- if J Pootrv. -- -j-t. ; '" ' ' V- - .''! i She' j.rsl as nstsre e uuiitnJ bar, Ntt pillf,' ftur pS'Ut, ' SOT "pad ;h Bo would ueA rw4 f.r ed lbs world, 1 lama-h "Ut" aba never had; J ...f sVu- 1 sol I- at po del slutT-., 1 l:. na ney r. il "-r" iV . I I ' . by any ulvef j . J ; . Inwfllr, w'-liat vre we.rdsr'A '., ;. IM wa and wiadv day Past a eiu la rVatuiiii,. r i , . , v .-, itt Wliile rrv, -' , Tfui ( p ir iilr '. ,, ,' bit vhe. t d us .-kariM for ber: , Alt I .! t.d. IS ao.t.ie cnnftil, ( . . "l be tuvvarfv 1 prefer." v , ,i a other "ones H wnlle walking - i ( Ih.u 1 em'l say where ur why,) i eltei-ttOB w arreeu 4 . i 'T-aa tny btved yme breaUuvl figk. t She w .a La.fctuir full of pu.v, ' . ! B it no of co a then, ( itlbU'lll Veil 4 ' I At kuy of yellow Bsir. I V .) h.-et II malted ' 1 . ll.al falsely f ohKK'l Mtt ' Tt-B I, b..g Ibxniftit, ' wowoader ixil y.-ttw ii an mii,tit ewHI " ' ' HLMi. a Wiii-g o twlse awl toon" a, ' hiik r.eer.'nu. : be njCd, ' l Sr- a beta rwif I ewear It--' j J Bultbeo at nearly r -bald I" ' "' j She's neitt.jir falsa nor foolish. , ; t t j fm ito aw lafTI'jif- i toay, hu4 riaa eaK wa uaiowf Bar r4M I U: V ta D' !'!. : lit! iwt.1. uct all lliat'a right , A '" ff t ri:-t wuiuan, . ' i j 1 1 0 L U I 1 0 M U.I ' OOF ABTHIHBIIP. Tka MTMienbla kaiwlolura latt f bu4i una, TAUiU9 AtLtn j H till AM OtaautTad b)r nutnal caim. i i. N. br.US. '' IIAhKIni VAL'AN. . iA'-OHfl. ALLIEN, ' f -1 a unri'. i' laUgh, N. C, Aug. tnifa, UfNl i Wa. lha malftUt varmra. kTlri Mr ciiaMHl Ui In Ureal ut M'. Harrlaa Vvignaa, ni eimt,iua tlta (jtriMiobsrlriic buaiuaaa ui all tu bnnniHia, a4 wi I eamiAotf, all ouinrwia i Uia m arm, m ail Hat JIM Hd I bwt all cjairua sua Uta trm uf bad VauKMi aV Alln 1 1mukfal (in tba tyalninana buiata i!.n.atFmtMl aa. we hoija iir brrniiiit kaatitf lav Aiauiuj to nrit eu&utittauct ul llw mm lot Uf imIiu of " BITTt, ALLEN A CO. j ,t t,i r-;. r.Bum, . ' I A .U d All VW V " . AMiMUUM biV Wl HO lot . ..... r v It eSIDHMCl. TOR ALI. " 1 k ' A Im 4 Talnabla rWuf hi taa Ka Wra vtarri, itr A abort 4ilaiic (roa lb t aiIUjL or uartlwani ainilr t u(7-K - air T K. ligVKHKt'X c O Jt H W H I K T 0m4 for fenk boa Icrar, A errtalo ewe ( areei4 to ba fat. w : , . jolt ' 9 T. ttttUMAI H At BHO. " "JWKbttWJrJttH" IHirliJOtlaVI-l Jl'STKM-EIVittr HwalWrd Ulla day " ' I lW IJiit AS.-OMTK0 WUtfl,' COCUAXt'JS, . oiiAKaica, . - ' LEVON8. A .. Aitl. fUi CIRUAT1I UTKON. I'liTklr mu1 autitMa. CoNbvaa a ini()uftil and Aamricjn rirtW La fernua ami tiaaui' MruroaalariibUt aWuaaa. .:. .. ,5f thi dnj t frb aui.ply of 1 JKf:liKVtb, - ' JELUiia, - ' ' AJTD CATSCPh, BRANDT rEACHfcS, c, Ac, . . eiHui.Nfcs, . ' ;' i KfcU OYE OYSTEKS. ' ; . f ItvKLLl OYBTEBB, . bALMON,. CIO All AnilfOntCOOl 1 mafca t (iciltjr of tblt Una at goo4a, and aak ihoaa la punuit of i goo4 amoLa io cow tad gin ; ( BBADLKT I OWM BRAND ' - char Ba'i) a Uial. 1 kaap ia hand Aba gttBuisa brand! of j Jurbaa Bnokliig Tobacco. X. H BBAPUr, , Oppoell lha Poet Otic ' ;r-W(f of tualuiuaa Maidj .aH ni. i H.iMii . .r . A Qood Cook. ; .; , ... Apply to ' ' Mbb. B. W. MILLER. kibMI ' - j t -AiBUeH a B ILTSQ MEAL." jt OtUlmieiwi ' ..t.ll.U ,;. W.CBTRONACB 75 ?- BJXES K'aF. ' Ail kmd. t Friai Carotin Bit ' '"' i Canned Fruit and Vpf. tablaaof all kind. " - V" -.--- rept U U W. 0. 8TB0NACH- rlllXIH riill AOMIET t B tr ral Oiil. .put . W.CSTBONA'H. - - it lkX. LIA4K OH KENT. ' (,... , f j FEW KIDENCE ASD 6TORI EOVfK COMBEO. ',. Car Pavaan tttrth Strttti, RALUGU, K. 0. T;n b.ii-lin I I we atnrte bleb, aad cia T.'.. b Tval rounia of iawbf"rtabla nu, .-.. rfHAMi la aiift0 teal If deaired Iba s wiu d suit reiy well tor aubool par- 1 ua atoe pro erty will be dwpoatd of sa ry raaaooat'ic Imna. , ' Di i. rtUK - Ki.iotro' Street. KrtWsC'XI'.ii ' l" " ' B4tr I V i t At E I tMK.il rina hncint terrrt No. 1 Lima Juat ar- " , k, . ALSO, ami Jirwa Hir (VweaL Maa'ar -i i i Land 1'idffier ahd Ar IcuiMiral Lime i,. ,re. i- ".i r JaS M. IoWl.ES. f So iw , - . . . , t 1 b 1 1 illT'l LC1 AC U A EBO. i 7U aa jaMtqg. r im jai BAILHOADS. f It lCHMuXD UAniLI EAILBOALX . I WOgTU0AaWM.lSA DIVWIOM. I O S p K N 8 E P , JIMK T ABte la etfael ua and aitor bamla ja'aw tb, " a , r ' gTATKiA . Mail.; Ilrat U.a CbartutUr; lK 11 . A. M- V CioBr W " t "'. aJl.l.r.' 10.47 7 LMinirb. Ill " 1 " Hitch fUnt & A. M. itt i " iTrtTator.eu-.lKm)'. LI it LOT blwiMlwiM' IM 1 II W " Co -iHUI - IKJM T. M. HlllaiW , Kaififti. 7 ... Arrrwtat.lawwr'. Itt.laV M i... J.. ! OOISU BOtT.t. I BTATI0X8. ' Mau, . lain u,.)dlpon', jlwMI Kch, I " ............ ! UillriK-nr, I " ;o elK IU.I0 " mF. M. amiMliHHWo'. IK iM A. M. . ,. UinatW, Ll ! , - 'iuum4 m 7.1 ' iiital WrtuUa t M A M .W F. M. faairar trui bMlwc M , ewauwcn at ttrewoabore llb Uiara uiuwl train ; waking tba ukbcal lime to all ,-4.,run. aw, f itua uf u. k'.u aaat aa via ulnar rHlei v ' 1 1 ,Vt il tntua dailr, bfttn waye, oTar anUre luli uf Huad kiii eaailall) bvts Coaa lv r "hut aa harbrt.br. (nuudajr a iwl4i. i all faaMm-cr inuu Minail at uraaawturu' llb Ulua t ul Iruia HKIiOHl.d. Kullawu falao i an. oft all aiKbt Iraina Iw tarraa bwwtta bud Htcbaioa i, (wiUMat i-baiute.) .... AV AlXltfc, W. UOMte.N, tin I lKbst AgaoL id. ) r Tijittnuurtatiom. Jan KHf ALbiuU 0ATON AND MALbluH A dVbfA AIHUNX M. K- WMPAN1I4. tlu'L rAb"kab abu Tn:n Tki-Al.TaiT Kai.iuif , M J una leviiiT la?A. Iba tnibik aia re-i- uliy wlnriuad that , vaibbliun Kuui.il rli" awl 'tra.Kht" u!urM'blil(ui tvttwml nUm. aiaoow on aaJ'n a lavr Kamigb A buabia H. AV. Tlckat otti'b lotba (oUowuig olatwa: j Wbite rulybar boiluga, Va.