, -f . .. " ,. v .THE DAILY SENTINEL rCBl.II BED T ' - 1 IDS 6ENTIXF.L ITELISIIINO' O., Cfllce, rear tbe Court Iloaas Fsytttevlllf St. TIIRDAILY.MXTIXKL ADVERTISING KATEi r " u -i -iiMii. u, . a--ri il a cite INiilf v i - . r ,(!,. Utx rt. tr'M,ua.eef BaMoe ,n.e tinu- tl.UO , " eU ! .fi.ruil ins, ''!-... ,l s'-.vsa s. 1 .awt,' 1 In, km I 1 j eU a' -i.n)il insi-niue : BTU CW CBSCBIt-TIO. On jer, In advanc..... 4..tS Pli nioutha, la adyance.... ..,.,4. Tlire months Is tdnim..,... s. Tuioa. 4 ViiO l..UO U.ou l 40.(10 .HI TIM D1V (linan. will he rrirtt hi 1 l'..0 ny part ol tbs Cllyat Flrrsaa work, , l- . It pr VOL. VIII RALEIGH,' N. C. SxVTUUDAY, DKOKMllEK 28. 1872. ISO. 02 -i JH. I H.iS i - r 1 . .7r . . :- . i '7-' " ' - : ' .rrrr-r 7.i - - I i.t. i 1 I IIEDUCTIOX OF SCBSC&IfTiM. W have ljhS day reduced tbt ubcrip- tii id rates of tha Dail Skxtisix u fol lows;, V i1-.V'- '.-J Daiit IcickTiKKL frl year, $8 00. " '' .,, months, 4 50. W will deliver ll Sektinm, to city ubtcriben IS 6aoU per wrek, pnyaMc I ckcb week. ' j, . UUMK ArFAjBB. ' y ). ,;.,.riprEL ArRIVMA , Trbch ll'VfU Juba 0. Wood, ruff, New York ; Uni N. W.tt,Cbrlotte, M. C; J. M. B sir, ClwrtotU), N. C'4 Oo. I. Leech, Nw Yurk U W. Kpringt nod wile, Warrea couutj, N. C; Jlm U Wood, Ktt2 -toIiiim; J. B. Wiling; C; Hey Terry, r;olumbi, 8. C ,m. Ajkew, Norm t aroliiu Q. T, Sintlicii -nd J. A. Helrin, city : Tli', J, JfniriK, BLi0iiiKO-t erder f ttie day. Wooo-.carce pne xked by only tuyta dulUrs per cord 1 - ' There r munber of Cunndiao in reity. Qndp Mys, "beBce th now." Fire tharea of North Crolin Railroad Etock for Mle. Call om W. H. Jooei. The Matioa! Hotel tiU in gloom. Col. Young and others, are nndemtood to be tabtrnaeilinff at tba Tarbruagbt i We publish to-day flfteen marriage a larger number than we hare ever before published in om iaaue. Th.dk to Dr. Blaokaall of th Tarboro' House for the egg-nogg sent ua oa Chiiat maa moruing. :' ., t- M aai J' GiKt Reduction. In Winter Clothing for the next Miaty Xaya Mt Mcsarw. ItAMSAY c CU'H, Wo. SO, 'yett--ille Street, It before Mayor: Whiuker.weiie; committed to jail yesterday, in default of bait, In $300 each, for receiving and concealing tolen property. , J,; i;: Th TxaaArino ryrTCHE. In consequence of the heavy pressure npon our local department, we find It necessary to jobange our telegraphic reports from tbe I first to the fourth page. The chsnga will I be beneficial to those ct our adrertlalng patrons wboae advertisement bapjwn to be on tbe fourth page. A Practical Joii. Two young men oa Christmas night, one dressed in woman's attire, called on several families ID 1UV Vlfc Ull abwininvu IV frwc .n.u.- selves off as "kin-folks" of the ladies at whose uouse they called. When relused lodging by btr rich kip, lbs girl woul cry pitiouily. Mr. A, had to tell the vii tor who claimed kinship with his wife, that he was dired to enUrtsin tb m, but that tbey were too fummer on a short acquaintance.' Young men who are Out late, sparking or larking, are informed that the p'anei Saturn is viib!e from i ui mediately alter dark untij about midulght in the South, in 'the constellation of Saggitanus. Jupi ter rise alter midnight. They ar the only iplaneU now visible to the naked eye. but if y ur eye is dressed in mourning you can often ce (thousands of little twinklera. and ulan how to escspe such iirht in the future. - '" ; " ts aljor thltt ,ucceM which he so well merit L O. O F. Althe laatn-gular n-etinc $055,000 in Cash Gift Our readers of Beaton Gales Lodge, No,' 64, the fol eM eI,nine this advertisement for them lowing officers were elected to serve the Kves and can if thoy desire to do so, pur ensuing term s is ' chase tickets for 25 cents e-ch.V address T)r. J. H. Craw ford. N. G. v - I ins Oszood 0. Hunt 4 Co., 48 Broad St- . w u T). v a at : . 