-.'' y 7 !' 4 .1- 1 WSIAH TO KHErLj, Editor. T. 8. KIWOSBlaT, Aa-jciete Editor. TllCUD.i', BKPT vMBKH . IS.. I!0I!AIE (JltEKLEi; t. -if 1 HeM lit inrtt S I - f 1 : --or KKWTORt "' ! f-OK Tift I'BEttlDETl ; I. (JRATZ BR0U, 6IA1B, ,Uj:CTOKA,L TICKET. ttTs!AT lino, t , TuMAt J. jAavra, of Tyrrell. !i ! X. W. For, of Johwtoa. ok ru mvrarcT lat Octavio Coxa, of lAowta. Id BwiTT GtlLOWAT. of Greene. ! Id T. C. Pcllsb, of taaibertaad. ', ,ik-H. A. Lottx, JjuufCkban(. th b. JF. Ci4wia-L, (f Guilford. tb W. L. &txki.b, of Richmond. 7ti F. & McDowell of IredHI ib T. & iBxfmit R&mh4 JU&ICAUaM VgJUVS UB.HIL- " W hv already endeavored to point ,ut lb dimmer UjaJ, tituiteo eoo.titu " " ttnaal liberty at the" band of Radica'wm. ' M't htvt thowa i cm that tlw chief aim of ;'ttv Ortot .partjr i;;.to dtrif gWfrn- mt af government i cooed tu tfuI guards tod UMMitcen, ind to tub ttltui centralised -dewp..tiaia, Hint of rticlae made tha above heed were jj.iib!i.ti4 tbpa, Bv M. T. Huatil.of Virglait, ill tp.keo in New York, tnd xourb of hit able and etateemaa like ad dreat was devote to tb diai uaaion f th danger thai threaten ui gorernment We hop la lay thi peerb before rqr ' ' rcadera ' Is tht meantime, ttier ere otW pwote dmtr to nrter to. it thla od v' uUt.,ni4.r drUclm" Mhkft W dotal ol lmimoc t lt I v ' L . We bv otbcr atn ehr to mak int Ornat thwih ftwirftit Woi he . , LMaLnM'.k;a4tiifuBlMtBjMkkAl nrinr.ittlAiftl ' f'ontiiutiouii gitvernnimit sod thr tlbff i, tlw.af ttweitiMoa. . II ha ('rciilnit pwrn and oppnftanitio 4 hi) Mxh , tiffii t 111 Bfu(BOtba f Mm io i1 eiU H Km nt aanrwi ta vmxir l LTrfi - aw a nato uKer.Bnr na o anugnr ja ' )rutct afed aaawt th pmatrat anil hl p- Jom nnutb ia her ff. if u to rciiMrnU nd i lebiiiM brr w&id J fortuoea. Ioaleai htddlog alui aaii(t4ns; bar h haa kid tb baaTt hand of rauwirclcai iippriaur im'i liar, and ith lb rudeocaa uf tin. Wnltul tfrauiij ba wbd fniui iat th (ruardiaa argi of 1ril frtrdom, And n thi baa Ub don to gratif; b mural boot of Bt patiO and 10, ko ' 'W a-nd, fotf bX on,':lfih' 4da. Froaa Uia tttajt h baa ttwbd bimwh' With tr!it;g a powtt Uiit iftuul't iWft Utoja. vault uf aiurwad lovef. 4 libarly, nd ' ab'.uld br duf to ;h oic of ptrioiim Mnrt Hutv' Ha ha ktA uvmmH kit liA in bl cmiUn( wrvirjf, aaetuf mta bouv ' riooaljreuirut and unworthy, at wliiw , JbiMtd tlnpublie UJUtrwt Cuuld oalj aiilTur tb uvaau detriment, hacauiw lurh nea . . would bwwoi tb , MBiijr iaatruuMu4 of tip aiUc aod tb tilMtlc ajraphanti of flaoe, tvari aad a lit t work Ml hi in- . t-rtt tha macbinerj of piirtUan an( per- tonal infliwnetv Hi what nd haa bno tb perpetuUj o( bia Jtinn, a4 wbejhor tliw waancomjlish,'4 by gntdaolly under uHi.iuX and deatrojlag , lb pnnciplea t'f the C'ini!tiitiii, - ' of by an 4 hpnn 4nd iitp .dr.nt aaaunptiaa of Caariaa) (av ;iia in Bam, Out withont the bmlni'at i bucanar - iodiffarnol. 8a b i iwrprtiuted l nil b cx4 )oKf cItU ; lilBrt prMd. ' --.fc ' titav hit whole reign U ' matittd ari h t.Trai"n and corruption. He bat fier- . enwd anma UtaonUooary power witai : aa . arttitrarinea that TIM aiarmlns it on. - praaMtfa, and bia beBchaaoa ba baea aa tuucb aatonikhed at hit' tudaoity a they ' bave ethi&ited alaartty ia eieenUng 'bia ' -' Ao tu Bfrioue charge w bring agninat - Grant ie bia giit-taking. ., Wa wili not en tr into ny lrmgtheod iwrticulart, h rlrrod to (bent la .inraMr articlea. y.,$ht fttt of hit. fWBivitjg ' prewnu 'iow wall tb.ibd aod known to demand iy j.i. t'.'-'cd aTirfuwiTiij'TVe;'; irlttonJjt ii r to two or liie to iuhk good the , tl -k. lUl be toi ffafded,x- aoueht aa niward, wud icfloaouai - and Incrativ .Ci mua bo bad acquired bi hn4 by Vviu,i',i. praaeuta, I hut drgradiog bin L,fcu o.j.e, aoid (hue ttiuulaiiag alow uudaid of p ilitioal Suteg.-tty and nicrai ily t; mane of to anooaoo of hie po kiUtin asd ilio corretp iii Jihg eiintpacia aui) of hit enoipl. -- . It ia ! koowa to the whole country that Grant arcr pied a largo pretenti-a tulrijo -tkit gfuat New York BM- Li a for the high p!oeof bcrtry of ti I . a y, aua that UM ik flux of the fact, tht to ording to the IaVhe bed iworo to eiecite, B;rt . c..ulj ot' Koldj the .,ffl,-, for there wee an prer protiaioa that bo oue engaged ia commercial tpeca laliane end trt-i ehoold be ih ctuunliao f tha Trewory ol the Coiled Sfalea. C. : t vn -,t farihey Ulan thit he tciaaliy aaked GRria to ignore) the laa bj ax , rTrUog h4art from th opcraiiea of ! amue. Hie meebage le of the data of r t .lUo oKfivrBj pit-arnlt fr'MB Bori', ef f'!..'.adlphn and othcia, to whom b al?r ir-i p l.ttt-lyt it ha ri;e o ;t t!.t floe Join, tn.ufch ; ethora lit aait iliv Uiim little aaai i4 ll,u() in tn..i:--j, wm reward with a PHgb p , .......v-r.t. . j 'iw o !.