THE DAILY SENTINEL T1IEDAILY SENTINEL ' AOYKUTUt V'i KATES. Adrarttiiemraits wtn 1. i ....1 i. .1. TUB SEXTIXLL rCBLlSUlXO CO, iTlr. at tbe fottoww hii. - ,.: J. , ni a. or ten iiimt.Hi !--. . L " H..T ..a-i !. r.Trtt.Tiii.'ai '"OnewrBareonaihne .. io - "1 - aarh au'w-tin. i l-rli..i f as "nii a wmtk r " a ra or aiaacairnoii. ' On year, In adYane ...1100 - fix mouth, la avo.7.,'.r; 4 50 Thra month, th advance SS Tb Uailv (utttsiiii will to delld hi JL. a- it,t lb kMf at rirraaa CBirv fT I fiuara, I weak, I 8,'io. I atare! 7 maa, ' S mo'a. t!,tio 1 ' I - W.i " TGU, JS. VKD.ESL)AV, JANUARY 8, is7& NO. 102. II ,-- ttt.wt- 4.lX', 1 V5.ui W ' 5100 , . - -. , , , . ,. .w . , - : ----- MORNING EDITION, Sua rises 7:11 Sets 8:03. - Wbathsb. Kicrosvt. Witikiiflo, Jan. 7lA Kor the ftmitb Atlantic end Eastern Gulf coast's to too Ohio valley, easterly nd southerly windt, veering to couthetly and westerly, with tailing bammeter, ris ing temperature and generally cloudy weather, with probably light rain w Teuneaaee and Kentucky. , ..... ;' ! . " HOTEL ARRIVALS. i Yahbrouoh Uot'tB, Jan. 7th. Dr. Q. ' W. BUuJsmII, Proprietor : R. E. L)on, Durham ; D. McCaulry, Chapel Hill ; P. -- P. Peace, Granville county s O. R. Urrt tlth, PitUuoro' ; Jama Caulfleia, Gueloh, ' Canada j R. ' A Patterson, Asheville t Lawrence Pu'.liam, Aabville W. O. Shel . burn, Wake county: 8. H. Ilopkina, Bal timore; Jew. J. Davis, Looisburg ; W. C. - k.rfjran, Zanesville, Ohio J Dr. J. W. ""Johnston and wife, HArtford, Conn.; X. 8. " Ihiral, Baltimore; Jo. A a her, Virginia ; ; II. D. Sloan, Sampson county. Natiohal Hotbl, Jan. 7th Win. H. 1U,'1JT-.A Jo Propriotor. William II. v -Bailey, Saliabury, N. W. A. Eliaioo, , lilatwMla.- ... - '- - -! Cuttox Makkit. Reported by Lynn Adanta, Grocer an t CommUaiou iluT i hunt, South Markvt Mreet : 1ULEIOB, Jan. 1. ' Plica of cotton in our Market to-day : 1m. '- - - 181 8 eta. i P. M. - -nloi, - 25 bale. Jieceipti, 83 1'om oi the Market, firm. Kite aharea of North Carolina Railroiui i iik for tale. Call on W. IL Jones. Up to 1 o'clock this morning there bad 'Tth iot trae srrait bipn Hce;tuirort . ... . 9 cwnirj man, wno wo uruua teii hi lams. Caoastsoa. The Board of City Coro miaaioaer ordered, ia their meeting Jlon . day night, a number of croaalags to be put dowa la different parts of the city. Maebly aaedad. - - ClTT Bokd. Our City Treaaurcr la authoriaed to iatue $8,000 city bonds, threa year ta) run, at 8 per cent interest, - for the purpose of fuading the city script row afloat la oar midst, ' ; Tu Cm Tax Coluktob ia preparing i a liet of deliaqueat Us payers (or publi cation. Quite a number bare found it Inconvenient to settle, and ia eooaeoeac will bare the ' pleasure of " seeing their aairiM la tha papers.'' Ha. W. C. liuaoAM, Oeoeral Ageat fv H. A F. Blaadey'a Portable aad SUtioa ary Xngiafa aad Saw Mi la, hat returned to the city nd ia atapping at the Tar bo rough IluUaa. rersoat deairing Hachia rj should eowault him befgre purcbadng. Mm. Roaaat Fapcbtt, of ChaUiam, waa ia the city yesterday. Mr. F. is t orlgleally from Orange, waere be baa a toge aambte of klcwfurba, wban ances tors were bold aad fearkaa wb'gs i.f the tejululiQA. .1. i. ii Ibeobu, Covktt n- aoa We Wa from the liUernr that twelve tbouaaad dullar 4 bond if ludcil exmiity wrr Si'ld al'lla the part two days la Char . , l4ia. ty. Ih AlUaiM. Tsaae s.s aad "'Ohio lUl'itoad. They Uoaght a' Do price. Thia spcaka wall for the credit U the sterling aaaa of IrvdelL Da. LaAra. Wa aad the pleaanre of a Visit from Dr. Lewk u y4erdy. We gave him a copy of the Lttwml The Dr, praaaised a reply la due time, asd tlx talked of farming aad the Drwpacte for tbe aew yetfl.Mtmr?lloee4 that W , Co I with oae mule aad three little chit it, the eUaat a girl ef (wtat, made a hie plaatatiea 84S bualxla . of cra, 