THE SENTINEL. JOSIAH TOMEi lr T.Ailrm. a to T 6. EIM 3S3URT, Associate Editor. tt.INE mv MEPTrMttaR IS. m. IWIIOkCJSDIDMES. oil iin;iiii:i HORACE GHEE AF NEW OKIw - nc:.vrz brows, or- bi ATE 1 .T"H V4 TK KKT. i '' at at, a '- ' t H J"1- ,f Tirrtl. ! ' ' , W, of Jotm.uwi. 7 V ',' t l fTWcM' a ywm TBinimtrrrt. 1 ' lit Orrvin Oa. of vbowe, . td,Jvrirr Oaii.wwaT.oI Greene. '- Id T C. f " ' ; :t "f Cumberland, , 4ib H. A. Lom ... !r.. of that? tb D. F. Camwjla., of Guilford. ltd W. L Ftk of Richmond. ! 7th F. B. McDowbMj, of IredVtt , F. 0. eWtrVrWi of BuflftXnhi" In ail auliucav cimwia prtovipio tboki Id gorara bhtb Ib their ai(u. It ia a low BUadard i.f poliiieal nifnlitf tba toVratea kIB-.Ii or peraal cooiJcrauti U a auatur in whiefa (h ru iotraai'r tha CMintTT la lavled. '' Wbw eter cut Uwa Uom ptwta pi a4 aboea off iau tb wide and waalufal ocean oC ptUcal cbaaca aad prrauaai pmlmnmrm, tbof wih aU-rn nan dagooa curtuat. apjl but fctauar aa kca . They maji ride t ea Mp'i) k,. aeeia'tke bit few of pnapwrity aa b yg 4t nj capi tire sow auj then a ' ricbli kdea argoae, b aooeier e Utw they wilt rua apna atriaa . bidtte tuck W ba daabed apoa aneae peril, me ahore. ZT ' Tbe oelj true aaM; ia ia sticking la tb ahore of prtncJphi." Tl)"0nlj genrjiM . koBor k ia doing right actiag Ihn ptu. froud rsififictloB and belij jfn ferned bj tba higUeat and ' awei firiga utmieea. Vhca tbe daatinlt of couutrr are al auka, . blgo-minded bmm, nitat be goearaed M' , b i hWr d tM W thair deciaeiuB. A aiaa tbua laOuvaoed baa tb reepect of klowelf tlii appruba- tiua of hit own eonaeieaca, and raa weU aspect die approbation of the All Wine A eaaa tha led nuf Ir "too noble ft cbaiacteit wbo are to be aaWy' truated in luae ol deworaliuuioa aird aaunnal de waeltT. Th 'knave, ilia amuhtebauk, .buimawreaa with th facUI't .f tfc aiuowlcos siuuute hu u.'lor,, ir witb the agility of art acrobat diarize bta pwit"U With hi aeitftwiao chtmp, and he asaa Vud bieuppl nature to iwiuiiiiidutt biroevif to rb tinea. It ia only (he oiao tit priucipl wuo t diut and uuiobiuig and who ' ' ,," v .' W uld ant I.Hw K ni i' hi trident, iti J tu uu yoarer w iuuaam-r'" . j The beat thing ttwt Hntiu.rt(i phitneo pber, Fr.oklio, ever aaid, we ''Leflioo ut be a U brtll of hf ami 1-bnt lie vidotly, a theoBt. t aboiii lioiifiid tbi tu nioDt-y mattnri Ctow much purer and aoblet m hu it (ueanlng tk a ider weep and ppH lo p')iuel Irant action f i.' '""', i,!,r?'f"r-tC. Tb day of hero worabip ha goo by, and wen must b Jtidirtd by bt they aay asd d. Tha character of oteaiat ). brought to the light and be crutiuii:d cI!t and 1m so IudBreL wa aiwat jt ..t l i a ma. bocauae a t our pwauoal l.frrite. nor moat w J;t bltnelmply Iwaw e bara 'a pewuoat aliborraaoa ol I lin. It w artr worthy' of Jte name 0t JiUi. r c .o-n , RptiUlkna (aot epu .u c ormnusrle) e hac Bled Tiea tV f)bde 'policy wbtr jueawre ar beet ior tbe oooBiry. aad w ahaaiiaaaaptj I n uiao oDly ao far a be reprweiit andj .ifl promou thoea conviction ani vieW If taia be troe, and wa jmagine or ta-j leliigil Blind will 'qoietioa ft, thea wet muat decide between Orh-y n4 Grani,; otaaiawho ia tha b( at ; k who tb 'mora brato,'' tha inore: fetartr and tbaaaof -rkauaaary, tortaaae I ur!y very (up(.a4 coni Juatiuo but who represent more nearly the gnasi ptioe-f 'jm tot which w eonleed that lie of policy In which the Boirtb i most aWry nterr(d. - W da not advi. you I ' aaa of .virtue and toteiffitv-wt waa t "A, .'('.' t1) yt-trf rew,ey more tliae' wj would inaiat that yoa sappnrt a aiaa who Is aviliaia snd pmieaasatu be wubyou ia, weatimeni la tb I case, ,;wia-pofj , eiioa are raiuelem i yoa .owaot truat blm,; k-Mi h banchrcter.(4,M (j, j -- Wbatweeey ta, that, yoa.-must vote ' fr.,-a pr!nfij! for tbe Ban 'whom you can ruly a ana tseeaua uf hi, virtue and homt', is 1 n ho ry .hut.u, mil will carry ttm tae putnu vieWe tut which yow so ti'nuuire!y . C'ifi:euX .Mere protect-, ' t i "d prntuiav am nothing eiwuatata- 1 t i s ; r.4 ' i..v.L"r a .cliaractin for; t ' V ", ll)n'f,,, :iesae4 virtu, ffo ,f t.rf- tAocai.uidaieabutiitetiie Aiueriuait fir toe Prrwifvoty, who more tii-i.r-y trptmraU JiMM views I JXj4 C ..-nne n. .u p' wr, or prfley tbe taa of peace f . We cannot now go iuto tb ir recflf'ia o their , pi i.t positions. T' U know how Grant peraecated and aooaed tb liouth you kiiowl) iw be hJ iw Be n kBOftfl life; yoi tth i. tsi ia,- be rej araateti the aublin monty ; yon Jmo- story ol bi NruiiiKM, iuun rl I i ! ..! lo'bonfnd truth i .,tt krtv. aa miJk HaiaO Caa ,d in any promiaw he triaj metre, br'ln; any pt.,;.!v.!.Ui. be ta fchef, U I fOor .. ... vn. anJ tan not be trusted. Bn 7., ..rd as Preeid.-ot ia bad, bis prl a'.-j'., i M . ere 1m i : , ii5 lathe ! ,i,d. of '-d-j'i.el. d' .'0;rir men afltj y at eitui.t)t uat bun. IwH'lr. lie prifp fil le4 tie pruteeaea Vt reieetflt are not sir pria-jolea, 1 - Oa th other banrl, fii. 'i eh iraciei D morality, virtue, home- end truth above au.DW-ioe. Ha baa e-vr be assailed in thoe prt.icurs Mir nioel anacrupuiHi advrrrlj He 1 atom aqusn-ly up. plstf.