THESENTINEL tTl IV II. LJLT WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1871. TJ2LX2GXIAPXIXO! AUI'.? HETIIiE-IT embarked their capital in the sew 1 jIENT. I Th Erie Tlnllroad A train. I TRS LATB TERRIBLS 8X0 W I BTOBM. THE LOUISIANA tJENATOllSHIP. , &c, A., Ac, he. moow DiirATcnM. THE ENFORCEMENT ACT. Lrmi Rock, Ana., Jan. 1. Judge Caldwell rendered deciaion to- dtytatbeeattof JodgeHarrltoa g.otlXHH; TERRIBLE STORM OF TUE3- wot. uauiey anuuuicn. u tiii h defendaflt't demurer lo me junnaicuon m i . tbeeoarfc It tayt tbt court bat no jo-1 TiadicthM nnder tht enforcement tct of I uy election, except where partiet bare been depried of a f ott by feaaon of race, of aerri.ud.. IeopUbant-tbinM.r.ntof tbU kiod la now naade. He gart fce to tttoonntclto reargn. the bench im April, when it It thoogl.t Jndge Miller, of tbt Supreme Couit, end tbt Cirit Judge, Dillioe, will be preaent. Referring to tbe deciaion ef Judge Derail, .. , of Louuiana, he aTth court la thitcaae . ..7777., , ,, ., ,, .. ' oectaea it naa nnaaiciioa ewiy na mm gfoond Uiarihe averment In tbt coin plaint tot' Up that tht partiet bad bee ' deprived of their right to tot by reaaoa of tbeir rare, color or prey loo condition of terrltode. In thit tuit no torh aver ment It made, and the coinphlnant i re 7 milted U the court of bU tttraftarreliet KAPOLEON'S PEATU-TIIE RE- --m--MAINS. Pabii, Jan. 14. Manhal Baxaini it deeply tffucted by , tbt death of Napoleon. The teat render ed bin quite UL Hit wife baa gout to Cbitelhurat. .Lord.1I, Jan, 14. Tbe trrangetaentt bare beat) made f r the edmiaeiaei ol two ha ad red peraont hoorly J'o view tbt mnalnt of NupoUsua while lying la Bute, v. v i . ii I New YK, Jae. 14. I The UtnU atatsa that the tteemer Mlpmr BUttart, which recently left Aipin- wail with e full eargo end eocne recruit foe the tetergeoto, hat tafely landed ob tbt tonttol Cube. . , FROM WASHINGTON, WaawiBeTOB, it. 14, TbaJuJidary omtilttee ef the Iloeae dUtothinglhi. BAorBlng ragerdlng the Loeitiaaa eota plication. They will welt ,M f-P- wtieni trtprie- , 4rv. uti u..i l l !. L.. I . v.. CA Carrieg.-., PrvJ. .1 of b. J... 7 r ! retaeej toe eaenmitiee w aaniaaeata le UrorUta a( pf. prt-ivoe war that worm. Itaay Ytrg elan were prrarai. IM(i mltta bold .p-t.-t B-wlag l-4.,rt4,w to beat Cad. V 1L IW. V" ineenbieet. rv'ib' rr kl I ki U. .t a a t ae iwflunr.nanni.ii, WA,aiaerin. 