V THE SENTINEL: 7 r- J03IAH TURN EH, Jr, Editor. Tcudat MoRKiaa, Dxctt, 1873. 8 T HUGHE FOR TUB SENATE. J: MsssschusetU it, M North Carolina wu ixt j dijl tgo, tht imm pf greet Strug gle for tht United States Benatorsbip. It does not tlireateu there to destroy the 1 -. . t. - - i. ; . unit, out tuo nn who vpin u sue pi see. Dswe, a number of Congress, Bout well. Secretary of ih Treat urj, and Dr. Lorlos ere all aspiring to the test of Ilenrj Wilson who b Vice President elect Dswet wu thought to bare fatd the inside trick until bU enemies coupled hit name with the Credit Mobilier. Dswe wean if be It not elected Boutwellj ibali Dot be. Dr. Loring, like Ilolden, approved of Brooks' caning Sumner, which it ssld to damage bit chance. Loring, the Bout veil nod Dawet men sty, attended a din ner given to Brooks in honor of toe oc currence. e;. ' vi . Wean inclined to tbt opinion that Beast Butler will be the man. . i soTinsa kbw. . The people of Louisiana and the South an making much ado over one of print's Federal Judges overturning Btete goy eminent by an interlocutor? order in pro iceedingt la chancer.. Th! Louisiana muddle It ran to result In good to the Country and the crashed out liberty of the South, ... , . ... x But it it nothing new. We saw Governor Worth ordered oat of tbt Executive office by telegram written by an army officer ttationed in South Carolina. ; Wt saw Oor. Caldwell, acting at Speaker of the Senate, exclude from their sett members of tbt Senate who presented certificates ol election, the legality and regularity of - which he did aot qomtloo. That DurelL worthiest Federal J edge, should tnder take by decree in chancery to overthrow a State Government It not more startling than that Lieutenant-Governor Caldwell should undertake to say who was elected to ths Senate of North Carolina. That Grant should sustain Pinch back, the negn i in preltrtBCe to Warm on ih, the carpe t bagger, Is not to be wondered at when it Is remembered that" tie sustained Kiik, -igeaa4HddetrHweirTttSreira raids upon tbt people of Caswell add Alamance. , , , ,, , . Let the despots do their wort The boar, when long pursued, will sometimes Urn upon the Jiantsman and bit dugs, The worm, trodden under foot, will writhe id sometimes sting. t ' ' 'J C0JtPOVSDlA'QA FELOK ' -' Jsy Gould wu for a long time Presi dent of tbt Erie Railway Company, 'while Jim Fisk, Jr., was Vice-Prcsideut. It has been a matter ot public gossip on both continents for years that these two officials ran the road for. their own advan tage and pecuniary gain. FUk was killed "by Stokes, who is now upon bis trial in New York for murder. Recently Jay Gould disgorged $9,000,000 of his ill- gotten gains, ape condition that suits should be stopped which the corporation had Instituted . sgainst him. This sr- rsngement was made with . Fit Wstson, tbt present President ol the Erie corporation with the concurrence of the Board of Directors. The New York Time calls this com poundings felony, ;'" ; . Twenty jears'sgo we remember tman o,f pioperty in Orange had his bog stolen by a neigpoor. tie tuea out a male i warrant for the rogue, and when brought to trial be confessed to ths act an! paid - for tbt hog, with the understsoili.ng that the process of law should be discostliaucd gainst him. Tbt thief was indicted and cmvlcted. Tbt owner of the bog ws indicted lor compounding felony and fined fifty dollars by Judge John M. Dick who presided at the trial- The Judge said, but for some extenuating circum stances he would , put tht owner of tbt Tf we had Jay Gould end PeerWiaoii -'rtyeiiM u4 Jf"4gtnick, dt .fj... i, i tut iteuco, we are very sure tiiey would both be lodged in jail. If Jay Gould, or Watson, or both do ot And tbeir way to Jail In New Turk, i wii. be because the grand jure, petit jury id the Judiciary are alike corrupt, and I will fully exemplify the truth of the old aaage was - taws arenas coowcut niaut to etch the flies while the hornets break SR. LEACH, i ,. We make'rrom for Dr. Leach's reply to