-tm of principle. that Contains every m .f.hievr you I hat aa in the Plat lor m nf 1808 up. which rVvrnour, amtrBlair ood, tut whom you Voted o wilbng'y : pltfm lloo that waa adopted ' most b'-eilily at Mimhi -f very fcwK- aowvcutina oomposcd exclusively W OM Dent. erst and Whigs, the 8ulh having a M repnacBtatioa. Tries are facts. Greeley repr.s. nt your principlestlie principle! yousre now contending lr honesty iu tha government, retrenchm-siil, reform, lecoociliaitmt, retortli. pece, regula ted constitutional governinenl, hcal-aslt ;;ovemnieni, tha supremacy or tlx cifii .ver insanitary. For all these great aiu.iul.adrw.k-r ta a clioeea chara uoo. FofV ail tbaat great t rin aaeif by kinLai liunl h ahowa hlini hia ihr aud a half- nl, to bv tlx mtmj. Fr wo will J mi t i For Uw ruaa uf Ut pea, or lb mao of ib woid Fr tlx man bu reprmraia jour ! 4 w ("f; fhejijBhaUa riMd.b tle4 liana of iyr4j la criitb and brntk ihoa priucipla iatodttat Mad BotliioKiinH I AimweT tbcaa quea it ion at ibvpulla in Kcmauber. and nj rte All Win grant unn jou wiadom. BKJicr sums The roviig Head Centre ia atill upua TiH" traiel. HeTSBd hi Cabinet bVr wo roving about tor months, Ibey huh to lake a peculiar delight to every- jthing leV but . tkeif laguimata, work, jikait h'iiill baa beta all jrtt.iumaT at Long Branch ith such M jl.tws asthere do Congregate; whilst bis saocistes U tba govi-ruaieot have waa dared Irian tbe Atlantic ta tbe Pacific, I root Main to Nrilh Carolina speecb isaking aud sowing the dragou's tettb 'of discord and alienation. After the kalends of Noviiniber they may condescend to rove to Wa hiiigton, there to remain for a few in .ntha, ami) Hercules shall come for the (learning of the Augean atables then 0 sieat will'eflectuslly ubsida and nNirr upon the fortune be baa obtained through ,ifU and apeculatfodf ; Bout well will go back to MasaachusetU with a badly dam iiged moral character, and delightful De- Ltao will go back to his home to indulge in horrid blaapbemiea and stele jokes. The New York Bun (Oreely paper,) baa nominated the prince merchant of the world for May. of New York, Alex. T Stewart. It says that it believes that he would accept lb office. He would doubt- tea niak a moat efficient officer. Tbe imposition -rMfc: Norte)- m ibs to t to nominal men of alvaoced age for offlce. Di Is over 75 -O'Conor 1 7, and Btaw- artlsovsrOA. " f. a; , f7TT"d - . . ' Tb telegraph baa brought th news ofi the death of Archduks Albrecbtof Aus tria, ana of th great Archduke C harles, who was probably the ablest commander who ever opposed Napoleon with the single eineption of Wellington. Tbe Archduke Albrecht waa regarded at the first soldier ol bit country, being the only Austrian besides Raditky, who bas born tbe tanners of th Hotue of llapaburg to victory, since the days nf tbe great Napo oo. II was in bis 55th year and died at Vienna, II. s country ! ber chief hop in th hour of battle. ' - Tb Orsnt ring suip at nothing. Tbsy are bow Issuing fifty cent notes that are said to be substantially counterfeits, and are so well mad as to readily deceive the Ignorant. And what do yoa supposs is their Durpuss f Th Botes are la fact a camualita circular containing an attack apoa Greeley and Brown. Tb whole set engaged Ihi thus itniiaiing in currency oi th Country are evidently trying to break into tb penitentiary, and w bope they!. will succeed. Tbe Ring eontaminste every thing,, a (tb currency of tbe land. '.- ' . CA&SOTB IAMT. 1 W are Indebted to th Asheville CM for tb following very touching and eiegenteitrnct from the speech of Fst Car row, tbe Marshal, ltdaserves aa immor tality of three weeks, so hand it around. ;Tled and circulate,"' ; ' " Tha Democrats only take Greeley aa an m&Vtwnw i tpcA as AthUI. W have a faint idea that Carrow meant ifMose, or untie, but as be speaks a ttwos '" "ru P""J ,M-aa a.1. aaaASill aarntaa a neuFn,'iM Mrtra'jfff - Loan who would write great poU must live it. . 8o a . Carrow is familiar witb Milton, h may have intended to say that honest old Horace' life bad beta a grand one a vary j--nd so the Democrat tsk him. Waa that your cue, Fatty I Eh! - - -A TO POSTMASTER GENERAL . .. v;frt .vft.ejnrt.t2 CBEBv , W have t wnrdi with you. Tba fel lowini 1st seci-nd tetter of' eomolsiot from Franklin. N. C, Tblrty-one InbabU i ants oi that town subscribe and pay tor the weekly. Tribum. , Tbe package of Irii it well wrapped and securely tied, but on Its wsy to iu destination it appear that the bundle is opened and a packages of the New York Timei, frank id by John Pool, Inserted. Can yu af ford to allow tbe mails to be tampered witb in thie manner I, I i ; To tSt Editor atht Trtbvtu. 'Bis: Is my Utter of about tbe JOlh rilt. I am not in rroror mistaken. 