v-v I HIE SENTINEL- SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1ST3. N011TI1 CAROLINA. Elija&riETCHj'tiSillow'lt pnpeTBwr-fsrr 4.000 Tac years, .ago it tu IcssTtrsn 1,500. Fl'B. Dc'Ct Tbe Charlotte Olmrtti tc- turna thank to Hon, f. II. Roger lor valuable puuhirnricunientK- : Mr. L. N; Climtrd killed two hoga, thir teen month old, weighing le'pecthe'y" 392 and B00 pound, Ibists hard in ixji.t. Salem Fret. . Paisfci. Aociukbt. An old negro man, named Alt. lUlliO, who lives at Mr. Chap Teals, one day, last week, id at tempting to git into a wagon fell and broke his thigh. - lie is not expected to live .Pt Dtt Utrtild. m?m g0Ufiern UomtLft- On the Man- 'ton land in briaron, Mr. John 0. Alexan- derraiiwxt 8,000 pound of lint cotton and . - 21)0 but !k U ol corn. This was done will) one horse and without the use of commer cial fertilizers. '. In the same township Ir, J. II. Ptewart raised 30 heavy bales of cotton, 25Q bush el of corn and 28 12 bushels of whenL Mr. Stewart used two mules. He put 800 pounds of a fertilizer upon each acre of his cottoq land. Wilmington has been enjoying Mr. Jefferson's Rip Van Winkle performance. " Our city teems to be so pointedly uout of the world, that even the circus companies entirely ignore us. And as to Theatricals and Operas, otherwise than home made, we shall cither have to imbibe pious scruples in regard to their moral tenden cies, or go abroad to enjoy them. JS'eu berm Literal. , ., Bold RonuKKT. One of the bul Jeat robberies which ever occurred in this sec tion, was peri e'rated in this town on Monday last A negro, whose nnme we failed to learn, was offering a pistol for sale- on the streets far 1 10. Mr, Willis Jarman, who lives about six miles from town, told him he would take the pistol st that puce, and pulled out the money when the mgro snatched it from his hand and ran oft making good his escape. Mr, Jarman could not get out warrant for the arrett of I lie negro, as no cue knew who ho was. People' should be on their guard for such scouudrela. Pttlkt lltral GENERAL ITEMS. ' , FunaW tosoliws receive as largo sutu res as malv te tellers in California. - Strawberries large and luciou are plen ty in the San Francisco market. Nevada gels about 1 15,000 a year fur g'.unbliug licenser. The oil region yields 820,000 burtli monthly. Norwalk lai s new bank iih alaim " Leila so attached Oiu aiijlw3yTtenpnnj to burglu will wake up the whole town. Brau? a sportive Macon ta dared her husband to commit suicide he tiAd her put in JII for six month. A New York ge olui tried to blow the snow off bs housetop with aitro glycer ine. His shinghog bill came to sixty wight dollars. ........ The most anxious mother in Duluth think that the ice fourteen feet thick is safe enoegh to Wt their boys go skating. A nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte is said to be practising medicine at Marine City, Mich., and b-asU that he Can, kill people faatcr 4ha his Uncle ever could. New IWmpthlre has a minister too poor ta buy Bible, and who has to borrow one Ut preach Irom. The ladies in IllinoU g t tn."-t!ier in crowds and go out ! huot rabbits. The rabbit crop bssa't thinned o it any, h.w ,.; . ' Fiflet n lies t a the square inch represent the editorial power of a KinaCity news paper, tl its rivals is to be believed. There are at nreavot one bandred and eight rrgiitered newspapers, Engl i as n4 Vernacular ia Bengal proer. A HuiuJ in li.)i, NewYotk," late ly sued his wile lor S0 which be co- truttod to her before man lags. Nolhli g like It was recorded ia the law book, nd the Jury, with chivalric ptnaiptoee, decided 'S Uvor of lbs wife. During the rt nine months of 1371 EnglanJ aiada way with 10,109,01 gl- 1om ot puiLa 19 gtHoril snore thaa shediat-k dufiag Ibe c-irmpoadini yrar i;. Balllaaure )rwiars aule that tUey ktrt sold very lull jewelry this Sue, and !C tli it ot m'w Ttisir trw ttmmwwl arts w.arth Me l isa a tbousa4 dollsfe have beea suld ia that ciiy daring tw past year. . . The Mfthodists la the AUIwaaa Cfir- have ! buadrr-l and seiwsa'y ttifsa tHm lsy ft- bouU, atuside-l by f I'vra ihous and twe handrrd aa4 eighty tmt cbil tiaa. Tb OolUUnoa B4e ka the AUIxna Mlb.