- eats, cot of lA l iking, bai ii i.,truptta, we an net ux-n'.ioa, al hoogs I; Y, te -y W fs:-.4 lb tic larihar. (mTd Butterfleld Waa appointed tut t tweunir of Nw fork by Gran a he thr tauer knew that hie military ennrail war irreatly inpiicatcd ia the oelnbratad gold xavpiracy. Ia the iaveatiralioa of th gold panic by Coiigreea If appear that Urant avrtainly tootributwl to Butter fiHd'e tncoee. and l hat too airainat Um lt io.-rcta of tb aobatry. Tkan aa cut little Doubt that Grant while PieW dat of tb Uaiinl tau did actually eonepire wilb Butirnld toeraata a trold panic, that they and- othera night reap a rw banraat ia th way of prohi. Grant ia aecret oTwpoadeow with Buttvr t -Id, a haiy twea eetabliahed More the 'arigating Comralttre, at the awry tiaae Una il.icit tperulatioa wa going on. A raw d log o th teatiruoa; of old I loaa Grant, hia owe faiV-, ia a tuit iich the old ttaa brought agaiBat M k d Brother, f' CioriiiBoti. thi nry Iraat, boar Praiil-nt, did wbtlat ia com maadof a Military Dcpalatent ia. the I'trBth, beoonM a partmr ia errtaia cotton paruiatHaa tk rough which h raorired ntucb ttttiiitary boefit. It wa lo fur- inerlbe private achwme that he leaaed tlx irifaotout order dri ring beyoad hi linea eery Jew. ' tturh i part of Graut't neord. Iah worthy to ba truxfad tn uigr t Hit b not tiiown that he ie-aa rx-raut aa V i both tyrannical and ti fiithiul. Fellow -eoantrymea look upon the prieiirjer who ia arr.igrrl bclore the harof hie a ontry. and ay"d.i you like liimr May,. '( mUr brin a ld, 'In-p, pntioagrd, imliguant No. ioiravd erifh thaaa of Itale. Braril. ib aaaaiiiK ia. a n abkiihu i ijoronnmit ra ia a iMaitioa t tbar ih aill naWt tbe detfiiooa of tfcut Court a ahkh the- art Irrikfrnt of the praernt litkn-Mt kave tm-n reft-rrel, but that iivjr aieiw tua JtJ I BIIU m J . J Iraki tt tbe daoMaree which im the intar- f o nnirTaul pnm iney cm nt to pay. Tli ffy point upon which such atrraa . L I : A y ... . l i ducinvOmlt Britain to make a fitnk trowa) of nnpooaibility, tbu laila kj tbe ground. BRlMr norm " '' Henry Wilaoa hat aot tt aookea a to thehar of rVTiviia certain b Dila to lurtfeer tb truflu Mobiliar tehawM al rob bery. Wbea ba opeet, , wa will report ptYwnauv ' . .. There it a eery bad eonditioo pf thing la-Arkaaaaa. Gorernor Clayton hat ea.ll ed out thev'tiegrn militia of Pnp county btarecatryiiig tl in, -a with a Mgb band, robbing land plundering at will. It ia id a giiireral mga of terrot preWile, ad war aot (arpriatd tttt How ouuld it h otherwkat with brutal aegroea egged m by a aorrupt Governor, he in tura aup pined by a eewooviut, bet aod imbecile Pmidcnt I . , i wwaj ww triaaj eoae to participtl If 'th Mint to ba Til S DBC1H10N A T OSSKVA, Tl. hron tirone i iwdeij. and Yankee lk lladi.m it jubilmt near the t'arneea Arbilratioo. Honey, for which thatit of oar land haa each tender cooaldrration and anaioua hankering, t. to b p-,i. tb ! nlted Rtatee by old England, and Net England le happy. ( Wpat trrnwodou 'Bg of r.J 'i-i" would rend th baaeen It only; tl' grM' Jubtlea, acre now in full blartat the "Hub" Wall, w of th Booth, b te aot much cauae in th matter any wary paid mvtr. enormou it would aot panicu Urly buoefii u. If it it taull, w would aot be any Worae off. Tb Englikh-buttt cruiai ra tvndered th Cfaderate eaue eene et-rtica. ! A American, irrtapectiv of any teebng aboat it a aier Southera- ernem, wa cannot eparlally Jejoioe , wbea w ; remnBber tha bungling and diagraeaful ' way ! In - which " tha hol thftig he beB mesnged by Grant imd hi man Friday, Fih. If the lraiB i.traiion really meant to im)icata tlip poaed or actual rij hta, it ought to bat (rone r igoroutly to work yean ago. Tbre .teari ago the North Wat greatly eierciard .. mJm. rteWBgea, ..Mawl part of tbe preee wa ihreaienina-and bel- liKerent. But that feelinir aoon oaaaad'uff luTleed, there, waa no eery (anre Dart of e.iurae of Gnat ia tha mattaar haa Tha anal frnM r ll i-i im -I MMH iog. There ar eiceiient grnanl for hoping Ihitt thi great ' Sute will go for to bobok pbiaoaupber of CbappaiiOa rne-thieet ppr of that But the Cm cionati Jfayairar aaturet it friende tbroarhtliat Ohio will be carried is bta tli State and Pnaidrhtiai aletxiona for th liberal moerownt. It aavt that th change In the German Tot In that city, auu tit vwreMmi, lutctlo, , tray ton, Ijo lumbua tad the North ..