' 11 ' I ' ' ' .. ' ' ' ' - '' - ' ; : i.' - . VOL. VIII. TJ1EDAILV SENTINEL : ADVKKT1S1 NO KATES. Advertisement will b inserted In Uw IMlljr Iutuu i lb followm rataa per square of jpnc H. " ( . ' aacb subsequent inanruoa. h-, Uiaua week................... j ..l J to 1 euuanii I week k, 8.lhl lM)tlan,TuoJ ,U, " , " !." t U.UU I , " 4U.HU , ULiki I W ' .Z-MM .! I ' " 11 " J ' ' -M.uu 1 U " t UW i . I month, t " law' Add to Um snov rate fur wk ddltloaal ua as follows; ;' pur I ssonih. 4 UU rMt f months,' 19 Ml 9 BMMltlia, SOU " " i U)v ..'-. " " it u 4 . ' J u.ut CM. ' 1V h ft 10 UU " 11 . IIW - " u.uu u . w For th Heml-WeklT kmf, UtfwftU t( litwing appointment U Mr. Orijo Du nn-, the Ureeli-T knd Brown A.iUut Im,Iu ix Um 8uta at Urge : Moore inty, Jonelro', Thnraduj Oututwr lOih. " 1 Btnnlejr county, Allieinnrle, Wednatd OcUitier 10th. IUntluluh count;, Anhburo', Bttturdny, October lih. ' Or&iig county, Cktpel Hill, Mmulay, OcUiWSlst. Wnke oouuty, Cry, WlneJy,OcW- tuber 83rd. , tKliur appolntruenu will iboitly be ao Th ldit"re Irnpectiuily invited t ttrnd. . . . Cottom Mabkbt. Reported by Lynn AUini, urocer nd Oommiwion Mar chant. South Market Street I , y Kalbium, Oct tO. " Pricw of cotton in our Market to-day : 18 M. - ! - t? 14 cent. 4 P.M. 7 17 1-4 18 bnlea. 13 ' Hale,: Kecoiuta, -r. . ; - . Tone of the Market, . . We call attention to the large atock ol good offered for aala by Meawt. Oulley A Bb aoaa U read lb advertiaemeot of tb rpenix Life.JiMuranca-Company-1 i haa an nxeelleat reputation ia inaurancv circlea and pay promptly ita Accident. Wa regret to learn that Mr. Levi St our, citiaea of Gary, fctl Inta'th. Ihe.cellar at the new Fither building, a dialanca of auuie tea feet, on Wedneadaj night., lie waa (evenly hurt and had hi have the attendance of a physician. Tockbk iUu. It will be een by ref erence to our advertiaing column thai Roan and Harry WatkiiKwill give (ever of their delightful entertainment during Fair week at Tucker Halt. Waktbd,-A young man with never yeara experience in businea in New York, would like to take charge of a e ol book or other writing. Apply to A. M. Lewi . . 2t - Hot trb Faik. -Itkd' the reduord rate on the Raleigh and Gaaton Railroad during' tne Fair week. Be ure to buy ' ynui ticket before entering the oar. : ' s Ladiea WUhing to ee Mrr. (Ettingnr on bnaiiwaa will plea call at the (tore to day, aa it twill ba eliwed to-morrow, it being a day of faathig and prayer. Pirkohau Amoug the recent arrival who are re(iterd at the Yar borough, wi- nota P., B. Meana, Charlotte, 8rauel McD. TaU, Vorganton, R, M. Furman, LouUburg, Mj. Jno. Hughe, Newbero, Mj. J, A. Eogelbard, Wilmington, LW Huuiphny, Ooldiboro', Wm. Eaton, War renton, Jan. B. Ami, Oxford, and B. C. Aksxandav, Tyrrell. -. . Pvnub Bpeakhw. -Henry A tondon. Jr., Urveley and Brown Elector for 4tli Congreeaional Dittrict, and other ipeakera, will addraaa thcirNfellow-citizen at the ' following timet and placet ! ' ' ' At FearingUm' Mills, Chatham county. Oct. 19th. , x At Oxford, Granville county, Oct 22ud. X . M.BmMtr. 4rd. At lloltaville, Wak " " 83lb. At Earpaboro', Jobmton " S6th BaBasM I Comim. the great ihow iriuo aend u th following ; . (43 Fifth Avenue, w York, ., ' 1 October 1, mi. Ma. Erm)R-Zear JStr It may not i U unknown to you that I have fitted out the greateat traveling exhibition on earth. I now propuw 10 tranaport my ttttirt w to all the principal town in the Southern State during tU Winter of 187 and 167S. My immense show eouauta of a great national museum, menagerie, eare aa and hippodrome combined.. An ax hibitioa which i a absolutely aovet, col loeaal, aihauativ and bewilderingly tarioo aa money and experieno can makei H, anl which I tram port through , th country ,by mean of Dearly I, 000 men and home. My museum col iecUua, beside eontsining a whale, nearly 100 teet long, eooaista of 100,000 cnrioai tieaX The menagerie is by "ar tb finest on this continent'. It contain everl hundred living wild animal, many of hk-h are very rare and costly, and- not . fcnd ia any other exhibition. To this kt ad del a niaguifksmt Roman hippodrome a-id mauiiaoih ctrrus, with 44 thorough ' bred Arabian horse, S3 trained camel, ' -,M't4 rite beat uKrlorinera ia the world. and a Urge company of extraordinary gjf uuiaa, acrubata, atbleUe, ik, ' Ui'kavuBAPB. ' t Bubariht to the SBHTtNxuT Read new advertisement Sa aal of Bwamp land. Harry and. Host Watkiu have ailgaged Toekar Hall for th fair weekv Header Kiag Kiaetor for Una District ha declined to make any appointments Read Bam Watts' remark in 4a Mr about the dignity, ft of th pre, then remember the 8bakieariaB about "th