88 of pane aad It balae of cutum. ' m MMMH-.. VLB Turn Ua-cas- 4w Albert Jottoeoa. aaL fkewarl ti.iana, ta u BAltiee, behalf ef the eily, to eo-rtpante With the foaamittee fruca Ike Stale Agri eltural BocWty, ia U;tng off iatn lute, the aid Fair grweada aTlM ilfcl anmsalt w aaderUa4, wilt held thairlrvt lamUng la the Matnr'e affloa, ill mora kgaltlSe'ilark. Mttv'i UtiT.a. 714, UTA.Tae ealy ee Wrare the Mayor tble awmlag wa lUt C Juha Laxkkwl, M dvrd-rtf enadeci am the Wravte M -ajay alt;hL J ha wa e ef the gag elutatedi tae pax ft the Sabbath, two Wk ago, aad being aa a4d ttflaadrf la aia, aad aa aM a pay a sw arat hwfe a rb lh a a, i,tary aad aJ-, te ftaWt, fm bowl, t that patloa rt rrpter h-ib real.ih, "(aa way a' the liennei 4 kad. Wat. U. Juaaa, Tm i. W ea.Sad aae day Ueaeeaw agkUar aJ ,Md Mr, W wave glad to ld him la mfnrit le tadiua- aal able U wh aboal Ike haaaaa. IU atiach ha baa) a arfWe a reaaat aad the pep rae td M. UaietMacth la ach e to gv aaienaw tkat be ii he a4 at kk aO arf haste Xai'kat Uih, tae ka y k4Ue atita fbaa Will am It J t Tea aall; aaa fcaaad by Ike , V U cil at bng ef he Uiaam siliaa lb extaaei e akk ba b4 TV pray S I g-4 ! uf the a bale ft At the ro.tiii(r of the Good Templar br'.i hut evening, it waa decided to repeat the rthibttion given; by them oa Cliritmaa evening, The eihibition,' a before, will be given at Good Tmplara' Hall, nn Wiliningtoa tteet. Admiatoa 83. cat ta; rraerved aeatt 80 cent a. Hob. R R. BaiDOEB - hai been ouai nvHuly re-elected .Preaident of the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad Company. The Jfotf adda. that Mr." Brtdgera will anon have , control of- the n Atlas Uc butt, from Goldnboro to Morohend eUy VtxT ,Utt!Xt JUuL W. L. Thorp, Eq., baa porch aard t half Interest in the Rocky Mount Mail, mi Joina Mr. Stilley ia the management of the paper. r la a wfll-writlan Balutatory, Mr. Thorp aayt ba baa done this to make money and wa trnat be may be eaceesefuL Politically be b ait right, bucceea to the JfeO. ; A Colosbo Law via Lickhsko. John Sinclair Ltary, ot Cumberland, late a member of the Oeneral Aaawmbly of. tbla featg, WMtiptminedf wtcrday hcfureUha, Suprtme Court aud received license. Jn practice law in the litute courts. John waa aa intelligent member of the House and won the respect and esteem of all who knew him. He baa our lt wishee for bit iuccces la the practice ol tle law Rev.. Mr. Dameron, a minister of the Primitive Baptist Church, preichcd In the IUIeigh Baptist Church Sunday aight lust. Mr. Dameroa ia a school teacher as well as a preacher. , He ia a fine io king lime, with a genial face, good voice and eay BiannerHav the pulpit, t Hit sermon waa over an hour long, doctrinal in its caraer7SmaTrn"!ta TpTril and quaint and ratbat amuaiag ia atxas of Its illua- tratlona, - ; ' s New ADViKTiaEiiurYa : Wanted A good Utaapt to work a larm on shares. Read the advertisement Read the notice to holders of Worth Carolina Railroad Company bonds. Messrs. W. IL R. 8. Tucker ft Co announce a new arrival of goods. Gary FemaU Academy, Gary, N. C The exercises ef this Institution will be resumed on the 80th Janaary, Mr. V. CL Pell, Principal. Bee the advet tisemeat. Zxamiae the report of Uie coodllioa ot the State Katkmal Bank. , Dtaru As. The Cornmlsaione of Intrraal Rcvcquo bu decided to change the regulations regard ing the ttmt for taxation of tbe product of newly opened fermenting tube ia di tillerics. The change wilt permit two days grace between the opening of a aew tub aad tbe recording of its product, in stead ef a now, com ra toeing tbe first day total the dry grain. Tbi regulation took t Bret Janaary 1st, but will not be promulgated until after the December aa- auaameiiti are compleb.d. The Commia aioncr aay be will not ia any instance give It Mmepectlve effect, and that Is all! k4 eatrttaia spplicatloo for bringing it te TtpXTitt? on the 1 ii.uilwr fist. " bUrSHHiB CnCBT OF WaIK. Iu ! Watte oprard eoart at 1 1 u'clnrh. 