-at, it more than Wiffivient ta chaoira the nut oolitic! char tctw nf the State. li furtheriaortm., that the change in that eounty alone will o lu,uou e.rte. ii'irrHh I f Ohitv With New Tort, Petirwylranit, Ohio and Indi ana for Greelty a ,d they will all go for Dim abo tayt be will sot be elected, Hob, John Forayth, of Georgia, editor of tbe Mobil MffuUf, well puuitwhea n tayt, that "it it tirnply bacauas Jfr. Gnwley hat Ixwa what he aa, aad b) tow hia be ia. that he haa tha Wng relief to; tb tttioa. Good, j He ilao hilt tha aail oa tha head who be "manrelt at tb eoolniit with which O'Cooor," and alen hit tatnciataia. "rva.ii. ih Bimth to tb tender tberctoi of Grant prottcUi for aaotber taw yeara." ) -BOW PLKA8ANT IT 18 FOR .. BBB TURKS TO D WELL TOQBTH Iwea eingklarlyraecillatiiig. He baa beat e impelled to tbandoa tb claim for fia direct damag.." After til the arguing, heating about, bullying and bal king, it ha rwultrd It eery modorat award and the end it at hand. Better thi t hundred fold that war and th great evilt It entail nixin -tl., hiliirerenta.i Th whole oouutrr will doublleaa feel battnr that the etching eaue I at raat tad frixd a, iit-ai ion bat bees amicably tettled. Tbe affair, correctly underatood, bringl bo tort of credit to Fanleee Simple, j - Ther were rnany diatinguithed - En gliahmen who tt flrat thought the claim of tba United Statea valid. It Wa agreed between the Wo nation that it Commit tioa re(iruaeotiog them thould meet la WaahintrtAa. Thia HruHnilaalAH made a treaty which tbe United Staue 'xwgreet reiuaea to ratify, it wa then agreed to reler it to Arbitratioa. i A Board wat noeordinctr tnnointed which for tma time ha been la tettioa at Ga sert Al toiia tt tbe Court ol Arbitrt ioa met, Mr. Secret art Fith nut Into th American cauae," a claim IW indirect damage, which . granUd would pay tha tntirt- war .axpan, Upot thit atrange tnd anjuetidablt claim, ' England declared through ber repreaentttivet, that I k rvMn, A .1 (, e , Wil RMHIIBIMWlua WB gUl llj IH UO- eeption, and rejecting the claim too act up, refuted to continue tb Arbitratioa. Tbe Bntiah wr right. Thtwhol claim wat prrpoaUroue and iniquitoua. Tb American panpl recogniatd it t tucb, tad theadroiniatratioB aftar much bloater uecombed, i' Tb award nnw gtre tbt-Uaittd St a tat fIS,S0O,0OO. ....fhe ditysWJtgainat Great Britain ia thaoaectof the Alabania, tb Florida, th Bhmandoah, and their lender, but the deciainn wta tgtmet Jut Uaitrii Bute ia tb cea of tha other irettelt. - - - - - - - -. It proper to tdd that England bat prefarred claim tgaintt the United State that bar ye to ba eoiwidered byba Board of Arbitratioa, tad it may turnout tha damettet wit) b granted to England that may bt a full ofl-aH to the award r cently mad t Genava, By the decitioa tbr haa been Bo moral advantage gained whaterer to thi country, tf England hould bar to pay a few nilllluot of dob I trt, the can well afford to do It for aha ha gained iromenaely in the character of th triumph. IInoe tha hearty and cbeerfut artjuieecenca of tb Britiah preaa in tne turn actrded. We copy th frd lowing remarkt from the K. Y. TVAuae which are gerraaue to the aubject: ; ' - Ia erery point of view the great' moral advent X with England, and againat u. la their anxiety to cooriot England uf iei?HirNBnaL owr alanrna hiM n-m. fitly Bfwd the propriety aad Beoraaity of the ttaploymvnt of arbitrary p.wara by tb Goearument, to prerent poatible VI, .iillotia itt tka naufratttw a - are t paa to (fiaalM purtioa of our na tional lilt ta noutrala,- aod aa wa all x- peetour thi p-Oj.iJing iatoreatt to rvrir aiMtie day, il ta away ' to ta how jralooa ntli.Kn could annoy our legiuaiate Itidiutrea bj the Woapon wehavathua put into th if timd. j The tiio vernmwt of Great Britain ) ia (WMKtiUon to rrpoUiaU Uii award aav tirtv hiTt at muink u t, t,:.k;i. -1 - , -i " w'uui nir praar-ut action,' bur a a preceileot for tlic m 'uuuim on j !tiK-'i againat them. A the tame time it ia fully bind ing Vip.n tbe United State, aa tb Arbi txaior appoint! by oui Goraktuaaut baa Tb fultoaina' ia a nia-taanmutmiia ha. twara tha Kilitiira nt tWm u;ii.k..i u. tordw and ooraelf, ncraaioned. It teemt by - - - u ,MMJ,m a ru grammfl which appeared ia th bahnir i tbe ilSrd of batt Mrc, .irj which w ataten, mat it waa aaul, that the abort iieineo lumrtier, tnu tevcral other paper of former Democratic lalth, bad ." .ld out - to the Kndical party. i " " "K pwnnfw m our reaoera ror oc ru pving to much paoe with a mttnr of luuiim iii' iui out uia aaiu nrn&mur naviog reiuaea to excnn)re With tie: and wa not b n.,win. .i.af t ..... u k.... aid it regard tn thit alf dr, feci that it it noininv out nnnito puhlub tha tact in order that til who may have been miain formcd may know the truth. ( , Orwiut court, we think, haa been held uw Minn, uai we nav nut oeen auminon ed to appear, and. ia fact, bar, heard wimnK whi worn an panie woe allege to have been to grimly wronged tnd tnie rApreeented. Aa we Hated in our reply, we oevor no wrorin uihii any one In leotlonally, and are alwaja ready to mnke amende fiar any wrong committed, when It it ehown to at that wt hare committed It, B it In regard to thit matter wt have Bothintf whati-VM tu mthMit . Here it tb correapoodenoe eartVifm f Harwin ' ' , I RacoBDKt Orrica, ., i . ; . lUu ti iro, 8. C, ' May 4th, 187J Eonoa Ban!e jJ-W perceir from aa uiraa copiey ial week tn tn " Utir ham Plant. I'itimii th RunMu. h