At' -'' . . I " " -5 if fllBSENTINEL. KOKTK CAliOUNA. A boot fifty ooloml mea voted the Coo OTtUv .tHiket at Durham, In Orange ' count J too IUmkkb lant. i ' I. 1. Ufa nor lamented Mid disUnirilisb. t'(7. TTJ, oounlymsn, lion.' A. H. ArilujYtoh, as 1 Bw Bobert Wiinberly,Ksj.,pmm ineot fjtiaea of EdKooombo, B Moods) t iMt AloaH. Hale, Halitax, - formerly of tbi place. , ,; ; ' Guilford Christmaa, col., baa done more h.a ui other bub ta W amnios Town ! ihiofor tlie Conservative canea. i Honor la whom is due, , ile challeogad forty voter. .. - , ' Pjt. Charles 3. Curtis w ordained tector of th Kpicoal Church in llills- boro Wednesday, Babop Atkliiwin lead ing in tba ordintio, awuted by Rev. Mr Patterson of thia city and Kef, Meter ". Jojaer, Mamtui and Bmedee. 4 , Km i Oa"ao'. A Bred ooeurred io Goldeboro' at 8 o'clock on Tuesday awraiDg, deslroyirnx two brick stores' oc eu pied by Uwl Piveit and Wigga. Lose unknown. Fire supposed lo be acciden . ill Xr. Pivett.loai, bis entire, itork. "'. WigK'at4ickaaa-d, but both build wgs were totally destroyed. ' A seriou iastance of ipnrt with Ire arm oerwrred recently hi Kuthertortlton. A. small boy levelled a pUtol which ho be lieved to be unloaded, at another small ' boy, and palled tba trigger, aU tat fun The resulted this fun, ras a ball through ' the bead of the object, and a ooroner'a inquest a few hur,ubeo,ueotlf. , The Boomnim lay ; The oldest voter t M the State it Thorn as Bhsw. colored, nl Lumbef bridte towohip, who ie nw 108 1 ' veals ot 'ae : and though now nearlv blind, be idde live miles to the. precinct last Thursday and voted the enure cob serrativ ticket Tora " has d inline recnllectiana of, tba war of "79 : often i ---speaks of seeing tha " red-coat. " " A HaMDaoM Comflixknt. .1'ho ymg . gentlernen f Hattletioro' presented Mr. C, i': I J W. Harris, 14 litdr of ffiis paper, with a oeauiiiui eoia neaaed cane a token of their high esteem .aad friend J ' ship, i Our Whole community parted with Mr. H. with reelings ot regret and he car , - lies witkt bin la hi aw home our kwst wiahai fur bis future success and proa pari VstiatlUtor AUtanet. , , Til Outlaws. Since the killing ol Tom Lowwy the two remaining outlaws, i.. ' Btepheif piwery and Andrew Btroog, . i, h'v disapueaied front their old haunt about Back Bwauip and Moss Neck. The . . , . JioUmmta say it is nndentood that they . i ,- sataUished a new Us in $ settle ment several mile above, and known as Udbsi Bcofflctowa, where thev are keep ; , Uia very quiet, and seem to be concerned ., onli ut keep out of tba wsy of Mr. Wish art aad hi valiant little band of purtur . Cxrt.lao. 'VT. Gallowat, OieConief .i k Tstiv candidate for the Legislature from ;a Brunawick. Bounty, ha given notice that . ' he wit) eontmt the el'tinn nf hismun. " '"'s'petitor, Sro6lifr'TB"iistmTa isfita Brouks y Micaav pjovn lvmd .d(HibXl . . uiit tgrbct uany inure Uian 17 illegal . - vole were oast lor urooka. i, Journal, ' Miab Coironcr. When Mr. Lent moo ' Bicks, an old white man, nearly blind, " went up to the polls at Manar Hill, in I Edgeoomba to vote, the negroes acted in , J. a disgraceful snannerj They made all kiada renwks, as ' poor man.' 'You are ' neirly dead now, with one foot in the grsvi,' ' Wbat doss be want to vote for,1 f ...... .. lKnurDATJOji. At ' one of the voting placet la Granville county, N. C, a young negro man announced his intention ol . votug tor Greeley,. whereupon bis mother seiMd hint by to nape of tba neck, and - told him damn yoo, if yoo do, I'll break roof neck." Her threat hadahe .... denred effect ; for , the frightened voter Went straightway and east bis rote for Qrsnt ......n , ...,.! ' This was related to ut bv a truthful , , gentleman, who was an eye-witness of the aisgrscetul scene. VanvUlt Ttmtt. ' ' MKAiriw Srn,u At Wbltaker's, In ..Nsth oountjVsumaof the negroes hauled i.-' iwtoa alectioa a colored man, named ' Henry Buatia, who was' an nearly dead ' that be could not SDeak or hold his head '....liJop. Tbi paof uufortuuaU man was at the point of desth, from an attack of meazle and was dragged to th election, . urojontcloua, and carried off in tha rain He af course wa sot allowed to rote. We have not heard from him aince but , prssum h ia dead. ifcst. AdJ . r. , , 4 . ,,,,,, ..... .:. f - A shocking csuunity befell poor ne pro boy, by nuns Mik Whitfield, while "tniPg.lrllnMebeiDV-ieaT i J'ndge, ia Uiit county, a few dart ago. . . It was supposed rroaa bis evolutions that be wt monsly cutting some msd irambnla in the water, while tba poor wretch wss uruwning; nor aia uie swiui uutn nssn . upon the oooscieocas of the bystanders autil a sunk for ttis last tlm In his wsn :":.J gr-' lo human aid could reach Dim tba waves bad parted and closed, t . and with plastic grasp bold him fast lock- n : la th -, atnbraoe of death. riortnj " OaaTBVCTtoji o aK Akrrst Tkkd . uci towabos Moa