Devil' quoting Hcifutura.' CoL Jno, a Wilkersnn, f Caswel, will open on the 80th Inst, a, tobacco! ware house at Ilsadenoa. - r ' ' ' ' "rv . " W pohliah thre edition. Our , Semi Weekly and Wixkly ooutaia murk , read bl matter. Wt are Improving twtu. .; , Our Vical i out of town. Tbi will aocnunt ft the ahurt-comlngs in thi de partment There are a gtaid many at ran gen la our town at thi time. Th Preabyteriaa Synod now in session at Charlotte, wiU elect aa editor of the PrtihyUriam aewipaper, published at Fayettevill. -We an- petting oardl to defeat W are lik tlic old lady thinning eel. When I isked if be did not feel badljln causing so much pain to fie poor things, ah re plied, "No, she uaed to feel bad, but ah had got usejo it,' We bad the pleasure of a visit on Wi d nesday from Lev. D. E. Jordan, pastor ol Presbyterian Church at Oxford, who was on his way to tb Synod, and (rom Colonel John G. Wilkeraon, of Milton. Out friend Dr. Manning, editor of the Roanoke Ifntt, was in our office on Thurs day. W were glad to see him well, al though he tHS been recently suffering from chill. I We regret to learn that our friend James M alone, of Leasburg, ia no uuh. He died about the middle of September. ! Ilin wife, Mre. Mildred Mai one, died within filty hour of him. " Our venerable friend, William Lea Esq., of Leasburg, Caswell county, i a nun of extraordinary vitality. He I now in hit. 8th year, and not only comes to the post , office after" M matt," ' rull quarter of a mile, bat is still able tb ride on horseback ua to so him tea year ag. ' We him squirrel hunting with a riflr when 88 yeara old. . He wa the honored Sheriff, of Caswell, tor many years. Our brother of the Louisburg : Cmrier, R. M. Furman, Em., baa just returned from Aabavill. He ba purchased tor Citim of that place, now edited by Mat. Atkinson Esq., and will soon remove to that pleasant mountain village. We wish him great succras. Wa regret toe cbangei in on respect When Robert goee " to see hi cousin " he will not have to paw through Raleigh, and we (ball, there fore mis hi pleasaut phi. A free barbecua wa to be given at J one' Store, Chatham county, oa yes tar day. E. A. Pou, Eq.,ol Johnson, Gree ley and Brown Elector for tb State at large, and H. A. London, Jr., Esq , Ore ley and Brown Elector for this District were to speak. We have not heard tint particular. It if th rat barbecue we believe that has been given in the Stab' during the campaign. I: We regret to learn that H. A. London Jr., has been quite sick. He work too hard probably. Already h ha made fifteen speeches a Elector and haa tra versed the whole District, thus set ting a worthy example for older men to follow, We are glad to know, however, that ha is convalescing, and will make the " float charge" soon, a will be aeea from the list of appointment that appear In to day's Sbntmku Wa hop our people Will turn out largely and bear the truth spoken. Ho man, editor or what aot, haa a right to. appropriate another man's property. The man who takes an Item of new from you without due acknowledgement, rob you to that amount Soma peopl think that the new note of a paper are like umbrellas public property. If our coo temporaries Qnd anything in the Smttixbl that suits thsm. of course use It, but give pmper credit ; otherwise let If alone, it belong to ua, Fsreaaw. Commissioner Douglass, in answer to inquiries fromy Baltimore, decides that any deed, etc., named or deli vered before October 1st requiring tmp in order to be valid, h would not ba legal to record after that date, if not stamped. If a pro bate of a will ia no! taken out before thi date, it require so government stamp, even If the devisor died previously. Aa instrument require A (tamp when issued, but not before. :. 'V Hi HoaoB.-W said the other day, that wa always took pleasure in chroni cling greatness and ia witnessing the growing fame of North Carolinian. So wa do. W will prov it in part, by copy ing th following extract from a recent Raleigh letter that appeared in the Nor folk JounuU. Read it follows: As the shade and no lit'ht one to this bright local picture of the day in pros pect, Judge Watta- , ; "aBBAAT AH," . " aa Uva Bbhtiiibi. falls him'-i holding court here. I beard a little wtvrrmu ol bis chsrge to the grand jury yesterday morning, in which be very iuipmstvely Uiittrmed it that it must do something or other "st any rates," and whether or no So of course it will be done, possible or not, cTeu if it be to nndersland and re- pMit th lostmctiou ol the "court" UUrran tor ueorgia, is iiui . mu aotH. , xUcaxxKBta.. I Fat Fashion : ' ' , - A btdy ourrespoBMlent o( one of pur ex changea, who