St Mary's Townaliip JLndrews' Blore, Monday, July 29. Swift Creek Township, Franklla't, Tuesday, July 80. " FOR C0NQBSS& . First District D. H. Carter, ot Beau r. - i . i. Second District W. HL Kitchen, of Halifaii. Third District A, K. Waddell, of New Fourth District 8ion H Bogera, of ; ' Fifth DUtrict J. M. ' tctwh,'- David- ' ion. . ' Sixth . District Tbouiaa 8. Ahe ol Anaon. - i Seventh District W. M. Bobbins, ot Kigth District B. B. ' Vance, of Puni-ombe. . , EOicfoKSL"" "";'"' First DisUict '-Outaviua Cok , ol Chowan." 1 ' v , Second District Swift 0allyway,.. of Greene. . Third District T. C. Fuller, ot Cum berland. - ' . Lt . Fourth District H. A. iionaon jr., oi Sixth lhstrjctV.TTeTorincl"-" Seventh District F. B. McDowell, of -IredeiL - . 1! - - -1 T Eighth District Thomas Johnson, ol fiuucotuOc , JLD0E3 MEIUUMON AND SIIIPP'8 J APPOINTIIENm V Tba Dvmocratio Conaervatire candi v dates for Governor and Attorney General will apeak at ttw following v place and .-- times : i ' Midway, Davidson county. Saturday, , July,29tb,l72. ,. Lexington, Davidson county, July 80th, 1873.; . Browers Hills, Randolph county, Wed- i nesday, J oiy th, 187 V Asliboro' Randolph county, Thursday, July 25th, 1872. . ' Morganton, Burke conoty, Saturday, i i July Sfltb, 1872. ' - X I We will b glad U the locaf press will VV.: 'GOV. VANCE AND GEN. RANSOM'S APPOINTMENTS. , . These distinguUhed apeakers will ad draas tb people at the following times and places: V - V Burnsville, Yancey county, Tuesday, V July U. ' - , Marion, McDowell county, Wednesday, July 24. :;- t " -- r ' , Monrgiuiioo, Burka county, Thursday, July 24. , .. ' .- Lenoir, Caldwell county, Frtday, July ' W t Shelby, .Cleveland county, Monday, July. x ' DalUa ItuA county, Friday, July 80. " ". . , ". ' Papna in the Wert will pleas copy. .Ho. 8. H. Rookks' ArrouinuiTa. Bon. Sioa H. Bogers, our ciuidldau fur Coogresa, will address the people at the following places at the time mentioned. m Juktutm County Ingram's, Mondav, July th : Meadow's, Tuesdsy, July 8Uih; O'Neal' s, Wednesday, July 8 1st. . i A ' Other appointment will soon be an Bouoceu. Let all the people, good and true,-turn out to hear our gallant standard-bearer in this district, and he will show up radical roguerj and villaioy in its true color PUBLIC SPEAKING. Joaiah Turner, Jr., Editor Raleigh Bbxtinsl, will address lb peplatt4be following places and times : Gap Civil, July 23d. 7 ' HickSv July.23rd. " 1 Dobaon, July 2th. .- '" ' m : Dan bury, July 88tb. , tZL, , ninaton, July guth. , ' Mocksville, July 80th. Jf ArroMTMBim run -Chatham. Hon. Baniel G. Fowhvi. ..A..' Womasll, eanUKiate fur Seoretar ot state, U. - A, Loauloa, Orsalni aoA bm Messssraod ether oeakers wl(l addn-sa mass meetings of the democrats and liberal republicatn oi unamam at in wnowing time and places; viz; Trade's Hill, Wednesday July 24th Henderson's Tan Yard, Thursday, July 25th. . : . Edward's Store, Friday, July 20th. i Harper A ttoada, oturay, July 27th. A-ocKnne, Hooray, July 2VUi, TO TH DBHOfRATIC-CoKSKRVATIVI Votk of Waki Couirxv. in' obedj ence to s retlufi paoseeV at thrGonvetr' tioa recently held in this county author' king the Executive Committee to fill all vacancies -occurring upon the county ticket, J. R. Nowki.l, Ei of Marks' Creek township, U by said committee ap pointed to fill the vacancy in the list of aominee for' County Commissioners oc casioned by the declination of Heury Mahler, Rj. ( , GEO. U. SNOW, , Chairman Executive ConunilU : " of Wak County. HOMES AFFAIB8, LocalDot.' " " " - L Go and see if your name is on die reg; istratioa books. ; ' Dont neglect this. Betting on the result of the August election I freely indulged n, ,( Don t pass over the new advertisemonts without leading them. . W. IL Joxsa & Co, are selling nice sweet large Irish' potatoes for 33 cents per bushel. The stockholders 'of the 'Raleigh & Au gust Air-Line & IL Co., will be hel l In this city fo-dsy. iJ W learn that a large number of Indies and gentlemen of this city will attend the Ball at KittreU Spring oil the 21th Inst, W. W. Woodetl having served out his sentence of 80 days Imprisonment in the county jail we released frcin custody yes terday; , , , ., . ... A Urge number of persons from the eastern part of . the State pass through this city daily on their way to the west to remain there during the hot weather. 