' -:-:v -7.7' ' v l': .7 ".' rv" 7 E3 V 7 . vol, vir. KALEIGH, N C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 0, ..4872. NO. 200, THE DAILY SENTINEL ADTIKT1B1.SU RATES. jJ.iillssniTslT " l a fatl'rutiM loitowlug rates per euuar. of . ,Hmewe ...I...... - seca wbaeQSe wsataaa ,i e, : ilr.v. . .ll, nuvll " seuo a.o'..i- 4U.UU t.OU 40. UU U.UU 10 11 13 , f 4 . SUOu i ft , SS.OU ,... stkUUi AjW to ute imn knot sr . a k. ..jjuIau. Mr ss louows y 1 mc-. - .moaUu, a . ; . for T months, I H.00 " 14 UU M 1&.W "11. " lUt) aft W.w . Li.fHUr WB . tares-fifths of - .. A fl I W7kl naUiui raw- w-s-btorf, ot, r . rwiir rales. roMtTlWly, Itami-Weekly an Weekly oa- Nouese, Sfty per mm Dellymls. iTuliii - -i WiUH,ll ELECTORS. ': Mririct Oetavius - riot Coks of Cbowea. . Becoad District Swift Galloway, of tireSO. '. l Third District T. C. Fuller, of Cum berland. ,-r. . Foarth Otatrict B. A. London, Jr., of Chatham, Fifth Dbtrict D. F, Csldwetl, of Gull ford BixU DUtrict W. L. Stoehv of Rich- breath District F. B. McDowell, of Iredell . .' Eighth DUtrict Thorns! Johnson, of Buacomba, i'HOMH AJTJTAIH0. Local Dot. ; - . The fad jolliflcat to-nigbt (Thnraday.) Our market 1 well supplied with appkl Tha lat rain, except when there waa not tod much, did a vast deal of good. Be tb advertised) eot of th Machank ,,, BttUdi and Loan Aaaocurt ion. .W'n na -erf" '"""t timVm7") ta, wniwari tttytarriBB.J t ; .r- Wa ' an eigne of th) dog law " be .... m, pat into torn. , Onit laBcttua was refreshed yesterday VjBftooi AnBtfbby Boas.. H. A. Blake oontiBos to keep on band apleodid Boetoa (c. ;. j , ; Nrwipaper trisiTWi an becoming anmer- as ia this city. . I Th Aturuetua Merrimooe sad Home Gneleyt are Bow Bumeroes la this Stats, Tax bat lot 1871 bavsjurt beea placed UthekaDdaoftheBberiffa Rnvl.lt Atkiasoaleftttsolt, tmitj morning for BichaBoad, Vs. , ,, Ocs hundred and eleven unregistered Mgro votes war soiled st Hsyesvllls, W. T. Black well & C, at Durham, sold 11,006 sounds plug tobacco during th aunts of ,Jxly. , j , Col I W. Bnmpbrey, Senator sleet " .i j .. w 1 m mm bmwivi wwuunu Vt . f HH WU i Daplia,i laths city. " Already there ar candidate for th vaiioa Boaition ia th gift of thalegis- A rnral vial tor st our office yesterday BUUlaWlkaiof 0 R Iba I v W leara that A. 1 Butjes. proprietor of the National Hotel in to city, dea.Kna peailiigBBotmta New York. ; Schsack or Bknnk, BbsruT of New Baa- ver, put ia aa appearance is thi city on f4j...i .. 1 ILXong Prry, Windy BWy Henderson ad Para Settis wers la cfta ooofsb on th street yestwday. Bettte we smsaing hiasell by scracthing his back sgaiast a avnp post ..j f.TFvr-r,. i s ' .' Wly Smith, U is reported, seat bto neeoBBtf la tbia diatrict. two or three hogsheads, of bacoa and two boadrsd j Mabels of eons to btr an votes with. I Thi bacon was, ws are glad to say, sot net purckeaed from Bergea. . CaldwaU yeatarday usmed bis wsr at ipoa the treasnry for 8,006 la fttvot f young Wiahsrt sad other of Bob esea aonaty for killing the outlaw Tom wery.. , - . ,. , STABaiha AvriAt. Thnrsday aight a mooing sflray occurred at a boos la Tsstftra Ward asueuniad b a aalond -mil, Wiggins A whits man by the .nasi Joha Joh-c, recaiTed a m- ateb la th. rbrht brewt sad a aaah m. aa tha tnn n.V. t.-A h al fa. Iks irfsssU'nii... U.rrla whilst It I i that Johnson had eaterad ths boas tbs purpose of stoppiag a difficulty hat a ass Harrieoa and a deaf and dumb Coaorsd mas by tbs asms Wiggins, whan as was set upoa by Harrison aad wound-1 -,wnoL ins ma. turn- -r" sw wuro soma tim. sgn coargea with robbing thmoriey drawarof Mr. Ls I asmf etorsoa Wilmington street, and a ptoxdiag guilty . judgmsat wss sos r41 oa payraant of Ousts, hot being tOmyrl)sarajl8Baw sent to tbs orkhooss, from which, bs was released nftsr by ths Board of Coanty Coov oa account of od conduct. 1 I KLKCTIOH BBTURN3. We h eve corrected the subjoined table u far s ws bar bees, able to Sola. The retarne that hare been: sent to us or that we hare gathered from other sources have generally proved fallacious , and ua irtutwortny. . Our figures baaed npon titem have beea correct in the main. If the return heard from are to be relied upoa the radical Bute ticket la elected bj frow 800 to IfiOO. We do But nnderUkv to aaj at the preeeat writing how the final count will abow. There hire been vwt fraud pnrpetited, and it i altogthr probable that the poll will be purge I a far a poanible. Bach a purgation mi; reault diaaafroualT to Snielfuogua. . Gaina, - Loaaaa. Aabe, Sit Alexander Ml -.', IV 120 81 41 132 93 ! 838 Anion, 'Buncombe, Bertie, Bladen, Brunawick, Beaufort, Burke, Chowan, CaUwba, 61 . 11 j BO - : 78 " ! 