THE DAILY SKN i iNKL - AisVliKi'tSlNIi bATFf. A Jvi lU- f U a UI Ui iu-rtA; 1 e Daflv T v-t she fi't -"ii't tauif. v I'luar ol m tneB, ov ten nviton'ihteai- ' -One sa-irt uue-.oiir..',. ., - tl.QQ , t il. .ic.,... ..... . . square, 1 week, , a-.imrc, Tni.' Ob yeir, lo advuce..... IS.00 ' Fix mouth, la kdvunoa. . . . . . . ......... 00 "Thir tioiitlitlH n " Tb Ta-ilt Ecxiiiisi, will ba deliTrd is ur pari of Uw city l Fimn um per wesk. - - ...,...-..,.'.... 1, f w 1 , al.uu - ' SI . 40.MU 10 ," .w tt 4i.l) ,. 'it " 5-.00 t IUo'. ii.W t : VOL. -Vllif JKniVLKlGiHfKrO-BlJKBjVY, JiVHTJARY 5, 1S73. . , JSTO. 9(, TTTF mn' rf.YTIYPT rz-n r V -."vr'v t .- ::;' --',-a-." ' , - - ' vj.- : a-aa- --. rfji--J 4 s.yw-. .. r y t - . - v . -i-:T7 . - y v : - -ks --' r ; 1 I i . - . . rti.. T -if ii 7 MA 1 rfv y I M VVAr xa vCC ffUAVNT rAYAiAYiXA ". : r 1 V M T BF . "W , -ytw 4W "W- aT -mr -a- . W - kW -wjr ' . . -w; w . i "-'' , r !'. p ; - - . : ; . . 1 , r T 7 r. r , - . . . i ' , ' . -It CORNING EDITION Crrr kLUkXkC January 6fA, tS78 Ban Tbe t. 1 1 Beti SM. ' ' . ' liOTEL AKttlY .U. Yarbhocom Hocsb, Jn 4th, 1873. - Dr. O. W. BlacknaO, Proprietor : PM. Fcttet mad dMgbter, Charl-itte ; T). B. U0'.n, N. C. B. ll.; U. U. McEwee, Ualtl more : 8. P. SpruilL J tckuoti conotT; 'M- j. Hawkina, Kidgeway; F. T, Ctatk, Bid- tlmofe; W. F. P.ol, Elizabeth vfty ? Mn, N. II. Clievaosf, Humltwm; II. H. Webb Yorb; nm. H. O.'IJeade and Wife, Wuhlagtoi,' N. C; J. A. WiUon, Char- Kfe- .7r" v - ; t ; I xi t . V iv:iriL." it Wiyfcy Co. PrwUton : T. P. Bonner, .Wasinngtop, N. U; W." C. Munroe, Trtn- ton,'. N. a .Jo W..liryn, Patulloo - Z'UZtJ'- HS.; WW,'2W, .K'b5i N. C; s W. K Rodman, W8lungtou, N. U; A. MaHrty, L.u! Hill, N. C; " -r JH.O Aire AFFAIRS.' ' J Cottoh Mabibt. Reported by Lynn Adainv Grocer and Commis&ion Mer-1 chant, Bontt Market Btrcet: f Rauioh, Jan. 4. Price of cotton irf our Market to-day U mr""'-'- - - ' 18 - eU, 4 P, M.-- ... .. ... .. . . , fdff . -' - 60 ble. Toue ot tbe Harket, tirm. . Fire harea of North Carolina Ralad I Itock foraalc CtiU on W, ll Jouua. t I UoS. E. O. RtADK. of the Supreme I Coort U6h, W regietered at the Ttr-1 brdeah Etome. v - i't v...,..,, -n(. . ii. I .ii lively appenrance, occasioned, doubttek, by he beantiful. apring like wcathy. Arrka a season of the most intense 1 daikoees, we now luxuriate in the most delightful tnoonJjght Bight,',' ' - .!. " "" " - ! 0 tbb four dy of March the Una of twenty tour Beaatorwill aira-tbat of Joha Pool among tbemy thank heaven Hon. A. M. Scales lis taken up hit residence (a ' GreeniLioro', where he con - v , Sixr Uie. iigm; of lion. Jeffi e law4Feil bond are dead, but old Gertie t Davis, who beaded the Ust.atill Uvea. fificn kings, whose Kign covered a period j "I ' ow,yt,r-1 , ... .. j, I llisa Sopbii Baaacv was awarded tlie preiuium b tbe Mout,vmrv Ale t fair. as beina tbe moat raol?W ot making the best w.f. for a poo no. , , , , I TaT It. Did any buyer, of XertlieiaT I be'.ed bv ever notice the Mat of the fire I l .k. ... i. .. we aw ava uav Mat J aej aiaj aj 3 I it and learn to raise voir own h.v. ; - m .i A large number of pegros hare left the Goldsboro KcUoa for South Caroline sad Georgia, We think they are nuking a baa move t. themselves ; better stay la the Old North 6Ut. I Oa ymterday eteuing Mr. D. W. W'bit- fck'rf 'Vs"eToclrTJTi cwiTjij 'TuleigV'fj pogyfuW Union, vice Joa. A. Harris, reaisned. ! - I an I xaDtcT. Tbe eoronai't Jury in tlx L case of Robert B. Uugbea, tbe telegraria j conaUnctor, whose reotaio i (oad a j thsUkckof the Wilmington, Olumb a J angwt AiirMa.aome Oa;s aima, k ralmaniil ar4 f wnr.1. r TfrlttBst Pr"" 0' Kr. nnkaoa rt. . Tun riKT fUiTv n tna PATa. T:.e atatemmt H tlij f-e is correct whn ,U cwdiu Jl) rWon O.Ves With pub- I1.I.U ,k. r- .u:i. u .w- " . - Tliaflrst nua.W f t1, Daily Rrj ,ttr was Iwhm. In XavcraiKT, 1S39, aoau nlaa rU o months Udretke eatalilishtneot of the Dally Wilmington Jewrnal. bat il was poblkbed only a sh irt while, during the . aaaMoa of the Legislature. , w Tlie Raleich Parnsitt. is aow on if the brli;htl OailMa la the Plate. It It Y gorooa, lively, neatly printed, and give tbe Uteat newt and t-lnrrama. Bwxem The Editor of the H'lWta , b mislf eae of the beat newapaprr tn a l the Ptaleaadhia f.io4 opiaiim af a hst a i irwncj is mas n Ir. i better. TaaltBT. Ma. Manor. -Thl Ulet.