'; CJ- -'' ff : .-if ' .. r A 7 VvJia. 1 TllESEiNTlNEL. ' AOVKItTUUStl BATCa. Advwrtatewuntawtli to inserted la the Daily f ivtiku. m Uk IuUuwumc "Has av Milan of ! tuck, er ha awita iu. uW.. too v " oath aaaiiuil sat nan t week - SO I sqaarr, I Work, S..V); Makn,7 aHW. (31.00 JKi.UU t 40.011 WO 1, 12 8 - " v Ui.UU I " W " i1 44.UU I " II 4UU 4 " .K 9 , ;. I " U " ti.W Add u Uk aiiv raica fur eaeh additional iqaar as toiluas: - For t month, ' H X months, 4 .V M . " S 4 OO SOU tt.00 11.00 I0.OO For T month, 14.0U IV-aj Hue - .;. Uirae nfUis at "10 11 1LUU 1 r.r Us eialW.ty akw 'Uatiy roe For Hit Week!) aoae, IWtf-Hlhs at Dally rate. For Uia Dull tail rkml Weekly eomldad, elllv Der taut, u lh,llv mim Forth td Woekly combined, forty i ymr us imir raws, r or the Dally, Benii- Weekly and Weekly eon bund, aiuety per cenL oa Daily rale. Special Bolle, atlv par cent ua Daily rm s. Adveniseantau ia Meal Coinmn. Hi eruU par Ho. . riUMK APFAIBS. r Corroa Makkxt. licporled bv Lvun Adam, Gr..cer and Commission Mer chant, 8uu.;i Msiket Street i 7 Raleigh, Dee. 13. Prict of otitic in our Market tiwiny : Urn. ... - 17 1 2al7 8 4 ct. 4 P. ii. - ' dale. 113. bale. Heoeiota, : - . Toue of the Market, ateady. Ik Kotcnthal, threw door above , the Fithcr Building, will pay the highest cuth price for fur. See hi advertiaement. . . . llcsBYQBArat. Th weathar oa -Thursday night and Friday morning wat extremely cold for thi latitude and tor December. The thermoinetor at 7 o'clock on Friday morn ing ttood at 8 degree above Zero. ' Tbe edit w it (till aick at bi home at Ililltboro.' Tbe ret urn of Rev. A. W.JUnguiu meet with many bcaity congratulation on tlie part of our people generally. J. U. Mill, q., will ttiil continue to edit bi paper, the Billienl RaorJer, a ware truly glad tg tearr. Ttlthotrgti tie wni'TaW'thi pnand'1naBaleBiell'loril'U Orphan Atjlutn jit Oxford. " . . s The ground i covered with mow. - We bad the pleaiure of teeing in our office Col. 8. L. Fremoul, one of the bet railroad men ia Uia country. 1 The ladic had very anfarorable weather for their Mnaicat Feaat and Fair. Wa were unable to alt-nd and cannot give any account of It. ' . Wa call attention to the advertiaement la to-day paper. Hewn.' Letch Br. are receiving a large atock of Cbriitma good. . , .- Metar. W. H. June & Co., have two bonac for rent. Taa 8ali9Burt Watcbha In it last base knock our feet from ander u to pleaaantly that we are forced to lay, "An yon lor ua Hal, no mora of it" M. 8. Moasur, the leading Raleigh Confectioner, bat a very choice and at tractive ttock of Good on hand. Hi lupply of good thing it rich and rare It .really "make our mouth water" to enter his Emporium. Hs bat Chnitma tricks in great abundance, And the little ones csn be supplied with all their littl I . heart may desire. M'xeley 1 a most, obliging servant ol tbe peopk. ' Give him many calls. ,.. ".' Thx M aha - W are constantly In re , ceipt uf .complainU a to tbe non-arrival of tbe SxtrWaL. The fault generally does aot Ii at ouKdoor. Tba postal service ia badly managed, that is quits certain, Tbs Charlotts OUernr gives tbs following rs- I cent experience ! As an evidence of Lbs loose manner In which tbe mails arc transported in thi 6tste, we will mention that yesterday morning we rectived among our mail, three letter backed ss follow : On post mark WllmingtoD, Del, and directed to Mrs. John Hare, Lockville, Chatham county, N. C.;" the seconii pottinsrked th ame and directed to -Mr. Wilmer B. -Henrf,- Ridg(T, Warrea -wtmtvr' Jf. C.;" snd tb third postmarked Boston, Mam., and directed to Mr. Charles Jot dan, Raleigh, -K, &- There is something wrong somewber. Where is it f 1 ''"- 11 if"'"'' ' ' The Katie Putnam fjoffiedy Company sppeared last night ' st the Opera linage ia one of the very best performances tbnt have been given in Wilmington for many years, and the opinion was expressed by uia taaiug is ail WJgeiner, una is 1 the best company tbat haa visited Wil- -1 inington smce the war. Hiijutirnai It it infinitely tuperior to any dramatic organisation that hat visited Wilmington within three or four years past, Aa an entirely, it excels even the Sue company ; which Mr Owen brought fVuth with him last Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Athton are artist otNsterling merit ; Mr. Ryan is aa admirable actor, who is always eminent for bis Adel.ty and accuracy ; Mr. Kemti cott. Mrs. Nash, Mm Hight, and Mis Mc William, neve slrendy become favor ite Mr Gaston st time want vim, but, h is a good reader, and always evince culture and study. In the eorps iramati fws there is not a single rcsiy indifferent s adtorot actress. Star. 1 ' We give the abort from our respected contemporaries that tome of eur readers ia tins bailiwick, who doubted our taste, may see" what is snid by other journsli U. It waa the beat Company ever here, but many wete very slow to find it out. It did not have sny "clog dances'' snd in Arperdemtin it wa not np to tb time. John Walter, esq .of the London 77mr. recently had all rtliterary and mechanical Stan over three hundred in mimlxr at 1 nis country scat. Barwmd Hall. and cave I xhem a erand banquet, , I ' latilsLA t CHJt BCMMA8T. Id trwisa. jiwteiiiaj (be bill tacbtr let lb Si Torit, Norfclk " atfd X'baika- loa Kifln.4'1 Cucnpaaf paawd iu third wtliaif artt impxnaiit meadonnU, Tbe bill to rctrif, Iba ebartar of tk Fjttoill aod .PUucdCi Rtilroad Cm pan; pawed iueasraral rsmdioga, ' Tbe public pnating boaiacai u entiled a isr um acaata u eoarenwd ma 1 the bill wu tent to U Huuer , The matter ot regulating the rut of in tenst aja- ducaued at cosai'lrrublc lenglh aod tbe Senate refuted to m k an j change is the praaeat la. Y 8ec prusuediogi. i ne tionai on jcstonlaT dmpatcbed large amount of busioeat whiclt bad acca mutated upon the calendar. . - The reaiilutiua t let out tbo ke'pioii ut the Cup t l aad otlior pub ic builUingt bjeoBtHct excited a.gxd .d"l uf debit on thu Klpul)licia eide of ttci House. Thej didn't like to the little gm at Qoreraor Caldwell aad tbe Supreme Court blocked. , The bill looking to a iuppreaiion of tbe wholesale dcatractinD and tbipment of partndgm p uwd it loverul fcadinga. ! The lull pmcuedingi eta be found in another column. MkmohiaIj FkaTiVAU Njtritlitand- ing the incVmi-ncy of tbe weather quit a largo number of peraont attended the Me morial Festival at Tucker Hall on Wedne. day evening. The t iblea were beautifully Arriu,rol .wl hr..,.t.j . ,nn ., appearance. . Lkotcrb at Tucker Hall Eugene H. Pullen, Rq .bf New York, will deliver a lecture at Tuckt-T Halt on next Monday evening, oa "Bebiud the Scenes." Tba I proceed will be devoted W the poor ofl Raleigh. The Brooklyn paper speak In hitrh terms of hi.. I.illtie. a. a l..Tr Let all g to hear him. Admission only 13 cents. For ticket apply to CoL Wo. E. Anderson, Citizens' National Bank ; John C. Blake, Raleigh National Bank ; John O. William. Btate National Bank ; and at tbs several Book Store, APPOINTMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. (OOKCLl'DID SHELBY BlaTBICTjlKABPjjaj. Shelby. J. W. North ! Khelbv r.iri-nit R JL t- I) top; Double Shoals, supplied bv L. C.White; South Mt. Mission supplied ; I.:... . a . L. , r . .r: : ,? . Cherry Mount, J. C Smith ; Rutbertord ton, W. D. Lee; Columbus, Missions to be supplied ; Marion, J. C. Uortsell ; Upper Broad River. J. S. Krwin ; Lenoir, G. W. Ivy; Il'ippy Home supplied by G. C. 6tln- ton; Newton, P. L Herman, Hock Spring, J. W. Puet'; Boutb Fork, T. H. Edward; LincolntU, V. A. Sharp; Dallas. E. How land ; President Davenport Femals Col lege, W. M.Roby; Agent of Rutherford college, J. W. Aberuathy; Agent D. F, toll i T n-..:. . I CHARLOTTB DISTBICT W. A BLACK, P. . Charlotte. Tryoo 8u L 8. Bur k head, calvary Mission, W. 8. Uolton ; South I harlotte, T. L. Tiiplett; Piheville sup- pi lea oy 4. v. Bimpson, 8. si. Liavis, sup Slied; Pleasant Uroye. P. Greening onroa, T. P. England ; Monroe Circuit I. F. Hmoot ; Concord, D. R. Bruton ;, M. ri . .i m , . il . ui. rieaaaoi, i. o. nelson ; Aioeiuarie, H. M. Brown ; Stanley, L U. Gwyn ; Anson villa. J. Sandford: WadesboroV O. ' i, Brent; Wadesboro' circuit, M. V. Sherill, n. i. ticara. FATKTTKVlLLa DISTRICT S. A. TATKS, P.B. Fsyetteville, E W Thompson : Cnmber land, WSChsffln; Robeson, John Tillett; Laurlnburg, r w Uuihne; Kockingbam, J Wheeler; Pee Dee, T A Boon ; Uwhar rie, 3 B Alford ;' Montgomery, G Farrxr ; Carthage, 8 D peeler ; Jooesboro', B C Phillips; Buckhorn, J W Avcnt. wh,mikoto district wjt. clou, p. a. Wilmington, Front SC. RK Moran; 5th ptreet to be supplied ; Topsail, Jobi Jones ; Kennnsrille, C M Anderson ; Man- sons, K uumpas ; Clinton, Jmes Ha- nooey ; uokesbury, i U liailey, j u Bute. supplied; llladeu, J T Ban well; Eliza beth, I T Gibbe; Whilerille, MHUoyle; Smitbville, W R Ferguson ; Onslow, R P Bibb; Sneed' Ferry, Mission to be sup plied; t nurch of ths strangers, Hew rorx, v e ucems. j , 5 bxwbicsb mstbict t, r. ktooBB, r. a. Goldsboro, J E Mane; Wilson, F II Wood ; Wayne, J N Andrew ; Everetta ville, J L Kwoe ; Kinnston, J R Brooks ; Snow Hill, D. Culbreth ; Bwitt, Creek Mis slim to be supplied ; Neuse, N A Hooker; dimes, dames Wilton ;NLenoir supplied by AFinlaysoa; New heme circuit supplied by W Porter; Newberne, W C Gannon; 1 rent to be n supplied ; lie lutort, i H Wheeler ; StraiU to be supplied. WArmtOTOH PHTBICT S" 6. ADAKI, . B. Washington snd . Greenville, W. IL Cole ; Warrenton, IL T. Henderaoii, WrT,, M,a A. "Willis ; Riiaooke, I. T. Wyche ; Tarboro", O. C. lxlson ; Williamston, T. B Keeks; riymntn, r. I). Swindle; 1 ov luinbia, H. F. Wiley ; Bath, supplied by I, U, Nash ; Mattamuskeet, L. tt tiibhons; L H Hill, Supplied ; Portsmouth, Ocra coks and Hittteras. W. B. M in ess: R O. Burton ; tteligions Interest ot the ccrorcd ppjp Anotber destructive fire occurred at Smithvilla on Monday night, by which three dwelling, were destroyed. The fire. which originated tn the bnildtng belong ing to Rev. W. M. O. Moore and occu pied by Mr. Jas. Thompson, was first dis covered at about ten minutes to 11 o'clock. It soon spread to ihe sdjoining houses, one owned by Cape C. C. Morse and tbe other by Mr. Thomas Brinkman, mlot. tb first earned beinsx ore .Died bv Mrk Daniels and tlie latter by Mr. Enoch lianieis, botn 01 which were entirely di su-oyed. Theeaose ol the fire seems not to be definitely known, but i attributed oy some to caren-ssne on the part of a errant, who, ia emp yiog aches Into the ash barrel, allowed some live coal