THE SENTINEL. J03IA.H TUEJTER, Jr, Editor. n ALU Gil, WuiHBaDaT, MoKBITO, , Jaw. 15, 1873. COULD HOT FlUD HIM. The Governor la hit inaugural promised to arinjol Republican ia pfijca'. If" "be e Jld find them capable. Having searched la vaia, la bis owa part;, for a Be pet In ten - dent of Public Instruction, be baa found am la the Conservative Bart in tba Vr XI of II oo. Kemp P. Battle, i Wa pabiiah tba correspondence between the Governor and Mr. Bait e We Mb- i ito what th Era ha to say on tha . . Tba Baleigb iVwi haa been macb exer cised of Iste. .for fear that Got. Caldwell - would appoint tome Democrat Ha peri n- " Undent ot Public Instruction, - The Ainc waa neit bar so taction nor apprehensive aboat tha time it we receiving tba Btate Frintinsj through tha aid, ao-operatlfio and masagemeot of leading ltepublicans, ! in ana out of tba Legislator.." We did bear, long beJura tba Lrgisln- a nm mm that tKa eastia-.l. ftnd Mrfalai Democrala la tliia city were arranging -mMm aaa h tai ai v. (ha tr-ita ttrtntlnf a tba A at 80 centi per tbonaaad etna. The price avra waa staled and tha mem- bet-'who waa to Introduce, tha bill We ' ra4ed thla 1 Information ' throneh ' Democrat and wa now give tba evidence from tba Republican' aide of the house, to be taken for what it la worth. ; s WESTERS sonru carolisa J RAILROAD. ; For eome months wa bare been collect ing tba facta Aonnected with tbi ruod, it mortgage and ita management. At last Ga. Caldwell baa waked tip to the fact that tha Bute baa an interest la the , road. . To-aaormw - we propose to give each facte and figured aa wa bare been able to collect The mortgage waa tba , ruin of th company. '.Gov. Caldwell waa 1 a lending member of tha board of uireu a, tore wlioa lie mortgage waa made and ' a awej n iuwcu, , Whtawe give our facts and view to tba Leglelaturer Concerning thle great " work, we ah all then bare it In tba band t af tba Quternor tad the Lrtfutlalore to fight out with Bwepma 'a ring aad the Penney ivaoia Central. . If tba Legislature mekaa no provision . lor paying the Btate debt, it can surely 1 raise, if aoxla bey In siity day a, by lniuie- diate Uiatlon, two or three hundred thouaaad dollars to nave from le and ' , ruin ail mllUona af property. ; ' . PUBLIC I'RINTINO. Wa bare a letter from en old titne Democrat, giving oe information of the eonsplrary entered into by Democrats wilb Bwepana'e Ring ti bny out or break dowa the HawnaBa.. lie that a m-nilx-f of a i .ii v v. t '......:.,.- aa Vila .aotiaiiaa arvuaii.a.t.a, imiiwim, alaled to a trading Democrat of the State, that tba emrruiKL bad to be brokee dowa aad tba eonsplrney waa entered Into laat eeala by Bwepeoa'e Ring and certain Decnocrate. Tba Utter waa rather fierce upoa tha Frwekere an l the Committee and a it did injwataee to aome p r ai, we da- dine for tba present to pobllah it. TUB IKOlSI.ATUlit. The Lrgialatura convenes to day after a . Moatb'a holiday aad mleglieg with their amatitaeata. A number of aaembcra ar ... , rlvad oa ytrdsy. We rrgtrt to Stale that Capt. W.leh, , tbakeMior from tba 4lt Ui.t-Wt, hat bt k a wi(a aad ia detaiard at borne seiUnwlj . . Wa watcMae the auiulxra again U th tity aad tbrlr at - ' a. TIM tK.U TORIAL UUDDl.fL Tba AatWa Ihm f the I3 h a la nptj t the card of Dr. Lot aad Col. Ilampbrey. Having pub! tab. d the car J, to morrow theftwtftW will tmau-a the re. -" Jy f 0v. V 1 " "" Tn lbs r'aa'.ii-al. llil.lnao', Jaa. IX, l9i. Ata.ttrvi Wk will tha IK'.ituts djn taantrt at mmrf anal mtmt T Ta make a-uht par ems aad al low panwo la ravtrett for aa auw u saura aa auiis Itieea Is ta matili il.tara pa rent se the lalut lul.rv.t Mho has borruaed v( babks at tea lata aKk'aa aaarcMS 1 . 