- 4 aed drtdiy p"'UtrmlnUtr, lay . ,n.,, .,,, .H m,,, pg the bollJiys with Klaiivrsand frWnd pf II will Mara to bi charge a nt: a. " at. . a . a . . I ii. C-i r, .. ww , I. . ..... . , ir men wh.m tvrry b.Jy iikn. Mr. Maeeam bss arrived home and wCl Wpy bis fu!p t to-day, ("uo.Iaj ) VT axe glad to leura, eays tl doU. ImrVi1 itmgtr, I lt., that car young lowaaaMa, tv r. J ma, Ej. Tor a nam- y-i rvfj vflld.-ot ag-atof lh S. ttoiwiial nifwpany, ha beea ptar 1 M (htrsaof iSa It.I.i .l. - ww-. V. I . .,. . 7' laafl ba IktBl aK airW-i m - l !. ... .. '""7. pnlion,-l ia wri iili.j ,n I (,. ,... - lion, A fc tlre, ba-t. .. in taa It. .a Mr. J v, th. y wouM ld (, q.flk.ti to i l l. II i abja a l'M,b Uim Ms- p-war and rn,VKj. flag Sgat, whaba a br'gHt f.tara Wfirt Tb mod i n iiily dryinic np ol txir tn-ctsu uee mure becoming nsvijab Mi. Pbw T hiem, the Grocer oa Tj (T)Ue Urett, .lid ua exhibirioo t hit -irc yint TjrtT bejuti'ul white ntaa. OifR ii9triii..Vwh tr in irram will nutic tht ire havr Biftde out their tiH inl tiirwardatt "tKetn. ", They 1U pi cue lrcmll t -ica la tfi fuiure jre lhall MPT? nt tl.e eab Tstem. - r. ' t , .. . , , ",;,;?; i j fm'Snrt ieiruUr wwtiuK vl Rwmw . rm,..,, w F"fLto'!,uy, . f ' wiH be beldto ourr.iw night M. tin year 1878, their ball- TU lntIWIm or dfflccr.lU'tkk place ui ererj mabti abould be preaent. - irT T ;" " J-"., KiVrimtnnirirn it'hT See dertiint of Pi SIcOm.ant the .. r Keeper lf tb Capttol, gl,ter.el Ked the atatement ol the conditioner the Bakrigh National Bank. Otiruppl of Da per becoming exhatu- ted and toe Forresttille Matrofactuting Company having changed tbtir tnacbinery farje pjgg!8gJgil!i!"g .lgt fflldc fct wrapping paper, we are compelled tn nae paper eomewhat arnillejr tban. atu : regular aiiev.-W .legret tb aecawHtjV'bvt mch ij - " f i -t ; Wb call attention to ;be advertisement of th. rochtuouJ and DaovilU WlroA vii", Inliii THvuirin. notifvino the Dublio Uiat "'no frclirbt will be delivered .. nniil th Ph imp. thentn . ben peid."'. . A I f - t f t- f ffAHD Fmh Unaa The fact, a re- pitted? th Seeretarj ot ttie TrcMOry, fth ,he PHe-dcbti ieatead of-ieing decreased, ha. .nereupwaoT a i loiiwuu auu m Mf t vi mwui. tm(ji last (seal f,'iH'' ao have so much surprised the honest people of the country ai the nnofiaoinieBt,'Bisde by telegraph to-dar. that tbe President ia deteiitined dl8piuf ,U Federal offioehnldeti Mtktng or oecopying office or plica nnd. r any of the S ate governmente. See tek- mflih. iupotU. " 1$ PrZUthial declim DD.-We regret to learn, Irom the WilmiiiUn Star of the 4tli int, of the death, by parlysis, of John W. Raker, of Fayetteville, younger brother of the late IOapL Uoorge B. Baker, Busioeaa Manager ol the AotttW. which cocurred on Mon- d,y iMt mh alt j,,a w Baker vu , young Uwyer of enaeiderable promise, Di dc,th wlU S' J tg c,rcU of friend . , w ,,n'. 10 ,rtfn ,h" " Mayor Murd.k McKinnon, of the same town, died on lite same day. . .Dtath is besily engajiyl in our midst, M TsTEBiovs DlsAI'r'BABAKCB. A frieud tro U-4Jl,l,oro' bT Vaclav's mail, ir the Lieutenant-Governor elect, Curtis It Br-gdea, he yet ' turned up la our city to be ijualitied. Our informant saya that t'.iough Mr. Brog.l.a has neither "chick nor child " to care for bim In this l:i.nill ih. rr .r ,u..