THESExNTMEL. 7 NQRTII CAROLINA. fbcnr'are t7 pereoo" la the New Han- orer county jau. The Wilmin-tonim ar making much ' Vof Katie .'"'tiara, . v i- Chri--Ho plurk-i ripa a' ran bcrri, s no jajt Thursday while taut u on the ground. A l CHUUte Will, " ' Cbi'liio py 59 cent! per quart for oysters ' Agsin, Monday, the atreel are crowded . i i..iin wuntm Willi HH""" O The home disease it rapidly disappear ixig from tue Btate. Mr. Jtawph. Kawls, of Greenville, recent. l acotdeniiy ao( niuueii id ue nana e ' . i . . . l. - j i : leveraiy tuei iwu uuci uau in un am tiled. . , .. .. . - . i.: ; Mr. H. Terrry.W Wilmington, received esvere wound io the feet by aa accidental discharge of hia gun on Friday morning Htft. One hundred! mountain ngon, by a ' ttial count, io town lout Friday and Sat S(jT titer made a " clean aweep of salt end dry goods." " Dplpb " Phulord. the grain Merchant bought several buna red buentue in w uv. Onr " Devil " repnr:e the appearance of the Episootie in town, though in mild form aaja it if nothing nor (ban bed cold and "runnia at the nose." Carolina Bag1 Small Pox. There are so many con dieting report about' the epread ol thin malady in thU -county, that we .hardly know what report to make. . The report that tbe disease waa at Rocky Mourn, turns out to be untrue. Mr. Davenport, wbo live nenr by, waa attacked with vari oloid and it now convalescent. There are ereral cawauboutlNaahville, under treat mentof li Wilcox, wbo reports them doing well. 1 The town ol Nrnhvllle hai certainly been the rtripieul ol an uufortunata visi- Uliuu. Our deepest sympathy la extend ed. fr can iniagiue that great incon veoienceand much suffering have iallen rrTcisnhaMitiin-Tiij Snemt -.xi-.?rl deavrted. Tboae wbo remain an cut off, aa . 1 . j i : . 1 . it arere. from comruuntcatioa with tlie out - aide world. Deprived of all convenience-. No tervmu to be bad at any price il ty ehould conclude to go away now, ao great la the terror among tne people, mat they wouiu ue unwelcome viaitora even among their own relation. Socb being the situation of tboae. of our frienda atill InKaahTille, we beapeak for them the n membranee of those who are more lortu aate. If you cannot visit them, there art things which can, with safely be done, which will tend greatly to alleviate their sufferings, ana be or invaluable benefit, Remember tbe afflicted, for no man can tell what a may pay bring forth. tm&toanet, lath. PERSONAL Thackeray daughter ia tl.i! queen of tae uterary circles ol lyoodou. Hatt Morgan bad 4 band in tbe artistic panoramajiB ireileda i'ghtjyjitjjiibjo uaruen. - Edwin Booth will make a professional tour ol the Western Btateaaouw time in the coming spring. ' Earl Oraoville baa won the thanks of the ' literary world by opening tbe papers in the Foreign Office for their examination down to 1760. Eberlord Frederick Wnlchia, who built Boston's "big organ" and a great many others' died in Wuricmburg recently. ' -N FOREIGN GOSSIP. . It has been discovered that the sword exhibited at Dumbarton Castle aa that of Sir William Wallace could not have been in the poasesaioa of that chieftain, and. accordingly, it will no longer be shown, The Ptince of Wale and Lord Btraitb niirn, it ia aaid, are to be made field jaar ' shala of the British Army. It was Lord Straithhairn (then Sir Hugh Rose), who blew th Bepoys from the cannon mouth, in India. ,, ' f Jul. Ferre, aged S3, aaid to be first Cousin to Tbeopbile Ferre, the Communist woo waa shot witli Mossei, naacomminea suicide by hanging. One of Tbeo. Ferre't brothers bunir hiiuselt and another u raving lunatio, - ,. . It is stated that M. Fournier recently had an interview with Cardinal Antonelli, and privately characterized tbe frequent publication of ipeecbea by the Pope against the Italian Government a ill ad vised, and trvinir its forbearance to the utmost Mra Taylor, the divorced wife of Mr. John Henry Gurnet, died lately in Eng. land, leaving at fortune of aS,500,000. Thia money, iti said, falls to the trustee of tbe Qtmey estate, and will be applied for tbe benefit of creditor of the insolvent firm of Ovtrend, Guraey & Co. , v Edmond About decline to be a candi date lor the French