1 au4 4 sm aaaar- wm sj Was a aamtry MiOev Bi .ra tbaa tight r Cot, aaU lhal at too B ca I nail. As snaay nbWrs a 1 av baets la ib i aroliaa reuM B4 do smoM aaia- ' CMT to asavaas aawl Bt party that baaka wba kvaa B''l at ttginaa pn uL Put l-m la loar -V t--f Ian a'ul sJ f(t.i uml aad asaj m the Ix.t. 1 ur, AUAiXST I St'KT, We Will iswrt sa l a-J chrgr, U k ia ail tba easae tm aatf s.iM(Jrl. PU a a a iau.a M a a i aa. Vkj l4aa i a. U m aaid, aavaf 4 (s)U.I ba 4 m, ka4. lsa4. IlMi k a, ll.iJ O i l-. U ba. 1 1 , ra all itlatMi a.al4 i.arag1b f SubhSJ M ttlig so t'.a ' . ru N M,oa INas lll.a .lTVaa t FW al. p- atf4 M h'gtat tdt, pnr-m tvt 0rgH- Ol e'-V tir-MIB and I al (. (-H a.b 1 ( lb. J bad t rad t-f tb-wrbt. 1 ! li sa-i F.4-ar at Sm4 baa cv.4Mal4 fe IVrf b .1 gara tbaa tb-lt awau.!, ad tk aui4 r-al tbe !..: ut i. -A IbaMiiM kaW H4 ' I o4M tiw af SWl. aad J ba waa af Ibe jt4,Mn tral aal aa aa w jnil Ji trra U J irIu iitim. li a n-a U. t a 1.1 t .U f.Hl a-t IbaS bad svat tll.M'l StMM t-a ! ba ba t t. t ia anw-t ft oj bif san.' tl ! l t) al ti T l wu ti'a ka r 4 U beta k aa a I'm aa os trr s-Jte a I t -a'-a? ft Hj- i b : t f a a b dif al a pati'ir aa '! i. fi.K -rt all ibe lUo a4, 1 1 Kill, Ml ll i. a im t4 I ' fvan b a a 5 t ' tt, as aa aaa a.wt r , I fc s a f t ; b ba a a aaa. la Lis f i. iMitf - f 4 ka am af tM yj I M t fWa t4 aa. lalttf ll-A'l t. J la la 1 i fj it as 7 . 8TRUCT10X. ' RALnon, 14th imvuj, atatip P. Bam.. Em) : Dear Sir The "office ot Superintendent of TobUo Itrwiifm nMtiw; txtaine va cant by the death bt Rev. Jamea Uetd, it devolves upon me to fill the vacancy. Thia la aa office of great importance to Die people ot bo in racaa, and the aaeoeta or failure of ear common schools i largely uepanaaat ajwa ie -gsnnrajEiJa a&a fitneaa 6f Ibe rjupertntendent of Public Instruction. Alter totunly conaidering the matter in all lu aapecta, 1 bare dcter- minea to tender tba ottioe to you From a long acqnaintancej believe von nnaawe. la an eminent degree, all tbe qualifications. wiucu are aecetaarr ana reqaiaiU to make our common acaooU a eucerae, and that yotsr appointment Will pi re general, if not universal aatitfactioo. 1 aut further t r auaded tbatyour fr.ed u from poliiiod pnguutca ana lnioieraac will prompt you to take aa touch interest, and manifest aa much ccal, in behalf of the education and ino-el culture ft one race of our fd lowritizcne as i.f iUe otW; and that you will luu,m fmor, or ignoie no one on acooeat of hia or bar race or previoua condition i but that you will alniaitur tbiaoiuce, ana ducbarge Its duti'-js impar tially and without favor or tear. I tiust, sir, that to will accept tbe accompanying commia.on,and give me your valuable aid ia aa boneat efTort to build od and maintain a good system ol common icliools Id our. Btate, . : : , am, air, very truly, , , . .. Vour obedient aervenr, ' t- ; TOD a CALDWfcLL, " . . . - Ouvtreor. IUlkiom. Jan. 14th, 187&. ITi KxetUmft Tad H CuldutlL G oner nor Dcaa Bib : After careful deliberation I deem It my duty to accept the position of Superintendent of Public Instruction in north Carolina, which you h.vre ao uncv pectcdly . I be course of popular auucatl m jliould be raised above all partisan considerations. Reciprocating and honoring your motives in endeavoring to effect thia gteat ob)ct, as mown ia me appointment ot one not of your party, I almll UUr with carnut desire, aa tha constitution provides, t diffusa the tight of knowledge equally and Impartially among all the youth of the ! !!...... 1.1. - . . It.f : . "hhwm uiaa hi pounce or oias Ol race. , T aid in relieving tbe Intellectual famine of the rising generation. In remov ing from tbe State the blightof ignorance, ia rekindling the extinguished nree of our venerable University, ooce ao honored and useful, in plating Worth Carolina abreaat with the moat cultured of Enu;li'U apeak in if people, ll lurel worthy tii ambiiion of any man. ' Dteply impressed, notwithstanding your favorable opinion, with a svne ol my want ot this riiUiaila qnaliScations to ac eomplish the task, yet Intending to bring to the work indurtry and leal, 1 will enter na my diilira, relying on yournflli-ienl aid, aa well aa on the co-oprration of the Board of Eduratiim, the 'I rnt rs of the L'uiveraity, and of all i f the Legisla ture 4jt the rtile, , , . : TbankUig you for,tU , kiud teruia of praise with whieh you accomiHiny my commission, J apt, very -reKpectfitlly yours, - A KEMP h BATTJ.n. - ' For UiS Seutliirl . -llau Out aiv, Jaa. 10, 1078 . 