.:-;-7 . . 7 . 77 -7 777 ' .: :7 : " ''7 ' ' 7 ;' '" " -- - -von'vni. TlllvDAliX RALEIGH, N. Q. 'SATURI A Y, OCTOBER x5, 1872 N0.2G. r . I.V kK TU1 NU, A I ae. , ... -111 i Inaerted la Um Dally JT7- Mlo..n rale. p au.u"l MM etlie94.UfWt tBlBttt iiu.; - 1 : it? - - : .. a wvw HLaaTuairm. . 7 ' Our Local i out of Ufwi , i Th weather U kgaia quilt Bummerith. Our Seniiw retimed from Norfolk oa Thuredaj aiierBooa. Tke fellgiout meeting! In the Baptist Church Mill continue. grape the brat of til abundant at 10 etmt a ScupperooBg ftuit ere now quart Now It Uit liina to Hlmcnb to Hit 7-1 .;--,ss ; " iw - i - Wow 8BMTIMI Waira Afloat. Affiula ia groata r4 ojttwa, Autuuia kat when wtuter comet ia. 7' : ' A tuita Ihim? a ia a FiWti flat boaae. ' An pvopl aba tltil bop aaturally ftwil of air, I Hutna w(Vnx tura out la b atort thta hocj paiotetl. Th alan ara called wicked UxtUM LATE TELECUAL'UiC ms, Job Wofk aiwutad with dia-1 til ifclill lata.. tea', thna-tftlia t auu .uu 10 00 tt. " . ..-. iail ratM t&M. a.i.W-kl ta W-Aljr eoa. niiu jiw nmi nccuuu HUB ai l f . . palck. Sead.ia Jiiar ordera. I Tb aiaa h never waU:lird bee aeih Tba alight aaad maX at a failure. b"n. ta - to ta O,,1io to th9 ""' Ha triad it one auht to a Terr all.. a " mmJ r Ha paid bit billa lika aeWvat fcMow.i.;-' " ' Tba New York Wtrtd it doing excel lent wrvice lor tha Liberal cauna. It hi launch Dvmncratie. Read the cmnuiuni-. catlot eigned" Meckfenburg," in todaj'i paper. Wt bad the plraaiire of a vitit jrentenUy utoMa law bad.' 'No cowi, bo cream,'1 waa the way aa intelligitnt coniMMiur net upside wnnit, "bo croat, bo crowu." The iareutor ( brick nf ire creaia it now appyling bit otaativa ioiellwt to the I nianulV-turt t tri k of uilk. punch, wliirb .will Im hi put np at to be cooreui FROXIXROPB. IUtbb, Oct tA-TbattaaaHWiip Fmaoe, MAKKBin. I tururd hem MiwiIm arith luv tiaeliiMI 1 I Naw Y-aa. Ortobrr S. . I .l.ul.lx.t TK r.M.r k. Carton Srtn ; U 8.1M Iwilta; uplandt! Villa 6e Parit na ttatarda. ' 18; iirlrant IV I 8. K lour easier, liilf-1 Lomdoh. tint. r Tha ritulnrntat Kit aie a. mnu, cimiua u. mir in i m,ie tl tupn.ntitca la rancruaa Panab, 75 ; kwkI U clwifca fcy9Al 1. W.hwkej I Wert Kidiu-, Yorfcahira. rm.iy.W. Wlieil hiwvjr, Wlo hmar, Mapbid, Oct . Nothing additioaal I tlw k good, wiuu ml wtMtrra 5.W I to tiM Ut.patrh forwarded latt aii(bt baa Com tlit.lv lower, fair Irt.iw axport ta I ,e0 received ia nlaUoa to tha Ira la tba nmnl. Hire ul . 1 1t I 4 Pork Hiinor, I HimasUir and Palaca of K-rW, aad it active. 14,itjaH.2.V Utr.l .luiet. raihor u Ummi Uiat the traaMinw ia tba baild weak. Nivl u.Iy. TaUow quitjhigjia beta dotr;ed or irreparably r ma:"' mm. damagua. , i 'otu Iteceiplt to day, net 408; grout j L Money-ttringeacy eonlinuet. n.wkrt jllaleitZll MarUet. fmifrletl tS. rtUtll'Mrila lWttVfCkiil p " mum man HARDWARE, Ac. B BIQUa BROTH tK'8 At the ratldeece of the art e't fatatr. Or rtataaaaty, M. C , aa tht With of aentooi. btr, lln. by Ha. Oatta Hw, MtwaUu.it Jtaa Hotxtatf to W. ft VautT, w tttaa- lit, N. U. lla.U BIB -m.iw.oHarutt THhi pounrti CH N URKHBl ON A L UIpiTRICT. Uhimi a. Co". Daai. Ki. tvtnrrt, Pi.uhth d.iatiiot. Dirw, Deptemlwr llb, 187.. Tba!i4Uan Wlbail6'V.iUalectota H tbia gfajwHjdWrW, at far at -t. aat aetatatatj mm"- 0,UU y-J' Hargro.ei A. a w-.-.adir:H.P.Jb1',- 1 t-lVt l-atf-W. 8 Harria, T. T. MitchalPBoaTW.C. Barham. kUVMi Bttl' a a BaaaaadJrV. K,"WbelaM. u i.HdL R,WaddelL ... -i I a HiwihaW. O. A Htoer aaaj,)L,Mouring. att from Mr Hatb, aooXof tha Uta Judge u " the bat- Heath, from Mr. William Lewit.uf New York, ton of our ttleeiaad townaiuan. Muj. A. M. .Lew it, and from J. 0. Vaiuw, Krq., cornmpoodenl aof the New York World. IS I Halt t 4. OnveruuteiiUdecliued I D to 1 4 BUM dull. ally. Tennw.t I 1 4 better. . Livkrpooi.. Oi'tolier S. Nan - ('otlon op lied fijtti .upland I 9 1 'Ji lt 3 8; orlraiit V 7 BalO. letter ColUMi Brni: wtlea 15 000 : tiiec- uUtinu and export 8WM). tulw f Orleaua liir November and Iwninwr SOU. Kreuiug Couin chwd tteady. SO DAILY. ' Guide Dupre Ej., a genthmtijl of tal- eiita, Amiatant Elector for the 4th Dittrict, will toon begin au active cauviia. Mr, Oupriyt t ttroug, forcililo, tniruated speaker and will do givid liir the caote of Hetrenchment, Heonorlliation aaa Keforni. Tai Rkvivai. We ara glad to Warn from the efficient and xealout paator ot the Methoditt Epiwopal Church, that up to ibit tiniitoma tixty pertont htvt made a proleiii of faith in Chriei. The aarita at awaiinga wilt probably conclude ,,00 Suwiay aeit Ob Tbunday night new peoiteott wen at the "The whole thing bat gouato tha bot Uwilett