' I 7- 7 ..-t 1 . wrr t . . i, . ; i : : i. - if ' ' ii . .str i I fl B . AV .VOL. VIII.' TIE DAILY SENTINEL anVERTlBINO BATES. ajmstsauweak "IT"". ik II ) I " B " on." t lawe'a. U.0UI -- w.uul ; " "tO.OOil, 40. UO I I J SOU .Ml biUU above return "for" fc aMHloaal . AM wa" " y auwartaeloUows: .. For l"tk- , tmeatne, - Fori months, ! ... a , . in MOU t V M.U i M . WW ! U ' ;J... in Ior th, 4M-Weekly mrsa-sUta. " I.? eMBblneu', fit-T "J Weekly combined, forty .rjS, 1 Weakiy , "VntUmr in Lh1 Column, ewlW HOME AFFAIB8. 7 gumtrn, Miaquiloc Wconiing vary nnme 'tom W ban hmd.iwMWr mane than Now W Ikt Una to MilMcriM 10 lot BurruiKU . Our Job offio ii turolng out good work A eommuoicmtlofl ,'relti to thaUui- vcnit; UI kppaat b torrow. Tba gMral bmlth of Kakiiih fi good lOAfc Dot. Sot. CaJd veil kit lh ait; jaatcrdaj ! tonooaaa ruit to bia home ia Morgm- .,(-. . ..'! TWn ara httara ia tha poatoffica, held for lack of proper poatage, addraawd to Jol.a U. (UU, Littletoa, N. C, and Jaa. Waab ington, Ooldaboro, H. p j7 ' BtrBe; Cratufit, eul., and wife, war before U Mayor jeaterdajr luoruing for creatiuK t diaturbaaot tbeight preriotii car Toppar'a Church. BarutT waa fined 95 and ooata. . ; y . ; ; ' .. . : Taatenlay morning Bimther ruineuieoi waacauaud in Market Btjuara b; a runa way atear. Suiua chk'kea coop and a km boicat were orerturoed and a alight atampada took plao in tha crowd. Tb Board of Director of the Penilea tUry were Ia aanioa yeaterday tiauiining Into tb facta oooaroias; the rreeot ea- Kyt in iwui" 11. ion the Boanl c)oaed ita aewioal . The Board Director of the )immtc TcapWAjaociatoa held a neeting on Tbaraday afternoon, the procoediugi of which w bop toon to be able to publish. Wa an informed that th&ffaira of the Aa aociatioa an in a proeperooa cimditioo and that tb Board are rery hopeful aa to the final aucceai of the enter prue. Pcauc Prino. H. A. Londoa, Jr., Keq., Oreeiey and Brown elector for the Fourth Congreaaioual District, Hon. J no. Manning, and other diatingriahed apeak ara, will addreae th citizeoi of Kranklie and Onarilla oountiea , at the following placaa and time. LouUburg, Tueeday, Beptember 10th. ! Kittrell. Thondaf . Beptember 13th. A DUBBTBD OoMFUMBIIT. We' clip from to eolomne of tb Dorbant Tobacco rimtot theitb inat., the following com plimentary line in relation to our teemed fallow townun an, Ovide Dupre, "Mr. bride Dupre, of Raleigh, a young lawyer of eoaaiderable promiae, will be preeeot by iuTiUtion at the meeting of tb Durham Orwley A Brown Club on to ugfat week to addreae tba Club upon tbe political kwuaa of the day. W hope all tba Tillage people and the citiseo from the aurrounding country will turn out. Mr T)nnf ia a inMkcr nf no urdinarr. attaumenta." Ti Lar R T. alonai, Ekj On Thnraaay tha Board of Tobacco Trade U Durham held meeting ia relation to tb death of thu lamented gentleman, liea the following Lroceedioea took -piac;'" " v Oa motion of H. A -Keamev&a) ;Gol D. C Pariah took tbi, Chair who, ia brief bat appropriau remark, explained the. abject of the meeting. Oa motion of J. W. Cheek, Eaq., B. C. Batludab) ) waa appointed Secretary. Ob motion of H. A. Ream Kw., tb Chair appoistwd tha following gentlemen a committee to draft raaoluuooj aui table to tha ecceaion : ' ' J. W. Check, W. T. Black well, R A. Keama, I. 8. Lockhart and R 6. Barka uala. v! .., The Committee retired and after a brief etieaai.j teyiraed and eubmitted the toi mwing ntolutimia. Waaauj, It ha pleaaed an all-wiae proTideac to remove audilenly from oar midet oar friend and neighbor, R F. Mor a, Em , therefore itnW, That we offer to bie bereared and afiicted family our baartty ooado bmaa for tha irreparable lorn they bare lataiaii ia hie death to tbe community w the lom of woe of it moat active, per rering and oaeful citizen, and to the Board of the Tobacco Trade one of ita moat energetic and enterpriaintf member. ftotttd. That a copy of them rcaolu boaabe teat to the family of tbe o meed, and tb BuUlun' AMeroV, Kal Th baamiKL, and Duhani Joineap ''eat (a, publication. The Chairman, and Meaara. J. A. Mc- "e, Blount, J. W. Cheek, and R. A, Reama, paid feeling and eUxjueot '"'ntm to toe armory of tha deceaaed, han, i motion, tb