I , ,. A THE SENTINEL SOUTH CAROLINA. 80ASTT CAR' Bcbked. A sbanty car, at the Icpot of t lie W ilmlngton. Char lotted Rutlierlord Railroad, in tliiacity, wts pureed on Christmas turninr, before dtj, H era icupied by number of traiaJ haotle, and it must hare caught through their carelcasneay probably su perinduced by two much Christina. The weather, On yesterday and Wed nesday, ys the journal ot the 27th, wis very aevere along the line of the Wil , mington, Charlotte and Itutherfmd Ruil roacL It wu intensely cold every where, with plenty of ice and aleet IVihu Wil ntiDglun to Luniberton, and snow from Lunibertou to the head of the road. Platiso witS Fireams The Wil " niingtoo Journal of ttie 27th says : A white lad by the name of Benjamin Tur linRton, lost several fingora frum hit left band yeaterday morning, by tlieprema ture discharge of li is pint l. lie was en gaged in loading it at the time, when it exploded with the above r suit. The wounded lad was taken to li is home and the injured hand received prompt surgi cal attention, V AccibEKtiy Detu. We learn that ." a man by the name tf Robert B. Hughes, formerly of Manchester, Virginia, but for gome time past employed a telegraph re- 1 paircr on the lines between this city and Columbia, was killed on Monday night, near Mars Bluff. The account! ot his death are scant 'and conflicting, some having it that be was on the track and was run over and killed, and others that ho fell and broke bis neck in attempting to jump from the train while in motion. ... This last supposition' is more generally thought to be correct. The accident oc curred about two miles thi aide of Mirs Bluff, at which place deceased resided, with his wife, at the time of bis death. Hi- was only about 33 or 40 years of age. .LWihnington Journal 21th, . Hon. Jon VT, Norwood. We had the pleasure oi seeing ' this venerable gentle man and distinguished lawyer in our city on yesterday. , Mr. Norwood now represents the county of Or mge in the Senate of North C'aro lina, and performs the labors incident to the position with a . seat 'and ardor and fl ielity that many younger men miht well emulate ... We are glad that it has pleased hint in spend the Christmas Holidays w ith n , a id can assure him that nowhere would he . find a more cordial welcome than in the city of Wilmington. A gentleman of the old school and k lawyer welt known to tame in those betx r days when the Bar of the M ile would have done honor to any age and to any country. Mr. Norwood brings up to us his life-long friend and associate, Hon. Hugh Waddell, of late yeais a resident ef our city. North Carolina Imay well l e nrond of such eentleraen aa Il'.L'li Wad- SeninorTO'BTrttorwWid. Wilm'Uftvnf Journal. VIRGINIA ITEMS. Sleigh riding in Richmond, Va., csts but ten dollars per hour. The James river at Richmond, was fmznn in a solid sheet from shore to ahore On Thursday last. , The heavy weather on-tfae const has crowded an unusually large number j( Teasels into Norfolk harbor. " Tbe keavicst snow of the season, at Richmond, fell on Wednesday last. The fall commenced in the morning and lasted all day. Bpiked heol lap, woolen list and yarn ocks are all "he go in Norfolk to avoid the slips and slidings incident to the weather. Wholksomb Drrao o Bhal i.pox. The Richmond (Va.) Council Commit tee on Health have appointed twelve lend ing physicians of tlint city as publio vac cinators. Right The splendid steamship Ilfcrnia, Capt. Watts, of the Allen Line, arrived at Nor folk, on Thureday, at noon, from Liver pool, with twenty passengers good IreightlUt. Of the pxsseog . were from England, S from France and 8 from Germany. Ruffianism. Two drunken roughs m.rln mn wuuult on an nnnrotccted white female on Goaport Bidg near Jones Bridge, on Wednesday atternoon, and were proceeding to choke the unfortunate woman, when a hall grown ibu, wuu wi the brutal transaction, raised an outcry ncTcaiised the ruffians to disappear over n i,,ininr fpnee and scamper off. Norfolk Journal. Arrmsirt TA Alt Editoe A. P. Bon nptt. Esn . editor of the Richmond Jf- cvtVr. started yesterday morning fiom hi. nMM.M in rn to his office. When on Ninth street near the Valentine House, be inr.i r.n tha trfHcherous snow and fell K-TiTi. tr. i. Mmcnt. dislocating bis right wrist, lie waa able to reach home without aseistaW although iuffering greatly. Dr. Peternewt TveBtwaaprumt Iv called in and reduced the dislocation. Wr rinnrtt l nnfVrtfolttS -1ntcine"Tain from his Injury, but It is hoped that be will be oat and able to rtwmue ni auiai in a few dxya. Whig 2tlh. New Steamer fob TatIou's Roakokk Riteb LfMK. Mesem. Wm. 1. Hardy. Kader Biggsand Capt. Babel Taylor havel put a Doe new eieainer on ine rir river liua The vessel is tailed the Lucy after the estimable wife of Kader