427 Cabarrua, Caldwell, Camden, Carteret, Caawell, Chatham, Cherokee, CIJ Cleaveland, Columbus, Craven Cumberland, Currituck, Davidaon, Davie, Duplin, Dare, Edgecombe, Forayth, Fraokiin, Gaaton, Galea, Graham, 287 103 224 64 100 850 119 290 63 ; m 86 41 64 162 107 187 S0 - 83 "23 129 fflfrajrvitte;'"' 813 58 Halifat, Harnett-. Sywood. Henaeraoo, Hertford, (offt.) Hjde( eiredell, 7 J.ckeoo, ohnston, Jones, 7 90 203 100 17 . - 80 47 II8 897 17 62 92 Lenoir, Lincoln, stacoo, . frtiB' ' McDowell UZI' eiiitchei j(oara, jiajito0 5ew Hanover, Northampton, Onalow, Orag, Paaouotank. 241 U 138 28 134 18 : 14A 'IS 1H3 4B6 61 20 98 813 111 45 8 I aPertjuimaua, i ' Person, Pitt, Polk, Randolph, 129 68 RltilUillBd, ' 14 146 ''so '188 184 bJ5 268 68 '118 184 jJ6. j- 8pM,j Stanly, ytokes, 8urry, Swain, .,. Tyrrell, ; Tranaylvaoia, 'Union, - Wska, , , Warrosv :L Washington, 61 A 200 237 68 18 WsUogs, I,J"V 181 S62 74 464 Wilkee, Wilaoa, Yadkis, Yanoey, (nffset) , ' K. B. Thoa marked with a ar aup posed to be official. " ' Comhittko To J ail. A Mrs. Welkins, who hails i ftom that poetical, or we should - W.m Jtstts, ws, 1 "' pnntr jail V' "V"l "fusing to tell ths asms of th lather of her last and She loves well but, alas, Bot wisely. Attxbtt to Bbbak JabL Oa yester day tbs Jail autboritiea st this pisos di covered aa attempt oa tbs' part of two colored pnaooers to break out of iaiL. It that oa Wednesday ths sutboritie allowsd tbs wives of tbs two pnaooers above mentioned , to pay their hus bands a viait sad' they took .sdvsatsgt I of tha ODDortunitv to amuertla inbn Uil I ci a aaoakey wreocb, sugur aad s file. On I mating aw rouaos ea yssuroay morning 1 the jailor discovered signs of what was I i J . . iVn..i..j 1 1. Mbktimo or ma Okkkxet and Bbowb Ci.ub.-Bj mjucat of Dr. U. J. Meoniii ger, Sciiior Viue Pn-aiduot, we will Mat the Greeley and Brown Club will uut in the Court-houae thi (Friday) evening at S o'clock. All'eitiaena friendly to the cauae are invited to attend. To KkmoVb Acid (staihs ado Rkbtobk Colon. When color on a fabric hat been aocidentl; or otlierwiae dvetroyed bj arid, aniinooia ia applied to neutralize the aarae. after which an application of chloroform f :. .1 Ln ... n nal color. The application aoiuiooia u conunnn ; but that of clorofurn i but litll known. Chlorufonn will alao re move paint from a gahneut or elaearhere, when benzole or biaulphide of carbon Dbatb or Carr. Johb Hamrixo. We regret to learn that Capt John Manning, died at the residence' of hi . aon, Hon. John Manning, in Pittaboro', on Saturday, 3d mat Capt. Manning waa an officer before the war in" the United State Navy. Hewa a high toned and intellectual gen tleman. He waa ia the 68th year of hie age. An extended obituary notice from one who knew him will appear in. our DC it. I Let ti Cblbbbatr Qua Vic It'oBT.-s- Though we have lost our State ticket by a scant majority we ahould rejoice exceed Ingly over our victory in electing the legia latnreanil five out of eight Congieasmcn. In spite of the money and whole power of thi corrupt government, military and civil, we have dealt radicalism in this 8Ute a fatal blow, and should we not make some nubile demonstration of our !..- u,-. ii . . . jo, I Hecall npon our cit.xen. to meet at the court bouse this (Friday) evening, in conjunctiun "with the Greek-v and Greeley Brown I tub and consult over the neces sary arrangement. We bops our friends will set upon tbiaauggeation.and that they may more clearly understand the nature aad teot - oif the reasons ws "'" have" for rejoicing ws refer them to the article, u What We Have Dose," which appears in t is editorial column of tills issue. l'0iirouiibur "WrM)u3eiit .of Aa- -gmt Sthy riteS-'' i..-.Th) soaeial wt of errtrrt irrrrrw -ro es- aion, Judge Moore presiding. This term i called to diapoaa of the oivil docket which baa barely been reached heretofore owing to tlis length of the Stats docket. ws noticed registered st tbs Uaborn Houae, amoug mauy other, Mr. P. F. Peecad, the. able sod efficient insurance agent of your city, also,-M4 K- T. Thorpe, formerly of this county, whs is now prac ticing law in Bnydton, Virginia. Our loss in the last election la this coun ty was considerable, aud wa caused by about four hundred whits men Maying at homes not noting. Shame oa the men w bo Can thus prov false to their Bute. - Th Baptist Association meet st Con cord Church, near Tally Ho, to day. No doubt a large crowd will be iu attend ance. - Ferry Skidmore, who waa a very re-' spectable colored man and s bake her but who baa been deranired for some time. disappeared last week. - l lis feast to raise fund to finish the repairs oa the rectory of St. Stephen' utiurcn, cams on Monday night, and to say that it was under the management of Mr. Klhott M suthcient guarantee that It wa a auccea. - - Tdb Enforckmkkt Act. Tb follow ing extract from th Enforcement Act, commonly known sa the kuklux law, may be useful for public information hist st thi tim : . . . , . , .