pit," Miit agVnttanao of au uiihir tuhate tuevulatiitn. "Never taind," laid hit friend, -'it won't be long before Jou'li have a chance to go after it." VUitur : "How long baa your master been away t" Irfrh foolnun : "Wall, irr, if he'd come jihei.lj, he'd breo gone, a waka to morrow ; but er be doetu't re turn tbe day afther, thure be'll a been away a ft-rtnight neat Thnnday." ' Safe" Sauaaget--At aa Irish break fwt Uble a traveller trout the Cut hod td to me one of hit tellow-travtllert a pitta of aauMget ; whereupon, tht quea lion wat atkod : " Ara they tale I" He wit met with tht reply, "Thi ia a prolific pig country, and it it aafe to "tat aauaaget Tba MIkiMulmaaW ft r Orange and Waka grarloni work at ill eontinnea. Tba ordi .; mi aanouuerd hereafter. I nance of Baptiam and reception of meat " Tbe anatatitjae aarawtly arga that the ben will ttke place on neat Htbbttb at It .hrf'jiaBri taaka wa o clock a.m. piaut t. tat that'tittatw, aad elobt . organiacd and put into opetati. 10 . .....kin ia their respective eoUB- tiea. i "' if Bv utdat af tbe eirinmittea. Cbatrman. altar, and the I pig ucnetper man a.ig. - LITKKAKY GOSSIP. Crrru MAT.-Rjortd by Ljob Adtote, Oruoel and ComtauaMoa iter chant, thiutb Market Street : . Halbioh. Oct 4. Price of cotton la ont Muket to day 5 ,, u ' - . . . - 17 centa. 4P.M. - - a.u. ' . - 14 balea. ..Itaeeipta," 144 -Toueof tbe Market, Arm. x , Remember the. Bale, of tlie beeatiful r.,utf Idlewild," takea place at 12 M ia front of tha Court Uouae on tbe 16th attend. iet. ..7v, ...... -7, 7.:!Aa t Arp-ilRTHKHTa. We announce the fnl. lowing appointmentt for Mr. Ovide Du pre, the Gieeley and Brown Aaaiirtant Elector for tbe Bute at large : .Miaaa-eouaty-JoneeborrfpTlinrtday October 10th. ir" i I Moure county, Carthage, Btturday, October 13th. ' Montgomery county, Troy, Monday, Oc tober 14tb. 1 "7 - i Stanley county, Albemarle, Wedaetday, October 18lb. ; I 'i Randolph county, Aahboro', Saturday, October 16th. Orange county. Chapel .Bill, Monday, Octolier Slat Wake couaty, Cary, Wednewlay, Octo- tobar 83rd. Other appointmentt will thortly baan- noonceil. .. ." .' ---T ' Tbe ladiet are reapectlnlly invited to Cot. ami I). Nvrfu, ot JLriiiilU-. . asudt tUaaWoior a welt dratted btckory Vvb wlflf inttructioaa ot to ate it lave it ttH aM .' ' V"7": 7; , ffinuau't Faocv tttort teeme to be the levorite retort of the Ladiee. The) tty Mr a. Ojuknger haa excelled heraelf tbia .LucAt l5uY:v.i a lis Jofaa Pool aad Ben. Butler't litUe dirty C. bb, ara Rgiatend at the National. , Sua. with ooiona it . rl aid to be btM for dyeucpeia During tha paat month we have beard ' of quite a Dumber of eyet being injured bj -beaB-ahooten.'" V'7 ' A.& Heide. a former citizen of thit place and a well knows merrhant, ie in tbecity. Mr. HeiJoat pnaentreeidta FayetleTUIe.'wbeni be it engaged in but! Tbe next time we bare occatlon to el hide to tbe tbrowiug of tpoilt meat out ot the maiket we ah all call the name of tbe butclwr baring it i hand. Weeey Ihia aa we think itia aliould be la fcuaaed.Q ..AttJaictt-ttaniaf llnna and Ihe ne of tbe offeodtug butcher givea to the uublie at matter ot juuce to the ethtta. i'S ar.-;.-.aT- - Cab a Do RcAaoat A tradesman in Lawrence, Mui, owner of a dog and cat, baa been in tba habit, of letting tbe is uo to market and buy hie own meat The dog would bring the meat home aud depotit it aomewhera in ibe ttore, and aud when feeling the gnawiuga of hunger would go and get it. 1 he cat acquired a habit ut stealing ite meat, aud the dog would lie down near It waico tor tne thief, and when the cat cattle would drive her away. But at latt he became tired f Ihia buiuine, carried the meat down tbe cellar and Covered it up in tbe aaad. one dav the mauler of tbe dog thought be would get IbeXneat, bring it up autre. and tee what tile dog would do. Altar taking a nap, the dog went down Cellar io aea.-ch of bit. meal, and commenced Jigging, at ueual but then wit bo meat to be lound. He Ima blmteu Oowe a minute, at if in thought, tad then ruabad up ataita, and, eapying the cat "went for her," and chaaed her ill around tha ttore, at clotcly at a police officer in purtnit ot We do not know that thit it it remark able an inattneeuf canine tagacity aa one for which we vouch. Some jean ago ia Ual.hu, county thera wat a favorite point er dog who waa allowed the privilege ot the houae. In the winter time he gener ally occupied a " fwut teat at tba " Bra,. On one occaaioa he (We io froia a ramble and found three or four bound pup piet atretci were invtd W be allowed. He walked up to hit .