11 a. EdituB t Tba intereat 1 fvel In tlit auccraa of tba 1. nucratio party and the proaperity of the rtut- induces ma hi say a word or two to tha Legishrturu through the HaaTtRKU Tha questions disturbing the Laimuuv of tbe party are two ; the senatorial and the public printing. .With a majority ol twenty four lb the Lcgialatute, I leel that the IVniurratt should hate elected the Senator witboat tbe aid of the itepnblksn party. Wiica It waa aacerlainvd that acklnt Vanre or Murrimoo could ue elected ay the party, the proper olaa was to have given up bolt) and elected a aew roan. Jteiiher sbie cm 111 havaclaiiued a victory. M Iku Wus. U. Mearaa aad Jada IXnintsd ditidad the party, ararty fc.rty yrara ago, as to who should be rVoslor, sfii f a fUrca ct-at, th paitf took tip and votrd f.i Il ia, lk.ll f J ilruaa. 1 his haial the biaaih, aciiUcr aould crew out h olber. Hut my purpiaa m father to p-k of tha priating tbaa the Bvoatorial cjocsttua. Acutamiitea, SMit e the I)(isure, have awarded Ibe priating ti the Ara We aof y lb f.d.uatog irvaa ibe Av of Dtcuubat lid - fbautt Tn raart. "We bow tathe will of tbe Coasstvaliva paHyaloao Uur papry waa M.l eetab u4il to adveraie the C'a nu or paaaia the tbti rvats vf any UiJividaal ar ladivut aaia, akn mJ pira la i !!U nt ilrutv w bj4 awhtar snrtliaant" " M s pitra tn bare ba vat w the inter eats of tha I'naarrvstive parly almb we Clar awv the latrrsa i f aaj isvau'e aaa-fb-a. bi bmg as we ksra a t araGe party eu bf as Hiat pary has say IvaiaaUiia, we prup-aH I a.lhira o ibal paity aad la Maa4 by that oryaatrttbHI 11 hi 4f sn a shi-vbl be ctmpi 11-tajru-td our Mivste jutlywaol sad dai Ibib-wra l OUT I4ll luai brMiaffa. "t.'jmg lhal at aad waeball da all aa em pamm praarvve the l'nrva t nfgaanKlnai asi la silvnre the v4ue li I 0 .sl(i,t a wot tai.k. -Ii wnl U t ry M t,'Tawrya)Utia fail tliai ibi at rasas ll ai.ab IbiKatra to dot urb Ibal hsriawaij aal g -J leahag wbiaui emsa lawaMal ba aatr pi-t't-raiaumaaia tba tatara. r.'l i g ta) enadaitai i-f sBtita. bfbclirg Utat tba t if are 1 4 '.' b t baa d-ad aa tbe meiatasteftrw i4 I i ia rvalive p"4t plv. wa 4araJ Iba aaba that all M lia tba dtanalw. 4 if itj. Ml Is b 'a' t j i-i f tHif-uas Iw-J.i la itiKUaa Ua lanns t'al bale brikt,l sbl Ibe lrial tiltaal Jaa'ara. Sat vat Ibaaa caeais m be, it am as aa Uat lae path wf 4aty aara sua) la tba f liar 's vt 4 ' a ( miarvaiit I at ire ta b.4 tba pr,- sad U) fiaan d"a all i pis tki.l 4 1 1 stir hi aad sa bwp alw pA4a aa t IVaJiag. ' I a itl t tbt ptt j - IU. k Jaa li Ibe n.ia tl.M la dae la t I IV M abab, aa ( taiarrtslliia. Slim nmn i ap ww tawarre 4 bai'M l4 Ibraagk Ibe b-t f afai4 ae. j j aa at Ibe aaat. "ia li-a pariy a l.a ! I a-t t In iiia) f la '-t l''.t kits kai t . . nal-r-4 t 1 rv 1 1 - n'a.M aaj at 'i a-," i i4 iiMiiii4aaMbiiai abfal s.araa4l la IS a. f.i d r.( tt 4 tba pr't I a f 1 m i'ii as aw 4 aa a t roaan a I ( M,tiiiif party 4 N a-h t a abaaan; ai , di.'E' t. paifK it aa la s raba- aaaai abo ban hit I n-1 aa laval abaa av as ka ba W-a tra a IU l amfcMl ll""-l ' i T It.amasiat. s i- 4 ' i l, I'lKi'l ta "g l aa ia fMf a aa. la 4 aahl MI aja4-4 la grail.' y aaaiaaat "Eut.whi'over the trr.ira that may iuva benj commuted ha Ibe put, it ia time t-t io, me lumre hi ine tare mi trinnn;re aa to the policy that duty, couiuimu acuae, j ) k Judgment ana patriotism Uintand ft our hands. These leach na to a;aiid atrictly by party. oraaiaatioa U yield to tbe will ol-the mjity to deal leniently i:h those ConMrvauvea who. bare diff-r- ed with ut tq the past to refrain from abuse and denutjeiifthn to sacrifice psa- ioO and feelins oa the a!; of