7" ..;; . . t ' '. - VOL. VIII. R AIEIGH, Ni 6 . 'TUESD AY NO VE MBER C, 1872. . NO. 49. I ; V '' ' - " 1 "" cbbcwitiomVeitm " 1 Copy Weekly Sentinel month, it U JJ at. 4 if - oefrelottwnpofanbof Waad 1 CoPT Beau- Vf ij upw"". "m " iconic." " - ' On Copr frs to setter up of C! ,,4 sinter, ' i "" 1 Cop DtUjT Sentlntl 8 month, i, H SI H Z ii On opf in U gtUar bo 1 elat. o( ill tad auwerda. .... .ijiiaj'.. anvtimaiNO MATES. AdTertleeme.it will b Irnwted la' tfc baliy ,a Inch or tea saltiioa line. . uuwuin oa lint " " each tiitoasqaaB tnawttoa wi tbaa a week............ .... LOO ..I 1 u.'l week, J M.l mnara.TB.oa. 3a.0O wif'lioli iaoo ta.ia! 1M.0O Bti.00 . L -.1.11.1 .1 I Add to uatooT nuea r mu wu t,.tiiu.: i .1 KorlmonthA a For t mentnt, $19.00 aaionuu, .. auo ' ' v 1800 a " w.uo M 10 " ls.o & " IO.W T 1' iw.wv a IIOJ 14 11.00 tor tba B.WaekJjLjJon -, Dtllyratea. HOME AFFAIBtt Corro MAMBt. Reported by Lynn Adam, Grocer and CommiwoB Mer chant, 8oth Maiket Street ! .'. i, . a tUuuaa, Nov. .x Price of cotton in our Market to-day : 13m. -- niSceuta. 4 P.M. i - - -' Sale, ' - - - - lOObuk. ReceiDta. - - 100 14 Tone of the Market, tUady. Local. Dot. ' - ' in., o ! t- I X L. Tha Board of Director ol the Unattc Aiylum weet at the Aiyium i a a, m, to morrow (WedneaUay.) All of our Churche . bad full eongr-1 gationa on Sunday. The city a tiU pioualy inclined. I Ho far onlv three abarifl have ettled with the Public Trcurffolhtxt of 1878. . , '" ' r; taJSOO to tha treaaurer of th Board .of I, Director of the Lunatic Asylum. Judga Q, W. Brook, of the tJ. S. Di trict Court, patted through thi place yeaterday, en route for Wilmington, where h will hold a term of hi court. Tha body of an inlant, apparently about a month old, wa found on tba road about I a mil tha other aid of the Lunatic Aavlum. on Saturday Bight. It bad been dead torn hour. a Our younff fellow-townsman, Mr. Clem. Clawson received oa Btaturday the haad- tome til ver medal, awarded him by .the Btate Agricultural Association at ti lata Fair, for bia lugeniu ice tu.v.ug tnachine. . : .-. 1 .' i I Th heating' apparata of St. Jhn' (Catholic) Church W bow la complete working order, and th temperature in the Church ie uch aa to render tboa attend - lng services comfortable. . ,,. i .i.itMl The well known builder ana architect 1 l Oil V u.oo !uk of 10 W.SU 40.00 of thi city P, L. Xtoyater; Etq.t i engag- threat and actual effort to ataatsinat ed in ionerlntending the repairing of the aim. Hoping tbaMhere may be a geaer witBstnoiw r 1 011 rmonae to thia call made Cv hi . . . , -a . I Exchange Hotel 00 HUltboro atreet. fu.tha '"advertisement of k. Cohesion male t the itaWei'of Wynne, Ttncey 4 Co. "Mr. tthaa iaiwi ,tbi citj cveral times before and tis animal have alway . ... ,,. ' g.veB -t.tfaclioB.- Thomas Jenkins, Esq,, haa at hi shop a four hora wagon, manufactured by him- aelt.hich for durabiUlyaud (SniaU of workuaoahip is aa good at any we nave ever teeo from any maBufaatory. On Snnday Bight rogura .entered the lot of Maj..W, XL Bagley nd killed Are dncka. , Tb palio appeared on the spot Ittll pwi'r"'1 i''depTadatoXaft-fitoSSll, that they left their spoil peninaineHs. O. veerdav'Clar Hatwood and Fran-1 cit Debnam were brtor bia Honor, tb 1 Mavor charged withNBghting and ereat- in a dittorbenc 04 the Street. l; Cla ra t a Bino w""u ' u' f. Mis. Jeannie ra"m, ... r eloctoni.t,PJ "ong thuc tyye- tcrday en route tot vxioru -give a aerk. of reading. W. d hope H tru that thi. aocompludied lady will again favor thrtcommunity with another .erica of bar charming tnUrtain ment... . . i RauoTBB.-Pobbin & Trancw, the well known boot and thoe mer,oi m.a ci v havB remove from theit old pl 0 Wnrth. b-e !rf th.CW. , .. . .nV ., Bere th w,n b generally. ' ' " " . Cou HirroB. ThU eloquent North Carollnlaa ha made a fin reputation- for himself since he lemoved to Korfolk, Y. Th Lynchburg JtynMioa thu refer to Ullii; - . 'f .--V ' ' Cotond H'mton U regarded at the nwrt etotuenVand tflectiv popular orator is I the Mate, and w iixm no predicting a .ptcwlid reception Let the old teen and tb young turn ot 1 to hear th brilliant champion of Conser vative princl plea, and catch inspiration from bia enthusiastic utterance, in order that they may go Into ToedyV fight With a determination to win. , , , - ; HuR8TIBA?H. - .. iNow it th time Sgirrmtx. subscribe to tbe WsinviUall raiiuiDa of tha ftrri BEL to toed ia Itaeir advertisement. Job Work neatly, cidickly and cheaply lurnea onr. " - , 1'ertooi writing to Mr. Turnar will cw five attention upon bia return tonu daya nance, lie haa .beey anient lor over two weeks, being necessarily detained at bit home at Hillsboro'. m bare reesivsd from aotua on the aeateat pamphlet we bare ever teen from North Carolina office. It it tha "Trans actions of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Medical. Society of tha Rtato of North Carolina," beld in Newborn in May latt It wm printed by aUaara, KdwarUt Brougbtoa of tbit city, . . I A ntitYlr trtn ' m.a IK- r, ltu "Obterrer" of Wedneaday latt, SOth October. It aucooedad in getting to IUJ. AlfrK All Uima Kit. V .w 1... tlT Bow dispotted to tbink that Mctindaay Pool could do aa well at that. j . , . , , , o be hoped that all the Conaert. 