7 '0) X' .-.-"' 7. it as-- - I. - L . . . . . . - .a u-u B rttn nor iit I- t s.tt4 -ii i . kenc ti d Ls 4 Pmt etM.t Mia ' . a it . atiau axtviw . j 4 W'l ' I i: ' ieO .. I W ao.4. XI Li IV 41 II II . , h.fcyw-sK -.ji ta' s&syrssr tiwttinaiia) n.i'r .i J-etf (. tii. '. . ,.. , QWbMMl nut mw At wMlaniiuy .ion. ill' Li . 'ti I it t ... .r:: ? II II ' ' J M I! II. II II II II II . : ' .V "' ' " R.f Ji t,m. n 3s I v..voTii via: Tilt DAILY SENTINEL , suuoturrioM rum 1 cf u- xmOB?"' ft Be Won HO.UU Onsenoy fr. W getter ap of Club olluaud f. V " I. L Copy fr to jails F Ctab 1 W tcjpu jf ).rH ' ssjou JJ Si. ' " W - J DU.UU I, M MM I t P ! an4 tipavd ; j ia fitat of tti Ouait Hon oa the th iurt.' I Oift KuU-rtaimuwit ml Tuckor't Hall, Im Ur.uau. Ku4.W.J N. C. with rtwM r m t D. Smith. TIm tuurral of lh lata HeV. If. ' Buirth will take place at Chriat (Eiiciikl Clafi:b',' thia '(Tborwla)) aftamooa ml 4 (Met!' ': ' J " '' QilKliLltf MD BllU t'l-IJJI AtCAHT Oa September 80ib H. A. tuiDiloa, Jr., Oraek-y anil Bruwa ekx-k for thi dia- liict,it)kat CatjVialarjfuCToird. IIU perch m uigbiy OHnpiiraoDUxl, and made tea, foriUe cauar pf refofittT A Qtveiey and Bniwa club waaorfatikwd with about hw buiidiyil nieuibcit'. The following are Um wtBveranuaa; 1 , ' A. J." j'M"?,' Prwidtot; Tbiia. .Young, Hw B. Jordan and Carlo Yalea. Vn Pre idaulaf W..' B JPvH, aVwwtary i J. Q WUIum. W. K. fCattaao, C. HlMnaii. W. H. Beck Willi and R. H. Jonea wen aclecied aa tU Riecntire foouniltee. The club will meet neH;,8turJj, wtiea the preaaut meiubeniiip will ba trilaL ., ArromiMkiiTi Fun Qu. Aa'T. 1. (. MAK'klC 1 urtt Am I ti Worth t Maaten will pleaaa call their' Lodgea to- Trtber aa follown : Qnutka LodK Clayton, Onto bwBtB...' Archer Lodge, Ifo. !65, ("rir-hillp, Or, 4..I. U. I. . Pill. J. B, Pxbm . Lodge, No. 857, BV uUli. October KMb. ' t ' r hi, Patriukw Lodge, N. B74, Boon Hill, October Utli. - yeltowablp Lodge, JIi M, SiuilhBvM, October 13(6. AUII Creek Ladu. No, ' 133, Newton Orore, October J4tk. f 1 ; , Mingo awddc,? Uiti BOB, BlackuaB' Mill, ifctober JiSib.' Zt,ilVY?K:' N.htmta Lodge, No. 339, Nahnnta, Oc Wber 17ib. ' AnjenranOwrgn Loilg, Nu. 17, Mur , fweaixi', Ocwiawr Utkv ...v . :-v".i.-..- UiMiiiiuity Lvdtja, Li. 7, Kdeoton, 0- tolier ilat w-i."j... v I'urK yrfttna Lodge, No. Sft, Vlyuioutb', October aid,-,., j v. i ! ; ., . ;-, r.-' Klilieh fiey, IT. D., Eliiabeth City, October Mth. H ii J 4. W M Uo. boa Lodge, Hit. YS; Camden C. H., October Sftfn. c ' Atluilki" Ldge, Na 233, Carrituck C. H., October 86ih. ealdawMaa' Mntnfw oleaee copy, ' ,K ' 'laiai . ' ' on , ExmibitiW We are gran tied to learn that ao ticca of articlea tn be eoled for exuibiUoa at lb aaoaing Bute Fair, are being amt to the Baperin teadenti J. J.' Litcbrord, Kmj. ' We are reunited to atate that all articlea intend ed lor asnUiitioB will be Iraaaported er awed to be returned t the original point of . ahinowBl. will alaa tie . aliinpwl oa the aaine tarma, provided a certiorate ia pro duced trotn the Becretary of 'the Society, allowing thai euck articlea have been on txbibitioo and that (key are being retum- 4 by the original owner 1 Ttt following ia tbeacheduleof price aa to the fare for tbe round trip of paawngera to tbia city from different point on tbe mad Charlotte, 6.00 00 00 i B OO Barriaborg, Concord, Cliina Grora, fialiabory, . H.iltbur(r, - Lin wood, t Letington, Thmnaaaille, High Pi int, , J meatown, ' 6rn(rtrt'f ; 1 VLmdV Cibaonrilla, ,. Company Shop, i Graham, ' Hw Rirar. .Mebaneanlla, Itaia'a, . Murrieill, Ahrvt.i i ' . tUleio, Clayton, Sava'tHiHa, WtUb', ' . too 06 (.00 6 00 - ' 500 .. ' oo ' 1.600 9 no - M) ISO too oo : 06 .. tro I oO 1.00 a 60 -: ' so t ' l 00 " 4 00 J 00 .'w ;.t .- u i I .11 ItJtA.ll W. A. Bmitli, Concrexaman etfol la tbi uur neniur aaty lawui nwwawig few At!nroey Oroeral Phlpp amred to tbia oity yeatarday afluraW: XK?JIA1(Jir CM. a 8. ttyat., t pBfJlj' tgt, ered ai'tbe YarUawnglt IUaat .t I thw aWtW'wi' tW' && MMl 'taw war Company e4 lb W city will lie ablpprJ hlppeif Oastun fiiini New Turk on. the Jith iayt. The Diracton of the Kaleigh & Railioad beld ueetiug yeatuntay mora ing W have no particular of the pnv- oeedingn, ' , , We learn Uiat work upon the propuaerl ijoTernmiiit Imil.liiig In thin city will ni ratwd, . Rt. Her. TtHHnaa Atkinaow, Epiaropa lian Biabupnf. thia State, arrived in tltie oity Tuewlay alteriHMHi. . x-Wpodw m, of the A, haw nletermined n give to the public hie viwa o'u the oibject of Infant Baptiaui bkadia ot iVall,Cron4 Col ' -j In conawjuenc of the death of Ker. r. Hiniili ii,-CniMxrt if the Choir il St, Auu-tLiii.' Kpiaropal (iolorril) vliunh.haa ben postponed. Owing to the continued ai-vere iuiliio- ilioa of Mnjnr Wuiuki-r no court ma Md yeabnlsy. , ' At the Apring near the liwune Ajlum n one of the tree, n haudbill u xuil wlk-h aet forth that the Spring M rltn iecouimodauon of lb inuixtes and