-dit I ..tIt lTW last Jr fur the tll4t uf sapvt uauaWd twMtbe), iduw sad fx pbane w a j,4 t S, aad The Wc'l.C-lU oi the A'ba (' I fnvMe Wat fnt paid t tke soppxt nl j firsarlra. 1m tujing bUbops aol t- vtoeei.trs,f;i.3 fA (a the him of Mr, Harri W k.Wy. i Latti t a eaBty, teaiaali boa I bave t-a I . vied. i.lrll the miM t aa estiiM-t im W as" the aeaasa is f wtore t'jtta' tia the rww lht aw takabiW the artk.- 4' ft f. X ("! xp l"it oau at Skirfrtoa ! rwmtly w. k frea a aiao )' p 1 14 umlrft oar) UtntA lima mk dt at a -a. ah' Ml ball I If . M rfr'jt. ' t'-l llot bnrt m!o Ika thuMi4 $ bft tii l lb lto)n 1 u la-i l "t at rsi that I'Mr kair-l gravis t. k 1 Iks p-w tm a a iwa4fc 1V 5VtaCy Ki J a u aV l t I S " m ) mm Rih, sbmtpMnMatWa MS p" Mttitm.1, t tf W '' t (.r r 1 1 I I lba Si 't fn- t!.i li llf t'tn. It.. i-HtufU fc4ai) tw It alVrf tM,.lM Kll , ., auwU SkwiiiI IM aiua ai J CfJ a. -f mU wiwi f mmm tw aMW ra t4 j r- . fal awaw )Nnul4is Ik mmmn, aa lrS W iiiitM, lb 1-4 to N . n biM I In 4 ah.9ll, t9J l S t' !"! rf i t 'k I lpw St lb .,f THE STATE 6EX ATE. . ikSATS fob. 18" J. " istDistiiet. Currituck, Camden, r .juotank, Hertford, Gatus, Chowan, I'er uuimana, 2 : J no. L. chamberlain, C. Yd Grandy, Jr., Heps. 2nd. Tyrrell, Washington, , Martin, Dare, Beaufort and Hyde, 2 ; J. H. Uca. .pass, H. K",gtillfy,'repst t il, lyruiuiplon noil ocrtiii, I ; 1IU loany, rp lh. IhilUnx, 1 ; Henry fcppes' rep.v 51) wiieconi oe,l i JVlexjtudi-r il c Calie, rep. oth. fitt, l s jacoD Mcuotter, rep. Tthi Witiion,- Nab and FrABklin? ;J Jno. W. Durham, Wm. K. Oavia, com. iiUi,-trriweo, 1 j A S. Seymour, rep. Uth. ' Jones, Onsfiow and , Carteret, 1 j J. O. Scott, ctm. Y 10th. Wayne rnd Duplin, 2 ; Wm. A Allen, Lott W. Humphrey, cons. 11 Lenoir aud Orveu, I ; Richard W. King, rep. 12ih. New Hanover, 1 ; Ooo. L. Mab- lon, ri'P. - 13th. Brunswick and Bladen, 1 ; Hill rep. Uth. - Sampson, 1 ; Dr. CTste M"'- phy, con." 15th. ( Columbus and RoIkuoii, 1 ; Jno. W. KIMh, con. lUili. Cumberland and Harnett, 1 ; Win. C.Troy, con. 17tli. Johnson, 1 j iWilliaui H. Avera, con. - IStli. Wake, t ; James H. Harris, rep. 19th. ren. ' Warren, 1; John A. Hymun,. aoth. Person, Caswell and 'Orauge, 2 : John W. Norwood,. i'in W. Cunningham, cons. 21st. 0nviUe, tluurbon Smith, rep. . 22r". 8.-d. Chatham, 1 ; li. Powell, con. Rnrkiugtiaia, 1 j Jan. T. More- he l, con. Kith. Alamance and Guilford, 2 ; Jas. T. Morcbead, Jr., W. J. Murray, cons. ' 25th. Randolph and Moore, 1 ; Dr. J. M.I Worth( con. SGtlC Richmond and Montgomery, 1; RT Long, rep. 27th.-Ans.)ii and Union, 1 ; C M T Mc Csuley, con. 2t)tlt. Cabarrua and. Klanly, 1 ; . J C Unrutmrdt, con. 20th. Mecklenburi:, 1; HI Waring, Jon. aOih. Rowan aud Davie, 1; Charles Price, con. 8 1 st. Davidson, 1; John T. Creamer, rep. . ' M. Stokes and Forsythe, 1 ; John M Sutlord, con. DJd. Surry and Yadkin, 1; A C Cowles, coo, .' "7. .""": ' - 81ih. Ircdt II, Wilkea and Alexander, 2; Thomas A Nicholson, I'hineas Hortoa, cons. ' 1 85th. Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga, 1; J W Todd, con. StUh. Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Mitchell and Yancy, 2 ; W W Flamming, J M Uadgcr, cons. 7to, Catawba aud Lincoln, 1 ; Dr. Jas. R. Ellis, con. ti'Hb. Gaston and Cleaveland; 1 ; Dr. W. J. T. Miller, con. SVth. Rutherford and Polk, 1 ; Martia W llfj f" ' ' ' ' ' -l j i I. Jin .r,, . L JJ l. - 40th. Uuucombe aud Madison, 1 ;Jas' U. Murrimon. con. ' 41t. Haywood. Henderson and Tran sylvania. 