7 THE SENTIiXEL NOUTU CAKOUNA. Item from Vurhilm TVwro 7(1r .- Tbec.ntuo luvcrt have funned Ui J or usui-. , ., , r , :'"...' A crr.y man enarcil sdnii.. rxritruunt but weak. -va ,. i )j Thursday of last week Bob tana dy, colore, sea killed by the Iran! He a.is tupp wed lo be intoxicated. r I . MLtt 1.1 .' ' f ri'wj nun luotus, cnioiea, was . cruanetl to ovarii t Carrr wliisi e up- lit from WifWuyfe Journal : There was a a'iglit fall ( WK)W at l41 rlnbuijj cn Mouday Uit, ,. Dr. Walter II, Langdon, formerly of - ttfueity. u Married Tiu fca jfratriico vi Tuesday. . , Frfac Urrington, a well known bar ber and a highly nteeined colored citi tea of this place, died yesterday worning. The aeauuiiip. LutiU carried out 13 of tutor lieni new article lit ex- if .irt from North Carolina' productive . Boll, ; ' . - ; The b'orte DiaUdy aceiu to be neither better nur - wure. TUcre bave been no deaths, a ye, fiat w could - bear 'o', . while some ut t.'ie tii'Meaaeem to be get ting' better. . : , . ' Owing to the li rMt dineaae, llobinson Circu i reported t.i be losing f 1,000 a day, not from horse dying, but because they are not allowed to how. Itemi from CharhtU. Obi The tmill (H.x Unot Charlotte. To case but covering and are iaulated. prcadiug at they are re- Davidson College liai 109 ituiknts. "' There, are tome bantani egga In Cbar lotu ol hug proportion. Ou of thetu. would make iiuk enough lor the Norwe gian inauUvs, aud tbeanall mi-'ht ail a boat tor th Queen of that Fairies. Theie have been over una ' Ihomaud parindzei uliipped to tuir and by one uo'iMe in tlii place, ttiui early in the mnt mio.aaitm rm, . - Hr. Jno. Nutt, Br., an old ami well known citizen of Wilmington, died aud deuly at Lnunuburg yesterday, aijcil 07 J-eam. ,. Thei tt are four cheese fctorie In west ern fi'ortli Carolina, which will turn out this year 100,000 pound, worth fifteen coul a pound at the factory. " The i d licat before the C'apd Fear AijriculiiUal Ataociation ea last Thurs day by Iter, It. a Moran I). D., is tld to h ue been an able nod elaborate effort. We bud the pleasure of, meeting Qen. Poindexuron lliutaiUj last, and were glad to hud him lull ol die and a loud of a joke a ever. The General indulged in some old time anecdotes, and we en joyed a good laugh at hit remark of . the oljl political times, when they were quite lively and interring. ixtleM 1'rtu, , Stabbiko ArAT. k difficulty oc curred on a car at the old depot ol tli'e Wilmington and Weldon IUilmSd, and iloite , both colored, during which the Utter avixud a tyuife and sub bed bi antagonist, luliiciiug a evre flesh wound in the right thigh, WU. Star. . . The matrimonial fever l raging. Our friend, John Taylor .).. wa married to Hiss Jack Uarper on the Utu iiwt., at . Uookerton. Mr. Whitfield, of Kmstan, married Mist Penelope Britt, of Greene, pn the 14th. Mr. J W. Taylor was mar ried to Mis Mary A. Genu, on tlie Hih. Goldtbon' itmmgtr,' Tull OoVKRitpk' MKsa voB.r-X.h"1 document just came to. liand too late for this issue. It it very long, windy; and it tons manifests a greater disposition to promote party ends tlinn to advance the better interex of the Htute and paople. A il 'pvr e effort i made to make party capital out l act of the last Legislature. Bo manilost is Ihi partinan attempt that tt will have the enect to disgust every body. SalUbuit Watchman. John C. Aycock. ' Esq., of Goldbon, will soon locate in Oxford and open i bar,. and billiard saloon, More cotton will be planted next year In Granville than any iiuce the War, a those wlni planted the present year hive been succewful.r-J3atf2!M Adtanct. JUtnt from the Gold Jam Vctnger; PhiL II. bar, Esq , if rapidly im proving. Air. Child, ot the Urnt;r Hotel, wa married in Ricbuiond, ' Vs., Tuesday. Tue borse disease is abating. -Jfr. J. G. B-ancb, 8r of Duplin coun ty, died from injun received from a cotton gin. Air. Polly Pate, aged 84, dlei in Greene on the 12tb inst. obe was married six monlh ago to her fourth hus band. . , , , ; We regret to learn that Mr. Jim Pate, who uperlntendMr. J.. T. Alsop's gin at Eulield, had bis band badly man gled on Wednesday last. It ie tbeught amputation will be mxnf try. -rBattldMrt' Advance, . The B tttleljoro' AJtanet Says : Be.tr Jacoiw, worthy citizen ot that place, wa swindled a short time since by a nun named Leopold