that louaging there onBundaya or other day will not be tolerated. Some individual of an niuuirmg turn of. midii and of agra rian principle ba written on tbe margin, " Whe in tbe k II doe the Anylum be long tot" " . ,;. . Thi political swindle 'Southern Claim,' it being perpetrated in tlii eomiHiinity. t'rowdtof Radical ewiaaarU are arriv ing in tbia city and enuniraging those t'ley have duped into making all aorta of tatenieuta. Tlieyaay the'-claiuia" will be paid wN Onutt it tUcted. - -.' The religion meeting in the Mclh.nl iat and Hapiiat chnrchi in thi city con linue and the iuterent manifested in them keepaon the iucreaae. ' "there are duiiiIhi of inquirer and couveraiiHia ik;ui daily. (.Tbia Higioua zeal ia net couBiiwi to the aUiva named churchea. lu all of the colored chutcim- nleetiuga are guing oa and aome'uf tliem are crowded, both by day and night. Woo lata, of tbe , baa put 1:12, - 000 in caah in thi-city treasury. In cou. tjuenc of Wuodapu'a aatouudiflg atate- a ut, City Treaaurer Churchitl waa called nut of bed at 4 o'clock in the morning yeaterday by Kim iiiipecunioua iuilinilu- ala wlio held claim agaiuat the city. Duriug the day thia enicial W beaeiged by crowd. There will be an alj. Mimed meetiag of the atock bolder of tbe Haleigh & ('anion liailroad to-day (rhurailay).. The i)il tiiHi of the wxp.aiMie or aon -acceptance of the amendment to the charter will be diacuMed. Borne grave legal point enact ing tbe intereat of the road are involved in the matter, and the diacuMiioa will be participated in by a Dumber tit distin- KiiUheil gentlemen both ol Una Htate and (mm abroad. The Committee of Arrangement In re gaid tn tbe approaching 'vinit of the Fire Coin panic from Peterabiirg, Virginia, and Charlotte, held a nwsting Tueadny even ing. The programme of cerrmonie wa not definitely died, but the following iub- eouiwittee were appointed :' ' ' ' Measra. Laraaoii, Love, thwher and Gor man, Committee on Programme. Means. Boaber, t'lawwia and Stronach, ' omniit- tee on Invitation. It wa reanlved to in rite Maj. Beaton Qahw, K. P. Battle, nVq., and Mayor Wealey Wbilakar to make ad dreane The committee .hold a miwtiug thi (Wedneaday.) evening to complete ke arrangement, . . '" . J. Holt sa.. Bherifl' elect if Joht- (bin County, wat in our town yeatetday. A grand time I eipeoted at tbe State Pur.' Let everybody comet t A Our merchant are becoming quit buy. "They are receiving daily large quantrtie of good. , , , We direct upecial attention to the Fall aonoanotment of. Menr. R B. Andrews V Co., who atock of clothing ia very eompiete. v 4 ' k i " ' fire ia oomfortable at thi time. It wa cold ennugK, Ulinoat, for froat Tuea- lay Bight- There wa a slight froat at Oxford over a week ago. ' We hope our friend in tha iorronniing country will remember W. C. Stnmach and Leach Brother, two of our beat Ral eigh Grocery House, when they need any thing in their line, s You can rely pu them every way. Mearn. W. H. H. 8. Tucker A On. are nceiviog aa immense Mock ut goods which they are Bering ' at the kw rate that always distinguish this great Raleigh W bars been impreaned with one I act ia eonnectiow with Raleigh trade that the uerrhauta who adeertiie in tbe Skb tiku. are not only reliable but command alargVtrada. ' .-J , V We are glad to Inn that tbe Bbtiat P, mule rwtaiuary is o well alUaiik.l, and that it baa u bright a prospect before It. There are at this time seveuty nie pupils in atiulHn.-r,y with a certainty of an In- 'xaeaas to etty fits. (- t T';A1PIC i ArMtn:D-t l-: ; jnl q iOrtynannaad liremkiaea do-tkf iaawat i-aaulini.'. :,j , If ill fi.'f .ft I-.'! I'tlWi" 4k u H"'"-' ' ika piawiciria t ! kx, tifH V. f.llarwwaM-:b rUWw.kad oil .. nil M ; 0w MtafeWf fcfV W tmtn ' When miy your wiwy k aaii i la OinwttwMUfcwrbFyiH wweiniin gladtoseefnaf-Wtien K armut elated currency, j 1 ' "--J f Why i anmu's life snfist in the last leage of dyspepaia t lVicauae he can't di gest then Aiuau whowoik for a living should marry a woman taller than hiinswlf. "The laborer ia worthy of his higher." An old farmer said of h clergyman wboMi Ul uion 4aefce4 -pnilt'i--'Ayr-yt-, he' a good man but be will rake with the teeth upward." A feMuw who has actually triml it says that, ailiiouifh there are thlae at ruples in dram, the more d()iiis you take the e. acruplv you wilt Imvc. I An liidiitue mau aked the Clerk of a Court whether he couldn't reduce the rates if half a doi.