A. J : rxht i. VOL. VII raleigh, n, a, monda-t; December ty 1372. NO. 71. CI' sJB ' "( ' ' ' ' "" . -I ' - l . : 4 , ... T5 THE SENTINEL. "1 ADVEBTI81NO KATES. AdrerUacmeoU will be baaertefl la the Daily gaTiei. aa U lohiiwinit 7U par jea ol , aoe Inrk, r lea raiDtua luxa. ' one square ua time fl.UU acb auuasuaeat iuaixuua i as thaaaweesi .. &u 1 aar, 1 nrk. S.5D 1 aquare, T aioa, 133.00 1 - iDSOalil. .tt;l. " " U6.UII i law's, I'J-HJ 1 a " J,iw ' i .uv;i iu. - .ii - 1 au.i)!i it - ?.ij Add U the above rain for eaeU a!i.il..mal uoareaafullowa: 1 aunlb, W for 1 wv.- -i.l ! StamiUi, nm - - low a S.U0 , - .uf ' 14 UU .. a " " IV " ... t! ) ,. -i HI.UU II " ! Viir Ui tknol-M eukly slua , three tlflha of 11..IIV rates. . for Ui WeeUy a'uer, two-BflU of Dally rw'lb Daily and 8mi-Weklf conililoed, sty psr eeut. on Osily raias for Ui Dally acd Wwkly combined, forty nor eent. oa iiiy rate, for the IMiy. Bi-nil-Wockly and Weekly tolned.vlauty per eenL oa baily raUa. tneeU sol ens, llfty per eent ua Daily ra e. idvenisi.iaiu.lai la Coaia. 4 eU per iiu.. O.MK AFFA1H8. ' CoTToa MAltaVKT. lb ported 1)T Lj Adamu OroCif " and " ConiDilsaioa Metv cbaut, tiuth Maiitet Street : ' - Raiwot, Nov. 30. Price of cotton in our Market to day : 18 m. V- ' -17 eta. 4 P. M' . - '-. -1?- A-W - - 120 bale. ReceipU, - 120 Tone of the Market, quiet. aaai i i. 10 GOOD FARMS; F0.Il SALE QHANGK COUNTY, IN . FurCaah or- Credit. For particular! I quire til the t SENTINEL OFFICII ' Nor ii 1873. ' " .' TJudj,'Cilley iaiu the city. Bee aqcuon- Co. . ' ale pf W. H. Jon 4 Wa call alUintioB to the adcr is.uient of Or. Chat. E. Jolinton and Peter E.. Hinca. Both gentlemen are veil known to the citizens of Raleigh and Wake as ac- . couiplulud and able physician. . . EiauB J. A. Vasd. Thi gtntlemsn will preach in th Hall of the HeuAo of RepretentatiTesi on Sunday morning' at 11 o'clock, and at night at 7 o'clock. RBLmincA For greater comfort eer rices will bo held tlii cold day In the lecture room of the Dnptist church. Topic for th morning Ileligiou Liberty. At night A contrast between the first and fecund death, . " SiiBRiFr or Wilke. We hare had the pleasure ot Uit of J. T. Ferguson. Erq., the worlhy 6b. jriff of Wilkea county. He i-ttled the taie of his county for Satur day, paying into the Stale Treasury (3,048,33. " ": pMtsojfAl,. We had . the plcasuri of seeing in our office on Saturday the twe worthy editor of Oraage connty, Messrs. Cameron of the HMJxrro Eeotrder and flr&n of the Durliao) Tvbacce Plant. Both gentlemen were in fine health. A BrECUL CoortT. There will be special term ot the Superior court of the follow ing cnuntiei : 'V Chowan, Demuef 83d, Judge Moore presiding. ..'V . ( ,' Put, December Bth, Judge Watt. Halifaxjanuary, Slst, Judge Cloud. Northampton, January 18th, Judge Cloud. There will be a court of Oyet and Ter miner for Yeocej county, to try a number of i riminal case, nd one for Macon coun ty, on the 8th of December, to Iry the ' Jtrratt murder case. : VnrrEn- Sta.tk Cibclui Coobt. The Court convened at 10 o'clock. Judge Brooks stated as the District Attorney was absent be wonld hear any matter from the bar. cecdi d upon the criminal docket. Mr. . Bllock,ciJJi4.. aitcnUon ta a judgujent by default against hi client, Minnj lree and Weldon. Uuitcd State ommitsioner Best, the old Stcreury of State, was eall- d to th stand. Hi statement was ( follows; At the lut term of the Court, dpt. Berry, a revenue' officer, gaveiofor maiion against Minnytree and Weldon chstging that they failed to keerAbrwk nil eater thair antes of tobacco. I extmined the case aM found there no breach of th law. NBeiog threat ened that if I did not bind thereto, court, he would have them indicted before the r Ornd J117 at the next terns' of the eonrt I notified the partie to appear before m next day? ' I then called to e your H nwt, and asked for advice in the case. Tour Honor sod myself went to the room . of Mr. Starbuck the Solicitor, and talked 7 Hie matter over with blm. Your Honor tlien told Mr. Btarbuck if the case wa I brought to eourt be should not draw bill. ' ; ' Mr. Siarbuck t xdon't. remember any thing ab.mt it' ! Judge Brook iVmeml lt "rJ cIt 1. The judgment, by default, was set aside, ami ibe matter stood for further weiring ' The morning wn consuiiled in trying ca s for violation of Ui rt venue law. The reporter leave th'l cane. fbT tit editor ts work up next week, a tb rev 0 n:ea say.. I' i. .''''." ' V '" I Ebbatcw. W rcyret exceedingly thai so ugly a aaMake oecurs in nor laid tag editorial ia re;arj to Mr. Ueedey's given name Hutucc. The manuscript, prool and revise were all rih'. The error occurred in tusking np the fi-rm We only detected' the mistake at e late boor when the entire edition f if the in aide had been worked 2 iJt'BRTUHArUS. We learn that cotli-nmn, a mimlicr of th Lrgislsture, was in search of Or. I'litchard's sfady which t in the Baptist Cberch. He unfortnails'y link tliwona direeljoa 4n4 opafiiast adiiur that led into a dark nacmee. be advanced when ua- denlj he Rcelve4 an iaTo!flutary imnut son In tha htptiMry a new way t mike Brrtit.: ;. ;.'