y. L BISHOP ELLIOTT. The following beagUful iiM were eacgeat ml by Ike seal of the Right Kcitnui Stephen Elliott, D. D., tbe crest of which UI bat hk and tbe motto: "Foe Labor Fur btri Ace." ' v .-'-"v1-;. 7 . , Tbe cream eaa of the kindliest strain, , lUnvanilgf dm 1 suu.irlit end tbe row mar fala, from star n hi and ttie dew I That left a staia la yonder vela -- ne He ere llie sajipliire blue; 1 Mi (eottaants wa knew, - Ihe ireuiie and tbe true. -.' The kmtht, wbnec ivkI bore 1 ue bullock and BO Bio-e ! 1 tia quauil device of ' Secrllce," Aud -Laoor," and, uo mors I il .. And awtrhlrea sweet the golden wheat 1 bai must have moulded bun, i- . A man complete, from auad Ui fact, . Oud Sims iu eoui aa4 limb, That g re hie game the Lion a blase, : '--... iis smile so swiiea line bus 1 , . Aad, tremulous and dim, 1 an lean wa thins of hla ; . The knight whose slgaeis,s ." Ibe bullock i am a asora, -Ibe iuiat devise by -terlce," wmms wwr wow fl yoevl ' . - . 1U -rpoo M aUUllar al ht (b.olrrlii.KB haik atalM. " But aak of Mu.r kwftit . lruvi4 auada ao awaat aad mili : ltaa kna eaaaa auwa Ilka lltit Auil kaipiaaai rrtw wad, TUa wxa, Uw ltt.lt rh Jd, Paaaaut aad rnsua fcara acullad Around lata kuaa, wui aura , 1 ua HaUuvk -ana bu iuur 'I aa quaint uariea at Hacrl4ca" tM UUter wcw ut yora-i Hrlucaaaalull ataraomdral , . . . If. .A m-,,s-tTor ba la dead I BenaaUt Uie bald ' batito-tattarua .Tbat raat Um aoa, kia (sea to Ood, Ha waut aad eaua aa nx.ra I Tb fi(rBca of Umj tu ba trod - lu "Baeri ea," la o'w, - , Tst all Ua kJodNaat rafa, lit all taa kuWiiUlMa dMa . aiwiM mmwaw a, h . f Aruuud Ua eruaa Ha aora. A ruuud tba aaaiat aVvlaa. f " i oil" and "Karl aa, 1 bat our great buduip aural - Aaorasa Etrii" o Ta Ra- TcauRCiAH. Tba fallowing latter bu beaa cut to tfit JUyuUua fur publtestkin ; WaHiuTow, Auumt t. 1878. W Editok wlarotnK tliat tow ara Hill wllhnif that rouroolMiuoiahmild eoa- ttDnna okb. In vtdut to bar fnxa other axdotwl otaa no ara willins to coduna Mr, Uuamer, wa duaire to girt you anitbar aierea, and feel willing eontioa aver) -awning until Jo think tscra id ana out rad naa who will taka biaadrica. , Dr. A. T. Angaidd, Cbarlea N, Thntnaa, Edward C'mai, Wwuw Jarkaiia, Joim H. I4r.rii U V lrih Uj....iiuI bjliM km Ihui H. 0. Johuaoa, W. II. Bruce, L J, Bailey, it, U. ovrowa. WnHiutgUtH ralritt. Another ftuM th prn of K. Julu Favra is announce.! fur jilliratiM, euti 'wed ouawatu wwajawto. at proportj TaJuoi at 60.1XK) puuaUa. and is wrutaooa a haU-sbeat of Dda paper. 1 'T.iaTw6'uujat eateti'rtiiBti "cfuti rattri .nMiir.rma t,iiiuniiina, me lamiaiama ajm babick, I'dlumuiu, ara aow hopokealj in jUlDENOE FOB RALE, ; A larga sod ntaaMe realdnpa in tha Eaa tara M ard, 4m I r a abort dtnUuioa (run : Um lafIUrf. for varUealara a)'ily aug 7 tt rX. r. U.V.bEbJL V IBUINIA CUTTINURMIVEb, ttHiataatly fvWmt. aiiniilica of Uila eala Vali kafa Tka Iwat la ami for ainall far aHira A loo ftiiM'lnlr'i Olxiiratad frnpella CuiUiig Kulvaa and MMUcatunt and Uis.far tuous oiir dlrtti ', . JljatU JAMIUJ aL TOWLEt, -yy A M T E D . tara Laboran and Tcoaata, good Millar with ainartaaca la iHaw aud uriat UHIIok, a HIiiUi annua ta attaitd dairy waabing sad kfHIanbold nrMiai. : Comf ortaUa tHiaaaa. Ttsama, ltaptriumiU aad Uaptliaa faruUBad Viuutta If U4irtMl. Hraoaa witk gwd rafar- auca wui so u to aiu-i r u i, fil'HUAtUl M(M)RE UmUhl it. 0. ang frlat TLLUM1NA1S foR TU QUE AT CAMI'AI0X The uadenlirnad ta nrei tared to furalah Chi- Tre lanlrtia, I ranAUarancim, Vlaica, (jaMata J.iiflita, lire Works, A., at aiauufaeturera liritra. for Ulnnuiialliuf Parka, aqearee and tiuiidiiiir, bovb publie and privala, (or the eoinina; eajnywiirn. and will give penoaal at- tmfii to umir amuureianl and diapiay. ir or for ant lea ia tbe above Hue with or with out orraoueJ atUmdiuira, reauertfullv aulieited sud urouioUy stlenilwl to fleeiie give aa Buub.ttuuca.aa tnaniiiw tafiiaa amMngi-a bald. E.C. VOMER, S Kaanoka Avenue, Morloik, Va, aug t la . gOL'THERN HOME SCHOOL FOa YOL'NO LADIES, ' ' ' BSTABLIMETI, 164a. atia. 1VT Md 1W JT. trla) Strft, ' rl sHfrnoit, ' air. mra wiaom aL cart, MBA GEN. .01191 PEti-AM, Princlrmls. fnmtk b f Vn0uf tftkt AVAeat,, I sag & DmeedAw rioiAt xotiok. It N D R K W VJt CO CLOTBIIKS, ljsvt Just reeeiTfd by Ktutaes the 1i4towior iiOf v EAtttEB TABHICS I WHITE DL'Ci: SUITS, WHITE DUCK TEST, IfCE fAKtU, HLACK ALPACA FKOCtS. LAC K ALPACA SACKS, Poetrv. t ' . LNi Or ALL PtSCRlfTIOSS. fvin i U. laiKoal BJtn. ; RAILROAD R. piiMi or icmpun ,,, RALEIGH AUGUSTA AiB-LINE. hntinuMT'i Orncn, Raleigh, M C, Jess Wa, imi Oa wa flr Mimday, Jane 17th tlrta. teniae on um Kaleiith a AugusM) air mbswui rua daily inuiidsy eceeptedj aa tolluaa: ail rasia. tA,4 EaMirk... Arrtvaa at 8m( urtl a. ...... - .it w rrtvAU Baafurd 11....... l " Leavee aeafrdu...,i....,i-w... A. M. Arrives at kalrhb IMS Mail train mat, eaetbeeeowwertiue it Rafcdgh with Uw AaletgB A tMakuaj Railroad W sad (run ail poiala Nerth. - . Aad at Seaford witk the Weaken RaHfroad to ana from rayetlevtIM esid points on Wee- tern Ksutnse. av ii.. laaa 171 . i , ..