ni isMijawasaeea. I t v o n ! k xr n v I ONE TEAR A(KiA , One year so a ringing role, , ' , A eiea.r biue eye And clustering curl of sunny tut'r, Too fair todla. , . . j Only year no vo)ce, no smile, - , $o0mwmt eve, . Nil eiu.u-rine; curl of golden hair, . tut but to die. I One year jo, what uvea, wbat schemes. Far into life!. V hut loyous heps, what h'gh noire, ' W bat generous etrtX. f ; flif silent plelu onlb Kali, ' , The bertai-slue, Of ail Uiat beauty, life and Joy , ' Reautio alone ! . i. Oae year, on year, one little fear, Ana eo mch :on 1 And yet Uie vea Mow of life Move c.lioly ua ; 1 The grave (row green, the lowtra bloom iair ;: v . ?io aorrowmr; Unt of leaf or Bpcay bays La ie dead., -. No paae or hash of merry birds. Tint sins: soove, Tell ua tow cotdiy sleeps below Tbe furm we love, Where hast thou been tlila year, beloved ? W hat heat Uiou seen t Wbtt ruung fair, wbat glorroueUt UBoretuoo beat Boaaf V ' The veil ! the rail ao thin,' so strong t ' I wixt aaand Uiea; tlio my.Iw Tail I whe ahaU K fail, 4 bat we mj ore t Vol dead, art alevjus, sot rrtn g one, Hut pre04et atifi. And waitirn lor Uie eoimnfr hour Of Ood'aeweetwill, Lord of the lirloif and tbe dead, Oor SivioW dear! We lay lu allenre at Thy feet 1 ui aaa, aaa year : TUB STATE SENATE. . 1KIATB fob 1873.' tDUtrict, Curritnck, Carden,KPia. u..Unk, Hertford, Oatea, Chowan, rrr uuiiuatwl ; J no, U CUajuUriaU, C. W. , . Jr., IUp, f- v-..-. ' '' ' InJ. Tyfrell, Waahinifton, Martin, Dare, Bvauftirt fcol Hyde, B. Re- pa, It K. Blilleyrepa. . . Srd. HortUampUia and Bertie, 1 1 But; loway, rep. " - . 4th. llalifa. t i penry Eppea, rep. 5th. Edjjeoombe, I J Altiaud Mo Cabe, rep. ' - 6th. f itt, 1 1 J"wt McCotter, rep. 7th. Wllnoo, Jfaab and rrfoklia.J; Jno. W. Dunham, Wo, K. Dayia, cona. 8th. Craven, 1 ; A. t). Beyroour, rep. th. Jonea, Onalow and Carteret. 1 ; J.O. gcuttcoo. ' , 10th. Wayne and Duplin, S ; Wm. A Alltn, Lttt W. Humphrey, com. 11; Ueuoif nod Ureen, 1 ( lilchatd W.King, rrp. : ' 12th. Kuw Haaurer, 1 ; 0o. L. Mab i too rt p. lilth. Bruuwkk hd BladtH, I j Hill, ret1- ' Mtli.,'i j Drt C. TatoWar- -:ph, con-. s '""."TZ'7- "TT" "loth. Columbu d Rohaun, 1 J Jno. W. Kill, con. lUih. Cumberland ud lUruett, 1 ; m. t!, Trwjf, coo. ' 17lh. JohiMwm, lj William II. Avera, roii. l(li. .." . l!It!i. riin. I j ianie H. llarria, Wiureu, 1 j John A. Hjiuan, 201 h. IVreon, Citawcll and Ctrange, John W. NotDiikkJ, Joliu W.LUiininijtiaui, (.mil. 1. Clrunnlii-, If UoarlKa Buiiiu, rep. ii2ud. Chatham, 1 j It J. Powell, con. li'dtd. Rockingham, t ; Jaa. T. More head, con. . S4lh. AUmance and Ouilfurd, 1 ; Jaa, T. Mori'beivd, Jr., W. J. Murray, oona. " 25th. Kaodolph and MiMtra, I ; Dr. J: M. Worth, on. - SOlB. Itiehmond and Mootgoniery, 1) UTIying, rep. 27th. Auauii and Vion, 1 s (! M T Mo Cauley, con. . isih. Cabarrua and bianly, 1 ; J C Buruhanu, con. 20th. Tkleiiburu, 1 UP Warintt, jou. 80th. Rowan and' Darie, I j Cliarlee Price, coo. . Slit. Davidson, Jj John Ti Creamer, fep. 3J.1. Stoke and Fornylhe, I John M Blnllord, coo, SJJ. burry and Yadkin, 1; A C Cow lei, con. . Mih. Iredell Wilkea and Alexander, ; Thoiuiia A Kicholaon, I'liineaa , Horton, COM. ' , ssth. Alk'uUny, Ali and Watauga, I; j W Todd. eon. 80ih." Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Mitchell and Yaucjf, 8 f W W Fleoinilng, J M tlailwr. coim. i ij7tn, ltiiba and Lincoln, I ; Dr. Jaa. yl i. lit. em. KS h. Uaatoa and Cleavi Uuhl, I ;pr, W, j . l . ftioiCT. uo. , il'.uli. Rutherford aud Polk, 1 ; Martia - W a.ker. Ten. 7 Iiuuotmbe and Madieuu, 1 ;Ja ii. M urritnon. con. 4 let. Havwootl. Henderaon and Tran avlTania. 1 : W. P. Welch, con. 4i.l Jackaon, bwaln, Macon, Chen kee, Clay, und Urahaui, I j ir. w. i Love, con. ThiWi walked are Colored. Reunion fin m the 1'illowiiiji ilthtrieta are re elected : 4th. flili. Mr, AlU u in tb 10th, 11th, J4th, IDtii. lUth, 21)d, 23tb, Eflth. 88J. Mr. Flemmine in the Doth, 40ih, 4d. Tu'.a 14. The foltowini; re mimbera of the laat Hu of H pre-eiitativea Miwira. chain Uerlain, Dit nm, Scott, Miloajn. sPowell, Hict'uiiii). V aiinif. Nichoiaon, Welch. ...:l.;l . A.- t;. a-vtvattvui . i'.K, blicaut 18. Con- v t rv.itive tu "ii li Htt-K il, (.tl'Mlvf IV.. :- ALiiii ,-, A'-i i, J. Vt. ('air..o. .i. iio.oy, A. JI. Brymi, ill A'i-r i . Col. It. I'. Brunei roil. .A.h.', (jnire Trivett, rep. , li.i, i-it, rt uiiiiel T. Coim .).., I'. riie, l C. Miliar, rVp. V ! uli it, ' liiunowu-k, J. II. Bitik. li t-, ', Miiucombe, T. i. J . )iMo.a u., liJ uid Civ k vvt U, oina. a U. ...... 