1 : W. P. Welch, eon. iid. Jackson, Swain, Macon, Cherokee, Clay, and Graham, 1 ; lit. W. L. Love, eon. . Tlioae marked are colored. Senators from the tollowlna district ars re elected : tth. 8th, Mr. Allen in the loin, 11th, 14th, I'll!., lHtli, 23d, 25tb, 20th. Bid, Mr. mining in the 38th, 40lu, 4id. Total The following were members of the last ue of Rrprrsralatives : Mcsar. Cbara erlain, Dunham, Seott, Mabsua, Powell, IcCauley, .Waring, tIioioo, Welch. Sttal 9. t'onarrvatives il. Republicans 18. Con tuilve intjority 14. ruiLsa or Rirauxa-: ativk. Jsmance, Jease Gannt, Con, ib xander, J. it. Cern, Iml. Vllrghany, A. M. Uryaa, deac. Inaua, CoL IL T, Btnnet eoo. . , the, tAqoire Tnvett. rep. iV-aufort, Samuel T. Corson, rep. It. rue, K. C. Miller, rep. Ida Jin, Perry rep. BruiMWKk, J. IL Ur.K.ks, rvp. lluncombe, T. D. Jolmtua and David lark well, coo. - Uiiika. P. A. Warlidu cu , labartua, Tboa. i. bl.inn, c. Vatdwtll, Ed. Joiwa,eo. I am. If. Simeon A. Jonea, rep. TarUtet. lila Wt.b, coo. Cm w til, Geo. IWrwe, Tbus. J, FoUet, f. Catawba. R. B. B. Mistoa, . Chatham, Jao. M. Moling. O. A. Haaaa. ' t iYuif;Ti"trtT. iy, ewc- 'trtwaa. Juha L. Wiaalow, rep. ty, 1. IV. AhiItw. row. tteavelaad. Jofia W. Oidnev, ( C itniabas, V. V. H hrtinn, ra. ,C r, t R. Iodlry L H. Asbat,1 ra. )aiaW1aJ, T. ft. Laiurk, rvp4 0. llullsiil. rn. Jwrrttutk, I. M, Woudhoaae, eoa. IHriWJ.T. Biwa. T.b a Xlc&l tT I).r 1. t ha4 Aaderaoa, mm. Dup'la, Joh i II, r-tandl.J,J. K, tttt v. c. Uans.O'.ivtr X. Cray, rep Lljrrnshbe, W. P. Maw.. Wd.w lB. frp, Forvytba, Ir. W. II WhaaU-r. rf. fraakria, J a II W i.h.mwa. rep. ()(, W. A Now a, toa. ti.:. IL it. IU iw l. t. Wraavwks, IL T, tUglM, A. U. CaeaJ V t.'rrw. J.tha PwKVk, frp. tljlllord, Jir4i Ui'ar, Was Witef, a. Maiui, J I Ms. atwtA M(tnal. Dr Fa", e a. UkWg, J ,ba E Uroaa, I T il.M, M i i kr!'. i. W. Boeataa. rest. M (wrty. A e J'wdwa.rvp. :., Iw. !, . Naak, J l.a E, liadwy , n, w ItiiMtvr, Js lraa, Was, M. at Uii , A fi4 lJ"j4. ! N x t u 1 1, 11 .ii. -a II. J r. IM.IS, j W. '.a li.l J I, tern. Urg, ll. 11.4 i ar. jut.e Wsl aa. ttm. 'aa. a.V. t . M .lf.y, lap. I'NiaiM, J. K. ! laa, rvw. !'.., M l4 tl. Imw, ea. I .n, w .. ...a V. Lvi.rt . . l t l. wy-s ft4.f t. ft. sVaa, 1 1 ' Fa w. n C- hav I TUt r' kr. ra. It wB W, a, .w.', IWa A. i -I, t-A ' H , 114 svaw, lie. A. B. Haywood, II P Uayiictvfuhv Hi-mii'isofl, J.unr Ulythe, rep. Hertford James ?hij-i-, rep. .. l,Je, Wiu 8 Curler, corC livdcl!, Niia,ud 1 uiuer, hid. J i W)n, J N Bryaoii, am. Johnston, W H Joyner, Jimms till narit, I ei-fie. - June,. Jacob Stfttt, ftp. .l.incwn. A J Morrison, con. Waeon, j I, Robui&on, con. : M(fioo II A. Oudsjer, con. Stanley, M. T. Wadduil, coa Sampson, J. R, Maxwell, W. II. Iyan. - Surry, B. H,;Wugh, con. ' I bwmin, T. 1. liryson. con. Transylvania, F. J. Whituiire, con. Tyrrell, B. Jon,con. Union, Lcmuei Ptcs?on, con. W ake, li. C. Badger, Jno. C. Gorman, R. 8. Perry, Stewart Ellison, reps. Warren, tleo. H. King,' J. W. U. Pas chall, reffa. ' Washington. Dr. C. Guy titer, rep. Watauga, Jo. U. Todd, eon. ' Wayne, John C. Rhodes, E. G. Cope- land, rep. Wilkes, Tbo,-V, Jlula A U. llryan, con. -. ... Yadkim, J. G. Marlor. , Yaucey, 0, R. Uyrd. BOOK STOKES. II OLID AY O . O O D 8 AT TUK S. BOOKSTORE OF ILFliEI) WILLIASIS MAY BE FOUND 4 VOMTLKTS ASSOHTitlST OFXSWi JUVENILE BOOKS PoR BOYS AND GUM.. Toy Books for Children In great variety. Fine Frenoli and English Stationery. Gold Fens for Ladles and hcnUunicq, of tbe best make ; a lane assortment. Fine Pencils snd Pen Holders. Pocket Books and Port Monies. Photograph Alliums. ... Diaries for 1B7J, various slylei. " " '" f ine Bibles and Prayer Bouk " ' Cbureh Services and Hymnals. ' Writing Desk and Port Folloa. To urUts Cssea lor Traveling. Chess and Bacscammon Boxes Chromo Pictures and I tames, at exceeding dw art. t all early early, M "on elah to gelsupp'lcd.' ALFRED WILLIAMS, B:iokKller and Stationer. MISCELLANEOUS. P BTF. 8 II A X D XII lit LI; VACCINE VIRUS. A aovSOtf BIMPeON'S Inag Store, 13 IMIOPS ErrEUVsUCINO PALTSOV rcF. A'MSF.VCr.V, hKLTlKH, IITH TM OF MA OSKU, ASH if A (, AAA1 AI-KMK.VT. At SlMPSON-t aov S0-U Drag mm H ORSE POWOKRS-FOCTZ'A. At SIMPSON'S Drag Store. aov so tf ERTfUINU ISL'ALLT FOl'ND IN A n!l3T CLA-3 DRt'O 