;...'. r-f:':'- ' if-A 1 if -1 i li Mm O 1 VOL. VIII. THE SENTINEL. ADVERTISING KATES. ' Advertisement will be Ineerted is tta Dally Bbmtim Si- at to foilowiuif rabo per square ol one lues, or to million Una. Onu,uronUme.... l.... SLOO " web aulmqiunl insnrlios HltllUXKk.i.. ... Su I stmare,l week, S.M'I square, T mo. ITJ.OI 1 " lraontii, S.MUII " a "'. KM' t a bo's, I'i iju i BO'S, aS.UM " " IM)it' .7 l" V44.W . au.wili 'll " M l a 1 " 4 Add to the above rata (or wok addition! tuuars as follows: ,. . - For t month, 6 . Tot T month, 1 1101 - '8 month. o.l " 8 WW 8 " 8.U0 14.1. 4 ' ' .00 10 " 1& s lo.iio "ii !(.) a ' ti.u 13 " - it.w for the Rend-Weekly sloe, ttu-ee-nfUia of Dally rate. v for ui Weekly alone, twa-Sfthi of Daily ratea. ... For to Dally ana trail-Weekly eombtssd, sixty per eeut. ub Daily rate ' t For Uw Daily Weakly combined, forty par cent, on Dally rate. For the Dally, Bvmi-Wwkly and Weekly eon Msed, ninety pat cent, on Daily rata. Special notice, fifty par cent on Daily r s Advertisements In Loeal Column, yi cent parlia.. - - I ' HUMK AFFAIBS. Cottox Makeet.--Reported tJ Lynn Adams, Qrocer and Comoiiaaiuu Mer chant, South Market Street : Raleigh, Dec, IS. Price efeoltua.lftnui .Market torday '' ii m. . - - 17 t 417 HA eta. 4 P. M. . ' - dale, . - - 80 bale Receipt, - :. " , Tone of the Market, quiet. : W 10 GOOD FARM3 FOR 8ALE IN ORANGE CO0NTT. -For Cash or Credit For particular! Inquire at the SENTINEL OFFICE. Not 8. 187a. . , Tt a chuiohea of tba rit; all bad lull Cvrgirga ioD on Sunday morning. Room! to let or lcaae orer Tucker Hull Bee adTertiaement . WAirran, A atore or a part of a etore on Fayetteville atreet. Apply at tbia office. -rwiittrtd ntorttir BtOnttt -rt)6lobef In tha office of the Register of Deed of thia county. Gbaxd Lodoc o thb Kkiobt or Pt TUla Tb Grand Lodge of the EnlghU of Pythiaa of tVie Bute will mett on the fourth Tueaday in January in Wiluiing ton. A aubacriber to the Daot Sswtimbi. at Boon IIW, about S3 mile from here, and Immediately ou tha railroad complain that be doea not get hit paper regularly ; two or three coming at the lame time. We call attentioa to rbe Important aula of land to take place at the late residence of Rer. Dr. Smith, deceased, near Raleigh, . on Wednesday tbe 18th. A rare oppor tunity ia offered to combine a city borne with a good farm. Sale at 19 m. t The ladiea of tUe Hctbodiat Episcopal church of thii city will hare a fair and Festival at Tucker Hall on Wedneaday and Thursday evenings for the benefit ol the Sabbath School of their church. Twenty-five cents will be charged for ad- To prevent calico from fading while washing, infuse three gills of salt into four quarts of wnter, put the calico in while hot and leave it till cold. Ia this way the colors are rendered permanent, and will not fade by subsequent washings. We bad the pleasure ol a visit on yester day from C. M. Miller, Esq., the agent of tha well known and reliable Grover & Ba ker Sewing Machine. Mr. Miller intends establishing an agency in this city about the first oraeat month. LEGISLATIVE SVXUARY. In the Senate, yesterday, sundry new ' bills were introduced, among them a bid, by Mr. McCauley, to amend the bastardy act; by Mr. Waring, tojBtalilishjJn iorner TEa cTtylif "Cblilotse, an asylum for the chronic insane ; by Mr. Ellia, ef ColumUus, a Mll ln relation to the serving of pnxx in civil cases ; by Mr. Worth, a bill to amend chap. 83jiulliC laws of 1871-'7a. The bill toauthoriM the commissioners of Guilford to levy a special tax for tba purpose of building a new court house passed it third reading) , The House bill ti regulate the salaries of the Governor and State Treasurer was amended bv making- lb salary oftne Treasurer "3,000 instead of f 2,300 and the House subsequently concurred in the amendment. Tba salaries of these offiiers now stand Governor $4,000, Treasurer 3,000. The bill tu, amend the charter of th town of Stateeville failed on its third reading by a vota of 24 to 21, See pro ceedings. The most important measure debated in I the House on yesterday was the bill to so amend the election law, passed by the last , General Assembly, aa to allow voting by certificate and to di.aa ay with the restric tions as In color of paper and device. Tba bill Wits . very properly indefinitely po t; p'MH'd, ' ' The bill to amend the act char'ering this Wilmington and Planters llJLJCo passed ita several, reaiSg but a motion was made to rccnasidcr the vote on the f nal passage and the consideration of the motion to reconsider was ma ie S ci.il or der f(,r today '(Tuesday.) 6ea the pro- ceedings. r COMCSRT AID ElUIBITIoa. A CODOTft, and exhibition, eompliinsntary to the memlers of th legislature, will be given by the pupils of the Institution for the Deaf and Domb and the Blind on to-morrow (Tueaday) evening. Exercisea to begin t 7:30 o'clock in the Chapel of the Institution. Matos's roCBT. Testerday (Monday) tba Mator di.