-,, - f Ha.ta Aluia " Km khrulga Alan " ' .i.r"Marui -.. H Hut - , Haallag " i ; gwaat . w i rtt bAlejrbaato " H K Itlrrlla King, N . C. ; hUgara taila hylbi Routea. barauwa bruii(a y tu ' outaa. i liarua Hpriaga by AUmtM. .' Lake feeorga. ' n NawuorV, It I., .y 'Rmle. ' Vmo da L'aab Hotel, blla fotot, Haan ton KiaU aaar tioriolk, Va., (roia Kal.kb and Way btaliuna ob tua Haialgb A U etna, Ii. R., .ad Irou raufurd oa ix KalL.k AavaatA Mr-Una. for full Uiamlutlon of rostea, time tetle, Ac , or any oUiarlniormalloo dealrad, api'iy I TMOM AO lAUHIk, lull 1 4ia Ueacial 'Ik-bet Agrut c BANttK Of SCHEDULE. HALKKiii A AllUUBTA AIR LINE. ur.iTaoT' Omca, . " Rklf Igtl, 14 t., Jnire Iftthi IM lie and after Mnudar. Juue 17lb ls7J, traiua o tba Kalelgb A AuguaiA Air una wiu rua uaily aii inlay Autdi aa tuiiuaa; MAIL TbaU. ' ' Leave Ralidirb .. ft If P. M Arrivua ai M&ii liirtl... ............. v.ia eat a lianfiird wro A. At. imvU KiWh ,146 1 Mall train autkua eluae coiUHK'ttonaA Kalalirb ltb lira (Wlruu A Uaatoa Hailroad to and iruiu all ooittu. ,orUi. Aad at aauilord with tua Wealeru Rallruad to froia Vayattavule and imjIiiu oa Wa ten bailroad. A. B. ANliKICWg, ... juae 17 auiwintaBaeui, Q HA SUE OF SCHEDULE. HALEJUa A wAATUJH KA1LWAU, W., BorgaiTaniiKT' Orriog, Biuiu, N. C , June 17th, 187. Oa and aflat Monday June 17tli, IBT3, train tbe luivlab A UaatoB H R , will raa daily isjuuila eicopiMll aa louowa: .. . '.' MAIL THAI. ..... Laarea Ralrlrb 1000 A. M , tW . M. , 14 A. M Arrivee at w eldoa ......... Leara Weldoa AiTlTee at Kaleigb , , r. m. ACoOMMOpAnoa tbajm. Learat Rlli(b. a,rrlvee at Wauloa ........ Ww Welduu Arrive at KalUb 8.00 P. M. O.SWA. m. S.lb r. O.00A M Mail train aiakua cuiaa ooannoTioa at ?! don I14 Ut seaboard A Jtoauoke JUllroad aua Bay Liu buiauier via BalUuiore, to aud truiu ail point MorUi, Het aod Nortbweal aud wiUt VeuniburK Kallraad ia FeiAreburg, tUckiQiiod and Waaaluguw City, to and brum all poiuta norm ana noruwuat, And at Kab-igb witb tbe Mortb Carolina Rail mail to anil Iruia ail omnia eVmtb aud Ao&LL weet,iuui wiifi lb HiieiKb A Augual Air L.m to ttaywwM ana rayeturvuia. AucounuodaUua aud f 'reigM train, connect at weiiiun witb Aueouunodauoa aud iruigbl traiua oa seaboard A AVoanok Railroad aud feVerabwg Railroad. And at KaitDMb, witb Accummodatloo and rfrriiclit traiua on Nortb Carulin Kaiiroed, f eraon living aioug Iba Ua of Ut Moad eaa rbut Raieigb ui lb morning by Acooauiioda laou train, reuiaui wrl boora, aad return, tb aiua ereuiug. A. a AMUKH.WH, June 1714 , (iett. bupL J OUM ARJaBikuNU. BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOK MAM- . UVACTliRAH, . ,., Ora aji aoaia wuwa ooaout, ;-1 ' KALEIUH, N. C. Thai, ExeubtiOB, Minata aod Beordlng Dorketa wade to ordtir. ' Norlb Carolina KoporU and olbet ' Law Booka. bound in euperior Law Binding. Muvusg buoiber of tb Report aupplied aod odd anoiber tka ba aocbangB tot biad' uan; - . ., iaal, aw-tf 50 BARKBLB k. c. familt flour. M barrel Roaniik Famllj Flour, i ' ao " raiaoaco lu Baitala iuu aad Ltebt Family Floor. Ill Bar re la Bonal B ua family Flour. H bamni Henry' Vtelak f.mHy Hour. , ' HarrvU Koanok Katnt f amily Flour, feaaln Milta e uporior and Roan. ike Ultra . 'Floura iarg lot la packagoebfli atut retail trade. apll-U W. C. BTR0MAC9. JIFE ABSOCUTIOM OF AVXRICA, BT. LOUIS.- At a OMrtuiaj of tba policy-bolder of tb Life AeMKialMia of Aaasrws, beld at tba coal, paoy'a noma o tlx aim Augutt, for tbe par pic of eoiialdiTmg Cfrtaiu pmpoeed amend fltaota to tbe ebarvr of the aaaollaltan. It wa lbaanaof ib Be Ubk tint stberansud m. Dla b added to thoaa propoee i, aad tb l'oi be waia anbtnitted to tb , member of tbeoompaiiy at a mmiing wbicb tt wa r euoimeiHinl abnuld be b.-id aooa a prat-U-eae. Now, therefore, Una la to ip aoUra u.al a meeUng of tbe polh-y-kolder of uie i im Aaanc ati.ni will ba baM al tbe priodiel am t oi ibe cotnpaaT in tbe city of at, Loubt, u dnnday, liit i!5ib dar of pL, inatauL at lOo'tli.i A. at., for Cbepurpoeeof eutuig for or at.-ail tbe propoaed nwndouDta to Ut rhatter of tbe aafoclati..4i,xJo aovordaoco wi , b tbe pmrlMima of aaruoa ISvof an aut of Ue reu.raJ aMrniiily of Uie Hula of Miaaouri, a.pmrd Marob 10, WW, eriiubd -'an ai t for lb. tririHreitoo and rrgulaUoo of UeA eurauce L .iuilninlea, " Jjiw II BKIlfTOX, Freai.ieot. K.l 1AM UAMLky, bvcretary. P i-O A L E A.fon4 fieeond Hand Pitno ep A id V, B, j.NtJ J, f;0l aejae ALFRED WILLIAMS, f vmmrtm balaioh MATtoiiJti. u,.; . ' J ' I' la now awkbag large addluooa to Ua preaoal tuctef .i . A KCBOOL RJOEB, BTATIOMERT, tx. And la pmpered to eupulr rVhoola, Acadnmliw, Marcbau1 aad rttberw, eitbar at aboleaala w retail, witb rwrf biog Itt bka ILoe upoa tba eaoat reTorable Uirma A full eti.plr of r-ablle cWbo.il Borika, r -eor aiM.d. d by rte Foard of AdB.Uoa, eaa alwayai aaiiplUid I Wonwitar a iMc'tlonary, aduptcid by ttir board, will lie aupi lird t lntrodai'try rmla Alao a full ?Uiiy of lnahbatb -bool and Buag Hooka. IUi Hyaw Hooka need by dil fttreiit ilvoouiiuatione. 