Uie ptrtr 4n a common effort " to retre - bsfinony B and kind feelings in our ranks, and thus preserve the party from utter ruin and demolition, j s t . ' ... . On the other band tba adiUir -of the Sentinel aayl that he never bolie-3 a pai-tv aominatioo. He ears nine out -of tea of the Democrat io mem berutet I r giving the printing to the bettuieL Vjtt u waa given totlieAws. We y the proper and only way to settle the questioh is hy the party in esucus. Who objecta to this ! "ot the Aff. Hr , it aays : " We bow to the will of the Conservative party." -Not the Sentinel, tot ita edftor saya be never bolted a nomination. Who, tiien, out ttte Legislature can make mis chief to the party out of tbd public ptiut iot ..... .- . It waa destructive of nortv oreaniz tion ahca eighteen members refuaetl to abide the nomination for Menator. I have ao beaitatioft inssyins that it ia more do atrnctlve. of patty organization to have me speaker appoint a committee who, against tha will of tha majority of the party, give out and dispose of the public piinliuir. The manner of doing thia will ) considered ia every townsbip-of tha State, and no maa can Justify it. If tbe party will give the priming to the Atvt, that aitilea the question. If they will Hive it to the Sentinel that aettlv tbe questioh, or if they will give to neither, but to one of the party editor who have served the party and th? State, th it act ties the question and punishna bolii the Ktvt ana the Pentintt. Bix yrara may heal tuu breacti tnvle by the Kenatorlitl election, for. tha bolters were op. n, bold and defiant, and they dare to justify t hem nelrex. The attion (ft the committee on printing waa wanting in candor and fMtikwst to any the least ot it. Having an id all I wislied ufxia the sub- j' C.c, I must leave the mattoT hrre it pro perly belongs, with the ,fiej;islnturi-, sub ject to tiro approval or condem nation of people. S i am rerpmlully yours, , , " , ' N- I'ATTEliSOX- THE CilEIMT MOBILIEU GATIO.N. - . Wa-itiHioToji, Jun. i, 1873. Tbe Credit Mbilier inventinting coma mitreo resumed its aenaion' fbis morning, and the examination of John ll. Alley was continued. Witness testified, in reply to question by Judge I'lil iri'lvUist the list o dividends exhibited Iicretofoie to tha cemmlttee included the fiat ot iliviUemit on the 147,000,000 coutrai t of Antus, dir idondeoathe tatter did n' t apjaair a the Crwlit Mobilier books, Iu December 1S87, Credit Mol ilier slisres were 05 cent; late In the month they roaeto (1 C); be fore January they were op to i, and later as high aa f i 23 ; did not know ol any being higher thnn that ; did not know Nci'a.u; knew nothing of lha siock owned by Nellainj except what appeared on Credit Mobibcr bn ks; dxa not know who ptb lor Auimm sharea; the buuka a4iiae. they were paid for by him; the bailor fifty ahrsa h iiad-a right t purrhane by virtne f bavli g puahartd a html red before; Witneaa nvvei hud aiiyihing to do wltb th books. By Mr. McC'reery Did not kuowa how much Credit i. Inner stuck was diipincd of to sacmlKrs of CtMiKma ; Renator Wil son screed In take taenty sliares snd )lr. Oawea tea shares; aimiaa f. o'i t'.ve linn dml st.srcs, not sll forhiuiseil, however; two liunilrxd aud ninety of them belong ed to him; got tin in altr; Jidut know If the Stork was nM to mem bars nl Coni;rea) at par after January: Wi ; did aot know if any of the stock iu t'ie earns of Mr. Amen bad Iwen Iruusferred t i any Mharperaoa ; bad the impneeoj thst it sto.i U his n inie as tiuat.v. tjicatlon. Canyon eipa B why lit transfer waa ant made t Answer. I dn not know. (jiiratloh. That Is aot the tKUil .iy to d such boa.ri.vs la It t Anaaer. a, sir ; it Is frfiiHiiiy d .ur, sad Mr, Auhs bung ir.iiaiiii niaa eoabi bind stock for others lu Must W itnraa knew Bidding of Mr. Ama' rvaaua for holding the stixk in trust; ampp-a Mr. Ames drew tbe dividends ou aba slaatk -ekae!t atf tw tin wama It truatee; the I'nma I'sc flfl road c silly eli;hl sine mi ill.. ns of d-llns acre ra enivad Irara tha llrrvwniulut ; did ti t think that thaCfedit M 'bil . r at'i k ami 4 ba Sffil-tct tljr ftgldali'-B f ( 1.1.104 'O- war.ts the t aioa 1' rai'.niaj ; th. as Ml talk of iutiAUaiaiaiial llaA AataOavul Ibe Lama far 8", bul b."int ad ta baarp Ibair ajra-x vvnt make tbell npi j oui if I ia tua.uva 4 tra rnad ; saH b waa ibe intraitioa ( Mr. Aims; an Brat bad slaaja twaa U favor 4 Ilia In treat laveaSigs'loa. la .Sew York Jal.