,',7- . . . ; r .1 .. if r . L -l ' 7 : VOIl. VII THE SENTINEL. ADVEMTBISO HATES. AdertlamenUwUt b lnarted la U Dill; Bant iRn.nuHwiiwiiu raw per wiuareoi nek. Mr too ratmofi. Una. mm luck. l.w ' " each aulia9taani wuirUoa a thaa t week I u.una, I , .& 1 Minora, TiBua. Wl.au I r month, H.tai't - y&UM t w4 mo'a, la.uo l ,.. -j.ii I " S " , ll.. ,t I ao. i 1 - S4.IJI l "a, ' js.ui ( : lu 4Mb I I A t' lo in above not fjr each addltioaal i.iare a fuU)wa: ' ror unou a, f .C0 ,Tuf T Boalaa, M. ft - tma., - WW K.ojf - 10 li"U s - l S " U IV tot U Seiul-WacklT loo-, Uiret Iflli of For Hit Weekly alone, two-fittar of Dallr raua. For Uie Dally and Beral-Weekly comblaed, Forth IMUy t WVly eombleed, forty Der ceet. oa DailT ratra. Der ceev oa MlIT ratra. for Uie Daily. Bvmi-Wwkly and Weekly earn blued. Dimly pet etat. oa ueuy mica. Bpaelal aoUcea, nftt par eent oa Daily AUrartueaianU ia Uieal Colaauia, Ko per Ium. MOMK AITAl US. Cottom Market. Reported by Lrus a.uao, " a i . ry m. chant. Boutli M oket Street Halkioo, Nor. SU Price of OHtoa in our Market to day j 13 in. 17 to 17 1 1 U 4 P.M. - - 171- Aalea, - - . 80 bairn. Keccipt, - : . - - rlnn. Tone of tb Market, quiet. TUB DAILT SSNTIxkL j Will lw delivered to memben oi tbe LegUlatur at tur boarding dou, or at either Hall, lor 85 cent per mon h. I 1 " I . ... old friend l A. A. nauueii, iu r . . a W war. i i.ii a I eloquent and ,. , , , .1 tccomplitbed member of CongreatfnKn.th Wiimington Di.trict. IT- . I .,1.1. t... AtM.I ia In I Ho wa nere looking better tad it in Raleiirh williout havinir "any tie to grind." ' , - Moo. John Manning, of Chatham, lorm- th Metrop.ilitan repretentatir In Cob great, ia at tb Yi borough. Tw Kitirr. or rat Capitou Pat rick McQowan, Esq., it a. candidat for re election to tu ollioeof Keeper of the Capitol. H hat mud t. niott cHicient ttilWttWV: w 1 t r l ble. Ue wat allowed 600 tb eipend in ing thegroon It in order, and hat only keep: expended f 409. Under Badical rule :i,800 were txucnded. at mty be ea M tb Aaditor't Report, Ia former yean, under . a f t . . . - Til iL. zzz -re- " I . prirat user, Mr. McQowtn told th hay, and with it purchased fifteen huudied poondt of platter and A quantity of manure, which hare been placed on the ground, thtu coating th State nothing- really. ,,..,; ! . .,,,...-.: LEGISLATIVE 8UMMART. In the Senate on Saturday the Handing committee! and th Senile brioche of joint aiauQingcom.nHc.-c...ououw-. See Bouate report. Mr. Norwood introduced hill to in cornorate the North Carnliua Medicinal Company. Mr. Ilumnlircv. a bill to amend the charter of Ihe Wilmington and Planter' Railroad Coaiptny. . Mr. Tro. a bill to amend chip. 153 law of 187S in rcsard to tb protection I "of Bah, &cv : ' '.,.. - Mr. A vera, a bill to amend JSCS concerning Towntbip. the act of Jfr. Btiliey. bill to regulate lbs rat of ; intereat. Maket tbe legal rate per cent and BUtbe-rixet aey othexrte by tpocitl contract Jfr. JfcCtuley, hill to repeal th tc of hut aetaion entitled au "act to prevent tin recklett dettructioa of doer." X Jfr, Arert, bill to protect hortrt a mule from the prevailing epidemic. Malwon, col., a bill to repeal the act providing for cumulative tuffrtge 1 the rite of Witmimrton. See Sentie nrorud v - fngt. Only two meatuieaof much itnportan'-e , were cUsd upon by th Houte on. Balur dy. . The bill g'.rinj eich Judicial Dii tricttlu electi in of it S-ipirior Ctort Jnil.rc nutted in third readinir, and Wat ordered -to be engr.aod ud tent to the Senate. The bill chm-'inij tli time of ildilM..iSujKBlt- eounly, p'lmditt tsveral reading. Th iioute Joined the Benate in auiniuuieniig rebuke toOor.ruor Caldwell in regard - otlie port of the' Pr.iident of the 1 Bhard ot director of the Penitentiary. The render tan pott himtelf in regard to thete niattera by a reference to the. re iported proceeding! in another eo lumn. A Toicniso ..'maaoa The renertble ( B ahop Early of the Mahodut Church, j . nowi toite 88 year of age, tent th follow-! ing very touching metatge to hi brethren ' of th Virgioi Conference now in leasion t Petertburg. We copy from th Index. ' iter. K. N. Sicdd aaid he bad a meuig k,ik.f..i mIrum TlUhnn Varla anil ould preface it delivery by MaUng tbat leBiahopi now rery foJbl-more tiie thin be ha ever been. He cannot get op from bi bed. when b it down, and can Bot walk acrutt hit room nnlect top ported. He would not be turprited, theielare, to ' near of the Biahop't death at any moment. Tht Bitliop't mraaage wki that fa bai aa abiding lor I. the Conference and wULea , it abundant proaprrity: that te Hat pekre wiih U'hI and all mankind, and il ready to depart at any time ; thit be hat great Confidence ia the prayer if t h Sainta, tnd deaiie to b rrmemiMtred in their prtyert to the Throne of Grace. It wat hitdeaire to be her, but bit health wat too feeble, tad he would probably never , be able to a-tm i another conr.x;atiHi of theibuftli. He bad not attended hit A'jureb in Lyuchburg 6m: twelve rrtuntht, mTMH-. - , mtBonttnrialipud.il rill continue. " nrPr- Tlx Tarboro So'ithtrnow hi "com out I boldly for Jpdgt Merrimoo for U. B. Sen i ator, . I I l apt. Vf. R. Wl ham, formerl uf Hall- jlras, .atari tud.lenlv at Tarboro, oa lait . . . - Monday. " giwn w Know tli very Careful teoort of tha legUUtive proceed. it fti.'w'g thaf appear In th ftarnsci. are I kttiaL'ansrtua aitentioa nfiha mint vh..l. any and proimnon'. men of th body. Oar aiwara. opciiuao and Byuib bare T7eo04erabltMperi8acUtha rep.. tonal line. It It do diaparajwaeot to the'" to Mr. Bpelmsn hat proW bl J nu equal iu tbe State, I Mr. W. 0. UubUitl, Peace Lecturer of I it,, o a . .i . . l " r " " mUlT h.u.'