1 have made close inquiry, and tha Post tAMatae AnaArma all. I hava aaid. The rV packatie came here ia usual form, but torn open on oe eoge tne wrapper turn on on edge. About the middle of tour pat-ksK aom 10 copies of the Nee Yoik-7 ej' oairi.aut'k ia. Thau your weaf,er rse-u a, a wail as could be too sinslt bw, snd all tied ' with trortjj twin It made an awkward pack Ki tbe Times being folded op ia 4 ahap nearly square. Your i not au, t he 7M waa under John Pool's frankj P. C. y.iton, Pattmuter at this place, and iuj f, ku'.w all I ssy to be true, Yours Truly, W. L. L". FaittSLia. N. C, Sept. 4th, IS7J. fPEB Jft frHOSrB. . COX AT THE KK.V LIBERAL RALLY IN -fJ.W MRU. 4 On. Gr nt st Lng Brarwh,' In hi "cotuiri l- Hi f " finoKhtrt-.J and Kr. iintweU at Un4on, Mx, claim tbatjhe? htlrpM off the nat..nal d. rrt fo the losir .,fi VOOjiWU bef anaoiu. I ai.eJI mm ... ana. fiaiht he ltiieea that cannot he c.liUiertu. that tftf pavinent f tbe public drttl, in tbe way It ha Oeeli d n. has jpreaeBted ia the ant place, the rasumtioii of our old spwe currpocy ; the usa tuu.l iu..nev ol Ho- Democracy ; the pe- ier irr ncy which baa btvn iudoret-d ale Iwl v by tne rnuaneiptna, tne ji.ciuoati, and lb- Ba'tioiore , i.l itlornu, aad by Uea, Uraoi hiuuelf, in In message to Coogieas two yuan ago; and wbea the commrn-fal men of this city aay t me tbat tbe etectioa ot Mr, Oreek-y will On turb tbetr busineas. reiatuets, btvause be iwiieve M a reeuinaboa of p ie pay menia, I' rrply tbat J, Grant basurged the same tbi.ig, but that his recnaimenda ibm bad oot emphasis enough to carry It through bi own Conu-reae, Tbey bs.i hart tb pwa t reattoie apijoie paynst-ni. They have -eolleruxl from the peope lurimr ibe bast three years ami a nan, in ike shape ot lasw. l,'IU,00J.l00. Where has st iio to - They say i twy lav paid it on the unbtio debt KMH, 14 !,, ap to St Db-mtn'r of thia vnar. aod they cairn tbat lliey s,vd i'J.SSO.uOO la Interest pa that suih. l ').;'L I Mow, I will show yon the while saving this t.ltj 2HO.WKI, w-lmrhTlor car -pot tion ol, eU.fJ00.wa. is M CenU per cspita, I has coat tue people l..w per capita oy the nanngeiaaeitol the treasury under rlf. Mont ell, who will not "ehak teantla cros the bloody r-haum " Ia the Ian three and a half era there have been at least. tl,7lM,000,OOU of i in polls into the iwunrry, ouwtl v into the port of New York, on wliiclt have been pain fiDoooo, UOO In duties, which, added to the amount .pMJmie All laaponaJloae ffnea abroiul a4 tbe' luties upe them nave to be pant lor in g ild. which during the tsat tbrve snd a half testa have averaged aooul li per cent, making IMO.200,000 which th po pi have, hail to pay estra ea tne articles ihey have consumed by reason of the In diffi ienoe, th iguorano-, or amnetbing wura uf thi niininistrstion. which has not had tbe courage to adopt the true Unsocial - p..liiy of this etry. This D4i),000,000, divided among the 40.0VO, Ot O iiibabitsat of this . country, gives tO per capita, which it, has coal tbem to eave Ml ccata per capita in inurea. ; tub oto ia The THKAaritr. , ' Thia ia a paa stateawnt of the case, and wtn-a Mr. Boutweil talks about pay ing olT the tbe public debt and having g..ld in th Treasury, I would like to know where th gold' ia Only llS.tHKI, WXi, of real gold there to day, snd I chsllenge any one to deojhtt. Tbe-rwa is ia golit certincatea, not me ota ctitna ol the Uemoerstio dav. Forty millions of gold crtilicalea, bold to pay certain accrued interest ' I ne money is am there. I will not say that this is a fraud on tbe people, bull will ay thia. that we need some reform, sntae leveatigatMHUiaul investigation than baa been had under the present Runpicm, and when ibe Liberal Hrpqlilican . aud Dcmticratic mnbioatioa cornea into power wa will bev sbet inveetlgattuaf and wilt renuly that which is wrong in our nances, our Civil Service, and Iu the military, Poet llice. aud ohct A peluiMi' 1'boBtt uiy friends, let the good mow of every party come forward ia on lid phslsm snd elect' ltflrar Greek , wltft his kind uenevoleot. heart, bi simplicity ol cliar scter, if you plesae ehii b is very much needed in high place with hie lank of all thia aiH'ial and p-.111 leal Jusketlng whii-h be been kept Bp by the ' presnot Admioiatratiou. We, the e,(MW.U0s of teioiH-raU, th bid reserve power of the country, will take him in our arm an I bear him to the chief magistracy of this country in tpitt of Oraul and all his min ions. Applause. . .' . aav- ,' A CiTiKBB Kiu.r m A Weix. On Friday night Mr. iaiur H. Adaina, who resides on Church riill, met death Under singula circumstance. At about 10 o'clock on that Bight ha' complained ol dizzini, and aent' tothe welt in the yard, aa was supposed, fur the purpose of bathing b s head ia cold water. A he did not return within halt an hour Mi family became uoe y, nd with Hie as Mataoc of .snme neighra strict search was made frr him. A light was held over the well, wben, fO th great distress of all, th body ot Mr Adams was discov ered st the bottom.. A soon aa pouble bs was eitricsied, but litis waa found ei tinct. His skull hud beo terribly crualied liy the lall and dieth waa probably inauo i aneoua. iAmea Ditpattk. ; A ..s. . A eable telegram, published to-day, conveys th intelligeoc tbt the Emper ors oiGrmani Austris, and Kusais have combined to ad via tbe P. 