V I THE SENTINEL JOSLAH TURNER, 4Y, Editor. T. & rmOBBUHT, Associate Editor. MONDAT, ACOC8T 18, 1878. -THE RATION'S CANDIDATES. FOB PKESIOESTl ..nnnimnnnnni.t - " or new tokk. , I OB l i B'ttEIE!Tt b. . ma eiw, ' - OFMISbOCRl IN D USD A VICTOR R J -No man of candor or tenst will hel tela to acknowledge that to election in thi 8ul hM resulted just at tb demo crat wool J bbad.lt. We her tost good deal ia not (Wiutf our State ticket, but w nave .aba gained vast deal. Tbto welitv eUl)lilitl la rticU. And yet who W reflect upoa thjvry extraordinary esertioo of Hit Grant nd mmiatretujn, to carry tba electioa ; whs w null their joud sod oeojeut boast of twerpinj the State by Iron 10,009 to IQ.OOOauWwj whoa w rBamtabwr that they nad speakers from tba North, tad unlimited supplies oi money, all bached by Uie power of a despotic government i when we look at tba threat of fengaaooe bom radical t peek em end the radical brant, ud behold bow tba Yolenl Judiciary pnwirtBted it power and dragglec tba enioo in ths very OHh and alimeof party creools to trrrwnxa oyer so ignorant-sou " oiwIiiIobt'poptiletliiB ( when wa recall tbe vim iWlai.'Wd fbbood that .ware spoken aod written and circulated " In very hamlet and village, and rvuietubef tba corruptioa of tba ballot-bo, when wa recollect all thensthlBgt, with, tbe thousand aad ooa aaperaarricaabla parti- MB xeelott who canvassed North Carolina ' Bight and day disseminating ontrutlit and scattering Utreaia ad j promisee i and ' money, wa at cooatraiBed to ackaowl- ' afljjdibat wa flXamatttbliig ok tbt ' $,. "day of AjigUt, when wa engaged . - the enemy aad wa oyer two-thirds of the 7;, - V i t t ' " W art sot dUpnand to magnify; Mr dead i Wan not willing to diuinljh .Alight of our trtusl pwlurmancaa. Th tmttl Wat Bert, "it tin or wr-rgeo ; attvoalf and aoirrilj i tba twa WaU wtn In rleadly aanwst ! tba ooa ifda ftaigbt ailioo to ewtraliwxl dwpotltiii, political vcunlity, ofllcul oomiUua ana ntunawy wutcfuioeat. ';:,";:,:;;' i im uita tna that n nnt.v anmeadod la vhiarlng partial vfc tory ; nil yat what wa bava acofQtp!ibd if woodorful to behold. . , Itnrena tba i)irtnro. Let tlia Lttl Ulur b Mdical a it wa in i It bad,' kntnt, unprtoftipled men b our Uwjutkun: lot the fiva dlttrk-U be ro- prewntod, not by the pura, onmllled Aaba, ... Mm atsoemplulied, courtly Waddelt, the H .Ti'if un, ioclaiva Bobbint, th abarp, , 1L wMf,ftd,ladmitrlouaIiearli,ortha nxKlett, , fkillihil Vanca, but by tba acallawagi and N ' carpet bagtere by Deweaaaa- aad emagnguical Dockarya, aod leva! ling M. Kay and lm!eci!eOobbi and iwagger "Ibr, royrterlog Bkiw-Yoar Hora IHIIyi; let the Kt ow occupied by Oaatoij and B'lp and Mangam aad Graham and rgg eonUuua to bo filled by ftttLuHlnajr ; yuol at Bob iitn Abbott, of ('ape Codt BJid tliea behold your utter aopejeeabeat ' and helplwaoeai. Verily, the deliTefanc 1 berodoua, the ii t4ry b great I j ' "Oti, lMtaDotlecuuibat lu(ttka(oiN()itlH f ' Then bit o rejoice, and daub away all grtet or irouuM, "'"An B"(Tat heait ha away thU wutm. - t- , , . Wbea Oao. Lee failed to ancure a decia ira y'finrj, bit heart did not gink within ' him, but nerriug himself for other onasta ha aiet tba enemy on( other flultU to i win fteiJier and greeaar laurola. Wa ban drtrea the ( oaly frora a portio of kit .trenched atrong-holda. Let ttt go it iia agaia flnuly raaolred tot to reet upon .. our aiuai witi, tl.ni(io i of Liberty1; tad Buform and ReooacU"B floato grandly Tr etwy battteaiiiv d lb llia " s and daconiBted enemy, fleet In routi-aod demoraluatioa befora our advancing ''atttodarda. ' . I " THAT PH0CK8810N. 1 Ttia Br mas hat beea making l obeer VaUona. Ha hat bo doubt a huge tela aenpe through which be lookt at aartj object. He peered throngh bit magnify lug iimuument at the 100 negro ttieu and 130 B-gra boy who were e proceee km at it niOTed op Fayettevllle ttreet on Tkoradey night, and lo I he aaw 5,000 in prouWo. VarilJ, tliU Bust U A pow erful iDntniment attached to tbaifra y " bok-out." The blind bus ia the Scrip ture taw men at treee walking. Tba Mr Itiaa reremee the prooeaa tod teuatoeea rid little bcya ai ui.-a walking. ' Hurrah I fui tin " 5,000 repulrlioaot ia Una.? j , 4 .--, cravxx corxTr.. f -: Tlia law murine that at the fatrtlieat Hi official election returnt from each c ontj oiuKt be publicly proclaimed by J ttetdnf after the elortioa. W :leara fr,i tba mt 'reHabto touro that Uie .