-posed of tha following cases : Muthew Norwood and Henry Austin, tries ed for assaulting Louis Wilson. Nor wood was sent to jail In default of $'i00 bait Austin was recognized ia a bond of 200. Faucett and W. IL Mitchell, arrwUd for creating a disturbance on Wilmington street ; tjned i each. Cmr.KXS CoRjtrr Bajjd The first ap pear ance of the Citizena' Comet Band, in publio took place at too late an hour on Saturday afternonn to M twtleed ia our Monday's issue. The band is composed of a number of young gentlemen of tha city and though but comparatively a short time in practice acquitted tbem aelvea in a must creditable manner we thi occasion. We beard an excellent music ian say that considering their oppottunl lieaJur practice that they played remark ably well, and tbat if they kept their or ganization up in a abort! time they could successfully compete with any band la the Bute. . Wa congratulate tha young men upon their ancce,. GRAND LODGB F. A. M. OF N. C. . TuaiDAT Moaaiao, Dec 8, 1873. no. a. T: t.inLiuuHaa bkpokt. " . The Board of Ui rectors of St. John's Celletre regret to report that they have failed to make any arrangements in estab lishing a school in this institution. After advertisii g for proposal to leisethe prop erly for a male or female school or college, they received but one application. The terms upon which the college was offered to this person, to wit : S00 per aimum, were declined on the ground that tha rent was too high, The Board has put tba 1 building in charge of a competent gentleman, who resides npon the itretniscs and supervises the property, and pays a small rent. The buildings are now in a good atate of preservation. Tba following resolutions were adopt ed Re!tL ThatlSL John's College shall be made an asylum for the protection, training, and education ol Indigent orphan children. Bud That this Grand Lodge will ap- pturjrbxttvtSOO annually- lor the support ot 4h lttinij, btrt.-"witt litrt assume' any" additional pecuniary responsibility. 8d. Tbat this Urand loago elect a bu perintendent who ahall control the Insti tutioo. and solicit contributions for its support from all classes of our people. tb. Tbat orphan children la the said asylum shall be fed and clothed, and shall receive such preparatory training and ed ucation aa will prepare them for useful oc cupations and lor tba usual business trans actions ot me." TaoasDAT MoftMWo, Dec. a, 187. Bro. K. IL Kinirsbury moved that Bra. J. H. Mil la be elected Superintendent of the Orphan Asylum at Oxford. Bro. 8. E. Overby moved to add as an amendment "and that the present Board of Directors of St. John's College be dis charged." The motion and amendment were adop ted. Bro. C. A. C ilev. 8. G. W.. Introduced the following resolution which was read and unanimously adopted : - "Haolvtd, That tbia Grand Lodge de sires to express its appreciation of the zeal and earnestness with which the Board of Directors of St. John's College have la bored both here and elsewhere to advance the interest of that institution." Bro. R. W. York Introduced the follow ing which was read and adopted : 'RaoM, That the Superintendent of the said Orphan , Asylum shall report to each annual communication an account of hia official arts, receipts, disbursement, number of DUDil.fce i together With such suggestions aa be may see fit to t.ffcT," Copy from records. V D. W, Bain, Or. sec. . An unexpected responsibility is thus suddenly thrown upon me. The magm tude of the work looms np before me in ap palling proportions. But here ia aa op portunity to benefit a neglected class of children. Oilier Statea haw opened asy lum for their indigent orphan, have fed them, clothed them, taught tbem, and made them neeiul citizena But wa have been tardy. Let us now awake to a full appreciation ol our great responsibilities. As mhool bouse are cheaper than Jails, as ebuntbea are cheaper than Court h uses, so oruhao a-vluins are cheaper than ' penitentiaries. How otien do we loos in upon a, uajiuy family of parents and children around a cheerful fire-side I But death takes the r rents to their linal home, ana tne estate JiaindJnijl.yen,tItlBa..itlitw orphans, with deeu desolation brooding over their tender hearts, are driven font without prntal protection, m vb inenaiy guid ance to encounter the evil influences, un holy example, and the sore temptations, of a world tying in wickedness, A.tany hour, the banmest children in our land mar be reduced to orphanage and to Dovertv. 