. r . I 1 ..' wi m , I mil ', ii iii , , , i , '. ,. i --gs -i u 4 .jjaw.i-.i-ij u mi i i i i1 i ' " ' ' , '. 'JU-t-V1 ii ' 1 r-...-.. , r-sacrs:' VOL. VII. K A LEIGH, N. C:, MONDAY, AUGUST l25; iS7 ...MO. x30 I. THE DAILY, SENTINEL. ADVERTlBl-iU KATU Advwlaauu-e j ..rrsa a -aa Mlowbar ml- per square el iwb, or M uwiun '" 7 " " ' ... in WhJ U IU luilv lao-areoaeUU. (jueau.u'- .i-a-aiaal laawaaSaun . WkA - l .m I wea,8 .Irleuaare,Tii.oB. $..oo J,UU 40. UU 44.UI 10 II t U.UM luunHtouuvi. M ; .uu - ii l - IV.UU "II . ID W I1W i; WW n w fa, Uw om Wkljr .lo , thn ! MJM Dull Ufcl l'IBl WcWj 1M4, raWt. AdrtlawBWiM;ui Lo totnuww; 6 cenu ELKCTORi - pint Dbliict XWiu Coki- ul Huad Dinlrict Swift 0tlowy, uf . Third DUUict T. 0. KuIIbt, of t'mii bcriaud. ' Fourth DUUio-H. A. Loodon, Jr., of Fifth Ditricfr-D. F. Ctidwell, of Ouil i ford.'.- ...p ..--'.. 1- ' Bixth Dirtrict W. L. Bteele, of Bicb Bond. '' ""' : - Berenth District F. B. McDowell, ol I 1 1 Eilftith Dirtriol Thumii Jotainon, ol ' ' Dnwoinlio. . ' . HOMK AFrAlHS. Cottoh MAKrr.-Hep.irted by Ljuo Adams, Urorer sad liomiunxn'O Mer ' chant, 8iutb Market Btrtwt : - Rauuuu, Aug. 85. Cotton to di 18 M to' 10 ct-utt. balsa, old eottna, oo m. Waitted, A. priuter who bs hil 18 " ititatiua, llliroo a owming ofVrniiug y, aipiininii'. - - lspr, or ia a nrsl ciaas uooa uiuir liat of retwwnais gifon as to qiulitti a iiuos aad aubriMf. Addraaa J. W., Baa TX office, Raleigh, N. C. td tutuat to th iid liRlunire, Wtattay WbiUkw, Es., ths Countj Exhumer has irni ml to the following partita) Ct rtlO atas as teachers of eosaiaoa schools : J. F. Giuoo. white : Timothy Willumi 'cd.j Ordna Cook, c.i; JC Walder., col. ; N. L JrtTwys, col. ; Bichitrd Buffahw, ' eoli it. W. Butter, eoir wui. rearee, i Jrdu a Harris, col.; W. F. Deboam, col.; and Charles II. Rgrrs,col. Forty strew certificates hate been iatu id since ths 29th of March last. ' . . RaxbisB FmaM BmiaJi. W un demand that there are messuree on foot for the erection of a bandone brk k buildinr for the ass of the above school This enterprise emoruends iuelf to all ,4Hir citixoos, as nothiug euhance loe alue of property so much as the estab lishment of flrt class boarding schools,tn . Atowa. But; to the merchants the sp- fal for aid ooma ia an IrrtsuUble mn- er, and we arga tbens to atcona the en . let-pries both in wd and deed. Auto lbs grand success of the, school, if s eurtabla buildioir is secured, there Is n auestioa. There are already two band- some school buildings in the city. Let us bar the third. I ; Tn Ooerat. or Ba The Lonj! Branch Rrpubtiosji papers are pr.wd ot Wendell Phillips. Thf are fond of or eulating bla documrnla. A retwot pro duciioa of his eooUiut the (oHowiii choice spteiuma oi the aavaga buotura of tbecanipeiK" : " We put aid wilb 'the 'scire it "dr suTTes the iosult iaiplwid in pn-acbing In ui lorgirenflH and cmcmnuiui. 1 dare not think the epithet that i think BttiuK to that mood ol mind which deema it necessary sod. becoming lo pracb to a community tneyduty ot f giTsnsss." . ' , Tbisie wans than BoutwaU's bloody eliMta harangue at 0reobito'." tt it tne tadicat gtapel of Hate. It Phillips were to iuaerthie uwsthatoninUt a uua uf pcaie, the veuom thus-communicated would prudnce death instantly. But then, Wendell is a great favorite with the Greet Grant Ring. And now freemen ol North Carolina read the following which the radical press too ia onpyiug aod cir minting Read and Tote for Greeley Phillips says: " I wist my voice could be beard bj . every colc.ed man duaa to t,le Uull' , nntneeense tbey need my .advice. they aaderetand and ses the danger. But J snootd like to rally tbern te t!p m second time to save (he nation. I anouid say to tbn : VuB, nvanv one or toc, roa GaAirr, as too TAi.oa Lira, wtra, rnorsatt oa mito IvGbuult IS KLECTED, ABM. CuMCBJITBATB, OOMCKAL TficK raorauTT nor oaaa.ia ro on raacn, will nd it soon and aajdly." Tbe WashiiigUia eorrtspoeet of tbt "New York HorU sajs: "The 'coanter ctaaur' of the eitisens ot Gteat Britain jStrataartbe t'eited Siatxe awouat lo $1 17, auO.UOO v The Aiaivuna chum aekooot to aeething Ina thaa iO,CK0,0". . Dwl'M t .M, and we Bod Ut the morh Uodrd .' Xeaiy nf Wlikitou will ami the V'Mted wte f i7.5o,Ko. bo Oiuca fat tiraot'i d rtign policy,'' . --; Lk-al Ikrn. 1 I Resd the new advertisements. The tberaHeoeter 6w the pant severel d(s has been Itith Bp in 'he niuetu H. A. Blake's supply of Buesfta ice i aVt eihauated. . . ' - aV'l The streets of the city are, as a general tiling, in vety good order. The work of repairing Martin Street is aliroist completed, We are glad to hear that Mr. Hicks U ridly recovering ljrim bis injuries. " ' The brigade of street bands wert ea gHed in sweeping (he streetaoh Saturday We are glad to 4ni that Henry Porter, Eq , has aliunat recovered from his receut p.iralytir stroke. f Mod. i. i. Hirktnea, tbe ekitiuent ieui perauce oraW, a4 in thia city tfeturday. fi pa ttargwa of Col J. M. He. k There waa a dearth of items at the Police Court nd everywhere else in th cny on Saturday. ; A largely attended and 'brtlHant bop, oi-curred at tbe National Upud Friday evening, ' FrappS) the famoas salormist, will soon oiien s restaurant.