ive been pteaaed to charw the "Hillnbo. . .' ti , 1, i , . imuuci, wiiu n.iTing oeen bouirht up by Uie radical party.' Thi ta a .ry teriiHU tnd grar charge bo lea damaging- to our character aa honorable, hoe eat aiew, man n our pecuniary intertwt, w need not aaj the charge it t vile faltebood tnd itifamoua alaudor we expect to 'prove it. u m anvil VI.' 1UB11ML 1 Mw ano for libel nn'eaa von . ln . o . TnEt HBi-.TIAX riPIRrr Of UBER-ALUM-EX PREII)KNT MA HAN OP-OHIO XT-KKrt THE PRKSI iIFMHAL 4'ONTEST FiJOf A CHRIriTIA AND MORAL POINT - Of VIEW. - j . r BrTelirrapk tolbaTnbaoe. ' Ciurim. Scot. 13.T.I Pma.lt ia banolOtxrlin Collea;1 ba - addnaaad a hitter oa tlie nendinir uaairuiaa . n.i ... aapeote to tna atlttnr of th Adtamm aad oilwr rliiou paper, which (they refine to pauiiea. I na miun portion at lierewilii .? T (A mliUir f tks AJmnot mud other am naKiauBfi: u tuira. v j ..... ' - ot jour reaocra it anay teem at range that myaelfand to1 many other who. helped to oriirinate Ant. th Abolition tiu,. ik. I 1 1 wrf V mUttrmwMrA k. V. u : i i . - ' i '-v hi, ami nnatly the Republican party, hare left tb uarTV laat namerJ and .iiiuf h. ii . of which Mr. Greeley i th viait.b, reprw aetiutive. Were It compatible with tbe onnciDlc nnon w ili-h v . ,i r u iixt"! to inaert nominally political arti ctoa. I ibould aot resort to the arcalar prvaw to exprea to the public our reason i.-, -".i " i" "i we ii are adopted. -V- . . . y...,,. .v. 1 1 1. , HUi Iff ffUCB maaont at involve the ewential prior iiika if morality and reliaioo. The ground which e aaaume itliii That the tpirit. i,M,.i,ii7, hhi nuwei poncy or tneurant ht.iljill(-an nartw rvnil l. 11,. 1... n-aolta to aubvert tbe morality ot the nation ; to generate aa Undying and rv leDtl.a war of race,' ami to "aarageize" tlw epirit of the divided aectioo and race toward each other. We bare then arrived at a moat mmii fill period in th bintonr of our national exuteaoe. AH wlae national meaauroa. we affirm, wi I and must lake from thi unity of Conviction; aentiineot, and pur pose into the higher aentiment iit univra- m a mm! will anil fiMti.Mt.1 k... I. If tliia end ahall be Bcc.iinpliabed, we aball never airain lie a divided people. If, na iue oiner nana, at t till good hour, old hatred, prejudice, and sectional divhuon, general en ty the etnle or blood and a flf ty vearf cuiflic tA hnetile thought, hll be once mure n,viv,l ,nH lnt,,n.il,-4 alien cava we rationally hope to become a mini imipni i ne party a none tpirit and policy tand to induce thit higher sni . S k . IL . I F . ... i in unuiB ti.i ii miii i ia miAar n,.ni tu.t i tbe Dartv uf the rla nn,t itu k..... ti pa" v, on the other hand, whose apirit of m. 1 1 , I- . .. . . . r " j " prv;Teoi tne conaillnmatloa of thie higher unity aud to induce ia i it OlaC th lltimvitw anieit nt umiO.., atari da revealed aa run onlv ih. ...rt. tb dead past and not of tha living pres ent, but a hi deadly antagonism to tbe moat vital interest of the nation. V sIOBAi, iHO CBKIBTIAJI BKaSONS FOB UP Pi'BTINtt MB. OKKKkkT. , Mr Obi -Ct ia til Hlinl thia aiihl.i n-. dr. the moral and Christian polntof view. The day and the hour haw come when the church and tha nutl.in n tn i... irodllke or aavaire In anirit an. I vii.m it. cause the party of the people la moving " a pincy reany gociliKe and tlhristian. I ma with thia trtm . k...,... Mr. Greeley, aa a candidate for the Preei- umnir. rauiBwniA in miiiew , ... r n,M Ob tbe otiier band, there ia n.ohin u,n. and truly godlike or moral or I'briatiao piiiity ui iii ci ran t tU'puoitcaa Dartv I he aaonl nf ilia aiihit m...- t- I 1 - - 'J- " -" v. .aw, rwM. m kC.u ... . i , . - r i ... '- mi i vri i j iiifai ana rrbTmtTt-toeanaHtbiH ana" Dtrrr urcOimiat u Tag cuttwt. now aa l brisuaa mea thould we n ganitach principle t We eauaot aipae and tanctiin it without aanctiooiag the hatred .af th w.wrl afChriat: He it hatea becaast I testify of it that the aosdl thereof are evil " 'i "He . that hateth rr- pronl, w read. -" tent iah." -How a canst tan thould wa regard a party whoee main endeavor ia t,, rM-eitaline tha apirit and moral of tbe nation. W'e mast reproliatc tbe morals of the "nartv. or bs- miiw moraBv brutish- oaneiv.i A Hi ol the mo t hmtltliful signa of the tinr-a, one if tie aure indicati.iua that our national morality has aot become brutalized ia th tact that thi brutish molality urged upon' them it to universally repudiated a real 1 1 tetanic tn u character . by the by calling atientioo to th extreaa aaod eratioo of wch ol tb leligiou pre at eaoiiuaea Uie cauae ul naiiiaial hat a and rancor, and eoaimenta with awverety oa tb ename adopted try nominal Chriatiao toward Mr, Htannar sad himsalf bci u a i-iicj vmiiuv tiuua i lie mauuci ui uutj 10 anpport tb cauae of, reeooiHiatiori y and reform. i I rnoBAOOO. ' M . . . . r.atif ti. T. BTHOHACH. r i . . ( ft HavriwiWE FURNITTRE. 