4a. 14 The f knatviie Cmeml'laa fcavae oiilid that Wwre I Be law le w itw farty-'irer miHioa aWjat leLr nt tired by If i. JlcCbllorh. lOBMiar btar ak nea.) KRIS IN THE FIELD AGAIN. New Tea, Jan. 14. . Tbe D raitara id tU rvd litve a tend a raaadatHai aulbxru ( tbe tea Br cuaearUble bd at par. (aT tbe paipaoef iaaarBvlag It. raal ed leyiag a doabie track. U3?ARK H'liLTIUEnrJtT. tw Tkn,Jn, it A LmJoe bria thai tbe n-Ufiaaat ef r.Jh f..Hatl.a I'twortLHMt u -TeaTy dee tuibr ff .. w m, Uh bim end rprt" WJ Un . I. (Sank 4. f -Ik. L'.-- tw. 4' J .1 lUawt'i et taaar la lira fain) I a4 da t ed fnrtirt to t'l.w l?4 IV mm bbiepu ky. PJEOUCTiON DFTrdJuniril H&TCJ. Twat, ia 14 It la itl thai a aal radtaMawe f trf i t . La alii be U ! I J bwt- by al lb euaapaa ovsrtii n'Aii m v i ij. ) Yan, J.a It afi aar laaale lda batataa ! tk bad laapaak By k Wn a a) ib lata g'. ru in Ai;!:xaTi.t. '"'M, Jaa. 4 Tb 4.'t n. bad V'-e ib t'i'a twt.' rv w t ....I la Vf U.A. " W w a; 4 I aa 3 4 aat. m ria.,-.j re r . Ik erpuuaa aa ,. U- ! 4V..ij.:d tJ tU Bala it a e. ba taeaaiiua ar d ery 4 vei ; d t4 ee t a" ff rv,tAB0 Iran, At. . '- I, m i, taf t. ff1 revested the Grhm hetn, tod Jalje ' Lochrtne, of Qeorgi, end Jitdg Barrett, of Washington, the National Fire Ex- tinguiaher Company of New Yoik. At leut a doten other gcuTtcraen, iuIetw.U'J in the Fire Eitinguinher, wire present. - The comnntTee cooiidured tl el e it had beni to lung tioc Graham made hit application, namely 1837, the entertaining I uf trie ntiiiwjtttlirn: fiff fytiiiig mM appll-1 Cation would work injustice to tkote who j rire EitiBgnubet Uomptni j theythere- fort UDanimotuIy decided that tbe bill J ought hot to pat tbt Senate. CoL Cnfringtoa tod.y made en argi- ment tx-tora tut fJom.n:Uue on. Mnm rot in favor juf depending bill propoeing tbtt I Congro aball, through the bureau of the I Unlted Stated Engine, complete tbJ J unit Hirer and Kenawaii . Canal, tod I that tbe commliaioMit appointed by the I Southweetcrtt Btatee and Virgiula aball I control the tame. The bill appropriate I 18,000,000 for tbt work, yirginlnd went Virginia to tcoaer uieir mpcouiture i of $10,000,000 on condltkmof tbeeon.. pletion, aad when the National eipendi- ture ihall be fully returned to tbt United State, tbt canal It to be free from til toll except (bott neceeaary to kept It In repair. , DAY 1AST. I Ngw Yobk, Jan. H. ' I s w dUptcbtt to tht TrUuns. from TtrioM puU o( Minoeaaot, git further detft!U of the urible oatnrt of tbt ttorm ol TtuaA ,..t eim nnl. I.. , ax i atM oOun hin wafknt tb mm, fau tb hoo, tuteonotry. Twi men wer. foond near Bt. Peter telUrgnp right . . . Buffalo robea. At Washington two teem- ttera have been' frozen to death. Near I Biotti eity turte otbert ' Ite. Tbe rellrotd men liiared tbe tame menengagid working I la th. .n. lBk. .r. .. I ,uBr "' Men iimugu none fatally. It it