-.abctioa. returot ill thit county were ,witb: 1 id until Wtlnmiag last : Of oourat th-y ill be thrown out. II they ara Bot then 41. row the lawt to tlia wWU.fcr they are but 4od K-tteri, or are only a . la nto d awcfaU audeoneTVati(and liberalr. rvmlttl,,le tenia ( dlaregard bf(ila at muubvlii to o'1 v"1'- " ,eiiUl U p',ued to bate early iufor- - n -iti. of tba tame. : t Ai. ,n.ler kliicbell, who repratenta Mil t n.kie ia Conitrrt, pi vn it at bit 8rm , .,( that t.rt' i-v, an.i llmwn will carry UTKRA.ST ITOTtS AND OLMA1 J mas. r One of tbe aaoat tbougbiful taluiaes tbat bare been pttMinhed la a hng time mad fmif, by J.H. Seeley, ediUw of that mroarkatl book Meet lluma," that an e (cited tbt critical worJd,.and abotrt which then were eo ntay variant opla in. Prof SoeU-y filU I be ehairyof Mod era Hittory la CaaMdg . lnWenity, England, and I a aaperior Air at well at writer. Bit eaayi and kcturaa ara en original and euitiraetiee. : Uia three iecturea, (they art ia footamayt,) oa Bo man Jmjuriatitm are strikingly impreaaiea. aad furniak a mlutioa to tbaproblctB of Rome's decliaa, that ia aaw to far a we art biftmrieiL It appear to be ant only probable bat I certain aototioB. Wa caa only girt tbt toluUoa without th argu- BMBto totuttaia it, at I bey would oecupy too Block tpaee. Heraia 6 wordaia th key Utat flu ta ward of th luck that ha beea worked at by to many skill ed artiaane;'. -. .' " Wbatererth naoti and nlUmale eaitet Buy aare bewa, the lasaaediatecauaa to which the faTI oT the Empire caa be traced fa) a fhyimt, not aaoral decay Mat war wanting ; the Empire peri ah ed tot want of men" . If th reader deairea to read th clearest argumentation ia tba Bwet lucid style lot hint procure thiat Tolum awl read the argnaseat to suetain (h conctuaioni of tbt aathor. The beat iiiterpreUtioa of Miltoa wa have erer read the aioet pbilotpbkal and tatisfactory-4a found ia tba two ar ticle upon bint m thtt totatn., They are not eloquent ma uiagniaonit like Macau I '. beauUful anddaixling like Gilfll ta'a, bat tby at aaalytioal, thoughtful, rery prorouoa ana very acuta. --, Tbe Bttartaoat of to aula a ataa at Pro fessor geeley, a poo aoy subject he may discus, Bterit eooslderatloo. He it bo ordinary Ban, but i t scholar and think er vt ttausoeJ clersraes. , Mo ordinary man could 811 the chair be does, and bob bat aa accomplished and able writer eould bar produced th impress! Tt assay! ; eal to abora. ' He i twideatly eome- thing more that a mere scholar ht It t oum of high culture and taste. W pro pose to quota a few ttatancea from'blm upoa aa iatatttting tubject la these and other eolwnni we hart nrged the teeesity of eaxhcwitig Inferior boolu and reading onlrtha works of the Blasters. - We hsre several timet attempted to puncture tlte (jrude, 111 formed taste, or the utter want of sTT thM fsst,bntb df Ibt sadersWa hart said tbatlha onfy way. to (1 ncate, wat to ttudy tba beat . uiBhv ft 'yMt"aa- fcoilV apew - tba ground cattlt will stoop to eat; it laooly b elevating it abort their beads that they art made to look np. So It it with readers. Place hefor thsoi riciout or la- feriot works, ind Lhay will b alwaya AwA ing downwards atea tally aad morally but give them th wholetom and nutri tious pabulum supplied by th beat works tnd they art compelled to Uft tbair head. Professor Oeeley fully apwreciatet this, tod in bit fin essays on Bitfluh in cVAwnit he urges that tbt Mnylulk da id shall fa taught ia our achooU to all boyt before they are put to th ttudy of Latin or Greek. Be it t!)eeelous " adrocat of a comprehsntirt i sis borate English ed catLa,', lit want to est trery boy mad familiar with tatoreA, aad Pope's Iliad and Worsley Odyf, and - nader takea to tay that tbt reading of these three books would Bora than oouaterbalanot all tbat the boyt might lose In the knowl edge 6f antiquity by giving np th elast ic." . Hit reasons for tuck ta opinio ar sustained by arganwat that art aogeot and cooclusivt. He hi not oppoaed to a cbsjsicai education. Ut only wisbet Eng lish to precede, and that those boyt wbo atop acbeoi at fuartoea or before, should pot be taught anything of th Ancient bagtfea7-8irt wa trjaulal!r.dujred to quot th foUowing passages i - " It It tuiely But A tmmtUf that pertoat ia deoaot circumstances, In decent society, persons who oar patted several years at school, should go through life millund any intditetMtU tattm, without any amst f (A TtlsrVy nMiMit,,Ulinf tiotim with Aw bariuk tknpUeitii ta entry tintd allurtmmt ttylt, entirely outside tbt lDfluenc of Uvtng geolut, 4 arjarealy wr, tvt a an historical fact, tbat they ar th oouo- lsrM,, w t of Bacon, BbsAsptara, and Miltoa." And her iee paseags that i wuw and true. H tayt that boyt ought to b required to read tbe best bookt at kemt at weH a at school that under this tyttaot " by the time h At tourteaa, beginning when ha it tea, a boy " will trsva passed lour year In reading the (eat serf litntttrt, books alwaya instructive, elevating, and ia many oast delightful By thl oourat af ia- atructloa knd onattraio't, u ht would flrst (fodbata Aai ace iinw ia noi troti ; h would be drirea against bit will to good Hlereture, And in du court h -wdkild find to kit astonish meat that ansa' UUratur wot muck (At awr delightful rasittagj Tbit fa) vary Bound and tenai ble. Th mini of a boy I ductilt and plastic, and eta be easily Bjonlded and lufiuewced. W ha scarcely ever know a man of excalleat literary taste who ob tained hit education b studying aloaa. Hit taste at Stat is crude cecenerily, and a will read whoa unguided by torn di recting mind whatever that eruda tests crave. Tbt tppotitt tbut fed with un bealtbful food will ator awhilt demand mor?timulatlng Bfwrish suit is taste utterly depraved tad Jnean. Hence, Pmfettor Soeiey, very wisely tayt : " lie doubt they (the boyt) an liable to be lei astray ia their reading. " They will not akt nioet naturally to the b bookt ; littie gun tie ooottraint baa to be used ; their boukt must bs preacribed tor ttivn at Unit, until tba effort of coping with a great writer, (ht labor of follow ing a high flight, bat begun to be felt invigorating and reXtesUing. But (As chief thing CtJf Mn it U ffrlunity and th fuUnnc. Tu good bookt da not tail ia their way, and they Am as eat 1 tcil Uum what it jotd." A boy It greatly blest wbo has sob judicious friend, cither pareat or teachef, to select his reading lor him.