law-Muuh-excjta- . . , meet was raised by tba oolored popubv " ttoi last evening sbout T o'clock, br-fh ? arrett sf a auspeeted negro tttcf. Mr. J. .. W. Jackson, the Dlubt watchman at Union Depot, wbo ia by appointment of the au-1 i xnonues a special puiiceaiaa or tpe city, arretted a negro bf the name Of Motes . y ilson, under suspicion of stealing s hit ' of peaches shipped by the W, 0. A. li : R. Uacollard the negro aodmaroed him - down lows ia thia fashion in search of . regular pnlieawsn but tailing to find one ot these gentry, he attempted to make his wsy to the guard house with his orisoner. At the corner of Second and Market street, nu progress was greatly obstructed by an I excited crowd of negroes, wbo were un .. mittakauly disposed to interfere when i - they saw a negro collared by a white maar. K doubt tbey would have rescued the prisoner bad not Constable Hill (colored -to bit credit be it said come to the ' aauatauce of Mr Jackson, as so officer of the law, and aided him in carrying the prisoner to to guard bouse. There it etraeai. eveoce, it is claimed, to convict the aeirro olthett, sad the case wdl oina p before the Major this morning. Fore a-luug time alter the prisoner wse hedged in th gotru bouse th turbulent aegrors re mained in B state of exciteuientTio front : . of the City Hall, declaring againststbe ar rea Of one ot their color by a white rnan. I rt j We mention these facta to show the ani Btoa veder recent efectirm reidfiii and bad teaching. WiJmrnat. .in i i i . ' The Radical candidate for Vke-Presi-deut is as much opposed to chwpiug baadt accroas theploudy chasm a Hecr tary Boutwetl. In hi Richmond speech . k intimated that he was unwilling lo tgireth rimthei pectpl, who, be de . tared, have Wl th greatest sinners for the but forty yean aad art still uncon verted. W art afraid Mr. Henry Wilson ' will to bia dying day neTer get over tbt resentment he has tell toward the South , '," and everjtiiing Koutliern ever aim bis rig scars and night at Bull Kun.-ju ut4 Umntr rVwasl : . - 1 .UEN. BCHOl'LER 1'OH GREELEY. General William Schooler, of Bottom, on of tba beat known aad Hi net Influen tial Republic-ana ia MuucbtueUa, he published a letter giving bia reaOBt lot bandooa; I Irani lor Gradry. Bviw the aituatioa at length, clainu .hst the late Governor. Anirews' mtimeat were taeaamaas those of TJiT literal Rrpub licao party to-day, and coocludei as M- -,-:v 'r: ' 7 - - I lisve written the foreg iiug frith no bartian Idling, with aialica towards none, with sense of light "as Gad gives me to see the right," and 'In a Arm end honest conviction that tba election of Mr, Greeley, whom I have personally known and respected fur more than thirty years, would tte Dest lor the wool cuod try. By so voting I believe I shall be carrying out tba wise and statesmanlike views ol Uovernor Andrew, enunciated in the last oflkial utterance of his tlte, mod who, though dead, yet sWekelhi that 1 hall be acting in accordance with the ; spirit that actuated the 1511,000 Measacbu-: sett men who upon the land aad upon ' the sea fought for their coootry in the long aad yeare ot war, aad upheld with honor and renown the flag which sirAal' iaed the eaaas and patriotic fans ot the oouimoa wealth. , i ,-i . I. HdspeclfiillT yours, I W1LUAMSCU0CUB. North Cabouma.V-U is' a relief that to-nieuody is electejr in North Carolina at last. The wild report have been vxa- tious anougn. , Uariiiv know Dow account lor them, unless it be that after the Brat report, the ballot boxes- under went manipulations tliat were reouuite in the exigency to elec t the Grant candidate lur Governor. We know that leading ilea in North Caroline : month ago expected that h would be elected by form ot the G vrument intefereoo. The laid, "We nll carry the legislature and 4 United Bute rteuator sou elect a majority uongreaameu, out losa Hie uovernor." Tui they have done, and I hi, in the fiue ut the power of the Jfederal Admirrixtra tion, w a great victory. mcA. ItuMtUA. General Graot told the UiraWt repo rt er at the Thousand Islands, that he. did not car about a second term. : H just running to bear wbat will be mid ot him, and wbat the people will think ot it. t Amiable ourioeily I or Spaiw., The ex Impress Isabella is still tat and devotional. She is mentioned in a recent letter from Paris asifollows: 1 ''Walking yesterday in the Avenue Rein Uortense, I noticed a well appoint ed brougham with two prancing horses pulling up at the door of the little chap el tst. Ferdinand. IA bulky lady. Who at Drat tight might be described as elderly. hut who is only prematurely fat, descend ed from it, followed only by a footman went into the church, nhe waa Isabella or Himin. Hhe went there to ! return thaDkt fir hereon, Pn of the Austria, having passed a good exfuaioaiMtii at the Vieuua UJllega... tne llotBi UaaiiwaKi is now crowded with visitors every day