-u lelluw clubbed' to get lint to take out marriage liceumw. , ... "Is there any danger of the boa-con stridor biting f" askei a visitor of a ioo logical ahowman. "ot the least, re plied the slitiAuian. "He never biles, be swallows his wittlus whole." AUVKRTI-INO LlTKRATiK. -Ill-Other Hills very wus-ly insists upoo "alullr variety aimet'liing else than Oram and Ureeley for bn-akfisJ, dinner and sup per." ve agree Willi turn, ami propose to treat nut reader to few extracts from "advertising literature." W will flrst give a prose silition. It Is a pu por trait of a representative of a targe class of so called bu-jiu sa nu nthe " MK W o Nut-kh-A nrairm-.it; ile f disliuicuislied very enaily by his care worn and d ioieil niuntenitmv. Ile ia gr.ispiiig' buhl lust to what he has. iul ia slMul to ciiliire. lie la generally e!M)shra4i4 lo-iks-upfrt all custoim-rs with i:strust. The ml erly Mgeruia with which he clutclie tKe p y lor his goiNls criae- an uutiplisihy lor hiiu in thr ttiiuils of uis pilr..us alio th i generally leave bun. llisatora ia any I. tug but in riling, aa the giauls are not 'isolated at all and a bleak appearanoe of the walla is tile conseiiiitiruw. Hescidoiu give anything to ' public iin provemenls w eh rnaiite pwr).', xd uieasurea niaiikiiul gener illy ill bis osyit half bushel. Bat h a man never hulpt to uuilu rifcilroails, ateauilaiaiB, ti-ti-gr-tpli lines, or anytiiing of the kind.' Il'ih.j bnl aoct of mankind were tiki hiiu, stage e Miotics would l llieonly pulilii- convey siii'in. Where i itits now stand, a few double p n log house and a bar naiiu would be instead. 'ollegi and schools Would never havv btWn thought of aiiu'lilk . ful igiioranc would reign auprenla. lie ia never posted on the topics of the day, nor is he iufonited in legard to connwr- eiid airs Inicause he shuts himself olf Iniin thut source of tnformation by diacounte an,'ing the press, the only means through winch it can ba attained. And when lie diea he ia not generally lamented. - We no w cull some stain a with the hope that like sweet flower they may refresh the soul of some merchant . who ia "biiud and canuot see." Here is picture of TtO MEKUrANTS. When taAe ere shu k, nd notes fi ll due, Tbe tueicltaut s fat-a srew .ion- sutl tiie ; It la dre ims were trnaWad thniiiKh Uie-uihl, IUi b r tts, twil.lts, all tit siglil. At lal his wifn unu aim said , "Ulse up st once, itel out of bed, , And gel your fspr. Ink and pva, Anu say- Ui as words auw all uiea : "Mr Kooils I with to sell von And to yoar wile aud dsuirt.ters, too t Mv prim thai shall tie so b'W, Tisl each snail buv batu limy go." tie uie as nis moou wueaovia'-u. And in the uatr edvenistd ; Crowds catw and bomiht ! all he had. His nuwa were paid, to dreams were glad, A ad a will let I yoa lo tbia dav. Bow sll did printer's ink re)iay. He uild us, with wnk a knoaiua wink. How ho was saved wlta printers lak. Aoolher ta a place as turht- ( onlented wss Ua pns-to slkht ; - x Hsthd not let the i-o le know, iiiadrsfla went due and were uotisid ; ' A le y on tn yood waa made I , i ka an area eee4 aa Ue-al,-- - -- - And for sum lim be wa tn Jail, . A iauiknirt. now, without a eeut, . At leisure lie cab deep renenl Teal ha Was foolUb and unwise. And did not (realy advert.sa. Post Mortkm ExsmiisTioa or ran R AiSsorTua i, at a Hkv. Da. bwith. Yeaterday (Wednesday) at a. m., in ac- eordance with the direction of the jury (if inquest, Drs. , Burke Haywood, James MeKueand F. J. Haywood, Jr., made fott rmarlnn examination of the remains of the late Rev. Dr. Smith, m the presence of Coroner Hagnin. . Theatomsch, remain ing portion of the powder left in the glass from which he drunk, tbe remaining pow der in tbe box and the bowl of sugar from which he sweetened the fatal draught, were placed in the possession of the Com ber, with instructions tn pruceed tin (Thursday) morning to I'hiUuelpiila to b tve a proper anslyai insde of them. 1 .vi result of all of thf jvidenc taken be fi n the jnry of lnq'lat, amonut In urij and substance, to whst w gave on yester day in regard to Mr. SeawelPs statement. with the exception that Dr. Smith had taken a powder from the ssme box late Sat ur Iky night and one on Sunday noon1. The following gentlemen composed the jury of Inquest : M. V. B. .Gilbert, P. MoOowa'n. D. A. vV is ker. H C. Prvmpert, Mitliew Moore, J C. Marernw, C. Pollard, B. I), tfayswe. 11. 0 Wolf, chas. lloman, Tli.st Owens and T.'W. Sail ler. ,V- - The will not if-turu a verdi;t until tbe result of the analysis u aMetuumil, i' a'K A j :. M AUK FT!. , , , ' I lu Naw Yore, October I. . ltonrw !H(igeiH-y. int-rsed, closed at i aiih a (ractmo. I'omiuisaions discount sjniigviiC rangiag fruui 12 lo IS bir prime isiui-. Sterling nius-Uird, ek. Oolil t 5'sfif 4,1 tloverniiKnits very firm, Haj4 i 4 rTiguer State sK-ady. T.nm- s Jinn. . t'oltoit tbcviot to-day, net 331 ; gros j C.iiton ftly sate tMi; upUmls 18 1 1'; mVIcimi It I 4. Flour favor buyers J ijottnitoa lo tior extra V il ilO. Whiskey aodi.uigi d, Wheat, prime, a ahade ttnuer; iWilinaiv iloilmi'ig, Cirn inactive a cent lower. a;uly ltK!e u iu-t. Pork flruier. Lara i ..: .I..U i i Hr-iniuv oioi. iwxiii jHefiny, Freighta tiriu. Livkkpooi.. Octolier t. Nom Cotton oMioeil quid; uplamls via; orl. ain 7 . Lstrr !oltoo ttm; sile l'J.OOd: spue vUtHHi and export 3.IKW HUh ol lr li'.ns