8. G. Cross, the colored liberal republi can who the negroes attempted to kuklux on Tuesdsy night and who was missing all day Wednesday, ha turned up.. AnfttvaMABT or Oak City Couscu, F. or T. On Wednesday evening at the Hall of the House of Represen tatives, the anniversary of Oak City CoohciL, Friends I r -i- i .i . i , i I in Avuipeiauuv, waa wievrauHl u- dresse by Rev. P. J. Carraway, President of the 8tate Council, ' and BeVi A.W. Hangam, pastor of the M. E. Church, In this city. The addresses of these gentle men are spoken of in high terms. Un fortunately we were prevented from at tending by engagements elsewhere. Attextioh HsBCHAirr. akd M.vjsu- rACTVKEHS. During the continuanceNpt the State Fair, W, J. Edward, Esq., wiXJ issue a paper called the AdMrtiter and Daily Profnmmt, which will not only give a. full report of everything con nected with the , Fair, but will afford merchants ilhd: imtritotnTCrt'. laiEKelhait opportunity to advertise tlieir stores. Six thousand copies will be distributed dally "griitultm had for $20; three-fourths of a column forf 18; one balf of a column for f 12 ; one fourth for ta. Mr. Edwards is a skillful printer and an industrious, bard working gentleman, and we hope he will be liber ally patronized. X ' : ;; " ' :(( ' Acairr EutcTieH. In view of the ap proach of the day of election, We repro duce what ha heretofore appeared in thi paper la regard to it : i ... ; No elector will be entitled to reciter or vote la any other precinct (or ward, or tpwushlp, than the one in which be is an actual and bona fidt resident on the day of election, and no certificates of registration will be given. No registration will be al lowed on the day of election onles the person applying shall give satisfactory evi dence that he has come of the sire twenty years on that day,pt, has, fot aoy other reason, become, oa mat uay, enui.eu w register, h Cbaikaging allowad at any time. The State oflker. vis : OoiMar, Li'ut. Governor, Secretary of StitS, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public In structions, Superintendent of Public Works end Attorney General shall be' voted kit oa one ballot The members of Congress for their respective districts, shall be voted for on one ballot. The member of the General Assembly for their . reapertive, eountiee and district ball be vuted for 'On 'one ballot The county officers for the respective counties, Yix : Treasurer, Register of Dueds, Survey or, five OmmisaimVera, Comma- and Sher iff shall be votd fi!i on one , ballot Toe ballot shall be on mitt psper, ana may berintdr wrltKn, or partly wriUen and rtlr printed, and wiwews oenr. ruur balh boxea will be BwL g Hcaaaxisuroa. - . t r nc return Blanks k an inrnatioa toi attend a nop and cotiUun party cowpl mentary to lion M. W. Ransom, to be given on the 35lh and 24lh inst. at Kitt- reU Springs. . I . . " . . , The , Board Of Trustee of Davidson College, have resolved to make an earnest effort to add one hundred thousand dol lars to the present endowment of tli Col lege.;: - The stockholders of Uie llakiyli and Gaston road met in this citf veatetday. The weather b) oppressively hot. It is a fiue time (pt it, i. Blake's Boston ice, and Durpp & Jones' Arctic Soda. . , "Our friend throughont the State are very sanguine of success. Our majority M . nrlituul . MtimlAit fmul a 000 ..In i - eO.OOO. - W will carry tb LegUlstnie pargcry and elect. In all probability, all ol (candidates lot Congress but Mvt HpBrs-Offlc"B eetmlje'jd some. auaiiionai ijpo. no are niju.ug out daily very neat spcciuien of printing- Send us your orders if you wish your work to be done neatly, shuaply tud quickly. W s are prepared to print Ticket at very short notice. Boutaell hail a small crowd- at Greens- bora' a pood omen lor as. Tfi6 cauvas "hr North CaftJlu ismors tharnngh thaftit hat buen-sittceiaiu The radicals are moving leavea and earth to defeat Gen. Leach. But in this. they will be signally disappointed. " ' We direct the attention of our Chat. .ham 'reader ta, the appointments of Judge Fowle, JT. A. Womack, Emj , and Maj. IL A. London. j Wahbrh Covhtx Cakdioates Messrs. IV. A. Montgomery and Henry Foote bave been nominated by the Conservatives of Warren for tb Legislature, Excellent selection. ' ' ' '. " TBinitT Colleoi. We direct sllen tion to the announcement In our adver tising columns of this institution of learning.