'pe to abandon the Jesuits, , Although the report needs roc fii mat ion, there are g.wd iWaeoet ft believing it cprrecinesa. There can be litis doubt tbat tbe pbief object ol tbe meeting, which we originally proposed bc!weeotbe Emperor of Germany and Austria, waa to devise a mutual eystem of paocedur In oppoaitiOQ to ,tbe, Ppa, uihoa desiirn both ot thoas xyereign considered It to thai internet to resist. It is not probable that this object was changed by tb subsequent accession of tbe I isr to the meeting, for his policy to ward the Poles, wbo are mostly rigid Catholic, comprehend oppoaittoa to their religion. t. TrOmm. 1 e. i T-. i - OBtTUARV. R.ght ltt-V Ifaoion Etat burn, U. 1)., whose death in itoatoa on September 19th ha been annooncsd, was borauaEugland Fvbuary 9th, 10L At a very early age he rouie to this country wfttt-niypgw'Wfr city. Me granuate.1 at Lanumoia iuMrge in 1817; and then eommeneed -the study of theology, lie a aa ordained in May, 1822, a a clergyman ol the Protestaot Episcopal Church, officiated a. assistant minister of Christ Churcu, of Naw York, lor five tears, and in 1837 became rector of tbe burcb of Ascen-ua, New York. He held his rectorship until December 98th, 1841, wbea he wa eoneecrsted As sistaut Isubop of tba Dioceae of Maaaacha aetm on the death of Bwbop. W. Gria wold, oa Febuary, IStb, and held this po sition at the time of bi death. Bishop Eastburn waa known aa'ea author, having published "Lecture on the Piiillippians," and a nttmber of sermons, charge to the clergy, ! sud literary addresses. - The nam of Char Us O'Conor has been, lately asedj at rallying cry in aid of the Grant faction, Xow. heart what Xharlea O'Conor, in hi last peremptory refusal to permit tbe use ol bis same, eay of Hor ace Greeley while In tbe Very act of op posing him f . .; ' ' I ; 'There isssid to be no Bt cholc pre sumed, and that of tiro admittail us it Is wilom toebooae me least. Ifsli this ware true, it should not result in favor of the Baltimore nominee. Of traasceudant ability, and of energy onequaled, thenj .1 ae room tor eomparieoa; betw a himselt and hi rival! justice and enmmoa sense forbid the compliment, acceptable;, a it simiiis. Utat he is little in suy tbiug ,. , , i ' . I II in V i . -A Now CiVtrtL.-We are gfad to eee that the pfew of the' State omords nf Rirbmoud am beginning to agitate the suliji-ct of a new capitol. We ought to have had one Ion? ago. It ia a degree of tb old ConiuionwemJth. we hope 'the vsiy lint cv of Ibe neit igi iurs will be to pese bill for tb errcuoe of a nw capiioL JfoaeaH QattU. Q0T. YA8CK AT LOCIsriLLK. T.At the Grand Peace Julnlee tbat re cently casae off ao brilliantly ia Loaiaville,, Gov. Vaooe awle two spnlieatb one out iiiiors on tbe first day ; tbe other at eight, in th Court Huuae, a trrweture, by the way, that la of the nx-del of our Capitol, but Briber ao larire nor so crfly. The Louisville Cunrirr Journal furbishes ua with the fol Inwiag olutliae of his remark at sight: - Go. Vsocr, of North Carotins, was in troduced by Governor Bramlctte, and ad dreased (be vast auiltituda. . i i ; He espresaf-d the satisfaction Bs enjoyed in visiting Kentucky end participating in such e aaagnibceot demons! return f inter SUte gdill and Mlowsbtp. lie bad at one Ume feared he should not be able to be present ea account of preening pco fieeional duties, 1 but baa deemed it bi duty to deter all minor connid. rationa and respond to tbe cordial Invitation extend ed by ibe commitu-e, Travelling unin terruptedly lor forty eigbt Hours, ne uad arrived her today weary and rea- uVred aliWwt , incapable of making a speech, but was ready to eirrt his feeble efforts in ad dressing ug the tbou to hear th sands who bad assembled to bear th present issues discuaeed. Hi introducto ry romarks were hers iaUirrupted by the moving of the torch light proeessioa, which now beuan it marcb down JetTer wn street. ; After it had passed, be re- i-umed hl rvmarkV, tW whole space to I root of tlie stand, from one eurbatuoe to tbe other and as far as the eve could reach, being on mass of burner being, eagr-rly listening to catch hia word. H said it waa aaked by aorue how be and tb men of the Sooth could support Gfeeley and Brown, flis rt 'ply was betsusetbey"" repreaeiited the policy of peace, Jus tice end the preeervaoon of conatltu-. tional lilwrty not only to tbe peo ple of the 8ouil, but of tue whole cuuot try Brufly and grwhically describing the eoaditlon ot bia owa tttal and that of Houth Carolina, be eppealed to those present from which ever aula of tbe Ohio ihey came, whether they would not, under fiuiilar i ircuinatancea, exert every effort to bring about a ebange lor the Utter, Every department 'ot tbe KUt ediuinie tration waa used lor the persecution of the pe'()le and tbe supremacy ot Radical rule. Even tbe courts of justice wer ne-re parussn instruinenta to further tbe political ends of the party iu power. A Radical judge, a Radical sheriff, a Radi cal clerk, and a Radical jury, were used and relied upon as tbe moat potest mean of oppression. ' But, sayjlonie. tbe principles of the Cincinnati platform are not Democratic. He denied it. The one idea above all others for which the Democratic psrty had ia times eoutcuded wa that of State rights. Prior to th war this term bad s different significance from that