1 A W'ur.i. If .n ( udairui, TIkw J, tihinn, con. i ( 'alitwutl, l'.ii. Jontr, con. - I wnJen, bitueou A. Jonea, rep. (,'iiiletet, bilaa Webb, Con. Ciwc!l. Gio. Bowe, Thoa, J.'Foator, fep. ' . . , I'uiuwba, HU. B. HouiloB, o. 1 1, at lis m,, Juo. M Morlng, U. A. llanna, COIlk Cherokee, B. K. Dickey, con. I Chowan, JiVhn L. Liudaay, rrp, -C'ny, J. tt.Au(lern, ton. Cleavelatld, Johu W. Cnliiey, con. ; Columbna, V. V, KicInrdaunV con. " Craven, K. R. Dudley, I. B. Abbott, . t'lirnlierlaud, T. 8. LutUrioh, ftp., 0. W. Bmiard, copA , CuniMick, J. M. W'oodhou", con,, J. T. Brriwn, John Michael r-r. Duvie, Chnrloa'Andeiaon, cou. lup in, joim jli. cuiiiunni, j. jv.. vrai . Conn. x lure, Oliver X. Cray,' rep.' I. H-'comb,1W. V. M.bMo, Wil!i 3"in,np. Ko-ihe, T'- 'Vj.i.II Wiiceler, rrp. f .'iiiUiin. ,U hn li. WilliitiiMin, rep. i;,.tr, W.' A. Sirf, con. I. iii II. It, !! i.i.ii'il, con. i;r.n:ie,Tl. T. liglie,'a O. Knead, - o. John Patrick, re.' LIFEIXsUKAXCE. MISCELLANEOUS.' RA1LRO An S . , l P R Y G O U JJ o . c . p y ; iJSLb'j,. O'rne. John Patrick', tea. " ' Uuiliord, Joerpn 6ilinvr, Wm Wiley, cob. . . r . Martin, J E Moore, eon. eontofclwi -. McDowell, Dr Freeman, eon. ' 7 4 Mecklenburg, John Brown, 0 W Iteid, eon. . .' ; , . Mitchell, J.W.Bowman, tip. ' Montgomery, Allen Jordan, R(t ' . Moore, Dr. bhaw, con. . , Kaih, John E. Lindaey, con. ; . Now Haoorer. Jaa. Heaton, Wm."" Hj. yicLaurin, Alfred Lloyd, re pa. . Northaronton Burton II. June. rcD. . Ontlow, J. W.hackelf.ird, con. Orange, Dr. Pride Jonoa, jouea Wat aon, oona, '-..' Paaquotank, F. M. Godfrey, rrpi I'erqoimana, J. IL Dardao, rep. Peraon, Montford McUcbee, eoo. Pitt, William P. Bryant, Uuiliord Cox, rep. I'olk.N. B. Hampton, fen. Iiandolph, J. W. Bean, Ilarriaon Pra- fcotr, repet . I ": - Iliclnnond, Robert Fletcher, rep. Knbeson. W. S. torment, Tbornaa A. McNeill, eon. Uockingbam, David Settle, Dr. A. B. John, eona. . Howaa, Dr. F. N. Luckry, Keif Craige, eona. Haiifai, J J Uoodwyn, John Bryant Harnett, J. K. Urtfiy, con. Haywood, U P iUyuee, coh. - -llemlereon, Jame Blylhe, rip. llernord, Jamea Hliarpe, rep. Hy de, Wm 8 Carter, con. lreJol', Bbkia and Turner, con. Jackaon, J N Bryaoa, eon. Johaaton, W JI Jojncr, Jctae IIi nunt, cut Jioea, Jacob Buott, rop. , Lenoir, Stephen Laaauer, rep. - Lincoln, A J Mornaoa, eon. . Macoa, J L Rohioaon, eon. 1 HMiaon, II A Cadger, con. Btauley, M. T. Waddcll, oun., Btokea, J. O. IL Mitchrll.coa., Hurry, K. M. Wautfh, con. bwam, T. D. Bryaoa, cob. 1 , Tramylvanla, F, J, Wuitmire, coa. Tyrrell, B. Jonea, eon. Union, Lemuel Preaann, oon. Wake, K. O. Badifer. Jtio. C. Joiuiao. R. 8. 1'trry, Stewart Eiliaon, r-p. Warren, Ueo. 4. tuaa; J. W. II. Pat- chill rep. - vaahingUn, vr. V. Uuytlier, It-p. Watauga, Jo. B. Todd, Oun. Wayne, Johu C. Ilhodea. K. 0. Cope- laad, repa, . I Wilkes, T&oa. J. JDula, A. C. Bryan, eona, , - ASTHMA Adt medletne which will alletv- at Paroxyuna of ibu dreadful diaeaae will be ballad with jvf by tfaoauwda of eaflnrer. IbeeerUtuaUwhlciiaeeoinpany JoiAa WniT ooaia'a toiui, are from Uie raoat reltabla ourcea, and atteat to ita wonderful power, even In tb moat aever caac Jo,.h Jur aettA O .pfoprietura, Boatoa. From famllv to family, trow city loeil , from aiata to alate, tu tm of fin W,ujcia'a Vmmii.i V i asaa BiTTaaaaa a peeipe for all deraiiee bhmU of .the atopaeh, Xoivela' and' livvr, la eontia tally UiiOUMt. voluntary minion ariea are moaraerabie, and publie eatbuataam In lu furor apraada faler Uua a pr.lri era. DON'f 81.10BT TiCH TKKTU -Re meniberlbatapon their Uur, th health of tu atoioaea aeueeda. Heab them perfect and to order to do ao, manipulate Uieut with a braab dipped la Uie farorite Boauduut.uiice or twte. a flay. , v WUj WILL BU FKER J-It U i Vw ii rea lnoe i r Tobiaa' Voutliaa 1 tnimenV waa put berore tno public j w.rrauUux H to tur Chronic KkcuiiialiMii. Uoadaibia, t uta, Uurua, Bmiiuja, Old Boroa, l'alna In Ike Liuiba, uiiek and Client, and it baa iier filled. Soid by an irux4iu, (Jor.ot.. lu rru f.ate. ew I fork. FOR imi'ElfJlA, indliTMtioa, depmnloa of apirlta aud Keneral debility lb. tbeh varbmt fonua ; alio, aa a preventive axaluit Fever and AKae, and 'Other intermittent fevera. Ibe Curro-Pbuapborated Kbtii of Calitaya, Blade h. Iiuw,l. It .... j. . V V . I. .. old by all OruKKlnta, u the bent tonic, and a a touie for patiuuta reeoverluK fruw fever ur owat Hcatuee, it aaa no saaai. i , . . . TIlfltoTON'o 1V0HV 1'EAKI. TOOTH FOW UKH, The beat arUele known tor clean- alug and preaervitui Uie teeth and guina. Hold by ail liriuririaia. friee an and AO eent per botue. F. C. WellaatCo., Mew York. ' CIIRISTADOKO'S HAIR DTI aUnd! m rtvalledtn the world So buly or geotlemaa of