11 we wish otners to oe ajna to the orphans we may leave) so let as be kind to those whom otbe-a have left. Ia Masonry, every member is a brother to tha whole iraternity, ana a nuaoie nienu ana nrotector of every masonic family. In Christianity, every one's great Iitc-w6rk'i to go about doing g"od,espec!a!iy to tnoee unable to return the. kindneaa bestowed. The great Christina Exemplar is one who accepted poverty and death; to give riches and life to sinners when they were cut off from every other source 01 help. One thing lightens the burden' of the work fur orphans: the cause carries Its own appeal, tvery neari Deais wun sym pathy lor belplees, but hopeful youth. My heart IS already graieiui lor unnum bered assurance of cordial co operation. The beginning of the wort; must be small, and the details of organization te dious. Appuintmeets will be made very deliberately nd very cautiously. The in-titutioo will be neutr il in politics and religion. All pol.tical and rel'giouscr eds will be treated with the greati-st poasitla courteKy and iatlnaaa, at the same time a high standard nf morality, and I b' pe of niel, will be kept proiuinemlyltn view, Fife huiidred dolu,ra, in addition to the niount contributed by the (irand Lodge, will be needed at once. ' C"l. W. E. An deisnn, Treasurer ot the Grand Lodge, and President of the Citizens' NtiouaJ li, ok, will n-ceive contribution, other reivers will be announced in due timi ' The aauounta received ill bescknowi edged every week, iu-the paers circulat ing among tne contritjuturs. 1 (Xl'l Legislature of North t'arolinj. V; SENATE. ;". . - . MoaoatDxa 18, 1872. The Senate met at 10 M o'clock, Pres ident Morebead in the chair. Reports from Standing Committees were presented by Messrs. Cuwlca, Love, Cun ningham and Morebcad, ol llorkiiighaus. A message was received fut the House announcing the pace ige of a reso lution providing for a joint select com mit re of ten on the Dart of the House and six on the part of (he Senate to con sider the proposed Constitutional amend ments, and that the said committee oe formed of equal numbers of both paiticf. Concurred in. . - Also a message transnutting sundry re ports of heads of public institutions, with a proposition to print. Concurred In. Also a message transmitting sundry en grossed bills, c which were appropri ate :y relerred Si otherwise disposed of. The House rcsoluta to zest, ocioro rne U. tt. ttirprema Court, the jurisdiction of the federal circuit court m the case ol Lee Dunlsp charged with murdef in tbia Sute was relerred to the judiciary committee. ' On motion of Mr. Powell the bill to define the duties ot Superior Court Judge in ceit sin cases was referred to the com mittee oo the codification of the law. bills, ac , nrrnookicaD. Mr. Morehead. ot Kockingbsm, Intro- diiced a bill to amend the charter of tje N. C. Spoke and Handle Manufacturing Company. Mr. Keapeas, a Dill in relation, to m taking of fish In Pamlico river and iu tributaries. Mr. McCaulev a bill to re Deal oertaia sections of chsp. 12, Revised Code injf Istion to Baitird children. - - - Mr. Waring, a bill to establish sCbroniC Insane AjjIuuj In or near the town ol Charlotte. j Also a bill to refund the tax paid by the Atlantic, Tcniteaseee and Ohio Railroad Company lor tbeyear 1871-"8. Mr. Ehis, of Columbus, a bill in relation to tba service of process In civil case. Mr. Worth, a bin to amend emptor vj public laws of 187I-. . - Mr. Walker, a bill to re-charter the Hickory Nut Turnpike Company.. Mr. Flemming, a resolution of Instruc tion to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr, Muiphy, a resolution providing for a special committee of three on the part of the Senate ana nve on tne pari or toe House to report the necessary amendments to the general incorporation act, Mabson, col., introduced a bill to pro hibit the sale of spirituous liquors within two miles of Sbiloh Church, New Hanover countv. " On motion of Eddcs. col., the resolution ! feiYorDl.MiuwjAA county, was taken up ana passed ita sec ond and third readings. CALBHDAB. ' The bill to authorize the eommissioners of Guilford county to levy a special tax to build a court-house passed its third reading. " ! ' SALABIk or OOVSRHOB AMD TRKASUKKR. On motion of Mr. Love, the engrossed bill to regulate tha salaries of the Gover nor and btate Treasurer was taken up. The bill as it came from the House fixed the Governor's salary at $4,000 and that of tha Treasurer at $2,500. Mr. Cowlea moved Utaroend by making the Governor's salary 3,000. Mr. Worth drew attention to the tact tbat the opposition, clamorous for low prices lor the publio printing, were op posing all economy in the matter of sala ries. So long ss these matters were treated ia a prty spirit, Mr. W. said, the people would have ao confidence in the Legisla ture. He thought tha propoutioo lair, as it came from the House, In view of the Governor having no furnished house and the responsibility or the rubiic Treasurer. Mr. Powell moved to amend by striking out $3,900 aud inserting $3,000 as the salary of th Treasurer. Mr. Uunnsm lavoreu vn amenumeut, and testified to the superior manner In which the duties of Treasurer are being performed by the incumbent. Mr. Waring opposed the amendment. He concurred with Mr. Dunham as to the emcieocy