Mr. Long, of the Newborn L3ral Vr. Long charged the Doctor wilh. tbroWtug difficulties in the wsy,of the success of tht Confederate cause, snd hence the Doctor's r)pjy. Ws believe no man desired the ucctvts of the cause mere then Dr. Leach, and he was s heavy loser by reason of Its failure. Dr. Leach and the members ol the Con federate Oiigreas bad means of knowing the true condition of Lee's srhiy, and the resources of tht Confederacy, which the army snd lbs people did not poaacssWe did not see the nccersity Vf Mr. Long's Waking op tht discussion. However, it hat given to Dr. Leach an opportunity ol vindicating bis course in tbt Confederate Congress. . .. A- ; 1 ' ( We were mistaken in staling jesierday t int t.rtl. J. IS. Hood is a K-n.dt-nt ol IUI igh, Nor:h Carolina. Getural HoodV ht'tiifjii!ir(tr ait in At'anUt AdJ tlw ten-nle ttndend him was bj tht citizens' geti;iy. J'ct. Jj ji'il : ik , ' For th SenUueL . Leacbbcko, Johnston Co., Deo. 20. 1873. Ho. Jia Turner; My Dear Sir: A little paper, tile Liberal, the 1 sin of a window pane, not 10 by IS, but 8 by 19, was sent me during the Christmas holidays. : Tbt paper ws about tbt sis of the hole tbt aegrovcuts in the gable end or nit chicken coon' to kep out men and, let in the hens. II the tree is known by its trait and the editor by bis paper, t should judge tne parson to be a small potato. I learn ths editor I ens Mr. Lonz a minister of th gospel Will you tell me who be is, tor that is all I can lean of him. ' I think him clearly out of tbt lint of ministerial or political duty when be suys "every body knows) where Dr. Leach stood In ' tot dtvs that tried men's souls." II w earnestly he tried to prevent the success of our csute. and whit firs brands he threw into the unity and patriotic persistence) of the Confederate camp." . It this imputation npon my consistency, sincerity and truth csiut from a Confed erate General it would not seem so strange, but cowing- Irom one who preaches "peace on ear.h and good will to ward men." I hardly know how to answer him. Of what avail is it in our present political warfare to discuss who was true and who was false, when dc-serters ted quartermaster stand higher than such Uenerals as Ixmgstreet and Uarnngi-r. Is tht estimation of such men A parson Long I. have alwayt been fulse to the Boiitb because 1 did not vote the demo cratic ticket With such menevery man wss sound and true who voted the ticket. It is well; known that I resisted secession, thst I thought snd so instructed tbt peo ple tbst peaceable secession" meant war, and would surely lead to it. Nor is this si I, four filths of the people of North Car olina believed with me. - Few thought otherwise. I said then and I say now, accursed bt war and the men who for s'ight canst would make it. I abhored secession, nor am I reconciled to the men who brought it upon, me, whether Igno ranee, tolly or patriotism prompted them. . Whtn the fight was inevitable, my sons took tbeir place in the army. That I threw difficulties in their wsy. or in the wsy of tliiw who fought with them is a Calumny, wlietber uttered by preacher, saint or sin ner. I oojuld not agree in the conduct ol war with ttHwe who wanted to invade Pennsylvania. Nor did I agree with Gov. llolden who wanted to t'ike Washington lor fear we ' might lose Hichinood. Wt lost enough of men and munition of war in Pennsylvania to have carried on a defensive war three year. Wt had the Notth crying out for pace. They were resitting toe drart and growing sick Oi the war. We bad thousands of friends In the North who voted for McClellan, aud when wt iuvaded Pennsylvania we lott tht lst one of .them. i ; f, i Again, at the eloae of the- war, whoo I ssw at wen whipped, I sought to make peace. With three large armies, demoral ized as tbey were.l felt w.e could get good terms, terms which trnuld have saved us all the humiliation of this cursed recoc- j strucUoa through which wt have stng-1 gcred toil gtOjuiedforicvun.yearjiJiLi herein consisUmyjhnBdelity to the i;on Icdt-rulu cause. 