8TORE At BlaPeONS'. aov SOU IN'S FEEFUMEKT AND TdluET FOWOER. .XIMTjOTS Drug Suit aov 4U A LARUE STOCK OF TOILETTE SETS AUD VAakA At SlwPSnVS Drag Store. to Taa cuarMftsToM or fas bobtb cab sunt stats Lira tsr aaara co. A Um trat eaM4 la th "M errprlwr -1 a Jtwuk I an.liaa tlsls LU Iwcaara LMpaav." M mn mj aly Wrail lha rorpuaabK togrtbar SB are ka argaauae ua Lini ait. tUmmu tawvaaa St the tltlsaa lUUoaal Baak la kah if k, aa miMmj, ba a a Ml 4a, l0. a U a sail, A. If 11 alora- aaa rarpN. Sallif EfXPP. BATTtr. JlkT O.J - I C E PIEDMONT 8 rill HOB ron balk. A swH laVulHag Ik tlte 4 a wt of h4 I stHKnaail pa stht St kui4 toto. lat iwfnnaaM'i al I' M wU-'r.g lar. mS1 -4 a llSM UA't W i4, a4 vnW ua 1 1 1 a, aatMt . aa- aa4 w4 i- aa B.'l a4 tnaaf k iwa. tw wwmj wmm itll m h sm4 imh kirMr an t'f aawto a4 (ama, Bt h'Mia. SMih How, w. ws PauM 11 a toi,. .41 U kk t'mm-mmi fmkymrtmm mt im FMWMm IMHIM kaa M( Ml thaiwnk I Uiad) a4 a ilk wl aauwton raiw.iM aa lW, M IwaaMtlMa H W tot 1 ha liff aa. kM.lp Iw a 4 ka.f MUM irmmt 1.-4 1 to r a a- . .i f mi Um t.ia 4 a hinaauf l raa .awl lklaa,laf mmm a 4 mmm0 mm a., sA . frm toa . to kaaian m4 ta. tra W a.aa lr.'. mmum4 I t rl sri to sm la mmr toa Sato lw-a-v. "ltla,H A. a Ula, A. .4 . U. tUntA ' a,uIJ(J, CASADAi . Til -.itrinm tsui ANl lAlli 41M Wm SM -t,rk.., I a r-- 4.- .1 a.. S.U toln. k a S. re .. -ifA ..a.i-. a .a a... . l-a U . a, ' U.I sWa 1-. to I a s. :f i e.r.-.Ma.-0.4,-H,M .4ti..i. lh tp-M. li . ' "'rrt. "lIH.a.,afc. -.; l-asaa-M..aaai..t .... r. f..iy UM..U. do- ullflUaMm. ta. la. a.sto at a-ika.--aa JUmV ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' s" l--J --. . - , - -"'. . j. u p, J.. u u-a ahMiia. 1m m-. l mmi toaa. I Tk p.-M I wld aWas. W BSafV 1 aw-, , , toa - a- J .'.,' ' .i.tl a . . J. J .,.f . ihJ 1a.u,. w. c,. w,M,i to r-..,-s to a,l ...4 " ' a4 a, .u.m. 17-u-- mlTlV' -"t-1 fiir-m-T. '-; T 1-t-rs. ttora rwaiwrtoS ana Um hwaiawa. mm. r. r.ll W ik. ftaa, lasl.is..rfiat.i, fila um Wvl I w tii ... to paua, -wik. hi.a-M a-, V1'"oL1'm1LILm. iA . L". II 7 TZZ.'.'ZXra.'Z iwtto.KMi.i oa v t rrale-rl. S. SI. i'i;oFi:s?io:s a l v iids. Ks. JOH5iOS AND UIN 8. . ') ke aadohtiimed bavin? tormvd a psrtner- Uip lor I he practical of llictr crofession la ail t:s vartous btaoche', reH'uilly otlcr thvir soryi' es to tho citn. o o( lUIei'U antk ot tUs surrouuilttit country. Hr. Jvbiiton will slwy be fonud at hi well knott office on HilUxJru' fctrvet, while If. Ihuetmiiy ue tund tor the present t the Taruoruub itouse or at DrJoiiuiiotTTon'cc ft, 1 tit fc. HitS. KaleiRh, Dct. 1, li -dee S tin. : V IDE DVFKt, . . iTTOllSKI AT LAW, " Raleigh, N. C. Frsrtieesta the Court ot Wake, and.in the Federal Courts, aive siecial altentioa to the arguing of caase in tli Supreme Court of N. C, collects claims afrlnt any Kir or Life Insurance Company in the United. Slates, snd aUcads proaptiy to any other profeuional batnes Iutnintnd to him. febTU . S. A. A till E, iVttornov at Law, KALEUill, H. C. Will atund the Slate and F' tteral Courts hrl ' iu Ibe counties of Wako sud New Hanover. mara)t sin. Jos. B. Batchkou, h. C. FnwiBns, U;eilfll. uxrora, W M. l'LVMWKB BtTcnELOH, ; KaleiKb. JJATCllELOlt, EDWARDS )LOK, A BVTCU ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, UalelKh, N C, " ' "' Will sttend tha Conrts of Wa e. Granvlll. Franklin. W siren. Ualifax. Morthanipton and Cbatbain eountles, snd tbe Federal and 8a pmme Courts . Jan Si tf pinxLirs a MsnaraoiJ, Attomuv at Law, KAI.KKU1, N. C. a. r. rM.:.ii- I tee 'tl-tf. 4 ' aaaiMoa T. P. DEVEKRUX, 1 A T T 0 ITn BY A T 7 L A W , Offlo on the seeond (onr of the Blronaeh haildins. north of the YsrborouKh House. Practices In tbe Stats slid Federal Court. Collections promptly attended U la all part oi ine eutie. WiXTSS CLASS. ' I. MUbLBS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice In all the Courts of Halifax, Nurti smptmii kilgecotnbe and Martia eouullua, In Uie Supreuia Court of Bonn Carolina, and In the