-is 5n :;! ;i: it MT.-AJ-a " T ' .J.J.XII"U1 I IHIMin in , ill,..,, ii.iiiiI,.Ii, .iiiiMin , 1 II I III IMWI.WII tiiesesti.pl ADTRRTISIRU RATIO. JriiMiniiU ill m faJartod la th Dallf (tgaTixm. al tba fOUowifuj rotes pur (UI1 at am lorh, or m ionium uuca. imVi ma bma.M J.Xf.f.Z.. It. " SM'Jl mtiewqawnt tUMTItu ,ata Ihag a .... mouth, BOOH ' 3M.ua I waa. AOall " a " U.Ult II " I " , - Add to ma iitmijUMlH mm addlUmol eaeare aa ww. I fur I rmhiHi. 4 ForT mmtka, nmua,' im J , ia ew ' Wfl1'" ' le - 4 i.uu la h I6.a 4 , . , Mm ,. 11 .oiv'. KM - ' - 11.M fll 17. ) 1 Wea, ,,Fr the Scral-Weekly Dally rotes. Mine If tut of HOMB AFFAIK8. antSLtYAUD BROWN CANTABD Oeo. V. Strong, Baq., lion, flion H. Rogers, Oapt & A. Ashe, F. H. Baebee, 11., ant probably Hon. W. H. U. SiaiU, will JJfw tlia people ef Wika kad Orange at the followiag tUueaand piaoea rreoklio't, Hooda;, Octobtf 28. Auburn, Tutwlay.Oct. 8lh. Morrtaville, Wednesdtj, Oct 80tb. Dutiiaui, VI xiuanlajr, t night ' Cuttom Mabket. Imported bj L;oa AJtoia, -Cruuar aa4 Conaieaio Mtr- chant, ftialh Market Street &ALaian, Oct 29. lMcv uf cotton in outfctrkot to day ; IS - - - - 17 8 4 cent. P.JI. - - - 1734, Bake, - - . - - 12 Ulta. Keoeipta, - "-' -' ' 12S "" Tune of the Market, Urn. LhU1 DTi. ,,:,;,' IUinina for mtteracliuum uiuea. ia now I popular. Wjmeo, the Winwd, ia beading thia The Board of Couotj Couuuuaiooera meet oa the 4th proz. : The Major'i eewt bad a cawt to deal with oa Saturday morning.; . ,x ..; Weale Wbitakar, Kmj., haa rctiiMxl the offioa of Count School Examinur. i The 8trd of Citj.Oommaaionen meeta oh Wedneada; evvning next. The derotoea to billiarda In tin city mutt be aumoroua. All of the varioue aaloooa awui to , moot with large patron . ;;age."-':..-.''!'.' -''t;''-'.. J The radf bad a pow-wow in the conit bouae Saturday night The great a P. and other lighta were prcasnt and jawed - alittiei .. -v. f, CoL T. P. Kundlot, representing thai wal known and Itaunch houae of 8. Col . Una ft Co., of Sew York, manufacturer of printing Ink, la In the city. Thia firm wee favorably kndwii all throngh the Booth year before the war. - little common wax rubbed on the . aula of oot'a aboea naakea one' test glide amoothly orur the bearieet carpet . Tte Aaaociatewith face a Wight aa thia Indian (ummer aun, left" Saturday morning for a brief respite from bia ar duoua ktbon, on a riait to hit family in Oxford. ...-,! ' ' A noTel cuttom haa been introduced In aome of our faahiooable hootua. Wbeiv vnitor calla and finds the family out, he ia requeated to write hit name in a hand- aome vlaittag book. Tho numerow typographical error oo enrring la the looai column of our hut iaau mutt be attribuUd to the knr ri4 manner In Which the proofc wra read. Other dutlea demanded the altea two of tb proof reader, J, ', i t' x Teattrday (Saturday) uorolag, on Wll nuogton atraet, two whito men, wita fU eargoea of benxine on board, had a scratch ing bout A little blood and a good deal ' of bair pulled wa the result. ',t " "j ,. , .. eexhort friend Green, of the To bacco Plant," to keep t Weac aTTJar; hun. ir nun gire another .the " lie," it ia not alwaja beet to aaake him try the There is complaint about cow ran log at large in the city daring the night. Some eeriout depredation hate recently been committed by them on gardona, to. . Our euterpriiuigaUter city, Chvlotte, bida them the liberty of th street by - day. 'CUmnlinear require it here alto. They area great annoyance to the market wagoner and to our merchant What ' aay awr city CoamltaioseraMi - . Pmc iHfTrrvTB. Thia building b) now eomplet. No pain and expense bar been spared to make it one ef the ntoet cooToniently tnnpid and at,trae rj buildings of the kind in the SouMt- . The entire bailding, aiterwally aad iater aally, baa been minutely 'described, ia ' Uiea eolumns before. Metar. BurweB Boa, the leasee of the building, now hare highly torceasful rental Seminary IB P1m, a4 nmrtlly joia the Dtreotot "of the inaUtuUoa, Bar. J. AUiaaon, Dl S. Powle, T. McGee, W. B. Crow and R S. Pullea, ia an laTitaXion , t the ladies and gentlemea ef the dty to visit the premiat thi (Monday) evening Between the houi of S and lO pVlock, a the voilding will then be Illuminated. S A hwly aked gentleman who wa anftering from Jiifluenr-s lfy dirr air, what do you ww tof yourjid r , handkerchief! a'day, madam." a . 1 i TBW Arai.Ym. Conner Ma;nia has received a JeUer r ProC Owth, ef Philadelphia, stating that the utljiii of toe etoiaach of the Ui Rev. Vt. Smil and of the sugar, ud remnanU of the Sod leilx powder of which, be drank, huUn cumpIetwL ' We trnat m a lew data to b able to my the remit of the analysii b otrr readerv . We irmtefuny rncognitt the apirU ef true awa aad worthy confrere in the lot lowing generous word, from the PeaDee Uemja": Most people kka. to ham al taunch political paper, and we ad vim all our Uemocratic friends who went a rood mm . ...1 1L. ' .1 n . . 