J.w November .') ; D viulec5 . I'uloiids, November V J It, December V 6 18. Evetifirg I'lirpenHnto-iff. , Cim Uion rosiu tX , , ! . . Cuttou rkised unihanirwl Yarns fab- rice quiet, unchanged. ' Bombay sliiumeut since last report to thirtieth. ,O00. PHOM WAHHIN4ION. ' WahihnotoN, Oct. 1. Private advice from Japan reports a crisis in public atlnirS anu iuiicaie tue aacciiusiicy of tue uiu J.ipuiH-jsy pirty over the reloriin-ni smt an end for the preseul of the spread of Wi temciviliaition ill the Kuipiie. MiniHii r Mori Is to Iw suei-ueile.l by a Ki prcseitlatlvc ot (lie uou progewdve, Horace t'apr u, who aeut fnun Wash inton a C'oiiiuiisioiier ot Agriculture to lo till the same pi-sl iu Jnp nl, has beeu diiHiiargeii. I'm! ine Smith, who went to organise a law ieartiu"iit tlieru, lis also been itisctiargeit. InlorniatKMi from '.urope represent ill it i lie euiliassy to Western Trealy powers as. stnunled iu Loudon, without juuds or authority. Work on war vessel in in New York is stopied lor want of lutida, t t " , i ' i i i ' m (isa PKlM NSW YOUK. Nkw A'iihi, lrtob t. The treaty" be Iwii ii the United Siatt and the Uennan K npire, lor the exchange ol postal orders, goes into ote-rniioii ui .Isv . .1 he. Waleinul. Jttlunjv.ujiuairacy- bava iioiuiosled Jnhu M' ( We lor M ij-or. The VYorkinifiiieii s Assia'nttlou have nomina teil Jainea O'Uiieu. ' A warrant ill bankruplcy haV been Is suedagiiusi MiNeal's t'osl A Iron Co. Uabiiitie ovet one milMon. FROM PKNNSVLYAN1A TtTrsviLLa, Ubilnir 1. The I):iily ntrutng t re ol tins city suuounces that tin re nt irauiluleut registration in Titus ville ol nearly oue thouasnd names, and the Print intimates that this is a part ol tH 'atein ot aukmiisaMoa winch ba keen extensively pnictiseil throughout the oil region. The Treat I an indtiiuudeut p iper, anil ila not pnarge the nrocceil ing upon either urty. The Tegisirstion is nearly double that of last year. There is t le v porous in vesUguti.H coiniuenci d at inico. ; 1'he oil well have generally stopped In some instam'sw theeugiui were burn eil ami well plugged. l-uiLiDi.tfiiu, Oct 1.-An engineer and urenian was killtd near lure to dav. by s loconvijive taing thrown from the track, in 1-oii-e.iueiiiM of the trat:k having Hhui laliiKVeiI Willi. : The rauriiei men tailors' slrike continues. They have aasistance from other citie. and will doubtless wsiire iheir demands FROM MAHVLIM). i Win. Preset Smith is dead. The town and country artiinid is tilled with now. 3 n;itft)tvAi.. (leiirirp Eliot truly si eorgc Lliot truly savs that a great many strong inen noltl hair their virtue in ttie mind of the womsa they lore best. Edmund Yatiw, the genial Knulisb nov elist, hm reached this city, and bn pleas antly welcomed by the Loins Club, of which W InUilaw Ketd Is president, ,v .t Mr. HUme, in his " History of New York ." says thst probably no one has ever received ao much praise, and di served so little as Kobert Fulton. So this smooth Si one demolishes a Oolinh of preb-usion Prince Bismarck always pronienmles In full uniform, while glove and sword, and merely nods to thisie who dotf when he spproache.roo greata.iunJt,lx pa ntrWbtirdseem. V WHiT Dsrsisi s Rst.isr Is sffonled la the baralttK snd tnrobblne flesh by siu.-U- sppllcstlua of thst anrqnated balsam for hu man or brute suffering, Mexican Mdstssu LiNinkwr. The tomienUng and sls-p-de- sinulugpains of rhenmstUm, soul and ns rahrta. are eonplstely banislied by lu as; stiffness ut lbs JoInU snd painful wllius. tuiuklr yle'd to It emollient Influence ; ft keels braises, cs's, leslds, etc , with astna- btung rapidity, fop-stralns, SpHig, hsl', scratches, ssddle, eollsr sad harneas gslls, as well ss tbe more serious external maladies f the horse, It Is swift a4 tboroutsh remedy. ampTum or t.irs cownam tun ot tout it vna U.ssisas Pkouucso nr'iT A sallow or yellow euter of skiu, or yellowish brow apot on Ui fsc and otk-r part of tuetKMy; dullpeasSsd drosHoeas with Ire qaent headache ; diiilnesa, tnlter or bad tests s mouth, dryness of throat snd1 Internal best p.itpiUtlon,' In ui-oij cases a dry, leasing eough, wiib sore throat; unsteady sppetlta, s raisingof food, and I cbuktng sensation I thrust ; distress, beast, or bit sited or fall fcelinr about stoauek aad aides, l sua la side, tswk or breast, and about skoaMar ; colic pain and soraaes tbiougti bowels, witb beat; eonSlipallusi, alWriiatln with frequent attack of d unites. ; piles, dstutenee, ser- von wrss, eoldness of xtremltie ; rneb of 'blood to head, with symptoms of apoplexy, au.ub tees ot limst, especially at night ; cold eln,. slUmsUiK with bol Stshes, klilney and rlnsrydilTlcallies! ftuigle weakwuii and Ir retfiilariUr. wilb dullnesa, low spirtla, ease elsiil'lly aad (liatiny forelsslliis. tlulf s is of tlx sttrja symptoms ars likely to tw prsoent In say e se at one tima. ' All who as I)r, Pi.fre's ..ldea Mr-Jli-al Dhx-ovirr for iiTrcoui't8iittnri pa cratifliiations sre load ia its pri.i 'gold IW all diuji;ts evry wiure . utit 1-usuolwawlt -v '. '1872. SPECIAL NtJTICKS. BATOUBLORII UAOt DTB Tkts KdabdM Hair Dye Is ta beat m the md- Hanakaa, nhata kastan'umoaa, dew laaeoatam kasi, aur any vital ir faaasMk, sa iwudaesiaualyawardeala, Avokt Uw vaansad and dejuwve s-efmrsUous tmastiiur virtnes Uiey ' ol nuasnsa. The aeoutne of W. A. bsU-lie-Ict's Hsir the kss hsd Ml fears' raianusnec ltUll hi 4miM it atteerwv aathrsaas tlrrfeet Hair Uyv-nlack e arowav SMd all UnuTO.t. Auurjr at U auad at,, H. X. novwi-uir ON MARRIAGE. 