-I - V y - - . -..J ' 1 ' s ' f ! ! ,' at rS-L- -srt y- Vy ' i a... 5 V AX ,pt i y. -iw Til 7 . . ' . V ; S. I v. vi r i( m 11 ii' iv'ti sl e i i r t - . i s s i m ii'ii v . . - - voflvir. T1IE DAILY SENTINEL ADVERTISING MATES. ... 1. 1 a i. tk. rwn ,.MtlM....l.... b, niseiael ieuwe-tioa tliu weclt . .-. ii.. than raw i" r . . ' W JJJHlMi. A llO V" am m Ik tat UM for ixvy i . rtt no ".r.frind Wtl oW. fort, 5!2'-' ? . rr- OIB TICKET. "V t far tk4 StiuU. Oti. WILUAM R. COX. W th4 Ho Jbpretmtatifm. .ICU4J1D-II. BATTLE, 1 OKKEN ttrLFOIUJ. t AUOLPHU8 O. JONiS, . WILLIAM y ACg. J. B. NOWELI-, - w '' WILLIAM C. CPCHURCH, GBOIU)K B. ALLEK, -, 0BOR0B W. BCAKBOUOIGU, WILUAM K. FOOL- ' 5 8TDNEY M. DUNN. ?jr giUr tf J.W.ULES. - - r - Vor ffMnrWi AMAH8HALL BKTT8, t. i 5 Fvr Bitneyor. KENDAL BEAVERS. i-OS C0NQRMS3. . f int DUtriut D, 1L Carter, M Bu- a.A l.lrlrt-W. IL KltehM, ThinlDUlrict A. M. WsdJlell, of New Ummtw. Koorth DUlrlct 8lo H. Romri, of Fifth DUtrict J. M. Leach, of DviO- Bixtb District Tlioma 8j Ahe, Amos. . BeveuU. DUtrict W. M, UoLbini, Kown. Kigth - DUtrict B. B. Vance, BancuinlM, , ELECTORS. . rutt pUtria-OcUtlui Cok Cbowan. " beooDd DUtrict Swift GaIlowft of of Third Diitricl T. C. Full, of Cum- i iwlfttwl: Fourth DUtrict 1L A. Lomloa Jr, of ' Chatham. :: . ; j, Fifth DUtikt-D. T. Caldwell, of Gull Jord, . ' : ,, BiitU DUtrict W. I Steele, of Rich- numiL - SeTenth District T. a McDowell, of TredelL - s , Eighth DUtrict Thooiai jobnton, of Uu&cotube, V To TUB DKMdC.TI0-Co8lVAtIVl Votkhi o ""WXHm CoBKTt; IB obedl noa to a rwolutiua paawd at the Coaven- tioa rooently bHd in thi couutj author king the Eiecutire Committee to fill all Taoaneice occurring upon the eouoty ttehet, J. B. Nowux, El of Hark' OtsBk towashin. u b eaid committee ap pointed to HU the TaatncT in the lUt of Bominect for County JouiiuiBNonen oo cwioned bj the declination of llcorj Mauler. Ewi. . GEO. H. SNOW, " j Chairman Eecutiv Curumlttce -' - ei Wake County, ' 1IOMI2 AFFA1H. ConronTiKH. We would be beaten U hooundf W ftHraaiwrt Totta could do it lortuaately there are but twenty-eight counties in which there arf radical regia tran there era ninetT-ooe countiea we If Jo,l 11" Mere in alt la the hut election, although ' MoTeatioa wh defeated by aome nine ' thotyaad votes, the redicaie c-tiTy elected m more member than the eonaerraUTee did. . With blr eWctfon we wiU earry the' Bute by a rery large majority. We will Carry it any way by handnoroe ,: Majorttf. ' ' A CoRitstTioN. Some dayt ago we de the announcement that KUReT. James Gibbons, Catholic Bishop of this SUte, pasted through thin city, and in order to correct tbU orroneotus etatemeot - we publish below the fullo wing from Her. . V. McNamara": iv Ma. Editoi : One day laat week it Was announced In the BtutTlHitt. that the- lit Rev. Bihop Gibbons passed through Ral eigh and stopped at one ot oar taotele. Tina wee a mistake, and the Bishop writes m that it would be tropcr to bare the announcement corrected, lie hat not boea travelling of late tlimnh UiU aas- . tioa of North Carolina, aVotj proUrbly, U, Uie error in the Srxtpiki, arose from the fact that another Catholic BUhop the lit. Rar. Bishop Lynch, of Charlerton 1 -tratclled tlirouh here, and made a brief uy, on ffe day in question By printing ti) card, oblige, ' Very rtpectlui!y yoir, A V'v' : Hl'BBTOBartUL 7 Ber. M. T. Tatee la a Wire of Wake eovnty, and not of Chatham as we eaid. Where did thoee negroes come from who were sweeping the streets on yeaterday I AW the Imported TOtere'i 4 BegUter at once. No time fur delay. ' Look at your ticket before you tote, and tee that it Wall right -; Challenge all lusnected Totera. Work, Wark, Wona, WORK.v" : Local 'Dot. ..!'" , Read iii of the sew adTertiaements. Rev. Dr. Pritehard left the city on yea terday for Chattanooga, Tenn. Ureeley badet are now generally wora ia thU eity. - ; Bunch grapes ere now in toaiketf f The publication of important campaign "natter erowdt out a gotxl atany tucalt. Large crowd greeted Juik'e . FowL erenr where be tpoka ia Chatham count Ptacee where a F. PhilllDt and Billr ..... . " . " umitii Bad 8, be bad 800 broOO. Our candidates for the legislature will tpeak at Metropolitan Hull thU (Tuesday) renlng. at 8:30 p. m. We hope our frlendt will turn out. Look at the reglttratioa books and see if your name ia npoa them. The Town ship, Middle and Eastern Ward books are kept at the Mayor't Office and tboj of Western Ward at the shoe shop of Nor fleet Duostoa, opposite the old gas house. The rumor that the body of a colored maa had been found ia Bledsoe's field, near Walnut Creek bridge, with marka of violence npoa it, which wal afloat upon the street Monday afternoon, turna out to be false, ' ft ' 1m Tbodblb. We ieara that- Carpet bagger Abbott hat telegraphed to hii party betl-wethert here, that esem e drti meant have been challenged in Lenoir eeuntT.' and be irithea to know what U to be ; done . about it . We tup poet the reply waa fight about, it for the law U not to be regarded at it waa patted by a d d conservative legislature. WiTCB TUB VlbLAIHi. ,: Matmjri:MmavRicttai4. compared Mr. Pace, one of our candidate, to tBWllrey;''Mr:"',Pie' rW'rjrtyi,itJ1rl(rr! bare a mule at well at a monkey, and that it took a monkey U ride a mule that he had been riding- Badger Iround the couu ty aad would continue to do so. Dbivwo rr Home We publish alae- where the letter to which Senator Schnrz referred In hi great tpeech at bt Louis. Itwat written by Gen, Pleanauton, who waa an officer In the late war, and held Office under Geo. Oraatr 1W latter fas ten the guilt upon Gen. Grant of having ijed to carry out hU Santo Domingo project by PreaidenUal patronage. Read it We nnderetand that the lumber for enclosing Nash Square ha been on band for tome time, but we tea ao tura of the work being commenced. 