. The weather' it remarkaWy cold for November. The thermometer stood at 13 degree above wro on Saturday morning. We do not remember to have felt before as cold a season as early la tho Winter. Sacrkd Caictata.-W hd th plea ere of receiving an invitation from Prof. Bauman to the "Sacred Cantata" at Peace Institute on Fridsy evening. The low temperature caused by the blasts of the angry god of approaching winter hsd almost deterred n from potting in an tpprarance.but happily for us we eooe'u ded to brave bis wl-ath, and the musical ft-ast served up to the. Urge and apprecia tive audience would have fully repaid us had trie weather been much more inclenv ent . Where every one does tn well, it i hard to distinguish any who were pre eminent but it would be phasing by rare excellence not to mention th rendition of the sole It I )( I iL. and cHoras Ol -aiorqicai, tainei sou ina Jews;" alio the sofoand (fu,uWht wilt thou, Oueea.Estber," was rendered in tyle that would have been creditable to linger upon, any tge and before any audience. ; The mitt In which ''Awiaii proclaim Mordeeai the favored one," was well received and appreciated. The clos ing "Choral and Choruf was in full ac cord with the rest of the beautiful per formance. It is but small praise to lay that the whole wa a perfect success and was greatly enjoyed by evWry kiverol harmony ; while those who had no music la their souls hsd ample . wherewith to regale thrye-n-the beanttfni faces of the fair young ladies composing the school. A gentleman of superior musical tnste and culture, James , Pirtson, Esq., fur nishes us with the following comments : "The Derfi) rmance eivea last 'night at this elcgunfestabiiahUfiint was a decided success. AWong the ladies and gentle men who tooV part la it, there were some excellent voices and evident musical ! ent. The lady who took the part of the Qseen, ha a high and very melodious so prano voice, ana a lime more cultivation would make her very fine voclit. In short without attempting to criticize any oart of it. it wa a most proitewortby and excellent performance, such can rarely be. Beard iroin amateurs, in, soioa, duetU and trial, were aung with great tuate and feeling, and the choruses were very full and effective. Prof, Uiumann although there was nothing in his part t call forth hi powers a a Pisniat, gave evidence of hi irtiaTic skill and knowl edge as conductor and muicTafl." Oreat credit is due to the proprie or for his ex cellent arrangements in. seating the audi ence, which was one of the most ri lined, and eKgsnt that ever asstmMed iu Jlsil eigh.' .. .. ' 7 2 ; aM - Tar lb aVntln! " v ". THE BEN ATOKSHIP. Mn. Editor : It i apparent that effirts are being made to drive, prejudge and prejudice those gentleinen in the tegi1" ture who support Judge Jferrimon for !. 8. Cebator. . .".'. " , Thi course I wrong Ui IJspir, nu win not accomplisb the purpose imeuu.-u. These gentlemen are men of intelligence and flrinne: they well know what Ibey are doing, and they have the courage to do what their judgment approve a ngiu and wise. They are actuated by the purest principle and motives, and by no hostile feeling towards anyone ; they look onlv to what they conceivelo be the high est and beat interests of the vDemoereUo Connervalive p ty and he ptoyU of tin Btatt. ' Tbey insist and are able to show that there is no party nomintt Jar Stnaior, Uist a majority oth eaueut which sought nominate Uovereor Vance bad pro- iurlmd and ore determined wkat tlu action or ine raacg mum terel ihe nomination, so mas every gra tlemen exceDt Governor Vance wa vir tnaHf 4rtie-girg-t..-lMt the emevi. as nominating body, had tost its efficsvy as such. The gentlemen support ingjudge Merrimon made, every reaaon able effort tosvoid discord tln-se effort were not even considered, aai then they did not etund the caucu and were in no sens or way bound by it action. It is well known that gentlemen wkiVaxiaaiiied in the calied caucu were dWiisrlud with it and it . action, and the vote in caucus shows that Governor Vance at first after all that waa dons to that en 1, only reeeiveo 1. 1 ai The gentleracnx supporting Judge Mer rimon, are wppming pH,iplo rather than men or a titan, a their aotion when fully and-fairly made known tolh put lie will ho. At the proper time they propose to issue an adores to tb people of th Btat tlttting the ground of their action and vinilwaiory of themelve. Tbey do not tear the Verdict or jadgtneot of Ou p"!'le, aud to tliem alone ai Tub Pcblic Pbwtiso- Frivm informa liooreceived, w upp-e the public p'intmj will b given to the oftie of the &4eijk AVn. and at price tunes hat hishei than thosj fixe. by the last Gen crl Assembly, it Xr, eoaoKlea by rjersoBirbati f'e.pric pid for th.i jrbk during th last two jr re so low that tb pHblie printer hwe . rooy by getting the eontract. Sufisfrary .WatrAma. ATr. 1 WilU !' 