57 rmu The rArarnWEL hi one of the best pemocraiic papers pitblithed in the State or in the South. Let as make Mr. Tur- Pr late calamity turn to hi own' benefit a jpeensiary, view. We publish; the terms or the baa-Tram, elsewhere. Pvwuc 8rlAta. noa.A.' 8. Mor tiiooa sad other distinguished friends of Worm, will address the people of Chat bam onnnty, at the followiog time and KgJPt, Thursday, October 31st Merry Oaks, Friday, November Ut Buchanan's, Saturday, November 2nd Let then be a full turn-out of the friends of reform. . T . . Disubacbful. On Saturday about I p. fi., couple of IJ. a aoldicr, little worse r liquor, had a difficulty near the mrket bouse, and, one or Jfwo friends interfering, it was decided to nettle the matter U Ileonaa, elsewhere. So the parties rtunir. d to die old Oales lot, jutt ioNrear dl this nice, ana proceeucd to siijutt matters tfUr the most approved pugilistiemannet But before the fight had been decided the police,, at the instance nf gentlemen, w he tppened to be neaf j, separate (he toutbatants and marched them off to the kuard house. Quite a crowd collected to WlUioaa the ar, and the dihgraceful tocne seemed to be much enjojed by them. , ...... i- j.- ' ' " " .v ' i . ' Liuht run oun Struts. Now that (be dark, long night of winter are close kpoa ns, It is the duty pf th Board of ucnmianooei to aee to it lliet onr ttreeta are lit up. Th people of rlaleigb demand it and it ahould not be put off bny longer. If one of our citixena desires o visit his neighbor he is forced to take his own lantern 'in order to keep out Of ill ditches, or be- must testify bia dovo- ion to his friend by wading through mnd, or perhaps breaking bit neck. , It is more especially, however, in the name of ihe young man of Raleigh, "the blood lhat we call upon the Board of City Com f'TT"! J"" faWfrti dinKarge W$lie. UrfkG Wbn :ijtt has afM proaeucu wey (ma young men, not un ties) can no longer be kept frotn the aid bf those fair ones whose bright clancea bay overthrown what Uttls reaton thy poateated. ' The banting love and ardor (n their bosom tell them to "forward laaich." What a predicament are they In I The muddy and. nearly iuipaauUs Street (ell themte stay it bom, b4n ogtrnee .and ftnparleno' of the lover urry them out With' no Mtrht to guide Uiem IM aerett o -Mason, tbeyjnr sx- iei:dingl forrtuato if they arriv whole iud sound In the. oieMnca of the fair Ea.' Bat even then bow lamentabte is ir condition t MThciri Vs6lty it lot y exceedingly hart by the1 untigbtly condilion. of . their "uamentiormMcs," tat they , at ven expoted to .the lutplclon of having bean , on bn- .' Tli vy proof of tbeu; dptutian changed into eondcninalioa- They kolut to their pants for proof fcf their love, which ia atraigbt accepted bs proof: ot . Whisky, straight. W feall bpoa tte Board of City Commiaatoner to ava onr JfBg men . from sucfi a ftte. They ar kaowa to be the moat deadly nemica to " whisky, straight,", should the ladies of Raleigh ever uject (hem of a partiality for , drinking, the board of City Cotnmiationer wi!l have th satisnKtion of knowing they bavc ra ined the character of moeimipUry all that most of then poems, we Meer tala that the 'Board ' I aot hard hearted enough to deprive tbem of thai, ft rf Local Itbms' are scarce. any interest teem to be going on.' .Time art exceedingly dull except at breakfast, dlnacr and (upper, then wt are convinced that there Is " life in the old land yet'V- The Local i m utter despair and only hit conscientious regard for the 8th go maadmettt prevents ' his murdering torn on simp! to fill p witk. If our local column am not particularly livWy7the dtuea of Raleigh htre eaiy tbeaMelve bj bhune. W are ready, Willing and waiting to record their actions whether nobis or , otherrite Our pea" i raised, wHI they act I Out vf pity to a we hope they .will get p a ire fight el some thing or other in' order that w y fill cp our coluato. It is excmdiagly bard to write upon notbinc. ,. , ,; ... . , Fareka t Xureka ! Uere we were ex- teedingly low spirited when aome one Came ia with a report of mmt one ef' having cried murder ia wetter ward ea f rldey night bvnt. From the bottom of fat eoul w thank that man, womaa or child, whlcbwer II may W nc,hft ft, shall be mora aiugmuy eonfrnt ww m rder to aiprei our gmtitude, than rn li man who struck ISitlJ Patterwrn. Tli tltank that man, woman or chiid for thU try of amrrn aad od only have been emitter pH'ea oy m ft We hait honed t hare recorded tugQioary deeds, but th try ia good et jj Warm kpmtt ? ; ! " " 1 . 1 Always daving tiling -At hammer!," Tbe atqat usiful thing in ihe long' ran fBreatWtj-' ' ' . The Haul r Coeis at thbly til thi! Kitt lh het uf cutler tml their mate , Pesaaa wao arret 'ensnplaia of "abort crop" Barber. ; j Th moment tit day breaks sot ytrnr- acu at once to aav4b piece. , Eree the derided prgaa-grinder aa hi good point, jtie aupplie to the pent op (poor one ot toe greatest luxuries ot uFe- :hang of air. . . , . V , , , t M I A. lay lyric If your neighbor hens ar tmabieenme and Meal aenaa Ue .wy,eWt lei your angry paesions'risa. Fix a jj'.ao for theqi io lay. ; ' j "I oaa't drink liquor," eaid Hob ; ' kee right to my bead.".. "Well," , said pot niead, "where ceuld it go with les Sir. Stylet is struck with the foolishness of employing coroner's Jury us find out why women take poiann. lie says Abey o it to kiB themselves. ; ' v : ; Bpeakiko it Uekukksox. Ovide Du- pre, &! , ' asststant elocttv for the SUte at large will ddrws the citiaen ot Hen rlerton, Oranvllle cotraty, on Mondavi ur friends in that locality will plea.4 urn out and giv