1 i A tba A exit oi tbe avrk-aa bMMa Boetetr, I raa aumily 1 eataiaruta aod Hibla at tba rvgalar unraa of tba society la Maw York. , y; ,.-. i 'i , ' a i a gaud CataAftgoaa aud Plic, ALFRED WILLIAMS. Bookwllar and BUtioaec, J'JT " A IIIAT OFFEXII UOR.VCB WATEItS, 481, BitnADWAif will dl poae of ONE HUNDRED' PIANO? M KUiKK iNS and OKI.A m of ail Bret rlaa makara. uurfnaluaT Water' a. al unian.1 uow vuoea von or will take twrtcanh ud bala'a auratbly ablil paid hear 7wtav riAKUH, Modern taimHraenia, fur w. caah Aaaw kmd of FAKUtft OrtOAS.tb. moat beagiifnl atyle aud irfe. t t 'trr made, sow oa ublblUoa at 4bi Broad way M W-tf " i rvk ALE. A baitdaome iwldoaea at Aaliurr Btalbia N 0. Buad with tf acree of highly ImororMl btod. A' i. , THE HOUSE , r-1 aobUrna four roora KH. tiiri two, lira iilace ineafh tiood Well of Water-at the door Igbi buadred to I.UUO ITnflt Traea and Ura Vliiee alt rarlellra of Miarie I wo UiuB aand roonr Uiaoa Vlaea n-adr to eat oot Iba abore Broporiy will be aold knr for aab. I W. 11. A tU, gitr L'UAKl SUUARII . Standard A, :: Ectra 0, ,0. Vellow. s . Lboaorara, . . ' , j , Poto RlrrA - ; '"' 1 rur aaleTTT low at -AO. BAUNUKKS. Co,, nrrr IB If No. 1. Martin Btreet fnTIrFW "D'S BYCO N UAMi tJJJ Bliouldera and Hun, i ' 10 torn Bulk Baron. 2,000 Pnond Breakfaet Strip. S.OWI Pouud Baltimore "Cauv'aa tTaai WTtwee larder Lard In Package (d ui retail trade, 10 Rag N. T. Goahea Battar. .,.1 eairad...:.?'-! Juat r. 10 Bon Prime Factory Lheeae. i H4 W . - 8TRONACH W llaulngtott 4k Weldon ' Hull I Orric or Obn'l Sofihwtbudint, Wllrnlngton, N. C, Jun S, 1879. CHANGE OF BCI1EDULE. tin and after Monday, June 10th, tram on lb w. A W. Kaiiieaa will run aa follow I ,1 . MAIL TRAIN. Leave L'eion DePotdailTiOundar'a ei.et.Ud SIAA. M Arrive etttoMaboiw at... ..la 11 P. M Rmrky Mouutat.... a. 11 P. M ' Weldooal.. eaUP.M Leave Wul.ioa daily (eundat 'b . . rented) ft. 15 A. M Arrtvaat Rocky Moult at ...11.07 A, M " uoidaooro' at . , , t in r. VatOB Dpot., A.3UP M EXPREdB TRAIN, Leave Union Depot, dally, at. ..;.! 40 P. M. Arrive ktUoldaboro at.. Ou A. M. " Ra-ky MouDtat.,.,..... 4.5ti A. v ' Weldon at...,:... ; giiOA M. Lear Wuldon. dal.y, at...,...,,. 7 10 P. M Arrive al l.ot ky Mount at b 5 P M UdldaiHiro at., Iti es J". M " Union Depot at j. 8 10 A, U. Mall Trln make cine connection at ' el- dun for all points Nortb via bay Line and Acquia vie rouiee. i j:. Kxptew Train conne. U bnly witb Acauia Creek route Pullman' . Palace bleemng Laia on uia train. ' .- - . . t Freight Train will leav WI niinirton VI week I rat 11(10 A. M. aud arrive at 1 40 P. M. llim Froigbt Timioa will leave daily (BuiidayitAceptodl al r, m. and arrive al UA-it. JOUN F. DIVINE. (fWi'lbupt ugMtf vtllfttS . AT AUCTION s ' " ," ' TbatSPLENDItr pmnertv oa THIlalmm' fit . la tb tlty of Kalikn, known a "gL Wi MJD," (lb lormor Baundan' realdtuaia 1 1. offered for aai. '' .,. lb liwalUrur ba FOURTEEN ROOMS. tWO .f lh.U.UK.ll I h.1,1.. H.lh.Mnu. ..A Fan try. it Baa a Cellar, an, uu all tba no. oeaaarj ont-booase are oa the rrrmieee 1 The lot eontaiua SIX at RKVICM il'irn bvlodiag gee lerice ttardee Kp.it, witb corlocUo of Fruit Ti e i.d tir,e Vlnee Tb'g ounde are tnaly anaded witb choice abed tree, and a beabUial aud ejt tonal re 1 a front tb lweiiiuai. , Tbl property is aa daiirabN ft any In tba city of Mab-lKb, end ia aitiiatcd in as rerad liveaad growing part of tbe town I Aa aiaauaauoa of tb prt tuta- a la invrted. Tb above va aable nromrtv will be nif.rd for aai at tb OoBrtbouae door In NaMgb o "aiuwuij, hi i OI WHtBDi &gt at IB o'clock, M t made knows at Uie EtMF F. BATTLE Attoropv. BakiKb, H. & UglMUtWItt , B.TORTH CAttfll lNA i Wari Cotrw. a taa stmBioB couar." Willtam B. MaartBt a administrator oi nanry iA JiunMr,decaeL Job Easun, AMial, The defendant John Rnnlaa whn afur due dlligenc be found in thin State ia hereby uninoned to appear beion tbe Jaiigw of our bureirior court, at a court to lie held far the county of Wake at tad eoarUiuoaa, in . . . 