- '. -i ,. f PUBLIC ho. 72 V An set to enfors tbs rights of citizens I jw-vsusw putiie mi fote in uie eoverai StoteaVef thi Uulon sod fat other pur- poees.n Sec 8. And h Uvthr matted, That if any person shall prevent, hinder, control, or intimidate, or shall attempt to prevent, hinder, control, or intimidate any persoa ..wu nnvwuK ur iu caercuung lue ngni 1 oi sunraga to whom tbs right of auf f frags M secured or gusraoteed by th I Hlu-eoth amendment to th constitution of ths United States, by mean of bribery, threats, or threats of deurivine such persoa of employ mentor occupation orof electing such pereod from renusd bouae hind or other property, or by threats of refusing to renew lease sr contract fm labor, or by threats uf violence to himselt or family, such person so' offending shall be duemed "guilty of miademeanor and shall, on Conviction thereof, be lined not haw than (500, or be imprisoned not leas than cms month and not mora than one year, or both, at ths discretion of the Court. '"' Section 9 gives jurisdiction to the Dis trict Courts of the Umrsd Slate of case arising under this set. . . Section I make it tbs duty of tbs U. S. Commissioners sod other United Stati officers especially to prueecule all esses arising aader ttii act. , . Section 10 requires all Marshal and Deputy Marahala of the United States to execute sll warrauts iaaued agaioat person who Violate ths "provision, of this act nader penalty of (1,004 for refusal or failure diligently to execute ths same. It also gives the V. B. Cora missions a power to appoint any one or more niitable per on to execute such 'warrant. Act approved May 31, 1870. , , laPBOTBO LoooMoTivaa.'-Tber arrived ia this city yesterday, two new and strangely construct! locomotives, for -regulaliDg" naes on lbs Pittsburg and Counellsvilts Railroad. , Their singular appearance and peculiarity of build at- Hauled general sttenium,- particolarly with railroad men. The engines are built aiclaeivajy fcr 1regBlstbjg" parposes. And so constructed Inst s bumper s placed earn end. i ne -tender" la duns sway with, and water H earned In a tank built over th boiler, and tbs firemen's foot board i an mads a to hold a soffi - nt quantity of coal to last for hour They ars very powartuL sad are hea'ilf I baiit. attd in ail sswim-u. iIiav rm e.11 ad.pied for the use dmigned. They were bum at the Grant Works, Psttsraim, H. Ob of these eniriBe. we karn ia. lur . I. E. DaCiane baa recently Mlihed a atartling work showing the lepnpula tion from natural caiwea now (oiog on in France. Dr. DeC'aiane institute a ohb- pwisoa between the (liil.reul Stutea of Kurope on three points the inraae of families, the number of births, and I he ex eesw of births over deaths. He dhows i bat ia all those France ocenpiea the lowest plaos. In comparison with Pruwia, for ism example,! where every Ave hundred marrisKes give on an averatra four bun dred and fitly children, the muue nuuitxT trite but three hundred Children iu Frani l,r.r every on hundred lailiviilttala V n i il . ii. rruma, we wtrxa waa rvpmietHt-u,oy .v a Frauce by 2 55. The annual excess of births calculated by the million of in habitants la in J'runwe, thirteen thouuuid thiee hundred ; in France, it ia only two thousand and lour hundred. From the statement of Dr. DcCawoe, carel'ully pre pared and aa trustworthy aa vital sinus tic, covering so wide a held can bu, it would appear that the population of Vruasia will, if k iocreasn at the present rates, double in fortyn ua year ; that of Ureal Briuria in filly two yeara; that ol Kusaia in sixty-six yours, while that of France wilftake oue hundred and seventy youa td place it at twice its numticr at the time of the Prussian invasion. A thorough change iu the. life of the French iieople ia the only path, acconling to Dr. DeCaisneof aall-ty tor France. ' , .. - ! i. ' , . ' - Garibaldi. It (a stated that "Oar! naldi, though anfferiug. fhm rheumstic pons la alill aa laborious and aa ai tive aa in bia brat daya He liaea early, every morning take his usual ride: on horseback, inapeula with care the rural Improvements he has undertaken, nud w riles and stud ies incmsantly. Every day he receive letters and paprn fr.'in all porta of the world, and auiong them, strange to any, rude and insulting letters from France, the country lor which beeiposeu Ins own lite and that of his eona. Meantime his plantations, both native and exotic, pros per on the island, aud he baa victoriously solved the problem of pnidueing' good I fruit from a rocky, dry ami barren soil. I Artilicial beds ol ovsUM and oilmr marine I - j. M..,,fWl1 . niHm ,he c,at I hVe been very sua.l'ul, A short lime I ifo aoine rreucn otttiwr quartt-reu at Itonifacio, Comica, lander on the iatatfd, without being invited. On being asked what they wanted, they replied that they had come to aee Uaribaidi .out , of mere curiosity. They were naturally dismissed." MAmTbis b) the liret Northern feiet election of Govern and membera ,',f Con. n-rea. take, place on the 9th of Jentember. rku u-,i,i ,i-,..r;i. 1.. ..k. ..... 