Mr. Dupre large - dience and a hoBpitabla rewp ti'on. POLITICAL NOTES!' Governor Booth, oi California, olTcrs a reward oil 100 fur every r conviction of parties for violating tot election lawa, In Now Ilamuthlre, the Grant men out the State will aot go 1,000 , either way ( while the Greeley men claim it by aot k than 9,000. The Philadelphia Inquirer Administra tion) doubt "if General Grant receive half toe majority in Pennsylvania Har- tranft has." ( , The oinaal return of the election ia Indiana ar aow all in but two counties. Supposing them to go a reported, liea- ricx majority win oe noou ,suu, . Quneral li&nkt, who haa been feeling the pulse of the people out Weal, saja, oa lis return to flew fcogiaM, fo aumaa bower can defeat the Liberal cause." llorton'tbink Grant' adminhitratioa the Durutt he haa ever known. The Chicago Timn thinkt be ought to know, teeing that he " put in" so much ot ,ft aimselt The Union League of Philadelphia is lending out duno'ng letteia to make up its deficiency of fuuds. It ia a hopeful Sign for the Democrats when the IUdicala are out of moony, for they ea oo .netn jng without it. t Vox Pop all was supposed in the past time to, be the most potential agency ia petermimng the court ot public allrtrc. Under the Administration of Grant Cam eron & Co. it teem to hav becom. u. it Th name of A. T. Stewart is not found among those of the flfty-eeven so-called business mea'aad.flrai of New York glo rifying -th financial policy of General Grant and noooMaeadm: hi1 re-etoctioo. Th absence-of such a name is full of significance. -"sw Th President bs. within a tew dava. Bent troops to certain portions ut (leorgia, Alabama, and Louitiant, to overawe the Conservative voter. The reason It, there is a proeptct of an immenes majority againat him in all the above mentioned State. ,.. - :'. - Tire famVs Butfaloe" Bill, whoccom- toanied th (Jrand Duko Alex In his luntin: trip, it elected a member ot the Kansas Leritlaturev Hit colleruo haT better look out for their calr. In case of an animated diicnmrion Bill mav take a fiuicy to "lirt hair" from tome aaventu- rota opponent 'l';';.i'';;'l.;v-;w.S' tx:,f. A tharo lirhl itkoinir on inside of. the party between the atpirant for th con tingently vacant neat of Uenry Wilson ia tb United States Senate. Beutwell itby DO mean to be allowed to walk over tat the much xotc tad prize. . Butler, Pawts, knd Lonng swot their owa elaima. TnmaretoomaaT3t mea in Maaea chusett. , . . "- . . Italeigl Market. T L'ARBPCI.tT REVISED AND COR t: BBCTKtt BVE11Y J)AV. 1 Kiutioa, Oetober t, IS71 Oram Dried. l Oil t-KAcnrs V . ireen............ Dried ..... . 1 GO iUTTEB.. i ' KlC Wamt. ...... Bhooldcrt..., Westers Bboallr.... ...... aolBHWBKlert...-.-. Shies. , .wr BulkaMta............ ...'a- 11 'Js 17 u I 1 W p 0 I I . I a. COTTOII: . ,,A .. . ! . Lew, KlUlinc......A Oooo CMtnarj...: Onllntrf t'SlCKIKi1.. .. J ' .. Eastern. Caltiaf1... ....... . CORt ; CORW MIAL ... ( . . 4J8," ..... r j HtV if V" c rtoi-ft . tils LI I.EATIIES ..... I'l-lk LIAT&UI-.. a C, MONDAY. OCrrOlJKR 2S liATK TRLEdllAPHlC NEWS KARKrtH. V New Tuna. Octuber 5. I tfCnttnn-'Ne4 ' rerelpt o-Ur 48S : )ttiw firmer; tlnt ,6Silj upland lM;od(W!0 1 4. n-ur dull and d.-ellnhig : cnemaow to fah" etira 1 B5a m 60: root to choice Jell W. Whiehy Muady. Wheat tJ heavy, spring ,iuii a oeaw enter: wtatar . red waatera .ri76S. Corn inactive and lower, (hinpen hUyig obT.. Itio flr ntiuett Pork tinuer, IS 84. Lard firm. , tal eady. 'n'iukle dull 7 . I - Maw? eloted t &A StBriiair 1 4a p-; rUohl 1ml l-. Uovvrnmewts ad- hraaehd 1-8 ' StateixmJa dull end Wvrv linn. -"vi ) s . . : " f Nmii ft 4s 1 Livtfo-ii, October So win ttna aalet. ateaxlv: onianila. 410 1 fi ; orlean 10 I 4108-. I Wilkikotoii, October Si Spirit Turpentine Una at 57. Itotft firm, 8. SO lor sirtiued : 4 Ot for No. 1 : 1 r, i i ... ... i . . . nL i . .. .. ; y vAtre peie ; a . JKJ IW pate. Crude Turpculuie steadv. 8.13 for hatJ, m m !' tawt. bwbhij a ,fV, !': ' ' BAtTIMOBt, Oet 15. Flour firm. Howard street super fi 1- aO 1-1 Wheat quiet and firm. Cora huh j wiiiie 4iav j yeuow uu. wuuxy ' ' BtXTiKoBB, Oct. 15. Cot tun quiet; middjings HI 4. ' .' K6ami Oct Ift. I Collou firm i low middlings ID I 8 U -WiLaittoTow, October iS Cutton steady ; middlipgs 1814. FROM NKW YORK. " ' ' Nkw Yohk, Oct 85. The weather thi morning u very damn and foggy, j The hone disease it now tpreading to every stable in the city. Symptoms of in onntagion are vwime on aimont every kofBs on the street!. The stami Anil ttnmk. Car lines tr continuing to Irnen tlie trip. At about eight lust evening ther tras not a stage on lirmdway. Tim morn ing that thorough fkre seems to be almost without vehlch t. It is altngcthcr cklcu- attea.ina? aoout lo.uuo norses are now Srtiicted. The animals attacked day b iure yesterday have generally exhibited worse featurvs. and it seems evident that dating caaot from Monday or Sundav. til ruut can yet naraiy ue earn to nave ar- ava.i lue continued working ol tlllio- tuu luntn w uvgiuuing w uju in rapia buvease ol dangerous rssfn. Not niauy deaths have been reported' a yet, bat it a known that deaths are occurriui. I -It i th opiuion of veterinary surgeon Uiat periiap tne cases may not prove la taL but that horses .Will suffer some tim rom weaknesa. The Sanitary Committal reportea to the Hoard of Health yester- !ay that th disease, though general, is ot fiital or contagion!. The course of It leeini to be, say, Fndav the animal o- Mart sick, Saturday worse, Sunday mala 8y attained it climax, Monday th hora (in proves, and on Tuesday is almost fit fur Frk. - aV '! 