-.n ..f aetr In and around Ooldkltoro who feel Mr Brogdra. so our cornsp-Mjamt saja, oiiusen, ana oaa own sooan ta ponr over, day and night, book beating apn parliamentary kw. And ue aevrt ocewlons he has btea known, w-ietnrat the -wea.her has been, to k . lhef ).! and a aliefrbes to the tiee. w'.ib bis in-nth full f ira TuiiniTITl u itTTIiVtii.ii V, JT.. b neitf,j lo f ,, ((llJ umtof mUo mu tUa UU 1 ,lt 'P ,,U""S " ""h ,,k m f,U "( ' ,,,,!v' U " 'o- ',. Vi-rlrwe p.-rrlnuskieg MrshiiMi. U-gt i.a ovcrp. w. i enu oilii l an, I Ki. Uoan" Lf dlul J of f tost or snow, rl a Uwu. iml, Ik-Vfk " "' '-MJ ' " 1 ef" ku here. M Alt A rLOAT. Alwajt driving tbit A Laiumer. Tbe aauat uwful thti la the long luo Breath. A galkiws fur Rve neck I buil ling in naahingt-ia. ' , Motto Ui UigaaUa- Mai ry tn baste tad r pent at plcasara. 1'aiclim' iit banf has c )jie iuto Vi,lu . t gaia, and U now eiabtllWIieiJ with Urge I avi iBogreatd. TlJs as at) la tn Belli tb UoternmiiUl, ti weight vt th paper I . :'i ikis m iavsriably eatre I P Agrorrr ia Oxb-e ndvit, Ue wcnliar eVUai lie i4T lU 10 lod.. and tb, floelf ,W.J UJ kamxu Bt lo ,be faiba, J t , fcvr. cl . . ... ... i-gnwgn n ir-s a.jJK torry ot " mu ,u liwctetsa untie IM Aaiilla; lh agr. edi BMti:s-adlU I1 Mitcbiag wimail I tk MadMmaeran, and th altrJ an. I 1 b'ala lentwing Ch of our a atonny I gull. w bat ! ai'sai to aay U ih t b I SriU Us, ff , a4 r-Jd-h, cheap for I e. I .... I Betliftg 1 Un fal, U.t, bow ( I .fc., bn to w,-ll,a U. wh wbl . , . IUaabtrfl . - n bim wi:h jir U.." m miJ by h wiihih i-bi-et to belli Ul; 'a Ktf i J Why 1 thu a' hslx IV tu,f,n b I I'-I I It u-a it l tlil J Chi acn IliBntToav, J-inwn 6fA,t8r7?i We have madu arringrmeiita v inform our cburcb-guing aubacriliert of tlieT viceeia the variou bnnaea f wi4iip in nur city every Sabbath. , Bekiar e p6b liah tbe time of fwrvice and texia ofiuoat of t ie paatora, which Wj know will tnrer eat the majority of or dtiBena. We Woald b- glad, to be b) formed every 8at nrday by 9 o'clock, P. Jt. of aoy reliaa meetinga to ba be!d in the city tfiii fal lowing Babbath. We slto publih5 f! time of meeufr of the Sabbath School : rsJUBrTKiuaii CBDscm -Rev. Dr.' Atkinaon, officiating, gervicr New Ybah1! SBBMoitr "So Wh m to number oar days that we'may apply- mr heart unto wiadon)." Paalm 00.1 J. And at 7, p. M.i;:; Z'lZlZ- "For whosoever, shall keen the whole w, and ei. offend in one pint. he ia guilty of all." Jamea 8:10. 'l8Matk ScAjtM7TIcTbelerrSF perintendeot, r A. M. Rev. Dr. Pritchard, officiating. Services at 11, A, M.- 'Te ,,:Wt--' "Ttts Prli.Aa 6t fJtoiTDTB o Fm e : Aid the Lord went before, tbem by dky in a pillar of aloud, to lead tbem tbe way ; and by night in a pillar t .pre, to give them ugni: togoDi aay snu nignt." fcxodus 13:21. i. And at 7. P. M.; , Tng Doom .Win SutT: After ard came also the other virgins, saying. Lord, Lord, open to u." ' Matthew 23:11, ! fuM School. M. Heck, Superin tendent, B A. M. v.v , . EPirooPAt. oitracif J ' - Rot. Dr. Mason, officiating, jtkfvicvs nt U,A.M. -Text: , -,' , Redeeming tbe time, because the day are evil." Epbesiant 5:18 ; or "Walk ia BU-luiB.w4.-Uw- llu an m wh- out, rtdieming the time." . Coltiaians4:3. The reguluraervkw at night , ' " i ; &Malk School Vfm. il Andtrbon, Su- perintendcot, 8 A. M. ' , TODIST CUDUCV Rv. A. W. Mangura, officiating. Ser- .ce. at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. . The pattar of this church bat beta sbernt frmn the city and bad not selected hit text when we called on bim. Suiitit SchoolW, J. Tuuag, SuBtrin. teadent, V A. M. , nr. jonn's (catholic CHPncnJ Rev. J. Y. McNainara,.flluiating. Mist at 11 A. ML . To-day Father Mclfsmara will instruct bis congregation regarding tlio clrcum cifion of Christ, and alt in the lessons conveyed in tLe fnfred nam of Jeo. SalibatK SfkooT-iU. Bitrbee. Snnerin, tendent, t A. Al ". . . - . TnnrrrT CoLtxca. The -eion begin this week. Ail arrangement! for acenmmo- dalion are first claas. .c Impruvementa ire going on continually. The faculty stand Unquestioned In scholarship tod abiljty to Meebi - Owe young tnea tnvj goto oth er states, pay more moo, y, and find every thing interior to Trinity North Caroli nians should pause before contributing meir money ana lcautnr abroad. THE DEAD OUTLAW, fM h'mriktr PariituUrttf On KVUia ltd Uottt THVutff EMiemaf IxMttU tnArtidtt jtnhd s (A Wy, ., The killing of Aadiew Btronir teem lo bav darted into lite lots of rumor ia Bard to him end his connect life. Ad. drew, It ia raid, waa very loader whiky -"-era pralerred nd that, at the time wt bia death, be was on a big sprr Us and Steve . Loncry, the nmatning outlaw, ate BiW aw n.rj'giin) tniat; tit War Idom s.en toetinr. The? full uwt and almost fought, anni motittit ago, and i-ce tnal hum were eloin with each oihrr. 1 he cu f tl.i a at lift ni iheaan4 n'anilfaiher Aitani . tr mtilei mrj h,n bicnuie tOHh'Ored ol m of 'I he dukj belli, ol ft-iilllelown, and lMstoJ oa ber a b-geHoM ring (irlaUy !olrl rmmw-mvikwrl mm fund) ami In a few. d ij ttirrwatiU he f- und the aam rtng iklug AndrwaMMng's Qauar. Tb two oullawa bad wevrr loogbt, but this cirmmitance, It I saiit, servea to alitntts luern very gfiaatly from each tt'ior. lii leed. it is reported that Mev Luwry bss been seel since tbe death of tbe other, and that b asserted that be "didn't care a d d if Aadrew Btrwg waa killed," and that be aad Aa drew "dida'l vet 'lorf togeddef Be how.1 UUtWitil td UUkJiy Mud kiatdenl of Scwtn.aowa, aaonc ab as Aa drew distributed I b) 1vn jit at bis laary prompt I, ll ere is tnl I to be wwp lag aad ai Ins f tb d ad ouilaw. Aadiew Btrvi.g it d.aeribed to bav wt a -uua, bru-4 slHtui-tered, nnwrrf.l ft. low, bwt one More Ira lia-d to fIU la dark M.aa by iiatlijl,l. I b.-goa L rar- nn wnu a m wura be bhi aiaOiaUi was tCiimni tide ni'b IS chamber raadr kiaaed aad with a kt id raitridg a in the Wex-b pcket. It was Marty nw an said to bav brew I. cetitly ofdrrrd f r bim by ama pry tltlng on tu S- ulti t'aro- lna line. A lax H kuifa, a f 'Id ta:a, skd ana 83 c-t liKlMinai currenry were also rni on tne body. rvm 4 Ih'-w who saw bim tb pirviuutday Mala tlial b bail watt Liia Itiaa Suet 1 10, wbtcb it mum' Im Wued.n J while oa tb umt, lb tun with the on lw aas l.d was I 4"ulii brrli t shut gun. With ltb Una hiavil lulled nub buck It tab lit ptaiMvty of rt? III t lino, r.4.,,1. ho tor sm r a bal I An Irrw i dialb, (nulirw, it Is saiJ, bad canfaiif nw.., and twin! to --- it with Mr, ii.a, wub ih iiiinii adVwM toanak tire ef hi aim tof- re ha palled the tnj.-rr Ttia rd ti.ia aln wa raim d uui tb t.wl ba already ahvw a, Mr, MHaoawas i.iy ctMMit wi .t Iran th wutiaw etiea he fciiml -m, yi "aif mtt rt I ha Wim k shi t weat ibriHi.b hta brad, tb eHliaf It lodmg In ll.a bM k p4iluf H e brad tn -Tira MaTB4-The smriaa tnys; Wa were grat -yd to, 6nd none cur exchai ffcs latt week the fixat nnrfitxrot the new serit-sof this spriglitlr, gots'pj, 'rilertnlplnj and really enjoyable api-r. : , v I A i--n a we taw that tneoM mhn vana." late f the HiJ-lM-vro' Reorder. ftinuyrfjUurd th revival .of tlie Milt CArvnici we In nn Jiatcly staled out pen and wrote in as tir a hand m m.omlil on our exch mn list : l'broicK .Citnn N- Cw. rMwiTveil. if ixissitiln. t ) nturt the tlntand vrv wtitnlaf of thu patuT, t ' i rue, me iwvonmn ana ma iiiiieooro lUemitr had a litttK"spatM ongf during, the vah administration, and wsny "got rund and quit 'xehogiiia " becau w got lh last word " in tlie dispute; but we always tnnuEftit it was the )uuur that did all Hi at. We hope the Vlironid will irvt ui twtler, att-. W iiromiw w wy nothing about Holden or Billy Pinil-h, Frm V U'ilmiHgtu Journal qf id bat.) .' ANOTHER U(i TlHE IN WILM1K 5urcity was visitod aiiain lastoiaht with a fire that threatened, at one tune, to prove at least equally ditustrout aith that of last week. Th alarm was sounded a little bufi ra 12 .o'clock tmd.came from tlie wooden building ou South Fiord at'reeti'Bcar Dock, and, be'.ween the briok buUdiiiL' Hccu- pied, up the north, by Mesars.. r.rktr i laylor, Halt AS Uulb y and Geo. . Pick. and that on the.South, known as Ihe old Hoard building, and occupied by Mr. J. S. Higbier,a, a -notion and suction store, and by Geo. W.' Price. Jr.. at a groaey,We warer early i the gtooad, but could hot loll rxactly a here it orig inateil, but the flimet,cttui, apparcbtly irora tlie pan Hum betwuvu tliu two itonn In a short time thev Iraoed uo above th roof, but were happily cnllned to the one building. .:.!'