to congratulate bim on hi proficiency. " Tiik T.EKsniTHnPoiniHtNO Caml-Ijuh bury, JIum. a. lutt Uouoty iur( penedlwAugaiit' Wlnis morhmSf' The grand jury wa charged and 1 sworn. Soon after they retired a number of indict meat, were presented to them !by' the state s attorney, among tliem two indict ment sgainst Mrs. Lloyd, charging her with the murder ot her two : daughters, Maude and Annie. It . i expected that the case will be removed to the Circuit Court before the close of the Week, Vor- reapenoenM Baitunon Snn. , ! A Sao Death, On Sunday afternoon Mr. W. Roane KulHn. of ( hterrleld coun ty, ordered bis ntwtler, a worthy Irishman, to bring one or 01 line blooded icolta in bis yard to show 'several gentlemen who wen visiting bim, and in a lew moments Mr. Rubin and his tnead were busily en gaged in admiring the beauty of the ani mal, when the colt Kicked at the bottler, striking him in the stomach, but appt- rentlydoing bim no injury, thoagb be died from the effect of the kick in about one hour. I'ttviburo proanm. ' J ' ' ' . ! Mr. Raphael Felix, the only bob of the great tragedienne llacriel, died at Nor wood, near iondon, on jury v. Me was the lessee of the fit Jarae Theatre at the time of hi death. Hi three sinters Sarah, Lia, and Dinah conveyed bis body to faria, where be wss buried on the 12th. ! John C. Fremont has bought the whole island ol Porcupine, t ott atti ietert, Maine. . ' i THE bET 1 BOfjTa AND SHOE IN ...... j the City for th least money go to apr 13 U a D. HEARTT 4 CO-. t nx-ElnsirS g mi to t sw. , awaBBi . a, . av rr x ? " a " M 1 EXECUTORS NOTICE. 1 he underaumed hSTliur duallSsd a Euan- tor oe tile estate of John VV. Harris deeesaed, hereby gives aotice w all persona iadeUted to aid estat to nak Immwlmte payment, and iMrwmc b TiK ehniHS airainH said -UU to pree.:ai tiM nuiw duly aatoencfestnd wltliis ta Una pn-wirllred by taw or Hits eotic er Ut lis vlesded ia bsrut UuAr rseosery. nan hi, a, bassib, may S-lawot ' r rJK) PART1E HOLDING UTI BCKif. Any parties holding City Wimtti to tin amount at sud over, eaa siekaa Itea fur CUj Bomla, lirawiog H per ceua In terest, by applying to tbe City Tntaaorar, whim otoce will be found la Market liumw ntnl.UniC. upstair. Hours, from to lo i a. at TjLOUEl TLOUE1I FLOtKllf ' l Blala rarully rioor, 104 " Extra dev H o - v ST s . S S S 1:1 iV'i -8 li I i ll So? i t 1? I f 13 -E it.- ' 2 i t '5 It A FUI4, AbSUBTMKNT OF TRfJNKa. Value aa travetlag Bag eenslaatly R-JBk. ANDREWS a pO, . 'XomBBa, aia Oswra' fueaisaBae, .' ,. . NssteWtoTiKkerHall, lasal U . ., j. IUMi(n, M. R AttlOH rtaUtl IMStrtUtC- ''I - Dr. and Mrs. LACTB SCHOOL win begin on the ttk July ana nmttene nrU tbe !d September, wbea it will bt trautamd lo ui rescs ImaUtuw. - i The Seastoa will be Inlshot ea tba tern althwhlekasoButaaeiiA i ' Jij Du-iUt iBHk , j i m plktaU Biea BCliUUL, cAtir, wIki oo., s. d Th east seseloe will oncn Jul 31. 1U7S. Carv is a pleetant villua l - ht mtiU ! ol Haieign, iwoMsaiateiv oa U rallruad. I fstwU ie search ot eu4 aubuol for their giru sr IQVtUNl to aad I'm- a circular. i n uscBers aav Had successful, .axpen eace. The rata of Board and TnHToa are oerhaio etMspwUiaa other schoul oOering lb aaaw wary savaauges. ' - a,a KkuiT, at., Jly U 4-aw f , , i , Prlaliia. I ' ' ' vv ANTED TO BENT. A DwelMwr Booas of about t Roolaa. fat nauectatils neighborhood. appiy at Jly V M iMiEfPAJONta. Q.W1N, MOML.ES s CO., , C0MKIS310X MERCHANTS, M 8. ifoTAW BtMBTj - Baltimore, Ud. 1 Special attention glvea! to tals vf Wool, vrmiirnua, xeaiasrs, Beeawax, .,. EiBsUaa A, IrXlller, BEU-JSTiTI EXCHANGE, UNDER BAXBIOH NATIONAL BANK. Lead buyer may rely oa jFtaOuetBg dlreot fith Property Owrntra Ho Middlemen or Ax aot alloesd to- Bpiidtt.orMoltarg SB adwaaoe oa U prioe of Farms, Vo. Ilonscs and Lots, for Galo. i nay 1-if t p R A N D PININO liv-jfBB'IiiJJlat'ji iWrivVf' 01 cimu mm ligei beei cudeji, ON THCB8DAT MAt 80, 1MB. It. COMS.OXKl QOMB JLLLt! 1. i aedgataOlsasof r i. K ft: i DEB XV Freely glvea .to my friends.' Lunch o and Coot lrtak of 'eyeay o erlpUoa furniabed at all hours, CHEEP for cash; . -t I "COME AND IEE HE." may B) if ,.f , .., . EW BOOKS I I .i. MABEL UI: sr tbb aoTHoa o. " mobtob bodsb,' With niuttrationa. Just oat. Priok u isv ..... a, . i.. i . mi ., r eH!,!W,ll.l , ,, I M OBT S AB.T.H OB;- Blr Thomas Msllory's Book of King' Artfaar a,niguis ev we Bowel i able. atMpsgss. Uota-tlaU. , , j SALTED WITH FIRS;, j bt a ladt a ouaowe', a. . : Haudaomely bouad la elota. Frieelt,,,, , Bead for tbeat,raythliig in the bank Una, ' Bookseller sad dUUoner, ., BflMf "' Baletgh, N. C T BE BEST GOODS AT THE UWM PHICE. i Ik BAest. and largest stock eff Boots aad 6aot ever aroaEbt to Ik City. - j .t..U 1 .At " r: BpTlS-kf '; . C ft BXABTT CO'E. INGRAM BCHOOL. MEBANEVILLI Th Pall Besstoa of ltm opms A at-t at n4. The Course ef Loatraeuoa ia IammIibI lis. eluding Hodera lagaag.,) atUiinaUeal and ComoMniitl, Tke orvauiaatloe B eiUI wr. ror circulars address, , - i COL. WM. B1K0HAM. JansT-lm 1) TEDOCTiOH IftPAflgAGE pATEe LINE BTEAMEU anuuus n. Bvaai simhiui abd satcsoat. PaAmairera boaksd to sad from aav Hallwav Itutioa or Beapurt la breat Bnuun, lrland. N'Vway.Bwedea, Denourk, tisnny, rraae,' Uullabd, Heliciutn, sad Um United eiaiea, CaOia tars from Nsw Terti to Loudon, Uverfoot, Ulatguw aad Dvrry by Wednesday's Steamers fbU. . By fcWiaraa flissisise 4 sad (&. , :- EICURXION TICKETS, tia. lateramlUta, Btesrage a, sUpsyable In Carreaeyw' i - ' trf f farties asaaiBg tor their trlends In ihs old oantry can imrehst Beataat. lowsat rate. Pur further oarUrulara apply to the Areata, . 