of tha Treasurer, but be thought $3,500 sumcient in view oi tne opportune tiia f ,r inakini money afforded lb in cumbent by virua of bis position in hand ling such large sums oi money. Ur. Powell said that last session tha matter of the Treasurer receiving interest on bis deposit from the bank was en- u.red Into ana leuna id os wuuout ioub iaiioo. . Mr. Waring had no recollection of that matter. As regarueo in uoverner ne ia- vored the reduction. In tba good old times the Governor was the bead of the Sute ; now, when wanted, the Governor bad to be bunted up. If the Governor lived now a of old bu would be willing to vote him $3,000 per year. Mr. Chamberlain said the Legislature had nothing to do with the mode ol life of the Governor; bis manner of living bad nothing to do with the questh ol his pay. He feared the proposed rcduc toon, was a nuire nuuur ol ptraoaai teeling with ita advocates. Mr. U, thought the Treasurer should have jJJ.um Mrs A-varaeailed the uitsiiiu qwatri-ff: Mr. Powell's amendment was concurred in by a vote of 25 to 20. The question then was on the amend ment of Mr. Cowlea. . Mr. Cowlea, ia view of the amendment in the matter tf the Treasurer's salary just adopted, asked leave to change his amend ment to $3,500 instead of $3,000, Ob jected to. Mr. Cowlea' amendment was then reject ed 3to 18. The bill then passed its second reading. ' Th question then was on the passage of the bill, oo its third reading. , Mr. Worth moved to amend by striking out $4,000 and inserting $3,500 as the sal arot the Govern). Mi. A vera moved to strike out $3,000 and insert $1,500 as the, salary of the Treasurer. He wanted the bill to pass as it came from the House. , Mr. Worth thought it due to the Treas urer to state tbat he had been, informed by Mr. Bain. Chief Clerk in the Treasury, that the Treasurer had never received one cent of interest n bis deposits of public funds. , Mr. Ellis, ol Columbus, suggested that the salary of tbe Treasurer might be left as it came from the Uouae, and that hr be alMjid a f Clerk at $500 per year, ne now paying that Clerk's salary out of his own pocket. Mr. Norwood concurred in this view. Hitrria. col., favored1 tbe bill as it now fiod. There wa no jruatantee that t! House would vote to give tlie Tresurr the Cleik, propose a. , The question was taken on Mr. Avera's auieiidnh iit atrd it si rejected 27 to 17. Mr. rtotth sn.endiurnt a as also re- : . I... ...... iH l.OA CCtC'j u) m Toits oi iu j. tit, fcti(4ey called th previous question on the pasaVge of the bill. The ki'l passed iu third reading by a vote ox u to O, ana was oruereo to oe engrossed and sent to tbe Houas fof con-.j cuireac 'n tba amendment. I araciAi. oaoaxt. The bill to amend tba charter of Ui town of Statrsviile and to esiablisu a special court therein fur the trial of mis demeanors, being the special order, was taken up. Tbe Judiciary committee re ported that tbe power sought caa be exercised under general law. Mr. Nicholson urged the passage of tba bill in a lengthy speech, quoting from tbe decisions ot the Supreme Court to show that tha power sought cannot be found ia the general law. Messrs. Flemming and jfoirimoa argued in support of tbe views of tha ormmittee. - Mr. Allen, to test the sense of th Sen ate, moved to lay tha bill on the table. Not agreed to. . The bill the passed Ita second reading. Mr. Nicholson moved for a auspenatoa of tb rule to put the bill ou ita third leading. Mr. Allen contended that there was no necessity whatever for the bill aatba gen eral law provided fully for tha require ment of the bill, except in tha particular of conferring the power of constables oa policemen. Th rules were suspended and tha bill failed to puss itt third reading 24 to 21. !' On motion of Mr. Humphrey, tbe bill to incorporate tha Greenville, Snow Hill and Goldsboro' Railroad Company was made the special order for 11 o'clock to morrow. Tbe chair announced as the Senate branch of the joint committee on constitu tional reform, Messrs, Menimon. King, Dunham, Worth, Crsmer and Btilley. And Messrs. Ite-qmrs and Dunham as the eknata blench of tbe committee to exam ine the report of the public Treasurer. A message waa received from the House announcing the concurrence of tbat body in tbe. Senate amendment to tha bill regu lating the salaries of the Governor and State Treasurer. Adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow. HOUSE OF REPRESENT ATIVK3. MoitDAT. D.