- We have more than once expressed our high appreciation of the merits of this College, Jt is rendering geouin service to the State and tb South in educating so many of It young men. ' ,- . , i ' ' Gbaxvillb, Willi Jenkins, Esq., hav ing declined the nomination that was ten dered him a a Conservative candidate for the HousonMajor Jas.T. Littlejuha has been selected to fill the vacancy. , W re gard this appointment a most tortunate, Major Llttlejohn enjoy the confidence of the people ot Granville, Is a gentleman of decided ability, and of the highest char acter for integrity and patriotism. We would rejoice in his election a' -we would jn the election of the whole ticket. v . ' ' Pbacb Ihstitits. Ws woald call at tention also to the advertisement of this school for young 'ladies. We hare also more than once directed attention to il claimn, ' The Principal, Rev. R. Burwell, late f Charlotte, ha a high reputation auong the teacher of the South. . Be is assisted by a corps of teacher distinguish ed for ability in their respective depart ment. We welcome them all to. our eity, and hail " the opening of another female institution of learning of high grad with much' satisfaction. - ' A, f SuriiisMii Coi?rt. The Court met at be usual hour on Wednesday. All the Justice present The following casus were then called and disposed of, viz : ' '- Wm. A. Blount v. W. W. Carroway, from Lenoir. Argued. Phillip A Mer rimoB and Busbet A Busbee for plaintiff, M3 Sttttttl-ft-gtiuiiu rui dufnudsut, .i ! . W. T. Blackwell vs. Matilda Cummings tt ol, from Lenoir. Continued. Phillip & Murrlmon for plaintiff, and Smith isY Strong fur defendant. s .' ;. t - Doe on Dent, Exum Holland vs. Probate B. Scott, rout Wayne. Con tinttsd.--- A 8-Seymour for plaiatiff, W. f. Dortch, Moore & Galling for defendant Jaa. B. Powi'll, Ad 'n't v. Wilmington nd.Weldo0 R. ,Co., from Wsyne, continued. Smith and Strong and W. T. Faircloth for plaintiff, W, T. Dortch and Moore and Gatllng for dufond-uit, , Jbo. D. Spiccf R. T. Fulghum tt ot from Wayne : argued. Faircloth for plain tift Smith and Strong for defendant. Daniel Perry vs. Edward Hill from Lenoir, continued. No . counciL .Smith and Strong for defendant - Lewi Morton, assignee vs. Thos. N. Hughes, Sheriff from Orange; argued. J no. W. Graham, Moore and Gatling for plaiutifis, Phillip and Merrimoo for de lendant. J ' 4 Case called and disposed of on Wed neaday.. ; i - ' " ; : , 7M m,it W. W. McCaoless vs. H. W. Reynolds, from Stokesi ; argued. Phillip sVMcrrimon for plaiatiff Smith & Strong for defendant. -, - Thomas P. Johnston and wife vs. Thos. W. Haynes, from Rowan ; argued. Fowle add Bailey and Black mer A McCorkl for defendant Do4 n dei. Samuel II Taylor vs. John it), Allen, from Stokes; argued. More head and Grave for plaintiff. Dillard A Smith and Gilmer and' Strong fur dej ndant . D. 0. Hill at, vs. Commissioners of Forsyth : arirued. Scales a Scale,. Dil lard It Oiluier lor plaintiff. Cietueot A Mteea, and J. B Batcbelor for defend ant ' '.. , ' - : ' : Court then sdjourni-d until t eVI'rk a. m. toKlay (rnday ) Wairs AnAAT. ;. . . A warm seiwoa pepper. : , . The end of tims-the letter E. ' . ; i -.. - ' .-. ,.J i "' , Men if totters iga painters. .. ,fi ;j A tight At the delirium tremens. There l no one is w at Atbcn and another at Rome. (Cioerol j . , ' The only escape from selHsh conceit I spiritual worship. IBarUil. ' ; Two thing says Kant are sublime conacivoce and the star. t Criticism is the last result ol abundant experience. Longinu. I ain, sa d theuing mi ulster, therefore God, the UttnlteBeing, la.-, ; - N art can teach which does not move no art can move without teaching. II. G.LewbcvL;- RAi.rion Cottob Mabkkt. v '. ,,','.. Ralbjoh, July 18. Reported by Lyna Adams, Wholesale SMiltmaH Urwer, Kxebaage Finest' - txi&$W&S$ 4 UK ', Price 23 eta. i'aketdulL Tuk Galax v. Tlda excel leut month ly for August Js , before ut tilled with Variety ot pleasing and instructive read ing. 'Sheldon Co, New York, t a year. Hob. Carl Scuts. Thi distinguish ed 0. 8. Senator sod Orator from Missouri baa written to the editor of the Greene- htuH'Piaiiot, T that te will speak-t that place on 27 lb lost. Hon. Edward Standby. This gentle man once so popular in North Carolina, and aurt , ot . Provisional Governor of Newborn duilug the war, ha been stricken with paralysis in San Francisco. Hi ess i regarded a hopeless. , i i ess. ' - Maiobs Court July 18, 1872. Petti Smith, arrested for disorderly conduct at the N. C, R. R depot, fined 3. . lis Rogers arrested on a warrant for a trespass en the premises ot Wm. H. Buffa lo, and for an assault on Wm, Robert. The evidence failed to euataia tb charg of a trespass. An assault,' vithott Nowi was established, and. Mayor Wliitaker set tled tt eaa try requirinf Ila Roger to contribute 3 to the city fund. . ForrroHRn. The ; case of Shederlck Jones, col, charged with an assault with the intent to Intimidate Bimoa Craven, col., in the exercise of hi franchise a a citizen, came before 17. 