to get mixed with it. which set tire to the bar. rel, ibe flame from which communicated with th premises. W it (or. Tub Great Revival iw Stadhtob. Th great revival at toe Metboditt church, under Dr Itoaaerroiitinues, Up to last night 150 persons bad gone up to the at tar to ak th prayers ot the eoflgregfttiun. On guaday morning lust titers were twen- tv-lour edditiocs tn the church, and ye terdsy evruing Rev. Mr. Kenedy, baptixed .x person who desired innirnw, in ihe Utisttatry at the usptit church. Mawa- Vindicator. . , . t,egiMitttar or Smh C'sroiia.: FmiDAT, IX. It, 1871 The Beaare met at 18 t. (R, Preatdent aoroneaa in lae ciiair. . npuni irom-a: auaing commium were peeaented bi Meaara. t'uBuimrhaia Jliirmy, Mwrimon, t'owell Bi d t'nl. Alt. Chamberlain roae to a qmalioa praiiliai piivilt'tfe aad atatwl be had been uilarvprteenied la Uw JMUp fittt ia. be utp reported a agreeing with Mr. (ran dj ia bii upcvcfi of jrittrdaj. t ' e . IIA laTBOOl'CKU. . . . i ' Mr. Reip- in'truducrd a bill to author ize tbe coanniaaiDtu-n of iiiaufort caintj to levj a pteial tax. 'lirletred. -Oo motion if Mr. Murray, tba tulva wore ampended and the bill to authorise tlie Coiawiauoneia of Oulliotd county to h-v) a peclal Us, not txctieuing $20,1100, for tbe etectiiw of a m W lkW ilouar, paMat U wcond muling. Mr. M.Julej Intr xluoed a bill t be utitltd 'An act concerning the right ot way to cburctose and other placet of pub lic woraliip. - Referred; : Mr. Lore introduced a reaolutioa ia taror ot U. Adama. Itclcrml. . Mr. jiurwood introduced a reaolutioa propoaing U amend tbe joint rule of .rdor. VV tut over ander tbe rule, ' cirrutitnBO aceutBaa, The l.ill to charter the New York, Nor fo k a" d 1 barkaton Kanroad (Ainipany, tht: nufi ilud buainea of yealerduy, wa returned, the queatioa beinir on tbe ua- aaire of tlla bill An ila thitd r.aflint- Mr. Dunham ' said he bad no objec-' tlon to the road but he did se- riouly object to the bill in tbe Sillowing ptrticulars, to-wltt In that I it give the power ot appointing commia- I. '" on tn nirot ot wtv to the Uovernor. I whullv iffnitriui tha nwiu-r i,r th tunit in tuch aelectiona: that it eivts thrconinanv unlimited power to decrease or incrvaae it I Capital aux.k ; and that it authorize the corporation to change it corporate name at any time. Without tbe cure of these defect be would vote tirulutt tlie bill. Mr, Miiiebead, 01 ltockiagham, tally concurred with Mr. Dunham and offered a aerie of amendment to cover them-depriVtng tbe Governor of ths pt.- poaeu aopuiutiuar power, prooiuiuog lue company tram reducing ii capital atock anu limiting the lucrsaas of tbs, capital stock to 100,000 share ol f 100 each ; and torbidding a chantre of Ourpurate name. He also moved to amend by fixing tbe maximum rates of Ireiuht at six ceuu per ton and of passenger rates at fix cent per mile. ' ' Mr. Chamberlain announced lb wil lingness of tbe friends of the bill to accept all tueae amendments. 1 bey were ac eeFdiselv-mettrfiomted io the bi Thna m..n.uH th bin nn.l iia third I readine bv a voteot 42 to Land was trsus- I i . . niitted to the House. Mr. Lov introduced a bill ia relation tu the printing of tbs privats law. Re ferred. " : j ...j..; c FAYICTTKVLLLK A PLORKMCS K. K. CO. On motion of Mr. Troy, the rules wera I suspended, and th bill to revive and continue in force tbe charter of tb Kay- etteville and Florence Railroad t ompany passed it second and third reading. rOBLIO FKUtTUIO. ' . . . jt . . jur. tills, pi uui oa, presented the report w we committee on printing glv- their reasons lor rceommendino: the lu-1 creaae oi price ior toe puuiio printing. .... . . Tbe report is full and somewhat lengthy and includi estimates ot expert, and concluded by stating that Ui cost to tlie printer for type letting can be littlt.it sntthiuir short of 75 ceuis per1000 emi he paying to tbe comXMitor alone SO ota. per luou, leaving lor profit JIM cents per 1000. Oa motion of Mr. Merrimoo, ths rules were suspended end tb bill to revnistsi the price for printing, etc., was put upon its third reading. Mr. Worth said It bad always been the custom of the dominant party ia tbe Leg islature to give the priuting to it politi cal friends. Us wss sstutied tbat there would be no objection to this course now, on bis tide of tbs boute, vers the republicans in the majority. Tbe opposi tion of the republicans arose from th fact that it waa understood Jo Tumor was to hare the priuting, and Jo Turner bad not been, nor was he now much a favorite with that party. It was a notnriooa tact that sll tbe clamor of last sensiou and all tbe tnorta at putting down tbs prices tb printing weis aimed at Jo Turner ai were intenued'to break bim down. Mr. Worth called upon the opposition to com np to tbe work like bud, give a fair price for Ihanrmtinir and lei th maliH-itv in ihe I ior the printing snd let tbe majority in tbs Legislature give the. work to whom they pleased Mr. Rcspes disclaimed' ny intention of cutting down the -price below a fair rale. 1 here was no understanding, bs aid, 00 bis aid of the House, that Jo Turner was to have the printing tbe un derstanding wa tbat it was to go to the oitors of the A'rici Mr. Worth reminded Mr. livapea that under Jo. Turner the Btate printing had cost out nail ot tue smonnt expenaed up ua iv uy sue uiaiioua.iiiA.uica. ....... ... Mr licspess said he wss not respooaibl ior tnat extravagance. which wa adopted, Air. Love said there was no necessity for any farther waste of lime la tbe conatder- atiua of thi bill. . Tbo matter was fuliy Boderuood. There could be no doubt that the present rate were too low. The people were williua that faircompena.'tioa should be alloaeu the public prn.tcr. . Mr, Rtspe moved to strike out 80 cents snd insert 75 a tbe price of anon work ncr I.00O ems. and 1 1 mi.ii,.., I 1.60 lor rule and figure work. I A division of tbe question wa called lor, ana tus quest loa was tnken on atrimnj The Senate refuted to strike out bv tha following rote ; . For stiking out : Mesai. 