1 Utc member of the Legitlature willb in lllaleieh on the first day of the ant on Lat there be no Wgfttrda. The Badicala t ci jiivuujBuiuur, iu out ic mem gel a "auap judgment." Jlciia, MuLa.-H. D. Berry will bar to arrive in tbia city tliit (Tuesday) aTter- coob, atHarrla' lot, aomeSO head of Wall broke, aupenor Koutacky niulea,valao tome four or five, good horact. C'otiUTT CoHMisaioMBM. On yeaterday the Board of Commissioner of this county beld an adjourned meeting. A large tlan ber of account were audited, but po buaineaa of any apecial interest wa trana- tcted. - The Board meeta again to-morrow Oetjnetday), ; : : ,, dty on wU!ch the chief Mt. of ,hil gaTeram(Hlt , ta choseaVl The i9nJt ivoiTed in thi contest are of rital iBiportancanot only. . to .lho.SoutherB State but the whole country. .., It w an 'ue hetweea conatitutional freedom and annoneataaminmrauon on tD on nana, " deepotiim and corruption on the other. The choice i. btfora you. We appeal to our youog men io beatir tbem elte in thtcaua of Uberty. 1 Wa appeal to the old men to lend all of their aid to the cause. We appeal jto our merchant and business men to give thi day to the advancement and perpetuation . of thoa principle which alone will give to coming geperation that prosperity and happi bich once imiled upon qt. . W ap peal to all to work bard and inceaaantly in behalf of Florace Greeley and B. Grata Brown, th champion of liberty and re form. Letter or Cbeeb. A our Senior i tbtent, we take leave to pubiiah axtracU from two lettera that came by Monday'a ml. A distinguished soldier and poll UcUn, an old-line Democrat of the truest tort, but no ' ttrayed out." of the date of the 2nd inst, write "It gava me plearar a few daya tine to make b contribution to purchase Mr. Turnar a new prattv Ha deiiervet much at the band of the , people of thia Bute ' una, BUU17 ton wunirnia upo. f . . . comiDtion in defiance uu. mpuyn w bill vai t utm MtDd,l am vary respectfully." , i,rol.e( fAitm woo .tsnda bravelvbv ttl aaN Eefom' 3 Reconciliation, writes of the date of Oct. 19th : '.iTt is with many regret that we team of your great diaaateA, Whilst I knew that thoRadicai party wa. not in the ((Nltt j fot MT flendjne,. or fliabolisov I could- not blieve tbey ft w -Mfcw ,oercbr .ndan lo w grt an extent, the live ana property 01 otner citizene. Yob have our deepest aympathiea, which we will expreat more fully by aending job a handsome list ot new lubacribcra." We like tbrte letter they encourage eountry.. Whilat Morth Carolina it cursed jorely with ;jh5j(st?hlB ates nnder the aua, she baa-thousand of ituB, patriots-men of tool, of honor, of high intfgrity who will never lloBa M i1 "hend the pregnantJ hinge of the knee that thrift may jllow fawning." W need acarcely say, hat w- would be i vary glut if otbor Itiendt would rmulats the good example of our worthy confrere,, and "cxprea their sympathy more fully by sending" oa atK " A HAJIDSOKB LIST OF BDBtCni- BKa." That would Indeed cheer us. We have, fallen positively in love with that idea. We aik too, hm not the Skktikbi. rendered such tervice to the State a to deserve chly .uch Mipi A -." (th. A-ocUt.) know, ,h, , be but on. irsponse to tbl quettron, and at b upon iUco,umn. in IN. and in 1372,. be has . beaitsUoa U urging every friend of good government in the State to give tha BekTixm. b "helping hand' in this day of calamity. He fecit That it it dae the ditor to give bit paper the largest possible circulation. He taya tbia th mora readily, at ha haa no ptcuniarg interest ia the paper other than being paid for labor rendered, and I fa rxrald aHy obtain aa remunerauve Lotkeltcwhera." He make tbto. appeal sow, because aucb aa Bppeal would not be allowed if Mr, Tunwr were her. Os to work thea for the BmifiKW, and end in large lisle of tuliecriber. Oca Sam Wbjuclt a "WtXT. We agaia giv notic to tubacribera to th Weekly and Burnt-Weekly editioot of th 8EirmaX, that wa are compelled to aen them the Dailc for tb present. . Wehtve sot tha type aa yet to print any but tb Daily. In a short time we hope to return Work reguitrlV, Until, then we mast k the kind biduIircBce of our patron. The must' remember that it ia no fault of our that we are ihua crippled in our operations, uules it be a fault tp timid by the penpli and defend their iutaroau, Ttposrjifhical LMuir Oq Saturday evening the Typographical Union of tbia place had their annual election of officer. Tte following ware clitwm 1 . , 1 '. . JrWn M. V.