diwriniinaUoa uiea any ulbar, it ta tbe uki periei-i, reuaoie ana enrci v ttair tlya In the world. Jdauu factory, 01 Maldeu Laue, Kew lork, ' . RHI.EY'8 Bt'CIIU faV a reliable DlnreUe and Touie for all derani(einnUi of tb urinary and genital orvane. Tba MetiuiH. aa formerly old by llanlaud, Ilarral tfe Kl.lev and tbair braoebca, la now prepared by 11. Vv . Klaley, Ui orlKluator and proprietor i and tbe trade ruppllcd by hia tuevwaora, MurKaa at Klaley, New Kork. SVAPfilA ta. Opium purified of lUaleLea unr and poiaonoua ualiUea. It la a perfeet anodyne got productiiii headache or roiieil tion of boweia, aa ta tb caaa with o tber p& naratlont of opluia. John Fair, CibemUt New York , PRilT'B ASTRAL OIL, ha a world-wide reputaUon aa tbe aureat and beat UiumlnaUn oil Over two million faUuna bava beea aold tor Ui peat two yeara, from which no a- ct deotetif any doacripUon have occurred, friend for circular. Oil bona of Chaa. trait, eaub Uabedinu, Maw York. Ml ItAVK frequently heard mot here aay they would aot be witboat Mr. YYinelow'e Booth Ina Syrup, from tbe birth of the child anUl it baa finished with lb teething lege, under any eoualderaUoa whatever. TUCRECRET of beauty. Wbat 1 itr no Innger hiked, fur tbe world of fashion and all Ui iailiea know that (t la produced by Being a delightful and harmlraa toilet preparation known aa 0 W. Laird'a "Uloomof V oulh " It beautifying eOeeta are truly wonderfut,-. Itepot , Uold St, Sew York - . sctl-doodlmwdtaw. aj 'WM-T i 1a smauaw sm. - a..m BiaSiv w I -w m4 ... u&ii, -t..a . at pwflntii M.a.ia.Ht a. ' i Ji.awMd pMt.a mi MaiMt mm, ataaof arixswjaj tvn. in J'JfwJ fiarli w1MAiaj rma SaisyJaTMi tl ! lrji.atl M.aval y)ubwpa pot pvrarr w njf - :t -y : ' f , : ,- " ! - Miirfijflv CT ttAwrti tmtf "T '4naj ailiLJ aw) ,0t f wAJ) aW ) taf -lus. iTS an a, pmjt(oaJ t aajrfjl ajaayjaze aaairtasi,, ftJa twOI wlWraii ptj -a aai jsaai'iai aqt tatqA aw)Jat li -aMa4 : aui,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,, paatwBli4A) JO I ml if wtKA 'pJii1laaa 'V-fjs. ( 1ifm4aU wan At4l J j tW,J MT IJw4s Ml tJfw1t 1 1 Mlio aJi ttkaauvj XiMa-w H1t Kni 'la. f i mt imrm lnaa an on itima im mt ii 1 mi -w AMI MtJll Mil ia from-., 1"1A niIHdwaJ JI aAjwwj4 n Tntie1j tm !) yaw lU(aBB4al ! WVawMMIf tMlt Ml ttnat ') iMtaw-atl j a i a i 1 mm , Mrfr,t1tajpr.aH1wl I W W h kkl 1 , s Aorniw imnoi nooajr BOV ll-uiwl TMUS DBESS 1JI1'.T6, o JJEN d BOYS NEWEST AND- CIJOlCtST 8TTLI8.' Just opened at B. B. ANDREW8 A CO., i Clothiers. aov 18 U IS U P B R B (i KtvCK DIAGONAL COATS AND VESTS, 0UVB DIAGONAL COATS AND ' VR3TS, ii-VHLIA DIAGONAL COATd AND VKStTS, Black bUifonal CoaU and Vests. 1 Just leeeived at ; K. B. AUKEW '.. )r2&-tf . t luthiers. Q Q Hf'L. FKKdII MULLETS, thai day OCl W-tl - W. 0. BTB0SACB. Hr-i-Tr-ssjj- -t 1 v ,: 1 ,- , ,, , . , ., , i . - J i i in ii i ...... nn nTiTi Tinvi 1 1 -k - D . . A TAT 1MHT1TUT1 0. 8AFK, COK8EKTATITB, IESiTI a WILMISOTOX, KOETU CABOUS. 1 1 F E i- C OTeJ PiXTI lit Buret Eiuxmraglnj ! ITS STABllT" ASSURED ! 1 1 omCKMt ROB'T H. COWAH. Prenldent , JOHM W. ATKINiW,VleFretdent. F. H. CAMEKON, Heeretary. pr. E. A. ANOKKdO.N, Medical Director. DIRECTORS : 1. W. Araiaaoa, Osneral Iniuranc AgenL I. B. Uaaiaoaa. freaid ut Bank of iiew Ilauover. V. W. kbbcbxdb. urooer and tjommiauoa Mi'rrhant. ' M. ercDaaa, of Wright s edraau. T. IL McHoT. of W A. Whitehead Co. Fayettevllla. K. IL llewaa, Praaldent. QU. U. Kttaaa, Commiaaion Merchant, A. A. WILUaau, ei nunara oruuiere. nr, W. A Ci'HHiaa,, of Northrop A I amincul U. W. WuxiaH , of WUluuna A. alur aon. . .... tu Mcaaar, or e. Hurray to. A. J ilaRoMBTT, of UeUoaaett at Co. Koar. liaaauta, of lawaon, Teel at Ilea- axax. BPai'wr, nnuan vice-ixinsui, oi Bprent A llluaoo r. ateariir, Aiioerievii mw. J. D Will. ua. of J. D, WUhami A Co., Favettevllle Jaa. v. McrUi.-Airy at Law, rayettaviua. I. B. KBIJ.V, Merebant, Kenan.vtlla, J. T Pora, Marcbaal, Lsmberton. Tula U (trlcUy a HOME Lirt COMFAKT. Ita officers and Dilectora are eltlaeaa of tbe Btata, of amh character for bus nesa capacity, enlerprUe aad probity. It o tiers every SUBSTANTIAL, BENEFIT that Nortbera ominnie do. with Ui xrcat ailditional eonslderaUoo that the capital is bent within Uie Slate, ana, uieraiore, neips u build uo and flatter home Uistituliona. Anottier irnporia l laci to a eooaraerea is, ia'. the W'llniinitton Life haa thoa 'ar obtain- ad a verv much Wrwfer iutereat for I he w oaev mvealed at bume, Oban aujr of the htw Yurk 1 bOinoauiea roceive for tiwlr Inresunents ac- eordinx to their rworn stalemenU before the Lomoiistloaeror uiMiniaie. 