- Ue. knows bow to kvp s first claa oue. Tliwe ia a largo ami 'interesting revivs goiiifin in Mount Mriah, Baptist church, at Auburn, in this county. It Is conduct ed by IU-v. Stirumo Ivey. Eddie Gaylei olthiscitjJ and now Cadet at Wes,l Point, stood higher thn any nneln the class during the admlaaioa examination. Dipredations npon shrubs, At, in the Cukwood Cemetery is still complsinad of. Ths city should lurniah a policeman t- prnk'Ct the groouda. , If the consent of alt concerned cbb b obtaiiied the city aulhoiitk-s will soon ink steps towards doing away with the old ( 'ity Cemetery. The editor f the BMiwi Bteorder is in the western part of the citato attending tbe wei tinga ot AMoriationa aad adding lu bit subciption Hat.' ''-"" We a inbinued that the, collection ol funds for the er.ctian of tbe proposed new MethoflUt Churi'li profwda in a very i iclactort manner to those .who have tire matter iff "Charger " -7 We beaVthei a case ol regular suu stroke occurred about three miles south of this city on Thursday last A coof'rl man was tbe sufferer.- . We did not leai uame or parlN ulars.1 Again we bave to acknowledge en erroi It la Riliiuaou's cirrus that will be ben shortly, not the "Great Kastern. Tb I titer will probably be along some time during the mouth at February. A free fight occurred atetatday aidruiu among a numtwr of colored wotnea ami rbililntn in tha interesting uarti-rof the 1 it known by the romantic name ol Dogsborough. IWt forget that the officers sod Ex ecutiva Committee of Ihe Greeley am) Brow a Club bold a meeting in the Com Housa this (Monday) evening at t o'clock Ws leers that our Fire Department, will make extensive preparations to entertain their visiting brethren Iroin Petenbiirg Vs., who are expected u llmeduriu tbe early part of October next. Austin Maliiewa, the young colored bov so brutally stabbed on Friday mirnKg by Chat. Johnson, col., in lyiug in a Vfrv critical condition and. grave lean are en tertained that bis wound will prove ae taL . A. J. Kutjis E. q , left tb'acity Baturda) morning in order to take charge of a bote on 6th Avenue, New' York. Mr. M. W Churchill succeeds Mr. K in the msnsge meat of the National and will, ws know run the machine successfully. 1 Work npoa tbe proposed new stores at the old Pepper corner will oouuneuce, to day (Monday). Mr. I). 1 ftiyster ia tlx contractor for all of the work. , The brick part of the work is under the supervision of Jlr. Joha-Weifei BdOtiit these gentta men , are lalle4 and aouompliahed aw chauiosi - -1 rr.' "v I'bb Radical Vicroar. Tbe rads it this State and elsewhere rtava been trying to crow a little over tUir triumph, but it waa a desperately faint affair and soundest more like Ihe plaintiff calls of a akk call or tbe p iinful bleaiins of an ei piling muttoa. The New otk-Tim s paper list has wont a name for lying and slander ibat is without a parallel ia jouri.al'ura m so stck over the tremendous radical victorr(t) Norah Carolina that it otii-. has wind enough jNfeto pip forth the W lowing lugatHioos strata ,( "Thaclnse exmtest ia North Csroliiia wilt bring some facta into clear relief. One n ibew lacts M. that we may vaoily place loo much reliance on tbe strength of the republican party in the TV nthern Stato The republican leir in N irtb Csmlins eerecoulldeot the Isst ol every decisive ictory to be recaooed by many thou sands. Our eorrespondent, afir traveling over ataiire part 'of the state, and compar ing sous, not wib a few, bat with all the resifleou mnst likely 10 oe well Inlormtd ooaceruinK the prospect, eieo relt sure that the republican majority would reach eight thooaand lo tea tbooaand. These appa itatly.well founded cakwhuiofka prove u. be erroneous" v Aa official of tbe Oonerouient and a supporter of Uiana, wh ha returned In WashinirUx, trm a trip tnronn nono weatera' Pennsylvania, eipnei s bis sur uriae at the strenrlh of Gwley in that section, and dm n? belu-ve that Orsnt can possibly cany Peons Ivaoiau H bus .l.iultt ol ex Buc ale w s eirc- uoa ia October by a faauuoib angmtjr. Hi aBTOHAriis. We have devoted itar editorial apace to ihe puhlicaiii.n i.f H.m I). M. Btfria gir's speech at Fayetteville,, ito the Crf-ca ai aof the iwnt rejiiking over the vie teirj in Augnat. ' ' ' . ' ' We