I, flOH'Vll CAKOI.INA. Tttmt fnm WilmitutUm Star ." V. There wa a row at radical JolliSction as Monday mt'AtbiittjiOjoU-i-""- f - I fa.- idd A'aroline.Jfeexale Oilb-g at ' ' luiwvilW, u-a--rr.ile boHS of Wade p,, ha -" rMritid 1 At i mow ataied ibt U. W. Price, Ji BV eorf ! removed from hi pi- Yw LoOe.'d Kicliiw ""' y, wrekl l d by liKbLnio T1"19' ' 1 If Track wyiii5. Bode the ' auDerviaW of P rii Win rmiih, of tlii city, l to com t bm-bo Litwivilk su-bmwtbw. f.-, , Mr K H. W ., of the WAdesborn' U AriMO " ". JJP&'bJ , rc 'tl-im 4t the rewiJeiKW or Ilia brother in ! tKisj9- . ' ' ' At JjladcH fNiort, uow la mwiia,' true fc.li. eeee fouwd siraiot t'ehe t'litli w. fur iwurrtr-f .rslret ttt ; and.;; .cees-airy before (lie I'iuC YilUg litni Mat urge. , ' Jtm f Mitmingtm Jburt i ' lh "''" cf"P upper KictiUMind "will, w enilerstsjid, fell third short of h,w ealculatiooe, no account of rust srid sever eorii. 471tv Marshal t'aosdej baa returned frtim Balnnior. where be purrhraed two epbniid horwe for tb 't .ape Fear Steam Win Company- , ' ill " - Mr. N. A HleAuluisn, Jr., formerly local reporter nl thin IMfjcr, and more rorwMtly vl ifie Marion (n. 0 ) Star, it now a stu ' dcm st Judge PmroHi's Law Srlinol. WckwH tbst Win. ILThurkr,niluml. , ha lm mnoTnt from his piwiliou s ! AiriKl'rkl Asarwnf f lnlrrnnt Ri'miuu ihl Dial Jhiucs UiI'0 tls been aixinl l la si , , .,: , . ,i Thi'uv'CjI! JMrtjr iif the Kil iili sml AnfriMls "A" liiM," l sUiim ihrir rmul M Annua, will, Uwra, niiat hkUy V ImU'ri I lie rnnwintf y'tnt. Mj b .ut T'l, lh (r.TitlMujrn in chargv, sjh-sIo f.ii.dd. miIy ( iMting sbl U resch I hm )n, hr iri( K) IbaaAulrsry m.t- WiilisisuiiriK. 1 AlHindsnt rslus in Rovkiolisin, ssjs ths Ottmr.- i ; , j 1 Iif cinili(in of t K. 81 an It, Pmi dxii4 iif h-Ja 4iM IK H. k, Wtai.i t.i I teller by I he Ni-wlwrn Timet: i ' Aoi1oNrAU.T Kn.LKn. Mr, Kulmnl Kin(T "t Hsiiisin emintt, "ain't liiume r while sttfrnpinig to moi'i his -ttnithef is ' cMuitiii futlilor . atai k, ' pualiioK Him wilts lli ImjH u4 iI llm nun soil boitling the Ml in lis bwn huno. - " I . 'I Im Jfdut canvas in Ibe avooad ilislmi Iwtweru 4dMuufMaliiK caaxlidalMii f.elir tur, will lii.iii u lh' I -4 day of (k-t-Aier r.'hkwHf,'- jAuel ouiiy,' any. I He - W5-!.S. .IK.,. ,..,! IV (hitrttm sayt Warren ton has B'-gm daiilsel. h i l. i Wnid, and when Caught . atlui tliiat U la Jwi.' wuikI, ihl 4wy ie ; elukhrs 4 Jeus aad that they will take Krws'i I.immtwaT.--Thefrlow Roach "TwhitMliS THb'sTioiimiii! at Umiinriils, was 1 'm rfbem jft tkm, Htb f Kirk, war. The other niar.lial wboin he abut slOieoill is dead. .. . , . ,..,,,,,:,:! The "metron.Hiie" is the til le of the ' machine in H. Lulurcr'a widow that Ix-un lime idl hiilliiw, hy clk work, and tha)4la Ulterly attracted so much atfrD-.(!n- .-to.. Wil Jounal ., t--- j- w learn I lint an eff.t ra to Its made In in.lune Mr, reWny to viit oar city ou the ncraioii ol beinf; in the Ml ale in at . , tendance o the Pair at , Charlotte. We hope that the eil.irt may be suoceaaful, and that the Philosopher will (rive n an opportunity y beholdinir. the n. it Prei- dent of the Cii.tid Sutes. H il. Journal. Tlie ft-v.; Wm.' Berry, "of the Meih'. odint Cliun h, got his marriage litwnse on ' yenterday I., mafry m Mine Hutchersoa of . thii citunty. He is1 over 80 years old . wa U.i n lilin I aod educated at the LVaf, ' Kumb, s"d Wirid A(liiro at Raleigh. (He can read his Bible fluently, sud lean preach a frood eernsoa sb1 is rtgarilei as iri1eiitiotis tnan. Oanberry Rtjner. Katti.s Saaasi Raid. The rattle , sukiaji4'aileit nakiftKaa-aid uportithe : - bonw and prviniwi ol General Bryan Gninsv ab ut aeveq miles rrum WaahHi( toshi rhel A'sywww sWystbat wlarge unui tier were killed w llw yard and one in . vt.U.hMr fa p kHAfatnai t Owe B.iti Smith, a Wilkes erinty rdS .-raf, whw waa Snwie ime ire indicted for nb- , ting Hie mails, was (at week ' tried and 1 arqirttivd bythe rederat Ooart in Hli , bur.'' T'htt iriKl woo conducted before a , . ... rUdical Ju.lt; and A RailioJ Jury, pick ed up by'the Ulluii"U Marahal, I'armw. , The eetdsm-e, we laern, wasaooTerwh iin H , Wj f Wttl Smith as to leave oo d.ajbt '(! ol kMiftuMl, and yet tiy tins Radical Jiiri, iuatka was, kicked from the fiiryin," and ttiia Itl oa iieraiittsdi to go,c.it'lree. jtatcniUt hiUiliythctr. ! .; j HtmUflvM Southern iftwi ! Ao anti Qiawley Ueiiras; it . Deinucrats bsa been called in, Ijneolntoo. The rerHable ' cottna worm of Texas has roadtr its ap- pekraiicr Hear ba,rl..tU'. Also ths Vtrfin te KalHutpeil, .