meeticg adjourned. Wain iiutT - A aew nersioa nf an nld Loathe the poor India. ,91 S, ; Tboa Iitdiaaiaaa who aell leaa fur fiat ares may b amid to f nee their cottuawaa. A km Mttf matdkw a" wliow' ia bouul Ui e-ire up autokina and chewing. If an give up ber weeda for him, he ebon Id giie ap hi we lor her. 1 " ; : A wag, la what be known about farm ing, give a plan to. reaaora widow' weed ; be aty a good-looking aiaa ha only to aay, " Wilt thou," and they wilt. Angrlita, can Tea UU why- yoar Iot- ly eyea are, bke frienda aaparated by d la tent cllmee t" Wa,- Augoata, 1 eitX' Tell me, oh I tell 'me why. they comapoad, but jWa hear gnat deal aboat mbar j Brm, but the eaem to be agratw 4 ofrifniag aoeaaef than liaia 1 M 4oa't labor. " That bed it not hmg anoogh for ma," aaid a very tall, gruff CnglUhmah, upon being whered into7 hi bedroom by an Iiub waiter at one of our hotel. "Faith an' you'll find it'a plasty long, air, when yon get int.. it," waa tha reply ; " for then there'll be two more feet added' to it." A oloae Bated old fellow, in treating a friend to. omeHitiuor, poured out a Tery atnall driuk. The latter, taking tbe giant aod holding it abore hi head, remarked rery akeptically : You aay tbi i forty year old f" Yen," replied the boat. Then," replied our friend, all I bare to aay la, it's Tery wuall for it age." r-tUiwrwAT Comckrt The concert at tliu place on Wedoeaday areoing waa a brilliant affair, and a aucceae both in tha point of .patronage and the rendition of the prr gramme. Tb ball, though taata fully decorated by the French wine grow era of Ridge way, under tha akillful dine liuo of Mona. V. Clare, waa aadly ddkiaat in acouetk propertiea which detracted iron) the tfftd of the muaic deapila the ;ientiflc execution. The following pr f ramma waa rrndered, in almoat all par ticul.rt, in a highly creditable manuer, and the appreciation of the audience wa leetihVJ y ftequent and -ocifoKwa ap- plauea Detti lCapprKpiilaiD; March;. - Cavaliua II Bacio. WalU, lor violin, piano and cornet. Trio for piaro. Vocal Duet "In tha Grove I'll Meet Thee." Bolp for Piano. Cornet 80I0 Serenade. , Palo Alto Quickstep. Lt't Uuee of Suiuuitr. Daughter of the Regiment - Harp Solo, roll Pulka, couipoatd for Uua cca eion by Prof. Dodworlb. Arditi Waltx. -1 La Marxeillaiac, Grand. : The young lady performer acquitted theuiwlve charmingly abotb a to vx-al-tetic a wtill ii.truuifnul uiu.io, but a none of them were proleaaionala no ipecial namea can be called. . . ' Prof. Dbdworth, late oT the Dod worth Band of New York ; I'rof. Hahr, of tbe Warrenton Female Semiuary j Prof. BobU man, of the Raleigh Female Seminary; Prof. Piltaon, of Raleigh, and Menu. V. a Rojter and Wm. Simpaon. of hn city,were among the gentlemen performer. Tbi i a combination of aplendid muiical talent, and it can be readily imagined that tbe muaic which their combined geuiu mntributud waa of Terr high order of merit. A eome of tbete are yryamonalt, and aa thi brief notice ia written to fUam, tbe particular performance of no one ea tleman will be epoken of, but general, though deaerred, compliment paid to all. In a word, tbe concert, pleaaed all woo attended tb muaic excellent--crowd large and if ita pecuniary aucceai ia to be meaauredby merit then tbe new church will bar an abundance of pewa. At tb concluaion of tba, concert tb Hall wa cleared of it brmijea and the I dance began, and many preny utile 100, encaaed in tootle white kida, kept time 10 tb muaic of Rulu Stanley' (tring band of tbi city. Of cosrs ail tbe Udie were bcatfllfnf w gratf tftw bo aaid on thi tubject can be left Jto tuur poaitioB and no violent effort (jt.the imagi nation it required to dojthe matter jottfas. But prominent among tbe dancer could pa eeeo the atalwart form and haadaom lap of Woodaoa, of the iSWi tha " bl aerred of all obtervert," pirouetteing grace, fully with "firat upon the heel-Up than upon tbe toe." At be glided through tb maze of the dance with feet that teamad Upheld by an airy platform, bright ey foUowed admiringly.while upon matculin tiaage were depicted envy and jealouey. The ladies, with a singular unanimity, pro. nouuetd Woodeon In mattsra torpaitbo rean to be ntu fttrtiL At the hour of t