8. Commlsaloner Best yesterdsy. The case wsa adjourned until today at 10 a. m., in order to allow the defendant time to summon witnesses and procure couiisel, Messrs. W. 8. Mason and T. P. Devereux appeared lor the plaintiff. - , Gov. Vabcb's Last, When Governor Vance spok at Newbern, tb radical, true to their low Instincts, concocted a plan by which tb speaker wa to be mor tified and disturbed, but some-bow, a will be seen, It rather miscarried. The boomerang bit the one that threw it Whilst Vance was speaking a certain anl nisi with long ear wa led a near the stand as the crowd would allow and pres ently be began to send forth some alarm' ing sounds, which once heard are never forgotten. Vance paused . for a moment, and then waving hi hand toward tb animal, said: "Now you just hush you old radical I never promised tf divide time with ou.n The animal and lt keeper tuiHotsd tin ranch, and the crowd yelled and hallooed, MARRIED, ';(' ': la Leneir roauty, M. 0 , July 11th, 1872, by Rev. Jobs K. Brooks, Jams W. IlaarBa, Esq., of Kiiutoo, sod Mis Clacdia W. daaghter of Uis Ut Jestc J. Moors, of Lt- nolr. Now Advertisexpeata. BACK IMItiTUII, RALEIGH, N. C. Rev. R. Bi BWU.L, Principal ' Th Unit Aumal Besaioa ot this InstitaUoa will eosaowne ea Moaday Sept tie 10 ,i. . ' Acaomnrisaea aea eatoansswaa rs4.hsrs la all tlx lrandia asaally talit In drst class Female Bemuiaric bav beeu employed, Th Musical Ueuaitawnt will be ttadur lb direcUoa e frof. A. iiAUMAUN, who, daring Uie past Vro years Has owsa aocuue alia tus friiidusls iu their School at Cbarhrtte. Mrs. M. K. LACY wtU be connected with I tut lu.UlnUon as Tsaener at Kairllsh Bnusebss and BuperaiteadaBl u seiilsl sad dOsaaaU duUea. . ' tot Grruiar oonUialng full particular a te Tarois, Coen ot BtaJy, te., address 4 itv, B. siaasuLasu.i, Jly 18 lAwi,a MaMlgu, , U. ' U I M 1 T r 0 O L L x a s . The fall Trui will toniuwata August Uib snd close pee. JOUi, Dili. BHKial laduceuwits are offered daring the eoiniugyear. Bead lor Catalogue. .. 1 - v B. CUAVES. Hyl8 7t . '. , FiniT in wnint. Bowens Rye UM4,"oat roveived. Corns jqlck or tt will be gone. . July 2 U Gwisr U. T. ITBOltACIi A BK'). ItOtUASt CO., . COMMISSION JIERCII IN T3, 88 8. Eltaw Stbket, - Baltiinore, Md. 8eal attrntioa glvre' le salt ufV"l, Diml Knnu, rssUtara, Hosawax, ate , . Jiy laaas. LATETELEflRArUtG XEWa Nw YonsJulv 17.-Cott"i BonilnJ.I sale 1,870; tiplaad 23 11; orluuia t S 4. Flour uiet, cummon to fair extra .S0, good . eMioe 8.85aU50. Whisky dull, tiaUii. Wheal closftt dutl, winter red . Western tl.So to ti n Com (teady, 'sair demand at 87a9tf; white souther'- Kio steady aa 8 12. Pork quiet ta.7Uaia.80. Beef ruiol. Lard a trills trmer, 8 1 8a 5 8. Navals steady. Tallow dull, 1 1 8a 12. Tur pea tine quiet, 4147 12. Kosin qaiet, strained; 2.10. .jFselgliU inm - Money easy, Sat, Staling ,7 8a 3 i. Gold 143 8li 34. Uovernnient cloatd dull. Tennessee firm, 74 ; and other SOUthern iU-ltj"-S i;v-, .jV-J LiviutrooL, Jclf 17, CotttMl opened steady,' Vplaada JO 8 4 ; Orleans HID ' Lathh C'uUtie steady ; upland 10 8 8 all 7 8: orieaua; It 14, aalea 0,UtK, ajwculsUoa au exportS.OUQ. Breadstua Ht,t,t ;u' - S s- FKt) NBVT VOKff. 1 Nrw Tome, July 17. The weather Is very' hot - " '' -' ' ZL An illicit distillery, with a capacity of tony gallon per Hours, tins been captured Biuoklyn, with much material. The building, which are. four stories high. lorleited to the Uovernnient ' 'Col. French, proprietor of French' ho tel, oiea lust niunt Specie shipment to day amounted to tS4-W00. ' ' : ; ll'ciU excessive to day, the thcrmomekr ranittng above IK). Advice from Panama ssy Instructions have been received at Aspinwall by the A met lean ywwwu U uc-Laiu .Uie. Mcauiur ETiBT BtUiirf tlicre uu CiTfu rib ur ordere. (Iratz Drown for the first time since hi sickness, visited the Liberal Headquarters to Uay. FilOM"cTiICAGO. CniCAoe, July 17. The democratic and Liberal Hcpublicjn sute central commit tee of Illinois met la joint sessioa at Springfield yesterday anl selected a full electoral tickst, with x-Govtaor Brass, ot Cook county, Judge J. D. Catnn, of Laaolic county, as elector of the Stale at large. s, '1 he republican tit the sixlevulh cou greasional district yusUsrduy uouuuuted Jus. S. Martin for congress. T - ..- ' - v..., ., Chicago, July 17. The Ilou. Ignaitus Donnelly baa wntten a letter annouucirg his adherence to the Greeley and Brow a nomination. ., , FKOjI JalLWAUKIE. MiLWAUXit Julv 17. Johnson Jt Jones soap snd.canUle liictory lis been burned Los J,uou. , FROM bAN FRANCISCO. ' Bab FnAXCMuo, July 17. Th author ities of the llewajaa Island attached the steamer Nebraska for introducing small pox. Th airent gain bond and the Ves sel proceeded to Baltimore, - - --- wenty uiouaaou person atteoueu iue Imperial uurinan Dana concert "FROM 8AUATOUA. Baiutcoa, July 17. The first race, hwadrett tMsara, mn greeabte oae mile, Alarm won, beating Fad laden a length ; King Fisher third, time 1:42 8 4. Second race, selling for ix