1 he charge if Ikr Jul waa ant heard by the ruiet. The fUoUg prMa ser rrrarwn. rwern, wad maa-e-t ee Uaewd Jesursi i I., i ''iff i 3. P.Prwlri, Forvmaa I'lkihi K rgaa, Tboma Maaly, Paschal Evans, Romulus Mabme,Joba Rhode, James Weather, A. IL Davie, Daa Tarker, Oliver H Ruaa, George Ler. Isaac Hunter, Jamas DoyW, mivaatar Doaatoa, tlanry I'llay, Murray Smith, Mae Smith, E. IL Ilayaaa, Tbe Oread Jury ware well mixed, aiae bite bad at na c4ftd. , Jadge Watte aaaoaaced that all mvil caae raqulring tbe iela-rveatlua of a jury would be eoatlaued fr tbe term. Only arimiaal eauma will Je titcd.' ' ' The (olloaiae: taai wave takw ap aaj fi Plata a Oanrge Lane, dWawdaat saib- milled aad judgiaxert waa euapaodU'd e paymeat of eata. ' Mate t. WiWy Mills, eVfaadaat aub m Med aad Jedgnaewt Sajapraded pay ! of Soa. State V. Ilarrlao II d'.aad aubm tud yedgaiaiat aaapeadvd aa paymcal of fkate . Juha Ttmpt, aubaJtied aad yadifsmeat' aavll oa pjat wf la the ease ol Stole v. Warn. Ilo laaaea t ym eatertd. Slate ta. eUmeal Jcekiaa, m1 pna. wa at Ti. Btatr.C M. rarna, aw. pawa wa aund. Stele . Tboe. pM pWe, V(alat tab mitad, JedgaMml saipaa Wl o payaMal m enat. Sum V. Jaa.' Wkliakw, w4 f. te- toraj. State VV Tboaaa IL 11", awl pv. eolarad. tola ia. laaUh M, Cwlay, dasVailiBl wbmla, Jatlgmeat as4 paaef aad aa ttJe f Anate IWe, afw4t oa44 al 1mIc4 to aaawaa. Jaf ia Lai w Mai'l V ataa, j4gar)t m pa4d a paaat f east. . fwa'e va. t NrfvHl Adsma-fi' aa'j raa trd J Jery tta;-Wg 5i a; aad eyll aad katUvy. Va4a, avt ThkKk oh rova persons can obtain first-c!a board in a private family. Ap ply at the BrktIkkl office. . , Tbb Crabxottb Dbmockat ia cow in its twenty-6r 4 vt lom and is aa young and vigorous aa ever: Mr. Tatea has been Mr markabty successful io (his enterprise, but not more so than bis Industry and talents tk. DoEfp's Oekmah Classks. We are plraacd to ltsxn that quite a nuuibar of gentlemen of tlii city are Joining Ir Docpp't German claase and that the Brat course of instruction will shortly begin.' t , aa . Tb "PKMtct. We loarn from the Wilmington iW, of the 5th Inst, that Mrs. . R. McOowan, of this city, ha re ceived a very fine ilvr strawberry act a premium for her splendid art work ex hibited at the late fair io that city.' ' . wa 8t7PBBMB Codbt. Tuttday, oa. 7. The business of the court to-day wa the oncluding eianiin;tion ot applicant to praotice la the State courts. The clam waa large and all the applicants passed a Ualactory txunmatioa. They are as follows: ; Theodore Picket Bonner, Hyde county. Thomas Jasper Swann, Mecklenburg. , Jeetph Shepherd Adams, Buncombe. Robert Oaborn Patterson, Jarvie Barry Buxton, Xawrance Pulliam, ' ' Walter Freshwater Pool, Pasquotank. William Callahan Fields. Allegheny . Harvey Electus Cullom, Johnston. Frederick Augustus Wobdard, Wilson. Oliver Harrisoi A!lSBJ?Bplia Rufu Sinclair Byoum, Stokes, Robert Johustua Blilpp, Qiifm. - ' John Wstsoa Mauney, Stanley. John William Bryan, Pamlico. William Clement Munroe, Jones. , Marmaduk James Hawkins, Warren. William Marsh, Surry. John Wood Blount; Wilson, , FraakKa McNeill, Richmond. Alexander Malloy, Robert Martin Barliam, Franklin. Joseph Henry Boothc, Wale. . William Wbitford, Craven. William Cornelius Bowes, Northsmp- , ...... George Waabiugloa Bower, Albs. Jobs Sinclair Leery, ool., Cumberland. Cblet Juetloa P wqaaaU saw aw ouueetuent that Lereaftct tboee who bsvt not read the prescribed course will not be admitted to the clam ot applicants for Uceaae, A a matter of interest to those studying lew we give the prescribed stud las, aa lollows : Unt Ctmrm. Blackitone's Commen taries, (Sd book, diligently Cok or Cruiar, Firn, Suuudeis oa IV a, and some work on Cxrcutois and Administrators. Aremd fMra.