1 vv u. ux. uivnsii -r , a 1 M. V. R Gilbert, Secretary. T. Vy?. H7 BagKyTTreasurer- Jno, W. Marcom,, Financial Becrotary. Fid0WfphayW'U''' -W.H. Bagley,. C. Blake an I.N. 1 Brown. . ; . . -j . f R.'presentative to Grand Lodge--J, C. 8. Lotus Jen. ' V .., C - - 7 - Rauhm Baptist Fkuali Sfvimart, Ws cs l attention to the advertisement mt )!! hnnl in another eolumn JThe building, as will be seen, will be lari-e and oonvenieotlv arrsnired. The appliances for' instruction are nnutuilly oe.e Tbe scho 1 is provided with a select Library of 1,000 volurues, a large collec tion of minerals, to illustrate the science of mineralogy and geology, and a very floe Philosophical and Cbewical Apparar tu for th successful teaching of Natural j Fbilosnphy and Chenwstry. j i r. f The Associate Principal, Rev,, A. F. Redd, is cue of the finest scholars in the State. lie graduated at Virginia Blilitary Institute, taught five jfears with Mr. Hr- ner, of Oxford, then spent one .year at the University of Virginia, studying Mathe- matics and Natural Sciences,fthe Depart- ment he will have charge of in the Bap list School. He afterwards taught one year at Virginia Military Institute, 'and then went to Greenville Theological Seminary for three years. The Principal hss conducted the-school through tlie most trying years of its bis-1 try, and has now collected abound hint a 1 Yerj fine faculty, and. we may Safely pre- dict for it a lung and useful ctrtxr, at Bub ih Dked of Xhabitt. -W J are pleased to say tbt the Chrutiaji At- ocUtion of thli city are insuing order for provitioM, in behulf of the poor, of hoi we have many among us. ,. ,w . Festitaij Tim Ohik or thu Day; "Ercry denomioatloo' if Cbrlsiikna, both wbite and colon (1, are derpiog Chrislrana "J X)". entcrtniameuU sow ItuoWu m fentivaU . 1 1 ' - f-f.r..- i in atf ' ' . i BusiKEiK Dull. The iiitimie cold 'of I ourKuloigb eutbtr u4 tbe bad condi lion of the mad ledidg to tbe eity-de pieai busmesa opt'rAtlooa materially.. Fkckral CKKKTRiir. A couple of gear tlenied front PcniMylvania have pwtia their appearance, under the .patronage pt the U..r. Ooyemuieiit,to encUw tlw Fed eral Cemetery, near thie city, with a wI of granite. , bioki or THg tihes. wild t'Cfee are flecking aoutb a sure aign, tbe old folki tell u, of more cold wea'ber. It would be well if tbegeraeeould make it ennva nient to ktay where they are, for we bare had cold enough fur one winter. . Albert Magntn, Efq , Coroner, commit ted to jail.AD Cbr'wtmaa day. George Cur tia, charged with tbe : murder of Daniel Ruflin. The written testimony before the coronw'a juryyUx't beyond , d'uU, (he I guilt on trie prisoner. v I Goop' CorT. Tlie corpa of telegraph operator! of ttii city conafttlng of Mewra. Starke, Bragg and Buabue torniah the beat preat copy thai, we 1iaTrTref auen. I The Weatern Union Telegraph Comply ar fotinate in accitring th j tha aen iilli tervicof of aueb defer entkmei . I 1 ! I - f u " hpmiT of Th Ag." Tbii paper published by Messrs. Edwards & Brongh- ton, Practical Printer, is tbe neatest and best printed temperance" paper in the flnulli and i aa ably edited. . It is the organ of tbe order of Good Templars of tbe Btate rif North Carolina. H.H7 XiwiCB. tXa eael- &th day, it i the cust ai of the Baptisf Asso ciation! of the Stute to bold what they catt Uoloa Muetingi, consisting of the paatort and deacons of the churches of those bodies. The central ' association is now holding it Union, meeting in the Raleigh Baptist church. There will be s sermon to day st 10 a. m. oa "The In flu nce of Home Piety." Preaching may be expected To-night by rjr, w. T. Brooks or Dr. W. M. Wingate, Dr w T. WHlters or Prof. C, E. Taylor will pre ch to-morrow at 11 a. m., and at 8 p. m. there will be a Sabbath Scbooj meetine, to which all tbe schools of tbe city ar invited, New Adviktisbxkkt : We cll attention to the following new advertisement to be found in snotlier column -- - : - - - - Lost A valuable trunk between Wat,- renton and Raleigh or at Riileigh." Bee advertisement for description. Select Boarding and D ty School, Ilills- boro'.N.C Misse Nash and Mis Kol- lock advertise their school for the next session to begin Tuesday, 7th Feb. 1873. These ladies deservt and wilt ne doubt tecive a liberal shsre of patronage, i T. B. Kingsbury, late Associate Editor, Raleigh (N. C ) Sihtikex, withjR. Walter & Co 826 West Baltimore Street, Corner Howard Street, Manufacturers ot Clothing, AaTliis tMttemari is well :imfiwdi to our reading publie'a genuine scholar nd we predict r bitn in his pew field of New York CitT. " Jn ? St bbixo Cass, iklpwy fi-ixfe. I thm vIltTiri tA,i'finfT!uir. To Ahtt Ctu& of abbing m!lich occurred on th. 24th lvU,n,1u.r in.,ut VVVil, oik iIih Mucor. L 2ffei(ti?ti?: f brsuerior I Court, has acted orooerlv. There has mtlcll cuttng he use of deadly weapons