by far the moat terrible ttorm that ban itttd thit union of the country time I t flrat tcttlemit. K4N8AH. TorBKA, Jan. 14. Tht Brat act of the newTjoveinor at a mewage to the Preaideot to withdraw the tailed Mate troop from tbe Chulokee I fie.utml Land. TUI LOUlblANA BENATORSIIIP. New OnLiAxa, Jan 14. Pinchbeck bu been Octa l U. lC Ben etorby the Kcllog LrgikUture. l B. PRHONER ESCAPED. BorroB, Jae, . George W. William, whnte trial w . I robbing the mailt, eacaped fnn the ... ... ' , ,, .ww VWWI UUUW )a III wbereabooU U unknown. T1U EMPEROR'd rCNERAU ' Lokdou, Jun. It. Alartiial Laabunul, ia. Froiaaart and Vl 1 1 I. . 1 . ,. . . iuiiij mil avrivni at .niarinurtl lruaa Franc U atuod tbe fuBer f the lete Emperor Xtpolroa. It I Mated that QiHeit VMorUtwill .Wt ,u, .j, ,h. I runrral, p fcf Wft h,( ey hunt yaaterday. I ' TH. emnm-ndaiit .rf the lt.,J M.ll,, , w h , fnUiddm ,i 1 alrr;iaiu4i Belli al ar th ftnin.l. I tONUHttvMONAU I Wttamavaat j.a. 14. I li.TB.Tbe Je.ilcUrf (omiuKU have bf dlracUj lo. Le ji.e la oa . I ti -m with th inn , It, ...t . . 11 of twia lb iailtt4d hM. . I IthaPUka l.,l.. it. ,., 1 ..1 .. - WW 4FtW, K4'l it. Lai ,,. .-.I ,kil.h .... . Ik bill pal abHh Nation! Dafiktle luaa to tat lelit ideal ec cure- rntbaa tea pa rani apoe ib-ir ear pla I pn4k a wall aa apua Uair etigiaal eani- The grillnral aad Udatirial art I ellgt bid paer4 ted goe to tbe Prra- I Act ir l il -Tbe U mim wae mggt4 all day oe tadil M Una lid pwotc r L road. Ulll'w iCU K. t aiLtnaxraia, Jan. It. A eaUa diafaiih fnan Li,.rp4 aa- I mar. the f..ual.rig af tt t4 oa la ( I ' - ", '" I,m U- l'p'e aad toa eaaa fpewd I '"t- I ir3.. I Mtar. Jan. II; AVI aj t Batbaaga.1, Ple a I Ataa. Ktw Yaatn, iaa It an.H. Upland I II I, Oibaaa IL Na al baaf i praae be fa ia a:.ty. Far aa lrd. bk ky wrak al l W U a t I itmer. Owe ratba bay. J'jik, kw !17S. Ta-f al ta ajttMt R aia Iraa, lllltoA Milltl r ii, J. 14 Cxiltiae, Ml ifg II I It. It T a e 1 -nm, J e, I i t .-ti- e.toc M 4 1 i.f II I 4. Btivntoa. J.a 14. C.tata, M4-flOt T I t 8. tu TIP Tuft ' "I I (( It ta w4 CAREFTTLLY REYISED AND COR .' UECTED EVERY DaY. E.lhoh, Jiaaarv, to, ISTA ..... :...rr:i.oi oo loali APPLEdt Greea.. Urfed.. BACON : emubee, p tnemoitea -77.. ... I 8dlU " JZT7uZ''. gi&f .............. Shoulder Cuntaated Hunt.. lSaI7 IS 1U zov 6a6X 17 RHTTetl BEESWAX, per lb....... BEEF, oa hoof BAtKiINO i.. ..... COFFEE,' " '" " Bio, good, per lb. , S0k35 2r.T0 SSa28X . wos pa : "Zr'Z''; 10 IS I "ordinary.............. CHEESE; Eaatern Cuttine.... . 10V40 otto2( r ARN. per bunch 1 75 1 COR, err bn.. fid Iba i ia I chicken.. I a Er.OS FEATEIR3. , FLAXnEKD ft'ja'S I rL0UK."Ter bid. N. C... 