. , . ''' 1 ' ' ' -, ' p,,fc!iLjBii;-s:y. i-iii ii iii ii msgyi i)nwmiiiii,ijuiittilln , in, ;1 ; ,. UJ , .. Ll , , IM M ' . -" 1 JHL, "!!!! " 1 1 1 " "JCZ 1 nr-raiantisMi isisissbubsI r??ilm.iu!!IrVj-mmmmmm'rt.-xJ ZZ 1 ., ; llM, -7i '.. mam $tvm&. : ' VOL. VII. RALEIGH, N- C SATU.KAV JULY, 20, i 872. NO. 273 . THE DAILY; SENTINEL idmrtiinawnts will tw Inserted la the Dally .rertisemeni taut at h,,tiM. at toe follow! rates pwr sonars of g teicU, or lot ariaiow baas. itanauiw Uowj.... .......;.' VLM , eack suNJqaenl aiwrtiin i , .Mjrn, I week.8 8..lsqsi,TBins. 8W.00 : a uiV la.uu t 40. UU ' - I M 111 Saill il 4 ... .. .!. a. 1, A tHl ' BMMt ,JBLk, ItUW Add to Ui abore rUe lot took eddlttoaa u follows: For I asia." ' r.,-".,w' ovn, corsnTW TICKET .4; For th Senatt. ...... OKN WIIXIAMR COX' for th$ llatm of Jieprtmntaifxt. -v KICIIAKD H. H4TTLE, in., -ttmm B. At'OHUr - A1K)LHHL6 U. JONES i JV11XIAM1L PACK. - - .Fur Cnty Cimmti(tr. y It. NO WELL, WTLLIAM C. UPCHURCII, 0BOUGK R ALLEN, -UEUliUK W. BC'AKUOUOypU W1LUAM Ji. l'UOL. , f " ' Jr Sheriff.' " " SYDNEY M. DCKN. v ' : iiff RrtjitUr iff iW J. W.ULE8. w i. MARSHALL BKTTii. " Fur unyot.' n yKNDAL PEAYER3. -. .jAJiia l toue&z;. . Cvunty XxteutUn CommitU. ; UinBiia U. Pnow, Ch-Jnau, : KUWAKD K. liAKBIt, Joua JJtatt, ttKUBUB f. bTHOHAtU, , JjmiUmhU for tvr Ciuitamr. '. Uime Urotk Towiuhlp, Hye', Sttur- 0k Grow Township, 0k Oruv, ion Cedur Fork Townnhlp, W. White Onk Townihlp, Womble'i School '. " IIow, WtdMtdty, Jul St. , BackBora Townsliip, LMhley' XRod, ThnmllT. Jul 25. - Middl Creek Towuthlp, . Johuton't, FritUy, July 28. , PkuUioJlntach Township, Ju. AdauiJ, . 8nnly, July V Bt Mitry't Towttjulp ndrewi' Btore, Vanillin Jll1 89. '-I ttwil'i Creek Township, Franklin', TuouUy, July 80. 1111 ' First DWricWft M. Carter, ol Beu- , llrl.' ' ' "V ' 1 MnjDltricti- W.r IL Kitchen, of IUIifex. v , , Third DUtrict A. M. WJ1I1, of Mew Fourth; District Slon H. lfc)r,J?f Wake. FUXh District J. M. Leach, of DaU tn. Hixth District Thonia 8. Ashe, ol Anaon. , Seventh District W. M. Kobbiot, of llnwaa. Kurta Ditriot H. , B. Vance, of titCToMr i First Diitiict-OoUfiw Cokt ol . tiaiul Dutriot Bwift Galloway, of Orwno. - . ' .' Third Dutricti-T. C. holier, ol Cum berland, Fourth District H. A. Loudon Jr., Of t'hatliam. Ulxth DiaWict W. L. Steele, of BicU miitirl bereatU Distrkt V. B. HcDowell, of InxielL . Eighth Diitrict Thoiuaa Johnson, ot Bttbsomba. - - - ". ; ; - i tii i JtDOES MERIUMON AND tJUlPP APFOEtTMENTa. v The. Democratic Coosenrativa candi date for Governor and Attorney General will apeak at the following placet and Midway. DtTidao county, Saturday, - Jaty,th,187.v--. 1 ' Lexington, PaviJaoa county, July Wth, ' 187a. - .- 'y Brower Hills, Randolph county, WeA netday, July Mtb, 1873. , Aahboro", Randolph county, Thuradny, Jaly2Slb,187x. , , Morganton, Burke county, Satwduy, jLlyS0th;iW25'"4 ; fM--f . '1 ! ,"T, IVe wili bg Uthelot4 ett wBT iofj the aboTe, f.i.i ;t.; ...... GOV. VANCE AJiD GEN. 'RANSOM'S APPOINTMENTS. ' .l ,-. . . t t. J . Vmm .:m ..1. i dress the pie at uie Kiuowmg wau and Dfacea: Bumsvitla, Yancey county, . Jat ;. Tuesdnj, t. ' Marion, McDowell county, Wednesday, , July 24. ;. ' " ' ' ( Monrgaittoo, Burke county Thursday, July Vt. Loooir, Caldwell jounty, Friday, July 26. . V ' j . ' ttli.'lby, Usveland county, Moaday, "Ju!j'. ' .7 , .. f -4 Mia, GsMon' county,' Friday, July 80. . , Papers in the W wifl pli-n. copy. Hga. a H. RnosRi ApwiSMtsta, lion: Si ou B. Bogrn, our candidate fur Conirreaa, will addrew the peopla at the fullowiog placet at the time ruenti. XwuCen Cvnty Ingram's, lionday, July Nth Meadow'a, Tuesday, July 90 in: O'Neal's, Wednesday, July 81st. ' utnr apuotnUuKiit will toon be an onnced. Let all the pple, good and true, turn out to near our gattaut atanUard-bearur in tbit durtricL and be will show np radical roguery ana villainy in lit true colore. ' PUBLIC SPEAKING. Jwuuh Tamer, Jr., Editor Riileiuti ButTwicL, will 'addrest llie people at the following placet and timet ; Gap Civil. July SSd. Hkka, July $3t4. s- i ,( A . Dobson, July iib, " ' Danbury, July I8lb. Wibetoa, July ivih. '" i r "llocluville, !iljr SUth. - AMVIWTMBKTt roK t'H4XUAH.-Uua. Daniel U. Fowle, J. A. "Woraack, Kao., candidate lor Beorotary -of Btate, a. A. London, Greeley and Brown elector, and Other speakers will addn mags meetings of the democrats and liberal republic uti of Chatham at the following" timet and placet, lt w, '... . TradeVHill, Wednesday July 24th Henderson's Taw Yard, Thursday, Ju!y ' Kdward't Store. Fridav, July 20tb Uarper'a X Roaila, Boturday, July 27iU. ixKaviue, Monuay, July nvui. : - To TH DaU.H BATIC CoKllV ATlVt enca to a roaolulioa passed at the Conven tioa recently "httd In litttsetfty airrhof- izing the Executive Committee to fill all vacancies occurring upon the county ticket, J. R. Nowei.l, E)., of Marks' Creek towMhip, it by taidcomulittce ap pointed to fill the vacancy in the iiA ol nomineeB . for County Commissioner! oc- caiinntx) by tha declination of Henry Mahler, Eei. " -i ', ' - GEO. IL SNOW, ' Chairman Executive Coruuiiitce of Wake County BOMB AVl'AIHS.'