.k .1.1. -rf,JT ir. . . - I ... mU w n ere aie immeax QuautHiea of cor- ruuduut and lime In the count j of Mco. Tho whett crop in Stoke. Fortrth and (JMnvill l looking, remarkably welL I The crop aowed in Foravth it hearr but I.. ... -' 1 tne people in that tret on are a moat rr.r. on tli eubj.-et of tobacco raising a new crop with ibem. ' . Iter. Joim u. Wflliauit, furmerly of . . aortn Uaroliua. . but now Hector of an . . I Epiacopal Church at' Bladentburg, Mary land, patted through tuleigh oa Balur onj morning, ue were pieaauu to aee him to well. " i i The Tarboro MW tart that Jlaueou, the negro reproonlatire from E Igecombe, waa not a reaident of tbat euuuty for twelre tnontbl preceding tb .lec,ioUi ,h,.Uw require lf ,hlt j,. . v v -,... ..... m i.io Anvairwr .K... , . . . . tJ, ,hlt jubkt)B M . Wathngton where be rottd in 1871? At for at we hear erory body deairetl a thort ttion of the Lcgehiute.. Tbejr ougiit wgmtnrougu by Cbrietmae; fThit ... ... .. . . - wiey caaaou tney worn tnduatrioutly I na never tpcak tar when they bar aomethlDg to tj.4 Thit we bthere tho I member will d.i. : Who caraelor what nr.nl Hm.if,.n.,.,. I Pw, cmpn may do or fteouiUol uo ill cata tome erood anil tnia(onava. 6rt u Md th f1jet iQg of manger geu ao bone-lhe chief tuthor f 111 our troubles. Pool of MoLiBdaar mtamy ? Let our member do their duty Let them quit themaelre like men likt -ntgo ,th wlndl. If Pool hat th pretended Influence at Washington claimed for him, tad be it ot regular modern Mepbittopbilrt, be will nrerent ill the dire calamitiet that ire threatened by Itadical whipper-tnap-pen ia cue of the election to tha United Btatet Senate ef a true Southern Corner- rtie. ITKanKBanv Th. Inhuwi ..Im at lh. wtrehoaMO Ieuri. Wilkerton. Meadow & Howard, lit very tatiifactory to tb planter, fin tobacco lerTing; from f 00 to $100 per hundred pound. Sebbkads. General J. B. Hood will be serenaded at the Yarboroojgh Ilout tht (Suturdav) creuing. Tb General waton of the moat gallant officer! in tb Cjnlederat array, and w areglad tbat I our citixent give him thit token of their good will. . TbeUdie of the Memorial Asaocittioo tr rrquected to meet at the reniience of Jfrt, Lucy B. Evtnt, oa 'Wednetday after noon, at 4 o'clock, for the purpoteof making arrangement for the Fettival, which it to come off early in December. All ladiea who are willing to attitt, are ctmntly requested tobepreacni. Tbb PBBimcaT Meuaow FoRtlkiD- nWKB Hi PuLICT I'OWARD TBB SoUTH. Tbe Baltimore sua t Wathini;toa cirre- ponduat wrilea on tbe lijitt ioatant : , I he rreaident in nit annual metaage. will recommend the naBtnite of bill bv Congret rcmormg all theditabiliilei im poaei by the third aectioo of the four teenth amendment to the constitution. He will take tbe ground that at tbe amend ent doet not exclude tbe ballot, hut only impxea ditabilitiea to ho.d OfflW UU0B CvTUltl Belhiua." there i BO' fooil ream or dialrancnitemeot ot that uul meeely hoeauae ttiet were, before the lajii,.arf3,-.lMdif,v.aaractT eaouirh to be elected to oltice requinng them to take an oat b to tupport th con- nuiion. x. Iu bit laat meatase he angKetted that if there were ' any pertont dittinguiabed above all other for tht part they look in Ihe rebellion tbey miiiht be excluded, but now h propott to incvude.itrjhidy.l The excepted cltstet now are all Beintoru and Kepieai-ntativat of th Tbirtyeixtb aid Thirtbeerentb Congreaaer oflioert of Ihe jitJityul, military and nival aernce ol the L'uiiel Sutet. headl of depaitmentt aud foieignNDiinitiert of tb United State who pirtici patea in tnt reoeiiion. It ait mmoted to-nay that tna rren- and dent, ia fulfjtlmeot of that liberal policy toward the South which it Dmfaiaed oa nubchtu Dywmeor nu irienus, wouiu , . .-:Vl. U i7, Uvemembenof eAiabam. UgWatuie, who were arretted on Stturdty, refused bail, and taken to Mobile under the pre tense of violating the enforcement act, but in reality to prevent a Couterratir orgtuiuitioii to day of the Alabama Leg1 ielature, and tbe tubaequent dvteat for re-elcc.th-n to the foiled etate Henatt nl that Botixioua carpet bigger, Georire E. r-i-encer, in whore tole iuiereat, it it be lieved, theae rret wee made. A Mr. Turner, acknowledged by tli to bee eery quiet and harmlcat citizen, a caKhtuaker by trad, wai arretted, at Clinion on Monday niyht last by Deputy United Stati-i MarhJ Mater.oo a chir(te of having lieen a kukiui. W be it that war ofi !lepo!'m to cenae t OoUtbars iftMcnv'. POOL BOLILOQVIZISO. Pent: Pool' room. Pool ia gown and lipnen,itaD(liogbrf.n)bis l.wkinsc'lH I hiatrtooic attitude. U that deliver I himttlf I " Tbe work giwa bmrsty i. Jiuum ibreati an wortiag ik plij' naa,,i pramiMrtf moflT te (Mnjf it wH. Mj heart wci: with Joj J tiope.apringt befwrc in; drprvewd vleioa (ik k l4atiful mat fli-n all r&afiAr.t lh mtirntiiM Vrittnrla Jiilbtrtii wv cutiu'ci, lit gHtlierirg auuui- me, . ana 1 aual forth reloiii!, re:i'i.Miai'( aud diffnlli.irUet. Like JHtcGregjjor uf ulj, 1 caa an JI tread eaoa onwr kit', oative hoath.M Tee, t hare had a hard time of it that b oertain. . Those pnuen hare doe me iue, aal eva m; r.i.lojguvadid set for get mo. But now I em rsdalm triumfU. Go it Juba. 1 do certainty '"Ifwl mWity k-ood. Ou, .thuea goldo fTiiM, lrniariiig tbeir effects . !... n .u o Uriah liueo. but a etua. Ooda. what a I tug it bat batn. but I . bar beat them t all. Cuaning I fay fort. 1 1" a orator, but I plan and cbem. and concoct. And then r ... . . . . . . 