Morri, to, the extent of one Ihousund-dollars. Morris wad acting a peddler for Mr. Jacob. To Bg Skrtksced. During thcornijjj "" KfrnXiTupTiiTcTourt, Orrea ifurcer, (col.) ttill be re seoteaced fpt liiu. uiuiUer of bi" child lust spnng. sn account of which appeared in the tjoulhenur at the t me. lie wa tried .and convicted at the last te m of court, but hi counsel took an appeal to the Supreme Court, which ob tained the decision below.X There is now no further chance for the iuhuinan mur derer, Tar. South. . - At the present ttrra of Pitt court, of which I his is the last week, Ed. William, who bad been once tried and convicted for the murder of Silas Avery and on, ac count of some iufiirmnlity granted a new trial by the (Supreme t-ouri. wasagaii Oil trial for the1 aimc ciime tnd a verdict of "Guilty" was, as beforv, retorned by the jury, lie wills be takm to the Martin county j iil lorfcile keeping. Mr. Avery, the wile id tlieiuan thai was mardered, who a an accessory was convicted with I William on the former trial, upon the utual affidavit bad her trial nirrd 10 Beaufort county. WU. fUin Ihuler. Itmijnm RdKifian. Some row die hare b&n committing great outrage iff opening the gates of mill dam of Kcssrs. W. A. LwU and Thoino-on. theiafterwaidscutthedam d'tlie latter becausi he let the gates down. ' . . . A revival of telii ja at the Prabjterias Church at PhiladlpHus, in Kobesm coun ty, rwtiiked in 101 new m-mbi.-rs being I added tohe church, Ti of whom were white. N ' - a j Another revival at St. Pnl' (P.elij te ; rif) Church reultei in 85 or 40 ecces ion to the church. Bfttufari Count Itrnu: I Orant's mj ority in Besufoit is 440, (which bow a Ion of vw on the Con i aervative side ol 100 oo the result of the Amrmt elertiit v . I MISCELLANEOUS. QliWLUTIOS OF COPARTNlRBtilPl The copartnership heretofore exiating un der th. name ot LEACH BROTHERS, end d"'n general wkoleaa te and reuil grocer and commia. baalne la the efty at Rat drawing from the tna. aca whb. luucuiea io Hia era an requeet ed to owe tenant ana ...i- tbere'w laving trouole lor thoatelTa u4 it tallme the attentloa of th public to the hove uoliro we be ft Mate lbt w will eon tinue the itroeery ed couimtMka buxiee at our s'd lUod, eart of lUa Market, nouar lb 1 " dwcwiuh. liK( T. I-r.ACH, New Torn, M. T. LEACH. erf. It tr IMH BALK, lib A tundioma fi bIiIam at A ... Ui.n. S U. koad with n uih or kiui.i. i . THE llUI'tB ronTmn. roor roomt Kltrhea two, lr lae In each Oood Well of Water at the Sow f iL-l.t bundred to i,000 frail Tree aud Oraiie Vluea aii varietW of tinnea. via tl... and yoniif Otapi Vine rea.lr to set oot Tb above roperiy will be aold, low for caul. W. H JONK8 CO, aat-latf ' , ( , , . s.. . A is -' v. t. tjl.UHt rCBACiRCUlArOSr Jansi, 187L , , . w. K. W O O D A a 0 Proprirtoi of Mold's Anfomatle Low Steant and Hot Wter Healer aad Lawsoa' CeWntia Uot Ah- ITarnaeei Inventor and fawritaeaet the rrlor tma and Lurhminf Firs Plao Hea'or and Par Hanre ; dmler In all klndsot Hrai nd Cook Sum, Kitchen Ware, Urates, fclate Msntsls, ele. , ete Npecial ear taken with Pliiniblns; and all kind of etwua aud Water Plociug repair for Staaui li caters, yuniaeea, Kaugea, Htovea, etc. WM t WOOD CO.. 8. W. Corner nalto. and Butaw Ata. -djn HalUiaora. Md. 50 BARUKLS N. C. FAMILY FLOUR. MS Barrel KoSnok Fiiiullj Flour. ' ' no ratapace io Barrel W tilts and Lk'ht Fmllv Floui, 10 Uarral Hooai Bine Family Floor. , 10 Barrel Henry' Welab Family Flour, BarrW Kuanok kttra Family Floor. Baun Hill kuiMrior and atoanok kztr ii'ijur a largs iot lu ua4ugea to anil retail trade, aep I1U , W. 1', oTEONACH. JLLCillSATt FOB TUB CHEAT CAMPAIG.S lujaUkjUid-L nese lnteru, 1 ransparenciea, suu;, uuelara Licit, Fir Works, Ac, at mauufaclurei prbeoa, for IllBtnlaailns; Parka, Square and Buildiom. both public and private, for the coming cainpatim, and will (rive personal at tention to Uieu-arnuureinent and dtsoley. Or ders for article la the above Unewltb or with out persons! attendance, reapeefcf ully solielted and prouiutly altauded to Pleaa cive as mnctt nout poMibie before meeting art aetuw K. C. FOLGER, 40 ltoanoke Aveuae. Norfolk, Va, a-jf t-l'B AND a A X , I The undi-rslitned will sell by order ef the Court, a uaall tract of valuable laud north uf Kli'uitt about aix mile, and known a the south lub-divi:on of lb land