-C. 14, 1872. : House tilled to order 10 1-2 a. m., Speaker Robinson in tb chair Journal ot ye terday waf read aud Ap proved. Mr Bryant, ol Alleghany, and Mr. Bryan, of Halifax, were detaiucd attholr rm on account of sickness. Mr. Badger presented a petition front certain citizens ol Wake county in refer ence to the sale of spirituous liquors near Holland's Chnrch. , . ; , The petition was appropriately referred. Mr. Richardson prWnted a petition from itrndrT " mercuiin ti..ifl,.WUuiingUn, , luleigh and Cbarlottis Tha petition was appropriately refer red. HZ PORTS OF STAMDIKO COUMITTEES. Mr. Stanford, from the Coinnrttee oa Finance, Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, from the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, Mr. Waugh, from the Coin mil toe on Cities and Towuahipa, Mr. Mo ring, from the Committe oo Engrossed Bills and Mr. Gidiwy, fiounne ijoiimuttee oa rtBaaMw, submitted reports. KUOLCTIOMS AMD BILLa. By Mr. Joidan : A resolution of instruc tion to tba Committee on Education. - By Mr. Bennett : A bill to provide for the service of, processes Issuing from Court of Justice of the Peace in civil rases where one or more of the defendants may live out of the county in which the action is brought ; referred. . Bv Mr. Badirer : A bill in reference to the sale ot spirituous liquors near Holland Church, Wake county ; reiurrrea. By Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg : A bill to promote immigration and to facilitate ther ..lement of tbe public lands; referred.- ,- : (:', .... CALENDAR. On motion of Mr. McNeill, the rulta were suspended and tbe bill in relation to the destruction of deer in llobson county was taken up. Tbe bill, as amended, pro vides for tbe repeal of that section of tha law In regard to tbsoounties of Sampson and Hobeaon. j On the third reading of the bill, Mr. Blackwell offered an amendment to include the county ol Buncombe. Mr. Dickey and Anderson, of Clay, also offered amendments to include their re spective counties, when Mr. McNeill call ed the previous question. The bill with tbe amendments paased ita third reading. House BUI No. 82, to provide for the proper compensation for tbe officers of tha Supreme Court, with a recomnv nda tion from tba Judiciary Committee that it do not pass, was taken up. On motion of Mr, Badger, the bil! was made tbe special order lor the 15th day of January, 1873, at 13 o'clock. . House resolution in favor oi James M. Toung, Sheriff oi Buncombe county was taken up nnd pusaed , Its auroral readings. SFECIAt, OBDEB. V The bill to amend the charter of tha Wilmington and Planters R, R. Company Was taken up stid p.iad its several read ings 1 ' 'V: - - House BiU NiilL. for. iba relief of the Sheriffs of the bt'ite. Allows ad Sheriffs till 1st of April to settle with County Treasurers was taken up and, on motion of Mr. Maxwell, indefinitely postponed. On motion of Mr. Bhinn, of Cabarrus, Seniftte Bill No. 08 waa taken up. (Tha bill provides for a change in the terms of Cabarrus Superior Court J The bill psaed its several readings. ' v On motion ot Mr. Brown, of Mecklen burg, the rcsoluriou' offerrid by bim this morning, in regard to tba raising of a joint select ciniMnittee was taken up and passed Its severs! readings. Mr. Bennett rfoved that tba vote by which the bill amending the charter of tba Wilmington and planters Railroad Com pany pissed, bt reconsidered ia order tbat he may cflVr a proviso to tba bill. M After a lengthy discuaaion, Mr. Staa ford moved to lay the motion to recon sider oa tba table. Upon which motion Mr. Bsonett called for the yea and nsjs, - The motion wss lost by tha following rote yea 28, nays 70. , Tbe motion of Mr. Bennett to reconsider was made the special order for to-morrow at 11 o'clock, a at. " . Hour bill, No. 78, to amend chapter 81, of the law of 1871 72, came Bp aatba ijireislwrdW for 12 o'clock. . On tbe motion to indefinitely postpone. Mr. Guy ber called f-r the yes nnd nsya Messis. Bowman, Badger, Ellison, Brown.ol Davidson, Jones, of Caldwell, and Bij-the rose to explained their votes 1 be bill waa indefinitely postponsd by tbe following vote jeas 60, naji 50. AbUitt, (L,) moved to reconsider th vote by which the above bill was Indefi nitely postponed. Mr, Jonifs, of Caldwell, moved to lay the motion. on the table, upoo which motion Abbotl,Ycol., calledVlor the jeas and 'nsjs. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 17, 5"f hi'call wasutined, and tbe motion to lay on tha table was adopted by the following vote yeas 58, nays 50. By Mr. Badger; A resolution asking tbe committee on the Stats Library to report by bill or otherwise, what steps shall be takes by this General Assembly to supply the National Library with such of the public law of North Carolina as are not sow la said Library. Adopted. Under a suspeneion of the rule the bill to authorize tbe commissioners of Guilford county to levy a Special tax waa takes up and passed iu several readings. " Coder a suspension of tbe rules the bill to authorize the commissioner of Halifax county to levy a special tax wa taken up and paased its second reading. The Home adjourned till to morrow at 10:30 o'clock a. m. im'i ELEliKATHlC JOTS '";';" MARKETS. Naw Vohx. Dec. 14. Cotton quiet; sales 1.557 bales ; uplands 1 7-8: Orleans 20 8-8. Flour dull. Wheat shade firmer. Cora quiet. Pork nominal. Lard weak. Naraks Groceries and Freights quiet. - Cotton Net receipts to-day 815 j gross 8,118. Money closed at 8a7. Sterling dull st 0a 1 8. - Gold 18 l-4al2 8 8. Govern ments dull, steady. Tennessee's heavy;, WnJHNOToK, Dec 14. Cotton firm; middlings 18 1 2. ' Baltimorb, Deo. 14. Cotton dull; mid dlings 19 1-8, .. NoajfoLBvOecembe 14. Cotton duHj low middlings 18 1-818 1-4. FROM LOUISIANA. ' NkwOhlbass, Dec, 14. The Metro politans were ordered til take the armory and disarm the military. They approach td within a half square when a parley en aud and tho Metropolitans withdrew. The militia will only surrender to tbe United States authontits. WAsntKOToH, December . 