'y "f J'ew r "' . a lin rat He is a Creole of tw.'il) -s;X year.. " j fsKGISLATIY 8VMSULBT. ' la the Senate 90 Saturday th , bill ftx the relief of the SherirT of Blade fxaaed it final reading. . The bill techang the time of hnldiug Wake Superior Godrta stas alsofiBnlly ilis poaetl ul' ' 1 ' ' Mr. Mutpty inirtKlocul a bill tontiuJ ti'.l the SO.h dur of Ueceinber the time for?be re ieinptioa of property tol l for laxe. This bill was ret-md. ' " Mr. Davi a bill to amend aeciion C8, cbapb-r 118 of lb law of ISIl-'69, which wa ala ri ferml, ' ' fjee Senate proceeding. In the House oa Siturday lha u.iial routine of busiueia . au gone through Willi, and nothing uf iistaoftaaea esawaup, J WSeratortal thitrTjnnTirriOTliMt the all absorbing exdtement. T btl- ots were had in joint stuai.w) on Stirday and no result wss reaclef. The del nils of the prnteeeliog of tb j iint session are given ia our regularly reported proceed- In of the House. -- Vovao aUu's CnataTiAB AnuVt. tftATluN There ws a meeting of this boily on Thursday afternoon when; the following Committee was. pp l-ited to. s ilicit c- n tributiont for th rdiuf of the sulfuriugs of the Door. vix : JfoMr. A. M. McPhee- ters, W. C. Stmntch, and Johu Arm strong. The citizen ca.i hand their con triliutions to either the Committee or leave them at any City batik' with tbeir name. Lack of spice compels us to omit comment to day, but we will recur t the subject il) bur next Tiii weuther -rrnnn and argument enough, u . ... aisa- - A Most Horbiblb Outbaok. W are pinned to nave to recur a one oi hi most fieodiah deeds tbitt have ever disgraced our 8iateW l g'f. A dny or two ago a negro about IT years uf ego perpetrated the most terrible outrage upon the bixly of s little daughter of a respec lablo" jfentlemM (Mr. - Aaron Btrowd) Ilvinc some eiurht.,. mile South-west of tlillsboro. The villain secreted him elf, but has been csptured and con fined la Uillsboro j iil. lie confeased he committed tlie act. The poor little suf- ferrer, wboitun'y four jeirsijf ge, waa, on Friday, in an alarming condition. We cannot dwell upon foch an enormity. In Bay other aectiou of our land in any part of thi North such a fearful crime would be pwdjly:tofl proctat of law. 1 We are glad that the enraged neiglib and father allowed the ..:ii ... Iu a.,V.Ih i,nui it anil laL-nn to Vlllltiu vw -mumiiij . ... - j nl to af alt hi trial. I'rlB' COMISO EsTBTAinsIIOIT.--W hope that the excellent Company that ri to p ay next week at Tuckel-Mall will u greeted nightly with largo and apprecia live audisaet ; We still; not mtjieaa our people intentionally. We know Imw much iu eiior playing nfliicts ihltcom muairv from time to time. It afford tt pleasure to say that In the Company Mil ed for next week theie t Hwrj pnwtilse of a very rich entertsiament. Tho pa- persof Kcliuionl, Norfolk snd other places have given I his Comedy Company slmost unmeasured praise. 1 critical Botice of the date of Nov; Mth the Kih mond ffHjei'rw, among other things said this: "' ' ' T ' - The Putnam mmiia i mpidly pred ing. it epwemic 01 a imm "i nature than even the epizootic We have rarely witnessed such a furore in Rich mond as Mis Katie Putman has created. The whole theatre-going public of the city Is wild with delight over ner penor manccs, aud the universal verdict is that the is the most charming and perfectly bewitching little lairy that haveriited our.lm.atds. She has (lulled Ihrougli our firmament liko a brilliant .meteor, whose ewrruscation will not soon ; fade from memory. V ' 1 1 Last oitrht was ner oeni nt, n aim layed FnehonM in -Cricket on the linh " The oart 'was never so wei: rendered litre bcloie,' and the entire per fi'irmaaca was most admirable. Mr. Brown made a Landry every way worthy of th Fwohon, ampnlie whole support was 10 admirable keeping with the excel lent rendition of tb leading pari. The audience were in acstacies, and rarely bay a seen better aUoed bouse. PERSONAL, - " , 1 Coik. the Enirith ioetns, is very ; ill, aixi'lur'iisSi'irery u'regwJtu' aTrrlrJW ssWmmOMtf, iaiy 1. kitig a contract 10 fumislt the neaostone tor the triaves of the Union soldiers buried in the siercd soil o! the Old Dominion. The Grand Duke Alexis bat jresenti d to tb Naval Academy t AAnapoli a magnificenteompass, cased In flv boxes for safety, of traiwp.rttiom It wlil he Uixed iaagreiitmariy'itberr rosse by the itujlent f'.er its arrival. ' v- ' The remalnsof a brav officer. Captain Iegrand, up, during the aiefr T Prls, tried to cany diapatolies into the city by swimming rrn Hi Seine, have beeu found in 111 river and ikttrted wiih military honira. ' . Mr. Georite Cabfri. tne sltist and deli neator oi Indian