- B. Gilbert 1 ikTttary Jo. A.: Harris. Cwpomlig SaryWea!eyoov i rauKT Jame 1. uwi. StrgtaHt at srasa John C. King, " Wa did not learn tb aamo bf tht gen tleraen comjoting the varuiut committee Wbea th meeting adjourned the .Union, at the Invitation of the President, repair ed to the- City Uutd and partook of ac elegant topper. The Stbbeib had altnott arrived when the featiriiioe closed. iMpiioVXiKkm tn .East 1 US Wabd. It is a uurc of u iitiie gratification to the citizobi of thi place to toe tuch ac tivity displayed ia the erection of new buildings, .ton., && Almost in every portion of the city new timet, have or are now being opened and boiidingt be ing erected. A (hurt stroll through, a portion of Emtcrn Ward disclosed th fact that tbit portion of the city it rapidly going ahead of tb other. Among tha numerou. new buildipgt now inprocesrof construction in thi locality we notice the following: ' ' . J. C. L Harris, on Hargott Street ; C. D. Christopher, corner of Martin and Person Street ; J. W. B. Watson, corner of Newbern Avenue and Bast Street; P, R. Ilines, northern, extension of Blount Street ; Oliver Perry,- four eottage build iogi neur tho Fair Orounds. There are numerou other' building going on iu this Ward but w did not learn the name of hWneraT Western -Wrt makes good thoWing. - If thi proeperity eon tlnuet, and we sincerely hope it will, our beautiful little city will at no distant day ( count lit thirty thousand inhabitants. DO NOT DESPAIR. ' ' Hundreds of ese of Scrotals, la Itt wont ttstrs, old eases of KypbiUW that hav dSad wa siuu 01 eminent pnvMcians, ruenmuics wbo have been sutfonun for years, and lh. vtctini' of Uie Inludlclous nse of mercury hsr. bean radictllj cured by Or. Tatl's Sartaptrilla and Outea'tlltuirhi. It is tba most oowerfal altamatlve and blood purtfler known. It It prescribed by nun piivaleUnt la uiatr practice If voa have Chills, whether every other day, vaiv tenth diy, or every two r urea weeks taka Dr. Tutl's Uvar fills, and yon will cheek them, oiharwlse they will Mick to you all wiater. Dr. Tntt't Hair Dye doe not stain the Unon. bov S deodlwttwlt .. O, That I Wtaa BtACTtroi I Is tht un spoken wish of thousands of woman to whoa nature ha sealed the chara ot a pore, freak transparent complexion. To gratify this trtth Hioaa't Maoboua, Bau( ,wa Introduced Th cotmotlct of Uie dj( had Jjcen, pronounc ed poisonous by tha stoal dbtisgiiitu4 them- 1st, and It was aUo tomai that Uitk ultliatia effect wa to wither tha tkla as well at to par allse th external nerve. The ladles hailed with delight th advent ot a healtbfu, herbal and .oral preparation capable of t-apartlng to their facet, atckt and armt a porcellan aaooth nasa and a tinge Ukt that of th lnet oriental pearL , They tea discover that it was a "saw thing under the mO. incomparable and un approachable. VuqneaUooablytt.eMA.aom Bui ha seta the greatest Mia eaecea of the present century, v ',: ., - V - 81,000 Reward Is offure ! by the proujietor ot r. Pk-rcs't OoldeU Medical DUeuvary. tor a Medicine 'that will equal it In th. ear. ot all evert eate of -"Liver Complaint " and an diaeaset arlalng from Imparity at tht blood, Eraptiont, Plmpies, Blotch et, Bolls, etc. bov t-deodlw4wlt " . .'4 SEASONABLE BUtKiEKTIONS.' - The baatytnlsta and cold night dewt which eaaracterUe the present season are very trying to delicate organtssUon. and lo low-lying aad swampy kiealltiea they produce aa aaoratout crop of Ixtarmltttnt fevers ot various type and degrees of Intensity. At tbl very time L . ii limn 1 f 1 ---i-' there are probably half mlllkoa ot people in the United States tunVrin: from periodical ftvert by mUumaUc toga and (xhalationa What make the rruraUnca of thia evil Ui mot deplorable It the fact that it might la all cases be easily prevented. Malaria and damp prod sua Utile or bo effect spos the lystem sra-fortified by a course of Iioatetter't Stom ach Bitters, Every fall and spring hundred ef letter ara recalved treat persons residing fever and agaa district, who tau that hit their neiKlibors are Incapacitated for labor by that debilitating disease, they have been happily exempted from attack by the regular ase of tht gnat vegetable antiadt to na. As a ehlologopic or tpecine for la- temlttent and reulttent f evert the Bill era may justly accounted lufalliblt. They tndl- eat the complaint la their moat obtUnat forms ( hat tht wiser court to forestall at, Uck by taking th praparatio at a preventive. Th amount of prodactiv labor withdrawn m active tervice daring several months ia the year by' malarious ataladlea I bstmente, a&d tha peeu nlary loues to iadlrtduala, lentl- lita, and th nttioa from th! eanae la incalcu lable. Bear In mind that by toning and rg lalkng tlaa tyttaa with Iioatetter't Bitters ba ton th calamity come. It may always be escaped ; and let K also be remembered tliat indigestion, general debility, blUloasiieat, con stipation, nervous compUiata, and Indeed al most all disturbance and derangement ot the phytic! system r eontrolable tij Oil genial reatoratlra. .. -.