'a ""unay aner uteaeeond Monday of Auguet, IH7a, iid auawerord.unur to Uia romolaiut whWh Is wu,uu-..i i .... orties of Uie i lerk of eaid court, and let Uie aatd defendant hake aUc that if be tail an to do Uie pieuma will uke link-meat mrelnal him for tbe rum iff two kuu.irMrf Bna . - dollar a&rl tDrtv-ai centa with Inliwt ih on from tba lxU) of iict .her, mil. , A warraul of attachment retu..l.l. i r.i. term, lffi, of eaid court, aa na lanae m JOUN N, BL'NTi V(J 8ALTIKQRE LOCK HOSPITAl - BALTIM ORB, MD. Orncs -7 Bovra 1 Faar.air Btbmt. IR. JOIIfaOi, , Pbyalciaa of tbi ewteoratMl Inatilutlos, rHa eovtivd. wbea ba U "rent Hiyuiuu of Ka rope, via; KiigbAd, Fraace and' eleewbere, tbe wort certain exieoily, pb aaant and eivclua nausdy ia tbe world for all eiuaaaane or abase of Uie tyaUim. Weakneee of tbe Back or Ltoihe. utrlctuiea, Affertionof Ute Kidneyeea Bladder, involun tary IMaebsrgea, lnip.iU-tH:y,lieuerl lleMilJ, NrvtaeaMa, DvafKlaua,' - iauuruor, ' Low" Spirit, Otnfnaiun of idea, Papiotiion of Itie llwrt Timidity, Trembtuig, Duuuea oi digbt or biddirwaa, I ! of tbe Huad. Tbroat, Noae or okiu, lAtlectl aia ut Uie Liver, Lunga. stouiaiTb or H', l Uione terrible !DMontera ariainirfrofS Sotitary Uabitaof Youtli an av nd aolitary pmctice more fatal to their vie lime Uaan tbe aoog of tbe Syren to tbe Ma nner of Ulyeaee, bligbting thir moat bril liant bcpe or aoncipaiona,Vvaeriug mar riegs, A-a bxipoaaibia,dealroyiug bo lb body aud mind, t ' ' : TOUN0 MEN KIclallT. who bar beoibc Uw vtctima of 8olitry Vic, Uiat dreadful aiul deetructivc ba'dt wbath annually aaeepa to au uuliuialy grave aoouaaieia oi youug men of tbe moot exalted telt-nta and brilliant intellect, wbo migbt otti-rwiae have eutraoend Uaisoiiig Menatea witb Uie UiuuoWa of elou nonce, pi waited to weataey Uie living lyre, way eaU with full eoufldciw-e. MARBIABE. ; Married pertoai, or Young men contemplat ing ina-riKU, aware of phvaical WeaknnM, Loaa of f rocrcative Power (ImpOwicj t Ner vova fnilal.illtT. PaloaUi ion. Oruaoic Weak- ne , hervua Liebility. or any outer liia-uali- ncauou, apieouy rviievaa. lie wbo olacee biuuKlf under tbe ear of Dr. i. ma. r. lii,i,,ulv i .iiibilc In bla bonor a geutirauui, and coaBdeutiy rely upoa bWakili aa pliyelclau. ...- v. -,. OROANI0 WEAKNESS' Intmedlstelv I ured and fulf Viirw Keatored. 1'ble diatreaaittg At euoa ebick render Ufc mat webie and uavruuee lmpoaMbie ia tbe penaity paid by Uie I'lcuma oi impniier in dulLreuiiaa .. Y ouim iiara re too ut io com aiit ciueaac from not Wng aware of Uie dreadful -oncuu.-lici lllnt may enaue. Mow wbo Uiat aaulavatsadaUllaaBbleetwill aretabd to deny Uiat the uuwer of procreatioe ia loat aooncr by Uioae falling into iioproner habite Uiau by Uie prudent r Heeidec being oepnvca uf the pteaaureof balUiy oliapruig, tbe moat ee ioua and deatrucUve ayiuumia ul boib bmiy and miuo arb. 1 be aa!m oetouiea neraag- ed. vm fbyatoal arid Mental r iincuoue weea . iied l.ut of I'rucieaUve Power. Nervou. Irrllsldlity, llypiial, Palpiuiliok. of Uie mart, inoigeauou, wbwihiuuvw .im.j and WaaUug oi tbe Frame, Cougb, conbuap Uoti, Decay and Ueslb. A CURE SPRRUILT WARRANTED. Peraon ruined in healthy by unlearned pre tender wbo keep tb Bi trifling montk alter uouUi, taking poieonoua aua injunoua emu puunua, aJiouiu appiy imuiruivtijr. DR. JOHNSTON, , Member of tb Royal Coking of Surgeoiu, London, radaaut ol one of Uie moxt eminebt College in be United state, aod tbe beet nart of wboae life baa been (prut in the but piial of London, Pari, Philadelpbisbndel. wneis, Ba enecwu aouie i me wai wwie lalilbv eurea Uiat were ever known : many trou bled witb ringing in tbe bead and oar wheaaaleep, grew nervouaueaa, neaug anna ed at auoden aounda, baabiuineaa, with fre aaent blualiiug. attend fd aumeUme witb d. rangement of mind, won cured immediatsiy. TKE PARTlL'TLAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addreauia all tlioae who have Injure. ih.uurRl ea by IniDruper toduigrnce and aoli Utry babita, wbkb ruin bo lb body dud mind, unbLUug them for either busiiwaa, study, ao- i'iel) or luarriag . Iboau an- aom of tbe aad aieisucaoiy er fei'la nr.Miuced bv tbe earUilv habile of youth. nuu-A ajOuk aa of Uie Hack and Uul Paiua m tb iirail, illumeiai ui. amllt. Aaoaa " f M u uular Power. PaloiuUon of Uw Heart, live ueoauu Nervooa Irritability, iMaugirueni of Uui Itlgea ive ITuui Uoua, OeueraJ Debility, I nyuipiouia of uouaumpuon, AO. MEM' ALLY. Tb fearful efleeta on Uie niiii.1 are imieb Ui be dreaded. Loaa of Mem ory, C'of oaioo of Idea, lieproaaion of Spl lta, Kvu voreuotlinea. sveraiou mi r.M.ie,i.y. neu- Duuuat, Love of Solitude, Tiinidily, Ac, are tome or we evil pronucea. 1 boueunda oi puraoue or au agea can now Judge Ual ia Uie cauae of their declining health, loaiug t eir vigor, beitoming weak, uaie. nervous and mactaled. having a auigu iar autwai ai.ee about iihl eje. eougb and aymptom OI couaumpuon. T0UN0 MEN Who have iniured Uiemaelvea by a certain oractloa. indulged m wbeB alone, a habit fre nuenl.iv learned from evil COIUWtUlOAi. Of at at.uoot, uie euecia or wuicu are uiguo; n.i, even when asleep, and if sot carou render, marriage Mnpoaaibiecaad d-auoye bo lb mind aud body, anoutd fepply lmm I'auily. What pity Una a ytuug man, Uia bop of but e unu-y, tbe pride oi biaparenu, abould be anatclied from aM proapecl aad enj.