- The writer of this bat bo dnubtY read two or three hundred thmwaod pages it would have ,bnl.w.;U.aie.--aeff-te';hwe rer. But " the good books " did not u fall in bit way ? and he had " no one to tell hint what wa gflixl.' Il required tail1 mat association with cultivated utca and wooiea sad eanstant oouimuuion wilh the great thinkers aad writer of tbe world before b eould appreciate and lore the beautiful, tbe pun, and the tasteful. ' Be tween good taste and bad taste there it all ttt difference tbat there it between virtue and vie. He may now know what in good literature, but the knowledge h t beea obtained at. th expense of many wasted years aad at great lelmr. l would war our yovtb of every land agnjnat reading any book upoa any tuitjuct thai I not the nasi, and never to read any Inx.k uotil be has either coasul'ed some culti vated friend or informed himself of its standing ia th critical world. , If he will do this invariably, ha will avoid all re gret at misspent boon over worthies bookt, and will have found the beat books, a Prof. Sedey says, to be the " Bvwt delightful reading." Tbe Professor plaaita m belialf of t large class "cist which bsvs ao in tellectual ataospher around them a clam who " seta no bookt " ' ia their own hornet; or If any, of th most trashy aort clam wbo " eiy an men atrotit fwtsaseia," or who hav "become prematurely wise and raaorrobt and cyni cal by perpetual reading of bewspaiert :" for tbit large class he deumaiit tbat they b taught EnglMi be Buutelo study Ihe beat English uthort,;H it only ia this way that th iwaginslHioi au4 taste cau b cultivated, and .the'ontcinplatioa strengthened and enlarge. ' ';.'?- VMBT BOUUbLM. ' On Friday afternooh Mrj Turner was summoned to HilUboro' by tidings of a uaost aapiesaaat character, flom villain or vlllaini oa Thursday night flred into th bed chamber of Mrs. Turner, crusting of Course great eonsternatinn and fear. This it tit second time tluarreat outragi; beea perpetratad. Whether the aonundreit intended to inflict any bodily Injury is not known, but tbe act was devilish la the extreme and unworthy 401 any ag but the darkest and any people but savages. Th villain have also greatly-alarm! tba. family ..by rguing around tbt bouat at night and scraping with ttickt oa tbe weather-boarding. Tlia w1K4etbVnf 111 "trlWIrgWffiSttfifTi" AltouLtfJUlUaJlftiiw .Thuytct to stisii sinato Mr. Turner ataiirht because with bar their corruptions, robberies tnd thelvlngt, aud baring failed In that, they aow seek revenge by cowardly assaults upon the pesos, qulutuda and aafetyor his tBBOoent hvmily. Every man whose heart It not Satanic and craven must con demn tuck etvtgery. .-.-.. 'i . m si i ii i .) i; ... VMHt CONTRADICTORY. . , W with our contemporaries and read- en to understand, that ao contradictory and unreliable have been tlif flection re turns tbat bare been tent to Raleigh, that it ha aimply beea Impossible to mska out any satisfactory or' Intelligent state: nient Wt do hot believe a single coontr correctly reported at first. .80 papers aod readers an unjust if they bold Kalcigh diton leaponaibl for th errors or cara- of others. - 1 , v GOOD It TRUS. Wa learn that th rails are sorely dis gruntled over rumor that onmr to 1U1- igh from tbt West, tbat in the counties of Swain, Cherokee, and some other, th voting wat aot esectly as they would hav it It teems th " Bra tried" hail uot been supplied with th accessary printed tickets for th Bute officers, so tliey voted written tickets upoa which only the name of Biaulfuugut appeared. It thit thoiild turn out to be true, we may beat the whole craw without a 000 tent, save the old bell-wether, and w will get rid of biro awt winter. - ' i.- 1 WOAt MSANKTU TllSSK Th amount of fraudulent Voting tbat wat doot by tba radicaU ui the late lection ttaggen belief, liuail the fullow big from th Wilmington Jurjul..Ilii fa) merely the beginning. Let our fi tends bunt up vry instance of fraud, Intimi- datioa or bribery. la Bladen enuntv the votine strength is put dowa at ,S10. Th nuuilier ol votes actually cast is t.858. Ia Cumberland oountv - th 1 voting: strength it put dowa at 8,358. The num ber ol rote actually cast Is 8,173. 