14. Presi dent Grant to-day received by telegraph a copy of the memorial ol the citizens com mittee of Now Orleans, setting forth thx-lr grievances. This memorial was soon after placed la the hands I At to n y tiemru Williams, lnlormatioo thai tbe commit tee will start for Wnshiugion probably to day, also received, . but judgitfg from, what was said this morning by Altornej General William, their mission will b tulila as the general government ia inflexu bly fixed in its Jeteriuioation to suppvi the Piocbback State government. General Emory last night, telegraphed the Presideut that danger of a collision existed between ...th p4) and militia, and, asked fu- ioauwiwms."-A reply Was sent at a lata hour, instrucung bim, ia effect, aot to take sides with either party, but to hold bis forces in reiidiness to p.e serve the peace and to interfere only m cam of Dec -ally tor that purpose. Latbb, The miliiiai surrendered the Arsenal aud stores to Gen. W. H.Smith, of United Status army. The officer re tained their side arms which were personal property. FROM WASHINGTON. Wasuinoihk, Dec. 14. Sums of the lately arrived Italian emigrants t ppeared ou Broadway to day, and presented a most miserable spectacle. They ere slmost dus lituts of clothing, sad looked starved. Tbe city authorities are somewhat alarmed at the arrival ot so many of them ; ami it is hoped that tba officials st Washington will take steps to prevent further lininigra lion of such nature. The Italian Consul at this city states ib.it all of theia had pass ports Iroui the government, and there are no brigands smong them, . Tbe Department bf Justice bus closely investigated all the facts in tbe case, and Is satisfied with tbe courts which has been officially takan here by the Administra tion. , , John G. Nicola y, ol Illinois, President Lincoln's Private (Secretary, was to day chosen by the Judges of the United States Supreme Curt, Marshal of that body in tbu place of Col, Parson's, resigned. CAUII01 1 fuyer are oaationed to avoid tba numerous ountcrfeita and linitaiions ufferad for sal JOUA DUMwAK'aauNH. NewYor., Agent for tiie United l FROM WASIUNUTO. i Tf imps. Ho medk-ia ve; offered to th peoita sat won for Itself such s reputation In si short s time as Dr. Tuti's Iip.ctoisnt Wherever It aa been Introduced, It ha sup rseded ! other Cough remedies It aot only cum th sough, bnt so thoroughly par0os lb lungs, that ao fear of Its return need be eppre tiwded, , . Msmrais, FebruaiT ll, iHf, Pr. Win. a Tutt i Sir 1 hsv been sutftirlng for nearly two years with s svr cough and great U.lii: olir .f tirUiinir. Ml Weiicuk was Ittuxlna sn forty itvs pounds ; snd when 1 euro meneed taking your ipm-torsnt, jrs re. WWW U U .1 V. I . ,1 Buv .i A II, I 1 .U .ifm .Mmtmvnirfmtntn: had torrtbii inilit t. ' 1 . . v. ,.. L . 1. , : u . . - - - - "- .uw, uviur, i i)k aiht sweaU hav lull me, th cough Inn si mosi disappeared, and I hava sainud fiflms pounds In weight. 1 believ tt will enrssjj euugh. 1 lacommeMl it to all my friends. . With respect, ' ouveb Rice. Dr. Tutt'sWtr Dye has 4ee 17-deodl .tit . no bad odor. U kUHltU i At t John's church, W,lllrnloro,' on the lOta instant, by tuv. Wll lam a. FetUgrew, Chaster O. Bond, of Jackson, Teon , to Kate, yonngesl dsuMej of col. a. a. itoyster. Jtu earda, Oa ttre iWlh Kovembcr, at the Church of the nrsrlgrs. by Hot that. t. Uerraa, I). 1)., (taorg h. t rench, Jr., aud Mlsa I o.nelia M. WurUi, daughter of B. O. worth. Km , all of WUmlnajtoB.M.C. . la Qsston eouaty, on the 8d list , hr Rev, i, S, Patcrsorr, Mr. a. A Auernathyaud Mias K. A Abeniathy. . 1 v . Bythasame.on tbe4thlnt., Mr: 1. K. Burnt and Mia Mary C. coaoer, ail of bantoa euun ity. Oa th tot lt , In Plel Creek Towusliip, byBev A i. atonn, Mr. J. T. Alexander and Miss Mill L. anuUt. . Atllitina, UwmldeiK'S of Gov. Hrnry T t;lars, Tsrooro, on Uie evening of the 11 th lust , by Kev. Joseph K. i ho.