Federal Courts. Collections made in anv part of North Car olina, uwrs-tfly JUUN AKMSTRU5U. BOOKBINDER ANI tH.KK: BOOK A!t C rACTLKlK. OVBB TBS BOBTB CSHOblMA BOOXITOBB, RALEIGH, M. C. Trial. Kxeeatlon, Micutea sad Kaeordlns Docket made to order. North Carolina Hepon and other Iji Book, bound in mwrior Law Uindiaa. MUsuik nuiulKrs ol u MruorU supplied sa4 uad awubara lakae in rsebamn fiM butd' but. eer I, aw-ir .. ... - . .. .... s. r. aooas loss ostliks MOOKn A OATXJNO, ATTORNKY8 AT LAW, JULIIQH, N. C. Stat and Federal Coart and the Coarts of I Ui. It and lh Jadwial Diatrkta. aov Hi tf. J. M. A L E. X A N D A TTOKXSr A T iJi wt M'kHAM, n a. OiOcs aver ileradoa A Vkkr'abM. Reskleace and Breach Office at I Cvun-Uocj auul la any part of tbe tut. srpaMf U SALE. Bt W catcra Nurth ' aioliaa Backwkset rtuur. SlJkl Oaa Oeod Ftaa a4 ewe Fealher W. II. JuMltCO. Am 11 rtlME USUI a H I M 1 s , rs MEN a d B O Y taa MWE3T AXD t liuii.kaf tTTLtA ' ) aat pra4 at aov IS If I. B. AkDREW I A CO., LMhwrs, IN i c OcaSbia Mi vt aL 1 is ! to.. aik. 4i aik, ls;s Wolia kiaaa tfcy g.t to sll skaa H sr ( taaaea, thai Um w laa WtSww' a4 S.aal las I Cwirin tn stalaal I If I r taaapsay, aa 4 taaUaariiu alalaal Life laaaraaca laa AND ciw rraji. 4) laaMta R. U ,itae aa4 twutia 4,m i.ti ia a. at ( U. r Ca a4 M id iu. bt iaHIa W. II. Ix DD. IH-ktlH-KlH. a I nai . .( Ml I awe .!...; H Vf aa J f to hi a.-., t Um n. kva. mm I ll Ml k I S I l I. I U a aw. ......a M a'i.rii Mjmt m .aW II f la SI 4 Mi hi it II t -a mm w.il 1.4 a4 mi o , mm mmm lIM l. l Ik.l t l Hkk x to m-mm to to. .. wl Avis Larw frM OS IMU to ", tutu J. LIDI tr. III II mt ii.m r aa t aww4 H aS ' mh " toaaailk aa I s aa f""'1' . I . I M ...a arinv w r wtw, r ti. LAND AGENCIES. 'cimi tAKOUSi LA-ND CUJiFANT. rSTA!!UUED TO TROMOTK TnS 1.K OF 1,N1S AND ENtMl'tt- . AUt SMIUKAllO.N lUNURTH orru-a ILiLEHlli, X. C. Till Company ba beea In STk-(-fi,i r tuon Mr mm tbree Vearw. anti tmae to Buv, f 11, 1h or Kent Kc! KsUte, v 1 1 jstE.afessaalsfc- tuvonilile terttts. Parile baring Cajirt-.4 sell will Bna U to their Interest to call at this odlcc, or ce rt respond witk us, a oar f&cluut foreltnn e lucrcaf ltu every dav. Larga tract are reu.'.cral nvre talrall by b ng divided. This Company is favorably known at home aud abroad, aa tlia lr number of eufinuits t ha mtroduced si.J locatel In I bit State, lly attests. Parties entreating baslisea In their hands have the best asaaratieetbat tliey will b fairly represented, '" Address all communications to "The ' r'l Carolina Land Co., or to Wm. Soott, So. r-.Un . CEO. LITTLE. Prrs W. Sunt. H-x'y. - V dAU MISCEXLANEOUS: iJ)ROCTKli & 0 AMBL;E'S OL1XS fcOAl Is msdo from the best iu terlul bat suld at prices of ordiimry Soap. O .er VuO FamUles osiliK il. ah ttroeets nsvc ii.. U. T. BUZby. a CO., llitltlmore, Md., Jan l Sm VV buUaale Agents. R K a T A V u A N T. Has ra-outned his '. KSTAURANT tor tbe OT.jrr I Season will be eonsUnlly kept on band and served la Uia best styi. ; , . -, OY8TEU8 IN THE SHELL received every day aud served In all styles. Tho W AT! 1 furnished with tbe besttif WISES, . l.lyUoliS, ALK, ! 1'OKTHK LAOICIt HtEH, Ac. on 4 ttia,- ' " A T I K 8 WEAK. SILK NECiC TIES snd BOWS IN ALL NEW-SHADE WOOSTEI) OTTOMAN SCARFS AND SHAWLS, GLO YES-DRESS GOODS. W. IL At K. S. TUCKER A CO. BOV lv it 3t" Pounds Virginia Bacon, Ham U I KJ Bides sad fhoulser auglJir " W. C M'KONAfn." ' JJIOR- BALK Superl r Bill Butter. Beef nd Pork received daily. W. IL JON Es at I.O. Ouclttf. A U K NTS-WAN X ED THE MASTKR SPIRITS OF T11E WORLD, aud TUB IKKAoLkK liuLS Of AMkKlOA. VHB OBBS1 BOOK OT VU Ti., Agent report tale of 15 to 1UU cotiit In t few hour or days. Prosta-clu trea. Address J. W. faOODtiPkEU, New Tork. Chicago, CluclnnsU, et. Louis New Orlcaua. i acpl 13 dawaia f " now To Speculate Surcesslullj "-RANDALL IL FOOTE 4 CO., Bisssas san Banxaaa, TO Rbsowsv, N. T. Members of Stork kxebang aa Uukl BwtfO. Itaraaaxct. JsrCOnk ft Co.. Merhanlr Rankinc Assoclstioa. or anv Bankine llouas or Connor rclal Axency In Sew t oik. X, H Tamibiet os "Mail airesl aas iw 0TaUoua," fiiW ea sp( iM alloa. a. o ouvs, a w. sraiasna, a. a. rsssaaa UaaLSas I Cussit MsacaaxDixs y " Ckuni!Ninn"flmbant. APEX, N. C. Order for ShlnclM sad Lambar tUd ptiy and at tow price. sprit iiTtni.lia. R OSABALIS ta, .rvs Ihi., y s-l s i 4 Maraaritia; ir i twoiweow n toa cr i a I. I 1 a"mi ..i ...Mi' a. a wa.iS iirt F"f " J t. I -I .... - . . 