1 10 think, uf my hew mad triende and . . . . . . tueir leal la Bt Utbair. Tb word ol I "J ld frieid in former year, Joseph Ad - dirn, come op to me obiddoo.uid mT lr....i... i.. a.j . i . 'B oo.y vox expnaaton in uie I 1 M . . a, na . . "U,'oage or vaio: ---riato tuou reaaoneM well, eleu wuence ton pleaainj bope, tbi fond desrre, thie longing dreir afiet Ser.' etoriel honors." Just then anme ouo kuocka, a,ud tb to lil.Kjuitor drop inu hiatbair aaylng with exhausUd brealh fcomi: in." Plus. Oa Saturday about th hour of noon (he bell ofthe Metropolitan Market rang out the alarm of fir m tb I ... . Kattcrn Ward, l .nam. Following th uvea crowd, we - discoyed lb fir waa located t th liable of Mr. Lynn Adamt, which , wat found to be burning oa the roof aid at corner pott just a few fuet abort tb ground. Th Uook ladder Company add th colored Bucket Comnanr were DramDt Dd to their energetic and tealou labor is due the tpeedy extinguiahmoot of the fire. Th onuinttion of the fire 1 ascribed to two tourcet ; Sum tar tbat th buidine Si of a wagoner ; other tty thai a bucket I burnin) Ur in rt,bhi ll Pveniirt of the honm malady, i re- tpontible for it. Just a lh fluiie were tubdued, the tmok from th Ret) cue Steamer; on Ftyetterille ttreet, caiiitd tbe. crowd to believe another fir had broken eu', and to a ruh wa mad for another locality. On reaching Fayatte rill ttrcut they fouud tbat they bad been deceived, but their dimppointmeat wat ia toine meature aaaunged bjf the learner throwing tome beautiful it ream! orer the Market Houae aud Cilzeua' Nationul Bank. '..v . . Nor tit Carolin LrsUUtnre. Jv' SENATE, ' ".v .... i Satcbdat, Nor. 93, 1873. ' Tbe Senate met it the uaaal boar (11 a. m.,) President Jf ore bead ia the chair. The oarnl of yctlerday wa read and pprored. 1 1 ne rreauieni inuouoceu the following I Senate itandiug committee tod th Sen branch! of the Joint Mending commit- tee: II.1ATB (TANOIBO COHMITTKIt. Provotitiont and OrienuuM Mesart, Lova, Arera, Pric,Me()otier, T.xld, Mur ray and Hill. - ; - - " t'fciim. Metsr. Troy, rieming.McCtu- ley. Miller, Ellii of Columbia, Mabton, col., and Hyman, col, . Judiciary. Meant. Allen,. Herrioinn, Fleming, Ounhtm, Seymour, Scott nd Grandy. . Inttrnal ImpnttrntnU. Meaara. Jkor- head of Rockingham, Welch, Humphrey, Oowlet, Gudger, riiilley and Mabaou, col. ZUueiMifn. Mettra. CoonniL'ham, Da via, Ellit of Cauwba, Price, McCauley, lleapraiand Eppea, col. Military A ffun Metrt.liorton,Todd. Wilker, PhMuing, Price, col.. Hilt and Long. Iriiltgtt and Kltrtwn. MefraCnwIea, Worth, Dunham, Miller, King, Bernhardt and Met abe, J ariatU urt. Moaara. Norwood. Mtr- I phy. Worth, McCotter, NichoUon Hollo-1 man ana llarrie, col MerrinM.n Hevuiour. iilllia of Catawba. Mnrra.tr and kuiii. triaMcaaJ.WiaU. lliifBhiwd 0f H.4k111gl1a.il, Lung, A vera, Uudger, rnceaiid rtmitn. lnnerana. Meaara. Murphy, Welch', Cunningham, Seymour, Powell, El lit of Cauwba and McCela. x AKXATB BrI.HCHEI JOIST aTAXDIMO OOX- BtrTTBB. . ' Snnm .ik-JfeiNr. Todd. Arer. and Stilley. Penal Inttitutitnt.Mam. Troy, Ellit of Columbia, and McCotur.' ' Jntnne Arytum Meaara. Ellit of Colum bua. Miller and ItrtneM. . VmT and Ifumo. Meter. Murphr.'scott. I d Creamer. ' ' PubiU BuiUinri.Hemn. Divit, IIoi ton and iiotloman. Library.--MjaBMajJJleoiiiig, Price and Cbamtwrlain. " ."-siwt Printing. ftetan. .Waring, Ellit of Catawba, and Long. Iteodt, Bridget, ie Mettr. Baruhar.lt, Stafford and Grandy. Jfr. Norwood -ked to he exi uat d from erring on the Judiciary t omuiilte-, fi-el tog that be could ut ait to the duty of that appointment and at the tame time girt full aueotioa ta hi dutM a a Sea- aK. tteuaed. Jfr.. Murphy reported from Ihe Com mittee tea Joint Rulei of Order, The re port waa adopted. II LA, AC, IXTBOOCCkD. " Mr Norwood introduced a bill to incur porale the Ntvtb Carolina Jledw iual I v.otnpo. Iti-aii Rial. time. - . v-. L od. r a auapenaion ol the rule the I .ill wai read theaccoad time and wat then RAUSIGH, YC., MONDAY.; NOVEMBER referred to the Committee on Gfin Uone FUh iuatructivnt to rrixirt t'T 13 m. oa1 Monday. . Air. liuapkret introduced a kiil.tu luead teejehartrr rrf tbe Witrainirto A Plantera' itathtaf CompaBf. ' KHn-rvd to Omnruitlre oa lutcr&al Imprornarnta. Vr. Troy, lni in amend eiiaplvt 1S3, le tit, IS" J i.Tn l'iiwui ? and trieeev Mr. Arrr, a bill to ameuM (he eet of 186aowccriung V..winln)-. ToJmlioiafJ. . Mr. S,illi v, a bill u iVguUie llio rtt of mt tl-,t itl tliu Xhle. fViakn it i per cut., eia ptoo wvial inirci,hed any Mber rate mar ue lawful.) rbtemd to Judiviiirr Ivtnnnriee. . :- I ... Mr. Mel'aalry, tw.l hi hijie J'aa act .rf last moiiui " to pnrvrnt tllu iKckltM ilea true uoo ol dier." To PiOH itioiw and OrHrrancea. - - . ' - Mr. A Ten, a bill lo protect huraie and mule from tbe ptvraumg rpi.i.m . lu Proptiiiu aud Ufieraiictn. , . Mr. lfauMMa introtluoiid a joiot rtlu tiea to Mine a Kuot euUt couaniltwi pf Z'Z.lTuZZ tb Peniteot.try atfaira ' Went orer BB der the ru ea. Mr. (Seymour, rem.iulioa to aullioriae a ftcMtfa-wHtet. to ttud ,.pe:ii m,ta. Ul.cr to certain couDtie. for uL.ag lecthw T return,. Made the tpeci.l ordii lo, 1 1 1 on Wedneada, nex On iotion of Jfr. Twv. the ru'w of ihm mmid to to proVKle I far a alandhur cuwaaiMea Pn.l 1a.ii. I .. . ituwuin. I m, rr... ..u,,1 il... 1 appointed oa the Peniieim.ry bunding U'J oi potith m v, ...i mis. UiHuthra a notitioa to which he had re- I . . ... ctntly been tppoiuted the two pauiioo being incompatible. Mr. Jfurray rHwted from tb commit tee oa enijroaaed oil:. Jfr. Grandv't hunt retoluiion, in reeard toth. rumlii'nii.i. talil MJf Wadi.. under tli. rule,, cam. nu in it. order uk wat laid on 1ho tal.le ih,. actUiB of ll.e fe rd. rderinrfu wuttiTrV ' ifabaoneoUutmUueed a bill to repeal rhan 04 nrival . Uwa ol' . IHTI.'Ta inap. tet, private UWt oi l 1871-, a. I lu-oeala the act umvldmff for Mimulativa tutfrage in the city of Wiliuington., To Judiciary.- - , " 1 A meetage wat received from lii ll'-ute concurring in the rctiata tmendment to tb Uoutr propoaiou to print certain nnmbt-r of copiiia of the (ioreraor't oict-Itge.-. ' AUo announcing corlaih lli-u- brant hot of Joint ttaading c.mmitteia. Alao trantmitting the rpJirt of N. Vf. WoiKltin on the affair of tha Weitera r. North Carolina Railroad, lieferred to th Committee on Internal Improteincnt. Oa motion of Mr. Knpeaa, at 13 15. the Benat anjourncd till ll o clock Alouuay - riOVciB Ol? KfcPHfSflSNTATIVE!; Satubdat, Nor. 23, 1873. Houae called lo order at 10 a. m. Jfr, Hpeaker Kobinaon in the ohair. Journal of joator.lay read nd appn.red. The chair aitaounced the follow ing itaniiinir eommiitee InUrtud, JmyrettimaU. Mettra. Mc Gebee, buinn ot Cabarrua, Carton, Uryao of Swain, Liodaay, Bryan, nt bampton, Michael, Gorman, Elllaon, Preaaon, Jone of I'amden, and Juluia. Ciaim.-Slea.rt. McNeill, Maxwell, Dickey, Trirett, Gant, Carton, Patrick, Webb, Wtugh, Wiiliimnn, Todd, Bal lard and Stowe. - ' Corporation! M art. Jone of Ctld well, Wiley, Wheeler, June of Tyrrell, Perry, Bjrd, Ballard, Dudley, Wbinln Grade and Gilmer. Balarittani Fto. Measru. Settle, Shinn of Iredell, fJannar, Grady, UaiupUin, Goodwin, Carter, Gidnry, i.uckey,A bhott, Kt'd of Randolph, and Pletcber. - Countiet, Citut, . Mestrt. Wtugh, Gilmer, Wlualuw, Bryan of Wilkit, li. id of Mecklenburg, Andorao of Clay. Mc- Laurin, Godfrey, Klnckwrll and Webb. Jmmtfrattan. Mam. Joyner, vt addill, Jordan. Harnet. GantJonea of NorthtiuD ton, PreatonJifabton and Bryan of Stmp- boq, , JltuM Branch of ComnutUt an PuMie BuUdingt and OreaAtft Meatre. Ander on, of Clay. Outlaw, Cox, Shaw and Huxhea. -. . ... .- , Iloum Branch ef CommUtH m Salary-' Meaara McNeill, Moat, Ctiaon, Oitk.y, Waneh. Guviher and Craii-e, - ' Iloum Branch af Cmtmittt en ttnf an Dumb Atylum Meaara. Carter, Uan ner, Bneed. Muchell and Fotter. - lloutt Branch of Committet en Intant Atylum Meaara, Luckcy, Turntr, Shtw, Moor and Badger. IIvum Branch of Committee on Unrolled BiUeUvn. Jforriaon, Bhinn, of lr dell, Rlchardaon, Lutterloh and Marler. Houm Branch qf Committt fie Penal InttUuliontMvttie. Jfarter, btowt, Mot, Stanford aud PatcbuL liouea Branch of Committet Print tH? M.aara. Gudger, Craige, Jfaxwell, pcott ana utnney. Mr. Bennett, from the Judiciary Com ruittee, eubmitled a favorable report upon uie oin 10 cnange toe rime oi noming nu- ixno Court in th county ol Wake. The report and bill were placed on tbe calm dar, ITh bill prmide for four termt eekteaxli, u tw lietir-nn-ttnr-l Monday in Jauuary. 8th Monday after the eeotrd Mnndar in Pobrarry, -fourth M.m; dy i Joexvwtid eiarttttr Mwnday after the HK.ml Monday ia Augoal.j - ' 1 By Mr, Illy he: A reaoiutioa asking Congrea lo initud the' pmaion law; placed oq cab ndar. Br Mr. Mitchell; A lea. -lotion i queating th SuperinUindent id. Public In.i.uf-tion to rrp-irt wl at mend.nn. ire oecwiary ta th tcLool law ; placed on calendar. V . By Mr. Utynet :XN A bill to prevent r too firing in adjoining count ie l.ot paying toll on th Western Turnpike road; leferred. , ' 1 By Mr. Bryton, of Jackton t it bill ". cow ug iuiy tl Bute ; referred. A meaatg wa received from tbe Gov-1 rnor traniuuitiibg the rVpo(t of N. W. vv ooiiun, balraian of the Hoard of Com mittionert of the Wrttern Divi.ion of the I rt ettera ti. C. lUiltoad. On motion of Mr. Brown, of Davidson, 1 tne report wat tianamitud to the Senate, I with a prupoailion to print th utual I number. On motiim iif .Yr. Badger th rule were I ttnpended and th bill changing time ol I holding th Superi.HT Court of Wak county Wat taken up and pawad ita third I reading and wat tent to the Menite. By Mr. M Neill : A resolution iottruct-1 ir-g the Finance Committee to inquire into tnd report upon the propriety ot taxing railroad ind corporation in which the Stale hit hat ail iutrrrtt. On motion of Mr. McNeill the rule were I u' needed arid tht reaoiutioa waa adopt sd. . Ue Mr. Byrd: A bill to exempt widow and certain clli,eiiv.H'om tatation; rr- 1V ' ,-.