'Chamberlain, Cramer, Dunham, Hilt, lloiloman, King, i-ong, siatiaon, AicLabe, Jiccotter, Merri moo, Miller, Murpby. Powell, Price, Res pass, Seymour, ftmth, JJtaffird. btilky, yy aiaer anq vv eicn--zs. ' ' AgaiPat striking out! Messrs. Avera. Barnhardt, Cow lea. Cunningham. Davb. Kill, of Catawba, E lie, of Columbus, Flemming, Gudger, If jrria, col., Horum, Humphrey, Hyuian, col., Love, He C'auiey, Mortshead, ot Ruckmgbam, Nit bolaun, Nwood, Sontt, lodd, Troy, Waring and nronn ia. . , Tbe but tbea passed it third read mar by tbe following vote: - Those Who voted ia lbs affirmative were; ' , Me-trt: Aver. Barnhardt. Cuunintrham. uavia, cilia, 01 Catawba, Jblli or Colum bus, Flrmminz, Ouduer. Uorton. Hum phrvy, H)ian. col.. Long, Malison, col.. .t.-v.auiey, m.H-r, si,rei-au or ttocking bam, Murphy, Murray, Nicholoo. Nor- waid, twoti. buff.wd,-Todd, , Troy, IA'.. 4 nr. ... .... ' ' , ""MS rrono 9. t:V H.i j f I; . ,V;,U. SATURDAY, i DECEMBER Th.iae who rated n.thj neuatie wenr; lxara. Chaa:riu. -1 okl tlnuarr. Dunham, Harria, ool. Hill, HoiUimaa, Bint ' -Urk. - 4 Powell, Price, &pee, Sejaiour, Hmilh, otiucr. walker ana W eionia. . .. Tbe bill waa ordered to fa at; rimed and ett to (he llottaa. -. t i r ' - A meaauoe waa n-ceired trom the Boute tranemiltin!! auadry cnrrwaed bilb, Ac., of I wbicb were apprupriatcij dpoaed ot By have. Mr. rjermour mtroductd a bill to amend tbe chart or of the Keuae River Navigation Company. Referred. Mr. Co lc moved tor a u pension of me ruie to put boob tt pastam lb ea greased bill to regulate the salaries of tbe governor aad Public Treasurer. Not agreed to. Tlx bill to charter the Bankof Raleigh wa mads tbe (pedal 01 dor- for 11 1-2 6 clock to-morrow. . Ou motion ot Mr. Love, the role were nspndrd and the bill to rxiend tbe time luf taking out grants, ia McDowell county. paieeu 11a nnat leaainj-a, . On motion of Mr. Powell, the rule were tuapended and tbe engrossed bill provid ing fur the election f the gupvrhir Court juugetoy the voter or theieveral judi Clal diarricta eaased ita arcond aafl Aim. I readings ibeAiiud reading by a -vote of o 10 a. ' MrWariog moved to ittupend the rules to take up the bill to amend the chat ha ul tbe town of tttateaville Not agreed to. TIIB OTOBT tAW, The bill to regulate tbe rate of interest wa put upon iu sveood reading th ijuatuH ueing im ura Buoauiutc f cci m mended by the committee fixing tbe, rats KS Pf where uo other rat is tp. . c'ne1. ud limiting th rate; to la p. I V apcia. cootracte. X.11M, m vaiawua, luuycu lit au IKS ont la percent, and insert 13. Mr. A vera oppoted th bill and tubsil tuts, preierrtng tbs law as it stood. He moved to lay tb tnt.re, matter oa tba la- Die. Xiot agrted to. Mr. King favoti d tbs bill. He thought toe monopoly ot toe Danka should be pu an end to. He tupported Mr. Klli' amend ment. j Mr. btilley wa la favor of tbe total I VoUJli.0"yt l,e. uurJ '( pf ' ,".",." u,;re uorn..npuiatea. Money should be regarded as a marketa ble commodity and be subject to no restriction not impoaed other market. able article. . Tbe present laa were .disregarded: and evaded by th bank. Tbe object ol tb bill wa to bring Other capitalist into competition wnu Hie pauks aua to compel them take lower rate aod thu break down th monev riiies. He preferred no reatricik.ns in moht v Uansactiona. but would aunnort tbe suWtitute. obroy fvre4 the no restricted propoatiion. 1 bs tilata had granted on- limited nowera on awrtniii luii .hik rendered s general law just and necessary. ir. nernmoa wa oppoaea 10 sll to proposition. A to liie special power aliuuea to ny nr. Humphrey, Air. M. said that being granted la privats taw, they must be exercised within tb provisions of tb general law, He ton. aidersd it the duty ot tbe General A seem bly to protect ths laboring classes against tbe exaction of the mouey leaders. Mr. Norwood aaid the vreat want at I ha . . " ... .. i people waa ensap monev. ah tnaaur - I ,,i,m .;.. irn,.r. . . ,i,.k...i. ol llle . momwlul.