Bij:g, Esq.. and is constructed with the most modern iinurovemeuts. Her 'length i lmtn 20 feet : depth of hold V feet ; carrying capacity 68 .feet from hnlkhnd to bulkhead cylcn dci ' 22 inches diameter and 22 inrho. in lli rirrro hold: encine troke: boiler 15 fort touo. 6 12 feet di meter ; draws when unloaded 0 inches forward and 5 feet aft. The Lucy is com manded hv CttiiUin Babel Taylor and wmi to hvo made her trial trip from Norfolk up the Roanoke on Saturday last. Long live the Lucy. Drab. -Miss Mattie Baker, who was so ' badly burned on the day before Christ mas, died of ber injuries Christmas night. Miu Itukrr wu conscious at tunea, and during one of these tim ahe stated to the - anxious friend b gathered around her bedsideUatshchad finished writing the letter, and waa standing with her back towards the crate, but was ao nine! alarmed by tho light of the fire creeping ' on urmn her dress that she could scrce!y move, until with Wdden impulse she rushed into the hall. The shock from the extensive surface burned was so great that ahe never rallied, and about hall past six ' o'clock Christmas evening death bore her way from her family, who are plunged in the deepest gncf at thia aad visitation ot Providence. She was betrothed t a mwt Worthy voung gentlemen of this city, and their uupti ui wi-re scion to be consuinma- I ' TI fc. STATJi-fcEN ATE. - ' SMUTS KOH 1873. , 1-t District. Currituck. Camden. PasV Wtmik, UeTtford, Gales, Chowan, Per qiUiiians, S ; Jno. U Chamberlain, C. W. Jr., llrpj. 2nd. Tyrrell. WasfcinirtoB. Martin. Dure. Beaufort and Hyde, 2 ; J. I B. lie nasa, 1IK. Stiller, reps. , Bra. .Northampton and licftie, 1 ; Hoi way. rp. ; , . ' 4th. Halifax, 1 ; Henry Kppes, f rep. 5th. Edgecombe, I ; Alexander Mc abe, rep. Htlt. fitt, 1 ; Jacob McCotter, rep. 7th. .Wilson, Nash and j Franklio.8': Jno. W. Durham, Wn.1 Davis, cons. Bib. Craven, 1 ; A. B.rtsevmour, rep. . 9th, Jones, Onslow and Carteret, 1 ; .O. Scott, con. 1 10th. Wayne and Duplin. 2 : Wm. A. Allen, Lott W. llurhplirey, coua, 1 1 Lenoir ana Urceo, I ; luchard W. King, rep. ' 121b. New Hanover, 1 : Oeo. L. Slab- on rep. i 13tb. Brunswick and Uladen, I ; mil. phy, con. 13th. Columbus ana Kobcson, 1 : Jno. W. Kills, con. , . 10th. Cumberland and Uarnelt, 1 ; Win. C. Troy, con. 17tu. Johnson, 1 ; William IL Avers, con. 18th. Wake, 1; James H. Harris, Warren, 1; John A. Hyhian, rep. lUtll. rep. 20th. t'rrson, Caswell ana urange, a ; oha W. Norwood, .'o'm W. Cunningham, one. 21st Gntnville, l Qourbon Smith, tir Chatham, 1 ; It. . Powell, con. 2iVd. Rockingham, 1; Jaa, T. More no I, con. 2ith. Alamance anq uuiaora, z ; J a. Morehead, Jr., W. J. Murray, cons. 23th. Randolph and Moore, 1; Dr. J. 11. Worth, can. 20th. Richmond and Montgomery, 1; U T Long, rep. 27tb. Anson ana union, i ; j n i flic- 'auley, con. 28th. Cabarrus ana oianiy, i: 4 u Earnhardt, con. ' ! 20tb. Mecklenburg, l; Itr waring, jpn. 80th. Rowan and Davie, 1 r Charles Price, con. - , 31st. Davidson, 1 ; John T. Creamer, rep. Via. stones ana coreyiue, s ; uuu ju dutiord, con. 83d. Burry and Yadkin, I; a. c uowies, con. , UL Iredell, Wtlkej and Alexander, Z; Thomas A Nicholson, Phiueaa llortoe, cons. 85th. Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga, 1; W Todd, con. , 80th. CakiwclL Blirke, McDowell, Mitchell and yancy, 3;'W W Fleiuming, M (judger, cons. 87th, Catawba and Lincoln, 1 ( Dr. Jaa. R. Kllia, eon. , tfHih- n.'taton and Citavelatid, l : yjvnu UlOlutio"ra"au Walker, rep. , . - 40th. Buncomue ana siaawoa, i ,tm H. Merrimon, eon. 41st. Haywood. Henderson ana iran- sylVania, 1 ; W. P. Welch, con. 43d. Jackson, Bwain, macon, wueni.oc, Clay, und Graham, 1 ; Dr. W.-JU Love, VOII. Tli i bin marked are colored, benators from the following districts are re-elected : th. OHi, Mr. Allen in toe lutn, inn, inn, 18th. 19th. 23d. 25th. 2(lth. VM, Mr. Flemniiugintbe80th, 40th, 42d. Total 14.' :,',-.. The following were memlMJrs of the last Hmwa of Roiireseatatives Messrs. Cham berlain, Dunham, Scott, Mubeon, Powell, McCauley, wailiig, xiicnoiaoii, ntra. fotal 9. , Conservatives 32. Republicans 18. Con- leivative majority 14. BOUSE Of BKPBBS J' ATIVKS. Alamance, Jesse Gannt, con. Alexander, J. M. Careon, In a. Alleghany, A. M. Bryan( deir. Auson, Col. R. T. Bennett, con. Ashe, Squire Trivett, nip. Beaufort, Samuel T. Corson, rep. Bertie, F. C. Miller, rep. Bladen,- rep. . Brunswick, J. II. Brooks, rep. Buncombe, T. D. Johnsoa and David Black well, cons. Burke, P. A. W article, con. Cabarrus, Thoa. J. Bhinn, con. -Caldwell, Ed. Jones, eon. Camdm. Simeon A. Jones, rep. Csrteret. lilas Webb. con. Caswell. Geo. Bowe, Thoa. J. Foster, repa. , . . n n 1 . . .n i;aiawua. it. u. o. unumm, "" Chatham, Jno. M. Moring, O. A Uanna. cons. Cherokee. B. K. Dickey, con. Chowan, John