had the pleasure of a visit on Hatur day from the distinguished temperance orator, Hon. J. J. Hickman, of Kentucky. Ouraanctnta was favored with a visit on Saturday from Eldi Q. A." Ward, i the Primitive Baptist Church. He will exercise his gifts on Hunday in the Com nvMM Hall. Let evarvbodv uo to hear hnn, 1 ... The weather stilt rmitlnuea piping hot. Rain is needed. Our streets an becoming vi ry dusty. ' ;, . , Subscribe to the 8iutuiu Wa will send the Weekly to one subscriber until the 1st af December f 75 cents.; Bcmi Weekly $1 35. Daily i 60. Our friend Dr. P. P. Pesce, of Graa vittei calltd lo ses'us on Saturday. TI D.Ktor owns a farm near Rhamkatte aad will spend a good deal of his time in that section. . WaW Afloat. Plain saiics aa interview with a Sara toga hotel clerk, To boil a tongue-Jiiuk scalding eoffe. To msks a good broil leave a letter limn one -of -yoor-old sweetshearta where your wile can find It. How to make an Indian loaf glv bim a gallon of whiskey. j How to make eood puffs send the publisher fifty cents a line for them. A plain loaf a viit to tbe prairiea. . How to muke pi Jostle the printer' elbow. A Hudson milkman was overheard sincinir to his fellow craftsmen, "Ves we'll Rather at the river." He meant mors than be said. A 1 English lord once said to Train " Mr. -Train, bave you tbe law of primo geniture in America Bam I ram, "na. Train, " No ; but wa have the cocktail f Among our national postnffloea are the lollawiinr. Ti TL Toto. WttV Not. Piue uun, atony .4Ut gal akidat 8hn-k,ief. rinowsboea, Overalls, loKnut, Uat Cltsw e,-Ba k boiiUj MarnHV ra ilurae. TuIlT Ho and nrei ureea, Grand Lodub or Good Tkupi.ars. We are iufotmed that a Giaud Loilge ol the IndepeHtfent Order of Good Templars bar this Htate will aooa be organized iu ibis city. Mr. Hickman baa, since bis so- j.turn in this State, organized lodges this Order in this cltt, Morrisville, Cary and HillsboMugh. He goes to Coin pan Shops on to-day (Monday) and will si visit otber points, and when twelve lodgi shall have been put in working order be will return to this city and proceed to the oigsninalion of the Grand Loilge. It is ihoUL'ht that everything will be in readi- ueas.by tbe 3d of next month. a T. Wall is. We wish we .had pHceat our command for the publication 1 an address delivered quite recently be- f .re the taw School of the ll,ersftj of M ryl.iud by this dittinguiahed and able llaltimorean. We bata long regarded bim aa oon of. the most eecoaipliahud writers in America. His book on Spain, his speeches, hisadilorala, (when he eoa tributes in the papeat) are file specimens of graceful, elegant, scholarly writing If yon would see the diff. renw between a Southern and Northern rhetorician, fvad ths speeches of Mr. Wallace and Mr Winthrop, of Massac h'usetls, delivered on thePeebody beoefautiou. The one is beau i.ful fur its symmetry of thought and the purity and eloquence of its diction ; the other is ambitious, high wrought,-bl lirre full of Massarbuaetts rhetoric. The one ia pure gold. The otber is much ailo)ad. The law . speech of Mr. Wall is U a capital performance," and siiatains his high reputation for ability culture, eloquence ami taste. Ws art p leaned to see that it has attracted alien rir--NorthwiTtfrTbev-Tre JMbvwinir pavwmal inbute to Mr. Wailu whkb w ire glad to eopy : ,;" 1 To speak ot Mr. W ail is as an secora ol -died aa Well aa thorough lawyer, is to speak poor praise. Few equal bim in the ..right ccompliahmenta ot intellect. A clasaical scholar, sa every word of tbe vigorous and refilled Euifliah of the ad dress atteeta (for who write so good Eur liih as clsaaiutsts I ); a protjeieot in modern Ujoiuuee. eaueciallr iu that ulorioua. sutely one which Cervantes aad Calderoa and Lope and Mariana spoke aod wrote ; a p-iet, not technically, biit- actuaU asli know who read Jis 'Prayer lutfcJ which sounded so sweetly in the dm ot fraternal war ; an oratiw, as his own M' w-citiznis fully recoonice ; for it, is elo auehce that siieaks incisively and clearly, and musically, thongh tb. re be ao bursts of psaaion all these is Mr. Wallis, giving ss be does tha heat example of the at tar folly of the dogats that tbe real lawyer should know asught bnt law. But our Baltimore " lawyer " baa other claims on alfecthftiale sympathy. Mr. Wallis was. wa may silely say, tbe chief trimtu inter porwt-oi tne gaiiani nana ov civilians on whom, ia tne oar aays 01 isoi, uis nana nf lew leas power was moat harehly bud f be caaacless arrest of tbe Maryland Leg . .... , l, an'hl nf IK. Itt.h ntlun wiawiw " b . . tve. wmber, 188lwas the initiate Outrage oM tbe times. For .fourteen monihs ware these gentlemen, many hf them in feeble bualtb. Mr, Wallis apecallyr .eonfiued