hat been attending kkg fall 'opening" ol one of tb faxhivoabl bu aamuf Kw York, ev 'the g4.1eanf laery advwatea fur evening wear hilk of pale dye, and garniture -mostly ol white. The Spanish style of pink, orange, and other ditf color, garnished sritb black. ia a.ii mnm I-....1 -' ,'1 Th shaded auTU are aUn earn that U eeatumea that, depended ant i rely , for beaaty and grace upon the 'nuidher of tints dispoasd lathe garuKure. Maw, the suit ia simply arranged ia oa or twocol ore of atlk, and lb triuiming tclaiiad ar, meatly white. -r ; 1 ack, with, on auluma color, ' either broaae, gray, aaga green, of lb tints ew responding in htta with ripe fruit ; how ever, these last--named dyes are not wore by married ladies on the promenade. The Dolius shape of cloaks is considered the nwwt elegant style. This consiiU of a mantle 6tting the ahnulder nicely, and lies smoothly over the bust, but falls front the arm .in tiny folds, and so continue i drapery style to the end of th garment. The sleeves are simply immense, sweeping Tar below the skirt oC the garment, and almost extending to the; bottom of the dress, Another very pretty fashion for outdoor wear m the aarque, rather cl fiUljig,npeti up the luck to the belt, n, with Hoi ma sleevea. The. polouaiae will I be worn, but doe no longer bold the first W !.!.. t . 1 . posiuon tut an tnoepenqent gjarment AHTHMA Abv medicine Whleh will allnl. ate Paroxysms of ihl . rirtMulful diaesae wlU he nanea witn joy by Uiounuds of mlT rer Int eertllleate whicli sceouiuanv Joats Wmn cons'4 KiMKDr, sr from th most reliable soureea, ana atutst to lie wonderful power, en in the must severe esses Joseph Hur FKBK ADVaRTIHTNO-rmm famllr to ramiiy, irom city to cit' , from state to slate. In faiss or Ua Wiun'i Vsuaraa'. Via boak Bittsks ss s iH ilic for sll drnuiue- men's of ike stomseh, bowels and liver, is conunullvatewlinK. Itsjwtaniarv mission- arieaarfiunnuierabte, and public anihusiaaa u lis lavor apreaua laswr Uian a prslrle Ire. DON'T 8I I0HT YOUK TKRTH Re- mewlwrlbat n;Kn their labor, the health of the stomach detienda Keefi them perfect and In order to do so. maninnlste Ui.-in with brush dipied in the favorite BosodoBtoave or iwie a uaj. H r Witt acrFER f-li is low M years uw it. iuuiu veinuaa i niiuieui was put wuiiiv uib fiiuiH- j warrmnuna; K eur. 'hnwic HlKumatism. Ueadai-lut. ( Mt. Hum. Braises, Old Bores, Pain in the Uinbs, ick and Caeat sad it has nemr f ,Hed Hold bv mi iiragisia. uepoyu rarK riaee, Wew s wim. .... FOR DTsPIPtU A. Indlwatl m. denrasaloa of splriU and genenUdeiiilily In their variou lunua; aisu, a.a prevenuve aj(iMnitl rever and A(ua, and otlier inlennitleul fevers. Tile rwro-nHMidioratrt kiiui uf l.'.lliuvs. bj liasweU, Haaard lo., NVw York, au.l sold by all Dnufirlsis, as tlie leettaane. and a. a Kmle for patienta reeoverinx from fevaror uuw sKXDess. u na aoeuuaL THURSTDN'a IVOHY PKARU TOOTH rriWUKK. lbs beat artiel kaown lorolemo alnv and preaarviuir the teeth and auma. 8ohl by ail Druggist, frioa as and 60 cents per wuvu.. . j. iTvmaui., new lora. l.'IIRIKTAnOHVa H till nVK ..,1. rivalled in the world. No lady or ire Uemau of discrimination uses any other. It Is the moat parfeet, reliable and ehVrt ve Hair llya in we worm, jaaauiacwrv, a atausa Newlork. A KBOLJi' 8 A L V K, recommended by Wi? siclaus, as the xraal li-slinir Outbound. Price ia cent per box. Jons IT. llrary, Hole rrupnewr, ouks riace, new I or. BUC'HD la a reliable Diureth ant Toni lor all deranircineat of Ui ariuary ana genual ornaita. i na Konulne. aa rornerl sold by llavuand, ilarral Jt ituiey and the! oraacne, la now prupamil by It- . Kisley, tlie orti;ittator and pnru tor ; and the trade rupphed by bit successors, MoiKaa At Utaley, 8VAPNIA I 0iunf pnriflod of Ita sicken mar and ponmnous qualities. It laaperfeei auodyue not piludaciua; heaascfae or eouslip Uos of bowels, as ia the eaaav with a LW on paraiiiwis ot opium, Joan Varr, U keuuet new tsura PRATT A8TRAL Oft, haa s world wide repulaUo as the urot aod best Hluaittatii,s oil. Over two million galiotia have bea sold for the paat two years, frota which no ct denu of any de-chption have oecai red. Bend for eh-cn'ar Oil Houae uf Clias. Pratt, eaub- iibihmi 1 1 iv, ziew lurm. WB HAVE fiwnei!t!y heard motliers say tbv would not be without Mrs, Win. low's booimihk Byrup, frqui the Mrlh of Iha child uuttl It has Buiidied with the W-eihittar hlatra. ww mit raHMnuia wnawvsr, . w TH I RE0KET of beantv What Is It loner asked, for the world of fashion and all the ladies know that it fat nrodnced bv luiiur a delightful and hanula toilet preparation Knows as u w. utiriTs "Bloom of Yrnith lis