- ' nov 5-dcodlw4wlt ' ". . ' .' ' '. CAUTION LEA 4 PKBI.NH' Harcciltriaire utt. Iturora art eaulloaed to avoid the numeroa Couowrfeita and fruHauons enured lor aai. - JURS lllN .AN'n OSB, New Tors, 1 Ar.u fur u lulled 64 ls.l -octSS-dStawdiwly ' LATE TELCiRAPflM MEWS. -.;V'; "'-'N MARKETS. Naw .Taas, Nov. 8. Cotton weak. maderale bukiueat ordinarv, advanced 8-8; aalcs 1,080 bale; upland 18 SA. FknurS a lpcenrsbetti r, ta rexport home aeratnd, go hi demand tor tuture delivery. Wheat inactive 1 1- lower.. Cum quiet, OQchtnged. Pork dull, lower, li 3-8. Lard firmer, kettle g.f-8. . Navaia aaiet. tiroccrie steady. Freight active. - -Monty 43. " HUTtinK heavy, 8 3 88 ii. Ueld 1 1 a-all 4. g..v. runu'ttU di-CUu- tngat l-4a3-4 cents. Btato dull p IdvEHFpoL, ' Nov. 8. Noin Cutloo opened steady and quiot ; nplanda JOaJO IM ; Orleans 1U l-a. . Later Cot ti rloaed ttBchaugnd ; sks 1J.HO0 bales .speculations aod export Wu.tnsoToS.Tav. Spfift turpen tine steady at 5757 1 -t. llosia quiet at a.au tor extra naie. - - 4 Crude torpeutin. quiet and steady, 8.SS ror hard ; 0.23 for yellow dip and virgin Tar market steady at :ao. t BlLTiMoas. 'ov. 3. t'atton dull; mid dhngtl 1-4. Not receipt 1 1 ; grots SU; met u ; stock x,ui 9,01:. "wXsi FF.OM WASHINGTON. ' ' WituiaoTos, Nov. 8. Colonel T. P. Robb, late Collector of th Cuitomt at aavannall, teUlld bit accounts which were somewhat delayed by a subordinate defalcation. The Government office are almost de serted, emplorect gone home to vote WUliard hotel, which baa Dctn ciusea nearly s year, opened to-day. The pro prietor. Colonel Coke, la 1 ecu log we Press to Bight. Mo eost ha been spared ia embellishing and funusbinir the hotel. Geuerat Walker, 8uperiuteudant of the Census, recommends in bl report to Con- grem that edumeraliont to be made every uveintteaa or ten year.. FROM NEW YORK.- Kbw York. Nov. 2. The tccldent al ready reported 00 Janicsburg Ilallroad, DcarMontmouth, N. J.. Thursday night, was due to caretesaneas in telegraphing as to tha running of train. The engineer and fireman were bornbly manirlcd. The engineer on one train did not give the liimali for brake, though in full view of the approaching train, it waa miraculout that a ingutiui ios ot me uiu doi inxur There were no physician near to Bid- the wounded, whose sufferinsji were foraahi!. dreadml. The Protestant Episcopal Biahop yea terday elected lier. William II. llare, now Secretary of Foreign Committee, a Bithop to th? Indian. - ; Jot-.Amea," th." weH kuon archfuict Uicti here yeaterday. ' ; Woodhull and Cltflin were arretted here to dav for grots libel. They were .tuken be lor CommiMioner Otbora and held in eight thousand dollar eacn tor trial. No one anneaicd to bail tbem. and thoy were uken to Ludlow street jail. " A inccial. (tate that B train on the Toronto and Brue Ilailway ran off the track near Owen Sound, killing O. David son, Isaac ILaud Jaa. Ubsnnan, and seri ously wounding fitur others. , Tba Hull lury say that they ditairrced on the charge--of wilfulness ot neglect al leged against the Mayor. No juryman auggested that Mayor Hall had couliniticd any fraudulent act. Advice from Qoth concerning the ex ploration of the Norwegian, Capt, Nile Johnson, represent that Johnton, in re exploring in Augutt last islanda east of Spitzbergenv found scat free of ice to oortbweatward, and indications of pow erful oceanic Currents, aerviug to keep opn higher pol r et.a, Johnson went North to a ' latitude of nearly eighty de grees, lit. f elenuan, ma great rmau geographer, is thonly to make public the coverlet 01 loousou. TUI HORSE EPIPKMIC. , : Nw Yoke, Not. 8. Th mulady It rapidly abating. Th. weatAvr is uraemg. Onlv 83 deaths r porteJ in thi city yesterday and 144 iu Brooklyn. - Bosron, Nov. a.-r-Tlicra U " improv- roeutin Um city. , ,, ; Chicaoo.Nov. . Between three and four thousand tick horse reported in (hit city. ... ' - ' -' Bosros, JHor. 8 There I maiked im- nrsvement under the mnueno ol clear and milder weather, and tha streets begin toattam something fine (ormer imu- new appearauce. ;., Pnri.AiEUHtA,Nov 8 The malady it increasing rapidly. 4 ; 1 t'HiCAOo. Nor. 8-r-A cold rain. Fw hoTsc oa the .tree. ,. i ' i : llocx Islakd, Nov, 8 Th rntlady i K-noualy tela. ' - I ... ; . ' j - ' FROM EUBOPE. , toKUoW, Nor. 8. Oeorg Franci Ma- imni from - Cwk--tyr and prourlutor and principal editorof the Knqninr, died Th muhicipal elcctiona tVoughout Xngland yeaterday reunited in hetvy Coo. ervative gain, which are attributed to th oasstze Dy raruamcnt ana euiorcc- mentinent of tbe licenting act. Much ditsaUtl action waa ex preaaca at th. working of the new ballot act. Al one of the; polling" places voting w so slow that msny persons were unable to cottt their ballot before the hour arrived (br closing the poll, Pabis, Nov. S. A baud of one hun dred an fifty person made an attack yesterday BpoaUctrio 1 tat ion at Uie town of Bcatrgr, ie)rtnK-nt of Muard,.tnd wounded a nauilierol Qeaal'Antlea. The Utter were compelled to fir upon their asttnilanta, seven of whom war killed and wounded: Troopt have been dispatched to ths towd to prevent other tronble. During tbe visit of Prof.' Agail at Sacramento the people caught from bia an inspiration which led to tbe convening of a meeting to Ukt Kept, in. that city, for th organization of a society to be known ss tbe Agutiz Institute, whose object i to be ttis- promotion of the natur