(rate, looked into her fceej - thee turned and growled at the pnppiaa. Tbia not Hob. Chat. E. Tuckerman, late Ameri can MuiUier to Greece, haa a book in the tiieta ol M'utnain, entitled "Tbe Greekt ot To-iMy." . Oitlrfiiur atuilenta attend the courae of lecromi kjatabliahed at the L'niveraity of HtmaLiurir on "American Literature aud PntiticiK Wcience.' The - lecturer it Prof. Von Holat, late of New York. Tbe title of Dr. Holland't new novel ia "Arthur Bonecaatle." The. first chaptera will appear in "Hcribuer't'1 tor November Tht. tceue it laid in New England, and ibe early prtill deal with Knot excep tionable leal urea ot biardin achool life there. . . - The "Riviata Eurnpea" anil incet that the library vifhii h Mr. I'tionim Ad lphua I'mllope bad hiriued iu Floivtice will be ild by auotion heat November.-at Mr. Trollope'a villa The library cmtaint up warda of ten thouaand voluuiet, and many rare wnrkt of intetett Mr. B. L. Fatieoo, author of Jiaihaa Marvel" and other workt, will write Nie tory tr the Cliristmaa iiiimlier of TiuaV lej a ting .tine. The title, we bear, la " uread aud l heeae and Klaaet. . " Tha Ohriatian Vagabond," by Blanch ard Jcrrv'ld. which appeared in I he page af "Tha Uenlleman'a Magazine," wilt ahortly be pulilinhed ia book torm, with illuatralinna by the author. Two Ru-wtan novela, by two of the lieal aoveliau of Ku-aia Taroaa Boulba," by N Gogal, and " the Daughter of the Captain," by A. Pouchkido have been recently tranalaWd into French by M. L. Viatdot- E.ckaiaiia (Jhatriao'a " Hiatoire du PI J biiaite" baa been auppreaaed by the French government at the iuatance of the PruaaiaB - government. Who ennaidered that aoiue of the illuatrationa were calcu lated to give an unfavorable impreaaion ol the conduct of the Prhaaian told iera du ring Van war. The auppreaeededilioii haa been purchaaed by au EiigliaU bouw, and will aliortlj be ianuixl. " ROM WASHINGTON. WAKaiHiiToM, 0:t..3, t'onuri-aa at ha laat aeaaiou eatnliliaticd a L'uiu-d HialDt tmrt tor the Wcatein llntrii t ol North t.'aroluia, but Jailed Ut- make any provia- ioa lor lb appointiu ut of the United Statea Mahihal. 'i'lu-re.criuld be no court aithout a Marahal, and the Marh .l ol the Eaateru DiatricRcould not act bticauae hia juiialicloo it limited to the coiiutiea not nnliraced in the Wtwtern Diritticl, no grand or petit jury could bo nuiuuioued without Marahal, aud no in uej could lie drawn fiom tbe Treaaury to pay the uuei- pected emergeuiy, Mrlil l ain. M appointed a umburaing ageu of the dt partuMiit ot Juttice, and uuder tbia ap liotutlnttiit baa juat drawn from' the Treaa ury twenty thousand dollara, to pay the eipeotet of the "Court. a FROM NEW YORK. 7 Niar Yori, Oct . 8 Fiau. ia Leilwr, the laell known uublu int, ia dmd. Capt FHtucit L.' N.irton, formerly of Culwu ateaouir i'itMuar, yeaterday cauwd tlie amBt-of Vwir, Ward ad "Srf phard, ahiplaniaert of tbia city, for allegej un just lilielliug of that ateaiuer at New Port. Noftouclam tUat the libel, which waa baeed on a ui -rtgagei claim againat the venael, waa trlected to mmw etf. email) ennble the Unlit d Htntea autbontiet to proceed atfainat the Ftottnr. David . MuMCi waa4o-ua mailing inilweul books, and lined $00 aud one tear't imprisonment. Al.BNr, Oct 8 The Strtight-Out IViuocratK- State ('ouveution met ha to dav at Martin Hall. Auiwig tli.aw preaent were R. H. Miller, bintliin-intaw of Horatio Mt;iutur, iiou. Levi S. Chat field, C. P. Sykoa, Johu J. Allen, Chair man ol the Hlata Committee, John A. DiHKilet and Mr. Keyau, of New York. The Convention waa called to order by Jo in J. Allen. I Applet tlraea trled. ......... Peaclaet Ureta i Dried.... Butter... v. Baroa; N. C. Hama ... ' BiAa. .......... !' ; Bboaldera Waatera BhoaUara. Balk Bhoeldera BUtea........... - BalkBUea BatWlng C'ottua : Low Mutdllag... ttoud Ordinary.., Oidiaary. ' hlekeua.. ...... Cheata Kaatiaa Catting Cora'...... I'ora Meal tgge.., v.. ....... M.U. rioar....... um Tiet.... . aula uaeuiar. ...,.,..... Upper Leaihar. .... . ... . Bit tiaa, Oct , UTA ...4..... .taatv . lie la Waka eoaatr. kl Ua BM yatr af kia a, Wa. IUbbi TaoKraoa, a aatt ana WAT. aaa Baaaa Taa t taea. Ma waa Bute guard at UM raaitawyaqL-tur-taa paat l aad alrtchaa dowa with t pauaB leva taa latt of Aegeet, which tanaluatad kit It It - Me Wat i dottrel toe eat fe an wee katw kkw. Ha tt aaaay aalaltvai aad li.adt ta mourn taatr irreptiabte luat, bat it it to be aoaad hit eaar aalgala. . City papert pluaat eopy. , la rayattavUla, aa Batarday, tha BMh hut . tflata protracted ulaaaa, Mr. Juaa M. Uooa, to tht It at year ol hit age. Ut waa t taaa of aaa labia Btatoattiua tad bad aiauy trwada hi laalty. . 