7 " The health of the city U teaJUIy Improving. ' Th culvert on the street leading from Jones street to th main entrance of Oak- wood Cemetery remain In an unfinished state, No work bat been done upon it for month. We Understand that the job ia kept open until two or . three colored i eaa find leisure to complete it Cvrruia Ajtk v. Monday night Allen BJcbardsOB and Dock Alston, two colored men, became involved In a SghUa a bar- bar sliop Bear ftedoptrwhf..-R: A good many colored men and boy be ing on band a sort of a free fight ensued During the melee Dock succeeded inratb ing Allen's forehead with a rasoror knife. Yesterday th two principal parties bad a bearing before Mayor Wliitaker. After the examination of a number of witneasea the Mayor bound Dock over in a bomj ol 300 ttr hi appearance at 'the next term of the Wake county Superior Court " Tub Usual CaAKACTBRisTioa." We agaia call th attention of oar Jewish lellow citizen to the fact that the Kr in it issue of the 27th Inut tayt, In ub- atance,that the usual characteristic of the Dutch Jew are lying, thieviogr-oia, Get the paper and read it ' It doe not lay that the particular man about whom it writes, Mr. Blumenbcrg, 1 alone in being ballot box tlLnSnt, a thief and perjurer, but that all of hU creed and nationality are. Through the penoa of Mr. Blumea berg th Xtw make an unprovoked and indiscriminate attack npoa the Jewish faith, particularly those of Dutch extrae tioa. W hope our Jewish fellow-citizens ill get th rd of the above mentioned date and read tba article.. - ' . ' Bhibbst Stole Mokejt.W re-' ceired the following information from a gentlenua of Asheville :' ' " " A lawyer - neaied, McPhwuen, . from Washington, a strong radical, brought money with him to buy vote in the West He employed on B. M. Dearer, a revenue office aud counocUoa of Piukney Rollins, editor of the radical orgaa at Asherille, to distribute th funds. Denver Wat to two I Stickney and Wright, and-offorad thera $10 apiece if tbey would vol the radical ticket They immediately went to the oourth'raM where Jatne If4frrri moa wti speaking and made kanwathe fact and had the scoundrel arrested. V Let theas rascal be arrcstod and m- dirtBd, ertnrirteii and sent to the Peniten tiary. .. . j A Good HraciMia; Bbkb. Mr.-Tboa Bowk, a farmer wka Hvee a few miles from Raleigh, brought Isaac Woodard eoln tied, to town, having caught him atealing. lie waa carried before David A. Wicker., and bailed in a bond of 300. Albert Hagnin. Deputy Sheriff, becoming hie aurttv. Woodard told Mr. Uowle I that Hagnia atoody hU security oa the condition that be voted the radical ticket What do yoa call that I Comment ia ua nocesaary. We , have written aa it ' told to us. 1 . Uri'saaaiTK Tobacco Law." TU the title ot a slanderous circular seat out by J. C. Logan ITarris, Chairman of the Republican Committee of the Fourth Coritrreasioaal District It charge Col. 8. It Roger With bating" Toted for moat oppressive tobacco law, sU, Cot RoOKM IATI, TUB (BABua lU VAUfB AMD SLASUCUtOU, AMD TBAT U VOTED AUAISat aix tim ooiout rtuiuaa vr tub t- bacco law, .- -'. i'! . It is a lie out of the whole doth. , Let our friends denounce It prom ptly and plainly wherever circulated. " ' HABR1ED t In Mecklenburg eoaaty, oa lb lad Jaly, ay the Be'. L- 8 ffurkbead, th Kev. II. T. live sua, of th N. C. Conference M. E. Chares, Sonth, aad Was Mabt T. Lbs, sul)ler ef DsrtdatL Esq. ' Ia Meck'enbarg eonnty, oa (naday (he 21st Inst by W. A. Cathay, Eaq., Mr. Wo. B. Loao and atlas Haicv H D. Kvaa. - UjlED, la rsrettsrula oa Mtk tea tan I, after a tocar amtatioa, Davib U Imith j axed H years. abea a bey be entered the printing office ( the Oearrwr there, and eoaUaaed in the pre- fiwsto of nrlnter nntU a few taontht sno. Hear Springfield, la BlebaMad county, K C ea Mth July 1873, Rev. Taos. Oueoa. la Mecklenburg, oa the (1st inst , Mrs, MiussaO. BasDBBsoa, sged 97 years, wife of 8. F. Henderson, sad daughter of J. M. Vj rom, Esq; y.; r-j- la Lenoir, N. C, July lStb, 187a, Jas. Addiboi, yoaJgeat child ef Kev. W. M. and U. J. Robe;. I . MiLLViixa, Fla., Bept ZL liWO aiseawi. i was maul bv an smlnant DhTl- Vo uua auo 1 w liurrtJiodaJ, andlaa UwUne toruwd'n : i secoudarr form. Ulcers aaouth aad oa dularent parts of mv bodr. slao became snlioled with serere rhaat4 serere rhsautisa I employed alusrant pfaratcUaa sad used Tart oua patent nwdlcinas far months, all to no purpose. During a visit to Jacksonville I taw jour ksnsusrilla and Queen's Delight, and eenciuaca lo try Ik 1 Bare lakea a dosen ikiv Ua, aad believe that the poison a sntirelv driven frocs mi system. 