'i w u AtaiOfcaHO BtUTUIIta, . T bowling Ureeo, n, J, Hespeaallila Agent warned a Iowa aad Coaniry. . JALEHIU PEMALE SEMINASC Th Sfth aauioB will otieo Jnlr SK I. 171' Pour eipe-leoced tearhera nxtx-4 In Literary DeivUuenL two In M uaut aud una , ta Oraa- BK-nUd Braacbea. A seat but abeap . auiiona is worn by tbe P ard arid KnslHb Tullion atoe bee ibsmbb Of five tsonUka, A,K' 1"r n.wi'H'H F.F.IUBu-OOa. A .M.. JaaslfaAvlat, - fiiadcff. rfiOFKSSIONAL CARPS. et m -U- a . moona ' I4TUBS ' - BfOOBS V OA' ATTOBKMTB AT j B-ALE10H, M. C Stole ad Pdrsl Coarts aad tea BM 1st sad au Jadlclal District; aav si-U. ., pnn.i.irs wintajmott. -Attornev. at liw. RAXJJGH, N. a i a. v. raajjr. a. a anmBBoav f ?! 'VI Tin B. PAfJK, i ea.. mi it ATTOBMBT AT BALEIua. N. a. LA i ( Fractlcst la th several Courts of th Sixth JiHtk-tal Ihstrtct, and is Uis Bnpreuie Court ttf North Carulinv Prompt elUaiuoa given the eolleetloe of ciainie. i. aawS-tf f ,'; tr ' ' U..V. BASON, ATTORHKY AT LAW, , GRAHAM, N. C j Prartlees ia Ahunaaes and adjoin inir roua ma, ana ia Bupnuas sua u. B. Courts. , febsW-iHat .i . .- , ATTORKKY AT LAW, BILUBOHO N. C, I ' " Practicat la Oranee nd th adjnuilng eoaa wa, ana id uiseuLMCBft aad V. a. court. fen iBM;ait t , i , a. a. raaaaa. j. a, j PARKER li LOXtJ, ATTORNKY8 AT LAW, GRAHAM, M. C, ' rractlre la Alamaace and ths stllolnlnv V T' unwMiaas v.o. uuris. eo e-enaiT S. A. ASHK, vj . .A-ttorney at Iaw, BALEIGH, N. C. f ,' Will attend Bia State aad Pederal fioarta k.l a km eouuue ol vtaks and Nsw Uanovar, D EN TAX NOllC. CnUl further aot'ce sad aatil Um aaUhli.h. ment of a auibUile ullletu union fur m i.n. feaaioaat serviee. ajsv he teflwHa C. D. uu m m. ua ouuo nauonal tuuk, wnsa I wul I1PIK1, 1,1 i W t t...,H tlid .....1... . . . I -r 3 ' I'lMTU LB, 0 T'IBi'DUf ATTOBJfBV AT LAW, i'tWiH-a.- Practloe la the Uouru of W.k. in tk. Psdsral Coarta, ia spaeial attenuon to Uu ancuuui of oauaea la Uis Buureme Court ol N. C, eoUecUnums SKaiuai auv Pirsl or Liie luauraace vooiuaoy m UM Culled BlalMA. and hwuui pruiuouy u any oumt pi uuaiuoas ismawi to nun. ten J-U M. GAKL BBOWNE, avU'BX JLAA T .A t NlB Br No. 15, Fayetteville Street f ' Lifs-aiae Pietares .painted from Hf. Photo mem.nvrlMWMasonpeaiC.'sii s.- UM family furtnuia and Plcturet Ulorougn- . i)Nnu mh nawm to ireaoaess I n WALTBB WU CLAIiK. & MULLEN. Ti ,Att6Rllllii'AT Law. halipax, h.c, , r,:.,. Practice In all the Courts of Hallfat Ntj ainpuio, Kugttconibe and Martin counUos, ui uu) Supreuw Court of Aorta Carouiia, aud in nt f eueral Courts. . ! cxiUeouwM BMule la any part bf North Oar- vuna. stara-4tltf 1... ii a. c. outs, e. w. atkusub, a. a. rkaaMAa. I. C. OLIVE CO., T .Dbajjb it Ussbjux MBBoauaoua AtB Coiitrultojloii Merchknis, apex, n, o. '....!;- uraera for Sblngle' and Liunlr tued wufuj wiu at iuw urices apr w-aaouiiat4 .,.... i u t,.:ri(J AGN1.VS KURAL KETBE AT AND LAGER BEER OARDEjC upposiw Btal ranr Grouuda. UusB at aD l I " -j,-- , - No Improper characten allowed, i ' " ' " ' ' 1 A. MAONIN, Jun& dim Proprietor. KOCKHLKe VBUETABLEe, W fO Kegs Family Shad Boa, . Becelved to-d BwyVtt ( : - B iNACH A Co. gOPERIOB,-- i labia CaUerv. Sllrar Pkui r.i. ail - - '-v. mm. vm mu lUHCiiiiOiin. -r. p.ysjj Co. fpHB WILSOB COLLEtil f( INBTjTtJTB. w Kiviita; we moat onxisra aud UiorouirU lustrueuoa ia Uia srtiauc sod selenUlie branches, bu a llb.iu.rt! OUSllt Uf IkiuUU AVMMMMM. ikUiL . 'LHeWt. wtwiH ijiie., ana m AfrKurruri, HtrL:U r and Tmutoyp, for young tteatteoren,' ua wmwiam euauui wi Mr. u. W. Weal- uruua, uueaaiaoaj leoMrae By Prof W. O. Esrr., . TeiUoa from as w sio. and Board- liu. eiadlag everyUuug) 14 psraiuaUi. i oiiuvaaiaB mabbbu a m., sB-4il .-. . 1 - lnaclpsl. tf Ak BAKKtU A THBULUNG NAH llA raUv of kariv Ufa la Bona f:imhn ny OharlM Vernon, pries aVsaula, I by receipt of price. apr ei-w . aj. o Plora, Q IU.X8 NEW MACEJCKAM, A Bhla. Nsw Mackerel. . W. C STBOHACH T.BA1M and gbabs sen in , 1 va Mm maraai, mav a xoaiui c M at Ui. I Jam ka It Tnn dateUutF . 