' I . , TpLKSDAl, JAACAKY 16, 18.3. THE STATE SENATE. 8BXATK n 1872, - - it District. Itirrituik, Camden, Pas- uuotank, Hertford. Gu, Chowan, Frr- ouimaus, 2 ; Jaw. L. Chamberlain, 0. W. iiraaiiijl- Wv. - ' 2nd. Tyrrell, Washington, mhub, Dare, Beaufort anil Hyde, ; J. U. Uea paM, 1L K Stilley, rep. 3rd. Norlhaniptoa nd Bertie, 1 ; Hot lowyrep. 4th, HaU.ui, 1 ; Henry Eppes, rep. 5rju Edjjecombc, 1; Alexander llo CabeTrep. ethv-I'tit, I ? Jel McOotter; repy -7tb. Wiloo, Nash and Franklin, 2; Jno. W. Durham, Win. K. Davis, cunt. Miu-.: Craves,! .(.A. S. Sejm ur, rep. th. Jones, Onslow and Carteret, 1; J. O. Scott, con. enni. 10th. Wayne and Duplin, 2 ; Win A. Allen, Lott W. Uumplirey, coin. 11, Lenoir and Qreen, 1 ; Kichard W.King, rep. 12th. New Hanover, 1 j Oeo. L. Mab- son, rep. lath. Brunswick and Bladen, 1 Hill. rep. 14th. Sanipon, 1 ; Dr.' C. Tate Mur phy, coit 13th. Columbui and Hobceon, 1 ; Jno, - W. Ellis, eon. -" 10th. Cumberland and Harnett, 1 ; cons. Win. C. , Troy, con. 17lh. John, 1 ; William n. a vera, con. 18th. rep. 19 th. Wake, 1 ; Jama H. Uarria, Warren, ; John A. II j man, rep. 20tb. Pi raon, Caswell ami Orange, 3 : John W. Norwood,. 'o'io W.Cunningham, At cons. 2 1st. 0'nville, 1 tiourbon Smith, rep. liSps. ' Chatham, t ; It. a. Powell, con. 2.d. 'Uot kiiis"mi .1 ; Jan. T. More no I, con. - it 1th. Alamniice and Guilford, 8 ; Ja. T. Morehead, Jr., W. J. Murray, can. 25th. Uandolpli and Moore, 1 ; Dr. J. M. Worth, con. " . 20th. Kiobroond and Montgomery, 1; RTLong, rep. 27th. Atisoii and Union, 1 ; C M T Mc Caulev. con. 2auit-iJiirru-ana Bianiy, i f -v Barnhardt. con. 20th. Mrcklenbure, -1 ; RP Waring, JOO: HOlh. Rowan and Davie, 1 ; Charles Price", eon. 81t. Ihitidm, 1 i , John T. Creamer, ""rep. 2d. Stokes and Forsythe, 1 ; John M Station!, coo. -l S3J. Surry and Yadkin, 1; A C Cowlcs, con. lth. Iredell. Wilkeo and Alexander, 2; Thomas A Nicholson, Phineaa ilorton, cons. " B.ltli. AtU nhany, Ashe and Watauga, 1 j J W Todd, con. 80th. Caldwell,' Burke, McDowell, Mitchell and Yonoy, 8 j W W riuuuing, J M Uudger, cona. . 7tin vlalw awl Uotolu, l ; lit. Ja. 11. Kins, con. 38th. Gaston and Ciravdand, 1 ; Dr. W. J. T. Millr, con. 8Uth. Rutherhrd and Polk, 1 ; Marti Walker, rep. 40th. Buuctjmb and Madisoo, 1 ; Ja U. Jilerrimon. con. 41 at. Haywood, Henderson and Traa sjlvania, 1 ; W. P. Welch, con. 42d. Jarkana, Swaia, Macon, Cherokee, Clay, and Graham, 1 Dr. W. L. Lotc, eon. ' TboM marked are colored. Senators from tha following district are re-elected : 4th. flih, Mr. Alien in tlis 10th, 11th, 14th, lth, 19th, 23d, tStb, 28th. 83d. Mr. flamming la the 26th, 40th, 43d. Total Th Mlowing were member of the last ou of Ib presratallfe Messrs. Cham rrlain, Dunham, Scott, MabsuD, Powell, IcCaaley, Waring, .N chton, Welch, otal . Conarnrativr 21. Ikpubl'iran IS. C rrstiv msjmity 14. aoi sa o narauuiATivits. atamanre, Jcm Uannt, cn. iU lander, J. M. Careua, lad. Viirghaay, A. M. Bryan, dec. tun. Col. IL T. Bennett, con. tab, tvjuir Tnvrtt, rwp, tVauhxt, Samuel T. Cotsa, rep. lUTti. V. C. Miller, rrp. UisH Vr T j;rutMwick, J. H. BriMfk, rep. siaBcntsbe, T. D. Joliruoa aad David bikwtll, cms. lluik, P. A. Warikk, Co a. l'alriua, Tb J. Sbina, enn. I'aklaell, Kd. Jones, eo. ara ir, Siweoa , Jon,rrp. CarwiM. biMntbu.too, Cwll, Gov Uawo, Tbaa, X To, a - sm -wm - m A - t alsab. K. U. O. ouaiiiB, soo. Cbsiham, Jak M. Moling, O. A. liana, ana. I hm.ira, B. K. Die key, eon. how an, Joaia L. Wbmslow, frp. riay. i. , Adrnn, eon. I'tMfrlaad, John W. Uidnet, con. Loiumhu. V. V. Bkhaf dson, eun. Cian, t. R, Dodlej I. U. Abbott, Vnwtwtlanrf, T. ft. LntUlkJt, ftp, 0.1 DaalaiH, . uirlluak, J. M. WooUrw.i Uvi-U.J. T. Iiiow. John Michsnl ft f ., It. at Ah'Lrena, tm. Dup