Assembly, saving that "a Frenchman, arbitrarily imprisoned by Prussia cannot be a candidate for tbe As sembly ia a district occupied by Prussiana, unless he be sure ol election by an almost unanimous Yoter , i N. Mr. Austin Hoi make, brother of 0. J: Hul joakr, the well-known social reformer, nas Been presented with a purse 01 aooui ll.flOfl on bis partial recofery- from iilr eaa. ' Mr. iiolvoake tins been for sm jume a WMditor WithBraaiw WATRSONIANA. ' From Lonlsvllla QoarfcrJoamaL Tbe Marquis of Winches tor baa sent President Thiers a pair of bull dogs. We have alwaya tboucht that, ia order to be Come aa great a President a Grant, Theirs Ma... I .1 . 1 : .... - -1 I. .. 1 1 J ww uvuiiDg ou a pair m oun-w'g. The Albany Kmig JtvnuA aayi "the meanest man on earth lives in Vermont." Then, heodght either to retire from the management of tbe Eeounf &rnal or move nearer to th office. , V , In time of the rural district they call the horse diseiae he tcsjodont. 1 It tbey Mil it that because tbe sreodoat is as bad for tbe teeth aa the epi'jootic ia for the horse we shall b the hu to com ol sin. Grace G reen wood declare! Uiat, if na- ture intend i tint wmui n should ride horsebiiek at all Mhi ftnuhtlpss intended I that they should ' rid straddle." She ay have intended it, lor aught we know, jhot, it she did, there is no questioo thst so sat been ashamed of it ever aince. Winston county, Aliu, cluims to be "the "oner (jrant county," baving given Grant (78 votes out ef 718. There ia but ooe man in Wimton county who ever Ut a hntik nm K.. u n . . .1 kA has just swapped off his wife tor a yoke . steers to haul him to Arkansaw. . What has Col. Blood clone that he hoold "be imprisoned for the sins of Woodhull f True, Blood is Woodhuil's husband, but th probability is that "any oilier nun" ia tbe proper leilow to arrest "' imprison. THB8TATK BEN ATX.' SOUTI FOB 1873. . lat Dial net ' Cumtuck, Camden, Pa. Ittntank, Hertford, Gates, Chowan, Per. quimana, 1 ; J no. L Chamberlain, G, W. - -;, Jr, Ind. Tyrrell, WssMngton, Marti, Dare, Beaufort and Hyde, ; J. B. Use pees, H, It Btiiley, rep. , Sxd. Northampton and Bertie, 1 j Hot loway, rep. - 4th. Halifax, t ; Henry Eppea, rep, nth. Edgecombe, 1; Alexander Cauc, rep. ' Oth. Pitt, 1 : Jacob HcCotter. rep, 7th. Wilaon, Nah and Franklin, t " uuraam, mrm. is. imtu, eooa. 8th. Craren, 1 ; A. b. Beymoor, rep. th. Jonea,Onakw and Carteret. 1 4. u. Dcotvcoa. 10th. Warne and DapUn, t ; Wm. Allen, Lott W. Humphrey, cone. 11. lnotr and Ureen, 1: lUcnard I W. King, rep. 12th. New HanoTcr, 1 j Geo. U kab- on," rap. Uth. Brumwick and Bladen, 1 ; Hill. rep. , Hth. , Sampson, 1 : Dr. C. TaU Mur phy, eon. loth. I'olumbua ana llobeeoa. 1 1 Jao. 16th. Cnmberiaod and Harnett. 1 Win. U. Troy. con. 17tb. Johniion, 1; William H. Arera, I WD. 18th. Wake, 1 ; June H. Earria, Warren, 1 ; John A. Hymaa, rep , l'JUi. top. VUth. reman. Caswell ana Vranee, I John W. Norwood, .'"ha W. Cnnnuighaai, cona. Slat. CMUle, 1 Heurboa Smith, rep. :... cuatbam, l; K. . roweii, eon. 2 d. 'Rockingham. 1 : Jaa.T.Mor- naa l.eon. V4th. Alamance and Gtulrord, I ; Jaa. T. Morebead. Jr. W. J. Marray. eena. 2,th. Randolph and Moore, 1 : Dr. J. n. Worth, can. 20th, itichmond and Montgomery, STLontr. rep. Z7tn. Anton ana vninn, 1 ; u at 1 o- Cauley, eon. Sbiu. Cabarru ana Btaniy, lj i ElHrnhardt. con. - sitfih. Mecklenburg, 1; II 1' Waring, JO II num. imhulmu- .umv, ..j ; v.Ma 1 nre. con." Slat. Davidson, I ; John T- Creamer, rep With Blokea ana rorsyin, 1 1 jone at dtaftord, con.. .i v.v ,.,. 83d, Burryand Yadkin, 1; A O Cowle eon. , - ' 84th. Iredell. Wilkes and Alexander, ; Thoniaa A Nieholson, Phineaa Hortoa, cona. ; 85th. Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga, 1: JW Todd. con. 86th. CsldwelL Burke, McDowell, Mitchell and Ysocv, 3: W W Flemming, J M Gudeer. cona, H7to, cauwDa ana i.uicoio, i ; ut. tu. R. El is. con. 88tb. Gaston and Cleavelana, I ; ur, w. J. T. Miller, con. v 8Dth. Rutherford and l'olk, 1; Martin Walker, ren. utn. uuncomoe ana aiaaisoa, i : H. Merrimon, con. ' 4 lat. Haywood, uenaeraon ana iran avlvania. 