-.Thlrd Blatkatooc's Commetitartea, Chilly sod Stephens oa Pleading, Adams' Equity and the Col of CM Pruredure, Od Saturday evvaing the Stoke Hal mo tu a clue with a verdict of mutder ia the Brat degree. This is 00 of the bopHul sign of ih time, pai tirularty Hr NaW T. lk, Wbah vr( Ike chararter of F tab -eawy-hww" bren - he -urrtnebredty eaded hie caie.-r by the band of a cow srdly aaaaaaio, aaj it is to be hoped that thaliow shall at be cheated U It victim by asooeyed Uiflueaceor otaxtrelae. Murder Halk throughout lb Uad. Crv taJa mevktloa tad sure aad taiA puo ialiaaeat alae eaa) stay it. Peadlng the trial ef Btokre absvaot etterrd award a Io the asrriu of tbe case. Now that the Jury bavt pro ami scad tba verdmt, w say they wt right, aad now we rtpaat Slokee diinse death aad shoald be mads to HifTcr rt. Watr IrvAT. sal ii f aaiagilM Myy tsars I'as y -l tye. Mitat-r caturtal Tbe liaat place to eaat a Une bar baaa ia iba C at the foul of tbe rtaL A Daadre pi eatiat rroaat'y woe a SI gar b devouring ailtn-a pliw la va tore miee'a. ' A pretty daaaw lada4-Mki Aatbooys pa da loat 11k tlx Udx t4 tbe corps da balUM. The kal r lain U tk Sapetb have bea ud. She wul be the lafgeat Uu)-U 1 k the Britaab Kavy. Ababywae b-a la ItatJaaali auaae timeaywwboee m mm sJftyata yrr i 4 aad I'a flbf mviety-fuar. A Party ad aS Mana artlam aOai lw fouag l4a. bwa sWt Laka, as ia Pall re KM tu I y aad Ika H .ly Land. ladtaaapolie gs at fmaaej ee hard ika4 tlMCompasiaa m gtitarlill by the It! laad ad tiaa eM lant If H Wwai 1 aw' bare. fe TV world IhWh ifcal kwarad t4ral!tg Brauhtje tle tliy ad Lbarcaxo it Wawtd bvmwrVfritorJUt my rvtg fcaaafc-gae. 1 a haa why yaag wo aa U k B-iad ., M W lavas b kf sua Ht t trawLto, IWI SV JMCV MM AaW aik M If hse baaa axial Ml 1 taaaa ta aart d Ikwg Ml ibale l laa praaravt rata, marta aiita f II.! Iba d- t g rr amy a 4 be aaal sp. The t"s?ts fn the Market House at Ral- 2h rant this Year ft: $5,81. -tiix-d . . i . . .1 I . . Tt I ' . k. markat, and crowds of lar.r, Idle negroes I are not allowed to block no the naseaota. I IU.l,l.n that ail tha nmnertv hiiMiiri f Raleigh are made to nav mia ta. and lt 1. collected from all property holder nti ooi innu a cutiiWttuva icw. oesiiin, further, whea the City of Raleigh is una- letopay it debt it atopa Boinir in debt. "We judge. fr.,.n (he fact that the ga tjav been stopped from the strmtl lamps. vw. MM. tr;i..... h.. t t... . I i . . ,, ' , . . J good round sura, thr stslli fb the RHletgb muket have not proved a sdurce ol rev, I enue to the city. As to tbe cood reffulations. Mend I 1 it hiu wo wimiaj avinu iivreitj. 1 Idle neirroee are allowed to block ud the! passage and they so block up the aide-1 , - 1 walks ia front ejbe market house aa to I cdmpd white pimple, ladiarae-well MjLadteraud Qent:8noW Ixeluders genfletnen, to Uke titer street, Una ever muddy it may be, to get past, I Tka At. -a .11 a .. I. .1.1 I " V an pn.pwi, uomrrs in Raleiuh are made to pav some tax : the I prorfrWsoao. 'f We admire the faceUousnesa of our co- I temporary in saying that "when tha city The cily of Raleigh i bead over heels ia debt, but to what Auicunt no mortal can I tell. It ia truo th itn.1. . In ,1 I . . - - 1 ana nave long tieen an, but not (rotn me tive. of economy. The authoriiic, bav. . , .. ., been, In the meantime, economising by I been, in tha meantime, economising by pending some 100 per weuk-some sav ... 