m. J. ha D. Wadbd.J. K. (ul w.ttai Ikare.ltUvst N fjreT.reOL W. P. MLao.. WJ Jjaarep, , roreytua, IH, W. II WbawWv, rep. kraahUa. J.ha IL Wllllna. era. . W. A. Buwa.cia. , t.air. K. II lU laid, Ulaavi i, IL T. IUjba,a 0. AinvsM, t I'atitrk, rrp. Uttilbw-t, Jwph Ui'ns", Wbj W.krt, I. M.Mia, J L U m, e -ta4. M Uaia.l, lie Fwaiaaaa, MakWait, J a tWoan, W l l. r. l .t.sxil, J. W, TV.aa.sa.rep, M tg.y. Auaa J !, fep, . J. I n. aa, Juui E. Liiijtf , lua. ,.a aavs. Jaa, II. Was, IL aU.a. A fil l)4. rep. , . Ji'iviaapa, ll iri-a II J m, rek i4t, J n l Ml.a., aa, t'..k--, Ir, pn.Ja 1 Jaaai Wst ava,f- . ! ) ak, t M C.affrey. rf, !'.,. (usm. J KN' I, ren. . l'a.a. A) d.a- i'l t'.a .-f ". .M, W ,;. I.D7SJ. 4aM4 Cot, fa Rockingham, David Settle. Dr. A. TJiht"coii r i In wan, Dr.r. ST. Lackey, Kerr Cruige. H cods. -1 llal.fas, J J Ooodwyn, John Bryant,! Harnett. J. U. Grady, con. Hay woodrH P Ha'ynea, cob. Henderson, Jatue Brythe, rep. - Hertford, Jamea jjharpe, rep. " njae. m s carter, con. Iredili Shifin- and Turner, cn. i .... Jones. Jacob Scott, rep. Lenoir, Anothy Dayis, rep. - Lincoln. A J Morrison, con. Macon, 4 L Robinson, con. Madrnon. H. A.Gudger, con. 8tanky, M. T. Waddcll, con., Stoker J. G. IL Mitchell.con., Sampson,-J. K. MatwtH, W. H. Bryan, burry, H. M. Waujrh. con. Swain, T. D. Bryson, con. l ransylvaniii, r, J, Whitmire, con. Tyrrelt, B. Jones, con. Union, Imuel Presson,'con. Wake, R. C. Badger, Jno. C. Gorman, R. 8. Perry, Stewart Ellison reps. Warren, Geo. II. King J. W, H. Paa Chall, reps. Vushington. Dr. C. Guyther, rep. Watauga, Jo. B. Todd, con. Wayne, John C. Rhode, E. G. Cope land, reps. Wilkes, Thoa. J. Dula, A. C. Bryan, Yadkins, J. G. Marler. Yancey, (XRByrd. SPOUTING GOODS. G u N - 8INOLI OUN8. At J 50, f.i UO, 50, rt (X), S 00, 10.00, W14 UU, U W UU. DOUBLE GU.1S. U 00, TM, 110 00, 113 00, 115 00, WM UU, W. h UU, fW UU, (ri0 00, to 1 75 00 Breech.boadinff l)ouble Gum, At 140 00, (45 00, (50 00, 0 00, 175 00, '.J 00, 1110 00. fl'JO to HUD 00. PISTOLS. Suiith k Wesson's, Colt's, Allen's, Sbsrp's, Whitney snd other kinds, at nam FACTuatm' rainas. AVIMUMTION and IMPLEMENTS For Urewli-loadinK Uuna, at a small advance on rosl of linportstlon. Metallic Auimuuitlou for hides and PistoUi at lowest market prices. A c niplel assortment of all Bportln Goods ; Price and beacrlj tion sent on sppli cation. -tioodr JhtppHJ ny Ii j.reas V. 0. 13." ' POLLTNEY, 1 KIMBLE oV:0., lMPOaTH,- No. 200 W. Baltimore St , BalUmore. Ulchard's, UouksI's, Ureenei's, Scott's, snd tber celebrated make ot gun oa hand aud mimrted t- order. r aepi IV todwU DRV GOODS. Ac. R W . A R- R I V A L 8 Print and Dress Goods ta m,. 13 S o ,1-1 S T largs Stock. 1 lopply If Elfgllt tilk Ills, PRIMROSE. PETTI as NEWSOM dec -tf Jos. B BiT asLOa, U C Eowsbim, Ka ri(li, Uilurd, Wat. Pitwais BsTiaaxon, ItalaiKh. 15 ATCHELOR, EDWARDS kLOK, at BtTCU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Raleifh, X. C, 'Writ stten4 lb Court of Wa, GraaIU. Frsaklla, Wsmat, Uaiila. Nnfthaaiptv aad Cbathaw sasBUd, sad th Fsatsrsl a4 ta VnoHtetm aa a-U p M O C T E E OAMBLE'S "UM of Day Braad, ADAMANTINB t'ASDLESi -AU alas, sha HoUl CaUsal MaaaUctarars a kf - - )aa 1 a ItoiUsaora, Hi. KoTICE ta Parti- ot the Baas at DALLAS, M'EtRRoL aad WlLKINrO!. tlTATFD. faH partWalart af tha Call V fa ar I' iraataaii AWsaaaae aad Willis I '!., Daaraa k iwi by hi wil ImWiia Dallas. ava4 el Joha W ukMaoa by at a.laJaawtl a.laa.allal saw w waas W Share la lbs r.i. af Uas sat Pr ! bveaaia.a taaasrr mum mw i.i. ik. 1 J - m la: A 1 ha patU'S all aaUva af 1 ly In trot iaad, a ta Uau.fcW U.a three Ba aawal are ai i 4 la tm ka North tarttbat, aad m JAa H Jaaa la Caaada . - , AakAavt't 4 riMtrwr ol padignw, awUeV WaW4 St a av-l'i- , W S karft- k Wuins, ua Jadkkal Fsat- a Mr. MW naeltiuww rV uimii'ir, A . UfA on K , W A LTCU A CO., IM W at B:waaa. Cwa ttawarn Stress, mt . . J f 1..