L. Lindsay, rep. Clay. J. b. Anderson, con. Cleavctnd, John W. Gidney, con. I'nliimbns. V. V. Richardson, con. Craven, E. R. Dudley L B. Abbott, reps, . , , m a T ...... vt.. I. MM Cumperianu, i. o, uuntnuu, W. Bullard, con. Ourrituck, J. II. Woodtiouae, con. f)svidson.J. T. Brown, John Michael repSfc ' iuve Chsj-lL-rXFuersfih. coa Duplin, John DManfl4orofcJA?ui Aw. cons. riuiv. Oliver pi. Cray. rep. Edffecombe. W. P. Mabson, . Willk 3unn,rep. , , r'orsj the,TJr. W. u. v neeier, rep. Franklin, John 1L Williamson. I rep. Gaston. W. A. Stowe, con. K Uatra, R. 11. Ballard, con. x X Granville, U. T. Hughes' R 0. Sn ,! r p Urcenc, jonn raiitck, n-i Guillord, Joseph Gilmer, Wm Wilet, con. Martin, J E Moore, con. contested. McDowell, Dr Freeman, coo., , ; Mecklenburg, John K Brown, 8 id. con. v . ' Mitchell, J. W. Bowmin, rep. Mimtgomery, Allen Jordn, rep. Moore, Dr. bhaw. con. Nash, John E. Lindsey.con; -New Hanover, Jas. Heaton, Wm. HcLaurin, Alfred Lloyd, reps. Northampton, Burton II. Jonca, rep. 1L Onslow, J. W. snacneiiora, awn. Orange, Dr. Pride Jones, Jones 'soo.eous. Pasquotank, F. M. Godfrey, rep. Peruuimaus, J. It. Dardan, rep. Persiln, Moutford McGehee, con. Wt Pitt, William P. Bryant, Guilford Cox, reps. roia, I, o. uaiii"! "r; Kandolph,J. W. Bean, Harriso Fr- izer, rcpa. Richmond, Robert Fletcher, rep. Robeson, W. a Norment, Thorny McNeill, coos. Rockingham, David Settle Vt. A. B. Roapan, Dr. F. N. Luckey, Kerr Cra.ge, Halifax, J J Goodwyn, John Bryant, 'Harnett, J. R. Gmdy , con Haywood, 11 Pitavnt. coh. Ilt'ndeison. James iilythe, rep.. . Ilertfoni Jani(Mirte, rep. Iljde. Wm S Carter, con. Iredvl", 8liifin and Turner, cora ' Jackson, J N Bryson, con. J Johnston,, W II Jcijner, Jcssfe Hit tmnf, Jones, Jacob Seatt, ren Lerir, Stephen Lrissiter, rep. Lincoln. A J Morrison, con. Macon, J L Rohinson, con. tdion, II A Guilircr, con. gtanley, M. T. Waddell, con., f Stokes, J. G. II. Mitc.hell.con., Sampson, J. It MaxwtlliW. H. Brvati. Surry, II. M. Waugh, oosf. 1 "" Swain, T. D. Bryson, con. Tiansylrania, P. J. VVhitmire, con. Tyrrell, B. Jones, con. Union, Lemuel Preston, con. Wake. 11 C. Bad err, Jno. C. Jorman, R. 8. Perry, Stewart Ellison repv Warren, Geo. 1L King J. W. H. Pas- chall, reps. washingUin, Dr. u. Ouytber, rep. Watauga, Jos; B. Todd, con. Wayne. John QJ, Rhodes.' E. G. Cotie- land, rcpa. ' ' 1 Wilkes, Thos. 3. Dull, i. Dull, A. C'.il ryan, cons. YsdkiTisTJ. G. Mailer. Yancey, V. R Uyrd, BPOliTINfi UUOUS. rs r u n VX 7 8ISGLB UN8 At $i SO, 3 00. ft 50, 14 00, S 00, ttU 00, 7 ia uu, u .v w. DOUBLE GU5S. GU3S. 00, 112 00, At 16 00, 17 61, 110 00, 112 00, t IS 00, (20 00, A 00, 00, HO 00, tM 00, to ?5 00 Breech-lxMidlnr I ouble flons. At f 40 IN), f-15 00, S0 00, ti0 00, $79 00, PI TO LB. 8mith Wesson's, Colt's, Allen's, Sharp's. Wnituey and olner Kinds, AT H AMUriCTUBSKS' rBICSS. AMMUM I'luN and IMPLEMENTS For Breach-loading Gnns, at a small aUanc on eost oi lm Donation. Metallic Ammuailkin for hides and Pisluls at lowest market Dhocs. A eampleie assortment of all sporting Goods ji trices ana Description sent on apwi cation . . boddt shipped by Express C. O. D. rutA,TNCX, 1K1MBLB CO , iMrOBTEBa, No. 300 W. Baltimore l . BalUmor.- Kleliard'a. Uoniral's. Greener's. Scott's, sad Itaei eelebraled wakr oi guaa on rr.a alio ported to order. eept 10 eodrwly L1FK IJSUUAJSUE. 8TA TK 1 N 8 t I T U Tl U N SAFE, CONSEaVATlVK, ENEKGETI WILM1 NGTON, NUKTH CAROLINA, LIFE N S L1 R A N 0 E COMPANY! Itt Suectm Encor.-aging I ITS STABILI1 Y ASSURED 1 1 1 OFFICERS : ROB'T H. COWAN, President JOHN W. ATKINtON, Vice President, 11. CAMERON, Secretary. Dr. r. A ANDKKoON, Medical Director. DIRECTORS J. W. Atkinson, Ueneral Insurance Aftent. I. B. OnAixoaa, Preaid' nt Bank of Kew Hanover. ' ."''.'''.. r, W. Kibchndb, Urocer ana uommusiou Merihsnt. .... 0, M. 8tvA, of Wriglit s eaman. T. U. MoKor; ot W A Whitehead A Co. Fayettevllle. K. H. i:owi, rresiqeni. li. B, Eilsks, Commifsion MerchsnL A. A. Wiujako, of Wliliard brothers. Ins-. W. A. CoamiN0of Northrop A l ammclu O. W. Wiuoam , of W Uliaius Mur on. .. . .. KU JstmKAT, or B. arurray s ,o. A. 1 DaKoaaaTT, of OeKossctt at Co. Host. Ubnuiko, of Dawson, Teel Hen- "'alix. SraonT, British Vlce-Consol, ct Sprunt A Hinaou. i.D Wiu.sns. of ). D. Williams 4 Co., fayettevllle . . . ..,. Jas. C. MCKAS, All'y as uw, layenciiue. I. B. K slat, Merchant. Keaansville. J. T. Pora, Merchant, Lumberton. This Is strictly a : HOME LirE COMPANT. " lis offlcers and Dliectors sre citizens of the State, of hi(n character for bus nea capacity, enterprise aad probity. It oilers every SUBSTANTIAL) BENEFIT that Northern omnanlea do, wiW Hie Rreai -aaui.,-i .nnalciuniion that the capital la kept villi tn the buis, ana, urera"s v u..fu..H....lfdtjlutmfl inslltutiona. -fthr. i..,! t iML ia bseeasidcred a Uiattue