'tf Jit y tl' riBAIM CKADLEa ANDUHAddacyTHEd " J tut received at Banner1 Hall s larc'S supply ejf the beat usks ol &Jor utter iikkiM w.auLwi, au warraoiea lo (pre aauejacUon. sme st easaatscutrera' pn-ea. - - Itlaa'S tf V TBOVioI. Na j - .r ao, . lunut. Boxes Bulk Sides, j ,. , axscar (lama . . a J i i 1 ' Breakfast atrii , I '" aVEeKSFursLsrd. jJT.... . .", LEACH BROS., prll-tf e.,i ...i- '--ajfiiaefB." 5? O P A H T N E B S Wm. N. U. Smith, Gbobos V. OrBom. MMITII Ac aSXllOIVO, ATTORNETS AT LAW, j B A L R I O H .f N . t J . P Offluo ea to UUMf- Nstional Bask. saej a-4im , O A, B D. t cvs farntth ten or t wnl re nerann. wii h Ifortd' board and e-nr.rUfii. r.-Eufl at Uie reaiilenos ef Mrs. Ueory W. Miller, Newbera Su-eet. , Two WRce reom Is t vard aowvacsai, r-U A.a B. tAJUUt, 'f f nxsa.' LAW. MISCELLANEOUS.' C1TIZE1IG' BAlIir, V0&.YIM irUMORM AMD TJJSB SU , FBVBBaaoaa, 'a, PbM Up CspiujT" $325100 ion H. COlBRPajtarfJSrsf? 7' N. M. TANNOkV Vk a-rsaaiBsar. D. A. WKtslOtk, CAtaisa HAHIUitoX AasisTAiT CaaBiBB. ' BiaacTO: . .' 1 J Andrew Watt, W. L. Wstktaa, rsak Potta, B. T. Arnmcuia, . P. WUliaauoa. W. E. Mallory, . ' . W.. Tapsef.. . I in wive reealved at Galo, Sixvaa, er Ccaaaacr, tor whlck eertiacstas will a U taed, parable la kind, sa desaad, with ta tar on float date till paid. lwraaasv allowed ea dally balances eabjeet toeeevk. Collertloes ea all arrssslbls points, andre taras audc premptly. j but la-if Stidwell Brothers, 'V' ' ' .', :.. 17 Murriiw . .11 o w , York. JCauufacturers and Jobber of BOOTS & mm FOB twOUTIIEHIH TRADK, ifaveaeomplaUsteek la all lutes, baeludliMt their popular GbabItb Stats BaiaBW Plow ii bobs and Won as Fibbau. ' Urdera solicited sad earaf ully tiled st lowest market rata. J. B. MOOBB, talesms BLBaAMAN d'paI'm1! NTUB V1C1N1TI j - FOR SALB. i Per esah or aadlt lo snlt nbi 'Tk. uowi rmuerlv at ItaMuua. and Malldinv UW HH B MTl (HT Bff, ' Alau, Um PraU ulanlatlua. Alas, tha Goaeh plauuUoB, Uw Hammond plans sad the Mar- ritwlae. f! aur 17 UT MOEBU, Afat, BIGGS BUOTHEK'S iH ' , 0ATAL0BDB er riOW Kit AfiD TSOMTABLM aKXDS, And Sammer Ftowerlnx Bulba. for leTS. aow reaay, eonaisun: ot over isi paires. UiiUhI paper, with upwards of tug separsl aula, aud knmttful CoWad Huff Cover, oeaauiui aewxn, m eoiurs. rue neaett Aaluaas ever iiubuahed. Bead SB eeata fur Jv Bol one halt the vslas of ths colored ia-tiM Jteat -order, tinnaauiar to aot leaa Uian II, Uie price of Catalog ua, mini., will b rsluaded la seeds. Mew cut turners Disced htttoihers. Vnaiity 'of seeds, tin of psckett, liiieesawd preinioios oifered. aiaks H to Uis advamiBjof at l-m jHrrcnaae awr Wliar'Bis, yauntaiua ior eitraoruioary indueemeots. i -on wmiuun it u jou doot ta dor cais Iokus before orderuur Beads. EiUrar of oar two Curontos for UrTa. aim lUiSM one a tower plato of Bulbous Piaala, couautiUK of LUiea, etc tbe outer of Aouaal, Bianiual and faraaunil Plants, gasraoteed ths MOST BLBOABV VLOBAJ. OIBOMO svar Issued hi this country. A enperb parlor Beat; mauea, poat-pald, oa receipt, of 75 s use max va entMUMOBS anesinod a UHajogue. auoress i , , BltUfrttB m BHOTHEK, IfrfttWiaW Wt.J Kflaaesler, Nw Kork. UH 1 UOTEL8 &o., AmiCAIHOIEL CHESTNUT STEBET, Oppuarrs Old Indbpbhokxcs Ball, P1IILADELP1IIA. ' & M. HETJLINOa, PBomrjTOB. apAMtt ' : ;.:'.,..,,',. gT. CATHARINE'S, ONTARIO, ',. - CANADA; , , . Til "ITKPIESiSOS I8CSI," . . AND BATHS x eeBBtenoa with tbe eaUbrated wall of SALINE MINERAL WATER baewopea for th raceptioa of vtsitor. Person a kout ef n(ra-Uif board will plaits sdrlrats th Propyl l iw s. V. BEVERLY TUCKER A SONS, JnlyT-tf i rptiEBUPKBIolurT OP TUB UNWVAL- WrBEB ' PIANO 1 , FORTS u conceded br all wbo have CABEPUU 1 cusrAats u, wita others. lath , NEW SCALE, , Ths Manufacttrrer has aueceeded la tnakit ih MOST FEKPECT F1AN0-F0RT hpoAahlei hene ttej re prsferred bv si ,,,.,.ijUU.T AatiAXd AJ 1MB iAI4-'v, Aad reeotamended by all the - - LEAIMN0 NEWSPAPERS 'rises will b found ss reasonable ea '- lent wita loeroag workmanshtp. ( ; WAREBOOMS, ( . btb AvBiroa, Nsw foe, Cos. Mrs Stbbst. one I u . TV TEDICAL COLLEGE J. AVa. STATE OF BOUTn CAROLINA. ( , cbablbbtom, a, , j The Ftrtv-FosrUi Couras of Lertart ra tJ.ti iuutnnoa will eouaienee ua Uts loth Orta bsr, 17J, and will terminate oa tit lelA March, ItCd, Uiaa leoa-laeaing the term of study one month. - i . MKDKIAL FACCLTTl ' E. E)f)LN(,a, M I) , Bmetetas Professor ot Um ln.lltule. and PraeMee of MedkiM ; B A. klU;U,M D, Piinclies sad Frae- 0e of Sureey and Clinical anrxery i T. P. L'HAZAL, M. D., Ueaeral Pathology, ' Pstholnrlcal Arntmny and Hyitae: M10DLBTON MICHEL M. I , Physlolocy. GEO. E TRKnCUT, M. D., MftsrisMedk aad Tbermntics: , i L C.U-HBPAKI, D. Cbtmltteyi i. P M. UKDl)lMOs, M. l Ibauryaai ' Piscticefrf Medi final t. L. PaBKsK, M. D . Anatomy) F. M KuHKK miN, M. V., Oj-nlogy aad ' CHiiicalOrMistrfes: t. Ki PitlocEaiT, ft. D.; Prlaclplas sad f rscttc of Obetetrlcs. ) , T P. P. PEflUt POBCBli;R,M. P.,CllQeal Med t. ........ MA.NNINa StMONS, M. P., Persunttrstor ef atneloiuy. - ' ) Bipeasssof the Scheal: ' i , ' ' MrtrtcubrHowPee,- .