of Mr. Uilly Joilreya, deceased, beiu; lot No. 4, and containln; 'iti aere. descended and belong-big to Mia 1 A. Jettreya t beale to take place on the slid day of Dueeinlier, ISiiL at llie Coarl llouae in tne city ot rial- sivk. Term, one-third cash, tne reutalmac two-tbirda la equal luatulnieiit of one and two year with uilereat from date, and title willitiflu nuui I'urcliaae miiney paid. s U. W UtHHIKIK, . . t.mn. lU eltb N. i;. tbiot. . . aal364-blv ' J ' VR-iK 8 TO . K IF Z k tti TR . , WOOL IJ lust receive) at ISAAC iiKTTINOEU'd D Kt-M MAKIMi Aiiisw u; j. cp mitcii ottera her aurviee to lu ladle of Kaiehrti n vtcin'iy a - MANTUA I MAKER ; at her rtideoce near the Fouedry. - Worv doue neatly aad promptly. Fear uf eiperi enee ha Nued her for the poaluon. Patron age solicited, aur lU lf o Dutch BuIIm aud Flonr Jan. net iO-li W. O. JO.NEd A CO. F lot of Trace Chain, TnmbleV aad epsdc vet all k . W. H. JOMd ACO. J , FOSTER A W B 8 T , Inula Street, Salisbury, NC, mrriBaTriTrmworTosruS'aud Oolton Wholesale Dealer in Wniaklea, Brandiu, Ac - Order ollctted, - . Reefer to ll. A- DavU, BJbker; John I. t'li iver. Kaq.; Hon. N. Boyden ; iiun. I), ii, Fowle, Kaklgk, M.V nov n-Hia .-- - iVr lUNTAIN BUTTER a L'HKiNL' 1 dust rweivedlkitti nice Mountain Butter and a supply ot Ckesuuu f-om the Monnlakia. oct 'M-lt JAMKd M. TOWUUk -I 1 . " 1 1 li 4) THE DEM'XJRATIO-CONSERVA-l TlVaJIANULlBfiKAbRkPUBLlCAMli ELECT tiaTLn: I napeclfullv aa- aouuee myself aa a eandidate for Um ortlea uf Pnucip il Clem 01 ine nuns or uepreaenta Uvea, ii ttiaK served Is thai capacity in Uia Uiniseoi Oommonaof tlx Usaerai Atsaemtily of le61, 1 refer to avery bvinif member of thai body, tor Un manner in wbnk 1 disebaive4 tbe reap malbledutle of the p altion ; and (or Biy present aaahdcaUon ana line for the odice. I bex leseto giv ref-raKseany irenll-man in the ftate who know me, aud etpetdally my brethrep of lb preaa Very re apecllully, yoer ob-jdlenl -rrant, STEPHEN II. POOl, tUilor Journal of Commerce. mov . cJa l at o f valuable i M1N1NO PKOPERTT. " ' i By virtue of decree of the Court w wilt sell for eaah, at the For; in F.anklinaville, Randolph eonntv, N. C, on Ui Wttk ieea be', IsiJ, the to!iowin( taluabls pr party : . One undivided half of 15 acna of lead known a Uie Hopper Ford Mill alt. Un othw tree or eu acres answa aa ine Iroa Ore Hill, on wbick U aa laexbanslibls bed of t e-erl r Iron una. One tract ot acre cn which are all the tNiildiue, lorire, . ' Aiao. M acres, valuab'a for miuersl. ad )oi:iliiK the atwre, Uis- llmr with aoiue pe'aoa- al pnerly, Bjmuig luiplcraol laro wmui npe,. die , Ae ,1 . H. HORN FT, Irw ' W. F. ooWXiN, I nov I till dee I.V AlikM WA.VIa.il, ioKtaeafew boors day or eveulux to a pavb';-tori, tlti4 eciinsifiled amor llrulftU prelTrd J. F. LA wf lit 11 t,al V, haudolpb etn-cl. Chicago. III. aovH COMUISSIOX IIEECIIAXTS. Uso. T. Ltacu, K. I. M. T. Lsacil JBACH .BK OTHER 8, TOLESAit AND .BTAIlZ woCBBS CUMMWION M'RCHAXTJ : : Wnniaittax fraaav, kUuion, . C. Cunsbramr'nU aud order Kairbied. teptletr - " ' C. I T H O A C H x SUoCBaaolt To J ' C ntniiti 4 Cm ' Qreetr and Commiuien Mtrekatt rjEALER 1M COTTON AND NAVAL eTOREi, Bceoad Door above yarbora Iioes FayttnUU At, AdV avir. ' ( MOULCE A CO.. COMMISSION MEItCHAim, 8tl B.IOTAW rVrnitET, . Baltimore, Md. : " 8ueelal attention nivea to l uf Wocl. ii k vi r rait, camera, oeaswax,' ate., eve. i;io jia B T K R I H I I COTTON FACTOR Com mixtion Mfrchant. ..- .,..,, RALCIGIi.M. CI. .; - .. ' Reference! Jone ft PlnmnKV, reterabutg, Va. MurreU TunshUI, Nee Turk. epSt-diwawawtf THE PIllEXl! ILTCU ISXIRntg CBliFUI HARmmi), COSXECTK Uf Muur. Cka. P. Montaicue A nun are Ui w known (ieiiend Aireut for North 'arolin ud Murj'laud . ADM1NI8TEHEII BTRICTLI MUTUAL PLAN 8 , U 0 9.0 0 0 or ASSET S Tb poUele are all "non-forfcitabbrT ' NO F.KSrRlOTlONS PLACKt) ON TRAVEL UNO OR KitaiDK.NCB UT Promptly pay upon all lone proved On Uvea bunra tea year, or Um Endowment Plaa. No ira Compsvi at lloa oa Ashoad. ' HALBIGII AllENC'V: JOHN DEVEREUX, Eai., OiHce in dtronacb building ou aecoad door - Manicil. BxawiaiB,' ' W . P . M A L L K T. M . D . not tf . rpWO TH"U8AND, TWO HUNDRED AND bEVENTV-O CJ.fri) Al.Uki OF LAND. , BA.NKKUPr SALE OP ItEAL AND PERSONAL PliiiPEllTV .11 Tueaday the Hlh day of October, IHTi at lU,o'ctuck, 1 auall sell to tne