3lr7Long ay71 wanted to make peace and nconsttuct That U so, I did not want to fight, - like parwo Ltng and others, until l kllfrou over.' in 1HS4 a commute was apuuijued uy Congress to report upon the coo Ti lion of in secret sesslbn sixty five thousand deeer- i . :'ii.-. .,.., .i-.r. ten troin the army, and that uen. we s army often had only two or three days rations on husd, which, wss supplied by the liicbmond- and Danville Hat!roaU daily, ; :? ".-'-; ": - ' General Lee himself bad written a letter to Senator Iluuter, of Virginia, saying ii wt"did not arm the slaves we were uo- ugated." . . i la addition to this tht men wen de serting the anny from thirty to one hun dred a night. Then it wss l struck ir peace, not to ssvt my own life, lor I was not in tht army or in danger. I have no reason to be ashamed ol in j political record There are, However, tnree things 1 euaii ever regret j First, That I wss not strong enough in 1800 to dissuade or drive the Democracy from secession, ion. Second, Thst I was net strong enousti in 1804 to make peace and live with the X anltoes as mucu as 1 detest them. Third, That we , did not succeed in whipping the puritanical rascals, who now stand wito tbeir feet upon our necks. Uaving answered Parson Long'i chargit of infidelity to my own Etnte, my own sons and people, I close .this, long letu-r by signing ssl am, ' , J. T. Lbach. BILL AKP ON LlFU INSURANCE,' '1W1 Arp," the famous Georgia humor isi, nas been "interviewed' oy several lit insurance sgentt snd favors tot public iu us inimitable style ana bis experience! I A friend (1 suppos a he was a friend) lound me and wauteu to sue me parti k ularly. He took me a little way back and banded ma out some little thumb pspers, uii oi nsures, snu suia ue wsnceu m iu utirg aiy lile. That tkeered me worse than . , U . k... 2. I L. , 1 . 1. 1 ujtuiug, ivr is iwcu kko i ww iu uan- ger, and be bad just found it out. 1 ak ed him if he thought there would be tight. lie explained things to me, and i bit relieved, aud declined to insure lor the present, - You sea I Xult jwgUiy wli, and Couldn't see tbt necessity. At tbe next corner I met another liieud, h s emcd glad to see me, exceedingly. Ue held ' my bsnd in bis sevesal mo ments, Ho axed me if my life as insur ed, lie said he wet agent for tht best crupany. He then expiuintd'tome tlisi I might die at, any time; th..t tliKy didn't under-ske to ttp a man fiom oyaig. bo I declined, but expressed my ruiude lor nis interest in my welfare, and promised oi buy a policy as soou asl got right sick. JuatssI left him I hoard him call some piieliera duroed ptiool. When I got t tht hotel then was a man waitin' for me u the same business, fit talked to me for an bourdon the uncertaiutv of life and certainty o oratn. 1 thought lie was a missionary. lie seeuieei iuuum euoctine-a about my wife and children, aud nuct or twice wiped bit eys with t pocket hand- keiclnel. llknewed be wss a Inend, and told him I would reflect seriously about tbe matter. I believe that company it a purely phi lanthropic institution. 1 and would hod s feller a few dollars if he was sutfeiin.', I think I will try to ' borrow fioru their sgent to-morrow. , This morning tht brat out come to see me sgin, snd 1 konkluded I was looking mity bad, aud I axed him to excuse mi III was oot fueling well. 1 went down to Dr. Alexander sod got a dose of is'.ts. ' I told bun I wss sick, snd tbt reason why. Ue told me all about it, and taid thsra was sbout 100 ol them I'el ian In town, and tbey bored a half inch at the first idterview, and an inch on tht second In the same hole, aud so op till they got to the hollow, and the patients give in and took s policy. I don t know about thst, but will say they areHhe fnendliest, most sviiipatbisin, and kind- tcarted Bica I ever siruck only I don't ukt somuch taife about colflns andgr-lFowio J s. I didn't like the salts, I 'novtl&a yaid IE LOUISIANA isrAirr. Judo DvrrtW Buttpreuiui of On-Stit Orlean Times. ' A.spciaJ telegram