-s ft ar sard bail graatad aa Injuex tim, aad fa.k bad iht l. a' ul malia-ia, LilKt th oltii-e of Ibe euaipsay aa rvaa-v! la Ikat ia. flak ilnaab a- 4 la rlimae ih c-'ui, any a aal'lxa. rt J..!lar balaaararttm aa pa d L Lllu, Wiliwaa lilu-a.l to y lie aoy aumy, atad ba (I u dt I tha ha..l ta Iba ei'.al i sate . I m biJ ab'l'.ara. - HJ. Ki. -1 tat aak. )tu iinal,aa atl'rl yi a aaaaa aaaa aA ut aat aa ;aa bba. q-aaaMbaa. 4 J' t But tit or ts pat lata your p-Mraii iu0,uu4 la a. r-j to la 11,-iiil ta oajJee aa gt I t u.iaaa ta aaau-tlll lba n. unj i4 Faa fat 4'j Uauaail la raywil aa tit pajtuewt of IS Savaat la th grwrnrornl t AraW -r. I aaj, aa f a aa I aaa r-aa ara4, 1 abaiaeac Iba falUot Itta) g lUaa I ar I baner bad a 4 -l.M ia Bay kaaula M Ibal a-paai n s,al a d. I la aa lilx ( a .-ms la aaak . aay ari letbav. My ! aiarvwb-.'Alta'aSiVU.Tad Iran be -it baa b.l I the I al lot .0w9, tog j Ma i4 U u4 tia 1 ap-a-r, a4 !..i4,a Ul l.. c at atMii,aa$0 ma.ta, tba aji-vaaaaaaai aas a4 s baaat, baaavaar. a, Hna aa) Wba b.4 ar-a, H.a ft. ! k! ,b ! rr j llaary '-" l t bav f.- iv.-l aa- aa aax-y a l a K- aliarr aaj bta lr4tl M"4. . t.ct a4 , U b 4 save rtaai aad a y al. a uaa I aa tba 4 1 It a aa a '. I la I'a aa II , af IVai.a b4 it l Mr. IW- a. I Pf Mr. S.Jk-Tba Tra-U M 4a. a as a j a'' aavat ea4 a abadar j lb a t aai-aa) aaaj was aa Ika Wta Aaa r--a.tajr aa fay ar).a. abbk aaad.vid a-al baaaaea taituaas Wi a, a e a l? 4. arib-4. K' af waa U aMlaa a . fta iail as anil aaf .t a a a is f iaa a. . . . " -4 I baaaa f a-- im . -a.i. M't l Saa. a, M , Ir w ft art. at aa .1,- W kaiatti vt arv aad WkM aLaWae a j-aaaa." I -s I la r'.a la iia B.'.a aaV ". I a .aal aa . a. SCHOOLS. COLLEGES. r.RENTOS FKM.LS QfGl. Tat tnrim Ees'ton et U7i wi' bfrln oa the 15Ui Jasuuary, an4 eoouaae to wevfca. Board (cxaliuivs of Ttirhts and Waatlca;) TO 00 j luiUon la rrrular eouree, -a v hrv (or extra studiea, moderate, tot pjitknlara, spiv to dee lS-dlni" i I N U U A M SCHOOL . . . . AtEBASKYlLLB-S; C. Cou. Wat. Bi5onAM, Sup't. Mju. Rout. Bi.NonM, Act'ng Supt. JM.4A.W. B.Xvtcr Carr. T.I Nokwood. spring Session of opens Ftb. 7 h. tot Clreulars tddres , MAJ. BISUHAX. dee Si-Im - W EBLEt AN ACADEMY, loaxvos sraaav, balcioh, a. c. Rev. K. S; Trawlck, Principal, with com petent aMktants. - Tbe flftlt academic term of J wevka will betfin Jaa liUi, l74. For terms and particulars spplr to ttm i'lluclpal or Uv. W. i, -W. Crowder for ctrealar JmlZ-lW. JALEGin BAPTSf NARY, FEMALE BEMC- P. ItOBOOuD, A. M ,. Princil. Rot. A. V. Raoo. A. M . Asaodaut Fitn iial F.A Bohlmask,. Professor of Mutlc. The Spring session will 0en on the . , )7thof FEBRU . RT, 1873, The building, havloa; been enlarged, la pa elous. eotumi'iilouB aud banuaotne. 1 be Llterarv Department ta provided with a select Library, s lo(- eo lectloa of Ueoloii ai nprcimens ana a nue rwioaopuicai sna cuciu leal Aoiratos. 'the Manic Prpsrtmvr.t Is provided with a !air is amber of good Pianos, two Orgnns and a Harp. 1 be ladv teachers employed are all FIRST CLAbb boarding pnpils are required to wear I uniform dress, board and Erg-listi tuiUon f iuu per sexiou ol a nioc.iu. For particular, r"ly for circular, d.c iSdlawtiWitwWll mrl LEIGH ACADEMY.. On tha i:itl of January. 1BT1. th lobaeri- bers will commeac iu this bnilillng sn Eugliah aua viaaaiea. oeuuui. TaRua or trmm ni eaasioa, patiblsI . UAiiTaJil.r ia Aovaaca. Primary English... '30.ia Hlber Kngl'ah i.O0 Classics ami Hlirker Mutbematica.. .. 