. r W aim Afloat. ' Att Omaha school boy lately di fined a lady to' be "a grown up girl who doesn't nnm nnr bwmp ' Dareaport. La., haa a trirl Who enellt bwckwartla, We .never thoasriic back warua waa a naru worn w apeu, ociore. A Goorvia editor refuses to support ureele on tne irrounu tnei it it as mucq at ne can do to support niuiseir. A irentloman advertised for a wife and received answers from eighteen hundred tad ninety-seven husbands,' laying he could have theirs. This is given aa an il lustration or uie value ot advertising. Here tt another : A merchant advertised for a clerk " who could bear confine ment," and received an answer from out who bad been seven years in jaiu f Prisouer."aiI "Srfulre Joneam award ing judgment, " it is a maxim of the law mat tt la better to err on the aideot mercy. The ooart hat made dp her mind which side the will err on, and nothing remains but to err on that aide." Ttiit la what a Western poetical edi tor, ttlur b restless night, once wrote about woman, though be called her," Father Adam lit laid him down and slept; and from bis stue A woman In bar msrtc beauty rose Dan led and ebsrtaed he-esUed Uu bride, And his Brat deep became his last repose. AiautT lbotios Aoaik. An error and aa important omission occurring in oar notice of the election, in Friday's is sue, we, tb.it Homing, insert a portion of taidnoUcecorrecteeV , , ;w,ifl:, r No elettur will be entitled to register In any other pricinct (or ward in cities numbering over three thousand inhabi taut,) or township, than the one in which be it an actual and btmajuk resident on the day of election, and to cortilic ites of regUtratloa will be gl vedry o regislni' Uob will be allowed on the day of elec tion unless the person applying slisll gire satisfactory svideooa that be has come of the age of twcnty-one years on that day, or has, for any other reason, become, on that day, entitled to register. Challeng ing allowed at any time. JlKKTISd OF TUK "BTOCKttOMJKRir or tbi ItAXEiaa & AcacsTA Aib Limb R IL Yesterday "the stock hotdora of this company held their annual meeting in the office of the company in this city. P. C. Cameron, Esq., of Orango, presided tnd Mai. W.W. Vast, Treasurer oftbt R.& G. R. II, acted at Secretary. Twenty-firs shjrea of stock were represented in per son and (,319 by proxy. , .The President, W.J. Hawkins, subuiittcd s reiwrt ' ac companied by Uie usual report of the other officers. After Uie transaction of some unimportant business,1 the following gentlemen were elected Directors for tlie ensuing fiscal , year. W. t. Hawkint, J. B. Batchelor, P. C. Cameron, CoL Geo. Little, Col. Walter Clark, Geo. W. Grkend W. W. Cham berlain.. .,.,,.,. r, A A( a aul"'H"i,t' aweting' of: the newly rlected Board of Directors, W. J. Ilaw kiui, waa snanimously -r;elKctyl, Presi dent, iV.B. Andrews, Superintendent and W; WytAvTresurer . The meeting of the stockholders ad journed to meet ui this city on the 4th day of .October next. , A printer's devil who aspired to be t local rii tor ex praased hit wihet in poe try In this wise: If I was a lfkla eilllctr, Wiml.tn't 1 bara a Uuw t i' I wuiiiHrinia cnMe4 aatd . for Icmii a t a lias. ' ' ' VI iii t"b and IWiit five, - I " si tH-K''i to the sliawaj1 1 aronhia 1 f for tmKiry hlnr, A woiinlti t 1 warr ovJ i-Ut Ui intvoaarna. f AX this early day ww ash aw fiieads throughout the State to seod.ns election returns at the earliest moment possible. lie to a torry Democrat tvho ean be de ceived by Billy Smilh't blarney. , Every man in (he State who can. speak ought to eanvast from now until tike day of election. ' " . Ginitk men recently In our 'tow4 from Granville and Warren represent U(e crops at continuing very tf." - - ' f We bad the pleasure' of seeing at oar office on Thursday, 0, U Orefin, Eq , ed- uoc ui 1 11 o uuruam laum l t - .i Eocouisging political newS conUauet to com in. On to-morrow "Our Political Outlook" will be ceatiaund. , ' 1 We bavs aa IxcclKnt No. S. Wasliiag UMtJdWad Praia taveal . early new. ; LoutA Dots. "" ....... . J. J. Lsbia'ui, Ehj , is in ttrrcity. :, No casta, at tits Police Court yestcrdny morning. . '--.ttaYt There are enly t fewVttvt of measles in this city, and these are of a mild ly pa. Look at the lezittiation books, and if your name Is not on them ha vefy Disced there immediately . , ' For lack of proper postage letters are held at Uie post office for' the