'DRt ' 0 00 I 1 al TO 1 OUal 24 67 T'L rr ' mp.... LEATHER BOLE.m LEATUER tPPER LEATHER 1UBSEM.. . 12Kl SUa-A 6575 . M 1U13 7 50c8 CO OaM &l bu moLAIWEs perai GOLDEN DYKuP....... MEAL, per bn., . I Otlal 10 UA,S- P1 DB- 7080 I " pi r .it. . 1 SJ.1 5fl . Oreeu. Dried POKK ... ,. VQTA I'UErt, 8eet, per bu.. " Irian, per bu .. H UO Alt, f iurtie.1,...-. 4L.ll! t "v i 0073 .. 17'i'aao A" C" .... P. R.'.., 15 , U.15 C Ytllow. 10aliJ Iioasss SALT per ek . era mum i Worttitcribire Mntc. Buyer are eautlosed to avoid the aumerou t oanterfflt ftnd Imitation crTi-red for tale JUtlM UL .N A 91 t AJ.NS, New Yor. THE M0ILLG STAR. DAILY EDITION i , a i4iv iLirruialioa or aav ftrw nir la I t i aWta. and a irnll.. la W lta.UrVa I tifty inHM, larger than Ul ef Any eUier .pcr. WEEKLY EDITION i Mnv ua it.a a-.,.'... maklnf on ef tbe beat Fmi!y Npper aa 1 V" ''' tlreulaUoe vary ux auJ rapid y 1 I -" 4 bUBiCRIPTIO.X PRJCE : Paiir (tu, 1 year, 4 BhmU.' T 00 00 Sta 1 y"."": C e axntha, 4 1 eu aauBtbW. It aaay be aafrty ajkWt4Lvl a nwarre I v tiuMi4e in aorta tamwa ka mad en k npie -r.k,ra aa' TUt M i,in.tlar." ( T ed ftW tim-l-MB rat ! 4. eadrva. Wl, II HKRXARD, Jaatlt BiUiKtngiDB, N. C - III Y THE (itMIM: ' - - - J.,l7jh ix I. LJU ! JztLJI n T ; ..rr- - -'rr..', ' v BTANDARD BCALC8. tftwa than lid DirTnmt ModlSrattoa eaea-re auo ra tat r At.tBM .... nonet tn win, Alt)l(l A iT7 Itt Pav, ! FvL l' Haiiaan a'. Qal imai. . r at, bW Utay, FAlHlEA Iu, till hMtaa at . rvlU.1. A4a. I it M aa riri, Far bv ba41a UaH a IW-V. aplte)tba ClTItAe- b ATI. tilt BAH. Btiawa, II t, , tr M, Tk r:4r Mntla. W K t44kt4aaaa4 ik I,-- Bid h ka4 M n " " 1-aey W jasnvr, I" t tarnf ba W a.clh l4a Ika bwt af I a-e tk k. at tkaar kaakag ban k Va W t eaaa........,. f A. lull Cha.kar A W if A 4, H I IT III a- la A 4l r .1 14- k.lL.ti f b lt.U.t I a Ik. an. TU 1 in U i iB 1 .t 1 . At linktrakT, a ii a. k.i maw i a. I . It e .. A W a k..' f . Mhi im ih. . .4 aa? J 44,41 eAttM UALKt. Q U A L tl U A LI a.1 tf W- ti 1KI-At It, War. VBAVta. T B. Ml PtlMlaa. I " a. , 4W4 Graves Warehouse.. . bAIYlLLZ. TA. a-, va tua ia KA -4. i a Baa aaaa,r4 14, f4 t. la,.i. ,4,, T a V. ' la m.r iiir-. i a. !t'f IKa I. t n.'a4 baswl ta.. to a aaa a ... to to aM-4t aad aaaaiwit 44 . 