-, 9m -HNOE OF CUKUCLE. ; XaLEIOH A ttdJTOM EAIIJIOAD, CO., BtiraaiTSaaT'a Orrica, Et.si-a. H.U., .aaa HU, llfTi. Oh and after Mondar Jnaa ITt. IWJ, trains oa iba aaMKB abwoaa a.,ayi raa aauf du-da axecf Udj aa fullowa : ' t ttmaiBi. , Laaaas EWrt.... WW A . Arrlaaaat WOdua... . Lua Wddua la a. au Anitas el aaietak ur. BL . . AdooautopATioa raaia. ' Laaaaa BaMra... EM r. u, Aniaaaat Weidua Aia. at. Lasaaa Weldoa.. 1 1 . arrives si AatoWk.... AUa.aj Hail trmla audiaa euwa enwaannow at Wat- dna wHji tba eWbuard Knaoufca BaUruad and HT Una imam 1a kMUawaa, e aad irofa aa aoinui CMirua, ana ww n and wilk ratararmrg Kaiiroaa u raMrauanc tO bawmd aid Valu!ia Clljr, to sad !wie all ikmuU nurtb and pt.tru.wenv. And at K.Htk wili Uw WorlA Carolina BauV road to and (run all vuuila auuUl and aoaUi aaa. aad wlU Uw Hatobcb 4t Auguala Air Liaa to ttetwoad aad raioUewUia. .manudtUia sad ITrelabt tralua. enaaaet St Waldua aibfc. AroeaaaiiinaUua sua ITrciKbt trmiiia oa aValxiard Mueaoke Kailruad aud fatarebanr Kallnied. Aad at irtrb. wttb AaaaaaaaodaUoa aad Freucbt tralua oa Hortk CaruUua iUilruad. Cenuaa M ring aloag Ua Una of Um Hoed eaa rtall luloLgk la tea morntug by Awwanala. aua tnua, neaila aareral kirara, and rruira Uta asaaaataainf, , A. A. AlKsB, jeaeUU , , H WLUUHttTOM at WELDOH B B. CX, Omci Cfr.lM.uD Obb'l, or'e. ; : Wnj.iTa, H C. Majrf, Uflt ; ... v.;;:: VbttANaSof sciucdulje. ' fH aad afUr sloBoey. atb WaUnVwaliid S oa Uita road UI leave w uiumv ua at a l ft am. and .A d bl. sad arrive at Waldua atd.au a. bl sad SOU p. at. Leave Weldoa lu uo a. at. aad 7.3a a. Bl. 1 arrive at Wllialnir- lua atAIWa. a, aadd.aia.am. Tbe ist Iralue III not raa ua Bandays, Aa anMBtudaUoa aad trataiit trahl WtD leave WUiulmrtua Ml. IN a am. dall, (Bunday aicvtitndjmaaingeloaa anaaanUoa at luida boro' for KawMta. IteUiraiiig, loava Ooldiboror at AM A at and arrive at WUiulngUm at p. am. -- Tbe dev Umlna leave WllmluifWa 418 s, St. and VVekioa 10 uu a bl. eoaneKt eloaely with TaiWi1 Branih train. N Wit tauwmntr-r tnuua Itavlitg WUtuWtoa and Weldod oa Mondays Wailimelayi and Ifnuavm, slau awaaeM ckieeiy .-n....... I U ...... lICUYN fJAMyLLLE EAILBOAD, MOUTH CAROLINA Df TU10N. s-tW iDWMt yli.viYr?1? w!kaWJBBBBnvl r'rrt HmP(: Jjj.VdttA'it C Oil DXNH U XI M It tTA pLift. ia effect ba aad after Huadsy aaud atb, UOINU KOKTH. " BTAT10NB. Man. Leave Chariotls, i UoBMHd, H baJUbury, Munguia, Uigk loiuL. Arrive WnwaaboTo'. Leave Oratviauuru1 " Co. Bliopa, " HUlaboro'. ' HaleiKk. ttu r. m A. M. it ', i,i " II IM -II 10 " " u.i r. m. I l ow ltd A. M I.Vi , I w AW , M Arrive Ouitlaboro', IU.W A. UOINU wOUTU. STATIONS. Tan. ' Ilrassa. too r, At T.l - ......... i.. Sl II W i 15 P. at. IiM A Ui ANU " Lit ' Ut l.&S " M - .tt . in. a ia - i.M - T.lo M 6. at A M. Atur. M Leave OoMnnoro', - Kalrlgu, JUb,rt,, . Co. Bboiia. AlrrvetiiwMboro', Leave fireenalioro', High Point, . LeBliigtoa, " Ballnlmrv, I 1 CuiHHird, Arrive st charlotte, trala teavhui Balelirh at 1. IS P. M- connects at Oreenabiiro" witk Mortbera bound trala i amektne the uulrkeet Urns to ail Northera etUae. Pries of Uekete aaais sa via oUwr routes. Mail trains dally, both ways, over entire lengib of koad. kipreea tally betweee Ca paur Sbopaaad Charlotte (dandayeieeuted.1 All Pa winger trains eonneel at liieaiialiiwii . silk tralua lu aad from klciiiaiiBd. Pallama Palace Care oa all eight trains be tweea CbarloUe aad kicbmou.l, (wltboat b.ii-e. , :i.,n, Jt, ALLEN, W. U. SKEEN. (Jaa'l Ticket Aiienf Mas tar TranaoortaAloa. , yaaeto tl - . UfJABHUOABII dtaadardA, Extra 0, C. Tallow t " ": " , i)euorara, , 1 , PoUiRIco, . For sale very low at ' A.CtAUNllKKdACkL. sov SVtf .. Mat, MarUa HUaet, A Stilt. OIIIIII A UoRACS WATEna, 481 BaoauWAt win dtpoee of ONE HUNDRED P1ANOA MKLOOkoNd aad tIKUANd of all tratebwa Makers, Inciudiug Waters, st bitsbhblt low raitise roa oaaa, or will taka artcaeh and heianre moeUily suUI paid New 7erlave riAMlla, amodera Inprovenienta. for tilti aaalL A new kind of PAUUlK OHUAM, tbe taoat tweaUful aty'e and perfect Urns aver mane, aow oa euuoHioa Bl set Broadway, lay lS-tf ' 'I-' - : - C S T SE0IITID f HftosB, nm i nuon. j 3DRT'B CILIB B ATXD fiATtlBf, Cottarfe Otio !2 r b a o t 4 BURTS- rRlZU kEDAi. 0AITERSV MITEOPOLrTAN TIES, R L A 0 t R S V o T0SEMITK BTIIIPES At KKrVROtE, PLITI A KEWaQM't at AU A T B A C H E B A T B D The Traefeea of ralaoa's Hlgb rVbool la tbe towa of Paiaoa, iiarlia eouaiy, ktorik (rolina, deeire to emutiiT a eouspeuia gwaUnaaa to take enance of as Id frbeoMbe neil eraelon. eonmenclua' tbe tret MunuVy is Angvat, 1H7A Thua. daalnng tbe poaitioa III pleaae eoneeuiiad wLb any one of tbt anderalgBed Tiwteaa. . - C. B, HI LL, . 