-. Mfi' . Iln-ron, of Jat kKin. inen:ei a mrmonal from errUia cuizoue or Mon. J kon and Tramylrani countiaknK fcr threaiMai of a new rowntr. The aitiiwmal aae appropnaielr npftm-d. CALaMJifc' TUe rcet iutinn aklmf a r port fn.oi thr Huprrinterdtut uf Public Wtrucion in rt rd tutheat bwil law waa lakeaup. ..! motion of air. Wengh, ll.e oume ol the Sflpermlaadvnt waa airiikeu out end the Oominiitv -vm Kducation vaiied urn Vo aiak the rt irt. Tii neolui)-- . amended a adopted. . The raaiiuliiHi aakiiig i'uiyrrm to mead the jn-aaioci uwktthM p aaid a iwpte.1. " , , ' ...... I he bill lo ad'tw lha rw era of each Ju dicial Diatiict oelol ir r SupuiorO i.r Jude waa lakeu up ai d paaaed lie tliiro rmding by the fidiwaitig ballot : .. Yia Mot a. AndriMm of Davie, n deNon -r Clay, Ballard, Uenneti, iiitck well, Blythe, lirown "I Oaridaon, B.-J. of Jtckia, lirvnn uf 8amun, It vi.iii ..i twain, Bryan oi AtNthauy, Bynl, t'artir. Crab,-, D.ckry, Krrtinan. Ua... l" KAy, Uudger, ll.n., ujav liourtou. Johiwon, Jonea otCal.l 1'T.Z iTfK iTJ' L"P8a' ir:V mV?; ucle,''TM;T S ,rU i M 1 v' 1M,li 't"' ?-" ',fB'. yl n ,'fr Iri '" L! t"' ?''"!" 01 1 " '"lZ WaliLin w T. ' I l?r'v?."r,'t,I .'O'l. VTalton, WaUifli, Webb, , WjlayJW .hjtmijv AVbianam and n oounouM WAra Meaara Abbott, Bidi-f, Bean, BowtBrraut of Pitt, llnrant. f Ifalifai. llijau of Wilkea, Brooaa,llunn.tpeland, Coraon, Co, Dardeo, Dana Dula, hlliton, Kletcher, Foaler, Uodlnrv, Uurtuan, Oood- wyn, Gray, buytlirr, iloalon, Hugliea, yom-aui l umuru, joace OI norttlanipton, Jordan, King, Llord, Mabwrn, McLaurin, I I 'JT;",' ""iT """"., wma, o L.ll U.. I .. ll L . li ... .. . "'"" " n iiiiBuuoo-iHl. .. W'' ' A rdlutlo. Jo, vommiiif on ITin rg.w and El.t:iioM to proceed at oi.CeVuU. "lie mrertiBaU.moftUcr.oUtt from Camden "J, tL'S the committee proper I '";"'u' o u, l.ui,.., A i.!,..!..,. ! r... iMi. a hiii. .I.ntr if l'h,...l.i. I - : ,"" Ou motion th rule war auappaded and the rraolutioo wat adopted. A BieBK0 wat receired from the Sen t'te'trnnamitling the reKirt of th Hoard of Dirrctor of lha Peuitentiurr and ear tain oonwiwndcitoa between tbe Onvernor aud the President f the Board, with a propoeition to print 400 eopio, ', Mr, Waughmored to comur. Mr. Budxer ihoonht tht lluu aliould Inform il:f whether or n.it the report bad reached the Uolue iu a ptopur man aer. lid uinved . a reference to a ttlect CoDimlitoe of five, but aiierwarda with drew tli motion. -- ' ' ..After,... Ui4i:-Uooi.W Badger, Au leifm, of City, McUehee, llouaton aud other, the oorreapondence waa roan, auo in yea anil nayt being called. III propoeitioa f the Heinle to 1 print wa luttaiticd lJ ,tj;e jlowiug IiaI, I lot . ";'.' ' !i ISA. Mcttra. Anilerton.j f Davie. Anderson, oi Uay, H.-nuiL Hlarkwell. Bryton, ot Jickwm, Bryan, of Samuaon. Bryiua.of Swain, Bryan, tif Alleghany,' uvra, i ericr. uroa. Craiire. Uickev. Freemen, Gant, Giduey, Gilmer, Grady, Gudger, llanuer, Hayixa, Ifoutton, John m, Jonaa, of Caldwell, Jonet, of Tyrrell, Joyner. John, Lindtay, Luckey, Mailer, Maxwell, McUehee, McNeill, Mitchell, Moring, M'ore, Mot, Morna.m, Norm nt, Outlaw, Pmnon, ItichanUm, Settle, Shaw, Sliiun, of Iredell, Shinn, of Cabar rua, Shackelford, Stanloid, thowe, TiKld, aurunr, nariK-a. naauni, vtatton, Wauch, Webb, Wib-y and WwkIIiouk.---88. . . ,.,'.'.,. Nam; ileanrt. Abbott,. Btaa, Blytlw, Bowe, Broah, of Davldioa, Brvanl, ol Pitt, Bryant, of Halifax, Bryan, ofWilkea, Brook. Itune, Copeland, Coraon, Cox, Dardeii, OaU. Dula, Kliiaoii, Fletcher, Foeler, Godln-j, Gorman, Gondwyn, Gray, Guy her, It.-at-Hi, Hunliea, J 'lina, irt Cam den, Jo.Kt, of JhorJianip'on, Jordan, King, Ll"'l, Mab n, Mi Luinii, Michael, Pam hail, U id. id Djandiilph, Khodct, Sluirp, hiieid, Tiirett, Winalow, William tun ami Whiiuiant, 4:1. - ( t he cope of the Ui.1mW wa "in uu tauce, Ihe tanit at that in th rjeiiulti oa yeaterdny, thereftr the r-ptrler winit report l the debate.) By Mr. Johnaton : A rvaolutloa aking our Hepruaeiitalirai in t ongreaa to u their Influence to accur pen.l o a for th toldiert whoaerved in th wr with Mex. loo ; placed on the calendar. Ou lU'flii'n, ike Houae tbea tiljourned. jn.lKatl..i I In rtoket county, on Thurtday, the Hlh, rt uia. rr.ta.ove o. luv erioe t la'lier, by riav. Mr. Jolm.in, Calii Ua.aaroa to Mlat I ow. Bix U. Laaa. On tht IHil. loilant at tht ra.lilence of Uia peiiie-a faiu.-r, by the K.r. f. D 'Ikoiupaoa. Hi.Mi.Mi M.-l-H aaaaaa. U, . N, to Miaa MABTB4 I. uul)kr, of Urtuv.ll county, w, c ... Oa lha 14th Inttant, ta fallaban, hr Rev. B. Barrett. Mr. ti. At. LiTTo , of .Id fort ana ih uu wriuaa, of nauabury, N. (J, lfeo, I . t aleiQ, ue Hundty ulxht, tht 17th, yra. A. rs. Proui., wife, of f. C. Pf..!. la tb 7th year of ka. eg. Al the nl J.ne of Jt Dilllardt, In tdgi mb county, Mr. W C WiLuat,ef eoo annipoaa, ta Um ilvth year of bia ac. X W A U V EKTISEM ENTH. N 4 ! U H K RED BLt'K bLt-Mi ,KkN HiMKE AND WHITE WHITE WliriK Will in CAnPEr WAitr UAHff.r VVAHl CAIU'tf WAKP AT K. C. HAKLiWaKI depot of i T. II. BIUGS i SON". OTJ tf 24,. 1872, KARKETU AW .., !. 94. Cotton .k j -M. aal.JI3n!i; npUuda 19 If; orleaut rum ami miHl.ra-dv actirr. .......rj i, jl niiea tnactiter uut lower, triilnviw liuyera with Uioutrat ciuil and home d.iaud. Mice mm. r.nkqurt t. Lard firm at aa . 