- nenodinrs could ... hi., i, i... i .n umw .w ... Itlikun . um wfHiaa I ba k.i.ch.rired elaewhertL and tu. . , i i . . i i jae viiarircil oy too oati a. Were so filch that the bua in.a men .1 tl.ennhtr onnll k.li. .i. i. n.. could not be borrowed at the banks n th Ixtst lecurity, for twelve per cent, Tbe poor could not borrow at all. He consid ered the sound rate to be what the busi ness ol the country can afford to pay. Ths business operation of tbe State bad failed because of the operator being compenea to oorrow st ruinou rubes, it was lolly to talk of tbe charters of th btnk restricting them. We sll, said Mr. N., know their practices. He wa in favor of a general law. Mr. Nicholson concurred in th main with Mr. Norwood, but be was out and out opposed to leaving tb rat of interest unrestricted. He contrasted the condi tion of the Stale now with what it was before be War, wheo th legal rats of inter est was nmitea to six per cent., and aaid that no legitimate business could afford to pay-more. He objected to the bill and substitute. Mr. Mmlshn wss ia favot af a - m-ttera. ! law. Th poor were not the borrowers. I and such a I aw could work ho injury to I tbem. Tb 'crippled condition of the! bt. WM due to'tBe want of money, and . . ... . . I every effort should bs made to induai cap-1 italist to bring their turpul money to our I ld. v . : Mr. Barnhardt thought the present law amply sufiliicnt and that an uniestrictexl I law would prov disastrous, Tb remedy I loribeeviUcooiplaiiied ot wa to be found in "restoring confidence between man and I man. It was want of confidence which I induce the farmer to depm.it bit money in the bank at S percent, Whilst the bank loan it put to the same man's neighbor st 18. ifr. Wariuir said that if be were to con suit the interests of the bar be would favor would disarrang. all previous contract snu leaa 10 endless litigation. Mr. King moved tb previous nueatl o. - Mr. Allis' ainendment to strike out 13 and insert 15 Was rejected. 1 lie auiMtuule ol the commit; -w limit. ing Con tract ratia to IS per ct'nt, wa. also n-ji ciea py a vote or 24 to 20. , j.'.'Kai uui, inainr out airvye- strictmtw in rates of contract wa rejected by a vote of 84 to t. u- . ..... ..r a. . a. - X to,,ti'T5'"r'l(. U Eenat r"J"u,nt" 11 " 1" ' o clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FBI pat, pec. 1 3th, 41 573. House called to order at 10:30. 1 Mi. bpeaker Robiusoo in tha ( halr Mr. McNeill preaentod a memorial from I certain citizen of Ibibeaoa county'in re gard to the tale of liquor near places of wuiaiup. - memorial was read and appro prialtly rchrnd. ' Mr. Bennett, from ths Judiciary Com- miife, ir. otauiorer, irw ihe Committee oa Finance, Mr. M"rlug, from ihe Cora miitee oa Engrossed Bills, Mr. iloirison, from tbe Committee on Eorolled Bills, Mr. Carson, irom the Committee on tb Li brary sad Mr, Richardson, Irom th Com mute on Finance, ubm.tted irportt, Ltave ot s Usance was granted to Messrs.' Carter, Co pelted snd Godlrey. By Mr.Btntietti A resolution ( of lo ttructioa to tbe Judiciary Committee; placed oa calendar. C Mr. Marlers A resolution for the be. flt or tha P-acheis rrf Common fck.tiinls ; referred. . , By Mr. Sba ke fo d : A bill in favor of E. Munill, Wiertif of Onslow ( referred. Vlf. Wataoa : A bill to require 0net I and iaarties to be Daid into tba cobbi J tnaaatj Ikr the twotflt ot the eoauaoa I ...I I M t . . .. . r 1 Jty Abbott, cot. 1 A bill to amend . 8, chap. 139, Uw 1871 : referred, By Mr. Uoodwii : A bill to authorise tbe Cuaimfationera of Halifax cuuntv to my a tpeotai (ax 1 rcierrea. , dj mr. uianry: a Dili to amend 'ate. I,ebp. SIS, law of lji8-?,e; referred. BV Mr.. Karlrr : A bill to amend Uoo 1 aad &, chapter 71. lawof 1871-' ; referred, v .-'': 5 .- :i Jones, f Xiwtliampton.col. ; A bill to iocurporatethe UiWn of jackaon. Korth- aiiipiua cooBty reierreo. , - . liy Mr.Brjai., of Alleghany : A bill la iay out aad coo struct a public road lb m A. M., Bryan a to th irginit line; refer red. ' By Mr, McNeill : A bill to prevent the sale of honor near beautv Hoot Church. woaoa county ; reierreo. CAUtKDAK. The bill to author) tbeeommiasioBen -.1,1- .! l... 1 : . taken np an4 paaaed iu third readitur bv a voteof ytau fcl, asys 18. , air. ones, 'tmiu toe -vounmiee tm vor - Tbe resolution to instruct the Commit tee oa Ibnatitutional Reform toctquire into tbrpmprietv ot so ameudlna article 0. section 8 of th Comtitutiou of the State ai to make all elections etea r waa Mr. Turner aaid that ha introduced Oils! reaolutioa aa a test to see how mux h mem ber ot the Ueneral Atwmblv went wedded tn the ballot, lie tbooght that a eiea 1 1 .1 1 1 , wo tmw wuuiu auBiouaw 00 aou incuieaie a apirii or canaor, iransneas ana courage tnang the pnirile. Mr. Turner continued for some time in support of hi reaolutioa and dwelt at lenutb . apoa the argument that the adoption of tb si we system would prevent Iraud in a groat measure and that under it fraud, when committed, could ba detected easily. Atr. itouaii n uioveu ui lav the reaoiu- tion oa the table, aa be did not think tbe gentleman wrat to work th right wsy to acrompKnh his object. . The yea nd navs were called oa the demand ot Mr. Badger, and tbe motion to tame prevailed by a vots or yeas 78, nays TI10 resolution to autborixs ths At tor nev General to test in lbs Supreme Court of tbs United titates the jurisdiction of tlie circuit Court or ths U. H. In tbs case of Lee Dunlnp, col., wa taken up, Mr. 1 Bennett, th introducer, gave the history tol"' "uul"r" Mr- Badger wanted to know th ex pens of the casa, 4c Mr. Bennett said there . was a law al I ready in existence wbwh provides tba in I casat sppuai tfttheU, e fupisme Court "hers th (State 1 a party to tbe suit, th I Slate shall pas the cost. &. Wr' Brown, of Mecklenburg, hoped tbs I """ " wmnna upousiuua I as sue uaaa uau UW1I naoirillv UP la toS i. ! . I . Courts lir several years. An. - , The resolution Was adopted. i n oiii to emend the act to protect cattla irom distemper and other infectious disease wa taken up, Theiuiroducerof Ih bill Mr Whilmiira Inn. Ih.liu.nil , .. ... rV' r "P- age ot th bill. t o. niu r if. ni i 1, i.