a. m., the dance ended and the special train, which came down from this city, took it departure, bearing off many who retid in thitcity and along the line of the road. " The authorities of the R A O. R R dwpiayed their aauai spirit of eocouuno boa, and to Captain Jimmy Young, tb polite Conductor in 'cbarg of tba train, tba tbankf ofTb paaaengera ar diw lor bia kind and constant aiUntion to their want and comfort. We forgot to mention ia tb proper place that theyptano need waa furniabed by Prut Plretoa of tbi aty. It waa one of hit grand concert, 1 octave pianos, and. mmm nrunouoced bv all tbo- present, oap- tbie of judging ub things, to bea aplen did iuetruuteol. Tb Proleeaor" piano an fast actjiuiuig a marked popularity, w! t.. j ,X RALEIGH, N. C , SArtyJRD AY, gEFTEM ffj!Mfti".l!MaMW Coarnavra. - A anbasnber to lb But. tinu, wbeaa puet ufaM It Warrantoa, la form ot that for four weeks be has not rereived hie paper.' ' Our mailing clerk aty it ban been eeat regularly. . Whose lautt kit !s H is) eitber the fault of the mail agent or tb poet-master at Warren t :K Faia ia Moata CaaoLiaa. Our State ia certainly bleat IT ejHUltiptioity of Fain ooaatitatea slaminga.., W an not eer laii that tb following list is compkHa. WegiT tiuai and plan for holding "the Brxt Fairs: - k ' North Carolina Agricultural Society Raleigh, October 15th to ldth. - Farmer aad Mecbanica' Ataociatioa of N. C ; Ooldtboro', October Sid to Mtb. ' Ronnokaaad Tar River Agltouleural Shcy, Waldos, Wjl OatoUr ?ta to aorambar fat. ,. Fair of the' Carolina, Charlotte, N. C. October 12d to Mtb. - Cap Fear Agricultural Association, Wilmington, November 13th to 15th. Central Agricultural Fair, Henderson, Oct Stb, tth, 10th aod Uth. 7 Sampson county Fair. . Cumberland county Fair. ' Salisbury Fair. AMHUAI. ADDKS . AT TBI HCNDKR auo Faib. The following is the letter ot J. J. Davis, Ecq., of Louisburg, adapting the invitation to deliver tbe annual ad dreae before the Central Agricultural So ciety at Henderson on tha lOtn prox. : LorJtsBDBO, Sept 4th, mi. To Cavt, John BaotK Wm. if. Lmmitf I and Or. W. W. Young, Com., tus, QmMemm : 1 bare received your fa vor requesting me to deliver the Annual Addreae at the next Fair nf the Central Agricultural Society, on the 10th of Oc tober. Farming is not my occupation and I distrust my ability to address acceptably the Intel! gent aesemblege of Farmer and other who will attend: tbe Central Fair, but I feel a deep interest in Agriculture snd in tb success of tbe Central Society and will render what aid I can to promote that success. 1, theretore, accept your in vitation and will be with yon at tbe Fair and address you. aa requested. - Witb the hope tbat you maymeev wttn the fullest success, I am t ruly, ate , JOS. J. DAVIS. We congratulate tbe Ceutral Socie'.y tbat-Mft- Dvia haa accepted their -tnTHa-tioa, as they can confidently expect an ad dreae replete with - eloquence 1 and In ttrm tive suggestions. . The UL (kit Fleik irt Heir It. Are bust, but a remedy for theat ell la far Billed bf asture. Then Is do duubt that (or every disease Uiere is an antidote in tbe vege table kinicilom The aboriKiuees era the VWtlms or nuuiv and loatbsoine mahulksa, )et they found In the wilds ol their forests reme dirs sun and nowerful Avltne ou Ibis be. IWt-HkW-WJTT'aV aAEAAf AR4I.LA A.NU gi)kN'8 DKLIiiHT Is oflered in public as s most hhrhljr eeeeeatraled vegetable e cm pound potresslns; extraordioarv power fur Uis cure of Hbeostatliun Nettral(ii Bcrofals, Ulders, SwelUiic of tbe QUuds, Krupuoas of the Btlu, FeihsTe Uik-ases, hiiw Coaipl.lnt, Hecoudarr 8vbllls, the etteirts of Men-mv. o. It la a uioal powerful alterative aud Blood uu ritier, snd at the sauis time so harmless Wist it amy oe need by ail ' WsU-b out for Chill snd Fever, and prepsr th system for resisting Ita attack by asuig Or. TuU's Liver fOls. Dr. TuU's Hair Dye youn. 1 ., sep JMeodlwswlt nukes the old look Ir you desire rosy cheeks aad a completion fair ssd free from Pimples, Blothss and Brup Uoua, purify your blood by taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medics! Discovery. Ta.s d Nsioas U horses could mak themselves anderstood in human language, tbey woald sigultT by a