'V Dnaui Wkat Nuts. Mattraasa, Blauketa. hta, Maraalla yuilla, Toilet Matt. Towta, f'- .... Vry huidMmiAronn-" Tt tt, Chins 11.1.. T ,. fk..Ur walaiaairaA f aapa-'n afinat r-' i , . i alno . ' h ' Uotil Milch Cow and I Male, jly vu W. H J0NE3 A CO. ttoaes rk.w-ar Jars. ' Jly U r W. H JONES A 09. ptOl (A LI. " &U bales seod Hay. ftyaVtf W. H. JONES A 00, Ir. WoateolKilm died the other Old day at the Poor Hoaw of tht county, aged w yeart. I he deceased Was a cU rgymon of the church of England, tnd ol high ed ucation, being a graduate of Cambridge Universitv. Ensland. He terl M thia - - . . . . . -T eonntrv manv aeara um 1 i. u,.l .. , j j j . . u nil ,,,, count of aome political offence be commit eu againai tn cngnan government. It it believed that be never exerciad bit miniatrv in thia eonntrv TTi minil much shatteied at tbe time of bi detth! I be old mat has, or had nn, a tailor by crane, linns' at JiMieatnini tmm dautT'iter who married in sfaerMi mmbi. aod moved to Gaiargia. Theae if j the)' ara Vet liinn- K,M In IMnnHl ,k oonflciencea for leavincr rhinV fWi hti t. ki. old age, to the (coder mercie of a Poor iiouae. TOOK ALt. , Hugaek good Whit Meal, and Nil 1, N. " tlaaaw.. V Jly -tf' W. H. JONES ft CO- . i ,,,, , JrV U 1 8 II p.I' Itl .lII T ..... Boweus Bye lttM, jaat recaired. Com quick r it will be goo. July tf 0. T. 8TRON ACB A BK0. -At'B BOOTH AND iHOKi G1V1 BIT lev eaUafactioa thaa any ethera. ' , aprlS-tr C D. BEARTT ft CO. ci uAH8 1 auo Altai i , , O -; bu bhla. all gradM lust reeelrea. jlyHa- tf , (i. T. b I RON AC'S. Or TEE! COFFEB II bi;il mmm, Disttillrtf ii UK rraprirlon It SCHIEDAM, IN HOLLAND. An Invlgoraillng Tonic anal M EDICT tAL BEVERAGE. c a-.au) Itw. H Jly avtf r. baguir and Java. ' u. i. einuiALtj. JF TOU WANl THE NiCEUT HAT Fn.t the least atuaey, come to 1 apr 18-tf U D. BEARTT A CO, 0 T I C I. Ail uartle who art Indebted to na will oa or before th lat day ol Jamas we ahall ivaa a cuaugs ia wur wuaiaeaB ua uia oate. aiayMU ' W. C, aravi'NACU l;o. boaiNtt o u t a a L e a- In order to repalut, whitewaak and rs- jtic to correct your tUlement ia ta 1st s the Recorder " i conrnai Wtbegto sur you that wa bar never aeeo th day wbea money could .my wai n Boinr , on reel vet 'above price.' And were wa to 'tell out' we do not think tha radical party could raise money enough even were they to ileal tn tnst tolongi to the government. We know not hv avh.i .,k.... have mad shi charge, unleat il sriae "ppawnoa mj xukiui outragta , wa !iaerniasl trova in rrt wrroltt do ttMicnntervttivei more barm thaa food .7 , i , ' r " 11 ,u uonig out .own iniuawg and puhliaamg oar own tent I taenia W ackowledga ao poliiiav) master ayu Dane o 10 tne erect of a master a bin. Wadsaniaararlir.rii.i ii I ii r i uaa ra " a aiaaaarera, asilwhl Toe abou Id c barge at whh kaviog bei "brought uu" rather aatoniahaa r ! u k .,r. - , u.wb anal we hava alwava atnMii ,k ,r. - . j- -,.4 in. Virginia Conterrttive policy, aa tht ber. poncy to avraai Ana Riai. a... ,.r ...i:..i , ' "i r,i.nrai oanoa, tad w preaumr uiaiact It dHaleuimr to "ex treme Ku Klux Democrau.' Bui it dot ant mat at "rtdiceli" nor it It evidence vnatw nave Bern "bought up " , . A SneedV enrrMi-tt.,M nl ik. t.. , , j ... - ... ,UB ne biiu nisn der tuaj tavt you tnaa tvery troubltome .i i , Retpeetfully,' i . . C. N.B.EVAN5A 80Jf. ' Taw doat know who." j;; Shw.it. SI C, May Hth.im. ' , travitsaa.-oura of th Ath it rv ceiveit. 1 do not know of what von or,m. plain ; but I never rntentionally do wrong to tnv rjeraon. and aothiH .r,.,.il mt a higher graUticatioi thaa to make aauBwua ui a cuowiuaea tor a wrong oommiuad. whaa tt ia ab-. - ... I have committed rt-.nd that tod, wh Jther . -T" o aa to ny ta honorable man ta ta hooarshL . . a thing kwi beneath h, honor and dig' nity Of an apright ei tiaae, gonUemaa and bnneat man, -,. ,. , W hile thitie my Muriie.tiTw.rri, noa. orable mea, I never apot-Kjue to th bnllv. tha F.r-ajr.i-iii-.i at,.. .... -rs- w.ww-anm o wfeib tfjlmr ktu, t, . r.dc of your charai ter; .... Very rwpwtfulty-, ' -. w. c. ivi rham; K Jitor "B inner." j Xtot Reordtr, Uuiaburo'. K. j; unitedly acquieaceutia all tha issue act lied bv tha war ami whwk t..,i. a- vided ua. and with th. hanA ml fcanmii. - .....j, .iih pnmwrniaiQ exuinnwi tit ward a over tha hluoHa- plum . .uu. proteat agaaat graspiog the head thaa ex tended to oa" at the nniioi . tba ruleta, readers, and rank and file of DM party. What Is th tendency of such a spirit and policy I Nothing else, I reply, but to uoohrutiaiiiaoi tlw church and , to savsgeias tbe aattoa,1 I have ever, for ex. nmpie, highly e teemed the candidate hir th Vie Preaidwapy on tha Urent KerAib llcao ticket, 1 have read with the deep et aatinliiction of bit ennsiatent Christian oeportment in Washington ; but when read in hia