1 HAPf f KK1JEV (or Toann Man from the eths-ts of rrora and Abusea iu early Ult Vaiibind restored. linasl,uieeU to ktarrlmrc wiatovel. Newau Ui. d of tnalmenl. New and resa u-kstile rsnxsliea. Boaka and; Asm tars eil Iss, in sealed avalonca. . . Ad.lress. 1MWAKL1 MHx:lAI'ION, Mo i"ih sHh at,, WOauelpbia, !, , , . ; .; aug l at :fT- ' Pilhfrt irnj lelkrra. ' If yoa oerupy thea relations how. er sr sboulo do so, study well your eousiitaUon. if )us bava ss auired or tntMrMasI O-rurula. er say ilusisa birh aaty tss Uansiuillrd ku Jour uttr nuK, It is t nr solemn duty to r4 rste it T housoiiiis of ehildr a are uvw suf fiYin from tbe atteeta of poisonous disease transmitted to tbeat tmaa laelr paieala 1 be tbouabt is Ismi.is. Voa eaa aav yeraalf aiaek saduess aad aotietisda, and your dee hills oues aiaek psiu aud uuliaiidneas by Ibe timely ase of Or Tutl's Marsafiwilla sud (Juiieq lielhrkt It will larelv eradieat Uw Iujui friim y.isr svteta r It It aas alrsady bean entailed a p. (a yuttr ekild, give it at nee, this vs'uatiie prVparaliiNi and iu system mil be reupya'ed and restored to soundness, ae l-deodlawtt MsTtmsi. Dicsf PnoTacT vna Rviraa The bumaa body Is a machine, snd Uwrefoi eannot endure forever s but, llks s wsUh ur s sewing nutebln, It will but much loiutnr If properly nirulated and duly rapalrad, than If au paiua were taken to keep It Ia order. 1 b treat oliteel of svery on who aeali a suna and heal iky Lfe should b ui pel his body la a condition t rvslat lb lifs tiireaiening hits enee by whksh s s ars all taor -w less sur rounded ; aud ao tavlgarant and ebrreeliv st preseul kaowa so efleetlvely snswers ibis par-1 pose as th vitalising ellih- which, nnder Uis npretendlng nsiue of 1 1 oste tier's tttowai'b Bitters, has been for more tba twenty years we standard tonic of America. In crowded el lei whs re tb atnuMpbsr I emitamlnsled with lb stBttyta lusefraul from umje pupo ktuan ; in msrsliy rrioa where the Wfry Soil neks wtti mkuasa ; en lae prairies sad In the forest, wkere every fall lha sir is tainted with exhalatiiss from rutting wsads id itiniiises-or domposliitf e-sve la stiort. iu every locsllty where malarl exist, this powerful vegetable ant Idot is urgently need ed. fever snd sgae, bilious fever, dysen tery. eouKeatiu of Uie liver, Jaendice,,rhea- mathm.'and all diseasea ahirk sr gtsiera'ed byiuleetoii air; bnpur aatsr, or sudden changes of U-ai per slurs, tusy fee averted by sire ngtttw.tng sud regalattng tb sy stats la sdtsue. with Moetetter'a Bitten. Aatamn I slwsysa season of peril espedslly ta wask, susiw)itlble orgsnlsstlmn. Kvea tb mors vifrur us sre Sit to be In some measure ds- pressed til Ike kumidstiuosiihere, loailed with detebrtous esses r'Staeed by veiriilatile ile Th I apeuU is a pernst st ta yswr wlssn the resovlioa and rtulaiiou of th Uvuts; wu hlne Is ytvuilar y important, and the Bit- ters sniiuitttiiers.ura n utaua aany at wis critic si serfs a.' " ; net I deudlwawtt , -. I :.. AMTHMAr-Any medicine which wllUllevl lie fsruiytnis of thisdnwdrul dhn;ss will tie hsl leu wita joy ny woasauue r sun -rera. 1 h eertiScsUB wblcti se,'ixuiaui Jons Wmiv- cone's Ksui'iiv, a trota Uie most reliable souriea. and sliest to lla Wissderral powar, eien In th most severe esses Juseph kur nett A iSa., prs-iat, Hualsm. - - ' FKKE AOVKRTIftlNO-rrom1 Isnills "to family, from city to ctl -, from state to stale, tn (out- ef Da Wi.sa's Vsosvss a Via aoaa biTTSHs ss speeinu for alt d- rails s aM uis sf tb slouiMn, bowels and Liver, is eontin isllt te.uiniig. lla voluntary mtsatoa. ariea ar muumersltle. snd punue enihasissm Ui Its favor sprtsuU fssb-rr than a pr.trie trm. WlwT SblHHT TtlfA TtKTM Rs-an-uitswllisi bshi their labor, Uie health of Uie sliMiiai h depeluis- Keep tiiem per-fret slid in onti-r to do so, manipalsti- tliem with s brush dipped ia lbs fvortie aosoahmt, uec or twic aoay. -.. - o-ef , . ' 1 . Wll Wtl.l.itirrKRr Ills awM vests sine I'r Tobiss' Venltian . iulmeat waa put b-ifom the paMIc , wirrantlos: It to curs i hr.iule HlKU'iisUsm. Hssla-he, lets, Hui-iis tlrulw. ill Horss, rains w uie i.imnag 'sex snd Ciiest, acd it ba never f ild. old by sll ttruglsia Depot, lu Park fisuiS, is I or. rOR UrnPCPiUA. In.tlesstlon, denmaslon of spirits aad neral debility in the! varioa. forms s si