7. At kit raatdM, aaarftkhlaad Bwttan, la Bobaaoa eaaaty, a the Bd alt, lalbaestk year l kit age, paaiaa Mt-Naiu, Baa, a aaitfey aatt liataaai.B etuu. Ot the lal awpt to rtUtt eeaaty, Mlatoert, Mia. Loot MtLiaaa Movt. wife at Joaa Mota, aged fi yaare. mia. MoU waa a aatlvt at liaaatt eaaaty, M. U. AND B O cuvatjonm or ' ntiWBM A.l Vt'VKTAMLS SiiO IBai a o riowarbig Botha, lor Kt, nr ready euaalaUnic ol er I JO paifra, a r w aama p-.;ww ClWunid llMml Cover, aeaaufat tea.au. ta eolora IM rKin ii ama an esi i- Uuuat paper, aibk eawanlt eata, ana u anaiiiai I iUaImtu avar banliabtid. tamd Hft e a com. not oaa-kall Uta value of Uit eukrd 1 rixcvsitQjr caps, BtUOtit MOSS. 1000 FEET . A .,-77... , 7. ,. Or ROBBER AND LIATBIR BEXT -' -.7 ' ' WQ. 7 IpkUat It UM JurM aeaev, amauuuntl w ! UatUiaafl, theprHMat tauutaioa, ax., wid be mfiitiirii ia aenla. new eoauuarni piaceu I fuuuug wtto QIU.- iree mi o.i ouatomora. Quality of aeeoa, nf oi nrteea aua pmanuua iittemi, tuaaa it Iadvaauiira of ail to prciiaae anetia ot ua. CaUiiAfue tea axlnuM-uiuar iiMiu.nut lea wiuaoaa n a yoa uo uui ac our Ilocua before ordertng aeeda. Eilker ul eur two Cliroinoa for W! alat llfrri iti a lower Mala ul auiiawa ruaous COoaltUltl ot LlOaa, Ac UujoUitr ut Annual, tUeaaial aaa reraaaiai ruww, nuaraiiwu utw Mot Btaeaaf ruwai. caaouoa aver laaaad la thta eoaatry A aaprrb rlor eel; aw. led, poal paia, oa reeti oi i teata ; alaa tree, ea euMiUinaia tfwouea q : Detel-fnt Addreaa ' pni.o aa . IJCKaMUAad IMA I BocBeelw, Jw o' fc s 1 (u I taut ceaHBB ......... irtBIBt ...Ittgl ..WKaW ... m ....IKuJlBe ...... 1 to 1 IB .....awy .1 7VjH at) ..... WW IB Bur I in iiinnitiiiTi. - -'7j''-' J 0 A L . A hit a moat ktadwrttat itmtaatrty at Agtatt tor ILTtNt) fACTOEIH Wa ta oCar vary Bbaral todacamaBlt ta hayara. . f t ' JUL1UB LBWM CO. actl-tt7i7-7-.-- rrtBI FA BV1UM ILUI1I eetAdtt MBA. H. W. MIUBB A s T t A M 0 ;V B - Weave rtqaatted to ate t that a bat taala I at taaa ap I For tai thai 7a a Ait m r aa l the Bup Prlc Only 01.5 0. x. . toanty, ta tt ar traarinf a kf Mile aad aaddla, waa akaa ap I taa eltv ua Tkaradav talonaatioa apply at lata uBk a . aetB-aat. rpu MILL1NBHT KBTABUBHMBHT I WAARAMTKD TO FLK ABM. : t For taiaoatt at HarBwart Hoaat af " iTLWB UWIB OO . . tuittth. n. a SPECIAL NOTICES. BATCUBLOm HAOl DYB Thit tpltadid Hair Dya It aaa Beat la the arn.l.l I J i - ' . 1 i.ii-wvi ataatala hwi, aor any VHaUa jwatoa, proutiee paralvaituraeala. Avokfiaevaaa aad teluaiva uretiartUuaa hntatlna vtrtaea Uwt i la Rot puaaiea 1 lie geuuiBt of W . A BaV ke kar'a Hair Ufa hat had BW yean1 aalaraianed rnaiiailoa to apaoht tie totwrrty ta toe eali perfeetHatr Ura Blaek er Brown. BeMey all IHwirtau. Apply at MBea4BtBU I. BoaiM-dir. - t ON MARRIAGE, v ntPPT RELIEF for Toanc Maa froaitht eltreta of Krrora and Aba mm In tarty Ilia Manhood retimed, laapediatante td attniacv removal. New metbod ad Uealaaent New aad reutrkatde raoMMilea. Bonkt tad Circa- or M MM MM ' MMl MVM MM Mat MMMM MMMMM ktMKttW VI MM MM , MMkIMM MMMMM , ISAAC MMMMM MMMMM -MMkIMM - MMMMtaT MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM V MMMMM MMMMM MMMMtJ MMMMM MMMMM MMMM, MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM . tvMMMM MMMMM ' MMMMM MMMMM f 7 PENNSYLVANIA.. COLOBIZina B tTATB VTITB HEOBOEI. By TtLyrapk to th Tribum. WaiaoTa, Oct. l.--A week or two ago H wti itoted that tbe maeagara ot tbe King in i-enutyivaoia were rngageo ia importing Bettroee from thit Dittricl ! tnd Maryland for coioaiiatioa. At firtt toil wit doubted, even ny tne trieoaa oi a free and fair ballot .Of courae it wta ttreaaoutly denied by the membert of the Ring ; but trie evidence la now enmpiete FROM UKORUIA KLKt; 1'ION. A no uk r a, Ga, l;t 8. I'ue election relurut ara coming iu tlowly. Partial return from the lolhiwing countini give Smith. Dciuia-rat, over lilteen thouwud u'ajority, viz: Kartoii, Hibb, Baldwin, i . lib, Catooaa, Clay, Ulaybm, Chatham, ttougherty, Floyd, FuIuhi, U.trdoa, Hen ry Lee, Lowmiet, Mouroe, Mibiiell, Mor gan, Muacojee, Murry, Pierce, Richmoiid, Spauldiug. Suuipter. Troupe, TerreM, Ttl Urt, Whitfield, Wiikea. Warr.il. The official rouut of Chatham givea Demo craia twenty pine hundred and forty ma jotity. llcpulilicaiia carried Decatur county by three hundred. N'Hth G'rgit haa none ileni4u ralw. It will be iiuiioa- aible Ui give aoytliiiig more talMac-toty tonight, but them appearw to be no doubt that the deui. r ua ' have Carried the Slat by thirty tbouund in .Jial, aa a full vote haa been polled iu every county. . Atlanta, Oct. 8 Tliirty