beantifylna; eSeeU are truly wonderful, win , uota ov, hv l or k. At si. act l-deodlmwAaw WAMP tAND KOK BAtB. -Ths "folio wlnir Bwamo ands ia North Carollaa an odered fur sale, tu-wit : bis; Bwamp, lu Kobeaoa county, 14,0110 res. White md hrswa taanaV ksUdaat and Bladen, My asrea. Molly Htw-Hr, ia New Ua o.ur, att MO ai res. Angola Bay, ut New rlanover and Dnulin, 60,(i acras M kite Oak, In Onslow and Jones. D5.u0 seres. subject to the rhjht of the Planters Kailr tad Company to alternate scu-ioa Uiareof, upon cowplauon of th road tbruaieb aatd swsmp. Open givuBd prairie In farlerei eounly a7.uis acres. Dover nwaap, u Craven, 7J,iK) acres Ca Pish, in O-tveo, ,. J0 acres Bay Kiver, I Beaufort and Craven, tl.WW acres. Bwamp and In Dare county. DuraaV Island, B,0uu sere. v " sealed bids will bs received for sax one or more of the shove named swsnpa, nattl the into Decern bar next The Unit will Dutoold m small nan-ski. A leUer eoaiaiuiac a bid Miould be addressed to, the Buderalgned and ndotwd, "Bid for awaiuii land." . ... c Al.k MVER, i 1 Secretary Board of KdilcaUoa, net 11-dltawsw Ksleinh, at. U T O t, 1 M Wolee from the autUrrrh.-T. a BAT MARK uUI.K. tltlrteea rears Aid. a scar oa tbeai le just back of the right shoulder, and a knot on one of her frout lega.' octS-fwAwU . KaJ.hch, S.ft s T A Y U L K We are requested to sta'e that a nay male weeriii; a br.die and saddle, waa takes up Bear the etty on Thbralav last for further auformat'oe apply u this oBica. ' acta-aM.' . iv- i V T lfY"k 'TARD V BAOJl J.UUU be sold at 7 tf LPAt'H I VU. To BROS, MALT. OLD tioyiJiVAC(Fit:E Al i.4fCll hrtui. act 7-tt JlALEIGH, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, lit iit mini .iit.i. U, Oil K B . H A liLl t aiaaa arrsAcTio at tb rtta. . Mtmnf. oct. Mia. Vjy Alt TIIE WKEK. Tb ti rest set of Aauwteaa Artiata, ' ; ' ' KOSI at HAKRT w-. a.:-.t' k. i n 8'.;; Vvrth s carefully selected and . ' riKBT UtAa DRAMATIC COM PANT la a series f those GRAND 00MRDIC8 A DRAMAS. Ia which they ksre . arhieved tba Upbeat Howora - of lb ttUtrtoale'"' World." " The ' PUya pnaated by taea dlstiuxuiahed fa- varllea hsvs elicited th wlttcst admiration or Etitrop and America. And whin ap , Veailug to the ealtlvateJ aad refined taste of the most luteileclusl aadwaeea, wta Sop- ahv approval by tb happy blending of aL'BIU BONU, DANCK, BENTIMKNT, ' - ' - AND PUN Be ProgrsmuMss, Secure your sasiat net ll-tf i . t L 1ST; TRADE. JL: . . - J. P. GULLET B,Rt, South Corner Payattevllls and ExchaaKS .' PuK-a, ',, RALE1UH, H.0. I WHOLESALE AND RET t IL ' Has th fullest Store In the atate of FOREIGN aaa DOMESTIC. DKT lUKlUa, ' NO HONS, HATS, aal CAPS, ' VALU ES and TRUNKS, , . . , WUITE UOOIW . and UUNB. -C1XJTII1NU A SPECIALITY. A Lann Stock. Sulla fur Ua, Una Titulhs and I'hililrea at all prices bOiT8.ndtIMlCa. elarim and aUnactive stock, at all prlcvs. sit.nr uijih, uauixs ana uiiii. OKKNS SHORA Call auenal ittealloa to their own bread of lilies Morocco hoea at 4.50 par pair Each pair warranted and if not xood another pair tcivea fnee of charn. : iiiaiiiiu a.n rate-as vow. i. P. UULuKY at RRO. octll tf , . . . ' ... NORTH OAROLINA , . WakaCouiity. Ia tb Superior Court. W. A. Jeffrie sad M. B. Mordei al, ttxecutrixof I 0 o W. Mordecal end Deteadtala. other. In pomisnee of A decree made h tlie above entitled action, 1 will sell at the Court house deo. la the cly of Kalciich, oa the 11 day of Nuvemlwr IHit the irac of land on which t Kotwt Jelliiea, Ri., now reeklea, lyln is ute counu ol wske and rrankiln, alLual oa Utile River aud couuduina- about tulrtv-alvbt humlrad (:I,WI0) mm. The tra t has been dlvld -d Into twenty kits emtiraciiiK from oa hundred to six hundred sack. doidcs of the clot howlnx- these divisions can be aseu at tlie omi-es of dioa ftt Hoaxers, Saw , anil Measrs. Moore at Oatltnic, attorneys at (aw. Ruelich, N. ! . and at the residence of WlllUasJt JcHrtea, (a frn,lln eosntv. J Robert Ji tfrs a .d Wilnaai A. JcfTria. ..iiln. a. II r,.M.lMt. lHf.,alLM wl.1.1, ElMiuirea. w II furuiah aav Information which nay be required, and will slow over the premises any persons uastring to Initpeet tba lani. , The terms are : One third cab i thn balance In twelve afealhs, with interest fromVday uf ale. Th title, which is anqujatlonable. wi II be wi'hheld vnul full paiawt of the purchase money. MAKUAKBT B. BUTOm;jl, ctll-tda . by AUoruey. f H ' O E ' N t MUTUAL L1PE INSURANCE CO., aaTroan, tr'.' " ; ' The promlnrnt fektues In this old and relia ble Uotupauy loanhitf titaasseased one-half of bis premium and takintc Vob-a baa- d oa his i oii-y-wnica noiea are paiq uy uie acrruitia aiviuemia, ana un ut uos niue. nave neea n tHfmmi in a 1 CBS'S with the sum Insured prac ticatiy reau as uie sxiienae or urn lusurance one half . 