-. A S ': flfl iMnaiittMiacor'a 'IVket, , j ' 1,1 Uradaaun Pee, j. ' !.''' TwwaddiUoM bsvs neva naada to ths Pse ally, sad It will be b.t s sew fi-ainra ef Uie prewjit seaaioa Is that the leeturae will be I re af cnarve. ' for fuitliev hformfl- B spMy to . . i.iw. e. ihtjAir, m. ry H3i lm:i.s . Mul tbsPscylty-, I BBlCCli Of oVl etlt.StriUiN(j Goods eaanot a baa Us In stylet sad prices. 'ftUts c.i. PtABnC0. F Market Basksta, ladU Travelling Basket, CklUrea Wag-oat aad 7 ; - Wheel Barrows, ' Bearth Brooms, Painted Tabs, ;-..: ' At., At Jn'Tt-tf W. B. JONES A Co, i I I 1- PHEBI H1K9 MACHINES, HOUSE Powahe. . W deaLr to eoli the attentloa of fWrnifira to our auuiufaetara uf Baiwralors. W, have Kreauy Improved tliea marhluea wlttila Wis um two years, ana uwy sr now surlor lo sad tetter , ada ud to tu wanla of UH Vu gluts farmer 1 uiu any machiaaa bmut.hi trout the Murth. wnoe uur low or price -sad in avlae- el fmbrbt atake tbem ekaapea He auks aad aaad wltb ear achisa Uis Csry er PtU'e Horwa Fewer, sa4 funuah kuchiues atoaauia ua wsaekt, eowptabi with I power, Bella, Akl, fur B4UU. Wa had ear wheat tbmsbsd dariar taw past sewater ay a Cardwert innsber aad Cteaaw," owned by J. W. lley. 1 eKv.luu am eacelieBt work, tueeamus .very parUul ol wheat tram the straw, aad cleaned to uur ea lire atliatatiUu. We eu eaeoiaini-nd Ut nachiues to any ons wishing a good Tumsbsr and Cleaner, . 5 dobs B. donea, Sam ml Cottrell, Jr., Wm. u. Muaeare, vn a. Baeppataoa, aAsk s, Mul nHaay, e. a vanngiou. . ' ., ,1 We also suks a good Twe kera Thnahsr atatwaaaBcumiHeie ror ieu. J. W. CAKDWELL A CO., lilt Cary Bireet, webatuad, Va. taaeT lis . iANS, FANS, FANS, AN ENDI.RHS VA ' rtetyat OEl l'INGKH'A A K il ULOVKa , OBITINGEB'S. TjtLOWERd, RIBBONS, 1.ACE9, B NITRE JU aewioisat titllinutak JACONET AND aud Edgings, at SWI8S lNnKRTIONS bktllNK'B. TT ANDEEKCH1EPS, LACE COLCTkS a A. au seiu at ,. , vBiilrtwaKw, ' T ADIEa,Mla8Ra AN1 CHILDREN II OUB U-A at ... waiuNWEKB. T" A1LT BECB1VINO LADIES, MISSES -Ju-r ' aud Cblldrsa Male el UETTINGKB'S. 'ALL FOR NEEDLB, FANCT AND Ladles' runusluug Uuuila at ..... , i OUTING B'B JTOW GROg DRAIN, FANCY AND PLAIN a. suuuuna, can on 18AA0 OETTINGBR. UNDERULEEVEo- ' at ISAAC OKTTINGEB'S juaee tf , i TSCOtUCI I01S , HSTITl'TIOM 8K0URITT AGAINflT FIHK lM0HTn CAROLINA HOIE - INSURANCE . COIPAHT RALEIGH, Si. C.; This Cempsay euaUate to wrlU PoUclas, at fair rat, on all classssof laanrabla ww Prty. h All Losses r prompUy sdjuttex and paid. The HOME " hi rapidly grewmg in pabll tsvor, and appssls, with eunfluanoa, e 'Wi i trt of property ia North Cerdluny AGENTS IB ALL PARTS OF TUB ETA ft B, a BATTLE, Jri, FasmDaws, C. B ROOT, Vic PkMioaxT. BEATON GALE8, Sao., PULASKI COWPEB, Btrrwivhioa. iHiiirtf"" Vapere row sdverttiini or' for ths "Boms" will lease sabaBlate Uiu the dvertssataeui slready m taem i... 4 I 1 ,the,wak;e'ield EAicrn clOset. Is y all odd. the but y.t natanlatl Kei.dioW.arr 1 si . k ere Clo.! TfV wi Iley hi. lorfc. fnr beailntiv .. ' - pa" . ' ' , , . IB.,.. ,j j, ;j , j I " j . "Two now on band at .: ' t.b': M I fAt as fAWH ' vf FX. ef Jgl AuO SB. U". , BtarW-if Ageela. S V ' BLUR DIAGONAL I COATS AND VESTS, OLIVE DIAGONAL ' COAT AND VK8TS, . ; DAHLIA DIAGONAL COATS AND VESTS, Black Diagonal Coat and Vsst.- Jatt received at . " i ' B ANDREWS A CO'B.rr aprjaVtr i Inthiera O B S A L B English Baeees, akesp to aloae aoajlgnaebt, I. iulyS-tf W. H. 40NES A Co. niiOI INST ITU T B, 1V1. BALEIGIf, X. C. Rev. R. Buawai.i, PnacipaL j. a. BimwkXL, A.M Ml 1 ' ' ; J jM Princtpal & J. ttravkBS, Tba First A anna! Session of this Intlltutloa Bill eomoiMM-s oa Mmrftay Kept, Itld S"S AeeMNKiisaed and -enoertaueed tearliera la sib Uie breaches eavsliy taught la brat chusi remale Bewunarles bav been employed, 1 The Mueb-el DeuartHietit will tie under lbs duwUoa ot Prof A. BALM ANN, who, during the-pSMt tea years baa been B-ax-lated Sllb ths Prli,.:,il. In th -Ir . b.x.l at CbarloUA HrA. id. M. LAi'T' Will 'SfaBHaiilM Willi be lu-uiutioaaa Teacher ot KeKlUh Brandtea aad auoerintendeut of social sod dutnosuc duth-a 1 ear Cln'Slevntalei foil Mtrticlilars aato Taftua, Course u( BUmIv, Ac, address t - a. BLBwaci. static, Jly U ImA. tm Kaieigh, N, C. ... 1 1 1 . .1. JABBOL1U ACIO A?iW UAIUMLATj; OF .LIMB The heat dlsinferlsrrts m use. - 1 kenumwMHlcd by Jkmtnr u JMth through out ue country. - '. ' a koleMue and r-Uil by the nMeufiu-turers, Bai-Tutoaa Coaj, I a a ui r ecu,,. '.MLB CbsrlesMt.. " may &4r : r; tnLauvn, Hi. 3IISCELLANE0Tjsl $16,000,000 ilfiscts I "JST A Life Ins. Co., lmae aolidss apea Live froex 10 to SO TBABI IBCLUltra j ;- ... . , t (-,,: w, Th largest tnoant oa any on Hft b UO, DOB, CO, Cask AsseU O.OUO.OOU.OS. Reprtssnltd by ' . ' v ' ' W. H. CROW. Ageat, ,17-m wRaJ.Vh.N.C. $50 RE WABDI 1 will rtv ISC reward fnr the fcedt af Bob. en M. tirulger if captured la Uts Cvwaly of wmu hu ,iw ii rai'iurra enwiue ef Uis count. Bead Bridal was eoevleled at 1 Mr- Jury at tbe current term of UerUs Baierlor vv.,, mm Hi.