4, - , in .puling the sUBet and are now a- gaged iq a laviah axiieailiUir of monev in r - -- laying out fancy public paths, having Ircsdy. at the Suto'aexpji,oa el the I audaomcst park lu the country, and this, too, while they relus to pay tbe Coupons on thu. $50,000 bonded debt. No more of your joking, Mr. DtmoeraL With all the beauties of our city gov ernment, there is a feature in that of Charlotte and bluer cities we would like to sue added, vis : that of publishing monthly or evea yearly, the details of the Tieaeurer's receipt sod disbursement. In our blest city DO Ofie, OUtsid of th city goveanmcnt, know, what amoun't of revenue goes into .tbe oily trraiury or 1 wbat ever become of it. rOKEION N0TE.1 1 u transport urn will Soon sail lor m . . n ... ... 1 cw Csledtmia a ith 880 French Cora- mnmit prisoners wbe have been enteu-I tfii bi iii.U l ik.i I r . Tha Pona. an mlilna ik P.l.nti.. I Guard on the 1st of Januan. made . briet addreie. alluding to the pcrveculions I or tne tnurcn, and declaring (bat th cit- I lea ol tump were dancing prribms ground. Tbe Toloca Usa was recenllv attacked by a band of thieve between CliapulteprC and th capital of Muxioo, aad robbed. Alter which the robbmonoly ttaitcd into Ibe capital ahead cr the diliirrace. I A iLatroctiva storm occur n d at Manila . .. . i. . I M I I i a .1.1 "."r Prw '" e lath ana IStB ol October. Much d-imB wsedtiBW-wT sbippliig. Owe amaft veawit t wa kwt, with 19 parwHiaoe boanL Eight rJ ih. l..Iu. -.J. ...1.1 . I I Tha aLa nt tk. P..I11.1LM. ('.., l. I wo,nd, astdr.Uy. by king L i.te pam. ma m)j. in m ap.ecil m m Hi Ult Jtlfl sal a. , tuai .nuaaiiita. I sd laa 1 taken to puniah Iba prrim k ncrct v eooaplrtd agaiaat Ik UovrranHB. Ha also aoaoanc! that the Treaeur aa la I aprceperoM coatiitMm. TElL-XJil AU Rat. Ralldi Waldo Emsatrsoa la w ater. log ia Ilumr. . The Priaee ef Wsk-e ba rtvve or Bolre. gumeaa It tbe Dabuui la uad a lloa runj. - r-tuaaa ia tna iinmnr'ata m.J ika principal meaufact ant of ailiSeial limb J la Load'ia. Ltard lUaailtr la sknl In ia nn (!, .. j.: . ,t.- : zrrz 7 - mm n i.i i ia wuita P"'" . -Tito tomw OfCtt. E. Lie ttlole Mtwaunataa ay a Mcaabaal 4al ! varmoai marwe, t'apt. f'blillB It X II. M A A 1 da trial r, inirt Mart ial at ( On o I ) i ft aa I-. . aJT.l;w7 . P S 1 V an, ursuilllag SB enlind a under aia eumssamt. Mr. F. t'aaakly, M. P ha anr..4 m ,i.i r. .1.. ,. u i . .--r. r rm ..... j H m nir-ai, la piraaal t:tr, Mr. tl hi. ad, dI kiag a reruu. rUlur lay afWi Madame Sc ilrtol wa BaarrWd t Ik laaraa lMitua la Waahikfta In Mr. Bavafa, tonawtta I a u . . . I .n -" l Mafi-r Ed Tall ak sane. Fa.B.d aw f aarvaa nitk ml aalarv, bvl baa Inrawd tott Ikantf 1-raMiry f r, - rig firm affldal lr tie past year. " r ' iMiruj ir M4 cni i ib.w w-k 111 Tw kba claimaal ki to naa fi Iwn Bl.-bte ami al t. Jan..a 11.11 11. ... a.4awml.ibmM4 - .h aad Uk .. N.O T-k Urn ank ananlLnW J I. ?k l,M 'eaa - nan as in prrn-m of Mr I IKtrnia ( a- toll, ws 44 at lb ( sf on ba J4 4. A dtolaawbad I'latoaa -.Vabk b has laulf dm I. Anna . ih MO. han. ial Iba n.lhi.l, i . nf I rlaee M KI ( M IW,l. . Ttckkvntovf. ..... i Ih rwjal I.. W L,j u4 aUr44 a yrl aaantal at Ifce ma lean eraatad Ika tm tf Aibart at WHadnnelb Utt alliaao, tb aaalv.r - aery ad kM Vnib, Tbe tto Mr. Am ha baaw toXatlad ot Raleiglt is unablj to pay It debt it samea i.a tne aotn of Januax, 187S. Cary ia Dlridmida unnald ......... rr s op. going in debt, s-d when it adds, JmW ChfeliS it "judges to from tho Tact that the gas thai hatbam Railroad 1 thaa ainM., tnpoaS r --W,?'--S-e u ... Z .'. . otsccea from en part of tbe tale., a la DuEm 4' K.'.V..VC; Vim"" .M2 laa w an pai wkab aaiak'nane ki tola kB l ianl ola.a btoetaw I I a. a" andtoa-W-eWaano- i.iy. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VV A food tenant to woik a crop on hr, i ami" ' ;. woo wunoui reoamwaiioiia aeea ar.pi,. tor Ha rW. ." . , .1 1- ; ktilUTII aTl A DAI till Bill DrMbWivli I t . : , . I " c AT BOS0S. '; " ! : I , ,,. ..., 4 '. ' ' ' lothi!..mimn. ..r arl.l4 Ih. nri.,.J Iw. 1 run mvalila Ilia l.t at llmanW IH7a alii I b paid oti.ihe preaeetmeat of ih bonds at I theVtote .omd B ink ia. Rale'gh. No In- rj wiH Pld th h Ji7 "W A. GHMUM, S Trustae of elokiag Fund Ja ww NOTHII ARKIVAL. A- . ; Juatreeatved another aepply of Ladl' and Gaala' AkUc Uaitcra. Ladis' and Sent' India Ru'.ber Sboa aad uti. . .u w , A - mCTtrt m ' 1 , AOAPMT. . . CAUT, N. C Th.exerelae.ofthlIn.UUoB Ulbere y aoied for lu kealthv loia loo an a I Thn,Uili illy of trood moral ehameter evpsTtence In V aetilut;, kopaa to marit a 00a uuuane a wii as au liicreaaa of tue ratroa- aa nireurort) teBded to tha -ehool. Tk ioatractioa will ba tfaoranirh and ava-1 Be. . .- 7'- I MlUWmMP'UM iiurat . I vaaatsraB stacioa Of twaatr wbbks. I TulUoa la KairUah Deiiartmant, IS to IIS. 00 " kluaie oa Piano. aooo . ia Uatar," - MM " " Leila or f ranch.' . a UP 1 " - trawmgf'" f I "M Cm ef ktualeal luarameat, J IN - Board eaa be ebtalrwd la MminM at i lTI.d 1 " ""'"f M "K1"- MtiA. V. V. FILL, aa ttdlaAwtnt PriucipaL HKPOtlT . Of IA Cwdattoa a Ms Aad A'aMaaal AawA e MMgh, JV. O, ef (Aa tlot eaariaaiM (At RaaocBcsa. " Discount ...BtW.lTjrs U. a. Biiudstosacura'cuaUlioal" 100 out 00 y,' l)ua from Kcdecmlug and kaaarv rJr.'V'.;"'.'.'';:'' "J'.'Z flnak ffrwktm antHW Hstnkl alstai IWnkeaM IO 1'aU T7 fu iivaasi pbmviibjI bj anaa, ... a,"iw i kakln. honaa. ;.: 85.ouu.00 Carraal aipenae, ,., S,W I rrvniuioa uaiu v.viau Cha-kaand taah lUaas, (lala4Uur aumpa,) .,My Halsms, N ti, Uta to. 1H7S. Bt't ol National Banka,.... 10,TU0l rracUonal Carraarv. tiaeluduia 1 . . . . - 1 Oil 'JD I Ruacla. eola atetut I LegsJ tender Bote. S4 TT4 u euaa i ai I UABiutiBa. cmuagtock paldta... .; ..Btoe.onoos Etrbang aval to lr aad Leaa. aiAii u V7'Irl?.l'" ".'.'' M 0U) Ot I iwt N.Uonal BaBS.'.V.".V.V..V. Sl'ttu tu ba toolbar Itanto and beaker.... Bun? 04 I ... SHiSiS It VIS.!i Bl , , hlU. rhWr ef U.a Bute s.tIol rank of lUWlrk H. C... do auUaanla rw-ar mat tk' stwre (tatem-st t tro W ta toataf my kBowtrnr ad iwiirr tntaardl BAMLILC W lilTTt, . vai. "r fo Vf c. Waa" aor eatorrti4 kafw. Baa IkkJ h daw aat Jam A. akr 4 - W. APRlURoag. - - Hotaiv PuLlk. lemev waii dan. tt. Williams I V. W. V.aa, I D. tl. rewaa, ' I laasm q C B Q O I O T I V I Tk rrtaata Praakmaf Mlaa FKAJSCU I th Fraakmaf Mlae PRAKCU A KUUob will ii afiaa A. MAI Wi)l l ktord fda-daaaary SOU. Ira. at the mmaai ParaxaL aaH m adraare. ho Mvirt I ihi a. iiavwooo. naDra avaott. w m laa I t III POUT I ........... . j ........ - " i -i & . - ... -a. . knnr I , . . ,. at a van iri. .7. ...V. ..eie. b a Buada laaw omkllia, SU,wa)o 8 "a aniig aad naaaeve - ...,. . Tirttt paa truaa aUr HaUanJ H.ka . 'vv . liwlmUMtoutolt.lMi. In TM to Z7JJlTiY.V "' ll kaai I - . Jaai l C' t et ai l.,!il Pmnla-aa..., I t Aia I kmaaf mm snnaa,..,.. Bxaiai IwUmJ amm .i m-u I K fi ii I I Li li. nntna. Iikaial Tatomtoabv nM aartloa. the ha Haurm I Uiaiuna. I ln4UI trk aaad ba, ....... I " land. .. , ...... I pnifil and Ln. .. lie a,sajiaj 1. - H k. n ! nual I I'. I I I! t, MiMH Z S iktT'tl gmatom.! I B'.Tss J 1 I. P A. W Ar . tnaar of sk Ultoj.' B I iWm! lnt,nMii anw uauaWq I rwawMaiiat w ina at ai I lea.totoiw. P. A. wil l T. a4 toMvf. I a Mrtl ad aad raara h i to tolura am n I I W ad Jan. Aw L . I-. A I A W. II tt Wiwifl, I .. nary rai. I , . g .naa I .1 r V wt tVV-ra I e t Var, I I tol-dlw I . 1 C tXXUX 8A IIH l A 0 Uil Ct5kU Q . ' - - Tto Bfa-a R kSBJ ATWl ad 'V' ' M - ' dm ra im RASH ATBikalO tonan,tM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RETORT Mwtt CaroW, a M Am huoaaaa ;AmHnAr 87d, ISO. .... t ii ! : Basotraomxt ! Loans anal Tl . a.ayajanu v( I n iT ,'.';; ," . i-www K K ZZ SS. fHhy Blocks, Bonds ana"SU-Ro.W7 . ttll " zi' A,r....i. 1.. '" " ' , - ' ' ru - fnmi ether National tlnlu ' ut H. a 71 Due from other rMAa Md Bank w 44 Bankinr Houa tlUier Ueal KrtaUi....... OU.OOO OS I Furniture and ITivKin 3W7O0 Current Expenaea..........i.. Taxca Paid.,,.... l,&43. 