1t"tr"Tlfi1ftTf" fv. a nii.i EJ. rAlw-N, Tmateea. taly ASw : K 0 I M I A t A S t 8 BIVEE ByTTOMS AMD GOOD CATTLE TOE SALE ' ? - A BARK 0PPOBTUSITT! I will aril at pabnr saetinn, at the hue mri eVaee of iavid alwudvkooBia, dv-aard, In riovd County, Virgliia"oo I IILKaUAt, IH 16TH OA I Or A VU L'dTy l-7. THBEE VALU BLK r A B M 8 flfi il'Kltd. 1st, TUB UOMt PLACE. One-half cleared, emnraf-tng 13V arrea of kivel botloai bUMla, be arne iretH5lMaa mradew, and 3Mw arrea of good'awtare landa 7 he nn cieered lead te all eevcrad with Um beat white eek tuaaer 1 here ie a (ud iioraa Frame Dwelling Hoaaa, barn, aad ail other aevaaary out aouaea oa Uila rana. The whole aiace le ia good rwr.il r and well watrradi bea on Uwi waat fork of Liiltr Kiver, aillea oUi VYiwt of fkiyd Ciwt hoasr, Vi., sod avilae from riiiaiebarK Oe-jot, ieSlUe A., at. at . Mailroad Tbe.e U um it etet Bower aaitxlva tuvawy auaublaery. ifad. THE WEOMLB VAKM. StM ACKKM. raer ltbs eleared t Ineludes 3d arrea ef BH-aduw land. 4 leered hin.1 m all wett net gmea. This farm la t nilee aouthof Pbiyd C-mrt-kouae oa Uie niiiavllle and rioyd 0urt- Bouaa tarapiae, aaa ie wau waiafea. M. THE UTLTON FARM. Vti ACKKA. Twe tbirda cleared. 190 seres ia graaa; all well walrred. 'f bare ia a good t roota U e id ling uaaa oa una tract it live iaiin-a route Wad of riovd C. II.. oa Uie Dux hour Koad. These labia are not aoid for d lit, but for dutrlbuUoa amour helra. Mey baa alway beaa amade oa tneai. Mr. Alfr-d 0eodkiuta Uvea ea Uw lloeae riaie) and oil! laaa plena are em aaowing ua pioueny. . t - -At the aauie Uiue ami olai, 0i A.linlolatrm m of Uavid UoodykuouU, dee'di will aell PuldleAacUoa: win and three year old of-, 1 two year old btifera, ' , I Vnke of Omul II Hega, ' I i'l Mik-h Cowa sad Calves, . J . t Teerbnga. a ' i tiloraee, 1 Bu koy Mower and I Ruein Bake, Fanuliur 4 tneai la aufHcH-iil lo work the Fsrnaa, sod s awga kit of good Uusaehotd and KIW bea Fwraltara. -' Terama of Safe Uanda S per rent rseh : Idue la 1, t sad t y-ara, run! iitelatm'nu. parelannra giving bund with gno an urity and a Uea retained till . pan-liaiie faoney . paid. I aell aa Coiauili-aiteierof Kloyd Cirru l oart, aader s durree hi s friendly salt. 1 lie Cattle will be aoid on bo dava end It. . Tbe oUhv. Pereonal Pionertv. will h autd on aim monUia eredit for ail mine overgm, uunrhSM-r giving bund with good aecurity ; t'a-li for hen anina. .... Addreaa the undernli'ii-Ml at Chrlatianiiliurir. Antjtind. riiLKiiAit, jy AU11 l.'.th sag. f ALpTKffl AfrWW AlWKALETSHfli J. V-.- , . 4 AtH'Warnr1H'fMr--'Wl KaLBiua, N. C, JunesUth. Id j The publkj are respectfully Infomied Uial eoaiblnation ' Kunud 1 rt(i and " Hlmttriil" kxcuralou ilcketa af rwfemf run, are now on sal. at the Halelgh A tiaahw K. R. Ticket tltbce to the folk-wing places ; White Buliihnr Bpringa, Vv Balk Alum " " ii a Korkl-ralga Alum t -. " - warui Hot " ' HasKag .": . " : i. :. Nweet - " " ( Bweetflial-iTheats " " AlttrelleMiirlBa-a, N.C. ' Niagara galls by SM Roulae, . . . ttsratiara Hniufs by 10 Koutea, aVbarua ttprlug by t Routes. t . ladta Ueorge, Newoort. ki I., hv tRnutea. Vsa da L'eaa Hotel, kwella Point. Ilamfi ton Ruada Bear Norfolk, Va, fr.ua Kalrbch and Wav Htslione on Uw Kaieluh A ) .atou, K. R , and from ran ford oa the Raleigh Anruata Atr-Llna. i For full dkai-rii'Uoa of routes. Una tallica, Ac., or say other InformaUoa dusirwl, s.ly 10 1IIIIMAH HllHali, )slr I4a : Uaaenl Tl ket AgruL pisai run 1 1 100 Barren just received. ' June 81 If 0. T. BTR0NAC1I A BHO. A PPLR MILLS. ..., -- . Just at kaad another aanirfr of OiMe inval aable Mills at nannfai'tory prhra el lb fratili t. ranging rrua t ta Wm. CSf-w-ity frou, tt ui ia Darreia per nay. yAt U JAMES M.T0W1.RS. n. Ageot. rOUN ARMSTRONfJ. BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOK MAN UrACTUHKH. orn TBI boats uaaouMa BooaaroaB, RALElfJH, N. a ' Trial, KieruUon, M bu tea sad Recordlug rjKK'ksta made to order. ' North Caroline bjarU and other Law Boost, hound hi ani-eiior Law Hiudiiia. Missing namburs of uie' Kcpiirie suppli id edd BBuibers takaa w eachaBge lot bu lien bind' tr s UH.OOL BOOKS. ALFRED WILLI A M, ! OrpOtlTS BALBI0II MATIOAAA MUM. Is sow BatAlnf large addiuond to hla preaeBt SWCSOI . : i ,... i ... j SCHOOL BOOKS, STAT10NRRT, . " t And It tlrenarad ta eniiBtv Ik'hor-, Acsd-tajb-s. Merchants and others, ailher at whotniais or retail, with everything la hie Una apoa uie oat ravoraoie terraa. A full ehmilv of Public School Books, re- eowmandi-ojiy the Board of Ada.aUon, eaa always he eunplled.' . ( . worceater a IH unaary, soomea oy me Board, will be eupilld at Introductory rstra -Also a (ullanunly of babbeUV eVkool and Bong Hooka, with Byuta Booka uaed by i fanant denmnlnalloiia. . Aa the A a nit of Uie Amerii-aa Blhle Borlety, I can aui-vlv TeetamrnUi and Hlld-d at lb reguler prK-aa of tbe docMl,; us hew rork- f ... i Seed (or Catalog-uee and Prices. ALFRED WILLIAMS. Y Bookaetler sad Btatloner. Jly IT tt j-OLASSIS AJtiD .,.,.,,!.'