four eounlira have tmeu heard bom. aud give ttmith a majority ot 1B.831. But ooe county ao far give Walker, Radical, a majority of lour hundred aud filly ait. Soniu of the airongwl Radical uouuiiea have been heard Irom. The official maioritv at tuecially report ed to the AtluOU t'Bif'n are for Smith, democrat, at loll.ma: Taliafero county, 80B; Wilk.a, 1.071 ; Muacogee, 700; HuiciK'k, 800; Pulaski, 770; Rich mood, 803 ; Wbiielield,. l7;"D.Higherty, 821; MeDultic, 5J0 ; IKKalb, 808 ; Mor gan, 17B; WllkiBaou, 800; Schley, 8m; Sumter,' 300; Trotipa, l.O.iO; Coweta, 260- Brook a. 24: Randolph, 8fi5 ; Luitmtn, 187 ; Campbell, 8; ; Floyd, I ami; Jooea, BOO; Clark, 618; Newtou, 178; Gordon, B80; Milcbell. 148; Ter rell, 130; Talbot, 334; Murray, 808; Clayton, 420 ; FulUiu, 8,35; Colib, 800; Houeton, 68; Biuli, 1,800; Lee, 175; Wanan, 800; Monroe, 7iJ; Barlow, 818; lay. 50; t batliem, B.IHO; Alteon, ww; Baldwin, 00; Biitn, 842 ; Burke, 600; lam aant Iran, in aalad aavetooea. Adoreaa, HtlWAKU AeBOOlAT ION, Ma I Boatk Niatk at, rbuauaipaia, ra. aug ItSui FitafM Il4 lotBtfV MMMM ' ntrTTlMOIA M UM MM . MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMM MMMM MMM MMU . MM MM ,.77 i. m , , .. ... . ONE OF THE FANCIEST FAUCI HOODS STOKES lit N 0, onaatt, Matt, i.- Bonat a, Mate, V Baaaaeta, M voa oeeuuv tbeae tboat to do au, ttady wall yoar eoaaUUMoa. if oa nave acoutrea or muaritaa wenaraia, or any illaeaae abkh aaay ae tiaaimlttad ta yunr uttriirinf, It It f ar aohana duty to erad icate It Tboaaaada of ahildrea ara now tal leiiiur Iroui tka alteeta of eoteoaoaa ataaaaa umuiuitted to theai from thalr laweata. Taa Unawlit it terrible, foa eaa lava yoantlf mueta aadaeat aud anUettude, and voar dea liitle oneanaek pate aud ueliappiiiaae by tba Umrtv aaa ot Dr. TaU'a itaraaparilla aad tjiiMea'a Uelhrkt It will (arelv aradlaaie Um lainl froiU yoaraitlem; or If It haa already beau entailed apoa yoai child, frlvt M at uaoa, tl.ia a ualile preiaraUou and lla ayatMa will lie miovaivd and matured to Kiaaduaaa. oe, lkiodlwtwtt Wbav Uaaraiaaai.s Ktxiar it aBordad to tha burning and UuobMmr flaah by I atayla appllratioa of tkat aaequaled halaaa for Ba nian or brute aufforing, Maxicta Mt)te l.imataT. Tht tormenting aad tle.p-de-ttrovlng paint of rfaramaUata, goal and Bra raUila, tra eoaiplttely baaltatd by Ite an; etiffDeai of tht JotnU and pailful iwtlltaft, o.ak-klv yteid to He emollkwl toBafee; tt bvala hi uitM, caa, aralda, ate, with tatoa hhiug rapidity. For Kratua, iprtig, halt, trniehta, tad tlercfrtlar aad ktratat gtUt, aa welt aa the atore teriout exVyaal ladiet ol tht horat, U It I twlft aad thoroagh rata tidy. Blur rout or Livia CouraAiat tag ea roua or tat Dial. tea Fboodcbw ar iv A aallow ury allow tolor ad tkla, er yeUewlah browa iott oa tht lata aad otk r pant of toe body i dnUaatt tad dmwalaett with fra ,ieat ketdaeba ; diitlBeat, bitltr er bad taala la month, dryaaaa of throat tnd lataraal heat; r.ali,iUUoo, la aaay eaaea a dry, toattng eoufehwlth aora throatf Baalaady tppcUtc, I Mv atack It bow eottplete. my Mllllaary Dapartiaeat haa all at tbe ' NEW STYLES, BATS, BONNETS, VELVETS, SILKS, SATINS. FEATBZKS, FLO WE KB, aad RIBBONS, AU aarchaaad bv MRS. (KrTINOEK, la uaraua. All aaf geuda en tutd at Uw kiattt peaatalt Brieaa IMetxHMt will ae awde to tkoaa btylag to tau taala M IBAAU TTtNER, ... . 41 Havener llle Btreet act Ala "The celebrated Bengali. , rou.ow m round '-';V 7is', ,., .- " RAZOR. ' . ' TtlB AStDBOMEtT AND "" " , , . SMALLEST RAZOR 7; i -i IN IRS WORLD. , Call and tea thta. FOR BALB ONLT at Mardwatt Heatt a 'J ' aUUOS LEWIS CO., " " . , Raleigh, N. 0. oetllf r . R T B R A. Hi ll L . i , -t ' (COTTOK FACTOR' 77 I , A- ;." CobiwIbbIob Merchsnt. RALEIGH, Bf. C. ' i . Raftraarte I Jouat A Fluaaer, Prtarabarg, Va. Morr.ll A TtaaahUl, New Tort. tepBa-dlwaaawtf 1 " - ' AWbltt Etqalmau Dag, alnt montbt Old, antwera to Uia aauia ol i jr. ii&. a aananle reward will at paid l kit recover". l-lf . iiu.a paw STATE OF NORTH CAROLIN A, VBATBAM VOCITI, Baiiertor court BtaUoathtMlatioaof Tboa, O. Couu U, ana tut tttrina, i. G. rstoua, dot ph Biiia aa ad ainlaUaka: ei J. L aioue aou JooauiaaClarka A aunnona havhnt heea laaaed from the office of the Buparior twart of tutliaat vltaetea ant a. i. own, auu iB "aot to be ruana ia ray inaarine to the tauafaeuow of Uw coari, that aaid delemtaut la oo ne aiding heyoad the hmita ot Um Bute, II ! or ' deraa Ihat pabhiattoo be matta la tba t. at i- t tewttuVMr pritwd la ilia cuv m nai rbk for al waeka, waaaij aoiaaeaiaa' v t tald t. Os atone, OtfoOJiOit, to tlvear at tna aeattaraof Ubatbaia iHipennr wn , w bal I la Ui eoaaty ol I ka. baa at lAa K'amtu hooae la PiUoburo' oa tha llk Mania, enr tba Brat Monday ta b,miImw, la.i, ibea au Uiarate plead toaaar or daoiuc to tht eau ptatat of tba plain II if la Uit tbovo tlul cauae, or n,liarot will be taken iiil baa for tba relief demanded In tba eoin,Uiut. Wltneaa, r retty. t l-ra l aaia oimm afllee la fittaboro', lb 17th day ot Bestow b t, WTA . , "n -, a I . i ' daektoa A Headru, AU ratt 1 1' riaintia. i a BMBtaL N E. L. HASOINO, Maa Turk. B, B. R. B ANDREWS, " Raleigh. , .... EW NO, 1, I At MAOAXRIL, ORtiRUR'S BANK CODFISH. 