- i:n i . ""toiihwii I was so amended as to include Ruiuximlia . ' I Att a lonir dahata ih bill aa.it. ... I . ---- -- - - ' riou pending amendmenta wa referred I i Ilia Jitilimupv f'.unMiilu I J oy mr. gone. Of vsldwell : . A bill to I I empower the ComminionerB of I'ahU-.ll I K certain Iand; referred. liy APootr, cut.: A bill to make the enticing ol minor to leave their homos s miadenittanor i retcrred. Tbe bill in regard to certain sab in tb Btato waa take n n. Mr. Hmntnt moved to lav the bill on the table. The motion waa rejected. Mr. Settle hoped ths bill would b pasaeo ai once, .vc . . V Mr. Waugh wa opposed to U. snd moved to indefinitely oust poo A jnexara ucaa sua uaodwya Mpported tlie meaaure. Mr. Watujh withdrew hi motion to in- dtliuitely pottpouA Mr. John-tin oucred proviso txcent- iog all counties wuat of tbo Biu Ridga from tlie provisions of tbs bill which wa adopted. Mr. Warlitte moved to exci pt Burk J' ta.- v-. --... U Mr- Itor. moved to except sll conn. l " "1 ol " river ; lost. Mr Atryau, ul wilki, moved to except l "' Wilkes f lost. li ...;.. u. " m"u"a r. hettle, Ihe previous ocd, snd lb bill pasacd hi several Jijeaeiinga, I A ial umpkb, : Tb bill to incorporate tb Northern A Bouihero Tek-grapU Company being tbe special order for ihis hour (li m. its con. sideratlon was gone into aud passed it second reudintr. L'nder a the rule tlie billl c nn np oh it third reading. v Mr. Craig moved to refer to the Judi- cUrx committee; adopted. 1 he bill to repeal chapter 8, law of lU-O '1 ... , ..1 . J .... ... . mh in. ? ..ininitiev. . 1 The S.n.te rcsolotinn.to raise a ioint Committee of J to let out by Contract the tee pu, g 01 me puBlie smunds and build. lag was taken up Snd paaaed it second reaamg. l be resolution came up on iu third readinir under a tuspt-asion of the rule. v. Mr. BttJger moved to make tbe matter T? ,or "ww at 11 a m. iimu . Mr. Qormaa moved 10 lay theretoluiioa ua 1110 tame; rejected Alter a tcngthy debate the resolution psstcd It th.rd. rcadins by a vota of , S3, Bay 44. Til tollowing is th btlliit : Atks Messrs. Anderson, of Davie A nJ osrson, of 1 lay, b.l'ard. Bunoctt. Black well. Brown, of Mea klenburir. Brison. td jaeau.o, uryaon,o owain, llryan, ol Sanip- '"'. Bryan, of Alleghany, Bullard, Byrd, oaner, Cnlgc; Die key, Freeman, Oant, Uidoey, Oiiiner, Graily, Oudger, Hsu iter, Havnes, Hou.ton. Johnson. Jones, cl Caldwell. Joyber JoKns, Lindsay, Luckey, manor, oio.vcill, UlCliael, JUIlcliell, Ho- ring, JI.re, Mo, ilorriaon, JSornient, Outlaw, Prtxaon, Iteid, of Mecklenburg. Richardson, nettle, rititw. Shinn. of Ins. dell, fehinq, of Cabarrus, tsiiackelfordi Stanford, Siowe, Sneed. Todd. Turner Wariick, Wad.llll, Wstsoo, Waugh Webb, Wllry, W bitmire and Wood house 04.- ' avNaTS Ml Sirs. Abljott Paiinee ft... farythc, Bowe, Biyant, of Pitt, Bryants til ll.i.r.- ti.. . . i.-:o T. . ' .,-, u.jnu. in n iiaos, uuun, v arson, Copeiapd. Corson, Cox, Darden, Iavis. Iludley, Iul, Ellison. Fietrher. Faatltr. '""", uooowyn, uroy, uuj ther, Hamp ton, Hicnant, Uughea. 'jne. of North- aiiiptio, Jordan, King, Lloyd, Lutu-iloh, aia.aa.ij, aiiner, I'siricK, i'ascnoll. 1'erry, ofjlludt-n, . lUid, of RnloIli, Rhode. 14, 1872. J Scott, Sharp, Triett, WiDalowJAYiiliam- aoa, naeeierMd n aiuuot 44. BySlua.eoti Areaoiuuoa of iottrue tiua to the Committee am Education placed oa caWndaa. BJ Mr. JUumaon : A rraolution in refut- soc to the penitentitrj ; plsiwd na c!co- Tbe rvaolutioB raitinff a loiut select cum mit of 8 to examiae into the aconunt ot tba Treasurer Wat taken Bp and adop ted. 1 1:. .... ; r , ,r My Mr.Ollmer: A tesolntion raiainir jt-iul select c. mniiite of lti to take into cunalderatfun the conetitutiooal amaud- meet proiwaed bv the hat Uencral Aeavm. bly, a to whether they shall be acted oa aa a whole or separately. Ou motion 01 Mr. Waddill, tba rale wera suspended, and tba resolution wss t tken bp and, oa motion of Mr. ftrowo, siecKiuiQurg, wa postponed until to-mor- nw at 11 a. m. TbS Chair announced Meaaara. Jokoatna I Ancsxry aatt UNrson a las lloaaa brauch I the omnmiitee to let oat tbe keeoimr I thm M......l 1 -.1 ,., . ' " Tbs bill to amend auction 9 of th set j concerning county treasurer wa taken up 1 m" rw" awviaw rcsusiBg. - 1 Came up oa its third reading and passed. On motion of Mr. McUvbre, th ruie I were (Uapeoded, and lb beast bill 10 in I corporate the North Carolina Btuts Life I Aawiciation wa taken up and passed it Th bill to antknd auctiooa t and 11 - 1 of tb act concerning the HovernmoBt of I counties wa taken up. Tbe substitute rt I ported by ths committee wa adopted. I uiii . , 1. , .r 1 , iaiaww ua avravat rvauinyt. 