1 T'liMim-lihmkk are conft ii-nt T anuoa the appioarh ol diinger anil bpewd -dvewtla'eajHrT&ninrTiin' tack be may lira to regret. "-""J In thla city sa Tsasday, Aug. T, lS, at lb bom of hi parents, after two days Umess of blllos. fever, Ai.naar .leases, son of J. 0 as Mary Kmg,' aged en year and seven moutha. ' ' , "iiMtvat loutd one, thou haat left as, i We thy 4txwnce deeply feel, iut 'tlaOod whobalh bereft ua, ," 1 11a can all our sorrows hesl " ''?i,V.v . - . " B. Naur Advertuameats. N ItW FALL BTVLs SILK U AT8 t- for Tounc Gentlemen. Prtee only 65 50. ntn quatny. W. BID. TUCK EK CO, aug9-tf . . y ALUABLE PIANO FOR BULK. On aatarday, the 17th day efAuiast, Inst., I wilt expos U' putille sal. at the auetiuo rou.ua ot W. 11. Juues Co., on Fayettevllle atreet in Kaiebrh, an eetfant seveu octave Kuaewood Pianu of the erlebraled mak uf Burn Kuhisii. Ttiis bisb inneut waa formerly the property of Mi a 1 boa K. Bkimier and 1 aia iuforin.-d eoet about an hun lrt-d and Uftv dollar. Il is now in perfeut order, and couirstlvtly antn ia"t illi 'tualT iros ebest. the pruueru uf uie Hank of the Mule of North l arohna. I n property may be mspi-cled at th auc tion riMMaa- - ' - Term eaak. - B. F. MOORE, Trustee. aagS-tda tl gmngNC FOB 8ALB. lv A targe and valuable reslihVn A hu-irs and valnalils rvwlilrtrioe ia the -' tern Ward, duly s saort distancs from the Lauilot. yor psrlieulsn. spily t. . . Jollik bKVEKKUX, augT-a ; or r.fJltvlla,ltLX. -y 1B0INIA CUTTllGKrlIVK8. imstantly rceelvlna. auppliea of tbia cele brated gnife TUe best ia Use fiar ai.mil far mer Also Binclsir's Celelirated ProStlie Cullhif Knives and Msatiottors and uie.far m.His . oiipar 6rlp Knife. f' PiiO Lf JAMhd M. T0WLE8, t j , -'sii-.'t Agent ... A NTS D karat Laborer nd Tenants, fond Miner Wiu. eipMieaca in Saw aud Uriel Milling, a Wblt woman to aueod dairy waahlns; and honestiold purpoeea. Comfortahle. houses, leaioa. Imulemeuta and Buuiiuea furnished """"m d-". rruT. Wil nUr" , f , , J. bLKOaad MIKlRK, . tiaaton, N. C. angs-lm ' -r 1 - MS. A L. A. . The 4UUI regular meetlniAof Ute "ilsLBAMIM BMUilNU AM vAtAH AMAOUlATloN" Will be held In the UOL'Kf Hul as,, vn Prltlay evei-lnu uih iosk, at 1-1 0 eltuca, ins virat anu nuxiua vwsaea win bo d their mediums together. All duns must b paid by rnusj a irhi or tbs nnea will ins eafunoed axamst dlwUnts. Metnbera will tj Utetr dues tu Mr. KUke, at bUleitfh Ma- Uuual Bank ur to Uie audi rsik'ned. au; 7 Id , , " WM. BlMloOS, nVe'y. BSKtlT. Ur. Turner, dentist, will be .bernt from bis orb. Iruai this city fur three weeks . aag s,jBia,u . QHIONOM8, LON BKAHW, CORONET, earwaud ether hair iroorte, )""t hsud a .OUTTlNtlKHa. LITHEB 8HELD0X, i - HBALXR IU'. , f . DOOK8. SASHfa. BLINDrt. . lotililiifv Irirkflia, Stair Uilt, Ncvelt, IS I ll.ut.K4' IIIKUH4KK, ii rami, uu. Ulan, rutty, And Butldiux Maerwl of -every descn, uoa, .. 178) AVa-ter lreet .rfolk, . Fa (rteud for ai card befur -i'ig Wuulu Tit BlruiBf f lit ift,- No ason Mick Headache, so store Wvspep sta, so nor ln.ltMiion, aa vn fn, bo asors Liver Complaint, ao aaor Jasadre, ao avm fsia m the IW-k, ao awn Kl.l-.jr lHa easa. R" tnurtt Uuvtivwtcsa. ao more Hasrtoura, full; VewtaUl llTr VU us eartaia kmt aulee SKaiuat all theae dwlressuix euoUiutf. . ' ATLaaTA, June 99, IHBSX Dr H Tult . . IW eli 1 an a Ullor, and. Irons want of eeruis, lust all .ula,saj whalhtUe t did so lined on my stuutaeu. 1 buuxht sows of your Liver fill, from Kedatoe at t'ux, and have Ikoo ontirrly raltevrd by vbeia. My ao eiltc ia oMxt, and I aisTri what teat. 1 bow skwi tuaud at eitfhia, wk t I bad eat aon foratuullia. W1UJAM t. rSRRIUL Dr. Tutt's Hair Myti batmleaa aagS-aeoddtwU Watt wa Naao Waea fseiuTTB. Ajitwilte and duresUoa laaailsk at thiataa- e. At the -very Uiaf when the bodv moat ttords renntaUja aad'snppurt, Ihestosaads, Ua commltaarlat department, ta apt to prov delintiueaL Uuder anch clrtamataBeea th necessity lor a wholesome slhaalaat, jonic and Borreeilve I sell evident, and consequent ly tee demand or that pserteae eumMnatlon of the three required elements, Hoatetter'a Btuuucfe Witera, Is never more aixeut than at BsidsumeBer. - It hi iruo Ihul a few medical blota fossils "loft over" from the d k ajrareequieueud violent .purgaUoa and water gruel aa a cure fo uuligeaboa aud Ita aceumpaayltig Ilia ; but they make few pruaclyt-S The majority of the community are aane, and all sea people are aware that a pur aud powerful y eudtatble louts, wild alterative provorUet, lias- stasVeV tar's