7 Ma. I SCALED BEKBINO. i - .:!' wy. C STOMACH. ANDREWS 4 00. r CLOTKIIlli' OCt. I, 1ST. FALL AND WiMTEB SToOK, ' " " FALL OVERCOAT -CABBIMilRK BCWNRia SUITS, 7 TuUraa'aadBOT ' ! DKBB EDITS, aad fotiTUi S.!Hootr F IBB a 0 A M O hi every on a I oy w . BuUi ri,i ont before the-AJhj,. jmAJavMsm if"TmBrt.ui u : ppt,, Vf,i, fii mfn T TWf Ttrrr.r - r hi."ri" hiT lB ' mTt negroet, eapecially Irom the northem p,aa, 56; Stewart, 550. Forty nine Uinjat ; dUU-wat, heavioeaa, or bloated or fall ding nu ngnia, n a waa not 0(mlin Mjigod, haa been going on counUet giveomith 8,887 majority. Wtl J!au..boit-hMiaot,a . I . aaa . Ken Toti OaaKOk COCBIT. I antwenng, be left the room ana titer a extraordinary Xawpaeit. Withui I minute or two returned with iwitca ta ndiaa of Bboot Bv mtlt front FlalKirei J hit mouth. Tbia he laid at tbe feet of b P. 0. thera an aiitettt teen wboee agv 1 mittrett, and then turning to the puppiet avertKe mora tha. eight, yaaia and tlx growled ind.gnant.y, at muc. tav, watha. Tbe oldeatii about ninety -ail, aod Ibeta cnapt ntvajw o, itMiltaa induttrioui Uborer in the Bald, giv them iwitching and make the Tbe other k, in the tame eectioe; thougli toddlet" , f Here inotber " dog ttory. ah arum in CharlotU bat a dog who hi generally tbe firtt to ditcover tha free that occur. He bat been to faithful an alaruiitt that hit matter twill get op tnd dreta tad go out is March of tbe fire when thera bat beea no other alarta, and bit never failed to find that tht faithful dog waa correct. Wbiltt oa tba dog quetiion wt will give another true ttory. Some yetn ago, mora than fiftem, there wta a large fire to . - But equaling tbe above figure, turaata BKut tavorabht tutratica. Wlaparaaj acttled rural dittrict can equa tbia I J'b-m. Mr. fiaamd Mauguut recently ln i due barn ; ofu, tobaoco.Nt hkb wa Bettly cured, by aarrymgto a tort during tha Mgbt ta Mamio1 ,tb thermometer OatheBBtb uU, M, Webb bad a hart containing 8,000 lot. of Bo totNtcco, contniaedi It la not knows whether it WW accidental or Incendiary. There wt Uarljal l,i.,,r.n,4 Jhautit. a A teem behHuring to for tome time. Conduciora on tlie Pull-, delpma, 'Wilmington tnd Baltimnra Rail road Kate that eeverat thouaand negroea have patted over that road within the latt few weeka. Thit, however, it not the only evidence of the coou rtiplated end partially aoeomplithed fraud. There are pertont here wboat oamea are withheld for the preaent, who Mate that tbe agtwi of tba Ring, meat tent out bv Simoa Cameron with tbe oa- tenaible pdrpote of engaging railroad htnda, bava eeot bundrede oi n eg met into Peantylvania. A gentleman who met a car load of them inquired where they were goin. On ot then replied ! To work lor jaaeaa .Cameron aad vote for Malta Grant io Pekntylvania." ' ia ' moat catet extravagant wage bava beea prom ieed that deluded crraturoe, but tbe un demanding among all oi them teemed to be that the Job wta not to latt long. They are to be acattered throughout tlie . Bute, Kut thmr ttren eih will be thrown into Philadelphia, Pithr'Mirgta and the larger I., wot, where ll tujiposu uiey win not t,.- detected. Of courae, the are entirely . ivHtol of the character ol in nuaioeaa id alto ot t-jnthia Cainugtou ran away latt weea, j, ti to pmtoct hit atore. He wt and one of' the horata a Boa aaimai I fiere, wouia'not permit any one wa. BW leg. vtute : 1U wn T w mm aua-p. Mia. iJarriagtou ia one of tbe 'ant toccbtffuf bee keeper i Ihia part oi the Stata. . bbe wtiting t.4 that Italian tjutea fmm ibe Sbktinu. office. Oxford. A gentleman lived aoma three f;tf Vhh,h tbev are wanted, and quartan of a mile from hia plant of buai-1 pevalty which the lwt ol Peuotylva- l A lanre. 