anlveraal "Tea," their esstnt to th sutement that the1 Musrane bbjuMsnr ts the best remedy extant for all Ues external slimes U, snd by a most em pnstle 'Neighl" show, their displeasure at every attempt to nee aay other preparation In Us steed. Ivsr since Its lotrodnttioa at M. Louis, at th close ot the Mexican War In Vit, It has unwed a signal blessing to horse aad man curing, with absolute certainty and wonderful despatch, such equine diseases as spavin riurbone, poll evil, scrstcaea, beofslt, &., and relia Ing and finally removing th painful affection which attack the muscles, stnsws aad external glante bf human beings. It Is a fact beyond contradiction that for all injuries or complslnts of man or Q,uadntpi to which aa exUmaT remedy is appueabla, the Must sue Linaasrr ia pretWmble to every other. ' : ' s . aa S-eodlwawlt dication of debility and axbaasUon ia a mute appeal of Mstan for . aasdscmal aa . to arrest tu program of decay. How en these eilsat appeals of physical weak seas to the resource of the heattag art asaally metf Too often, aafomnately, the drug prescribed eggmvata the symptoms, i Waoaver raeommends drastic purgatives, or mineral sJlrsnta, at pottoaens alkaloids, aider suck circumstances, is aa ally U the ailment aa an enemy of th pa hVnt Wboeveri on tbe-contrary, advises the broken down sad desponding sufferer to re sort to that peerless vegetsble lavigoreat, Hoa tetter' a Blomack Bltlers. for aid aud ooe tort, laa trot philaathropist. It la safe to my that than never was aa Instance to wbkh tack advice was given and accepted without tbs happiest result. From the vsry deptaa of weakness ssd despondency thousands have been restored to rigor, health and ehearf ui assa by tha reoorttw; operation f Ibis wholesome silsWlaot and alterative All Us BKdlcinsl ingredieata an remarkable for thuo saalive properUea, and la eomtansUoh form tn sbsolnte saecine tor indigestion, liver com plaint, nervous aSecUona, rheamatlsm, inter sjttterin l reuutteat favera, gsnersland local wsakneae, and every apecs' of disordt Inci esnt to caaaKS ot season or climate. Tbs stimulative element ot this invaluable proteo tive and resWrslive is not aa Impart excitant, bat the thoroughly rectiled assent' ot sound rye, admitted by ail good chemists to be the most bealUif ul of sxhitannss. asp sWodiwswlt QEOBHIA COITOS QIS. Uae to Saw Cbflsuas, Brow a a.Co's Cel tbrsted Uta, seat out s sample, Jufli arrtt ed stlet said fur sale at tvUu, cd prim. JaJik M. tvU4' ' ept e-tw v Afcent. 1 ii ii iu."ii ' 11 "... ' r , I IM..II.J. L "in ii,.' i I,,.. "H .. . I 1' .gi-maaM , tafARBlKD Tharsdsy, Amrast uth. at the resideaee at L Bond, fee. , of FayeUevine, Mr. W. B. r, TBaaoa,7ormerly of Wtidun, M 0 , to Mi, faaam, daughter ef T. Bond, Ksa, , ot Lam bsrtun : r-- At the house of Bobart Hank la. KcM , ot aiillfordoa lbs 11th of July, by Ke B. Tldbsll, Mr. Wm. f. imou to Mn. MsavUa Km sos. ,' ' 1 1 died, Of typhoid f evss, a the residence of his m tber, a Or New (till. Wake.1 eonaty, Aaguat , UU, J. W. Lasaxat. after aa lUnsas of three weeks.' ", ' . After hs die i a don law ia at the dour, and ewoat Hs V arcs a wife aod oasebgi, togataer with msay relations si.d frtaads to mora his devsrrert. ; .-st-:"'' f ... - i .'.' -.v.. ' ...... . .; , BlbMcal Bscordtr and "ChriaUaa Advuusle pleats iep. New Advbrtiavamanta. w. B. W O .0 D C O fropri ton of Gold's Automatic Low1 Steam and Hot Water Heater tud Lswsoa' Celebrated Hot Air Furnace; lavsnuira snd naut.tees o- me r trior ana sue 1 wiiibuis; Firs Mtea Heslrra and Par s Haiiiree : deslers In all kinds ot Heat and Cook Ui s, KiWbea Ware. Urab-s. rilsts MsaUils. ete . etc tiueeial care taken with Plumbing aud ail kinds ot Bleaia and Water Ftpeuig n-p.lrs fur ttleun Ueatsrs, Vuraaees, Ksuges. atovea,,etii. WM. K. WtiOn CO , I. W. Corner twite, and Kutsw bia. sepT-dAa UOTION SALBs. Saturday, Sept Tth, 1878. Will be sold at T0WLK8' AUCTION WAREHOUSE, oa Wilmington Street, sal to eommeuea at 1U o'clock : One Uood Fire Proof Site. Several Burirtee snd WtKons One Large Site Sinclair Atraw Cutter. One EiMiirnt k-frigarstor. Furuituresnd Houaeboid Articles aad Mar- cbandlss.. ALSO, I i At the North Carolina Depot 31 or 30 bales of