7,H0..WI 8.5'.i2.tW rremlutua tJaah Item ineludintr atann ).,.., i,m.o vawi 1 wan iineiudin; atanr)S)...i : 1,881.40 Bill of olimr MaUoud Bauiua....v. 1S.4H6 00 fractional Cumuui.... iuimi giieeie. Coin... l.t'. BJ Mgal Tender Hole. W.m.t LlASUJTIU. ' Capital Btock paid In........... .toOO.OOO.OO snrpiua 1 una.. DlaemB.....-....""n.."rr.. W.OOOIK) e4U?HKI I Krhani!... Prom and Laa. "T"" - . - " D. 1. w,ii U...J. Daa to oth Hmnkm'b'iL" 31,etti,S70.T0 AT a SB V W ta B rfS a I . M a aa. a. . -y timt K txra atatoiuuat la rurrart to U bet of m knontedira and balkt. 1. L.I1A11. Ifknil. VaUUlfr ill Ul tfjalilrh ' ("tKi"xl C DKWIT, Caahier. Subscribed and sworn to before in Ui4lh savofJn.A. D. im ' I- , JQHNC, PLAKE... Soiary tubuc. Correct-A Ileal , .w.MUUsn...i A.S MRUHlMuM,. Dirertor. a luwaaa, - rj . K X MO I1VIT, ' 1 (Utt AaMdol Editor DaUigk (iT. CA UmlUtti ) i WIVB . ' ' R WALTER A CO., p KM Weat Baltimore, Center Havard Blreet, BALTIMORE. . Msaufaetnrar of Clothing, ad Job bar la CloUa. CaaalBMrra. A a. Ae. A Wal.raa. M. Uo.Tia. L. L. WALTBB, K. fBAJiB. dwssm MISCELLANEOUS. ITIKHB' tt ATIONAIi IIAWlt. Tbe Kagalar Anaaal Martian of th Blockeoldere ol tht Bank will be held oa tha KnrOBil TuMilif fif Jvu.r IKTS tw.,. 11. I4ik ear of toe moalk totaara Iba aonr of hi a o clork, at tbalr toakmg baa la tbi il ire Maodtd F.A. WILIT, tank. A USUAL M I I I IN 0 , IB aanaai aire-ine or tha PUM-Hholdiw ' b 111 I AK'lUNA. IHIMB IMxl H- I !- IX'ktr SI. w u uakaiaallkrlremee, to Taday, th. 4lh d -V of Jaaa "1-11 'eh'h. I " --.v., ,l..-,c -yy IL D 0 D D, Grocer, t COTTON FACTOR ASU .CmsHBalsalAB flrrrkaBl, HALiruH, M.O. eaeH-lm f r" I l) ) IOIII CUDI. I Ul SViaxa fWai Paria Add Svda Crxlw. i p,kia. I Powlw l a' S.r ad Cik leap. imnw a i mm ranet ra. I urrWratilra Saaa .. 4(.hktA4.lM.. .. I I Bal 1 raaa, t to I lraklaal haron. , c.,. (l I to . t . I dttlm V..W.iLllllAlaW V'UI1 I v T ALt'ABLR Pi Mil. V AaVaI tllMcE IO ' ' I hmVf r.M'M ef IT A. fJiS tor I J. ika rear 171. ta k .uim .( k raaa and Itoy i-a i. I are te dirtna-l aa aax immlaia kav to l tronia MarUa kr4, la akoal l I t.M m of Ik pua4 m. , ka a alca ia ' an arm, an smi,i n:a"n, an a U See naia ka Ike )a4, lknfaaam I am , ari.r, r,ir. SVlU aliJOUg A 0ATL1O. - n .- T."' O R A R T 1' I ' ri.d kr sr. Lax-Ht s a m4 ton, Hk a4n kaale klu(aB uu a .11 tm rvatnd at tk kw d -4 aa WaaaMda) Mat, the .k day nf Jaanwy, ia.'. PATri' BlrtrOWAW. t Id Apnrnf in CapMni JjaUkltR a M B k A ' OUXK PAP la awd tt Ik toat aUl.:i Vl .14 a4 anaa at m'iw) Smb. ra I H faaauks H A I linmti kaaa Ik k T Bl dkf Ht, BnUMM, M4.. tola w a..o a A(nta. piUCfBR A OAMBLB'B llklDr", At;AUAMl.X CAK DLt, Ail itaaa, - Itolad Candimal tailrlaM !. am kf i flU T Rt far A tu tNHlwnr, kit. btlto I - XT O l ,B na t I C 8. An uia M Vj t ID DM .ml T It K TIP TP w Alll U PI A ( II I I SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, &o, JALKGIH BAPTIST FEMAX.K 82MI- br.-,t t j , ... , !;) .-i--..hS . T. P. HoasooD.A. M;i.,,.i,..r.4.Pr1erpaJ. . Kev. A 9. Kano, A. M., Aaaoeutta Prloi-itial. J. A. BoaiMA).,.,...Vrofaaaorot Music. . The Spring scaaloo. wUl open on tbe I . 1-.. . . . . S.-.H. , 6 u 17tb pf FKBUCAKT, 1S73, A - Tta bmldlnr, having beea cnlargad, is ana. eloua, couiuh tiloua aud bandaoinc Tbe Utarkry iMperUiMnt ia provnled Wtb a (elect Library, a ro leetioa f tleoloctcat -BpecuBcn and fine Piiilosopuical and Uiera kal Apparatus, , , j. The Mnaio, Department la provided with a tarire number of good Pianos, to OrRins aad a zxarp. 