bbrbuat bidder, 'oreaab, in Lrie lowu-uf Louiatimx, la Frauk bu eouti'y, Kiir.h Carofina, the tract of land on wIih-u An-biLald Taylor now llvta, about four miles west of Porter1 Oold Mine, In Fr mklm county. N, O , eooUdniiia: by said A. Taylor'aacli.dulo, a,!f7l acre Tula la a very Valuable aud productive tract ot laud, a larire portion of wnieti la In original trowtk. with about ftutl acne of rich low crounde on It. It a'o has all nn eaaary outiiouaes, neh aa Ham a, btabies, e., and a storehouae for mar ebauduing ; also a splendid Dwelbns; House, iarxe and commodious, budl t eouaidrabl eoak On tbi land (being near Porter1 Uotd Mine) I (old Mine prooonnced by compe tent judge very rich, pei bap the rlelieat la Nortb Carolina, , At tbe win Um and place, I shall tell fa eb to tbe blithest bidder, between two ud three hundred accounts, dus bills, note, eeipta, ate , amounting to about ti,UUU. Person w tailing to make a good iu vestment o' tlieir fund would do well to have an eye t tbi tract ef land, salt la ve-y vtluaMa. MlCiiAkD W. H-UutMJ, Asu(nee of tbe esuite of Arehiuid fay lor. sua; id-wM. N 11 T ' I C ' ' ' , ; . 7- llavlng sallied lit ealate of Charle IL H orton, decease I, with tbe Probate Jdrf of Wake eoaaty, I hereby notify all the legatee Out I aa ready to isttle with tharn and will psy so Interest Bpon the fund la lay hand tor dlatribaUoa after tbi day. , Aaomit aaoerlained to bet in hand for dls Uibntloa t.'aM.aa. ' 0. W. 8PIVET, , sen It wSw ' 'Ex senior TOBACCO , MAN UF ACTUBEU4 Aduaaiaa of Til par mmt. am Cmk W wear- taiaed value will be aad Bill of Lading t of tMasbrraat to our bouA InVerast at of 8 per cent- per airaaa. Prompt re- tarwasad with cheek for baiaaos da tklp per UumedUtely o aale of goods. 7 sole Importer of Ik Bl Out" brand 8paa)lk Mas Ucarlo. ' nurr jaa .-a, i,e.b at uo.( Tobeceo CouiiRiaaloa Merebauta, u kacluuias Plao. - . tn-eodava A Uailusora, Md. i. - . "' . J' L T I'.K W1L4 N COLLBOI t E INSTITUTE, beald a riving aaoal mudera aad taorougb luauaeuoa la tbe a-wal liters rj, srtialic sad scieaUBv branches, baa Del"- mnlof iAwaeafar Bamam and 'ir-Jifa for you ue. laviwa, and of Aitrteuttun. iorttaW lam and fimt4fy, for young Oentlemeo. aa atrtbe eMcienl coauul of Mr. C. W. Weai brok. Oeeaaloaal laKtume by Prof W. C krrr. Tu.Uvo from Htolili sod board Jla. eaabntT'r.rUiiif) i ("VBioiitk -tLv S.jlk.it aik.LL, A. M , mar?-dUa Principal OS Vm 'niierlor Ciled.ntlr Mattraa. epS-M . . .V. If. JubtaACO FOU SALE. 1 r sWs Cotton Pressi BEND I OCR 0HDER8 IX FOR THE IM riltjr Cot 1011 rrfHt." XI rflU UTLKV COTTON PKB-, '. A known, and wkieb ear aiibra aatifai ell fai-lloa lor u at tare acaaooa, ran be obtained with lunauroremenu. of me alRakbtk. Thltlaau mnaiuai bw, jbbereby all friction U-ewnim it aimtA-ity, Eeoa omy and DurabilUy aauwiah air who e It Aud the more so tliat a power so aimpl auouiu ut rvnuineii ao uieg uatropnaled in atratn I wliwlly lorue l. me Bed Plate. Follower Block aud 'wo t 8-4 la. square Iron Ban, wbUh are caia!iU of tnatalidiur a weignior iw.uiw lwuuua; Uiua siviix much ir ore atreegth tha la required HU tia Vwa liao am ea patk a bU y cuTrim aUS saw Oiw man can do llw woik, oulv ivuulrii lonteT Uine; . it oeeupt a very email apsca, and can be wu I' aeea aa . ' mwin uia 1.1UI aiiHHl mia the Uiiror Lint lurf.ui, i may b de-lrtd, tbua oingaway aim uaeia aid Irautul K ud UUg OI IDP laUi. it la light In wcUAit, can be btka downand put np in aoffitmrte and eaa Ik transported oa a ins bora wagon 1 believe tt to be aoeqiialled b anvPre jot rawr. cvaaaineih ana isnratHliry I Pre eomolete 1 Orolb of Ctill.ia 'H.ir feet; as of Bale, 4 I feel by Hax:Ju iwuua , acixtiibui oaie alio 10 l oaiida. t. a. BKHiUij, Uuttfuturert -Raleigh, N. C. REFER TO - ! Judg W. B. Rodman. WeaM gtoi". N.C Judiretuo.eme court Mitor wr. s kinani Waahlngloni K;.-; :7; Blwtier,- Fsyette vllle, N. O -, W. C Troy, Fayrttavllle, N. C: B. P. Williamson, Ritebjh, N. U ; Tbama B. HrWgera, Kaleign, N C. I Thomas Howie, Halelgh, N. C. i Oapt. A. II. Andrews Hen derson, N. U , Buperln'etMient K. dt O. H. R. U . : . H. Jobnaon. Lllutm,..N.. o. : Jeter oa Jenkins, Nabnnta, N. C. ; Fvsret Bmltk, aia:ay awaas a. o. , a. aa Wlioer, rralla. linton, N O.; John F. Fort, ForestvUle. N. C i L P. Byaam, Pittsboro', N. O. : O. O. Atwater, Piluboru', N. C. 1 Dr. J. W. J nea. Wake eounty, N. C.J A. il. Dewar, W eonnty, N. 0 ; K. It. Pogue, Hliiabora, N. ke C, Bug at MB '",:. .""