so, s s irer,nUie llusl Sever sutl ague, sud other lutermituuit revers. I he ferro Pbosphorsted klixn of Calissya. nuvlr by t'sswelL iissard is, hear York, anil Sold bv sll uraiuists, I ttie hast ,lV ssel at a Lome fur pauenls reciveriug fromxfeveror ether sickness, it hss no unsL THI'RSTON'8 IVORT PKARL TtKlTH POV DICK. The best article known tor clean sing aud preservin; the teeth sad -rums hoi by all lriiggtsia Price -do and fai cents psr ooius. s, v. wen st -wo,, isew lura. rlvslled lu the world No uuly or e Uemsa I f ulserimlmiuo uses any oliMfr. It is iitc 1 . most purled, reUsIHe and stb-et V Hsir llyv lu m world. Manufactory, Maidea Ishm, new tor. . - t'ARBOLl ' 8ALVB. recorumeuded bv Phv sletao. ss the ereal H slinr Comnaaad Priest at ceat par box. Jut W. Henry, But froprislor, t-oiieg Clasn, new 1 wa. Rlil.ttT'S BrjCHU hi a rsllshl Diureu. se t Tout" tor sll dsramremeuts of the en nary sud R-eniisl oran-e J'b -renuin, as f ormeriy sold by llavilsuiT, Ilarral A Ktslsy aad Ui branches, Is nuw prepared by H. W, Klsley, tli .irltinsUir and proprietor aud the trade supplied by bis snevsssors, Murgs A3 ftisley. Msw fork. SVAPNIA Is Opium purified of It alcksa me and p-sno.i qualities It Is a nerfrel anodyne not produrAu; besiiat-he or coual isi wen ui ouwets. as is uie esse witn o toes pr parslkuis f opium. John Fsrr. C hesuisl New Turk , I ... PRtlTB ASTRAL OIL. bast worldwide reiiaiatlo as Uis su.s.t snd best llluiuinatiux mi. uver two miinoa gamms-iiavr lice sohl f-s- the issst two vests, from which no a el dents of any d-eriplAon have e. uiiwd. read tor cin uiar. "11 li.iuse uf Chas rratt, estab lished H.y, New Kork. . MB HAVg freuuenUv beard mothers sat Uiey w.Mild not tie without Mrs. VYuisiow's Sootltiiig rtvrup, fruiu Umi birlb of Ibe ehiUl mill It hsa nulshe4 with Uie .t-elbmx slasrs, auoer any OMisaieraim wi 'haVrve THR HKL'KKTof besutv. Whst la Itf an tontrer asked, for the world of f aeiilon aiid all the ladies know that It is produced hy aams; a deiurhtful rand barull s ttalst prctisrsl.ua knowassll W. ljtird's"biisHa uf Vouth " lis nesiiitii tug ene.-ia sre truly wouaeriul. Urpol ft, Uold Ol , be Vork saw. eel i-eeoaimwivw. 'pil ALL WHOM IT MAY CtlNt.kKN I have opened a Fksttinf Machine Bbon la this Lily sud prcfsimt to refMir nieaia Km-lnes, Hollers, Hum Mills. Water Hills, l.ir- culsr (tsas, Ms. lo.ry ut ciiro-rat aud build aw ones, nave also oa hand a twsti.r worst pwr rtowia t'.ini.le hneius, will aui it wiia ttr wilh.tul ttitl It eai iMiseaii at Adams at Hon s Fimudrr: 8llh's refsibed i ' Aiiureaa, w till.) l, UajF ti WJtawuT. . Isasauiu, M. C ' ARHIED : At tb rwshletiee of the bride's mother U lr. dell county, o th IJih hisiaot. Dy Rev W. Wood. Mr. Wa. M . ;VT and Miss 8alr u Msi.taDA Taoi-tavin. 1 traded County, aa th Wth lost . at th bnassuf t. K. Adama. lew.. b talber tot the brid by Rev. f Itockwell. Mr. Wa I. Hsu. mwvbantof Memphis, Ten , t itlss last Isixs, - - Illtrlt - I Mecklenburg, al Hopewell Psrsonsge, oa Ubs VHii lustMit, asms Kshscca, lb yoeag ast child of K. J. . aasi k. A. K. WiUlasna, wsetiag but oaa atesilkaud tkrea days at ba IngkayeatwolAs i : , . At his rwMes in Iredell r.mntv, (. C, wtlwMth t.t ,'lt?a, Ur JoMn'aV.M.m cauwi,MlsV.ttbyearof .bisc. ? K: la Ugswoaakweoantf, o Iks-Mlk unUnt, l.i M ws feau bi th st y, ar of kU w. ltaliizh Aitirket. rCAKKFULLT kK IKD ANU COBKKUT- ,:: . ., . .. . XU UAII.lt .J ., :.. RsfJuen, Oct 8, WT , t, f,..,.i.w , 4 Ot) Aipl (Irees .. i,u;, ri'd i Pescses tirueu .... si' brie)...... utisr.... ......... 1 .... Ske ,;f.v-'" iv. ...,i:ial4c i -.- , .... It I ,t , , r , . N.' O. Hsm ; .Vw.. ......... bhoulders. ...... Wsstnra BhoeWler. , Bulk abuttlders.' Bides........... ..a.V ..' '' .,,'' ....ITlrflS .... "H I-'J. .. uriiHfic ..IbHiJIik. Bulkeidrs...... Cottoat; . . . K V Low Middling.. Uood Ordlnsry.. " OtUinsry... Chicken.. , j , , , .4 . , , ,y Chfr-se FsAtere L'nttlng ,. Cora..... 1.. Oorn Msal.. I in ... I W stt-!!rt Urd Tua..;.....4 .:... sdsLestber. Ui-per Laalber....... ' JKs- . ffir 1IW LlDfIT(IKI ..UTI. L 0 ; A White tsualaiaaa Rear, alne ni oaths 010, snswt rs so ww asuwi er .".sri rris.. A u!tki reward wilt be paid for hi oseosar. Oct -lf bkACil bKim. "XT 'V'O;-! . ? 1 1, i V"' ; i tMhefliriKanf ANtr(H) ff lV ARim 11 ef Uiia elaui will asaiw UiMuaervwkanwn w bis, UH-y win asar aufaeUilug le Uieir d rauburs.' ' j k. ... si. HI'nWBI.b, -s. I Oct 6-d'Jt - .J. hsrlotl.1, S. rpiigcosdMohWiA'-TH un imauH- .."AUX W. OF M. T, ' lesl s to ntiUItt a Uiornuirhly eim-etent ma Ut laks the Ao-nct 4 kiss unni'-aai for llw btata nf North i'srotlue Tbnw applying kiuatsiv ttnescsnaissM-si pns,r of sh.llty, kute-rrlty snd vmnl murst ulisrsets-r, Ae . . t s-niuess 1 ouiilll t uie -sew tors olllea, - aetaiHW pKTI.MU Pf TUs? T.( tSa Tg kg OF TIJ K f4. f. ; -tlrjMVRRitlTr. ' ' ' H There will be a awstin be a aMetiliar nt tlss Tpa, ijum nl the (laiveralt., is, ttie KswUUva Ollu-e. oa 1liars,l,iy u, 7iB ( (i,.i at It o'eia-k, A .