'rELtUKAfliiC SEWS ; MARKETS. IKW lollK. Dec IS. Cotton firm. sales 8,0 14 bale ; upland It 7-8 ; orlean I u B-o. Dlour tearty, Houthern IT lOat ie, coniinoa to lair extra aOattS. n niakev scarce, a shade i 8rm at M Wheat moderate, winter red western Ala 75. Corn shade firmer, ia moderate de mud at 63 1-868. Pork weak, lower at io voaaio us. tik ,k, 7 g4.a 1 A Jurpeiiluie firm, 80 1 Sa61. It.jsin dull. HUlHIIINIfaDI IB. Cotton Net receipt to-day 78J ; a-ross 1, U8. Money closed at s7. Excbanm ad. vaoced to 1. o0:a 12 8 Sail 1 1. Gov. ermntais nna. . . 1 . UvmtPooL, DeCrtnber , 13 nttnn op ned firm, uplands 10 18; orkans 10 s o. llnaditufl. steady.. Pork 70. Tallnar 45 and 8. LaterCotton firm : sale 15.000 bales ! tpecuLJiiin aad- xp.rt g.WMI, ttales ot upianu mr r uouary at V 9 g. WiLMi.toT! it, Dec. U. Cotum firm ; I kw middling 18 18. 1 o., , yv. a ....... 1. I Ait . ' I """"" 1 I nonroLii.iJiwemocr I. Cotton steady; 1 amuwiinaa so. I FROM. WASHINGTON. I , WAaHINOToK 1SII. I H0U....lleV.nbour'.- ImooHanT". ion, pasted a bill allowing tb exchange i'iniu uontia iuio coupon ponds,, Sbbats. A bill to abolish nterntl Revenue Aisnssors i undor onslileratiiin, ! t'tr asiitaa. UUI allowing change of registered bond '. 1 ... u 04 ue.it pymg " "apKoaca, paaseu Bill allowing soldiers and aullma In tlu. ittu) war 10 ctiier land, passed. ' The Pension bill passed, with ths ap- lM,,nauuB 01 iiuny ana one half inillious. Adjourned. j dbmatb, Bill abolishing assessors, with mnduieut1 Parn-d, and goes back to th House Bill for the relief of Boston diu-nae! in atlionrnment J. L. Orrhai been confirmed mlnl.l.r(., I . , , : 1 I tne Argeitineltepublic. vongro win adj .uru December 80th ! to January 81 d. i in Louisiana question wsj argued at lfnft.n be,u, lh Buprem Court to day. dwi.ion expected Monday. , , y ' . "'"""'y ueneral Das, with tb Pf "TS th Pldent, submitted a plan , C"""!"""'"!!. for tbs existing -difficulties Aiaiiam iyeguialure, ft SUvgest B n Ilon tu "" that ie vote, or in member, for Barbour .mini. ... . . . , ... . ... j m. v-iiuuicu iu me tiouse, with a rewui acaung wnucver is found to be property elected. Ilia mrmiter to ha .....l ....( uiv cooiesi, w uonas tioyian cer tificate, ft pmposks that contests for Bebator in diatrici whore dilutee ha. risen to be Killed in s similar manner, and makes further provision lor ....! ..m I . . . ..,. ... uumers snu member outing a In.n. ..... ' . : .. . .w o.gKnizauoa 01 the House wiuie eontetlt are pending. CAUTION I LEA A PERKINS' Worffttertoire Mnct. Purer, are cautioned to ...a.i o.. 1 uunierreiia sua iinltaUont offered for late. van ubnvs.vs eiiNs, New Tor , Amts toy tb United 8t tea. 1 1 n 1 1 CTODhC AND UrTXFOH HINT ron JtJ - .'" "."'tT- or-r iba House, uaasau Uuod wall of ww M oa the Lot; ALSO. AnoUisr Rooaesnd twenty e. t.ji an.eueu. auown sstll Hel HOiplUI property. det istf W. H, JllNP A Ol. R S ALEt ' Cora Meal snd Flour. R and Dan and paw 1 or jjay. yy. h. 4Vr.S m CO. unci ix. F10 8 a E I enoe. I r Bill Butter. Beef and Peak renalrad eauy. , w, n. JuMti A t.o. avcit it. 'F' ALE. 1 Best Western North irarolina R.,rLl.i sioar, 1 ' I ' AIAO . ' On Good fUno and one Festbor tied. , W. IL JyitdCO. aeeStf Tl VKKf 1W1NU CbUALLK FOCNIl IX I A FIRST, CLASS DHUO &TORE. ' At , kIwl'eiiNM sovHOU , j . LI.T1IEU SHELDOX, OIII.ICKi II4RtVAKE, l'avintu. Oil. fla.. l'ultr. Ard H'oiniii Ma erlal ol every d-MM-rlptien ITB Waler Mrt-t-, Aortoik, . t a (Bsnrt tor auHt eard lo.lu. waAiiig e) uiuow frames. ,. ' - ttj. , -. f 1 i ' i ii I - - ' , CHRISTMAS IS COMING I - 1 I Wear now reerlvlpg la Store Ihefotlevutg a I CnitlSTHM GQODS: I of I U BOXES MO 1 FIKK CJtACKeUa. H BOXULATM R4I4IS4, . ol I leu Miixn rartta vi-th 1 I POUNDS BRAZIL KCTA t0 POTNDI LONG Al.MONI. 00 MINDS VILBEKT8. ! 860 POlIWBHAIUCAJiDV. . . t00 FOUNDS BROOKLYN CAS0T. . bo rouNus aborted cakot (b n.) to boxes lemon buisci it. U BOIES r ACTOST CUEESK St BOXES . T. BTATE CREESE M CASES BRANDY PEACHES, 7 CASES FRESH COVB OTSTES. ' tEAOR BR0.'t. aesU-tt ' NORTH CAROLINA nillDWAItB DEPOT We are sow eflarlng th lergtit stock of nAROWABB, CTJTLEnT, HOUSI-FURNlSrUNO GOOD!, 4 . l. . ,. AC., AO., tver brought to tb city of Italetgb, and ant telling them at . V E R Y L O W P It I 0 K B We want It dUtlnetlV aadn stand that ne hoaae tn North t.arohaa can or shall andersell a a. uur slock Baa ossa selected wltk trreat eare, and atk aa in.acUoa of It, and teal whducui uiai our low rncea ana very SUPERIOR QUALITY OF GOODS wlU pleas sll who may favor n with tustr pa'roniKo. I !!. mto Frankllntoa, are with aa, and air k. a. unrwcii, or Cbarlotto, and Jtrnml. will bs pleased to se thair friends. . - T H HhluUd SOS, dee IS U. WP L PAT THE niGIIEST CASH prices ior suits. dee. Wm. L. ROSENTHAL. HE MOVkLTt BAND STAMP. With couplet ess of Type, formsrkrn Unco, Card, tc A (ecfect iltU Gsc. Prteeli ool; rost-paM, S1.2S j Caaplee Fret Agenls wanted for IbU. Also, for Webster' ..mnuein nuns, mnn niftap sera a nil Batiks- iea; , ,t.v A, it". MRU. D1VI9, ' A tVal Mala BlrurA. Hartford, l ona aov S.-wSm V Qrmjjorium. -mm.i - ' . - V . lBnOr.DUlIdlnEr. v , -- RALKion, jr. c. TUS FISKaT SELICTJO.Y OP MUST I cum GOODS IX X, C. ' PLATED WARK ia all IU varieties. TABi.E CUTLEBT ot 6h. fflcl.1 aad Doisestk Mauufaclura. - ,. r COQKlXff VTAXSIU and all ether House I r urnlybing Uooda ot tlie newest snd most I spprored patterns, is well asallth old! subaUstUI, well-tried sppllan.es of tb I IMt- ,:. t .'