1 'i The effect oa btMlnets is noticed to have been very severely felt, and alreadv the owtt of diaying and cartage ia om histuicot has arisen to war pricea. ' I Rochester, N. Y., Oct S3. The hnree biseaas shows no sbttement Report rom various stable are that the none ars much worse than they were yesterdsy. FROM PENNSYLVANIA. Philadblabia, Pa., Oot 15. Aa in estliration of all the stAhiessho that th malady is not here. Every precaution bat been taken to prevent it spresd if it ap pear. : I".' CoBKT.'Pi.: OiC Sfi".--The horse of ike Railroad and Express Companies ar flrtdap. . , . - . ' . FROM WASHINGTON. WAsnmoTOW. Oct 84. The health of Chaw is improved. - , , Th agricultural report for October lays the corn crop promise to b tb largest ever grown. ntt"j " ( .Mary Ann, daughter of a New York millionaire, who married John Dean, her father' coachman, died in a hovel here. The inquest discloses signs of violence, but the woman died from protracted dis sipation, imt V , . m FOREIGN NEWS. ' FBOM PRUSHIA. Baiu.m, Oct- 5. Otto Russell, while Viuting .Bancroft, congratulated niuist'tt npon the settlement of the Saa Juan boundary. Russell said the hut cause for difficulty, betweoa England and tli L ulled State wa removed. Tne meeting wt very cordial. TTie Emperor WiUiam't deedion On tlie Ban Juan question wss communicated ai mnHaneoualv to-day to both Amerlcaa and English embassador. jJJhkrs has forbidden the ssle of mrir tun of KpoUon siJ'liuiiTy."- - TUB liORBE MALADY.. . St. Lorn. Mo., Oct tl. The hors doctors eanouao the kppearaac of the korse mklady here. V i Lkwistoh, Mr., Oct S3. Several dred horse ik, but few deathA v bun- sypERyisoiwi of elections. . The N)w ' Yoi k paper are dltcoMing the powers of ' Klectioa Supervisors ap pointed, by the Federal Court. Here their power auk ' Into intigninc tne be fore tb law I cm violence ot the Deputy Marshal. Th Court appointed reputa ble citizen a Supervisors, of whom we hav heard little com plaint for any posi tive art their defect we in their toler tote of wrong perpetrated by other. I fact the SupetVKor were paraJvzed bad tutijugated by th Deputy Manuals. Tktae fellow' mid, ilk the mse u tb :ay, "You shall be King, but I will I Ticeroy ever yoa." ' la lit Sixth prennet ef the Tenth ward ol thi city, the United State Supervisor objected to the-m BeetiDg" which W- going o opmly before him, whermpoa the i.-puty Mar thai dragged the Superviaor out of the precinct lious aad locked him op ia (Kilice station! Every where the Deputy Marshals were the opea protectors f every katd ot fraad,ad auwie tb elcetioa the scene, of open, reckless villainy. They turned the police stations ef this city into private Jails, into which they tbrntt their victims till the Moctina wa oter,nd Uiea let them lone without proorta, a"--atat or lirense from anybody. I"htl. 1.M ' ' ... , iKi .,., - H01CS ftUMirACTOBTtUIUlf ' . .1 , . ! n .V XI Lh I ' ctst-u . W. tj.l'UUXAL1L 4 -U-..L -U'iL'.l- I .L.1L Og. TUTn SABaArARILLA QbllJC u1 nWdy snamtsaac 4o aMav-Valuslile MeJk'fml fruntrthM as Uii eciHUMiaum ol Kuutt, tUrlM and Hark a. Tk (jweu't lle litrkt U aknowllKl lij nhjaleiaua to be'ttte atoat-piwarfttl raaaaAy known for Impnre ww, uw uompwiuta, ntmasama, f a awls iieaiDlalaU. I liMliuatkiH. BikiMtiM. iMMaarVut Uic Kianea,))'ululiU AUvclWna, -tl Diteawa, CUnmie CwojiOalnt, At. Rill la thia )faratkia It Is oonutaod with iW,n ramtanie mela, whlek imatr Ht vtrtM kmtly -valaalik. Moat alseasa kave th wlalatbableue,ea4aaaBlao rartker tae caiMiruu am yuWa UelkcM baa ao eiuO. It reqalna but a trial to coavtBr tb Hiet acasHmes. - - . rot resaala Comptalnla, whether la yoeag . "S wmca er aiuKw, at we aawa or we- nauuon or uie inra or itje, ur. I all s W' lllli aram ettnowledgt'd tvvij. Dr. TaU'a Hair Dye U tin best la the Werla, HftjaxMwuewtw .; t'SDlVKLOrKl) V1UUR. Tk foot la end delUitlm aHjT laacy u7 ar la morf aeuakt eondiUoa tUaa they really are, Tneetraew at natr art aot oaailjr eaaauatei, Bwm whoa (trragi ax Mtt tail, ns the sfetam nmvyam lo taelesa, the eewipiaxlaa paltt, taeasrvat tr .aialms, ta boay aiu-nuaud, an. Uie astn - rmaut, rber t tjeaeralry a reervof latmt power aahlna kacb palhla evMenn of weakness Yartoas mos of treatment art retorted to by physician la th hove uf d?4- opiuf; aai rmdertug avallablt Uiit alure of tlseuing vitalltv, but las surest, ud huleo the only thorouguly sals an rauAblc tutaua uf awakening Ik a (instill sMiKles of fas tyalea) a a aourae ef Deetetter' BMauuh BiWkrs kotrieHy, anowar baUia, the leak brush, sea Utklng, Ac, may be wall rueui la their way, aa auxiliaries. Bat tkty do aot reach the teun of the IL All phyatcal depUity pro etedt either from taraufMnsnt ol tkt reoe Umsottk stalmtlaUnK, aserstlv sat vital rjran or from sluggish eonatt nthm. Ia cither case, tn4 ale In caaet wker both awes tiltt, the Bitter will Invariably pro- luce an Immediate and salutary change In Ui vuuuiuon ui wq paueni, ana eventually tuvct awipbuU cure. Hone of the dang areas alt a. iollt, too otla adnxlniatend at tonics, can b etkerwbj than deleterlises under mch clreni tun-aa,ano to give mercury la pnattirely trimliial . The direct efioct ot th great va(tt table tpeelde will be mantfoaU'd In an Improve d aripa'Ma, s more cheerful frame uf mind, gradual reure of tti. n!li, a" inci el llmk awl a niMiiJi.er comolexkin. kiftfiiwltlltt, hiwTer(tlic cunatiiutiun, if inert ad fiwble, will hart neou rouaed and nnwiralcd tT tkt aablle (kinnitaef luvlsoration eBiilalned I IkaBitUtea, , '-. -". ;" s eetWtf BOTTL88 ruiX or IUAUTr.