al science. Beside leaving this land mark of his riait behiadXhiin, it i estima ted that at h"it ten per cVnt. of the chil dren Iwni in the Stale will be loaded with the dame of Agasaiz. It will beNcasy enough in coming year .for Caiifornian to fl tli year t the tlaaaler expedition without refcrr ing to the almanac. V ;, . Mr. David Jougle Home, tb Scotch anirituaiist. baa arrived in Paris wilh ,his young bri'le, and will. It it (aid, prrtsntly resume hit , teanoet," which hav- for aomctim been interrupted.; . . . jRaleigh aSIarkot. CABEFcixy revisedVasd' col f RECTED EVERY DAT. "; 1 Kalxiob, S'ovenilkir 4, lS7i iPPLIi , 81 00 "1 -i-Yi " "j' ( Died ;i. ; - ftieen - ! D ied. BCJTXt... BIWS : fl so 4 J.. ; K. C. tbua Mm.... 1 tlouldert '. Weatern IhouMert... Bilk Shpnldtrt..'..'.. Vet.. .......... .... II v."vhtl fflfloa.. ' f. BiGGlNQ IT COTTON 1 . Low Middling IT ttoitd Ordinary 10 . Ordinary.,....,...;. U CHlCKE!!:, 85(sl36 CHEESE; , " - ' EaaterB Cutting..'.. .' ) W CORS 1 10 CORN MEAL. ....... ........... ' 1 10 EG08.. I. 89 K.C FLOUEw........ V iARD... ' 18 TIES........ ,V6j10 SOLE LEATHER.... SJ VPPER LEATHER. TS . in nesiouiin. w 7 Departed this life, near the hour of 1 o'clock, on th morning of Wednesday the Oth Instant, at th residence of her soa-ln-uiW., Dr. JbMpk H. Btkr, after a paiofnl aad protrated Ulnaa of many month, aad at th rlpt ag of seven ty ytart, Mr. fUBAB K. Foxtuu, daughter of Iilwia Dancy, long decaaaed, aod relict ot the lata William Foahall, Sr., alto of Edge- fnmhn county. - r. 7. - In Edgecombe cesnty, on th 'th ot Qetd- br, MAKCtrt J. Batti.i, Infant ton of M. t. tad 1. 6. Battle, aged month aod IT daya NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T71INB KENTUUKT HULK FOR BALE. JD Th underalgned h arrived airaia la Raleigh with a lot of aoe Kentucky Male, land to take thia opportunity to nature kit thanks to Uie cltueiiaof wak and adjaceui eoantlrt for th liberal palroaatr bestowad upon him tut teeon, and la gratified at tha tatlafaeUoa gives by Uie mules heretofore told and expe ta to teU alt atock ea nasonabla trma. Th mulct can b toeu at Mrrnra. Wvnne. Tancev at Co ' tUblea. Al.rHKU COUBM. . v aavSlrn -QOORB, A L D E 8 I N D 8. All B L. Wood Moulding, Stair Xal't; Newels, ste , ENAMELLED, EMBf8ED, GROUND AND , CUT GLASS, " A larg) and welt aworUi ! stock of th bor. good contUnlly oa band at tha lowest' lata. Order work Prmp'ly attended to. Bu dersaod owuers will find U to thilr ad- ...... ;v ., .... 1 vanbKtogi!t our eatirast before purchasing. Special attenllon given to Black Walnut and oilier first c'aat work. Estimates and Prlc LW't furnlsbed on tp- pUtatloB. ! WH1TL0CK CO., 1 . , ' - A".,. - ,t ., . 4and8MI,CaoalSt( i . - - - may t-wSoi . .. i . . , Nbw Toak. AGENTS WANTED Toglvefw hour day or avenlng to paying harinwa. hose riumtled aiiMiig llrvjrgiat pnferrvu. . F. LAWKKNUE. SiO W. iiaudolub Street, Chicago, 111. r ' nov-St QOIIOS lSM WANTED. A gtatleraaa wlabe lo Bnrokaa a fertile cotton farm wilhia iwmtt-U ve niliet of Kal elifi. and aitnate wlUiin a few mllet of a Iwll roadj euotaioiug froui t SMO aoraa, with a coBifortable small dwelling and necessary iut house. Karlv appheaiiuii dealred. Addrert, '. B. KlNUsUUUI, Sentinel Olrlc j, Kaiel(b, T. FOSTEB Will, igt. c&tUabu BuTand,arf!HklB'!snf Produce tnd Cotton, W toleaa) ilwlers In Wblskkoa, iUiuuuu, . Rrcfera t 1. A Datla, Baukor ; J..hu I. Sluvcr, Kt .; lion. N. BoydtMl t lion, 1). O. Fowle, lulclgh, N. U. Bov a ion O B 8 A L A I d f guod oM Cora. novl-tf W. U.JON LB CO Xle s O f Y A-Vt? ABLE MININO PI10PERT1 ' Bv virtae of idornof th WI wi Will sell for.caah, at the Voric la VrankUHaviiaa, Kandoiib eoaniv, N. iis, Uw ma iMtewa be', lam, tba loliowitig vloi. parly : On aadlvHtnd half 'ot Iff v t Ultt koawa ta tb Hopper's ford Mill St. Urn other tract I w acnu auasaaaia Iron Ore Ilill, on which la an laexbduttUile bed of bum ri t iron in. , One tract of tcrea to wliKb ars all ut building, fi.rge, e. aim. AO acraaa alawMw tW taltmla, ad joining tbe alxiva, tet-br wub aoaw ou'toa- al property, muting nupicwienv, uv, wwm rope, e , Ac. 1 . i -, N W. BOWMAN, ( tom BovIUftdesU . ; - O K 8 ' A L ' E " - Puk-h Bulb tnd Ploor Jart. - Oct W-tt W. M. JONES A CO. F A lot of Trace Chaioa. Tamblei And gptdw., ... . ' :' Set W't, '.''4 - vv, ix. tfuoss as itA. - s O Btolm from th subscrib.r. a BAT MARK M L' I.K. ttilrt-a tears old. a scar oa Uia eH Joat V' k of th right shoulder, aud a kuot es otw ober f rvut u,ga. W. VT. trion.-tr.-i. oetS-lw&wlt iuktitb, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1ALK1UU dt UaSTON RAILROAD CO. , Kalbicb, N. C, Oct 8S, 178. r IheaeentaiaodaUoB of peraoot vial tie tb Welduu Fair, round trlti UckoU iwm u mu a ai uie oiiowiog raua: Rarelgh to Weldou aad ratara, 4 00 . Wa od 8 WI a m 8 00 t t 50 I m 1 u T5 rmakllatoa Kiitmi '! lleodersow -J uncuoa Rid ice way . tyarrentoa, yaeoa .'