1 intend eontlnuinK It however, tu make a sure thins of It. - At lb request of your Auroi, I send this to yoa. a oa are av uuuny vo ue a as yoa uath I , . iuus a. ecii-roRrx ; ' I; -5, - .in H r.-ir, . I ' 'liVCf C.BiplllBt til BililUIBflt ' Dr. Tntt's Liver PIIU exert a direct sod powerful UitLiMOcs on the Liver, sad will with certainly relieve that Important oriran from auesse, sou restore us normal functions. Dr. Tntt'i HaV Dye fat Bold Everywhere, i Jly m deodAwit Kivolliioks Mavaa ao Backwabs. m philosophical theory that the human system when weakened by disease, oppressive heat excessive labor or any ether cause, should be toned and Invigorated Instead of being sub jected to the action ol depleting drugs, I gaining groans aver) day. Th introduction of Bostetter's Stomach Bitter wenty years tgo gave a powerful toluene to this common sense Idea. As the extraordlaary efficacy, ef the Great Vegetable KestereUr became known, malUtade ot aebtUtsted Invalids turned with loathing front th aauseoa and strength destroying petkm with whkk tt Was (hen the taihion to drench the tick, to this renovating, appetising, vitalising preparation derived from U Snet roots, herbs sad barks piaead by toUuUcal research at the dlrposal of medUft' science. Revolution nevat go back ward. From tliarttme-toth paeseat the tta portauce of awlsUng and reinforcing nature In her atnigjrlet with disease ha bsen mote sad mar widely and keenly appreciated by the sick and the suffering. In tens of thou ssads ol naasettoids Hostellers sutlers are looked upon as the one tiling needful in cases of Dyspepsia, tveusrml DemSty, CoaalipaUon, Nervoua Weakness, Chilli and fever, BilUoue Affection and ail conditions of the body and nnnd Uwt betoken a lack of vital energy. W hen the quicksilver mm burn, and vie sulld ttesh U resolrms ttnelf into a den uder the fi'vid Viiiiwatnro, this afrreesbl tonle H Uie best poeatuie saiciruara atrawm au toe aus- ordera c. nersted by a sultry and unwholesome staaoapi itaerv. 11, prwvsnrs snd Rltrv Isset Hide and larrnor, and enable tba syetesa to sudure with Impunity aa anoaaal amount of exertion. Of ail Invigorating and reafulaUng medicUMS, It la the purest snd ssost wbola- Jly JO-deodAwlt "Biuoc." If yoa feel dull, drowsy, debil itated, despondent have frajueet headache, south tastes badly ia atoning, Irregalar ep petlt and tonga coated, you era so Bering from Toniid Ltetr or "iitlioiuMea. Ia many cases of ''Liver com plaint" only a part ot these ijixiptoinf are experienced. Asa remedy for all such eases. Dr. Pierce's eoldea Medical Discovery ks no equal, a it effects perfect tares, tearing the river strengthened aad heal thy. Bold by all Urst-cUac druKlt. ': Ua tumearjf (As angukk many persons undergo from rheumatism, gotft, neuralgia, toothachs sad earache, W say annscesasry beeause th spplkjatloa ef Maxiuax Mcstawo Liarxivr to the affected part, or a ew drop ot It In the ears or tooth, afford uutantsneoas, snd what Is better, permsasnt relief, for eats, wounds, bruises, ewelttuga, and all tejav rles or diseases, vrbirb reulrja treatment ex ternally, this Unimeot it everywhere regarded at th most potent tod reliabls healing agent la existence. For ll extaraal Injartes or ail ments of boms and cattle. It I rnfalllule. 1 v Jly 80 deodAwit VTIRUINIA CUTTlSa KSlVfc CoBsUntly rereivlnx auptlies oc u-s ew brated Knile. The beet Ul aa foreman lar- aim Mlnrl.tr'. (Vletiratad PnOelier Cutting Knim and MasUeators and th fa mous oofper Btnp aiuie. Jly Wj-u . .ijaito m. wniii, ,i F IOU WAJlr TBI KICBST HAT tiH lbs least tsoaey, cum to . , aprlS lf . C. D. BEABTT A CO, 1.AI.K1GH, N: C, WKDXESDA.Y, JULY ;it, WAgTOX ' A TTA CK ITOS MIS jstjcbs or rat qospbl ( XinitUn and MeMtrt f tto XMirt CaurcA, 8evlf, PuMarfj 6Udmd auul DemMACtd bg tin RaJintl Cndidot4 fr Attariuf Vuurut in (As Prtnet The tVilinwino tetter tront the venerable William Uloee, II. Di, to tionoraOle A. at. Waddetl. e plain iUelf. W shall no say anything about the character of the K'v. William t losa. The people ol Pi orta Carotin truatetf and loved and honored him year yWre w were bora. . Kor bare we either time or suae, at this late hour, for comment oh the grow insult and wauuta outrage thus publicly put npoa that inteiliemt, patriotic and Chriatiaa clam of our fellow-citiseot who belting to tne Hetbodist Utiurcb. The Minntlcra and niomben of the Hethodlat Church Uouth, need awther de fwice nor anniotry. Strong ' in the eon. scioHsncii ot iroud deeia and BllW inten lion, they way proudly point to their (av ord and (iet j lb malice and ' slander of all who may assail them. Bui this an- uTovoked assault of Colonel Ilargrove Was aot directed against the Methodist Church aloua, It was' far broader and more (weeninir in it character. It was too natural that Radicalism, through it chosen defenders, conscious of the warlare it 1 maintaining wun every thin that h holy and pure, should find its most feared enemies in the Minister and member of Christian Churches. Conscious that at hurt, right wal about to prevail over wrong, Hargrove doubtless gratified the matter passion of bu heart wnen ne singiea out lur w anion auaca and grot insult, tne venerable in. uios ttWTo", BAMraoa uo,, n. u v ; ; July 19th, 1878. Hon. A. M. Wabdblu ' 1 t Dear iSir,- Vour of th 8iU luatant bat juvt been received. Yon