lo dntant fortreas. in otdor to peraanate litem waa tbe absurd rarce enarted all dult recorded ia tlte FJral reports sospeadiug the writ ol lubtai torpv in the loyal capital of ManaaVbnsiaui, 40 miles from tbe nearest el.ge of wa, and si tbe eu I aa ouconditloual dl l.n". itbout the whisper ot' aa arcuaatbav or 1 be Klitnpas of aa aeriraw, It was tbe dark day of Sewarduua it was the day ol popular lury and secuobsl bate." I'HKACHtNU in Cvkt wons II tu. Elder O, A- Ward, of the Primitive Bapli4 Church, will potach in the Hall ul th Honas of CiHumomr on sluuday nioniiu -at 11 oV-l.nk, Divine I'rovuleoOB permit, fn '." '' ' -''-"'. ;"'" ' Oxroao AioOA!vn.i.P"CNTT. - W stall ourselves of aa iiil. rttiug kit. r writ leu by the youthful (atill la bis leewi but very promising editor of law Battle biro' 'AJu, Mi. Jaa. A. Wiltiaiua, wh la on a visit to Ok ford Tb entire Ictbr has interoat, but for . Iwk! of apace, 'e copy a part only : j Oximbu, N. ChAur. IU.- This is a quiot, bealiby aud r.-: 1 v in laud village ot Mbiue twelve bundle) inhabitant, noted lor rl. gant aV'iets an-' gmniue bimpiteluy. ila greatevl dtti, back ia the wont ot raiboad ciuiuuiiWif uow,. vm hKMim twelve uiiiea inau Benderaon on Ibe K. A O. K. R There are in On lord some very nice pri vate residances, but they look more III S Biiwumenta of foimer than of present tliril't and prosperity. V' Tbe merchants here are' first class aud sure business men. lu fact tliey bve always been so,' and it baa been a aubject ol remark that there have been se te fidlures smong the Oxl'i rd mercbanuc ' Mcaua. Itobgood k Bnt. have in full blast .here their plow louudry, wbii li a coeducled in tbe aame buiunei like le sa th.;ir eatablishmi-nt at BattlulNim'. Such men dinerve and will attain succias aiiywliete. The achoola here are very popular bur II looks strange, and is uuaccouauble that the tins M,iuic t'.illige bii.l.Lul.oi.iJ lie a puzzle 00 iTi'tTliuiids ot 1110 geuciua fiateiuity, raiber than lultiil tlie noble, ob ject lor which it waa conatrucbd. x This is the socond wm-.k ol a apitsial court hold by Judge Moore. The bar here is an able one. In I act the local bar ot Oxtord will compare wlih that of any town in tbe Stale. The cllebrsted suit of Huius U,.biiiii s;aiust Uie Ijverpoul and London ai.d Globe Fire Compuny was eoinproniitwii. At the last term, Bobbin recovered the lull amount of the p dicy, $30,000. The company appealed to the bupuuiB Court aud obtained a new trial. iUihut time go into another suit, Mr. B. tiaik $',5tMI aa a ooiupioiuise, tlie company paying all Coats. ';!"--. The hirniers .,o( .MnlfbiijeAiav s a. i,.bl. ei..,r ' . .i iiii.g. doing, .weiL The ami -.1, aJ m. . e . pable of suvrewluily pMduciug ag eater V u iety of t ropa than any county iu tin' State. Theaui ceMahl. il 'Itna attend, d 'TBeRrtsMrriSb'iai Fmiurol tins county, a otie armed Ciilije,r1,ji.jl.ii;.,, naa ooeu aioni noig and all ailu .Himu- air. r ras.er eriliated in tbu aim; .made a gallant soldier aud loat his arm at tleltys burg. At the chaw of the war, be had both log but a large launly ul little chil dren ui m nen t 011 bim l..r a sunu-irt. Posawsaid of a d iunllrttt and heroic spirit, he did not yield to the d iirmmtiir n.rt t eiice that surrounded bun. but went to work. He soon pi.tvlm.iml a tract of land and paid tir it. Only a low days uitni; he relumed from Ricbiuoud, where be bid sold part of his toUm-co crop at ah av r igl $49 per hundred. ' He only sold s portiwu of his crop which biouglu him f 7i4, net, 1 1 eir! a higher prn for Ihe balance. What a noble rxuipi and, wiisi s n uiiKi) 10 uiu Coiiila,inni vonnir man, who talks aU.ut leaving Norih Car olina, becau he cyiu find 11ul.11.g-to do. - , a Iu the receut election .the urosatt frauds were perpetrated iu thia county and we hear that t.Urut iiu'indur-of ne groes were iui.rtyd li im'jjjnjii.ta, ;rbe exectiliys commifoU' sh.iuld rxifiiiti Into this matter and ascertain with Cot tainty tlie cxuut of the bauds. . IltKB 11 a Cask in Mkwouri amd Nokth CamiiUma.! Kwiton R. Oobb, lately re moved as Supervisor uf Internal Revenue lof tli Missouri District, is the br.ithar of a devoted 0 runt CniigrCiMioan from North l aronns, Who Is moving uom bHig Branch in force; it ia proposed that he shall be provided lor iu Noun Caroling aad,. tn that end, a leas well related auiier llous Supervisor there to lose bis ullicial head. Now Adyer tuemsnta. i Take cocm rv-m thk bcpkkiok v . COURT. . , , W. K Mason, PUilfr, Jos Wicuiau. Mary B. n lesman sir t rfna. vv tea mao, Jr., Ihfrwi 'et..j STATE or NORIU CAIUII.INJ Vow Jiav. WelMMsevJaary .vtetaman, bia wife. ahU Jos Weiauiau. Jr , Uis liefeudauts above named. If Ui, v be found ttitbia tour eonuta. to be and appear before tbe JurJga of uor eu-p,-rna- court, at ih Lou 10 le held lor ttir eoanly of r ske, at tbe counhoSNa in KsleUb, na ilia a.gblli Monday after ibm second at on day if AuKuat sn.1 auswwr. the eumplaiut bKk wm us uepoaiiea la me om ul iim ClerKof t s BopcN.rr Court of taid eounl) witbia tba fral uire davs of lbs aexl tarrs Iterrof, aad let the said defondsnta lavas no bec that it they fall to anaesr Uia aai4 eum uxiut altliln that ume the j labiun will appiy to tba court for the relief, demanded In lbs emnulaini. - j. ... 