should be punished with tbe utmost rigor of the law : ' John Ilaycs being sworn, says: Coaver sstion ensued between John Ilsjes sad arrar, in th city stable lot sbout moving some hay, the iiHma,,ol Mr. John son was not called--Johawil spprosctied Farrar and asked bim what be said; Farrar replied, I was not talking to you," and to this Johnson said, "teiay be'ynn want to have something to say to me, and then advanced on Farrar and struck hiui with his fist did not see JVrmr strike j0jn,ont pij not sesakoilein tbe bauds of FaffHr. This happened on the Sl'-h Deceoibcr, 18TX (fflfph Barkilsti lwrn, snys Cjr'irst ! giejf the 'affray, Johnson and Factor ap pronched roe in, the Stable lot Johnson hold of Farrar by the ' wrist Jofew. sQ says, "I'm Cut be has ent me alt to pieces." Winw then ordered hera to separate, which tbey did. and be, cilnes, took the knile from the Imnd ot Firru. Witness tbeh arrested F.irrar and brought bia bssor Use Ma)f. . ' J . Ju intnt of the Coort, that 4be de- fndaolsfind SfCUrtty in f 200 eah for their sppearance at the January Tann, 1873, Wake Superior Court. The bonds were given, sua toe parties set at liberty. - JCfiBBfisuttrriL rxiiW. C'britma day( 18t will tutig lie remembered for its utuiuii snow storm, throughout the entire day, and its. intense coldness. Many exclaimed, -on arising from their bods down, on the morning of Christni'is, "0 tbe beautiful Snow J", . jfrs. Wvety to be hold, and not to be .dreuded by those wlH'se supply of fuel was sufficient to in sura comfort. But, slMJw tJbcre was beauty in the pottcs daw to the poor wkIows and-oihna,snd tbe bidigi pt but honest husband, wbese hrtjlrl was msile to Cook th bumb'e cluis iuhs biakirast, wtb"Ut pros poet or hope fos-another sup p!y "to cook the M il Bti": ; Refl.t.'t'g .upon tie C. nditiun of tbis.class of people, we cr-w sad, snd our heart melted with humility to "Our Father ia Heaven and we prayed "Givw tit this day our daily bread.' We hope the, well-to-do, and the Virrstian ciuniuuuity, will remember tbe poor Succor the suffering and half starved women snd children, and ffer Mp to those who would earn a living had tbey an opportunity of so doing, hobs Stousn Goods Rrcovered. Chief of' Police J tones C. King, made raid upon rettainljsolated babitationa ia tbe city, and reewvervd two fiiieovercmits, snd boy1 talina, one the property of a clerk in 'the Groceiy Store of W. XX. Stronach, and theVrther. the property of Win. H. Crow, Esq.' Wil is McNiell, th same fellow who was chanted with th larcsny rf a pair (Jt panta from tlie A'uirs cfllce, sorne time ago, Is supposed to b the thiif, as be sprang knnt tbe bouse being searched, without shoes, and made bis escape for life. He was pursued by the chiel snd others, for a mile or more, but being fleet looted, succeeded in get ting far awy. ' ' - . Willis seems to be a great scamp, a boy apparently nineteen years of age, thick set, and as sctive as a cat. Uo ssys be is from Hurnctt county, snd we learn that several months ago a capias issued from Uaruitt to the sheriff of Wake for the' ar- tTSTVPlTlTsTTut- at thsTtime he could noft.be. ronnd. " . ' i P.S. . Win. McCoy, Nlel BIcCoy sud Lewis McCoy, col., pursued Willis MiNielt and succeeded in arresting bim lutein tbe afternoon two mile irom tba city. The' mayor, after investigating the case, com milted Willis ia default of bail In $500. - " u 28(A, lb72. AH bauds bybrnating waiting for a thaw. Plenty of wood, Chrfstma turkeys and good cheer, Ep ixootic prevailing very uiild type. , Tbo; dwelling and contents, together with out houses, of Mrs. M. L. Brown, four miles from this city, were consumed on last Saturday night, , Heavy hw to an cstiwablu widow lady. Tbo ugRo bi incendiary. . t:i-- ' A miner was fatally injured at Gold Hill few days ago by an unexpected ex plosion. Hi) thought tba fuse was ex tinguisbed snd was too impatient to wsit reasonable time and while examining tlie drill met with tbe terrible accident. The notorious horse thief, John Allen Eetchy, for whom a revarj df $900 is offered, was captured near this place last, ight and brought in and confined In the jail to-day. . .r,v" - The train oa the Western- road ran off tbi morning. - Son hurt" bqt the- en gineer and be but slightly. Rugiot i and tine tar smashed. ' ' ' ' . Oa Main street, in Salisbury