hundred dol lar for all age tor H miles, woo by Allie Hunt, beating baulufd a. bead Mary Fouiae third, oue length behind ; Buck den who wa the favorite over others, bealinir off snd trailinir behind, time 2:40 1-8. Third raee,' purse eight hun dred dollar for all aces, two miles, Tub' man won, beating Susan Ana three lengths. John Merryman third ; Loch'iel fourth : time 8:8t) 8 4. -a It is th opiuiou of , racing men that Liongieuow win ocxer run again, biuiouii be will be most valuable in the-stud. Durioic the race for the cup one of his plate twisted arouud and cut' his other foot and leg bsdly. The plate Waa broken in two, and hi leg disabled, yet Longfel low srnllaully ran the race out, -to the wonder of all lacing men. . FROM DENVEIi. Dkbvrb, Co&obaoo, July 17. A water spout struck a carriage continuing four person. . Two ladies drowned, and one lound three miles below scene ot disaster covered with sand and debris. The road rendered ua passable by wash. , r FROM CANADA. - i Loiwxm, ("abada, July 17. Ornweil 'STioaiadifra ton, was found guilty and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary at llangor Maine,., ; 1 "; j . ., r. . FROM EUROPE. ' - Lobuoh, July 17. Mail advice from Alexandria to Friday last, give detailed COiUJt- of ..aBaft'faj. - between Cuosul Uencrai Butler aad klKdivua, Auiericad orHcer,Bututr and his Secretary vVadleigh, and an attache of tnsul named Strotgo, were dining at a Greek reaUurant where "theTS-were"' whey -Osnoral ttwyaold, aad Majisr GambelL A they, were leaving the Restaurant Loring and Buynotds saluted Butler, but Campbell pasa.-d on without reeoiriihting him. Boiler shouted giaxt evening M iirCumptell. Campbell retraced hi step, itign word and blow ensued. 'IJUe wbuie party want inta the street where Watileiuh fired several shot at Campbell, wooading him dangerously. lieynohl then Bred at Wadlclgli, Out without effect s. - : -, The dilliuulty I reported to have grown tut of a long standing, cauiity betweeu Uutierand Campbell. : The milltsry oowmtaaloa to enquire iuto the origin of the f seas, is still m su- ioa aad corn posed of Gen. btoue, CoL furdy and aeverai asuv orucer ot tne Kirypuaa army. Butler departure con- tinned, but hi destination ia not certain. ly kaowa, but it M icporled that be lull with the intention ol returning to the Uuited States, .'.-l - An influenuai ueetiag or tlie Iviuuu Cathelic was held her last night the Duke of Norfolk presiding. . lholvu were sdupted liretestiiuf iauauist the ac tion of Ui Italian government towards tin Patwi authorities and ejodemniug ths recent law passed by the Ctcueva f arlw- mut proseioung Jesuits. The Timtt this moniiug, omnmruting Upon Uie issue of the' tr.al Edward D. Mokes, says : At B-Mtoa( what we call tbi miscarriage of juttua, is what ptii- imc Auierican fejl for VK.Ieot crnuos in which tooth murderer an t vic.iai are rowdie.x-...'' Umbra, July 17. The board adjourn ed today after a Uiirly minutes session, durioif whH'h paper m exchanged. No hirUwr di-iay t apprWiande.i. . t a .18 lot Bnpalr. , Haadmlsof easesol Serafnla, la Its worst states, oii sms of Syphilis that have dellsd "-t asaiasat hvtcia'a, KtteutusUvs Sv tia sutteriB: (or yean and Um vie Utus i UK JuU kia vn ot mrcary, have wa taelaaUvruHi by Ur. TUTT'O BAKSA PAK1U.A ANIV(l KEN 8 UKLHiltT. Ills Uie aiost Dnwarful altaroMvaao blumi eariaar kaows.t U la uroaerlbsd by sssny uhysleians .-a.it. it A ' w ... iMymm haw Otu'lls, whelhar every Other say, eiory Uiuth day, u Svervtws or Ibrae waxks, Ssk.lMtau.UvM rmanyrawuletterk Uussa, ettasrwke Uy wii(slk-k to yua all wla Vw.' ' '" ' " - " a f . -- . . t Tr, Tail' Hir Dye coutulnt ao Bulphar, ' JlrlWllwwit v, . ...... A ,Ui-,m Witb a Tbouu tixiTua. --1I1U Is the most perplexing ot all he- man aiiinewa lis symptom an simuat an oit ta their variety, and tba forlorn an as. 'seeaaaat vlaUna et the dMss ottea laaey th-Bwetves the prey, la turn, ot every knew aialaoy., TWs IsMlue, ta part, to the due yaajaithy which axis hwtwon lbs stoaurh ana" the balat, aad ta part, also, to tin tact list aoy dUturbaac of tl dlfaeUve faacuoa neeessarily disorders tea hver, the bowels and Ui eervouf system, and sflscts, to sums tent the uaalitf ol the bluod. AbmhUcUi that, Uke Uostetter' BiUer', not only tones the sUiaacli but at tb same ttuw control Uis the llror, produeo s rvftulsr habit ot bod', kra-a the aervea, fsrisSea the laid aad "Bil tstrtt to a oilud dlsmed,'' I Userelore tin true aad only sparine t chraaic tadiirUus. 