Bow used. The element nt seoeeaion might be said to haw euleeed 1"' it then. But that had been irrevocably settled by the war and relinquished. Now the essence of State rights wu; local, 'lf-gover meut the power to regulate and control the internal adminiatratioa of the State in accordance With the principle and rrquiremeutaot the Uoaatitution, free frm the interference or oppreeaioa of carpet -baggers and other than the people of the several States. That Important and, paramount doctrine he fonad in the Cincinnati platlorm, and ; reaffirmed-in Mf. Greeley 's leli o sc., eeptame and in hi peechet aince his aoa.iuation, Aa ft the pll.ree of tbat plaitbrm be proposed, and th whole Southern penpl prupuastl, to abide and sustain Ibem ia i-aid faith. Tb que ibin of i he negro atatu they regarlid aa settled finally snd forever. The, Thir teenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amend men's were a finality, and niton proposed to question the right ol freedom, citi aenahip and stiffrage conferred upon the iM gio by thrui. For himself, as many of those who suatained Greeley and Brown, both North and South, be bad been a Whig; he had been taught bis letters by his father from lb heading of ths old Na tional Intelligencer. But be knew enough no to know that there could be but lit tle difference between the views of Demo crats and Whips even from the old stand point as regards tbe present isanes. He aw. not where the plea of Inconsistency could be charged against any one, what overhis antecedents in time past, wtp now supported Greeley and Brown. Gov. Vance then referred to hi own course In ibe war; he had opposed the ecu n of tbe South In the Inception of the war, but had gone with bis State.and bad followed her fortunes throVgh tbe whole struggle sod since itaokwe. He had grieved to realise herfatr,aad had begun to gi ve up all hopes. A (Wait tiers man could make no headway in aa appeal tor relief. He was met with tbe charge of dialoyalty. Even a North ern Democrat could do little, tie was scouted aa a. Copperhead. Bat thank God. when the trial seemed daraest, bold and honest men fiom the ranks of the Republican party bad risen above the mere forma aud restraint of party, and dared tu lift their voice in behalf of re form and of jusi ice to tbe oppressed. Upon the mention ot the names ol Gree ley, Broan. bViiun, Ranks and otbera tne applause wa immense . Governor Vance continued to spetk in an eloquent and forcible juanner fo some time, the su dienoe listening inieoUy, and urging him to go on at an intimstioa that be was about to Che. HeBnallv concludi d with an eloqucut tribute to itentucky, whose people ever true to constitutional liberty, he begged not only to give Greeley aod Brown a routing majority, but to lead the influence ol her pe iKt-r to aid her weaker iter. He ciuaed amid the most aatbu iatic applause. . ' ' ' 1 . Attempt t Buna Ttta JsttOne TtanM liiahinsrt, a briaonev in the iail at ooThurwIav niiiht last, aud with that ob- iect ia view-, about U o'ebwk they set 1 tire to ihs jail. The sinokevtooB became SO oppreaaive tnat ina prwiwii raiaeu vua atarui, when a number of citiseas gather ed. who cut a hoti. iu ths ceiling snd pour ed in water until the fl tine werst extin guised. Noa of th prisoners escaped. i)uhm.n was on Friday started to Ral eigh, where h will tak lodging In the Penitentiary, to which be was last week sentenced by Judge Mitchell. -StaUnilU PmotoMM, . Rkhoochtrb, On Friday moruihg a peraoaal dilKuuliy occurred in front el the tumootoa House, ia this place, tietwee F. Brevard McDowell and k. B. Drake, Editor of tbe swrwam, in which the latter was decently pommeled, Mr, Mi Dowell uirW both a cane aud hi aP" b.m.' cwtaseiite fnttilitmut. Bai.b or Corriv Miks w ,Flotd CoimTt. f n valusble copper mine la ths County known as the t urkey mine w ot told by Mr. FV A. Winton to a Baltimore" company for $8,000. The Company hava aix months to test tbe ore, and have now gone to Work cleaning Wat the tunnels, than, Ac So tb old mine and ir surroundings will ere long assomf their Wonted bustle aod activity. riof CbstrtAssMs fetter as LfncMmrf Am. In tba Seventh District of North Caro lina tbe revenue collected amount to SI8.75I.59. For the collectioa nf this sum the government paid out $18,000; clear gala only J,731 5. la 1871 tbe amount paid ff tb diliectioa of taxes in th same district on eleven subject was $14,000.' Is 1S73, alter all but four of th.