1 heae uaaueauimable facia should commend thla couiianiy, sboveall otbere, to our people. Let HV be borne in mind that millions of dollars received fur Life premiums have bnen aent North since uie war, which as ouee arauis uie South and enib'hee the plethoric eapitaUsta ot Ibe North If thur waa no other cunslde a Uoe. eafety, fairuesa and cbeapnea beinK equal, wtij-piurlh tanillulana should Insure at home, Una were more man sumelenl. THE-VvTtWWaTOSXlFE haa excellent ficlal teaturet. . ... it uisces ao rent r union on retiaence or travet j It make no estia ehargx fo- female risks: and it FoUehw re incontestable after Five Yeara, 1 1 rui. I una. I. manarnd aeonotBieallv. Ita rtaka arc taken with great cauUon. Itauivrst uentaare made JuUiclousty. . ' ' jtamoiioisi ECONOMT, FROMFTNEiH, FAlBNIal AgcntVwanted la every county to the tate, Kb whom Uie most liberal term will be nude, ApWy to " JAMES D. BROOKS," ' t.eneral uner tsinir Alien. t Or, T1IE0. U. BILL, La sal Ageut, Hal. 11 n. N, apru a-u "Ol war I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. B V. MOOHI 0B CA LI , MSe,RUjU..N )' ...... r(VV all! f -n' trtll'W " : .11... eT. e. i L E X , 1. 1 l)plc-ovcr Uerndoa A Vicker's Store. Rea'dcace and Branch OSlcs at 6l.spcl Bill, , " Collections aad la aby part of tba BUU. acp ao-u TUT" M. GAUL BROWNE, FORTE AIT PAINTER , r No. IS, FayettevUl Street. Llfa-eue Picture painted from life, Photo- grapna or iaguereotyes. mari-dttui c ' H w I , a . RKID Reafiectfnlly tenders hie services to thoae requiniiK aa kneiueer. Mill Wrltbt, b Uresaer or Sawyer. Millias; and Agiicallural alachinery and fowei Preaaaa of all kind put ap and warraniil. Plan and spctaticailone larnianea on reueonsoie I nna at rbortnoUce. Also Air cut fur Uickartl' Uteam KiiKiuea. Utiat Mills, (Hie brat In the world warranted) Power and lland C'dra Sbeller and Sinker A Llavis patent Steam Jet Pump without valve, for all kinds of pnuiplng. t rice 4S and I mvalusble formula. Kefera to Hon Daniel 0. Fowie and He.. park A Co., Raleigh, N. U. iiiam Bros., iimtnirton, n. u J. U Barlow, ClavUm, N. C. AUUri" J LOUIS H. liEID, ep a-wlma lary, N. C. $ I III I j g Z li i if iff ? Il l If- I I f 4 !s 'Si si I Jt H iniiiii ,4. si 0. F.; BASON. A TTO BNKY A J h 4 W , , ? : (J RAH AM, jic.) - i ; Fractha u Alamane and adjoioiag eonn- uca, ano ia ui Dapreaae ana V. m. tourta. feb fflr-amt : f r ; "575 II N A 8 H ATTORNEY AT UILL8BORO S. C, Fracticea ta Oraairs and the adjoining eoua tioa. and in the Bunrem aiid II. n t feblste-dSmf a. a. raaaaa. FABKEB & t. A. una. L0X0, ATTORKEY8 AT LAW, '....-. GUA11AM, K.,C, ''I--' Practice In Alamaac and th adjoining buu m uiv Dujraue aatu v.o. vourua xu w-amr I. A. AIDE, Yttorney at Law, RALEIGH, H. C Will attend the Suite aad Federal Court kel la th eouslie of Wake aud Kew Hanover. war 24 am, - , ., ., 4.1 ill JI II U F RE,- ATTOBJI(T At LAW, "; i.ii..i.r r. Raleigh: i, u Fractlees la the Court of Wake, and ta tba teuenu tmru, rives apeciai attention to the arxuina- of eaose hi th Bapram Court of N. C, eollects claims agaiaat any Fir or Life ,umi.ui vutupanj m mi vuiieu oiatee, aoa attend prouptly to any other professional uuaweaa umaua w uuu. . wxLTaa ciABn. . j. u. auLLaa, ' C'LAUK & MULLEN, -ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . Halifax, n. c, v . ' Fractlce in all the Court of ilalifaa, Norn rsiiloni c.dgeeombe and Martin couuUus. n the unteme Court of Morth Carolina, and ia. the Federal Coarta. - - i ' ' CoiiecUona made la adj part of North Car Olina. i uwra-div I I C oi.iv, . w. STiiaaoa, ia. lutiaaa. II. C. OLIVE ivBALaa m GaiiaaiL Mutcaaaoua arn Commistiioa Mercbunts, - AFEX. M. C. rl Order for Shuuflae and Lumbar SUed romptly and at tow prices, apr ueothiut. qohii tj K r a bif. Wat. N. 11. Smith, Ukorcb V. Srnoaa. SMITH Jte sTHONG, ATTOBNETS AT LAW, it a l e j ti u , n c7" ; OtSc over Uie CiUxeu' Sallonal Bank, Exchange Place, I may o-iltiui .' .; . .i - , t. T. V j U V E B K U X, ATTORNEY AT LAW Oflle oa the second ioor of the Stroaach hnikHog, - worth of tbay Yarbortiugh -onaa. rracue- In me stale aua retferat coaru. Collections promptly attended to ia all part oi me ni ie. aepl lb-tf ' ' ,''' ' J OBM ABMSTKONO. BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOK MAN' LVAC'TLKKK. ova Ta aoniacaMoiaaa aooasTvaa, ALEIGU,ll.a .. Trial. Execution, Mantes aud Recording Dockets made to order. North Carolina Heporu and other Law Books, bound in superior LsW Binding. Missing numbers of th Reports supplied and odd numbers token tn exchaaeTe foi iitnd' dm L .