80 00 Book aaaaflag aad fraua h, ear -b asm - ta) i. M I.OVEJOY, J. M. Wll HE dee S8 ot s OUTilEKN EDUDmoNAL BUREAU T. To aid all who dealr well qualined teachera. at. To repra:ent teachera who desire poal tlon at. To iflre psrenU biformsUanct ifboola 4. In at 11, lent snd exclungs sthuot pro perties. Aildraaa JAB KiUTIlflATE. dec 19dltsltA-ltw6a Iliilaboro, S. f. o EFORD 11 10 II SCHOOL, J. II. llouxan, -lLJLliHAVaia,. j PrliiclsU. TWf Bpriusf kVsiflSo will beg a tbe soeood Mori ,ay la January. Ti-ruis as beretofora t' N. 1 . Ifm. VI, Mi. dee 1 -itawAwllaatw KB LET AN INSTITUTE. FO!l GI11L3 AND YOU.NU Li DIE.". IIII.UIIOKj STUSKT, R A L E I U 11 a. N . C . luallluUi.a a" ill ba Tba Brat aaaaii a bf this f a ua tba SOTU OF JANUARY. Tb ball.ln a U Ba-a. nraa for School par coaaa. aad la ailaalrd m una of Iba B.o-1 deal- raUle aeigbborb-autls Ira tba my of balewb; Marrafura ou of U. aioat dtabtbt ia Ua Mala. lb IuatracUoa aOl la tbiuoak aad eyete- B.allc. 'Ibaeuoraa of ttady alii b well srrrd and aaay amibrar Ilia whubj rrgalarCualeKiaat lojraa. ana ail ina 1 'tnaanrtiiaik, 11 eeaaraa. Una af lb I'rikciraJa aid or,4a ai-rtal at aanuiia tu MLnlt, and Uaa 1 AMIa, lal l,i, a aha baa b4 au h . a alanaa and aiaa- raaa. Iba nUaaa ba lbs i-irataABlf eaad Mallll at till Al. a I LIU If, wbabab baa last. tally taairbt for ervvrat saaatutia. Ba.tb a.U av sunt aiunlnn le aM aUaitain ut aa. H.uab of,tMra, aad purity af aaaraia, W a b trad tide ta U s pneaaat laatita Uua, a bar. ta f bvdw Buy ruanlaMa tbaruaaiii, pttxunu diaaailua, a lna abbk ibrr ean aiiu sin rlaas m Vol.rss . . . Iba Bua-dia ! intil ba aa.lar iba paraial aap. ri Woa ail Ua Jaaiia tasa ban aa4 ibrtr Muurr, wavaiu aaa 1 lulr mm 1 1 aba aaay bwaad ba Ua avlaa I balaallug Iba 1 aba aaay frfarr, rai r-1 araoaaaatai1lis tn I ana vn-v.irtii lauu MIaBN.!IrSIRtia.l-,,,,, . . Mill Mi n. 1.1 g A at.'laK.a. " " 1- bllaa 4B.M a J.lk4V. AaOatast ta rrtaaary tV tart.n. ut Ha. A w. 4AM.l t! aiUakrllaare tfaritral I -i latafa. aaablv. a a aaa I tjf, aaa Mural l'iuiutf aa4 baadml aaiiaaa-ta, Mlba Iaa4.aa4.aa aui baaiHaia4,lf rvaaraai. reavasa raa saaaiua laiaif Tana., Priaaary fr.l .1., A4iaaaa4 a k,- Uaa. Muaaatd Ir.i- a. vstra, aa.k, M a a aaa I'aaaa av t.ra a, asm aa Ua ur, I'raataat. . . . I HI I aawaiag, Uu II .ar la 1 1-- . H-Mtd. a-.a-t4 aaaaar, tar aaattb. La al faaa a laaaaa, aa It fat far a iar.kaiaia,aUrai i A J'lNIA Baa JBlf k-aag ., N C. iLAaakt tM TUB takBMlN taUACE. LAX Al tbaa aeq .aal of aaaaa daaa raaa al Sa.ttlaat t Saaaatla al Iba liaiaaaa I - r ia a4-. . ..4 a 1 L aa aaa aa aaaaaba ba.a aagaie Ifc.a aiaa 1 1. m be aaaaa4. a ..a alaaaaa Saaa Ibaaanaa. b- a-ia. aa IM araaaajaa a-aaiaa laua aaad Wf-aaa4uaa 1 f tba tata laaaana. Ai a.a aaav m aaaaa aa ta aa4rtaaa,'aae a at tfca 'VaaaaaaaN ' lb-a. ia)tJ ai 1,1 ..i ii rr. Qtrytto rial til ataikAkr. ' btaaa M. Ev MmaatA, fitoa ial, Ma t t aa.aav, a-aal. P tai,-al laaa aae ia..riaawai aa aa ll.a aaaraj al aa la Itliaaa., siiaaaaa fc4 ta a a-f laaa ftjlbaaa Iba aaavaaaatll'laalaarfi t m .aaraaaaevaValia - ail f.tndt ad .f I lata Irarf. a bl.aa4aaj 4 lb ( ahvsai af S l t araaiaaaa. aaa I a a aaa - r-arti fanntr-ii ., laa." A a avail a-r r are fr-Va If R Ua taaaaara aa ta. 4 a f tieiaj lb u a mi tBta Nak la ou "Ttsa 4 aa .aula. IS aaa f auavt, a.i,t a t u , aaj laag4tot. . CATilARIXi a, ONTARIO CAJiADA ; , m -nmnm book.'