4 a4 I I M Sat AyaB ebaii prospectus. published by a company of rAL'IICAC 1'UIM LUS." J03IAU .TURNER, Jr.. Editor. DAILY, 8EMI-WEEKLY & WEEKLY. Rates and Terms, (In Advance.) DAILT 1 year, " montha, ' $100 4.50 I 81 I WEEKLY, t fear,. a m I M 0 month, a. 50 WEEKLT. t iur. 3 001 City beriet will be fnrnlahed the DaiLT I BBTinu.MlcnU per week, pajableln ad-1 tanca ..... . ..1 nrat nasa. AnvaaTiaina Tinna Caah on demand. It I the oariww o' the SENTINEL PUB- LI8H1NC1 CUMfANY to make th paper a I FIRST CLAS8 JOURNAL Lin all rwipeeU. The vrinclple It advocate mrm,il.r Li, thn lUiml uf th Biala and . ' ' are, tiuipiy, TI1K EQUALITY OK TUB WHITE MAS WITH ANY OTHER MAN ; AN HONEST, Eft )NOSnCAL AND FAITHFUfj ADMINISTRATION OK THE NA1IO.NAL. AU BTATK GOVERN MENTS TRUE EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW; I THE RULE OF THE SOUTH BY HER OWN I'EUI'Lli. yonTTT r.tnonxTx to nr. witn liVOHTirOTOTITNTATra: It col ems will b fuead to eentala THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH, A CAB.EFCLI.Y TREPARED HUM MARY (if Ut AL "TATE AND tiXNtvRAL NR, THE MARKETS,. Ac. Na vUm law k the UI b4 avra a Wrr ettralalk . Ik ItMINEL, aad it I thrct uBr UKF.AT l DCC w r X Tl a" ADV EkC" Tier. Ha. It aaleiaej Ua Uat aaadlaa ejmaiauk-ato with tbe paw- i.-i. .p.j. w unbi-. to a in. aw wnb. f ..ral a-i I mM e toe be-i will a -lily K. tbe paptv aU appear M ae uUriy aw ana Till: HOOK AND .TO II UFI'IUI. u i, a i i . t . , . 4 L. iuJTJ rZJZ. "" BE.MINKL BALKIUII. V t. CLOTH J Ml I .a n I I 4 I) T a a lb-KIE ItvAft I i MKN lid IIOVH rl44 tnei aa Maaalaatary I ft t -A, 4Ae ia4 bb e. kaaad attba Lia tt rvi n.1 fhii a a FitfT I LAM MATERIAL aad FlbaT ta lamrai tai aa wnaliaa e tb ef wiitM,4 r r.m,.M Itn Imm r ,,. arnaa aaiattoua e aa aa td ae rb.a.l awba. AAal rBITERA) ta-ar tuMaf uiu Il4if bm 4.M Ml ana aapi 14 li ta k AT ",fT". A tk for Ba.4 ... fnm, Ik taaaa . kaa ' k wk,la ar abaa. Iba jada-a k i I ka fuaad ka .aorawa toakaia fca aa, lt , ma. a. eaa at ! .- ta m-mt aatkaa Uwamkjy tutlkww aay any "WUrt t .04 ia Ibaa aaj utoa aabaaw laa ! V.f u u j lutu V'iJkTjkTZTl . ' . 4 . - " ."" " K-u4 , 41 ta4 a 4k tit atWM), V, M " " U ' ' "d to I lATare i fw - aad , V I,.aa aMmiMM. aad axa t P It awl w j It-t, l4.( aa.,.tt. .tltaaliaKiuax 4i M W - la tea k a a 4 im.h H B A' UMtrl, IS f.r" M-, INSURANCE U .... ' S ZC VD. II Y-A Q A IS T-?IEU KOHTU CABOXJBZA H01E INSUBAKCE - COIPASTi II ALT. IG II, X.C TaU Con(any eootiniea to write Policies, I at fair rate, on ail ela of inmrabl pro- Prtj. All Lew am promp j adjuted and paid. The " HOME " I rapid! r rrewlnx In pnbtle . ... , ,. r. ' " favor, and appeal, with confidence, to lnav-1 en of property fat North Carolina. A0KNT8 IN ALL PARTS OF THE 81 IF R. U. BATTLE, Jr., PaawintHT. C, B ROOT, Vice Pbidbt. BEATON OALES, 8ac,' r PL'LABKl COWPEit, urtaTWOa. tune 96-U " " . Paper now advertialnc fortlie "Horn" wiU pleaae anbatitute Uil for tbe advartiteoaent aireaajr in uata He