to tht New York Utrali. dated New Grleons, says ,a ; The non-appeannce of the Time this morning and tbt announcement in tht other papers ol its' suspension last evening by order of Judge Durell, bss caused a fresh burnt of noignatioo among the citi sens of New Orleans not confined to those belonging to the present dominant party. I This interference with the liberty of the press, as well as the rights of the citizens, with, as it sonears. onlv an em txtrt state ment to justify it, brought into review the possible nimus ahich might guide sucti usuroation. The publication of k fao simile of Judge Durell't signature to the order taking posaes-iotj of the state house, in wnicn there was dourly Intended to km suggested an appeal from "Philip drunk to runup eoter, snd tht seven and cans- tic article continued from day to day in the lime upon Judge Dureif course in the present erisit are taken to turoiab mo tiva enough lor hi action vesterdrv. The? Time office to-day is closed, the en- tin stall Having deserted the uuilding and left it in the possession of ihe Lnited Mates officers. A notice sppean oa the frnt door to the sffoct thut the Sunday Jinn will be hwui-d tomorrow fnim 69 Camp Street, whither, upon investigation, in aq almost unfinished loft, the Time was found to have been tempoiariiy loc ted. A few idle loiterers linirer in front of the old quarters, peering occasiousliy in at the windows; but as no out u visibte tbeir satisfaction is not much. Pending -i tht continuance ol Juige Uurell's order a paper under this title. No Times, will be published' iroin this oumoer uy Jiussray ex-Judga - Alexan der Walker and Kdasrd C. Hancock, law associate editors of the New Orleans Time. As aa offset to the feeling of lbs indigna tion among the titizuns which 1 spoke of above, there are snany bo rejoice at this action of Judge Durell, which they etig rrtatize as utterly unworthy a Judje ol ih Supreme court it thus perinittnig peravnal rancour to muueuce judicial action, as tbey contend he baa, and regard this mal apropo movemeo ot bis ss certain to liuiulatejiis Colleagues at Washington to send one oOheir numbof here that the dignity or the I'nited Htates bench may be vindicated aud respected for it restored. The tyiupathy of the people, natural enough, under ttie circumsunces and in the present difficulty, was ahundauily shown ail day in tberuh ot sdveriwcrelur to-morrow's is.-ue, wbicb was tar in excess owing to th necessarily contacted lorm I I lie paper. Complimkntart. The Wilmington Journal pay the fol owing well-merited compliment to our late Aasocljte, T. B. n.ing.pury, t-q ; In the last issue, our old friend .and schoolmate, out of the most clegtuit wri ters auu accurate scholars, and wit rial, a geulK-UlaU boseed of The fitiet"fiterary" U GttrotMM,-'iV -ttr KtSWBBBKT,- hsq., announced tiiut his editorial conuec uou wita the McsTiMiOa was at aa end. Mr. Kinowjurv, in retiring Irom bis position as Associate Editor, , makes sa earnest appeal to the Conservatives of Moith Claroiina, m behalf .of the Sentinel ,w rwnaiuiug fcditor, air. Tdskkb. Wt bonetily reuret to part with part with II r, Kinosblhi asa. brother ol the quill. Wt are glad, however, that he has found ''oth er employment that promises more remu neration than journalism canbring" bun. Our best wishes go with him. i TUE RALEloII SEN 1'INEL. This paper is now published Kv an ss- sociation calling it-eil I'ii Stniei Pub li.hing Oomp my, Uon. J. siati l uiner, Jr, remaining, us Editor. It bus reduced Us size to twenty-eight columns, like the oth er dailies in the Utate, added the tele egraphio dispatches and other uselul news feature, and we trud in future will be as remunerative as it has beon; u-rvieeable in the past to the psrtyaihl ths aisle. We notice in Uiis connection, the with drawal of the talented aastniiate editor, Mr. T. B. Kingsbury, who lor eight months past has done mtist of tht work on the paper.