'nobto etti-.tog wat tba I nia metea oua to " i "rupt.vT heat, oho aod tobacco x- etlltoi. Tha year brought the army worm to approach tbe doof at Bight without w,w barkinit. On the night of the fi; it. became Becettary lo break the ttore open. Tba dog m tde o xawttauce, not even barking. Al Boon at ha waa nleaard, be Blade for bom, nx-l bi maa ter near th houae, jumped upos bim, a biued, baikrd aad tbea rao tome filly ardt. tuimied. looked back aad return- to that taction bt tt did no emotive Ur I ed. Thit be repeated til tht way to tb urj. " 7 7 , iMvra. Wta Uut reteoa or what I aal vntimr. A gen tlenTan wbOA arrived here from New York tu-day atatea that.lt ia pretty well knoen there that about 1 ,000 rough, rrpettereand taalhH box ttutfirt are un der contract to leave that city the Infer part of the rk for Philadelphia. The? are under the loauageoieot nl Bill Tweed and Jiminv O'Brien, tnd will form put of tin 12,000 or 15,000 majority winch tne King uieo prtxlict for HartVaoft ia Philadelphia, that ta, provided they ar not caught and dealt wito according to iaw. ; ttwdall, majorlrf - Mclnt.ialt, 4, 1 homaaS .6, tota! 710. In hfiy-oue coua tie Snitih, Democrat, majority 87,117. : LATKB. ' Auocita, Ga., Oct The returnt re ceived from teveuty countiet iu every por tion of the State give the Deuvwratt over twenty-fire thouaand majority And 76 countiet are yet to hear trom, which will increaae tbe mijority to lorty tbouatod. Tbe foliowinscohntietgive-tiie Democrat! nine thooatnd majority ; tV'blc, Randolph, Brook., Quitman, Jooea, Newt-m, Merri weather, t paoo. Pike, Ttlitlerfa, Taylor, Stewart. Worth JPulatl I, H-w t-'B. W.b ter, Wilkinton, Piiu..m, Waaninglo", Burke, Coluabta. ' Twiggt county givett Roiitilitn .awrity ad tbre hundred, and Grtenecou Vtv one huiu'ithl and eleven. Out ol tixty coantiet beard from only four bar gone Republican. Lnthuaiat tic Democrati claim tbe Suie by fitty Uimuiand majority. . SaVAaaAi., Ga , Oi tober S.-The mon ey tent here trout Weahiugtuu to pay the poll la lea of the negroea wta impropria ted br white Radical manairera, who gave the negrma bogiit receipta. Thit twiud ling deprived a large number of negroee of their voum, whi-b caused great Indig nation among then). Tby aiao collected money from tht nrroetto.py pull tatea tuk kept It, giving the tame bogua re- tldet, hack er arttat, tad about thutnaere ; colic paia tad tonmttt th outk BoweU, Witt heat; eoattiptUoa, alUroeUl with fatt atttckt ot dlarrhok. ; pilea, BataJeBca, eer voa aett. ooldnttt f aztretaltlek; raah of bkwd ta head, with tyaptoat of apoplexy. aambwH of limn, etpectally at tight; eel chill. t)Uireatlng with hot Beebat, kldaey aad arinaW dlfflcultlei I female wttkaea ai.kv rtKularttka, with daUaett, low tphito, etobllity aad alooay lorebodta(A Oury few ot tot above ayaptoeaa ar ttaely to be DntaatlaaovaMtttaaaJla. All who Bat I iw Wkava'a Ouldaa M adteal Dtaavirv for liver eoufdaiattad Ml eoaoprtcetkmt ara load m IU praiaa. Bold by all Brnxgittt vtry Wbere. uet t-deodlwawlt - - ""' : 1 f (TATE OF NORTH UAAoLIN A, I OA PivuXkj.vv f , gyriawia. Cocav Paodara .oaiaoiono , ". SUTS ..' OF OUt OWN KANVrAQTVR. A BldlAUTX. j XVTS' FINE DRESS SHIRTS. 1 Haa"4 el treat' raretahtag atoad V ar whaat or other Fall eroot aa Flth Ouaaa, It It ntd baaalral; aad apprettatad 0. STRONACR A , Rtulgk. UtiWANO at HABtlO, . ' ," Oa. amau an Tiaaaurara t i ' MtarfutkaTa. atpBaawala v NOT 10 '' Having aattlad tb aetata of Cbarlta H. gortoa. dareaaad, wtlA the Probata Jadga of Wakacoaaiy.I haaeby aotlty aUttelaajatea .LJJ...-,-!!!, bmsdL.wai- pay ao totareat apoa the taaa to ay haadt tur diilrlbtllia after iBIt it.j,;--.---" Amount aaoertauiad to be la aaad tor ahv trtbuUo SL , - 1 i a. ir,aia,, ' N' :" 'txenitnr. 08ADALIS I L fur t-iwrnv ot B,ro-., . UiB., Dt-miuiout Iftin I, Hirnjnt' wif rwidif litatittr. Uatt.re rott- ntua or tti triuHl ' 1 at) tMriinottrii tj4.mflTt lit'M BrWAHl kVff ttaM-'W IItilAl a MWiltJ J utui'ia but (.rt"itM floft'uii'1" nmd' tt ft titiljiMirna 6 UtAMHat If Ut BtWtHiW iMtiMrf ft rt-(t;t) HI !r f H.lta.i.. ......j I a... km ia M atVSsJ 'f . M-BBriliaB, tmi' sit tm h iwiivi. Kvwbwa IwliV lMtftltt i llV'll'ilHt, HUIi t,- Uttl hBatMitblUtrtlll' IhrtMlBjatft t t - BBe4'-fiiHV'r - kk , Bait MlMaC Ut"" Wttfc Wkit.-aj t.f i-on.mrH.tB It t i kfrw-tfi 4 t.f. M.-W? .! t ttrrl, a,, ei- II h a - UkJ VU ftiAjf iytU Uf it A f lattf,. iunf ttmU of rh R; v Att,',. M, I . I .int. -i Vat"' 'tltft (at. S t. t i.irf l.tt t l-F.-riklll" tm .Ultl-liii A '0 Lis tt IftM-a tita v m- ti.t-im-rs leJrB,tli,()lM.!-'l ttf Vltaf, t !.," H Bto.-jr fatattt ttA el iij RlUt BAtUfUti-m. j btM'iB.fllrMilfH WTtir'TVWv trnm, ItflttH '. BotjSlI Vlll lilU 4 . t.matiali. iv.lt ).-' 41 V tUH II ! M' iVttt Vt- ( ,mi ... I M till UM v'H " 1 mtuK turn rf.Mf t ul'1 Ihwt! M, IH.'i I alt -anU!ti ( fttfltttt. 