- au-if "I " ; TXTAKE COL'NTI-IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. W. 8. Mason, i'lao,tf, eatftAf . Job. Wleaman, Mary & Vi lesmsa anil Jos. W le man, Jr., VtfmuUttU. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Ta Ik MertfT 0 Wears curaalp (Vrertiatf i You ara liervby eomutanded to summon Joe. Weisman, Mary Weisman, k la wife, and. Jos. Welamae, , jr , tue liolenuauu aoove ,)0tniadViI Ui y be found within your county, toJ-ajid" appear before the Judge of our bu- Ainrt IL Oi. I uwt I. ! hmld tnr flu county ok W ake, at the courthouse In haleinh, . i. V., i. u . i .. . f , i.. ... , A L day e f August and answer the complaint which will be deposited ta the office of lb "f Clerk of t Superior Court of said county wiunn tue arsv uiree oaye oi uie next term hereof, end let the said defendant take no tice that if they fall to answer the said eout plalnt wlUiin that lime the plslntitl will apply to tb court (ur th relief demanded ia the complaint. Herein fall not, aad of thla summon! maks due return 1 tilven under my band and th seal of laid court, this lllto day of Angust, I87J ' J. K. BUNTING, Clerk tu)erIor Co jrtot Wake Co aulrS-w4t I , s CFREME COURT REPO.RTB. Mr. Alfred Williams. Bookseller. 1 mv n!horlaed Af- nt lu Kaleleh, fer the sale of Die Supreme Court Re ori, volume v aud 'aubaerlherstothe.Hporta will n supplied through him, to whom all jajrmema mu.t be made. i No oilier person In Rl ich has any rlirhtto gt e a receipt in my namj for ibe purtbaaeof Bitiit-roi stua voiaiuis . W. M BHiFF, heporter, Nov. im iroLl'ME HI OK THE RK PORTS NOW READY,' and will be forwarded to sub .i ibsrs as rap lpij aa uossie a, . . . N'. ' " ml C6 Tuoao In arreaia for Volu will please rem t without delay. Price ot Volume eo i (7 18 Including paa- ag" ,, ', '; , v; : : 'i ft . i I Price of Volume G7 Is t5 11 lacludirir dos- Bound copies In law riiicp ran be had by paying 81 uoexir wlihvWcuat for postage. I have for snle a b&nre anmberof N. v.. Ita. porta, a godd msnyuow out of print and verv ear,, also one complete set ot report. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Bookseller., BOV 13-tf F o R . AC. oJ Second Hfnd ONE Hill SE t AR- BlAUE, (New Haven make) but little ntd. t an bv seen ft tli carriage -.hops of N. 8. llarp, Keq. Appiy to JOHN B. BURWE1 L, I Peace inaUlutc, ' - Ea!x.KC Q HANOI OF BCJiEDULE. : KALEIGH A O AST wTrAII.R0 A D. CO., ecrwxiTDxiT's Omca, Ba-aiok. X. C. Jane 17th, 18TA - Oa cad after Monday June 17th, 1873, traiaa ow th Raleurk ax baaton R IL ,rill -ua dally (Sunday exnpted) a follow: v f Alt Taajaj. Leave Ralebrb.... 10 a. at Arrives st KeMlua........ Leave Weldon.... . Arrive at Raleigh 3f . a. .1S A. tpir.u aocoajMooavio txaib. Leave Ralehth ,. Arrive st Weido,. . Leave Weldoa Arrive at Kaituih.. t.00 r. at. ski a. at .15r. at a. OUa Mall train make oas coaaacnoa at Wel doa with Uie rwabofcrd A Roanoke Railroad and Hit Line Hnaamera via Baltimore, to and from ail point North, West and Northwest ana vriia reienmurg nauroaa via rcuarsuujjr,, Richmond and Washington City, to aad from all peanut florin ama noruwesk And at Raleiirh with U North Carolina Rail road to and from all puinta South and Soul. weat, ana witn uw iuicikb ex Angiuus mu Una to Uavwoad aadZr'avetteville. Araoausaodauon aud Ifreurhl train, connect at W eldoa with AeeonuBodauoa and r rel at trains on Seaboaru Koaaok Kaiiroad akd Petersburg Railroad. And at Kalebrh, with AccommodaUon and Fieigbt trains oa North CaruUua Kauroad. - Persons UiinaT alonaT the line of Uie Road caa visit Raleigh in th morning by Accommoua ttos train, remain several hours, and return tue even tor. . a. Jk AMiiiutna, June 17 If UeauBupt. G HA NSX OF SCHEDULE BALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIR LINE, bcraaiaiaaoaJT a urrioa, 1 Raleigh, N C, June 15th, 18U Oa and after Monday, June 17th 1873, trains on the Ksielga at August Air um win run dally iBUBday exceptou) aa touowa atau. laaia, Leave Raleigh Arrive at bauforii...,. Leave SWord. ............ 8:15 F. M. , :1S " , Hi k Arrive at KalenrB K45 Mail train makes close eonuecUoaal Raleigh with th Raleigh A Gas to Railroad to and 1 1 ...i... . ,..t V. , 'H. w.m.v u. . . . : Ann at Baniora witn uie n ester tuuirosu to and from FeyeltuTuie and pohiu on We. . tera Kallroad. . A. a. AKLitiasna, June 17.ll BuaermuuHKnt. 1 niliBlngton Jk Weldon Rat II Head Company. Orrica oa Gas'b ctbixtbobit, Wilmington, N. ft, June S, 7871 ifi'A . CHANGE OF- SCHEDI LE. Ou and slier Monday, June luth, Passenger Train v th W. A W. ItaUioad will run as lidiowa : i J 1 MAIL TRAIN. - QntiS rnio'nTModailv(Sunuvl ' excrpbrd 8 13 A. M Arrive at Uoldsboro at.. ,,..'