....-'.....,. ; Aw !)., 9. u. Byntp, St Tiercea Motmei, .... ; . " S Hods. " do. ', '" S j " ajsy 4 tt LEACH BRO S. CCHOOL BOrigs XMMO!f BCIIOO'L O and dundsv tb heot books a Isr-rr aap- plj aiwaya ob hand. ttstslt'iire arnt free. eaa. am. ai-ii-noo. aa t au-aa. . saaleBi - BALT:i!DRt7L0CK HOSPITAI BALTIMORE, XO. Ovncva 7 , toova raa lis ai oss Antaar. ' DR. J OH .,, PhyolHaa of thla rclehnbal Inatltntlna, die-1 WW, wiies la uw ureal Utwoiuia of s.if I rol., via: EiiKiaiad, rraoee add eieewaere, I Uie hio4 eeria-u. eiN-edy, iliaeant aad eiM-tae I oamidy in uw world ur au ewveaaa or bbbibi Of the ,al ul . . Mcakiiwaof tbe Bark or Lbsbs. bietares, Arf'-rti.Miof Uie Kidueya or bladder. JbvoIbb. tary liaranea, Iwfe.uwy.lieeawlal Llwbiiity, b-rvoaaeaa, Oyaiieiieaa, tauuoor, iw Bjeriu, (JenfuekHi of daa, PautLmuoe of Um ileart. Tinndity, Tnwannag, Ouiiaiea of Bigbt or Liddiiteaa, lMnoaae of Uw II. ad Tbroat, boa or akin, AtterU eta of Uw Liver, Lanes, Miwm;Ii or boweie tboas terrible Draordere WTritHV A H-Liaj waaaiw; H-ff ernuiuifrunBoiitary Ualuuof outbaai.'itaT and solitary oracucea nmore fatal Uti.a laaa Uie soli If of Um tf yreaa iMii-re of tlfasea, l.lufbtlng tbeir amoat brii lluil bouos or anttuuiU-iae, niaderlnif rmuV; , teuueaibie, deaUujriag. bolii body I and uiiod. . . TOCNfl MEN Krlslly, who havej brome Um vlrt)ma of Solitary Vice, Uiet dreadful sad deatrucUva I batdt. which annually aweeue lo aa uiiUiaely a;rave tboU'Siuis oi youua; aaea of Uw aioat I availed lsli-i,u.' and bru ileal laU-llert, who aoelit atib-rwiat have euleaoaed llau-aing sVuatee with .the Uiuadcreof elutjaeare, or I wskeo to eceuw-y uw uvuig lyre, way rati wiiu ran coMuoeuca. ' ' ' "' MAKKIAOE. ! .; t Marru-d peraoa', or Young wee contcanpUt- mir losTinK, swara of rbysical Wiakncaa, I Meed Ptncrt-aUve Power (iwpoteaeyi, her vove Eicitsleiitv. PsInaUtiun. Onranir Week- ne a, Nervous Oebilily, or any other Aeuall- si-auon, api-edlly n-tlrvcd. lie a bo places hluieelf aader the care of Dr. i. jnay reliKioosly cunhde In hie honor aa a VepUrwan, and conadeiUy rely apoa hia akill aaa pnyaicuu. '.- t .. . l .1 '. OttU,ANiq. WIAE -ini mediately OWed and full Vigor Reatored. ibia disireesiuK Ad. cUoa whkh read-x life iiiia.rMt.il. and awrrua-e irufiosalble le the penally paid by Uw m Uuie of ua;toper la dulifcncea. Younsr i-ersons are too aid to coei- Biit exi-caaea from aot U-tug aware of the dreadful roaae-ueu4-ea utet nwy eaaue. now, who Uiat ulMteista-wU una nubMct will pceteod to dray Uiat lit laiwer of procreauoe h lost sooaor by utoaa tailing wlo uapeote-r Bamia Uian by Uie prudcutr besldea bung deprived of the pk-aaure of bi-alUiy oHspriug, the Bluet ae.ioua aira aestruruve ayrounaa oi ueia iwu sod aiieal ariw, The ey stele beeaaies deraag sd. t'w Pbisb-al and Menial rum lions weak ened, liw of Prucinaltve Power, tiervova rrriUliliitf, lyan-ia, PalplUlk-a Of the ll.ert, Indu-natiun, fJoaauiauoaai unuity and WaaUug oi Uie Prmoie, Couh, Consump-1 U(N, insv aliu L"atu. A LI RE SPKBDILT WAKRA NTED. PrraiMis mini In lieslUijr by uiilmnwd pre-uu--ra who tacp ui- ni trifling iaoalh after iweiib, taking poisonous and injunoea eoat' pounds, ebould apply iuinieulately. . OR, JOUkBlON, Member of Uw Roval Colicira of Sarreoas. Lseidoft. Oretlnate of one of Uw unlet euiiuent Colti j-ca in he UulUsd huite, and Uw beat liartol whose life baa been spt-ul m the hos pitals of London,- runs, rbiiadei-iiwaudeiee. where, has effort,! etiiue of t&e nv-at asUHt ishiur euroa thai were ever kuowu ; auuiy Uouolcd with ringing In Uw head and ears when BrUcei-, Krcat uervou-meaa, ueiig- aiarm- eit at auodi'u nounds, baebfulueaa, l h fre- I iiirnt bliiidiltiir, attend-d -uimeuinea with di raiigouicnt of niiud, were cured bumcdutrly. TakB PART1CTLAR NOTICE "ftr -er-i-eH"--ll" lliMusi'lvua by liiiproit--r indulgence and aoll Uuy habits, aliich niiu both body and mind. unlliuiig iiinn lor eiuier ousuieea, atuoy, ao- cicty or uwrt-ig . T hear are some of the aaa melancholy ef- TrJWlilewWW hTTWt r-mrtia-ftmoT-witln; vmt weahlli as or me nai-a ann tiinuia, traiua 1M -tt-m-Tt-f-a-r-tTim-vriw nrmtMt w tular Power. Paii-itallon of' the Heart, tiya-yitaTeieWi-a.'