- , AM) BATUj K I eonnretlon wHh the eetbnt4 well aUUJi MlSKKAL .WATttK is caw open for the reeej't'.on ot vtenors. i please addrcee tbe Propfta.a. - BEVERLY TCCKEr July 1-U ' MISCELLANEOUS. P KIIB AND RELIABLE. VACCINE VIRUS. , 8IltfrO!r8 nov)U Drux store. B1 iuors krrtKVEj'ciD.Q salts of riCHT. KISSEXGEX. HEI.T&ICR, CITRATE OF MAOSESlA, AbD MiQAKiU AMRiHAT. At BlMPON'8 . aov S0-U Pru ftore. H ORSE POW UKR8 FOUTZ'd. At SIMPSON'S . Irv( store. aov 30 If rpVEBTrHIKO C8UALLY FOUND IN -a-a A riH8T"CLAS3 DRUG STORE. At , BiMraoMav nor 30 tT U B I N ' 8 PERFUMERY AND TOIiJtT POWDER, EIMPsON'3 Druk btore norSO-tf LARGE STOCK OF TOILETTE SKTs AND VASKS At -nov SO U SIMPSON'S - Drug Store. RESIDENCE FOR BALE. The beautiful and desirable K EVIDENCE oa North kast corner of Wilmiiigtoa and Kortb Bu-aeta, ataleigu, M. O. For teruia ate. appiv to ,. Mas. fcbLfc.N HOKDECAI. aov ItVeodln TAENTAL NOTICE. Lntll further aot'ce aad anUl tha csUbllsh mmt of a auitatd IUea, aider for aiy pr faadtBsl aarviaa, aaay be aelVaitb ti. D. Heartt or t th Btate National Bank, whea t wtU promptly attend the residences of patient, Jana-U . P4JABi-tiJlL w ATCUES, JEWELRY, STEItUNO 8ILVEU ANl TntrrLB fiated wahb and ciM'tu. ' t bave uat relumed from New York and bav vurebaaed a I arg aaaoruoaat of th above. My store Is full and coiapliit. 1 have aa bvare a stork aa betora the war. hew, I aahtoDabl and handsome. ' My assortment of tterts are complete. All klaifs froaa so oenU to f 10, to nil ail aces. 1 a ant lb member of the LaaxialaUir and Visi tors to call sud sea me st my old flora. Bam lace lor M year. v alcbe and alawelry re paired. Special attention paid to repwrum Baa Watch. Jswels set and nw pie. naaala fta all Ws baa. Ware warraovd ti monlbs. I will sell clieap for CaU- boo't haiietofpaas by lb big watck near the Cap tut and JOtlN C. PALMER, tlaleigtt, N. U. BOVVtf ..I I WI1L PAY TUE prima for FURS. HIGH 1ST CASU de. 14-eut. L ROSENTHAL. BOOK STORES, o L i i) a ta qTo ii a H AT TI1K HOOK 8 TO a E 1 o r ALl'HED TTIILIAMS MAY BB FoUBO A WMflMTt J.SOkTXk.r OF XtWl J U V E X I L K BOO XI rub Bova AbD OIHI4L Tut Tt .la faar ( b.ldera la graal Varbty. F.aa aaad SaaaaaB atain av. ta-'ld l'aaa kar La4a-aaa4 I aalfcaiaa, ea lbs I awaa saaas ; a tar a aaamttaaaat, I ia rrav-taa aad ta H4Mi I' ikaH b-H.a aa4 l-aatt Mtaaaaa. tbtHo.-r.) ilai lHara-a u Is Jl, aarVa at 7 haa. at ll. M. a ar.4 pray- b-naa I barb aaivtia a 4 It . la " 1 W.Ur,g laaab saad Paart l-aa. L'SrtalSI 1 aa IravaOiaaJ. t baaa aad Baai gaaaaaaaa aV,rs a- ftaaaaa 1 u iara. aavs I 'taaaa, at aaa 4at g a,w iiaia. ati aaatlr.U -aa la U fal awyf araL ALFltU WILLIAM!, ll ilaTaTa'f a.f lmaaaf..-. 1 iif N Villi btkOLIIl JE INA, KATTINE1TS AMI CAS-dMLkE-V Jaat a.-l.aat at raiUau4, tlTti HRWHiira, dal a I B .11 1 B-iAf f .laa taVd aaa Eae I laaaaaat frail a4 taa. bl' at! t aJ H UK W C. tai.JiA4. GU00 I,' a at 4. aaa tiavna aaajaa- 1 a4 tlaaaaa "f I a 4-' . l"J' a leaaa a ba it rtsatf XllbUICk. 1' BALI j t Bafla.aa faaa y aad mh I (y B B taax aa faai.y fbaaa, ta aea lall VtJ, M. aVU f A; ( (J 1 AUkaaaa T aa aiaama raaai, WJ a- iu -4t,UL - . C laMai, by I bytal -ai . n. vrs C GROCERIES. . S0METHIN6-IO Mill lltiytr Mtf aT, BUCEff IIEATk " J",w MJCCABONi. - ' f IK-MINT,. n -1 -r 4 - PBARLCBlTa; J, C'AROUNARICE, MULLET ROES. tn AD ROES, . .' :'., i'4 GOSHEN BUTTER. PRIME CMKEBE, , t FRESH ipiTBON, .FRESH BAIS1NS. . : iriiEsiiciiRRAsrra, ! SOUTHAMPTON HAMS, bmoked'sacbage, ., smoked boiling beef, bee? tonbvujj ; " ' sugar-Cured strips, . . PICKLKS, CATSUPi SAUCES: W. C. 8TRONCII it CO. declS-tf IIAUDWARE, &o. D ENSLOW BUBU'S PREMIUM Salety WILL ROT EiriODE. SAFESTa PUREST ;A!fD M03T ECfr HOMICAL OIL IN THE WORLD. Clear aa Spring Water. Burns brilliant and lasta kmaer than other eU. Give beautiful brtl bant and ssf Unlit. More briV liani than rs snd saf s as a tailuw eandle. No make I No odor I No chared wicks I N change of lampa. SO BXFLOBIONS. lb beat hi alwaya th cheapest' Yoa waat K I Year aetthbors want It F.vertbndy waata it No lau-Uy can afford do allboutlt. Itstands a Br teat of over IS. tbtartrd tawiw-any fee dialled poo Hi Boor ana jet mis ou a 111 not (ipiooe, aor taas ar. For sale hy TI108 It BBIGUS A SONS, Sol ArU far Raleigh and v elalty. BIQJI Or THE aatal-tf 00LDES EAGLE. JEADQUARTERS 0 1 V II. -la- I X 17 A JUL I LEWIS & CO, L L o K W I 8 & C 0 0 V - E IMITB dt m)Sr. C'rLTr. initr-A . ALLETIaa4nirrTACO'n. ! TniunatirBTotKiirkitiHiiX(i taOOni IS THE Kf ATE. a. 1 iBtBftlofi flTltflf. ' ir BABriwdEE mum.r Jt I.IIB UWII db CaJ ' a4k It t . 