'the lady teacher employed ere all FIRST CLASS Itoardrnir pupils are renire4 te wrar anlfurm dnaa. lloard au d kPirtiah luitloa pupils are rennired te wrar - 8100 per aeaalou of S montiis. ror partieulers, api'ly for d d . S d lawtlw wtllf marl R A L A 1 tt 1L. A UAUKHT. On th IStB of Janaary, MTZi the snbaeri- bora will comneaea in tbla kuUdUir aa KnituAh. ' and Classical icuoob r s . . : . - VBBHt Of TtTtlOB rB RaS10B, rAVABLB qUAaTBULV IB ADVAtK'S, Primary Cnrllah 830.C8 BUtber nglib lift. 00 i imift na tuener Mathernattra..TT SB t Book keajimg and Preach, eacb extra 8.00 J. M. UlVIJOT, J.M..WU ITS deeBSwSt TI1RN EDLUATIUNaL BUEiAU L-To sld all who aaatr wsll auallfiM toachara. . . . A To repr nt teachers who daalramal. . lions ..- . . . i .. . , - A To glva pareaU luturmaUaa of aehoola. A To (dL rant aud eavhsiuc achool -pro-perUta ' Addreaa r vao vutiinuair.. dcelBdltswltAwltwOm Uluaboro, N. C O xford man school . 1 XI IT to V V hy Thu 8p nrlnr Bnaloa ttlll Kri. fV. oanajr In January. -., I enu a nerelolor. 1 Uxford. N. C. Dec. Id, ' dec l -dawwltaw4w i . . . IBLIT AM IKBTITUTK. FOR GIRLS AND Y0UXQ LADLES. rruiT, ; BALIIGB, K a C . .' Ins trat smsloa at lb) latUtutloa will be gin oa lb . . . , aoTaof JAN l AIT. Tk batlUlaa la aea. uud f or Helmet our poM-, aad la ailaatad In oa of Uie taoat dual rabla a bibLorbuoea to lb eltf of KaleibBi therefor on of Ui moat dealrabl lu the. Blal. Iba InatrartUm wUI be Uutreagh tad ajratc- ' mall. lit eonra of aludy will b well arraii(ee and ana, wilir. r ih abola rrrularColirlaM I'Ourao, aad all lbs Ornaaii-nuU, V( douml. Una of Ibc Prinelpala aiU druula a lal at WaUna to AlbMC and Iba UN Ak lB, m a bub an ka kad auu k ai4niuea and aue teaa. Iha othm to tha llltkAUI aad MAinkMAtlCAL BllDlEf, wbKhka (urrrofully tauKbt fur (rireral soaluna. Dvlh will paf alrtrt ailrnttoa Io lb ru Itur of r Baaanasl, puilah ot biaahara, and partly of morals. W talekd Uil to be a tormaarst Imrtlta tlon, a ken la young sadHia may tnaiplate a tkoroBBh, piaellcal laeatlin. or from Bblch " toaf eaa anli av elaa ia Colbfa. 'IU Boa'dia: Wiaulmrnt a ill ba aader Ik parauaalairrt.Muat Hie Junior taarlirt aad Ikaar akaikar, wk all! naa tnatr toatrf furla to BMk 14 a pleaaaat kixiia fur tbua nho auv board la lb echo I baUdln; Tbaao obo mar pe eaa gnroaiaai ilallaa m la uawoduU vkioily, Bilk acllcot faatl baa. M IM BI.AKCH PKXTRFfA Mlrd H'M.t.l ktlM .kMt a Jo ltd. AsaUtant la Prbaarf Uniartoaroii H-v. A W. at AklaUM ill dell r rlr at rrarUral U-rlarera, aarklr, or aail-aak. I,, oa Mural Phlli fky and klnarnd aabjarla, Ulkar lean aekurs ui ba a(4uyad,ur rralrad. naaaa. TbtUow, Prttnery T"nV,ir" ia os , .. Adiaiuxd Ixiiu, ' 1500 """ lUa aad Prvaea, etWa, each, IW kMM Piano or Organ, l to Sinai aa Waiter, . Bu uu llraala-, )i U0 OW rali.Uog, ' too Maa4k. - . . Ml ' lialr Wurk.l I o Snii, irpt aa, th, I to laavf fiaaaar urtMa, A ataiiai, L rur laruxr lartkaiata, adjrM . J. A. JOSTA i 1 tf K.le , . C LAMU ix TUB wIRJIAJt LAX- Atwie ran u at "of wemwoa Jauui dW. taaa M aaairiaa a aaownait l Ik liainiaa ' Lr , in a4n(iM4 l'L aa on aa a umb1 OMMtor aaa aiaiard li.t. Una In iira, era ! -fo tlior. -b to, rtmc'li la tl ' iraian.a'.Ka ''i. Uua aad anBpawitkua id tna li'riaaa 1' ( n. a. A p- pM-aMa wwf aa, sua aa a Bto naawaleaaS r a ika "rl aal'" Oikce, JaaU AlttClT iKJlfP. t'AtAA-STO PkhTALI CUt0L tk !( Baaakna id IKTS Wit toctn n th lutk Jaaay, ad tonUaaa (V ana , ft-ia'df. la a.lta of t cMa aJ eul U) '0 v aiuoi a r-gla (aaran, a a iVaryaa itra laOra, madtmla. a ktnaiara. aj-i in I. A J' .M, Praakl-at. dtolldlaa J J I It tt II A tf I ' II U O L MK&AXtl'lLLK, S.' t. ' Cut. W. Biawaai, f)ep Maj. !. IIibuwah, Act'ag Bopl.' Mu. W. Ik I vat . . I art. T. L. f in i Par t-Vvaler 44n toftlrn IAJ. IlluIUkt. ATtOXAL lfOTBL RtLIiQJt, X. llna toa ra l sk War.. il I i a J, Past:. . . .-.i . & L. 'S1TXW. . . .-.( .,. W. It, P 1 1 AI BiA, . . . t.Mw. . T. ttXIfciMie, la Wri -4 Bar nd n I .-a n-a. - nw nnr to aa id "-' '! (ol (, WMUalhi k AU k a.. ... m4 .!i r, 4 1 - i K atTk W f I ,,l A tU tk. k4 r mi , W N imiutn, aKhbaa, gasMp..... . - - P.J Hat W. II. P.t

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