clwracter,'.! dsngeroutly ill at the irsidsstce of Ke. U. o, Uregorjl a Jersey City. V . . Jfr ' Jiwah Mn. i4VBinaia;ham, lis deceived n oftVr of, knighthood (mm ber Majesty as reward for his munificence m the eta of charity nl education. Mr. Masoo founded the rdnhe;iurg urpnan sgusnd tits Birmingham tXytnt Curteffe. John S. Livingatou, a biolbir t.f pr. Livmgsti'P the explorer, bn pi;oos store at L ttoweit, Canada, and hangs out tign, "OrBST'emf pateul meditia. s, toil et m -da, Ac,",, lie is a tultivated and hiffblv inUllwent irentltman, and oeiievia rinpticiilv in the correitoe "t filaolfy' rrpri. niatioiti in r- gmn 10 ins uromcr. Thepiss 1 lionie hss be n pard..neJT out of tb Maioe nitentiaiy after a s- rvice ol twi'nl? nine tears. Ilia ollence ws that of killing a mas who mtmcd his twee. heart, 1' LfgLsUture of North Cro!!aa. .... . . -' ' SE.VATE. ' '' Satvbdat, Nov. Sfl,8;.. ' The Senate met It . m., PiesiJciil M.H-ad in tLc cii iir. Sundry report from tan lin ensumit-U-ea weie pivsentad by M'wrs. Murray, Morehead d Uiekiiifchuo, Merriiuoii. Love, C'.al v - Oil uiotion of Mi. Mi rriuijn, llw re ooHHt eadatiou ol" the eoturuitti'C on inler nil improvemeB-l to print Ibe teport of the K IV. Woottfi on the stfaiis.Jl lite Western D.viai.m uf the W. N. C. R- It- was cone ui red io Oa motion of . Mr. this, ol Colombo, tb rule went suspend)! a id the bill ! the relief t.f D. J. t'Uik, late rtheriff of Blatlen C lUnty. was put upon 11 paMar, theoueiUiiia uoing im llw sulirliMiiv t llje ei.iiuiiilt. mi Mi eilioH alDiftttw?' ances. ' . . ' :i ...' . -1 It se. ms that 1 whilst ei giigtii in Co! leciirig the (axes lor 1TI, 6!ierid' Clark deposited from time to nine la the sate ot prominent firm ill JC'isioctl:t..wn ( he usual place of . deposit, there bving ho bank iu that town) the, sum uf f 3,227 ol tax money : that en ranilay nigtit .4 the first week of tit tax c illeutinj;, the tinrr ia winch the siifa was kept tit fd aud the safe robbed of a lari.'e auiouut id money, including th buerilf dipt oil of 3,327,nd that since ttmt time I lie SCrrin had made every rH.Ml, at nihaiderablecx Dense, to recover ihe stolen money. It further appeared that the aifv in which the Sheriff deposited wa the usual place lor the business men i t Bladen, ana that the safe wa yboustdired lire and burglar prooi. ins cooimiiiee to wuom tue out waa refeired ratouinu-adcd that Sberifi Clark be allowed a credit in hia settle ment with the Treusurer at 81,000 and that all ciwts and Hni-s Incmred iu hit "Me be remitted I The report. jf the committee -was ad- vocat. d by Men-rs Troy, tlurphy, d ger, Mabson, col., Ellis, of I'oliliubii), and Love. Mr. King, moved U strike.1 out titer word "costs" in the reimrt. ilu whs wil ling to remit the $1,000 and tines, but thousht lle State should n it be- called Upon to bear the t..st. Mr, King's amendmeut was njicled. f Mr. .Norwood Ui aired to know it the ribeiiff had complied with ' the require ment 01 the Kevenue AoKlu relalmn to the sums of ntoney to bo kept on hand. r Messrs. Troy u IMurphy gave tnti factory sntwer.- " Ihe bill putsitl lis several resdlnfi. tne vote being dn lis third- reading aye a. ul. '-.'. '.'. The bill to chance tlie limes of holding the Bu lienor Courts ul Wake eonnty, being Ihe tpecial older for 11 1 8 o'clock, was consnlered. The ameodinignt of the House to tho Sennit amendment to th bit to insert after th words "civil action," the words "for the eollectioo of debts," was concurred in. and the -UU ordered to 1 eurolUid. - - A message wn received Imm the House transmitting an engrossed resolution in lavor of certain blieritfs. (Provides lor the pstmeut out of the state i.reastiry 01 certain claims lor con vej-ing convict to the Penitentiary.'. :l lie resolution wa reterrcd. Th messaire also lra.iuiitted an en grossed bill lor the eleiJtioo uf Soperur Court Judi;e by the qualified voters of tne several judicial I'isttict. Iteiurred. Mr. Month? in'mxluced bill to extend the time for Ihe re.temption ufpMperty told fur taxes. Iti l'erri d. Mr. Davis, a b.ll to amend section 60. chapter 113, of the actsol ISuB-'Gtt. Re ferred. Mr. Gudser introduced a bill in relation to the office of sherilf of Yancey county. Ktterred. ' 7 I At 11:53 the t nat nroeeeiled to the lloufe to l iia in the Vote idr Cuiled Slate Senator. (Sen House proceedings 1 On the return oi Ibe Senate, that bo adjourned till I o'clock on Monday. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. SATumiy, Nov. 110, 1874. At 10 a. 111. Mr. .Speidter Robinson Im.k he Chair and c IU .1 the llou.