1 la Duplin oountv the vntinir. population it put down at M5. The nuuibor of votes actually oast is 8.4S5. ' " Ia Franklin county tbe voting strength put dowa U a,H70. Th number of votes actually cast fa) 3,033. Ia Hslifat county the voting strength is put dowa at 4,453. Th ai-tul auoiber of votes east for Governor in tht 1st elec tion la 8,307 1 Beit remembered that It was ia Halifax county the ragistratioa books were aaid to hav beea lost I la Lenoir count the, vntina- strength U put dowa at 8,081. Tbe number of vob cast wat t.m I 1 la Wash oountv the vatina strenirtb is pus aowa as s.ioi. ine number of soles oast bv J.8771 This increase i in oart. however, accounted for bs the recent mi- neiatiou of a part of Edgecombe county 1- ai-t.. . . .. . ' strength it put down at H.,80 j, '""Th uum- m iiinviwnintis connrvr wis " voliiw oar 01 votes actually cast is a,05. !, Biboi(n, couuty lb tUHr strwitrtb "I Pt dowa at 8,043. The number of votes actually cast U 8,814, ia Bsrnpson oountv tue votinifstrenirth put dowa at 8,bo. Th vole actually i AW 8,8t. Rsn the Alluni Ar.. . un.. it RrpulUum, the Grant organ of Couri.laod sura, puiuiuies Uie state mnt thai n.il.a airt ,. I ..V.1; , , be found there lu fovor of th elertion of tir. ureeiey.: in paper bat ntliecqucritly beea comoelled ta inrt amr.1 1.. forty Av prominent republican of Hi- u., .T-uKiiiK mrir isnueace auit tupport to the Liberal Iteiorm tijiet." a colobud MAira orisios., " Tbe colored orator W. H. ttondare. who cAnvssaM ia our State recently wat lattlr Inurviewed by a 'H. Y. Worli rKrtet. ? Among many other question and snuwcrt th following occurred : " It tbit treachery carried out entirely by white men I . - No. ioileed : a few tniltw iiar iF rival we, were surprised and mortitted to Hml that aumrier 01 imeinirent eoloreti Bien were priiaWpato 'in, rbtt ntarioat bost- ewss of misleading ataa, ol theit, race. Their biotivea were solely for money, all lieing under the pay of the Admiaistra tx iwrty." . 1" 1 ' : . , 1 . Can rou recall aov of tba Baaietof theaeuieu I" . I The prominent one among them wat Jaiom H. Hams, Htate rVwamr elect by a rcruoed mjirily- Irom Wake County, who -liv his (let laraUona under oatn, w one of the eioat unmiliUri scoundrels is that Hute, In this fellow wat Bomi nati-d for Dm grass ia tbe "fourth District under the old apportionment an sold himself out for th sum of $4,800 to Owijw, who wat nominated and elected to Congress. Thit fact Harris admits an- der nalh Ix-fore tits Commissioa sppointed to iiiveHtigato frauds in that Uute, aad hat proved himself a willing tool in Ins hands of bis unscrupulous employers." IV ton know anvthinir eoiwamlnc the oilottixatliin or aegroet in Hurt! Car olisat " ;. , t Yet ; I know it wss extensively car- it , on not omy from the aotning Htatis, but intercolonixatioa betweea the noun ties was ilone by tlia wholesale. For instance, in Halifax, (Iranviile, and Wake counties. Ilotig the Tennessee, Virginia, anil ttouth l anilina borders, at least ID, 000 ol these fraudulent-votca. were regis tered, but In con qnenc of Uie vlgllai of the Liburalt not more than one lialf of them were pilled. Many frauduleot vote were rcgistured tnd passed from the Pcraiod to ti Kirt and Fourth UMncts, huh accounts for the changing of votca la those uistnctt.- 1 NOKTH TajV)I INA. j " No one . doubts MerrimonM election, but the most desperate efforts are being mads to count ' bun out. Whether the effort will succeed or not, it a grave que tiou. Titer is a deep feeling among the ptOtStSVf U I- .'.: ' I Much it toe tenor m a (iisnatctt from Wilmington. The conviction it univer sal in ibilcigh that gross frauds hav bee perpetrated on the ballot" bos by the itedu-als. While. Young. United plates collector, kept bit pwt at Kaleigh, (irrow and Pool remained in the Booden, where they recelveil daily tnd hourly intenigeoce Irom (heir ce ljutr at Kaleigh. Hythe lawt of North Carolina, the judiiuA P'- eluctlons are appointed by the conuty cdiii miasinnert, who are elected by the people. lu Itaxlical counties, these are Judicata Pool, who adyiaed llolden to arrest Mr. Kerr and other prominent citizen of the HUM aad commit themto the keeping; of a durpcrado, "Who would but Uicui, ' hat prouuid by tins law to manipulate tot re turns. . Wuile the Democrats bavt prompt ly and honestly mad return u tbair coun- tua, be has held hit back lor "revision and amendment" He resides in Paoquo- lUdicala and neuroe greatly abound. li'iiiii thi'lwini)''tTlH'eyiw''lte frsd vrer bark the return nntil he could heal from needed. Mot until Tuesday, tne tit, did he oondusneod to girs returns from hit own and adjacent oounuaa. Oa that day the newt came of " incraaeed ttepublican gains in Camden, Currituck, Pasquotank, Oiitcs, Chowan, Oh re, Wasiiingtoni and llerlie" all counties ta tlia r'lrnt aad Heeond Districts, where Africsnism' and lUilicalixiti predominate, and when the dirtv Pool manlDulatet the wires. ! Th tolcrraph rcimrtt that there tre still three eastern emiiitiet neid iiscn vi awall eoa- tingnncie. S"wetl inrtirmed source at Italetgh expresses the a pinion that Merri- mon bat already been cheated out of mora thaa 10,000 votes, aad this exclusive of the colonized negroes and tbt iutimidated voters in tlia western noun lies. It is tbe conviction of the best informed men in North Carolina tbat a full, fair, aad fret election in that Htale would giv- at least 25,000 majority to the Contervativ party ; tud that will be Oreeley't majority 10 No vuulImk. , Bribery and tba terror inspired by wdictnumts and blank warrants that last and most ingenious device of Judicial tyranny reduced thit majority to 18,000, which Pool and Carrow and Young hart tnrther reduced by " revising " tbe ballot boxes. - -.