is the liandsotnost block of stores to b found in North Carolina,-so far as this dep i nt h as oWrrvd. . , Tho health of SalUbury U ejcoclicut. Its rtuuta'jon lor sitkneas is not warranted by its mortuary list or Ihe number of its old people or the avoirdupois average rf ts ladies and gsiitleuiett. , N , vr During a constant aequatntanci oi is yftr I have known vef-feri death from acuta diseass wbiio I have been able' to glean Revolutionary slorie from some ot its iuhabituiu who rem m- bered the far away year ot much of the 18th century. Few places can fimiisli a more interesting specimen of the octoge narian than the geuial, intelligent, youth-ful-rpirited Dr. A. Long But tho place has been greatly injured in reputation by the chills which abound at cortaiu seasons of the year. , If the eiii xcb of Salisbury the )rop!rty-holder new )ust half of tbo 'terror with which the regions around regard their town ou acounff Blratarial diseaao that af flict it, tbty would bestir tfiimtsUvi to khave the cause removed if possible., N- bodv desires to invest capital nobody desircs'lo settle with bis mily nobody desires ta spend a sea ion of leisure inucli place. Valuable citixws snd thouindi of dollars in trade and propt rty ar kept away bjy the malar ial glmul. Tb qtit-s. oa Is not s to the reasonaiileiM-s of these things. Tbey r.e stublioru ( iutt most ruinous t the Interests of ikv noble Id town. If the int.-llfgent citizens will not see to it that McCoy's pond is drained nd ibe sluggish adjacent 'creeks..' are' opened they mut expect to lose trade and pro-peri ty and transmit to their tlii! - ia hMH that will insure leaiful diad- vantages in very many Imp itift r,;9f t. U is mui that, an ttf.-rt wilt be made to reiuovet t'i' 5 sources ot chil'sUiis wintvr. If it i o..t doue, S'lisbury is d. m 1 to s ttngU to tfvr a hold its'prcaent poUou Polios CovhT., Dec. 50. WiMnj1' Wkitaker VtsWinj Wm. R. Crawford and Tom Chavis were arrested by flWr Frria,loran affray n sr the murkit. Tie cl lcitct.Iid tJ the binding onr nf Craw ftfu ia fWut- of $:)i0, for aa assault on Chavis with. . deadly wesp . ! J do not care to five tl evidence, as rcportid to us, but wo infer from what we have beard, that men lii b.ttcr apply to the Courts fr tlw rtdiess ol VwAt grieyauees. CoRHKCTion.-rOur report of the stib- bing of Johnston by Anthony Farrar, was from hear- t. The Mayor inionns us that Anthony was Immediately arrested by 1'fficer Backalan, who was pnlseot, and witnessed the. sftray;. that tbe evidence waiof such a ' liatnre as to induce the Mayor to pop)n further- investigation until Johnston could appear in Court. Suet) Investigation' was to bavu taken place on the morning ot the 20th, but Mr. Johiiston,'o1fti ' fo'"th serious nature of his wounds could t be present The eh ire evidence and the decision .of tbe Mayor will be published. s P. S. Mr. Johnston appeared a Court at 11 1-3 o'clock, after, defendant Farrar bad given bond for his appearance Fri- morninir, 10 ocIsb. ; ' J. sssi V.. , Bshikd tub Scenes E'lgsae Pullen, Eq, of New York, lust M onlay night en turiaiued tbe citiiensof Ilaieigh.fof several hours, with one of the most interesting snd agreeable lectures it .las ever been their good fortune to listen to, Mr. Pul len ia treating tbe various subjects he in troduced, showed much masterly tact snd comprehensive knowledge of each subject be handled, that it out only run- dured thea-ldr-s highly interesting, but Very Instructive. His sarcasms, while ex ceedingly severe, were mingled with so much' humor and merriment, that the sharpness of the euti lie inflicted on those that were tlie subject of his eloquence, were more calculated to amuse than hurt. In deliutaiing some of the character he introduced, he convulsed the audience with laughter, and made a very favorable TuipHIoOiKmTniiTadiei . "TJITlccTure wasa most decided success. ' Mr. l'uilfcn was accompanied upjnsthe tsge by several of tba most promiuout gentlemen iq Ilileigh, whose presence gave k deei.b?d sir of dignity to the occa Tub Good Temm.mi Extbhtaikxkjit. Notwlthslsndiiig the vrry inclement night, about one hundred and fifty of our citison wcrefiFcsent to .witness the pleas ing entertainment wven on Christ mils evening by members of Hickman Lodge, From beginning to ending it was in every respect creditable