. 1 be losses, at tar aa could b ascertained lt night, aio not heavy, ilr. Higbie Mist Btaiiy ail ol ins stock and was insur ed lor 1,000. O. W. Price saved about ne-halj! but Jhl ..takyriulJigtiwPa-kat ii lsyloi s stock whs valued at .0,(100 and ou tins there win an insurant ol 118., 000 in various companies. It U imiHMai- bie, aa yet, to., .ascertain their lost, tat il will probably reach, by duniige ami re moval, between (1,000 and a,tl03. The building dettroyed was owned bv Mr. L. A. Hart and washnrdly worth more ihan H00. It was insured to about itsvalde. On the SoUih. the Iiosrd building, owned by Mr. Henty Bremer, was sliL-lulv dam aged by fir and w ater, and the German Club, who bad rooms on .the second floor, and Mr. Jam a Arnold aad a little lad named John Satrage, who resided there, iosi aomewnat py removal. Mr. tin mer. who bad a store on the first floor of tb Hoard building, also lost by removal, but was insured tullicicntly to cover his lots, lbs niw department, who were on th ground all wmkel nobly, yet we-have no ncauxation in siayinr mat to the steam pump in Messrs. Hart ft Bailey' yard, lha Well-Uied Hook aud - Ladder Cvinpanj, and th Cape Fear Steam Fir Enuin Company, are our citizen indebted for preservation from another very disastrous fire. .While not wiabing todisnarai; tlx efforts of any, a her all didsow elLw yet nfutt add a special word in lavr nf lire vape rear Uumpaay, whose colored firemen threw the1 flmt stream uf t r. and worked moat nobly, throughouh "CUwJtk Vi", AMI STAN If BY ( 'fbltaJvke, givea by bluff CtpUlnCulUs to the forlora Mr. Toots, Is cordially k.dorad to all whoar Ubsrlng aadrr that cloadot depratsioB and aaeianeboly which Biaally aecompajiiM chronic bdlirettlon, bUioataaia, baUitnal constipation and aertnus 4el-iUly, xk-ornpr woe-bi(oasbivalida Tbeans cliroelc su4 vl loeg SUn-l-C, ar n4 laaara bin. Acoaiwsof Uoitettsr's llomacb BlUers, th pure! sad must festal of all veKvlabl sUaalantsr a-d eorrecUrca, and especially adapted to ease like yours, will rebev yea ot yonr bodily ailmenlt and coostquaat buhU misery. I'wdlly, eerulo y, and without pain. Th chills and daaipsotUM yiw t arsaafa- vorabl to dytpeptle, billlout "aad aervous ifferrrs IbsrwMd a sUmnUal, as U as tentt al AlUnUviC" TlU Whnm vg table prepsralioa emlilue tb three. Willi bwm tb dbrastlv rafwelty of tb Una sib, aad changes aad rK-ial tb eo .Itioa ( toe liver and tb Uancbs ll gi aa airntaabi bapiilM la lb tsw UI fweultlit ltd lead Us tb imtit L'anii.41.U 4 .luiiu as ar B-ver ednaeUs j tbey in tee tulilng, and often ra art dllro)y Oa tb ailn-r aaae, um anasi leal a Lieu contain uo ,no . WfrnUwf, and -era- tir lui'm d - Wrib draatbt et-eusui tkit sliat tar a -.sain- Mil oat, ir daniruBs. Th aUia awls nor vitality, aa Ibey ,ro.irl It eaUn ljr, iitMieuars eiuars Bas B amaiir etiiMf all , lb ain, tieilasl or lb slid aor daa Crt d. pkt t, ll lioiil Mrctbena aad cgnUlr lh body sad ci.ari lb alit. 1 bis Is in afci'i torvvt ol lis carat. dee -Ldcud-wll ('IIITIfl'J I bka-irr.ukl.Na' bnUIIU:. r V rtritrrt.irt tutt. bayvrs art raut um-d to stuid Lb aaaiero-4 CoanWnt'Ui aud lamaUoas o-ived far I JtlifN lit X, AM a ArtO.Nn, New Tor 4, piOCtri A UAMtLK'8 l at id frif tb W.t ta tirU! bat aoU at pr,r at oTiilti-rj tf ir'Si fami friiill n 11 ,r it ll l T Hint A t ll , P timire, Mil , 1'P I ' I l Air.. )f utiik i liiiimt1. "I.Ubt oi ti-y" brasd, ADAMANTINK AML1, All r, It! t'twdln! M.a.f.i tui l-rtaK. ul4 bt UlVUI T Bt 'BT A CO. Jaalt-t baiUiMM, Ui. -a. riLK-.MIL!. W.K, far VlHr,f M'.lk raa -l. ,a H bt s ptftalaatf Ba-a d- Uaalav, Wi e Mt aa tot f l Kt T. la Lh a... a 1 -art i u,o rd im.i .a oiii 11 i K a I M HI. II H r ('net an I . a, -I ia d. Bad tb leU-ei bar-i ll. .t b v M raa, art u Sul-a La -a of - tA Car las l imm -avis tw i 'i, alllll J t ft, I SV ' a ' - . II 1 at . . 