electioneeririLr aiiNeeliM n.f.a.n. Cea. not til the itoniuiwl. nt ik. . ei im united tentimeut; conviction, tnd lirorsaMt in reirard to all latum aettll k. be war aud to the policy of amntwty, peat, Kvuu-wni ana iraternity demand sd by i bi national unity of sentiment, but to r -inembrancea ot our fathert and brother and toll tlauirhtemd on tha hlnrulv fi.1,1. of the Mouth, of Andewinville Lihhv i'riaons-remcmbranoiai which teml hm b revive and perpetuate all tbe bitter and rerencrefiil Mi.imi.nt. iwu.ij ..kit. . , - B-., inmwni Willie IBB Warcontinued-l would thin tddreaa him i-eiore me nation : "Mr, Wilton : All auch ippralt, all attemma to revive the ni rif of haie and revenge ' lor remembered wrongs, and all prouate against clasping handt acroe the Moody chawn made bv the' war. tend hut tn um-hr..il.n.u yourself, to banish from the church what if Christ and ol God remain in it, and to demoralite and heathenite th heart of I he nation. II the tiiint ol this Grant Re oUblwan noll'V ahll F,r.ail iut L. , I e inrougn i ne nation, Hardly will aliening in num tn Kiiianea remain among u. . Born are Mia couaiileralanne wkih htv tudured mr to a change of detenni nation aa to ItuliviiluuU- iiii.un ik. aa repreaeutlllg distinct and oumwit noli ciee; between Mr. Greeley at repreaant iug tbe anawl ol ainneatv nat . rl uonal brnthorbood, aod Get. Grant at representing the epirit of vengeful retain tKCettce. old hostile iJ.ounht and mii al dinaion, and of war ol raoet ia tht nn- uonsi neirc iMMORai, inri.DaCB ow tbb skaxt , fABTT. Permit ma now in ni,lt anMii.l ' ... Hon to tht moral, and telioioua heartnoa ... wnvi but wiper oi me uriint rtepuli.l- ao poliCT in conducting thia nnliiie.i wiHuever a luuda'neuial lain moral prin ciple i introduced intu any aoeaphere oi immgiit aua acmiB, tne political rof Nag. ample, and recieveai hriii.n mil nnnfu. sanction, there tbe retail it a dupltcernent uiinaiiij iuwii rrorn t nriatwn tnd pub lic regM Ia the lubi of thit eelfevi lent principle, lei ua c .n tern plate t single v- iiniurr piuticai sgustiont, tome 11. Cl. Kll 1 1 Jul W.N . M. ' 1 I ....J . ' - - J - j BBIU some uaru mingt ot th Democratic par J- ncsaj uttersnce were then regarded aad approved by th Whig and Repub lican Dartiea as true and ,t..,.n.i k k. "mwu J Lu . h,im.uiiii itaou existing ; inesa utter auoea art tu dayunaniniouely approved aa having linen ik. .... : J er, and that approved bv the entire Gmnt iiepui.ucaa party, yet tb pre of thit luartv and the iib.,1. Hl.,. .1 . , uratnr are flooded with these utterancet and with ba- seetning tppoait ta their Democratic menus not to vntn i. .r u . n. i count ol those utlrHiiCei-utterDce, ra meiuoer, woicm mote tame Republican evor have arliruiel, apd now affirm, to nav been at that time truand nn.naw What hava w her hnl a fi,,l.. .ii . "mw.niWIII subveralve and even tetanic principle of morale I The real lano-uan-a nTik. B ator and rank and hi of thit prtyto nieii i.7i.n:uuc inenat ia tnit : Mr Greev ley in' "Old Lana 8vna did J.k -2 a few terae niterancai ia respect I yna,-ut iv wnnsu w regara tad yon aught to receive aa true h,ii. i "1 For thit reason we artlrro that yon should mass m inaiivauia, wftom w affirm to h-e been a truthful man. vour eurnal enemy, and thia it what we advise and Warranted perfeeUs Dare, tad free La all asletertou autiatencwa. It I distilled fro. Bceuei of Ida, tseat nualltv. anil tha a an. atic Juairta Bsaat or Italt and daaumnd upnmdf fur cases uf Dyspepsia, ' or Iadige- tioa, Dropsv, Ooat, RhearasUs-B. fieaeral DeUllly, Catarrh of the Bladder, Pains In the Baek and stomach and all disaaaea of th Url- Oarv Drirana Itirtvi.'n,r... i. ..i Gravel and Calculi in the Bladder; strenglbeDa Lj our Store generally, we wlU BeU oar Q "asuawiBa ana svauta. aua ia a eerm In prev.tiiUve and cure of , that dreadful scourge. Fever and Ague. ' - i CAUTION I Aav "auoso . WoLta't Bsix McBsai-rs." For al. by U reapactabl. Grocers ntl (s.Dr SS GOOtl AMnarBCBTlsa. s , I JIODSON G. W0LFE A CO, This Sammer O W O R K I i-h ft' THE ; SEKTiSEL JOB OFTICE AMaVlHlllgOwaNreat . the pa-he, lis. they kTvTjS "Lto'W isauca oi uhmt superior puaoo it.. . f wkkk they iuvll. atiaattKar rt j IB VERT COMPLETE. a ar prepared u uaeat ta ' taowd Stale, lo pel ineir i sua at a .uckT:-' any other Bret class eaUbliinalT an i auoai to ,,rcoaae will UiTbT,'4 anvaiiku.., i. . . aiuek u. Ftaaus belora pOTbaaug aawkU, ttalidfureircuiart wwiiaaa. , ..L,"'-ll ' iiaVicaVt. T'rt ew, 1 Wit. P.'.au Alt KINDS OF PRINTING. OUR CHARGES ARE VERT MODERATE. ; ;;- ,il o-lt:rj; '(.