-. ..J l.m-m M I 4. a, Caanaif . .. , A. a. B. mss, LL , N. Faasa. twit K Y 'l ni'4 aa ax"- af Here kawAret trret t l4, - 4 I --a.'f tawaa aamM lawa tt n.s Vt at- l a.. lit. .ii W B a""!! A t. At-'t s A M t L E K ft I L L Q L I D A Y, ' Q U O O B D ; I 4 f AT Tilt; D O K S T O II E O F m m a . a i mm .m m . a , mm mm in o MAT BK FOUND A UOXriSTS ASSORTMIXT OF SSW -Jl'fE N I L B - ft t t K rV . rPB BQl S AND 4MXI.- Toy Books for Children In frreat Variety.1 Fine Fresch sod EuxlMh SUtlonery'. Uuld Peas ior Lmll snd tienUemea, of the beat make ; a lar.e assortuienl. Kin Prnclls snd Pen Holder. Pocket Books snd Port Monies. I liOtorai'h Albums Diaries lor 1873, various styles, fine Biblea and Prayc Books. -Church perviots a a Hyumsls. WrUiu ttesks and Port Folios. TourUts Csses or Travelinic. Cbes and Backgammon Boxes Cbromo Pictures sail caoies, at tucsediug low tirices. I ail early, II "on alsh to getaujip ALFUEU WILLIAMS, Bookseller and Stationer. dec 1 If MISCELLANEOUS. K 8 H AMD RELIABLE vaccine virus. A nov UO tf SIMPeON'S Drux Store, B ISHOP'S EFFEKVEPCiXU SALTS OF rienr. KixsKXGEy. blLTiKH, CI THA TS Of MAOSIHA, AM MAUAJiiiJA AI'EKIKNT. . At. BlMPnUJra . not 80-tf r Drag Aitt H OKSE POW UEK3 FOUTZ'i t At SIMPSON'S Drux Store. BovSO tf JVEKIfUlNU USUALLY FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. At kDiPdONS'. nor 30 tf BIN'S PERFUMERY AND TOILET POWDER. At HOT SOU Uruf Store iN O B T. H-..U aH fi LI H A JEANS, bATTINETTS AND CAS: IMEKES. Just rreelTrd st PKlMKosE, PETTY A NEWSOM 8. decVU 75 BOXES SOAP. All kinds. Prim Carolina Rica. CaaaedFniitaodVeceUblesofallk Lnda. rept 11 U W. C. fcTKON AC1L 6000 Poaads Bwva, Hants, Bids aa aaxmiuare. W. C. STRoKACIL F 0 at N. ao a-tf C. Lard, bv th barrel u. Jones co- A LARUE STOCK OF TOILETTE 818 AND VASES. At DOT W U tlMPSoN'S lra( Blur. D ENTAL KOTICE. LaOU XartW awtw aa4 Mt satatm- Bwnl ut a MilabM ofhea, orUpri for a rv Irnnixiil iartk. ssav ba aril ailh C D. ll.wU HilUa Blaua JtaUuwal Baak, wba) I will praapUi stuwd the rssidiaca of pattest. jaas-u r. aasKAA.a- gT. CATHARINE'S, OJTAKIO, CANAPA t . , tii iTirinioi tetsE." AND BATH- Sua it. w'tb Ik lirald i all al SAUBE MINERAL WATER la aw opre fur Um raaaptaua af mttwsre. Psraua aU Im4 m aavw'eg tnanl alras addres Ike Pi. klTtlXt TCUIt WIN. N to Tan jmAt.tni tf tmjoatn (ta f MBA bTATI Um tt aaaia cat. A- Ik Iret aaawl IttVIMaf reuaa f ! Im Simth ar..lia rUl Lift laaanM tafav,' tl knra tar etr t ! t S mrp,. lif Hawt as aa ta argaa.re taw twaiatf. ' ft.m raataaj at M I'M loaa Pali , M . I la store al I a. S ttrtMa. I a,. KtM f P. BATTLE. i-V AV- PIEDMONT BP HI?0B roM i.t A salt tavnlHaf kw W.a at a tr4 kv4 la aiMaa w i tk.t It Itaal wan ae WatmatT p VS l-. . wt .,-..-a I ta t n aas t sa 1 aa. a a i i . wmt a- .a a Iitore fire sw lft at TaaraAar. tka . Am f al saaaarv, ., I W.U aiww M tta tax la tha) I m ta. Mas ' talf r wi ii r i ' I S am 4 a t, u mi f 1 ta in'l tl M WaKatae; am t H-aa l-a I, m-m aaf 1 auk niaimt kaa t -( t tal M aa !'( k . 4ka bmB It a mm4 t im-aaa. tr.tii l U'ra as-r .n.i laat n Bt Ii . a . t tva lia' ll a w,4 I laa t t anit.a rat..ua mt Um rmm awaanar t- ai la ...! td aava a!a rara.M a. . .a a mwmmmm taa 1 r are ka la 4 k l s-.a ! la?l ta aaaii'f a-ia m B ' Met I I I m4 t . - M -.1 - I HA. JOHNSON AND IUN' 8. The andcnWned harlu j formed a partner- itiip for the pracUca of their imifvssion in ail lis rsrlon btaoebea, rewi-tfvitly otter their erves to the eitlauos at iUleigb sad ot UK Hirriundii( country. !'