-hlr. Mr John Luih.r Hrnlgeni. Jr., aud Mi Laura flaeiui Clark, ali of that piaoa. iNEW AUVKUTJSLillvNTS. JOOMS t() BI5T Oil Li A K. Th two front ro.s la "TnrkeHall" tt present rifeiipid by th hrth Carolina Land omnylil berunUal t-.r tits year lais, or will 0 lcd f r a set ica of years. Apply to W,lL'a,sVlUi.KKBACO. dr17tf 1872. Christmas ZZolildays ! W. I ILL Tl TIER Jt CI. bavb adosb to vnaia LARGE STOCK Msivr drslrabla arttossa saiusa for ' - GHRISTUU PRLSEN1S LADIES' WINTER DRK8S OtKiDS, tUABFs, NECKTIES, ) . CLOTH 8AQCI8, CLOAKS, I 8L0VE8, FUE8, ij , , ;, ' , v ,: t-sT" Atteutioa uf Meranen of tit Lstrlshv laturs Is respeetf ully invited to th above ad vertisement, - W. lL,Jt R. 8. TUCKIBACO. dae-lB-U. now To Speculate SuccesBf ully. RANDALL VL FOOTE t CO, Basksjis abb Bkokiss, W Bbaowav, N- T. Members ot Stock Inheogs and Gold Beard RsrassMCos. Jay Cooke A Co , Mechanics Banking Association, or any Banking House or Comiueratat Agenuy In New York. N. B - ranii.biei oa Wall hlreot and Ita Operations," frs on sppUealloa ll E ADQUABTE.R-S Slnglo Gong. At (1.50, t:i.6o, '-.oo, as oo, ts ca, no oo. Double Guns. At 18, 810, 813, 814, i0, tH, 140, L BREACH LOADING GINS. At 100, $71, 884, 8100, II3S. . . -: .. -; -. IMITU WESSONS', COLTS', SUARFb, ALLEN'I snd WHITNET 4 00. '8. ' THE LARGEST STOCK OF 6PORTINO GOODS IN THE STATE. I An Inspection Inritcfi. tT BASDWAKK HOUSE OF Ul J IXI I B LEWIS Co., declS If, Raleigh M. C. SOMETHING TO EAT1I klSt.E MEAT. BUCKWHEAT, ' - V ( . MACCABONl, , ) HOMINT, , PEARL GRITS, , i. i , CAROLINA BICE, KCLLET KOES, SHAD ROES, OOSUEH BITTER, ' PRIME CHEESE, ; j raEAft 0ITB9N, FKKSIl RAlelKS. n;isttcuBRANrs, SOUTH AM PTON 11 A MS, SMOKED SAL'SAGX, 8M0KRD BOILING BEEr, A r BEEP TO.NGCES, CUeAB-CUR'E'pfTKirS, ''."" pICKLKS, tUTSCr' SAUCES. W. C. fri ripNCH at CO. Ml III"! lilA! CHRISTMAS IS C0"i!iG I I ' W sr bow receiving IBStor th following aa boxes So 1 iikk CUACKKRS. , , i w boes Layer raisins. 7- 600 POUNDS FECAS NUTS. " 500 POUND. BRAZIL NUT J. 600 POUNDS LONG ALMONDS. ' 600 POUSDS FILBERTS. IH0 POUNDS BRAID CANUT. 100 POUNDS BROOKLYM CANDT. 600 POUNDS ASSORTED CANDt ln lbs.) 60 BOXES LEMON BUI8CUIT. M BOXX8 rACTOlir CHEESE SS BOXES N. T. STATE CHEESE. - 60 CASKS BRANDT PEACHES. Jt CASES FRESH COVt 0T8TESL L I EACH BBO.'s. , SeslS-tt ' I N OKTH OABOLINA Hita Dept. We Are bow oSsrlnxtbe large it stock of flAl.DWARE, . CUTLEHT, MOUSE-rUR.tlBHlNO GOODS, - - , ..: AC . C aver brought to the city of Raleigh, and are selling them at VIRTIO W PRICES. We want It distinctly nude stood that no bouse in North Carolina can or shall andersatl as. Our stock has been acleeted with treat eare, aud we ask aa tneetion ot It, and feel sonfldect that our Low 1'rtce and very 8CPH1UOR QUALITY OF GOODS will pleas all who anay favor us with their pa'ronage, Mr. K a. Burwell,'nf Charlotte, and Jimnvl Willi maoa, of yraokllnttm, ar with aa, snd Will b pleaaed to no their fi-lnnds. T. 11 BlilUUS BON. deelHU. I WILL PAT' THE HIGHEST CASH prices tor FURS, . dec. t3m. L ROSENTHAL. T HE NOVELTY HAND STAMP. With oomplst esse of Type, for markia Linen, Cards, eta. A peefect little Gem, Price 11.(0 ; (.oat-peld, 11.181 j Samples Free Agent wanted for this. Also, for Wobster't liutuin llola Workar, aud other new and Useful artlcka. Addreas. OKO. DtViS, Mala Street, Barlfurd, Conn. aov a!-w;im- rjOCBK AMD LOT FOR KENT FOB J. i - riKAT Us. kight Roome, fire Plaeea In each. Oaas all Ovr Ui tioBM. Oood well of water oa the Lotl ALSO, ' Another Uousa snd twenty seres of land sUaejted. knows as tb Hex Hospital property, llousa, four Rooms, -Planus-tf, - Wi Hvf tNKrt Jt CO. IP OR SALE!" Corn Meal snd Flour. Rve sud Oats, and New Toik Hay. W. H. JONES CO. dl tf ... ' JJtO K SALE! siipeil'r Bill Batter, 3oef and Pork received dally. W. II. J iNB-dn O. docU-tf. 1 poll SALE. Best' Westcra North Carol na Buekwbeat Flour.. . Al On Oood Plans and one Festhor Bed. ' ,W, 11. JoNkS A CO. osss-tf JjJVERIlULNO! USUALLY FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG KToitE. At KlWI'eO.No'. BovUOlf . " ' . ' 0UTI1 CjAROUNA, . 5 SUFtBlOft COCBT, WOT. 25. X87lj. Jamei II. iU!Ur, AlfXan-J Pditloai to Mil . Uer K. AoirjwifeUttjf, r iiU tnl ntaU sCi'H I Ut Itir irU- Dr. Alex p. likio- itun, ' li apji.rinrj; to tba Court thtt Pr. AhtxAiv tier B. lis kin ret ti- Iwyunti tho limit of thwHUU, tu-wlt : In Uia cliy uf 'I w-lliir. In tti i-ounty of Lam, in tti bUte uf ir ida. It it liM-refor ortitjins4 Uiit ptU mlon be timiv tar six om s mwk, in lite K-ilnMi miBL.t BttnhiK d(. ul.iut of fitriU ttl aMi' Ul tlitj Cier ri Of tlltS HtlJK tun Court for Uie soittiy f artiaviitr, In the HUl of JSort. 1 sfci-oiiimijii tH awctfinj Mimtlwy In JaniiATT, A. I., liH, ml aiiworor 1 fnur tO IMlti t'UJVI'irtf't, tllW aKinte W lil Ubum KB CTftiJ utitj lisrd rf Htt tt n to liitit, Vi linmts, .iKir, iV-tl( f fcs of Mid Court tolUuvU Oxford, iSuv. 1'- C. li PITTS, not 2ft t I Icrk . C. NO. S i. MISCELLANEOUS. A bAUTirUlw wt or Kmbr-iiJriiai, iiwiuivcrcliiefis, Jtc At HttMMOSti, l'ETTT t KEV SOM'S. a- L N OTIC E Tbe undervlirnnd Afr.-j. f. ..i r. . w ,.ou stock of HORSES. AND VEHICLE!'