-;- ' i! . W hops our friend will aend la ; THEIIl O It 13 II I 'Which will b proraptly stteadad to. may i-lf Graves Wwchoiuti panvioxk, ta : fd bb Bala ov tMmM tXavaono bual ajrauxl house fur u taa2!T Towa. With ltaxedo)raal.r H una kiaaed np a. sua arekoil i'' li i Alalia tor horse, wood ruetasfii V -irt -o eook and sleep lu. fruaupk atLT mb teauia, , , ... "'ataal' oUl-dljr 1 , " '" aTav ;itH ' FEMALE INSTITUTE. .7 Rev. Da. aid Mat. Lact, ; Priocipalt. saautea oy a eorju ot sipertsnred taaeber. Tb Fall Beaaloa will be opened oa the aVtk July, aad continue twenty weeks. ''" ' Fur Circular containing partlr ularsajii.ly to Iha Prlnetrial June SI-Vw XtT A NTEDrAEMl-lt TO Sdn PER VV nionlhevbrywkere, stale end timale, to Uitr.Bee the genuine tnioruved MAK- KHALI. Ma.WlMli Uli'lllMV -1.1. chin.: will tUtcb, h m, fell, tuck' bind, braid, eord uiltji and embrolUer la s most superior , , uiuj eii IUUJ llceOBUU SI1U warrantnit V, a,a ,m SV. ..11 an... lor any machine, high price or low, that will - - hvmkr, wure veauiiiai or auore eiaaue seam thaa oura. tl makes to ELASTIC IXX. K e l i rcll. Every second allien caa h eut, sod still tasekitn raa aot be palled apart wltlioal teannc it, W nav Airenutluoui per month, and expenses, or t eommis faoaa whk twia lb at naa-am ran be Ufa) Bole I m tMlrtMr. Off)'', 18 South W 11 Haas gL, New Terk. aug 16-Hta At w I WM-O-O P a , at Iftt fit fbaak at. el ITink Or A I wa ... bvui j rfijua, FaUtnilPt I '"7 m w I BP qnriHtT of Wro fur WttsttW MJM aaain Kaa atis,.nliaaJ .1.1. al . a . I -w, -Ut'tI1U Willi MJ WXfmi tvnna mnn an fir waaivit tu.Pfu.iiai a -r - pvupvui BTaSBWtmea, 8Dd In your ordm at pnec. r.ii.u T. 8TRONACH. ( EXTREMELT LOW PRICES. W. H. ft R 8. TUCKER A Vo. July 19 tf w. C, 8TRONACH pRlaNITT COLLEGE, lOwtaaoa ' To 'i W. tlroBick t tt., i ' Groorr and Cmmimio Mtrchant -' . DEALER lit j . COTTON AND NATAL STORES, j Bscoad Door above Tarboro' ' House FaasUavtaV B , JbaVigA X c. ! aug. (tt . The Fall Term will enmj,... laik and rloie Dee. ItUih. I8TJ. Special Indoceuiauts sre oflered during tb fee "a fin-Caul. srue. ' B. CRAVEN. JlylS-Tt ' aUAatisl. FUT rin-UItVi-Bl Binri Baa res lat anmlw Ia a address, B. BAKHHAI.L A CO. No. ltsl Miauu Stbbit. Aaai J'er. rTAimmt wRa an k. I.,,..u k. Oilu n.r ... Ihi.Ii. kH....w i. - . r . w,. ivu uuj palniing ott wonhloss cast irou macldnee ' u. nig iww wiiiaerwaa. uata is tha only venule and really cheap machine H. H M I to, , -o ITJIbi QREEN PiCJUJCS IN QLXH ta bugs for retailing purposes. -J , n.-.eis.unttjlJ4ct Omoa r raa Paean lasoaaaoa Coin Nik I7d DBOAUB.r ..J. "Il . tVraraanC'aowBix, feaktsnt Caauauar Baoauu, Vara HriBlaauL -riuaaosa Saaw, tean-Ury. 7 . S .w n. vawwBuaj aaana aacratary, Aavei M Awaf naut Uu. (k ' . 1 1 If A I, B1M- IS. - . . . that Ul Phabix ,nurlulZ, I wlU pay -', tier luaaee iaiiaTo . oat urliuN ff hi ; i pVT! Jr V"" tvavlugNher aouad sod ready for ba.41'"1 ntr edauiuua oa Uclooer tat IB7 (o) A.i, l.BW.cay,- boaa, tc,, ad rusted but aot due, . Chkago Irawea win aot neeed. " Aad we are Irmly of lbs optoloa W w mas win aoi exceed tgaa n m TbePhunlx uu. tJ..TiK'' ivk i..j.. ...TrZ.TTT'i " na f Li, rairlt. - , fT A auna uf . ,i i... u , . ""'P". ..ttl. all loawa aaid pay tk asm. rnvH i " " our pa irons aad eanairaa oa oar good fortune. "araairai - tTFrartetjarrj,, , '- , Praat rkea x las CauilaL uruaa turpi us. SHOES, GAITERS, UMBRKI.LA3, LADIES', MEN 3' NECK TlKri angl tf tad KID GLOVES , W. H. A R S. TUCKEk A CQ. QARBOLIC ACID t ;, AJMU UAKBOLATE OP LIME i Tha best dialnfeeUuU in ase. KseommelNlBd ba nVMM. IJli ti L out thecouutry. wtoleamle and retail by the maanfaetnrart, BaLTiMoa Coal, Xab n Maair e Co., ' A bat, A Charles St., , mayiaVtw ... , Italilaiwes, aa M OLASbEH. 60 bt.ls. good. jiyaip: G. T. 8TR0NACB. D REDS MAKING. TjlOR SALE. Bmnrv Harneas. verv Wn JlyaSU W H. JONES ft CO. MRS. R, J. UPCHURCH unre vou to do," la lnthr .l. ' - ."inn, wur morality is ihw: that every man should b Mfi.rd. d and treated aa .n k. telltua the truth, or what we admit that he regards a true. " Tbi is the naked rTWer-aai nrinm nlat war hi -.s a J . ,. nu . ceu ed for I ikau, tnd at Brgiug upon . th offers her sorrlrea to tb ladle of Raleigh ant MANTUA MAKER at ker realdaao near the Frmndrv. Wort done aeatlv and i,n,. ., I . v , k.. ,;.jk-j ;-rir . pn- vm aw .or was I eg sollclledj : apr la-if I LJtODDER, OATS AND HAT. p" A small lupply Juat reeHved Jly Utt-tl JAMES M.T0WLE8, , Agent i posiiton. Patroa Ii 1 M LIME. A aew lot received, " ' ng l-tf G. T. BTB0NACH ft BB0. i AND B B O T I i FPLK M'LLS, , AnnikM innnla .... , a a.. . , . , I " ,,. ..pwaana vj nrsa vain. Kvary tanaar aaoald bar oan of ihsae Inval sugSl b JAMES at. T0WLE8, I Agent. BHOf psncussioir vaps,' I A TVLL A88RTMENT OP TRUNKS, Vsuaeeand traveling bag: xBttantlyoabtnd. ' ' .'; R. B. ANDREWS k CO., ! - - ... - - , ' CLoraiBBa, amo Gssra1 Ftraanuraa, June 1-tf Next door to Tucker Hall, kaleigb, N. 0 AT eept; BKIGtiS ft SONS. IEMAUt HIGH RTHllfil. , --" CART, WARE CO., N. C. JVJ" K W B O O K B , t" . RenalalaauaeUai .r .. .1 A r, , . . W,t- Mn, , oTL." r vrjer- a hWMiCkm ' ii9nTf