1 1 Tm4 is l I s . i m lfc i.n. f .f .. , i . , a.. ..f ii.., ' ' ".UiS k M faa.oj Iim.w m m aa.ua, 4 lrm . :Ua fc -al lf M St'llllV a . 'M ti 1 u. ...... ... I 1 'ia. mms I I I m wsjavi 1 ) 1 H 1 a,.s j I 1 ! 4 , ,,tmm I .MS HsJ4 II 4. II H ' ' :-.Ml V aap a4j p - i-a fmrnmrnm J H t4 aaaaal Isbbm.4) I 4 f f r , .. . , i . 4 , I a-4 a apV'M m a 4 kf i .asa tirriJiiAfs, Pjotri v ft w. rr, I h I' a f' . s. I r . , tf . , ' . rvewdylwriaeruts f ri. r. wiUtMamilaM sw f, mv, i.mi , Jv-rvuiaa J nt, M'wiua- s4ra of the tuar Kaakaos a4 fetactawaa lut Ks'u,.wh.la ftl.ii, Geet, va4. I'lii.ira, u.,.i.ba. IiimhIii- 1' etwaea tea aw wmw, aa aablUawa Ua Iks A tin jtRCiivti) MtHt 'fWSW I , , M U . ., u, I . " ' " --- r- j . .. ..w . C" COMMISSION MEHCTIASTS. iTKtl.SACU ' tUOCKSAOR TO ' s W. C. Slronarh k Co.. GnTenl Committitn Merchant 1 DEALER IS COTTON AM) NAVAL STORR3, Senond Door abo.a Bouse 1) D, Grocor,-: corrox PAGTOH ; " AKt ; ' Coinuitaalon .Til rebuilt, RALK1GH, N. C deS41m B O X K R U A N D Y o Box, Cream Farina and 8otU Ci faleboap. Fowler & Co'sBar and Cnks Foap, Ikiolriy's least I'owders Woreestersbtre faue. Knitllsn (. bow Chow. Best Cream Cheese. Breakfast Itacou. j. Canvassed Hams. For Sale by dee 24-1 m W. IL DODD. JjlKE&U COCOAMUTs. rro.ih Current, ' Turkish Prunos, i Assorted Forelin Nut, Freh Cltrtiu. oetSi-lf - . W CBIKONaCH. l'lAISO, "jpiAS'OS 1 riANOS ! ! -r 4 A M ES PIKS30SI A SON resneetf lillvlnfom. Uie public, Uiat they have lust reeelved a Boa stock of tbosc superior Piano Fortes of thr GKKAT UNIONCOMPANVOFNEW YORK at wnicn uiey invite attuuUoa. The iuineuw llal, maebluury and olber facilities, euatil I Uiem to put Uieir Piano at a much lower rat I uian any uuier ursi eiasa esuiiuiinuteui, sua I peraous about to purchase Will find it much to their advanuige to call and exaiulua these risno oef ore purchasing elsewhere. ecua lor circular to J AUka PlltSOV A SOM. r Cor. Hargvt ud aaUshary strU. -. mars-u tUluigh, N. C THE Sl'PEiUORlTY or TllF UNIUVA V LED W I P.LR FIAO rouTi U eonrIr4 by all who have CAhaOUl " COMl-AUkkl it alUi others. in the . NEW SCALE, ' Tbe Manufacturer has miecenlnl In mal irv Uie MOST FKKFKC1' PIANO rtihl noasilitti: butt thrr are preferred "by f" " UKEAT AK1181S OK THE DAT, ssu rvcunimenuiMi uj an uf LEADING NEWSPAPEUS Prices will Ii found as reasonable as J)t,, bait with thorough wurkmaualiip. WAREROOMS, sva Avsnub, Vsw Yoax, Cob. Ioib Bvaast uci u - - . MISCELLANEOUS.""- 'JUlt bksl FsKloDICAU or.Tlig Da , N ' tMS SUKAT . ENGLISH QUARTERLIES Af . EUtkvoDd'i Etliadnrsk Iifiiiit, smiBTao i THE LEONARD SCOTT PL'BLISIIlNQ CO. 10 Faltoa Street, Kw Tork, ' AI aAowt eaefAinf (As fk4 (As orVW The Edinburgh Review, 1 as LoiiUim (Quarterly Kirhi, lbs WaaiiuiiMler ktrli v, Tbe Bntwfe Quarterly ;icvWw, PubUtU4 (juartarly Jaa'y, April, i aly, Oct., SSD JfwsV Jdlaearr A JTsfSfia. I (A t.cuoU ot the origtasL) FsUlahae ktjaUily. Tkmms or H. IUH Birrioa Fur aai was aUt'iaa'i ..... 4 00 peak. l eu roc aa two kmktwa. fcraayuirea IUlwN )uwl fur all fuar lUvicaa , iilV M fo blaiaeaud s MaauM i JO fa kuxkaoud b4 t Kffkto.., t ut " fu btakwu4 aa.4 Ikiilni,, 10 on 14 for hiaikwuud ! I luvta.. Ukl far Ularawuua and taa IUmw UuU FuataKa, two aua a saalw. la a priM tm laiianaa aa ilia oiiiiw m amutuf. . LOSt, A diaenaat of twenty pareaal. alU b allow. a aa aaus of luar v aw paa above eiamwt, a rT etaa aua a. ta ia scuar e ol Um ,nu. riiiuti, Nw sab ribvta ft Um taar UT4 bus ban wltjwat rbira, Ua maixi , u.