- A Kf-weral aitcnilauca of Trusieea lr sud rruuesle i Itll) H CAKIIWVFI.I,, i , (iuveraor and I'ruslileiil of la boa d of InisU'irs, .. . . .. ALU Mel VKK ' 1 1 Hu-ermieiHlcat fnb Itf Iruvtlon It. L, UAKlll.NO, .. a. 6 ANUKKWH, ; aswYurk.'- ' Iafc4gb."-" R. B. ANDREWS A CO. , C L 0 T U I K k't , ', alt's. I. Ibt'A, 1 . fAlL AND W NTKR 8T1K.K. ' , v fall ovtitooATi A kllOKC lllt-INI(-i8 HUlla, ItJJUIUa' aud BUXA DUEHU 81' ITS, IY8' aad T(.( THB 8l HlX)L - x BUIT8 or oca owir MAtfUPACT.csK. A 8PICIAUTF. . (..... .. .... ...... .. 4 " OKKT8' Flat DRI84 BBIR rfl. Full Hues of Orals' Furnishing iiood si wsys oa band. A-AT1BT BTYLEt IU UEKT6 HATS , .; OF ALL l)tsCitimiOM8. ' rBAVCUBO BAGS, '.' VAI.lSIS.id TRUNK ' 87 Fsyettevlll Mreet, . ...-., V e Kalelub, M. U. octSM T7I I 8 M ti IS A ft O ; T,:.'' ;,.'t "'s'if' For wliaat asr other Fall simps use Fish (lusuo. It is s4 axUusivaly sud appreciated. by every une. Sold by V'. C WTKONACrf ., RaleWb. ajoWANII 4t HAKKiii, V ta. Ageht and T'tessiimr. -, , Norfolk, Va. epd'Auiwsluid , . W k it n To itf Rhnwt1 roan wh' fii do him!rt-"i on th 'ii.wt I gfnniiiU-v pn hmnf M fori'Hi , U& fry Ur puccu iHiW lurk. : ' T s SHOT, t B II 0 T ANU PKROVttatON CAPS,- BRlOtlfl A SONS. lOUOMiMtw-KT itF RlBUKIt AND LEATHER BELT- ;..'.,, wo. . AaAfnttfur w--y -k'-. i '. '' ' BILTINO t ACTOR1I8 Wa csa offer very libaral tudnceaeat tn buyer. v'.:i J'.-.j . .. ; ! i , ' jULlUa LEWU A CO. ectl tl u i'o m f"l vW' V At l Prlco Only $4.50. . W ARRANTkU TO FLCA8K, For saleoaLi at Ilardwar House of ... Jt LIU8 LCW 18 A 0On Ralebjh, N. 0. oct I -If B TUB CRI EBKATBD BSMGALL 1 ' ,. JIOLLOW UUNI . RAZUK8. -.- :;-- . IIll'lHlTOSO'JtTJTMS "OZHZ UU.VU.taT RAZOR IN THB WORLD. Call snd them. : fOR 8AkR OMLt . t Uardww II nunc of JULIU8 LEWIS at CO., Kalrlgh, N. 0- ect p, T B, 11 B .1,8 COTTON FACTOR ARB CtiniiiiNsioa Xertbant. RAI.EKUlf, N. C. Refhmnt-ea I . Joaes A Flmnmrr, Fstsrsbtirg, Vs. Murrsll A TsiHtshlU, New Turk. astisodAwsaawlf N KW NO. 1, 8 8 M AUKIKKL, OtCiiltdK'd BANK COIAFIrtlL - Mo. 1RCAI.KU 0BKBIM0. ' - W. 0. 8TONACH. si (it 'AT If ., ,.: ' , . Of"if 1 BUbam OAl'S, Justrtati. sepU , W. C. STK0.1ACH. . v a . T A "SEA FOAM" POWDERS. In lv pound Un for koisls and fanillle W. C- aTHllMACH. sep -Thf ... - Mi OSADALIS PIIR f;rtKT SOUTH KKM B' MrfkloUi Kit, liiK'Idliat tm. VV lnL Hwd.iu (.uu t loilrBj to ,iiiii,.i Mn, i!roin bi- 1 aviwwiteu(ic wmitffw pr l U si ITa fh aft , h IMAWUI Ml ft Jw-ll,fl tfsr( ! but IHMaMMT fs(nttt) lft W8A.it rt 01 tilt jrmt ltsl OHM ltM-si t t'i ft tr4tM ot thi. Httinln avAtA4M4 lUHit l4Kit vt tiui .((it ((, " lsntucfw m BrasMiitt 4 trnm its! feaV4,f IlimttMai latfrtttftaOtll ttu " "tlL, b(r4Uiiittifa i;lAr't4 latrtat - m i oi t -r rr nr t m -"tijtit. b.H. v.liMl(rr8)ol'iW 'u tiu-k,,i it LiVtw. .-I Si M . ft4sHAay4j8W.tAi rjcwK4.Mfr tn,t.' sjl.O,. . n i.ri' ' ' sHilfrii.jj i.fi nifWwW'd !r,t,sti, ftaitMsa; It M a r -M Ma. b tttattf tAtil its) UsM aHrfs; 4 - ff-nntP tstJ f fli Baltv m .itf . , 4 .u-r...i fVHitii iay h tstttHtitvft lb Us t. iMnUid by uwit 1 41 t.f (. l lulilf rMIBir-ii(ll 44 Lu (A tl MlNMrtH RUt) fr Utt-llilatM-sm. 1 w. tilfkflMl, 41 tifW ws.8' M , fl.d4eff., KrirJMM ". 'lftHf-t-sAffMp aU.ll rUI-lllltUbk, Kfi-MlUlAliiMI 4,t sll ftlasy. llutstfL t'ltjttlsilir ItlMst Msvayt ll AU-4ti k ptt "aVItstV t ir.'-Tt- lttsl 1 if tHih;ttnJ -f ptV.tiaft. KtWwit ftfbkF 1'f i iii) ii. I fc- f i I trll ym it !A.mfstr4 hi ttts tt'8lt,'M MMViatllrwW L m j (tit, mut r n s ttilwitt Huhhi ja-'tmMl n inn letftisi-Hiittii from rvr, frtt h t iMMtih 4itt Vnnt ifrawlfMt kfOTVtt t ft" ty t.A. WtsavlstlJ) 1 rf..tyj tUisWt f Wautaai 1 Attu. ttl4tlOit. 1 t14msvuftlt.il rx.Klby til Ifrnfi im 4 LKKEXT v.i ft.. Jon f. nnivRr, ho 8 0U tail Ti , i juij a aJsw it ft nnn pmmu ms J V7 J mut auouM'ivtv, tt. C. 6TKf At iL A D NO. 21. r V 0 K X It H A L L . J FOB I NttJIiTa AND 1 M ATI S EH. '' I Oa Wodadi adsy Oct PorE.t)g OS BKtx, r ' ' Th Great 111 kwt aud Veutril.KjuLl5 Intsrpreter of Ancient fronisu.r aiai 11- ' lustrator of Modem FrsUdltiunm will' i have lb bomw as pr euUiiK kis u,k,us mv ,, binatlon of wj.oa. and Art, kurodiit-iu s.mui Ua alraiureat ami austt tn a,Bf.r. rusiuw eff es ever imported from the w.-ieu-r lu, i titoaxleiuiva IM-UaH ot Viuouers, .u,.w, ot fkamre uf proirra-nma evarv perl..,.,, Amonir otissr oelijHi he will eyi,,!,, Woridenui Uoi-lia Ilium, whivb u'W a ui- sooanmnii uieaia huusu tiaiuis. A ,. ly aehautle Woiid.. ... llevll s lunch BoL ablch Is alvsva fill or alwsvs empty Th Kriai BusfMsisio, or Bleeping ia the Air wiiuuui sup, . Th Weutleriul t iwa, vhi. h telis the time shy one ta Uae sudisis-s retiinM. .rirm-tttstsiilineou.liri'tt.b ot Fioweis, or visit to the Lain! of r ioaei Wuuderiul Hot, which hlld caa lift bat a Miaul rsii.it. L Very msrveluus. Tn Womlerful Hss Xhowlne fhsl s H l thstwoa.d not biiug moth aui s..u-uui Carry a Kreat desA. ' A b Aerial t reasure, ar, ctrlng Gold in lb Abr. A new wy lu autk lioeer The ItMHhautildi H..IH. liltt,frt!, , Fnrf nanrat'a aseUwd of ratline jiuoiamf from Uis vaaly deep .... . .,.,,.., ., lha Wond.iriut nuruinir loK whi. b . sumes arueles by . sud the rr.io.es lieia to the owner. . . , -i h fiskefy of tlis Period, or, pr.xlin-iriE a Cooked t'a.ldiair InHa llie bniu.tn u! a t,, . Th Wiaaid Artiiuaeiie, .a, aieth-st nf f tellintj sny uumisir or oumls-r. ariu b ,., one la th su.llen.