follvwlng psrtlesir .;r. ?...;::..., -a- Ex. U. S. Senator Douliltle, of Wiwe-i iin4 arrived in this city yesterday morning Irom the western part of the State t , The deficiencies of our local column, la our last issue, must be excused on account of Uie indisposition of our local editor. I "lu'tTlt'irtDcr-tlrr ba-rrt : duty of teeing that youf namct'it nroperly upon die registration book in Uie Ward in which you vote. - j A meeting of Uie Greeley and Brown Club will- be held in tha courthouse this (Friday) evening. A full and prompt at tendance it desired. t ; A Ilolton Moore, Haw River, X. C.;M. Conger, Chicago, III.; Elder G. Bcebe, Middleton, N. Y Miat Isabella Hunter. Wilmington, N. C. ; j ; The registration books ui Uie Etera and Middle Wards are kept W tho May or's office. Those of Western Ward are at the shoe shop of Norfiaet Danston, reg istrar, opposite the old gat bouse. Monsieur Vlvicr, aa industrious French man, has a modoi larm auout Uiroe miles from UiU city. Hit vegetables are among the beat that oome to our market. . ,. Gbasd Lodobof thb LO. O.F. Tliit body convened ia this city on Uie morn ing of tlie 17th kit, and a report of the proceedings erould hava appeared In Uiii paper bad it not been for a piessars apoa our coluniDS. We are glad to tay that there waa a full attendance, and that the condition nf the Grand Lodge it prosper ous. The followiug officers were elected : W, J.York, of Wilmington, M. Vf. 0. M. , , . W. Ii Bagley, Raleigh, R. W. D. G. M W. Chamberlain, Wilton, R W. G. J . J. Litchford, Raleigh, R. W, G. S. R. J. Jonea, Wilmington, R. W, G. T. J. a Webb, Kinstoo, R W. G. C. ' Beaton Galea, P. G. M., Raleigh, Repro- tenUtlve to u. U U. o. ! ;n The fo.llowing ofllcert were appointed by the Grand Master: Tboa W. BUke, Ukr W; G, M. D. Cogsdell, Goldsboro', W. G. V. II. T. Clawsott, Raleigh, W. G. G. Henry Porter, Raleigh, W. 0, H. ' ' The. following District Deputy Graud Mastert were tppninted : ' ' ' 1st Dittrict, W. -IL Clark, Elizabeth City. '' '- ' 2nd District, J. tt. Baker, Wilson. 3rd District, D. G. McRae, Fayette- 4lh District, Thos. Badger, Raklj-h, 5th District, W. E. Edwards, Gnxnt- boro1. - .. - 6th District, J. D. McNeelcy, Salisbury. 7th District, J. IT. Hunter, Charbjtta. ' 8th District,E J. Aston, Ashovillo. ' The following la the list of Installing OfBccrt:-'"1 xr.r-x .--"-- Cape Fir Lodge N :-,4ii- Altaffer, Wiliuiiigtod; ' ; : " Croat Croelt Lodge J(a. , J, B. Jlcwby, Fayetteville. :--:- KcusfCladga Nn. ' 8, 8. D. Ph Hint; GuldAar. "A. IMfteo Lodge No. 8, C. JS. Buslxe, RaleiL'h. '-. ' . '-"i' ' y Mecklenburg Declin ation Lodge No. , L." 3, Fincher, Charlotte. A, , A Concord ia Lodge No. 11, H. Willi, Beaufort '" ' - ' ' " , . Phalanx Lodge NUi. 10, W. Z. M.nton, Wasliington w , . ..;i..ftj Achoree Lodge No. 14, W. F. Martbi, Elixabetb City. - ' ' , Buena Vlste Lodge No. 21, J, Albright, Greensboro'. , i . . - Tuscarora Lodge No. 20, Rer.. J. Hum pio, Sa!isbury. Swannanoa Lodge No. 43, 8. J. Alston, Aaheville. -s ' -- Enterprise LoJge No, 44, P. P.Clark, Wilson, - 7-rrrrr Edgecombe Iidze No. SO, R A, Wat son, Tarboro'. . Beaton Galas Lodge No. 84, J. C, Blake. Raleigh. iv Raleigh Lodge, No. 65, If. C. Prempert, Raleigh. , . The elective efucert were installed oa Friday .evening by the rand Master. The Orand Lodjw adjii nd te m ia this city on ths second Wedueadiy in May next in order tn institnte a cfcang In the fi:al' jr. , HoT towjiiiy 8T.art.KT It dal. U dkdia Sao. FrtnciaeowUe was atone time ntM ot UwLleading wniga ot norm Caiblinn J lie wsj I gifted miuibrUiht, Kiaip an ) aarcutic. He was tb son ol i bit lite John Stanley of . Ncwbern,'a gtvat man in bit day. - ' Cunt ro Ci an. A gentkmaa ol Eulaula, sif a one of our Georgia exchangee who had largn i. cancer o his face. having, ncurd ot the -f. lluwjnjj Tyni-dy osed itwitn priectuaei: ti . iyolk ot ta eyg, m'i"d whh Jatxtit, Btil it midj a thick pt, afrcif jhree i:iaia uay. : . ., t After a few tW mil tha csacerous ffesh budbocn eatoaout, loavinj aeonsld- era)bie t o! i the face. , The applica'loa of little salve atakia it up and be it now well." ' " ' ' "s " ia; For the beneffi of l.es sfftsClttl aspah- lishiUu wry cuupl nod certainly harm teas rein' dj. It at worthy of t trial. -- ) ... ISS' . u i ' IU, :!: riot.o TnK,s'!i.vs. Twre are a few and Iht.nk God a very fl-w democrats horesboi te who have allowed Billy Smith to bay their votes with railroad pace Ac. Shame oe them. ' If h man of a dif ferent polilictl creed bat don yon a favor, and then sifters himself as a candidate for a public potttioa of a party w boss piioci- plis sod plat record yMi ' anonot cob' scieutiously endiusel'laVf more self re- IPiihan,S Jfiri JotTifiLI allowing s aeoae of a peraosud favor to qverllanoejotir convittiont" of right and duty. . Pay bim back , in kind. Should he wUh you to do him a favor, which involved no sacrifice of opinion, accord tt at one, if yon are in position to do so. But do nut let a lucre personal furor make yon km slg'it of the duty which. Jon owt to yooraelf, youf (Hands and neighbors and to your country. . If yon vote for Billy Smith under these cir cumataouet you am . ttlluif war eofs. Think of It I ---..Y---.y..