-f. BI V THE GKXll.E STANDARD Is CALEB. More than 350 DifTcteot Mndiucaliona, lioMKT PRAWKB. FAIRBANKS A CO , ', ail Hroadwav, New Fork. Itm Ballliaor St. Hallluior. Oamp 8U. Nw Olaaua, FAIRBANKS A kWINO, 71 Ut hratuut 8t , Phlladelphbx FAIRBANKS, BHOWN A CO.. , . lie Hut aireet, atoaioa For aale by leading llardw' Dealers. ; Sep l7dJUwm J ALE OF REAL AND PROPEETt. PERSONAL Bv virtue of a deel tu trust ciecuted to me by Thoniss il. Raney for eer'ain porpoae thela aoet ltlod. I ihafl einoae to al bv pub. II aoi tion bo the higliesl bidder for eaah ea the sand day of October next oa tbe preuitaea, a tract ot 800 aer of Isud; lying oa tin water of (Hob' t.'mek, in the county nf Oranvlll . Thla tend ha on It a good com fortabls dwelling ho aa, and e her vaJuaUl ut bonsa, birn. Ae At Uia asm lime and nlsee an1 en tne anw it run, will bat old Um tora ol hurae. mules, catii-, bogs, tdaa'atioe bails, household sad kiU-bea furtiilure, A-e I. A r AIM II ILL, Trnata. I'JANO.S, Ac JAMB PIR8w , 8' S rcaiKrlfulh tuf- tliepalillc, that trii-y have juat received a ue atotrk of llioae eujierior Plane Forteaof lti (int. A I UMosooMPANlfoF NkW roiia towhwblhey invite aileutlon. The imiunuat resouruea of tills cotaiMiiy iu the aliajie of cat llaL machinery aad other taeitiiiea, enaoie Sem to put their Pianoa at a raucb tower n'.t an any oiber Brat elaa eslablialimeut, ami penoua auoui w parvuaaa win ana n muca ic tlieir ail van bags to call aud. axaiaiue Uiear Pianos before purehaaiag eisewbere. , , Bend for circular to i JAMIfd PHWInN HON, Cor. Ilargul and SaUannry alreeU, ' maru if ' Raleigh, M. 0. TUB HUPERIOKITF OF TliP UNR1VAL LKD .... , . .W I1LK PIANO FuR't'k bi conceded by all who bave AHEFCLI COMPAKBU it with olher. in llie ' . NEW8CALE. Th ManvfBcturrr baa locawnjed bi tl tbe MOBT PbKI EIt PiANO iu. 1 BOaaiitlei bane tli.-y are .preli rred -by-r-i- t.KKAT AKTidlM OF Tlik HAT And recomim-nrl-dby ell llie i.aADKu iikWePAPEHs Price will b found as reaaonsbl' as eonoia teut wiUi thoruUKi workmauaiop. WARKHOOM8, STB Avaaua, Nkw Tone, Co. 1t bthssv. Ttl ' . - ... - lit I A T 0FJrll llOUACE WA.TEHB, 481 UlPaUWal will di pose ot ONE HUNDRED PIANOS, MaLoOkONB and OHUANd of six Sralelaaa makers, mcludins; Water', at BxrasaaLi Low ratca roa can, or will tab parteaaa aad baLnce mouiblj autU pant New 7ociaa PIANOS, modera tuiprovaenl, for $JJl, eaab. ta new kind ot riilLOK OatUAN. the ssoat beaalifai tyU ud perfnet tone ever awla, bow on ailuui.hai at 41 Broadway, Sjayllttf . N, "' 8lV(ILB HI At 81 o,4l u. 84 to, ft UN8. 1 IW. 88 W. 810 00. DOUBLE 0UN8. At 88 00, 87 8-, 810 00, 81 W, 8100, tM Ud, 8 ou, tu ou, 8 . 0oo tw, to ; i - . - Breecb-Loadtng lioebi Oan, At If OU, 84 ou, :Jfl ou, 80 ou, $75 UO, 8W uu, iu ou, fiai to f.MW to. P i B f O L a . Smith A Waasoa s. Coil a. Allen', febarp' Witney aad wtber bind, , t MaecraCTvaaa' rami AAMMLMri., and iwPLKMkNTs For ttn-scb-loading liana, at a small advance oa roel of iiuponaUott. " . M.Ullie AmmuoithMi Kur KiBee aad Fistula at lowest mets4 price A wipteta aaa'irtiuetil of all Sparling Uoudai puce and uwnib ul un appu oodal luoai aliippod by Exiiraaa C. O. D. Fubi.lNai', iKiMULkasOO, laeoavtH. Ne. Ml V. Baltuitoni Ol . oaltlmor. Ricbard', ilougal's, jrtei. tkoli , 4 ba. eeleuraied U4ar of giiaa oa naod aud HSiporV-d liorU0r. - ej IB end a iy ' ' WXzS& LAK0 AGENCIES. KinsralAnl V Rliller, RE At ESTATE 'KXOirAXGE, USDRIt kAl.llHII 'NATHINAIl BANK. laud buyer may rely oa lirchaihag dtreol from tb Propwrty Oarnars. Ns ' allddlamaa or Agent allowed to 8 peculate or ohargw aa advance oa tha owners ' price of Fanaut, aVa. Hoxlbob and Lots for ! . .' 'Sale. ... ftJORTH CAROLINA LAND COMPANF.