1 1 W. P. Welch, eon. 42d. jackaon. Bwain, Macon, Cherokee, nt.y, n.,1 llmhtm, I ; l)rt W. L. Love, crm: ' Thoae marked are colored. Senator from the followins districts are re-elected i 4tb. 8U, Mr. Allen in the 10th, 11th, Uth, 16th. 10th. 23d. BStb. Zoth, M, Mr. Plemminz in the 86th, 40th, 424. " Total 14. ..-..-! v , The following were member of the last House of Representatives Meaera, Cham berlain, Dunham. Scott, Mubeun, Powell, HcCauley. Waring, ichojoo, netca. Total 8. .... i - ConservativeaSl. Republican 18. J tervative majority 14. Boca or BSFSxaan- Atrrx. Alamance, Jesse Gaunt, eon Alexander, J. M. Carson, laa. Alleghany, A. M. Bryan, dera. Anson, CoL R. T. Bennett, con. Aahe, Squire Trivett, rep. Beaufort, Samuel T. Corson, rep. Bertie, F. 0. Miller, rep. Bladen, rep. Urnnawick. J. li. Brooks, rep. Buncombe, T. D. Johnson and David Blackwell, eona. - Burke, r. A. warlicit, oon. Cabarrua, Thoa. J. Sbina, eon. Caldwell, Ed. Jonea, con. Camden. Simeon A. Jonea, rep. ' Carteret. Sitae Webb. con. Caswell, Ueo. Bowe, ino. j. roster, "V- . - . iraawna. a. a. o. nousuin, sub. Chatham, ino. M. Moring, O. A, Hannn, eona. . Cherokee, a K. Dickey, con. Chowan, John L. Lindsay, rep. Clay, i. o. Anaeraon, con. Cleeveland, John W. Gidney, eaa. Columbus. V. Y. Richardson, eon. Craven, E. K. Dudley L a Abbott, "1 r. , . . .. Cumoeriana, i. o. huucitob, rep., w. W. Bullard, oon. nurritnek. J. SI. wooa noose, eon. Davidson. J. I. mown, jonn aucnaw XJavie, t nsras Anuerson, con. DupUn, John IX Btandlord, J. E. Out w. cons. Dare. Oliver N. Gray. rep. ' Edirecomb. W. P. Mabaon, Willie 3unn, rep. Forsvthe. Dr. w. H. w Dealer, rep. franklin, John IL Williamson, rep. XJaaton, W. A. Stowe, con. R. H. Ballard, con. Granville, U. T. Hughe, R 0. Snead, uracne. jonn r-auies. reo. Guiltord, Joseph Gilmer, WntWileT, con. ' ' ; Martin, J E Moore, con. contested. McDowell. Dr Freeman, con. MecUenburgr-Tjolra-S-Brown, Reid, can. Mitchell, J. W, Bowman, rep. . Montgomery, Allen Jordanfrap. ' Moore, ur. onaw, con. .. Naab, John E. Lindsey, eon. . New Hanover. Ja. he ton, Wat, IL McLaurin, Alfred Lloyd, rape. Northampton, llurtoa u. joues, rep. . Onslow, J. W. Shackelford, icon. Orange, Dr. rnae Jones, jmm vrs- FasquotanK, W. n. uoaircj, rep. Pcrquimana, J. R. Dardao, rep. : Person, Montford McGebee, con. Pitt, WUliam P. Bryant, Guilford Cx, rep. , Polk, . B. Hampton, rep. lUndolpb,. W. Bean, uamaea r ixer, repa. Richmond, Kobert Fietcner, - rep. llobeaon. W. 8. Norment. ThoaiM A, IfcNeilliaa.1: . : - .; Kockingbam, David Detue, in. aw a TAhna. eona Rowan, Dr. F. N. Lackey, Kerr CrsJge, eons. . , 1 Halifax, J J Goodwyn, John Bryant tisxrwu, j. rt vrraay, cou. . HayVJd, H P Uaynea, cob. Henderaoo, Jamea Uiythe, R p. Hertford, Jamee bharpe, rep. Hyde, Wm 8 Carter, on. IredeU, Shmn and TurW, tV , Jackson, J N Brjson, coo. Johnston, W H Joyacr, Jtnan Ej Aant, eiaa. ' ' JioevJacob Bcott, rep. Lenoir, Stephen Lamier, Kf, Lincoln, A J Morrison, on, Mmo, J L Robioson, eon. Stanley, M. T. WaddeH, eon., Stake. J. G. IL Mitchdloa Sampann, J. R. Maxwell, W. IL Brv Surry, H.M. Waugh, con. Swain, T. D. Bryson. con. ; " Ttansylvsaia, F. J. Wbitmire, coa. Tyrrell, a Jones, eon. L'mon, Lemuel Preeaon, obn. Wake, K C. Badger, Jho. C. Gorman, Warren, Geo. H. King J. W. IL Paa chall repa. I Washington. Dr. C. Goyther, rep. Watauga, Jo, a T-xld, con. Wayne, John C Html, E. G. (Cupe land. reps. Wilkea, Tlw, J. Oula, A. C. Bryan cona. Yadkin, J. G. Marler. . Yancey, C a Byrdi D IAMUNO HfKOTACLK The bpecUele are maaafsetarad froi "Miuatr crvs si Pebbles' SMlted kweiber aad am aauod llnand oa aeiBt of taeb kantneaa aa krnliamy. It is wall kaowa laat spectacles cat Bruillaa ar rsoteti prbMr ars vary tsjanuus Is ia eya, aes of their potuiimr liabt. Haviiic beaa with the plncop, th aisaKmd liassi kava wa luana as sutall nnasa wer eeat aeatea ray tbaa say other pebbla. Tswy are aroaad with erast setw tae aacaraey, ar Ires iron cBroaiaue auorauoaa, ana prodaer a vrb'htD.'S an dtsUBCtona ol vtaiua aol ba ion aUaloed la siweisek. . Mauntsctart kr the rpeoear tiptlesl Miaufsetbrirg (Joniany, New York tor sal by responsible ageais ta every elty la the li nloa. H. Mshler, Jeweler aad tptk B b toYt aceus lor asu'yra, n. v., from Rauk 'eaa only ba bisiued. He pcdiller- tniloro