1 Uwew fail, bos, saa or una sawowns ni .xe u refcanT . k tyiven uuiier ear nana sea roe saai or ssie eoort, this iuli day of Askmi, IH'i ... . A. jsu ji 1 1-U, Clerk 8apefiorCuurt ol V .ks Co. ngSt-wH ' - l' -. "ILIIIII" fil SHI AT AUCTION. That 8PI.EN0IU properly oa Hlllaboro' 8t, 10 lbs UMr of Rakblll, ka.iwa a ' ALU. Hit), ' tiue lorouir eaunuurs' reauioacs ) Is orTred for saie. Tbe t ass rolJKTKEN RIXIM8. (two ot Ui.au annul, f baataaa aWin room ai.S P-alry. UUiU.I-mm aHl all Uis n arr Oul li'iaars nr.: on ili premtasa. Taeb emuioa ail or BkVa. acRBa, m.riuiJlBK s ti iarjee iiardV,, fp wltb eoiiee.kot ui , uit I .t and urai- V iui , lae x.oiu..i. ar a.mly aluujej Wita cuok-e de irw-s, euJta buwuu.ttiaua eastauive m a onui iim ia.iiai. , This ur.ip ru la aa ditt rabl aa a.,v ia tlx lf Kal'iKa, and la ailiialed to aa allrae raul aioaiu. ikut ut Uh uwb Aa iaoiaaiioa ul Uw iterwisf-e at Invited. Tbe alaive VS Uahte prupilVll Ur uB. rvli r aisle at the v uuriliouae dtr ill Kai.ig-1, Kl.Ha.ay Itie, 4'b ol rVuVruib-'r a-1 at I tt-hK'k, St 'iurans mad - kuowa at Uie R alP t, BaTI'lc:, Ailr-y, i aw I aiA.iH , 1 I L'iTK TKLKfikAhilO KK'.- MAUKKr-V. ivt Yohk. Aa.;m4 33 !ob Ion steady, ) i utUmns i;(i0 balw; uplands 214 'ii it. Flour quiet, cummiHi to fair nti i ttl 4, gNMi to chinos t.8ue.U?S. VViiiaky a shad biwer, 94 1 1, Wheat dull winter red vVeaiera MV to $15.1 Cora lower, fair demand at 60 j 1 wlnle southern HQ Kk au-ady at ha a 1-a. Pork quiet M.lOaU.13. Beef quiet. Lord a trifle lower. 8 I Salt II 4. Naval '! y Tallow dull, a 9 4a A riireo- hi.e quiet, 58 a S3 l a. Ibaiin tjuiet, ntaineu, in. r nii;lita Drmer. v ' .woiwv rwy, 4n5. KMIinw M 4IH 4. Gold U I Sal 8 3 8. GovernHients cbaa d l-idy at 1 8. Tenneaeee'a firm 7S It aad other southern steady. I.ivkhiMoL. Ang. 23.' ottum opnird nun t'planda 7 .I0 ; Orb ana it) I 8al0 I 4. HrfMdHulfx firm. Corn tt an I . i. LaTKR Cotton firm, sales, specula- i mi and e port a.tMMi. Cumberland cut 31 aod 6. Lard 88 and t. FROM NEW TORK. Nkw Youk, Auuust 88 Gov. Hoffinah, d.tdiuts tlie rcnominalion for Governor, Citing aitverai reasmis, one of which Is, that he has bueii twice elecU'd to ofHoi, and U is not right that be should stand in the way of others having claims to pnimotum. Kourtwh sun strokes yesterday, four luiai During the rain and bail s orm last evening the Ihermmuetor tell sixteen de g:. The weutUi-r to day is coot and ciear. The ab.ira waa very heavy at Long niaucb and several intM-boata with fiah ing parties on boaid have not bees beard irMu. . Ad rff. .ru of tbje. JDi! ricL AltumeV-lo Bud ex Comptroller Couuelly, who is a anted as s vt itnow In the Ilairirerty and ilaulch voucher Ihieviug case have btu unavailing, ilia own 'rial is to take piece In October, but it ia doubtful if h ever returns lo New York. His bail Is over hall s million. A lHr from Uioiro, Japan, stntes thai Consul Turner had his b a broknn bv a pirtyof drunken Japanese, who attacked !,50 Blua"l, Wni Br li'iu and Coimul Sbepperd, at Klote. I ugiU-t W. C. 8T ditmoerjcy of thij National (Xiniuiitlee ha lasurd an. address to tbe democrats 01 New York, uruiiiir tbe apooiutmieiit of li'liuattis 10 Jiuiville. the National Coimuittee has also i-ued a call for dele- itcs to every diairicl ia New Jersey, iiunton Duac.iii imlili h.a a card denying f1" b-l''ved any aid from ItspuU I ll,:aiia iir btuJiiu.4a(ilJi,.4lMiu., Mk nv man-Lr ll jaim uf nor. FROM i ia'OrRI JirrnK. Citv. Auv. 9 The Uem ed .. tiou Inat liiKbl and cunuleted the iT'i0nrBTi(WteW t u'kiiU A reaolutiiin ileclu'iiig that uni versal snltr-ige rtemands aniveraal educa tion, and advocatiUK tbe uectaailv for a 1 111111011 atiiool eilucatiou I'oi every child iu tlie Stale, met with so much upwauttou iiiai it was withdrawn. A resolution waa unanimously adop rd nruiug tbe demo nula luco- pvTab partly with Ihe liberal ri publicitis ui their eoiiii'ry orgiinixations. Ala late hour. Ibe III ml convention met witblbe di iiincrath-conTi-nlioii, when the a bote li. kut was rati lied by aj.nut meet ing, and biiH rHi(mtulalury apeecbea e.'nre marie lit Hov. Uroan aud others, at t-r which both conventions adjourued sins ki. I he liberal eunveutlon nominated Col W. E Oilman for lieutenant troveruor iu ainsd id S. II. Frost - rt-; -. - .rled. FROM WEST V1HU1.NI A. Wiibh.ino, Aug. S3 -The vols ol thia til? la the targnst ever cast. There will probably .ly tie a 111 .Joi ity o two or three I undrcd agalnut tlie Cnnailtulion, and as I irire a majority Mr Jacobs for U.iveioor. News from other points is meagre, but of -similar char Uir. No d. Hulls resitlta are known up to this tune. Iu this rounty, ss fur aa heard from, the Indepca dent ticket has a majority. Roturns In .m portions ot Prestim aud ilanoock counties ijivd heavy niajoniies-aKwast tbe oonsli 1. 