-e to order. Journal ol yesieidiy wniTead and ap proved. ' Mr, iiennett, I nun the judiciary t ora- miitee, Mr. Morini, from the Committee on Engrossed llii.a, and Mr. Brown, ol Mecklenburg, from the Coniinittee on Propositions' and Gr.uvnnoes tutunitted report In in their respective Conunittees, ad of which were appropriately disposed of. ' " , - ; 1' ''' By Mr. Bean : A resolution in regard to a deficiency of seats in the House of Representatives; placed on calendar. , liy Mr, Bichatdson t A toiolutioa in structing the Joint Standing Committee on Public UuildinL,- to inquire iuto the condition of ihe Governor' Mansion and other public building?)' placed on cat endor. . Br Mr. McXeiil ; A bill to amend - lion 33, chapu-r 201, law of 1S0S oaj :i-treii. By Mr. Ul .a; A b'.il for the relief oi then iff) and other person! referred. Bf r-.. w-.- : A bill 10 charier a iliriisxiiS aidBC flcsnrnN C..R. H. 10 1 C5' t-'jTji.4 r-pri.ius J feierre4i"j 5 t j j f. M IT , The bill to teoeal Chanter WS. law d 1871-8. was taken up' A This it th taw requiring Clerk 4 ibe. JK.iK.tioT. Coub to i be in their olltoc ev.Ty Afimday lot t lib trannnctioB of Frotiite liumness,! The omiiiitie tn w hom Ihe bill wt referred reported nnfavrat4i-jinin. tt. . A Mr. Carson, th introducer oftiTe bill, wa n d in lii seal, the bill wss, on ihJ'inu 0 Mr, Bennett pi d over lor th pnsent, -' ': M'BCl K li OHDBB, The Bensle niuiion In raise a join)! lid enmmittee ofeight, thfec oh the part nl tli Senate ami lire on the part of tn House, to Inquire iiilo'rejoru.ciaicemlng the govern,ment of the penitentiary being ihe special 'vrdcr 'or this hour (11 . m.j its fvosideraKoli wa pniceeded ailb, Jfr, WaugbVlfered a sulmtituto which rtferredlhn matter tnthe Joint Standing Commilte on Pt'nal Institutions. ifr. Uotistott wa in favor of th reJu tion a it etine Imm I he Senate, die. () ninjion of Mr. HolgeV the yeas and riays were called and the tulwtilu'e at rtjicted by a votexof yea $3. nay 78. The question reeihrring upon the Senate resolution it wa adopted la It original thejie. "' The considers! ion of the bill td rermal chapter JUfl, ' law of lS71-"3 w re sumed, t . ' Mr. Canea advocated the passage f tlie bill Botwithstaoding the unfavorable report of the Judiciary Committee, He thought the penalty for the f diute of the eieika to attend on Hit speciliej) day waa ton severe. . Mr. Kett thou trlit the law a go ; and had worked wvell. He hoped tiif t i'l wonld not pat. ' Mr. 11-nnett also opiKiwd it. r The n otion at Mr. iotl.-r to indetluiielf p"i j on was put 10 a vote and adopiul The hill In exi-mjit cs-rtain widow and male p ivuiu iiimh tatatlo ' taken Ui n. I, ii itimon of Jrr. Uyti, owl spsvtkl ord.r hr Monday week hi II a. wi. J B. MrUiidinr: A teanlwkm in fvnr of J. M. Y..U of Buncombe, and Abue. Cisad, f MtlU"n i ti!ou.i i' caleu ' Tlic b I! u ti ueid rrmpitr ISO law ot Ihil HMWi ip ami, oa motion ol Al'. lirowr, u DjVi.Iwi i, laid on th' tulife. )' Mr, J.iii. s, !(' Ci I Cm ihe c ni( t. oa i riiTiiimn, np.w.el liv.r ab.y Vp hi the bill to chart ei the Vil.Mi ittid far . lumr Nairow Gauge IUi rotd Company. tin motion ill Mr. Mom. the mb- wen auspuiided and (lie bill was tikoi tip, put i. a m m-rood R'niliiii! aud vd, I'ndi-r ttpenaiia ot ihe rules li e toll pa. d nnrTiTTnt1inB. A taamwK was receivest "fro ernor truniuitiiiin it cmumunfatiuu trout H.m. Dmim-I Jfirretl, chairman f the Lxwtniive Committee of the Ltutid Status Ceuu-Uulal Commission, la I hi'lil in iiirctr uf Philadelphia on (b4b JuH. ia. O i motion uf Mr. 'Brown, ul, Daridson, I he tursatce. toin-tber with tin scomnpa- nyinir docmurnt, in m la the rWi will) a proposition . ti print lb usual iinmbcr uf copie. Tim bill In authorise the Cotnmbaionen of WulaliiiB to leVy Sliecial tax td 83,- 000 to build a court house, was' taken up ami poa-cd il second (railing l)J a VotrM).! yi Bit, n a. : J J'UST ASSEMlll.T. ' At tlie hour of li ru. tlit aiirrh of I ho Senate Waa annuunced Mr. Pieaiilrot Mortluad of the (Senate, cnlh il the Joint Aw. inlilr to order. The journal of the Juiut Aimmlily of tpjterilav waa reail. Wuininunius wre aunotiDccit to be id onlor. Sir. lUiil. of Mci kli nLiurjr, niimiiialeil Z. IS. Vance. Mr. Iluiinci1, Humiliated A. 8. Murrl- iiioii.j. Senator C!rily nomiuated John PihiI. .The mme ul m weie anpoiuted l on TvtHltf JuV, 1 he Mult ol I In- J int iMiiot at luiiowa : Whole riuiulwr ol votea, 161; lor Mr. Vance, 7Ui Mr. Mtniiuon, 83: Mr, pool, U . ...i . .---.-t: Th following ia Hie Sen ilu halitit ; Pnid0:it Mori hiail. and Mcsari. Alien, Barnlianlt, (.'uniilnhii, Davis, Dunham, K'lu, ol Catawba, Kilia, of t'nhmibin, Fleimuintr, UUilcr, llortos, Jlctauli'T, Miller, MorelKHil, or lUK kiiighnin, Mur ihV, Jurrny, Nichnlxnn, Koraood, Prire, Msilt.o aff ir, I mhl, 1 roe ami Waiing.