-yureul uf Uie by Ui conamHitnce of dovuttuig irom the naib of aaLuie. aud lutluliiing iu a certain aucret baoll. oulo paraons mueh, ueiore uou' wmpiauug . , MARRIAuK, Reflect that a aoutid rniud aod body an the moat ueceaeary requiaite Vo promote comm. hlal baouineaa. uideed. without tbcae Uie J..u.my Uirougblil becomw a weary pilgiun ire. Uw nroauect bou It darkrna to Uie view i be wuid becoutea bduweu wrkb deaputr, and ttlUd wiUi tb uelancu dy relie. uoo uiat Uie aappiiieaa oi anotnur m biikhmk mm vui uau. j ' A CERTAIN DISEASE. W hen the miatrutded and Imprudent votary of pltaaure dud he ha imbibed uie eet-da of Una painful dimiaee, it t-x olteu bapiwna that an Ul uw ed aenae o shame or Bread oi air covery deters htia Iromaiiplyiug to those wbo, Hum euuiauou una rcainiciauuiiy, can aiom befr.ei),! bim He fall kn o Uie banda ui ignorant and dealgnliig pre r er wbo, in uUJihle of luring, deb Ul peruuiary nub uiuce, keep bim trifling munti alUjr month, or aa louu ka Uie amalnMl fuecatt bo obtained nu lu uoH)iair leae utui vffiai mmou neaiui iu WKUoyer bi galling lUastipoinuuouti or, by of that u.ilv poisoii, Menuhry, cause typoiai souututlonalyiii'totn oi tnu nomd diaeaas to Biake Ineir aopeareooe, aocu al ceraled aoru timnm utacaaed Boae, uociunial Iritis in the hi ad and hlnlei, diinbes of irnL deaiueee,adea ou Uie abtu Bonea and aims, uioicucar ou me mail, i.ive auu T&uwtuia, prugrjeaetTig with fngliliul rapidity, llll at last ibefialateoi tlie m atb or tb bonea ol tbe noae tan in. ana ute vtcuiu m utia swim an.. eaae oeeomea a horrid i.hject ot eeiumisera- o lilt duatti i. uta a iwriiMi to hi dreadful au tiering, by fteudtng htm to Uiat uudiacovered ounrry " tmm wnoae course no iruveter re- i'o uch, tberefors. Dr. . Jonnaon odera tbe net certiiiu, aiHKHly, piesaant and ettwluai reuiody in Ui wo. Id j OOice, T itoiilti Ifdcrtrk El., Uulilmwre, MHr IhbcI. Lett hand side going trotn Baltimore treat, a few doom from Uie corner. Fail not to ob- serve nam aod number. 2-T to le lets received unleaa postpaid and coutelatng a tauap to be uiiMid os) tbe r. ply. reraoua wriuug aitoutd state age and send rxiruoa of adveruaeineut deacrlliiug ayuip Ibe Doctor' Oll'LOaiA hang la hi otBca. ENLHIKbEMKNT OP TUB PREtMi. The many thousand cured at tlila eaUhllsb. stent wit lu tb lat twenty years, anil Uie aumertrue lm(Kirtant lurgtcai oiutreliitn per- lonuea uy ur, eotinson, witneaeex oy uie Represent auvea of Uw Preraead many otbera, uolicee of wliicb tiave apioared again and again before tbe public, beside bla ataadiug aa man of honor wi responsibility, ia a ui Soieo guanuitee to the atllicied. ,SK1N DISEASE SPEbDILa CURED, mar ae-dly. N 0 R T U CAROLINA, . ( Wa Cot-BTT. , ' la TBI ScpaaioaouiT. JukaW B Watson Orres U Dodd ' Actios bmuiiht for Uia purpose of selling the inver.-st of tb cefendant m certaiu lands In the counihtf of Johnston i f Wake, for merit Uie property ot the late Joeleb O. Wat- UB. n ii. run L Dodd. Uie defendant abov named, who can not, after due diligencd. be found within Uie slate, ka t.erel.y aummotied to ap tiear luilure tba Judge of our Suiwrior t 'onrt al a court to be held fur Uie emnly of W ake, at the courUiou ia Kaleigb oa tb eighth Moudey alUir the aeooud Uonday m August, 114 and ui answer or demur to Uia com plaint which ia bled In thedtttcs of said court. Ibe defendant will laW notice that if be fail au to asi-wer or demur, Uie plaintiff will apply hi Uie outui fur tbe relief deuoutded ia the said complei.it. u ItIvcb tbi ill.' dsr of Anirnt, n. JUUN Ai. bLAU.ni,, Clert. Uf a-lWf- ' - ...I.. I MtSOKLLAVEOfS. f III I Al. NOTICE. n. a ANDEWSj CO., C1XITBIBKA, , I Have tuat rscclved by Expra tbe following t HOT WEATHER FABRICS V WBITE DUCK SUITS, WHITE DUCK VESTS, WHITE DUCK PANTS, BLACK ALPACA FROCKS. BLACK ALPACA BACKS, LINENS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Bam for Uie urget men. 17ilHI FI9H11 j: ii 10U Barreva Juat received. 'phMSl-tf. 0. T-8TRONACH BRtt TJATAPeCOFsmily Flourioat from tb Mill ana- ll tf W. C. BTRONACH s ALE O FLA W BOOKS On Wednesday, anil October, at the oln of Warren A t arter, In Wasfitngtoo, N will be aold a valuable Law i rbrary Terms cash. WILL. B. RODMAN. aug t dtda JLLUMINATE FOR THE , GREAT CflMPAION. The undersbrned is prepared to furnish CM Beee latuterna, Tranh pare ae lea, Flags, CaU'lnm Lights, Fire Works, Ac , at mai.ufaclurera Srtcea, for . Illuminating Parka, bquaraa and uildlnga, both public and private, for tbe coming campaign, and will give personal at tention lo tneir arrangement and display, trr dera for krttelea In the above line with or with out peraoaai attendance, respectfully solicited and proniptly .attended to Pieae give aa Bineb noUee as poeeible before meeting are neia. - r . C FOLUER. 44 Roanoke Aveoue, Norfolk, Va. aai t-iis , 1 A HUE LOT It. C. HA Ma sod Sidee today a reeeiveo. augOU W, C. STRfiNACIl rjtWO THOUSAND, TrVO HUaDRRD AND SEVENTY 0. 1 (3,if71) ACRES OF LAND. BANKRUPT BALE OF" REAL AND PERSONAL' PROPERTY. -4n Tucaday the Ui day of O-ffber.