1 tit .u aud in lavor of the Independent c wuiuaies lor unveroor ana Congi men. ' - ' - V . -TFROM ST. LOUIS. Sr. Louis, August ii. At the Demo c itm (loaventiiio at J.:ff..ro City, the inilow ing ticket was ciioara : ' Judgr i.l the Suprtime Court, B. B. Ew- lug, II. M. v.arrhees, r. A, Hbisrwood anci WatiingtoB Adama, all Democrats; ba (Ion rnor, Silaa Woodson, Lbuiocral l.lenienanl (Joveraor, (!, II. Front, Lib e-wl; Sejfeiary ,of State. Kuiene F. H'anf. I, I.iIhti.I ; Ctmgreasmea at Large, jonn at. nrauiey. A 1 picial b legram Iroin Jeflrrson Cily. .ystiie lonn-reiii uomuiiitee rep-irtid ut tne i iiiocriitic couyeiiiion this mora 11. g, reoominending Ibat the Lilierals be given the nominations b r LtLUtrnmi ttiyeWir,iiiSretary lf -atraiaitiifaiyyf Laud one aud otn half t tlie Ktecfoni: 1 he report was adopted by a Vote aboul seven to one. . FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Cbarlestoh, A2. 83. The South Carolina Republican Bute Conwution nominated Speaker F. J. Mosea lor Oov trnor on ths first ballot, whereupon Juduc J. L. Orr rose and said tliat knowiun Moses' record be could aot couscientiona- j ly support him, and begged leave to withdraw from the Convention. FROM ARKANSAS. I.ittlb Rock, August 88 -r-The Repub lican Slate Con reitt ion adjourned to dny, alter nominating the following Stste ticket: ror Oovernor, Kliaba Baxter; Lieuu-naui tlovernor, V, V. i.Snillh ; fnmturer, i l iK' ! Auditor, Su-pben Wheeler; Attor Bey Oeueral, L. D. W. Yonlcy; rtop rm bmdent of Public Instruction. J. C, Cr bio, colored ; Supreme Judge. E. J, Senile; Hrvisier ot Lands, Fred, K. Solomon Liberal. , " T-Ua-. , FROM' CONN tCTICUr. Naw Hira, Aneust 83 A pleasure erge on the omiecticut nver, below lliddietoan, was struck by lightning last evening. Two persons were killed and Inrty injured.' . 1........ ..... .. '"-r-.-siiw'r ;l irtU'Bt l.WAAaAliwA.y.' Hnrr .no. Co., Aau. 83. A terrt- Die nail norm puaaa over KockviUr, Llingwn and V'emoa about 4.34) o'clock tliia a 'term am. It is thought Ihe tobacco p is nwatU destmved. A ca house at IcM'kviiie and an emdue hona, at Varnoa were blown dwu, many trees were t.to.atrffl and the rlmae n very yreat. Vt li.'re there waa no ball, many Aeld id in. .,. r. !.iins!j-d by ibe winds. Two t.)S were killed by bgbtoing. r FROM PHILADELPHIA. PuiLADKLfUiA, Amr. 81 0Bal(1wia arrivwl here with his trainer, and a bum b r ol backi-ra. lie does aot eoaeider Uis m itcb with Mace off, and hopes a meeting win yw oe arraagea., . . FKOMILUNOia ,'. ' C'hicaoo, Auir. 88 A call iasoed. simi ad by Jias ph Led lie, of Springfield, 111 1 note, lur a lamvanuoa of iJeuHicrsts in fa of straight Democratic mmiiiatioiis for rremdrnt aud Vh-e rreaident, to met I 10 Hist city oa the 8th. to appoint dele- i;uai hi neitoaisviiHi uwveuuoa. FltO JIXNNESSE.' j" MaarnuL Aur 83. Humors of colli. si. betwera tbe wtites aad blacks at Collieraville, on tbe C'hsrhwtoa rallruad, current here. Tbe ahtritt, with a ywaai, ia olKdit-oos ton lelegiikw e.tbine aaautaacti. a n nere yesterday evening, it aaia the Btgroea arrested several peraona, intending to try them by court martial. . Fear f a bioody coilUiou ere entertained. I be late; advious Imm Collinsville state tliat Sheriff Curry had met a bod v of arm. ml Bi'groct, aud after showing them what mouiu 00 inereauii 11 tney aid not uit buul, lie pievailed oa Uitm to return to tneir. boiuea. The excitement la rapidly subsiding. v - . from Mew York: At the races, the uraud aland and all available ulama alona the Course Were crowded. Free Handkwp fi five hun dred doUara, all ages mile aud eigluh, w is on by London Miini 8nd ; Pred- mond Urd; N.iua lourth and Merrlmon Jib: time 803. The 8nd race for a Surae of $18UU lor all agua lour miles, arry BwaieU lent Cadence by a luua .b ach.-aiilay-aa Ihsv piiaaud-tha-atawdntid oy sevarai lengths 18 miles, when Ce rt auce gave up and. Baaartt won by an eighth of a miiu; ume 8:08 1-8, The con soWuon puiM) of ,"00 was eaailv won by Arixona j King Ueury 8nd ; ume 8.8U. oe lourtn nud last race, steeple cbaae. ass won by Blind Tom, 8TK0NACH. ' f Bu-hUOittoa Soeil Mal la st Ui tJ lo Oay. aug s-U W. C. BTBoNACB. G.060 Founds Baeoa, ami eboulders Ham , ablet .AXIUNACH,, 01 Pounds Vtruinia Uaena, Hams, irt eiuea sea eauuiHitrs, . . C. birtONAlH a.B-U .dtJbiT jf JUll rually rkMr.aa. ffiasytaa mill. if Si .f W t! N It ,l " lifi.n, laoy ouviui aoa fiuaw lai- 1 A v vorj LBaaae. . sugsM U W. C.8TRUHACH. 