-se aulij'Cte wer abolished, 118,000 waa appropriated for tbe (emce. Thus wagol r ' Sj r-sVietSUilAAet : ffawWBwj j rW.'FlsBer wf Yale College bs writ- Emerwma promised volume k besj delayed by tba banting of hi bouse, e assy wot appear until Christmas, j j ' Km Emily Fsithfull lectare- mt the English poet wfon great applauee ftem tbe literary people ot Loodoa.. Mr. Calvert's fine book Goethe has reached a eooa4 editio, which I shows growing appreciation vt the' beet tliiogs ia Uleralure. .. . .. , , i ., C. P. Crauch'a tisAalatioB of Virgil will be published id oue Mj aJ actavo volume to correspond' with , Longfellow's Dent and Bryant's Homer.' " ' '' Ia Lord Di-iter's celebrated book, th pu actuation marks were printed together at tbe end ; Judge Dent has made s strik ing improvement, by putting th punctua Bos marks on the editor' bead. Se nator Tboa. F Bayard, of Delaware, is a paaw nger on the steamer Rhein, and expected to arrive on the list inst. Sell ator Bayard returns borne perfectly re stored ia health. -! The Emperor William of Germsny bs recently bought a two page letter of Geo. Washington for two hundred dollars. The Emperor Napoleon's jewels are be ing scattered over the world generally. A portion of tbem are (or sale in Bombay, held at thirty lacs of rupees, but owing to a "lack" of rupees purchasers are not plenty. , During the twenty or thirty yean Nosh Welatter devoted to bia dictionary a copy right of oue cent per copy oa the sale of bis spelling liook supported his family. It is rumored that Vice President Col fax is soon to become th editor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean. i. l. k..A ,k.4 u. a. ........ -Jia .mfiTrSvXneTl ed revising the seventh.' It will be ope of the miatt carefully edited senes or Doom ever published. run in iliitii, 5,000 vads or 7 SUMMER and FALL PRINTS mw STTxaa, W. R. A R. & TUCKER A CO aug t tf BELL SCHNAPPS, Bittillttt , kfytht Preprlttort it SCHIEDAM, IN HOLLAND. An Invigorating Tonic and MEDICINAL BEVEBAOB. Wsrrsnted perfei tly paps, snd free from sll deleterious subatancea. It la distilled (rora Bsblbv of ths nnst..guslltyt Ms. 4rW- atic Jusipsr Bbbbt ovivaif snd designed nxirHafs for cases ol Dyspepsia, or ladlges- tion. Dropsy, Gout, RheumsUs-a, General Debility, Catarrh of tba Bladder, Palm is ths Back snd Stomach and all diseases of the Uri nary Organs It gives grea' relief ia Asthma, Gravel and Caleafj in the Bladder; strengthens snd invlgura'ea the System, aud Is certain preventin aud cure of that dreadful scourge, fever snd Ague. . CAUTION! atu-"HcDso0. WoLrs's Bau. Scasarra." For aale by alt respectable OrOt-ers sod apothecsries. HUDSON G. WOLFE A CO., Sols Importer. Office, IS South William it, New Yerk. ui lUla "t - sua IChUis w A to 0 0 D WOOD A lot of Oak and Hickory Wood. Families lrlns to lay no a q uantity of Wo! forJ dealrlna to lay n staler ase can He supouea whb tus nest round aud split wood, perfectly seasoned, food in your orders at one, augai tl , a. T. 8TB0NACH, w. C. STRONACH cocEaom to a - W. C. Stmiich k CtH Orvetr and Cmmiuion Mtrchant DEiLER I!f COTTON AND NATAL STORES, ' Second Door above ' Tarboro Hons JSayXMeUM tit, SaUifh, IT. 0. tug s-tf .' r- -": D RI&B MAKING. MRS. R. . UPCHTOC? offers ber aarvtces to In kwUras of Baleigh aa nclu'vy aa ; MANTUA MAKER '" . at her resldeor aear tbe fonodry. Wort done neatly sad promptly. Tears of I peri sac aa Sued her for the aoeiUoa. .Fatroe age solicited. apr la-ttyV ' B H 0 T AND V PERCUSSION CAPS, BBIGGS SONS. Sep ; N. I W BOOKS RemlalMneies of aa old Georgia Lawvet Wit! HaiBirl Wiadom 1 - aVecdotea of tbe Oeonrut Bench and Bar- By Hon varneM Aadmwe(o ol tn m.) Price M cent per copy. Th Swamp OaUsws nitory of Lowryand aieawaup ugsls-i-iimeiratea. I- t ' Price DO eeot par copy. . New H mla A variety of late etorlei by popular aauuMs at J. A. JONES' Bookitors, ;.s Bslslgb.N.0. TJ-8. B. W. MILLER Having resumed la BHmageaaaat of bar ' ' BOARDINO HOUSE, Persna Street, re quests tb pursue) f bar oat taena sod . awt -., , i , ., V EW YORK Dairy Butter and Prime Fee'- 11 sorv vw aug aV-tf WhC.TBONAC& rpoB estMrseeeal jlyWtf U. i. a . 5 HA.NIWOMK FTRNTTTRK. " Berwaea, Vhat ItwC Ssttrasess, Bhaksta, -. . and a Verr aaauaoaw OtMv sa Tea Sett, Odes fiales, Te so OmmrX !", . I i j - also I Igonf MitcaOwwaa I Hsle. '55hVU -JB-14.JONO CO. -TTIOKfiALl. " (tones rtfwsr Jlara. .. . UTaS-tf' W.SiOWM0O. ' - ' .r "' S ' po1, jit. tMlee good Bay. -r .....VS a. a . , m loo St Sarki geea Whft-esJ,' ewtt No. i, M. V-t4eaaa, - )ly-tl W. H. UN KS A CO. 'II fm!'ivm m MVbM yr iijtt.;ijiwHi i- Bowens By MM, fact iveelvsd. Ormie quick or It will bs gone. ' ( ' July a-tf airSTBON ACBr AtBROr- o CB BOOTS AND SHOES GIVE BET- I tar k Olfaction than any others aprltf C. D HEABTTAI UGAKSI SUGAItSII . 6o bbls. all gradas Just received. jlyaVlf 0. T. BTBONACH 11, .VW lbs. Rio, Lagalra sod Jsts. jlyja-tf U. T. bt ROHACH. TOU WANT TUB NICEST HAT Fill the least money, corns to apr lS-ti C. D. HI.VRTT A CO, O T I C E . All parties wbo are Indebted to us will pleaae coma forward and settle their accounts on or before ths tat day of June aa ws shall make a ensag in our biiaiiieaa oa that dale. may tt-lf W. V. SritoNAAJU at Co.. UutlKu OUT SALES.. In order to repaint, whltewaah and rs- '., e pair our Store generally, wa will Sell our n on w M Thia Summer ' 3j - ocDross Good a, -v r jLM ? EXTKEMKLT LOW PRICES. j - ' a . y.v W. 11.11 S. TUCKER A Co. July 10 tf 11 ' "i'H I T Y COLLEGE. The Vail Term will commence August 14th and close Deo. lh, kU. Special iuduceuieuu are offered during th coining year. : ' hr Mnd for Catalogue. CRAVEN. JlylS-Tte V , JJ-OLASSES. bbls good, jly 2-tf 0. T. STB0NACH. F OB SALE. Rninrv Harnaas. Verv chean. lly tf -- 'W-H JONES A CO. F ODDER, OATS AND HAI. A amatt