-tt Cltiiu croB in Ho t leuiHug aiut ailjaoeia eanntiea will not br Mtewart, Sea, v Was kilkl by living crUfh ed by ttie? lever of ' :cottuav preoa. He , wss an tetlkn gemleuiaa., ; It U Sitid that the remaining portion of lbs gan lit R .beans oounty outlaws ban oeesv. nuiorond by s while man from ' (South Camlina, who nrnrdered some one In that haste nnd is a loittre from justice. Hi name ha not yet been ascertained. , He, 6tphra Lowrey and Andrew Strong wsiw all area together ; last Tharsdsy. This is the Hint time that soy of the gang hare been sreo lor SL-reral weeks, tliey baring kept pretty close In avoid the yung, nwa that liars bee hantuur tar tbMM IA'i IammmI .... V i " AdeliuaPatti la worth11 a milboo of raocs. . j , , furster will glorify hisuetf in a second eelaaMuf DtckaW iiingraprxy. . j v Mdlla. Billy, the rival Schneider, ha just surtied aa enffaaement with a nana- ger at tjt PuUnibarn, and she wilt receive ""Ml traoca for each nostoa per fur n- . '.. t v , Msd,im Roderadorf want to pnbliah . the sootf he ssnir at tiie Jubilee, entitled 'HoraaSe tu Amenta," sod devote the fxotveda to anm American charity i for .ww . aVbJnatvna. racantlv orieat of the Greek 'kurcb at Lei(ai, has goee to- Mount ' 'nos wn-iitiuue his researches among we coiisruoae preserved la tbe Mua aster ea tbera. ......,..- , i There was oo tratli la ths - statement Wat Fattier Burke at at the point of , 'The sintplo lii ar tliat, oa K!i0, ii,h' P'oa'raUl by a severe , i wf l,nt attck, induced by the cl ""teethe eountry. ajuicti, be Hates, : 'iTik tryiBg te Jtie dsiicau - , , i -PUOITIPN AL VA KIWl ' - -J- f, jsoojus .., . , ( , Mas Aunw " MOOBB aV CLATUNGk - . - iTTOEMkTB AT tAwj j; aULBIQH, W. C. SUta and Pederal Coaru aal las Cowrtaof a lMaaSSU Juaieial IHaUV-ta. , ! -ir, . ' ! rniT.r.irs mnaasmou, A.ttoryievH at Law,' RALKIGU, N. d A ; a. r. rmmXm. dawV-tl a. a at samoa. 1 . ? U. V. BA80N, j ATTORNEY AT LAW,' '. " URAUAM. M. cj rraettnea Mi AUiaaaca aad arfjotarux eoaw Uea, acal as U MttsraaM aud U a tVairU i felt Jttliat 4- 1 H. M. NAHI1, A TTOKMI t. AT LAW, " uuuLsBoW it. c, r Prsctlras la "ramc and the sdj-lBlas; eoaa una, ana in ue euprasM ana u. a. Lourta. l MMHeat ........ I - a. raaaaa. - ( . - , . loho, PAbKER k LONG, A T f 0 .ft NETS AT LAW, ' URAUAM, N. C, ' Practice la Alamascs ' aud. ths aojotalua; soaaties aM la IS seia-eaae aud U. B. courts teat aa-S.-aat i . A. a ill i,' A.ttorner tit Law, aALKIUH, K.;C. ! .VIII attend Uie u'imI and VtUeral Courts hel iu Uie eo ,iiues ol iVake rud New lauu r nar 4 hn. ; . , , ; kM i'Ai. NOTICIL .. utll further aot-ce and auiil ths asUblUb lawut t a auitatik- ullle, order, tur mi pro fi ialuual amice, t,ij Be left wilA C 1). Utru if at Ifte nialn AaUoual ttauk, WUea 1 Will ftinSJiUT alu-aU un reauleuceeof palieiUa.r ata i-w f . u., ,, q V i U K DUftt, ir-v , f STToftHKf T LAw . "T ." Kaleig'h, C. fraK-Uc-w. la Ui Courto of WtJia, and in th ltHlemJ Uiurtft, t(ivaj pecUU lkutitB U fttio atittutg oi akiuKm-m Ui IfuprwiiMr Cuurft ul S C, UucU cIamuw Uat .uiy Kire or iuunijh Anamuy iu lb J oiU4 sutett, Mid avUMitaW pfUtUpLijr LO aVOJ OUaataT IH if laMlafllall HaMUtMat wlUV4a10ai W biUA. i fcttt l '::v . . vv 1 M. UAKL BrVUrYNB, fOK t' H A 1 T P A I N T I M , ' No. 1&, FayeUsvUle tirest Ufa tbw r'ictarea paurted Iroua Ufa, Pbeto- iravua or iraKuereoivpiw. luaro-data waiaa ULaajr. ? . a. uou-aa. (UiAllK & MULLEN, t ATTORN K VS AT LAW, UAUJTA, M. c, . Cra, lKelD all Ute CuurU ot Ualilax, North ampton aVdtreeoauie ana Marus ooaatlea, til use auprsaii, irun w noria lamina, ana u. Uie Feuvrel Coerta, ' ' 1 ' 1 I ollet:thna nuds hi sny part of North Car .llsa aaarttls a o ours, a. w. stkmsou, . s rsssHAH. II. C, OLIVE V CO., j Dasusa u Uaasau. MaaciAxnu sko . Comuiisslon MerchanU, AfiU, M. U. ' " " 1 Orders for Bhlaicle and Laaber tiled rouitUr and at low prices. . ; Wat. N. U. Smith, Oiobob V. Stboko. HM1TH & DTltONai AlToRNalSAT LAW, ! RALE I O U N C. ! OtBc avat te 'UUwaa' MaUonsl Bank. Bxenanes riaes, . :u k - . i I aaay s-dOta - ; QKOCIRIU TIGETABLEa, 10 Kegs Psmily Shad Roe, Received to-day. saaye-tf W. C. o l'S NAGH A Co. SUPERIOR rsble CuUerr. Silver Plated Knives, Silver Pork, KogW ewsti Tea sad Tsols Auupna. sprmu w. a iUKU a n, p' o ' k . a a 1 TTT ; ' ; Bogllsh Ssacsa, cheap tu close cosjlpimenL . . ! talyt-tf W. H. JOhlSACo. L AROE PLAMTATION AUCTION. Oae Umaaaad' lv haadrad and sixtv-nlos t,,'4f aiwea as ahe . MMsaows ,ul ta ilea auvee, aw uniea rriHa iaiviiia ana is worn iiot, wlH be soht at ' palitio aaetlua on ab lets of 8pteaie, I07SI f bis la a apit-adul plaatauioe, aot would aiakea aav stock Paria, inUu beaauludr, ,"d weal iiaproteit jlfoa particulars aadraa , 1 . BN.ut.i'ir4 m ram.. .."CAM JUVBd.LAJIiJ.aWe.SWV- . kwT,aj, alaavUi, Vai aut e-dUl lavp , -.r , , i , U.0B DUOONAL COATS AND VS8T8, OUVE ' DIAGONAL COAT9 AND VK3TU, !r:;' DAHLIA DIAGONAL COAT AMD THJTB, Vlaek Ulafooal uosuaaa vets. Just received sa j; , R. B. AXDEIW8 A CO'i. apraft-tf A ; iMWars. ptUt COLU M BULN ,JoUJtuK, WASHINGTON, D. 0. , 5 1 i The Preparatory Department opens Bept 11 th IH7 I : . lit. , X ' The IJutlara ope s ept 18th. v Tae Atadleal Uepartweat opens Oct, TU. Tbs Law liepariBawil apes' Oe IkA. ' for CATALtHt.ES foaulnUie fullinfbr anttoa ut regard to tbe several lieperUasots, address ths PresWent. Ja8 C WILL.NG, Lt D. aaar lAeodtiUoctlO . . g V p A Bel j t) U ; AJB iil j auKT-tl . V P .' , .. P ,LB' , Preah Mallets 9Q Barivl, t'ora Whlokey. ' w. T. tiTHUN ACH av BHO. aatrir? t( ' l s AX. IGH PKUALB W8T1TUTB' V. V"' 4 i Dr. aad Mrs. LACT3 SCHOOL ' v " ' ' !. m KM.n tlTxttn Julrand eontisss an til th td t.'litemiM'T, whtn it wdl W traiMftrred to the Pfre