..,.13.11 P. M - Kocki Mouulal.... ...... a.u r. m Weioonat.... ........... It ao F. M. Leasa Weluon daily (eunuav'a ex- et-utedl 9.15 AM. Airlve at Rocky Mount at... 11.07 A. M. uomaooro' at nor.. . Lniou Depot 4 JO P.M. t EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Ur,iun Depot,' dalrj, at... ..10. 40 P. M, Arrive at Uuldaboro at.... 00 A. M " K.nky Mouutal 4.50 A. M ' Weldoa at U M) A M. Leave Weluou, daliy, at.... .... . 1 10 P. M. Arrive at hocky Mount at a oa f . M. - uuiasuoro at .....luoer. M. - Luiua Depot at S.1WA.M. Mall Train make close connection at el doa fur all poiuu North ivia bay Line and Acquis lyrucx roaie. - i Express Train connect oulv with Acnuia t,reH route, ruiimau'a raiaue Bleeping uais on uiis i rain. Freiirht Trains will lcav Wiliulnirton tri weekly alK.OO A. M. end arrive at 1.40 P. M. aiprua rreiiftil 1 rains will leave dellv ( Sundays excepted at It F. M. aud arrive at 11A.M. JOHN F. DIVINE, " . Gcn'laup't. ug 14 U ' rKNTAL NOTIClt, Cnlll further not e and until tbe eelabliah- ment of a suitable outce, orders for mv Pro fessional servu, may be left with C I. lieartt or at tu Slat MaUonal tlauk. When 1 will promptly attend uie reeuleaceaof patients. jauava r. dab lion. R E ST A U R AN T. il. VI. FBilPS Has ra-opened hla ESTAURANT tor the accommodation of th public. It ts needless lor him to say Uia. ail lha delicacies of the season will tie constantly kept oa hand aud ecrvco m uie nesa Btyia. OTSTERS IS TUE SHELL - ! received every day and served In all styles. - The ' AR is furnished 'with the best of ' WINES, LiQUOiW, ALV " PORTER LAGER BRER, A. A MUEL MERRILL DKALKaV IH . GROCERIES PROVISIONS, TOBACCO, , viuAite ex onus J, waiu -HONS, , BOOTS and SHOES Ac, Opposite the Gas House, octlOdAwtf Kaleinb, M. ft JkiUCAL t-OLt-KUr; STATU OF fiOUTil CltOLJNA. The Foity-Ponrth Course of Lecture a InaUtaUon will commence on lb Llh Octo ber, Idi, sud will telmiuate on Uie loth March, IB7S, tlios enguiening tba term of .udy one onth. R.osUilHNI.S, M. D , Xmerctus Profeasoro tha lro-litulra .nd Practice of Medicine ; R. A. KkNLiiCU, M l),, fiiuciplca and Prae Ue ot Burrtry and Clinical Mtigery ; T. 1". CtiAAo, M. It., Keneral Pathology, Paiholoicieal Anatomy and hygiene t MIDULkieiN MICUKi, M. D , Pbyaiolory. GbKaK IhEsUit, M. DMsutm Medica and Theraeaiics; -C. U. BiiafAKU, Ir , M. D Clieml.t-y : J. F M. GhUUlxGa, M. !.,! Iheorv and FracUoeof MeJiclne : t. L. Fj.KRi H, M. L , An.ltomy t Wf M. RiBe.RlrAiN, Id. l., Gynmeologj and Clinical Obateirioa: J. FORD PKRILR, M D., Pilaclple and Pract c ot uWtetncs. 1 F. P fit Y RE PuttCUkfi.M. D. .Clinical Med- I i rcine; MANNING SIMONS, M. D , Demonstrator of Anatomy. , Xxpeiuw of th Sehool: ( Matriculation Fee, 1 n bemonatrator's Ticket, ' .10 Uradoatio Fc, -t ' ' ' 1 wo euatuua have been made to the Fac ulty, and It will be seen that a new feature of tha preeenl session la that tht leclarea. will be free of charge. . For fui tber Information apply to f. tiKO. A. TbJU. jT, M. D.,i Jlf 36-lanuiiA . Dua ot the Faculty. asLVda ' . nTTT.T.irs v mLnuxmpii, Attornovs at Law, IUI.L1GU N. C a. . ram-irt a. A ataajtioiy r: SM tt Af riOcT BACtrtt. To O be oct 7 tf old at itACH BROS- F , ;t. F.-flCLUT i BBO., 1 South Comer Fayattwill aad Exehang RALEIGH. . C WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ha th fullest Stor la the Mat of FOREIGN aad DOMESTIC DRT GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, aad CArS, V ALICES and TRUNKS, ' WHITE GOODS and GUNS. CTJJTHING A 8PECIALITT. A Urn Stock . Bult for Mea, Boya, Touthssaid,hildreaatallprtea. Buuli and bHOES, ahvrg aad attracUve Block, atau price. , unr.i (.t.T LADIES and CHIL DRKNS SHOES. Call special aUenUoa to their own brand of Ladle Morocco r-hoes at 8aM per pair Each pair warranted and If not good another pair give ira maimrm. Taaais Caaa ArB Paica Low. J J.F.UULbXTABBO. oetll-tf FIRST Of TUS BKASQS. EABLY fal . 1872. TBADE W. 11. eVR. 8. TUCKER A CO., ar I . eecivlng their FALL STOCK ' Ltxdlet Drcaa Good ''.''' ' in great variety and quality. ! MENS WEAR, MISSES and BOYS WEAR. HATS BOOTS, and SHOES, for Ladles, Misses, Mea, and Boys, la great "J variety and at i; Low Prices. IWMESTlQg. BLEACHING, . Ac, A nought at the lowest depression of pricea. Daily additions will be made to th Stock 5nrmgthFtt.