Do not boy a Mir anises vuu sea th tndr '. ec4twly KW -ABBITALi Prints and Dress Goods in gi eat variety. MOOTS AND SHOSS alerg8t"ck. 7- 1 Ntw Supply of Eltgiit Silk Pats. PRIMROSE, riTTT A MEWSOM dest-U p H I i H AW O RILIABLI f VACCINE VIRUS. At aovW-U BIMPi'ON'S Dnsgaaora, B OOT.SAHB SHOES BUSTS SIAOLX ASH tOCBLSSOLM Hand made beat quality. nonaoMa u una for Ladles aa4 Ml sea. PRIMRdSK, PKTTT NEWSOM. dee t-tf BS. W., MILLER. Baring resumed the manageaiaat of her BOARDING UUUSE, eornerof Mewbara and Person Streets, ra- questa the paisoa:e of bar old Irteads aad ue puaucxeaeraiiy. TEaiDENCK EOR SALE. ine Deanuiui anaaesirsoie iiejuuim.b, on nurth M corner "I Wumuigto ai Monk Streets, KaleiKb, M. V. ttr terms & sppiy to Ma. ELLEN MOEDECAL aov noIIoi AITI IOI f O SALE1 a Tbe Valuable lot In "aleich en Naw Berns, Blount aa k den ton stteeis. Moslslinc of hslf aaaer being the kaatera part of the old Stats osna iAn. Vat terms o( sale, apply st one to the an derslgned. K. H BA1TLK, J; reereiarj, see, BALmen; Dee. Hth, 1071 . PIAKOS, &0. piANOS ! PIANOS !,! JAME8P1R8SOM A SON napeetfnlly Inlttrw the onblle. that thev hav lust raeeivad a aew stock of those superior Plane fortes of tbt uatar uaiunwarisiui ssa ivu to which thev Invila atteotioa. The anauaos resoBree ot this eompaay In the sbaps ol cap ital, machinery and other facilllMe, saable them to pat their Piaaoa at a asach lows rat thaa any other Bret alasa esUblishmeat, sb persons about to parcbsas will had it asach to their advantage to call aad examine tuue Pianos before parrhaslag aisawhara. Sea lor circular vo JAMtS P1RSBON At SON, Cor. Hancst aad eausbary streets, nuu-5-Ut KalehcB, M. C. IRE SUPERIOKITr OF THE UNKIVAL- W t ECU PIANO rOBTB Is conceded by all who have CAKEFUU COMPAltEB it with others. tha KEW SCALE. The Manufsetarer has succeeded to assent,' the MUST PKHiaXT PlANU-tohTi possible; bene they ar preferred by I .1 OREAT AKTI9TS OP THE DAT, And reeommentted by all the- - J.KAUINti KKWSPAPKRS Prices will be found aa reasonable as eoaala ima, with tharoug a workmsnship, WARIKOOMS, 6vb Avsnua, Maw Toaa, d7-K -, Con. 1t frraaar. T ENTAL MOTICaV tatll farther not'oe and tmul the asUbllab mens of a sui table office, orders tor say pra tateMUki service, maybe left with C. D. Heart! or at the State hational Bank, wben 1 will i.Hunrillv attend th raaidaaemof OfttienU. romptly Jan3-tf : u alii.,.ir Call ana sea , . '. TUB TIPY TOP WAIIIING PIACU inr,, the best ever seed. w! a JONES CO. sepldu-U OiUE P0WDEKSf til'TZ'S. At ovawtf SIMPSON'S . Drug Star. gALE Of REAL AND , PBOPEE7I. PRRSONAL By virtue or a m waes innn m mm by Thoaua U. Kaaey for earuua peroi tada umatti, 1 shad espose to sals ky ptik be a actios ta the biiriiast bHider fur ease aa the lUnd day ot Uctuoer aeit en the preaiiaes, tract os aoweera ot taau, i iwk w wm waiers el .nl' ere, la wm worny oi (iranville. 1 his land baa oa It a roMleora dweilie houaa, aad Hkar vaiusbl out boaara, barn. A. I At the mum U'm as pnea am ta aamv iras, will Im stud Ui stue ot horaaa, amias, eatUe, bo, ptantauuw toois, koaseaoia aa iultbea f uiiuiure, at. i 1. A. rtKaau, iruavja, asp ISwttt , rjDPRSMR cooif uroiTi Mr. Alfred WHIbuas. Bookwller. la as' snthorised Airmt ia Kaleitrh, fee tb all tus Supraats Court Haporu, voianu Oq aad - ltanaertheratoth Reporb) w11 a snpprM wwvB bun, to whoa au Leyssaau must a So other narsoa ta Rslebrk baa aav rhrht to l l le reeript la my aaaa lur tae pan Base ai rtiaar or saut voltuurs . , W. M. SHIPP, Jktt'rwfajar, J OF yoLi liME Till REPORTS U NOW READT, u4 will be forwarded to aabacrlber ply w poMib a a rap Those la arrears for ValaaVa at will pleast recall wtuioal aauy. ' ' Price of Volants 6 la 17 la laaladlna; po tag. Prloaof Volume Tb5 II laclsdlng 'poa- aag - ' : ' """" Bound ejrles hi law aheap sea Be bad by paying SI w sxtra wtta apceata iar peaut, I have for tJe s buve BMjuberof If C R. ;rta,s good ataay auw irat ad print aad verv car. a. aise one caoipiate aw v nepana rncetaw. ALFRED WtLUAMS, .