(Mi .11 ot bst eaauMiy while vwig uucea iruw toe tfeu to uie court Uoaaa W. BKLL. Windsor, Marcb 11, tSTa, bib ic-swlta. v ' Bherifl. Q0VBOYBTERS.' , , , BRANDT PEACUEd, ' , , ' 1 , j,, , canned peaches, ; KUNf'g MUBTABO. 1 , MIXED PICKLES ' s . .,, .. KaBKNCI ((OPPEB, " PLAIN AND FANCT CANDIES, .1 t; "J" ' Raisins, i "; lemon 'CAItB "" -SODA CRACK EBB,- 1 r V.,A-, t , . ) . -t-iWhrdeeam aad ;afL . Aaai.eVtf-...,. UACH RJM'nV-. VT B W B O A B D I N G HO U Eg mm 1 1 at tbi Can Fata Bakk BmLruxs. ON FAX BTTB VI LLB STRBBT. ' It 1 r . I -JtfjU I Permanent and dat an It Maitai Able rates sad saustAcUoe Klvrd I -' ' bim w. r. rirjooiNa. ' PanMBumta m BivBHe Barak tfl: Be. 3 M. Alklnaoa. lion. It. M. Harrlnmir. Tkaddaua w aaq,, .oue w. niiuam, aao. THE, AUGUST A B1CHANGE ThU InaUtuUoa la Intended to tad Hate iraiiaartluaa la COTTON,' tt MAIN and PRO- UUCk for iroinedisls and future delirerr. and eaiini'iaiiy rw uie purcnasr ana fl st routb ere Securities. A dally ea II ta sssds of all Uis loaning Securities la Uts Stales of VlrKliiia, North Carolina, South Carolina, (teoncia. jeunesass, awoaiua, rionils, M IMaalpiri, .ou,.ians, icias ana Araneaa..siuBrauiiiua. tiAit m 11. 'ill nun DO,. 1 , "" .1 aAibwavi nimiin,. , , 1 n . . , kailwat murj'B, "I IJ t,M,AN(JPACTCRlN08nAR Tlia anderafrned nw'm 1 ..', . . if tl. A n t TBT A ..iciiAr .B.aoncit order to bay on sell sur Hon. In ilia .hi... linn; T . 1 . w. a. KolMjrW. 0' HnlierU. Worrit 4 Shiver. t. B: Bacon, Cotum couiml.iUoa Merchant. dnha L. rtwiotruu Coatett Broker lor Aa- gvala Paetury. -:V , it a. I. Kuasell, of BnateU at rotbw. , .,. A ABaalL ef BealL Bueavs d ce. . , Jobs Jenkins, ef J. at 1 . B. JeakliM, (Bra. kera e t 1 ti .v- . . , M W. Daniel, of DanM At nllL i ' C. H. flilniay, l C H pbinlsrdtCo. W. li Warrea,t Warrao, MauacsACo. A. P. Boerm, Broker, , , W. V. Hetrinir, el Uairaora, Herring A Co. John M. Clark, of J. at, Clark at Co, . T. P. Branch, of Branch. Bona Ale. - H. 1t IMiUnillTI- rilllSliist Bsilliat flant and Unnlleviua actor y. ... . - ti A. Howiaao.CiHamissBta Msrchant 1 W. M. Read, ui rrauklln. Uaad b jo. ' Alfred Baker. PreanlatMalAuaallCii!bana aana.. , . 1 A. M. Jacksoa Commlatloa Merchant. M.O'Dowd, of M. O'Dowd A Co. 1 P ' L. Co' an, of John J. Cubes A Sons. - W. E. Jeckaon. Prsalduntof NalioaidHank of. Angiitis and A uituiia factory. I 1, . oarreit. ot uarntt at i.aawei. M,' P. buioail, Cottoa ractor aad Com .'4 Merchant.' , Ueorii R. Bihlry, of J. Sll.l-y A goes. W. T. Wheeleaa, of w beeleas Co. t Ui M. Suma, ef tssse't', tiaard Co. U. A. Allea, of UVallMW Allea, - . :J. M. urdell, t eoiBiii aloe MarrliaaV J. J. H. arc, of J i. Pearce, Bulkir A. PoBllaML uf Poallala A ialw. Georifa T. JsuksoB. uf lAaora-a T. Jackaua ACo. . 1 H. C. Slble. of Duular at Slblrv. and Pra- tUrut uf Laniclcy Manulaclnrtug Coin(iany. J. J. Uoufcuy, koiwa Comuoaatea Mar ebant. , j V. . . i . W. U. Bandar, of Inraas A Bandsri W. II. II. .ward,. .( W. It, lluaard as Sos. B. P. t laytou. of R. p. Clayton A Co. R..W, lleaid,ol B, D. fleard Sob: "'"T" M. 1. branch, ot Branch, hv-ou A Co. "" J. B. DiiiiKlierty. of bone, Brown A Co. me. PWvall, o( BIaivbu A Hull. y.of H. H.May Co. I 1 J. O. Maihewsoe, Toliacao. Cotto Gooda and General fsodoes Merchant. 1 ' Ui. 4. Dealer, of Hosier at Waltoa. ! 1 ij. P. Curry, fbmker and BnAer, j JaHiea A. Wry, ol J.uea A. bray A Get -I- i. Miller, of J. P. L. i. Miller. P. A Timlierlake, of Barney A (iitluerlak. Tiom. M. Jai kaon, bf mi, daeko at Co 0. P. Wllman,of Brunch BouaACB. Jnn!Vdd(Wlm j -A. . , . I , ' n f . d Alt X . l,.M,B.. . t LSI' OfMtwbera, M, wrr .SAi.aB ra ( FlBB-WATCHaa, RICH JRWELBT. " .-1 v.aan . BTERLING BlLVERWARE. ', Mr. Dardea ra callliur Uie of hi. friead lu Ui B0BU1 io bu aaaoctaisia wltb Uie well known bouaaof h. uy. Webb, rw siMCtlully mfurms Uiem Uuuh will h always wM.m ht btww. (wirwtfuai oo ewraisi aueo Uoa to any eomtniaidona tli.t may lieenlrua tedtuhim. lie teelt ut .red Uut lit will fa. siuuibsd .to. pleas tueuA from ha, uiasr yvtr rtperb:ucs in Ut- bualaeas, hut kuaft-lh'e of Ut wanls Of U1 peuul of Ul Buntb. an,l U.a smUhmuvs sbH-k ot SfwbcJtne gcMxta that are sonautiitly keut lo awre. W heo Uie atiectioe of aruclea la left wUb him he will lane fuu Ueular paiiia to eecnrw tke best and mud .nt atde, or will checrl ul ly gire any inlornaikKi la revly to Inuirbw by mail coimw.hik Uie Mtars, Men. W. I'ebb aukesaaueeiaJtruf TRIWJt SILVER PLATED WARE iow in auih iremral aw and alinimiil .(...- ted for TeabisUt, 'l abia-wan-, r ik .-ra.e. Mr. Danlen will eiao be ei.