Bwb and la j - maurews ton oi ia m.) Swill '' " ' a. . , av eai per eopy. Tbe Swamp Outlaws klatnra nfl'-L.i aa.awia aiiaaw-aasq. rnc bl) ceaU per cony New Kurd. A n . . . j . V - 0WE8' Bookstore, . Kaletgk, N. CV .1 i i - The next aeaalna will an. T..Y- ar , (S-.1 ... .pvt. VI, 1DIA. ajai-v a , - ... sin .1 .l . , i . . . I TT', , r- .' "ia-ii aaues van OI I Kaleurh. lanumliaaMli n. i j . . "earai ei a good acnodi for their I urriaoo so aaaa l ir a circular. . n sascners bar bad aeees.ful expert QKFORD UIGtl tCHOUL, , OXFORD, N. C. J. H. HOBHBBABB R. H Gbavbb. PrtnefnaJ. cTlulaUwL aVat(llnaw . ta.. l tf Alflllw SBlla4 Itlha. aSt... I . .JuiLJ, r-w:. aeoi oa ap tuns In-swA kdlm ' ' 1 f Oro olVVATERvVFrPPi Mill GearintShaftinUPulIeyj C 8EM0 FQHACmiuj& TSTt- jtTOISELESS SLATES. Juat received lot of the aew patent Note. has School Slate ot different aliea and oncaa. N from M to 4U cent each. Tbe saak t J0 ,ben they faU aud aw not easily trokai. . , ...... J. A. JONES' marsl-tf. Honk atom, THA?IL8"M C0LLKUI 1 E INSTITUTE bKtud aa trttrlnd k.u a ! brviclA tZ . Csrt tr, anrf i:. ..T:"' j . - : wi j"m ueuiiemen, un ? i. ,j!B1t cunt,u " Mr. cfw. West. r--rrr . tcmr bJ erot w 0 350 BD8HEL LTED MEAL. V augHTtf W-aSTBONACH. Rjlt tbe The nl. mil a. s fi. . . . 7 i am peraaj .. o : - MERRITT, A M. j JlyUd-sw 'Prlncpk L""OR TBE BEST BOOTS AND SHOES IN the City for the leaet money go to j aprlS-tt ".: CD. HEARTTftCO jyR8.,:H,.:w4'MiLLiB ' ;r Uav.ug tvanmed th management of bar . A BOARDING HOUSE, j eornerof Newborn sad Parana ,Htna. f qneau th pabanag ot Bar old frienda aad lb public raoarallv. . ug l-tf i .. , On8nperlorCBiWHair Mattraat. ' w.tijJlXftoo; sag -I' fAH,- A.7K,1- THRlLLtNO NAR if .a."!f ? lu,rl NortaXt JoUnii j vaanB tail oa rat IfprST-U A3. M. ENNISS, tart.. N.AJ BookAhwa, NT ET T')KK Dairy Butur and Prim r V A88 8'JTTHES. I a-U , AverTBadiBlaekWslnnlHanilet. I ' eep n ki. JvlhES CO. FOR 8 A LE. aUllN AND .a.T6NACH. UttHar- I JaallT tf'TVratl wa - Jntv. lS.tf ' QBAlNCRAOLMANDaaUaSSCrTUES JaHtreeaivedat v.n., ' tr.n . I . teat nnakVwlTor TiLlTL'if'V'J A Itl lis .11 . n"fl N C. Hay and Family Floor '' "; epl ... W. H. JONES A CO. I ant tvtd st maaalaerersVp5eeIv as. m, rowiia 1CC BaaheltCottoa ' 6 000 aa?nti1d W-daV. ugMS-tr T ,W. STRtiNACH. W-tf ; w.C STfti.var.iv t. rj i- SACKS FINE SALTjattraeetveA tug m ir. ti sTsoNACfl, HswattfAatla BAIill ... TODD, BCHENCK A CO.! General CoinmUsloB Merchants, ' FOB TBB Sal aaa poaCBAtB 0v TOBACCO, COTTON, ORAM, yLOVB, tRODUCX, ' Aad Merchandlte af evarv d.nn.. w. lotnutD it., taxow txcaanaa ruacg , "ALTIMORK. Jnioti,..i.. --dar7b.TPt8Utt WnJ; '(""'' Son, Baltimore. If A ' AalurB" Bm,k M:X?'. X , a-kllMom , , Vj ' '!,.. ay U do. r. A;e QXF0RD FEMALk ACADEMY. ,' , , , . OXPOiU), N. C. ' ' ' S-Jf'- AAt Tb.wiMroT,wi. -J. !?! T1 'I"' OUTLAWS VirVTlixaPA taritK tmm. a.. . . . IJT ITJJE OEM CiiUKAf I Msket the best taality of firm Fellow Bat. from ieat milk la from two to In nlnntee. After removal froea the chart tat saltLhg It i ready tor, tie Ubl ot rKklat being perfeeUy free from whey ar Bulk, kn qalres ao Working wltktbpaldUsjgot, sad will remain tweet longer than aoyartldt mads from soar or deeompossd milk Ceasty rigbU r Chsrnt for sals. For farther Bertt- eulart tddreaa. 1 - ' J. H, 0RR,8erstsry , , Gai Cbara tomptay, y -odtf Chartotta, M. C. B BALK .. Ihi. taa.i.. flaw.. . w a u l , . . - vww a not b, avv waaa" ngioa Hand frees. - JpUlUR I FLOOR I lWtacka, . - A . ;r 7 t, SB barrels, Jaat rarairaa. . j a ; Jaaesl-tf , G. T. BTRONACH A BBtt WHITE SUGARS. : " i Barrel Juat rcivd. t Jon a-tf G. T. STB0NACH A BRa H AMSI RAMS 1 1 , m- I Urn Pounds Canvas Jntt iweelvad. jyBA. BLAIR'S BOARDING HOOBE. tlra n 1 . 1. I. . wi i ... . . . . , ,; . U.11HK rocaieo isvwEaoiy, veiawi Of Uars-ett and k.i;.k.. lii k. grateful for patronairw. iwwaa wiahla w hoard. Whn naf. a. .!-. .l , r - . a ia, him aaMW v.ai ,. CU tMIMOnm.ul.1 1 l , . i ..a. , , . .ni... ia. a amo vwanm . allytVslred, .. ,.. , .., (i ,. , x JEtF MAMS AND ftrNttliKS, Smoked Broiling Beef,"" ' Faltoa Market f W. C. STRONACB Cfc v- - - wa aij. -in "I0 tCT' 'or bosrd, tultloa A- Will be farniahad ua ..ii..i.. UOB c-i 111 raw. ? ,1 Mm 1 . 10 worn r the North Carolln Bandit. Bemr a com plete BlatOrv of tbe tinders Rub kora and BohinHeod etlpagea. Frie. au by maiL For sale by ----- JAMES H. ENN8,gt N. C. Book Store, Raleigh, J. C. UCORICE IrlASS AUD STICK, ... ; ' ' '- - ' ' I -. -A .FOR SAL BY , ' 1 " .' ' HENRY tvt Mr.MTa V Importer and Jlent for the V. S. and Canada, at?r 8'roe' n Old Slip, ih Carolin, Ka-ieft ' Misannrtr.T " vT'ni, KSrth Car JiJSeouri, Iodiaua,, llu 0hiai Kew Vorlui Warrarited Superior Powdered .Licorfoo. A a AL"a a 1 w. ". f ' ' New Turk prirw, .JilZlZtl Llrt - ATtUfliriW. narwaiaj wnM UVIn ffw F. Uf x. WwdatB, V-iiUS I. WBiTTTD, A-efV JiiaitMre, .y