- NxW FlKTT CkNT Ool'HTKRKElTS. In Petertun't Counterfeit Detector tor July b the following description of the now counterfeit half dollar aotea, extensively circulated at present ; The head of Stan ton, the betid harsh and stiff, the back groan ! on the tight of the bead irregular and scratchy. Under tome of the Words "fractional currency" are five lines In the ruled shade to the letters, end but four in the genuine. In tha word " United States" the black-1 paces between the body of the kitten and Uie ruled shadee art Irregular, and generally narrower than the genuine, which are of uniform width. On Uie back, of the counterfeit the bair lines forming the turni at . the top and bottom of the Italic let ton are heavy ; oo the genuine they arw right aad sWlcata, The red seal also differs materially from the genuine in the form of ths letters, which are irregular and on both tide of Uie letters, and the rule forming tha back grounds to the shield. ' The fibre ptperon which Uie genuine aotea are printed hat been (initiated by scratchy lines engraved on the counterfeit plat. On examination wi th a gloss it will be seen that the entire work differs from the genuine. .-.'AA- ' .. i w. 1 1.. U. & Commmsioxehs Coukt. Yester day morning, according to previous ad journment, U. S, Commissioner, R W. Best, heard the complaint of - Simon Cravom, col., against Shod rick Jonea, for attempted Intimidation. Cravom testifies tljaj. Jonea cams te hit hoot on the uom- ing oi mo iiui -ausu, ana cunea bou abused him In the presence of hit wife and children, and called him a damn demo cratic negro, who was endeavoring to de oeive him and the balance of the negroet into slavery oa t pretence of Greeley tw- psbtieatrhaar-'-H (Junos aidthat--(he) Cravom should suffur if be kept oa In bis opposition to them, and when asked to state in what manner he was to be made to tuffer. , II (Jones) said " never mind, lam ready to shoot or knock down I am ready to burn powder," He (Jones) con tinued to curst and abuse him, and to threiten all "damn democrats'' with pun istunoit, &t' i Liwie Alston, coL, tnd Gut Powell. oolM two very w illing and swift w it ncasct, were put on the stand by the defence to emrirmdiot the statements of ths plaintiff. Any evidence, going to corroborst the statemeuta of the plaintiff were extracted with the greatest difficulty by a dose cross examination. At tht conclusion of Powell's evidenc tht (wart adjourned to meet aaia at il p. as. At the' trial wat tUll proceeding when this paper went' to prent we an necessarily compelled to defer a further aotice of it until our next Issue. : A Nobi,b BfWBFAcrtos. The Trustees of Uie Louisviile"Medicat College, (Louis ville, Ky bars created on of tht most liberal buncfacUont ever conferred by a public Institution. . They have instituted one Ikntfciaqi Scholmhif for each d-fre-imal Dldriet in all of the Statea, By Uiii; meant :Tcry iuny poor but d ring young men will be euabled to ob- Uinatborongh madicaleducatioa. Any one wishing to take wl vantage of thin beWoctioa hould write to Dr.-E. 8. Gail lard, Dean of ths Faculty of tha Lout rills Medical College,' Ljuisville,-Ky., when ht will reccire college catalogue with full information ia regard to ail that it accessary for hit to do to tecum one of liioae schotirnhipa. With prop delU cacy the nun.n of those who liars secured Uie Brnt-rii Wy Scholanhijis will be known only to the, IfcMnoTUie Faculty, p In sir. d ine with the old llippocratir oath, fnrbiddiqjr phyaUiians to charge the families e hvoJir for servient render . ed, the FsctUty of tbit Cullers will nuke an chargers? teaching sons of physician! and at no g h jukiaa vharjes a cbugymah's .family, tlie sum of clergymea will receive iht tame privilege. . The next Collefre enioa bxias October 1st, 1872. - Aa the lecture fpi charged for each student, wb hat not o'.abied a Beneficiary Scholar ship, amotut to 1 JO, annual1, the pub he can appreciate the extent of this bene faction. -' i IV. h It HAlt BonaVeds of caass of Si-roftila, ia" la worst stagmiotii aawof tptiilis Uiat hava detted Uie. kill uf snilnrnt iiirleians, Klieninatiea Uu bare bma sallnriBs: tm year and Ilia vie tlwaaad Utr mjaOH-tea osa ( mn.'ry, hava tMrnndlullrt-urad b lr. Tt 1 l i BASIS a raKILLA ANDyt E.N 8 llkuKillT. ilia Um UHMt iKiwortsI