4 aa aaM(a ( a. L.ia I la4. aaia, 4 a I f aa saisaa as haa a. u a . . k.lo'iuui.tjb. I B . t VSI r. r ,t M is twata la us 'ura raaaasai a aa. 'a aaa4 la tb B4 af mn. J , af 'Taw bt i . t aaa Lata , r a-" ss wtjaaaaa aa aa-a ba V - . - f ea..aa at w I . a aa a.. . l aaa aaa, aaa .laa aa 'ar ail fit II aaa a nta .. . - I ata avaf N . aa. a4 a awaafc,aa ll COMMISSION MEHcaAKTsT W. a IT R O N A c 11 SDoCKSenK T' W. C. SlroDir. ITiT - Grocer ond Vonrmiuin Mercianl" - DEALER -IV"1 COTTON A!l) NAVAL BT0RES, ead Itnaa ebea 4f adg Stf " : '; COTTOX FACTOK aCominlaalon Jlci cliant, KALKIGII. N. C dec 24 lui BOXES CANDY. eo Boxes (.ream Fariua and Soda Creekers. PsleBosp. . Fowler & i o's Bar and Caks t oap. Dooley's Yeast Powders. Worcertersblre Sauce. . , : English Chow-Chow.. . : Btt C resin Cbuese, -. ': - Breakfast Bacon. " , , Canvassed Haras, - Fur Sale by decfd-lia W.H.DODD. PIASOS,,&c. pIAN0S! PIANOS!! , JAMBS PIRSBOK ABON rtiwtiiinvifrn- the public, tbat 4by have jusl reeajved aura stock of tboae superior Piano Forte of th GREAT UN10NCOMPANVOFNEW VOht to which they Invite attention. The Iminenae rueourcea 01 uiis company lu the shape ot cap ital, Machinery and other facilities, euab.a them to put their Piano at a much lower ni'. uisa any ouaer uraa ciass esuuiiauuienl, and persoui about to purchase will tied it niueb lu their advantage to call and csamlne ti.iv Piano before purcbasiug elsewhere. Bend tor circular to JAMES PIRSSO.N H SOS, -Cor. liaigelaud Ballat-Brv streetv! Dsre-lf Raleigh, N. C' THE SUPERIORITY OF THF CNKIVj LEI) , 1 PIANO. FORTt Iav4.'.nredcd bv sll who hsvc CAKFVi:' qoMPAR.i It with othtra. lath - NEW PCai Tb Maimfartarer ka sneraeiled 111 n j . tb Moof 1 bKr KI T PIANO-Fli, 1 posaltil; bene tliey sre pTrterred bv 1 GREAT AK11ATB OK Hi A DAY And recommended by-all lb LEADING NEWSPAl Elm Price will be found aa reawonab: aa e. ni tent with Uroroug) workttuuasbip, WAREROOMS, ftra Avaaua, In Yoa,Cob. lflrn Btaaa' oae i-ii MISCELLANEOUS. JOOMB TO BINT OR LtASg. I as two front rooms In Toeker flail H.i nveaeatoeeapled by lit North Carolina I .and t oaiuany alii b nntad for tba year IH7 ar Will beluased fureseiiesct years. , Apply to , dee 17 U W IL -S-TUCKMAOO. F RESII COCOASUTB. Flash Cuma's. Tar blab Prune, . Aaaorled lorru Nuta, . ".. " f resh t Un a. ectKa-U W.UBIRONaCU. OlkE AND LOT FOR KIHY FOE aril 1111 klght Roooia. I It a Ptarea la a. k r:.u .n ta Hoaas. Ouod wall af aa u oa Ua a : . a ALSO, ' Aaotaar II. waa and laajnty t af LaaJ sttarbrd, kut-aa H ib, us UU Brat-rriy. Huuaa, four Kuuaaa. ae4,a W. II. JuNEJ ak tO. A L E I rram w,.r.j Rye aad Oatav, sad lb JoNaUakUA N.- fork 11... av. aarMU, - TRB. n. W. MILLER Having raaaoaid Ua ol bar , EQltaDlsa Uoi Bb; aaraarfaf aieaavra Sad Fatwia Birvaita. ra aaaau U patraaaar al kar abi IrbabdTsad Iaiail4ae.aaataiiya aaaae a QIYY LUT JTOI i.Lll Iba valaabl bat la RaaaagB aa W.B B. aaataat aa4 i 4, uioa stisaia, aaf kail )hJtU Ua.e4ti.ta tar tavaMaf, aV) Hyat aa ba tb aa daraaad kg III TbE, Ja, BaUtiaa, Oca. fllb. III? T' U 20t) l,nitL Jt ra-aKaa. -" f i$ W C BTRQBACM. jStJ t I C E . TlETJlf 0 SrlTriTolT" v-0J ' bwalrtag Ik taia. W a fcart f '", kaam Bif, b.i.rf ba-aj aaaa ,m4 , an lava .1 a-ka ..tVw t. aaaat at aaa I r aa ditaabad laat iba . a -.-a-4. a a a. ,.4 aa ba-a. 1 taVsrvt. -aa;aaaaaa.'. al tlla aal...l4 a laa. eaaaK,UMM IV., a !2 ,"faa, baat.!..,.., , ,.a Ball aa l-aabay laa aHbaw balulaafa ana IS aa SB aw4 ta-f. mW aal t ataaa bvaa.4 ei.fc-a , laa(-a ana a baa Baaa, Ba'b It a bal aad b.l IT.-"T ",-- a4 tb. raalat i.a aaa aaa. .a -a IT . li- a aaaa.r a -a laa 4 a b. I M " a al a baaat .. a uw a - . . a ,. a a aaj,,M a , '" at at aaai -aaa. a tin. .., aa by ataia at laa.., a. a . . .. i; V "aT Y t J. B A ba4 afgak i 4 t as. a UiUi aa i at aaa lkarala 1L. 7. f'-4 "a ' , III -,, QUO I'ZXJl u ki. a EtBPP. BATTLE

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