-i.adka, if yo would have beauty by the bottle (nil, all yeu ksvs to do b to purchase Hanaa's Maav qua Balk. : That peerkas beautlter el tb eamplexlna aot only heigbteas nataralehamit but reudara dree Uie plaioat eounUnaaaa ax. rediogly attrseUva It recalls to tna pallid Cheek the rosy tinge of kea!th, remove pimples, blotchat, roughneat, aallowneat an I ather blemlthet, aad UnparU to the tklt moat delicate fairness sad softnata. It tmaoths th larra cansed by lima or care, Sal fliet fata, Back and arau Uia plsstpand "Irwin appsaiaac of yeothrel eeaaty. AU tula Is acoompll.bad by th most natarsl meant, vis: by gently Bud naturally ttlmula. Unj the eirca'atlot la th capillary hlood Bealdet being th mott affuatua kid to kaaaty kaowa to modern science. ' ; yi ': PIMPLES, inUFTIONB. ROUfiU IKItt. Th system bainc putmndar the Indaeaca of Dr- rieroa'l Uoktea Madleat btaaaaary for a few week, the akin becomes emooth, clear, soft and velvety, tad being Illuminated with tut glow ol perfect health from wlthla, true bewty eUoda forth la ail its f lory. Motliing vsr preasntad to Ut pablie aa a beantiner of the coapieilOB ever gave mch satlafacUos for llils pnrpoat ttlilt Discovery. The ejects of all medlclaet whk-h ejiafabt epoa thS system Biouirt the mnltnm ol the blood are neeeaaart- ly somewhat alow, no matter bow good ths rained? employed. WUlla em to tana bottlas clear the akin ef pimples, blotekea, etnptiona, yallew apoU, eeoiaduoaa or "irruba," a doaea may poaalbly be required to aura aome eaaaa where the ayetem la rotten with acrof uloua or vlrv'ent blood polaom. Tke cere of all tbaee dlitattt, kewevar, from the comma pimple to tk worrit scrofula, la with the ate of Uits moat poUul aKent only msttert ot tUaa. Hold hi all drncirlala. oet m-oeouiwawiw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, pEKKECT filKETf f 1 - PERFECT MUltT .1 Tour Property, your Health ami Uar lift are la dKr U your bum KEROBKSI OIL ! ' ' ' PIIATT8 ASTRAL OIL lit atfe. la vtryjpar))ciilar. - Alkhted lama may be brnksn 1thttt fear. 4 ' ' .. r .,- ...... It bum In say I smp. It will atknd fir iTesl of evsi lW degree. ' Prtca CO eeets perjalUm. ?- Try It oaea, and ed WlU nato Mm. For Salt eauut at Hardware Boats of JULIUS LEWIS A CO., wt H if M barrels " klm revs" ratnlly Flenr Knry tmrel wametod. w ewtat tr W. V, tiao.n, N TOKTU UAHDUHA RAILROAD HOMM v Mica Apply to , ,. l B Bv o Cmboo " Hria)oro', N. U., oiut- Iff. tt-tl - 1 I1 lE!i'X..l.JlJl...J J14-. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. TIMI MOWrJKS II AIXTIOM. j' fATCHDAT, OCTWhltR WTB. ' Will U tuld at TOWI.U' Aiictivk Wtrs lw WUinlnidoa CirwH, at II o'i'imk, withnal rasam, TWO 1NB BAf HOReka, al, t ycaraold. wall biwka mt la nod aa. diuk I'lwy art kkrt.ly rscummaadwd a auld for ae bait, bat that the araay Is aloaiaa; w v tmmwm m nm ...... k, , dAMM M. lOWLlCS. 1 eetat-tt-. .. -i .AacWinwat X roUVTAIH UTTUt at CUMNUla. Joat received, 10 kitta 'ales Jfoua'taln Bnttat en t tnprfty of Caeanam fn tba M anataim -eatavu JAMI M TOWUtd. piUIOU A easTOX RAILROAD CO, Al j. .- . m ' ' "." : . , . RiLBioa, N. C, Oet an, 1871. for tkaaocammodatKm ef paraem vMMeg the Woklott tr, rwwtd trip Isrkakt wel ea HMuoa aa tun loitowttie; rsws h. r , -.; ' Halalnh to WcMoa sad rator a 0 " - no :, rraskrlutoa KlttreU iloBwaram : . Jaaellna kidirewav I IM ' to ' at : SIM I 7 1 W ll I o . -, n . Warraotoe, 1 uwm ' tAtUetoaiwM , . Uattwa " .. . . " PanowBot rHtrckaxiac Uekata before tutor d IM cart wui M4iar-.' run rare. 1 HUM AO HAIHIEW, ' oot d7l Qcn rata. IVket A(ent B T a yi :. I S g T 1 TJJ TJ 0 w SAfK, CONDKHVATIVK, RNhKOSHC.' ....., ,.. vaa , .! . ; W1LMJNUTON, KtlRTll CAROLINA, 1 L I P B I N S U R A N C K COMPANY! lit Sua Srunnrajinf t r m bt ability" assured ui ' OfFlCIRS I ' ROB'T N. COWAV, Pretddr-st JUHH W. ATKINSON, Vim President . '. . P. 11. CAM KKON, Secretary. , . .,; Dr. S. A AMDKIIbOM,' Mudleal Director. , . . DIKROTOKSi . J, W, Atkibsob, Ueneral Insurauee Acut L & tiaaiaasa. freanltal Sauk . vf Pew Uanovar, ' .' : " r. W, KmoaBna. aroeerm uomutatio MarrkaM. i U at. BTtnnuB, of Wrlglit Bladman. T. H. McRur. of W. A. WblMMwlACO, . ramtlavilt. . , ., j, ,. , K. 11. i;owaB, rrttiaenv. ' ' i H. B. Riume, Cemmlnaioa Marehut A. A Wn.uaao, ol WUtlardrotliata. Inc. W. A. Ci'aaiBeof Nurthrup A tJaciiraikl U. W. WiM.ua , el WlUhuut A Mar son. ; "': , KU Mobbav, of R. a) array CO. ' - A. I. DaKuaaBTT, ol DeKoatutt A Co. j; hoar. Uiu, ut Dawaoa, Teal A lias- ning. , Ai.ii. SrautT. Hrlllnh Ykct'ontnl. ef Sprsnt A Ulnaun. ' .. . r wuapuv, Auureey by iw. - ? J. U. Wiixaaa, uf . w. tviuiaaaa A Co.. FayettcvUla. Jt. V. Merits, Aivy ai laiw, rrjviui. I. V. Kbllv, kterchaut, Krtiauavllle. . i. T. Pom, Merchant