-, ' nov 1-U Booktaller. T" DJSOLUTIOIf OF COPAKTSkHSHlPI Th oopejtesrshlp heretofore existing dartnaaama of LEACH BKOTHKKi douax a genaral wboleaals and retail rrocary sad eomwlssloa business ta tbe city of Rbh sura, at ais asy eieaoivaa , r. iaca wita drawinc Iron the firm. AU parties indebted to said Arm ars reqoeat ad to eoaw tcrward aad me. settlmiieat. tkereBy tavuig troaol for theatealvea aad tbe BIHlaalti atill GEO. T. LEACH, New Terk, tLT. LEa.H, rr .NO. P. UtACH. Cellini the attention ot the nblle to the above notiee wa beg to state that we will eon nana the arocery and eonsmtaaioa basin at our Old Hand, east of the Market, nndar ths saat name as aeretorore. UEO T. LKACH,, Rew I Of, M. T. 1AAC1L eept 1H , w. E WOOD at 00 Proprlrtora of Gold's Aatoataue Low Steam and Hot Water Heater and Lawsoa's GeleO rated Uot Air Faraaoaj Inveatora aad patentees of tbe rarior Bun and ugbtalng Fire Plaos Beaten and Pans Ran res ; dealers in all ktadsot Beat and Cook Stoves, Kitchea Ware, Uratas, Hutte atsatals, ete.. etc. npactal ear taken with Plumbing aad all kinds of Staam and Water Plpeiag repair tor Bleaat uaatara, rarnacee, Jiang, Biovea, ete. .. I WM. E. WOOD A CO.. A W. Comar Hal to. and RaUw St aeo -dim rwlUmor. Md. 50 SS Bsrrsls Roaook Family Flour. so " ratanaoo 10 Barrels While and Llrht Family Floar. 10 Barrels Bonnie Bine Fsmily riour. 10 Barrels Hearv's Welsh FsmUv Flour. i Bsrrels Roanoke Extra Feaatly Flour. Basia Mills Superior ssd Roan oka Ritra . lour a large let ut packagea ta st retail trad, sep U-lf W. C. STBONAOif. JLLCUINATE FOB TBE GREAT CAMPAIGN. The aaderturoed ta prepared to famish Chi Bess Lanterns, Transparencies, Flags, Calcium Lighta, Fire Works, Ac, at auauafactarere rtcea, ror iiinmiaating rants, squarea ana uiidinjra, both pubue and private, for the coming eamMtbrn, and will gfr personal at tention to uietr arrangement aria aisputy. ur dera for articles m ths above line with or with out peraoasl attendance, respectfully solicited aad promptly attended to Plea give as rnaeh notice as poaaibla before asMisngs are ' Lfi FOLOEa M Roanoke Avenue. Norfolk. Ye. auc 11 . -.. D RES MAK.IN0. MRS. a J. CP. HITRCII offers her services to the ladea of Ralaixh aa VKsuuty ss .. - ... ..... 1 MANTUA MAKER at bar residence Bear thai Foaodry. Tears of Wort dons neatly and promptly. Tears of experi ence nas niwio uer for me I the Bositioa, Pauoa- sga aolicHed. apria-w '.' -: i i- kit ". ... Jaa at. lira. JJTODNTAW BUTTER A CHESNCTA Jort nreirea, soaiat me Mountain Ratter and a supply of cbeanuta from the Mountain. ectio-H aua.iveua : ' -yyv A N T E D . A atttutloa aa "TEACHER" by a geatls Bian with Collegiate education snd experience. For particulars addrese '-Teaebar" Imawdl ately, Psclfie P. O. , eecfl-at" " ' , 0W I N STORE 1 RED BLUE BLliB 6REKM (iKKKM AM wnrrs WHITE WHITE Wlilfg CARPFT WA8P CAKI'F.T WAKP CAlil'ET V Ahr fl C HARDWARE DEPOT OF T. IL BIUGGS A 60XS. awvSMf COMMISSION MERCHANTS. wbo. T. Lsjkta, a r. M. T- Lsun TEACH BROTHRRS. -s-4 i 1 l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEK aan ' 'COMlISION M men ANTS, Waanwnn Stsrsbt, fcauiiea, H. C CoaabptutraU aad orders Sept 1 If w. C. STROMAGB on to V. C. Itrsstck I tn One and Caaaan'srisn MtrduaU DEALER IN COTTtlS AND NAVAL STORES, Sacoad Door above Tsrbore) Uoas FsystlaaiBs 4, MaUfk, X (A . tug tf ' Q.IN, MOBLES CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, W a Edtaw STanarr, Baltimore, Md. 7 Bpeclsl attrntloa give to sale of Wod, vrira rruits, tesutara, nasswsx, at., ate, Jlf It-Sa. , THE rocnx iiTi'it .lasciiNci mmx ': Of ' HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Masara, Chaa. F. MonUgaa A Son aretlK - kaowa UsBsral Aganta for North Camlik and MarylaaA ' ADMINISTERED STKICTLl ON 1 H MUTUAL PLAN. 8 ,0 0 0,0 0 0 OF A69J ( Th polkles are all "noa forfeluWe'" NO RESTKICTION8 PLACED ON TEA Vk, ! LlliO 0ft KKdllllCNCE. t7 Fremptly pay npoa all loeae proved On Hvaa tosnraa tea yean, or the - Endowment Pisa. No Rafbb ConraaT a Uoan on Aaaoan RALEIGH AI1ENOT I JOHN DEVER8UX. Rao.. Office la Stroueek bulldinr en aeeoad S"oe ManiOAl. ExsirtBaa. ' W. P. MALLET, M. D. Bovas-tf . . .. TH) TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS JL .. A its saws 70 par !. aa CVtat oa asa taiaed valu will be mads oa Bills of Lading ef eeasigaaiuats ta ear ksass 'Jjtorsst"-ai rata of S per cent, per