W ilmington uie ' ed a v. ry much lsixer interest for Jhe v mrr invnied at home. Uiaa any of Uie new lora for iliuir Investments sc cordiuft to their wora sutemcnu before the Commissioner of that State. These uuquestlonabhe facta should commend this . omuany, above all others, to our people, i i. k lZr,. in mind that millions of dollars received for Cite premiums North since tbe war, wuicu w. one. South and enriches the plethoric capiUlisU ol . i .. aJ , . k. if tri.sMi W stsi nu JtJLUCJr Lwumuu'w Uoa. safety, tairnesa and cheapness belo; equal, why North Carolinians snouia rnsure . Lome, tills wen more mjm TBE WILM INOTON. LIFE i ..lUnr anvtsl features. It places- ao resmcuou u . - . I. an uLl. nn .1 U. I'll. 1 1. " . .uu.aav rlsksyamj it Policies are incontestable after F'lts bTsmeasls msnafted eeonomlcalW Its risks are taken with ureal csuuoa. .. menuare niadojadiciously. Its motto 1st ; KCO.NOMT.PROMlTNESSFAIKNESS. . t, inn rountv Id the tate. with whom tbe mt liberal terma will be nuula, Appiyw . AMES D. BKWivo. ' -..nMt lllI1fwrlslna, Aaea.t Or.'THEO. XL HILL, Led AKrih T ALEHJII NATIONAL BANE OF A" . ,i Mueilnsrof theStock. holdsrs'o' 1 Bank will be '' TSlo Ttheir .nkin, House in tbi. tr the direction of the Stockholders at thrr l.-t mTeline. ,1 request "that every Bhtikh"dcrd at Ucb meeting u penm Wdec'ma',' ' C. DEWtT.Cstf O A LI ' , 1 Q O A LI 100 Tons DUmojd Red Ashe Coal, IU per JW ------- JwmA ton delivered, jus. gTRONACIL ecttM-tf JJH. JoUNoOS ASD U1Sil. 1 he undeiltncd bavins; fonnd a partner s)iip for the practice at their ptytesaina tn all its rartoa brancbi-a, nsivwlf irlly otter their services to the eitixcos of tUlelga aa4 of the surrounding country. ur. j"tnrin will always ne lound at nia well-knowa urtlce oo UilUbom' street, while Dr. Hincamay i tvand for the prrsrnt at the YsrburooxU House er at Ih- Johnson's office PKTEH K. H1NE3, M. D. Ralciph, Dee. U VSti. dee H lm. ' o V I D ED erst, . . v ATTOKKRT T IAW,X--- : .Raleigh, I?, c. " Practices in the Courts of Wake, and la th federal CoorU, irives special attention to the snruiua; of causes ia the Supreme Cosrt of a. u, collects claims against any r im or tare Insurance Company id Uie United States, and attends proicpUy to any other professional business In trusted to bin). tebT-tf 11. K. NA ATTORNEY AT L AW, HILUSUOKO' N. C, Practices In Orauue auti the adloinlna eoun lies, and in Hie Supreme and U. fi. Courts, tab W-domt -;-u ... -r - f at. o ouve, o. w. ATKmaoa, a. m. rums - II. C. OUVE ft CO., iiALaaa ia Gnuu Msscbaiidmi ao Cointuissiou Merchants,' ... APEX. N. C Orders for Sulnios and Lumber tlUed roniptly and at low prices, apr V JeodSm j. ct. A. n. w ma t . . Attorney at Law, A SI BALEIOU, H. C. A'lll attend the State and IVderal Courts be I in tbe cuunliea of Wake and Mew Hanover, mar at am. G.F. 1JAS0N, A T T 6 R N K V AT LAW, OKAUAM, H.'C x fractlees In Alamance aad adjoiniax couu- Ues, and In tbe Bupreme ami U. O. CoarU. lebaHUnt rTTTT.T.TPS &, niiiaxLmxoN, Attorneys at JJaw, . RALEIGH, N. a s. . r Elixirs. dee Vt-tt, A. a. mbjuiio. T. P.. DEVEKECX, A T T 0 R N E Y A T." LAW Ofllce on the second floor of tbe Stronach Duuaintr, norm in iuo ssruoruuKu Practice in lbs State and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to in all parte oi tnu Bute, . sept 10-tf WALTSK CLAa 4. U UVIXMM. A T T O R BATLA it HALIFAX. X. C. Practice in all tbe Courts of Halifax, North smpton, Kdjcecomue and Martin counties, In Umj Suprums Court of Murtb Carolina, and in the Federal Courts. f kUectiuus made in any part of North Car ollns, mar-oiy J OUN AKHSTUONU. BOOKBINDER AND BLANK BOOK MAN UrACTUKKK. OTII TBI DOBTIl CAROLINA DOOUTOHa, RALEIGH, M. C. Trial. Execution, Minutes and Recording Dockets made to order. North Carolina Keports ana ouier Lw Riwtks txnind tn suiwrior Law Uindiiur. Mtuinir nuuibra of the Ueoorts suDUlicd and odd nambvrs taken in eictoaufte lot lima 1 . . .... . oec i. iw" , v. Hooae jobk eaTLive L MOOBB V OATLINO, ATTORNEYS AT LAi RALKltiU. N. I'. State and Federal Court and the Court of the 1st and th Judicial Districts. novKl-W. i J. M, A L K X A N D ATTOMBFJIT LA W, u Dl'UUAM, k. a Office over Hcrndon A Vicker's Store. Resldcaceand Branch OlBce at Chipilllill i' ( ollK'tions made ia any part of the Stale, epau-tr A NODLK CHARITY Omaha Lottery in aid or fan NEBRASKA STATE. OBl'HN ASYLUM, To be Drswa in Public, Dee. 801b, 1874 TklcHt tl Each, er A'ii fur Tickets sent by Expi CO. D. It dettred. I Grand Cash' Prlaa, 1 Grand ( ash Prize, 7S.ot)0 . 15.01J0 1U.ISH) 5,000 Grand Cash f r.le. t Grand Cash Ytas, 1 atb Plus. t Cash rnao, r.,Ol ssh Pnae 3.I0 ea h, - .' 