- For A. 8..ilcrriiuon i Mossra A vera, ('ow lea, Humphrey, Love, Meriitnon, Powell snd Welch 7. For John Pool: - Messrs. CbamlKifiiln,"Creauai,.E()es, G randy, Harris, Hill, llolloman, llynian, King, Long, Mabson, Mctabe, SIcCotler, Respa, Seymour, Smith, Stilley nd Walker 18. The following is the House b.ittot : For Mr. Vance : - Mr. Speaker and Messr. Andersoii of Oavie, Ballard, Bennett Ulackwell, Drown of Mecklenburtr. ufvan of amt)ton.UrTan h Alleghany, llulisrd, Uyrd.Varter.tJralge, Fret man, Oant. Gidney, Gilmer. Grady, Gtulger, Houston, Johnston, Junes of t;kl ell, Jiiuisof I ynell, jnhna.Unday, l.ucKfJ, tcuunee, Heneili, Mitchell, JfiKirc, Moss, Morrison, Nonnent, Outlaw, Press -n, Iti ill ul Mecklenburg, Iticharl son, rwttte, blnnn of LuharriiH, Shaxkel ford, Stanford, Stowe. Tvdl, Turner, W'arlick, Waddill, Webb, Wiley and W0.MII1 in e 48. For Mr. Mi rriinon : Mistsra .tnihrson i.f Clav, Brvson of J n:kin, tli) son of Mw.nn, Cars m, Dickey, lla imr, lla)i et, llinnant, Joiner, .Wa.ier, Mining. Siisw, Us'sou, Waugh and Whit 111 in 13. I'.f Mr. I' ".! I Mra-11. Abbott, Badger. Bun, Bli the, liowe. Boa man, Brown ol Davidson. Ury aut nl I'ltl. liimnt of Halifax, Hi van ol Wilkes. Br.aiks, liu'in, Copland, Coiaon, IKitileu, Davis, Dudley, Dula, Ellim.fi, Fletcher, Foster, Godfrey, Gorman, Good wynn. Gray, Onytiicr, Il iniplon, Hughe, June of ( aiudi-u. Jones of Nortliaiiipton, Jorduii, Kini;, L oyd, Lutterloh, Mulison, Ah .iuriii,Mil er. Michael, Patrick, Pi chall, Perry f III iden, tthadiv, Seott, bliarp, Snet'd, Tiinit, Winslow, William ion, Wheeler and Wlilinaiit 61, The President declared no clectio;i, .' Mr. Cottle offered a resolu'lon adopting thee inlet of the lmm f. r Hie government il the Joint Auembty. Senator Wurphy olleied an smendiuent Cnlii)tr'j fXpliinall m i.f Vole to flvei minutes, ' ' " "' '''''' v.. ,' N ntor Mi nimon doubted ihe authority of the Joint Assembly to make any rules. SiiSinr Harris, col, niovrd that the 8Msk' r of the House and i'resident ol the cenaie appoint joint select eommittea 1 report rule fur the guvernuttiil of tb Joint A-n-nibly. . benut'1 rov move I that th Joint As n'li.li'y iij nir until Mondiy at 13 m?. M , X ' The niieMllon' recurred U Hon Mr. Si ttle' resoiui11.11 aiid, oa lii illoll TirMf.DiRt liiiaV It as laid on inei oe. On motion of Senator Love a second ballot wa gi a luio. The ren1t was an nounced t bo as lull .s; Wh de noin ber ot yoirs east 181. For Mr., Vance 7i: ir. Merrimon HI j Mr. Po-dog. The Hi.hiwing is the tknste ballot 1 For Mr. Vaw-; 1 1 Pn-sideiil Morehi-ad, Jfussrs. Allen, Barnbardt, CunninghaiB, Davis, Dunham. Klli of Catawba, Kills ol Columbus, Kii mminn, Gudger, jlorton, 'ifcCatilcy, ifilkr.Morehead of Wkmghistn.Xurrtliy, Murray, ' Nicliolstm. Norwiud, Psice, S:n!t, ptall'.iiiij, Todd, Troy and WariiiM. -24.' For Mr, Merrimon t ' , Messrs, Aveit," Chnmlxrlsiu, Cowlea, Humphrey, Lore, Mcl'abe, Merrimon, Powell, Resiuun and Web h. 10. Ft Mr. Pool Messrs. Creamer, EpiietGrandy, Harris, Hill, llolloman, Hyman, King, Long, Mut.-iii, MeCotter, Seymour, Smith, Stil ley aud ,W..lker.-.. I h lollowiiigjsjih House ballot ; " . For Z. B. Vane; ,' -J- Mr. Speaker snd if -snrs. Anderson of Davie, Dullard, Bennett, lilackwell, Brown f Hucktenburir. Brvaa of AlltiliaAv. I UulUrd, liyid, Carb-r, Craige, Fieetntdvl li.nr (lidnxv (liln, Cr.,1, ii,,,t.,. H iloaston, Johnson, June, id Caldwell. J.me of Tyrrell,- .Jolm, ' Lindsay. Lncker. 'JfuUehtw. Mi Xeill ' Mitr.tmll M.xire, il, MniriMinJXornient, Outlaw, i'ri-ssori, l.eid'.of Met klenbnrg, Itichard. ton, Settlr. nnaw. Shin of tatmrrus. Mnv-k..f..rd, Htaildford. Stoste, Todd Til-ner, Wallick, WaddiV, W.I1I1, Wiley an I Wo Kl' o ia.-41. for A. vr, "aVemmoa ; : M . Aodertort of (Tr. Bijw ii of Jackson, Bruoa oftiw on. Dickey, tjor. mail, llsnniff, JiaVnes, llinnant, Jones ol Catuden, den, Jnyner, Jrarter, Miller, Moria Perry of B aileii IihoJcs, So hi, I nvett, vVattun, WaiigK aiii Wnitmirc. 51. ' For Ji hn P,. ; 1 Mis rs. Abbott. IIiiIott, K-tn. Illvth Bow. Bowman. Brown of Davidson. Brraiit of I'.tt, Bryant of Halifax, Bryan ol nket, Brooks, liunn. t'uii -Un.l, Cor son, Dnrden. Ini, Dudler, Duls, Ellison, Fletcher, F.wrer. -il!rev, Uoodwvo. Ofay, Uuyther, llimpion, tlus'ie. Jie ol orihampton, Jordan, King, loyd. Lot terloh, Mabsoit, Mi L lUiiii. MicIihcI, fai ri. k, Pasrhal', Sharp, tnrrd, Winslow W illismson, W heeler sad n hunanr.-H Tim chair ayaiu doclareit no electlnu. On nioiuHi of ne-isri,r -UuiUfT, lit Joint Asseuili'y adj 1U-1H1I U'Ull Monday at 13 m. I lie Seua'e retiu 1w.1l to I iilianitM-r. T"c"iTli iTt tic lloiiv in nrdiT, On m tlon ol Mr J ntes:, of Caldwell th Houac then adjourned Until .tfondny wmjt. m. 1 - .1. j . . tsi -'jV,, LITr TELEIiUA.'ill EWS , MARKETS NkW York, November 99.0utoa easier, sad 8.731 si l 1 4altt 4. Flour quiet Whiskey lower, 88 1-8. Wheat opened tinner. Coin moderate, un changed. Itice T l-8a8 1-1 Pork quiet lard bctivcr, lower T 9 aa 8. tttrpea tine dull at 03. ' Rosin steady 4 00. Tailowdull at 8 7B.i9, Frehlits ouiet. nrm. - Cotton--Xet receipts to day 888 ; Bros o.x.m. . - M.mey ranged 5 17. Steilins 8 l-4a8 8 8, Gold 18 ft-8.. Government closed firm I 48-8. State generally very Una. LivkHi-ooL, November 88. Cotton opened quiet; steady upland 8 7-810 ; oticant 10 1 4a 10 8-8. Sale 10.000 bale. Later Clot ton steady; speculation and export 8,000. . Corn 88 And 8 to 88. Pork 00 and s. Eveniuir Cotton closed unchanged : tali 01 oilcans lor November t V 13-1 Drocmlier 8 9 8: orlean for Novemlier 10 8 8. Turpentiue 44. ' Yarn iabiact. quiet, flrmr . v ; v W iLMlsTUToH. o vein ber Snirits of Turpentiao rtim at Stl. Itosln firm at (ItSO for struineil. . . , . Crude Turpentine steady, 8 00 for hard : a uu mr yeuow.uip and vngiu. 