success. The panto tajmcs were bwiutijul and jtistructive j tbt Miitationg as fiae as we ever heard even from professionals; the vocal and Instru mental tnusio of a trk'b order, while lli camic speech 4'BcfoWt)ie Scene snd the ventriloqiiisui and sright-of-bsnd perform anc was very ;'amrtng -indeed. Those who-werf not present missed a rare treat, but we are glad t tears that at tbe, request f many citizens the entertain ment will be repeated as soon as the weather shall bscomo favorable, when we hope to see the ball erowdsd to overflow ing. Tbt object of tbese ectortainineot is to further equip the Lodo; of Good Templars of this city, for its great work ol reformation, and that alone should secure our oalronntre. but outside the object, no one will regret spending an evening wit- nessinrr sti ntertainmen: stieD as tliat given on Christmas night. . Deserved Complin but. Oa of the editors of " tbe . WilnUlgtoa', Journal (Col, Saunders,) ' in his last- 4ettef from llaleigh pays tho following richly merited compliment to certain members wuieb it affords us pleasure to oopv : . "Time and exp-jrlenco have shown too. that many of the new members sre good men sad true and able. Coiouet Bennett, of Anson, and Mr. McGenee, of Person, iu the Honie or ltepresentatives, are both new tuemtiers, but they have takeo srvtry high stand, which tbeir ability and attain ment will dubtle enable them to main lain. Mr. Moore, ot Martin, bsmhrjTiiT railroad notions, is also a man to br ad mired. As Mr. MeUehee is the Senior or tbsae irentleiui n, it may not bo iavidiods to ruler to bim as, oua of tbe let sclioiais and most thoroughly inforuu-d gentlemen in Uie Slats of North Carolina. Hn has few equals citlw-r in, ability pr attain ments. 1.1 tbe Lg)Hture, Col, 11. nnetl commands a willing ad attentive audi enco wtn-never-' be addica-s the House. He has made bis mark Unmistakably, and naa, at a single bouiiil. as it were, Income an acknoa ledtd leader. Tbat Mr. Moore w as able to carry througii so ohj- eii-abl project s the New Joik and rioitoik and Charleston--Railroad, tiy an over- helming miijorirv, it s striking proof of I power, in l .e Duare, aiessrs Nor wood, of Orsngf, and Cimmiiuham, r D.-obably the ruot-proiiiineiit new lui-ru- beri." - t ' . iScirafe ut Culotntl, And all Men uilal coihxiiihU. Bi-tu-r, far stUir. enilurii dovaKe liian lumper a-ilh tbla ttlnerai yulaou, no mailer bow , troful. pre r d I.s eu-nUe ut him already proven Uie eausu ut great and diU-eina Injury. Dr a t'si-iver 1'i.ls cotaaiu uuf a fail! ie'uf mer cury, and can Ls laaon at ail uui-atwilh par feel Safely. Vaxoo Cauarr. Mils.. Mas ,1809 wr.Was.H. IsU: ' . - 1 have been a martyr to Liver Comuluint for UiMa verl, snd s'u-r anitiie-yiuir Um list of dul..r.,iiU peDtitii( sjiuo-i ail I ws wor b for (l.il.rrunt sinus ol medicine, yur agent luduced lu to try eur l.iver I'll's. I Uva lukwi tueca reKiuiriy tor sevvrni weeks, and have Imm h uiueo beiitled l.y Uioiu Uiil i eri cotiQ4eui of a taeifect cure 1 tuntulor iUem Ui b- sl .aver Madame evercue.ieied. Dr. Tali's Kalr DjS req-ib' S Lul s fe mio .e. ;KeaT Poa. : ' The whit sands have crumbled Away, from the tread Ot a kma of theiiiountaiiis, "; ,. A miner is dead. Aud leveled and Ijrv. sttd i Like columns of st me, -A , And tall aa a pine, ; . as a pine overthrown. ":. V ' i .' The panther may ont.eh In the h-aveson Ihe limb, ' M iv scrtsani and tliar at reani, It is is nothing 1 1 him. And tune!esf i What of it I Marble is dust, 1 . And cold and rcpellant, . . Aad iron is rt. .-2 ' - JtmqtiiA MHUr. aurii: t la Wanvnb a, on the S4tk last, by Knv Mr. Adams, Mr (ioon( II Williams of Kal siKh, to Ubs t'aant M.,dsu(!iU-r of fev T. If. Jones, of W amnion, Co the 2-ith t ut., at "Bells Vao," the rvsi done of th bilds's father, Geo. Wn,.(J, Means, in t'abarrua counly, by lbs Kef. Lather McKlanoa, tba Kv Thomas U John son, of tbs Fourth Pr sbyteriaa hu rk Is Hew Oi leans, to Miss nettle M. Meaaa. . At the residence of tbe bride's father, near thlsclty, oa the evtoinc of tha '-tb Inst, by Mayor Whitaker, Mr. M m. 8. Goodwin ant Mb Mary Jan C'Wper. On th evening of Ibe i5 la Dece mber, by th sums, Mr. Thomas Needjiara and M s Aaye line Pool. ... . . -. ; . By Rev. W. 8. Black Nov. t'at, tttn, Mr, J. R. Elklna, of Concord, ( Mini Maille A. T. Harris, of Anson e unty, N. C ' On tbs Utb lust, t.y Kcv. Win. M Jordan, Mr. Kobcrt U, Burton and Ml Kannis D. Walker, daughter of Alex, Walker, Esq., til of Perso coifbtjr- By Rev. 8. ttTrawk k Dee. 11th, at the re sidence 'of tbs bible's father, Mr. B. S. Mitch ell and Mist Tillltns A Buffskx, all of W.ke couniy. N. C. -.