4 Cash -Prize ajech;.J i I ssh Prizes, fcouu each, . For bsJauce ot rrnca aena ior m-uiu. This lwsl Entcrnr aa is endorsed by th hiKheslauUiority f the SUte and be.1 bunintss men. . . - ' , . ...., Th limited dumlwr oi ik k on nsno wm K 4nmtalMl thl.M WtlO SftOlV APt. J 4 ' All Prize will be paw in mill ot Wantsd. For full particular eonrpss . . 1 4. " 1 li General Mansiraa. deel-lm Omaha, Nebrerka. NOUTUCAR01.riutV(tijxC(nji((TX UPlRlo cocHT, hot. 23, 1872. - tT T it.v.n. I Flttlnn la der K. Andrews oioers, i mm w m w Dr. Alex. B. Hawkins. f lion. it .n.irtnr tn tke Court that Dr. A let an dcrB.ilaakiiis Vesdts beyond the IlmlU of tins Btata, lo wu :n toe cur i..---r, tn td. Minn Tor LU u. iu iud Ol.W vt tt i therefore ordered tbst publication be made for Six weeks, once a week. In the RsleiRh 8aTit, notifying the defendant of Hie ailhK of tai complaint. "d that nnlea he appear & the office ol the Clerk of the ui nor Court for the eonoly ot Granville, In. tbe State of North Carolina on tbe second Monday i.j.'niuir. A. I).. 117;!. and answer or demur to said complaint, the same will be taken as confessed and heard parti s to him. Witness,' alvin Betta, Clerk of said Court st oUlce i Ox'ora, Nov. i.lli, 5gETTg . HHtVH f Clerk AC.,- no w To Speculate Successful!) RANDALL II. FOOTE & CO., ..isnSioKni.1V HaaDwar. N Members of Stock Exchange and Gold Board. Krsat!Cs.-Jsy Cooke A Co , Mechanic Bsnkin Associali- O, or ny Banking lluusti or CommerciU ceni-y In ef Voik. N. Pami hlct on " Wll fctrcet and it Operations," free om awpucawoau LAND AGEXClES. Ilinyslan 3L Miller,, REAL EST A li EXCHANGE, CSDEit RALEKiil NATIONAL BKHSL Land buyers may rely oo Pi direct from the Property Owners. Wo Middlemen or Agents allowed to Speculate or charge a advance on the owners A price of Farms, Ao ZXouscs and Lots for Calc. may 7-tf XTOKTU CAROUSA LAND Ct)MPAMT, J. . ... .... M-- ,s5TABLl!'llKI 11 rmimuia. ipm SACK OK I.S.MJS Al ssu " AUK KMUiltAl ION TO NORTH CAhOLUA . . '. --- omen . BALKW1I, it C. This Company baa been la successful ope ration for over II) roe years, and HI t tlnue to Bay, Sell, Cease or Hem Keai mub, upon eaiatnissioo, or olberwise, ea the auosi favorable terms. Parthia havlii. Cam! to sell win am ,11 to their Interest to call at this olncu, ot ''r resposd with us, a our tacllitka forsvtliu - are increasins; every uar. . Large tracts sre rendered m-vy saleable by bang; divided. This Company la favorably known at home aud abroad, as lbs Urjje number of emigrants It has introduced ai d locate! In thlt Bute, fully attest. Parties entrusting business in their beads bar the best sMurar.ce that tbt y will be fairly represented. Address all communications to "The rd Carolina Lead C0.1 or to W 'in. SrotsSet-tan , ' ubU.Ut iliU l res. Wat. Soorr, Bec'y. - Motwtf MISCEJLLANEOU 'yALUABLE B VILR'JAD "tROPEKT FOR SALE.. w Pursuant to a decree ol the c ircuit ( ourt of the United elates, for the Western District of North Carollus, at I he fiovemtier lerm, thereof at AsheviUe. In a- proceeding, there pending in Equity, to forwlos a morlnsre mentioucd In tbe pleadings between Henry Clews and Hiram Sibley pl intlna iqralnst the Western North Carolina katiroad Company and other defendants, the undersigned. Com missioners, appoiuted by the Court, at the siid stove muulloned November term then of, will sell, at the Railroad dep .t of the Western North Carolina Railroad Company, at eli bury, on I uesday, the alstday ot Decern her iieivatpublh; auction for casht ail t e, f run thisu. wdifeed- bed, rollinir sniek mid ini erly of every Kina anu aesenp I'm oi io.iKing to the Western Noiltt caroiiu. nanrusu. om pany. i mdltors mav b d for the protierty. and such bidders, alter paying a atiii.lent amount of the purchase nioiuy In cash, to isy th costs aud expenses Incurred, In tliu proceeding lu kquity above mentioned, and for tbe exe cution ot the trust. Ao . may be credited with their debt In payment, it vt amount ior which the proper y ahall sell Is sutllcieut to n the dlt. otherwise mv rait, i When the 'V ester n connections of this road sre completed it will be one of the most liu- Eirtanl ana pruutaoie rsurosu yruwruea in eHonUl. -' I he length of tbe road from Salisbury to AsheviUe', a. ;., is one nuuunm ana iKnj-mu milrtb nf which one hundred and fliteen is completed and running to Old Fort, McDowell counl . ai in eastern oase oi uie diui niuxe, Tbe remainder ef the road, twenty-seven miles. 1 mostly graded. in cash cost ana veiuauou ut tbe property is about Th floating deb'. - Upon the rosd is a first mort ga.eof the only lein on tba proptirty. or further Information auur (1,000 0(10 KjO.OUU 11,400,000 the Com. mlssionera. , B. UA1II1BK, vat Moiysnton, N. C. MARCUS EKWIN, v at AsbavUle, NO ' BOv81-tds . " , -i F O R Tlnloh Bulbs and Flour Jars. octv-u ' ,w.u, jones a co. F. O- R A Good Second Hrnd ()E HORSE CAR RIAGE. (New Haven make) but lltll nsed. sn be seen at the earring hop of N. A Harp, tq. Apply to OHN B. BCRWE1L, . 