.' Uirludlnif rent of Stable for one J ear. any on wishing; to go Into the Liewy would !o wll tocaii and eiaintne our surk -n, e Uh to Fiona out by January t, .If t.J. ufliw-, b. is. tit H i O. A SOUL X CllJk ItlTY. Omaha Lottery . IS AID OV TUX NEBRASKA STATE ORPHAN ASYLUM. To be Drawn In Publio, Dec. IWih, ISJJ. Tkketi tl A A, ec Si fr SJ. riekets sent by Eicres C. 0. D., If desired. 1 Grand Cash IViya, . ., (.0 I Orand Casta Priii, ' ' 1 (irand Canh fnjtu, ' 1 liraud Caali l'riu, lu n) 1 eh P.lco, 5,, , 1 Caab I'rtre, itt) Scaali Priaea, IS.ntW earh, . .,) 4Ca.h fntoa Si.oiai saeh -. H.i0. tl ash Priaea, ll,(i eai h, 2,kjo ror nalance of fneea said for t lroittir. This Lirsl kiirof-int 1. n,l..b..l i. tl, lilxhustauUiorityol llio BUtt sua best ba.-Uu.a men. The lbaiti-d dutulmr of Tli knU nn l,..l ill be furni.'.hcid those wue at'tWir rjr.t. All Prbtes will ba paia iu futl. Aobkts Waktsu. For full osruenlar so-o-.-.s . . i. U. Pa I 1 e., ilwmral W oi ,.-r, declj-lms- Oman, el,raka. ; CLASSICjit SCHOOL I be Spring Session of A. P. Pli'kard's Sehoo will opes oa th ttrst of Januurr, li. i, and ekw on lb twouiy-Unit of Jly. lie was educated at th bniiam tiaool, Uas flftwn years experieno in bwcii in a ias 1 al a- bool, cau giv ample bMUtuonialx of lu eowuetem-f) and aptness ui Uneli. '1 tie tit hool is iu a iuoi .il snii uitnbiiiot community. Ilia Aeauwiiy is iiiite commtHlious, and u arrarii;ed aa to con irilmia to U ejiulort and conv. mruee of Ida staihmiA. Boys pn-psu-rd for t oliee, and fur tlia ordinary litwlueaa of lila, oani In siKd rauilllis; wasb,li(. fntil, Ac. eeCTVlliing uwt I suai, (except ilitllU) wui lie furlii.lK-d for super mon III. Tuition in Ilia tnuiiaaa, &.C, jLiiirli.li Grammar, Ae , lia.oil, i.,-r sea- -.,oo Hoard aiwl Minion Html be paid In ml vni, per balfseeair.u bov arrivm at hills, boru oa sHouUay or lliu.i.lnj be'tora noon, will bBKOuveyud to tlio w-nul, iuim of twelve uil.oa, for S1.6U, by lvtiiiij:'iiipTnprir. lor know, a towidav preiioua, ou wtiteh day they will be at the de-pot. A. P, PIl.'KAIln. . r-tssKt, Oraiijjv!.CjwJ.li.---- ' asraKssea t Col. W. M. BUighaia, Mebanevllto, tirsns Couuty. N. C, declS-wdl. RS. JOHNSON AND UINEo. Thennde'rslirtied hnvlnir formed a tmrtn.tr. ship for the prattle of tlieir pnileaan.n In all lis various braueliea, reeeilnlly oii.ir tVar eervico to tlm cin "us ol Kill i,li ami of tit lirnm'li'Uf touutry. lr. Jwiiiihon will alwiiye be fontol at his well known oillca on llaisUiro' tttrwt, while Dr. liiinw may b fvuud for Uie prime nt at tho I arloro)(lt Ilotixe or at Dr. Jolinmn' oil! es CMA. K. JelllNiM, M. D.. Ralehrh, Dec. 1, ISIJ. due Ira. a. v. hooks jobs sATuaa MOCHB V GATXINOy ATTORNBT8 AT LAW, RALEIGH, Bf. C. etattand federal Conrtaand th Court ot tie 1st and th Jndklal Districts, aovaltf. N. R T II CAROLINA JEANS, 8ATTDTETT3 AND CASSISIERK3. J list rrenlvi-d at PKI Jl KvSK, PETTY 4 NE'SOM H. daev-U - J OHN ARM8TRONQ. Hf 'OkBlKDER AKD BLANK BOOK HAN UkACTUkr.K. 'vh vaa soars qaaoLiaA soOKSTOaS, "'5' I RALEKill, M. C Trial, Execution, Minutes snd Rocortlli.j Doekuts Uiaile to orH.'r. North Carolina Heports and other Law Sooks, bound bi suiasnor Law biijitiiijt. Misslns; uutntHir of th Kejrt sutTlb-d and odd numbers taken ia xebauge for bind 5m t. sa-tf V ALUAIIUC LAND fOR rALK. ()n WedneKtlay, ths EKi HTHPNTH d-iy of l'emier nrxi, at Un; Me n'.itii"rn-.uof Ir, J. Itrinluii OniiUi, lu M. we will, by virtue of eisrUiln mortuaew to the . Aairttatlns Norniai rvho.il, T. H. Itrlir.a aud stlier, S.-1I at public sue ton all the Uik belonirins; to I he estate of th deeoased, eon sIsuiik of TUB VALTJABf.B ItfilUESCE," with Its appurtenance. Jibojt Sti ia f land Star ti.e a. u. cott. ok tii CITV of KAUvioll. Sevrt-al auotlt lota the Kintrtn part of RftleU'U, and alHiUl -10 Bcrrs of .uiil 1 miiis West of Kalelidl, adjotljlti Hie IhiuI of .aunt Dorld and otlu-r-i. I ti aale will be eha.rra. in irc)!s to suit - 'I ;itia.:-Oiiit third a?ih, the renulntlijr oa a credit for la montti. .;-' fflAt tlie amc time and piste tliJJAltulnl'.trH. Uir of aatJ J . II. Smith will th muatiiiiur of Ui parsons! ellwu of tba t'-wip, WM. H. BATTLE A PONS. Attorney, Ae, nov ai-tilit. i lor Salo To-Daj. H) eks N. C Fionr. , Joo Hujlieis Cloy I'm),, " ' . 6") llillils W hi at Hi and. SouHuabal Vt tote Coin MraL Hi-Ml Hub.'.( l inter and rMi.iMir. Osls !il.brn-is F itly Kft i'msittrti. 4'i'harrels Hlniis.and brown tjiu'ii'. 1) Hoxea Mettl. Jid Bonus Clm.-.! , IU Firklus liaKlurii Bitttlcr. x 6 bonus iHClsrOnL Ho ilaxs Coilee.' i nov 80 tf , W. C. ST JgtSUOP'B EFPERVESCINO SALTS OP ViCliY, A'.A-V.;:.T. x t,t:t.T.hH, :tl ll I TB Oi' .V(mA-74 AM) .KJd.i.iii Al - V '. I. At- i sltN'A' .; BV ao-tf , ' Dtua fr,. rjt U E WAKEFIELD EARTH CLOSET, f by lt o.l.'s tl. f4 yet i'n'--iii-,l. f ; .; k uriwt o Kkih t i iir.t r l t .yl t ! , N'-w iuiK. for il'-it.'.-tptlie i t. t -.-!.-! i v v auiine. - , l ootiow ti,bi,i! t W. H. i."J .4 C., myli-U j.

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