annum. Prompt re turns mads with check for balance das ship per immediately en sale ef rood. Me Importers of Ut XI Sttlo brand npsaiak Haas Ucortc. ' . HUFFMAN, LER A Co., . Tobacco Cemmlwloa Marckaala, tat EsrhatiKS Placa. " aiv laVaodeta Ualumore. aid. B BOMO CHL0BALUM THE BEST DHINFECTAJtT. At SIMPSONS nov tu-tf drugstore. JUDICAL COLLEGE or TBS STATE OF SOUTli CAROLINA. i CUABLBSToK, S, C. Th tnrtv. VAnrth flluira at I mI.m i. fl.U ItuUttitioa will eoaaauass oa Ut LMh Oeto- 1STJ. aad will terouaate on ths loth March, IDA the latin taenia the term of study one month. a. (.auuititia, at. it , smsreius rrorsssore the laatitutes aad Practice of Medicine: E A. KINLOCU, M I)., Principles snd Prae tie of Bargery sad Clinical aargery 1 T. P. CUA2AL, M. D-, Woneral Pathology. Patholorical Anatomy snd II rairns i MlODUtTuN MICUALM. D.. Pbvelolorv. bko. R. TUESCOT, a 1).. MaUri Medic and Theraoantloat 0. U, SHaPAKO, lr , a D Che llntry i Theurv aad r. at. uiuuinoD, at. Practice of Medlciuat S I H kf Ik 1 ...... . F. M RoBkH'lSUN, U. I)., Oyntaoolovy aad Clinical Ohatetrieat J. Fukli PKiUCgAU, M V., Priadplas and rrscuce ei UMtetnes. F. P PkiME PUMCUKR,M. D. .Clinical Med tctne: MahMNO SIMONS, a D., Demooetrator oi jtaatomy. Exposes of the Sahoolt - Msbrleolatloa Fee. 8-S Detuonaualor' a 1 ieket, 10 UraduaUoa Fee, aV 1 wo sdaiuoas nave neea made to ue Fse- alty, and at will be area Dial a aew feature of tbe praMml eeaaioa la that the HVctarea wul be tree of eaarge. or I urtlier tarormsttua apply to UEO. JC TltkacuT, M. D,, Jly 2&-Uaa lissa of lbs Fscslty. sp U-d ; .'' rrTTT.r.rps , mrnximott. Attorixevs at Law, "liAijLiGii7N7dr a. t. rnauira. dee ft-tf. A. n naaatnai COtX KM MTCAMOSM AND TABS STB, . . ParvBaaava. . . . raid Up Uplttl, $325,000 JOS B. COOPER, PaasiBsmr. N. a TANN'lK, Vlcs-faastoaaT. D. A. Wkli'IiikK, Cxsaiaav BEKJ. HA HKIAON, AaeisTAJtT Cssauan. pinneroaa: . Andrew Watte, . W. L. Wata-laa, Frank Potts, R. T. Arrluctoa, J, P. Williamson, W. H. Mai wry, ' w.Tt Tapiy. wBPoaiv reeaived la Um.n. Saves, oi Cu Banner, fur wkxh eertiS rates will bv la seed, payable In kind, a demand, with Inter, sat bom eat till paid. lavaaaav allowed ea dally balance- eeblecl tocbeea., - Coliactlons oa all accesslbla Boints. and ra ta ma made protapUy. i i t-u T. P. DEVEREUI, attobk y a t l a w, Of ceo thaterond Iw ef the Stroaaek buiiilmit, aortb of ths VarborouKh Hone. Praetlcae la tb Stat sad Feearal Coarvs. Colleetions promptly atleudaat tola all part fttveeuta. aepl !? . 200' BUSHELS OA 18 Jutrweliao sea iff -if W.C.STROSiCIL DRY GOODS. Ae. F4 L L 1 IT! t i im ; . -... , i. F. fiCLLEX A BUCv, Sunth Ceraar Fayetteville aad Exchsaga Fmee, , EALEIUa E. & . ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. He the fuUett Star la th Mate f FOREIGN aad DOMESTIC DRT COODS, NOTIONS, BATS, aad CAPS, . V ALICES aad TRl'NES, WHITE GOODS N . ' aUGCNA1, ' . . CLOTHING A SPECtALTrT A Lam Stook Salts for Men. Bo vs. Toeths aad t'hildrea at all prloa. BOOTS aad CHOkia, a lanra and attractive atoca. at au pner. MILKS' 6KNT4. LADIES and CHIL- DKKNS SHOki, Call special auesuoa to their owa bread of Ladies Moracre, abase at S'.auper pair Saeh pair warraated aad not (sod aaethar aaa givea fre ed eaaqr. TsajfsCata ab Paicaa Low. OCtll-tf y.. a. . vai at an O D won r THE- SENTIIEL , JOB OFFICE IS VERT COMPLETE. We are prepsrad to exieete In Co4 Style, AL1 KINDS OF PBINklKQ. OUR CDARSM ARB VERT MODBRATA We hope ear trWadswUI seed ta r : x ii i: i ii o ii r i: ii i Wiii.-r faibpisw.pUy suesidadto. a.7 -d , INSURANCE. TTtKOl'llCI BOSS ' DnillUO.M ! SECURITY AGAINST FIREI NOSTXX CsMLOLnJA' HOIE ISSUSAICE ; COIFAHi RALEIGH, K. C. Tkls Compaay eantmsa to writ Polkles, at fair ret as, en all classes mt aararabls pro perty. . ' ;' All Losase are promptly adjusted and paid. Th " HOME " la rapidly frsg la public favor, and appssby'wtlh eoBfuteace, to btenr- srs of property la North Csrollaa. AGENTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE SI A rP a a BATTLE, Jr., PBasiBDrT. a I ROOT, Viob rsanrBSBT. . , BEATON CALEB, Sac., PULASKI CO WPEB, Strrnrmoa. iaaeta-tt Vapors now sdvertlauig forth "HavnV wm piesse sabautabi this for the advert already la them Omon op va Famiix Inacasjioa Coarvar, no. H BBOADWAI, HBW IOBB. trnranw Cnowau, Prealdeal Caitiaoat Baoatx, Viea-reidaat, PatLaauaa aw, Seeratary. . W". aCaowau, Marlaaeoretary. ' Dasa Bin: Wa ar happy to anfonn yn that Ue Pbaabi lasaraaee Compaay f Brook, lya m pay ALL her leasee hi lb CMeaira are out of herMRT 8URPCUS, over all ltsouiues. leavuig her sound aad ready tor business. oaraoadlUcn en October lat 1071, Is as fol lows! VsahCapltal, ; i . 