8aeh is Uis eparaUba ot UU famous vegeta ble restorative, It sot outy cares dyspepsia. -but also all concomitants aud eouaaiiaaiwes. Moreover, It U utaluable a s preventive ef I dhtustioB. No on who cbamse to take half a wiaoKlasslul of this ajtrw'sble apiwtUer aud s'umicnTOnBiaipJiree UiaOI T uay-artn-erer be troubled With ojipreaaloa alter eating, saaaaa, sour trui-uiljus or any other Indie. Hon ot a want of vigor ta Uis dlesUva end BMiiiilUtins; onrans. The debility and laniruor Hvnuauw uy no, w rW'-cr sra imuitaiuuuiy and panuanaotly relitvud by tlie bi tiers, snd iiersuas whs am eonsUlntiunally Ineltaed to look upon It's "ae tlnsMiKh a xlaaa, darkly," will be i to take a MiKh'ar aud saura uopa f ul view of tba siluaUea u0r tin aeuial lu ll uence ot this wholesome aivilleiiial suiau luuk " ' "' ". ""' Jly Mdeedlwdtwll ' " -i i Totter, Bait Bbeura and all Bain UUrase cored by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical IMseov- enr. ' " .,' r2j-" ' "."'" Ta I'coii.' Stabf or Valvs. -Th Oov. eminent endorsement a h'eh IrgsUae th sal of 1'buUaUua Bitters, la aot the only stamp affixed to- that faatoa Vegetable Touio. It bean, la adillUoa to that orltcbal aaacUon, Ui still more valuatils stamp ot public spproba- Utai. Thll Inestinable voaeaer ( Us nr prop rife is s tenia, e-.irocUvs and slterstlva, I Of much earlier Ate than Ui Government eredenilal ; fur mllllotis of tuk persons bad pronounced It tht grand spoeHc of the king before Cougreas thought of taxing pre inietary asedkuw. It I anneeeeaary te re peat, ia detail, Ui properties ot this wonder ful Vegetable InrUrorant Ih bMlrefereae that can be olTersd to those whodeaire the full (artkialar of It virtues, J tin geaeral public. Ask those whs hsv. tried It ss a remedy tor dyipcusla, constipation, hlUouae, bitsmilt tent 'evers, nervous debility, ibenmat'sm, sea flekiiesa, low spirits, of leas of Vital power, ahatj'UiiUtiuu Uilters had done for (Ana, aad be govtirned by the ruspouMk tlit-y Biake to yow Inquiries. t , Jly tOdeodlwAwlt. PUIS yUESTION FOB INVALIDS -Have the routine nwdirlnes of Uie )rrfiston don vou no good ? Ar yoa diar. uraw! aad ailseralile t If so, ti-t tits pmiertinr of tin saw .Ycetbl eimelHe, Dr. Walker' CaU forula Vinegar BUUira, alruady fumoa. a lb duast luvgorant comwtiva and altorativa. that has aver siwn Uie Miibt. Dyspeptics and persons of billons hatiitsliould knepUwiUihi rustU, If tboy value health and ease , WI14T EVKKT n iRtSEVA WAST8.-A good, cheap and reliable Unlraaot ttvehas aitlrla U Dr. Tobla' Venatisa llorsa Linl-nu-nt. Putt botUe at One Dollar. For Laiua ueaa, CuU, Ualls, Colic, rpiains, e., war ranted better Uiaa any oUht. Bold by the Druggist. Depot 10 fark flace, New York. Bl'BlfETT'S C(K'OAlNB.-A compoued of Coi-oa-N ut Oil, die., fur i ha Hair, has est ,b- lisliad a world wldo repntauun. lla nauiml adaptattoR, sgnwableness, aud FreaiuMa lnm all Injurious or'BollliiB ProoarUe. toaeUiar with iu rliesimsa In rwpeel tu durability aud six of bolllu, render It unequalled by suy oMiar preparallos la Uie ttoi14.- kur.Bals by II DmnnUu. - MAGIC Of TI1R MOtrrU-Odlferoat So sadoet, rnders,li month swhuaUng, eon posud of rars, aailsupUe hert, It imparts whiteness to Uis tnalu, s delicious ttowsr-ilke arunia to lb brvnth, and presorvua intact, froia youth to m UietwUi. PBATT'B A8TKAL OIL -Mors accl.l.nU orettr rnnn nlus- uumifi! oils. tbjuifruiiiAuuu. braiT vand'riItfi!s coiubinwi. Over ou.ooU families continue tv burn frail's Astral Oil, and no acetdeula dlraeUy or ladlrst-UT have oc curred frMS burning, storing or baudllng II. Oil iloase ot Cuas FraU, esUbllabed i JW, Baw lork. . A BEAUTIFUL WRITC. soft, smooth snd clear akia laoproduced by esing U. W. Laird' " bloom uf Youth." . lt removMUn, trsckles, sunburns, and all otlfter disooioraUon from Uis sin Icavujit il toiu.lcliiu brtiluvit and saaubl uk Bold at all druKKists. This pruua ration ta euUreiy Iree frout any malarial de IrtmaBlal s heslihi w: mwwiw Jt'ST THE KEMEDT HEKDED.-l'hsiiks to. Mrs. Wuilow's BooUiIng Bynip, wa kav for year bwn relient from .h.plKi nbthta of painful walebuig wiUi poor suhcring tawUi IqgcliUdren. ...--.!.-;,". .')' roH DYSI'EIMIA. Indlimstloa. dennmlon of spirit and gcwiral delnhiy In their various lormsj-aiso, aNapr0venuvaaxs4in.t reveratid Ague, aud ulhr intei-niliunit favors. Th rurro rttosphorated kllxlrol Cat va. nads tv UaawulL ttasard a Co.. New Tork. aud avid by ail Dramuu, ss th best luuiu, aad as a Uiuic for pau.:uta rovrlug from fevsror other sickness, It has no eiusL . RISLET'B GENUINE UOWtH BELL C'OiAHi.NE W'Altll according to tbsoiiUI- nsl formula or rravoat, run, ae lorar aud favcrably knowa 10 tba euaioutere of llavl lead. Marrai aad k sWy aud Ibulr branehaa, f.ir it line peruiaiuiut fragranos la now mule br tt W. Unlet aud the trade nu.mlietl t.v hi suecoMOra, Morgsa Ulsluy, Wboioaaie Drug gist, New VerU. . THt'RSTON'd IVORf PEARL TOOTH POAUk.it The beat artlicla known for sleae- sing and preserving the loath aud guiH. Bold by au uniln rru-e 113 and ao ceuts per bottle, f. C. Wells Co., Hew tork. CARBOLIC 6AI.VE ueeiaslled a a Heal ing CMiuppuud. fiiysk-laus recouiiuciid it ss to ui j.t woudurful reuit-dv ever kaowa. 