7 This old and rellald i Company whose as sets, according; to the last nport or the M e sachmicUa Commlaslimcr, eieccd Ita lisbiii. Ill a by uw mWin dvtlan. Is bow repr st-nUMi la our . atate by Mie audersiarned la Rairl 'k and by aa;fila in the moat imiiurtaM Viwnr Any oiw aeainnu; m.vre tail exoiana thma of tlie plan and its workintra will elt on anv ot utese aaenia ana wiu be s-iauiv accora auda(d with all inforuatlou. Read lbs receipt ol Mrs Marina j, Robert. wtanw or ti . Kooeris. a -urominem mcr- rhant of Baltimore, and of r. A. Dunn, uf Wakstwnaty. or rarer to tne reureteauiuvm or i K. lale, avceaaed. ol oaarioluu Received, Ballimore, Auffost 15, 187-J, of C. . Monhurne at Bon, Ilea ral Atreat of the Phoenix Mutual uie lusaranes uomoanv tv thouaand dollars, tb amount my has H V. Robarta, was inaursd fur ss well a the three Botes for one hundred and eltrhiyeix dollars, each given as one half premium, i. MARTHA J. ROBERTS. Office of P. A. Dann, ' 44 South Street, Haiti more. Messrs 0. P Moutaaru Son. Uva Aart's. nantirmea : 1 hereby sckuowled.'eceipt of lu.oui, amount my son Jos. L. Dunn, waa is aured for la yoar t!omny on yearfto, and the Bote ha nva fur one-half the premium esacelled. Tanre truly, art ii dlt, VaLKIuI: 1 11 dlt P, A; DUNM... LKIliH Q ASTON RAILROAD BTECUtl RATsf:"- " " " To b me uetween Wsrreeton tad Raleluh durltia; Slate AKrienltarat Pair, Tuesday Wednesday, Thurodiy and rnuay, October lf.Ui, iih, 17th and 18th, 1B79 : Leave Warraatoa SKA ., H " . 4 - tit " 7 sft " B I " B U . 9 IS ' ' , --9 l " VB " Ridcewsy Junction tienderaoa KittraU ' frank linUta Wak,e Mnuuvitl i Mill Brook . Arrive at Rakish REICRNINO: Leave R.lelfh ' Arriv Mill Brook - - 5 1 ami " 5 fat i" err " a .vi " V -i ) " tw " a i9 4-J -9 00 " . rtueUrtll . - " -, Wak- ' " .1 Fiankllatoa -Kiureil -; lieatlevsna JaiH-uon huieay ' e ; - Warren toe . v : PARE R'U ID TRIP. Wak to Ralehrh a 7 i . 1 Ml " "a - 9 9 ' 9 x a '4 Praaklinlva ' " , . k ittn-II , I ' Henderwia nm-wua Ki n!wy W ArrcnUMI Mem -l.ltUitoo O .sloe Weill Perkins at pnechW-leff lickets ltefore eiil r- bw lb- rva will or j b njred full f. '. II ft 1 . M U lllllll. U', S.li'L 1 ' '. G 000 !x Bji-B. Hauls Sides .ti!UerS Mr. Ki SIRiiiAcli. LATE TELEliKA I'll 10 WS MARKETS. , Nbw Tout, October i Cotton atnadv, (alee l.K."4; a plan da 19 1-4 orteana 19 S 4. rWmr quiet and nn rhaaind. Whtakev 8rrner at 91 Wheat shad nrmer.- Oarn hale I nl.a Kiee quirt. Pitrfc ahaite eaaeir. . Lard steady. Terpentine dull. Rnaia quiet tallow quMK. rrelgRta duiL Money SuciaaUHt. otositia at I I rtterltn8l4 O .Id 1. U t (lal S. Oov ermnenta cliwteat Una at Uali I and, dtcliHing. Hlatea dull aad aoaiinal. LlvKarHmt tlct . Nmre tVittun opened dull uplaada 9 I A Orieaaa 10 1 8. Later Cottoa dull, upland 8 M S 4 ; orteana 10 1 8. Balea 11,000, apecula Una aad ax nswt 1.000. ' Kvenintr Cotton ehwted dull 1 uplandi I i 1 4 ; orieco 10 -. Turpeptin ia43. - , 4- PENNSYLVANIA ELECTIOJf. Fbiijioklpbia. Octobar .Tin Cob- gnauoaat delegation will embrace IS Republican nd 9 Uemncrata Tbeevenlnir Ttlramvk any that the funureaamuai delegaiiun will be twenty three Ri-publican and lour Demorrat, Krpublicana being elected ia the Btli, Tilt. 17ih, iBth, a0th,Slrt, and SAth diatrict. PirrsnuRU, October 9 The aggregate of returns Irinu Alletrhanv county, reueir ed up to on o'clock P. M.. give llartranfl 719 majority. Pirty seveo districU yet to be beard from will probably Increase lhia maiority. Returna coma ia slowly, , i i . . 1. 1 ; . . . .. ... I ... J. Ol flfVtcv. iwipuuiMato. ihihihwi w Ctmurem faum iiud district : McJunkin Keouhliran.. n eteclad in 93rd district lu the 94th district Wm. Moor. He pub lioan k) elected over MoCtellan. Detu. PaiLAuaijHi, October 9 A aiiecial to th CNirei.il saV nearly all the returns front ths State raceived at KepuU- licaa headquarters make tlartranft ma jority 11,000. Hi nepuiMtcaa gam I mem Iter ot t iHuireas ana lose on in me Lusern district 90 Hepubltoaua and S Democrat elected. Republican have a maiiwity of tba Constitutional Con yen tion, and SO member of tba Assembly ssainst 40 Democrat. The tknatc stands 17 Republican aad IS Uemocrata, but il Macta la eiectea in viarioa uia u-H't, tli Republicans, will have Is. OHIO KLEOTIOM. 