'IwptiuiiM rlim. !,uin ttuii. i ajtow ruoiieiaUiy ac ivr. rniglit tirm I'ori di-Kot Mci, atttil. ,MM MiioaWi but cloard eaaU At 7 werung uiuk-ltled at 8 l-Stf 1, Uo. ..niu. ii.a bareiv t railr. , 8ta:iaaai.r " VVnjiiiiorosi Kw.'ti.-&.irita l .Tttr' ptMli. fl.ui al 6fi. It win tlnn at 8 00 lor allullr. ; , ..... . ... " J viuie luriH-niiiic aicitla a IK1 r..r bard U 00 l.r jkIiow dip an I .(iiiin. l Tar murket fi in at 9 tu. ' ' , mi.iu , jaor. ua. r",oUr aciivc Mut lolirim. W hi.a rtml noipi fur choicu. t orn a.w a hue liuuM, j.-lh. S78U. Oatt kctno, aiiuthern 43. Pro. Uioidutl oifm fl, rer light' atuck ol ui.-aia or any kind hKro. Whiakey OS 1 11. .tVAapooii, Jior. 84. -Cotton opeacd uun , Bianua in urieiuw lull. Jaur Cotton firmj upUndt 111 orlvan 10-1-4 Salt 19,000 bale. in'ulatioB and exoort 9.000. ... 'w iLwiKaTON, Nor. 81. C middling! IS I . -Citroo quiet dai.tim.ib, Kov. 3. Cotton quiet uiiildliiig 1U1 4. . - ' ' . . JiorMi.K, JNot. Si. Cotton nrm: hiw luKtdimg it) i s. FUOSI WASinNQTOX. VV ifHlNuTun. Nor. SJ The Buneraia. lug Inapccior ot 8teambouit recomuH-ada I I ..... .1... . ..... -I. ... .1 '"r " mmn, owe to iiim iney may ue qutlioed to ,Krlo,m .1 offlaal m. no. derolritig o poo no iowu mapeciort; aiao mat power be g.rehby i.wtoth Becretary of the T.eaaury to foavt-e intpecting boardt U(-'' . tmbo.l I ' ""J t' piviier lo appoint I to that dota . whiih .h.ll"k... -. j' - ' pltaary power lo inquire Into all oirtuin- ttancea atteaaing caanalitlca, and to impend or revoke th bcenac of iteam boat inept ctort, derelict in their duty. 'Ihe report of tbe Southern Claim Commtaalun will b ready oa th Mam. bling of Congrea. Paper ia each cat mentioned ia the general report go to tbe Claimt ConiiuitU of the Houae, anjiim (Muieit by a full written report tpecit'ying exactly what i allowed or fe)ected iu each cue, tnd giving raiaont of the deriaiona mad. Col. J. JW. Cutttjtatei tkaAJiudm! the actofMay 18, 18J2, III time lor flling claimt for prirato cotton taken a fur June 3U, loi l. lut.rMWtt v'leptm Bled inrolreii tuch large aiuounit and rain tuch intricate end r'ariout auaationi w line, u. at ii ia oeuevea mat the Beere Urj of the Treetury wilt aak CongHha to rvliev biut , bum llw duty aawding ihoiu, ami reitr an caaet tiled uelum biiu lo the Court ol Claima. Th meiuberi of the bar gcoeiwlly would prefer to tat men ciieuia iiittue! ueleruiiaed Judicial PROM NEW YORK. fixw loK, nor, S3.-Four perron are uilaaine;. - A larxet party aaaaulted ladr aud geutleman. The tram hither from Philadelphia ran inni me irei-iu. n;. oouiheriiera among in nun. 1 Tilt N tiioual Board of fire underwriter! thw mm in ua after a hngtliy couaidciation of the iu.tter,ai the repruentativ of a larue nuiuher ol laadinit couiDaniei. re- aolvid that Irom December tut the rite of eoiuiuiaaion to agentt ahould be reduced ten per cent., rxivptin rate of ioauranoe of dwelling ltw, and b mi propny in when oompaiiii can make th..ir own tenut Wltu agent. Adeltid Spitxeder, tbe female banker ot ' Munlcb, I a good looking lady, about Ihu-ty-dv year old. Sh baa managed to obtain th ronfl litiiw of tht rural population of ltararit, trom which the ha received dcpoailaof more thaa on million n irisa. bh,- pay fhem Ihe enormeua inlenet of tea per cent, a month, and tend it out at double (bit rata,. Ilttleigh Market. CAUKKUI.l.V HEYImED AND HKcfEl) EVERY DtT. COR ItabBiea, NovnmbwriU, 1171, . APfLES : ' Oreea ' Dried. PEACHES I Orttn. ...... ; Dried..,,..., 1 60 B COS : x u.' iiawrr; "tidea.:.. : houlderi,,,,, Weatem ahmldt. Bulk Should. ra.,.. , . BUIet Bulk elds BAOttlffli !......i COTTON I -. . Low M.ldlurf... liood Ordinal.,,.., Ordinary .... , . CJlltKEN I, nitEKEi' '"-v;';'' :'; lat.-ra Vuttlux.,.. OOKf ' COKN HEAL , .... UUI.-i ..... H, c:'rU)vn.::......A I, AU). ........... T1EJ... , 80I.F. LEATHER..., . . LPI'r.K LEATIIKK.,,. . 17 I . V- a. i to ll Wt(C75 A TE llyitxl CALLtD TO TUK I KaLEK.II WHITE LEAD Maua'aeturcd expreaaly f or and told only by T. 1L Ul.UiCli A SONjl, novlpltf . J) V I LINSEED OIL, INtr I2otor of .y deeri;Hlon. WlNLHjWt.LA.-8, PI HI and VAkMill, low, Prlt : k inraiilit. - '1. IL- R lll(J 08 A 10 UOT ', tf . . . . - ' . f -J -IT- ALCABLK RAILIt 'AD PltO! tul V r .. .. . , , , , fJ BALE. Puraaant toa e i-neol ho in il t ii ina iiniir Malat, toriv wialera lntrli rlii i srolliii, at lb Nnrcuii-f lirol, I ttureof at A'brvllla. ui a t-tuewulni;, lb-r rxodlnir In ..l, to loHtbmM a ms,ito giTHKrfU ib ma pifadnca tiwu b t leaa aau li.rjiu ilill,y U.inlilI ,uin-n llw nmwiM of .il vroiiua itaonwa votitjiau aad oMivra dulradituu, le ndra aa-4, j om mlMioucra, aKilubil by Ui imrl a the a. hi atKiw anuiuoar4 NtnantbeeUrj. tkfr, of, will aell. at Uia Kailrudd dru t uf thu w Uru iiona i:aroiiua Kaiiruau Loinoaor. at a..l a. (Miry, ua itt-elay, IHt .!! v llwrnlHir ft'"'- ..a, tit ned,'roKii work ai Bi nut, a 1'iiu I auc'.ioii r.rca'.u, a'l i it a,: artyuf tnry lund aiut ameilolioa belaid uie oeaieru.o ill varolii. i.ailMaU Baey. ...... i t.uita a mar nu I r ilia urm-art. t.Ui awn ui.li ra, aJUr oajrh t aailnhula iit.uiil o ia pan-aaM anni. y 1. eaaa w the " au exoaa Un-nrnd, 1 Mi juMiavajjiid eaitua i-i tb