- 5 Pool, who hat a deep rwrsonal Interest bi he result, un doubt devised toil de signed to reduce the Conservative majori ty in the Legislatura to at to obtain a r elu (ion to the ttonate. But that Biajori . ty was more than he could- mansg, and he it devoting hit talent to raunudg bit friend Caldwell a.cA. Whig. : , 8ErrLEi, . - 1 Tlie North CariiTin electioa kat arttled the status of John Pool, ' tbe head and front of iwlicaliAiu in that state, audi alto of Thomas Mettle, the chairman of the national convention that renominated Grant. Pool's term in th United State Senate will end in Mamh by general con sent, II wa one of Ah must bitter and unrelenting persecutors of the Bout hero people, lit did aot want peace at; any prii, because tlmt would end th chance tor a tuntier rubticry of th state. Pool snif (iettle ara both " scallawags," or n-m-gade North Caroliuiana, who told 'AsKWrthrigbt"-for'v'i taatat .af pottage, ' and then Instigated all the bitter persecution with which' that HI ate has been visited. rVttl wss sawift wilnesa before the Koklui pominlttee, and bit testimony was not published be fore h was appointed minister to Peru, in reward lor that service. He drew hit tea thouaaud dollara, retigued. oa the plea of III health, and became one of U rant's pat. Ht wa made' president of Grant! na tional convcutiona with tht view of aiding bit promotion in North Carol! aa aad of giving hi prominQPce in theMitooo greaa, to which be felt sun of being elect e.L Hut the people of bis district settled that question adverse to hit wishe. I Het. tlu was ,the candidate of all others ia N.irth Carolina uuoa whom tht adminis tration lavished its favors and patronage An immense amount of money was axis d and thrown into that district, of hicn heptWnally was, the chief distributer. Numbers of deputy marshal and revenue utliuers wore specially appointed to fid in ma eieciHiu. ie pite i ail snats snorts and advantages - ht it g numinous Iv de late.l ; . ' ,i- 4 f'lf And to the gang of roldiert and aroua-diwls-i Aut, Ix-ing weeded out of North tuhdina. Hollen was Impesched and distranchised and tent out or ths Brat In diagraciv, Abbott wt tent iato retire mi nt from the Senate, and now Pool will follow, wliil -SetlWt can fai'disposed of by tending to Congress Mr. Leatsji, who it choKB by a dertrUtd maJOfit to fepreseni lit ditUick-iosaisajjwu. s 7 ' ' " ':. !'. '. ( The Boston W tayt t "If indications do not; mislead ua, then fa) prospect of snottior "Woody chaara' in North Carolina for Mr. Boatwell to nil no, if he baa toy ti-fnse matter left." ' Th wretched old Cabinet of which he it member will be knix ked into kindling-wood oa the 4tl of Akin h next let him wait and fill it up with that. LovixiUU (Verier Jvurwoi. g r '' ! ' Mr. TlHimaa Landaeer has eommeocad engraving Mr Kdwin's'iarg work, called " ilrowaiog." ia wbith lit aouaals are painted hie six, orncAL tots, y ' 1 il 1 "2 r m Alamsaee TM mt .l70! Hlt ilMittil tot i. T, 645 , WW All;uaj , irrj 44 owu Uj Asaua i ,. ' loral ' ' Ashe , " ' tvi ' twt! ' M eissj Besnfnrt w tnoB ( ttasj , t Bertie . , er.7 tifl' m Blades ' 1U "' l Branswtrk 1 TJil flU; UUI Bawiomus tmii ISO lilt Barks -f mt ew "s ;sbarrns t wh ftMi 1IKI (III CsidweU a-w t! WJ OOUU CamaVa - rtsl 6 mi &M t srlsret I MM RSI OwW 01 Caswell KVi l; Hit MM Catawba Hm . I 11 tt Cnataaia lxni lla4' 17 lata! heruke 6J- ' Ouuu , ouuo Chowsa ' eui ow; Ji Ouuu Clay , in I7tj 0stl ttuisi Clevelsad ISil'J lt HMft 847 Columbas 7 47 loi aw) Craves , I.Vil J7ti Ouuu Cuwlwrlsa 1741 U71 nwi ltsaj (.'arritacfc )ws naf uuv e ou Usra isv. 11 oaw anuo taviaoa. i?ie lieu sun susi Oavle An; ) tc u llnplttS . " !.' , tftt. 175-1 Tf, dteoFomee rm rti 1474 va rursytb M Kl4i Oml ittai franklin lirni l7! 1475 lnau liastaa VIM . H- - W7 . ) Usti 74 W 74 SUV Hrakem twaii iaai ttranvtlla sja tv 110 nu Hniewa 7U4 W' T3 V44 Uuilfora- ITm 1717' aual Halifax , jm; fssi lora BMo Harnett f ' HW tWl 77S (KM 1 1 ar wood " ra son fv 4 jo llesdenum 41st f5 0"UII naa) H rtford am tr.i U 01 MU Hy.le 7M -A uul ouuu I C, Il.ll . aiia - ir.i t uis I k. Jwksou M 6M ' fl itihiisum u 17UV lar-Jl 14HI 1x74 JiHiea V 6I V Ouuu uaaj U-aoIr i -ll taMti 4 1711 Uncota Hfl 5iuj - 7U0 Msroa , 6) !M ' 1W MadUoa MO 4 OUW Martin 1110 11 iff OUU McDowell ' wit MI 7M bin Meeklenbarg 9101 . IWio tnll fjnl M iu hell . " , ' it) 471 sJ rjiam Mont;omsry 441 M4 7r' M Motirs ' mr W ll6 KXl Nash ihi M, IW im New Hsaovsr WM7 SUI4-I 1""' BHI4 1 Northamptea veM iww! MH IwolN imsiow . im j- , Uranira ITtn! WHj mi Pasquotsak em'sf tMoil 067 )om Perqn lassos, M 7U& i U rSOllK O IM HMlvl 1 . i kn xm Person rttt Polk K uidolph Kleliaioo . BtMsoii Hocaiiigluua Kowan Hutlierford Haul (mob Btanlsy BUikas Surry Hosts Transylvania Tyrrel V IIIOB Waka -Warren Waataington Walaua-a Wsyae Wllke Wisoa , Yadkin Taooef H7tH taaa ' ' POLITICAL N0TK3. A letter fmm Hon. Juki F. FaratworUt tppeart in the Chicaen naoera. announ cing his intention to support Qreeley tud nnim, . , . . Another