1 sr riiarkct quiet at f 4 00, FROJf WASHINGTON. . Wasiiiniiton, Nov. 89.-A dispatch just received here announce tho death ol Mr. Ureeiey at 0:30 this evening. Ha was conscious at th time and panned peace- luiiy away. t 1h Germ ia Mioltter ha advice thai the German war Afiuiater ha ordered the Ucrinin tliipt t advance price upon em igratlon patire. Ho it authoris.d to ei plain that sxtwrrt ir not hmrtll 10 ' th lotted Blatet, but precautionary in view 01 tne uisturoed Mate of riant, and a poulble formidable alliance (gainst Ger man v. Itennanv desire In kern has- man at home. Susan B. Anthony and the other wo men arrested In Rochester for voting, ad milted th fact, but pleaded that they were entitled to vote tinder the 14th amendment. Ihe Alabama L'gis.at.vu tinbioglio II y no inraaa settled. Both L'uitlaturs jirn still ia session, lilt Conw-rraii tw body. orgaoiiKu and recogiitzca liy Uowenmr Lind-Hy btf.ire rctiiini,nd hnlditi it essioii in the Capital, proceeding with the regular loutiii of bunincst; while Gov. Lewis, th newly Installed Governor, has recogniz'til the li .ltuis who are holding heir tdont elsuw here, and ko onlv obtained qiioium by swearing in mein- iii-t mi 1 lied un eeiil'.c.ites or other ev idence of eleotioii or ho trrved no notice of contest. Governor Lewit It severely criticised by the people. The regular body are relying up 10 the regularily and th legality ol their course and the sen 01 justice uf thu Federal Government Raleigh JNlarkot. CAKEFOLLY KKVISED AND COR RKCTED KVKItY D.iY. fUl.sniH, NuvenihurK). 117'J. APPLES; Oretn........v .. . Dried ,. t m PKACHK 1 llrenil.,, Di-Ul . BL'TTKR,,. ............ BiCONt N. C. Usui... Hdo.,., ,. ,,, ehoulders.,,,, Wester BuouWurs. Bulk Blinnldert.... . Sides.,., Hulk 81Je ....... , BAUtilSO : COTTON t Uood Ordinary...,, , tt-tllusr-, 10 saornyi 17 1 10 1 10 , an ft 13 't'(.IO 1 ' vuiteTO lHlVKF.Ni ! . . .....v ClltCeB; Kasbm t uUlna'.... . ... COI1X COltS MKL rws N. c. yuii'R 1. AKI). ,. TIK8.ii .... SOLE LATHEK LPPER LEATHER i ' ,i 1 , .1 in A I. CAULK LAXD I Oil HALE. Oa WnhiMilay. th EKiflTVENTII day of Dtiwmlier swat, at ta bit rcsUaa.of ,Dr. J. ttrlnton Smith lcc't4. we will, by vlfftiaof eortaln ra irteiifs to tlie BL AeastiM Normal K-liool, f. rt. Urlitut and otliars, a b at puti'ic ,anc low sll ths land twlonu;itie to litt estate of t'i dseaa. d, eya s'SliuK of THE VALUABLE REilDENCE, , with H spparMnaneiis, at to it 804 aerial ot laud asar Iti . - -'"'i a. a. c-ia. oftn City etr a Ai.mi.it. Seeeraf trasll lota la th Eastern part of Hateta-a, end ahcut to acres' of land lf, miws V rsi of Kslnkh, iloialQ; lbs laud of Jaiss Uoilit ana 1 Ui'irs, . , ' ' lii .'sal will berla parcels to suit ,ntr eha ers. ' 1 lil.Ml: m-ttiirdeali, UtsKmalndnir on efvdit fur U HiiMt a. At h sjiitu 11 lie and plaea the Atlmhiisira. titr nf stld J. H. nmltti will Mil dm ritsualeiUr of theWMinul eiltM'ts vt ItieesUls. N, WM. H. BATTLE HON. . Atlnme). iVe. UV tH-'.Js. '.. ' -. .-:'.,; ,V.,w7, dkllKtlOl la Wlhnhist w i tne STIh blsUnl, Bet On Wsiim4, WHIIant W. l aiaoioa 1 1 Mis. Mary E WaUtet, -, " , 1 v) llinlBffi eti th vi'k lust , at th rwst deueaof W 11. towler, ' Kev. U. W. Pncti Rev rrai k A Bishop and alts RselMl AUra aader AUte leskleacit of tu hrKU't nutter. Mr. Win. MarUu. st lialesa, Illbiols oa th 13th lust . bv Bev. V E Msndavllle," Mr. Davhl Barrow. Jt JleW To tt tlly", formerly of Wm ate, to Xlr. Hue M. Me jaaiess, nf New losk OlttTfc AHV. , - Joh 1 11. Vcl.auiitilln, E,, died at th retf dene ot hit son K. A. McLaughlin, Esq., In Iredell o muty o tlu 814 , NoV. 181:1, In ths TM h yasir of all sua II 1 lis I hunt bxn one of the most protainent elttxeus af dell coaaiy. lie was a laentbtir t tb Lrgldaiitr la UHPtu-'a, and a'se la , IttW-'iW a pab k register of Hit ouny for 11 yeart tor IM year Chairman ot Un County defers, Clerk and Masttr la Equity. &o II wa a ma of sous para'kartty of character, of ent little at eeatlon, bat wa wtll read, and of a stros ad yirvsrsms eataral mind 11 waa a 01 an et ttrlct lutfrUy nd morality in4 t whom the masses of tba psepl had (rest ccnSdenes. Ho died la full possession of hit mental pow ers snd with a pattens and reslgnai lua sel dom witnessed Us "sloept with his fstbers" sad raise to bis s-hoa. J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE Oilier I Assembly at its present session to suisud th easrter of the Halls vt House Maa- Blacturlug