-r WiluUngUn Star. .:. TO , , 1UT41K SHELDON, DKALKH ir ' DOOliS, SASUE3, BLINDS,' f SouldlngL BrickeUt, Statr Ba g Ellndi IltlLDERS IIAUDV4HEt . , raints, uns, liiass, 1'uttj, And Building; Ma eilal of every deacrinUon. ITS Ualer Street, .Norfolk, Vu. frames. ... , ', ii... 7(iO BUsuEU wuetbran S.Ouu ibs. Cotton Beed Mt.'J, v a0.buUel White oru M.U ' oct St-U i K l J Wq. tTKONACIl. H i tlefccs Puirsr Cured Hams. "reeUce'J and 'Pailic't.biands, any sUe from to !0 -oclJU W.C.BTRONACH, A7 jnri wi"Tnf-irD THE MASTER SPIRIT'S OF THE WORLD, and THE TREASURE HOC OF AMkRICA. TUB CaSAT BOOK BUS' YKAB. Agents report sales of ftS to 100 copies hi a fet hours or days. I'rofjwtu- tree. .iMn J. W OiDjPKb; , New York. Chicago, CiBciun.iU, ek Louis cpt liO dawJiu - " ,.. j, GREAT OFFER!!. HORACE WATERS, 481 Eboajbwai will dl-poee of ONE HUNDRED PIANOS. MELOUUNS and OKI. ASS of six first claa niaaers, inciudinir Vtaters, at sitecmkli low raiuas roa casa, or will take fartcaaii and balance monthly until uid New 7o tve nanus, modern unprovcinenia, lor tJii, cash. A new kind of PARLOR UiidAN, the most beautiful style sad ierfeet loc .vet umuv, uui u eAmoiLioB at i i)roaaway, i. 1 a ,r ..... ; umtis-u... ,, ,!..., . : . U E W A K K f I t L D EAR T II CLOSET, - a . .. . U by all Oilils Uia ( yet patented. Send to WAHHriaX-o kiMTU Cuat Co.. Sii lhiv at. .icw i vra.mir ueecrn iive uateuv. can aud ax. amine. ... i WO cow . khsnd at " W. H. JONES 4 Co., IV J . F OS T E it A W E S.T , innls Street, SalisburT.'N.C,, Bur and soil all kimlsot Produce snd ( ottos oleaal IValer ia Whitkica, BntiUies, see. 'rue.ra,ot'W.UV . - , Knft-rs to 1 A Davb.. Banker: John I. i,uu. v.. . ii... u ui.l . ,j - ,. MECIiANT TA ILORS, J7 J a s T I N TUI Mi A I Kf.IT. WE I EEL , l b 'a d 8 y-r jib v a x : THE LARGEST STOCK OF GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO ' C. Wcikel takes great pleasure la informing bis many friends aud patrons that be has lost retained from t ew York, with thelaiiteat auu mosi auracuv stoca or in s or every, r!escii'tloa ever brought to Ihu aarket. iljf stock embravea In part, Frrnch, English jna Ctrman CROADtLOTllS, . DOESK1K8, V. - .M :"VE8TINa,Ae. ENGLISH MELTON, " ENOLI8U KHYSEYEa, SCOTCH AHB JEJLUU CUEVIOT, BKVEK3 Of ALL DESCRIPT10N3. for Baits snd Overeosts. To all of which. Invite a careful Inspection from tiie pablia in ins Mechanical uenartment or my nous wiu i ioune oulr Uie verr beat work nan. and all work turned ouL f can cont duntijr (oaraatee, Orders Irom a dUtaoce resnectfullv solid ted, and penonal alUtuUoB gives Ui the sauia op : a F Bilk AND RELIABLE VACCISE VIRUS.. At nor SO U SIMP-ON'8 . Projc Store, UOl' S Er rtUVkrU.VG HALTS OF vicar. KmExoEX, H'L TA k, CJTKi TB OF M AOS SUA, AMI MAdMiUlA AHHIkM. t olMHSON'S nov SO-tf ; Dru AtTro. Jr-ORSR PijWUERS-FoUTZ'i. At SIMPSON 8 nor Stt tf Dru ttore. rpVERfriJ:NO USUALLY FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS DKUO STORE. At SIMPtONS. a UBIN'S PERFUMERT AND TOli-ET POWDER, -At BQV30tf SIMP ON'S - Dru( blor A LARGE 8TOCK OF TOILETTE BETS AND VAtik'8 At nov 80 tf IMPSON'8 r' i DruiftitorV. VTOiiTd CAKuLINA, XI Oaiavuxa t ooatr. urgitton cornt, apt. 85, 1B73: Daniel J Gooch Petition to tell aa-alnst . land for peril-- Taa L. Hargrove, Dr Wm.L. I Uon. Tarry sad others. -It appeahns; to -the sa Isfaetloa of the Coiu-ttUatDr WlUkm L. larrv aud Mrs Luc, L. iiauillton reeiite beyond tlm limits ot Uils State, It ils Lberefore ordered that publi ca Ion lie made la the RalUh eiimi. once a week for fix weeks succeaa.T.ly aotlfylns; the said Dr. MUliain L. Iarrynd Mrs i act HamilUia of the hiina of this couiiiiaiut. and lliat uulcss they- appear In the ouiee of tbe 1-lerk ot Ui euperlor Court of said count of uranvine on tne second stooday In January, A. u isio, ana answer or demur to said com- pi mt, the imt will be taken, as confessed and heard a parte ss 10 them. Witness, ( alvin Belts, cl rk of said Court at one In UXIord, the USth ot Nor. 1?J. novi6w tlerk8,C. WA. CUES, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER ... ANO . TRIPPLS PLATED w Am Akd cixick. 