-s f - The f.slot Cutting ed a Boy's noes witb 1 out burttiur hiiu. ' Th Wunderful Macte Bottle. From ),(, , msuy (lasses of Vt ins nr Watir ean tw i r dut-ed sud auy amount uf KilMsius (iierfeellr . my)at los sssu tuna. . . ; A ianta number of islushle ireseiil will, h distributed smonsr the sa.nenes v. ry equ ine, wiuiuut extra ibsiga, laiylua iu vai from twenty live cents to Iweiny live doll oa, I'rOf. IVB rtk deUf-arlBed to uisintstu hit mpaiailo ss th 'air. st aud must UKnsl (.ill dtsu-ibaua- la the world Uenwal AdmisMvu Ml eeala ' Okthlrt-n se der ten, Sfi eenta. Ktawrved dsU t.x i oo oin at 7 o'lha. tVrturuiwin couim- un s atHo'clock. ... , ,,. Fun b the Little Folks. A Seisl sfu-r. main's Perfismisn.- for Ijxlles snd ukii.lrea, on Haturdsy sflern.K.a at 8 o'clock ., , child atleuilltuf will receive a handsome pi -aul. Admission, adulu 60 cnls. Cu.iui.a Df cents. oi't8d . , . 4- JIFi AHKlsTKsX orUMKia . . ... .1. .. Atamsetlag of the pulley holders ef ht Life Ass.s uili.in of Am.nea, h. Id si the emu- , suiy's moms on Iheaith Auitut,for Ui. pan' p.wr of cousid. rlnir esrtsAn propuecd amend- - inenu to th charter uf 'Aie assuiuniuu, it . U.s sense of 'be me Una- tint 01I1 r amend uieiilslie ad.led to lllus irojse,l, aud tti 4 whole be strain suiinlurd to the uieiui ei s ot Mi company at meeting which U wa re-" wunaouniwl should lis held sa so.n aa pra. li, t eaiil. Iuw, llM7i.fi.ro, Uii Is Ui ene null. Uiata BMnUns- of the nollev hohtersof u.s d I Lir Ass. stion will lie held st the prluclo .l oui.-e in uie couiiaiiv 111 me city ti et. 1 oi.u, tin Weilnrailay, UieUhlildavuf ll.pt,, insi .ut. ,i at tvo'ckiek. A. M., lor Uiepursuwnf voiii.ij -, for or acainst tba proiiosed auieii.iiu. tns to Uie charier of lha assurUli.sn, In eeeorusiu r with Uie provisions uf sei-u.ru l.' nf an a t of the iteaeml assenmly nf uie fnie of MisMinrl, apiwuved Msreh lo, Itsiu, euliUiMt 'aa aet fir Ui. liue.rsiraiioa ami hulslionut- tie As-' sursuus tJompsntes.'1 - ' . s, Jit ulis H. ItKlTT"., President k WILLIAM UANLRV. eVerauwy. , ' at-p ItitA-iav-nt .. . ' CELL SIMItI Bitlilletl fcy the Pftijirlettirt .. at !" BtlKIKOAM, IN II 'LLA Nil. -' An Intlgorailug Ttmle fl.t MKD1C1MAL BRVERAUK. v "''"'"' 1 ' ' " ' '' I; -'iw fT Wsrrantnd ierfeclly pure, and free from i l 1 deleterious subslamiaa. It ta distilled fii.t.t BsHi.ar of the enest uusiity, aad Uia Ai - aariu Jlisieaa liaaHTor lT.i.r smt ,i......i Vrslr fisr uss.-s of lypsia, or Isillt ' M..n, iniisst noui. nueuiuauan, ueu-.lT IMilllty, t;aUrrb of the Bladder, V. tins in t.-.i Backend Hunuach and sll dtaeasesol ti a-r i "t nsryllriaiia Itutve-vrea-n-liel In s.n Uravel andttah-abm tin- Bla.l.'.er; streusm .-. s and havitfore ss tua si.lo.a, aud kssaessa preventive and cum uf that dnw .till , scoerge, Fever snd Aicu " CA0TION1 AsAjbr "Uciiso O.'Wou ' Bux 8eniiir. .-. ' .. ti , -.3 s For sal by all npectabls Orueeri sud Apothecaries. t-- ' - ; . aoDtioii a. woLFt a on., , Sole Importers. . i Offlca, 18 South William 8k, New iur. ami ia-tha . ... . N Having sstUed the astsU of .fltt n.-, Bortoa, deceased, with tbs Probat Ju3-e of Wake county, 1 hereby notify all Uie It , . a Uual:.rds t - psy no Interest upon the fund in my lnutis. i for distribution after Uiis'dsy. " Amount ascertained lo be la hand f.ir d i - tribuUoa .'sii U. P. W.BPIVKT, epSlwtw liceul..r. N 0RTH CAROLINA Wtta Cot-irt, tn era 1 ioa cocav. of Maury 11. Turner, dmessed. j ' - 1 John Knnlsa, ,; . "... . , Ikfmj.:v,c. Th. deten.lsnt .J.thn ntt3. .t.. ..... 1 afUr dVi dilixeue lie found In it.-- herel.y siiui.u..u.u to spssr be.. .re ol our t-aneri.sr.'t oli't, at a curt i. ..: far Uie eounwr ef Wake st tj.e ci Kaleieh on Hi nth M..u.lr nft-x . Monday of Anirust, li.Tl.sud an.aer.irii to tbs coinplaiut whl. h ta aVpoMte 1 H olhe of Uis 1 kirk at ssui etmri, I ; said defendant Uke tile s thai .1 he . do Uie plaint i will tske )...: .... ; kim for the sum of two iH.t,.... .1 . dollars amt l.irlv-sis cent, s.u. .iil. t,.-.. oo from the I Jtli of U, l. .r, I ,1. A Warrant tif slts hlneeL rt:t .if t.l is te- F .,' term, Ifi'ti, uf ssd court, baa le.. n few , .. wis scuoa . John s. any---,.;, suiltanw II U W I (I I f It! I L 8 V C C E S 8 F fj L L Y . vV-iw. I- Hti k it i hi . "fit ,Mtlii.- It r.

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