1 Peace Institute, ' . Raleigh N C A BOOK OUT1IE MII.I.IOX J aft mmmA am Mats'' f HvM r Wlnfl lk f ' ej as liil A I sjti eie-fit sutsl rslatrwtMl h4 UiUWt -liirak.saa-Ji,iihlht (Met 4teaT-rUi it r.rxltMli h4 tMttej fMbKtftC, ko i s,r?rtw Ihe ctmmiii. h. Ihi.i .sist Uiffsf-tlug Mil ! im tr4 tm4 MaiM. vlitl s..it"ri i4 iai a.iai.l iiilorBti'i f.r the whv rm isirrk-4.i't.wMplnt Mar riage Bull Uia txuk Uitoh uu kri wssMtsKk M,.JkT.lMMlUMWflaJ abMlllb.M. Itati lh KfverK(r Mid k- I frntmn Wltoaw rqxKllkMll 0ttllto. n4 h-aiW be) lei I ft f-it-lilt 4rar f e- ery MttsU s4 lcsJ I sirM.heMt tit. itr t.,hs.. U f wibritsjt ttf'him the) MtdMt ike fen- tratlVf-lvt Ihal ft aJteWttl MiA.M4 M t kt ' kvMl.Hb.fals.ellfttB.'Mv.WW'.r.. . mtii.i'ifwrruttifcfWnrvitt. Aiirwi)rliiUAiiijyfaUWjJf1Aa K ht'M ' Uma, U9. " ' ' - ---'- fotict to tlit Affile! and Unibrtiiiutc riaXW Stpplvltll ( IM IMMtlsltrtlMll ftiMta ptri.r ln f reus ) eres) Ot. K 'KS r uitaail)f Vt sUJMt , r hW !- , ble yi.r SMfiiiMsei StOtl SJSMSIIr Hir,S rsM i r trtt Saowl ! nu fttrw Kurrfie, m4 bot. mi.itwrsaBallrer lil skisill. tt fU. tiltiM Hi 4 feirlasfw, ), I 1 N. Viftitsl StTwV WlfMS MMMMlMMt taiaxMeti, Hi. UU, H. y R E S T A 0, R A H" T. li. V. Fit AP3 tin ra-oKa'd hi ' ESTAtKAKT (or the acttommodatlon of the public. It i tireoleei for him to say Uiti an in eeucacies oi uie Season will he constantly -kept on bslid and. served la tbe best style. ( I OYSTERS IN THE SHELL received tvsry dsy and served In all styles.. ' The BAK Is fumihel with trie best of ' uinka. i iot;oi:. alk. POHTKK LAGKK BIER, Ae, at 4 Km ... A I K B W E A K . ' L's...,-" "' -8ILK S'ECK TIE9 end BOWS 'IS ALL NEW 6UADE3. WOOSTeV tjtTTOMAN 8CAHF8 , 1 AND BlIAWLS, GLOVK DUEB8 COODa .y '-' '" ' W. K. 8. TUCKER 4 ev 19 tf JIEDICAL MTIffi LOCK HOSPITAL i- . BlLilMDIll Ulrica T Sot rn FatDSkiuc rafn UU. JOIlSO, Pbvaician M thia celebrated las'ltutiua, di covered, when ia the Great Hospitals ot La rope, vif : Knglari, Frate and eisewhrre, the loot I eeriaui. speedy, phasot and clHwtus rvwedy In the wot Li for all evecsees or abase uf the system. Weakness of the Back or Limue, tlitetuiea, Atteciionot the KUIwvsor bladder, Ir.volua tsry Dlschargea, lmuoteacy.lieoer'.i lability NervoasueM, Dysueil, ljuituor. Low Siiirit, Confusion of Ideas, I'simaiion of, lbe Heart, Tinudily, Trembling, Dimness of Bjfkl nr Uldilinrss. IHsease ot the Hisd. TbruM, Km or rikin. Adocli itisof the Lifer, Luutn, Stomach or Bowsto those terribl DisortU i s arising from Solitary Haltllsof I ouli ci-.st nH sulltsrv orseliens more fatal to their vic tims tsiaa the aong of Ihe Syren to tli Ma liners ot Ll) blighUng their most bril liant holies or anticipation-, rendering niar rlagv, luiposviL -i, desUoymg Iwik InMly aud iuidu. TOCStt MKN . CaiH-cktlv. who have become the m Uui uf S)litary Vtca, that dreaaful and deslrueilve hshit which annually sweep to an uitUmeli grave thousanils ol young men ot the most xallud talent aad brilliant Intellect, who mi til otherwise nave eutranced listening bcntcs with tbe tbuuifers of eloquence, oi waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may U' witb full conndeuce. .;- ' 1 MARRIAGE. Married oerson-. or Holing men eontcinilat- Ing ma-risge,: aware of Put steal Weaknra, Los of Proerealiv Power tlmputeney), Ner vov Hxeiuuility, Palpatailoa, Orvsnie Weak ner a. Nervous Debility, oy any other Dls..mili Ben lion, speedily relieved. tie wuo piscea nimseu unaer wo cars oi ut. mav religiously cotititle iu his honor aa a gentleman, and eonlideutly rely upon his skill me physician. CRGAN'10 WEAKNESS ImmcdUtelv Cured and full Vkfor Restored Thia dislreasina' AllVellon which reuders Mite mlsdrable aud marriage impossiwe ia cue penalty paid by the vtclluta ol Improper ui' duhreucea. Yuuna nersonsare tooapttocom Bill exevsaea Irom not Doing aware oi u dreadful eousniuences that may ensue. Now. who that understands tula suuieci will pre vena to dear tiiat the power of procrealloe la lost sooner by those fullinif into Improper habit than by tits urudentr nesiue oeing atipnveu vf th pleasure of healthy uupring, Ui most seilous and destructive symtomsof both, body and mind srise. Tbe system becomes derang ed, t'je Physical and Mental functions weak ened. Loss of Procrealive Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, raipitauuu or in Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Dblllty and WasUug oi the Frame, Cough, Consump- uoin uecay ana ireata. A CURB SPEEDILY WARRANTED. Persons ruined inhesitliv by unlearned t're- tenderawbo keep th m Irifiiiig moutk alter month, taking poisonous ana injunvu com. pound, should apply immediately. DR. J0UNS0M, .. . . v. - o I i', n . n. a . London. Graduate of on of th most eminent College In he United State, and th beat partoi wuose uie nas Deen speut ia uieuos pltala of Loudon, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, nas eneclca some oi lutuueiuura Uthlur eu" that were ever known; many trouoied with ringing in mo need ana ean when asleep, great aurvousueas, being alarm d at auttduuleounds, basbfulnes. wl h tre quent blushing, attended sometimes WHO. d rangement oi uuua, were eunrt muneuuteiy VWHiiTHLA?4GfcV- Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves bv Improper indulgence ana soli tary habits, which rum both body and mind, malting! them for either business, study, so- lt v fir liiurrlMl? . 