institute. i Tae eai. Will Ot u'iatied OB Ul sane trnne i'b ehkh u couufitiKea, C"i o p Ta t s k k i nr. j sv-tul Strut l t ,:' J Jt T B OAlDtM B eo o'kaj N at n Car Fsta Bask Bun omo, 1 ON' PAIBTTEVILLB BTBIikt. m ... , , Pevsaaaeat sad day bavders,Ufcaa at leaaoa aids rates and aaUaiactiua alvea MK-1 W P. Hl'OUINit. Paamssioa as eivsa to aarsa ro; K,v J M. Aifcieaua, H.iav U. M. tWnier, Taaddaws atotieev K , Jotta tt. Wlltiaaaa, Esq, ; . LJ. SUPKKIOK H. C. X1UE BACOM-w.U aox(L s-U W U JOS Its CO STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, I Tausvar liaraaTuaaT, ' ' Raleuth, Artl 3d, 1(051 ) The folloaina; ait la putiuVbed for U Infer iaata of Uie bul.lr.ra of sunds of Ut Slate if Mortb Carolina. j I he atMli-rauraed, la eompHaoes with the rrqulreuieote of the srl, hereby Invite po aala, to be for war Jet fi Una dertmeat oa or bi-fore tlie Httn dai of tlrtober. IHTi. fursa eaeiiausviof th aUi.-ii of this stats as any Ketlrwul euetatav or other owyurel aav, lr Uie li- uda ut Uh State. Maid prutaawia eiaat he aealrd aad eadoratnT Propuaals tut es chaoK" of dute akKka." : lt U deemed uiuuM-eaaar) to art forth the e taifc el uehasgs my MM act k ert,lauau jr of ' '" ' D. A. JINKl, . Stale traaasrar, W..M. Hutre, . . . AUuruey UeaeraL as are axoaaaoiM tbs to s or rsi tt r,.a s.ihu a ira wan e suca aiooa Sas uarAisso aso rua otmbu ruarik-sa Ksctiom t. J"r tVramal Aarmoly .VortA timataa stu wuut, .Thai tbs Patuw i r.uiirer aud Attorney tMsuefW shat advertiaa lor tl aiooi ba id inch aewapapere ts lb y uwy avka t, and Invite prupoaala luraa ast hauK of tbe iwka held by the aula is uy Hailrvad or oiber corporal ua, for Uie bouaa by ebieh Uh Siaaa -euuiie4 aw-a atueast ev aoy other Uood . ottbe nUte not apecud taJt abera tile loch la not apsfially pledyd lor the rsdeiap Uoa of bonoa isue4 tu suvh eorporaUuu ; aoch bida shall be opeued ou s day appoint! sad thuae lertus tie accepted which uiav be uioet advaatamaws for tiie Htale s iViwir i, 'ihal in uoavrul aball aur vt the sal I ruet.a b. exi-haiietl for lees Uiau their par Value, or (or lena thu three ooada ut aauie Bomisal Value, hwuru In aidorcbaUuun Railnauk Jau uary lat, iMis, and, Pmniamljurllur, Mo 'stock, in the North Carolina' halhoad aluul be t i'liaii(ed, unleaa hi the stuie otter It la pruptw eil I4 lako rwwity shares of stuck la Sis Nonii" Carolina Railroad, ten sbarea hi the Atlantic and North Carolina Kailruail, aud tweaty bres tu Uie WVateriiiortbCarolius aailroad Cmniaury (Eaateni tiivinion). iitl to pvi there for two tjoudt of one ibouaaud dollars each of Uie slate, iMui-d to .he Norta l.'arolius Rail road enuer act. of leHSJSV. chapter itt) eb ty two, or INM-Nift, eiuiler tbirty-lwo, ue iHind of one Uiouiuutd dolUtrs, larued to U AUaulicaud Nordl I aMillna Kallntait, nullor acta IHW- M, chapter ICCI, or acta of lttat, cbank r 74 and ia, and two boada of one time. aaoeoiisrtMed4u.uMI Wtaaaru fiorih Car olina Kailnw , (Kaal ra lliviatou.) acta of Iad-'ti7, ebap-r lot), or ia Uie aforesaid uro poaiUoa. . i eat-, i. Th t any Kailnaul or other corpora tion, wbk-h haa bertitolore received bouds of Uie stale ia ei chaiaoc tor uenda of said txir poralion t pnrbon lioliiiiiK uuh State bond, hall be entitn d hi s urreuder ot s bond of ucb corp.,raUon. upon the retulu to tlie I'reaaury of any elate bond of . qual aiunniil, issued under Uie acta of Uie Ueneral AnKUibly i tlrdiuaores uf Uie onventiou, sutboriziiu! n. h. Iianf, and npon a return ut all bonds Ueu.-d uh'ter any atrticalar a-t or ordinate, (he corporation ntiail be euUtied iu s can-clla-Uon and aurreuderof any niortuaiee ese, qed to tbe Slate for seciiritn( payiueut of aacb corporation honda, or Slate bonda ; coupons on Saul bonda may be cxuhadirud in like uiau urr aud cat oil audi retaiiied ou eiUusr aid to make euaailty. , - i Sic. u. l'o fsclllute Uwexchsuire propwed la this act Uie slate does hen-liv relinuuieb all cialui for slock la tbe 1'twterA Railroad abuVfcijwuiiUiuu--oue.baudred thouMUie-eor" lars, aud eurrenck-r tl the said eompsny two hundred and tweuty-Sv tbouaand dollars coupons no In sure -f rsaaury withheld ou s former exchsiurr of companv bouds for stock Ulssid Railroad ; and aUMi lha eiala dn. if m, by rebnttm k all olanha Iu sto- k Is said ceiu- pany above ail nuniirim inouaana aousrs upon lbs return to the Ireanury of thu uve buudred tbouaaud dollars of Wfimiuirtoe. Cbertolte aad Huthertord Coiupany bonda, and coupons ner.