4 Cincinbati. Oct . Tb followiriir are Ibe Oumouraiic Lilteral majorilie in Ham lin oouuty. aa tar as return nave been received only one preclut neiug oniiiiea White Water township t Wiley, fair Sucre tary ol' State, majority 5,579 ; Owen, tor Jndga JbUram--Curiv- majority S, 7097 Riley, for Board Public Work, majority i,779; h CoaKroas, 1st district Taylor's minority IMH ; Hood's majority 1 349 ; Sud district, liana ng's wajoiity 1.4S1 Democratic Liberal inaioriiwa no nil oouuty ticket range irom x.voy uta.o.o. A special to the UimtU Irom lndianapo- liaaays 171 townaitip gtvaa net tupuuii can vain of 1.79S. Coi.i'UBtie, Uct 9. Ketunt up to tnis time are ss follows : Allen county, 9 township, WinkoB, 1041, Wiley .1.1M.; Aalilaud county, I iow0hiBJ Wlkoff B7, Wiley 1S9; Atiicp T r W ..... I .... i county, 9 townalupa, wiBon ux; ttuiier oouuty, 7 towasliips and una Ward uf the city of Hamilton, Wlkoff .1,107, Wiley 9,077; Clark mniuty. u.wmuiipa, ami Wards in HprinuHeld 'ahow a Republican gain of lilS; Clinton county, Sinilu, Kep., tor Congress, 1,280 majority Columbiana county, s town, WiKoR, I,oo, ryuey, 1.12a: Cuyahaita county, 7 town and 13 wards of tleavelaud, Vi ikiilT, 1,7119, Wl-k-y, 7098 ; Drake oounly, 19 towusliipa Republican gain 399. -Comjubu. .. Out. . Th Stat Re publtcaa Com ut it tee claim that they have carried Ohio by from 15,000 to 1S.000 The Democratic Conniiiluie concede be tween 10.000 aud 15,000. Republic CimiuitUie alaoVl'iim they have elected twelve Congrreaititn certaiuly with more than a fair piobiiututy ot two auutuonat. Thi giro the lomtwral acven ttngreaa uten, a gain of two; in llamiltou county Ute Diiuocrata-do not couoeae ute six auu tenth distrii ta. CiBcixaxTi. Oct 8-CIrk county re turns complete Republican mipwily. 1,997 ; Probable couuty cum plate, Itcpub licau maiority 440. Thirty llireu additional tows and two counties canplete give 9,JSi Ib-puuluaii majority for Wlkoff. . Returns Irom all but on precinct of the flfot district are in. Sailer, Democrat, ha 9.974 maiority over LuKkaiuia lot short term..,, lultlie aame dHtncl, Dodda, Dem ocrat ha 9.IW7 luajiw-ity over i'alt, Re publiosn, la tli second district all but two pre -cincu heard Irouu. Banning, Liberal, as 1,490 over liayea. Wiley, Di-mta-rat ami Liberal, for Secretary ol State, ha5,7i msjurity over m eikon, whose majvtit will be about 6,000 Whea all tb retumi I Wliea w are id. INDIANA ELECTION. . - IapiAHirHiLla, "Oct. 9. In foilyonr Uwulii ti) liveiity-twotXfimUca Utcuci Rcuabltoan gain on the vote of 1070 U oue lltouaand and two. AddiliiHial ..fcturu trow Si aCAlbsruui towusliipa allow a lb-publican majority m 19 and Democratic In 9. i Official returna fnuu 97 townships in Indiana show a Set Republican gam ol 1,81 T Th Chairman ot the Hut Cen tral Oiwmlltee claim the (Mate by 5,00 majority. ' i- t Itntoa county-1 reported to have given 300 Dem.-k nOic hiajoiiiy. The returns imut-ate the following re sultain the CduKreaMonal districU I Kiral, second, third and seventh diatrtutt l)aii, ocrat iu : Olth, i-ighih, ninth, tenth aiid eleventh disincta, Repultlicaa ; hiunh. Wilson , and sixth Voorliem, very clone and doubtful. - - 5 i One biiddred and forty even towns, two cities, eteveu wards and two nntntio, oomplete, give 6,317 Itepultlmin umj itity lor W m koD in Ohio. Specials n-port the defeated of Y'iriiecs by a eoneideablo inejorily. I he Iti-puhlicana cliini lite male for cvernur l,j 9,510, and the !) m a raU are couAilant offllwidrK k's election by s small majority. It is pioliabM Uiat Viatrhee i tletratot. Tlie K pultlicin Ccntrsl Committee fig urm the HouMeof lteireanlaUvua .').l, rryt, awl iU .lema and 19 di.ulKlul. The con teal on tlie State IW-ket is so close that it ill require lit otHVial vote todecioVit kip is sla viritn:. New Yoax, Op4. a--Tb sprtial dia- paichc ren-ived iV III is city indieae tin- mijortly Uw llaruahlt at from 13,1100 to 95.000. I'TberwMilt wef-wtled in Ibis city with great int-!rett In theeientiig crowd aaaciultletl at Um oolltu al head - qusrtrra aad holcU pi hear lliereturus. A dispatches catne in chaw i were given 1872. ... . , I I by ailberents of the oppoaing panic. Kifth Avenu Hotel wa throngtd with politician a, who received wh-wrsm until a very lata hour.' Tba TWeea aaya: " We have bcea cheated out of Pennsylva nia ; have made great gain la Ohio but not enough to carry th real, aad have nothing diarourairiag fKai Indiaaau Oov Scott of South Caroltss, haa aami th TrMm fiar libel in publishing alleged fala Charge agalnat hi adiuinuttreuoa. . FROM El'ROfB, ' Madriis Oct a -MTamgnat, by a vote uf 161 agatoat 57, ha refused to aaMidrr th atueadiaent oflered by a Re publtcaa Bwnibar to aildrere tb Kiug, Baking for tb emancipatiua of slsve. . I . FROM W AHtUNaXOS. I WastliNoToH, OctolieV twial patcfaea am discouraging to liberaht Uhio almost certainly aad Indiana proba Wy K' sgalnat them. Wire hav beet crowded with detail bearing upea the general result The Cnngntsioaal gain ana tome are, tililo. Hamilton county, Liberal gain. Indiana. Niblack and Voorkass demat- ed. Little attention has buea naid to v.nia;rtvwrn. meiokt : Of IA. fMVIn. y (Aa KMgk NHmml BaA a Milk (wraHii, mi I At aVw t-trtrtrrr Ortoeer SJ, 18T4. ! Rbsoibcbs. Loans and DiscouuU. ,9. 