over I7,0)0,i) aa.'ely Inveated. x II. an r -al Reveun of over1 K.OOO.OOO. I lrsn'uiK o r 10.COO pollcle annnallr. It la thoroughly entabHaUed, and it ability to ftrrsleh the beat areurity, at low. t prut, U not a matUT of exi-erlment. paid death low In tlill D- .ww vk p.m.i..A i 'ir- h j-vi )w f part of Virginia, wltl;lo A fraction of Hoo.ouo. Th condition of an ATNA LIFE PliUCT ar LIBERAL, PRACTICAL, REASONABLE. . All poLale art NON FORFEITABLE after TWO TEARS, except renewable TEN TEAR term poUdca, end TRET AM AFTER THREE TEARS. LIFE. ' TtenufBla-f that lb Mm will ems Iin ma e no loefcr UIxht fm lboa Ima, ad proterl Uem by a pOkbv aa roar lite. f rVaia dfainM to ko!4 a polky i thl wall nulrd M4 4hTf ill eooipaay w act a aerat, III ad4lr4t W. H. I ROW, MtKAona, ' I 'for, Kalkiib. N. C, a t r-d-ti & D 1 - H O E I frr.i.1 iie Uiclr) tru , I A t4- llatM .IikW4. 44 14-.11 V MI.1.14W A b, If. 1 I grttfi ailt, ., 4ieMhnt ra a I paMitlti mcurre ea ihai( ant II eiiarael eraalaal aeie Its -II aa r aailn tm -t-lrwi- ' taarliur t Law, "a i Bruedeay, Jl jt TorV tUy Mllt'e D ' MUIU irtCIACLII. Tb ( an aaaar4 ttaaa i ' tma r.ana" aawe ae.taaj aad a, aati la a aa at4a 4 th.W wavBAVI Ml I a fWI Vt aT.aWW tun lki 111 id to .1, Mai.larlaaa M ikaniwa 1 1U..I Maaarartarwa l44i, Naa m aal. ky Mwam .aji ta I a.ari ,H, I Ika I a- ti bua, atoaaaar tin 1 ul.,t, at. t, I naa, an thay aaa aaf b . t. ba a-aviaa ttgaatat Ata aa bay e paa aaan aaa m la Wae awn. eeeeif . I A 4VAJUtAU C fAbUtf FLWC I UJ - - hmii RaaaaA Fwai. ftoa. " M Kami B) kiU 4 Lat taaal't Fbtei. 1 14.-4 4, r I, l.w, to liami liaaj a a 4ak f ,ak4.y I a. aa lar b-aawa liua I aa.. 'f Ba.1. Ba ,a at ImmH Avaln "-. a.ea lat m Mam to aaa ll W B). U tlfcoACII. LI TUI. E KUKLUOX, naaiaa, if tMafl .A, AAMILA, hUNL. IiiUiin. trttUtuvl Ulf It I tny nlllUIRf II AUDIT ARC, ruu. o;u giavm. rtT)T Aa4 ttoJUai M-a ml rw taawIMB, , T Mater tlreel, tarfalkv. Ta. F t fa a bafa, aMA -a; WaUat 2E&KA LIFE l.NML'KANCE COMPANY , I : ll AKD WAKE, Ac. ; TH PARKER GUN. f run TAM EflA ClftStfLAA PARKER BROS WtST MERID.EN.CT. Yortale by ;LIU8 LEWIS & CO.i . octt'tf t 9 - r r S . Ki lit lii i If f ? o"? B W J .$i.O Is? I S G O aw fB 1 j M ml a B Sr P W O I S ff 3 ' J m k u l o. p 3. a g M I - is " is-?-s 5 is : H p s- 3 H - CHI. Ill E. ', ( m 3 rj rl I , a f a 6-M tr ' St M .' 5 tr I ill 0 c a 1 M 5 3 t rn 3 O p I r 2 8 r- O Hp I V I Ti "3 ... n 1 3 ...... e TJUILDINO LOTS 11 THE TOWN Of L LIL1U1AM, Anii r All.H IN Hi It VIC1SITY FOR SALE. Fur i er eiedit to .olt purchar. 