-i to av t.. fXenda rait on biin wiwoever iney ..uw w IWUuiore, and eiiii)ua Uis new il.i.ii. m elry and Bitver-w.ire. t b.,t rujgai aud Lakib Inim AIJtlMOH, M O. t uay tMKJta, 1 W. H. CROW, Qeal Manager, " North OaroHn sad part of Vkguil. I "illiiCEliAXE0tS. OtexmBboro' money Llarko BJTINUIUTESyJ. aANBNOT. : ' Jr WTL80N A tmnl Ba NK Khf a Ni. Exoatuma BaoksiM, t)CTB tu m, t4BLM1tBa,'ka..; f .' . Beak of N o y . Cape Pear.. ...... ' " t harloue ""' V atleerH,".. .. " y iltninrtOB, - 'doitiorvl' - Lei u.n ............ Couuuen-e. ........ ,","."" Payette, ille ,.....'...,.....''" " Merchant.' Bank of Newborn.. ...!",."" Panuera Hank of linM.i... - Miners' and H.anUjm' bank. ..""""'7 CoHimerrutl Hank uf W iiiutiuiton "... tu ..u. .ua, average aouut.. SouUi Carouua M Ueunrbt . ' ' ' 4 M. C M. A Stock .'."",' Z We bny ana sell at liberal pn.'.Vtt1Hd , Jilver, i,b Caeobna B.,nd, t nUed BUl2, bonds and all ntber atarkcui.le tb ks. IM-dwra for Bank ttotes by deMurs and 8toe. awluoZ."1 T Uf h ppi Kvtama for aia 1 ia. n, .'12 L ' . made, u.e day received, be cbec oa Nsw tin er aWUinek w at Jar. fewy, as dewtmd. ., .. Lite and If ire Iaaaraaea Puli.-b L.i i A -,111 tJ..iT',T"..",:'"",."0-oiee good Couiaauas, at beat raUav LIp'B INSUEAN'CE. ' .,-, T U A ... ' . FBiESJl iiTtj, nsriisri co.pajit, BARTFOnb," CONNECTICUT Messr. Chss. f. Moou,,, A) Boa Arc lb. wel. kaowB G-naral Ageui. fa, j,1 sadMaryuid,; tV"".". ADMINISTERED VlKKTlV . : BtCTbACI'LAM, OR THR M,0 0,o OF ASSETS The poflcl. areas 'Mon-forlelubhJ'p NO RBSTWCTNS PLACED (4n TRaFIU 1 UNU OB besidrncb; tar FrempUy p.y, m k vrvn Ob Uvea tasarm lea years, u the it ftstt. 4 K? C-ttwrr a Rowi o Aaaoao, RALEIGH AtlENCY: ' JOHlt ETRRKCX. ito . Oflce m Strooack bnllatior oa anui . MavtoAj. ExABiNaa, t W. P, BoviaMi M ALLBT, M. D. D." BESS MAAIWG. na. b. i. 1'prm nni tottia tartl... of T!.i..i.,, ..a VMjmtiy-ae' " .wi-! .... -mi it .,.- ' , T s-s-fKf.AtATWl-A1tFR .-4-r-.sxri--.rT., at ker realdear near the Poitrdrv. Wortl don beany and promptly.' 1 ei ef exrerl. nee haa titled bar for Uis posiuoa. I'alron age an). 'tied. , ,Mmlis of Bcro. ... mniiiuuo, i niiii, rc..ouma iism, Wbiia tiarfliing, Ucut, lloitra, C'entiuniHon, I'.iomhi tit, ftervont Deb.l.iy And all dis- cnteaarlisj Ire e ,uipureeon- liiloa of tiie blood. Tte Bit rbtetlhi, vninhl. prenae .''iiua'.M,,!,.,,,,, , ,,,( t'Aj'-nitJt tiii w...y , r,aioiu in. fy i lw iavtiiPi(iu lBH.'lSjJ 1 1 V'B, IMlifllAl ul til. Hi ... !'.! 4r 1 t "iii tit II. I K''a liti BtOXluI iAV Cl'Ftlflt 4ti HI tM BFPWrti.l frrtl mAltr istwm,,- Jr-hVwirJeMlA. hutlora. tl bisviii iLmiiits tiiM.HtffMv., it, jutfc, tAmIriji(.;u, tja '.eirii., MAi-tto i"r( nr, ( ,1 , 4 ,n, lr., ltcBr-rrr.71ftmfrre t-Btyi . awvttHl It In Af 4 Ot Nt P- Ut AAil OCiaefl qiBtiBABam muh aaiACkl SBat. iflVUdfiNh, i 1 'rt ..G ftr!..! , myins; it Mkit I'-lM ttt SUlY bm.AiLrkttl.jii Um bu mm Tmlf-mW Wtmt Ml thm ttatti. rhOiff Si. tf.. l.4Jtln)a.'Bt Sfurh ma. a hsh Wj tfl w. f. tMrrWlttli'4 hjf Hit IIW lit fit I 'ifi riuiii TiHtAftiuittmia it LA kill lis trirtat i,d i. nii iiiis,. FB.( TiniinJ. siilMw ''"BVBlWt- ! it AWVef aaeUt lAlW ewVlVu, IWM'I tt Mt-rf4aBB. MnvfraM. -who, 'I asinMBje iwjtiit mpti tttiaul tt Jtrrf It a i'm. Pho tl tet vtMr 1 P-itlfj !.) h Will I .it t-tfti it to Ji m BtrtM.tft'-tt aiiwrB'ivf-w tirtaleXlM. BVf M aUt B(-nl HkMMl fUrifiF. Llidi 01 If Hit! Bittmtt wm mid fiv yU teiii-n-nt t rrmit y Sui in lh in. mi it Bird Ytti WHHt)rv l(liWrt t WV l HI, Wt,inaig Attti t Uiiei aniittlf ttaFWelltlilV IH i FwA- iUl tlltifl. 4-B4dW. BtU1 if U PfulBU. 7on jr 'A: K. I WtlM'lUHI Pi Ai m, itilyldeodAwljJ - QXF0BD IGeI SCHOOL,, OXFUKD, M. C. v J. R. nokkAD B. H. Gkavbs, Prluclptta. The trtlteUm of tli Schnlaatlc tear of Wn aad 'W. Will tKKia tba Am Mondav t July. Crrmlars, tatting f-.ih ths several coupes, of ttuity aad btbur particulsrs, sent oa au. pllealHNt. . , juue l-wiwt4ra ' , v P. A. DUNN, - HENRT 0 TYeu.N, of Balliutoiu. 01 wakece., . u !.. A. IJTJNN V Ou ' - ( COMMISSION , MEECHAXTH, 5. 44 MifA rer,JW Sxfhing Pett RarBBawoss. TWwins' Nutlona) Bank. I.u . ellfb, N. C; 4 U. vl titiatn., free t M.le r at bAnk, Ralebih, N. ' ; . d. Vk llnuma, kai. t", M. C.i Citlaeus Natleoat bank, bHluiuoie, u. Wieaenfeid, btera 6X Co.,, rttinnmv Mrf , Jolinmw ration ti, b-Hiuioni Mil., fc,. Il.iu Hroe , b.luutora, MJ ; t'.lbiiwn .u bVb. baltiinora Md. w ill iri aiiei iai attention to sale f Tot ax-. CO. Cotton aud (ir.til, aud t Uie i'Un-lta. ot Guano and MerehaLiiiiiw, ut every . leb IC uom , qL 9. JKLEC J. BOAKDIN'U AND pAIeUltiifU HlLle-iBOHO'. W. a TUft Nrnih (Hid Ritl!o k, wilJ rv liim ltij exeft'iRtt) tI Utftf ti tw4 t tJx-uir (iri'ijtjd uo hcmUoiK juiic u-wdtt-J rH- sileL WUU- JT' M A JC COM.HI.. I .atv ojh'H1.-.! Vlin-ii ii'-ir Mm li Kn u till Oiy-1 -HH! M-Jv-.t !- IN ,.., Jmi Ll'l:uh, w-lit rs, iaa. At;i, V:it.. it- I'UUT IMW, '.n Inn try. t y-- : ,1 ; l i -i L nt'W tMNl. ilUt f Ac trS i rt t v . II U (Mtwrtr eu-sim i''it i ..,n!.., v , ,. st t; u or wiiiiMut tvitw h. c iu im- ii A'UH!s A (StiU jrauArtipv, m-u i, .t J. i.iirsAiJ j . p" t- i R D A a:

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