1 SLbtn.aoO.00 ttroas Surplus, S6,7ao.t 81.aM.TMM Loss, ate., adtuirtad bat not dae, , Oat, 1st, lan, . . . tia,T3S.a . ... V ; . .T,01A1S Ctlcaire loaaes will aot Mceed, ta aayavwat, . . 8460,000.00 ataa wa ara armiy Ol urs opmion that Ui lose will aot exceed fcJ0O.0UV.0u The Pherdx lnsuranrs Comny, of Brook lyn, i tosdav sound and solveaL and aan 1Mb all ths loaaes at Chicago out of tu net eurplns. A corps of Adjusters have been dlspsiebsd t the scene ol disaster with Instructions 'V ssuie au soaasssau pay tbe seme la CASK n eoasrra'alata oar paUuas aad nuaaltrv 0n oar good fortune. S I X I'll K i t; k i w E I.! , aovlo-tf Pras't PhenU laa. v BOOKS, STORES. . s. JVHOOl BOOEB. ALFRED WILLIAMS, orpoeiTa RAUtiua patiosal haak, - . ;. . ' , '....-W.: f " v; 7 : . Is aow maklns lars-e additions to his o meant steak of SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONEBT. Ac. Aad la prepared to supply Schools, Acidemias, Merchants and others, either at wholesale or retail, with everything la hia Hue upoa the B t favorable tarma full aupply of PubUe School Books, ra- eoa-menivadbythe Board of Rdaatloa, eaa aiwaysba supplied. UiimmIm'. 1 11 ui Inn. ni unlJ ft.- Board, will be aupplied at Introductory rslas. Also a full supply of Sabbath School and Son Basks, with lljtua Books Baud bv dif ferent deaomlnatlotia. As th As:cut of the America Bible Society, I eaa supply Testaments and Bibles st the regular prices of the Society la New Tors. fteed Ijt Catak arses aadI'rkas. - ALFRED WILUAMA Bookseller and Statlonsr, ,ilU. ,o,r,,'ll:, :. EBB-TIDE, ! ST CHRISTIAN REID, Aether ef "Morton House,' Vsls-ls Aylmer," "Mabel Lee,1' . , - - i . , i i ... i I Pries, Psper Covers 81. . CloteL. V Just received aad for sals at th Bookstore ALFRED WILUAnA sept 17 If G E0B0U COTf ON GINS, As Agent for Clesaons, Browa A Co., I am taking orders for their celebrated lAlLOrl GINS wttb ail ths lata luiprovatueuta To those wbo hsve Bsnd these Ulna, they Bead bo reeommaadatlOB, aad to all oUiers we only say that we warrant every (ta to glva eailre eetlefscMoa. Pries reduced 50 seals la the Maw, bead orders at snot to sec ars them la time. r JAMES M.T0WLRS, aug81-bt AsenL C BARRELS PEARL HOMINY. B nervals flrtta. S RarvaU flrita. aap'll-tt - rT. & BTRONACa ' 3K ( W i Peands Virginia Baeoa, Bama, U V f I Sides aad fbonldrra. aag At U W. C. STBOKACH. n ROPF.RTT FOB SALR BT IBB PEOrLE'S I IL A88OCUTI0N. J . . "i- - " By virtue ef s deed ef moHimre to Ills Pro plrs Baiidlnf A Loan Aeeorlailon, ef the City ef Rsleleh, from R. 0, bail(tcrsnd wife, ese cstd April , leTSt, and duly renister.!d in Uis efliL-e' of the Kei;tttr ef Deeds of tbe county of Wake, I wul aril, st the roarllioue door in the elty of Heielaii, at l i o'clock, U , ea Ssturtiay, the lOib day of October, tU fol laaleg property via i Their one bait Interest Is M, aheel Tlrjiif), oa tlie street leading to Uis uarrr, fmniinij the former residence of tin late (.or, Uoii h. Also, n 'Ilietr Internet In 11 1-4 se-cs of and h-tt,-o tlie Fettriii Koad, alont to in,:,, from lb city ot Kateigu, sad tb Iteprvi e meeta Uteren. Jlr)te.--c;ai'll, J, . SlCATON GALEbV fesretan. D. 0. FOWLry Attoruey. "srtV'Altu lIOTELb ic. aAmicaEii-.:, 0BESTNUT TBEBT OiroaiTB OiJ) bog rnxNcx Haix, - philadeui;, I & EL HELXINOa, PnorHurtos. 