Hitlers, li tb only ears tor dysas'isla, blliutisoeaa, euaMtlpaUun, aervousnass and Um "uu aqueatlal dmaa;a" they inllkt The human intellect, nnleaa hoielasaly dis eased ur eKreKiously huiuhiurtr-d, decliuea to aawiuish Uie waaaeued huuuui stuuiacn with tierce caUisniea Uuil, raiUiiu like au avaiancbe ihrouu Uie tit let lairs Uuustmi iu ua the iutM-r uitt'munuia Willi them. To uae a sia:nui- rsiti cau-u iurase uie- knuek down-ana u;rag out uiului.a of Ireatmeut are "ulaved ouL' It il clearly understood that a medicated euuiu-aat u eseeuliai to Ute reuttvs lou of aa e&Jiuustad frame aud lluil you eauuut atrelurt h eu turn ur wuuum by dosiug them wilh proa traiuur ureiainiUoua -Tula is an era of vow- uioa seuse, aud t'ouiiuoo sense an,iruvee of HosieiUtr's bllujia aa Uie txatt aniele exunl liir Imigo.-sliUK, leKuUliiiK aud uurttj lug Hie system sud ileteinliiui it sfr'onst puisuu in the air we p eeiue, or we aaier we Urluk. . auxedeudoiwlt :.- . ...1 .... . ..,:'..r?lf i, vuMt., ,,r i...,.,u.. -r.. i.- h"4 lmUoM- U a1! -"'" " v.n, Th. most regular fee, tires, the mustbtillhuit eomniniMM jaj..ari twtu faU of- their due ettact If ths h jlr b s I est fsx-e if U but suriuo T and-lkenTtea hblder wltn a aeuae of. actual beauty. ' Thai I Crowning ornament of her aex la, happily, I wltiilu reach of lovely woman, and being I aa mdlsrrluluatiug aa ah la lovely, she long ago diaeovered that Lyon's Kathalron wa th a re means of aecuriug It, Mo preps ration for is Hurever en) yed a Ulna of Ita popularity, . and au woisder aloe It prednee. such gratify ing reaulta Applied to the wests and barren pane- of the acalp. It frac tide and snrV-Be them with a a.w and ample growth. It Is Bot, of coarse, pretended that It will do this If the capacity for reproduction hi extinct, but so lougae It nmslns that wonderful rehabllltant will aaauredly propagate the germ of the hair into life and activity, K. Y. Piaaca, M. D., of Buffalo, tt. I., will aeod liia book oa Chronic Disease free ta any aditreaa. ' i iug ItdeodlwAwtt ASTHMA Jobs Wbitcoms' KsmsbT. rrcuared from s Ueraian reelne vblatoed hr the hue Jonaa Whiteuuib, lu Kurope. It af- levlatea Uila disorder la hu caa. a ben all o her appliances of medical skill bsd beea altandoa- aa. 4uwpn nurueu a wo., noeion. ror by all Urugxhitav 1 , 80B8tlTCTItS I!f THK DENTAL rauksara noldealrable; therefore, .keep the natural tectb sound ana pur witn inn wnoie solue vwctalile eliiir soaodout. Do thia. and the will issl aa louu; aa U.e breath last, and uie Bream llaeil win never ne taraiea. TO OWNKItfl OF nOR8E8 AND CATTLE. I). rttv Oondiihu Powders are warranted anus- rior to any othera, or no pay, fur 111 cure of lyep-la. Worms, Bole, ChSjllxilk. hriuarrma-. e . In IliirewraudCoide. Uuiitbs, loss of Milk, Black Tongue, H rsa I Inaleiaiier, Ac , in ealUe riice e nia. I I Depot, 111 Park Place, haw Yoik. FHT8IOUMJIST8 say that ourbodlea are msksmI iuu Is Hives vuus. 1 he materiel tA I .iu.j. i,,. r..n.Lr, i. i. u.. i.i,.n.i ...d I unices It be fully ebarved with the elemeau of I vitality, Um alrenirUi aud health of the svsUj.m decline. Of sll M.mmI depurenu, Dr. Walaer'a VuiiKO- bitu-rs la the aafeal and moat Inlalll bla. i'here Is ao disease, arlsliur from the de privation uf the blood, wliluh it will not epeedity sure. FOR ftTgPlfPgf A.thUow. rwiion of efdrita aad XVneral seemty ta tnni rsrtoa-; tonus i also, SB a preveuuve snsiu. g user wui A true, ,i,i ulher. uiterniilleul fevers. TIm rerro-l'Husioraiea auur oi iaiiaaya, maoe sold by ail bnunrista, u the heat tonic, aad aa a tome fur pauenta reeovertng from fever or omer alckness, u nas so euai. . THURbTON'8 IVORf PEARL TOOTH POVVDKK. Tb beat ar Ik-la known Kweieaa sing aud preservimc Uie lee in aud iruws. Bold by all UruKi.oi Price aVk and flo cents per beuaa. X. C waia m l,, new i wra. CIIKIH TADOIIO'S HAIR DTE This I oillcuut coiuouund Is bryond cotitiniieucy, Uie salcal and aitus renauie uye in existence ; sever faiiinf to imparl la Use Hair, aoltorat- ily of eolor, aouruaineul ana eiaaueisy. hUnafactbry, Maiden Una, New lork. (JARBOLrO BALVB ImMSalled as . Hi Ing lHBuvaod. Physkvhuas reeiHamead It as Ute most wonderful remedy ever known. Price -aft cenu per boa. John F. Henry, sole Proprietor, tiUHta ria ew jr, RJLKT'fi BUCHU U a reliable Diuretic and Iui - lor all deranxeneuu of the unaary snd ireuiul oruana The kenuine. aa formerly sold hy ilaviloiid, Harris Kisley aad th.ir brseunes, I auw pmtered by H. W. BMryj Ui ornduator aiid proprietor: Sbd the tradsj supplied tij hta aucueasora, storaaa at suaiey, New lurk. -tX aVAPNlA la Opium vended of Ita efekea- loa- and lajisuooua qualiuea. It is a parfeet aaudyne not uruduelua: headaebe or conaUpa- I Oua uf bow. ela, aa M we casa wtuiuuterr pra- Ktrauom ef aw York upturn, dona Farr, vneniift PKATT'8 ASTRAL OIL More sccldesls occur from asinx UBaafeoite, tluw from atwn laiaia and railrubd. ewliuwd. Over auu otai r.miile eoeUnue Iu buru PraU'a Astral OIL snd no accidents direc-liy or indirecliv bava uc-1 curred Irwn burnnur, ssoniia; ur aaauuug is. Oil lloase ef vhss Frail, eetabiisaed iJ .o, Mew fork. ". . - WE HAVE freqoently heard mnthers sa)' thev wuuld aot be, wittiout Mis. Wiiialoa'a Soothing Syrup, froor Uie Wih of ih eliiUi aatil It haa dnished with the I a biurf sicg auder any considers jus abauvar. THE HF.CKK.Tof iu.ntv. What Uf knurer BWL fur Uie w,.rtd ol fsbhin and il Iheladloa know U..t i'a a. pr.xlu.ied by Vu a" il'-lucalful aod IisiwIm w.tll pr. 