Grant Roramitteeinan bolts I. H. Hmith, of L Heur, a member of the Minnesota republican Htat Comm tte nat aeciarad lor Ureeley. Congreaamaa Daw, while oa hit wav to the Adirondackt, informed oneofhU friends ia New York city that be should ao nothing for Uraat ia thit campaign. Among th nromiuent Rerjubilcant of i iiusvine, ra., wno support uie Liueral ticket are Jnna has Watson, Dr. Georg nnsmourg, u U. P helot, Ur. 1. i Duaa, twmuel van Byctela, John O'Neal, J. 1, HcCrum, A. W. Barry, J. U. Pew, L. tL Brown, aad W. W. Bloat, editor of th OUmtay Aew. k letter to th Boato Pod. tncakiB of senator eprague, of rtuod island, tayt : He will publish a letter la a few days denning- bit position, sod throwing th weight of his immense ufluenc ia HJiod Island for Qnetey and Brown, aad, be yond a doubt, securing tbit 8tete to th Ubenia.- Governor Stephen O. Hardin, of Hi!an. ind., on or in piooaan of ttepublicaa ism in th Hootier Blate, baa written a letter ttrooelv eadoninir the farmer of (happaqua for the Presidency. Uoveradr iiaraing was wvernor 01 utao 1 em lory, and chief jiidgt-oXColorado during th Administration of Limxiuv. ' Senator Trumbull stated ia hi speech at Indianapolis, oa Wednesday vaning, that there wat " money enough squander ed by office-holder under th Federal Government every year to bay a hoots tnd farm and glvt f 1,000 to every man In the Bute of Indiana and thai ar 400,000 men to that atete." Simon Ward (colored) Wrltjta to tha Eufauta, Ala., irVaot, showing why h and Bit Drauren auouia wot lor Orselev tnd Brown. H ssyi: I ntv etudied thit Butter thoroughly, aad bar com te th one lusi on that llorac Greeley hat been, snd it , the best friend to tha colored men In America, and that,- it is to him, mora thaa to all others," we are indebted for oar freedom, and I feel tbat should I not vote for him, would bs worts thaa an infldel." , . -. . - . 1 A lettof from Bath. He., ssva: Tbars it a ttmng Gresley-Kepobliean aeaUment ben, and very many lite-long republicans havs openly declared for Greeley and Brown. Among the aten Mominent of toe ara Messrs. Franklin Reed, Richard son, Baker, A dam a, Larabe and Gilbert Messrs. Dakar and UUbert art well known and sbls tewyera." Jirit ASn JCIATIOBT Of AMBBICA, 1 . Br. Lovia, July Sota, 1871 By ardei of the General Bear of Dlreetnrt of Uie Uf AesoetsUoa of Aanrlea then win be s stesUiui of Ui polk-y sokiera a4 stM As soehtUoa al the ernes of Uw corporation laths City of et. Louis oa Monday u tsreatyiith dy o( ASTista.xtal o'clock, t at, for the purposs ol considering certain proaossd saMndmenla to the charter of lt Anocisuo se4te rote kw or against ta sdoptioa el tee JAA. H. BAITTOfl, President. Wm. Habv.iv, Bixrelary! ""Jiy SITaug ft, U, i sad W luV3 W6 I mi l 17 1754 """" Owal m ikSi ouuu uio Um lat l ; 1304 :M tm ni aw ouuo lets sj( leal lAsjt lauo ntij ouuu ouuu 14A0 I 7i Wi Ills MM UM 747 ioj AtW -Wa J4t Bust itri 04 mo y tl ism fesj Ioo7 aNKi ewi ouuu ouuoi Oissi out W17 I4W OWSI OUUU 4JU SX SVI D47 7HH M IOA K) 8113 1P04 -SW'iM B7X l Hi" KMO Ml 7W tSIUU UIUU 5ou uhhi ouuu uutai 17.4 17N5 liurl ltt4e UIH Ml 10H4 laVb 0 1IH1 Ota IUH4 jM 7W 1 Sll a4 MM oww uuuu j'j. ritl'i , , . ' CLASSICAL and MATHEMATICAL .-i t- v .. -' V''V , ' - BCUOOU 1 ' ' .' ': -A ' ' 14 Mil jay a. . or aAuuaav -"' Ta 14tb e'loe st this Bcaeot willanaf msar mt the tud Mosday ib day) of Irmber, Inn. Loeatioa vary besltby. for Cirralara eaetalain; tsnaa, retsrwostaad tail partieabtrv adarsii 7 , JOBS . TBAT, ( WAT. klAL, Jly 8r . ' , lUJwgjL a nnoBACco. i ansea sa ktad of t Jlyavtf .' .4 TSOHACH. HANDSOMTS YCfeNITXRK. BsvesBS, What Note, Mettrasaes, Blsaketa, Bbsste. Mansua Uuilts. Toilet MaUS, Towels, ana a Very kandsoms Dtoaer tad Tea Sett, China r isles, Tss sot Usserl Bpooaa, ,,.. ,,. aaw.sJsaW t I good Milch Cow aaaj Msls. , JlyaVtl .W.H.JONE8 CO. TTM) XI , - tsosew F lower Jsrs. 1 JlyaVlf W, H. JONES AC6. F IOK BALE. to 'fy W.H. JlyiaVU JUNKS A 00. P OB 8ALJL lot Ssrkscaot White Meal, aod No. I. N. C. Uaus. Ily tf W. H. JON KS 4 CO Hmii7 tfx wan 11 Bow'ena By IMS, Jast receWed. Goes quick or U. will bs (osa. July t 0. T. 8TK0NACH A BRS. , 1 qvm Boon and ieou eiTt bit- isr mtlsfscltos thsa sny ethers. ' ! tor U U . a D. HBARTT A CO. 1UOAKJJI 8UOAKo!l - . u bble. all gradsa Just reeelved. jlyat-tf O. T. BTBQNAOH. QuvrBct ixrrftjM!'- j s 8,tO lbs. Bio, W'ra an Java. Jlyta-tf H. T. BTMONACH. NortJi Carolina Land Company, KaTABLISUKD FOB TH1 Trauaoportation ausd Hrfwntion VW i Cxmiuiab AMD XoaoraAa ' i. Bam. ast. or NORTH CAROLINA. -- t ownca RALSIQU, N. 0. i TBFB Company has beea ta sacessshl ope raUoB toraearly two years, aod will va lises to Buv, eVIL Lease ur Kent Real Balate. upos eomuilaalos, ur otherwise, on lbs most ts'orabte terms. Pardee having Lands to sell will laa It to Uusir kBUrest to eslt at oar office, or cor respond with aa, as our facUilies turseuiag set uM.-iMMi4 worr oav. 