. tiytwatmyi tmrkaAWneMm- tbe llticcaiivo -raiM'tHine, i-ienerat Lieuilliv, nviiititonia of tmuinpUon. Ac. MKN TALLY. The fearful eflVncU oa Uie I tnlnd are much to lie dreaded. Loae of Mem ory, Confusion of Ideas, lhtpreeaHm of Hplrlta, Kill Forebodings, AverabHi to Bociety, delf DisUunt, Lovo of Solitude, l biiWily , Jtc," are auiiic ui uie evus prooucco. I boUMUKU oi naraoue os au agae can bow Jtnlire what U tlw cause of Ihetr declbilng ln-alt.il, hieing Uielr vigor, bneoaalng weak, rnie, uorvous ana ewwt wvea, ueiul a biuku r auiwanu-icftiabout the tyea, ooagk and yuipiouis el tiodeawpUoa. ; . YOUNO MEM Who hava Inlurad UHiueelvea by A certain irarilca. indulerd in wbea aloae, a habit fre uumtlv barnrd froul evil com pan! of la or at si-houl, Uw rderU of which are BiKhUy fait, evaa attea saterp. and if not cured readers marriage impossible, sud d-etroye houi miad and leelf , should apply iinmeolatiay. W lud a pity Uiat a youug man, Uis kope of hla country, Um -ideo( hbiparanta, should Iw snalched from all pros pec la end eniuymeat of Ii le by Uie coaseuuenite oi oevwtaig irom tin-1 with of salute, ana inuuucing ib certain Mum habit, buck peraons wuat, before eoa banplaUng . : , MARRIAflE, , ; Reflect that a kound mind and bod; are the Mind nereawy ieuiaiua to promote couna hi! hemiiiime. indeed, wILuout tkeee Iha lou.ncv Umiuiih Uie becoaiea aweary pilgrim. age, Uie prospect booily darkens to Uw view the mind bcciMiiea alwduweu wiui ueapair, aua lilud with Uut uu lain boll rcflecUoa that bstipuMaa of anuUwr la blighted with ear ewe. A CERT AIM DISEASE. When the Mteruiited and Imprudent votary I of pleasure Bnds be baa imbibed Uw aecda of I Una punt id dueaae, tt too often bappeua that I an ill umcd sense of abaaie or dread of dia I rover? deters him froaa applying lo thoee who, I row euucauon snu reepccuunuij, . uur I ts.frieiid nun lie fills into Uikanda.of I III ill H U III BHg neslun lUK pncmera, wuo, in I wwble of cnriiu-, men nu laeuniarj auo- Un., kerp hua Inning mouui aiu-r uioutn, Ot an loni! Uie uuall-l Ife can lie iniieiueu, nd lu desiiuit h ,.. bun wiw riniieu aeaiui to iirhuycr biagUHig diatriiiiintiual; or, by tie- use of Uml ili-uiily n-on. Mercury, cause the eonetitilllolull vinltouia of this horrid disease to make their appearance, aurb aa Bl- crated sure Uiroal. dlaeaeed Buae, nocturnal lains In Uie head and lniilie. dnnueaa of aiKbk deafneaa, nodes oa Uw ehia bones aad anas, blotches oa the beaa, isce ana exu-emiuee, uriarrcaaiii. wiui trliclilfui mpidlty, UU at hut Uie iieiala of the mouth or tbe bones ot tbe unaa fall in. aad Iba vlcUia of Ulb) awful die- tie, omee a horrid obiect of eommhwra-1 ...i ... ... ... ki. a r ulliii'illg, Oy Bending UIUI Ml iuss7UDUiat-oTi-reu vountry "from whoae aoarua ua iraveser re turns. '' . To such, then-fore. Dr. Johnson onera um oat certain, tiiewly. pleasant and sdectusi rewnjy ia Ute world, ' Offlfc, T South lYedorfcIt St., Hal ll wore, Mun-itact. Left Mad aide going from Baltlraora tract, a faw doors from Uie corner. Fail not to eb eervc aanw and numher. - ta No bitten received dnleas nosttield aad couuiuliai s stamp to be need oa the reply. rereone vnunr should evau age aaa, eaua a PoriJoa of advaraeaaent daacribu-ut aymp- The Doctor's DIPLOMA Bangs m bis omce. ENDORSEMENT OP TUB PRESS. The many Uionsend eared st thle astabllsh- tnnt within the last twenty years, and uw ulneroua tmtionant auneK-ai oitersuons pcr- fiinnrd by l)r. Jolinsou, wltnaaaed by the Keim-eentatlt-ea of Ibe rVnassod maa ouwra. aolires of which have appeared asrala and amu lief ore Uie nubile, besidea hie ataading i as a maa of honor and reseonaihdilv, ta s aul- Hi-m-uI Kuarantee to Uie siHleted. JSK1N DISEASE SPEEDILY CUBED. War i-dly.. i . . TirARRKNTOM FEMALB COLLEGE, ' I . , - The Fall Aeaaina will tweia en the list i..i. Tbia InattuUon anorda tubenur ad- vnnlaiv fie? Uie ar.uslUoa of a taofongb sad acconipibiiiee euueauoa. ChsSuss ran Snssion or St rnoi Board (exclusive of washing and lUhtsl ITt nt) ruinvri. in reKinar rujnsw, atw lla Slitinee, wooi-iawa. If Ji parUculsriai'illy to T.HJr!rtft, , Pmadi-at, an13-la OjUUBURU, MALE ACADKMT. iha Fall Seaaion wllkbegia Jury Stab, 1H7. Tbrms ran SsaaioM or SI Wssks: " Board with Ui Principal, (washing. tUrhte and towels aot Included, . Sr. oil TaiUoa In minsn iieperiiiiee,,. , it Kea-nlar giurlish t.'onrea. no ou Latin and ureek, eech, ettra, A w Hoard nut -4 be paid In advaace - Ail se- connta for Tuition are due at the close of Iha won. L At B. OA l ift, A. M., June -dlw PnadpaL inscKiilEous. rpUJS GREAT CAMPAIGN. ara TDB JESTINEl 7 WILL BE mix SEED TO SUBSCRIBERS FOB TBI Campaign of 1072. AT ' F0LL0WI0 REDUCED RATES; WEEKLY HENTINEI. 1 Copy f months . $ 1.6Q .A ispiw;MMsthawwi.(wnWiwvv -TITO SS.60 ' I iauutlis, ONE COPY FRXK TO GITTKR CP OI CLTJM OF lO Oil MORIS BUBHCaU I1BRS. ...''.:,-. I - Bsei it-WoeUly Mentltresl. 1 Copy months, 8 Copied months, 1 f S.60 11.SS SS.SO 40.00 10 80 ' l ON It COPT FRXK TO AMT ONE I . .- GETTING DP A CLUB OF 10 0B MOBS , , SUBSCRIBERS. t Copy months, S.OO tt.so . 40.00 80.00 s (JoDiea S months. ll M OMR COPT FREE TO SETTER TJF- OF CLUB OF 10 OR MORI SUBSCRIBERS. Teal Bawmra. vrffl W faralabed at AaT rem- for Tkres MonUm. 8UU V-m-dtUU CupftlfM will ;' . '-.--. q- --.-!.. il ... X.. i b of fi nxjMi ut4 tatsrat to Mr wbol people. Every etUsan thonlA knew wkat la I tranapiring la tha poiliical werid, Uml ka amy toperlf niwlsralasd kia political obUgaUons. The SnmaBL will supply him wttk tbia ' Y ! '. needed Information.