.. Liuletna if: f l-z iiaalon Penoasaot ptirckulng tickets btfora uttr- to : the care wlU b chant d lull tar. enargad fun lara. THOMAS BA1H.ER, eet'JSdTl Qen Paaa. Ticket Agent, STATE I N 8 TIT UTt O M BATE, CONSERVATIVE, ENERGETIj WILMINGTON, NOBTU CAR01JNA, . L'l F K INSURANCE COMPA.NTI Itt Bute t Kneonraginf! ITS STABILITY ASSUBEl) 111 OKF1CER8 1 tt'Dtv n ruiuriv v.u.l JOHN W.' ATKINSON, Vice President. r. II. CAMEKUN, Secretary. Dr. B, A ANDERSON, Modlcal Director. Directors i J t. W. Avkiswom, General laanrans Agent I. & Gaainaaa, Praakb nt Bank ot New Hanover. f. W. Kiaonnoa. Oroearand Conunltfloa Hnhant. . C. M. HTnif Ail, of Wright Btedraan. T. R Mckor. ol W. A Whltahead dt Co. 'yelteville. . i It. 11. OowaW. President. 'R. B. Eilbh, Uoinmltslon Merehaak A, A. wujjaan, oi n llliaru nrotner. nr. W, A t'unHiaasf Northrop A Uumaachl 0. W. WiUJLtv ,of Williaui Utt (00. Iu MOHHar, of E. Murray Co. A.J DtKuaaaTT, of DeUuaaett A Co. Kufit. llsriKiMO. of Dawson. Ttel lien- aalnir. alsx. BPactrr, ortuiB vica-uonsni, or Bprunt at Hlnson. J. D Wiu.au, of t. D. WilUssi V Co., Fayetlevtlla . Jaa. C. MuRab, Att'yat Law, rayettaviUe, L B. Ktu-r, Merchaut. KenauavUI. J. T. For, Atercaaul, twabarUM, This Is ttiie.ly a HOME UrE COM PANT, Its officers aod DliecUin ar eltlsent of Un Stale, of high ehsracter fur bnnnaaa eapacity, aatnrprls and prubllj. It ollurt every SUBSTANTIAL BENEFIT that Northern Oommhliw an, with h irntat addilloflal conalilef-aUoa that the eapttnl it kept wiUiIb the SUM, and, inerefora, ht lt to biuld up aad f uter boat uwUluUoDt, Auouier lfnnoruaiii fact to be considered la that th WtlBtingtoa Life ha tha far obtain ed very much larger Internet for th wouey Invested at home, than any of lbs Mew York compaalea roeeiva foe Ihalr iaveebneats ao eonliiig to tluiir awora iuuhbcuU befur tb i Commiasloner of tliat SUla. i Thea uuqaeawjtMble facta should eommnnd tlilt Comuany,abvvall uthera, to our i wo pie. Lat It. be borne In mind that millions of dollars received for Life premiums hav bean sent North since the war, which at once drains the I Sou Ui and mrk-hni the plelhorie capitalists ol in noriii j si tudrv was no outer eiwsitis a-1 Uon. safety, fairoct and cheapneat being eiUl, wby Mortb tjarullulaas ahuuld Inaura at I uvtuc, uit wure more wan auiucieui. , , TUB WILMINUTON LIVE ' hat excellent atecial feature. . it place ao reatrtcuoa on resiuenc or travel ; It make ao extra euarg to- female rlnke; aad II Policle ara IsHtonuMtabl after five Years. II buaineaa I managed termon rally. It risks ara takca with great caultoB. Its mvrat atentsare madejudicioualy. tut Blovui tit ECONOMT, PROMITNE.-S, PA1RNI81. Agent wanted in every county In th tata. with whom th nioat Hlwrul termt will b mad. Apply to i JAMES D. BROOKS, 'Oeneml eutMWlsing Agen.t Or, TllEO. It. UlLL,Lccl Agent, 1U1 iirh, . C. , irllia-ll pERFB TSAFETT I Tour' Prop" rly," Jour 'II Tlti Wt1 Ufe ajw la da w if ourbuie itKROilENEOlLl PiaTT'S AbTltVVL Oil" U afe la every parU-nlar. ", A lighted Iteup ttty be broken IUioai fnar, . tt burnt In any I amp. It will ttaitd F.re Tut of ovet lib degr ea. . . . Prise 61 oaatt per gal .en. ' Try I titter, ouee, and ou will us at For tal oslt l II dwara lluuta of .m. JULIU8 LEWIS A CO,, . . : Jlaltgu, N. a x-t'11-lf ' ' V if ''CNTAIN BUTTER A CHESNCT8 iMtret-alvmt. 'J ik.lU n'u-u M..uii's' i I utter and a ailH-lf uM'faenuU f-ru thr M'tmstaina. !tio-lf. ,ii -jAtlfca M. TUIALAO, - KAlL10Ai),S. p A1KI0U A Q tSTON AND RA1.E10H A AlAiUSTA AIR LINE R.-tt. COMPANUUi. Obb'i, Pxtaitwota tao Tirarr PstraarvjifT I . f sULtiou, . aj.,juaeiei.ai The pjhlic are rmiwttully Informed that combb ativn Koond Trip" aad "Straight" Kacarttoa liekeu at redaead ra, a;e now on eate at IhtRaWL'h A WaaUia K. K, Ticket tMttca to thetullowlng rdacMi . . 'VhlU Bulhar Bprlnc. V. ; ( Hath Aluiu " " KiK-kbridge Alaia Warm. ' - Hot " Healiag " -tlwaat " ' HwwtCBtleybeaU " : KlttrefU Sprluir. N. C!. Ntagwt Fall by l Koatua. f amuara Sprinv-a by III noulet. - (Miani Spriug by 0 iaoute. lkUerga. . v ...... u r hvTRnulMa. ' v. 'a. L'u'tlutel. BwelU Pobit. Hamp ton Koadt near Norlolk, Va , from RaUucb aad Way Station aa tM Katehtu Uaatua, K. R., .ad trust rat, ford oa tit Ualekh A AliruaU Alr-Ulta. , . - L-,.. u rti-i Intlon of roulea. time talilia. Ac. or any other In'onoaUon dared, apply July I-tnt t ueaimu KBt.gia. OHANUI Of 8IJUKDCI.E, StALKIUU BUUlvn aai.nirai', w,t ' 8uraiTBnw.t)rricB ' BaJIob, It, C, June lTUi, 1ST), On and after Mondav June 1TU08T3, tralna oa tb KtleUrh Uaaioa K. R. ,wtU rsa dally (Sunday aatepted) a foUow.t s - atAUTBAIB. ,-- Leavaa Ral.