. Juhn-on will alwars be found at his rell known tuee ea HilUhora' (!rL while mtram nn W tuml tor the tinx nt at the' arUoronKh ftouse or at lr. Johnnon's onica PltTKH E. tllNES, M. D. dee Iib. VIDE D U P R E, aTTOKKKT AT LAW, . Raleigh, N. C Practices In lis Court ot Wake, andln ths' Federal Courts, gives ajiecuU attention to the ancuini; of causes In the Supreme Court of N. C., collects eialm aKainst any fire or Lite lasurane Comuany in lha Uulud States, sod attends prorriiUr to any other protuasioual busln&M iniruateil to hiia. .-. - feb.-U U . K . N A S II , ATTORNEY AT LAW,.' 11ILUBOHO' JI. C P.-actices In Oraiure and the sd jninlng coun ties, snd in Uis Supreme snd U. & Court. , S. A. .ASHE, A-ttoniev at Law, RALEIGH, M. C. Will attend the Stat aad F deral Courts bel In the counties of Aake ud New Hanover. iariril-Hu. . U. F. UASUN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, URA11AM, N. C. Practices lu Alsmanc aud ailluiumir coun- tn , and In the Supreme aud L. B. courts. leb W-Smt rraiaiairs jl MiaiLniivioN, AttornovM ut LaWj RALEIGH, N. C. a. r. iniLUra. .tee -n-u. A. a. HBaiatoK T. P. D E V EK K U X, A T-T OR N K Y AT LAW, Otllce on the" second floor of the. Strousch buildine. north of the Vsrborouifh House. Practices la the SUta and Federal Courts. Collections promptly sttcuded U la all part of the Stale, sepUO-lf wALTiacLaaa. . at. nuixaa. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, V. C. Practice in sll the Courts of llallfat, North ampton, Edgecombe snd Martia counties, lu the Supreuia Court of North Carolina, aud In the Federal Courts. Collections mad la any part of North Car- ouna. war -uiy JOHN ARMSTRONU. BWEBJSPEJt AD BJ.AN&-. BOOK. MAN. LIACICKS.K. ovia TBI ubtb cabouba aooajToaa.. RALEIttU, N. C. Trial, EircvUon, Miaate and stacunllns! Dorket mad to unww. ' North' C ami ins Report aud other Law Book a, boand ta BBenir Lsw BtndiuK. Miaalui anmbers of the Reports supplied and odd numbers lakes m i bara In uisc but. dee L a. t. Mcoaa -r-OB struts MOOBFi OAT1J.NO, A T T O R N L TS a! t RALEI0B, R. & BUU ad Fsdetwl Coarla sad th Cenrt ot th Ut as- U Jadicial Dattricta, aovlltf. J M ALEXAND A TJUlUiKT AT LAW, btiMHAal, a C O.Bia ever tiwadua Vkrker's Wre. KeHdsne tad Braach O B. s st ' H. c. Coihxtloa aasd la any part of Ut alata. aspaui 1? OR SALE. Beat Western NurU ( aiut.a Barkwheai Fiowr, Sli Oa Cuud PiasMi sad Mi Faaihee sWd. 11. Uk ACU nsatu ,"M B Ultsll IUIITI, Son MEN n J DOTS ve MWrsT AND ClIollKtT ST T Lin. Jatai4tt E. B, ANDREWS A CO-, Ckatlakare, lU N Uvtaoti Mrvt st Lira In Cv, "a . Ja MS, IS71 ntkM W ka-tbf r ka alt iia dan wa, IWI u af T "t saw inat' aa4 iaaia' n-avl I ! C fey.tas hvf.s Mataal l Ha lw..lI, aad U. a MeiaalUtt lawaaana t,a at ml Baa I a. ka b-at) al Mrtas t'wai liulm of M.aM. mm (m at Cat, aad laal M AlB "J 1 at ta k y aiv"' a) itawaml a4 twa aaad Canasw So' ta Xata mt mm I svta. Ik ptinu mt IM Imms aid at mtmrnm a. ale .ih -m la MaMt W ati aattaaa HV BUS IS.f b.taaaa. kUi k loan n LABK, - if. v. i u v-iub aiaaaatfa. Mai Ttaiaj 11 ORSE AD t"W flEit, ) raaWk. B. C aa 4 Skaarts, av fca-s. I aa Mat baial -. I'lb t law Miss W. HLDtibD. M ' ILE-stlLE-stll-A. t I a h taa a-a a I If If ( li.I to M-a . J ( ..v l tttll I , la l' 'I m f i.ii, M 4 IW .f . a' ' al 4 fa' -a ! mt I I IflU I III ' II II art I f4 a. tm4 litn a f I h- kl..t a4 Kattn Car A FrM t m l-r ttm ism J. I114EY. ImMIs u m I t V r ar I ara4 It a mt fa taa', aa f aaa re la-.U W. L- lla-iltUl. LAXD AGENCIES. jVuKTII CAROLINA LAND COMPANY. ESTAKLIllED TO PROHOTK Tni 8 VI E TiFT ANDS AS t) KMC V AdE EMULATION TO NORTH CAKOL1NA. ornca " RALVian, y, c. i hi amuasful v& ration for over three Years, snd will 'it. tinue to But, Sell, or Kent Re o 1 Eatate, aiion couiuiaaioa, or otherwise, on the moft vuralile Kimm . ' Parties having Lands to sell wil! Una it J to their Interest to call at this office, or tn- respoDd with ca. aaour rscuttics rorseinn are increasimt every dar. Largs tracta are ren '.crcd ure salcal le by beinx divided. This CouVliany is favorably kuowu at home aud abroadas the large nnmber of- emigrants 4. has lutreduccd afiA hieat4 ta Ikli 8taU, 1 ally attests. Parties entruetinK busier In their bauds have UiTst saaflraiicelhat Ibey win be fairly represented. Address all comniunicaUons to "The r l Carolina Land Co., or to Wm. Acott,Se-rUr-, OKO. LITTLE. Pre Wat. Scott. Soc't. , 7-UAwtf - M ISOELLAN KOUS. ; pilOCTEU A OAMBLE'S OL1NS SOAP Is uisda from the beat ut Wrlals but sold st urues of ordinary Soap. O n I'.tiO Families using n. aii tiiiHwa nave il O. T. BLZbt CO., Baltimore, Md., Jan l-3u4 - NV hoksale Agents. R K 8 ' T A U H AN T. A. W. FRAPS Has re opraed his ESTAURANT for the sccommoualion of the public. It is ueedleas for him to say that all th dellcaciea ot the Season will b constantly kept oa band ud served iu lb best styl. ; OYSTERS IN THE SHELL' received every dsy snd served lu all styles. . Tke "AR It furnUhed with the beat of WINES, LlglitHW, ALK, 1'OhlEK LAOkK UKEit. He. oe K.M AUIES WEAR. SILK NECK TIES aud :BOWS.lN ALL NEW SHADES. WOOSTED OTTOMAN ICAKFS AND SHAWLS, GLOVES-DRESS GOODS. W.1L4R.8. TUCKER CO. nov le-tt ' Pound VlrKlul Bacoa, Ham Sidea aad tbouluera. au- an W. U STKONACU. 1 O h S A L K I SupsrWr Ball Butter, B f iiJ Toik jfi "ceiirei dsily. V . si. JoN K at l.O. decMU. - A OKNTB WA.MTKU THE MA.VTFR SPIRITS OF THE ttOKLU, aud-HIE 1 HkASt ttE Hoi Ur AHS.IUOA. bi sasar boob ur vas vtaa.' Ace tils report sales ut ti ta iuu comes la a few hour or day. l'roawtua fnw. Artiiraaa 4. n.duuuMiaU, New York. Chicago, ClnclntiaU, at. Lout Firm urlsans, rptaftewwata now To Speculate Sarcessiallj RANDALL 1L FOOTE & CO., Bssss ssn Bsi.ssss, TO Bbsmwst, N Y. Mrmuars of Stuck Eachae- aad (aold ttoata. Ksrtassrsw Jar t o ka A Co . Mrehank Banair-e- Aaaor.all.4i. or aa Baaklna: lioaa ot isnmal Afeary la kaw lark. N. B - fiat.hll oa - Wall ktiwet ud II 0rsUoss," frn on ap leaUoa. sv o our s, a w. svatawia, s. a aKaaa. II. 4', OLIit; tu Littaas i(issiatLMia-Bitiiiiisio CoiumlHilon XrrrbsnU, -nrns.-w). u Or Area far hinla aad Lumbar fU4 ptlf tad at low prtea. ! OSADALIS 'p;;B ttr Bot'Tn tfti I l m4T for Iharnre nf tJrre. S rv-r,.alut Tt, Hifwaaa-ii-S Wkiia li tug, UsbI, to I', C M-a,.l m, Piawkl' la, B.rvmtt , t"4 s i t - lr ; If m s . ia tuw ii tin a s 14 t r..,aiH., o.o.t.lay., t v , m m yM.f ' I S4 a. ' ia.. t ta reau4 im al I a. a r af sii t. i I a a. af n.4 aiir-lil..hw a naaatf IH at IWnaat, T m. M t tit ... a a f f nmmi. y M"." . tt -VI .1 - l-wa mm tiMMI 1 a.B a ., I .v m ! r ' -- i. . t . a. , B mmtm taa I.Mi a. t . a. i L- it.. .rB.wM L7.t:s::. t:t " t a r-mm. a-a-a-a W -. um' In rawl f i-i wl4a. i.,,. ..t. U. iwlf-mi a mrm .' I f m-m. m.,m Ii -- ml a a a Bns i mm$ a.a aaia -- 0,mmm 'ft y I a la H t a t t4 -' " m.mt naa. af U tf .U la,, at ItUIIt'.f ftiraw 5 i Joan r. iiLssT. I c-titi Pi .-a. r -i t.Mi H J MI 0 li4 itWj'-wMi-g Wt B I V at M s I r111" aay tMaa, a lar f lb i lariutu. AT l I t waa.1 tVa I ra, taai kata. a preaataaa, mmm mt l. JaaalV ! "-" I k-.l...' fur lail , Mia.IHn 1 all t avai v -i . M v ; . s ""I - -auu.. -au lr . B'. ta4aaMxai a.taa I aa.aaaa a a. ai... u .iu u.. oil !