700 fcl!,,,-,,,,T,4!' t a, i CVlioa t.4 V.. I. -- twiiiiai Waitai OTM-.I - - - NW;AtVERtISEMEKS. - To be rente- bv nublif aaeUoo. the bouse foimertv eeeni led bv Mr. Loe)ov a rel- dtjieo, a ti--oi skautle helonxing; to' tbe-j sure win re miVM si tns eonn nouns owr on Wtaedy ar tb Mb. ayf January, 10... -' -, .... :,. , , VVTBI'K MolrOWAN, liiltil ' . Keeper of UwCapltok QFriCK R. D .R. St, rt. O. IIYIB10if KAtaiea, .aa. t, Wit, Nofrehrlitwllt be deliveied to aov narsna frota the ileiiot ot Ih Hiehmond H Daovlllr Railroad. North Carolina LNvWw. onlU tb chanr,i s UxrvoB bv been paH. No axene tlOM WIU.BI HID! TO THIS St: LB. iT aa- Janilw .'- , . Agent. "YYAsaiNaTON A LF.K TJMVERBITJ, ---7LI.XISt.TpN,' VIRGTNIArtTt The ate Hid halt aealod ot tint Uahtertitx will own ow tbe tat ot Scbruary. . . ; 8nolai arram-ieala uia n laila tor. atu. den. s w enter eis-ae at Uiit tlu.a One half the reirular fas l cuarxed. j or luruter particulars spi'W 10 m. noux" aa a dlw Clerk f Faculty. Jos. B Bteraaeoa, L. C Eaw.nna, Jta.eicn. . . . uxtor-. . Wit. Plum 1 aa Batohbxob, - Uliiifl- . ' i ...... .w."!"? BATQHELOH, Kr WARDS S UlTOIl. i ELOK.1 , . AJTOnWs AT LAW, I : Will stUnd th Court of We' e. UranrtUe. ranklin. Warren, Halifax. MnrtliainoUin and Ch'tliain eoontlea, and the federal and u- prem conru -.Jan a-tf JJEADQUARTERS :r i G J . U ft T. . ' I . . . n u aA ,' J V L i V LEWIS & CO L I. T O K O T W V 8 I E I ' 8 - ' '8 ' . , r C . I PISTOL 81 8MITU A Wt3a)Ww',', ailAMI". il.l tM'4 and Will 1 SF.T A CO Y. TnELn0Esr.T(X K OF rSl'Oltl lNO OOOD31N THE STATE. 'AilHbptHoM"riTfr'-r. tt BARDWAIE IIOL'IK or M jrLIt'l I.I.UIB 4k Col. -aria-tf. Rletjik . C. BAWT-K WAHTin, I aant att"d Ibvar for s Mill a-r Aabw a Una afcll!. as tb of toe' aad kauwb-rlr a fnftitmr nrt,ftY .1 If fn - - - " - ' "I I ,, ,,,,,. , . ii. ii mr i is, )8 dlttw3is Aabara, i. C. OAlKIQlt KATlyAL BANK I F M. C ll jAli'tBV.l, Iff cent, aa Uortaplla I f -r tbVu.l ait AMl,l"udof8,t ttrr SUMk bss tor declared Ual alt aaaailia, pr1- lo l - .UirkhoM-rt Muav day, atb totuuit, al in baa la imi my Jaa I H Caaai, r. LAafKt IX TUB tikUMAM LAX fiL AUK. A I la. fnt of aaauroas hhum d U ioe ot .tuulilp kaualida ol Um Imiui 1 ai,(u-H, Ua wttilna ku.J a nl. a wan a a in tl ia. ailjar kai taullliil Hi. lr U.l tloa Ia u,rHt, ain na.-a 1, Ibwoa.ii 1- Mrweitu lb (raaamaUral owa'roctl.w ad OMai-wiUva of IB Oaf ,- Lan .,. A- pi,raiia aiH aula w I'K anil ral(t4 M at ta "rul.a.r Omr. JaesU AlOl'sT IXJLFF. V T I O D U IIOTKL KALI I' i II, X. C , II Mi rerB fe tb tratfllng -iie. A. J. PABTIt. O.uaral Hm(iv. fc. L IIOKTOM, . ... OWcv Clark. W. II FlU.OUtt, . t alrra. J. T. llAKRlaOW, a rtonr of Bar aad Ml tiarf V-4 we Bv b .ar.d Ibal Ik -K r-1 -Mlaie al taw aai l,, wail V ati ,i l rnrard to i-. Uma.-a- al wit l-4. - . . w n. fii.IT co. r J lUrwM l- I 1m W It BlCTIt 't 1 - blu B 8 A L K I Sililgi nfrif Bill Bull, a- a. 4 p . wv - " - W. tt ioWRa ,,i autf. - JsElV:-ADV El.TISEi-J.STS. l-l.I'om. Of IA CWWsa lU X.M.jh XtiMlJSnt ' ir .VorfA OiiVuias'itf (A rW ' tiir-tnw' -Waar'ifiw, lhTi Loans and I)connu....,.........tp5a,ie77i: Ovardiwrt.'. U. H. Boodt to -Dour ClreulalioB.. 5O0,(XW.Oi u. a.Mittta - " . U-oiu.. rOU,Ui4U. Other bloek, Bonds and Mortgages, jSO Wi?, ' ..ii.j,. - i 6L. It Due from Kedeeuilng and Keeen ' Agenta, terrem,.,..,.. .. .HfeSJilr Sua irum other fiatkmat Banks.. .V. ea,t4 v ue trout ntber Bank and Danker '-, Dan-mn ttoa, --, .. ...... 