- JtSTAULiSHEl) TO ritOMOTB TS BALE tr LANDS aNDBNU-UH AOS EMIGRATION TO NORTH C.t'tOUlA llMKlQlt, jr. c. Thla Company hat beea In ru cm(i ' ration for over three years, and il Unue to Buy, aWU, Leant or Rent Real Relate, epou eummlssioa, or otherwbw, en th moat favorable tenue. Parila baying Lauds to tell will. dm H te their Interest lo call at Dike uttw or eor- raapond with a, aa our faclllthi foraelhn ' are tncreMuur every dev. Large tracts are res 'ered ra re aale1 le by being divided. Tbi Company U favorably knowu at km aad abroad, as tbe targe aumber eF emrfrairte it ha Inlroduoed and locate! la IkU btate. fully HUaU, Partlea entreating buaineea lu their hind have th best auurance that they will be fairly repreaentedi - Addrea all eommunicatlon to l'k i OaroltBa Land Co., or to Va, 8cotl,Si- ta - OEO. UTTLE. Pre Wat. Soort. flec. .l4sit 7'7 7 I- ; ;f.7.7-.. T" K QKM C II URN! Make th beat quality uf im Velioe But fri avj.t uiiU lu fnna t to I v. atlast. After srnov 4 irin tkc ckei nd taltlna; It t rady lor the table or poo In 1 Beiug vsrfeetly re irota rbiy in- ulia, Il re fair no workaig with Ur peddle orapoou. aad will eruia-a awnt long-vr Ulan ail) ar kl audi from Sour ur ducomposud milk ' LOU' t ri(ht orChurni f alu. For fnnher peril (alar addrv.M. J. H. OtlR, eeeretary Oi-n Chuia Compiuiy, may P sod if Cbarlutie. N U, 11 ' 1 'I Wk. F. Uasvas, mo. K, McMaMAa-, Via. T. Law. Graves Warehouse. ties , DANVILLE, VA roa va uu or L ncco TTTB Have Joal pat I itloa to oni FT Wamhouae, maklu j buvest acd Beat arranged koua for l. - aaiuea in Ui, Town. W lib IV large door and IV aky-U, Its, Wagon lorked up ui Ui Warebvus at ni.nl. Dry btalU for uoree. tiood roouis fua Piaa- ter to cook and sleep in. frotn' t alow'toi both mtrel and cniafoti of "'Uu av md tbsirteama, ectl-dir . Ma ovar 417,oW,00J ss'ely wveated. lias an annual ttevenu of over U,(W0,0iiu. filsiulaif oer 10 000 policies annually. ; It I tho oughlj eitabllahed, end It ability to furnish th best aeeurily, at luw- ' at prio h price, l not t matter of ext eilmeuL hat wld death loa In II I Da part mi ut, embraclnf North CrolHi and part ot VlrglnU, within a fraction of 8400,0110. . Th condition of an fSTNt LIFE F.fUCT are' LIUKRAL, PIUCTlOlL, REALISABLE All .oi:;iere VoH FOKFEl TABLE after .TWO TEAR", except m vilill' 1BN YEAR term p .licit. ud TIIEV . Altl AFTFB TIIKKE TBAR8. UFR. " . 7 . Beoembar that tbe time will sum when yo eaa ao longtw labor tm Uioae ' yon iov, slid protect litem by a policy oa vonruia Persona destront to hold a pollrvn thi well laatad and successful company - or set aa agon I, will addrwa W. il. ROW, lUNAHKa, Offlos I altlgh, N. U oet (Veudsmitaaui BUIi.UlStl LOTH IN TUB TJIvYN OF ill RilAkl, AND FARM I.VTIIR I V1CINITT run DALE,. For eaah or eiedlt to suit utrebsssra. Tbe Hotel Pronertv a. Duruaou and Beildiaa LoU la the heart of biw. Also. Ui PraW pianuuoa. Also, Ut Uoiwb antaUoo. the Hammond plao aad Hi Mer nt place. Appyto apr 11 ti k. r. Miriinia, agnnL E61IIENCB FOR 8ALK- A larg- aud valnabl resldenr m tlie Eas- tera Ward, only a ehort dialaoe from lb AapitoL For particular apply to OJlJ IIHtlHIUi, ngT-lf or T P. DKVkKkUX. n' BOABDINO UuVIi ST TH USPS fit BSBB BCILDIaO, ON FATETTEVILLB 8TBBKT, Periaaneul sod day brders,Uksa st rtswoa- able rales and sauaiactiua given sin . r. iituis. rRKias.oa ueivs to Braato: llev.J. . Amuusoii. Him. Il-M Hru. r, TaOdeu Aass, Sat)., Job tt. WliuauBB, SS-t- . . , wj l K glTNA LIFB IXBURANI E COMPlNT Jour niNTiNG. o a w O R k 7- I '7 7 THE SENTINEL JOB OFFICE' I VERT COMPLETE. We r prapered ' eivcet li 4irJ bl)lt ALL JKINUS OF PItIN .1X0. OUB CUAR45B8 ARB KBT MODERATE. 1 Wetibope oar frlea'je will aewd la xii l: i it kifi-:r i Whl.i ay a- 'til ta promptly atteaded b MISCELLANEOUS. T UB BUT PbRKil'IOAlJiOF TIU IIA7 TUB OHKAT ENGLISH s U A H I' K it L I E S ' ','aHO ; l'oq,i ErIlarfBrsfc aj'jiiaf,. i nit LkiiNARu boott pcuLrlm,' o 140 Fillbm ftrret, New' Turk. 41 alwl M-(Aird iA war a) ltm oriyW The Edinburgh Review, Ine MMOua tla.rierly Ruva s. -' . Tbe WeauniHalvr Kevww, Tbe Biiuaa Ou trun) Her . viwM-iij a an y. Aia-Hdjly, ( B 1 i'laiiiit"i earyt Aaaaif A fac-aiunle wf tne vriuiiMi.a PUl . Montbi. . Jj TkMM uw atuai KiinioB ForaayaoeRevHiw, Fu aa tare aevaawa, ie any tare Review 8 4. fii .I,. r.uu lo.ou ;uu 4 V iwaniuwKivein .. Foe bnaaauMtt a Magaxii..,, Foi BaekeoiHl ana l k...i..w tor btachaoeu and S rUia!" to or biacnwood bbj a k,.