1 have ju.t retarned r. m New Yoru and have pu' chased a I re assortment of the I aboj'n. My store Is full snd complete. 1 have I aa lanra a stock as belore the war. ew, fashionable and handsome - , - - My assortment of .pects are complete. All I tines from so cents to 1 15, to suit all aires. 1 want tbe members ot the Legislature and rial. tors to call and see me at my old More. Same I mace jot s year. alches and Jewelry re-1 palied. Bpeeial ath niion paid to repsirtiut I bn Watches.. Jewels set and new uleces made tor all W cl. W'ork Warrant, d 13 luontha 1 UI sell cheap for Casa. Don't I lories or pas by the big watch near tb cap ' JOHN C. PALMER, ' . Rah-gh.N.0. Wt OFVALl ABLa COiT A A,. M The sale of the valuable plantation ad vertised lo be Slid oa the lliiu Nov waaatl me iu tii or certain parties postponeii. . will otter ll for sale on lueaday llm illh Dee at Ihe Court Uoi.se In RaleiKh. lo pei sous deainnti ittras rate plantation I iiua la a rare upiHirinuuy to uuruuane I eriLS ! -no fourtll c.ih. Uie liulunc. In Ihrva equal fwyinent of one, two and three vtara, iu uiu.-nsat from date payable aanur na.NRY MUP.DECAL dee 6-tds . O O R 8 , IALHRI I N D ..- - ...... I ''A AN B L Vioo Jauldii.(fs Stair Rails; Nswela, Ac, I ENAM.EU.ED.EMB SSED, GROUND AN I.' I CUT GLAJS. ' A la-Re and well aorte stock of th abos poods eonstan'ly oa band arthe lowest rate. '-..-; -. - :'l OrJer .ork l'rn)ptly attended la Ba ders and owners will Slid It to their a4 anta te xet our estimate before purchaalns' Special It ten Ion jiren to Black Walnut s.id other Drst class work. Estimate and Price Lists furnii -. - ish'ed otisp- I A' '' p iejtkta. WUITLOCE A CO., -- ,4'JandCMl, aial St, Niw-Yoak. GROCERIES. SUMETHfNG TO EATI! MIX E VI EAT. I BUCKWHEAT, MACCAROM, . . . ' .noMir. ' PKAKL 0 R1T:8, CAEOLIVA EI' E MULLET ROES. '-' CHAD ROE. 00S11E.H BUTTER, PRIME C11EE3E, ,-'... FRESH CITRON, ' FRESH RAIS'NS. '. rhl-H CtRRASTS, POUTHAMPTON HAMS, J SMOKED SAUSAGE, . . 8MOKK3 B0ILI.NO BEE, ' BEEF TONGUES, 8UCAR-CURED STRIPS, PICKLES, O T3U P.? I SAUCES. W.C. STRONCH AC decld-tf Af ON E I v - - ' i.iA Wanted on mortgsge of three homlred seres o X Land, vala d br County Commis sioners for taxation at S ,000, lying i UiUes I Irom na cur. e3u-tf W. H. JONES CO, Ag ts. From Haywood i em It for sale, Tar Una dec u w. u if aw, L'RUIT TREES sad GRAPE VfN 1" Now Is the time tor them. Ws are agents for the a. dee )W-tf W. H. JONES A CO. in fl f TARD4 Si'a' BAOUINW. To 0 JJJ be sold st oc LEACH UKU8- F O- R L.Ik Best Bsltlinore Familv flour aud North Carolina Ssmliy Hour, In sacks svp a u w. u. JU.t ts to. 75 BjXES SOAP. All kinds. ' Prims Carolina Rice. Canoed Fruit and Yesetablesof all kinds. W. C. PTRONACfl. n.(r( Poun.1 Bacon, Hsm. ekles UUUUw eitouldera. C. 8TRONACH. twee' N. C. Lard, by the barrel novS-tf H. JmNES CO' HOTEL teo., gT. CATHARINE'S, ONTARIO, CANADA .-- TBB "STEPDEJISOS DOrSE.' ' AND BATIIS in connection with the celebrated well i). SALINE MINERAL WATER Is new opes for ths reception of visitors. Person d Iron o' engag'su; board please address the Propm. ' BEVERLY TUCKEK -SONS. july T-tf. ..vet IV SEND F0RACJRCUURri 0SADA1IS T:iE GRET 80UTHERS mdrlotIlcnr tt Hero. Ula. Nnrltt,.n .r.:..a II i ... Miuif nanima ism. While gwejring, tie at," U.tre, t'o.ir-m;ifion, Uroncht T,-n-.TTour DcbT7 aniTa'irrif"" u -s ar?sia? rmm s more con u mcrnseiiii.tvunaftleprcin . :l aruii,i iiiwdiiui a aawktr i . ta tut nurc, j to rrminil mi ,eui.rsnt lumj uiKMiMMmi, t 01 aiu; i; 1 1. , . ,., , a h-.m, r ,hl, WUKnu uauu Ut.u sbicaW lam.i. C-rii h-its tun h presentrd (rem T)S V le.au, !ii l'.tvtilltfaa. SliiiiatMia ii teautt . liimi.irs thruni(huu lit 'ht euaur .iu wi lb a i aa( taraas S'tl SI. U I Ma C-rr of 3itiiaora -Jl '-a mmxi it in e.wa ol t n,t . a I attitS Ui,t,.n WHS aiaka lit. -i'. . rnrw ef Baittmmre.'te, l-n-ii. it tnh.i p,.rM.a auarrinf : t t-i- J 1' ..I, ,Mug it isi. 1'' t:ua A. H4M r L 'T. ?pnr' raiioi ihsBshi ' ' -1. 