-J " " ."' Our motto strtcUy adhered to, via : "Tbe Best Coadi it the Liwett Pritn." W. H. A R sep 19 U 8. TUCKER A CO. U 8 T RECEIVED A r.IXKOSB, PETTI k HSVSOl'l. BUST'S CELEBRATED 1IOOTH, GAITERS. Coujrrosa Oxlord'a SHOES BCRTtJ' PRIZE MEDAL GAITERS, SHOES METROPOLITAN TIES, R LADIES F O Y0SEM1TE STRIPES V ' At.' ' ' PRIMROSE, PETTT A NEWSOM'S. mavs-tf ' tjtB OCbltl ESk ft S T R A N GROCER a c -1 Jr'iOnDShclihlwmJtedlMei 6,(X0 Founds Long Clear Mludlss. llss :1"4,6X Fouridi Prime Bacon Shou'.dira. 4,000 FOaads Flala and Canvjaaed Hams. 80 Boxes Cheese. ' S8 Barrels Syrup. '. v , ' 100 Barrel and Packages of Lard. W. C. STIiO.NACH. aep 87-tf c H 01 CI N K M T O R X DAIRY B TJ I I I R thla day In store W. C, BTRONACH aeptt-tf ' ' -A V lU 'reeof1 BU"a Cnew'BS To- 60 casea termed Oy star. Kio aegs rowaer. 60 bairt tShot amorted number. , llWjtMr-U. it: and Waterproof 0-ps. ' 8 casea Keen's D t F. XngllskMostard - at importers, price.. 10 case Men's Unoe. 10 case Women's Shoes, a caaaa Children bkoes. 8,000 lb. Pure Leaf l ard. bObblsN. O. Hour, In Backs ' B0 bbis "A, "Ex C C Code sad lei ' ' low Burxre 88 sacks frime and Fair to Coffee. , ; 10 half cheats Green end Black Tea. 84 boxes Asai'd braid Candy. M boxes Asst d Brookima candy. , & eaare ConMinirated Ly. i . l,30 lb. Prim. Factory Cheese. A "y-ALCABLE FARM FOR BALI. Wl!l bs sold'oa th iwk k...... -. ha farm known a tb "Cole Place,- within Uiree-qnarter, of a mile of rntnkihitoB. The bouae ha six roonta aim, Br utaces. and there are ether necir, oat hniliTwhici h!tT-i . ?'"?b" tor "I on dean-. T rt.i. io,Vf,'.,bu,iMM fnuikimloa. T uplae eoatalns fifty acrea more or I,.. t i aerswrra, - - P. G pEUiON. ' Tn.lCOllilB BOJI 15STITLTI0X ! 1 M I - . A''A W-Z' i.-xr BECUB.ITT AGAINRT FIRE! A B. .'. r '-v ;.:.y.. NOXZTU CAH0LXN& INSURANCE ' COIPAIlJ HOKE IIAIXIGU, X. C. Thla Company eontinaea to writs FoUcwa. at fair rates, on an elasiet of Intnrabl pro perty. . All Losses are promp'Jy adjusted and paid. 'I Tha " HOME " is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, with eonHdeeee, to hurar rs of property la North Carolina. AGENTS IN ALL FARTS OF TUX Si.. IF B, H. BATTLE, Jr., Faasmawv. C. B BOOT, Vira FarsiDivr BEATON GALES, Sac, j . FULASKI C0WFER, SvraaVKoal taMSt-tt ' j Vapors now adverUslng forth "Home" will please substitute this for uie adverusetnent already m them Orrica or ran Pbikix Ihiiiiih i Court i rr-.Mov 178 MstOADWaf. Naw ToakT" STaiiwsCBOwaix, Presulent Cnaeacar Benaix, Vice-President, . ruiLaauaa anaw, secretary. Wat R. Crowsll. Marine eeeretarv. - Itvuyl JUL Agmt Mania Am. Oa., Daaa rli: We are baiy to inform iui that the Pbeulx insurance Company of Brook lyn will pay ALL her losses in th C'blescu tin out of her NET SURPLUS, over all lutUU L. leaviug her Bound and ready for buatners tiur eomuiun oa Octutwr 1st 1671, is as i Iowa: r Cash Capital, v V" ' . 8t,b,ili,.U Grose Surplu, - 4o,7j6.4. Loss, etc., adloated but not dm, vex. ist, ion, - Chicago loeae will not exceed, hi - any event, . And we are 8 rail v of the opinion 1 that, tb loas will not eieeed I :ii, Jr.. ne rneoix insurance uomiisay, of u lyn, la to-day sound and solvent, an.' can tit the losses st Chicago out of it not ui -A eorps of Adjusters have beeu di.'i nieu the seen of dissslier with limro; u, n; settle sil losses and pay tbe aauu ,,. . , Wa cona-ra'ulau our itnme r ; oa our good 'oruine. eovaxkU Pres'tPhenU In : -BOOKS, STORES.- gCHOOL BOOKS ALFRED WILLIAMS. OPPOSITB BALkllill SATIOHAt BAKK, Is bow makinr large addluons to hi present (lock of SCHOOL BOOKS, -.-- . STATIONERY, Ae.v And Is prepared to supply School, Academies, Merchants and others, either at whnieaal. o, retail, with everything in, his Una upoathe ar iiiTwauia mrma. full supply of tubllc School Books, i cow nmended by th Hoard of Xdu.-aUoo, eaa ai way eli supplied. Worceater'e Die Worcester a DicUonarr, adopted tv the Board. wiU be supplied as miroauetory rates. f i i . - Also a full supply of Sabbath School aad Song Boeka, with Uyma Book need by dif- mw, rauvwiHuma As the Ac-en t of the American Blht. Bjv, I caa supply Testaments and ttihlea attkl regular prices oi uis society In New York. Bend for Catalogues andPriee. ' Alfred Williams. Bookseller and Stationer. jij 17-tt X- X W N O V E A EBB-TIDE, BY CHRISTIAN RKID, Author of "Morton Hnnse," Vle-ie . Aylmer," "Mabel Lee,'' aVe. Price, Paper Covers 11.00. Cloth 11.50. Just received and for sal at Uie Bookstore of ALFRED WILLUaS. sept 17 tf" Gr" KOIA COTT OINU PRICES REDVCSU km A iron f,w ,Umn.. D - a. -a --- wa Viv ""' Arwn u tv,. t 8 IB Ilk mtr urtlo.Fa fi th..i Mia.i.... Tivinu ,7 , , sjviosiwjii 1A1LVU (wlNM With all tl.aa l.U a - - aw wav aaa era luiBJivrvcUltTU b8) To those who have aa.d these Gins, they -v"b Hviwviuiueuuauow, sun to ail ouiers ws only say that we warrant aim li. tn vi.. en Ire saUafaetioa. Price reduced aOeent In1 