state, that while in Duplin county yon were informed that Mr. T. L. Hargrove in his ipeecb at Mat; nulla made assertion of at offensive character ia reference to the minietera and members of the Church to which I belong: and you enquire whether or not yoa were correctly Intormea l Aa I am informed that a perverted statement of th occurrenc to which you refer hat been published in some of the ttepublican papers, and allusion to it bav recently been mad by the religion pre, t bav no hesitation in giving the lacta a tney eccurrea. , . . ' It mar be proper here to state, that from early manhood to the opening of the war. I waa politically a Whig, and took aa much interest, in public .affairs a private Citizens usually ui&e, a iuueu ute aeser tian so often mad by deuiairoguea, that a Mtttisrw: Mieotlp1 Bis cOoiia-' shin by bucouuug a, Miniatetw Since th War I UfflOtrg to aorpouncai psny. j am not a Democrat and I oertaiuly am ao Ra- DUblicaa. - IT I bave Beam a political speech since th war, until I heard OoL Hargrove at Magnolia, I was present by accident or npoa bastneae Bucoaaectex With political matters. The day Col. Harirrov apok at Magnolia, I hap pened to reach home, i At on time i had been the pastor of hi father and family: aad I felt a tba Colon 1 era a my bants, au act of coaiteay wa du from matahim. ' Pmrfipted by that consideration aloaet, I . beard bat speech. : Toward tba data of it b turn ed aad addressing himself directly to ma, made a vlolcat attack oo Minister, in which be charged', that betor the war they were all secestioniats ; that tbey mad war inecche ana orousni on tne war : in duced other to go into it and then shirk ed it themselves. I quietly but promptly repelled the sassult Ha mad ao reply, but then maa violent assault npoa tne Methodist Church, South, stating that h knew me. to be a leading Minuter of that Church,and that ah was responsible tor th war and its consequence that the Metho dist Church brought on secession, and that brought on the war. i promptly, but briefly repelled the charge. At Hits time Mr. Bherrard, of Wayne county, (who, I believe, holds torn ottice, or l a canal date for somethinor.) came to tba aid of Colonel iiargreve by maa trig a personal attack upon I)r. Deem. Both talked at m at the tarn tim. I mad ao reply to Mr. ISherrard. ' He and JJr. Deems sre both know to th ciuzen of Duplin, which rendered a reply unnecessary. The Colonel soon closed, and Mr. Sherrard also about th same time; A rSeirro then moupted., .,ih-.wtrom, t- poured" out elaaa from tb pitcher from which Colonel Hargrove had drank quit freeley, (wallowed dowu,tKut halt ol it ana pourea tne remamaer oaca into the pitcher, and then - took Us test by tba aide ot tlw Governor, Tba Gov ernor left Hargrove, th negro and Bherrard remained. I will add that nothing bad occurred - to provok the ttack either on th minister or the MetlMidiit Church the account of this affair as given in th lie publican papers, but have bees sold by a friend that they represent the Colonel a giving it to me so heavily- that 1 loft That M a Mtekar-I stayed autil after the Governor left, and rod thirteen mile tbe next day to th place at which the Colonel wa to apeak, and sat immedi ately ia front ot him doling hi entire speech, to let him know that if b chose so repeat the attack, Ubv on tin minis Mrs or th Mathod Ut CMreb. that I wa oa hand, lie did not reiwat the attack 6a either. The public will judge which man bad gotten eaoogh of it . " - 1 will close by aavmg taat soms ot my snneat ptrsenal tnead belong W tb Itepublicsu party ; that I wa preaeat t an act oi counesy, waica i tnoagut au lo Colonel Hargrove, from the kind relatioas tliat bad for year existed between myself and bis father aad family ; that I did aot know that minister of the gospel could aot be preaeat at a Republican meeting without betnr pemonally insulted t.hat when the entire Christian ministry was as sailed ia my presence, they euuld not ex pect me te do Me man repel ue unpro voked aault But I asaur tbem that tbey bav no need to feel concern for any one 1n connection with thi matter but CoL Hargrove, their candidate for At torney General ; 'that the thousand of ministers of all denomination who wore so wantonly awaited by him, and the tent of tlioaaaodj of Methodist wilt oft the first Thaiwlay In August, remember his attack. Even the Begroe who beard im bold m they would aot vote for a maa who talked about preacher Ilk that waa talked. - . ' Yours, with biyh rexrard, n ? . WiL CLOSS. WU. Journal , :-... N O TIC Alt tmrite W.hO tra tn-1'''t-(j rt7 Of tt'tll on or frt1r th 11 Amy ot Jtu M e ftitatJI rvk cfAa in atir buiiw okiM dic LATE mEflRAPIIlCKEWs vtnKrTit Nbw Yoiul Julr xO. CotWu fl ia. sales 440 baha; aplaads it; Orleans 19 1 . Flour quiet, aotnmoa so (sir extra $6 83. rood to choice t&tU3u. 'Whisky dull, :UW ,. Wheat closed dull, winter red Weateru !. to f l.7, Cora firmer, ' fair demand at 57a58 ; white aMiiberm. 