1.0 f Prtsak Mullets Jiut rs.eiveiL a.Kltf W. C. BTRONACU N OHTU CAIiOLINA RAlLkOAD B. lb lis. A few wan lad Apply ia p, a. wilder, Cash. Cltuuins hai tbuik. Auf lltteoillw OR MUi A new KTKINVVAT Jt SIIN'lt ROD Mi faKANUPMNU, T 8 SorUVna, has baa m aw only a year, aai wul i sold awrsaas the uwutir la hatviBnUM eoautry. Will haaold for uaii givsn tor .1 anu sone creail allows.". . apply 10 lia'N. BrtADt.S,Y T JOHN WIN. augiaiiw Rkbmoad, Va. G HAND TOUHN A M N T MV CORONATION BALL BUFFALoK SPRINGS. U,! ugost B8, 1878. MIX KM:uHT.ftw Mortb CarolUa aad ll KslijHIS fro, VtgiuU alii rida lor m Honor. . f Uu Ibt jtftri Anu.t . . , BtAsCJl'EHAUlC BALL , Ul coma oC PAXN, ! t'rupiklor aux 81 UllaugJ? rjlilK Nkl(f Bk-iBlUN ulf THE C O L L E (1 K O f Mai'af " aaaiw .i n f wt .' 11 MART foanded MW, iwlua oa tlie Brat Wsdnesdsr 01 tieiuuwr, sua CMMes on uis em 01 4Uiy fol b.wlug. . . ' Ths ACKlemie course I extensive. Provia ton baa buna made Wiadems of law. Bpa iU praiaualory Untnirlioo w.,11 bs srlvew to eaulieaiea lur ai u .itiliututa ottwU. A Mill ury sad Naval Academiea at Waal Potnt aud ssn.poiia. kxpaasie for the suss oa about I fed. For fun ur ui(.iaaUB, dreas Ihi sub criber at viuuaaalun. ' .-, s'.. a, is iiiii, Pras Collars of WUIbua aud Mart. BBi'ttiU ...-, I. V. BALL L . LtBAasa 00. . ' E. T. BALL JV. $CIUGS PLACg, 'Raleigh, n. c. v a v c t.i on s k h8 ( 1 . AMD , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Will bay and tell MERCHANDISE, PRODUCE, BTOCSS, - REAL ESTATE, aU 'ONHIQXMHX TM M0LI0TKB. kVturaa Pruupllj said BalifAeaorily Ran- lerod. : ., - , . . ,1 I' i B. f. rs lo J. 0. Williams, pie ia.e Nt. Bauk, w. wintai er, naror ol itatetub. W. C. ' trouacV .. ! au. iit- - ' ti. 8T&ONACH ttROCKg. HaaeahaiMl 1 ;' ' '''''' ; NCW YOHK DAIRY k UTTER, ' 7 j FRIMK FAtTORT CHRC8R, FATAFaOO FAMILY FLOUR, MORRD RKIV'sndTOMtlU VTBAMPTON BAMA : j CBUIC'1 8U0AR CI' KID HA M, ' . ' tPAMCBRKSK, CUOICt QRRSV aaA BLACK TRAl, t AKKRA Ha 1 CBOCXUUTt sad COCOA, OLD GOV. JAVA, : 7 LAQCIRA and , Biocorrka, PICKLES and BACCtA ' MUSTARD and (PICKS. COTTON SEED MEAL, WHEAT BlUM, Mo I MACKEREL, , Ne I rKEsH MULLET1, ROE aad CUT HEEM 0J, 81IADR K IT tf OAhOKs; saaoa. 4 AJvUbMi Haunaea Tamil v Floor. KiHwoks Allia flonr. Basia Mills Buhw riaor alsrgslot la pack augfttf. tl W, C Bl'RONACIt HPKXUEftlAN ' PoHble Elastic 1 nsaaateDraaeo reus ars nursaslng very apiillv in sale owina u Ibelr sru-ieellrd am. -wetara 1 hejrwra of iwvafrt(i Ei)(lib aiaAaC ami ara raaioaa ror weir elaailcllv, aiiraiinlty Slid evsoBass raf point Pr aala iwruli, a " JtmUt Ms ftiauaettwtt wAaaaay: anaA ki h y fAam, av M amd e Sw pk (Jseat, as tola tMiatiafi, fifttn, aamtWrt, syawg ea rsw.nt y au .mi, IVI80M, BLAKEMAN, TAfLOR CO. "IS 140 Grand I Irani, M Y. : aug la A IJilili Dill; j DUtitN if tat "ProBrlrlori BCUIEtlAM, IN B LLAND. An IntlgwrsHlng Toole tuisl MKI1ICIAL BEVER lOE. J Warranted porf. Uy pare, aud frea ,frua ad deleterious subsaaueaa. It Is dUUllad 1tm Babijii of tbe finest quality, and tba Aau BArio Jimiraa Baaar ue IvAtr and deabjued rijwvaal, for eases of Dyapspsla, er ladlx boa, Dropfv, i .ut, KbaaraaUsa Oaaoral UeMUty, Catarrh uf tba lllaitdar, Pains la 111 Back and Stoiuaoh and ail dls. sssaol i.s I rl aaryOrxans Itglvs grea' rtlkf la 'Asthma Gravel and I'ak'Uh m tba Bladder; strati tbt.a a id ittviffure si the synUa, and la a Certain prrvelillra aud rare of , that dreadrnt scoariis, Pevsr and Ague ... i CAUTU1NI dt yo. "Muiwoa a. Woirs'. Bau. bcBaaers,''- ... . For sale by all naiueotible Srooart ami Apotbsearias. t a udbvjn a wolfe co., ; 8ols tnportms, Office, li south William 8L, New Yerk su i&iha I rhlDENCK FOR 8ALK - - A fatra-a ana valualds reablencs In the Eas lire vt aril, only a atiort dwunce fro a ihe atdioL far uarttcalars apply t . ,- JlilIN IiKVErVEl'K aiujTU ot T P. UkVkKk,b,X. C0LLKUB OF PHYSICIANS and 8UROEON3, .JL,&tnt of IiuUMird and ilowaid ; Btreuta, tAlTIMOSK, MB. This Institution has been enranlnd aadav a-oal favuraule a pmas, and wim an eiueil enood faculty, a cuaauiouiuOa I auuliix, aad superior clie,kal adianlauaa, lu aureus is aaaunal. liw reKUIar wiuwr aeaaioa will b gia on tba arai day of iicijbur, ia7i, aad e a- l.naa lo UHalifbuaMiih das ol (elaruai y. IS. a Ceriilicatas uf Uiauuctiou will ba ooulamd ,avu all mmiiur.uua a.uaoata, wbalbsr ol Ui liat or accoiid rou.ae, ,a 1 AWti'V s will ba raealvsd alien prutwriii reeusauMaaded, awsV -itrawt wtt -til. privilatea of the laatilaluaav -Avulicalioa anoaia us auuia S4 1 si - (sea: fainrutaliuB 85. Profeasnrs 81'itl B'B iuia.y fail. Ueutoustraiur'a 8IU tsr- uitnala uf iMaUDeUna Siu, larailaaUua 8 0. Our IrwuUs will niaaaa forward Uw hauirA oIBUi.linlaautl riijaicianawiiB insi adiiraw- cr.u.t, 1. U.'