-. , In Fsyetteville, on Thursday nlht, ISth Inst, by Rev J- E. Mann, Mr. B D. Back to Miss M. E Williamson, H of that town At tba rcsloeqc of th bride's father, la Kandolph county, en tbe evening of the Sd of Dwember-JtM.lt. 0. Farrett. f ih Jt. C. (ouforenw, to MUs Amelia A. Rol bins. ' At the Paisouige, la hld(e-y, N, (. on the 19lb Uitt, Mr W. Frank til yaudMli UvtlleGitiboiu, thsfstherof Utsbrlduonleis ting.'.' i. . .. . ..... :., -: ;" At tbs residence of Ihs bride's father, Mr. Patld t lark, in Warrun eetfnty, Noreintier 28th, by Kev P II Joyner, Robert D. Bow dola to Miss A man's Clark. At th resldouc ct r. Joseph W, Duke, In Warren e -unty, December lOlh, by th same, Georjrs W, Dak and Miss Joseph Hliibt By the tame, at the same place, on tbe ltth day of December, Mr. Thomas Winston, of Frauklln eofmty to Mrs. A. fosteiv i. By tbs same, st the renldenoe ot Eev. P. II. Joyner, in Warren county, oa December 19th, Richard W. Kfarnry, Esq , to Miss Mollis 1. Crtdle, of Hyde county, Jt. C. On tbe 10th Hst, by th Rev J W. Lewis, at tbo residence of tbs bride's father, in Went worth, H, C J, "ealey Raid, s'., eldest sanof Kev. N. F. Keld, IX D , and Misi Mary Francis ElllrgloB. " '"' Ia enlworih, N. C, on Dee Wth. by Rev. John W. Uwls. Jas. W. Held, liq , of Mt Airy, to Miss Mary F EUiuKton, only daurfh tcrotWia EllhiKton, Ksq NEW ApVEKTIfeEMENTS. K $955,000 IN CAH OUTS, To bt DUtrUmted by fA : ; MERCANTILE PRIZE ASSOCIATION, OVKEW VOKK. D A 1 L T DRAWING 811 A PiUe for every Tlukst - 1 Cah Hift, 0 Cash Gilt-., each. (HOljllil &1011U VS.UIW ' l! J,0"0 Jno -hi - -- ' " ' "";' '' aio " ' '"' ii 40 . rr- . 4U0 Gold Wau-hes, 111 . T.to Si5eewluK Mieuiues, .. ' 10 to lilO 7.) tleguil ruuus, C'. IsLllV " Ul tu iSuo bll '- Meio.tlous, Cash tiifta, bilver Ware, l ,valuJ ' at . ei," Aehanes to draw any ot lb above irii s for W eenis '1 ickels nescrloliiK f rises are SHALSO lu tuvolop. du Weil mixed. Ou recitt of si tenia a sealed llekl As dmn iiiiout eboiee, sua sens uy ii.au warn aa drws ihs prim na-iud uolnl all tasde ilvared to Ui I kt bo.der o i payment of oa Doi.LiK. PrUo-are mon di y aont lo aay audiatshy expr ss or roiura Biait. t Sour win a..ow uu your tr s t ueiore yon pay for It. Any p um hcIiii;m for an oibt-ruf tne Sam value. ti bUuks , our pairons ao d. j-u.l or fair de Ina; - . , pi loNi vr tu Paess. yir d.-alli.(t ran be relied on N If Herald, AU( Ki A neu-' uln ulsiri slum -"Wur.d, rei.t, lotue oi tliuliuiuiiuii-pf tlie dny. W ekiy Innaiis, Jniy T lliuy K1V0 neutral sailfavtiuu. ttumts Zaianyi Au 5. liaraaaao. .-It., kind pi nii.ioii, w e fer to lb-) f,llulM(: Fiaitkhn . lane, LouiaVillo, drew 1 .,-0. Miss Uatll! Uau ker tharleslon tlUXi. Alias luisa T. Blake, PL l'aul, Fi... MO. r Biinucl V. Kay tuouti, QoaPw, (,atw.. kuirao I". Jl.acU,' P.ita -ui-.b, Ma'ek '4f) Mi Allul Uauod w rU-.n, jr,,(iy; sm-.iy L 1'raii, Co biuibtt. OhUi t WO. i i.NBi H Girt in every pa ka of J5I tlekei euii...-ed live lieketa lor 81 j li fur J ; i-' lori.1; 60 fur $i ; .(W fur ti-i. AkciiH aanuii, U wlium urler libdr In-dueeiili-nt ai.U uarutre Ulejo. -Ad-ilroKs. wUinil) u. II ,! CU , 41 lbuau Sin-et, New V'wk City." .v.- , , f dec--8w . i v t . ' . . S JJJLEGAXT HCitTsB AD iOT IS KAL- Ilavlutt pan based' the elt-Kiiiit foiwrty knjwo aa ll)t.k ibl), laU) too rosuvrea ut Mr. Kii.kIiki, situated on Nwlter Avenue Juat uuuide vf tba eiiy limits, 1 wUI Kit Uie same pa aeeommotaliii( teuus kuth as to pruw and cri-dil. I am a-nlH K is self tbs wbule, or or sci, U.eluoiiu the aweiliiik liune. KkaifF 1IA1II.K, dec a-tf , Ralekli, N. C. i - ... Istwren Warreiiton ant tlsliluh. w at nueiao, oa uie K-tib lual, a kov hiKi ""' e rue lumki-il "tsuuiu M tunr, n. m ute h-itr. mi on tl uur em n initial, "p. j," iu, lu(l,r ma ion of ihe aliovr U-fl at 1li( i.ttli-r. or wr.li Ml J.kO. U. VVlills, w.h totruiikfulli ueo SS St ' g I- LKi'T UOAIUHNU AND DAY 8CIIOOU . . IIUXSUOHt, N. C. Ttie M Ises N Asil A M 1 K OI.L'H' K 111 rwm Uiet-arei a of Un-lr achaol cm Tae- uay, ou oi