- v " - " . ' i:-'Y It will alas endeavor to naeet ail the ends of a good Hows Fapor. - . ... , : swwey witk sD orders for papsre, ' AaAraBaj' , . M " : ( ; SENTINEL, ' ' Ratals n ayW-tt ' WakC,.C, JKAAUr TOBACCOr Tofaaeeh dealers sad others are aerehr BOO- Bed Uiat I aaea ee kaad ready (or abiia at or delivery aay of ay favorite oraiwa oi I baiwia. Tnlaw,m' . i . la eolklUng uw peblle -pstroaaga, I can oaly aay mat my roods will always ba found amrenreaanlod aad aaUaf aeUoa to eaatovaers la Uw prima object aimed at, la ay abeeeca, HW BuperMteatoeM 01 ine eacwrgr, jar. a. a. Pafkaaa, wul attaad t eauMUaaiara. Bend -f ?.:. ;Vl-V? CF.REAMA. jlyStf i - T GOIDEN STRUT, SILVER DRIPB, raaslUes caU aad supply poanelvas. I july t tf O T. tTaVJN ACH St BRO. c O R N W H I E T Oood for break bone fever, a certain curt, guaranteed to be pure., July Atf O. T. STR05ACH 4 BRU. R I C H MOND COLLEGE, -I1. .. .. 1 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Tbe Session of this IbsianUos open on the I 1st of October, and continue to tbe tat of I Julr., . . v The College comprises Uia following- arhools. to-wit: 1. Leila. II. Ureek', III. Modem Lane uagea IV. MatbeinaUca; Vt' Natural Sciences; VI. Moral Philoaopby ; VII. Ka gliab. . InaddlUoa to the fomtolng s School of law sad s Commercial Uepartment are co aected with Uw i olliare. Tbe eaiira ei(-nes of a student. Including board ba meaaiiur clutia, tuiiioa. and otbet col - le-re feea, fuel, Iii,'hle and waehing', amount to tJUtt for tbe euanoa of alee monUw. i be same eipeaaes if hoard be had ta private I uiiltea I wilt he - For catalogue giving (nil Information, ad draw ' B. PI'RYRAR, : . i Chairman of tbt Faculty, f JlylteodUUlatOct, t ; f TRANttERS IM THE CITT WUl And the Isrgeat Stock of Clothing for an, Boys aad Uldldren at - R. B, ANDREWS A Co. 117 Feyetterlll Street, Nail Door to Tucker UalL jly it tf. J.yMBK, MULES 41 , WAUONS FOR BALE. oa IHack Morgsn Hone between three sad four yean old, good stjleaud nrtion, goaras- j teed to work anywhere sod will make a very I fast traveller. One Bay Mule, ail years old, thoroughly broken, quirk In haroeee, eaally kept and will I work anywhere. ... One large Mouae colored Mule, twelve years old, good for heavy draft One two none Wagon, Rnaeel make, nearly Fork Dray, made by,.. C. Kipps, receaUy overhauled sad nearly sa good as new, Two Single Setts of heavy dray fist-baas ta good eoadiuoa. Apply ID ' nfly S-tf W. 0. STRONACH A Co, QAMMED FRUIT AND V EUETABLE8. may -u w. u. n rnu. acu a cw. . pOR SALE. Very low for caab. U seres woodlsnd ln S ailes of tbe city. jirrf-u - nr. tt. jukn m ixj.- E W .8 TOOK 1 MEW GOOD8 1 1 T We are now reed ring our SECOND STOCK , LADIES DRESS G00D& Pnrebaaed by CoL rTncker, In the last tea days hi tbe Principal Northern markets Tbeae Oooda are decidedly cheaper, than say which has been effered la the maket tkla OCR MOTTO. Tea aaav Qoona; at tbb Lowsst Paicaa," We etiil adhere to The line of Drew Goods I of " t. COUiREl) AND BLACK ORANIDINES, Bi'RiPKD AND CHECKED SiLKB, ro.NOEE 8L1T1NU8, Light glowers Orottud Grsaldlnea, wttk Colored Striped aad Checked Grsnidlnes, Japaalaa PopUne and Saltings. j , . JLEMOLlNBa, .. - . ., 'i MOBAiRS, , ..... J -: LL'STERENES, Y.; j ' WEST END SUITINGS, - AND PLAIN LIKENS FOR SHEETINGS, Batf sad WklU Lawns and Maalbia, Bishop, Victoria and Nainsook Maellna, Bstrsad Wklts Btrined Yaeemita itiua and i otaer otyscwoi trrwea unoaa. W. a. a It 9. TUCKER CO. ay t7-tf GEORGIA GZZ v'rfyt I 3 GULLETT3 STEEL BBU8H ODt LIGHT DRAFT GIN. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE ABOVE named Gins, aad arU 'delivered at laaafactarara prices and (aaraates aatiefee-1 . T. STRONACg A BRO., Agents., Jasa XVti Market and MarUa Sta., Raletrh. TOBACCO . MANUFACTURERS iwrTd par antf,ea CesA on aacer- Mined' value will be made on Bills of Lading et HMlpaan ta a kenat, Intsraat at rata of Seller cent 'per annua. . Prompt re- tarna witk check (or balaoce dna ship. per banaedlattly oa sale of goods. Sotabaportsraof the At 0ae. brand gpauiah MaaUcorkw. ' v1 ' HOFFMAN. LEI A Co ; k Toheeco ComnlMioe Men ban Is, , . ..inisnira riace, anr IS eon Ore v.,,,, ri. "I'"rJSji i '' 4 Y-"i w. .al " e RINCH TAILOKIHG y v-1--. y : ; ESTABLISirVEXT. D. BOSSON Ht SO HAST 'TAIL 0B in Nua in f art in Cltthi, Ciuimfn 11. TuliiKi, FATETTEVILLE STREET ( OppoaiU to Market Ilouee, j KALX10B, x. a. Retaras bkt thanks for past favors. takes pleasure In anaoanclng that ka kaa re turned from Mew York, witk as floe a stock of goods as could ba selected froaa tbe best ua- r" I spw- Cwih. AtlHtL. a va r. FRENCH AND EN0LUU CLOTHS, CA8SI- j daily. I MERES AND VESTINOb. I wUl sell st the moat reaaonablo prices, BX- outsirabr ram oasn. BatialacUt teed u every reapecl, or no sale, ' -Tbe beat of French workmen employed, mar ttKYa I 1 f HOICE SILVER AND OOLIIEN 8TR.UP8. mart-tP W. rrSTRONACH A Co. SOUTHAMPTON AND SUGAR i IIKk;II " HAMS. W. 0. STRONACH A I T V lUUNwl ; . " '' I ,w LIFE INSURANCE 00. lvrA-uiatriT;if7'-ti-h raTtfcutr JOHf W. ATKINSON), Vice TrBsTflmftr-"' tt. M.