-brk. . W W A M. Arriveaat Weklon..... AiM r. BU l W.I.I.n, B.1A A Anivaa at kUlckb... At r. a. I AOOOkltlODATlOB tBATB. - linl R.l,.u-h B.W r. Arriveaat Vieldoa.... ......... . . S WA it. Leave Wehioo Arrive at KalclHh. S.U0 A. at U.ll tnlii nalua Uit OOWaaCVlO t Wl- am ujt u Hratoaaa aa auaaua naiir.iww and Bay Una Summer via BalUmora, to and nroiasll puuis wortn, aim and with Paleretrnrg Kallniad via reteneurg, Klcbmood and WaahlngUM City, to and true ail pusau NurtO an nurtawaat. And ml ILdtsur wILb Ua North Carollua Bail- nul to and Iruut all oouiui South and Soulir waak aud wllh lb Bakiga augaata Air Line to Hajwoad and rayoUevUla. A.iD,lataaB aad grauiht Ualaa, eonaact at WalduB with Aowiiuaouauoa aitd reiglit tnlu oa Seaboard d) Itoaauae luiu-oatt auu Petersburg Railroad. And al RaMgh, with AeeomaiadatioB and l'l tight tralna on North Carolina Haiiruao. - Pmna UvlBir alutur tlx Uua ot Uie laoad aaa rlalt Kniuicb iu tha utorulug by AueoiuuioUa tloa train, ninuun several hour, and n-Mru tb tuavn!liig. A B. ANDKKUrS, aaia venlug, Juo IT U .Sup. 0 11 A"S ff T"0 F"l CHID r 1 1 BULflUH AUOUSTA AIRLINE. ' ; i , BuraaiavaauajT uiob, ,. J,:y Z Raleigh, N t., Jua 15th, 1878. On and after Monday, June ITiej ISM, tra'nt oa Uia llaleMia A August air i.nie win ruo daily (Supday ecpti0 fdlow , Leave Ralsttrh... ................ S:I5 P. M. Arrivoaat fiaotord... ............. l Leave Bautord. ............ ...... Arriveaat Halt Ijjh ' Mall train rnaUet close connwuim i ruoriKu wlib tha tUleltrb A OasUm Kailroad l and from all pol nit North. , , : ' ,','''', Aud al Sanbtrd with the Wettcro Rallmad t amd fn ITittttevill i'd "i'it w Woa tor Kailroad. ': AB. ANlJHBwo, junc 17 a . aupenutiitutHfi. minilngtoii St Wcldon UHll- . llaud t'omiiany. '-. , Orrica or Gbs'i. 8orsiuaTasusT, 1 ' ' WUmlnRton. S. C, June 8, 1S71 J i CIIAJSUB OF SCHEDULE. In and alter Monday. Jtinellltq, Paasengnr rains oa the W. A W. Itullioai will run at UlL TR..VIN. , Lavo Union Diwtdally(8unuy't aacob.d..,..........A..iL -la -w Arrive at Oultlaboro at .....rl jl P. M liuekyMoaatai... a." r. m. t Weldnaat Sou P.M. Lear Wcltloa dally Icunoay' ex- w awntad)....tf ,..!...!. B.la A M. Airlv l llocay Mount l i It' Uuiflanorur at............ " LS1UB DrlOl...t.... P . KX PRESS TRAIN. Leave" Ci loa Depot, dilly, Bt.VW.B P. M. Arrlt at Moltlalwru at,,.,,. ...... 0J A. M. , at,-w H K'Ky Mount at. a t n. n vtci.l.m at... 0&0A M. Leave Wi-hlun, daily, at T 10 P, M Arrive at awky Mount tt.. ...... P M. M - tltilUalMtro aiM,,,.ivKir. m. " tut Dupotal. ......... U A. M. Mail Trsh) ui tins close eunuactltm tl el B I or all iwliiU b oi Itt vl oay l.tuo and Actuu Ciwck rojita. Rxp,t Train cennet tauuly with Aettuui Ciena route, l'ull,un'. PaMuw Sleeping la-' oa tht 1 rain. Freight Trains will have Wl'uungloa W erkiv atOtlO A. and arrlr a' I. to 1'. M. KaataAMBBLBt' wrwM',iTH'Vr'THilriw',wiiT ffu 'Hundttvs est-t-i.lBd) tl P. M aud anlvu at Il-A- At, -.- - , - , .... .,, i-,. Ji'll.Y T . l'l v i , 1 , tft'lUt k- aujl l tl N IU uarrt-ia I mow aua ivi uniin. , wisttf . - W.C. SIKOSAClX -pKKSII COCOA.NlTS. rue-U l urrea a. iurttata rranua. iretua Frh I ttrcm. ax-l W J-tf W ii. bTHoMaCH. A HUU U M C K M K , T. I he nTuU-rvlcm d ennuuncca to Im f rieuds snd lite i'U"lic s la rn, that be hue recently liun-haet-d and thnroughly Hjovated nd re tttNBatt tin Drug . tur NO 31 FAYF.TlEVlLl.E STJIEET, (lata Ductii A Jon't'l Willi a full assortment uf 1IKUI' INCS, . DtttOr,'' ' . ' PKIlKL'MEIty, TOILRT ART1CLF.S : ' C1UARS, FANCT GOODS, -8OUA and M1SSRAL WATERS, Slid very tiling ttrually fouud In a ft -ut -class lie r" ctfully snlit.lt the mtroeao'e of his frlrnda, and a fair altar l th imltllc trtnie. and btiia v rautiUtit sttelltiu. courleev and r.lr dtOnir 10 reUIn tt tor lit futurn. The attention ot llVi la s is Invited tn my lrK stock 0 AlbrnVaiid Fluid, and a)oUt bt.'KM. ... i . BetpKtfuIly ' - ' - Vi lLUAM BIMrEOS. ikUI If rt- ) BOSEA(VRi' VACTUIirVCilKFSK 10 Fiik'uacU !e !" n B i't.-r. octsatt W.UBlHtfSAUt 'MED t C A I. BALTiSSOPsE LOCK HOSPiTAu Oirit T iofm 1'Ktin.fcacc t?rKui DB. JUlfSO., Pbyltia ot this filtbrte1 iDstHu-iiHt, ti tvyrrvtl, heain tiie hrvrnt iiojiui. til Ku vix: KukIw k'tu&o mint iM'jnv, k tntt't cwUuu.mH.-t'dly, (i-ana.ul Ami ut'uun rwuMHly in U wtiU ftjtr Ui AKeait. or tti.-urst ' Vi vkwn of 0) Bt iv or Umlm, tt trlvtuiu, J)Uleciif of UiKiiity Of tt!Miti4F iuvotmit- 6ttrit, Cmilusluti t itk-iUk, I'sptUiutHi of Uid HutrL TUaidllT, Ifwmijliiv'J Diitnicn al sn;,t or tiitlUintNt, LM..tlAt, tf Li Hum. ' ikmai, tWitiiicb ur ttwtl8r Uti' Urru.ie liiim. UtutUil UiJ mni ut liiSr-u U tin rluert uf VItih, tMi'titinti t-hanr itl fnl lla hoifM or HiiUetLKttiOtt, nudttfijta mr- nKts. iu, LtutxMitui; atLoyutt' ouia utiy gnv UHttMtitit ol young wri f Uietu4 vXaUttMl UttUiuU ud brLUiAul into'jji. t, w ho Bilnlit oUinrwlM Ih.v friiirut.n'4 tuif-riii.: thtuitaMi wtU lUie thnadtmi oi lttciicj, or VfttUMi 0 t7 Ut AlYUig litsty t r.i wilh lull cuuuJcuet. , tmi ' MARRIAGE, UAirit4 prtKu, or Young wen rimU'woSitt- Intf nmrrtttd, iwire of fiivtOi-Ai Wtkni-fft, IrOMof rrocirUv Power (loitl!m'r, .N.jr TOY. Jtlt llJtUhUT, Fa)trUlliin,Un.ai,ir VVt.tk. B6M. Nvnruus In biiny, or any oUa-x lnj, icttiUm, pilly rWuiveL tit who plBfcot htmnetf nndor the rare of Itt. tnftY rvlikriouiilT roniMv In b knt gvwiwviwtui, bvuvi vuuuuuuur a ""u uap ll Im row. late.? Clirfd full Vifot P.enloffrt, luu amraMiuir ucuowiiti'ii rvnatnr, UfettUrm.)le ftittl itrriu iiuixU'Itis tiici jwiiiviiy fi)ti L-yUi TUiium of iiuroju-T hi 4uLgeiH3k YoUHif jmrM",((i are Urn uiit ionmt ill pxvvwtt froui no bfijj arc of U:o drrftdhii xiiitoqBBi