-uirore Mara to eats wesb-rn Uaiiiosil Company : Vovided, 1'iiat any peraon aciinir int; a abars of Hate stock In aaid corporaUoa, ahall be euUUid to ail ib;hts aud privditt' S wiib the prlvsie stockholders In votin; an ia the ssautiua of tiie dxfsetiira, wbeee aaatbaf hall tx- deWislned by, Uie stw-kbol erJ of tsiil company. I he stats also r.iUuquiiOif all claim, to stock in the Waakirn North i aroSus Kaitroad above fau aiiiliou, of dolbirs. Sao. 4 That as aoou as ths proportion of hares of stock for which lbs Slate appoints one director ia sny corporation Is exchanged, the riffkl of the lain tu appoint suck dueotur h.d cease sud determine , aud oue director to be selected hv lot aball be deducted from ths numbersppdutdd oa Uie pari of the state, sud upon B.eptanee of Uib ,.ct hi sny oor porsUon sad aucb Kuannuwa jriven for IIS lul Uluieut aa aball be deemed sutUcient by tb Treasurer aud Alto ney Ueneral, all further right to repreaeiitaUou by the state either by d rectors or proxy, ahail euaa sud delermme. Sao. A. That as soon sa may be pracUcable, the Public Treasurer allrecstve Ui bonds offered lu excbsiiKe, anitlu Uie presence' of lb Auditor and .Attorney tieuerai aball cancel tbe lauu. It shall also eshia duty to transfer th atm-ka aud execute auch cunveysuee of Uie other rslereat hereinbafore uteuUoeed as bsit be -deemed aeeeasHry, such convey anew t . be in a form to be approved by the Attorney (tana. aL . . ; . i:t -i i i est). It shall be the duty of the Auditor to mass s aoiuule of what shall bs done hv the Iressurer ui the premL-aa, aad to make litsre fiom ie-b suUlsa la Uie b,'0ks of his urhes ss may secure a Mit acoouulaliUily on Uie part of die I ressurer becsuss ut th trsassciion aeibeforeNmeUtloued. I Bsc 7 i he Public Treasurer aball make pecbd reports upon lb Mlijrct of .tula act to uie tieoeral Asaembly at every seasioa. I Sat!. 8 Tbattht, ai-taliaU be la foroe from sud a'lei lis rsUUisUou. i KsUded the utdsy of Pehruary, A, D UsTi. . 8TATE OP NORTH CAROM!-A, urra-i wmtiii ot stiti , . Kalebjh, Pebruarj ;U, I, Henry J. Mennituter, Secretary of State, hereby certify UiatUiefiwetrointrts srtresaopy ot tbe original acl oa file ia Uiia odli-e. o.i j U. J MENNINUEaV .v. kpr 4-dlUwtlra. Becretary of elate. $50 "VDl 1 will rive tW reward for Uie hod v at Rob ert M. ttrutvers if captured m the sotaaty of Heme, ana sum ii captured ouuids e ue count v. Bald Sriditers was cobvim-WhiI a lier (nryst the. oorrsut bmat Nef-Battae tutpwsw Court and s sped out of my raatody while aane takaa rrom in Jail to we Loan ttuaae WIBdaor, starca 11, 18TS, sttsrtl. ma.att-wle..' - V - I ANB, PAJ.8, PANS, All KNDLP.PS vA 1 rtety -!(.- - -v -VBTINUKK't. jriitjLvvas--, OETTINGBB'I. TH LOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES, ENTIRE Ja, wimn yi VillinvMa TAOONET AND SWUS INHERTIDN8 tf mi hAlglnts, at . 0ET1INGEH 8. IT ANDKERCHIEP8, LACE COLLARS .a -a. ana seua at uki l i.nu.it r r-rt - " T A DIES, Mlssi ES ANDCH1LDKEN HOI , OkTLiNGER'S. 1-1 at ' D AlLT RECEIVINO LADlEa, M1SSI MISSES aad Chudrtsa Hals at OKTTlNGES'S... I ALL POR NEEDLE, PANCI AND J tadisa yurauhlii; Ixxxla t I :,v. UAl llt a. s. TVitseTRlia RA1N, PANCT AND PLAIN A. eubtjoaa, esiroa - lf t ' t ISAAC OETTiNGER. TTNDKUSLEEVI U at . ISAAC OETTINOER'B ' Jims S cf i TTTI CALL special aUenttiat of Bperis- ,YY JuenWlhe ...... it , "AMERICAN STORTING fOWDER, It ran' tbe heat. -Call and buy of BRttluS BO8 , "pLOt R OA MORE PA MILT PL0UB. I'aiaKDco Psmily Flour. Kuauoka Asuafninr. baaia Mills suiier f Ljnr ikuV lot ts paefc- V" to auil Halau 1 raas, ,8g It.:.. " W. C lIRONACtt. A ,t; . T 1 M T I e tt Aawerlraai wportlptg, IINTUCKY RIPLX An F A I R L 4 W X POWDER. AT HAftrvWARB DEPOT OP T. H. BIU003 A RONS. spf-tf TTRACTIyl SALE. Win he aod at the Court House ill the tows ot UkhKNBboHO', at i . t li. B JL I C r AUCTION, , HUssauy, 2'XA 8tf. 1872. By order of Court, tiw Dlvlaioa, all that ' valuable RIAL ESTATE, he- t-sarbis; the late DR. J O II N A. M K B A S I Sttae la aad Bear ths town of Orscasboro', as lonowa; -IXIT on Weal Market, t&if feet, rbaams back feet, uiua which stau Js a COMMODIOUS DWELLING, wllh Out iionaes, Pine tiardei.s, Ae. LOT I47 JT4 feel, sdi.iinltnr tlie almve. sit-. luted Iu. the most pleasant part of the town. Two Unre balUitur tots la th mar of ths same, f routing on lbs Salisbury road. LOT oo Kalians rv Road bnpoaiUi Uie late midm-s. of Gov Morebead. rJV.ltw fast, apou which Is small dwelltiur, house. Houas And Lot Bear the Court House. Dealrabw BR1CE STORE and lot ooDoalte Court House. KutbtM-o Deslrahla BaildiaK Lota oa Porbli aioi Usstou Directs. , A aiuall tract pi land near th North Cro Uus Railroad. I A tract of land eonuluiiis 10 acres situate about a rallea Kat of UreeuaOuro. Also "7 TWENTT BCILIUNG LOTS In tils'' vllbure ef Wsrnsrsvllle. about on alia South of Ureeawboro. . . ror further deK IpUoe of prooertv ses Plot at r.xpress Offli-e ot R, M. Sloan. rhe abote aale presents rout InduiemrtiU to thoas who wiiui to mak profltaltle invent metita, ' Or to aecure deeiraiile property for lrir owa oae, In the growing town of Ureena wo 1erm : One-third Cash, balance Davalile is 6, I'J and IS monUia, with lutetrwl Title re served nnill derrrred ba nient are made : W. D. Rr.x MOLDS, oiom't. tireenan ro', N. C, Aug. SX, W srp II swtds SEND TOUR ORDERS IN POR TBI IM : , PROVED 'tipey Utley Cotton Pre." THE UTLET COTTON PRE, an well known, and whleb rave suUr sstifartioa lor wa ua t three seaaons, caa bs obtaiaed with Us haprovemeuta, of me at kak-brh. : 'luuisaa mumIm of A,w kuK-'.n frk'loa la overcome. Ita Bimparltv. Kcon- omy aod Ourahility aslonish all who aes It. And IU mora so Uiat a, powar ae simple shimld bava remained so tone; a nap propria ted ib wutfuy HUfus oy u Bed Plai. follower Block aad two t 8-4 in. squsre Iron Ban, which are' eapable of sustareinic a wekihtof IWOo pounds) thus giviftr math mors strength tints Is required MUA tMt .. . ... .w.... a a .tm w eiwioil SKA SUA, tariff aiiaalM, mvftiiitg rrom jour AwsdYad tojttft Auadvwd end jtjlf jhaukU, -- - - " mm .tin ..mil uuiy isuuinits loaitiw time. -t it in . . -. . .h , ......I ijwt, nun can oe sa p seed as to receive the Lint direct from the Uier Lint Ro-im, ss may be derired, lha. -""ft - - "in vaaaew Ml ireunent Bab Ungof UaaUnt. - , ti n iikui iu weurnt, can he taken down and nut un in jal in in,) t.H, ,IMi m. tu. -....