'Largw traets divided bite smaller are taar. ny reouansi taiesnia, ins rresideal and Uireetort of tne eoai srs well knows : snd psrttea sutrastis I seat la their Bends, bate us Osst aawnses mat teej wul to fairly teureaenteaV Loans upoa atorteas-e of real eati goiiated by the Coin uu y, in hebalt of Ka- Kllak capiulUU. Aupliwiloo srs Invited. etsdng datcripuoa sod toeaUua Of prowrty, vales, sasoaat wanted, sad 'other sssisilisl usrtieulars. i fur Bale Prs-nald th-kata fma ur nart nt f Bassos-ay tee oum-tii"iH "tigttaeh frouf: varouna ind Oo.. or to Wa BVott,Secretr s-wmi east aiiiititsjsja. avttstsai A X UtJ nurg w.arw.14 t-idaj-rraar Wst. Soon, Bee'y. DiiiBcroas : VoL 6eo. Little, Wen. K. f. Hole, Hon. K. w. seat, ut. . b. amita, xtoa. i. aa, CUns' sum, Wra. tt, 11. TAX.UABLIt UiHU rOJt BALJL , Oa Saturday, August 17th, I will agar tor sale, st tbe Courtltouas door at 111 o'clock, II not previously disposed of, that valuable tract oi lana in wake county one mile north of laa elty of Haleigb on toe Halifax mad kaowa aa the figeoa House tract, eontein- ug one uunarsa sua tweniy nvs acres adjoin itur tbe lands of Henry Montreal. Mra. W bita. keraudtba Halifax road. Tin land vtlen great Inducement to sny oas desiring to etsrtrf- a trwcK lam. Any perucsiar oesenpuos H deemed unneoessary, as any ou desiring to parcbasa wUI wish to examine ths but at pertoe.. Terms mada accommodating. One bid wiU bs iseerved. Cor fanner tufortnsuoa apply to tba uadsraigued or to Henry Morde c."eq. " . ' . I. DIVEREUI. aug t-tdtj nalelgb, M. C. Jt TOU WANT TH1 NICEST HAT FO tea lesst Btonty, soma to ' atrU-tf a D. HBABTT A CO, ST 6 tic.iv; AU parties who are maabted to At will pleas eome fotwaru sad ssttls their secosnu oa or swfur tbs 1st day of Janets we stall smk a ehangs tt) oar business oa tbat data. BMyst-w w. u, aiKonACU a) ue. jJLO. I N ft OUT I ALI I r Im ordr to ipavliii, whltowMh ui4 n- mlr finr lltawfi sTatssrsll. mm will ttll run H Tkla BaauBar ' - v , G o o d.Bx B UTUMBLYjLOWj PBICIa W. VLAJt. A TUCKBB Co. JelylO-tt T B 1 M I T I C O L , L I 8 K I, v The Fall Tern) will conaaKt A uraat nth sad eloss Dee. Hutb, 187a. apsi'tsl tadaesatsatean effered darmc the emuuit year. i Aesdtw Catalog, . , B. CRAvKM. jiy is-7x . " AUANTLOTS BT AUCTION. WUI As sold ea the omnises at 11 a'elnek oa WedsMtday tbs 17tb Inst , soled disposed of privately, wing la tbs Busters Wsrd of tbe City of Raleurn and frontiag oa Marti a atreai belli; part of Colbara property rat oil by tbe ta street aow being opened, eouiam tnr Uires-foartbe of aw sere, store or leas. Tbe property will bs divided teto six lot wHh Hi test front sad running back flu (set nuking very eooveaisat aad dasirsbls lot for mall residence. 1 erst made known on day of sale and w bs favorable to purchaser. Abu At. iOWUUti Auctioneer JOLAS8Is. bu Obis. good. JlyHo-U . i O. T. STRONACH. JtOB fiALB. i v r Boevy Hsraett, very cheap. ' ill tf W M. JONBS A CO. 300 BOi' 'Kli ' . . ; Fat Fatla, ( 10 Bus. Ivset Potetoas, W may Atf Irish do. W. C. BTbvNACH A C. 0- B THE SEHTIIEL JOB OFFICE IB VAST OOMFLITB. Wt art prepared te cxesnte la Crwatd Blyle, ALL KINDS OF PRINTING. OUR CBAROU ABB TIBT MOPBBATE. Ws hop our friends will send b) TIIKIH O It I K II M , TWblcb will bs promptly attended to. assy ti-U JALIIGH riMAbB INSTltUTB. Ra. Da. abd Mas. Ucv, Principal. AmUted by t corps of experienced tsseher. . The FaU 8es4pa will be opened oa the Vth July, and eontlnos twenty week. for Circular containing parUcAUart, apply to the Prlndiisl , w .' June SI7HW WANTKO, AGENTS BIII0 TO t'JBOPKR mouth everywhere, Mais sod female, to Introduce the genuine Improved MAR SHALL BH.WINU ddACHlNK. Tele ma chine will itilcb, brat, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord quilt, and embroider In a most superior manner. Pries, only Alt, fully licensed and warranted for Ova year. We will pay IIOUU for nay amehlne, high price or low, tbat will sew s stronger, more beauUful or mora elsstle team than ours. It make the ELASTIC LOCK STITCH. Bvery second stitch caa he eut, aod'sMH tecelotb can not he pulled apart without tearing b Ws psy Agents tiuu to t'iO psr mostb, snd expsnaes, or s commis sion from which twice tbat amount caa be made, for circulars and term, apply to or address, , A MARSHALL A OO. No. lu Masaau Htssst, - : Ar rr. CiUTIoa. Do not b bnposad npoa by otbar parties traveling throiurh the country palming ofl worth lose east Iron sstt-bines muter ths sssm name or otherwise. Imr I tha only seuuias snd resliy cheap atsrhins asauufactured, .. - : tt. H. Co. ' ap -tT-Sbc N ASUVILLE LiKK IKSUlt- ANCE COMPANY, -t ff- -ys', f Assste to LlsbillUa t oJ r. , . I r t !). NO RESTRICTION ON TBAVKJL ' OB - RESIDENCE. I DE1T0 LOSSES MID II WITT UT? POUCIXA NON-IORf E1TINU. A B0UTBBBN COMPANY GOatBININu ; i BECTJBITT, INTBGB1TT, ' , ECONOMTJ 1R C. TATE MTJRPHY. i Ossaaal. Ststb Ausst, BaJelgb,N.C. Carrani TH06, BA1LXT, v State Secretary. ' ' June94-lm bcbhabd Tonn, an sen sac a, -t. a. etar, haUumn. DaUimtrt, I tipmUJUrt'r tMserswre, Ks, leZbMta, ibdd JMserswre. IAMS, A Us. TODD, 8CHINCK 4 CO., GenerAl Comnilssloa Merchants, BOB TBI taU AMD nnUJBASB O tobacco, cottob, eiunr, noes, ' FRODUCX, Aad Merahandias of every deecrijitlon," 40 w. Lcwaaao tv.I bblow bxcbasoi flacb BALTIHOBK. i. 0. Wmiama President State Natlooal Bank. RalrUrh,N.C. ,7 a. S Martin A Co., Petersburg, Ye, : Mcliv-alne A