1 t uniereucetMiuth sss b ieac mai't.es-tpiiitw by iua ; it Oi.r. riuily rm mnsmls it la f.1 l,trirl,u sidsrtiutliiUfires. , r MU, D.-Htvuu. al Geo. "i i..f, i itf una, iuad ! ::l,ha ts: i ton. . ' I u ll....Md, Wnrfree ii- i-iimi. ttytu cu hliaet l m nra all cim tailed. ''-.dii Hrel averretonark ttrm O B n um im -re. n utK -waui are Bubluhnl thow it ta iiiu. r.".1"" '" ai i i wt:i leu rna It a . .u.lK, .,..-, , 1w tunxttim alterallTn ut,sni is au lceUatiioae .lo-iffrcr,. Lid eur ffpie ailmit w ll ym r.r yen SKiisiontaai rraaa , ,.ery b,t4 ia I. sHih and Iroas ,l'r li'k.lorm,-nnii, wsmaa ,'M lid ei.uer persmailv w bj ng feuxdalis is sold by all Drnitt cir.rE5TiAco, 4 i m i i i i.itTiaoRs, iv rtpnetor JOM F. HKKET. ' .o. 8 OouriiB Pica, ' laiy. )KN"rA1'!J0TICK- La ll further nnt'r and anKI tha l.hll.k. menti bf a uita()le office, orders for bit prr fewimial service, mar tip let! with r. n Ilnt or at the e-Uie National Bank, when 1 will pro-nplly attend the residences of patients. J" r. BAiSuycau . BOOK STORES. 11 I DAT GOOD AT TUB BOOKS TO RE OF ALPIlllD WMmiS MAT BE FOUND "rl r i. COUPLETS JMSQKTMiXT Of XKW JUTE Bf I L E B O 0 K 8 ' VftB ftnTsi ivn mutt i - To Books for Children h) great earlctr. l'io-.i F etich 'd wvlo-h hL.tlooer. . Id Peas for Ladii and tienllemun. Of the I wwi niaav ; a iar v aesooinens. ' Kin Pencils and Pea Holoera. Pocket BuoL and i'ort Monies. Ihoiograph buoi. x . Du rl lor 1878, various style. Mou Biblieand Pimje Books. hares: ei-rieta d Himnala. Willing rieaks and Port F Ho. TnnrUut sses fr Trarellns:. Ches and f'-cl.rainaion Boxes.' U ronrn flctarua and lhaei. at ei, .llrif I . all early, 1 -on wish to get supplied. ALFRED WILLIAMS, -!--':-' '..-. .'Bookseller and Btatloner. dee 1 9-tf M O BIH O A- R OLI H A I i'--' JEANS, 8ATTINETT8 1 " V-: ' AND CASSIMEREa Just received st I'lUMRuBE, PETTt & NEWSOM'S. aeeair KNSIIOW A BUSH'S P R E M I U ,v Sale t t Oil , WILL KOT EITIOBE. 8AFKST, PUREST AND MOST ECO- . ' " MICAL OIL IN THE P- ... --WORLD, " '' ! ' ,'4- Clear as Spring Water. Barns brilliant1 y and laata lonirer than oth'T oila - Oivea t beautilul brtlliant and safe lhrht Mo e brll- lian- I ban raa and safe as a tallow candle. No moke I NO' derl No chared wick I No I change of tamps. . ' , - . NO B X PL 08 J 0N8. 'The beat It slwsys tbe aheapest," Ton want ill Yonr eehrhbora want it! Even body want It No .auiiiv can afford to uvwhuuuiu, i v . j i.t . It stand" a ire test of over 1B.I des-.eea. A lit bled lamp may be dashed oroo Ui floor I ....... I F .. . . ' auu y es mis ou wui not explode, nor lake are. 1 1 For sale by' .. f TI10S. D. BRIQGS A SONS, Sole Agent for Raleigh and vicinity. SIGN OF THE ' GOLDEN EAGLE." CHfilSTMAS 13 CUMING f ' -': .-ss v , ;-." , We art now recelvlm In Store tht foUowIng 50 BOXES NO. 1 FIRE CRACKERS. ; 85 BOXES LAYER RAISINS. . I, , 800 POUNDS PECAN NUTS. ':-?-'i;'.; POUND BRAZIL NUTS. " f 809 POUNDS LONG ALMONDS. S00 POUNDS FILBERTS, ' ' ' " '., ;--.--u";T'm t, m POUNDS BRAID CANDY, V". 800 POUNDS BROOKLYN OANDT. SOO POUNDS ASSORTED CANDY (In lbs.) . . .. . . . 60 BOXES LEMON BUISCUIT. SS BOXES FACTORY CHEESE. S BOXES N. T. STATE CREESE. ' ISO CASES BRANDT PEACHEA 73 CASES' FRESH COVE OYSTES , 'IEACH BRO.'S. decia-tt" ' ' "TALUABLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO ." LET. V Tbe commndioas family restdenct of H A D. pklu'e heirs is for reus dorine the year 18731 The bona contains enough rooms snd tbey are -o divided ss to accommodate two fu Mil lie . It tront Martin btrret. Is a boot 14u yards weal of the post office, has a nice garden oi nan aa aero, ail needful ontnousea, ana a well M an water ta the yard, the prem wui D in) ericci repair. For terms apply to -: dee lU-tf . AtOOBI. A CATLING. C 1 LOT F OR SALE! I ih- Valuable lot in aleirh on NeW Berne. Biouut aad kdrnton aUeeia, conaiatins; of half n aer -, being the A astern jiart ot the old Suite mi a us, . bfir aI ,iii1,.Imm , ih ii dereijrncdj , KT 11 BATT..E, Jb, "KaLBiGit. Dec. Iltb. 7it tf. ' , ; , W a20t ) bUSHLiiUAia reeel.e set -' W. C. BlSONACli. V.N . i. Lic, r. "5. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' SVD COMMISSION MlBUlAXTS " aanw. Coaslgnusenuando,, sept 1 u :, . I ., . . WL C. , fl X B O M A C n SDOCKsaon C, Slronack To w. Groeer mnd Contmwwn Mtrclan I DIALER Of ' COTTON AN itATAL BTORrs, Second Door' sbova , T.rt oust su o tf y Q.WLN. MOliltR CO., 7 COMMISSION llEflCIlANTS,' ' ' 88 8. ECTAW bTKEtT, Dsttimore, Md. opeoiai attent la e ren to i. . . 1 Dr.. d rnlw, Feathers, Beeswax 2- V001 j DI AliOS ! PIANOS!! s - JAMES PIRSSOV AgONren.ti!.T , hepulilic thevlfKV, tOl-k of tliose suner nr "" GREAT UNION Aim pa icv ,??' t .E j ention. Ttatas of this comr- 7 Th. l. Ital, niachinerj and oUierSuiT theo, to put vSta Pbnt a muehtS' Uian any other drst tlaa. tstaWUhmm 2, penoa. , about toward, wiU aml toeir advanUKa lo call and uanun Nf"0 before pnrchasius; elsewhere. KUU 1VI VAIVUIr WJ ' JAMMrtltHSONASOV .tsadnau THE SUPERIORITY OF THE L'NrivaI, aLJED . Wtii'tu PIANO rnitTff I Is conceded b all who have COMPAKKkl it with others. tAREFCLI in ths ' NEW Rfiit The Alanufaeturer has succeeded In m ; , the MOST PERFECT PIANO-I'oi l possible: hence thejr are prefiTfd be i GREAT ARTISTS OK XHU DAI Aad reeommendnd by all the LRAULNO NkWtPAPERS Price wUl be found reaanahl ...... i. I teni with thorouira werknauti,p. . WAREROOMS, dee -tf , i. -II ; 1 - - - - JJIAMOND SPECTACLES. "Tht fcneetapW Pas mannfaavtrtsajl " vtss 'AliuU;e trysial Pebblci1 meliM and aiv calixd DLimond oa ace .unt of their hardness and brilliancy. It m well knew uiat e-pecwcies cui irom orssiiisB or be tch ;bble see eery inlurioua to the era. beraaia of their polarizing UhL Havn.ic been Ui 1th ihe polanao.pe, the diamoud lenas- bat bees found to admit bfteen per cent, kaa ht a ted ravs than anv other nebula. Ihrt ata tfronnd with Krcat seta, title aecnraey, are ire from chromatic abbe rations, and produce a uiignmrs and dlstinctnec oi vision Bulbs fore attained to speeiscka Manalictand sy he , Dencer ilntieMl Miilinfactiirli.vlMniittfiv. New York F or sale by responslwe sgeal la every city In the Union. , H. Mahler, Jeweler and C'ptlcli a Is Sols Aeent 1 1 r Kale eh. N. c. f n.m ' jtm thev - can only b' obtained. No peddler employed. Do nut buy a pair enles you see Uie tr.de oirk., . .- . 'osatdtwly..- lUSCELLAEOUS. -r JOOMS lo BENT OR LEAi. .. . . he two front room In "Tockar Hall" st pieaeot occupied by lis Ntrtb i srolin Lad ompany will be ivnted for th year IBS, or will be leased for ascites of year. W. It A B. A TUCKEB 4 CO. detlT-ll -: - -r- . RESH COUOANUTS, ', i-ti-t Freah Currents. ,' '-. Turkish Prunes, . - ' Assorted Fureko Nuts, , Fresh t.ltrea, oct SU-lf W. U HI BONACH. 0 I E e w i o k : "''"'"' '",'"".'''. B rj T T EE, i V. . BTR0NACH. - DAIRY Uils day in store. 'lfcSMr.;9Pa'!ri .-ir Sep SI7,tf ; wi. L Pay thk . wtces tor rURS. UlUUkBT CASH dec. la-Suw . . s L ROSENTHAL. HE NOVELTY HAND STAMP, With cnip!ete esse of Tyfce, lor markis Llneii. Cardi etc. A peefeet little Ge Price 11.00 post-paid, H.25 Samples frel Slfcuts wanted for Ihls. ' Also, 7or Welster1' uu.iuu noie nonur, sna ouier ne -useful srticles, .-.. - . -. Aajress, GEO.Dvi?, Sod Main Hlxpet. Hertford, CoUS. aov Et-wsns ' HOUSE j AND LOT FOR RENT FOB . NEXT YEaEi, ' .,; ' Light Rooms, F ire Places in each. bU " oVer the Mouse. Good well of watoi ea th ' ALSO, 1 ,' '- ,,(.. Another House and twentr arrr cf L"11 attached, known aa the Rex'ospilalIlrolrtr Uoose, four Rooma. ' ' . ' Oeci tr. w. H. JONK' ' i 1 r" 1 ' - JJl O B BALE) :?, " Corn Meal and Flonr. Pre and Osts sna New York' Hay. W. H. JONES A CU. ueei u. :,. . -'-'," H. W.MILLER Harlnjf resumed the management of her BOARDING -yUS.';-' earner of Newbern snd Person Streew, re questa the patronatr of, her old friends and tbe pabtie Keeeraiiy . ' aua: i-u ; , RESIDENCE FOR BALE ... ...,.rr. The beautiful and detri:. kmius 'j m Korlh : ! at e rwer -r wiinunaiw Norlh Mroeta, ilaU'iish, N. C. ...s . . ' ' For terms AC . spp.y to -or..i nov I9-cedIs 'J -,

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