-... On a two horae wsiron. f t.li.,. it , .. u ..... .it . J a b for Jbawr, IVMemleaer sad raMir riesr couiHeie ; Ucpui of Coltou Box g leet; stxe oi Bale. 4 I a feet hy siiWdau laches ; weiitht of sals SOU lo 65U poaBda. , ' Tj H. BR1GG8, i if 11 ,p S Msnufacturer, ; Ralehrh, M. 0. a kvwj --i ,,b9' , ; Jsdr.W. B.Rodman, Waahb rtnw, N. 0., JiidraBapiaueOiHirti Major V - A. Bloant HaabliiKton, N.(l. I . II. Blocker, FsvelUi- Ula M II, 1ST t: S-HHaA.,111 hi . . B. I. WilUamsim, Rslehib, N. I! ; Thomas b' enarers, ' naeutu, n u. Thomas ttowie, Hah-hxb, N. ).t Dspt, A. B. Audrews Hen dsnoa, N. t! , Bapertateadent R. at tt. K. R t' t li dobaaun. CUotiai. N. ). t 1. r sob Jenkins, Nhunta, N. C. ; Kveret Hmlth, svoesy sioum, n ft .. VV lldcr, .. 1 1 u. llBtaaV4l-aVssa'slav Jf; C t L P Bvaam, PiltsNwo1, N t: ; C. C. Ataister, Pituboru'. N. U ; Dr. J. WJ, nr. st ake aunatsv A). V H. OeWer, HvaKt eoostv, N. j j i jt. rogue, HUlsaorfr, Js. C atuj SI Sal' i- . SiagBlaiil 6c IVTiller, REAL ESTATE v . - 1 " il I1 ' EXCHANGE, Under raleigu national bank. ' ' t ' ' Laad buyers aaay rely cat !m-chasicf direct froea Use Property Owners. No Middlsmaa or Agent allowed , , to SpeouJaUt or ckvarre an ' " adwaKit oa the ownen,; ., ,,, asice of rarma, Ao. , -. ' ? IIouscs and Lot for - ''VSal. ''''. I T aaayt-tf '. e. Wood a o ok. ; , i . f' 7 i .1 .! t . - Proprb-tors of Q.dd's A utomalie Low Ateam aud TI. 4 W.u-r llmter sud Uaaua't UeleoraU-d Hot Air Purnai-e; inteukira and aid tea of the Parlor Sun and 1 sthtuinK Fire Place Hea'. rt tnd Par Hanses j ilcslert in all kiodool Ili-at snd Cook Stov, a, Kitebra W-t' Grates. !"lte taaiib-ls rle , etc W VaiSUvaa with Pin.nbimr, and. ab kin lavf taaaisnd Water PipOos; rupiirs lor rtfara H'JStera, Paraavueajnaagd 'cs,'stci 1 . . WM E W( Ol A CO f W. Comer tulle, and Euuw sta. sep 1-&ria MISCELLANEOUS VaHXMMMXCiM0R$ AO JAMfi AT. Ps-raassuue a. ' '"''I Paid rpl'spttuT $323)00 JOS H. Cooper, Psssinemr. ' ' i N. M TANNHH. Vh wPaasioatw. i D. A. WKIrlllitR. Iiuna, t - BEN J. M ARKl.-KiN, Aaaiararr Casatae, ia . , uaacTOas: J Aaarew Whit. W. Ia Wattle. Prank Holla U T ...... J. y vVllliaiusoej W. hi Msliory, ! CtiB.aai r hw whb-h eertiScatw wilt be ia sued, pavalde in kind, oa daassad, wllh kater eet fiom date Ull paid aavsaast alloasd oa dally bahtara avh)et tocheik. ' Coilecthais oa all '- nolnta aad sa. turns andr prompUy. aar la-u Studvell Brotlwrt, Is i&wrrmy MtrE, No w Tor k. i jyaaufactursrs aud Jobbar at uoots & mm, ..... i por UrTfHilftiN THADi; Havs a complete asek la all Uoea, meladlug their popclar Gsisira Btati Btia, Ku ftow Buoaa aad Wouias Psaaaui. 1 Order eidiet led and earef ally fllledat leweat atarkut rate. "' ' " ! t. K. MOOSE, Sil.arsia, taaSa-dtha B dlUIIStl LOTS IN THk tOA t.' VI SUSB, A9U FIIKa Is U VICtMlTI FOR IALI, ' t Pur cash or eiedlt to suit Darchasera. Th Uolel l'roMrtv a Uurvaui, sud Building Lota In the heart of towu 1 Also, Uie F att pUnUUos. Also, tbs Goecb, piantatioa, tbs tisutnaoue plac aad r1 rit place. App y to aor n if av i P. MOttXlaLAgeut, B KJGU8 at BKOTHER'B ' . '. ' 77 OATaUWOa or PLOW ICR AND rtUXTABLK - Aud Summer Plowrtng Bullia, fur U7i, sow ready, eousiaUna of over l.al lantea, oarose Uuted paper, with upward of 4oU separau atta, sod au Smwlal Culocad fimiml Cover, l beauUful deaucn, ss ootors. lha hebeet Catadiarue aver published. Bend Sh nnU for a copy, not one-half Uie value of tbe colored plate I a live Jtrat order, araoaaUuK to eot bavsthaatl, Uve prtre of Uatatos;ue, aSc., will he refuudi-d m seeds. New euatoesers aiaced oa the same f online- witAv old. Pre to old unU.io.ra, Uualitv of acada. slse ol tavcltau. prices and preuuuuu oSerad suake it as the aavanuure oi ail to pun nass eeeaa ul as. - pee Catalog ae for extraordinary ladaaemeata. '. torn wiilmissit if yoa do sot ses our Csle- wwue net ors oraenng jseeoa. l.llhcr or our two Chressos (or WtIL thai lUxi4 one lower plats of Bulbous Phut. consisting of Lilies, Ate. ths other ef Anneal, Blaoolal sud Pereaulal Plsaia, guaraatesd the Most aUJWaJI wumlu. oamoaiu ever Issued ia this country ' A superb parlor ornament; mailed, post paid, on receipt of 76 tents; also tree, oa condition ejawilled, la Catalogue,' Address , BKltittB At BtttJT rlEft, AlWaMbM lto Rochester, New Tort. HOTELS &o., : IIEEICAI HOTEL t , CHIBTMliT dTUABT, Orrosm Old Imust bkducb Bsi PHILADELPHIA, j , 8. It. HKULINOa, IraiArtiikr aplS-dU. CT. CATHARINE'S, ONTARIO, . , CANADA; TMI "STKrUENON ' 1 j AND BATIId ----- ; in eoama-tlu with th eelebrated wall of BAUNB MINERAL WATER ' I saw opea for ths rerepUiai of Wat tor Paraorn d Irous of ugiu;'ug board WIU phiaas address the PrpiraA - : BEVERLY TUCK ER At SONS. taly T-tf f -UKBUPKRIORm OP Till UNKlVAL X LED WULK PIANO -' ...... PORTE ' Is conceded hysll who bare GAREPUU I OMPAREW it wltu others. la tbs ' NEW SCALE, Tbe Manufacturer has sacceedad la m . the Mi HIT PKHPKCT PfAJIO-PO possible; bene they are preferred by ' GREAT ARTISTS OP TMR DAI - f ' Aad recommended by all the ' LEA Dl NG RWSPA I' ERA Prices ww be tuund asw aiitit. - a-'eoash' teut wiUi tboroug i workmauabip. -.r.