60,000 90 Otber koal -W rarniture and Fixture...,,. l,HS3.s vurrent expenses,.,. ,...;t.....v t 7,auj! rrrruium ' eaou,- CaablUMM (deluding Uuuuii).v.. . Ll. Bills of otlmr tioll-l Bnuk0jjti jL.i n raewii vuIBcy.,..,....., i bOOU Spaeie, Uoluj. .... , ... ... !, . -K-i tenner ilUw,........,..,,.- 09,950.00 j-.ii... ' :'' jLiAWt-Tlw .,VK, ,n,;;; vapiuu Block paid in 8500,000.05 Biln.liu lrit A ' .... 7, .U.OUU.UV -FuroouB-,,,,..,., . , .it ISatloaia4'0n';(. ,.,.. :'..-..... O'vidnud aniatld . irioii Indlridual Depiwlto. . 1 . . ..', 891,010 su Chler's Checks outnding..,., Ii7-I.S. U. B. 'UeposiU.: (W,l Aeposlt of V. 8. DUbuwing 0 UU ers 6i,Ul 4 w nuun- bmu , e,77nM ttfl W plbar baikkaa-d aVaakers. i; T.i'SOSl :, 8l,bU-,atU.t. t '-f-v I, C1XAS. OKWET, C.lilr of th RaklKh National Bank, do tolemnlv swear tballb above Ulemnt U eorreet to tb beat ot at) ajiowledjud beliet, . 1 , 1 lineal C, DKWET, Cahlr. , Bubacribed aad Sworn to betoMaaa lh At. day M.Jan. A. 1). lb7o Oigned JOIIM C. BLAKE, ., ,i . mo-try rabim. W. U. WlLl.ARD. 1 L !A.B MKRKIMON. VPtetonK1; K.8. TU-kKU,' C klki;t boaruino asdday eaiouu ';niLLSBOH6vN;cl';'r"' TbeMUse WASH A Mbs Ktl.Lof'K alii retu-ie the txerei e ot their Bcliaot on Tuts- dev. Jib of Fa-raarv. let . ireuutra lorwaraad ra ipncll, decwlil-i ' . B. K 1 N Q 8 B U K-I (lAtt Amxiati Miter J;uktak(!f.V.)nHntt) , . V-:- wrra - ; ' ' ' -It; W ALT Ett Je C O., . b-B Virat BalUmcHW, Corner feasant rlrest, " ' BALTiMORK. - ; - Mtnafaetnn rs Of L'lolklog, and Jobber tu w-i, -iirta, aft, A. A. W-I.Tsa, ' L. L. Wa-raa, dee atom 'B, W.i.tbb, ,N. FBASw. MISCELLANEOUS. CITIZEN8' NATIONAL BANK, " Kalbiob, N C, Dae. u, im. Tb Riurular Anaaal Ma. ll. at lha fttockbaliUr ol Ibis Bank will be held oa lh Secont Tuetdiy of Jauuary, lu.3, beiiig Ih It'h day of th uwmlh betwi-en the bouri uf 10 na o'ctura, si Ibslr bsnklog b as hi Ibis a odld P. A. WILKT. Cah. A. UAL M C X T I N 9 Tb Aanaal MesMrur m th ataekholde f tb. bOaTIl I AkjLiK t HOMKIN-LB A.E. tO-tANUariw4-tt tken-nrnw; la Ua"-i'. j'O Jiuls.-a UAa l- 4 Jaaay arv. li. al II ,'elor.. h M. aoe il Id BtATu.TUM.ES.Fe. W. ,L u ! IS Grocor, , CQTTOX-PiaToit CBUMlaUai al4rb-ilil, , .' . JlALwUl-U, . C - Ut't . Ital t II 04UK Ab.U UW FkAlK Bttnh',1 S. C Bma acil Ik iils. 4PrktOat, al'BinrUv. Cora aad MnL -Far Bal by dw2Iia W. aiMlUB. r i n i t i i' a w n r ou ' Ao Boi Ira-ax Fmim d f-JlT nr.rra. fata nua). Foalaf A i e's Bar sad Cak ii, iMj.'t T1 PaUtr ixrw trratilr. t au- tag'Lab I kwiw-ta-w. t IVwl I ma I t 1 1 1. - bWkfa-l le-s. . Caaiataad Uiai. ll Bal. kf 4las W. ft. fJOflD. ,UK 8ALB. B.t Vfuiiil N-rlb taiulaa BsrkaLaai rwar, t . " A1AH Oaa tiiM 4 Ftaaa sd F-- l.rr llr.1 W II. ..! 4 CO. retlf CITIZLIIS' DAI I II, IVMXKX 8 T'A MIlHK i Kti TA BB TS l'tTai i raiil I pliipilA, $).3,(KM) ira ii nvirri, M m ft. U. IHVik, Irt liHiMM. 0 A. W I'h. IK, I omit BIXJ. MAk'U-wi.l, A.iartT t'jiau " i i,i,'a aniia, vu. L. Ir.t ro'ls K T A ma taw, J F .la.B W. K Mllwi, .ii Tiit ArMte r.--4 I i.-a . Bntaa. a, I I aata, 1 Ut a.k aaniB-ata will h aa sa4. Pl A . I k,H a b-Mt, la lir vv iiiaa, aata ini fa-f. lataar auaad mm daily -!. t"ih"". C tti '. ' o oa !l ia. 14. v) rr pAUSGl'l BAPTlSt lMAli (SMI. . 4 ' i? . .. . 'Hi ' T F. II rouooo. A. it i.-iw.. . .Vrlacii-i Kev. A. F-. Reuo, A. ) , asocial frin-ipal. I. A. BoaLi-K)i,...r.lHetwof Mu te. The Spring tastlaa Wlil open en the 4 X'r FKBIUJA lC ' Th bmldlntr, bvhi bectt inlerjjil, jj. tps- lont, eoniBicotons srnJ bamfronip. - The Literary Ueparufirut'ls pnvt4ed with ', " eloet.Ltbrary, S hove. co. lectio, of tieological Stieelruens and a lint t'liilmopliksl and C bim. a. Apparataa. ; .;, r ', -.' The Munie Pepartm T.t Is pl-evMtd alth s auuib. rof good. I'ltuas, two Orjr-iB and a.Harp. , , . .. ,,tJ . .1 v . . ' in lady teachers empfoyeJ arc all FIRST ' , i!Lak iloariiinjt pnpilt eru nulrd ta wisr Bottom dm. a d ilip Uijtlcn 4100 ercniou of 5 nwit.lli-. Itr rtieuiars, mpply i-r-cirtula"1.." . 