( uat saaarfeaathiiwVniMala sa tl.. t . aabatiiiM fur. ' ktr, la(4 f lb si v, iii, u w tara, Uirvw, r fuar Ua U.t. j,,,. .1, V W4 kata, M pniaiaia, mm of il.f tun ka lag of Um ' fmu tt fur l.. I ' k rnaaiuwt to u.m. i;t , .i J. soma I to HiKrialriuuiM .,hli,i wh wm turn plrtiaiMVfc t r r A HUM U S OCIVM Ti StaatlfW an I Irstal Ag irbHuia, y lla.t -arm,, f H m . , . ,v ,,4 Mlata4 r A.Mf.M, IMaxM an.ua. AjtwHwMl laAat.na, k. Itaxa. 1 .. tmrnx b. aa u. Ia .m a.iai-a.aaari fif. I i , m4, i.m pat. . r a I 11 I P O t4 SALE! ttora Wl a4 I ) a a.-4 1 t aa4 II J"kL A III, Aa. I vS II.. a-1 u hi I LL A I. 'VBMtl Wf M ltiiALiJlNU Ilutft, s a sa, tar . s tsta pm m ffwst a ul ro Barw ra.w. U. m.i ., BALTl!10P.EUJCK9QiPiTAi'.s BALTIMORE, MD, Oi rici 7 Tr Sot Farrtsnics; Srann - 1 Dlt. JOIIVSOX, - - PVvaieiaa ot Una celebrated Ins'Uuiion, di- I C;rsil. J!en tn thetirvat liospitai ot tu- rii,- u: i.nLLaRU. rrai.e J ami f '.Ecwnerwr Ibe mofi ecriaiu, siK-crty, nlta.ant and et'eetua I remedy in the world lor all exeesse or abuse of the system. 1 . . w akne ol tlie Back or l.lmhs. Strictures. AlFectionof Uie kidneys or htadder, lnoluur- , tary Dlr.cbarges, Impou-ncy, General Debility ,: nrrvuuanera, uyaiwiisitt, uoiiinor, iiw Spirits, Confusion of liltais, Papilation of lb :' lUart, Timidity, Trriauliutr. Dimness otpiulit or" tikblinesa, DUeaae of Uie U ad, Tbnatt, nitse or skin, Anccu ms pi uie Liver, luiiu-b, Stomach or Bowel .Ikxis terrible Diorilns -arisuni trotu Solitary UablU of lohUtkxcusf and solitary practices more fa'Ai to tbeur vie- inns uian m song or uie eyrens to uie ia riners of L lyases, bUbUiig UicJr moat bril i llaat hope or antlrlputloaK, rendcrlm; mar-' ' riage, bnpoasibis, desUoying both kuxiy and loind. , . youjfo men ; Ksiieclafly. who have betonie the vktiin ot Solitary vies, iliat drvadtul, aud destructive habit wbich annually swcop to an untimely , grave tbousand ol youiii! men of the wt exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who : might otinirwjae have eutraneed lUteiiing . Senate with tlie tliuuders of eloquence, or ' waked to oestacy Ibe- living lyre, way cat' With fall coudaeuee. i ! MARP.IAOS. i Marrtc.1 pcrsonr. or Yonnemea eontenmlatr Ing marruure, awars of fiiyaiual Weakness, iios oi i rocrcauve rower (imioieney), ner vv IxclUliUlty, Palpatatlon, IfKBnlc. Wonk " news, Mervou Debility, or any oUivr DUk.uiI- ncauon, siwvuiiy reucvea. He wbo olace liliuself under the care fr D. i. may religiously eouiide in his honor as a ; Kcuuriuun, nu cuuuuuuujf reiy upou ms SKlll lapnyaK'ian. ...f.' .. ) CUUANIO WXAKNEcS ;.. . 4 Tjuimedlstely Cured and full Vigor Eeatorad, , Tbl distressing AlUcUou wbich reudtrs life mUeruble and marriage luiposalblo is the penalty paid by Uie victims ot Improper Ui- i uulgtuce.. luuug penKjriare touapnoconi n dreadful consequence that may ansae. Now. - WHO mat nnileislanils tula sunjcel will preu nd to deny that Uie power of proereaUoe Is lost ' soonsr by tbuse lallliur UjUi improper habits (lisn by Ui pruiieni; riolil.is lining Unprlvcd f the pleasure ot healthy ollnimnr, Uie moat teiiou sua uosirucuv nymionj oi uolb Doily and mind srlte. Tbe syalem becomes derang set, tbe Pliyslcsl and Mental FuncUon weak- . iml, Lou of prMCicaliva power, fiervoul Irrliablllty, Dyspepsia, PslplUtloa or the Ueart, ludlgeaUou, ConaUluUoaal Dblllly and Wasting ol Uie Frame, Lough, Cousuuip- uoii, Decay ana icain. ; A Cl'RE BPF.F.DILT WAKUANTED.- " ' Fcrsons ruUioi iu healthy by nnlnaiiied pre- . lender wbo keep lb. in Uilllng monih alter ' aiomli, laklng posonou and inj-inous coin-;' pounds, should apply lutiuediuWly. . , ., .. , "... . DR. JOHNSTON, . 