'rice "a eenis wr box. John t. Henry, sola 'roprfcuw, SColk-ga Place, New tork. , ciiRmrADomi'd iuikdye n.untg nilteealeiHiLMHiud ia buyend coutingeai, Uje salvst an l most ndtabla Dye l exiU-mi ; sn-ser falling to lttiiart to Ui llidr, nntioria ny of eolor, nouribinent snd elssrictty. Mnufurtory, (W Maiden Lane, Maw I or, , SVAPN1A Is Otiium rortllod af Hattekao- ing snd poisonoos utiitiea. it -a a perfect anodyne biA proitaciug Besdaefaa or eoustuia Uuo wl bowais, ss is me ess with ulliorpra- saitni oi opiuaa. woha rarr, Cueuust tie.work k . July ldeoillmwtsw. .lOK BALE. CIUDERSUUAMPION GRAIN SCREW. Evitry farmer rkst rawea wheat should hire ona. W. tt. JO.ka.CO. I '-.-....'.' A UIOOl BOOK " -t . . -t i . . t . h ' ALFRED WILUAMS, rr-OSIT( SULKIOBI tATIOJiAt, BABX, I bow making large addition to Ida prewat OI ' : . sWUOOL BOOKS, STATION BIT, And is urfiaml to auppty 4-nool, Academies, Hasdhsnla and othnm. auliar at wholasala Of rntail, withaveryihbur la hi IUm npoa the stout favorable terms. ' A full supply ol iMibHe aVhool Book, n- ldby .y lbs Board v Ada.-aUua, saa alwa-vsba snnulied. J Woreealar'a DVMoaary, adopti-d by Uie Board, ill e supplied et introductory reus Also a full supply ef BabeaUi Batons aad Bong Books, with Uyma Book aaed by u fareut deaonileatkaia, As tha Aironl of Uia AmerlraB Bible BOrtety, I eaa BBmUv Tvstaaweta aad Kiblu St the nyubu- drive of tin Bociety In New York. Bead for Catalogue sad Prfee. ALfREi WILLIAMS.: Buokaeller snd StaUoaer. JlylTtf. "ALL maiden ar very good," ayow uioraUst "Bui wh re do bad wire eoute frac,n ntys aaoUter, "Ob, bad wive an maidens tamed eoar," say author; and ws kaow that either soar wire or soar bread rs not, what good huabaad want. Therefore, ouradvk to kaibnd Is, to r - - - .: - ' -s keep your wife tram getting soar, be -.1 - cheerful yourself; keep year wlf h) good baawr, aad la order t have good bread Snd other thiug properly cooked, I ' i-.. ' - ........... , ; ! rnak your wife prateat of th i , ... , , ALLRIUMT , '. ! Oooklog Blore. . - . , ; f .- t ..... .-. y !. ; .t ..... ..... For sal by - , ,lliit'8 LE WW A CX., Jolylfrtf , , BsK lglt, V. C. s r B 0 1 A JU XOT1V1. R. B ANDREWS' A CO., I'LOTBIRUS, 'Bave Just received by Express th following ' HOT HEATBER FAB R10 1 WHITE DUCK BCITB, WRITE DUCK VESTS, WHITE DICE PAST, BLACK ALPACA FROCKS, BLACK. ALPACA SACKS. V LINENS Of ALL DEbCIUPTIONq. Some for the largest aseu. Jly W-tt. .iKMALK HK.U BCIiOOL, CARV, WAKE CO., N. C. Tli nevt aeaslo will ofien July 81, 182.. . I. - ..1 lllu... ..t.,1., ml,, mm! A RaielKh, bumeallsUly on Uie railroad. I . 1 . I. , . 1 l. ... M Ult glrt arslavtled to sen I f waelreular. laateacuer aava snut aaecva .tu mji an -a. H . The ratae of Boar ana Tun oa are persaps ..I.MM1IMV liiaa iitkMr s.-oola odmina -Uie saia utwaryadvaBr. e.rf a V 1yl4-2wv 'priiK-liial I U II M 0 N I 0 0 L L U E, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA.' TlMfkaMfcMta ef this Inslltnlloa etwa on the 1st ot October, and, eoaUuu to lue 1st of July. . .. The college comprises w lonawmit w-itooi., to-wlt: 1. Lai la: IL lireek; 111, Modern LoagUiiges: IV. MsthemnlH-s: V, NstnnU Bi iorHxa; VL Moial Philwajphy; Ml. a gib. 9 ., . ...1.,.. . S..,.n..I .1 Ijiw and 'om-n.-rt-UI Oopartmrnt ar e aert.'d llh the t ollege. ) The rnilra cxpehs of s tjdr.nl, tnetuilug board b. tumstng clubs, teltlon. and oUier col kv fees, fmJ, i;liu aad wasliing, aoionut tu .! for th anasit BOf alneasoellia ibessina npMUKs H board be -had ta, prtvst t atiliaa illeariv f- Civ catalogues gtvbig full inf oruutioa, sd- B. nal BAR, Clialnoan ef the r'ataJty. JlyllSeoUtUllst()ct STBANMEBB 18 THE CI II .. , 1 r Will find tb largest Block ef Clothing tor Mae. Hoy aud Vhildrea at t7 rayellevlll Blrcet, Next DJof to Ta:kr Halt Jly Wlf. , s BrECUL NOTICIIS. ;. JBATCHIOR'9 HAta ETS . Thi spleadid Hair Dye la Ilia b-t In :. WorkL Uariulesa, ruiabi,inAiAiiticMu,die Butcotstaia lead, mnr any vniic j-'i ". m prodaee paralyse erdnath. AviMd UitvaanVd and delasire praiwratloiui boaniinr vu' tin y do aot possena. ThagenutMof W ht Inr's lis'r Dye has but W years' .; .:.w4 Seputatioe to Stdiold its iun? as uw o- -y perfect llsir Dye Blark or r !. hwM y all Drwi;!". Apply at i bund st, N. 1. BOVHlll " " . " 1 EAMa' TOBACCO. A 1 Tobecee dealer and others an hereby noli- god tba 1 hava e hand reaily tor shumicnt wdalivarr any f say favorite