Lnai barton. ;' Ttut It strictly a ; . . . UOMS Lirl COMPART. ta nftlMi-a aad rMiMitnra are altlaaM of the aula, of kkrk ekaraeter for baetaaae miwslly. saWrprias and probity. It eUart every ( i- 1 SUBSTANTIAL BSNKPft ' that MorUisr towpaalet do, with the Kraal addillonal eunslderatkut that the eapltal la keit wlU.ln tbt 8 law, and, therefore, kulpe to Dona wp ana luatvr aviiia iniMiHwuna. AnaUar Important fact to be eoaalda-ivd Is, that Uia WUmlnatoa Ufa baa Uiea far obtain Mrf a varvmnck larrer interaat lor I La nnaa Invcatcd at home, Uiao any of Ilia New twit Conisuiiea roaelva lor luuir Inveaunanw, ae tordiax to their twora atatomeatt before tkt UomoitatloiMir ef tltat rJtale. i x Tboat aneoettlouablt taets tboaldoommend Uila Uainpaaiy, above all oUiara, to our paupla Let it be liftua hi miud tltat ntlllloua of dolitit received for Uf preiniamt kav been sent Nertk alaca the war, wbtek at oaea drains the Boutk sad miiekes bus platltorls eauitaltrta of Wt norm, a ware was uo uuiar auuaiowa- uu, .i... .... . mwj.ii' v.,ip ei)nal, wky North CaruKuiana abould Inters at lioma, Ibis wart mors ansa ta 111. lent. - Till WILMISUTOH Lift tut airellent tlal foaturea. .. . ' . . . It pweaa ao ruatncuoi on rfaloania or trsval j It make no extra cliarrt fur f. mnle rbikt: and IU PoKclet are lacoelMlUble altar Klva Veara, : -v V . ,. . Its kaainaails mansoed atmemleallv. lis rlaka art taken with great caution, itsikveat- ra an la an madtlUtalonaly, lit BrOUO la I i- i .. XCUMOMT, PKOMrTX'UB, f AIBNKba, ' AenW wanted In tvery eomty la the State, .Jtka , 11 mad a. Appli to tivvi it iidaaii ii Oanrj-sl SaiajrvlaiBg A(ts I J ir.tilltlllr liJU.,U1 SgmVwaMrtt; Or. K. C aprtl laif G BINIILI UN8. " ' At at to, ti m, t to, i, u ou, lu oo, u uu, w iv w, rXIUBLR GUNS. At as no, i K, 10 at), I) m, S Oil, r uu, uu, u w, u tax , Sto on, to t o. Bresrb Loadbic Dmblettan. ' ' i At Ms o, ta n isu no, tno oe, $78 00, flM UB, IUI BV. IW to W W. . PISTOLS. ( Smith A Wassoa's, Colt'a. Allea'a, Sharp's, WBlwey ma auiar ainna, tv auavrtcTvaeas raiim. ARMUMIIOfl and iMTLRklKKTB ' For Brcaek-ladiax liana, at a small adraact m roat of Imporlatloa. MerslUs Amtnt.llloa for Hi (Ira tad Pktola al low act market prlraa, - A onsiplato aaaorwiwnt'' of all Sporuiu trwwlsi friies ud Daacrlftio seal os appll- isms. , Siwedt skipped Siy ExpraasC O. D. ' . 1 ' POUUNi.I.TKlMBLI A tXI., lHroaTtaa, ' We auo W Baiumoetat, Baltlmrjr. Rltbard'a, IMairal'a, tiremer't, Seott't, and bar aalabraiod SMks of cans m hand and ka porta to vrdar. t aptivavaawif ,. a, t - ; .i. L 75 ft BuXaS HUP. All tlkU. Prim UwollB Rlee. ' Caamd Frail sad f agFtabtmof all tundt aanllltf W. C. 1 Rit At-U- C CC( P"""" Ba""B, llama, Stttat JJ)J SB sad AaoaUUrt. um w. u iTR'iHAf.- , R A I, If fcO ADS'. t AlJlIOll ArG ASTOM-AiitfRAJ.tWg A iltlL'UTA AlltWNI It RTOMPAIM. .. . f ,,4 , Oaw'ti ViuieatwaaaMB TioKBTJhtPaavwaKt. . ( , RaLBiuu, N. C,,Jaaltvia,ls7A Tbapjkllc are rer"perratty ftirmI Uiat aambmatkm Hoamd Tf," aad "Streiichk" Racuraliia 1'k kvts al rill rln, atauuw o tale at tkeRakark' A Uaatti K. R. llaktt Omi- to UtrruUowmg plaa-aa: , ... WMto Balpkar KV..- ' RaUAlam " RuakfcrMK Atom C tvii.'H.at f , 1 jgf.ia.ni ) ! Wl! i"t Bmaa;,k! i!' m I !. t.1 sf Bw.italarhUuy'-'! . tmMw !tlwltaM.rlBfcl. t!,. ,y ri , Niar Falia bj 11 HouUt. ' : naratova rliis:a by It Hoaaad' .t-i .i.m-. ( ,Bnbl.kout.! .Mujv 'Mawport, It U by f Rmtea. .-.:i . u. V ut da 1ea Hotel, .!( Pohit, Hamn tOB. Roada near Murtolk, V , from ttalrWk mel WaytoUAM m bin tVuclKlt liaatwo, R. R-, and fnna tauf.H-d on tba Kalen A Aniruata Alrtlue. ' fr--11!. Mot full dlaerlpUoa of foalea, Bow tabtte, Ao., or any olkai InfonuaUtai ditlrwl, apply "" 'fltOMAe SAIMiRbV r fyi-. ,i tea;ThA'A;at,4 KALKltlU A wABToiT RAOJVOAb. CO., r , ., .. i aamtBTaBBaa-r'a Orioa, "f . t ' ' Kiiioa, M. C, dam Mth, Xn. I Ok and aft. r Monday Juc iTlh. 1879, tralut w tka Kalamk A taaatan It. R. ,UI Mamlly H..,U. ..mniilMll a. f , .1 1. ,K . rr- "ty; rs, wi.., . ..f,ni..u,i,u.ow Uakvas Ralt.... vv,,.,,.W.fai , a. Ai-naaaat ttalduB 1 30 . a. Leavet Welilw.... .... . ... V..i ..' rd a.a Arrtvat at iUMgb. ,., ,, f- t i ACOoMMooATiua num. . LtatTtt Rakkh ..' f.00 r. at Arrives at Waldoa.. .. Lmves Waldoa .1. kt, Arrlvat at Kalaieh .. Mall train makes xoas ooaHaoTlOB at Wat don with the habor Kaaeka KalUiMd aad Mav Line Steamers vut UaiUtnore. to aad from all points MorUt, West and tortltwaat and with Patoratmrf Railroad Da Pvbtfaiiant, KuJunond and waaiiiiucum WL to and trvta ail lioinU North and MorfhweM. ' And at Raleurk wiUvtlMi Mortk Oa'allna Hall- road to ud from all points boutk and Bout. weaLand witk the RaMak A Ana art Air Line to liaywowd and k'aaaatmUla, - Accoamodaaoa aaia areurnt wains, (oaneet at wemoB wim Aocomjuooauoa ana srauriti Wains oa Saalioara ttoaane Railroad and Pviaraburg Railnatd. i ' ' And at KaluiKb, wlUPAixommcKlatloa knl rietglrt waloa aa North Uanalw KailrmaVt foraona Uviur aloud the bee of Uia Road eaa but Kalanru lu tne monitnr by Aceueiuoda, am srekt, needs several huara. and rUini kla a, .ulna. A. a. Akimawo, Urn. Savt.- )uh I7U : Q HA N A OBV I Oil RDM L St BAbklliH auuliBTt lllt l.1.11. . 