68. k,,, steady ata 1-3. Pork quiet 13.4013.70. Bf quiet Lard a trill firmer, 1 8a I t. NaviU steady. Tallow dull, 1 8 14. turpea tina qntet 57 a 87 i t. Rosin quiet Krai neo, J.4IJ. Freights, firth. Money evy, tail. Bualiug 5 8a9 84. Gold Its li 14. Government closed dull Teaaeesees firm, 71 1 1 ; and other aouiusra steady, " ... ..if - .. .. LtTBarooti,. July f . Cotloa iiened firm, luland7:OiicnalUl bilU 1 4 Lath -XiUoa tteady ; uplauda n " c -orleaua ; talea LVOWt, eueculauoa and export 4,000. Utvadalulfs aula. ,. :. - . ... ' Wahito, July ft OaliSvalfl l us th ratine, bsrotofbre uatiev the Com- maad of Ht-u? Admiral Winslow, is to be divided Into two sttiadrnna, the Northern aa4 sou inert), each to be under Uie com si aad of a Rear-Admiral, an J Bear Ad miral Stead man, now in command oi the Portsmouth, IN. U.) Bary yard, will be antgned to one or them. Una hundred aad tiny recruit have been ordered to fort Mice, Dakota. Tba letter received some time ago by Senator Summa signed by thirty respec table colored 'eitixen of Washington, sidling hU opinion on the iatua jietwecn Greeley, especially with reference to their antecedents and th present position, has remainea nnanswerea uutu now. it Is understood that the Senator's auswer will b given to the pros to-morrow. Is It he review at tunirth the claim of the two candidates, but ft It not kuowa which way he decide. He give is a watch word " The Unity ol the Republic," and the equal rights of all," 4ith reconcil- lation. .-, !t. It U stated that th Department has advice confirmatory of .the 8wiaa Timet' statement to th clfoct that the result ao far i satisfactory to this government Gov: Bard passed .North to-uiirht for Long Branch, with an invitation lor the President and Cabinet to vUit Cliattaaoo- irs, , The Government buys two million bonds on tb first and third Wednesdays, and one million on tha second ud fourth Wednesdays of August, end sells a million of gold on th first third and fifth Thurt days, and two niilUou oa the second aud luMTta Altarednyea J he gregatasix Bullions In bond and. seven ... .., ,,, ; Naw Yor-k, Jure 29. The radical wina oi in loieroaiionansis or this city met yesterday aad a caaMiitte was appointed to prepare aa addrea to the working peo ple of the United fctatea. letting forth the merit ot the Gonadl and giving the; cause wi roe taie split, ...... ina exctas law waa itrlctly eufiiruea la New York and Brooklyn vestwdav and scarcely liquor aaloon wa found open. A meeting of prominent Italians was bold laat eviuing to m ike trranimments for tha oelelmiti. of the "titiiS.utlou of Italy. ' Aa exncuUve commltlce Wat ap- puiuKu wrewisnucr me matur. ins rrsnsfl Juternitionalist at their regalar netting vesterday repudiated the assessment levied oa them for tha x Pooso of a delegate to the Universal Coiigi, snd resolved to send repreten- tauve oi tneir own. Mr. Greeley ha engaged quarters for the season at East Hampton, Long Island. (I is to deliver the auuual addree before th HufTolk county agricultural auctety next week. Th Jerset-CHv Fire Cotnm'usioners have commenced ao Investigation into th conduct ol Chief Engineer Farrier, in or dering Engineer McCarthy into a terri ble breach ia the burning of the Erie DUiiuing, wnere lie loot bit life. Th coronor inquest begin to-day. About S o clock this morning, nre was discov ered in the large sugar bouse on Leon ard street Effort to tubdue the flames Were unavailing, and th inmate in the adjoining building removed their effect aad awaited the insue. The bath build ing and stock ' were entirely dust roved. Th establishment was owned by Berger, HUfTburt' 4 TJvma:"btmdred and fifty men sre thrown out of em ploy meat Cue ot the adjoining buildings waa injured. Los ' not yet known. but believed to be over 1100,000. The cause of the Are U unknown. The mould ing mill of Sherman Bios., on Bond street Brooklyn, waa burned Uiis tuorn ing, with tn adjoining .Carnage FW.-torv of T. Dillons. I oi probable $:i,u00. FROM OTTAWA. " '' Omwa. Julr 29. A fi a JjlrovcJ Matthews' Hotel and other fldjuent bnildtn.sra . Lti.-w, oho liundrwd ami. fifty tbowaud dollar,. Oue woman waa burned to death. Two girla lutnnttl Irum Hit third story window, on waa family burl. r m0H KANSAS.; Kaw.a Citt, fuly 28. James Slmro. tb murderer bat been taken from fall ud hong. iar av been heavy rains, and the crop are damaged. -. rnoMjiiATAM'oias. ' MxtamobaV July ill A apodal of the 28th aavs, aa olficial cominuntcaUoa was rrjeeived here to-day si Tamil ion, from Minuter of War, M.jia, eotillniung th re port of the death of Juarex on tti 18th. of heart disease. Lor do de Tapd wa unhiedtately inaugurated. r . ViegrapUic auntmunicatioa botweVB here aud Monterey is iaterrtipU;!. ' FROV NEW ORLEANS. ' Kkw Oaxt July VS. Laat. even ing's trtin aencetaathe New Orleatui aud acksoa liailroad, was thrown off near agnofia. . Kill9orne,uiebu!gag master, Mrs. Baker, of Texan, Were Bcrioualy wounded, ud several other severely hurt ,-. .: i . , FliUMECUpPE. i GtunavA, July SB The Hwiw TW in giving'lurinar particulars of Uie Beard of Arbitration says, the Board ha di.