'uaru.N k'.n s U W. uiij. -rMouas uf louui." lis oeiulifvliar etto-is art Irjly wuaderluL- lit,..d a, Uoid si , new i ore k. at aa. nug i-sasuasasw. LATE TELhiiKAMIC ISWt MAKKKTS. Niw York, Auguat 7. Cotton steady, ale I4U7 bale; npiand 21 4 6 ; Orleans 94. Flour quiet, com too to fair extra 47.30.U, good to choice (9.85a(12a8. Whisky s shade Aruaer, 93. Wheat active, wtuter red Western l. to 61.73. Oara firmer, fair demaad at 67aftSi whits southern 86. Kice steady st 8 9 12. Pork ouiet 13.40al3.70. Beef ouiet. Lard a trine lower, 1 8a9 1 . Navels steady. Tallow dull, 9 8 8a9 14. Turpen tine quiet, 67 a 57 12. Roaia Uiet, at rained, 8.1U- rreiglita lower. Money eaav, 4a8. Steiling 91 8a9 14. Gold 15 8 4ai3 1-2. UovernmenU cloeed ateady at 8 8. Tetiueseee's firm 72 18 and other aouthorn ateady. . LivBBFoot Auguat 7. Pottna opaned urn. Uplands 7 8 ; Urluaos 10 i ll. ...J"UOSt WASiUNUIOH. .. Wahinotob, Auguat 7. Settis tale- egraphed Grant thi morning that North Carolina has elected the Kepublicaa ticket by a thousand to Bl'trea hundred mayart- In socordanoa with ths letter from Mr. Gt-rret rkuilh, to the President aaking hir the release of certain kuklux prisoner now counneu la Albany fenilentiary, the Attorney Uoueral, to whom the f resilient referred the letter, baa itquesuml Colonel vt hilelr, chief of the government detec tive cot pa, to visit ths Institution where the pi tanner srs oootlued, and make s complete inveutigatioa into ths eooditlrai ot thekukluB.pnaouera, repotting all tb seta to toe, at paruaent. FROM NKW YORK. Niw York. August 7. Ths Spotted Tsil and Sioux party leave this oity oa Saturday for SL Louis. I the ZneaiM say ths grand Jury yester day presented aa indictment against L. Jenkins Jeuuiuga, of tb Jims, fer libel on Gen. Kilpairui. FROM WILMINGTON. Wilminotob, N. C. Aujrust 7. Uanar- ailed irauda.nais been discovered la th election st s prscinut in Brunswick, Boun ty. An omuial vote was announced of 98 majority lor Caldwell ; on investigation it appears that there wre so mauy irregular ities sod fraud that lbs whom vote of the township ia thrown out. This gives Merrimuo a . majority of three in lirua swick. There are alo,0lbsr fraud which will giv Mvrnruou a great adraotageon the oinciai couut. ' 'lb eonaervauvs aUII I consider the cb.nce even without calcula- ting tbs gigantic frauds. f T:-ROMHRTtUCSS-- MtrNROR et Hear Admiral hi, P. Las, commanding to norm auanue Bajns droa, arrived hers last Bight from Itey West. An well oa btMnd. Sb WIU re main ia tbs roads until Joined by Admiral Oreea, who succeeds Adaulral Les la eos maad. FROM CHICAGO. CviCao'o, Aug. 7. Gen. John F. Farne- worth declares lor Ureeley. , FROM KNOXVILLE, Kmoxvillb, Aug. 7.- Ex -President An drew Johoaon arrived to-day, and haik rooms st ths Lamar lions. By invita tion of Democrat and liberal, h will ad dreae th pempl oa Saturday, ths tenth instant, at IU o clock, oa tbs qusstloa oi tbs FROM BUOWklVlLLK. r; Bbowhvillb, Aug. T. Captsla King, ths largest Mock owner ta Texts, wa el tacked aix mlleB from hla rancbe bt s hand ol sight Mexicans. A German named Specht wss killed. King and the other espaoed. .Mexicans fled whea their firs was rerurued. It is believed the mon were sent to murder King to prevent hltn Irom ap pearing before the Depredation Commia- aiouers at itrownavlile, im uonimiaalon srs expres satonishment at th crimes and outrage ths stexlrans hay tMrps- tratsd on the people of Tsxss show a by ine teatlmiy taken. , Sr. Pbtkbsbubo, Aug. 7. A despatch fnwu Niscbun Novgorod states that s MM.t CAnflsiri slii.ti is bam fmirinn1 in flis. :, Th. " hr.,k. ,...t lTi,.7 n.r.,t z ' , of the niacs where thin annual fair la bs lug held, and has slresdy deatroysd great quantity of valuable goods. Lonixix, Aug. 7. I here Is sorn ex citement throughout Ireland over the re port that gold ba beea ulscovered near Ute town id Kinaate jgt T A L 1 a O "i 1 6 6 ". :: " AlANDAL H. vFOOTB A CO., BANK EK8 AND BROKIR6, TO Baoscwsr, M. T, , GOLD, STOCKS AND rVNI8, BOUGHT AflU.BH'lt.U UR VUMlSaUUM, fcVwwii-Jsv Cooke.'" A Co.. M. Ti: aUciiauica BanklnS AssiK-lauoa. ur anv Sid risnklug