Co., " " Wm. Fiener A Son, Baltimore, Md. i -m . waw, uuw uiuanr jtsuoaai nana of BalUmora. i. Sloan. Jr.. Caehler Farmers snd Merehaata1 National Bank, BalUmora. W. J. Fairclote, Moldabrb. N. c; m. . vaiioway, " i-. iso iw-aom u QirORD FBMALB ACADEMY. , OXFOHU, K. C ' Mia M. B. Mitcbxu, . Principal. Mrs. K. N, Gsarr, Aawrlate ' " Mm. W. H. Moaaow. Teacher of Mnrtc. The sxerclaeS of Una ImtiUitloB will be re- sumea oa tue .nits oi eaij. Ciremara with term lor board, taltloa. Ae ill bo famished oa applleal Rsraaascas : All Irieads I bo taniiahad oa appllcaiioa. and papiMof the bite Pn f. B. MitcbcIL of In Cm mnvslty af norta l- aroua. JnaaT OAswtm J t ,UC0R13ASSiaTDSTrcKr ITALIAN, . SPANISH, GREEK, TURKEY AND SKlU FOR SAL! BY , HENRY M. MORRIS, ; -i - " "' ." ,- i Importer and .4cnt for the U. S. and Canada, - , ...... u, ..,, . ,.- V No. 73 Water Street, and 0 Old 8Ipf ' ivrmvr jrpyie. I - " ' CKRTTPTCATE3 from tht leading Manufacturer In Virginia, Xorth 'Carol i, ! t , Missouri, Indian, lUinois.'Ohaj, New York, snd Oanads. ' ' . ' t -.' atsa, ' ,, , i i . Warranted SnperiorPo-wdered LIcorica. i Agent for H. M. MORRlX 1 wtli famliih hit ImponaUons of Lkorle It tw" ' llZL- "lfk.- Oritera promoUv Aimd front New Y.DWTTn .-t. PIANO FOETEsT S JAMUriRmWAsV)NfsietriWv. ' uepabue, test tbsysavs JaaTrece, stock of those superior Plane ton-. GKKAT WHONcoMPABtoir Kkwt, ? to wtnekibey Invits sUesuoa. Ta aaa! resoareea of ibis sutnpauy at ths abu. J tud, aaicbiaery sad otbar fsciliuT1L!v" tfaeat W put tbeb- Piaaos at a mtHahrai?', tbaa Say outer a rat class uii,i.. w7 Mrsoas sboat to pan lies wmasisVaiaA their sdvsnaage to call and sxaausa Planus triors parvlMsmg abwwberaT Bead tor circular lo JAMKa f IKBAOM A BUM Cor. UargoVaud Balubury tlrM l-A1'. i Omj. Wbl. t. fiaavat. ' Taos B. alci WW. T. AUtW. Graves XJaxehoxizt, DAHV iVtLLt, TA. bob rat taza WB Hav Jast put"! addltloa tt ., Wsrebouae, making sV toe Isrgaa sm best srrauico boas for uat rirniinat ai t Waguaa hMks sp aa lbs Vtsrebnn at sun IM sullaior boraea, truud nwu fur fL. mt lu cook sud sleep ia. Protaot "Titl. lb 11181 an autalart of r laalan m ibsir tram a. . ( 1 BJUN PitaXka iliac purpoi beg for retailing pui maylr-U W.U.BIRONACH AC mc or tbs rnssix InrmsxtewConrxsv No. 10 baoanwav, ataw koat -tTBranCaowBLt, Presldeav'" i.'Bstscsr DsusiA. Vies president. I'muuu Baaw, Secretary. ' " . Mat. R. Caowau, Marin oeeStrV? lAlm M, AgmU Aab Am tla.r " ws srs asaipy to utfora aa hat lbs Pbanlx luauraae Company f uJT y wW pay ALL her loase ia Uie Ciucewta at oHier NkT SUKPLLS. ever aJli-ZT.. leaviug bar soand sad ready tor easterns v somuwoy ws yetuiaw is), toil. Mat at jsaa Capital, . . 81,009 Mta truss urplu,.A .., ; .t ... . tS iss, to., adlustad bal aot dss,''75' ' v Get, tot, U7I, . tm.TAM - ( i,7e4,Dtta CUcags loase wUI aot exceed, ta any event, . . - 83t0.laliS Aad w ara Snnly of lb ofhilon ' Jr" that tbe toss wul aotemwe SBaopaba Tbs rbeulx Imarancs Company, of trees lyn, to to-day sound sad solvent, ad ae m all to kisse t Obiosge out of Its Bt tarisa. A corps of Adisslora bsvs baas diuuttl ths-snus of ditstlsr with butrocu., a sstUe sll isssa sud psy tba asms ia C . Ws eouirratniate our nstrans and mnJm oa our good f onane. ,1 Bltl-HECKOWELL aov Su-tf Prae'l pbeaix las. lm WATER V1fEEL Gearint,ahaf!ingt Pullep -AMo rusA cfb;cuiAjij; JsaM. 18TL . I.,,..f. 1 ' kTOISaFJafl LATBS. .v utt received a Wt of the aew peteat Note less School Blateaof dMorant stsaa aad srlaa from HU to to cent scb. Tbsy auiki w notes when tbsy fall and ar aot aaally' brua rurtslsst i i . . , , J. A. JONAS i v martl-tf, ' - ' ' ' Book Store rplIE. OE'M CUUElil - . , - i - , pE , Matt tbt best tatlity of Irm Tellov In frost tveet milk ur from twt tt t Bunutss. After removal from' tht ckarttB salting' It U resdjr for ths tabu'ir ptckai : Bemg ptrfectly frm from wbtj sr milk, M qulrm ao working wUb-tbspaddit sripoot, ; win rarsels awesttosBssnsByirtldi nmds from sour troecoeipesSd'Biiik. Ceta) rights or Chara for sals. fortartharBxt i-" 4 'il,is.iJ- outer address. -----T, i H. OBB, Bterttaty warn Chara Ccaipur 1 ' ' CkirlotBil.C BuySt-todtt ' G B 8 A L B , At the Inmn Omee a No. A New Wat ngton Hand Press. -,vf I "TprBBFUHB4 ion o parrels, jnrtiwarrtdt. t. y un 81 tf 9. t. BTkoNACS A IK "Yy-HITB SUGARS.. ,.. w Harrslt just rseetved. , ' Jane 31-tf 0. T. 8TB0NACH A' BMX yT"AMBT SAMS 8,000 pound Osama jntt rsadvaA. ( . fs( t1- Jnn t-CH ' ' 0. T. BTROvACH ', . ii J M BS. BLAIR'S BOARDING iiUtsA !- i - Mrs Alslr, having located fsvorsMy, Cw 1 of Harrett and Saiiabary streets, wlU ke 4 Bailabary LtrunaM for pal Persons wsouaf board, wbo prefer to? aralsb tbeb- ewa nwst raanuj can be accommodated. IsUs boardsr aHw ally desired.. . ,- ;,. , ,t .. i spra-tt - - . JEEF HAMA AND TONGUES, Smoked Broiling Bsaf, ' ' ' J. Faltoaatarkot " Ao,!XX - amy ttt AW. C BTBONACH A f THB BiW A At P V TLA Or tbe North Carolina Bandits. Bernf! t plete Hiatory of tbs Modem Bob Sort as b ....i - ii .1 m aa st rein-v: c" - "'j'XmBS H. INNfFB, K. C. Bowk Store, Rajeigb, B- b Jnne 4 tf isstehssi Mill JAMAA I. WHTTTTI), Ar Blisuwi jr

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