urwat, Ami, nay taaeredltv lh ... r.u.iT auuia iHaimot-a. aim i..e iiim j v. uicir ueou ia i-ayiaiin, Ufa aiuuuot lur wiik'u uie ! D r v anal, aeu la iuinn-.it o. p.j fl 4.a, wiMraiM prv iwae. . timx'Um 'mru ouun.Uuna of Uiia road are i-oiuolMed It will oa oa ot lha niual Im portaa4aait pruatabht r tirvwii nr.perth ta Ibeionth. , i lh IfcUKlhof the rod from rJalUburjr e ttllii-a ot which Out liuiulrvd and ti.an la miii& n. v . aa one auiiuraa and lonr awu eoapieMdau raiuiln( lo Old Fort, McDowell couiu,. at um eaawrn ohm oi u lima teidua llw lemainder ef Uiaroaii, Iweuiy-tevanmilca, ta eaau eoaiana ra uaui oi I the proeriy ia about . . i lt,Oiiao The BuauoK deal . Hiojooo wr iwav w a araa uura It of tl.t'W.OOO idv woiy mn oa wic pro)orir. , tor furuer uiloriuauou addnu tha Can. B. tt. UA111IER. ' at Monrantoa, K. C HAKLl KKW IN, . at AabariUa, N. 0. tor I J tda 'I Mill pESIDSNCK FOR 8AU1, 1 ha beautiful and dealrahw KE4IDXNCE NortA Kaat e-.riMe "f WilmirL-um and ror unit e app.j to nor jv-eoiiii M1" wUroUTuM BAhh. JIR. T. R. TCRNBULL no.t!tfiillr n- ' j. ! I ... nouneet the ppi'Braiice of th WORLD-RENO WKEIH OHatAT TliUitlliaT. O L E HULL I!T OTStE GR IND CONCEltT,' - j ipawaiiiay, nm, ailtll, l-. Ataitted b atKs ilBAKlKtXA BI1MWAT. 6IO.Nl.tt KAKKABfl, Al) - MB. J. H. PATTIBOK. Adoiialnn II 1 maerreil att Ml etnla arte. to ha oblai.ied sa od aft. San. lu. at aatuea u. r,uaiaa oooaaiore. (Jourert will coiututiuee at I ocU-k. Th Urand Plana ud at UieaB oumitrta la rroio tilt eelhra.d Waieit.i t ny of Mneara. nniiain itoaoaa vo of Bai.1 ' ore Bjv It tw D IB O L U T 1 O F JOP AKTN EK81IIP. The partiuiahlu karukitora exUtlne ander uia flaaaa 01 ... HKri d. VAL'UIItN A AI.LRM I thit day a tutreii by muiiui rouaent. ai. jh. 1111,1 is. HAUKle VAC'UlIASf, ! au.n e. aui.t .1, A hKI T. Kalclkh, S. t-., Aug UilU, Mi. "TTALUAHI K NKUeK htVU, -V- IKABliUI. tANil. AUD . lhlfl hdrof NolMJintwr iieit. V n.4 pr.vU.a-1. d.apoaed uf, 1 will utter for AiK al VV llder a Blora Uia vaiuat.it and hklil. in.- proved plaiiuiloaljliiu In Uie f. rk of Neur nier aauv-rauiroe I, leak loruierly owned tt H H beawvll, K.u TBm ho.d eotllalna nllia hi.ndrft.1 ann a i.f low in.uii.lsaod uplanda,H well wooded and watered, will, a lUilieleal auaulily elo-rwl to worm tin or iireive we. a mora ueiaiien aaaerioiion ia BHue.iaakri', aa partie u.-.-lrluK iu pui.li.aa aill uml lueiauaiB poraon. - - , . I lu land ta capable uf d.vlalou into aioulkr traeia lo .tut purenaaera. Teruia.wttHinhi aob. Unlji.ee In one. wo aua uiree yeara wltu it. e.eai pyaote attiiuai Iv. ,lllle retained nnliiluat tiaviHot 'or luillir.r partieuta.e app y w the aader- aiiiedor to llu. VVaraear on kl. elucu tlKNKf Mi.HUKC.M. UftMw ';.. ., , uateiau, N. C. w IXPB TTOtOSHVUKBSLLINO 1.0tT FiUt'ltKlV WAVE BEEN.' JULIUS LEWIS C0n Raiaioh, N. C. CW attefolim-tn. and tnTon an- 1-ii;..'li.'u mm. I t-i t a 1 1! t n w A ot HARDWARE & CUTLERY. BEL TIN 0 iiousn vuuisn:xu haiidwau: i. Ert.T iEs.jtrnic. The Largeat ftot:k in tha Sla t. bov lf N T t hAi.i. aso wisrvn dm coons. TIim uiHleriirtttl otMM i to ht in Utn h ll , . :' It A T KB, ' ' 'r"" , ' L ' J. r" ..... x . . - w - ) - . 'a 0:y : I . -I 0)9 i tt hit tii. ii irr( an w(i .-ir-t;Utl tf-'i(f i)-y ,ooi) inr ,u.nau hHOKl. k K A I V MAl CLOiill.Sf. L VI fehkiLLAH NtTIO.fl, e., vim tw U. y hi WimI toti.fie lleu.lirn? t nrjH tt.-Antm it print mttl wu ii-ii,fhiHttfttri triii.91. 'lh it'MiUu ot timiilijr M rt iVuLi t.tl vtb ta k j. ui.i.riro.. N(). CO il EI.) I C A !. .;.. i. t i r.j u k i ji :r : tiru a t Soi Km. ,L Ult. fhyah'we ot ii irj,ii . eowfeU. ahou In H; on.. tb- r.. .-at a.i.f..mi. K ., ,L.i , Itv m team-., ."tit, m m,ii j-, u !. III 1,: H.inU tl all , o : : f.e b$ auu. I'i tl.ii.lmn it, ilie I, .1. 1. i,. lleiltOH wl UM KKi;ii!iiur .....n.li . ty Uneliai jfe, lm, vtcuey, t.eiu .J XtaCuaauiMM, il. af.-(r-i4, l.ai..i S4riW, i;'lll(UHV'U ill ili-,;,. P.,,..!,,,, lu-ari, Tinuitiily, Tnua. a . niu... r. or i.tlu. w, ,ti.vt.pi oi tiie .i. ioi 1 u.t lll. All.-. ,1 i, .( ii.c i,r i. ... . Miaaieehoe BwwaiHi-e IuhWcUimii.h uiiMUKfromBoilliii) Ual.it. 4 l.ul'l . air ami aonvur wacUoi IU. re li.Ui to th. r vl.w ton Umu tii aom of iiw eyn u, t u, Ma imer, .j Lljawa, lil.lilim UKI aioall.nl lou.i k.ia or aui'1-if.t.u..-, r . . .it;, n.ai- liaiie. .VeV. i.etM:Xl . ili.l..i, i... . n l.i . and mind. I0U.NQ MtJf llboi4va k -, V'ica, tliai dii-iiul ami drjinn ih'h aiidiuily eat-) ui an dine. rOt'.NQ Mt Kiiwelali e-iiiary V t ha.tt mhk l.e taaftaal uwnu ami brlmam mieilttu m, a-"' irooa-aiiu oi tiiuiil- iim 1,1 i,... yiuhi etksrwwe hare eutiai.ve.i ii.i....i., wuh ,Uie tuaarVm of el..f;!!U.u f m aked to eeaiacf Uie lirtaic lyro, t(i with fuU coullUeiie, ' M ART.! All R, - . Mairicd neraoa-, or I'.wiiil. mn i,.,.,..ii. lug; ttianaK, aware of I'lieica! Weakii.aa, Loaa of ri0.-rt'alive Power 1 1 UllMll.'l.a. . ...... vov BttUMillitr, Palmutiou. IMiam.i iVi-ak. n-a, Xarvoua bebUit. of aur oJ.e Di u.ii. Scallon, aiHiilr rciiaruL tl WOO Ularua hlmalf oitAr tko... .1 h J. n.av relinluuaiv etmlulo in hi. h..i, it 6. ' gentleman, and cotia.l! rely ui ou l is ,k,tl a a jhj aielau. , - CKOAISI0 WEAKNESS Immediately Cared and full Vhtor liiuton-d. Tula dwiraaawc 4nVcuon-.wiii.