Aiifmlv InatmratTed llj Al-U JAMES at TOWLE8, ' .. Agant. J- 1 M E . L 1MB. A new lot received. aug Sl-ti G. T. STRONACH A BRO. I PPLE MlLLB,. .. - - .; Another supple expected by Brat train. Every farmer abouM hers a uf IS eat) mval- aols Mills. JAMES M. TOWLES, aug 81 tf AganL ' FULL ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS, Valises sad traveling Bagt eonataatly oa hand. ' R. B. ANDREWS 4 CO, Clot aj ass, asd Gikts' Fumauamia, Next door to Tsckar Hill, . Raleigh, Ji. C )aae 1-tf pEMALE HIGH SCHOOL, , CARY, WAKE CO., K C -'J ... The next seiuiloB will open Julv SI. 1?9 . '" Tarv b a Teift'TtIfm-'W'mY- Rsleufh, Imioediately ob the railroad ly on tneraiiroaa. of aea school lor sbwr i'suMts ta suaeea sirla are melted to esad fir a circular. fr . l as Macners nav aau sueceerut expeei re. Th rales ot Board snd Taifoa are perhsps eheapsr than other schools oSermg tn asm Ulerary advantage. x A. It. Jt IK nil 1, a- M., jly IS d-itw. , PrtncipaL pOR THE BEST rWOTS AND SHOES IN tin City lor the least money go to . apr IS-If 0. D. HEARTT A CO- F On Superior Curled Hair Mattnus. aep-u W. ri. June? A CO! T" I ART BARKER A THRILLING NR itl rativ of SaHv Lib) ia North Carolina by Charii Verooa, prie iWcenia. Santby aau oa reeeipi us pi iea. n. a:v hob, am., aprST-tl N. U wook Store. STRAIN AND GRASS SCYTHEA Vas east oa tbe market, mar b losad en sale at in rename uau. JAxKS M. TvWLKS, JUBU-tf i Agent JKOV!St NB. ao Boies Bulk Side. " ' 11 bus. Bturar Hams Braakraat atripa, . ,i W Kegs Pare Lard., . ' , . i) LEACH BROS PfHtf ... J.;' ", ' " - Orueent hrRAIN CRAJLE0tNDRAsSiH;TTHES est reesived at Eanners' Hall a larre mppW PJTZ, ?f Tk " ""ter RAl j OKAHLsA, sll warraaledmmveaatufacboa. and aoi at nalauMM' - I f i tHEimTiHoV job' orricE ..... - 'lw.' v ., , . "":.''. IS VEJIf COMPUtTE. 1 ' ' ; .." ". j W ' ""'Wi.. t ii mas'". Ws in vrafavsd to eaeeat In . t0Mi- !ata !' . 'I"'.' '1 ' ; Ca itylw, ' ." ILL KINDS OP PRINTING. i; . wa,,.V 1- fM ' I .1 ' DUE CIIABGES ABE VERI MODERATE. Wa bop our friends will send la . .. THEIIl ORDCU I "Whlt'S win b pruaiptiy atteaded to.'1 awy vti JALBIGH FEMALB INSTITUTE. Rev. Da. and Mas. Lact, Principals Assisted by a eorps ot experienced leathers. The fall SeasioB will be opened oa the IMfth July, sad continue twenty ;sekA , fur Circular containing partk ulars, apply to tbe Principal uua-i-- W ANTED, AGENTS I MO TO 'J60 PER month everywhere, Male and female. to Introduce the xsouiue iinuruVed at Alt- aHALL BC.WlNU MAt'HINK. Thia ma- rainf w in awtca, m, in,, in, k, hum, mm, cord quilt, aud embroider ia a moat auperiur manner, rnce, only ia, luuy ncenaeo anu vaimoled tor tve years We will pay lluuu for any tnacMne, hik price or low, that will aew a atrongt.r, more beeotlful or more elastic eeam than ours. It makes lbs ELASTIC LOCK-8T1TCH. Every second stltcb can b cut, aod atill tbe clot h eaa aot be palled apart without teanu iL We pay Ajreeutluu to t&U per moutii, and expeussa, or a commis si oo from wtucti twice tbat amount eaa ta made. For circulars snd terms, apply to orK adaraaa. a. marshXixaco. , . No. 10. Nassau Brum, A'w fort. Cadtioh. Do not bs Imposed apoa by other parlies traveling through the country palming oS worthless eaaltroa machine under lb ssjm asms or otherwise, ours is the only renutae ad really cheap machine Biaoufactared. H. H. Co. sp 17-8m. -A- 1 8 SHOES, GAITERS, UMBRELLAS, LADIES', MENS' NECK TIES, : . .and KID GLOVES W. fl. A a B. TUCKEa A CO. sugl tf QARBOLIC ACID AND CARBOLATK OF LIME Tb beat disinfectants In une. kei'Ommendnd by Bvard'itf Health through out uieuouutry. Wkoleaale and retail by the msnafacturers, Bai-timou COAt, Tab and MaKiir'o Co., IW, 8. Charles St, mayHS-tw SalUmore, Md. Q XFOBD H I tl rt SCHOOL , OXFORD, N. 0. J. H. Hobhbb aro R. H Obavbi, Principal Tbe trl nunirn of th Scholastic year of 1878 and '7a, will begia the 4th Monday tn July. Circular, settlnr forth the several courses of stady and otaar partieulara, asut ea ap- pucauoa. . - luaa ImwAi kdtra - TH WILSiiN COLLXGI riLjNSTITUTE, besid giving the most modern and thorough Instruction In the usual literary, artlstie and scientirle branches, bas a Depart ment of Domemk AVoRway and yimukurt for young Ladiea, and of Arricuitun, Uorticul rerv and Jmulogp, for young Uentlemen, un der th efficient control ol Mr. C W. West brook. Occaaional lectures bs Prof W. C. Kerr. TuiUoa from S4 to 110, and Board (bv eludior everTthiair) 1 15 per month niaVUlU HABSKLL, A. I M mar7-d3m x PrlncipaL 350 BCBH,U bolt,d W. C. STRONACH. augirTt-f ... aasSABD TODD, ED. SCBXaOK, I. A. AST, e Jwswwaejr Ke. efiaueaera. "Jstian, IsiaiNS fbdd Bfnml Fmrt'r A Vo. TODD, SCHENCK ft CO.,' Geuersl Commission lerchants, roa tiiMu ard roacaas or nBACC0, cottox, ejuvf, nous. And Merchaadiae of every description, 40 . LOMBARD ST., BBLOW EXCBARei rXAOE BALTIMORE. . ..' " , aVBABRCia: J.'G. William, Prssideat State National Bank. RsleiKh, N. C. , -j ; b. . Martin Co , Petersborx;, Va. ' J. W. Guest, Caamer Uaxeaa NaUoual Bask t of Baltimore. J. Sloan, Jr., Cashier Farmer and Merchant' National bank, Baltimore. W. J. Fairclota, tyoldsbro', N. 0 A J. Galloway, " " fob 10-dOra i QXFORD FEMALE ACADEMT. " ,, ... OiTOUiX N. C. ., , ; .';,f.; UJ EiM"'uA. ' '' Principal. Mrs. g. N. Msakt, AssoeiateX "m Mrs. W. a Moaaow Teacher ,of Mostc. Tha exeretaea of tola, ImutaUon will bs rs. turned on the Httth of July. Circulars wttb terms lor tmard, taitioB Ac Will rwfuruinb al ob applies' ioa. ' ' KsraaKRCBs: AU frienda snd pupils of the mie rroi. Bitcoell, of the University ot North Caroons. ' JuneT dA3m --i-i .