-CAMr: m yTt.-sccrcUrr:'-- .- Dr. K. A ANDERSON, Medical Director. DIRECTORS : .rJ. . W. ATamsnw, General Insurance Agent I. B. UaainaBB, Presid nt fctauk ot Mew Hanover. - - , r. W. Kaaoaaok, On-cer and Commlseion Merchant O. M. 8TIIM4M, of Wright A S edniaa. T. Ii. Mukoi, of W. A. Whitehead at Co. rayettevUle. ' . ; K. H. Cows a; President ' '' H. it EiLsas, commission Merchant A. A. Wuxiaao, of Win lard Brothers. Inc. . W. A. t:i;naioof Northrop A bammc-i- O. W. W uxiam , of Williams a Mar Kli MrsasT, of E. Murray A Co. A. J Dattoeearr, of l)eK hmcU Co. Boat. HanBiMo, of Dawee-r Teel -at Hen- atng. i . ALU. Bfbuwt. British Vice -Co haul, of Sprunt A Hinaoa. r. atunPBY, attorney at taw. i. It W ill. aa. of 1. D. WUIiama A Co., Fayetlevllle daa. v. Mcltan, Airy at Law, rayeitevtue. 1. B: Ksllt, Merchant Keuant villa. J. T. Porn, Morciuuil, Lumberton. SPECIAL FEATUltES AND ADVAN ; TAGES. 1st Mo restriction on Reeldedce or Travel. Ad. Ne extra charge oa the Uvea of Fe Sd. Policies Ineonteatlble after fire Tears. 4th, Tbe rates of Interest on ths Funds of the Cw'psny'kBfnar trttme-tm-tlm Ftni of Compauiea located lu other States, thua iu- unug larger tnviaenaa ui rollcy uoiders. 6th. The Directors and 0 ulcere of the Com pany are prominent NORTH CAROLINIANS, ho are k NO W b) to be men of lNi fcUlti i Y and WORTH. -:i' t. The Company la established on n solid snd permanent basis, stepe having been taken le increase the Capital Block to touo.uuo. 7th. All raa Fawns or tbb Course, abb InvsaTBD in this Btstb swd Cisco-utta-AMone out oil Pboplb. This fact should commend tbe Company, above ail others, to North Csrvdiniaaa. It is wail known Uiat hundndaof tbooasnda of Ouiiarem LtU Pretniluua are atuiswiv seut NorUl to earicb North Capital lata, thua continually draining our people ot Immense amoonte Which should be kept st home. On tbu groudd Uia (rienda oiuiia t,-omany eonadenuy a)al to every on of tbe Old Mortb State, sad eek their ano port for this Hohb iNSTltLTill", which, while It oflera snbatantisliv all tha ailvanbure. of Mortbera OoapauMs, helps to build ap Mosul istnaaeTB. - JAMES D. BROOKS, . , Oenersl aapervieing Agent ' ' ' ' U..1.3..I. al . ' DR. V. R HAT WOOD. DR. W. ll. HILL. Medical Rxammera. e '. Parties applyiug for agencies eaa eommani- aata with Y. H. Mill Local AKent or 1. O. Brooka, General Agent spriw-H, IX K L'EAU HOTEL, I tk WELL'S POINT, HAMPTON ROADS Nbab NoaroLS, Va. This New snd Beautiful Houd will ha sea. fur vialtora on , . MONDAY, JUNES, 171, ssder the aaperriaion of tbe andmisned. aa uicd by Mft JOS. SAM btttWK,ef rone- aww, a. a 111 OC sept AS A AlKST-CLAod WATERING PLACE ON THE SEA SIDE. Splendid Fishing, Fine BoaUng,8alt WaUr r, ri' -" "eraa, ouiiaitu, lea raa, Music, and averr luinrv of in. u. Jj eaa be (oundat Uua dciigfamu and conTemenl arrangcascnie have been made with the '."' sMiiroaoa, to aell tetara, tb keU to vlailora to V so de l'eaa st ona lu. ,..i the, Uckett are stauipwd at the iiotel before retiirnins-. . . D"fns"r run almost em.Unlly between ! .ur.oia, roTwmouui Slid the UoteL Tdegrai twice in Uw Bouse. .. ff": lt"w' dollaw per day ; thirty-flvs dollars for two eelia ; aUty doilan, per niootb, I hi I n O. LIUIHMin Proprietor Atlantic Hotel, NorfoUt tnay St dlmolw-K ,V ij I B-K.il SfclKS to the Supreme Court Ka U wni and the list of namea ta the ma nsi of namea ta the Aunbw, at bis bouketore stsui n mi. ti. auniaa, at r -I bahngb. The, cs. p.r u b-SpuoiL. .ta ir::yii ':.?Zj? rov'..,,.voJ!r"a.rnj.r-a' aaacsfram the ate. ' I - r'" "oatee ioi i a... .. . . i vrnw. rrs H K M A tTrT ''I'Mi i! ' - I M0IIHEAD CITT, M.fv WUI be opened, on the SfA Of Ana, Uy ( THE MOST POPULAR IN N08TH OAROUSi Hsving been thorooghly raaovatad, rattiM sad Rfuruiahed wbh entire New r-.... preaeau aaequabd facilllb a for lha Maa H of its Patrons. It baa at! the savaataea.1! tbe BaoatpopBhw Bea sida Waiermg Pb-? each as Boating, Tuning, Sailiog aaa Baana? aad bi addlloa lo these, it smbroaaa ia- auas ibu lacuuwa ws lata a w wiiti i.iri.i iriiu. to be fosad at so othter Waterlog Place aaa. Atlantic oaaL 1 he keoaa ara large, msyat accaea, aad commonicaia with eotoaoaiual naxxaa for delightful rromenadaa. THE TABLE WILL BE Bl'PPLltD WITa THE bfciiT 111 MAKkkT AiPuKug Tbe Bathing H oases srs huge, romaodiaai - aad easy of aeceasat AU Tbaas. I awry BASD Of Ml SIC 7 ,-f it always, tat attendance for the Ceavaaiaua I. ww ww w.w mwhwww w, .. v. u. Manilas Bmil.awl sIhi. airaliw la fcial si II.