-iu . i .1 ; X Furlfc,eeusndUiileviei U. ' Poaaaae, two eeuua nutubtir, to ee ureiadd by to uuarier al Uie oibee of dvinory. cigii, A dlaeount of twenty pur ceuu w ul b. alio, ed to oiuu of four or more p, r aa. inu-! foureoi,l kbmk.ow one hi,w will be awil au m eddeMa b lu.eo; tlm eopuj , i Ui. f Review, .aa BartwoU. to. lafi, aad ao ou. lo club tat tea ur auora, m a.t-lltioa to m abuvtucouit, copy ar.ua Wiu (k.ij,,, U lusjstuar upolluaoiuu. ruiiiiai, -. Newuuw:rlber for lb year la! utiy a,n wiiboat etiarva, lbs aumiatr lor 'tne lut ,0r' T.0.111 "" rwrtoutoals a they may Hiuacrib (or. i Or, lastead of the above, new rtibseribers to ny two, ibree, or font of Uie above periodl eaia. may kav, a premium, one ot tbe Font Review.' torwri: ubcriur to all Mr mau ? ' ' roar Review' for 1L Nmtber nramlnaa le eubee.ioer aor dU waal t diabtosabeaRawedaaloa. lb mrniet te mmilteddnwello lb pablisbera. No bra miuaaa can b (Irea lo club. To eeeur premium, It will be neueasiry to BiakeearlyapplKuyo,a. lb. Mock svaiubir for that purooae la limited. Circulars wttb tunber InforuaUoa way b had ea applhauoa. ' laa Lbobabb Soorr Pua. Co., ' I4U Failua strsat. New lurk. TUB LEONARD SOOIT PUBU8HINU CU " uw rvBLua . tbm rABittn a auiog To Scloutifio and Practical Agriculture. By Hsnav. evaruaaa, F..B.,BdnoBrgb, and tb Uu J. P. boBTon, Profaaturol aXauuc Agrlculiur.l yi. Oolloga, Na iiavsu. . 1 wo vol. Royal ackavtt. ieov Ipagea and aumemuaeugravlu", frle8l byVull, . fea in-if JJOLAJISE AND FfJfE STflCPS. H6 Bbl. '"a ft. MuUmea, UlTlervw .. .- . .i 8 find. 8 libd. Nee Crop Cub 8 Bbla, Must-oven. NeeOrleao. 8ilvr Drlj '' ' ... LKACU Blioa., !'' taroccm. CU10NON8, LONG BHAID8, CORONETS, curie aad otbay hair (uoda, juat to luuil ' OBTTINOER'd. PpUB COLUMBIAN CO1XE0F, WAsamaTox, d. c. The Preuentorv lbmrt,.,i a..... 11th, WTa.- ' r' - -v The C'olleg op 8et 18th, Tft Medical liuvartiuuul omo Oet Ilk. Tb Law lirpartiuont upaua Oet nth. For C ATALOUUhS eoBlalninir lll !,,,... mstloa la regard to tbe several Ovinntuienu. ddre ike prmldenk . a. i, C. WELLtXtt, LI. D. sua; 13-aoutUNictlO I M K 1 M Ell On hundred liairal No. t Llia y lal sr- rived. A L 8 O Rumiualeaud Jann- Ulvur (.-..,. r n. of Paris Iam.1 i iaater aid Aj- Uu.lural Luna la More. i .8 m row acf Iti la Ui.' U S.ti E Ilu.j 'la,nea, Very . heap. jlj tl tt U. JONKB avdl. F A Kctroiid 1 1 at id i'Imh i. F I 8 li U II For wheal or other Full crops aae rial, Ousao, Il la Md Mlenaliely and appniclatual by every one. bold by W. C. STRoilACHAOO., luh-kb OOWANO at HARKIH. Uea. AgenU and 'I insurer ... ' , V A - - Norfolk, Va, ap8 Aawalmd LOt Fresh Ml'laU Ju-l re sired. " avr t t v ; TH ,ai H F A li aew. at tM-l 8 J B ' i A I. K 7 : 4 of kCouuliud lirale. a -uie nearly 't M It 4, II. f . M.i.l.'Ns. L17UIEU 8HLLH0.V. oitai.nt ik - leiiliiiai; inrkclia, SUir lailt, 7nttit, UllLlrKliB II IHUtVAHi:. ' VullltN. Oilri, UiaUtM, l'u(V, And Building Ma erlal ut every doaerlpuon, ITS tMttr Blrerl, ,urtulk, tat. Ft (Head tor six card beiu. making W iudo rrae.) " rn-wlr. 0 ITT H 0 T E L (Foflneiiy Cook's) - ' ' . Half mum fnna the F jrtwTtu;ri Vtt, ba ebangrd hiadaaod buea cty B!Wa up be turn rtcoepuoa ui gucei. Board per day. Hoard per week,. Board per BionLtt, BUT ANT JiiBNDON, Proprietors. aapS-dtm It' c it m o a a ... co inai, KICUMOND, VIHOISIA. The Sesslim of thli Iuatlt iUoe oj-n on tin lat ot October, aud euuuuue lo Uie 1st ot July. Tna Collage comprise the follow lug -hool, to-wllt I. Lai is; 11. (ireeki 111. Modem Laagnagix; IV. Math'-maui-a; V aiuml bViiMi VL Moral PUUosopliyi ViL tu giina. ,i la addlUoa tei the fomgolng a School Law aud a CouiWretul Uiparlment are cou aec'trdwltb tbt uilege. llie eutlr aiienae of a tltiuant. Inclu.iiii board le mnaalng einba, taltlon and otiicr '"f M-ire lef, lul, 11; uu and aai-lilre, amount lo J lor tne aeaaiu ol an e woeuie. i be a'.oite eiiasoan it board bd in iHivale f uiilic ear il be 8JIx , For eaUlogue giving full information, ad draas . . B Fl'RTEAH,. , Cbalrntan ul Itie iv t liv. Jlyil"o.llllllatlHI. 7 7 bw - -r Oil. V so uu. : r ' sciioors, roT.L!;';;:s. - j gOUTUEHN HOME CIKii.: , roa v YOL'.VO LADII.S. i BTABt.l.ttKJ) Aos W awf 1IW X.tttrl . ; ll ill'more, Mlt. VKt WI.JON v ( Ally MUi (ikN, JOHN PK(,li-,M, -'".-' Frtrk w fA Jmhkm rfis, ,(, ;,, ,j "' ' aF i noni,v,-a- 4- WK CALL eiiaF atreutimj of Spur, men to tha ' . '-AMkmijAji ewmrrvfj powrm ! it can't be bent. tall aad biy of ,.Mf' '." - 7 -H-- SKKX) ls V V , K K To anv aJ.mv.j1 , .k. ..... , ,. , tb. qM. j gnarsnteeL an bat., ,vr,7 euilv. rapidly, .ml l , ,., IW ,,, , m perfrd c ndderce . " tPlil. i r.l. 1UJ8 eg.rr-,i,.Ncw y. " n i: r; . u. y JulySaUm Po-'l i II JtlXFiACO. AesouTiit:,r of tul'-vks, Vabarsaod travellnf t4i constantly on haml. '.V.itIL ANDREWS & CO., .'; t;MvraiB,tBOBTFvaxiaaa, "l tooT to T.er Halt, CO B x k ; i VhlVB WOOD'S SATIj GLOSS STAKC1I,: B all pound irte, juat receivwl. sepSOuf W. C. STRON.'ctl. Q 0 T T 0 H FA R M WAN T B D . A ViWitt,n -i.l.... , . ... . pnnmiM a u rttia eotlon farm within twenly-ur inllca of Ral eigh, and aitusts wlHiln s few mile, of a rail road, eofitattiou Ihw ... comfortable ani.tl dwelling and nrecaJiry ut- tn-,J;",r i,i',r" 'ire,i, . AmW .. b, n.