4-tVdlaWW4EWtUlBH-. 4 rtTAJKNXON f 4MAL-i!iJXkGE. ' :? - ?vrr "r . ., . .jnieeprinKSu-Uoool 1S74 wii been on th l&ib JaBausry, and continue W weeks. ' Board (cxaluaive of lights and wasMutf) 870 00 f ui lion u r golsr eounie, s (;. ', 18 00 Chanie for extra sludi-t, moderate. , For purtlculara, tppiv lo . ., .. . T. M. J0KF.3, Pretld-nL oeaie-oim".,,,! .,,! ,! a.i N a ir m;s n o o lv -.-;rrf 1 It'- TIT? n.nrr -IT-8.'i7 1 i ' - " Ct. Ww; Bwtmitw, flnpt. ' '' , MaJ. Riiirr. BiMUAH, Aef ng Sunt. MA..W.B.LTBCB. CAM..TsIM.w.)t i.iSV t Bprl'ug Betsion of 18TS opens' Feb. Tib, ' Tortlrcwiwrssddres;5 ;1 M ., ; r5 , . v MAJ, SIJiGQAM. dee St Im lUICIU iCtDIMI, On thi of Janusrv. 'lHTS. II,. .i,.-i. bars will eommeiict lu Uiit hiiiliiiiig aa baaih-a- ttiJ Llaaaiaal BciiOvi. . tt-T , . . - nwt o vciTirrw na iMKinif, ritAwua i, ajt-BiBB-i ibahvaiuavj ' Prlmsrv Xncltab: .' ' ' . . . . ?' km i a htbe 8mgl h . .". . . .' jjs,'w .laaaicaana UieBer -ttlhamaUea. ., , , aoou book keeping aud Frejivb,hxba 6.00 ''.. !- - . ,tif. " J. M. LOVKJOT, w f, I J.M. WH IXS dee88wSt . , - QXFOKL FBMALB BEM1SART, , OX- ORD, N. cv -y-. Mtat m. & MiTciwii, hbj-ii'ai..'' Mra K. Jf. OBAarr,'AtoelstePrlnelpsl Til Mil ale Uroana-siil I IK. .!,.,.. of Mrs, W. ii. Abiaaow. w.ll---. u .n .... , com plbhed bail) otluna xpetoc. Tb lriBw Bion or iQia ohui da-uary to. Cb alar a applleallon. ' ; i -Uifaree-.AII trlead and pupils ot tt . iau Frof. a. ktitctw.t ot U liuivaraltv uf Norlb Carollaa. , " . -1 1 i gOUTHER. EpyUATIO-At BCEEAU L To aid all who .totr well qns'lfied teachers. ... a. Torerrntteat1icrt a ho dcttre pol- 8. To nli parrnls Inf orinallan of icbools. ' 4, Ta sell, tent and eiebanua a.h..,i perih-a.f , i .A-dr-i ,, .as eouTIKJ ATK dot lbdltawltAotwSia llw.uoro, S.'f. uti tub . i:i im: fi FA1 n B Af ICS a at. STANDARD IOMS8, .... Mi-r than 80 lJ:iTrtiit. MoJifica-boa . Acia.NTa a Lad ro rn trf ai.arsi Monav pbaW-b. . - A18.A3K1 A CO., . i . SU Ht,d, N. r-uk. I II. l;ia,.l SI. BallJuiora, 8,1 lamuHL. Nw 1,1. ana. FAIKBAMK8 A KW INil, T'l 1 brata-A S-.FlllUibllBi.i. rAyiAF8,buiiiANAcu; lit U,,k tUeul, bUxtm. ( 8W , Lr -g-dUat-M arerx( Purfra." Sep lid. ta sat . PIEDMONT SPIt I. NCI 8 ron n.t.t.' A tutt luToMn ttit tl'.'r (,f a tiart f kad ia Muiti roaulr atna hi,-h I loratrd Uiat a all k"-ww wauvliia Mar fb dn, I vi bia. S-a eu-uMi i i g Ui l-raiul BiuatiRiior Luuil It mm bf Hid rutair -ttiia and a aarr 01 i e-yrt ia in t illniljr Utrt-la Oil-Hrd Ujl It. Badml.-ed thaw Id, a Caaaniia-kia-r, aril a.ia UtMt. I i-xi-l.. in toll, Uiai mm 1 kara-av, tb -a at Ji . il.i. hl.,. Uui tn -in t-i I Will tlltrtm lo k.L.IC '. W la lod- der fue eb, U Sriyni b , Uu-f Hb arte arte i Ui 4 ar.r or le, bcionrli, U,r.b. 1 k Iwaravaaaaat at ll. 8 waUvW alar enaaiaU ul a llubu in, iu !,, a.j arrajuraw ana rixM-, aatii j a iai n.a a I S ua . Ball and Ina ne; kooia, le 'h r baU.iie. wiiB I we W ffmid tnanm, h-l-.r Willi a ktnr aaiaUar tit l a.iaa, bar B.ioaa, Bala llu.aa, Uui a.4 Blalnaa il M , -i Ih kili -iIm ,iI prui,ftUii .f It,. I'MiOnuMit ler naT tif l -i a Ua ai d un.n,l.!y lri4 aad ilb a aau.f-riory r-.aiu f-ajlra M n-.vitla at mf m. 1 h ar bwt4 I, a 4 a tail u li-t llaali.'V, tl if a. la "I , , M.aH'r al tl,a ba cf lHa-1. ii Ian. it Ui ra a sarii.ia aa4 a-r i'aa ! '',ul i p,i,- Inn W laaacMB, ! l-a.i f ialk Mm-m Bia-iA l-M-itaai Vauia.4. fur InMh, r m a,a a; , M - la a-. sua or I n .1- al ,-, i, M.'i i ., N i; A. It Jul Mil, daa ,8 wl4a - 1 JWtLMNO II Vf. tt n 1.11 A lwi lln t II .--. aa Ik. -.n,f liil.,. W ,a' .4 i a. riMila, liil ail i-d ruuia f. ii., :.a aim ,a i.l .., I (a 0 ,.an Ii.., l t. i , w -4 d laa fc.i.' ltrar. Ik.r arta a art am 1 1 ta W. It IWil.M, r.. v, H nn hiji-a A -r a ru..!. l I -a a, ll t.l. lih,Airi, J . lltn, . , . I (toetew) wha Toang " " aa. wit jrMi. mI la ii W L . tlk'ilA'.ll. BO IS If

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