- UCOEICE MASS STICK, - ITALIAN, SPANISH, GREEK, TUKKEtX AND SICIXT ... . ' FOR tBAtB BUT r . , ( ' HENRY M; MORRIS, , , o Importer and Agent forfe V. S. (tn d Canada, Ht. 73 Water Street, and 10 Old Silp, ' " . " ' ' " NIW YO.KK. , , . t , CERTIFICATK3 from the leaduig Manufaetbrsre In Virginia, North Caroline, Kor-Ji ' : ... Missouri, Jbdwua, Illinois, Ohm, New Terx, ad Canada. -'i,:'-' ''X xJ;'.-.:aS ,,, . . .. '., r , (, Warranted Snpeiior Powdered Iicoiio - A,xant for H. V IfnRRrs I wo. fa rak nia ire porta Uoot of Lkorto as seev prV- ejrdap, promotiv ailed from New lork - AT Addraa, sAMESFIBSSOM ASOMrSDetral1cui I toe penile, toal lawy have lust rivdTaw Lsux-a ol those superior Piano rortesol iba ItiBEAT tMONCOMfAJ.iort.SW Joka! Pasoureas l Uiw ipauy m law auaiwuf VkZ itaV asarbiaery and etlier faclliuaa, anaou toees to pet Uieir fiaaos at a saaek lowarraia liata any ether arst elaas -'liriaiiaL aa parsuba suoul to nrcaaa wUl Bad u sulcata laaar auvaabat u eaii asd sin -- fauHJ before pun aaauig slaewlMra. aead fur clrculai uj jams riKseoN mm, j Cor. Margetaadaattsburystesat. .mare-U . Baieiga, 7a ' ' -T Wei. P. a4 'Ta kV SMlJasmtaa, Graves "WarchoTnto, (i DANVILLE, YA. - , " a.. - i warn tbj Saul of lata txnuaiaa. "XT K Hav Jnai" pat aa addlttoa to ear ' V V Warehouse, Blasts it Um latgast aod best arranged aula lur to baatoeaa m uZ Towa. n lib IV Urge Boors an to amy-ba-bu Wagtma luesed ap at tae narvatouaa at awUL Dry rrtalla lor boraea. Uood rooms sur ) tors to cook and sleep m. prompt atlaauai to tue uiUreet and euaaiurt ut Vamiers r-na W'i1 W'l. , , , rRaNPlCaUJtS IS( .UiwtSS Ail if" for vetailiug purposes. !. a wsyV-U , w.cairojjiACH AC. ; Orvic or ia Fornax bnnnuBcS Oomvabv . . . liSaMMMOWAV, NsW XuaC. . graraaa Caowsu, Prealdent."-, ; Caaiacai Haoaix, VuM-fruakient, ! Paiusaoaa Suaw, Secreiery. . Wa. K. Cnowau, Maria Secretary. . Vuuglm JUt, dgnt ft-tU Tna. Ck., Iibau eia: W an happy to intoim a' that Ui Pbeiux inaurauc Company uf brook. Ij o a id pay ALL her loaaea Is lit c'biceiro out jirber NET sURfLl a, over all kwyiug tier sound aud ready for bualuaaa . vur cuadiUou oa Octoher 1st ia7i H u lowst tMBCardtaL . a -.- g l,euv,um.(a Uroa Surplus, - Bl.battT&baB . Loas, etc, ad lasted bat not ,- Oct. lt,lil, ... ayB,r a Chkairo loaaea will aot lleaid, 'tt1'1a1M aay event, .. . - - - - , laottum u A ad wa are Srmly of tb opinion a tbat tba turn will aot exceed $800,0X1 a Tb Pbessx taaursae Company, at Mae " lyii, ia to-day souue and autvant, and eaa ray all tb losses st Clueago watbl Iu Bet aarulm,' A eorpa of Adjusters hava Been diapaielwd i tb scrue of. dmaater with iaekuetiuua a settle all losses aad pay tbe asm la CAaU. toe congratulate our patron and oanjahna oa oar good f onane. a t aruKR cbuwixl. bovKU-U Prss't PtsaaU las. t. Water yvheel Mill GeariniShaftinU PulFeji fit It ft rQA C1BGIILAB m " F0RAC1RCU JaawLMTL -tT0IBELE8S SLATES. , Just received t lot of th aew patent Noise less School Slstas ef ditferent sisea and prlcss, from ao to 40 eeola each. They mass a aoias wben tbey fall aad are aot easily broke. For aal at .-n - . .- , v J. A. JONES' marU-tf. .Biaw Stum. '. T II E GEM CUUHM stakes ths best quality of Arm Tallow But. from teect milk bt from two to.. It minutes. After removal from the chars sad salting It la ready for tb tabi or pscklngl Being perfectly free from whey ormttk, re quire no working with tba paddl urspooa, and will remain aweet longer thss say trticlt mads from sour or deco mpoead milk. Co If rights or Churns for sal, for farther partt culara addriwa. s ' t. H. ORK, Secretary Uem Chars Company, mayte-eodtf :- :"''- '-'CnarlottiN.e t Jl OKI A.,L . : i At the Sbrtirwl Offlca a NoS, New Was Bgtoa Hand Press. , . ' t JJtLOUR I FLOUK I '. ' ! lOSaseka, - -m- ...:i..J.t I - 60 barrel, just parwtvea. jun21tf G. T. STRONACH A BB "YfyT-HITK SUGARS, . 0 Barrel Just meelvad. .,.r.j ;.: Jans a-tf 0. T. STRONACH At BB0. ' JJAM8I HAMS 1 1 S,000 ponndt Canvam just receivei. . ' ..," ' ' - Inn 1 t2f G. T. STRONACH A SA JtyTRS. BLAIR'S BOARDING UOty'SB. Mr. Blsu:,lvlBe.iwatd srwrrhftto!rm: of Harirett and Saliaburv airaei. WiH to very grateful for patronage. Peraoa wlaaUMt board, who prefer tofurnlsh their owa roonw. can be accommodated. 1 aula boards! ei. allyoaarad, . , apra-tt JEEF BAMS AND XGNGL'XS, , Smoked BroUleg Beat, ., ; Fsftoa Market ' ao." may tf W. G STRONACH A C J H $ WAMP OTJT1AWS- Or th North Csrnlln Bsndhs. Befnr earn Diet Bietory of th Modern Rob KoM "f RohiB lioods 8s pages, "rice, a eents y msil. For sale by ' t ' , . JAMES B. NNIn8,iA " ' N. C Book Btraw, Kaieiga, N.U Jnnettf 'AMSS I. WaUTTEF, Arest, " , iiuaoro,B.u SBS" f1