itittiBnuy mumio, ISuw, ' Wfcutiit un4t KUhDvlti this ulijt-i-1, w ) tl pn tt lid lotKny thH Uie tmww of proemtiiutt ut k- tHlUaaT bf UlOMI Intiltrg ItilO IXUJtrtltMT llitUl UiftD by ute orudi iitf iteklt! iwmg di ni ol lit pk'tutitrvot litMatUiy oilfprtnt', Uie teiioei- vn Uetru(uveutttHui bUi Uuy Mtd mintt urti. Ilie m in. tar tlctai wlt V tai,ciBl and MruUl Vuie(Mn , died, UM of A'rorrttttme Fsiwvr, 1Sjj-v(mik lriiwiiWlMys irMvitvia ratpttatiot. m iu Hurt. jHtiiiresUoB, CofttrtituttMrritU liinluy Mil. WaWliiig of Dm Fnuiie, vuW Commui- uuti. IHH-ny auu Urmui, 1 A CVRJb r3)'EKIIl.T WAKKAXTKl), Pomi rahivA U Honlthf Ur uuit'i i-d nris- luohUl, bikirtst putftiMHHt ihJ it)m jku amu 7 DR. JOHNSTON, Mmnber flf Itto H.tTikJ of Piirtrfrmy LnndoB, ttrm(Hte t nt n itcBtTt 1 iiPft v" lrtoi wntMte me um fjiit in uwu--piUttof LoutUn, lrias f-M(iiffpii tnU t i tttiei. ltU til tf Utt tUm3 f the tll'ft ftialon- Uhinr tarrm Uiat wra know a uatr ' trouufe4 wiUi nit(Utj? in tht hm4 :td etu-a wlHrti a-4'!t iruttt iiwrrouMu lncmv ttUnu- 4 at aaa (ion atKiii'ia. iKHjiifiilm-i, inj qaatit lilub.ti. atU'-utlt tl mmicUiiu. wtiu iii- nutgcttttiti of utkiiti, re tartui UiinirtiruU iy, ' i fKt PAHTlCTLAIi SOTICB. Df. J. tltirt'(vfHn ihoM vltu liar hifuml Ihwiinel' tsa hf hpropf linin!tK-s and oli. Ury habits, wlik'li mm boLU ImiiyaiKl mitiu. uuiliufic uim lor anuur uuauwta, i-ua, at- tky or lfltifrWi!;. mq am oine of trie WW mciaiiciuMy r- ftMita t.roauoiHt by Ui trUily bn!ii w( ytnUi, Vka; vmkm aol mo a k au 1100, ra-iia n H-4, ihtiMa of iniy'ti 1 ! ulur fo(ur. i'aiiVs(.i ut tirm-i, j'.v xjjeiiiiki Norvoua Irrtiaiilhty, isrm;:- Kifiii t byniplofita of rtiffiuijfiiua, te. M ft.l 1 ALsL.1 .-"1 iw rrnit t-iu-t;:i tin lit ml ud ara nuutti to W iininiti. Lom of Mttu ory. Cunfufiiim of l.en, I'vpn-sMn of Hi.itiin, Utttifiui, Lov 01 fiiiUtuatA. 'liiuiany, .. at aoiaof the :vii i'roilucttl. j lioawDrt of ivratma oi air 1 tan n-tw lU'itt Itavt U UK eaoK id Uu.r un -unir 1; ut. Ittktnir Vmt viii'ir, tft-ouiiua wr.n,. fmlt, iwrvoua ami smavoatiil, ittH.n a mm. u ar aiiponraua aotml (n iiyvf i-ouU a.4 ayiBpUtuitt of Coimuin)tion. Who livd Injuml thfiutt'lua by -i-r- in pmiilcc, .ntliii.-Li in !iwi oni'a a bi.t i. quoiiUy ia-fjet1 from ooi eomptaiiiot'iii or at avhool. Hits edet-ta of wtn-U are in;.'hUv U-il vui wiiim awitu n, ana 11 no- iiin-.i n n.i. iia liiarriiMfe imHWiiniti, au4 J.tyt boiit mu;4 mi UoUy, aoouiu tti'fy rawiy. n um pay w:i yw"K '"-mi, tt"jj ii hiti counu y, lti jirula o hi mrem. t au It I'lilU'hfJ from all linH,itX'UiH njvmi ifc of lifaby lt0eoawHiBi-rJl (tevutUotf rnu luo mill or nnrti. inu iMitutt-iiij. tt-runn iwivt habit, eucb poiauOB uut, t i i-iH- rdcutUat ft aound in bid ami U!y rt: the moai. utsetfMary rt'iniPita to iroiimio ftiiaiu- MUlll V Uiroui;. IH ot'(.in.;n ttwmi y j .1 :iiiit a', UKl-roncw t bour.y Jrkrtt to lotMst . RtUii hUU t'i ic.lrt.ii'li'iy r.'fU:i'!iuu Uni ti. htVlititj-n ol aiiwiiivrw l.ni;litrtwi'i our f. When Uia iiupirnul" i .ti iniiiiuOliit votary 1 ulcttare finrt iota iu ti'vi ttm '( !) of Uu iwiulul tlehteitMi, iv t j ofuu hjp":i. u.ti u ill Une4 ihm' -o or ahautt or iva t-1 tli- lioiu iHiwiiitoa vnu f51M.iwiit1i, . W-Ir.t'iid liiui lid fiitu IH-.0 u: l.."uni Ln no rant oi doHrniim: prf.trtT ii nlbie vt curtiiK, Ii fii ina - '- ..- auai. kwp hitu inrtoi: Mb 1 VftjJiiit"i4 .Ui.t'a.,i-I. n'turw ins uliint; iitt.tri'U:'wi'''i '.- the im of inn ' wi'i f t . ' 1 ' - tlie ctU(!titmniitl iv--. v-i!i. i-l t; t. ii -.1 diHMin tomnXatlCr a t-iritt .n 1 4 k tta-k.dor throat, imi atnai, mwuia ttniliK In Uii h nl u kI ii ii , t' ' ' 1 . diMlueaa, Ittidva "H Hit tl u nwtta t.t t, i, , Olul'lita uit l'i li t ti f.i ttrugnwiliig wiik inn ut ui ri.i-i'jitv. in) i i.i.t Uie 'slate ol tlie niuulii tr Vie L,ti ,,i ne niat- fitll III. anti l" vl.'liiU tiK tiuft i v. i .u ee u,; 'ui a h-,ind i-l)j;t tt-1 t.,in - tin I IU lit" l'l )'::' V"'l"U to 111 ' .''.: 1 autlnui;, liy uiihnir I"'" " !" l!l " eoinilr; Mlroiu liu ootunw no ttvoiwi turns." - , , To such, tin r, Lire, 1)'. Jm.of-ti n u -Ktst Certain, iui',l , i'lutus&ut am. .n-.l';.l rauiedy Iu the wui Id. Olllcc, t Soiilta IVt'tltrit H t. Ilnlllmori', ji:i!i,i. Left band aid irulng frn lu:iinr oii'ii, a few doors Ir-nit Hid t ttt nr. r .1 i,--: ' aft-vf woBe end tntml'Or. tur No toiler reeeiwn n p-u enuiaigataiiiit li ul u im reramta a -ritiog "uia im a ifi poriioa of- tu.KiUiufi;t tit-uw.; toiet. t . TueDocUr't DIPLOMA I t hi. HSDOKSE.uK.NT OF liiE l'i:r: Tbemjiny tliuiand tun d atUunc-' ment Bitiiin the last tw t juttris nunif-ntus iinj-uilHUt snr;;-ii 'tj-vn-u -titrmctl hy Ur. J;l:t,r,,;,, wMn. --..' Kefretrai'tttiV" "f tl. "" noo tw v Bulwet-Ot watch hi al'l-al-'d Btraiu hewr t ti.ei'iiin c, I., i i . aaaiuuiitif li-iii'ti ttt-ii rv.!--i.;;; t li'.-ksl gnaTu'i In ll"' n;:- i' -.u. ' .8R1S fileiii: i -i-VU.1 mar ai-dty. , ' J 0 . U, N it- Ii ',! (f I;-.ni!..': me!itl r. f '.v't I tn-- tf l-.t cu lt. I.i-e Iim- li.it i eliU' l" t-'.-'t ' tn- l'i" i t

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