-saAAKK0.atl ra Avssui, Naw loaa, Cos. lt Sntser d tf ' J. EDICAL COLLEGE '' -. ; OF TBI .- . BTATK Or Bt)LTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON, 8.0. k ' ' The Portr fourth ('our a, of Lecture a this In!-Utiil.na will comim-nce oa Use ihta ta-ui-her. lo.'J. sud 'will IrrsiluaV- oa the, l.'ith March. IM73, tliua lenxUieniu: th term of study oue "outh. ', , V MKlili'AI. FAi CLTT; ' B. hRDIUV.B, M D, EmeretiM PrufeMoref th lurtiUites sd Prsctke of M'dp'Ujej, B A kl.NL.K H. M DPimciidaHd Pree- Uce of sarirery and I iluV 1 "aiarcrv ; T P CHAZtLi M. D, u.eial Pathology, ratluiMnrical Atiatoruy sod ll)ee-oe,-MlliULET'iX MIClltcM. I ,'phvawlevT GEO E- I KESc uT, M. D , Materm Molu aud I neraiirulica; 1 C. U . WHa'PAHl), lr , M. D Ctiemlatryi J. P, M KlDIiG!L A. I', Theory I ' .Practice of Medicine j ' f , V f. P a k H . k U II Aaatom ! ' P. M RiB'.RTstijI, M D , tryameology aad - Clladrei Ohetmrir: J..PORI) PRIOfcEAO, M P., Prtaclpbj ad rrecrre: oril "'nc. P P I't'YKE POKCHER.M. D.,CTlnlcl Med Iclne: - 1 M .iNMNCTBIMONB, M. D, Demonstrator of Anttonvy. I Eipcuacaof the Brboelt M-ttrlcnUttoa Pee, '. 8'0 Ih-m.m-trai.w', ivket, ! liraduatlon Pee. , - . all 1 additloaakave hera made to the Pe sltv, and It will l see that a feature of the prewnt aeiMio m that th4ctars wlU be free ..rchaive , - ' Por la ther b.rmt1 aoply to Gi E THE uT, M. D , Jly28-lamHm Deae of th Psc-dty Ql'H 8TOIJK OP CENT'S PUBNISHJNG OvoA cannot he hestea la stylos sud prlrsa. , apr U-U) a D. XUABTT CO .. icwuki mi l wwinncu SI0URITT AGAIN BjT FIRtl A " .-if -J-:-'1 4 tl-d-nt f-r. N0BTXX OAXOLUMaTa HQIE IK2LTE1KCE COIfAII alALEIaaB, W. C.. Tkl Oasapsay oaUaaas to write iFUIetsa, at talr sslea, a aU tl of axsarabla pro- party, j t All Loam are preeaptly adjaated sad sail. The "OMKwraarygrewaigm favor, aad appeals, with ft.sAdeac, t kaattr rt of property m North t Srollaa, j AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OP THE VIA ft L M. BATTLK Jr., Paaenn, 0. ROOT, Vies Pasaiua, BEATON VALKAv Sea, a . .. PULASKI CH) W PER, BurwavBKW. , ' leas aft tf ':-' Vaiaw aaw advsrtlaitur tnrtKa"Raa" mm prass selisUtBla thw fur tlin adTiillinaiaii alnavevks Utaas T w A Partner with ipeiac a a Grocer, and IIU.OU0 eaah cestui, Iu do a awneral tirover bualness, la agood wcatlo for city trad. I w. n. lusaa t uu., Aaclloa and Couuaaloa Merc baa t. aagUU T iV)0 U,,,I,LI,.H,T AN. aep U tl W. 0. BTRONACII. CHOOL NOT1CR. i Ms Bi-kooI wia be iw-uasaed Mortdav aait, loth tasuvut ' . i . THOaV. B BAU.ET, A. M. TUB, BEST (KM IDS AT TUB LOWEST PRICES. , j ' - .'it - 1 Ike inest aad largwt stock ef Boots and Shoes ever hraagat to the dtp. ' ' ,-J ' aprlS-tf 0.0 HEARTT A OO'S. IMTKUSITV HCII.iOL, PKTKRHBURQ, VA. Ihrnth Aaanal Sessloa awlaa SeDt. Mth The school Is pnuaumlory to Uta 4jvrsHy of Virrtnia, and I, atronirly racatnussaded by the Pacnltv of that lii.UiutW I ha Prlaclpal ra fara to the marked auce ss of hi, puplu at th University, PrlBctosj and othnr f mllvsre. t lor olrculari eoutalalng terms, A., apply W. GORDON T ABE, , , i rrlBcipel University rVhool, . Petessbarg, Virginia, ang tt BtwsBO ' . . ! TTT ASHING TON aad LEE UNl-i XRoTTT .1 tol H .-it ;..,M.,tt f-r -j ' The aaxt smloa of this lnsittnttoa 01 on the third Thursday (Iwthi ol Septsmber, lHTS, sad eonUuu wlihoat tiiter Biiuluat anUI lha fourth. . Tbarad, la Juua, wtd . i Th lastracUoe embraces thoroagh Cleaat eal, Literary aad SrleuUb Courses, toirrther with lb ProlsaniaMl Depart! Law sad Eiwian)B.M - tjlii atlr xp sea lor ths aloe of Blue atualhs ased act exceed fAt or faae, accord bur to in uiKaj oi suavre arraai meau ar also mad for aieaaitux, by which atadent Biat miuce tksh- sxpeo,aa te kibUpaT ma Psv furtaia, laiormauoa aliiM 'I i . tt, W U LkE, Prestdsut, t ' -- at , Wat: Dota. 0'tt w) PaeaJtv : . --THE f nmn iiit.il mi unci curjjii - . HABTP0RQ, fX)NNrTICUT I '. Meaxr. Cass, P. Moatagu A Boa an th w. kaowa tteaeral Agent for North Carottaa and Meryl. ;"-,'.''., ",.,'.''- f Hi ADMINISTERED BTKICTLt 0M TBI , ,.. , , MCI LAHLAN. :,'(;., I,O0,OOU OF A H 8 B f The poocl srssll "aoa, lorfettabU'l' , RES rRICftONB PLACED ON TEA V El UNU OR REoiniNtt v IdP" Promptly pays apoa all losses sraved 9 Oa Bvaxmaur W years, w the , tadowaaaat Plas. No laraa Coapairr a Howl os AaaeAtv - EALEJGH AAENCTt ' JOHN bE VE KK CX, Kaq., OSVas ia etrooach Awdldiag ea seeoad uoor Mamoax Examisbb. W. P. M A L L B T, M aovaS tf V . t ' -X- T) EDUCTION ';- IN ; PASgAOE RATES ANCHOR LINE BTtAMERS . ' aaBTasT wsosaaiiAT o tAtnaoAV. ' rasismtera sooke: to aav iiwsj aay aaliway nlalhoa or Seapurt ii aareatavritauvs Irehvud. N eway.Swed., Dsoauuk rrssauy, Pnmce, UoUaait, tMaium, and liar U Urdatate, Cabas tar from M.