1 " H Memoer of Ui Royal College ot Burgeons, London, Graduate of one ot Ui moat eiuinctii College In ibe Cnltad Bute, and the best part of who life baa bfxm sieut in Uie bos- . jilUls of Loudon, Paris, PhilaUlphlaaudelai-' where, baa edwted soma oi the utoat aaton- bhlnir cures that ware ever know a; many iruuiiieu wiui ringinx iu uie ueaa ana ars when Saleep, great nerxmaneaa, being alarm it at (Udiiuu souuris, tiaabfuincsa, Willi fr eaent blushin;, alleaded somelimrs wlik In raagcOMBt ot lulud, were euis t baiaeuL(cly i .Take rAjTIVlLAi, mmi Dr. J. addresse all thee who hav Injured themselves by tuiproiatr bidulgeoce sud soli i tary bablts, which ruin both body and mind, vniltUug Uiem fur eiUier baslne, study, ciety or luantugi Ibe are oiu of Uie ad melaaelMiW iU I acta prouucao y ui earuny naoiu of jnulh. vis i vtaakmaaoi in nai a nu umn lia, rain la Ik llnad, Dlmnra ol llit, Laa of Mm. I eular 1 uwsr, Paliiilatl.in ot Uia Heart, !)- Cppala, Nnrvous Irritability, lNnanxmiciit of ia UtxeaUv Funcu.aa, Uaneial Dcbllll, Symptoms of torianmplion, Ac MEM ALLY. lb fearful f fjrt on Ui Bikid ars mack to ba dnraduL Luaufal ory, Confualon of llia, liciirrsahm of tlj i 1 1 a, fctll ITorebotliiit'S, Avaralou to FH-i.ty, erl. ' Dlalraal, Lov of BoliluUe. lluild.ly.Ac, a. . torn of Ui (Vila produced. Tbouaauds of pr.'i. of stl syes can Bow tudii what la Ui esaaa of their dacllnlng rallli, loaing ll lr vigor, beeombig weak, pais, nervoaa and emaciaWd, haviiij( singu lar aaarai)C alwul the aj aa, tough ai d nmptoiasuf ConampU. YOL.Nvi MEN Wbo Lav bijured thrmanlvc by S errtsln prattlua, Malawi la wkaia aluae, a Babll Ii ' Qaeally kminrii f roia avtl eoitiiloni or at M hool, th nlocU ot ahih an nightly Mt, vta w hea Wp, aud li Bot eurrU n u.l. ra Burrlaaa inHMa,Uo, and aVsUoy both miad and bouy, should sn lr ImnirUau-ly. W bat a pity that a yvutig nun, v. hoja of bi euuuUy, lbs prida of hla parrnta, siiwuid be snalrhed trnai atl praaparUan4 an)oyast of bfs by th euaaumc of deviating fimu Uia path n f aatura, ad liilulkk. la a iml.ii am hahtt. Sa a ptrsaMta taaal, Iwlora cub UsuibUUng MAERIAUE, It. flert that a tenm wttrMl awt Mayrw la ant aerwaawy r. Bila to proaota ew.. bial happtna-a. Imlwl, a lu.oul Ui.'aa Uia Jua.B'y OuutMch Ufa Imunm swaiary l-r!i a.', Um pnia.t hoarty Sartma So Um , Um mluu bwfauiuiitil ui d.Wr, 11.4 iU4 wilh Um Brian, h ly r.fl.-u. Uiat U.a happtaes of sboUms Is ti.bua with aar ea A CERT All UUEASE. , of pliaanr i4a a baa tail iiml ua m a, , Uila IBHilul Sianaaa, II t utt a ka U.a aa 111 Umri arnaa of an-e ar 1 rwaary a. Wi 1 hue frowaj'piTli.f, I. thu. ah. tn.ia edw ati.4 i4 rr iat,iil, raa ai.fi batM baa lia tut ails Um bars 4 bfn.rtaul and 4.,' i t If au.', t . a h.i, hi tmjl.ta ef tarutf. I rli hi fwtmlarf mb. t It. tl loia tnaia ir aa m u,a iir.m,i t taa ba u.i.4, at4 la a. all bMt Una wita N il ka.'N to ka hi I '.( 4 Jl4flfct j , ly tlM Baa i.f IJ..I 4adl 1. ..11, Hr. ary, lha aw(itoU.al nth-m. a4 U'.i ki4 lia to aua Ut l . k sa al 1 f UK mmrm Uli, i . 1 r- 'in aas Um Lwai at. am i a I . .' d.lrM, awia e U.a aa ml a.!;., a a mm U k -l, f-. a4 ii'i'it.!'., Siimii. a ilh 1 t-u.lal raa if, ua at U.v Um iaii af l. nj. 4 wt u. s. . ti a a. aw lU la, a4 Um tmin f 11. u af.l Si . a kif4 o: af r...' lfl k4 afti. ff-M ft"e I L'.ntft i-4, a I. ..ots It-M, Ua . Jf4 4 a wmv aiaw a aawt M. . la u ,n4 t. , m n.1,,,1 ml 4..Uiti.l M,ap di Im 1 . I . 1. . . P.IWIUI nuHf awHSiS atotoaf. a4 a.. tatw.B tf il.ri "I . !. , . n . 1 a tWV.' DirUttA at ia ki. aftja. BlikAltT OF tug Pl tk. aM th wal ra.4 at tv. .k. mt a a- ia to. MM t..it Iwa, ih Mtw.4 tf Iw i.. . w .i..tf 1 1 . m tfU. f IM I ..,4 , , , ... .4 a - a k. . . , . . ... 4 . ., . I a... Mfr to. ffe .a, I ifraa a . a a . 4 . k a -4 I T.r. I' t I. a l 1 Mia ii in in 1 1 aaa rf'y. t III k f t'. li I 4 .4 . 1 . m t. It. kt A mt liOO kkta.ILA UAIA, Jaa4 StotUU ia. u 41 kv " Ai tl, J -a, l f. H. LamAay, kwlllt f ..V ' s. jj g !), j P II I Orly,a, ItUlt 1 AAL Sliii ta aw i. . t sa. 11 ml a ml f". w. mt mmt 'm mi '" la- r ItVIkLT TVtlEl y. ttf I ' mm 0t a IF O a t: i ' , I H V '- ( T n ltM. I !S 9mm r wT:r fit tr 1 I l II L ;;....! f a i L t '.num. hi Ml .1 . . av t I aii. t-a raaa. a mt a. aa , , itfiMilin v 4 4 . ka M n a 1. . , J p o a t a L a . to4 h . 1 A k .'mm., 4 1t.- 4m 99 14 iL slil A C