slianitivs sad bloml pnrltur UMUHMt (Kwio-(iilalieraiWaadbloulptir;ilur kaowa. it ts pnyerllxal by munf bysiciaaa ta UutrpiiKitv, U ywksmfohllls, wksias every ethsrday, fry tesili day, ar awy tws as Uirwt weuka, Uk. inr. V att'livr I'll la and r,m will diark Uieia, eiherwlM Uiey wtU stick to yoa all w in irf.rt ;.A , - -: Br. Tut.'s IfalrDya aootaliu so SulpUor. JljJuuooHA.wli. . , Tetter, Salt Kheuia and all 8kln blsraaoa carqi by Dr. Fieres's Guides Medical Dltcov SW. - ; 1 j. .i . .7: ... Tut PaonaVsAr we of Vatca. Tht Bov- niaiust sudyrMsaont, wU'vh lentil the sals of Plsntatloa BUtots, la aot ths only stamp afflieTto that tsstoat VaKUble Tosle. ll twsn, In addition to that nttlclal saaetloo, Uie still mors value .la stamp of public appruba Uun TUli fSuoJuiabls vouehcr uf Its rare prop ruaaaas tenlo.e- rrettlrsaudalUnitlva U of iiiuii earllef JiteTliafl the 0uTOt'Ut credential; for millions of sick persons had proaonneed littM grad si'selBs ut Uu ss;s I kms; before Congress thought of taxlns; pro prietary auxMclns. . It b nunecesasry to rw pest, la detail, Uie proptirUes uf xrhls wonder ful VKotMc Uvlxoranfc tht biat reforunos that oaa te eifdrsa (oihosa who desire the full parUealsrs of its virtues, is the geusral public. Ask Ihoes who aare tried It as a remedy lot dyspepsia, constipaUoa, bilkiuinsss, Intenuit tent avers, nervous debility, rhaumetlrra, tea Oekneas, low spirits, or loss ot vital pawwr, what PlanlaUon Bitters had done forrAnn, sad be Koraroed by the re.pou.K they make ts your bnialries. . , Jly Wdeodtww1t " lIEI, (h, the 6th day of July, 187-J, CULFSfTEK WATK1N8, Br., ia Uie Oola year of his sge, eas ot Stanly aouuty's most worthy clthutn. t5 New Advertitamonta. JAUUGH riMALI IS8T1TUT i Dr. and Mrt. LACY'S SfcHOOL ' I beirla on Uw SUth Jul? and eontlnuo nutll Uis 'Ad Aeutember. when It will be tranafomsd to ttis Feaes institute. lbs Beioa will be flnUbed oa the asms tonus slihwtilchiteumaisuced. ay'sV-lulaWa- JOABO WANTKU. , A Oentlsmsa iu Wire dcrire board In a prlvata family wbers tkers f'-a piauo. 'Ike Wi miMt b fuiaaat tml liia labia guo4-- AdM C. trial UlS odica, ,. ., Jly , . JUBNTS WANTED! ; IIE.VDQU& RTER3 FOR PRESIDEN ' TIAC CAMPAIGN BADGEd: ORRiLsrand Baowa, and Gbawt and Wn tiu aletais. tauipalgu badires it all kinds. Will sell like not eakua. bead for circular and price list, ancles stamp. A sample of smB Battes seat by audi upon rsesipt wf saventv- Irs cents. AX'-nts wanted sverywbara. LtHITI CO., JswiLl.ma, m huemu HtnMt, MW V ork. Cot oat the tbovs fur future rafsreaee. JlyHO-lw SACK INITITUTt, ,. RVLEIU1I, N. C. Rev, R Bi wm,L, Principal. Ths First Annual ftesaioa of ibis tnsilcntloa will yoauueau on siocdny Bept. lid In.!. Aecoumincd aud experienced leat-ners la all lbs brsuebea aaually laijrht In Hrst class reuiale Bemuianes nave Keen empioyea, Tlie Musleal Deuartwnnt will lw under "lie direction of Frof. A. BAL MAUN, who, durlog ins l ten years naa neen a s h i tea alia uie Friucp-aU la Uiuir Behool at Charlotte. Mis. M. H. i.ACY will be eoouecU-d with he ln.UiuUon aa Teacher o: EnglUh Branebka and Superintendent of social and doaieaUe dutiua. Vur Clrealareontalalns; full particutars as to leruis, voarse oi otuort sc., suureas UOV. i Ksv. H. BL S 1.1. A. BUN, JlylSloiiVseia Baieih, N, U. JlKlJUylTlT C'OLtEO The Fan Tern wilt cmumonce Aarunt Hih and clous Dec. ISUin, !.. HwiiU inducements srs oiks dnrlns; Uis coimitg: yar. -. .-. beau lor cataMKat"- " - "V-'--- ;- JUCKAVtiL.- Jty IS-tt , I w r y j, ilOUl.AU ii. CO., COM.VUfj'JION MEflC'IIiN rs 86 8. Eutaw Btbkict; " , Baltimore, Md. . 8iw iali altentloa riven to wis of Wool. Un.u ruiu, reamers, boeswax, .., Ac jiy w-am. , JiOit SALE. ; - '-V'"' CRIDER3 CHAMPION GRAIN SCREW. Ivery termer that ais!S wiut should have a. ' w, is. u,issa Jlylt-tf.1 ; . , jj A V 1 D 6 O M 0 0 i, b K U K . . Mac'aLasat'HO Co'srr, K. C Hext tana beeias Sent. tlh. l7i. Va. ll- ties for wtlae.atloa auaariwMe.l. iM-ahiy beallby. Attftttal csiienaea Iroia ttfsi to t-AI. ioreataloas or hitoraialiofi Sfrjrly to . a. i.aitn, ChaireiHW ol Uie I , uliy. Post Olfiosi Paviuaua Cuiiac, H. C. July drtit . . 81,000. IN OH WEI fc'l To mny tirvwtl man who vn do burtiu?M oh 4tm m J:flwlt'iUli-'.'