1 7S 4 1 Overdrafts ..., Blast uu U. 8. BimiU hi Secure Clrculsllon.. ntiO.Uiiu iw U. S- Bonds " liciwalu itat.uiai Uu tHhwatorka, Betid and Mormimea, M,utt7,til uum irom ncoeeuing ana Hten . j A ircnu Currency, IIS.IMI tail 14it.aYn old .. .... l!Bll.hi J". nutinsstiuHvniuiimi nanks..., ix,bks.to Due from other Bauka aod Hsnksta AU iaM It Banking? House fioisstOil Other Real Estate., ' . ! DU7 Ul ruruiture and tUtaros.. l.luaO t'urrent Enpenae , l,.tn uj Taies Paid x,(UHtki Preniluins A7.adH.ltl ( h llama (iu ludina; Uui).,.,, 1,7 47 niuamoiaer tsauotuu Blanks.,,,-,,' B,71U.U0 Fractional Curraucv. ...... ........ Bmiuo Simehi, Coin LajjalteSdor Notes... g:t,oia).ua $t,7M,ttil-S LUBIUTIB. i I Capital Stork paid m...,....,.,.anuu,Oin.ao Stirirfua PuihI.,.. ...,., MIUWIM Maeonnt , alt Ml k hamre... : 4s:i Prollt aud Loss HI 7im 1VH National Bank Cb-culaUououUland- inic , , 43,MOU0 Dlvidenda untid taviitii Individual ltcpo.Ua. ........ -..Mlntt t aehiera1 t-ltecioi miUtanitlng. ..... I ,l7,lt l. o. it-Hmiia.... ltwl,4.1t.04 UeioalUof u. B OUborslngOIBcera BMWVH Due to National banks 7..M17 uu on. w uuhw nauasastu nauaers... wi a I : . ai,7so,wi.w r riiaa nvu-sv ,..-,.t d.,,. National Bank do aoleuiulv swear that the snore suiemmt la rurrect to ths beat of uy UW.KVKB Will, WCIIliL, , . -briml t:. 1EWIT. tahlaa Sulisciilted and sworn to befon ma u, nta oh 01 0, i, a. u.iart ISIgnsd JOI1NC. BLAKE, . ....; !... ,., Notary Public. vurrw- -aucsi : W. M. WILLARD. 1 AvS MKKRIWuN, - VtHreeVirs. B, B. 1UAKK . ) , octatf REPORT ' QT A. Comklt,m af thf SHIt Xatimtl Omnt a indekfA, N. V., at tht ckm uhwiwna sa IA. 8d day 0 OehaW, IbTA . . ... Rusoiiara. Loans and DImiuhU . -krr hl 111 Overdiafts 11018 H5 II B. k..i,.U ,l..HUll. . IIMlUHlikl Olhe U.S. B 'B'la ' . 0O.OU1IIHI iiUierBUa-ks. Bondswid Mortasire 4.1,4 AM iu irons nuuecmtng ana steaurv - A ,n.l. tlttNiu Due front National Banks,. I nm s.3 Due from other Hanks and Bankers 17, .VH ! Bankltur honaa. UAOIIU.UII I arrant sinenses. , l.HAa 17 Premiums,... . 9,974 ti.1 cuecaaaiMi asn iicma, (inctuutng Bills uf Nathawl Bunks.. .,.;,..', ft, 711 W abaiuiis.1 .... i.iwtisi rrsctionai currmn-y, - 1 ineludma: - ' 1 nl'knla.l.... axi.M Slteeka. .. S.istun Ugaltcader note 99,710.09 ; 63b,17.IO I.ian.ivtas. --..N I spltalStoek paid lu..........,...lltl0.0ll0 hit r i, haC)(e... 4,111 4,1 Pmlit aod Ums 69,tM9 00 National bank IrcuUtloN ouUUad- line , WMWI uu IndlVHlual H' polt ... ....,.... BIU.444 111 llftcto Nsltonal Hanks 4H.II4 VI Due to other Bankaand Baukers;.,. 17,1104 Hk v- ..SJa1S,aif 99 t. Snmoei l Whit. Cashier af taa But Nations) . ank of Katct-h. N. C , da aolemnli swear that tlie atatve sUUimcnl la true to Ute bet of ny know tedi? and belief SiKHH-d BAMUkbU. WIIITB, ... Csshur. state np North Carolina, I i trur Waaa. -Sworn toud subacriuod oefon- ant Mil lUi day of Oct luTS. i . . rV'M,u.,ii... " rf . a. rnt .wntrea, iNutary Public Correct A Meat: ' - ,1,:l,1 Jaw U. W.nA.u,a,.4 , ,.,:..,,.: " " ' ( Otreriors. , oeiaat ' D'U'FWS : - K' ; A t V ELM mill, " IlKal.KB tit ' -.v.- , ''' '' ' : 0R0CEKIEi, PROVISIONS; TOBACCO, . - I ' 1 CIU ARB BNUPP, CONPrC- i '..NATIONS, . . (i , , - , BOfJTS and SHOES Ac, - 0)ipnallttie HssHi.nse, 1 ' o t I0dwtf KaleiKB, N. 0. p O KB A L B A PAIR OP MATCHED B L A C- K H O R B E B , , Pbsrtna, Haraeas, Ac. Ths stalillhment la Well knows te Ralrlirh. havins; hnco letvea In the etiy nearly two veara. s nuim are aonna an l xenite. ana may lie safely driven hy a lady They ar. (,hi nHi, and well broken iuUw saddle, m of t'o-io IwiuK a suteiiur aaitdis liorae fot boy or lart-v Te Pll fON b as trnod sa new. tat will beer the eloect Inspect ioa Ther U no store iVntralle f-ouiiy tkmoul la Uu- ivtclaitf Also a Bl.t K WLNI T I AMLk umV ront-lnUii: in drawers sod 9U p fun holes. imtm su wiwr ' ute In m workmen n h- tite, and wnleh' rsait-i tw duptawied fot c. w u on koiu lor f?K Also. Paitor I hirs. I'M turCA. Wti.t-Kaot. Ac, Ac. Inuutre at llcad'tu irters. Oantu Rs ell . uct 10 U Of i caniMPs ctJun t ciiewinjto ' I., -acou. At uct7U ljicH Bros 7: G R MPtuARI CKLKIlItATKO AtVTI-I)tTr PA11LOR STOVES; ; 2 0 0 : STOVES JuM received at Hardware llotm B v T , BOOTS '"."'" 