Western Hsy, to clone 'OHiit.nBit-nts. JAMES M. TOWLKet, Sep' 2t ; AuftiiSiewr. fflt Pounds Virginia Bseoa, Hama; tj J"t 1 Sidrs ssd rbuabters. au fstf W. C. rtTrttaAi:iy Bent Hsltlinore Fsmllr loar and Nortl Carolina Family Flour, lu sar-ka sepxu n. n unusi u. jyjKDlCAL COLLEGE, OF ViKUlNIA, ' Kl'CHMOND. . . Tke winter reanlon uf this Institution com meH!es It K.llA V, 1 H'tolier 1st, snd continues pn fe.r", sasinted bv so wiiuuet Fscutty wbocoudui-ta daily coarse of exsiuinet oa on tbe leclures All tb ctitticat sdvsutse'es of Kichmoud SrV open to the si u cut without fbsrxe the Aluinbouse lloapitsl, tbe College Hospital, the tVilirge Msiieiisarv, and the Central Lunatic Aavlum, ktford;iig the oppor tunity of sluityinuitws at the berieide Taaus ; ProfeMiorii' fie, inclintlng uiatrie uUUon. IJ8; diasetlioa fee. 10; dlplonis tee, .! Nu t'har;e fur clink'sl lecture or stsniinations bosrd eett; -be obtained for from tin to t& s moulb. or f urtlirr Information, sddirM Dil l M.-CAW, ' imnni uc re'DiiT, No. boo Urate slieet, Klchmond.. aep S dim SPORTING GOfJDS ! ' HIADQUABTIKS FOR SPOKTI.Ntt GOODS OF EVERT DE SCRIPTION. W an th Sole Agsnft for PARKER'S CELEBRATED BRIACF LOADING GUNS. Oaa and Pistols of all Patterns, Bnspes and Qtuiities. THE LtHO&HT STOCK OF 0Vm AND HPoshsa a oons iJf . TH'I HTATt. ' Hnbher aad Leather Belt lag. Jl'LlUSLKttl0O., wytll '.sUb-axh, M-,"C. A 0-JOd Cook. Apply to ' .-. MRU. K. W MlLLEB. ssp J tf " " ' - ' Hardware House of , , 1 LATETELE(iRAHIlCKEWt . . - MAKKKTS. Ntw York. Hs-nfeniher A Cottoa stetuly.sHw I AM bale. Flour Mmctiver, utirbauged. Whisky 1 1. Wheat la wtiver, stiads easier ; winter red weetora SOtnu. (Won shade lower. Rica fair, SI Sat 14. Pork quiet Lardaabade Hrmer. Navalsftrm. Tallow no hsngrd. Freight firmer. Money &ad. Starling St 8 B tit. O.Jd 1818. OoTeromeam l-S S 14 lower. Southerns dull, heavy. Utkbmol, Sept. S. Cnttoa opened strong ; uplands 10 I t a 10 1 4, orleaae ID I S. Breadstuff quiet. Latm. Cotbw atnwtg ; nplaads 10 1 4 ; Orleans 10 S S a 10 1 . ttaka IS nwlaa. Red winter wheat IS ud t to It. Flout SO. Com t aad t to St. FROM U-UISVILUt Locisrn.LB, Sept 4 The potitiv rs fnsal of 0'Conor to aocept the aomiaatioa craah d a profound sensation, bat waa ap pUuded behind tb ropam, Th motion to clear the galmry waa hissed and witbdnwA. The President restored order by nf using to mcogniM any speaker antil til the del egates resumed their seals. ' LATCB. Them is current Ulk that if 0'Cooor peraista la declining tha nomination. Adam take tbe firet place. Tha tuuab ble ia programing over I be Vice Presi dency. Lelly, of Louisiana, read a radical eoas- municatbm lustifytair tha withdrawal ef the Louisiana delegation from the oosvsa tion. . : ... . (Jondloe, nf Kentucky, ottered resolu tion in effect, oppoeiag any aominatkm by the convention. ' The New York WtrLTt LouUville special ssyt to days programme ia to push Adam up to tba nrst place, aad aominste Lyon or-Egerton for Vic Presi dent. .. . LATarr. The convention haa adjourned without making any nomination ia place ol O'Uoo- or. The following is the communication, ia lull as presented by tb Louisiana delega tion to tbe national Democratic CODvea- tion, aa representatives uf tbe Democratic State ol Louisiana : 'A solemn duty i imposed upon us at this moment. In voting unanimously lor Charle O'Uonor aa the candidate of the Democratic party for Preaident, aad for John Cjuincy Adamt for Vme Praai deut, we believe that we bar repra- sented, so far aa individual opiuioa can be represented in the sggrs gate of a political body, tha true principles of Republican gov eminent. It cam oa us as an li ratioo that Charle O'C'onur and John (4. XAdania might aave tb republic O'Comir has ret used to be our standard bearer and history must pass oa but re sont. We believe him to be a cltixea, euiiuently pur, devoted to a repubiioaa government aa contemplated by Jetleraua and by Jackson, aud without osteutatioa when occasion reouiml, henriMU in tssiir- tioabf principles. With profound regret we I ave nesni epitneta applied 10 nun ay membera of this Convention, since his ab solute declination baa been made known, wmcncouiu oniy tie npptiea to uie atest ot men ; hvpocruic and oowardio wen st- trihuted to him. -We bet .ere tb fast hope of Republican principals ar with this (invention ; as it 1 s mutter of utter indif ferenoe whether Grant or Greeley succeed, wild au nea.ru we loraane toe oeatn 01 tne Democratic . principle and Republican government. Let us pray to Ood tbat th impeuding revoliilkiu may tM without blood. We cante hen in a spirit of frater nity and in that spirit we part from th majority of you. Tbe Convention before the deouiicielioea of O'Cooor wen uttered had not In our opinion exhausted all be coming mean of prevailing on him to ac cept the distinguished honor tendered 1111. . - ' Oentlemeo, w leave you witb the pain ful. conviction that w can no longer ssrvs our common country, our State or our principles, by remaining with you. Higned, Dsvid Scrully, K. C. Kelly, U. Lair, ou beball of tbe delegation from Louisiana." Immediately after th adjournment of the convention, tbe delegates m assembled a a mass meeting with J. Bayard, of few Jersey, in Uie chair. Mark M. Pomeroy, Oullady, Weanu, of Georgia, and others, made speech, and a telegram from Atlanta, Oa.. was read announcing street aoihuaiasm in tbat eitr over the action of tbe convention. The following disiatcb waa received from John Qiiucy Adanis ; ' Vomer, aiaa.. Dept. a. To Col. Blantoa Duncan, Louisville ; I will gladly serve aa Vice President wi.h U Conor, but will nocept notni..g sis. O'Coaor must positively stand. ... B'Ki. x . Joam Q. Adam." The fblhrwing 1 Goodletl's reaolutloB 10 full: ' - ' ','. HnoUO. Tbat it is th aanee of this Coovenuoe tbat Chaa. O'Conor, baring fully and heartily approved of the objects and purpose ol tbi Convention, and fcsMSmyiaia fretidept, ana Juhn 14. Adams, of Mass., Kir VicePrestdeHf; that tb delegiata Or De id acre tie party ben assembled an un willing to make otber aominstiou I their Mead, and that the Democratic party will giv them, ia any event, aa undivided uPPori ' . 1 ..'... 1 be Convention refuaea to allow Cot. Duncan to Cast tbe rote for Mary land aad Texa .- . i-.'-i Goodlett's resolutioa waa adopted, yeas 944, noes SO. After th usual complimentary resolu tions, tbe Convention adiouroed sia. iit. FROMBUROPK. Paaua, Sept. 8. The Emperor of Ku sia, ( rarwitch Atexaoder, and the Grand Duke Vladimim arrived at Eastern Hsilwsy atatioa at a quarter peat two this afternoon. Tbey wen met by Kmperor William. Crown Prince Frederick Wil liam, Print Frederick, tbe oa of th Crow a Prince', the Grand Oukes of Mecklenburg, Baden aud Weimar, tbe Dukeol Cobuig and a large number of other German Prince. The Minuter. with Chancellor Biamarck, at tha bead. tb most famous General of tbe army and the chief dignitaries of th Imperial Court wen also present. Tb (ar, on. alighting, aalated and em braced Emperor William tn a moat ear dial manner. The two Emperors entered the .Mime carriage and passed aiu ft jyr tbiong'i tbs struts amid the cheers of an imuK-i se ' multitude. All tb Princes, Duke, Generals aod OMrtiere followed, making a king snd brilliant procetsiim. Tbe im prrial carriage bpped at the Ru- wsu Kmbassy, into wlikli tbe Kmperor Ab-isndrr was conducted, Loanoti, Sept S. I be telegraph hasadr vioe thst tbe Ometa Arbitiatiuu hs reached so dctliuite dscatiun. beu 7, 1872. .7: !v.-A-:-- NO. 2. , , LXB TIK VAMFAIOM. "T, Wt WILL FUKNISat THE SENTINEL Tor 3 Ilontln at Tea Focxosm RATE: V Dally on copy,' I copies each, t 89 Semi Weakly on copy, $1 ts 1 II V:7 I aopiea each, Weekly oa copy, 10 copies aach, . tti vz VBs win no T' st nsnwwkn -: ;.. I-. ... "S S-i I., .-...ft. AT TBU RATI. Our frienda will greatly abllg aa by Interesting tbemaalva la ADDRESS, kali 1 a, x. c Aag at, UTA Cotton Press. V 1 . SAND TOUR 0RDERJ IN FOR THE IM X-.... . -....,.7 . rBUT emtsT .... .J,. . Ore ttlsy Cotto Press." THB VTl.IT COTTON PRESS, ae waH known, sud wlik-li mtv satlrs aatifsrtloa ror ins nsst taste sesaoua, eaa D ooutinsd ns 11 uanraivemsnta. at at a Hsteisrh. 