-w "i -a-k b London LivervOot. oUvatt-i sa Den y hi Wednesdar1! Mrawera Sou. By laiurday' Sleaasar ViA see tin, i ,-. . -i .a . j - SkXCCRnlON TICKETS, f UK). In'srmedlat, BSS. Steerag fJS, aO paysbM la Cawseey - - PsrUe SMdmg lot heir frwads la ths old oantrv can iMtrrbaae th krtsst loweat rstsa Por further tiarUcnlars spply to the Arsuta, 7 Sow luur Green. N. x. ReepoTtatbl Agenta wauled a Town and uoon try. - yf-dYWs-''i' TJl S T A I L H P MIS. I RANDAL tt,'.. FOOT. ; JiCO, -. BAjUUtR AND BKOkERS, 'i ' W Baoaowsf, M. T.' ," GOLD, 8T0 KS AND BOMifl, BOUGHT ; y ttnu e,.v v vavwf4.f f ti r .. rii,- 'a w -w M.i aio BaiiKligt AMucsutue, or suy ol i HankuiK lloaas .or couiiutiltal Ajtnucy la Sbw ork. ... r. , , - N B r-Pnupblet ou 'wALL STREET AND IT Ol'r.kAllO.Nd " fiuAlwd Dee oa aplittestfoa. , . i . uua-wl E"7 MJSCELJ.ANE0U8. iifMA s . i - -,. . - , Life Tuts. Co., Ilia i Bottrte apea Livs from IB o SO ,11481 IBCLVIITB. Tb kusvaA maoaat e say eav Rf lalAt,- us. i' "V" " ',; ;" " ' : W. a CROW, Uea'l Mamar, : North CsroltBaaad part ef VtrgW :.7Vki iKiua (tS bb. ' ' "-' ' Cask Aaeeta rj,0M,0oU 00. Rsrwaasatel hp , 1 W. H. CROWj Afreet,' Jaa 17 (ha Ralcura, N. 0. OSADALIS rpnBt.Rgr South crm r-x-vt .it 0r taeur ih ro- una, wtiiia HwrUingt Uoitl. (itMtnt, iutmnptio( HrotK-bU itBjr ftriwtrf from an iwtdf o ti ion p? r nm4 ' Tm I ft-.rltC aft ll; 1 .eMIw1WBMS Kt-M HarrVaHl V 1 1 B M4snt I tM. MUIf tasaiwpca but wsjntBjBii f rMtirel AAtaivrt Ol li.(4l)'KrtsAa Oi INwtV f mi ti kft iM ivHittt ot tt.it .Uf4CiBi BASjagjtaM LAaUUT mtlCiV id IMUaf lJ-'Blll-BL IB fintMlit.i r"n'trslMl. MfnMtor. laMttt BBtb(UlwU.ia throuxit 111 J Wilt, whtiursAMlU HB i. g tics. aaF--IB t. tl. W IlBrMB. -IPll .felt! J tt 44H4t llln r 1444 oi Hrpu IBM OtAtmfl UAeBJatdHMWlkl. c.H:JlMV IA. (Oft. - i &. 'f. 41. lPf Utt-jtm.i jtVMnejke,, ) t . s,l UtfMMU 4i8Bjll Will. afWAwa J Hhwli, Rwyifkay It HwMr , VtX WBAll ptWaiMAlUsaa be, aVmf Wf 1 M?T lpn-Mf of (. rUltv hiit w K,BrBntA'i. otyitvoiui ny hibi ttittt ft cr.rcrti.ilr i'titita H ll tit IntM.ai ftttd eVUta. ItitAtM1. MVfR A t ., P(LltM!t. ,jt 7(tf Hr-tttlf. Yfr.- VtT Uaftmt Uvl ABHl IJ tilB-tiBlactrort. . hmm't 4s. mxt'mlkUn, Muimi fviv TfinaWB, wdtyt it cuisMi tiikttot HltrttAtiftra brn ntl stl") fLlie ApBittm ltd f iHMttn bp mihlfitaft ism. vt,; ba,kii.i wur k ts(ar rkiUt uu i ' i.t nl tu vou tt ini 'Batts ana it ci.umi msftj i urtuiF. mi our wjiu eTitsii ww VI v very si tl te lr emirs an from tparmin, k wv, ta evi y ia aa, wma-s-jaad eadd Mva sai .avail, e ay rep. iuiAlina. . , ... betadAlkt is Sold by stl ureaiist HIsIST ACo 1 , Bawtmom. Soli i'Ttpmun JOUR P. UKNEY, - N. I OoLUti Ptaca, :, .vew P..A. -- -Wtj ataaa area JulySdwdcxwlv ALUABLE LAND POR BALI NEAR RALEIGH. ; - I o8er fiw asls th diwlrahl tract of lead oa th 1 eiboro1 road about 8 mile from the eorp ale limit of Uie city of Maiebch, lytne; oa tbe water of Marsh Creek and Crab Tree Crrek aiip.inlug tbe lauds ol A, ti. Lea, B. C, Mauly, sud others, and containing . MI-AOIll, tfvt acre of which are elaared aad la ta Or der; fifty acre beUig - - FIRST LOW 6B0U NDS. ' The Bihuid hv rood cotton bind a may be at-en from tbe erop bow urowuic oa H. tlubiy stores of wood land la original and eriiiia irrowin. Btaute and two honse for laborer Bad DWKLLING BliuSR with all room, nearly all complete. A most de'irahle neighborhood with acaool and chnrch faclliUrs. The land will be sold eltW la parcels or aa a a ugle tract. Ca.l R. B Maunders who Hves on tbe adjoining trai t will show th land I parties dealriiie to examine It. ' Por term apily to W. U. Battle boas, Kairign, n- v., or to W. L. SAUNDERS, . asp U-imeodsW Wtlininirton, N. C G ABRIIL VTLIT'I COTTON And II AT PRESS. THE SIMPLEST aad CHEAPEST PKEiS . , ITER OPPEKKD TO THE TDBLIC. K Manufactured to erdi r aad told by W, T Adams Boa. of Rakkrb V Call aud aes Adam i Boa And save Urn, tenor aod money. MAJBRIEL UTLET, - nrwHm - - I B B G U A If VO ' Per wheat ioe other Pall crops as Ptah wiano, it ia eeu sxteasivsiy ftun apprsclStea ey every one. - i Sold by W, C- STRiVn ACTH On., Ralstck m - iWNt HARHlS, i,. 'it t ' 4Ja. Agents aud Iteaeurer, ! , Norfolk, Va. sepSiovwslmd ' , T At th solhHIaUoa of away of my friend,,' I havs beea Induced to become s eaediAie for th otaos of Aaatatank DutMrkAwpey of th aorta varoiuaa aaat aaglSwtf WM BIRD. J3 E A C E INSTITUTE, RALEIQH, N. 0. . Rev. R, Buawai.L, Prauupat. . J. M. BnawaxL, AH. I , . . , a tf. rvrxvaa A. M. j Pnncip.lt : Tba Find Annual Aiaaion of thlalnalltaUoa will vouiuvi-BVe oa Monday Bept il-td IrlJa. Ac 'OUpiiAhed and experienced leucaera la J11 the branch equally taught In Aral class final remuiarliW have been emjloyed, . The Uinitral lcprtni-nt will be uuder 'he direction ol Prut A. DAL MANN, who, dilHi'B the pat b-n years baa been a s ciau-d uh Uir Piinripals In Un-ir 8chool el Charlotte. Mra, M. K LAI Y be cont.m tcd wllh be tieiti!utn aa 1 her o .n-irli Ufsneli. and sitiieniitendent ol tocud aud Uouueiue SHU'S I f or C'irculsr oontalnin; full particulars ss te Terms, Coulee of Clu-iy. Ar , Nihlre,e , kt. R.tsi;RLL eoy, Jly IS-liadiaoux vauu.ti. N, C. laL 5flsB mvsnaim op vuwiia. CHAJIU)TTT.SVIIJ.E. - The Basal rea ettmnvaefieB 'est rvtoter IaA Tbi InaiiiAiLi'ia emiiracaa aa Aca-i'-n.ic !. aaftaxeail, and lnfamin-rs of l.aar, 1r.;u ioe, EoKtaer1ix aad AtrHi-nrtnea. Pie- rai,, aea, suidy laaa. ertuir "er.