-fci i..,.i. .. Ufa Biiawat.l and marriage tuipoa.ilit 1 ili w-ualljr Kl bf toe Vk-Uuia of lui. roper lu. 0la;eilCTia. Youili ro.am U.oai tkxoul aia eateaata frutu uot Uia? ... u,. draultlil '-oile-ii.in-, tint Bjhj eil.n.i. .New, who that iMlrtBillhiasui.)ijfti preunii todvay that lheo..r of pr. miliW la In., aoofle-r by tlioae fulimjf liio o,:.mi-f h-nuia Uiau br tli oruili-nl t BtuHt.-a u imr d, i.nt.d of Um pluaaura of hiwltiiy oll.i ion, tin- nint tetlouaand doatru. live a) ml. .... I h.Hli U iy aud rainrt arlx. I Ue aiairm Iweoinna i. . ed, tbe t'liylt 1 and Meuul t'auftlione uk eneit, l.oaa of frwiraiive P.n.r, fi.-rtuua IrrllalillHr, IVitpaia, FalpiLUou of tu Ueart li.d'iralitm, Cuimlru.tii.iisl li- ih;y and Watiiiu oi the Fnuoo, toult, C..iii..iiip. Uoll, Doaay aud 1JU.UU. ACUaKBfKKUlt.V WAumNTi.!.. Peraooa rasiu; lu hiiaiiliv hi uiileftms i; t-re- teadarawha keep IU in uiiltna; 1..011 u mtmiii, Uikuicpoiaoiimia aii't iii.niii.iuii t.uu. poaiida. aliould apply iuiib.iiuiuir. W.-Hmrt'fr - Meinour of tho Soyal Collrir of Burireoua, l-oii'lou. 1.. radiidlc ot uiM.ui .i.m owi jMMt.. . Coli.-iKa"iu .he i-iiilid tul. .. aiul u.n ll liai't of whiHHl Ufa ha. 1-i.en vi ut in the hwa- pilalaof Loudon, Pad, UiU.i.-lphi end ,-;. where, baa ei)-ud aome of .in. u.o-t, au.i, Uhmv eurea Uial Wtuu iii.-r knonu; .eai.y UmuoKmI with rltiKinit 1st triQ l.i.-a.l ,m'i.,f, WtMOt 4W4, Itreitl, Ber.oil-ii.-i.. W.-i-i r .h., ad at ailotleu aou.i.la, hio.l)luii.ei4. hi I. tt eavtit blilhlltf, alteu.I. d antii.-tiiii.i woli ti raaKetaeut el ndud, ware vuie i iiuiuediut. : . T..KK I'AKTiKVLAK KuVIcK. Dr. J. ,ldiveaall ttiut who tara iniu. -.l tltiuna. Ivua uv hiitiroiKr ii.diiUiiMu-fi aud".....!. tary bahila, which ruin both buoy and u.iin', uiiUlliiid llieui for wilier bualueo, i u.J, eieiy oi mirrlnic 'ibea-f are aoine of the aad oi--lam holy ef. feet proouecd I'y tha ea'tlu) hai.iui ut luuilt, via: Maaku aa of Ilia hai k uhd Lho.' l-r.n a In lha 11 rn.1, 1jIi.uh of MkIil L.. of ,VI :i.- iar rower, 1'.. Dilation ol the Heart. Ilia. liep..lit, Piervou trrllaiihity, tlemni m, m .f thu ilka tve. truuellotiK, ti.-tii.ruj DetjiiiU. tiymi.Uima of i '-ouiniiiii-u..ii, ,Ve. Mk.viAi.i.1 -iu leioiui ctr'ei on i La niltttl are aiuth lo hu dre..d.Hl. L.aa of Mi-n- ory, CiM.1 u.lon ot lilea., IH-pi'ea.i.iii u! r.j. .vu rorttuodilia, Aini'l"D Ui eoei. t, e.-i . Di.triiaL Lova oi Holiiuuu, lltnUtiii. .ve.. a a aouto of Ihe evil protiuetd. 1 Itousanoa ut pe.iM of ell at;ii etiu now iudna whiit la Uot cai. of l.ie.r ue. ni.l: i heauh, . if I -eir i-.r, l.ee.,iini,j ri paia, uervou aim u.ua,..n.t.eu, La. Hit: lar aiiiaiai:ea a.amt l..u en. ' ' '-. la ayroptoutui (.otuoin.pu 'n. lUtifttt Man tVho h.v Injured, thwu-elv.i. in a ..-fi ii pr,ielle!. InilUi.U In ai.e.i a o a Iimoii j.r iHM-Ml-y loar.ted fnuo a.ll ton.j-m.iuri or .t ftclitml, tilt UlU-Vltt U(-.HirV.ll nv hituly f.'H, tjvriiwht'U wit huu il iu4 tuftv. rt fiji.a truftrn ttj; iutjh-n,,'!!, tttitl a't'tnw tm.ti tu.::A be KimiciH'tt from ii uioN;a ; .au f tufni ut ittC Itjf tint TmWH(ii. l,f i.l ,:-A'ii!iij In :-, lil ii tAl Ut It'', fMJ'i m Uit. iu it c- rt -M Pi I trtV'aL U 8 hKli-i t.i i t- re t , lMllaUttKtg HuStHil Ut-l ktiwrd tnind sua body kr ihe qjt(t ttvt.M.i rt t,miU to (. tomoi. ton. u- lf4 U ilM4n a. ilttilHi, iUtui.lt lll"-r t f tr1 j)tt.ut tiirtjuhcu ilfti Kwiflti ttiB.n piUt.nii-. Hifti, tli jfPtt. i ii'tii'i) tiiiliii tit lo'li.v n wt vu Btimi uiY'xuet. fUdtH' ti w.wi tu i mi. m.a W butt Ue m k'u.tttl .;ti lnti'ru-.l tvl vo'i rf liiLikaViru (lltil tJ U LUIUi'.iVhI Uu; ' -u 4. Um iu dial ai", .ifcii-j o'ku tiMj kHI IU U't-vt HHiau U' IMJ liit or Ot'ir nj, . tuvmjf tlutvr ittui Iruinrtplvinsf tt tuC -iit , ffoitt rducHlloU .'Mil r"'ti'vM.Uii:i.t), iuu i,f;j itr(fiAid tailtl Jit IrUi. ILitU U, t! S v f iK'nufuUt njid Ufl;iiJw. f -vu n, ' '..u, ii, tai-itt4f t-uriji, tii ' tt r-''iiman .; , UtHto, kut'l Unix U'ltiftu !,: i r i -:'ii( lilt ffV'T Ji't it'liiirf 4iljJL.etJ.liLLual4t: i 4fT Ultt btta) (if HtU, UtalUiy IH't'tl, .Ut'.TulV, tLHU-t, tHH--3 lt Ml WvW Itltiif )-!tTa?.i,v, Fil' h ",!5 h; tVrti Ml'li tUrvi .-(! tl IiJ ! ;jfii.:J iuuhs iU Uo It '4i f 4ittJ tat. ti, iJuiKM ft tif f it. :U'!ril OU lite t"-3Ui, ..f tit r.X'.fV., ir)lt'tr)(lt( Hltll ft tli II I U r!il'li!tV, fi i .Ii 1 'M, iMtV IU 111. H Ml lltf Mi 'lIN U-i i 1; flit - wnv twt ott. U-'Ni itiijvvi ol ttitim.i.-.-. a. UltiUll4, hy -.w.tIlUlf lOlU to that HUdf.'iM t i. C 'it cu, tiicfeiore, Uf. Jotiintoo -fi m V.-9 1 mwV trtjrUtiii, tv'ti, i;.itt Hit, .M.tuai, OiRce, 7 ftoutH I rotU rU U M. Lft hwid md6 ffotirif, (fi UaUitirtie i't-t, door Irofu Um rowcr jtju tut io v.j- t 4 No Ki lor rt'ceivr -i uSiU -- imp-:; ?.;il & ri ferMt W -i i-J 1 1 T t HUi.l i.itr .',; "vi t-t i.-S. f "itortloa ii tuiVirUa utri.t 4it.1t 1 i:-nx it) 01. Doctor' DIPLuMA lufvsiu b: o TUe Bi.'nf Iti'Wtatjd t'UfHt ut ih iiieiit. (V iL' IB li.G lX l".f,i JrtUfs H.. la.. ttutttinui lirif'ui!ni;t i:tyw& tv'-' !' tutitM-d by lr. JiMii''ft, ti-M-i-. t i-- K Kij5ieM'rt'l-it:i uf tihr t n--ri! 'i t;.i.i 1 t notut o( Mutii bst.-' u, s - 11. 1 ,i t atifMU Uvf'-'r Uiv j'Ui-iit.J, ivo f tt w- nisii i t Ihuhh si .I r."."-is , t,t.. . IK'R'O' jiU.3t!iLtt: in ti,, rU.f. Q T j!Ut b- k.:f 1 v.'.

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