- A VVAKtVM i.i.Ia' ' .1 tut t ..1 .1 aAi. Maasav t,.rL Inly 8- V A?sB wr ohvvi, a-w wa -ft - - , , 1 11 "' QQBUBi!jUii B(il.reu MKAL. avr ii a a, t. Siw wacm uiy ). LATE TELEdRAPIllC NEWS New Youa, July IS. -Cotton nominal, talus 171; oulands 3 14: Orleans HM. Flour quiet, eoniinoa to fair extra ts.eo, gnoa so cuoirs vs.eoafitw. Whisky dull, 3a2 , Wheat closed dll, winter red W'eatei $1.88 to 8l.W. Cora steady, fur dentsnd at SiaOQ; white KHituera 86 Kioa steady at 8a I I. fork quiet 15.70al3,irU. Beef quiet. Lard a trifle firmer, 8 l'8att 8 8. N avals ateady. Tallow dull, 9 1 8aV I I Turn Uns quiet, 47a47 1 1 Rosin quiet, auaiueu, s.iu. Freights nnn. .: .... Mooey assy, tuA. Stetliog 87 8a8 84. Gold . HJ Siilt S 4. Governments closed dull.' lenueasee a llriu, 74 ; utu othor southern stead v. ' , 'I (.iVKiir.KH., July 18 Coltoa oiietted I mvuf. vpwui a, vuouia ii i-o. h - Latkb Cotton steady ; uplands 10 8 8 attwds. I'planda 10,8 4; Orleans 11 1 8. alO St; oi leans '10 7 8, sales 8,000, sfteculatton and export 1.1,000. U;eadsluff FUO A WASHINGTON. ' WAsuiRaTiiM, July 18. Dr. Parrish, oi" Plilladi lpliiA, hi boes sptMiinted aieclal India Commissioner to vixit the Kiowabt camps, and U. K. Alvord, ol Virgiuin, hat been aseuciated with him. - - ' i i ' ss ' : FROM NEW YORK. Nkw Yok, July 16 The' Republican Kntloflil. Executive Coinmittce held a woeting yesterday aftrruonn, which waa eltiruuve in character, end for the most part secret. MeWHin- were discussed fir lurwardiiig the canvas ia Pcaylvsnia, Indiana, North Carolina and West Vir ginia, .. -Jknatox.Abbitlt milu J chrnrigg. report of the cinviiw in North Carolina. Ct Erret, Chairman of the Itepulili VSin BtaW CntTt-Crinnnitree,-' wppesred lrm l'ennsylranta In place ot W. li. Keiu bull, who U ill. ABiij;Kestion wasconitdcred from West Virginia hwkingSto the utilinttina oi all elmtflts in oppatiiun to the Dtiinocratie Librraia, that Stats details lor the .cam paign be organiMt within a few days at teadiUirters here. : A secret session of the Executive Coun sel of the Union Lengue of America, I was also held tliit afternoon, at which it was resolved to oo opeTai with the National Committee. s A prominent ueuiber of the German House of Krprcsuntatives writes her con finiiiiig the newt that Bismarck it to try to stop by legislation the fries! flow of emigration from Europe to this oouutry, aud characterises the movement at stupid, saying the only way to prevent emigra tion is to afford the people tome advan tages they have here. , j The steiiinship Clyde, from Galveston, want ashora in a-fg. this morning at Fort litimilt'ii, and rnmaina high and dry. ' -Tbt Tweed trial opened with aa argu ment by David IX..- Field, if Tweed's counsel, sgainst , tht right of tht people bringing suits, alter winch the court ad journed to September next, when duci ions will be rendered. . Many sun stroke canes to day. t A meeting of the South Carolina bond holder's Coavcntion reported little pro gram in the aollecUoa for th prosscuuoa of their claims and a rosolution wat adopted requesting all holders to report one per esnt on par Vslue of bondr for use In the contenin'ated suits. , V FROM 8T, LOUIS. Hfj-Locis, July 18. Tlie Democratt of Illinois, in Convention at Vandalia jester- dsv, nominated 8. L. Bryan for Congresa. ll I.. I llJ.I ll..nul.li..Hn r.tiw.Mti.in mt , . lib UIIM .... Ji JV. IV.H . the same time and place, rati lied His Dem ocratic nomination and pledged the Lib erul ltepublicans to ths hearty support of the ticket. ..,.-;(,. i .;. . -t A preluniniirr and informal Investi gation into the alleged cruel treatment at ths House or naruge, maua uy vne uoaru of ilansgers this alteruoon, shows that ths charges reported by the Grand Jury were true, ' FROM WHEELING. , WuifKLMo, W. V July 18. Heavy rain, and great damage to the Pittsburg, W heeling sua Kentucky lt,iiiroaa. The streets wcre flooded the greatet art of the day. i -. t 'Wt FROM CIHCAOO. CmcAoo, July 18. The crop report from Central Wisconsin phimises welL Tha sin all grain, with the exception uf spring wheat, will return a full average crop. The spring wheat hat lieea badiy damaged by drouth and the chinch bug, and the yield witl be right;- Corwtftow well, but rata ia needed to insure good i FROM 8ARATO0A. ; A" ! BshXtooa. July 18. First race, hurdle, 2 miles, won Uf Locliiel, beating Astrono my 4 lengths; -Tammany third. Lobelia fourth, both, close up ; time :3t. Hitting was 1 to 8 on Iochiel against the field. Second race, telling race, purse f iuO, for 8 year olds, ball mils, Luna won very Mail, with Liverpool second, uouitcer mini ; Calvert waa beaten oil; time 1:18, Luna was tiw ftvonte at 4 to 8 agarnat lioaw- cor-and to 8gauul tliu tt. ........ t.Tim.--i he- tetiltet -stakes was won ijasity by Wadd II.tmtKi tieating tte Hj d r a quarter of a mile ; time U U 1-8. FROM HUNToVlLLE. A; lltxmit.tit, Ala. Jntf t8. The rains damaged the crops, and bottom lauds flooded. : ... 7 i f j.'v ,, .ss " i . FROM EUROPE. ' , ! , LoKnox. Julv 18. The- llriimh agent at Geneva has presented a deuititor airsying that the tribunal exclude the cases ot HiH- Tallahmisci scev Ctiicamsusa, Sumter, Nash. steiiiSallic, Jell' Davis,' JlTf-TO. Pending Uie decision, each aide ville, lloatoh Muic. Funding presented a process couteiuing the es sence of the augmentative portions vf the case and counter raK. A summary f the American argument and sutemcut in the 'Base" of th Florida wat mMnted to day.'