1 nese are some oi we saa meisncuoiy di fecta produced by the earUily babiu of youGr,- vis: Wwkmssol the Bsc ana uinus. rams in th Head. Dimness ot Sight. Loss of M us- Paa. I'ahiltillon uf the UnsrL live. peMla, Nervoua irriiaiiiiuy, ieisnrineiii oi til lll!Clir C UUCUOUS, UVMUTSi ICUOIIO, Symptom of Consumption, ate. MENTALLY. The fearful effect on th mind are much to be dreaded. Loss of Mem- .'....f.l.. I.lutu. ll.iM.ll,nBf MuM . Kvu r ore boo lugs, aversion to coeiety, extii. Distrust. Love oi nuuiuue, iuniuity, c. we some ui the evua prouueua. Thousands oi persons oi an age can now ludire what la the cause of thuir declining . T . . . . . . . i ... . I health, losing ti.eir vigor, uecoinmg weaa, pale, Bervou aad entaeialed, havUig a lingu lar aouearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of Consumption. 1UU.1U JSAiS Who hsva Iniured themselves by a certain oractlce. luitulgea in when atone, a uauu ire quently learned from evil companions or at school. Ihe etlecls of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and it not cured reudors marriage iinpuestlile, and d- troys bo.b mind and body, should apply Imrn lately. What a pity that a voting nun. Ih nope of his country, tile pride of his parent, should be snatched from ail prwrfioets and enjoyment of Uie by the consequence of devtaUug from Ih pain or nature, ana inouignig iu a ceruuu secret bablL Buen persous musii, ncior con- lempUtuuf , MAItOl AUb, Reflect that a sound mind and body are Ih most necessary requisites to promote connu bial hanuiues. indeed, without these tbe Jou. ey through lit become a weary pilgrim S;e, uieprospecs nouuy oaraeus iw uie view, ui mind becomes shadowed with despair, aad filled with th melanch ly rctleellon that Ibe (upplues ot aoomer is viigntca wiui inv mi A CERTAIN DIBI ABB. When tb mhurokled and Imprudent volar of pleasure Duds be has imitioea ""' uu imilliut sitmii, ii w w.. ii-i'r ' an ill timed sense ol sham or drone dis covery deter him fromapplylng to Ihos- who, from education ana respecvauuny, eaa uuue befriend htm He falls into Uie herd of hrnorant snd deslunliig preienoers, alio, in pable. ol curing, uicn u un-uuiu; aiiu- (lane, keep him triniug uouta alter nioum, or aa loinr as tbe smallest fu caa be obtain d, and iu duiqiair leave hlu witu runted health to sigh oyer his gulling diapioiiituieul ; or, by the us ot thai oeauiy poison, aicrcurj, cause tlia cou titiitiotuil jiuploms ot this hoirtd disease to make their aiipearanra, tuca as ai i crated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pain in tkelvcad diihv dimness of gut, dualuess, nooe on me sum uuii auu uw, hiou hes on the bead, face and exlrcuiiliw, prutfreaklng with frightlul rapuiity, uu at last ,h onluUof the in.'Ulh or tbe bone of the nose fall in, and the victim ot this aaful dl. ease be -ouics a nurrid ubjtrcl of coiiiinist-ra. tion till death puts a period to Bis dieniiiu sullering, by sending blW to Ibat Itudiscoverc country "irom wnoae noume nv iraveivr rm turns'' . To such, therefore, v.: onnson uuer ins mot certain, speedy, pleasant am. jltoctual remedy in the -wot ia. . . t oart-ow 7 ftouili rrcdcrlck ftt. n..iiiMAA W i. 1 1. ti .1 ' 1 A Left band side going irom oaiuinore sirtei.a few doors from the rorntr. Fail not to ob- sMrvi. name and number. r No I lera received unless potiald and coiiLalHlug s stamp vo ue ukb uu uiv wvytj. Persous writing snouia wu age ana senu s Kiruon of sdvertisi uienl acseriuing syuip ma.. 1 be Doctors DlrLO-aA hangs in his oil a. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS, . The mnnv thousand cured at this estublinh- meut a Hi in the last twenty years, and tilt numerous imports nt surgkal operationa per formed by Dr. itihnsou, witnessed I the Keprewuiativcs of ti Prcand msny t era, ii.iiicra of which have appeared .agat . ind again before tbe public, besides his sta. Jliig as a man of honor and rcf piuibilily, U a suf UoV-nl guarautee tu the auiicicu . fjilN DISEASE SPEEDILY CL'UD. mar M-dly. -. : ' " l Tn O B A L 1 v kit of Trace Chains, Tumblers and 8lorti t. W. IL JONES CO. ATTENTIOJI 13 CALLED TO THE RALLIQI1 WHITE LEAD Manufactured txpreulj for and Mild ouly ly T. U. BRIGG8 A Bt'NS. ran1 MISCELLANEOUS. , pil likT Pti:i:DlCAI OF.THK DA . . . Tur. CHSZT i EN O LI 8 II QUAIITB LI F: f SJIO SlacfcwsGil'a Edindurt i Sagai.iic, ' . I J .' a.)l'KItSD l ; ' ' r THELEONARD SCOTT PCB1.I8H1MG ro. 148 Fulton Street, New York. , - At UU si-tAu4' ih I4HV o fA ant'! , The Edinburgh Review, Ih London yuirtcrlj licvii w, Tb WestinUisler Review, Th aWiUsh Uuitrirrit RcelrW PubilsUid IJiiarWrly Ju J, Apri., il) . i . ' ar Alaeaweeat's afiinesr, il4gai,i (A tae-kirall of tlio original. Plltilixll N , Uoatuiy. : ,Th,RMS or SUtWAIlin Int. J For any one Review,, . For an two Reviews. . . f 4.00 persb. 