. vj .. ,:, !sS J I'M IS LEWI Cat., , lan Uieir mends and tbs puiille to ander- I auiRa uiai 10 ine proaeeuiioa i uieir nueiuess I may art etuineimy ants 10 in progress of uia umea, an uiey peopiaia 10 vouuuue the JIARnWARt and A3" TUB XX W i'LA CX , On (very larga scale nd respectfully bull an mapei'iiuQ vi uieir cuica. ds til -OK BALK MiAK (IREENSBdHH'. A taria oontaintntr ll.i aerea. aairly 1m- proSe.d tianiQuweilli'g Iioumi, mih ta n, .;a- lile, SilK,ke ftoiiu. e l.uud water, land well U need, and pruiluclire Iruit orelnirdv Ai o) to K.P. l"I SO U l"el.l)rlo'. U-J . . ; ,, MISCELLANEOUS. aAC7JIUt toi vr taeer, , aajt-rcMerles, ,Uloreiik;, At N O T 1 t; E Tb lAtleTas-nui r,m ui' .. . ... ' 1 ai. aV Ui HOU8K8 AND. VEHICLES toelndk, rents of ruble f OBe je.r. any wl toesil and siaavneour atwk .., . 8 to?'"' t l anuary lt Ui4 "" '"-. AM. U.S.SA1 u. A XOBLK CUAlilTJ. Omaha Lottcrv AID Of 1KB NK8BASKA STATE OW1US" AaTLl'M. To bs Draws la rabllo, Doc. Sun, 187?. Tl-Im. a 1 i'.... v ... . Tickets sent by Etprss ft O. I) , II d.-Aind. 1 urana t;sn rnia, ' 1 brand Caaa I'rtia, 1 (erand Ca.h 1'nat, t Uraiid On l'naa, I CA-h P ica, 1 Ca.li Prlna, l aall I'litea, I i.ivo .,.), ?1o0 l'i.i 10 H.l .0-l " - "I s o 4 Call frtina ,i.iAi) ea. ii t t aah i'nsea.tl.uuO n., h Iblaiawal Eataror u I. ....4 , kiichsstsuihoriiyU Uiautesad txu4 tu4aas mva. J lis Uinltrd damber of TU ku oa baad wlU b f umiahad Uium who apply lir.t Wasmo. ForluUBBrucuUrss.lrmis x ri uk. dselt-lm ueneral Manner, OwaUa, hel,,jo,. 1 CLASSICAL SCBOOL 1 ba nprlne Srailnn nil r ti. wlU 0aa oa Uvs drat ot Jaottarj, 13:51 d clo oa tba Iwanty-arat ot May. he was ' educated at lbs Biiurhaia -etnoll. f.,- yaars axpsrUiea In tawning a . la,i.-.l g.hL ca iivs ampla UaUmunlal. of hu. coiiiitiicy sod apUMas 10 teaca. 1 he Set ol I, Lu a Bond and uitaliliieat community. His AeaUemy i, qulia eooiuodiuaa, and aosrrw ged aa to eon Uibat to the tuufort aid eBVvt,leis of tli stnueni. Bo)spr,,fd for loilesa. and for the ordinary buuooaa of III,. uara (a -(KH, faaalirast waah.n(. fuel, e.-vervtbln that Is usual, (except Ik hul .ol K f, ,,).,.,. , .... 1 par motiin. Tuiiioal&th - Ila. AnKliak Orainmar, a. , iai, T, sion Board and tuotun must be phf in id. yaaea, per half eesHon hov airiTinir at Hills boioaa Monday or Tkuanlay tH-i..r noon, will be eouveyxl 10 Uia Beliool, a diauite vi twelve mile. or I OU, by leiiBK-,h. propria, tor know, a few day. previous, oa winch day they will be st thsdojifc T ' A r. riCKAHD, Osk,0rsugeijo., U.G. -fcll'kasjtcif" Col. W. M. Blturliam. Vl,,h... , o . . ... Cooniy. M, 4A" .TT "T" JJ) RS. JOHNSON AND 111.NE8. The endertlifiied liavlnir furmml a parttwr sblp f.r in praiilcs of their profuaeia In all lis various bianthea, rHt.tiully oil,.r Uir services to Uia elliaeu. ol sUleL-ti aud of the 1 surruundin eounlry. vr. ..uaaoa win always be found at It las -o-.n..-n oiuro en tlill-lioro' tSUeet, ahils tr. lima may ie fsand for tlie present at Uia ... ,n, a. nr. Jolni.oe, oitlea C'HAB. B. JullN JN,M. D Ksleiirh. Dee. 1 Tbhl. - dee Iu. B, s. MOO Anna ... MCCBH A QATXINO, A f TO USE 7 8 AT LAW RALEIGH, . C. Htataacd rderal Courts and tba rv,.t. .r j tbe lat and Dili Vuil cial DulricU. bov si.tr. . O B T H It A B O L 1 N A JEANS, 8ATTINETT8 -' AND CASSIMEIJFa Just received t PKlMitutiK. Pl.TTT A VriKnlf i a . . u 1 JOBMARHSTRONO, BtXIABINDKRAND BUVK BOOK MAN- UrAWlLKAil. ovaa Vxa auara uAaouaA aookaToaa, , JfALKXiU, N. C. TrlaL Kaeeatlon. yieutes and BHtoi-.llH.r Doekets utude to order. 1 North Carolina ke!QfU aiid olbr I Books, twuiid iaanpenor l,sw Binding. MlMlntr auiuber. ol tbs Kin orts Vunnlled aad oild nHrn'mrauym n ey;, lag fttt i1I,j. ing. dee l r V li'aki.e land ior cai.k. On Wednesday, tba l'l.,HTk-l, 'Til ,1.. of Orecnibcr next, al ibe lai, reuiienca "f lr, 4. Uriulon Aiiiitli, lrt t 'd. we will, by virtus of curtain mortL'aaea to the 81. Anguelin Nonual Behlad, 1. il linens and otiie a b at pun lc sue i n all Did inntt belonging to UiaeiUUiof tin d.tisaaid. 1 ua. slating ot !TlIE YALGAT1LE RE-ilDE.NCK, wild Iu snniir'euaiie. a. aHont a .n Uud near tne B. B. c op Tin, cut or KAJukiou. .... Several Kinall lo.. in Him l. ..t.n i.n nr KaWkti. and shout 40 sere, ot litui 1 ,n I West of HaleUh, sdjojuing lbs hind ol Jauien Do.ld nd tbers. n Iba' Bala will ba la turd..la to ai.ll eha-rrt. TKKMS: O le-llibilessh. the p nulmtnr on eredlt for IK umjiiiI... 1 At the arnue ti'ne and nUea tha Arlmhv.t,, tor of said J. BJi)th will sell tha re.ai,..ie of the (Jsrsomd elteeta ot IMhwa' WJL H. BATTI.K ANSON.C , ; Attonits, A.e BOV at-tds. For Sab ToDr.7. 100 Sarkt N. C Flottr.- Sod . Unabels C'sy 1V. WO HuMiels Wheat 111 ami. lew Bualisla WbuaCors ileal, Hsl hu.lteis V uilrr and 1 1, - -JO Barrel. K.rlv lio fuuil... 45 harmls VS bua slid brow n ; 11V Hoses Meat. HO Hose cheese. 10 r irklii l,.il,u IhitSter. Hoes Miieeaioru, W baxs Cnlte . , BOV SO tt !W. CSfKiiNACH. morn EFf Eitvi sciMi salts or VlCtr, "KsXMif.y. A7.7i ll, C.'ifA'P AMI MAHAh Wd Al f- . - Ai ' e - e. buy SMf l. IT n B w k a r 1 e l r K A Vt C'LOS KT, I bv .11 r. O 111 - f Fit II l. , K !H lor cl.-e. i ':; amine. V.. 'I ) r

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