. ... 1 Snatches from Port Said announces lbs arrival there, and subsequent depart ure, lor England, til Stanley, tits hero of Livingston. The search is accouiplishcd by a a.)U of Dr. Liviigtori. N Gkkua, July . is. All pri'limin trice have been settled tnd the iioard bus finally decided to take up th cae Of each ship srnaletn. i'roicasor MouUgue Bernard, arrived hero to-day. ' ., The. routs anl oalconics ol tbe hotel. ant again decorated nib fl igs and stream era. - ,1 DuUbor'n Lltihfnliig lly-Kilbr swasps mem ofl add vle-irs iiie.boue j'i.i Try it ooM bj dual.nsejtiryfhe.rs.' apraiefxIiiAwaa g C H OOLI Wll. 'y ; ALFRED W'LLLUUS, of raHTS BALLIIIH BATKUiAL B.UIX, Is aow taakiug targa addiUoas to his prcaeat stock oi aCllOOt, BODES, 8TATIONBRT, ce. - " V And ta pie) wed to supply BrliooU, ieademlea, Merdiams and olliera, siUwr at wowleMla wr rstsri, whsj mryihian la bie Utts apoa ths atoal faruratils terms. A full supply uf rabue School Books, fw eoa-ttuwdod by ths Hoard of Adajauon, ean alwavalis suiipiuid. - WoremUsr s 11H tloaarr, sd ipU-4 by tbe Boanl, will be supplied al lulrtMtietory rates Also a tul supply ot tiaubtib Heboid and rVws; Buoka, alia Hymn Books Bsed by dif tpiaiut diiwiiwiliialiowa. ' Aa Ilia Agent vf Uis American 1" 8octV, I eaa supply TesUuaenls slid Bildes si Uie regular prices uf tea Society ia New Ifurk. Send for Catalogues and Friees. AURID WILLIAMS. BookwIWr sod dteUoner. Jly ITtt ! "ALL maidens are vary goud," says oat I r -. - moraltrt. "Bui wh -re do bad wives eotac from," says another. "Ob, bad wives an maidens tnrned sour," says saollierj and 'i ' ,i I we know that sillier war wlvss or soar bread am not what food kusbaada want -as. ... . , . Thsrsfurs, 0 or ad y lea to haabsads la, te s '. . . . : j keep your, wits from gelling sour; be '. y ll.. V ! cheerful yourself; keep your wife la a ijosd kumor, snf hi order to havt good bread and olbtr-thhigt proiJrty cooked, ' 1 ' 1 I aaksyuor wlfs a piasssttoltua y....n. i - - - w. 1 . I , - r- ALL KIUUT - ! mklag Shivs, "" " .t ' , ,; I ! ot ssls by . " ' ' JULIUS LEWIS A CO., .jalyWtf' ' aleltfh, R. C. 1 2 FIUIAJ. MOTlfJI, "? RlB. ANDREWS' & CO., . i . , , . . . I v ... CLOIBIBII, liars Just revolved by Itpteas Uis followiug : ' . HOT WRATH KK FABUIC) ' WHrTB DICK bcits; j v i i " r WHITE DUCK VlSIa, . I " ' r-T WHIT DL'CE PANTS, BLACK ALPACA FROCKS, A.'?." A' ' '"' r A,".r". " 7 BLACK ALl'ACA SACKS, . UNKN8 OflLL UtHCUI PT10N8, ' Sums for the isrgest men. jly K)-tf,.,:,v. ....... ... .""EMAIE UiOU (SCHOOL, --.--CARVrAK.li."CO-N. C-. - f"',JWS t iMlntl tf4TFrlpSfMlytti'rfm.iAt. ' Airy laa plaawHt vlttave sL: hi "Uos west of iUlcliili, butuedUlely on the railroad. . Fan-iila la search of a C'Md seliorf fur thsir girl srs iarttod to send f'tt a clreular. 1 tie teachers nave aaa saecea iui expori- lea. ,. ' -It T ils rates ef Hoard and Tnlt on are pertiaiis chtrUin other schools ollciliin tea same llteriry sdvsnuirea. A. 11. MKUH1TT. A. M.. Jly 14 4 !lw Piliieil It I CH MO NO C O L L U E, , RICHMOND,, VIRGINIA . '. - i The 8eadofis of this Inatltatioo open oe Uie 1st of Oc toiler, sud euntluus to lbs 1st of 'ft- - .. I us lJlies enmpnaee hi tm .owinrt srnwMt, low it: 1. Lulls; 11. lin-ck; ill. Modern linuiiuiriui t IV. MnllM-niHtitw: V. Naiml OrlewKs; VL IS oral .Flillosophjr 'Vlt B I'h'h. .....A, , . . A. IS aafliuoa mo tlis i.ir.'sotiix a renvoi Ol Lew sod a Oirw-relal li.-uUHerit are eou- Dtct(l wltb the Mien. , . Tlie eai ire xpen of a -Vn.lus Including tcraril In niK.lnx elulM. tuioon aud etlier col h ire feea, fuel. II ;Uta and w arlilne-, sinauiit to JU6 tor the seenlou ot ill je. ni.mtiis. I b same eipMixK if biwrd be had la p. Irate t biiIImi ,ll ba SUA IFor tataloeMiae itvlnc fnu lufonuaUon, ad drtM I . ,- - i V B. FA KTRAR, Cluil man of Uie Vacuity, '"fly lftxHlUUlstOct. - , y T B A K B 3 IX TUB CI TV Win tnd tlie lanrcil Stotk ef Clothing for Men, Boyaad ciin.OfB et ' k. tt. A viliiEWg Co. 'ii VrtjuHfvitl mvt, ' ' lekt Ioor to Taetsr Hall, Jly 16 if. , SPECIAL NOTICES. l BACIIXLOR'S HAITI tm Ibit n.ld flair Pv tn tha 1.-' I a oriti. FUsuii'if , nilsUr e uiu .. sKJ4 coelsua imti, nttr any tiuiic riftm- i prodtrc ymnlvmit r(h'-.U. aftvoiti vtfintHt tVnti d-Us-i iH'IfaniLiolln fitll!'t- VLi ' -l-ti lljj do bo, ptwMi Tim Keumrw of . A. t ) sr' Hr ly Itw hwl isvvmrt- n n.ttioa to tiifceaia iy Utu . M - I BAMa TOBACCO. V. r "1 nharei dealers sad oUwrsar- hen-hr aotl led that f kaa aw hand ewtv fur ulii-tu -at m d bvery any 9t mf favour LyiuOe of 1 ChawMs Tobaeeo. la aolklt.us; the paHille psfronat'e, I - n only say that uyood aitl aiaa'p . f : i aare presented and satipfacUoM U ... i. la IBs prints oiie(!t atMirti t. in m , utc, UinBapsriBlsadentef Uie faeiorrlir. a. A Farhaia, will attend te cuateoiers. Send year orders. . : ,. A, C. F, REAMS. 