- U. . Becuu arrangrmenta maa wiua rualia for the eeaaoa ttoarderaUkea by ike Muan Week or fay, oa Huasoathle I ariua. Oo-d noil atteuUva Bervaata, and every It Don paid lor the comfort of Patrons. . , , PALM kit A KlCtUMIidOII. Jane O-U-w. - . PBoraUToa. faorau bITaIsj Sao. Waaaiaevon, Psisa AtsiLni . Tnoiua, ':" "' WASHINGTON CO., .GltK;t COMMISSION IttRCHANTs, Greenwich, cor. .courtlaadt Street, ' 1. Klff IOBI; I - rWt BEST PERIODICALS Or THE 1HI -.. TMBtBSA ENGLISH QUABTiBLIll , ; i AMD ' BUtkwood'i Ediadargk Is(iii ; ' , :-. IIMIHTUH i...', Ii TBE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLBHINQ CO, 140 Fulton Street, New York, AI eeuaf eu (Aird ikr pner 9 0 n-rbult Tbe Edinburgh Review, ,T the taiudun tjuerb if tevtew. The Waatmlu, Review, Tbe britia. quarterly Rcrtrv, Pablished Quarterly Jan', April, July, Oct, I - ' ABB - ' " - I Vfeetweed' A"dierg JTef eafal. (A tse-elmlle ef tbe orlglnaL) PnbUeb. i MooUUy. ... i - , -' . r tbhmi op iobkbiptiobt; For any one Review,.. 4 00 para Koraa two Keviewa,....,. ...... 7 ou " Pot any Uirea Kevwwa,. ........ lu toy " For all four Reviea a . J. . .. .,:."'.,Ia Oa Korjiiack wood's Magsnaa. .... aua, " lor Blackwood and i Review... 7 uu " For blaikwood and SReviewa.. 10. SO f or blacaeraod and A Keviewa . I'l , si a itFet ille. k wn-d and lba Bavtaag yM"" PuaUura. tee by tbwuaHei at Uie om tJ hMfMrnaaBjanf ak(y- jfcfwiavwirj SeWo"" ee io eiooa or lonr or more parsons. - lha; four copies of Blackwood er of one Review wlU Iwaiatte eaa addiaa Aw tidnu: fi copies of Um four Revtawt and Blackwood fw tPi, aad so en. ,.. i To clubs of bin or more, In sd,tion te Ba shove discount a copy gratia will be siloeal to the getter up of the club. riigmgi. '. ' ,. New aubecrlbera for tha year tT9 may hn without charge, the nuuibera for tbe Ud quater of U'ifotauck periodksM at they Buy. aubacribe for. Or, instead of the above, new1 to beer! ben ta iv two, uiree, er roar of uw above period-1 Is, may have, aa premium, one ot the - lew ketteva1 for 1S71 : eabeeribera to ell hv. war have two of Um ' Foot Reviews' for iS7L Neither premiums to subscribers nor db count to elnba can be allowed ualeas Uie money iwwuwi uuact aw uw puouamara. wo pvt. miiius can be given to elaha - , lo secure premiume, It will be nseeaesry M make early applb atioal at the Mock avsilahw for that purpose ia tiuiiled. Circulars with farther intormstloa may M bed ea appAratiuev .. Tas LaoBABbSoon Post Co., fep-ruuon street, Mew Iota. THE LEONARD SCO 1 1 PUBLlsSlNa Ca TBS rABMSS'8 QUIDS To Scientific sod Practical Agriculture. By Hsbbt era ana, F.R.8., Edenoargh, ad the late J. p. Nouroa, Profeaaorof ScteoUai Agriculture hi Yale College, New Haven. Two vola. ' Royal octavo. lHuu pagee tat nnmerons engravings. . Price 17 : by mail, pad pSid,S. , ; 1 JaalS-tf , . '----'.' JOCKBRIDGR ALUM BPRUfGR, VA i omn roBB 1st, 18TS. ' This favorite and celebrated watering pMm Will Olf.O SiMlLlonal atiraetiona ,hU ,1 Among other Improvaaeate there has sea adseu ea cuaiant and apadosa baUoom at- joining tbe parlor: the parlor has been enlam- ed and much improved, and the tirotlmltv at Uie two renders each easily accessible. It wut be kept in a atyle not aurpaaaed anywhere M viriruun. '.''' - ft, :' Ine watert of these special springs either cure or greatly relieve moat eeaes of Scrofula, Incipient ConaumpUon, Chruuie Bronchitis, Chronic Laryngitis, Chronic Pneumonia, Chronic Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrheas, Chrom ic Dysentery. i bey are also a great value those adecuont which an peculiar to tha female conaUtuikm, snd aa an appetiser, a tonic sad s general reetoraUve, they are, pa" haps, uanvalled amongst mineral aaura, la propoelur will have ptdnded. for the tewat aad bail room a drsl claea band of music, and bi .eneral all ths aonrcea of emaaemenl aad recreauoa nsnally found at our beat Muaaef reeorta will he at tbe command of tbe gasaW at 'ROCKBH1DGK ALliM-' Iha place B within eleven to tliirtcen hour! ot RirhmoeA W nailing ton, Baltimore, etc, by rail, all ia asf light Paaeni:ert leave the can of the Cbeav peaka and Onio Kaitrosd si Uoaben Depot and new and elegant atege eoaehea, paaaing rapidir ever a assoolh sad leva! rand of only miles, set down the viaitora at the spnngt W -' JAMES A. FRAZIER, Propristor. tT" Persons making use of ths grounds, art, ' of uie Bpringa, and not etopping at my boat, UI ba Charged half my regular rates, Deecripuve pamphile seat bee ewsptmv uoa. .. - June t Imeod ' ': V' r. , JJARVEST 187SI HARVEST 1S7I1 OB ScDOalt at Varmara' R.tl teom Iht MS Stsiu r, and for eala at maeufacwrtrr' prices, wlhh (ralghi, the eelantnied . . CUPPER MOWER, '-' i, CARD WELL'S PBEMIUM , HORSE rOWER) .CARDWELL'S1'' .'i ,'"",,i SEPARATORS AND . 'r I CLEANERR . HORSE RAKES AND GLEAN EBS ' SINCLAIR'S ' 'r-.-'i l-'.r. ' GRAIN CRADLES; WHEAT FANS, AO, AC, AC t jl. )tA h T0W1.ES. I . .. - Agesk LAona Abu VIAE SIRlid. Bbhk S. a Mobsses. '' '-' 1 Tiercee 1 lilld.. . ' . ! . i ',4f-.?'rCroPCnba. , ni.iai si iiai-ovmrta. . i " - New UrleaiM. " Baser Dnps. ' 7 . LEACH BR'. epr ll-tf . . .' .-'.,,.,. Mrocwm. pASHION1 MAGAZINES AND ILL' " for tt ontTir. whoa) JAAM. EkMee.Ag't., T . , Vs.?' BSV- " la- LSV '-.'.' ' . .. , " "' ; ;,; '. w. ...-- w - -ak,.0. It '