bran-is ot Clnwing Touavtre, la soliciting the public patronage, I eaa only say Uiat wrgnotls will alos be foend aorepnwmted and sausfaruoa to euttoners Is the prim object si.nni si la my ab-Kt-on, uia Bauertntetuicn ol uie rscuiry, jsr. rsmsa, win attana to eesweiara. your erasr..,.; , , - C. F. REAMS. JfrJLHL tar-" 'r OOI PEN 8TRCP, SILVER DKIl'B, Famines call and supply yoarselvas. Jelytf G T. 8TR0NACH ABR0. c PEN W HI K I Good for break boa fever, certain cure. gTiaraBteed te be pur. July 9-t O. T. BTRONACH BUO, jtJ-OLA88E8 AMD BIRUB SO BbU., B. H. Bjrap, 88 Tlsrer Jlolas, ' t j : BBhds. . : do. ; Baayltf f LIACH BRITS, rpiCKET81l The undersigned are prepared ito print and forward UclrMttlo any rt ot the on bm-t notice, at Ul following low pru.es tor casb i " 8uitMHcr, per 1,600, 1 v - (i w Mem bars of Coegresa, per 1.0,10, w LegWIalure, per 1,0.0, 1.00 ConntyOIBcers, 1,000, l oo V bore par"! ord.tr a many as lu.noost one Uota, w will print any two for St. AO prr I 00 ; any three for ti.UO, or ail (our for 14 so tcr i,.su I seeure your tWkrU in Urn. All Older seeomnsnltd with Uie cash at tended to promptly and kiped by returB EDWARDS A BROUOH TON. , 1 , Book and Job Printers, ' P. O, Bos 171 , Balelgb, N. C. July l-dK. !: '.'.'' - . 1 a . rjHE APQUAT A EXCHANGE. Thi bnUtuUon k'itended to fact Hate transaction la COln i, GKA1N and PK.k. . DCCE for Intamtiste at lutare di li.erv, and ssotTialiy for the pun" snd a-lu of souta ara BoeariUos A 4.'. i ' euule of all the leading BeeuritK-'s ta I iu-a of Viixoiia, Norta OarwiiiMk, Bouttrw-t;sroUua, ,corgis, Ta.utiwi'ia, AMlianis, flornla,. Mi-(ii-tl, l.u 1 .-sas ana Arkaiii, eiaafactnga, ' TAT ItoNltB-i I Y BONIM, . ,- v.- ItAlLWAY HON OH, ' 1 A JsAfi.VYAYBlUf' i , MAMUFACICkINUBHARB ,n '' ' Ac Stc., Ave Theander-ilgnrd, SMiui-efsuf Uis Al'Ol'BTA EX Cli A NuE, solicit orders tu bey or eUJeay Iblng la tba above linni W. B, Motiarta, of Holierts, Morris A Shivers, C. B, Bacon, Cotisia Comiuisston Merchant John L. KIcMiniin-a, Cotton ttrwkur lor As- . gust Factory. 11 F. Russell, of Rnssell A Potter. - A. A. Bill, ot Bead, warsACK - John Jvuklus, of J. i. B. Jeukln, tBro. kers.) - VY. Daniel, of Dsnlet A HiiL 0. 11. Phlnlsy, ot C. IL Fliiiilry A Co. W. II. Wsrren, of VlSarrea, Vi sllaoe A Co... , A. P. Boidta, Broker, : W. F. Herring, of Clugborn, Herring A Co. John M. Cluii, of J. M. Clark .Cu, T. P. Brandt, of Branch, Dons A Co. H. tl. lllckmaa. President Savings Bank and Gronlieville story. C, A. Rowbiud,Coinniiiun Merchant W. al K.-ml, of Fraukhn. It. nj A Co. Alfnd Baki-r, Prcntdenl .NsUonai Jl.changa Bank. -l- A. M. Jacksoa Commtlon Mmbant.- - - M. O'Oond, of M. ti'Dowd A Co. P. L Co en, o' -ohn J. Cohen A Rons. W. E. Jaokson. Prwident of NaliouallMnk Of Auxusia aad Auguia 1 sct-ory T. O. tiarratt, ot Uarrett Caswell. . U. P. Btovaii, ColUm Factor and Com si b Merehsnt. Uuorvv H. Bibley, nf J. SIM -y A floaa. W. T. W b-Kiass, of W heel ess Jt Co. O. M. Bluna, of Iaae T. II. -rd Os Co. . A. Allen, ot Walker A Allen. J. H. Bunle1.!, CommUsion Ai :r. bftnt ..V. J rtMHM ot . d.sitsi-.u, UiAMmt A. PouilniH, ut Poullsm a Oavinon. iieurg T. Jsiksee, ut Georgu t. Js, ksow A Co, W. 0. Bibley, of Duniar A 8iblcy, and Pre sident of Lang'ey ltn(tlarlng Coniuy. v J. J, Doughty, Cotton Couuissiuu ilr elmnt ' ' . W. O. Banders, of Inmsn Banrlcrs, W.'M, Howard,.)' W. II. Howard A Boo. E. P. C laytou of E. P. ClsVlonA Co. . & W, ItnarrJ.of t l. Heard e n. U. I. Uraucli, of Branch, . A Vo. -J. B. Dougherty, of Bones, Hr.mn k Co. Tboasaa P. BV-ll, Ol slot all Bull. , - K. IL May, of HI U. May Co. a J. O. Malhowson, Tobacco, Cotton Couu and GciicisO i'rodm-e Merciwt.t K. J. rtar, of Ihwwt . Wsli.ni, 0. P. Curry, Bank" and Broker, Jamee . i.ry. of James A. lirsv A Co. L. J. Miller, of J. F. L. J. v i r. , F. A Tlmlierlska, e! Rumey A'lnuiierlake, , Tho. Mr Jai-ksoa, of Cos, Jk Co C. F. W iliusn, of Brsneh Sons A Co. uu a-VdAwlm JJORSE, MULF.d A WAGONS FOR SALE. Oa Black MTt-an llorss betweea three and foor year old, good style and action, guaraa teed to Work aayrtire snd will nixke very fait travuller. ' " ' . '' Cms Bay Mule, lxers ohl, thoroughly broken, quick la hanicoA, es.ily kept and wilt work any wheie. ' , Oue large Moua colored Mule, tw.lv year old, good for bea-tj draft Ob two hois Wagon, Rasnels make, ktai iy Ous New York Dray, mnit by J. C. Kipps, rJcently overhauled and Bearly as good a-s new. Two flag! Belts of hcuydmy liarneash good conditioa. Apply B nfly tf W. C. BTRONACH A Co. "1ANNED FRL1T AND V R may tf W. C. BTRO. AC II Co. OR (Alt. Very low fir c i-lu 11 f'l-e miles or Uie cILy. Jlj I Ml W. IL J. IN K.J

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