-' W l .l j .. tm I la u id W tarn.,, t, saSMirg. b, r,4 f f t.a talk,! m.'"i.t i. .. . . n nf MMianaiiit lara. . ' f'-tmrnmrnrnm MR I I I tmrimlm. arll. Hiaaa! tot Hloal COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 8' T R'O N A C H I'nrcsaon To W. C, Strooack Ci., Qrvctr and L'ommistion MertXant PEALEB .V. Ct;TTOS-ANO NAVAL BT0RE9, Second Poor above Ysrto Hous ad ,6 tf II. O I G r o cor, COTTOX--FACTOR: Oouimlsslon ncrclutiit, KALEIUU, N. C dee 24 lm 50 BOXES CANDY, 60 Boxes Cream Farlua aud Scda ( rsckcrs. rale soap. Fowler ic Co'a Bar snd Csk Soap. Dooley's Yeast Powders . Worcestershire Pauca , KoitHsh ( how -Cbuw. i Best Cream Cheese. Breakfast Bacon. Canvassed Hams. For Ssle by dee41m W. 11. DODD. JJtKESU COCOA-NUTS, i Frekh Currents. - Turkish Prunes, , , Assorted Furetirn Nuts, Frcah Citron, oct 2-lf W. U BTUONaCH. piANOS ! riANOSl! JAM RS PIRSSOM A SON fesDeclfullvluforB tbepulillc, that they hav luat received a iwi stwk of those superior piano Fortesof th' UKKAT L N ION COM PA N Y OF N E W Y ORk to which they luvile stteutiou. The Lmiueusi .resources of this company la Uie atia of cap ItaJ, machinery and other facilities, enaliU Uiem to put their Planus at a mm h lower rati than any other Brat clan establishment, an persons about to purchase will llnd it much Ui meir auvauuiKe to. cau aad eiaiulus thcat Pianna before purchasinir, elsewhere. eeuu ior circular to JAMES PIK.18ON St SoM, Cue, ManresanW Ssitsiinrr itrePU. '" anar6-U Ralelhf M. C 'PHE 8UPEK10IUTY OF TUB UNKIVA V J- r LED riANO FORTE Is conceded bv sll who hava RAREriTI l COMPARE! it with vUisra, in th NEW SCALE. Th Manufacturer has succeeded 1a ma' lr-. uis aiuai i riAMJ-IUsl i possible: benra thee art pre'errad by I t.RHAI AKTISl ur tiudaT. And recouimevdcdv tha JXiDIiiQ liXWiAPIRS Prices wtil b found aa laatoosbl as i but with thorough wvrksasusUip. ' WARIRIKlMd, bra Avskub, Niw Toan, Con. IUtb Stubs t oee i u MISCELLANEOUS. T 'hi best Periodicals of Ihe iai TH! OBBAT ENGLISH QUARTERLIES ElitkiooJ'i' EJlBdarsh Btgniie, ntraiBTBoai' THE LEONARD SCOTT PI BUSIUNO CO. 149 Fulton Street, New York. At aavtai saw (AW (A .fwtov (Aa erjyfcukb The EdlnbsrKh aUvlew, lb L"tidn IJaaHerly Review, . Th W aaUninaUir Kvvww, Th Bnuah Vfarurij Hevkiw, fuhlisbe4 QuarWriy Jaa'y, Awu, Jaly, Oct.. SSB atlad'i A'diasaryA Afftia (A fas simU f th orlaL) PaUlsbsd Moalhly. TKBatt or iiikKkimoa : FaW tap aac Ba tTfTrrn Ii isistsainti, ,. Fi-f any Urea kWilewa, . . , sr all luur SUt ! Fm hiaauul s Maw.aira... . . I , lo ts illM m ,4m " . I .ui Fa Bia. kaoud aav I Kaiia.. For blaikauud tad I Htltrti,, lu IM Far Hiackwoutf tad S knwti,, Uuu For BlacAweadaadthnvta UUU Poalsna, la teat a a a. bar, W be preiUI af tha ,arta( al la tUl.t of ashvaty. -- ., tkttl.. . - A 41 1 af aarealy aareaaL wtJl V a'low s4 ta nana of f .r m twn ( -n baa four ao,. af Baw.kaon4r ut una kUn.a iikkmititM aJraat tor Uai.. rapta af th tuar Revlawt aad Biathwsvd lu, l tad tana. Ta rial at la or Btora, la l UUua la lb wv4irvaat,a wpj (rUa a ill be tiA.tr la th galtar ap at Ibt flat ritaicii, Sm Ui r'.l n fw ta fatr lTi mf laat lihoat I ', th tan,i-ft l um laal ,aav Ua af ia.i ml taek panuUltals at Utry hami sabaartb for. Or, lal af tha tbot. aaw rtw)a la I t.mal to (lata kaal.oa . u,a auc la l.tiKiia an Fib. ft, . . i tt i aw atut, f I -ft. ins li"auo i ui r rt blifiumi uu ataw n auta TtfM rAMMItt't Ul'IDM T KitatiiM m.4 rrariKal AfWrlt " UMlataJ Y .f.n. f t. Wa A'Wural 1 1. . Ila.ai laatut Ian MUia. Iaa f. ttaaarwaraiaiawt If 1 1 . bt I -4. , "If ft h. UatiC Bi.4 I'rwia J AgM!tuira. aa aa. St. J- l-U Itttl t a at .l tad k. I -a Hay ta-', Rl t. 4 laals tan 1 1. J ." 41 CIS. mit 11 MM ll . k I LL k II Ua'f im4 Wa tat iv iwaaM mt I lv.iijiM,. j iiutisC. 4 naatava a.1 P, mm Bi. a Oa lW---..; 4-14 It IM pm-mm S' sa 1 W MED-'I C A L iBALUBORE. LOCK HBSHTAi BALTIJIO.HE, MD, OrrtcB 7 Sot in Fkbdkkick . 