-174. at iu o'ciock, i, snail sen tp me nignest bidder, for caeb. in tbe Uiwn of Louiahmv. ia Frank liu iouiiiy, Nurih Carotins, the tract of land un which An-bibald Taylor now Uvea, about lour mile weal of rorter' uold Mine, In n iiKini county, q. v., eonuunmg ny said A. 1 ay nr s schedule, u,37i acres, tbla slavery vaiuaoia ana prtmucuve tract oi mna, a large portion of which ia in original growth, with about 900 acre of rich low ground on lu It a ao lie all ne eaaary outhouses, such aa BAru. stauiee, Ac., aud a storehouse for mer- ctianduutig ; also a apiendid Uwelling ilouae. large and commodious, built at considerable coat, Oa Uiia land (being new Porter1 a Uold Mine) ut' (told Mine pronounced bv Conine. iii juagee very nca, peinapa ins rlcneat North Caroiiua. At the same time and place. I shall aell for aan to toe highest Bidder, net ween two aad In, or hundred account, due bills. Botes. eeiuta. Ac, amounting- to aboal S5.0110. Persona wishing to make a good ittveaiment O Uieir tunda would do a ell to bar an eye to una bract wi isnu, aa it ia ve.y vatuat.ls. K . . M a M I H . u a U U I M AHignas of tb as lata ot Archibald Taylor. aug io-wot R O N S A F E. On small Fir Proof Iron Sate In oerfecl pruer on aaie. ai sot utspoasa ox pnvateiy WH1 lay offered al public auction, on baturday, BetU)mbcr 7lh, al Towlea AttcUna Wars House ou WUmington street. a AM Ro At. TOWI.ES, AucUoueer. ug. 81 w ' IDLE WILD" FOR SALE .AUCTION. HfBAT tplendid property on Newbern Av- X enue in Uie City of Raleigh, kuowa as "ldlewild " (the former residence of th 1st John Cotton) is offered for sale. 1 be dwelliug ia tbe largest and most perfect pnveM? reanufnee iu tue euy, catiisining nneen rooma aa folio wa: On IWtifci. tva ll. seven 'JClr'AD, two 14x11, and two iara balls or passage way 4HXIU. Tb boo la two stories high witb oreraed rock basement nuner and lower po rebus with large column on each slits. All tb necessary outbaildinga. St bloa, CanUgs house, Ac , Ac, are oa tba preuiiaee.- . I h lot contains ahost three acrea rnrla.lini 1'irgegardra with the most rna nlflra nt Oa Mmve imrrounditw the re-idT'nce to be f.iotid In lbs but. A moat beautiful sloping lawn ui smpie wiuib sou nepta irou suiu awsuing 1 lis property Is tb most d eirshle in be au, siUuard oo au elevaiim. of subm AO feet aiiove the I a,.itoi, Uie moat hoalUtful, attraot we anu ir rowing part ot uie city i The ground, fence, residence and out knudiaga are in perfect ordervHkot on dolbu- ' i quired to oasp.nl on Ui aarne. The above valuable trowtu will he orlai for sale St tb Courtbone. door in Ralaiu-k n v,euMdsy, Otobsrltau. at, Ul o'clock, on easy lerms f ' , ! .. i t ; iwr N. H. This oronert has been kiohl. rv oiuiuenueu lor a nuys uivu or Military scho'ie-Insutution ot both, kinds, aadly needed at this point. " For parUililaiS addresa, ' ' ' KINGBLANa) A MILLER, Raleigh, N. C. V arp t-ts I (JBO II. LIQUORS. A 1ST s lot of Fin and Commas l-lmtnee cbrkp for csaB. aug II U. X, BTRON ACH BRO OR BALB. Beat Baltlmors Famllv flonr and Nnrlk Carolina ramUy flour. In aacka - sepau W, it. JUNKS A CO. - - tHE NEXT SESSION OF THE OOLlltl OF WILLIAM and MART, founded IflWU. beuina en tba Srat ww.. of October, aod close oa th lib of July foif- Tbe Academic eonras la srhMialvn Wenvta. Ion ha been made ferdindeuta of Law. 8p ctal pretrury InatrurUon will be given to candidates for at.poliilmeuta lo tb U S. Mili tary and Naval Acadpuuea at Weal Point aud Amiapolte. i ' kxismae for tbe aeaalon abor iw r. further infiamnuon, audreaa the aabscribsr at vv uiisuisuurg. aand. B. KWELL, i Pres. CoUear of t llhin, mix A Mat.- aa,awst . KEF I EL D IABT H (LO SET, I. br all odda the - .f P"'"'- f" J Waaarin-D ft.aTB t uST Co . f New York, lor desenpuv palest. jCsll jjfnd ex lwo,"",,M,w. hjonksaco.. narllMi , 1 5tfc!" A I GOLDEN STRIP, SILVER DRIPS, aupply yoana4v Faml call and 1"'! yBir t, T. 8TRONACH A BRO, J I C H M O N D COLLEGE, RICUMONt), VIUOINIA. The ftesalons of this Institution om'u on tbe 1st of October, aud continue to the 1st of July. . I TbeUollege .-ompriee the following schools, to wit : I. Latin; II. iireek; ill. Mmlern Languages; IV. MatbemaUea: V. Natural HrWaees; VL Moral Pbiiosophy; VII. En irll.n. In addition 'to the foregoing a School of Law and a Commercial Department are con. nectedwiUi thet oliege. Tbe en 'ire exr-n-s of a-tndent, rnclndlgg board ib loeaaimr chiba, taiuon and olh lege fees, fuel, ItirJKts and washing, amount to tuos for the eewab a of sii e bmhiUis i he same en leases if board be bad lu private t milie win ne s?rc. i For caUiogues giving full lufonnaUon, sd; dress - B PI RTEAR, Chairman ot Ui Faculty. Jly lfieodUlllsUict. U B T RECEIVED 3tIRT'8 CELEBRATED HOOTH, ti ALTERS, Coufgramm Oxford 8 H O K 8 BURT8' PRIZE MEDAL GAITERS, SHOES, METROPOLITAN TIES, F 0 R. LADIES msEMITK STRIPES PRIMROSE, PKTTT A NEWSOM'S. rill Q HATS WO RTH female institute an ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN B0ARD1N0 AND DAY BCH'IOL. 188 Franklin Street, Baltimore, Md. ...I. f" Jfisi. A. R UA880N, Principal. Mn. 0.S.Sy0BLBRECUT,VkPrin. Formerly of Bell Haven Institute, Columbia, 8. 0 ugl7tf A ba.AUTIFUL LOT OF -Cs-i-.i Lsces, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Ao. PRIMROSE, PETTY A NEWSOM'S. may a-tr rTIO TOBACOO MANUFACTURERS "" iSf "o ptr cm. on toA on sacer- tslned vaiu wUl be mad oa Bill of Lading of consignments to our house. Interest at rat, of S per cent, per annum. Prompt ra- turn mad witb check for balance dnaahln. per Immediately on aale of goods.' 