1 hi Is sa " turn at Jbawr, w bonny all trictiua Is BVcnms. It at aiasi.llctty, Kooa- eauf aad DarsbUity sstnalsk all wbo sea H As th asuee sa bhat a sewer to slmnl loaat as ismilnK as eaae tAwpwropnsied Tha strata la wholly burns by tha IM , Foilowtr Block sad twe 1 M In. sqnars a am, wiwoa are aauaMs at austainis: s larbt uf IUb.0"U aousuls: tha tivinc uiseh fxom strstigih tuaa Is rsqutrad H UA ssw I sa ewaaes eiaf Jty tjT ewsstt uae assa aaa a we wen, enry raqmnag longer time. it eeeapl' vsry anmB apses, "and wan be so pisosd as to receiv Uw Urn tiirw-l from ths Uia or Llnt-huum, s may bedeairrd. tba elngsvnsy wtth bsskata aid trsuwaat Band line ol ths Lint, It to Ifatbt ia wsfarktj oaa be take down and pat ap la Duaaiaalss, aud eaa as traaaportad en a two-horss wagoit. I believe It to as uaeqaalM a aay Pr tor JWsr, tsnmsiiins tmA VmtnUty). . Frass eompleiej Uepih of Uolloa Box I IWt; aa of Sals, t i t bst by MiSHiDu weigni ui aaw twutw poena. . .:' T. tL BRlOaa, ' Mtaafaotanr, lUlalgh. M. 0. ' UFBB TO , Jade' W. B. Rodman. Wstkhcton. N. 0.. Judge SupisstsOoarli Major W. A. Blount. Wsshnigloa, N.O.; C. H bloo.tsr, Far a Ma nila, N C ; W 0. Troy, FavsUevllle, N. C. ; B. P. WbUlamson, Rslekh. N. 0 1 Taomss B. kJirldcera, Baielgb, H. U.tThumaa Howls, iHsletgh, N. 0. i Cspt A. B. Anuraws Hen eerawa, w. c, auuerm'enueni n. a u. a. a 0 1. 1 . H. JolHMoa, t'Uutoa, N. I). J. tier soajsnsius, naiiania, n. J. ; arsret nmua, stocky Mount, N 11 , J. tt W ilder, Frank Uatoa, N C. ; Job F. Fort, Forsetvilla, N. V. it f. Bynam. PilUboro', N. C. ; V. U. Atwstsr. FlUshW. N. CI. 1 Dr. J. W. Jcnes. Wake eouaty, N 0 ; A. H Dewar, Waks county, N. 0 i B. B. Pogaa, UlUaboro, N. 0 , aa si am 0 r ART M IIIHir a have aasoelsted oursrlrst under the trm asm of W1U.1AMBOK, UPcUURcU THOMASforUispurpuaeof aeinaa Whole sale Urocary snd Oommiaslua basmess In this rlty, sad oBer oar servaeas o oar old rrienda aud ths people generally. Uftlue gales Boom es Martin B Irani, nearly oppusits Citisens Na aWmsl Hank aud llrneral W srebonae near tie' pot of North Oarvbas Haltroad Company. .. . a r. vtiuJAMiwiv, W.G UPCHURCH, - I- " " J. J. TUOsiAB, Jr. ssptdlm . . NortaV t'arollns LabiI Corapani, ESTVBLIHIIKU FOR THB XraJLaportatlon and looat ion NoBfBBBB. CaHADIAM ABB KuBOrBAB ' Bam.Ba.' ' ;ni : 7'.'"'.';"';" NORTH CAROLINA, i ' . ' orma .. RALsmu, y. o. IW IB Company ass been In sseeessfnl ops ratloB fur aesrly two tsars, snd will v t UanetoBuv, BVU, Latss or Rest RmI BsUte, upon etHamlaalon, or otaerwlst, oa tba stosl favorabis sarin. Parties havlosT Unda to U will la it to Ihslr Interest loesll at oar ottoa, or cut respond wlta as, at oar faclUUw lor tailing an mersssln avarv dsv. . Lsnre tracts divided Into smaller am tnen by rsuilered sslesbls, Tbs Prseuiaul sad thractort of tbseomuau) an wall known ; and parties mtmaUuc ban boss la their hsnds, have tba Beat swsarana that Uwy will be fairly represented. Loans upon mortoiute of real satste are ne fo isted bv tbs Company, la bekslf bf gluh etplialbrl. Appliostioiit in invited, sMtlng dssortplioa snd bteaUoa of property, value, smouut wanted, aud other ameullal psrUetilsrs. For Bala Pre-paid tickets froa sny part ef Earops by the Ail an ,m of itdamen from Livsrpoo, to Noifou. Viiyina, Aduram all eoauauauasuoa to "Th Moral Carolina Load Co., or to W m. bVott, Secretary Mover, cai ixiss, rre. Wm. Boorr, Beo'y pmacToas t . Out Geo. LittU. (lea. BV F. Hoka. Hon R. W. Best, Pr. J. B Ruilih, Hoe. T. L Cua' man, wo. Scott, tea. . t jij i-oswir . JEBIOENCE FOB BALK. A larn tad ral sable residents m the Ess tern Ward, only a abort diaune from tbs I apltoL For particulars spply I" aug 7-U . . or T P. OCVkkRIJX. Y I04IA Cuttox otMB.' ' '! s' -' . fSIOSt MMDU01D. , taking order for. tualr , "lAlitA 01 Nd llli ail the late liDprovaweuts . Telbosswbu bar ascd tbaas (J Ins, they Bead so rseomiasedatloa, aad to all o Uiere ws only my that wa warrant vsry Uia to gtv snilrs satlsfseUoa Piie rsduiwdWaewi la 1st Saw. aend orders at ones to secure bets ktiim. .-.. . :, . AM& at. luwcirs, aagM-tt '.', . .Agent, A M T I 0 By s Lsdy, s graduate ot on of ths (rst Is lUtuitont im Vinriuls. a ailsyadoa ss Teach-. bae will give iuttrsciioa ha sll ths hiKber Kb- fluk Brsoebe and Mattaeessiict usieuier witb reach and Msila. NO iiss tueeemtully tauiibl tor a aamber ot jrawrs. Moat ot the Urns smiioyedto tsks chares ot Boardtna; m-baoh.F'ST Immsdiste refarenee apply. to CapC Joha J. tray, WsyUuilatinis;, Culp par uoub'.v v irginis. inner win ue ipveuH Address Miss Areas Mewtea, king sad Quaee Co., Vs. .