1. - : : Surmiaraaukar't IWii,-b, , . I; 3 Ralalgh,.M a IMK-Wa-, Ob sad after Mowdkv.Jun I7th W ral oa the KalciKb at AiikusU Air Line Will re dally (Buuday alcaoteU) aa follows''" ' i ait. takia. Leevea Raleigh.. ...., ftlP. M, Arrives at awrora......'.T:...,,.. SIB Leave SaBfurd....... 4 A. M. Arrivea at Kali(h... ............. " ; Mail train Biaket cloaa coniiM'tliin at Kalrlyt with Uit Raktlxk Haatua Railroad to and from all puiuta NorUi. Aud at Sanford With the Wiitlcrll Rarrrnad to end from fat artarliia aud nntnta Wae tarn Kallroad. n 0 ? : A. A ASDUKWb, June tl-W f ooireniiiwucaifc Wilmington ' m Weld cm Ravll Orno o ttaa'b BwrmiBtBaaawT, ,. WUBUUgtoB, M. C inaB,18TS. iZVakSar, or, ecnKifct.-; On and after xianday, .ani Una, Paarurr Tralna on Uia W. A W. Raliioad Will rea a loltows' "-V-" -" ! ,1 ! - .,' MAIL THAIS, j .v, ; . Leave UniokDspotdally (Sunday's aereptcit. -IM.st t. 'S I A. M Arrtva at Uoldaber at. . .It H V. M. Ro.k,klutt,.,v. ' Weidonat K W r. M. Leave WtldoB dslly IHunday's sx- cpted).... ...... S.tA. M. Arrive at Hucky Mount at., Ii1 A. it, , o . lividaburu' at.. t A.I )' , , Lu,oB DPOl.ii v-V"" M It-UitEka TRAIR.' , ' " , t ( ..'... , . I I.... .. , .... Leave Union Depot Sally, af.,,.,10 to P. M. Arrive tt boklsboru at . ,. J ) A. H. " Rw hy Mount at 4 M A. tt fa a.i: vVakloB at...v.s...J... 8. ft A M. Leave Weldon, dally, et..A.. t 1 W l', H. Arrive Bt hi Mount akv,1.5a P. K. , UoldaGoru kt....,.,.,.lD M P. M. : ' I L'atoa Depot Bt..:..;i.4AA M. - t-"y : ' " -: : iJ'; 'L'- 'Mall train BmkMeloas rdnna-Uon at Wrt itoafiw all iimu Xwrtu.. via 4ay lue a4 Amulatreiik roulaa. ),, i.,, f ,.. Rxprets Train eon no. U only with .Aiuia Cru k route. i'uilaian't !'.' Skuldng Can ue this Train. ' IrelKlit Trains WUI Iravs W"llni(nptH VI weekly at U0 A M. and arriv.at I i P. M. ' Knwete Fiwhrht lralna will ban daily Uae'lSap't - MlU. r o 8 10 barrels Yelluw and Red Onknn oat wbf w u nimiWAcn. "ITtKHiill LIKXJAXIJTS. ft ' TarkiaU rratiM,' ' ' " ' AaMrted Fovalgn Rb, ' Frtii I irwvl. aitKfU M W, C8iKilACll cTTiznzjty BaOxiir. V0KXKkt&TCi.H0m9 AUD TAtB iiTA, V" 'FwrwaBBwaa; Wa.'!-! - rsil I t CspitAiy ' $:W3,000 iOS. U. CVPIR. paoanvaar. ... .,, ... I. M. TANNOR. Vi. al'aaiiisT,V T. A.WKIrilurR, l a , BKH. HAUKlrH)tt,AaiiVAirr:srtiBa.' . a . p s j;- . ... piaatToas: , J. Andrew "White, ' ' W. L Wstkkm, v ' Frank Potla, . K. T. Arrumkoo. .-, , J. P. WUIiaowoa, ' W, R. Mallory, W.H -Tapiy. - BtniT Vviealtvd In Oulb, Si Uvubwiv, fur wbk-fc vrilfk-ataa will it la toed, payable m kind, oe demand, wit laur eat from daia till paid. . . fr . i lBTaaaar oUoviod oa daily lai,i'tnauji:i;l toctlwk. t ColHwllona m all BncostiUe points, arl ra tanaa mada prvmptly, - . ' ,,..i '. MM 1 tt t il. I , I ! i I Jil ' !BfOaW CImwoiiW, Bmatit f'o't ). al ratrd iitn. v-nt mil aa a aaiuiiia, am, ad at tlaoot and lor aat at rM.it r.l i n r, JAMi. i 1J'A i i aeplw-lW ,"t . MED I C A I. . BALTIMORE L0CKH0SP1TA .', lALTlMORS: MO; r 1 1 OvvtcaAr Sot r rakcmicx " Brasri " PR. JOU.8JW, '? .-- t,.., . . ' . , ., , I ri"i'M wa wm arianrwwa imv mm, afac oaorad. wkm la tka ttraat Huai iiwa of ka rwyet-Tla: RuUmd, Praam and ubav Ua maas earkuavaiwalf , at ar iwbwj m wurta it aa aaaaaaaa ar aaBae of tkeayetaao. Waakaeaa ef tka Ba.- or l.lwba, lawiva, ASarauaof BkaKktuaram B4w. haruiaa. tary Dlarluuxoa, laifokaK txanral I'.t M-rfiaaa,. tuaia, , iKruxr,. (if ulrila,Cuafaakiat Idna, l't4H..u of Wa bfeart, Tlutnlitr, 'IremtMinp, Ltuaaaaa of mi or trlddlnoae, IManiM t tna Head. Tkrual, Neaa or skin, All.U ot ot tka U, Laaca, dtonaaek ot Jiuwvla altoa fmki, ihHKOH anaiua rrooi Buiiwrjrllaultauf ruaiu aacaav a, twwr yraar .ra raaM w.nw ate-, aula tkan tlia ao of the fiyratit to Hta Mai rtaara of blyama, bllgUHng tlialr mwt br Irani hopes vr knllcipattuua, MndurHie mar nata, Ac., Impoaatt'it, daakvyiiur Iki bwdy and mlad. - .Tl T -I t Town jMXJI ;t . . 3 j A J:11 .- Enac'laMv, wks kava beaoma Ma vk bam ef Solitary VWa, that diaaillal and lava.Hn ItalMi aklck aanivally awoof to aa ovaiualr rrave tkoaaanda at yoaiix Buai of U.a um1 saaiicia wwa an. I urtliutiil llitetlfcl, wao ui la at otharvtlae bta arttrtnrad Ustratiwr deiuttet witk itht tlmndart of eioiiaanca, or waaoa vo vraiary w lit n.r ryra, winy call wiUifaRcoweklaoca '.. !. - ' '' t l-.ttla-t. BlUmiUI i '( fH I Marrtad pkatwt. I hi uia-riHt.,. bh. ur H'jai-v rifnV'iit.auf lat ere ol llivnhat Unttiw: L.oaaoi rrocniauta rowur uibi"tu.iiavi, ! two gxrltalUI. PalroutUiB. tHeate Weak. oeaa, NerVom Urliillty, or kj u r liu. n.ii ;tcauou, wpet-dlly raltavad' 1 ; ' lia wuopliKea hlinrrlf uniie- the ear of Dr. J. may rrltiouilv ruiiihla In kit honor aa a : emUainkat, ud eanddtaitia uly Bpon hla mill aaapkyalcian,,., , , , M , , , , ' , OKU A NIC WEAKME.-ll - ImmixliaUlj CanMand full Vi.ir Kfiatorrd. 