1 Bow importers of tb M Oalio brand rJpsulah Mas Ucoriee. 1 - HOFFMAN, LSI. Co.T . Tbbseco Commission Merchants," r 18-odkB ilaltunons, Md. ttAtt r O P A R T X E R S n 1 l . We have asaocisted ouraelre nnder the mm nsmi 111 TV ICLIAMHON CPCHURCH THoM 8f.wthe nurnnaanrdnin,, . uvi,,.i aaie Grocery and Commission business m thn wuw our aervicee 'o our old friends and tb people generally. Office Sales Room Martin Street, nearly oppoalui Cltisena Na tional Bank and tt. aerel Warehouse near He- kv kuiui vawwuua nauroaa company. o r. n 11.1,1AM HON. Wig trpcuuRciL J. J. THOMAS, Jr., apSVdlm Q.EOR0IA COTTON GINS. PRICES REDUCED. " ' I Aai ,..... ... . . tskttur orders for tneir aa,iNo-.,urf tiVios ..a .. a , ,, . au. . . , , r,. nar.wM jm r. GINS with all th bite improvements io tnoas wbo Bsve Band Uieas Gins, they Bsed ao ncommendsUos. and m ail a onlv say tba we warrant every Oln to give enilrs aaUsfactioo Price reduced 50 cents in the Haw. Bena order st once to secure them lima. JAMES M. TOWLES. Agent, ug31-tf ttaluabl fropertt FORf Sale T I offer fur sale a bona and lot aitnited at aittreii Springs, Uraovillel onniy, 'lb house wuwub Miiiie rooms, witn two aea.t1la.4a. and it beautifully 1. cated with a branei run nmg in frost, with several eprirure upon it, v.. ainiersi ana aom not, the former being 1 - r...r,... n niiKii water he lot eontaiua two scree which wUl be sold 1 quarter acre bits, or all Uu.aii. pnrcbssera. Terms eaay. v Inquire of P. McOhWaw . KporulUiecipttol'. . p 11 3t 1 q p.f.r.?0'''''1" . i Baioa, Kama, J IV WWII a.,. ,ltt Sides sad Jbonlsera. vy. u siiiosAgB, HE. W A TIrtE.DtrasrN: ,."TllEiDEST AND SIMriXST. THE fDlFFRENCEEKSBETWEEN RIVAL FA e much manure iu sunouncuut bust i again oa the market. vre aa.e o wu outHiies in sxovs boo y,ouu Planters ol Virginut aud .Not in ; aruluia. ne aiso bale lor aaie as Mautuacluiexs AR R0W" AND1 . ng IS-Sra We refer to tbe following MercnsnU who LitlN ADAMS, ks.1, Ralelgb, n. C. L. H. A A. Ml. Esu.. G. T. STRONAUH t BRO., Rseiglv , W. C. Bl iiONACU, Esq., Kslcigb. A. C. 8ANDKRS A CO., Raloigu. J. M. MONMK, Rsu., Raleigh, N M. A. PARKER, Kaq , KaieiKb, N. 0. A, . LfcK A Co.. Ralebrh. N. C. A. Al. MtiPUKTKRS, Esu , Ataletgh. w 1LMINUTON LIFE INSURANCE CO. orncRRS : ROB'T H. eCOWAN. Prrsident. IjOHM W, ATKlNbOI, Vice President. J. IL C'AMfclioN. Sccrciaiy. Dr. E. A ANDkKdUN, Medical Oireilor.J DIRECTORS -. . J. W. Atkihuoii, General Insurance Agetit I. B. Ukaibosb, Praud ut . Bank of New r Hanover. F. W. KiaoBHOB. Grocer and (Jnmnibsiua Merclisut. C. M. bTBliuiH. of Wright A B ediuen. T. H. Mckot. of W. A. Whitehead A Co. Fayeltevuie. x K. tt. i.owas, rresMcsv H. B. Kilbkb, I'ommUaloa Merchant A. A. W iu.un, of Wiiliard Brothers, lag. W. A. Cuum im of Northrop A cnmmcbi- 0. W. Wuj.ua , of WUllsm A Mur on. Eli Mdrbat, of E. Murray A Co. A. J DaRosaiTT, of UeRosaett A Co. Rout. Hshbmo. of Dawaou, Teel A Ben- ". " - ' ". . . albz. BFnusT, unuen v ice-connui, oi Sprunt A Hinaon. r. sxusPHi, Attorney st iw. J 11 UViK.Ma t.l 1 II U. Lilians AT... I Fayette viJie ' Jas. C. MvRab, Att'y at Law, rayellevtue. lv B. Kiixr, Merchant) Kcnanavilie. J. T. Fora, Mexvbsnt, Lnipburtou, , i SPECIAL FEATURE8 AND ADVAN- TA0ES. 1st. No roatriction en Residence or Travel 2d. Ne extra charge on the live of Females. Sd. Policial InoonlaaUble after Five Veers. 4th. The rate ot Interest on tb Fund of the Company hither than those on Uie funds I of Companies located in other Sutusa, thus in suring larger Divideuaa to Pulley Holder. 6lb. Th Director and Officers of the Com pany are prominent NORTH OARnLlNiANS, woo im anuua too men ul iaiauaii I I end WORTH. S. The Company la established on a solid and permanent basis, etept having been taken lo utensas the capital stock to a.iis,ouu. :'.... . . ,, V 7tb. Au. tbi Fdnds os raa Compamt I Aa I vanTSD in TH ut briTB abd Ciaov- ahosld eommend the Company, sbov all others, to Norm Carolinians, il as well known that hundreds of tbonsaada of Uoiutr ta Lite Premiuans are aanuaity aant Nortu to enrli:b Norm Capitalists, thus sonUnuellr draiuinir I our people ot bmmenas amounts wbicn ahouid be keptst noms. - W Uua proaisd tamtnenoa of Una Coujpsny conttdeutiy appeal to every SV.nl thai' lid P...M.I, Ml.ala an.l aalc ikalaa.,. port for uiu Hon a leTiTOTio, wbkb, while it oilura subataatuJiy all .tus .adnnlaaaa4af: Koriberii Companius, help lo build up lions ISTSSSSTS. : v. , x JAMES D. BROOKS, General oupenismg Agent, " Ralcurb. N.c. DR. E. B HAYWOOD. liK W. (i. HU.L Medical Exsminsra. ParUea aitplyiog for airencie can commnnl- ate with f. H. Hill Local Agent or J. D. Brooke, General Agent, --. spr J '1 " . .. V TV EW FALL STYLE 1 ' SILK HATS for Young GenUemelk. ' Pries onli lit I Reataualkiv ' I - . - W. H A R. 8. TUCKER A CO. aug V-tf A ROE 81 0 K OF ZEPHYR Wt XI, I just received at ISAAC OkTTLNGKR'B. n H 10 NON8. LONG B R A ins nnnn m its J curia and oUiur hair goods, Ju t ti) band - ' VSiliMlKR'B. IYTHISKYI WUISKYII iaj bbls from good to nmsna Jiyiro-tt G. T. dlRONACH T0ETH CAROLIi-IA BAILROAD BONDS. A few wanted aug iB-eodlw Apply to ,P A. WH EY, Cash. Clluwua Nsi lwuk. poi SALE, A new, STEIN WAY A HoN'a mutiDt RANW PIANO, 7 St octaves, has heJi .. ..a. OtlW A Year. Slid Will IMS a.,M h...... ... owner is iaavingthe country. Win h.,.M s'"ea un iisob aome credit allowed. 