renraaiy. ishs. ( Ireniar forwsretd on srtilleatloa. deo US lot .... , jr B . ' K I X O 8 R U R I , (.ul Atmriif Editor Aaff (.V. C ).W ) '" ' "-'" . writ. ''('' " ' ,;' B. WALT E It & 0 O., SJ8 W-st Baltimore, Cvruer lloasrd titwt, A BALTIXORB. Msnufaetnrtrsof CloUiiDif, and Jabbtrs In tl. tbs, Cs sierra, e., dtc. A. Wai.rsa, R. Wai.tss, L. L. Warvaa, N. Fbask. dee S8-6ia - -7 MrsCELLANEOt'S. . . GmzEss' nation .L basic, ' KAi.wtnii, S w.t D.. 3, 1873. Th Resrular aanual Mttiln. of ih Ktoekkoldoraet this Bank will be be Id on Lite Btx-oai 'iuosoav or Januart. InTi belair th It aaay of ih moaih betw-a ifw huors of 10 aiiu totlutk. as tnrlr bunkinsT bua lii iLis avesseuattt . . r.4-WIUET.Caoh, S MiU A L U t t Is ti Tbe Aafinal Meethw of the rHoeVholile OttlisMl. Ill t AttoUJiA UOMtlN t K- ANck VOHi'AhX. w U- bl atthstr ofans, ui tins el , on 1 u.d .j, the Hu d 1 ot Jaow- r. l.J.si u .. elurn, A w. OeelM W VtAToN UALK9, Bee. 11 O 11 D, Grocer, COmOX-FACTOll Commission Ier-t-liiinl, RALEiOIT, N. 0 dec lit lot H OltSE AND COW FEED.? Basbota . G Ursn and Short. -AiekUaiv.'w ';;-' . - i . siea Hay, ;..'..-,,, - ti, .,'', :.' '" tSpra and Meal, ' '. " : :' ' . . v ' ' ,. : A' ' ForSaleoy'- ' if'1 f"' "'' deeSS Ira W. H. DODD. gO 101(1 C A M D T. Ml lloxes ( ruara farltia and gedi Crackers, , rate ooup. Fowler dso's Bir and Cnkj Soi;i, f llooley'a leasl Fowders -.-.-. . Worcterblni f ' ' ' Fri)(.lh t bow-Chow, Best Cream Cheese. 1 Hrkfat Haeoot. L' t- . . , - Vaavassea Hams.'- - ' w ' ' " "f- lor 81 ay -deeit-lni ; 4 - ; , W. H. DODD. jaK-MlLE-MHJC. l'ct'sons desii inif Ml k can ohtaia It b an plying to Mrs enrali 4 Du'liey, wi.oUvea un I 14 LoU NT MTRI-K T, In tlie South ea stern )rt I of the city, ai-om .0 vrdsor uol II 1'PtK Bl VU KCH. Il-r luw. ar wail fiat' and aialilcu snd sue na ters haraeit Uit k r Mils cniinoi be beaten in tha Htatu of .SojUi Caro lina Fries SO cents 1-er gallon. ' - - SARAH J. DCDLKT, deaWlw- t...: -' IXl'V THE G..MIK W. IJ .'- ..--"i. - - . ... , w. kf STANDARD SCALES, , Motrntnm-S3trmmr A0b.Nl! also run THE WT.AI.AMW , . ... -. i MOKKX DBAWS.II. . ..(,v 1. FAIRBASKS A CO., ,1 Bll Hruudaay, Kew Tort. ' 'i JfW Baltimorw HI. HalMuore. ' - - A3 ('am pdl.,' New 'kalis, FAIKBASK8 A KWlliu, v ' I h. .tnut Kt , rhUitdelphis. FAlP.BANrS, BUiiWN CO.. : lis M ilk htreet, Boston. For aalo tv red nj Itsrdwai Dealer. sew 17dJiai . ,'-.. "-) fTt1rTT"t'Tf Wak aa a J-n aai to at tta t '( A MO tfg J Kit . . . 1'STf HSai.KO "a, i'ait Up t'dpital, TABS 6TH,, JO II. C'lOl'Ell, l'HBMi.ar. N. M. TANNMH, Vut I'swihim, II. A.vhi."HtkK, I siimku. ! tlsv 4. i.AKKloN, AsxiaTAsr C'Mis. ' oiHcroHn " - at. Auorvw W tout, W. 1 Walk Ills, rrxi.k foils, It 1 Arrinittva, . J f ,tt ilhudiaon. . W. ltMaUury, 1 ' W.ft Tap.ej. ar'ni-rs r.-wvuil In i.n, fii,v, m Coaklae-i, ItiKauiih certiilewtes will Ok la saeJ, p;suW iolomJ, on demanU, Wilh iuUw al tiow dale till paid. .) . iKTaaesT sllo ed os daily balaures subject to cheek. .' Collui lions on all aceetstble oiots, sod re Uircsuiwlo promptly. , .--.i-.. mar la-U '. ,. J? SALE. -aV - l:e-l Wtwtera Vur.h taroliua Fnekwheut Flour. ' . -;"': At.o " ' " : ' ' One tiuiod rTano.and De Feather Fed. 1 . deettff-.' ; . , I nrTTZ --if . s aV'afc. I t r- 11 ALfi.-t Binirr fhm ab srv- . .NAkY. r F U..uoiB.,A. M.. .Priwlpal. Ky. A. k. l.aniJ, A. M , .HM-iali Fuii .pal r. A stoai-MAka,... Frofoorif Ma le. ' Tl'eSirii gsi'ssionalll iip""non'tW 1 y i ifih et FKtsRtf Hy; wis; ' " ' I I be bmidlne, liavtnij viilaie, ta y. ili.u, eoiuvu alous auj Uandmui . , 1 he Utemiy ioi artuiebt t' proiid d wi.Ha seleet t-Tr, a !,(. eo isitlim ( lisotuatiral Sixiiuii and s ttm; i'blluaupUicu; aj cLxa Vial Ap; araiua, ' i Ik Jsuhs I'epartimwt twprevidjl-aSlh a lmiie tliUib.of ood I'UIK i two ft" nt slid aiiarp.'" , i. - Iheliidv tomh,ri employelare ail FiKdT ( l.A.- I'oateliig opil ate truret to wear "'" it.. araao a n E ou laition .Hal lu,r a. .. A ,1 . Firi-arlienlars, spi ly fur rluirl .r I diawbw-U aiarl . r net 1 n 1 1 i t I? T t i;. I" ' : f ' fat --r s ." ' ' Aftr lit n.Hil I hrlatmaa .ul tlk . . p. claua will Uu mumed ou IkurMbiy, '.'ml Jam sry, lkC. This will be a favmaile tine for lkunftLrmnr at ntfav tauttUa. Vd ri, ' . ra dreCa i T Rev.' It Dirtt'WELL SON. r E 8 L E I A N A 6 'A D H M T, Rev. fl.