-allow-. rd th claim tat' th Americas Onvern- nrent arising out ff the di-pmlationnt til Button, J. tf. Dsvia, ifk. iiin.c and sev eral other tmall ConMerata criwwi Thercam leading t "ibis c tioa of th Bo.nl are, that tha ctrarge of Bu gllgt-ao M the part at tb British Oovernaie.t so rr a tueaa viasalt u caocarued, have aot beea proved. iTL " STATEMENT DENIED. - ; The statement that the govern aasnt In tends wUiug property, atttoed belonging to persons engaged in tb Cuban iuaui ruc tion, l to-day deuled. .. Another band of Cenist Inaurirents h beea defeated with a ton of eight killed aad thirty wounded. , ,v : , TUE ARMENIAN CATHOLICa Rohb, July St. The pope will shortly Issue an- Encyclical lor tba Armenia Catholic to be separated frrtn tha church of Roma, and ptaeing tbem under tb baa of mior eioomiuunicatino. : ltKi iKU July 29. Th JnJejxmtUnm Btif state tliat the aa artla ot the Geneva tribunal of arbitration ia the cases at tb privateer Florida and Alabama will to gether amount to tt.5U0.0oO sterling.' Lokdoh, July 28. The 71mm of to'day la la position to confirm tne report bow eurreat that tb tribunal of aroitratioe hat decided ia iavor of America in tha ease of the privateer Florida, oa the ground that the British Government did not as tulHcicat preeauthin ta prevent the departure of that veesel from Euglutb potl. tha J'i-im atau saja UlA bi'J 1 to il a v too, up mo case ui tne Aiaoatna. PLAIN yl KUlHihS foa lnVAl.lls Han the roullae mediclnea ot Uie proteawloa dout voa ao good ? Are you dtsccursxed and mWoraltle r If ao, Ut the proiwUe, of the near wutsuia Biweliiu. I'r. walker Vsli fornla V inegar Milters, already famott- axtlie aueal InviaiMranL wirraeiiv and allwsUva, that baa ever -seen Uie light, livapeplies and peraana Of Mltoue kauilauould Aoap It wmiui rosea, U they value Ucaiui aud ease WHAT EVERT 11 1KSEMAM WANTS. A food, eiieap and reliable Liuimeut. Such a. Ucle M ur. lohtaa' veaeuaa Moras I.IIU- mint. foil botUea at Oua IMIIar, tor tsuae neaa, Cuta, tiatla, Colic, Sprains, etc., war ranted belter lliaa any other, Bold by Uie DruggUla. Depot, 10 i'ark riaes, Kew Vol a, UUKNKTT'S CflCOAlNE-A comun wi vuwt-nui etc, iut me uair,-uaaiau-Uahsd world-wuls rapulaUo. Its uaunai adapuuou, agreeahieness, and rreeuesa from all lnjiirluua or Boiling Prouerliea, together with ila ebestiueaa la reaped lo dureuilii) sod alas of boLllu, render It auciuali-d by any outer prepenauo m ins woriu. or est uy au awuKgiaia. MAuIOOFTUC MOUTtL-OJlfwons ao- sououl, rundurs the mouth snchauUng, coia- pueed of rare, anllaepUe herbs, H unjwrts whlleneaa to His umb. a dalkioas lower-like aroma lo the mourn, aud prsservea Intact, from uau w age ws wwut. . - . PBATT'S ASTRAL OIL. More aeel.lent occur from ualtrg unsafe oils, Uian from nail noats ana ruitruada coiutunud. uver oo.oat families continue bare rrU'a Astral OIL anil no accidents directly or indirectly bavoe- enrrea irom nnruiug, sumug or aauditug It. till llnsie of viltas fret, oatabtiabcd i iU, new lura. A VI AUTirtTL WUITK. soft, smooth snd femr afcia is pdwnad by wn t.. W, Latrd'e Bloorti of youth " il removoetan, TreckliiL SadUrlhwUlaroorOftrnitft kin, littmg Uie oumiiiuxitm brilliant and MwaMrek ' tMUd taU-tra!inaK- -'t-kai piva-' nm.Ht nnrciy in trom any mtrtcrtal o- iriHlUHMtl W UtMILU.. ... : . . Jt'rtf-IHK K1SMEi)T N'EKDKD Thank! to Airs. Hiolow s booltiltig b)ruti, we have for yoari-boea relieved (roia ilevoieaaniitliU or puiui naieiuug wtui poor aunuiiug teeUi- uig euuuiva. , FOR DYSPEPSIA. Induration, deorewioa of epirita aud geueral detniily in their various forme; also, aaa preventive again! t'eve and Ague, aud other iuutmiliteut fevers. T Ifairo Phoapborsted Kltntr of Caiiaaya, Made by CaawolL Haaard at tJO.. New X ork. and b.l.l l.u .11 lt..r.rlul. I. ,t.H 1.. ,..n.. a toow for laucuu rooovsiiutj fruu lever ur ouiur aiciinesa, u naa so equal. MiaiJtra ornuini (ioi.dkm hki.i. UOi.iHi.mk vVAli'.K wvunling w tawim sal formula o frsvont, rHu-ia, sebmgsitd favcnUily kaown lo the customers of llavl- IUmI I U . i.... ...1 ,l.i. I i for Ka Is psraaaaeut tragraaes la now made oy It. vr. uwu-v sua uie trade autulu-d bv hu euocetaore, Morgan at Huli-y, WhoUmle lirug gists, New fork, '.:.:-- -.?,,;.; ,. THURSTON'S lVOftf I'K AKL. T(MTH POtt DliB. The beat article known for clean sing and preserving Uie teeth and ifniue. Hold oy au uruggtata. rne do aaa toseeitstifr puvus. r. n qui a si.t pew aura. CARBOLIC BALVK nncoualtcd aa a Heal ing Uoiapouad. i'byelctaae rseomutend it as tne tn'iei wouderfitl remi-ly ever knowa. Price K6 cent er box. John t. Henry, sole rroprwtiOr, e vouegs rmos, risw xura. ,. . CIlKlBTADOao'S nAtltDYK This mag nlilculeouiHaud la byond eonliuguut, Uia autuat ami iuol rwiauie uye in sxiateues i lalliinr LO ltuiMU-L Ln Lii. Hull-, uni O.rtn. Ity of color, nouriahiueui aud elasticity. Manufactory, S liahten Wie, Mew Yurk... BVAPNlAxU Oplnm purified of Ita aieken- ing snd poisonous qualities. It la a pei feet anodyne nut producing ueauacue oreouauua. uon of bowttla, aa Is the eaas with other pre paratlona ol opium, lolui fair, tbeuual New Yurk h-atta. July l-deodltnwew., . JOillAil.LUl,Lt'jll. STATE OK SOUTH CAROLINA. ClIAJtLKSTOKf . C. The rorty-Foarth Course of Lecture 'o tills niililulloa will cwinnienee oo the lolh Ot to- bar, lSTi, and will b-iiulnaU on the lulh Ii, iHiTt, time lengthening th term of study oa Bwwuri -..i.--..