1 Apply to r ' i.a.l. OttAyiaEI A. JOHNSON, agailw ,' aiiciuaiona. Va. ' ' - I mm COTTON rrii? UNlYEKSAIs FAVORITE. TEvlfi!95JV81ID, A; DUNN TIE" "' ouuurea auuai, wsk-u we vaw as uia ass as! . . , Ageula. Uie celcbralMl "ANCIIOR'' TIE8. '" MclLWAESI A CO, ' . Petersburg, Va. bare sold the Tie th past three seasoaa : . AM llVf C I S nal aa, Vtr., TB atayajuaj, CI, y. HARRIS A BLACKWEI.L, Wdsuu, fTO B. M PR1 Vk'i "f A CO., Goldaboro, B. 0, Ii. D. TRKL, Ku , Tarboro, N. c. O. C FAKHAK, Kaq-, larworB, M.Cl T. H. URIFPiri, Kag., Rocky Mour.t, K. 0. 0(NM;H A l.O.NO, Waldoa, ft. C. W. H. OLIVER, kq., Newberu, N. C. W. U. SMi i H A CO., PaysUssyiue, H.Q. aA Ui IO ai l'Lblf n. ik Uk' . I - n MOKEHEAi) CITT, M. a . ! Will be opened on th (th sf Jaw, Wi THE MOST FOPULAI ' ,. : ' hummer aaufwoax IK NORTH CAROLINA - - Having been thoroughly renovated, raHtud I aud ref urniabed with entire New YurBUare, presents unvqualcd fciliUtformcoaurt of its Patrons. It baa ail th edvuUuraaot Uie moatpoiiar sea aide Weteruu Plscas. such aa boatuig, Pishing, Sailing ami Hunting, and ia additon to these, it omtirueea tb aa- equaled lactliUee ol th bsmoua white iBiriyiinm. to be found at no olhter Watering Place aa Oi AUauUc Coast. 'Ike atoout are large, easy at sccuks, and couiuiuuicais w ith uomasoibuas Puuutaa for delightful Promenades. THE TABLE WILL SK SUPPLIED WITH -trie, bitsf-TbiR MAHKET- AsFvRlw-- Tb Bathing lionaa era barge, conunodkas , and easy ol accea at Ail 1 uses. ... A UAlvD Or aaXfelC ! btaJway ia attendanc for tit Cuuveiisaoi oi uancvr. The Car ou the Allan tie A North CuvUm Radioed atop directly in f rout ul the lion, daily. - ' I Special arrangement made with Familial for Uie season Boarders taken by lb Mouth, Week or taay, ob Reaauatsbie iersaa tiood and sttenuva aairvania, and every at Uon paid lor tbe couiiort of Patron. PAlaMER A MiCUAHI-sON, June iS-dxw. PsonusTou. GBO. WAaaUMOlUa, PaTSa MaiAan. J . G. J.. Thomas, WASHLVGTON & CO., ClfiiJ'L COMMISSION ' MEKCUANTS, Greenwicn, cor. CoorUsadt B treat, NEW YORK. Job M-dHnt ' " T Mik tto i FitRiuDlCAvLa OF Ink uaX, TBBOBgAT . ENGLISH qUARTEBLIIS " . ' AiiO ' ' '' BtiCa.wood't Idiauurgk Iulii, . . V. BiPsasTBoar THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 10 Fuitoa Strset, New York, Af ahsa4ava-(Awvf IA prats sIA, srvaiak Tb Edinburgh Review, ' . Ill Loudon tjnarterly Review, t Tbe WesUuiuetsr Revuw, Tbe britiah yuartsrly Rerles, PubUabed Quarterly Jsb'j', April, Jaiy, Wa AB " 1 ' JfldeAwssat' aVdiatsrf A ' (A fac-aunU of tba nrlginaL) Pbiisaf Montbijr. tkhms or (uuocairTioi : Porany one Review............ I too para. foras two Re viewa, .......... 7.0 " For any three Reviews, lli ov for all four Roviewa .MUD " For Blackwood's Magaato t.lM " " Fur Blackwood and 1 Review... f.uf " for blackwood and SMeviswB.XlO.ril " for Blackwood and S Reviews., ia.oo " For Blackwood sod to 4 Rsviewt 14.00 Poatsgs, two esnts asmbsr. to M ff1 by Uw quscter st tba onto of deiiwy. Ei.ru. ' A discount of twenty percent. WIU""; I ed to clube ot four or more personal 'io four copies ot lilackwood or of oneIfcvi will be sunt to saw ' sekireai for SB.: copies ot tb tour Review and BlackaoM V 48, and soon. To duba of tea or more, la addition "J snova discount, a copy gratia will bsaia" to tb getutr-up of tba club. r iimigi.- New subscriber tor tbe year 1872 may ear wiUiout charge, tba numbers lor Ik " qua. tcr of lail ot sack perioeUcsl as Uny atay auusciiba tor. '. V a. Ut, matead of tb above, new bsrKa any two, three, or four of tb ebuve tJ cslB, may bsve, as premium, on of tba ' 'I'M Reviewa' for 1871 ; suhscnoere to I'll 1V " nave two ot tbe Four Reviews' for WU ; "" " clubscsnbesilowedusJetmeaW Neither premiums ta ubseriber aor w- Is remitted direct to tb pubiiabera. 1 remitted direct to ins fmbiisbsrs, uiiuina can be gives to duna. a, To secure premiums, it will be eessvy w make early applicaUon, aa tba stock vail" for that purpose is umitsd. aji circulars witb lurUiar miormauoa , lad on application. e, ' Taa Lbobaid Soot Po- Co-. .. .... laaifuJiosatres, THB LEONARD SCOTT PCBLISULNS i t aosorususa . THE JTASMMM'S 6VIP' Tv Scwntitic and Piactical Mfaj By Hsrbt bTai-a.sB, FR S .Edencnr ui tauij. P. iNobtos. Proroasorof ? Aarwullunr b Vais Collegs, Saw B" . IvJovola. Royal ocuio. leoU f""2 uumeroua engravings Price 7; by tuau," paiu, ft. ., flBl'Vtf . """ OiaAadaa, AMD TNA tRLf. .1. , ; . bills. A U. Moieaee, I lo 1 lerces 0 iilHla. 0 ilbds. New Crop Cuba. A" a mils M kiei-ovaus. A' .' .'.New irriasass, 1 ' "' " S ; Bdver Loipa, : . ; ,. LEAC'H -.. " sprYl-U - " ' . A 'L- latAJilll.lN NMA..A.:iilUJ At la' Jj trat.i Weekly Pa(.eni, rell aud sent by mail on rrceipt of pru - ..4 ..a .... arter. ST waw e.i.woai iwm - , ., aW. JAS. IttJifW. - . w. . .a L. .aa'- 11,. Aa ' laUWlAVt

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