'Tki 0UalrwaTTt Aikicuua aan-b .reourrei UfeiHlatratile and niai 1 tat'e ltn.Mi,".. i -..jn Uia, rKBalty paid by Uit vHUuia uf n)i;i .ir hi dulroncoa. Yountf (lervoi-aam toaBt to amta atit amaint from net jwiuu ai ti( Uia dmtilfiil coneiiiiciit:r Utat m. iiia'i Jv.iw. Wbo ttiftt omlritamliithi tii ! aul pret- nd todeay that th jmwar of xia'ratiwu 1, imt aoonar by tbomiaaHlae: twlti iutfimiier ka,4m than by Uia uredwttV jUaitluat , .n -nttd ot the pkiaaura of bcii .i.y oti-Miua, Ui u.nat .aeriooi and dealrii'tiv Rviiitoit.ji.il. imhm ti.iiy and mind erie. Tlitwv tn bMiimea tinti.. ed, ttm Pliialeal aiiitManial fin limit muk enad, Ltnwaf''Piacrt-ai4v INtwrr, kitirvoaa Irritability, i lijuuiiuia, i':)iluuoa of tka liaarL luilltn i . il CuilaliluUtiBal IHiilllT and VYallnK of tlx Praine, ouiin, CoMaiaB- uoA, Lteeay ana ximtn. t " A CUKBBrXXDII.V WARBAkTin. " PartoB rutued in healthy ky nnliorHed ore. tonttertwlio kwp tiVia tiiiiiiir Bionik trior Bumlu takrnir jpolt'BV'la- and 11 jurloka evm-t poBoua, altoultl auply Uauiediattiy, , dr. Johnston, , Metnher of the Snyal Colli ft ef Sirctooa, lmtitoot bwoduataof ana af tba auvat aaalnaat ' l:ol)i'a la ika lu:ll euur, and ilia beat . iart of wkuMi' life liiut bifti ji-ut in tnebot- 4utlaaf Lmilm, fans. l'aHadnlkiaatidaia. wtiara, kta afk-eti-d aouia of tha most aauia- ialilnr (urea Uiat were irvr knnwn; many kroBulad arilb Jiad'mt ta tka baad ami aare f whan anlft'it, narvoauma, twiiitr aiaua- ed t nrtdrti aoanda, ttaalitunir, uu tia- ! n,nwt WuakiiMC, aueudd aoniaiututa wu or. laojfiitliviit of luiud, fwfl cured iiuuiriiit.tly. TaktR PART1CTLAK NOT1CK." " Df. t. tddniama all thoaa who bare biture? ' tkomarlvna by Imjiniiier liidiiliiiwv and anlV(l barv hablla, wkk b ruin bulk body and iiuud, BnAlUnf Uiem for muiar bB4aa, stody, se-" cloty ur. marrituraa f .,;, f.j , ,r, . If I Tbeiia are euin of the aid sitHuK-tioly (-" f nets predueod by tba earthly haMta of r-i.tk, j via;, vVeektiett ot Uit liank and l,kuli, I'mna In tke lload, lMmnaas of ttii-iil, Lima of Haa cidar Powor. l'alitana mt Urn iliuti t. lir. pIthla, Nnrvoua irnialiijily, ltcinufi i.ni of the' initiative Fwaetkms, OnuI Debility, Synittloiat of Conffuinolkin, ko, . i i ukS I A1.LV. Tba learfol ettw-U on Uit butud tra mneb hi tia droadad. ltaa of bi .-in- ' E Til V?Vi i)-,i;'".;, K l""i of f j.i . ta. lMatrmt. Lova of BollMuia, lluuUi!v. ie ait ' nomaol tka evilt pra-latcd. ., Tboaaauda vf paraona or an affie ma now ladaa what M tha euae ef lkir da. .Imna; 1 hutlOl, kialnd tllair Vl;iir, boLOtaivt; wrak, , pakt, uervoua ana amaciatca, navittK a ao,a. far appaantnoa abaaV tba eyas, nun atid , avmiiWiBaof ContiuiTipuon. WBo have InMrvd thamaalvea by a aertttw practlco, IliduUnl is t ainna, a lial lt fio , quontly learni-3 fnnn avrl compauiona or tt aoaotri. Uia attaala of kA art mubUy Ml v even whan aatwi-p. and If not corm ri-mk ra , mailaira lininaiwta. and aVo Iiotn luiud ' ind body, aiiould aiily iniutaJlaUiiv. ... ., j ,nbei a pity irei a jfoautt mxa, vo miia m hbVcottntry, tlta phdaot btepartiwOit, akoald ' Ita anatclied from all proniwcU and it.kiyuiant f life by tka eonawiiin.-a of df ii.u lima toe patk a! mm re, ana uiuui4rn$ ma t-rruns t saerat habit Butd pcraon taani, before con-i i 11 tRKiane KeAsct Uiat a sound mind and IhhIv art the taoat uia'iiaaary rciutnibia to pronuiia rotmu I lal hapiilmiM. Indiiad, Wllkont tlfna ika Jmfcivj UtrouKb Wa beoine a w.ry 1 . . wn. tka iinMHKjt hourly darkens In 11 i, tlia ind bowinoa akatlawtid witk iki r, and 1 Slkd with t" mvlanebnly rrdcriion ,u.at Uia ( happlnoat of aaotlnsr it biiiliW xi'ii our oaa. ""' CaRTAIR PIBKABB. " When Uie tuint uHed aad Iiihh uifint voiary . Suf pleaaura flmlt b ti illi''Pl.d Uu- . , .. uf tkia pataftii ciMutaa, wnwiw imi uu utat -oa ill Umcd siom ot sluoiia or ditmd of uia- r tovary dutera lulu froiua) i lyinc to Umni alio, fmnedacallu aad roaimt iabsiitv, can aimia iHilrKitd him la fniit Into Uia tuu da of innranl and di tuffu.itux yt -i"ntt. vtn.i, ia taoobia ef curui, bick kia iit uiiUirv ana. . atance, kis-p h.m trlliiuf mon'h attm- iimmli, , or aa (onr aa tteemaHl fia ka oi-.'i..i, ' and In deaiiair k-ava kita wHB rnmad kt.i.a to I .Ink uihi but ir.1 ll tH--:"A ; . '.r. t r taa aaa f tnI u-.i. t - -i, -: ' .is" tka awaetltalloeal ajiiii-uona f i- komd ' diaaaas to inaka tkilr i: im, v ai- aeratsSAota ,tarBt,di-'d .. ' pain. In tna hvaii ami UU'. , 'I " r flrnliiHta, noora on wiu ami oin.- c . . ItlwUbM oa Uia kiwi, face ami axti- .ri!rml'iir with fi-. fnl nti-u.iiv, ti,i , me paiat- of tlia n ... k or Vka i .iica vi'l uuot lli In, od tba vu im ui f n- caaa if'owndft a B"itia 01. "i t 01 "'f: Uovitllldnk t"i' a H .t to i:. n anitarinf, by m-uiln bun that .!!. van ti try M f row w lioeil tionrtia bo I.... t'ul ll , -t ra To tarn, t)wvfr, Dr. Juhim-n i ; inoat rwrtaui, f ' I, I 'li-aaatit-a ..V -i reatodjlB Uia wuiid." -, ur .. -i. Offlcft, V bith ttravrU '-, Si, ! BnJtimorr, nuryltu ' Left hand akle f"lMi fi"in h'4 v -. fcv.i. a taw doore lrtre Hi fiHnflr. ,. u..t (y vii- aarvt nauia and it'.ur.i-, - I Jf Mo bull' . r .. itrii .. f p-.- ! a.uai d ' rmiUtlahif a alanift tit bw wl 011 r." v. parnolit wriMnK ft m il aatr ft?? o - j a Hnioa of ajireiui-iiMtil -- w i towta. j , a .1 . 1 'lut Puvlor't Vil'L'.'VA i ,"''il.M.;(, I 1 j v.IMDOKs.MK)iT CF TUg 1 ' A. i Tk mnv tk"ai'd carrd ' ' -.b. mant iU.in tka lt I ( .. .1 l; a nwmrroaa imitortanl aii'trn-i i- . ir- t-iriiird I'T Ur. j.'imi". i 1, n Rf-5 rtarn' it'.i vi- .f ti. i . ... -1 ? . ; : Bwlaaa v winy intra . i-ia v mh m4 again baf'Tt Uv (.'. ili a .is..'s; dM a niati of tti !-i.r mid r- os . ., atii(. m.1 gitw-aiitna 10 Uia a . i. t .,BSIK DIek A,-IE trkti-I-.t . ., t ,. aurSS-d! . 11 ILL, ' t.i ta Y 6 n ' n " h Of K' '-''in tnluli1 i' I to ill i T- a at t.ir -mti ..- 1 ..... . r . f 'tut 1