---.v. -a- - JHhIUlC'AL, rAUCH Y i EGEDDINIiH, M D., Emeretna Profeaadr 01 tlte iu-lituWBd fncum of MaUieiM; KV A,,lUH,H, at. U., Friiuiplea aud f rae- uce ui Buigcry auu iuiii ai oaf)(f rj , -V. CHA ki, M. D , Ucocral Pauiology, Pathoioitical Anatoniv snd It yirlcne MliliiLIlliN Wlt llkl.. M. I) . f hulolotrr uAA tkfcSCOif, Ai. D., Materia Miaucs aad 1 uerapttu uca ; . U.'SUafAKl), ir,M. D. Chcmiatry , V. k. UkUlilolis, M. IV Tlwoiyaml PracUceof Medirtne: f. I, fAKKrK, M. ., Anatomy). : s , M. Kiiuo.it i sos, M. u., uyuuceoiogy and Clinical Obate'U-: 1 . f. i'ktitkOilOOU, M. D CUuleal Med aviriai : MAMNI NO SIMONS, M. D , Uomonatralor or Auatoavy. .... v , . ,., ExpenMaof Uie Bchotd: - tr..t.. ..!.! tr N aoi UeuioauUalor's iLket ' 1 lo Uraduauoa i'ee, . , , .. ... 80 Two new Prosaorthlti have Wa added ind In eonaldcraUon of tne tmporetiat ed cou- dttitn of uur peopla the anpeuaes have been materially reduced. Hoard C4H ne Obcaind In Uie city St reaaouaiile rates, euperior C'UHeal advauUgt-e otte.ed without extra charge. - or lurifM mionnati m stuiiy to i-tO. H. IhKiAj( r, M. D , Jty 26-lam:(ia Dean f the faculty. - U.'SkU.llU.V M.tLk ALAtaM Y. , raaxBLisToa, a. u, WNjtV Fosvaa, ." Principal. Tba fall acwtoa of Litis Institution will eoaantaues Moaaay July 1st, lSiA laaMs: PHmarv YJetiartaicut. oer seaaliMi Ikl wwka. 11 so- - -- - i-. Kgular CngtUU touree, per seasioo i weeaa, 14 tu. - -t.ia.aica, Lua ana ureog, p.r teastoa woeka, mm,- Prankllntoa l altuvtnl ImrncllaUiv boob Uis lUit-lib and basbm UUlruad, and Is sped sJiy aoi9d for the keslth and moraiitv ot ila cliutiia. ' bowl board eaa he obtaimid la nrivati- rami. tint at tr'Mii IJM to li UO per mouth. elr by iieinuMon to Kev. 1'. H. Jon. a. Varrento Vntrale Cotleae; Kev. W. M Win- yate, Waaefoioatt;oll-ifr; K.v J. 11. h- '!, TarbofO', i. Ci lr. A. a, ferry, (v.uia- oarg, ia. M. ; ura. v. . el m, t. tifoo, f raukliRtoa, H. U V )Mt.tt ' . JXECBTORS MOTICE. ' " " Th nedenaVned having qnaliRed aa Ex tore tarn newt of John VV.it-arUdfccea.it, hereby gtvea aouoe (avail paraoua likdcliUd W aid salats to make bumedutte psymeiit, and all paraoua hvug clsuas agoinat said saUls, t pivecat lb aanut duly euUMiiicatod witiiia th time nrescrit bv law or litis Bailee will b pleaded aa bar el uir raeorery. Uk-NBY H. aARRIS, Buy Uw0t ' Ext. rrvu PARTIES HObUlMl UITT SCRIP. AV asrties koidlag City Warranto to tbs aniouul uf 4.1O on sod over, ran each Bat thee turUy Sonde, drawing per sent io- leraat, ef applying to the Ully 1 roaaurar, whow otfie wtii be found la Market liuuaa boltdlag, aaatsira. llvura, kwsa W to Ul A. is. juusit-a ...... Oft A Do. VRktiU KUtoa. f Pat Pawls, ' ( 109 Bus, tweet Pototoea, Irtah do. : v , W.C.STHONACH at I'O. may frU rpiCEETItl .t " Tlte nndVralirned re pmisr'd to prfat aai aiamd twit sit Waav pMt 4 lb aaaka, oa abort aoliea, at the tulluwiug low picas tvt CASB t 1 - mat oncers, par 1,008, . $l.ftt Mambers ol Cougreaa, per l,vXM, AO J " " Legislature, per 1,01, . l.UU 0ounty OfBcwa, per l,Uou, I.OV Wherepsrtlea order aa many aa 10,0Ut one tlms, ws will print snv two for tl.au per 1 1 1 uir thrv tor Ii ot), or all (our. fur W-atiBer 1,000. f - bond le your orders at eao aud secure roar tlckcta tu titae. All orders accomoailltd with tli eaab at- leaded to pruuptly aad ablppod by return SDWARDB BROCUUTOMi ' rpOBAQCO. I ; ", " ": W noxe oa hud ot goon. jlylAVtf U. T BTROtf ACIL JJOR BALE. HANDSOME rUUNlTUUE. Bunasa. What Note. Matlrsaaea. Blanketa. aiieeta, stsraalU uilla, toilet Stalls, loweis, a, . .. . - .. ; -. - .. . v ... 1 ana a Very handsome Dinner and Tea Sett,tlna r'elee, l ea sau veeervapuuns, ,...,."', ;, also 1 good Milch OoW aad I Mule - jly SO-U . - ' . v, u. a t.u. JJ10K SALE. U doaun r lower Jar. Jly llo-lt , W. U JONES CO. TJtOR SALE. bti bales good llay. jly li-U W. U. JO SIS k CO. 10k BALE. 4oUIMtsd Wblte-Mealt sadr Korl, M u. name. . . .. "Jytt'tEJiyNMiCor P MIT BYE WUISET, Boweea Ry lnii, just revelved. Com quick erHiS begon, j July t tf " U. T. 8TH0N ACM BRO. rlH BOOTS AND SHOES GIVE BIT W - tar esUsfsrUpsi Uiaa any sUiera. . . . a Wtf - A D. MEAET f A UO, SC0ARSI SUiAKSIt ' so bbU. all gradM luat received. Jly H4 tf U. f SI ROMACII. QOtPEEt OOrrEEII , ,rm His. Rio, Laguira and Java. Jlylft-lf . , , . T. S1KONACIL -jyjTOLaasEh, ; Au lilila. good. , Jly Ja If , G. T. 8TRONAC11. JJtOR SALE : ' '- ' ' - Biigirv Harness, very eheap. jly as . . W It JONES OH. 3QQ BUSUBLS BOLTI MEAL, Spt 11 U U. T. BlUQ.-tAtjii at MHO. PEAT'S CLASSICAL and MATHEMATICAL " "Tbchool ' 14 MU.M . B. Of Blt.KlOH. - Tha 14th Smalon of this e hoot will tms eocs oa the :tud Monday (llth day) ot Sep u-inocr. 1MJ. Location very healthy, for Circulars containing tunas, references aud full particulars, audreae 4Utin a. rim, 1. urA. T. MIAL Jly ii Im .. Ualdgii, N. 0. gCH(X)L NOTIl'H. 'IheTlilrttM'HliiRt'aaloa of Miss FRANCIS . .MAY WWUIV bebaal will eommene on Monday, July lAtu, icia; at Uie leMdonceut Mi-Mi K. K. Ilnywood, Newbcnt Avenue. JuiUoa Primary Deiavtmeiit, flS.UU. " Ailvauc Clause, betwea 17,40 . Pay aiunt part la advaaca, No deduction ia made for stwonce except In ease of protracted emkaeee. Jly 'sa-diw C TATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, I O ' -! :" f Piwuouavr.. j SvrEHion Count Fbobavb fJlavtoa H. Tavlor. tt aL 1 JJUHI (.. KIsOICTlOU n. .. 