8tuY' I Phvaiciaa of this celebrated lnsltullon, die- etl. whew in 'I lie i treat lloarttlata et r- roie, vis: fciigisnd, Frai.ee and elsewhere. the moat certain, speedy, pleasant and eDeclua remedy iu the world for sll excesiet or abuse of the system. cakuess ot the Sack or Limbs. Slrictuies, , . : .... i .1 ...... . ... .. .... I inH,,i,.n. tary Dischargesi lmfiotency, Oeoeral DebiUty NervoaMuees, Dyaiieiia, , Lanenor, ' Low SiuritSrCoufuslou of Ideas, Paiitution of the .Heart, Timidity, TremtilinK, Dimness otilKlit or tiiddiness, l)iease of the Head, Throat, isose or Skin, AUucwuispi me l.iver, t,unif, Stomach or Bowels those terrible Disorders srlains; f rom Solitary Habitsof Youth eaci-.ST snd solitary practices more fatal to their vic- Uma than th of ttisSyrens to tti Ms- rluer of Ulysses, Ulljrti ting their niosttiril- ' liant hopes or antlciputluus, rendering uiar riaire,Ac, ImpossiUa, deeLoying both body and mind. tOUXQ MEN , Eaiieclallv. who have, tiewme the Vctima of Soillary V leg, that dreadful and dcatructive lieuu which annually sweeps to an uuuuiely Itruve UiDUBHu.ls ol yount; men of the moat exalted talent ana ortmani mnueca, woo niitfht other wiso have entranced listening Senates with ,the thunders of elotjuence, or wsKed to ecsiacy the living tyre, nisy car with full coundeuc. ' marriage: Married wrsont. or Yonni; men coniciiibiat- big marriage, aware .of Physical Weakness, Lost of Proercatlve Power ((mpuleney), Ner vovs Excitability, Palpstaloa, Oritsnie Weak- neas. ftervous Uebllily, or aay outer lUt.uaii flcntlon, siHdily relieved. He who places himself under tl,e care bt Dr. J. may religiously rouUds in hisbouur as gentleman, and eoutideiiUy rely upou his skill a physician. t ., CKGANIO WEAKNESS Immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored.' This distressing AlTcction which render lite miserable And marriage impossible is the ' penalty aia by the victims or improjier in diligences. Youug personar touaitiocoui mil excesses Iroui not pelug aware 01 Uie. dreadful eouacqueuees tliat may ensue, Now, who thatviiderstauus tula aubjucl will pretend to deny that tht powwr of prjcreatioe is loat sooner by those falling Into improver hsbits Uisn by the prudent ? Boattles being deprived ot Ike pleasure of healthy oUiringr the most sei lous and destructive ymtorui ol both body and mind arise. The system becomes derang ed, tbe Physical and Mental Functions weak ened. Loss of rrocreauve rower, florvou Irritability, Dyspepsia,. Palpitation of tha Hrart IndlgeaUou, Constitutional Dbllity and Wanting ot the Frame, Couh, Couauuip- uoit, uocay ana ueaiu. - ACURRSPEEDiLy WAKRANTEDv Parsons ruined luhealthy by uuleaiwed pre tenders wbo keep them trifling month alter month, inking poisonous and Injurious cow-1 puBuils should apply linmsilimslyf "- DR. JOHNSTON, Mcmuer of the Royal College of Burgeons, London. Graduate ot one of th moat eminent College in i he United Stater, arid the beat ' part of whose Hie baa been spcul inuienoe- , pltalsot London, I' aria, Philadelphia aud elae w here, ha etlectrd some of I he luoal aslon tahiur cure that were ever known i many troubled with ringing lu th head and ears when asleep, great nun ouannaa, being alarm ed at sudden sounds, baabfulness, wiili fre qasnt blushing, atteudca someuuieswila dt raugemeut of Bitud, were cure l linuieuiutely. TsvKE PARTICTLAR NOTICE. Dr. J. adilrvaaes all thoa who bare Injure , thsmaclve by liiiprotH-r lintu!i;-ins snd soli tary habits, wblvh ruiu. buUi body and tuiud. uuuiuug uiem xor cuuer uuaiueas, aiauy, i Ctety or marriage . Ibeaa are sum ol tha tad Baeiancboiy eb -fects j.rodueed by tha earthly haulla of youtti, via Waakiuss ot the Back and Llnba, Pslna in the Head, lilranest ot Sight, Loaa of Mus cular Power, PsIpluUon ut the Heart, la prpalk. Nervous Irritability, lteasiigi msnt of the lilaallva FancUofia, Uraetsl Debility, Symptoms of CouaumpUon, Ae. MENTALLY. la fearful alloc 14 oa the mind are .much to be dreaded. LoasofMem ory, Cvuf ualoa of Idea. IrpraHof Splrna, Evil Forelwdiugs, Averaioa ta Socurty, (Ml Dlatruat, Lov of Solitude, Timidity, Ac, a some of th evils produced. 