-R. Trst.w k. FrlnebiiHil. with eon-- patent asaUtsnti. lb U l atatleui teisaof so wteks ul b. (ln Jan. 14 h, lsia tor la ma a id partiulara si.ply 10 Uia i'rinelil or Rev. W. J, W.Vniwova i-relMMtsr,, .r dtcXI-lw S T . Jf A -R T M C It O O L , HAl.KlGtl, X a , . ftKT. Alukkt t-Ktuta, D. I , Rector. Kav. bEMiirrT Smepui, A. M , Aas't f The elxtv-Ueeoia Trrra of tht 'hool srlll couineiK Jan. ta, 147a. For a ctreolar apply hi in eeior. . dee sa-diw w ARREXToS tZM vLK CJlXEOE.' Tke Sprksc esloa of 173 wil beffla ea tbs Iblb Jannuary, aud conuaua c0 Week. , Board (uaslualv of bxlit andwaabloK) l? 00 tuiuuii in nuutr e.tuiau, sow ( liaie K-r esira studies, moderat. "'' '. Fur particular, sptdy lo . A. Al Jel.NKS, President 'dee Udlnv ' . " .-'.. - ...! . 11 i-,M. -tt W-3 ' ''; -;, ' . MUBAXllVILLt:, It.' G. t c 'l . . ; P';wjif, , ... u ... CllU Wat UlMOllAal, Bun't ' ,' Maj. Rout. liiNoitAM, Ai-t'ug Bupt. ' . ma. W.&Lnosv.w-', Caft. T. L. Nweo0, "' - '.-V if- H '.:-' j ,. , Si'riiui'Setifoa of 1873 opent Fab. Tin. Fcr Circulars sblre, : ' s , . maj. binoham; - de94-tln .;' . .-, i f-s. (.,.;.: 1- QXF0RD HIU Ilj 8 p 11 jO 01, : v J. II. HolUiKR. ).,. .' , If. 1I.Uuavs, p'ipal. Tbo Burin, session will beirin tbe' atu-oiid Mou ay in January. I enua as naivioiora. Oxford, N. Dee. Vi, I87J. dee t -dswAtwIUwtw ' o '(H.D FiM.tLK 8Etl.NAItr, . s, . CAFOHU, N, C, , Mis M. S. MiTcstBtL, 1'rluclpul. Mr. E. N. Ubaht, Aaaoriata IMnclpaL The Atiivie Di linrtii.i iit la wider II. a -l,.rr Of Mm. W H, ttoKHow, 41 know ssaacc couipiiahed U-eii ut loua ili-tcu, 'J li bpnuy b.xaitin of HVi up. us Jaimaiy Ut. ' lir. euisrs oa ar.plk'ktliai. i -r.r Uefrrenees-AIt lijauila and puillsef tit Ui frtf. a. Miteha.l of . lb tuhcisUv of itoi-lb tanoUn. , ..i . . . . i(i nuv dtiiu .- , OUTtlElt.H F.0i;tATi't.tt BURKAU I. To aid all who d.. teacher. i .,' ...... H, '1'on-pr i-nttesibers who desire pol- 8. To trie eruts lot amialiaR of sellouts. 4. To Sell. I clll aud I'lclliuji , liii'il i.nt. perdis. Ariitres - JAs rOUTUfl ATF, . dec lUdltawtt&ltwe.u HiiUuuio, N. '. "T T E D . ' A O.Oi rrllklllc ITuni- Hrrrant llri 'tn. p yal th soilie , , ' , r d-MsS-l Iw " '-' 1 v - ' ' - :'" '' 50 BAKRELf N, t:. FAMILY FLO Lit H Harn-1 RiTfu-TS Fa&l'i Flyi.r. ' I'S aiweo . ' IU H.tireU Vtl.ae and LUttit rninttv Flout Hi liiteis bornii. Si ; f l-.in.ilv S.ik.i- . faaa-la-swrrWitw-w-i4T -. -ol.aritls rtoaiii'Ue F.xtia 1 uiioiy ir i.itir. Btolti Mills euN ritV Mi.d KOAiiitk'a Stxtrm 'laiiSila Sjr rtw ware" leU.U trade. . . 1H-U W. ti TKOJIACHr 3 lX I If I p"u"dS Vrlla''llao, lljma, tj l I tiide aad .-l.-tita-r.. ..... vU.lf ' tV". - .'I Uf.ti ll'H ft.'C. MKoMacIL4 N 1'IKDMONT $ P It I N G S 1 ' !-'' SALS. A salt luvvKIi u: ike till of a Intel of laud in Blokea couij.y uooii.wliieh In ltKat:d lhab well known mrliiK lihtce Flcilm. al bpmijfa, b.vn.g be a cuuiiuuiltt-a tl tltn late lok aeupullor Vouit II o l y sul.t ia and aue. rew SV Hildeuurt in - Kiuiiiy tlicre4i..iliiot.ted Uih Ibe underaiKiied I oulu, aa eaM.lul.iol.ur, a,1 a.ild l.O.ila 1 tbx.etina.tva uttkee tl al on Ibaiaday, the l.i U.I) tl JUIIU 11 V, 1,1, llpu I tllH p tllllKS, . a il exiaHW lo public sale to the blalirat i&- tier tft .lk, tbe a.i.d rproK t jc lio-rwiili ill i t -o ai r es oi land more or le-, beliJi'gli.jji thereto. ."- ' i "- s ab iinpraieinents. at tl 1 wat.-jtn p!e t'tin-iala ul alliitui lotojto Itet, well airiht-U Willi torus, imvo.ff a i. sua e.i niM atp ball aud Oliiii-Kb.ue.iu',. ino. oilier .uili!inK won ISr siu uowd- .riii-HH.' It-erthrr ami a. Ire eoilit.-r of :al.iiis Mat t..oni, ksuUt House, taru si-d Maoiea. II . l.cli. ved .batx tliebfi.h ni".:ielnsl ,roj ct1 el of Um IVtiuioet walsr Uav Irate - lor. i,U iooroulny trietl and ttlllt ntxb wttiafarlury reiaila hs reqiiire no eoiuiiiei.iat'on al Sy bain's, lira eprli,(. are loealiM Itilt d S.ilf itnl. l't,iit iJunr.ury. tbe coufi'V sue 01 t;t.ke et,ii! y t Uia be- of beaatiftii ranitenf theravratown utounUi and ueur Jlmo Km r abuul auiua from VV inaiuit, the irntjiiiiis of ILe n u . r Veatcrn faoria CtmlMia Aailio. il. tor further lwlrtica sis ai'l1)' u me In t i in or by letter at Oauourv, Mokcn o ,.N. t, , A. II. dOi .NS.il, lec23hWtd! , . ' J? OR 8 A LI T - fiiuclor Bill B.itter, Beef si d r-rkiv t-i.a saily.' W. Ii. JO.Vr.n tv: t.. dw-U-tf. i I t r :-'V

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