1 iwnm n a-rt tjuuu Pleasant IL Taylor, . I .er Wtgtm. Jolia A. Taylor, tt ef. J It ainnarlng to ue. Wm. L. Cberrv. Judge f Protista, that Pleasnt IL Taylor and John 1 ay lor,, above nantru, are non-real euie or tills Butla, themforu, tbey ere hereby aollnod to Siioear at Uie silica of the Clerk of the Sttttcriiir Court, for the county of PiUafors aald, ea or before Uie eaplrallou of ala werka from Ui dute of Uila pulilkkliou, for which aaia true,putilluatlm nt hereby iaade for them, aud answer the complaint la tU above entit led causa. And uk aoll'-e, mat II (Hey rail to arwwsr the aald eomplatiit, at or before the etpiraUoo of tliiii putilu-attoH, the plaintltla will apply to the Court for ttia ralicf demaudtal la the eoiu pumt, and Juilgmenl by default will be taken agaiuat litem. . - trivvn under my aaoa ana srai 01 ou)oa,uus UMlIUi.l'oA. I w. lw-vlllvrHir, vicra !" -' : Pitt Superior ijoart lad June i wdw Ju'ge of i'rotwbs IIIHUHID HU. IUM1AL IL twin d! UU., , BANKERS JLND BROKERS, TOBuoabwat, N. Y. GOLD, T(K K8 AND v Bonds, BOCtillT , AJu boi.i on wvit.ioeioi. 1 jwitivaaWJaV,,Coeka. A "Co.. ' M. Y.: Miottattlea Ranking AiMtKtauon, ur any old Hanking House or Cooiuieri al AgcncyTn New Vork, , 4 ' SU..tUranlhl-t on "WALL STKKET AND I KOt'ktlAliO.Nd " luruiuiud Ire OB SjVltcation, 4'iucjly ( - NO. 22. I rEcili, notices; l JWTCHEtOR B HA I a DtB Thi apWid Hair Dye la the beat la th world, tiarmteaa, reliable, lniBU,mo, 4, aoteoaiM kaad,ur any vimoc u produee paralyaai evdeaUu) Avwat the van f4 aaooi-luuve orenarauiHM hw v,. .. do aot poaet, ThsavBum. u . A b lor't Hair Dye Baa hut av ycra' aoiarn.rf aspaaauoa ia apaotd IU iatrt-n'y u urn onlw perreetlialr Bs black or brown, b-4 h aU DrmrcMts. , Apl4y at IS Road St N. I. aovas-dlr lOIUlisli 3 ' ' -3 - ' . - .1 - i B4 ...t , , V'PEACU ''pAllCRS, t ft? t A t 1 Si j , ( ... I .. ., a thbt, sod cisaie.t Parers ever Biade PAltER, . , coRrs, V and 8LICLR, take oulji lv turn vf Ui ejsuk ta rare,- Core, ud Blio aa Apie, Ala boat R six At Pol al at th , -' HARD WARK DEPOT Of i ., 1 . . a. T. IL BIUGG3 60N3. July IN If rjUE YARlitittOliUlI HOLoK ' POR BALK. By vlrtn of a Jndrmenl trnilered at UnHng , Term, Isfl, of tits biirtor Court of Maa 'oontv, in tli anion eniitbid Hllllara H. Pool, Kvecutorof rdward Yarhnmn 'Ii, dee'd. va, HaoaMb IL YarlHmiurrh and niiiura the mtaw umin ol nw-wid t.-inntl t wrt on Uie Ml l day of Auizuat ncxL imiiumwi inputs newtle;-e itin jnhm, , rite vii u, ,., 1 H!!! InowitaallteTarborouuh llot.1. ... 'OHt-taammt Hiattnauat f.a tnivT'a'4 s k.wutrvtlte ntreet ta the cttvof fAalrlgk"'""" tu miuiaeee wwi una acre or ground, tt IS oua of the moat central points ia Uia e.lv, be ing not more Uian four hundred yards duitant (rum Uie cwte ot the Raleigh A Uaaton, Uie Kaiehrh A Auguta Air Line, and tha Nona Carolina Railroad. ; within one hundred yards . of the propoacd Maaoale Tempi) the same d'atance from the fuaUidlce snd Inderal Court Houae ; on lbs oppoute aide of the nml I rmn Ui Wake Couoty lOiirt tlmiau, and wiUtin Ht-e minutes walk of Uie Capliol, The hotel building le Uiree atoriaa algta and sou tain turty-aovea gueat chambere, a dm nig roota, two parlor, a reerptiua room, oliirs snd three family rooma 1 tiaroooia sre commodious and well ventnatsd ; Uie paiaigea broad and aiiai-lous; the illning room, iiariort and ollice sre large, wall liirtited snd euuiforU sbm, both kt atiunuerand sinter. All be buitdinga on the prruiiw-f are In ex. eli-t order, ud Sllvrd svery eouremeac la botvi keaplug. Tlw terme are aa followa! thtn-fonrUi of the purchase mousy ia esalu Urn reauiu In thrna ual, inaUluiunto, tirailiig b.lcr--l., at sir. twelve and eiglttoen tiiimttia from the day of sals; the Siat of Uie credit InaUlmcnta to be secured by bimd with si least one good auretv, Utte wiUikeld aaUl paymnut vf Uie purrkaa uiouey; and so long aa any part of Uie our. chaae mouey remalua uniu, the purcliaaer to litaur Ui buthlinioi on aald hit, bjaaaia eiUal to such nniiatd balance, Uie loe if any lo be applied to Uie payment of aa d piircliaaa money; snd should the purcbaaar fail so to luaure Uia aald buiUlirtt, I hull have Uis power to rit'tt mtch inaurance and th ronner ao onmdivl by me to be deemed a pari of Uie purvlio. idoucy, bear hiterset from data ot eiut:ilture, nd be p!":ble at the a, me Urn wiib the Inalahaeot 01 parehaa money next tbsreslter falling due nit.t.ia.w. &. rwu Ex. ef Edward Yarborotigu, dee'd, JlytK-tos At eotiy and send bill lo office of Moor A OaUtng. -r'JLlUtU, OA1SAM) UAY, A small stipp'y Juat rticalvr-il- " Jlylhtf JAMW.VLT0W1.KS, Aitnnl. G Usiocorwj! GRKAT DEMOCRATIC VICTORY I IBM l'JCLIHAT0 riKQIXU yrea cvrreai - BllU'L, t!USTAHTIAI. AbU OHBAf. ' Tile onlr Tierfcrl leaver feed cutMr er In 'iitcl. So pcraon wlio kecoa aioeg can af- fwd to- do without one. 1 tie cbeaiical n chine ever oliered to the puntie, it ta n;Mnt au etir,-ly new pr aclplc and d.M-a Uie work of lend culling more tierte.( tiy and ai'ii ntors.. eaaehj the man working 1 bo lm.. r:nc lnu any ollmr: i'a'eoled April lliln, I1TJ, liarlag aecumd the rlirhl for ttiia tnmt vain elHcmacltiiie for whole L. S. (except North Camlina,) 1 will ecltftuiG or County ririii aa moat reaMMtable Wrma. Th foal chaneu for setli.e. euergeU tuen to make money easily . ever ojiereu. Auan:M or 10 jlySXtw " : : W. it. juuitUOCB. iiny. , r N 1 . Jf S Tim Z i r 3 -S IS o p f JilJ t ii H n ii-s, - l .a ? M -r -tt . -ie r-a ' - 5 S ; J " .5 - 2 'J . 3 S '. ftWWI-.VI "1