7 AND , '. : O A i t n il o . Whvjat receives a btock or, : BURT'S BOOTB AND 0 A I T E R B For Lania abb Obbtlbum, ' Acknowh-iUjed 'to ba th best work ever broaght to (hi starkst ,: ,! ,;, W. M A B. . TUCTEE 00. octatf . , t , Xi. , (1.v . . S a T r.TV'.Vs "h o t., HO T AND " ' ; ' ,;i t , . i PMttc(trsaioir caps, ,r .:-.t.". s v; -- AT s t BRIOOI A SONS. aep a' 1 , . - - . REPORT y tan aMWflrliwi tht OIHtmH XaHmal Bunt iJhuea' .iTsrfk dsrottaa, at tht sW aatstesas, Odoksr M, 19T1 ' "'. Basocacaa. trftanssnd dlscouuU.. ..,."AM0."TS (SS Overdrafts..,.! , T.95 U.S. Bonds to secure eircnlatlon.. lOO.UuOOU Due from Redasimng aad Heasrva . Axenia....i -.v avsia-ra Due from othar National bauka. . . 9.04A ! i tue from oilier Banks and Banker, t,"7 Ml nankliur u.ouae. l'd,.ssi isi ruraitura and i'lltane........... 4..VS1 mi. Current Kiihhumv 9r,l4 7ti l.ie paid .. , ,!tiniio PMBilums.....i.. B.tWitsi t'aab items, Ht. ln.rtnir stamps. i... WwS 1" Blllsol other NaUiwl Bauka,,...,. 7,1100 rrwi'Uonal currry...... l,:i in Siaarka, e'.s, 19.7H1.1.7 tgsi tsmnar Boia,........, imi,iw , . a440,5SS58 LilBIUTIB. Capital SI'tek paid la, llOO.Otm tkt Surplus Paud, .f. 9, 711(1,(10 rrotti sue iiea, , iut tus ft Nattowal Battk etrcnlauoa ouUUnd. Ina. euoisiil) Individual De,oslta,.t j7,nMtiwi llua Ut risHWifnt Hwika .... , l.Wi-.;) Da to otttsr Banks aad Bankers. . B.!l-t.o7 Notes and bills re dtseoauted lH.wet. II 446,&.'MMI v.' t. t. A. Wiley, Caahlcr of Uw Cltlten's Na- lloaal Bank, do solemnly swear tlia Uie atxier sWUHnewt is eormct to tit of my knowl stlge sttd belief. - p, A. vtlLKV, Catilee. Su'rlld aud sworn to before me tne sth day of Oil A D., in. 1 A W, lit! uiiii. oUry Pul.iiC. Correct-AtW: W E AaneHsox, I r,,' , ... P. A. H u.at. 'Doecuus aot 9-eodlv NO. 3.1. IOO ATE tf -.rtnrs xewis Js'co. KMDIRSMPAIR. 'I'h followtns schedule wilt ha nin dudn Uie Pair in ba held at HiH.il. reou, M ,.o. the Htn. ULh, loUa, and ill uf IK wlw, VsTi, as foUows ; Uava. .. s . ' Halebrh, WOO a. m. Par (rfi'4 trin) tt.TS tVake forest, u:pi " " " i.jfV rrankllntoa, ll:Wt " . ,b KUUell ll;fM " '",. ot Arrive at UenUeraou, kt 13:39 p 0u ' BBtpBBma i : Lrsvs Hendersou, 4 l p. Kiltmll, ft JO , - Pnuikiinton. e is r " Wake Ponwt, 7 1 - r Arriv In HaleiKlN V:'J " H ( The following schedule wMI he rua fntni Weldon during the fair to be held at iei,de-r sua, M. V.- . . , ,., .... . lxxvi: Weldoa, 4:H0 a liaslon, fctnu LiUleum, 9: IT Mactta, 7 4!) Warrenton, n.Jl Rhhicwsy, Vol JuucUiat. ' 9:9ft Pars (round trip) 91 .7 160 I IS) 75 to -as) V "I Arilvs si Henderson, at 10:54 a. au ssTuastasi . Leave Handeraoo, Arrive at Junction, " Hiilueway, , . Warrvutou, ' Macou, " Littetua, " tisstoa. 4: 15 p. m. ,. 6:11 " fc U " " as; " . x " ' V 7.1 M t ', :M " " 9,15 " A.B. ANDKFWft, SuperuiUmd, ut " Waldou, ortatt o a t . A Whit Eauulmsax Dor, aln m mlh old, anaw. ra to Ute naina of Pi 1 1-1 it " A. suitable reward will bs paid for his iv. every. OUt IU , , UM.it US L J 8 T A V K A NT. Ra reopened his EST4URAN f for 'h aueommodattoa ot th public It ta nc..le for bus to any that ail Uiu dclu a.-I'-s ,t ins Seaaoa will be eonatanUy k pt uu UumX aud servea m ute nsrt style. , OTSTKR8 IN THE SHELL i - rnoelved every day aud served la all st via, Tb RAR la furulitbed with the beat of 1 WINES, UQUORS, ALK, ' , - - PORTER LACIER BEES, Ao. ' Oct 4-Jin F ODDKB, OATS AND IUI. A small aaitoty luiit received ' ' JlyHB-U .AMJLdM.TOWI.FA A--i-.t 2 (a A PoCNrm sweet guphen but J J tor in kits. Just in at ociTtf LiaCUBHOS. B T VIRTUE Of A 1IKI OF Mortnure riprnirB to ifl hv ths Me vtHAOH BMiillfl( aUld LtAtt AiWClA.iCtl, bettrtij. dttttj Ute 7th ( Mir. Ii, ttui Tftr in Bti it Jta, at ttt(7 5ris, i win i- to iuv Uf attUt) tttT CAtMli, uu 1 UffidiiV h 'v f L t in- Aiauita Uie prviula iit tMH tji.tt t,- ur- w. H, MurOfK'K, ajtuiUd nr lisu !i' - i oo the llilUtmroVntiifi, m( ( i' ;'iy dewhbfMj i wiUt dtni, hHi to lu.! Aste fc Ua4J CUUTlVareOiJK fiutiT IT KH 't 1. . . H. 0. kiU rNr. 'itea . IUVtKht W. Or. Oct tV4i, Oct? uuU ovt & VALIUM! K NKCSg VWlii CKAB itvie.ii. tANtsA- lntheWiiiJjr of Hi- prihVi0Ha.1v dit,KHM'll af, I ' ' ' I r h W ililtn tWr Uie vmi-ie ttv , tnvwi tlitMta Kii (i(it; ill t't i-.-fK u' tivtf snti iJi-aalttjj a CiRtk !-ru. j u-. K H. BcW;H, .w,(. 'I h UnU jVOriUii'.t liquet tni!:-',i a low (frinutis ami npi iittU, U i w w.4-rttd, rtlU tt11i1--.4-Ki4iiflaji.it)' Word ltn of t.wt?iv tinfv-K. A nmrt; ii.-U.i''i (Jfm u l-'fi is tr" M )j.rM'a d-M titif ta .iur "i vi lli- liilid 111 JVU-MJJI, - I (lr Ifll'ti .1-1 . i -J.', f i I -' .'1 !. - A t rrU Ul Mill MMi i.-rtM - i . riiife tMi -it'Ui i ti '.i' f Mit'r. : i-tt- v- is-'S -'i !'' " r-t fltrlft-- ' i:. lr !-.'- r U i. v i. t. S - ' !

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