1 he Proiwrlv a UuriTaw, and ttidhliu, j Hotel Lota in th hctrl of t.wa. . AJ.o, Uia fmlt plautaUoa. Alto, Uw Hooeh pliuitatlon, 111 naiumona pin ua " er ril puce. .vp' y to apr H U v r. Mur.Kin, Aiceni A FULL AnSUKTMENT OF TUINKS. V aliK and travelinK n4 wnUatly on bane R. B. ANDREWS 4 COv -CLoraiiaa, iD Gekt' Fl'BKiaKaM, ' Nell door to Ta ker Hall, juual tf Kaietxn, N. I B OO TO A N C 1! O E e. MVkT'H tlMVLK AXD bOt'UttSOLM nand made Ut luitlitj. iiAnnaoaB ' tnTr for Udle ad Ml tea. FRIVIROSK. PITTT A NEW80M. e B-U -JUE TIP top' wahuer. (Pnlrd Fb. , ItTL) TUIe 1ACHIRI1B1FII HMrLItlTI AMI ULHAU1UII. AcKNiiWi.riMirrt to he Tut BEsT kk " UMir OOBT. Tb aot p-rfrrl Wuld-if Warhiaa lat a a'd la in IIP Kir MA. IUM, abkaf Btuiiy aa turi.A.iif raa Bvr b ra U ro aa-. Ta bar m eanad a atmiiia maiiiae aaara ail aaa aaatlr Aaad aad kp ha afda. Na bvataa ba me 4 aitb aaa ran a miia la at ahavt a tuaa, tkaa Ik 1 ip V a t Hkt h lav Ua mm 14 H la cbaas aad earalua at aa4ia a mntel m! It b) if aa ). aa-ly a(aaii.i v aaay aaaiaat, fiat aao.awa i rulwn. It aaar idtaH Mark laa lhaa l ataae MarhIM a Braaaa, I a a arata im awa. rkrru...- m,u. i 1 v i i wnia im -'- traa. toa wa- 1 ' -I - ' w waaaa i w I I ta atoail a ika MartHa la fca. I bato yt r'j .! aaa a I a l at I a to nl , I ar y ka-lia, W , t lkt ,.t lh at kt 'ail.r. ' ' a. at Aiaty aart .4Mmtm 1, I rt id to a at. ii. a .wtru. 1 naiaiir aar aaMl - I aaaat Ua - J. ka a.a .-.-. ... B.a.k-1. - . II m ea a.a .1.. I fmtm khUl a4 ta wa aiwe ana" lwJIaita a-t'-ji to h a la a a. fttnai . . . . A toa hun aato eat4, I Ha rr;u M I i ui a.. , i r a ....A laua t a,a aa im IH1.I 4. l im k twtoaiaa ihw a4 a abnaN la r4aa aaa....! a. a. aa k.y a.n ki I A m iaa M lva aarifcatar, aaa.laalW4 uw a B) Mallaa4. aM fa.. . k.4 a, et .. a,VC IJRMa M AtlXt. ktiA u. j. irtHt wii '" ba Mvto ta tb bto af ttak aaa . M"IVA MAttk , ' ;- W ta I i . Waak j aaka. kaa la aaa ! " t 11 t' . I. I .a mi . sMa. ftual -a. m ?S S 0R-iSe. r - a, A I weal, and l ' 1 43 B RAILROADS IlANkEuF rUlEDtU.t. - - . KA LEIGH 4-j ue:A.'K.' A1i; v. Btii',1i;Si,.Nu.ainji,WA tin and after ralcn'ay. Noy. St, fSTi Um;b ob hili-itb A (aaiirfi K H -va uaily Miutiaj tic .U-d) a follow j . ail. rium. : LeaTea Kalehrb I Leave WtiMon.... AniTeaat Rakijeh ... it'i'p. h ACcoamouaTioi Tint. ' Learet Raleieft.. .,r Arrive at WelJon tauri' Leavaa Weldon.. i , Z' ' Arrive at Kaleiuh.. ...... ..;.., (j.U0 a Mall train makea xos '. crtnmn. .. on with th Seabowd Sr. Foanoie lUilrold and Bat Line Bteaiae ' a Baltimore, to from all poinU Nor! . . et and NortL. and with Peterehnr .road via PteraHBrT Kicbmond and Wu t, ,ton Qty, to and from all poinU North and K. rthwert. " nd at Rleib with too North Car0liD