1 ap lSdtf. . S T. CATHARINE'S, ONTARIO, CANADA;.. tii "mriEnsoj tot ?.. v - I AND BATHS In eoaaertlofl with tbe eelchniM well ef : SALiNE AINERALWA1KB . Is sew open for tbe reception of v:s.Lv. . Parsons as bvaa ef ettgagtag txwrri IU pltast address the lopruMara, BEVERLY TUCEE1 foN.s JelyT-tf j (X Oil C E S $200 E AtareanlarmeetlneorReartia ntM.a rtM. Company, No. 1, of Uiectiv of Rtlriitb, hfld Monday aliclit, October lu, 1W3, tlio to lua Ing resolailoa was sdopted : 'That the for. man be (uthorUed to ofler a reward of . -00 for such lu formation ss will lead in thedlaeovery and arreat of tbe part v or parties wbo cauaed tbe deatnwtlon nf the Bninel', office, oa the ubtiit of tbe Klh of October, 1S?4, thereby delimiting the Engine L onss and Hall of Rescue Comuiinv." la obeillence to Uis forrcoing resolutloa 1 do otfcr AW lor tbe rafonmlim di nlrcd. , W. C SIKONAUI, . .. . Jforouisn. D. BaiD ti-cacBca, See J. . oct sl-lm ., O A White Esoalmaax IW. ritna months old, answers to lbs nam of -el'l ltllt," A auiuble reward will be pud for his recovery, Oct S-ll LEACU BHOS. JJtODDEa OATS AND HAT.' A small aupply lust reolved ' Jlyi-U JAktf.8M.T0WI.Ka, AksbL F (0 barrels "11m Grova ual. ri.,.,i Every batrel Warranted. ectaS-U W.C "RONaCL. TQPQES, saL BRSAN ; -: BLIND.. Woiw Mouldings, Stair Balls) Newels, Ac, ENiMELLEDrSMB'.'AAED, GROUND AN " . CUT GLASS. A large and well assorted stock of the ebet goods constantly oa hand at the lowest rates. Order work Promptly attended to. Bui dsrs and owners will Snd It to their ai vantage to get our astimst baton purcbaalng 8peUl attantloa given to Black Wslntrt and ether Srst dam work. . hflwateaaaA.IrlcA.Llat furnished SP- pllcstlon, WHITL0CE C0(1 8Man4 8oO,Csnsl8tM mayS-wHi' ' Kaw Tonk. JEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, RICHMOND. , Ths winter clo ef this lintitntloa com. menccs'I I. K I IA If .October lat,siidcoBtliiur FIVE MONTHS. Ttieroarss of inetmcu.ia ts complete) conducted by a Faculty of ei,'iit profeaanrs, samatrd by aa wljunct Pecuiiv, wbo eunduet a dn!lr eoureeof exaiuination on tlie lectures. All uis cmmil a.lT.i.t,, of Richmond are open lo the ttunciit Kiiliout ehaixetbe Almalionse Hospital, the Coiiejis llo.UI, the lollrtre Dlanrnaary, Slid tiis Central Lunelle Aayluta, snontiiiv ths oppor. tunlty ef stiHlyiiic uieraee at lite iM ' 'isaasi Profcaeors' fens. Ificliiinnjt tnatrte. nlutlon, IliSii dlaaeeUou fee tiu ; diploma tee, .itl Xo I'bnrite lor clinical lecliirgs or Bxaniinntkins. board eaa be obtained for from tiato t s month. . For farther iiuOruiatiou, addiesa Db.J. B. MpTAW, Dean of the racuHv. No. U00 Grace street, Rkbmvi.d sep&-dlos -'i ,,,-aI ; PWO THOUSAND, TWO Bt'NDRLD AND 8KVENTT-0. E p,37I) ACRE J - ' PF LAND. BAN KRUPT SALE OF HEAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY On Tuesdsv tlie 8th d of October. I""! at III o'clock, I shall sell to the kllit bujer, lor cash, la tbe town of Loultm if, la r nan a Imeoutitv. berth Csroltiis. Uie Uiu-t of ii.nd on wbieb Archibald Taylor aow live, about four uiilea Wrat ut Foi Urr's I. "id Ah me, lu rriitikltiieontitv. N. C. e-iuteiuii'ir bv aa.d A. 1 avlor's schedule. t,27i acres. 'I iim is a ?ny valuable and prosucura tract of lanil, a U' 4 portion of wbieb Is la original arowih, a ,a slxiut fkX) acres of rich low (roumis on II. it aiso bss all ne eeaery, so.-ii as bama, Stables, Ae., and a etorchoiins fie- uier ctieiHlising alaoae)ieiiiid iweiiiir Moumi, lerua and eommoiUoua, built at c.,iicioir.iiua eosl., On title land tb-li. iw 1 irter e l. i 1 Mine) ts a tiuld Jtiiite j'r,'uoiiur':l by eoii , ' tent ludirea very neb, ie. hups tin) in riwrui varotioa. At tlie same time ami tilace, 1 Mull sell l , Saeh lo ths biirheal bitiiit r, betwee two sett thres hundred acconnle, due bi.Mi, aotct. re ceipts. As., siaouiiliu. to about S-Vio. Perims winliinx to make s xood itiveMtmnmt 0 their fomU would da well to have an eye to ' thii tract of laml, e it ia ve'y valnaiiia. KiciiArto w,, Asaiftnee ef tlie eaUie of Arclnhiod i.t!or. E T E R 11 I N t. 8 COTTON FACTOR (.'tiHttilsHloB Mercliant. ' IIAIXIGII.X.C. . . . , . I ' ' t . , ' Ratersauesi Jones A Plummer, I'eter.tiui K, Vs. Mnrrell A Tsunahlll, ew Turk. Sep ao-dleail V U I N ' 8 I ,E K L M E K I ; ' ASDT0L.F.r I'OWIirH. At s;v ;i BOVSwtf,. . 10 1 .' v o it" aT ' Al-Vilot dlvuieiis If. !'v o .:.- it .i v frret.t efutse. Leadett..-- 1 MiKii'omlli' t, it fc:., i.'i l ' Y'v-' -. 0-1 rciuiMilho c: -i - .j ii'. fnrj-cii ilinc lo-c C . nil ot a ' -'i.'i'N 4. t i LH'S, No. lad, Ilr.wilw'iy, ?f.'w V . r T

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