1 boasands ol persons ol U Sees can Bow Judge what Is tha cauae of their derltulug bmXib, hwtng Uialr vigor, bnostlug weak, pale, aervuus and amactsted, hav lug a atuicu. Ur apiararai.r shout lbs eyea, cough ai d tytat'tow of Conaumptioa. sOINU MES Wbo havt Injured tbetnselvr by f rlilt prectlc, Induitfed la wbea slot,, habit fit t,aeoliy learned fiota atll eompaiiloni or at at h.a.l. the (llerU of abiih are biiihUy Ml va whea aaiarp, tad If not ran 4 rendfrt ttarritirt tmpiaaibi, aad tlroyt both mind and body, al.ould apply linrar I'al. ly. W bat a pity that a youg Baan, th hot of bit euanuy, the prVle of hlipareul. thould be snatched Irutn all pre1 muwi tujotmral of hi by Um eoeea,unr of devkaung from Ui pla ol atiura, an lualulfng la a errwia tarret ktbik Sack pertmit Ututt, before Coa tatapteluig . . kiiuiut, Rfflci t Out i 'aouud mind ai.J body are th nxnt aareaaary rt.alalU to prumol eonna Uai BpAMa. Indeed, wlUivat tkra tha a.! Ihruagk lilt bnomi taeary p.i.-rlio-ara, Um truafii t k.'trly darkrnt Ui lb Hear, lb Btla biB abdwd mlh elr, and tlkd Bilk lb tHiau k ly rrlflt"B Uial UM ksppiiMat of taoibrr l blighted ilk ettr ban. AlKUTAIS DlclASE. ka tht t.i-'..l.-d tad Ini j iu.l. ot v. .lay nf ptravera lnda he be liiiliit. aa a Ua painful ataeaae. It I M iHUa hap a UV aa Ui Uad aenat ol thaw of UjmI di- eomy drtora l.iaa frutaappiitB to thoa. who, froaa r.tU' ttioa d reajwiaoiiti, ea HtM betrwud UU Ii tall l' U haf-il of tgaoraal tad di-titiNI prsStafers, ifcu, la (lbta of ftrl'fci. I i his iwvbiar; aai tlaam, ka. p tnutn.n tBuei tiur laoau., ur aa luag aa U la eta b oi.ia.M4, nd I a i Utf in ui r.Wi h. t lo .k . fi. titi f diaHieiwt I ar, f.y um Baa uf thai tlaaaxii Mtr' Ulf, mure Ui allllf tal l. l. la bt U., b..cn4 iiireta ta a44 lw t paar, aa h sa ai taaal srt liat, d.. aa d t.'a', t.ilaril paint ta tha I .4 ai I I U, u.ntwM uf a 1.1, ilaas, tua aa ta ai.i Bum tad Baa, U...i ba aa 4:m h.4, f.i a. 4 ri'".j.t pnrlf g . I ta fr. '-'al rtfNllr, I1M al Um paiai mt MM a.i UM ta mt I . Imm Ut. tMl I i. ! a i i.aT'i ai m Mt4 11 f .1 tl tlwin remdy la tit a.al Dlllrn, t Boutb lictlrrUM SC. llalllmorr, lint) UtttL lfl ka4 tl4 flnf fl'" Blil'ra ftirl, a aWaurt In ta mmm. Fail But t ai Bari h.1.1 St. luat f " he la lart fata4 ' p.l if4 r....LAia4T ataaip w i f. tia via. as a, .s-i CarUua al tJ'U al a4 M l.,. I. I 1 t'a tf. a4 .a t i latg 7 p- 1 a l tw Mrl-i'KA V. i l.v EMDoRiEMESiT UF Tilt fl.r A. Tt a. J I! aa4 IW4 tl 1..J tabu ..(.. aat UM II baat It4.1f lat, II I I im tawa. ei-a4 tm iria-4 la. t , . . m ; . . , . 1 1 j : HI l-f 44. V V I t UM g. ,-.. t;4M H U l'ra,.t bt I i i.a. a l a.B t.'a a, j w M .,.4 1 tf 4... is r, 1 a I 1 . a a a4 kaa aa a. 1- .- ,, i.f .4M fl ttMitiaa t tf mm:4 tl I'll! tt M lIUiLI lttt.4. HI 4t 4 .) ft .I T a A . i- ai - k , 44- 4A A 4t 4,- l.talta IB tt.it talli, rki'tlSU'VA, 1lAACC(', Natrf, trfn. ' ti- v rT 4 tuult A., tl iai la law Ba - a. V. II., t. , I !2C)C) l fi) I'tTH i..lr-..U . i. i Hun t' 11. 1 1 bMM.l ISawa, W- .- I; .'rt ft tta A ?TTTTr! 1 t T"' T: ! f.m ' tt tw.4.a. . f li. t mt rl J mmmm a... a;.'r i . i-ifc.r revit:ri F 1.1' . ') I 4 ill I it, re si a t -.1 mmm a tf aatkaa t aa t w A kVa ta.. flu B4 cW jr rtaMl U Jo usvt Iwi; L t4a 1 g I.: .;.it lAif L kiaHTUtl. , , ( 111 J . i t vwt1 amd BbAMSMSIl, tk. B Jt B i bV, . TavaMSMS) A. A. II 4 J I A av . lm, I tar a I. I L at MAAetf tWb.tt C I Am Of I tl ti.ijil AtU a- a w I tV l 4j t Ft 'f

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