Kau " ui w point coaia ami 8uli. rllb tbe luieiirii A. Ai....i. a.. lUleiirli A Annul a i Uavwood and FavntUsvilb. Accommodation and ifreitrht train, eonn - vamiaiuuo and rial it Suln , 8Hm Koanoke lUilroad . J Ptrhunr Kailroad. v ww.,,' Person llvintr alonir th I1n. ..r i.u u..j ... vtait k.ieiL.h i,.".r r" CM . remain everal honrn. and mm n . JnnalMl , tien. tuk Q H N B SCHEDULE. till t'l!tf a. llWtl'.K. . . . ..... KALEIUII dc ALU L'SX A Altt-LINK. DiTiAiATiNUBii urrica. Kautiaa, . C, Kot. Wth, lbTa. ?i 'J ""J. . 13. trali.a after i aturdoj, Nov. iUt, 1 tleiirh A AdjiiiiU Air i n i i unuui Airuue win run daily (Hunday eaeeptedj a followa- mil mrv Leave RalelKh t.fki P. M. Lem Banford a. M. i uHn hum munnrui, a, K. .iiA tb the AuleiKh A Uaatou Kailroad to and irm au nnuu orui. I A.nd. V ""tort 'th the Weatern Rallioad . ,, . Jwviuana pomu on We tern Railroad. . A. B. ANDREWS. June 17 tf Superintendent. s c n o o l n o t i c b. The Fonrteenth Pea! A. HA Y WtHHVrt BCIIOOL will commence on M.'',il1lyb Jubiiary Jth, UaltW. .i,i. , " ywoou, Kewuern, Avenue. i muni, jri m arauce. Ho dedwttou I m"" '"r ''"" eaeept in cm ot protmrted ,L"e. oa7&t. A BOO U I OKTIIEW1M.IQW, -Carriage i"rrrr:, larriag Culdo. rr, mi U. f hrM.tolMl tatM.fii.ul i.ltiiluftM pawii. u MiMUlaa ta frnfffl U Mi), ,h. T,ui,m Mrna, .ImtaMalam lin.'.'iV.i."'" "". -! panWlM tl41laa 14 l.rll v14. ... -. I. . , i7ia.M" k--'l-l4-4U. Kotioo to the Aillleui tsi VaJMuat. --1 i nii ii .I i unm, 1 1. 44...., ' --4, 4, I V.. V4II4 44.44I4 aov lB-dAwly Chris tmas Uolliday 8 ! W. I ft I. I. TCflEII c.. .1 B.VB AOOBB fOTBBie L'AHGK STOCK " . urab. ariklea taiUbte far m T 7,. 411 ." laalm ?!T.aaai.- ' ' " "'"I -VoT H R . S.1 :M"S PR E S E IB .T LAOIU- WiXlEMiiatae iHHtDa, J. t A t S IX AlilA, . . ClOTtl ttTJEf, :Loaes, L0TEB, - FCA. AC, AC. 14T AAtaavtMl af AtW, H Ih. I etaay -ler I K.U.l ) bavt .i I Ik. .aa ad- W It Aft A TI CK EE A OA diU. QlrilB A. Ab!!. - lalBlaa.JV.l.aaSA,b, ta aay - ' a4. ., 1 , a.- u Ika trlT.tT"" k 4 auaa. a -A ee.aae fa . a ..te. by a. 4Y'A T. JibE, Acat. toa Itw yAaiuMTa til iiriBiiT, Uxixuioy, V;ijisia. Tb . a btf ,i, ,1,,, a" - k. tal ttoi m aa.f a a,a. aibaj Atalli. . ... ' l- tui Ifca a fcta4, ' -, f..!...,, , w 4. . a. " Wtl tl, (Vaaf r y. 0t rwAtLltmrt A bfk.,, ,:U; tod r4.M4l Inf.ti. "J a -4 to a-, a.a m.m, aaa Uk- a. i... i 4. u WAR B A 4 l l J ,,,a. A ttw a to. V 4a-. a kM4M I aa... bt Imh to I - .4. ' ' lto-,a.j..t. I . A a ti I 1 WIM'II r'l" a at Itaf . UACX Mid i Via. 'in. 1 tar aw tttf A. A. 4. kit , , AV.U ' m . , . - I ana to f

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