-smjiu,!sntluci oilic, li a, ij-i,. Wi w ' . Bov4-:lt 40 8rk "Aalcia Mille" Faacr F3rilTly Flour. ' H W. U. illiONAt.il. TftlNB KKNTUuRT III.LKS FOR BALE. Jr . "'rl)4ud h-a aiTireil aMin la Ratagb it,Ufclt .rf bus Reninrkv alulra, and be tuka Uirr-v-pportunny tuTvtura i,,. thauka to Ike rttlreliaof Wh. -nd r,i i.,. ,.. swastir -tor ine Itnera' 'palnm-i.' lnowid epnn bim 11 raoti, anu la giaiiihd at llie sstiafacliou given by lb. umla IwreL.for. aoid ndtjta to aell loa nKk on reaaonslile terma. llie nililea can Le iku si M.-.n-, ;V;, Jl. "'-7 -o a aauea. Al.thkli COI1 UN nov ft lta GRAND LOIMJE "TJF MTH CABO ;. .... ' :, UNA. OrritB or Giimk gB aerim, Raleigh, Nov. tui, A. L., ii.i Tb Olralid I. d.ra ..r V. -. i . Maaonaof orib csrolin will cinincT.' u Mh Annual Coutuiunlrath'B In tl,i it:v. on Mouday. Si of lb.oemb.-r ki .i r a-.wi p. in, ( ' Kelura tM'kil for one I n. l'l . l, i..,j OVer Ute several railroad, in il. u ,,.,,-......... evra aud reprci lUtlvea attending tna liisnd Lodge, ou appli. a'lun therefor ,. , M,erl pi.luta wheta lb' y take the cos. Hill rr.ng, mom hja been niulo vlth U railroad auUio m. a, ami the ictura li. kn.aa ,""' auouiu ue lWUill.1 ttl Uievt-I'l liav- nitmt of nil I .. . I). Hn.v novo-;w ndumoiarv. A NK PARLOR Kr Fi.it HALF, r - Buivau aud line Kstei ai n Ul.lo, and bandaom. Bull, I, Uefrig. lator, R .( i,n ' tair good u.ilu'e cno wltt. n ,lr iiuiio,, ,m ,uu.' ury ail lie. for U .iu k pmg tf , . . JONBs . CO, C T it k a I V E i. il,. .-I .. - i . . . uo.l, j v nf :7? -4,14 a ; ,, .r- hand Imim' Mat mm n-cu Iy af.anj.d oiliv !. taova-u -.. . 4,SB-'rrr' J UTTER! iTf Ul! lood Uoaataia But.- for a.lj low fur eaab. . nov 8 If -tV,U. Jj.NE3 A Co. L T On lh-arrival nf the 'Raleiab 0t..u 8 o'cliK'k tiaiu ou ttetllietlav, the Iflilt li.-coit, a ruaaet I .tber trunk m rk-d "o. I. w." in blab icili-ra. A auil.ble leuard will In- p.ul f.xt it, return to the Clliaui.a' .NatioB J li nk . oal8i-lf x J lU.FEAtsbO ATiON Of.' AVil.KU.A, 4 7' er. Lvuis. 7'' Atuici tl.m of K jKilley Hold, -ra ol n.i, L1! eaoe.lOii of am. .111 a, h ul at Uie ohii pany'a roo.i a ou lli .il.-i Auuu -t, ir in nur-4t-t-a--e'iii.lL ring iLiJ'aiw pupwrtf ayrBy m al lo ti.e cnit r - : be a.-..-oii.i.;.m. a tlie kciimi of Mi lue in tb t tnu I aio i.i, m -uia tie adtk-d to ti,..a pr ipow , an.i the alioie l.ajttlii au,iui.,, d to l e ne in. i, t . ,,f Ibeeumiawiy at a hi mine; :mii iiiww Com nti.i.e.. auoi, d in- ..j,i ne ao, n mm ,tat tl. csii.e. c os, uivl, r, Ui: I- tu give uiti,.e Ural a meciiig. .f iu.f jpoin- h.;u. iu w. Idle Asaue e.iotaill i.e b.d i at the piiui'iiMl oki -e ut the muiium iu live i-itv ti m. i..,(,a, on W edneadjy, itt .itii d.iv ot a pi., ii,-i.,nt, at lUo'cloca A. at., tor llie purpo vt.in.g ftweveainat the irotOM-d ai(ii-nilti' iub to t!e chai lot of Hi aaaocbition, in sctovianeat wilb the provialona1!!! ei-tion t5 ot a-i 7 1 of th goln ral bm niWy o( Uie Klate'uf is:,oi-il, apfoved Maicb Id, ItaiJ, eon ii-i 'an a t l..i lb bic-rpov lou and rvauiattoti or we a, surneu comp..u es " JA Mb S, H liT.'V, I', WILLIAM I, lM.IV, n , i. .. , Sep 14 lb i ul L'OR BALE KEAK liKr.ENiitoii.'X'. 8? Farm eua amine; la acre.. nr v7i t)roved fiameuaeliiug hoiow. xiih i n, lie, iiuoke bouae, die Ooouvrattr. i.ml fenced, md I roducllve Iru.l or. iunia. , ; ;. to E , P. Box No 1, fimenalwro . aot 7 H otilb to enr tax p.wn Having bui-a oiMrn:i1 tir thpi fi -i Cotniulasouers al ti.eir loc- ni li Wwliieiwlar evening, lh ii.V.li i. . , ,t final eeiMemi ul i;li U, Cur I r. all city uc tor Uie y ur, ty i; lat OAT OK NOV! St.- I,. I bcret.T ive nothe tiint i !: r,.. lo piilui-U Ui oaiwei, ol a, I o-!... tlutdat. - ai p . -di w i ''. . .') ltt:v."A);(. st.. tnu n..ini.T to'f c o, aifl .i .-I ( , i. ; v 1 a i- ...i..a I l: , . I ., i. v H'.u 1....- I il. r, t , i, .ft , I 0 p.t I. I, . oi ,i i, r-V 1-1 A.j-.ic a y .; n not H i ((- .;.