-iMv ol Uia Pacuity, P0, Cuiverei'yef s. Charhi . Vaoalda, t halrmaa ot Ik Faculty. Bug I Steele - ' - , - i 90PARTMRRSHIP NOTICE. Save this day solatcd w!v In th MircanUle Bu-mea P. B. ! K J. LlLLT. Jr.. to bumnem Ui tie c, uru u ear tbe aaaaa aad atyie of B J lii.i.t A Hi. C a l.ii.LI. Payettevtlm, M. O, Bept. 8, l;i N tAlAS0 WIXTt&DkT ii0jV The under, breed enwet te kav I store hv lb SMa bivki larse and w. II ei ud stock ef Dn.1T butlbn, Htl',' o and SHI IK. KKAI1T MAbf CUili.i.. .. la kkLLAS, Notions, c. Ub ti ,.y in. . tend Jotiotn aud Hetailmil at Ver r.-a,,MAid price ftud oa aci-om nvr t. lb IteaUoai of Country Mvri ui,.a a.,4 uUmra I mvuaav i . - - ... . . . . m. J I.ILLT A CO., , No. tu. Hay St , Iron Pn.nt, spAwlm Payetlcviiie, N C. n4 JOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL ' ' FOR jTOlNO , LADIK3, . BsTABUaHkll, iHi. Vl JKst awt aud Wm M. 7Urra Axrssf, t ii 4!BalUwvra,MtL I MR. At MR. WLS0N M. CAST, MRS OEM. tTOHN PKURAM, .-.-.,.- ... Prlncbads, FtmiA At IA iMfymgt aflss AeL aug VsmeotLAw .. , "YYESLEf AN t EM AuK ttiLLlok,' " " afCRFRJCKSBORO, N C." ' The Blxtreath Pctiobn.Ur Tear t .-.,. 4tb MosHlsy tatd of beoc. IS',-, ai4 and. d WwlnesdAf U Jaa. lit l,w ., ,a Be. PA PL WHITEHEAD. mM1 Pr.v tessnr ot Moral ad Mertal Phil eophy. I . .1. U U , : .1 .. . U 1. . ... . - nv bvuai. m. a. , ti U'Vs sny ox Va) Professor ot Mathematics auul Ma aml Science. RliWARD A., ALaJtN, (flrsd ef hool of Latin," Ualvaraity of Va Prolaeaor of I ainitiise -. - , t CUAnLESHOPPMANN Pn.fvaAurafk.a aae, aaalated by aeeomphabed buliss. . , TbtsCoiletre etler tbs best educational ad- vautaaas uuder stieag reugiou uiliueuc, and at very lew rates. ... Build, mra aad group da, lartr. - eoviient and Iwauulul; loeaUoe, pleaaaut, t-wmmi-hie and h ally ) coarse oi stud, wteuaiv. and lustra Uon thoroach. - , - : - bos tier seeeto or kali year) lucludiiur Weaning, Ibrhta, aM., ?A TaiUo (for essali or half year) la Enrllsh Btudlea(Prtssry tH a. '. ..' J liuruairns each flu. si sak V ocaLor iiiMnUBrutal, gca - i - - Vocal Mails In Claaa,6 OU PainUue SiiS Waa Work ail auef Piano AS 'j Aur full partlcelara, o OnUbwae, a-Ures - Mev.PAlJL WHITKHAD, Pre.'!, t Murlreealiora', N. 0. aug IS-dS wasdww - - OKOROIA COTTQJf CM. ,., war waww, VIVUi'aas, DIVBg iw U fi 1 fy( fthnlafmi iwAIL. .Wtnt Alii AVat anmiila i., aid mmaa AtA flewl tl . AW a-i.i ftA irafMH luiti Jur aayte t tvoHctsd prtc. llUtll U OJ. L S eptt-iw lumt m ;BIt if I it i a. II 1 g 2 mm SSI ill I I 1 If r 1 Mtyrta CsjrolaRav Laad Com fau, ' K8TABTJ8IIED FOR THS Xravtkaportatttnn and IKjoi.lii.ai OP t. I J NOBTBBUI CaBAOIAN ABO Kl.'BlvrilAal HOBT0 CiAHOUNiL ' , t ( eiPio , . j, . RALEIGH, N. O. THTB Comjiaiiy &rsi rxMrt, ta cuttrui 0It. raVUifal IaJT bHtaMtIt t0 TflaVrJ, BWJ.J W;!f H ft-s . Umamia Bur, bcii, I m ur Hut hml jUrAt. axa fXBiDttlo, ur oiiivrwirMs, v t ibu4 laroftbB. WtAia. - gavrtrspa kaviof Iiwla to aull will find It to ibair tntarwav. o evii at ottr offW-a. or ec iwiioikI wit, aa. aa cur taciilija UrasJlmi tacnaiLai tvarr df . iarfcT tpract ttivitiud UiLO auiUcrf arc tttvr by iwderMl aalcalrla, TW yraaidawi axtsl lirur f tha cotntan ar well kiuuwa ; mA arU autrunuitaf iUAk oflaatw. their bavnda, hva Ui bmi urMtm Uuki V&ey mitt bo (taiiijr r'rMi,u-tl. , LsImmu ULHyBj mortage ol iwai ?t,.( are re fO'imleA by lha (Jomi-anr, to Witavtl! ot r tv Kit capftaiinta. Auplkmiioiia aura) l&viuil, UUiAg 4crPUoB u UxUtMi of prHiL-firi v. vaJua, awoiuit w to ted, attdi otJUvbr pairtiouiara. For !Pra-rR.it4 tlrkrrti from anr m-f of KiBBhM bv Um -a..- i.SPtAt Of wtHalAtR lltltet '- L(vsnKHi to Not lejtau V irvmsv AdanmtJkcoaimmmmi mm to T N-irA, (eW.eL.iia W4 Co.. or tw V at. .-" ('v, y Oi.O. ii-is k ft. W-t. Boon, Becf' Col. 6o. Lln)(s 9- naka, F -n. R, W. limt, lir. ti. tHmib, jUurV 1. 1 BBJativ, Wta. tVt.'ytt, ataOj. - . OAtft- Uf HtAL ANi risjv&i, PKOPEETTa " 4 By tlrtiia of a .l In trust - ' ut -na b Tboutaa H. k-nft fur car.w i Uiaii a, iJs I bl H,a Vo a it? u ; m He ftiH-uoa ieu tha b:ri'fc t-ui'ifr fi.r t h- va tLeV'.iit. dmf of tHUjr u Mi ou t!!- r a U8M! tl eV eV-'Fa 'l MaflU, !'.".' .'it t.1- , ITtOdW-M 0l (vl'ii' Tv-wat, Ui lb -- V ot riiv,Ut, i h IB In Oil bvR OB U a k -'rtt un (; dtVi'iiiKBi tiot BMf, auti a U-i -u.uii out b-fanv, btruav, Ac At ii' wwims l!"iiJ ud t4M Ti.i im ' ! it MjiMij tt tw, WiU lH' V"U Ulf W'll-e t( i t l - '( !. t- U', il";, J'tlatl UtiWal -im, U'.-.-l- l - -i i ktkUtu luiuiiu;, Ats, im s4us f.h.V. U.iblA, Iris,',-, tp lti o - if I IV I M '11! ft tt . f o O R) Tr1 r m aa aa rr 'V V' I

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