Uonunsny. , dec 8 Iw JgjLEGANT UOt31 AND LOT ISl RAL ' KIilH FOB BALE. v Bavins' rmrrhtsed tha elrirant nroiiartv kajwa as lllLE!LU, tale th resldubcw ot Mr. Kbifrslsnu, sltuatod on Newuern Avenue Just oultida of tbs elty limits, 1 wlil tell tb saint oa aeeomstodaUtig terra both a to prim d ersdit I am willing to sell the whole, or ere acre, Including Ui dwelUnx boos. ttHIT HAIII.K. de-lf Kslelah, H. C Ri. JOHSiOH AND 1UN 84 The undersbined kavlnr formed nartaer- ihlp for in praeilo of Uleir nrofession In all us various brandies, rrsjiectiniiy ollur tnelr aervices to Ui eitlsunt of Kahtiirli and Of the tarroundlnir oototrv. or. vontuon wiu always n roaua at to well known utiles en Itillabor' Btreet while lir. nine may tat fiiund lor Uis present t tu I sruorougn nous or at lr jonnson t oinc iiiiA, a. amniv un, si 11, PltlKH K. MINES) M. D llaMKB, 0e, 1, l78 .. doc li litt. , - A VCTIQILJALSL Ml A..HASDX tt ;:- ' "- ' Parlor Bet on Loenira. ft Chairs anl Cent aw I bio, eale laesday, tlo cKiek, One Lnr Iron Safe tiitab! for Bank. Itesks, Table, 4c ALSO 60 Saekt Ground Alum Siilt ' Al.K Bun ry Articles for Uuitatkeopara, Table, , Chain, sv. dec tf W. ti. JONES A CO. f At. Best Western Kurth fuel nt Huekwaaat Flunr. . , AL On (lood PItno nnd one Feather bud. W II J.NK8ttCO, 4e8-tt JJt K E 8 II AMD II t 1. 1 A H I, I VACCINE Vint At nuv Hi-tf SIMPSON'S Pra HI iro. II O M O C If LOU ALUM . tllB BE-IT Dl'ISKrCTANl'. At aov i if tlMI'sOS'S llnijr Store. At BJV 30 It 81 MP IV 1 lit 114 tflore. j I' B I N ' 8 I'tKf IMEItf , AND TOti.K f POWDElt. Al nuv :io-tr UMIMONM . Drut Sloe. 1 MIIOP'8 EmCRVC.;CIMl BALTs OF riCllf , to.WA'Vr.'rV.V. w. HKl.TtKK, tllTH I TE Of M t,V KHIA A Sli MAQiKMA AVVHIhS t. At ' l MOON'S bov 80-.( lru 81 we. LARGE STOCK OF TOILETTE SETS Hft,AilsaV- At oov ao tr IMPJrVg Urug Mure. E VEttT riUNO I'SC ALLY FOl Nn IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STOIiE. At nor SO U eiaPaoN'f) F017 Salo To-Day. MO Sacks W. C Fl-uK . ' l HusImiI Clav Ps. f-ot llusiiul Wheat ftranit lliinli.U Willie Corn Meal tf Hashels Winter snd ttprtii Oals l llsrrrls Hose PuUloes to Harrels W ,itaand Hiiwb Siua lit Burns Meat. ' ' ill Hmei Ch.-e. )() K,rkln tjasbvn Hut t r. 8 Bxas Maeesronl. Ml H q I t nwv ao tfV Ml HiVs I ort. W. 0. 8TUON VC H. D 1 O U, feriit 8ul Ist-itl rjry wiire .U'-rti grevnistsa a JVI4MJ irw fjait wa or iuuh-h . CuuitsH'tt'tr it Iawt No .JnMlwAyNiiwVork City. 1) ENTAL NOTICE. Lnill funlnl! n.it'ce snd an'il th satabllah. in.-iil of auiuoto nifiii. oi-'Iits for mr .rO' f.'S4iH il S'Tvi.-e, mm he h ft we.ti t;. l. Ilvarl it '.l tlie ro i'e N itiioml, H uiV, wle a I Wit itfilniiitlw1 atleml lot. ri'sitl-'iiei-s 'if lament. )an8-t P UAH :i'K. EEXPJUTTOCOSlIVt yCE8Et.LI.V1 JCLIIS lewis & CO, . " ' R At.Rin ir, Jf. C. fiiB nttntkm Io tt-Ue a intuit q tt tint,, van r jKxtixjLi ix trot HARDWARE A CUTLEItY. GRATES. STOVES. H I'f K JT O uouu nkyiwixo sadwarp EVEKT DE8CKIPT10.V. Thoy Largest -tock iu th St a. aovSStf tfEir.iXBirlxiHiOjflZ. Bus 1 8 Feet luctie by 18 todies. W ofler ths above very low. fvuva UCWM st CO., ' Ralelirli, . a Airmts for th sal of Mill Sume of all sorlpuons. But Witt ' ' .. B y K M E C 0 U R T K E P O K T 8 1 Mr. Alfreil'WIIlUrns. Bookselle-hi n autliDrised AKeut la Hal. inli, for th sale of Hie llupreme Court Ke)Kii la, volume Isi al d tit; " Subseriliera to the lieHrta will be sui.pHrd flirouuU hint, to whuia all payuieiitt must be msda. No other pemoa la Bahith hss sny ri.-ht to (rl a n-eelpl In say nanta for the prctise nf elUswef said volumes. W. M. 8IIIPP, - .. Krpoitur, Nov. 1871 yoi. C MR 0? OF TIU KEPOIiTd NOW READY, sad vlll Isa forwarded to siitiacriliers as rap Iply at posal la . , Those ia tr-eirs for Volume f'O i.l tleiise ran I wilbi'iil delay. Prlee of Volmn ad 10 IT tn hn-ln In.,- on tao. . P.I k of Vi.lumo l.I Is 5 II Including no- H uieil eoio. la law shrea ran be lnul bv P.vi! ria'etir ait'i micrats for prt;i-, I kjvefor sile hnire auiuberot N. C. lie- ports, a ood nsuy miar out of prim and vi rv near,. A'so one co np'cU- act of Ki-nirts. Prie.' It'ii. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Boui.ellcr. n.ir 1.) tf 1 AMl'SEMENTS. x 'J1 ' C K J It HALL y P it HIK MdllTS ONLY. X TllB TAI.BKTKD TOt'RII abtit! K A T E P U T N A SI ! ttipiOrtHt try a superb Cotneily Company. Conmeneli'it MONDAY, Oe.i. 1 011 sli'nb decision wilt b preseuted, U1XEV8 old ccRiosnr shop. Miss Putuaia nlsrln la her (rest dual eliaiai'tsr of I.im.a NeiX, . I statp rtTlti,r Tim Mabi BI0.VK.W, l L 1 LI .na,i. liitrnduinnH' a. nr and dances; alo tor jjtxzt Bi-fo- fij. " "II v- Adtnlsion . tl 00 Salter? - fii ho ira charge fur ScserTcd Seai. nuv ivit N O W , STORK RED hi.Vt HLl K sIHKPN t tihl. I" i tlltsX ANJ) .- Wl'ITE W H! K WH11K WHITE - .. ' .' J : ' ' C r . " CA,.'. I I' W Ar.i' X. C. lIABbWAH PEPOT 1 r T. n. r::f 5 a H'.-:; nov tf 5 0' K) w'V.'.'-ii 1 el W IVtu'tl V w