1y8tf N " A OS. 1 GOLDEN 8TBUF, silver Drurs, , fi ' Famlliet call and supply yoa-aelret, July If U T. BTKON'ACU A ERO, . C 0 N W H I S K ij Good for break boat fever, t eertela sura. 'i A r fuaiMlead to bs purs. JolyHf Q. t. BTRONACH A BRO. JOLa8SBS AND ITlUfi i- WBbls.,8.H. Syrup, I M Tlssess MelssstBj I BhiU. , do. maytU . LIACU BIO'S. jkkbtsii 1 The iinderetviiMl eM mm.. ti ..-I ... ... forward Uckou to any rt of Uis Bute, mt short aotlea, at ths follow Inf. low pt iees tor rasa t -, Stats OlBeora, par 1,10, t.oo Mambersof Conirnma, parl,(Kl, " AO I.WU.IIHU IWIUII 1... Countv OtfliWs, er l.wiu, A 1 (jt n iiere wu oraer ss many ss in.intlut im. Onu. mm aritl tirltil . .. u .u... f... ,1 ... ..... - I ii ; sny threw fur 1.1)0, or all four for a .... i .... - Bond in your orders st ones snd securs your tick. -U in time. , AU outers sccompaultd Willi tlis eah al-t.iiii.-d lo promptly and skipped by retuia EDWARDS A BnonillT'iV, . ILmiI, ..J Jul, ..i..i..,. P.O. Box 178. miewn, N. C July U-dtf. .- ,-'.,.; p U R AUG C (HT A 1 X C B A N 6 B . This tn.Utlltton f ' Imiit.vl tn f.!Hnt traneiK-tluns la Cut .-. , oKAIM md t'hil- lLCk for iiuinetlule a. : uture dcliierv. and sMciaHy for Uf pare . end sle of e illi am BecuriUns. A dull . I is nettle of ell tea leaning Bertlrities in f- i.mio of V Irirluia, Nitttb Carolina, Houtiajvmi, ifH,nri4, TeniH'Mes, Alaisiaa... i lurlila, HAi.liMtij.:u, Louiieiina, T.'Xaa aioi Artn"-.i, eiutlf aeo.ult, STA1B BUNDS, Cl'l V BudUS, - .5 KAILWAV rlO.MW, KAII.VVAV BIIA'Wl f . At AN I'fAt :i C i.i Nli m AR S Ae.. Stc.&c. Ths an'demlxiwd, Bteniioiili AlflfBTA Ft.lUN.,K. .li. ii or.lcrs lo buy or sell sny. tulnx In Uis shove Hue: W.rl. Ko4mrte,ot ttotrtm, Morris A Shivers. C. H. Sscon, CottnljtniHiiiHloa Hurt ba iu John L. kieinmiius C'WiuwBokir f.ir As nata Faetory, H r. Kiiai, of RusmII ,V Fetter. A. A Deal I, of Heell, Spears A Co. JoliO Jauitlna, ol J. ,v 1. H. J. ukln', iHio kors.) . W. Dulllel of ttanlel A Hill. . tt II. Fhlniry, of (,' II. l"tiliilT A Co. W. 11. Warren, uf Wnrren, Vi alinia at Co. A. F. B"ire, Bmk.Y, W. F. ilerniiir, of t.:Iatiorn, Ilernng A Co, . John M. CliA of J. M. Clark A Co., T. F. Branch, of branch, Kim A Co, II. H Hickman, President Barings Bank and Graiiltevilie factory. C. A. Koieni, (J(iuiui!w,liin Mi rchn, W. M K.-KI,oi Frank Uu. K. o.l ,V t o. Aifnid Baker. Fnkiei!l.aiiiiiai fca.-iisiiga " Boot. A. M. Ja.kson r owmlljn McrebanL M.O Howrt, vf M. O'lhiwd Co. F I. Cohen, of Joba J. Colita A Sons. W. B. Jaekeon. Frevideniot National timik wf Aiiirimta and Augaaia FacUiry. T. U. Barrel1, ot warn tt A tanwrtl. U. F. atovali, CoiUw Fa. lor and Com al -a Mi-fcliant, Usnnia K. BHilc.y, of i. 811.1 y A Sorrf. ' W. T. Wbeclcaii, of Whwleaa Co. t. M. Btooe, o! lnwe T, Itennl A to. . A. Allen, ot Walk, A AMn. .... JM. Burdiill, Cuiamiaiim Men- hant- X t. J.-i'.area, ol J. i. Faan-e, li-i ir A. Foulliou, ol FouilHtn Ii.tvi-oe. Ceorgs T. Jaeksoa, ot U.aif,o 1". Jai ksoa At. W. C. Blliley, of luhar A BIM.-y, and Pre sident uf lAtiKlcy Manufacturing Compttiiv. J. j, tlouglity, ColtoB Com nUaiiiu Juer ehaiiL ' W. C, Sanders, nf InmiinA; ijmiti' ra. W. H. Howard, of W, 11. Howard A n. . K. F, t la ton o! E. F. Clmlon A l o. R. W, ll. dkof B. I). Iliuni ,,n. , M. t Branch, ol Branch, .V Co. J. B. Hoiihcrl r. of Honm, H'o A Co. ii'Thowaa P. Btorall, of 6uvil i.aiL.-. IL H. .May.ol K. U. May Co. . , J. O. Mathewstta, Tonariai, Cotton Coods tad tfeaeral i'ro.1 uca Mi i ). j ' i u K. t. l)or.i.-r, nf I-r-r vv-, (..,i, " ft.' 'P. Curry, Bahpr and pi t , James A. t.'ntr, '"rf ilmra A. rv - " L i. Miller, -of I, F. A I. I F. A. TilutiertioVe, of H on. A I ' 1 te. Titos. M. Jai-kwaj, ot Cox, J. k..(i x Co C. F. WtIinan,of Branch Bonn dt Co,-. . Jnuc iVeJiwlei " JfJOUBF MULES A WAGONS FOK SALE. Uue Black Morgan Horse hetweeo tin n aud four years old, (ooJty!e slid action, tu,ira teed te work any where snd rrUl mnke a very faat traveller. ' Out Bay Mule tlx years old, thoroughly broken, iuick ta haraeas, eaeiiy k ;r--t will work sny where. L ' Onsiargs Mouse sulored Mule, twelve jesrs old, ood for heavy draft. . fine two hone Waj,"ni, Kn k-i t.'.. marly f One New TwOruy, mie Vs J..C. Lii'.j, recently ovt'iliaulcdaud a. sr'.y t- .n. X jl- new. Two Single Sett of heavy di a ! n -m in Koodcooililiun. A;i,'y nfly tf W. C. ST!. N ' .- i -. 1AS'EI FRl'lT AM) e-.;F.TASi tey V tf w.c.e r;,. a :t a c-. pun Sitl. Very lnw fur oli, it t, i.;i, iiii "...r.-i iii mil. ef the civy. jlyli-tl W. 11. J.Ar ,.t ,i it. ,1 .

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