Bouse or Uommerlcal Ainucy''B .Jlewlork.. - , ' HI B. Pamphlet ea " WALL 8TRKBT null! uraaa i tuns itiruisae ireaos aHillcaUoa. juaeaa wiy S1,000 IJ Oil WKSKval To any shrswd maa who eaa do business oa tneutuet: I aaarauieeaB iwaaas luavuas, easily. rtMir, end in period aaleiy. Ad drees m perfect eoandence, SAKniHSLI. ion HUeckur 8lreev.NcW Tork. July f-wm . , . gOCTHER.f HOME SCHOOL . FOB YOUNG LADIES, ESTABLISH KD, lstl Ae. IVt mtd Ita) jr. t'Asraw rsf, , Baltimors, Md. - - Jd&'MrU,' Wb)lt M. CABT," ; MRJ UtS. JDU.x PEG BAM, rrhKlpals. Frtck m Ma (As Bc aug t ueodxw T O T I C B . . Oil parties' woo are Indebted to BS will pi mm coins forward and selli Ibetr sccueau ua ur seiurs- ane 1st ss j u. t aue hvihui asafc. a eaang. ib oar bustwas mi tun osia. SHOES, s J- l GAITERS, t- ) UMBRELLAS, LADUCS', MKN8 NECK TIES, i and KID GLOVES W. 0. B. 6. TUCKBK CO, JU.OUINATB FOB TUB . . GREAT CAMPAIGN. The aasbnereed 1 piepaiad to furnish Chi aeae Laeleroe. Traasnareaek-a. t lam. Calelaa Lurhta, ta werka, t.7 at nuuiufaaiarara pncea, sir utaaUBaung raraa, nquaras and UaildlBta, Sou. puouc and prlvaus for ths eumui; saaspaam, and will iv. piaraoaai av- MoiHHt iw uaatr arraaicamewi aud aispia). llr sera tor articles ta lb abuva Una wlta or with awl iaratiasl atlaataaBc, reepseifally aubctisd aud prumpUy atiasided ta Please xive -ae aiaca souc as pueailde (efors masuug. ar t. 0. FOLOKR. 46 Boaaok Avsnns, Mortulk, Vs. sag l-ll. Q IT r . 't A X II. ,'' OrrK'S of Clerk aud ' TAX CntXBCTI.R, . Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 1, 187A ) Notlcs I hereby afvan. that I will atUMd at the kl.y.w's Omc dally fur tha next thirty days, between the hoar of 9 a. m. and I e'etura, p. nv (Band y's excepted) fur the par. pose of leoalvlug Use Clly laxea lor UM year All nersoa ars reu nested to soma forward and pay tlx sam. pruviHly fa" m. liKALOJSAH.ieuactor. sngS-tw . . NoTtk CarolinB Lwd Com pan j ESTABLISHED FOR THE XVmnspota,tloa (met; XsCMMttlost OF NuBTBBiia Cakaouii ajtd Iubopbaji . . Sbttlbbj. t kobth Carolina. omen T tuitiaa, jr. a mHIB Company has bsea la aaeeeasfnl nna. L raUoa fur nearly tws years, and will v Una to Buy. BelL Lease or Kent Real Batata. apoa ewwuHaaioB, or uiaerwiBa, sa ta aaoat laruvaiH. ws wis Par I lea bavins- Lands to sell will lad it to tliatr internal to eaif at oar-adBe. ar -av raaiamd wlib ua, as our facmiw fortelUng are .ne-i easing ererv usv. Lance Use is divided Into sauular are UMra- By raaueraa aalaabla, i s. rraaiaaat and iMrecton st th company srs well kauwa j aad parUes salmsitos; ti.sl seas IB tberr baada, have tht seat ssaur uiak mev WUI be vjmiv mweaeaiaia. ..Loans upon mortsssra-of. saal sslate srwsw xoiuuou ny uieuusuueny, la brbalf of Ba duaa -aiapwauasfc-.. dwplawii Ian. stir Watted, swuihj ueecnpuuB ana HM-suua oi property, valua, amwuut waa lad, and ether eaaeotlal parueniara. For (WW-Pre-paid ttrketa from any part of Europe bv tha dllsus lAmt at (ns uvarpom w nwlolk. Viral ua. Aduras. suooamauivauuaa to MTha Nnrtl lsruuaaLsadOa., or to JAax. aVvtLssetnUry u ba. u 1 1 ua, rrsa, Wst, Soott, SeCy. '.' i Bua0POsajs JL Ocs. Utile, Uea. It. F. Hoks, Boa. B. W. Beat, Dr. J. B. Bulla, MOB. T. Is. CUbsj- ilfLiaatwtt ,. . i -YALUABLC LAND FOB BALK. Oa Saturday, Auiaat 17th, I will offer tor sale, st the Uourtaoaee deur at la o'clock, tf not previously disposed of, Utal valaable tract of land la wake eoaaur aae mkleurUi of the liy of Ksleurk oa lbs lisltlsx kaown as ths I hreon Hons tract, eoataln- lug on Suadred aud twenty Bv seres sdioiu- tnx Uie laada of Heary Mordrcat, Mrs. W bile- kar aud the Uallfax road. This land' otter Kveai Hsduoameula to any one deairiug to alert a truck fans. Any paj-ucalar deseripuoa ia aeemea saueueesary, aa auy m aeainng to psmnaaa will wish to ssamine Ih had la itersoa. Term, made accuutiuudsUu;. Oue bid will be reserved. Tor further hifurmatlon eppl eat. Iv to tia anddralgitsd or to Usury Murda- . a-H. , ' V'"J. DEVEREDX. sugl-tds.... ..: - KaUiftb, M. ft TF TOU WANf TUB NICEST HAT Fof th kastt ssoawy, eoms to . spr U CD. BEABTT A OO, suocsasoa to W. C. Itrtiitk k Cl.! v Qrtur and twWaaaTaaJI i ' - , j ' DEADER Uf ;'v COTTOM AND NAVAL STORES, Door above Tarbcre Bona Wy'Jfsarliialfc sng6-tf" T f'": : "" rAOLK" AND "REQAL" HAMS, , Brsskfaat Btrtp aad Ssrokad Bsaf, Z .,! ;; Edam Cases, ;;, 4t ' ! : Satokas Beef Tangoes la Caavas, -' ;-s. ; ! Plexiaa la Caaaa, - Chore O H lava Cotes, ; ' ' Cholcs Orsaa' sad !B)ack Teas, " " --J ,;'BidalClieroUat?":'' " Welsoa'a tparklloj 6eiallB," ' ;;;'.-; ComSurcB, vj t f buV, Mustard ''J, I ,- Catssps and Saacea, " Alt theaa (ooda at lowest cash prices, saga-tf ' W. C. BTBONACB. hr f- BACKS FINK SALT JuM received. , . .' - US M BNInAtfVAn MgO-U W. V. liAUnsHO, T A ROE LOT M. C BAMS asd Bids to-day. AU recMvea, , asgiU W. C. 8TR0NACH. qnifX LBS. IW TORK'DAIRT BUT t)UU tor. Oar retail trade as pded di- ctly from to. segt-tf C.STRONACH. A BEAUTIFUL. LOT OF JXr: Isiesa. ."" ' Kmnroiderles, At FRIXB08K, rXTTTat MWdoM'S. w-i , ..