1)11 UT T, - l treiltj BjAv ti WH.rtW" -V fnW ktiHWI AHrVV H'Rf, t.. Biul f t.lttl AtlUWr jaw. "., HI. I. WH iBtAHadsiu u out by 1,ru - CUiKSTBifo.B " BAmnuit.7 rt-". " Jo. WWwaftiu Kut B. fw- man, dr., inaadtfal. Fan II ONI WERE, waytt , LATEST STT l I ! OENTS H ATI OF AlX DEACtUfllONA TRATEUN0 BAakt, ;. ,riT- 77 TALlBUtad TRUNK. I J " Wa. L. f . FROM PENNSYLVANIA. HaBBtfaoito. ; 0.t 3. Hon. W. P cnell, tlr llrfiriu iiandidatai for Oov- troor, deigned ia ftvor ol uuckatew. f ROM M ASS ACII CSET f S. rM.Hi.wToR. Oct. 9 The Demncrala tnd Lilwrtia have nomiuated Otui. Bikk. tor Cvtigreaa, Claytoa . Taylor, tt ei. Pteaaant H fayloi. a T, I, w ,1 H appeal Imr to aa, ft, t. Charrv, ndtw af PruOato, that fUaaaat 11. T.rkir aad Jaa A. Tatlo. aiyve aaoMd, am Boa wat aaU ol inla , Ktala. tliekefon. Umv are karrbt BoUed w appear at toe wihce wf tbe CVrk ot tfce anrur Coart. tht Uta eoaatv of Pitt afora Bavl. oe or before wie evpirauua a m - on tbe date of Una oulilieauoa, lur w aei lra.-.iiuiliiaUoa ia kreiiy aaala lor Uam, aud auawer toe eoapuuat to tka abwv eaUl kyt eeuee. . aaa uik aoti.-. that If tlier fall to eaewar tka said eomplaiut, at or OeT fa lb e,ar.Ooa Of Uita pyl-luatHia, Ul OlaiuUO. 1U appi? a. Uia uiii'l lor tlw nlwl tWaaaiWd la tot eoia- pta nt, and )aJgaeei by OVtaalt aili be takea uauiM uim. Wen KiidVr ay hand tad ftl of efSet, tht JuuaHlb,le,i. W L. HEBIlT, Clerk Flue upar" Coart aal. Julyww Judtotfrebat actU ST FayatterU Stoat, Ratclgh, MX.'. tVaalvafw siooo To aavl tbttwd awa who tan do batlnaaa otj th tnit 1 guarantee aa laoieMaa lortna. , raMtlV. a a pneeaawv. aaana toaqrtaettaBBa.ne ;.,. a . 1 TV mJ n r. a r- a. a . V 105 Sltaktr Bue.1, New Iork. JalylM rUE COM M0. 1 WE ALT B UfE ISUUB- . t ; AN't "op. OF tTTtT"" Deal t to oUtla t tkorouKhly eMaptleat Mat to lata the Aaeaey af tka ajortnaar for toe Btau of North Carolina, lkoat applvin waatrlve aoeicepUoaanle piouf of euly, atairrtty aad wood anaral charaeter, eaf . ad,lreaa coupaay at tot haa lore olBce.' OrlldlW BTATE OF NORTH CAROM V.. Tfc tAa &lurf Watt umKlyUrmnt.; i You are bareftv annneaiiUed to aaaoaoa - Jot. Wenmaa, Mry Watauiaii, hia aik, ai d Jot WelMnaa, Jr, tha Iwtendarit ai.va aamed. If Ui. r be found alUna your cuuuti,. oa ta tpiear neiort uia auuuo oi oui -u- pertor toart, m tba Court to na arm tor ma county of W.e,et tk( oorlhoma In kal, i,.-n, . ea tna etgnwi Mouuaj ai . wv,m day ot AiiKtut aad tnawer tba evmiluit which ww be depoelted la tha olB jrut ino Clerk of t a Superior Coart of urn! torn f WIUuo the tM tbree aaia oi uit nexi le'in hereof, tnd let tht Mid aerntidanu lRa no. Bee that If they fall to anntwer the axut eoui plaint wltbia Uutt limt tht l.inurt will appi v to tbe eourt fur Uia reool deuuuiUud la ua eomplaiut (ioreib tall not, tad of thit tammoiui mtka due return. ... . . . Oiva tadarav baot ana wit iuui totut, khlaMthaay et Auf;ut, lM i a. ... " - 1 1 ""i ' Clark Buparior Court ot V ate Co. eat; 16 wit R I S T Af" d. R A.M T Ha rt opeaed bit EBTAURAN t tor tto aeeoaaaodatioB of tba ptl)c K la needle for hoe to ay that all the tVlu-eciee of Uw aeaaua eUl be eaaiaUaUy kept oa kand aod aarvad la tat Beat aljia. v OTBTEKB IN Tu iuKLL reaaivadavfry day aad acrvad to ill at lea ,v Tka BAkVa faraltord witt tot tawt of WISgB, -UQDORS, ALE, , 7 ! rii.Ttl LAOER BEAR. Ae. ot4a yr EETiiia or the tUbTeicb of tbe 7 CN1VERB1TT. -7-7 ' There will bat Sieetlnr of tht Trantaet of tha L'BlvcrelW, It toe kiatuu.a OWea, oa luured.y taa 17 ik ut Oct . at 1 1 o'cl.iek, a mi A aeaarat aUaadaaet of Traateee It tVtked tad KsurM''' ' itti it. taniwai,b, ttvvwaor aad f realdiial ol tha Boa: d of 1 nj. -a, ALII MelVkB, Buparuitaudeet Pub. Ikttractloa, eet I dSt ivtr W A N T D u Bir'.ya vor a yeart. uooa aeriy Hi.lunt ttailLg termt, at Boi , al-i,'B. a. i NORTH CAR0UA,, VTakm Cwwtt, IK tb irnuitoB corniT. Wlllltm S. Maaon, ta tdmlontrator I of Henry U. Tumar, dectaaed. I John EnoUa, i-a?oifc The defenJatit Joha EnnlM who rnnc after daa diii''nea be found in Uil- ,o-1 heretiv auMiooued to ap;"car baloreUt J w of our Buoari. Court, tt a euurt to m i, far the cwwnlr of V .k at Uta carmiM :! Kaleu-k oa lira tjih tt ndi-y t''er lno u. . . Mondar ol Aavii't !, a"1 an ' tu tna complaint win. h In d. n ;,! ti i ai- ot Umi Merk l id mn'i. I Mid dt'ft n.nt lAtie noU, e It. o u' 1 t- t ' do He piaoitilt aill taio !'i' - I ' boo t'Nr '! -ilia of two hu 1 .' , J tfoW tnd 1,'MV.ll tr !, W.'.i11 Ui.-,- an froia tlie l.ili of l ' ! u i. A Warrant of ts. i. r.-; urnal ' r Who, t1'-, luwd cowil, U,. tc. u wti a i Una aliun . JuaN H.hlr. - ;. .,-aoSIa ItawOa t. -- 7 i- Tel .1 '

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