uj. na, cena oruers at one to secure them uMime. v M ." JAMK8 M.T0WLES, augai-U , , . ; ; ABskt,' -A f, BARRELS PSA RL liOM IN Y 8 Bsrrala Brlta aepU-tt , vV. ft 8TR0NACH. 3 ft I II I founds Vlruinla BacoaL Hams, UfJ Bides aad hliouleers. aag.a-u W. CJ. 8IR0NACH. pROPKRTT FOll SALE BY THE PIOtLX'S B. A L. ASSOCIATION. BV Ttrlna . . J a . . ... . ,I.'M. -7- - .i .o(if w ia, re t'f B,u) "ting at Loan Associauua, of th City of Rsb-brh. Iram U Cl u.. ...a t. ' cuied AprU s, 187U, and duly registered In th office of the kegirter of Deed of the county of Wake, I wiU sell, at th. eortbouss - ? tkeelijr of KaleUtb, at U o'clock, M., OB tfatnnlaw tL Mitt. X , . . . , - . J ' ij ua vrvuiuer, sue loi low in property via . 1 heir one half Interanl IrVltt,- aboot 73x160, 0 Uie street leadiug to th qusrry, f ronUiiK the forana n.i,l.. ....... a . ... i. ...r1 - mawvur, nwia. I hen- Intcreat I 195 1-4 acre of huid rvln on the Fajetteviil Road,, about two mors Irom the city, of Ralehih, and tb Improve- atieiltat t-hsraun - rtAH-,,H. hair A nrrvTaf ri t 1 wei A. . 1 Tl h wntv. l- . eecretar ; H.eott, 755.1 8,7 81.7W...iV , tA'ii'0 i 11 8 aniiwiuej. lLt! resnmed lh manaBea ether , xHJAuDINQ Hopr I ! eoroer of Newbara tmtim . queete th pationas; of kT! let . the rbhejencrauy" ' CHESTNUT -kI,T OmMTB Old La,,. u au, riUILADEL?.; gT. CATHARlNrs ovKrIoT --- -' " CAKADAj i-' . ' tM ".TEPBESSOJ ou2J AND BATUS - la connection with th eelh.i AL1NI MINIkRw" w taopeatorfb.,,. Fern d. Iron, of pleas addras th, pro. n JuIyT-tf6,?8LV'rCC" mk QHATSWORTH N8TITUT i ' I ENGLISH, FRENCH AND CIhgA BOARDING AND DaF -SCHOOL. 188 Franklin Street,' !2ttm, Jfisa. A. S. UASSOtf, VinW. Jfr .0. B.EXOSLBRKCUT Vihk Formerly of Bell Have Insilta Columbia, 8. C ' auit 17 tf 2. O T I C E S. ate for re-eleelioo. and rwanwifiiii .i... ... ...i i ... ' .-a CAPT J. J lloBiKStiJ ep 17 t E NT trwjjuj THE MASTER SPIRITS 0T THK WORLD, and THE TREASURE (Juts OF AMERICA. ' tbb aaaai book r vat laaa. Areat rerjort sales of aa A inn AnnM i. . few hours or day. i'roieeiui free. .dnj - ' . ' d. W. GOOltbPUtit, u.w iura, vnieago, viacinaau, ct iiwi new errieana aept dawsm $200 H K w A " 0 ii a regular meeting or Rescue Strtrs fin omusav. No. 1. of the cllv of Rah-lib htU Monday nbrht. October lu. lW8.ih fo toviei . ''I'k. , ,1,. H K t . ,L 1 1 . Hi .v., iuwi w. mvnoriae. ivtnicia- reward of 8J00 for such ie'onnauoa n ail lead to tbeoiactivery and arrest of tiae party or parlies who caused the destrucUoa al Ita "Sentinel" office, oa ihe nUiht of the lini at OcUber, lH7a Ihereby damaginf ths XugiH Uouse and Hall of Rescue t omnaay." la obedience to the foregoing rewttilba, do offer 83i lor the Informailoa dealml. W. C.8TBO A' B, Forcuilk . D. Bain Crcnoaca, Bec'y. oct il-lm riiHE ANNUAL MEETING OF TBI 1 Board ot Trustee of the; ot North Carolina, will be held in the Govenwfi oflle, on th third Tuesday In NovemWti 1K7A Tun U. i.ALDWELL. pjesidentof the Board of Treated. R. W LaxeiTB, Secretary, octal U A Whit Esqulraaax Dog, nine a11" old, answera to tbe name of "iiPUMk. suitable reward will bs psld for his recover-vctS-tl . LtACH RW RODDER, OATS AND BAY. A small sapp y lust received - lly tib-if JAMES M. TOWLW, J7 L 0 u x 60 barrela "Kim Grove" Fsml. ri Every b rol warranted. Oct Jtf , W.C. RO.NaCL. J-J 0 0 R , SAL II HI A. , BLIND. Voo Mouldjitgs, Stair 'Bells, Kwe!ri ENAMELLED, 1MB S8ED, liltuOD W ,., . . CUT OLAf A A 1T5 ani weD assorted stock of th M goods oa baud at Ui fe"" Order work Promptly aWaded to Bu derkand owner. wtlUi"! . " vintage te get our ettimat before piMiW Bpcclal attention given to BIsca " . at aad other trst class work. i EsUmates and Price List, furalshru plication. i - - I WIIITLOrtC A CO.. 854and J58,Csnslt.. m,S.,nt N.I,- EDICAL COLLEGE Ot VHt'ilS M RICHMOND. .. online enra Tb Winter seaaton ot uus "": mu,,ei menree TU K!l)A Y, iietooer .r trW. rtVE MoNTila.. Thecouiwof in ' w la eomplsu i conducted by a sc. ' r..1..r. aaaiatcd bV SU wljuact -- Maiun'- . no conuuca a uoj - j..ui;ea lecturea. All the , ,,iwsl r.,:k:.ra . .. m the -,. ., icbmopd are open td "TUi, Coil'-f .aire the Almabous "l"'r ar.d oepitaL the College Di.IH";",.,,,,,,. Cll III Central LuiiaUe Asvlum. "'".'idA Unity of studylaf dV'1 ul t i aaus ! Hrofcfir' fees, tucltw a nlathvn. 81; uiaarction ',lrf, fee, 8:W No 'Sa f ' biou"! M exumlnatiooa. Board ran ee ,.rUllla"i'- .,,ss For f urUier iufurroatica, auure- ,i.J.B,McfilW. ; ' H -A;-- j y ..Bi"! Mrfti" Prlnciiwl toorkerrf au. ...i ran.ti, norm t aroiina, ami laaerrtr acquired a familiarity with l ibee,, Uiat petition. 1 snnbunca ni.ll . sep Sdlr