1.UO . lo.tsi . U 0U ' . A MU " Fcr any Utree Review, ', ,.. ror an tour neview - - . .... For blacawoMU'e Magaau e.... (ol B.mk wood aim 1 Hcvicw.. TIM lor blsckwood and Reviews. 10 Ol i Of illacskwood snd S lie views., i;iOo For black. Kl end ihel Kevluw i oil Postage, two cents a number, to be pmpi.iu by the ((uarhsr at tbe utile of di l.iei-v. , clou i. . ; . A discount of twenty Put ceiiL will Uiiium... . ed to club of lour ut more pirsou. 'thus: four copies of Sluckwood er uf one Review WIU be soul to itm midn fur SU.wi: fmir coplea of the four Keviews and Rlaclwuod lot . fi, u4 so ou. I to club ol tea or more. In adiltlloB to the above discount, a copy gnttl a ill be sliowmi w we gutter up oi uiv cluu. raiMiuiis. Newsub rlburs for the voar 18TJ without cbsrvn, the numbers fur ti.e iui quay ter of tail ol such periodicals aa thvy may ' suhsciibe for. Or, iiuluad of the above, new rubwrlliers to say two, three, or four vf th above periodl csis, may hav, ss oremium. one of the ' t our Review' fur 1071 : (ubscritwr to ail live mm ' have two of th ' Four Reviews' for la7L Nailher premiums1 to suhsc-ibers nor ills. tiuul to cluu can be allowed unless the money w kwiimw uuwb Mt iue puuiisuer. r. a pre mium csu b given to club. 10 secure premiums. It will be neceaurv to make early application, aa the slock available tor thai puriwse Is limited. - Circulars with further intormaikm uiay be bad ou ai'i'linUou. mm umjLmo OCHTV rum. CO., 10 suitou street, New Kofk. THE LEONARD SCO I X PUBLISHING C'U ALSO CLBUSU TUB FABM&R'h QU1DM To 8cienliHo aud Practical Agriculture, bj umi BTai-uaNa, r.n.e.,cdvutiurgh', and uieisie. r. noHTon, rruiessorul Bcienliue Agriculture la I si College, Mew Haven. 1 wo vols. Royal ocUvu. lflU) inures and numerous eugravUigv Price 17; by ruil, tm' paid.au. , ' aa ta-u i r roLASSE AND FINE SYRCPS. Bbl. AILMoUsses, 10 Tierces t Hhds. " . Hhds. New Crop Cub. ; ., . ooi. muk-ovso. " New Orlraas. S Silver Drio. LEACH HROft apr i U JUmwl, C11IGNON8, LONG Bi! AIDS, CORONETS, curl and olber luur gv"ds, ui to hand OETTINGBR'S. . I ME I M X One hundred barrels 'No. 1 i'iuis W sr. rlv.u. ..... " ' ALB 0 , KotenJale and Jumea River Cement, Plaster ol Paris, Laud Plasler aud A,-flcultural Lime iu mwim, 4A8. M, TOWLE8. Sep 10 t ' ' ' ' . JJIOR BALE. Ruguy Harness, very chnso. Jlywoii W 11. JONES A CO. A Good Second Hand Piano. scpUlf W. II. JUNES A CO. F I 8 II U (I A M 0 For wheat ot olber Fall emu uu Fish Guano, it la need extensively and appreciated uy every one, , "Id by ,W. 11. ST HO.NACH CO., Ualvlgb. COIVANU A IIARKKS, Gen. Agents and Tieaaiinirs, -Norfolk, Va. scp n-amwatmit LOT Fresh Mu'leU Jut rei elved. f W tr W (I ITROAl H WE CALL peelal attention of Bporu men to th AM tUIC AN SPORTING POWDER.' It can tbe beat. Call aud buy of Sep -tf x '. , AJirtrt I N O N K WEEK OllltW l o any shrewd man wh" can dobuslnrns on the quiet, i guarantea an Imnienw forti ne. easili, rapidly, nd tu perfect safety. . Address la perfect i ulldeoc. WAttRF.v KI.T, VH BS.eker Btrctt, New York. July8-w3m , E noil SALE. A few llntbeU Flench Chaff Mrdlteranean Wha, lli prod uie 50 seres to the bualieL rust proof. - z V Wl.:;.:.Ju-g, OS es sjCU. -r A FISE I'ARLOK SET FK SAL' Bun an and tine KiUii.aiOii Table an handsome Butlct, Rfrlgvrsior, Kucl.uig hail aMd Cbllil's Ciln with hair uisttr.is, sml sun dry, art.alu for hous. kef ping HOT 3 u vv. II, ju.-aa iK cw. L 8 T' B F. 0 E 1 V E D Good Seunrrarnonir Wi Wine at VV. It JO W couts. i e , not ic. von glf JONfS CO. IF' O .... !R ii A .liahili.oi.iii and conVi rTrntly snsnaed Xofflcni desk. - T nov 8 If 11. JONEi C. ""' '' ! ". : : x P ATA PI Mill. if AI'SCO Family Flour Just from the aug tbi tf W.C. 6TU0.NACI1 . p E. A lot of giHid old Corn. i uovl-tf W. H. JONES 4 CO. g A M V It ME S K I 1. I. GROCKKlE I'KOVISIONS, TOBACCO, CIiAI(S t SNIFF, CONFEC TIONS, liclOTS and SllOKS Ac., Opposite the Gas Huunc, . octlOd&wlf j" Kaleigli, N. C, V A 8 W barrel Mountain Apples, oct Vi U W. C. STRONACH. UTTER! 1) L I t K ! I . liood Mountain Butler It i!" low for cash, novtf oW. II. JoNF.8 A C ted. JitcAmond Hhtg. r ,

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