.i,t. L.XT Ll 1. , a.xy n jxim rtAtbiicia, c ly., , ' Pridiaator of Surgery. HARVEY la, B YRD, ii D Pruleasor of tbe Institutes aod ' ' Medicine and Nervous Disease. aug 81 5t . W w f a COTTON 0IN8. PlUCiiq &BDUCSD. As Aeent lor Clemons, Brown a Co.. I am takitiK urdars for Uurtf eaianraiad IaYIXih 013 wita ai tba lata oupro.eufe-Bla Tolboaewliu hav aa. d u,a U na tiiev seed wo recoioiaaudatio and ut all wuiera uini say Ibat we warraat etary Oia to Kits ea Ire aalbdaa ton. Praa reOu tal &U d a tn Uir ,-a w. seed ordera at once to sacure lueta. ia line. ! , JAMkd M. TOWLKS, Asent if .1 U PPL" MILL 8 , Aiiothcr supply ni'ted by 4rt train. very .uld nave ue of 'hear mval- aiu.a ttiiia. JAMA8 M. lgUi - w. si!g oil aa.t.t. ! I BATCHEliOHH HAIR DYB " . llif 1 Pr a o,a bt is iue "t1 "ao, nor ) v,u..- u pr panayw Avi.,d Jt. , ai.a a.nuu ,. ,,,,, iai u"-.!"iipoTM'. laeaTmuiwui 1, IcHs Hao fy baa had 30 . u...n ., IVllUUoa to ttphoid its mieeniv a ifcen j B. rfecl tl.1T lyBUct or Brown. &,M'bl si I 0nPY)La. Ani.lv .1 la k a. ' aova-4ijr ' vw, . 1, ON MAUKIAG'E. . ..tSdU,lMfmk Mfro-thr-I'"""' "wra saU Abu-, is ,,. aianarwwmL lui iout Marrlwe''' "T"'- ''ahth.at ot u,iueui. .sTw and- rewark.nte rou..lar. bN.4i.ud Clrrs M sent tie, in s all e,l.,,-. 1 -ia-ma., H. I V Ami AlH.i lAJlON Ma. S aouih Nh.ua jiutoasipaaj,, ' "0' ' aagttaai . . 1 0 X H I at a oT K Ui 4 ft PEACH PARER Uis best, aad eheapast Parer. ever aiKJs C0REH, ' and SLICER, ' l.kea onlj 8 s turns ot ths ersuk '0 Pars, Cjra, and SUos aa Apple, axd soaa rr au. at oxcal - For salt at tba ' lURJJ WARS DLTHJT OF - - It Blut.aa 4 tsoNa." juiyaatf lIE YARBOltDUGR HOL'SJt . P0R SALE. By vlrtns of a Judgment rradsrsd at Bmine Tarm, la, of tha Superior loan of VVaka aunty, In the ac too entitled MUiiaut K Pool, KtsetrOf tdward Yarlh)roni:h, d 'd. J!f",1h IL -VstlaiWiUiiJvWiafeaafc. Baira and uevmaus ol tba aaul d.li,; will uu Mia maaiimr Hiatilay of Auxu.t nt, ae u, pub. u Mfct-reniiaaa, the valiiabie proiwrir as lbs larburuuktb Hni...- -2,' ..... A Ibisala, 1 know as I his iwoperty is altaawd oa ihe aaatarn ai ts os Paieuavilla atreet la the my ot batema and suib.aocai about on acmiif ground, it is one of ,ha m. at eenlral poniL- lu llic c ty, be big Bill wore than fonr huii.ired yar.i Oi-laul rruaa Ilia awHia or the kairlck A Maw a, Uio Raleaxb A AhxsmU Air Una, aud Uia North Caroiiua allriHHla ; within oue bundled vanla of Ilia prMaid A1iom.ii Ti.ihi.Ii-; Ui aauia d sbta,s hum tba PiwUiib!- aud r'.t,,ral t.'oun, H otiae ; on the oppuails auk, ul Uta atmw Iruui Ilia Wake County Court U..H, aad wllliln tve Biluutus walk uf tha t 'apl ub 1 The liou-l buiiduur la Uirea aiorbw hiarb an.k clwulua forty sevra xueat eliamliera, a Uiu in rooia, two uatlora, a roeepUt.11 ru.Hu, oiUos and three family roowav 'In.. rooms ara coinui.alUlus and Wall vnaumtsd) Ibe paa. as broad and apaciousj U.o .iii.n.s stanu, pnrk.ra and ihfles are bujtn, well bKlitrd and louilurk. able, botk In auuiiurr and a UiUx. AH lbs batbUntra uu tbe preuiuus are la t(. eolleat ordse, asd albard every eouveuiuues 10 boud.ktwputa;. Ths laraia are as fi.tlowa: tme fonrtb of Uia pilri'kaaS money lu caah; the reaiilile In Unr . eiMal uistahwant-, b avlni; InUireal, at ut laralvnaaa ekxhiaea ui .i.n.a irtHu li. lay ( aula; bis Ibal mt the ort ail lnalalui. out lo l acrunat h bund a lib si luaal uuv mi-J surely, UUa wiUilwlit uutli ,)HH nt ul Ui purvkaaa money; aci so lona- sa any part ut tne i.i.r. rlaaaa money fvaa-ilna uiiiu, Ihe pirn hM-r to karure toe bawuiiiKS uu said lot, in a uia , saa lu such en paid lialaaee, Uw luae U any lo bvapplmd lo ilia tatyutenlof sanl purctmae muawy; and should ll purt hiia. r t...l au lo baiura tlie said building., 1 ahail have lbs power to idauf. aueb Inainamse and the nnm-v so eipenlhxt by tun to be deeum.1 a mrl 01 Uia pun Ua ntoiH-y, bear bib inal In.iu daU ul erpenditnra. and be puyali al the s um ume wiua the inaialuii-ui of parchase money as ut lusrealter faJuiordoa ' El of Kdward Karborouiib, dee'd. ylyVkls JtnM suuv and sand bill tooffles af Moors A Geitinjf. 9 Deaths In TV WfTHIM 50 DAY 8 .. . . v . FROM KEROSUN'S ACi IDK.N' Ti. Set Dat'y 'anv-a. R A I T ' A B T A L 0 I L NOT fXPLOVS. v A II' BURNS tN ANY LAIU. R s been hi use TEN YZitiA 18 NOW l'8ED BI 800,000 FAMILIES There has awr ta a a,-. ...', ; indvecuy. Jl'L!'.' ' !( V X a) Aj-iila,

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