- - PAVIDByit MacBuaseBa Co 0 O L LK O B . MacBuasoBa Cocwtt, N. ft Next ' to-m twin Sept. grub.. 187s. FacH-. ties fur sdacautHi a.tsurisssed. Lot-shty besithy. 'ABnual evpenssw rnxa titfu to yur eatalugae ur U.l.ruutUoa ai(tty to ft. a. in. a an, Oislrms of Uialai uily. Pit Ofnc : Dn4sus Vuiiega, M. C, )uiydAn LSPECUL NOTICES. , VATCULOB'h HAXB. DTB This aplandld Hslr Dy la the beat la the orkt tlarmleaa, reliable, lBSItiDo.ms,d()ea sutsuotaia kssd, nor auy vilsiie pussuu, to produce paralysut urdealh. Avoid tha vaeuhai aud Satuaive pnnaiuas buasunir vtnun uie do sol poeaeea Tea, Muiea uf W. A. bab be air's Haw Dye sa hsd'w years' auuutusbed repatauoa to aphold Ita Mtevrity aa U onle perfect Hair Dye Black or Iron, Bld ha sll Drairjctsta. Apply at Ml Bund ot., N. f. Bovho-dly L1 G T B N I M tt .2 PEACH PARKRS, " S ' $ I E" - , th keel, sad 'iapat rarer ever mad CORE It, and 6LICER, - take only Svs turns of ths srsnk to Fsra, Cora, aad Silos sa Apple, axd now re axx at obobI - V : - ,:- I li-vr For nal at tha , HARDWARE DEPOT OF T. IL BRIGQ3 A SONi July Ss-lf UB TABBOUOUUU UothE By vlrtn. of s ladrmsii raadenul a...!.. Term, 17, ef tha Bupartor Losrt uf risk . uaoiv, in ine bc'iihi eiiuioud WJUIam aVi fUrrf, SXacutsrOf 1-idaard Tartwinnuih. uxt'd. vs.tiaaaaB It. yarburoUKh aud ouiera, the b"lrs nud deMcsis uf ths ud dsnsdeuH"! wilt ou uieaisioay or AaKUslnext,etHM topub- w "",, Lnraiiuefcjnjaiusii.miwir know n as the Taruoruui;h UotcL Tills uronertv la alius led oa the eeslara slits fl Fayaliavill Street ha the city uf kalrie-h and enibrauee shout one acre of ground, ll ia aae of the most central putnte lu the c.lv, ba- m aot mure luau ioor uuaured yr.le distant frum the depots of th KaJehih l.ssUm, u.e Halehrh Auirusta Air Line, and tha Norua Carolina Railroads j with la on huadrod yarda of the proposed Masoale Tuil; Uie seme dlslaaee (rule to Postum-sa.l Ifedwal lurs House ; oa the opMtia aide of tha alreot lr.ua the Wake tioaaty Court Uouse, sad wtuim Xve mlnutos walk of toe Oaphul The tutel buiidiug la three eurlea hle;h and eoalalue forty seven guest ehamiwra, a tl ta me: room, two parlors, s racepUos mm, o til oe and three farntty rooms 1 he rooma ara ooinasodluaa and sal) ventilated ; the eases ire broad aad epecloua; the diulnf mom, parlor snd ostce ara larire, wall litchlrd aud auiafort. abla, bulk ha suuiiaer and a in tar. AU aa baildiiura on the premises ara la ex eelleat order, .ad afford every nasveaieaKe to ho lei keeping. 1 os tarma are a follow : Oae-fourth of tha purchaas money ia eaah: Um raaidua to uim equal uislalnants, bearing utaresl, at mi. tweiva aad ebthteea nv,atns fruta the day of sale j the Srst ef the credit mstalmeate to ba secured b.boad with al hjaat oa aoud aurvtlv. Hue withheld aaul payment of Uia pun-hese uiooey i and ao hHig aa any part of Uia pur chase mouay reraeiua aniu, tha purchsaer to insure Ui bulliilnc ua said lot, la a sum quel to auch saiiaid b'alanoa, th Iom If any to b applied" to the payment of aa'd purvttase Bsoney ; and ahould l tie parchaaer fsil ao to maure Uia aaid baildiiura, 1 shall bava the power to effect such insurance and the monev ao eipsnded by me to be derated a psrt of Uia purchase money, bear Interest from data uf silieadltsre, and be payable al the a.me urae wiut uia maiaiuMU oi pan-In ss money next thereafter feliiuf due "u.i.taa a. rooi,, Ex. Of Edward tarhurougb, dee'd. lyVtda . rtM enuv and sand Mil taorllce af Uiwim A.' UaiiUiiT " : ' TJtODDk.lt, OATS AMD HAI. A small supply lust reretved- jlyidi-tf JAMKB M. T0WLEB, " "' '. ' Atfent. : JJLEACHKD AND BROWN DOMKbTiCS, 1,000 TAKOt or M sod 4-4 BLEACHED and BROWK :;:!;(.:.' DOMisTics. Also tot sullsbl lot for Bnuung Floss Backs. - W. E.AKI. TUCEMACO. sngl-U LAKUB FLANTAfiON t : AUOTIOlti .' One thouaand Iv handrad and s'ltv ulna n, &.-!) acre In th ueadowa uf Uie l.st. Klver, ) milea from Dsa.vilM) and Vi fr. m Uepot, UI ba sold at put-no auction oa Ut tela ef SeplemUw, Inn Tina is s auieuuid plaolaiion, and would makeeaneotock fart es beauufuily, aud well uauruved. lor parueuhsra addree. rKlLLIlia rAi'L, , "DAN BJVER LAftD AlikNUY1 DanviUs, Vs. .- sag s-dtlll imh Sep - . . JOANOKB FAMILf FLOUR. faispscs Fsrolly Flour,, Kuanoke kxira Flour, Baaia Mills Super Pluor large lot a packs s:wto lull Hetad Irsda. su ,Vtf W. U. B1K0NACIL Oil IN into,' 6,000 yAKps or SUMMER and FALL JWSTS , J ' KXW STTLKa, . H. E.8.Tt'CKEB'AC. aug 1-tf AKtia n I ck K or tklUis ttt I lust received at , , ISAAC (jETi IV. -". . ,!illWEJ''JI saayss-u w. li aitsosu v. 1 " "V

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