- . , jlj lal mawewe , . . . , QOFARTNtRSH IP NOTICE. t avs tbls day sasoetstad wttk me at' the Mrwntils bu.inras F. K. Roeg and R. J. L'LLY, Jr., tbs but nsss totis cmrtocU-d aa der tbs name and style uf R. Jv llLcf et l.O R i L1LLT. FsyattsvUle, N. fs Sept. a, isu tklL AUO WINTMS DST GOODS. Th aadenbrnsd sxtieet to hava In store V r the iaStk ins anl. Ur snd writ Srleetnl rto-kot 111I ti(Kli, Hal MiMlKSaiid BHUKS, RkMiV MAUK CL'iTHlNu.H t bhkl.i.AS, NiriOrt. dte.. wlurli tbav tn ired Jonuuur snd tV-tailin at vm-y hwM,niatl prbwe snd oa a.cominotiiUn terms, ltir ail- nlWs of Country stort bsuit tud uUlert i utttea , , f-;- B. 4. IJI.LT A CO., 1 No. 10, iiay rt , Iroe tfVint, sep 4 wis . Kajtitieviue, C KPECUL NOTICES. BA H'S HALS STB Thai splendid Hair Vf is las best tn tb wurw. iiarmleaa, MiA,ta.iWu,iia,4.a proOno. paraiyaia or ifcwlk. AtwdUwvwanted wd delusive pmparaUou. boasun- virtue. -, do not ptaMa ,the gmtma, uf ft. A. bi, t, tor-e Haw Ufa aaa bsd M yrV iui-m..al rtiwlouua as npaotd tt luuvnty aa tb cwie perfwi Maw OfHifk or brvw. td lir ail Orwirtat. Avij at id Road C M . aWTBs-dl ON MAREJACE - HA PPT BRI.ira In. T- u... a . ejects of fawn snd Abases ta early IK 1 " and remarkable rentdiee. Booka aod Cuxw- " v m waioa ativtwupcs Aditnua. Iiilaaui .... - ! u Suaib Niaib at., Philadclphsv p. " U.STROM AO hi GROCER. . Basoahand new tokk daisy botteb, - . ,. , PRIME FACT0RT CHEESE, y PATAPSCO FAMILT FLOPB, ' SMOKED BRIF and T0N0UI8, SOUTHAMPTOH BAMS. ' CHOICE BU0A1 CUBED BAM, - ' KDAM0HEESX, CHOICE GREEN snd BLACK TEAS, BAKU'S tie. I CHOCK0LATE aad COCOA, OLDOOV. JAVA, ' I ; . v : . I'M- LAO VIE A and - i i. . i KlOCOr-JJta, .r " ' .,'"'' PICKLES and SADC'ES, ... MUSTARD aad SPICE 1. COTTON SEED MEAL, WBEAT BRAN, . Not 1 MACKEREL, - No.IFRBaH.MCLI.ETS, ROE tndCUTBERRMNOS, SHAD R aet- IT tf Q.KAND T0UBNAMRNT. '.. amo : CORONATION BALL ' . a-7.--- BUFFAL0K BPRIN0S, August 38, 1873. SIX K.IIUIITS from North Carolina aad alX KNIGHTS from Virginia will ride for tbe honors. . On tbs Wth August MASQUERADE BALL will oft T. FAXON. aug ItLtlllaugirT Proprietor. Ous Superior Curled Hair Mattram. seps tl. W. U. JCNU ACO OSADALIS rpill CRT 6onTBCR.S I rfmcdr lorthveur ot b.ro tuU, irfifulowi Tftint. Kiittumm- tu, nwrroui iMbitiiy Knit mil dut tAlMUalVI HrfJ OlOOa . Th laTtts)0)ttii T.!Mhlprwrm ticaaro to witkMui4ii a painr Mt4jpa WU( IM'RtUfT to rwnilltal t h rUfFe thitiiMirtti44tli art m) y a? i iiwuvt fivtrik ft Pn-fK of this nMUriuAMjui.g tawir Mut,. uf lmuf IsstV'Vatt, 1 1 1 , Cfrtiirt AW Mn bm Tvitit4 from matir IstbMtiiia ffiyirtAtii, Wini-Xtrt ttn4 AsMkiti, ilamiti' ihniHieti'Mii VjuU, tHiaiirwki.jf h. tit Ills' tMOUB Ur. M. wVlltma C'irrot K.lMmorw My Aaa Uaeti it in r l f-rn(W U kJAfl OiiHst lilsjajHaMtaj Wit aalUL Ai aaka .l.'tOfL, sUr. 'jT. 43. Fmurtk f BtltiMw. Mt Wt If la Mil tMntmaj ault'rin' r .... .. i .. . .,:aoV tow,w.awM, .s .shtwM . o ) UV Innirr Urn 1 1 nt ihm Hif. mnm W. i .HiitrajiN-riNitt4 va ! tatf be-a. tw. tniii'i. iMitur-liUt-tl bv if fl't II. Ht tM.eVffulIf - aj-lM It 11 its ii hit lrtt.Ot fc, qHllitalai fnV. I 'rUN(B., lrv(fKiatt. t d'ew. ioftw. lii?, i., a ltAtt.VstrktaBlM.it.-'. (ft t'ttf tWitttw.'-ftnn, i B-HI'I its. aHCaVaaal ., MnK' 1 Hinsa, taiyn H CLU htiu u IttTtlMtallaM WIHFti all taa) MlMtl. i4t.lM h4 tl -'riUMi i. prTr tPaUMHt U l)1franfiUlt BjFt) jUUf.HsiMirt' um 01 f rrvc Kaf!, HJmw it Ui v i t'hyHrtan ! H Will It'll )'MI II if t-imtafMMtT ol ItsS HrHt.'i ln"i;wi that M4, nd !.(. Xi-ttiiwnf Hitw-j 'Uf llla-r. aJiai ettr a.tmil W sj Uvtirf futtftn II tvu(h tui4 rt.- 'iiiil'CiiUd HlUr Jsjuuauiy Ot Oy, ry uVtlitm. kuatwUIif u A4 hj ftll ITtMsJi'iwt-fc CtKHEXTItirOet Bj.e,TiHUHI, fioU Tt pruiwt j Kt. A Coufrna Vi Art, iWaaa f'f. W J a ay EN C E R I A X Double EU.IIo I steel ito: rftpiiii- Id ! owm t thi-tr tt-fi. il '. ur'tur Tbtyftif $uw?Ur I- rn-iifti .1, vnd r frwnon for th-'-ir t( -isiu ti i-r . , fMld AVflt.lWfM Of fitik hr f fwt' ' -J tar (AJ ounm ttwnty oj'tr-, ,,- .y s-u S try tArn, iU md m rr. - , (, &w t k IVU80.5I, BLAEfMA Titl. -' A t o Hi

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