v --ft: V 1 THE SENTINEL. SATURDAY. JANUARY 18, 1878. TELECnAPHIO! Soon M-rATCUh( jfJ M.K. ELLAK V. - -Wadh'ikuton, Jan. 17. It u rumiirril in Versailles lobbies that Legitimists and. OflcanUU have coalt tioned. . Th Arkansas Legislature has had an other ineffectual ballot, Tbf BiMDM Tybee triage full eB maliua of the lease of 8uun Bay to o American Company, ami of it ratif.ci'jon by the Dominican government, A despatch to the Jietr York Zsrui states Uiat Congressmen consider the Ss ' tuana Bay Scheme Impr&ctlrsWc, and the Haytk-n, minister tbiakt the American purchaser will find they bav mad a bad peculation, it being fit tot nothing but a naval station. ' " from 3tew tore. New YoltK, Jan. 17. There was another dense fug this morn tug rendering , ferry navigation tedious and dangerous. - , There was final! panic la SL Dennis Hotel last night caused by Ore breaking but in one of the ruomt, which however, occasioned but alight damage an 1 was . soon extinguished. Rer. W. C. Clark fau b.tn expelled from the N. Y, Conference of the Motho- dit Ctiori.h for carrying' bo a lottery o tenaibly for the benefit of mission bouse and fiut reading room, Clark continues to ierre Iti own Cuareb in lrokIyB p parently successfully. ..... The report of finding a bottle of Strycb.. ' . til tie in the ceil lately vacated by Stokes was erroneous. The drug was ntix tomi ea and bad been medically prescribed. The Secretary of Sainana Bay Company"' aays it ia stipulated with tlm IKiwiuican . government that the Company is to pro tect itwlf frou uulsiUu luturtcreiite, but the Cwmpufy counts upon sympathy and aid bf foreign governments not in oppo sition the Company, and will fitat decline Satnaaa Bay a free port to the whole world. , i UIAT11 OF AS EDITOR.- ;Nw Yokk, Jan. 1 7. lie. J. wish Luavill, 0. D.,.Aocial ej it of tb Indeptmdint, died in Brooklyn ... but evening fiois sp ptofiesyr - K0MISAT102 TOn U. 8. fcENATE. Albast, Jan. 17. Tlie bemucrata mod I.IIhtuIs, in, caucus, bav Botulnstod Charles Whcaton fur V si 14 etate tkBsto, TIH LOUIUAKA BEMATOlflilP. Jf Oaijuxs, Jan. 17. la Bootbrt ballot in the people's Lx gia Laturs, Warwoulli rswrived 30 Voles. No chotcs. (midmost pisraicnsa. FROM WARIUNOTON. Wasiiikutom, Jan. IT, It Lb BQileratuod that tb Beast Com- Bsitte on I'rivllFgrs sad Etectlons intend to probe tb Louisiana election BtatUr lu tb bottom. CONGRESSIONAL. WaaatisuTuli, Jaa. It, Tb Busts considered tit Yunna tx poaitba appropriation. Mr. Car pie tor nilbilrew his ameu.l mint pproptisting 1iXi,tKyO t the WbingUB HMMtuiai.t, etpiisaiug hi d.tibtaaf lh jvnilt!Hy of rmiWtii,f If, no luiuml of the ground uiolir the nt'nni in. The bill the passx i. Ur. Uurton sssde an slab taie sperch Bpwa bi resuluutisi dirwiirg Itw c-auiu.t Um OS privllegi and eiiitiona to rwtjuir islolbe dtf'Ct of tue piws.Jia.tisl si. Loos sad tb best means of rem lying tlMno. Xj. Trumbuit tip'ted, agrsatag with Morton is sum n-sprcts, bu diHtniiBg froul si'tn of his views si to the proprf rtfuwdy. Tb fovndii if our isis au&t, Ls sJ, ta a4 r7nW lie, B'4 B pur drtaorrwy. It was B t is tswded the awj,ifiiy abotild tt ail lb rrt; sad to j ut the g, vimittri.t o thai ta w.,. r-pire the wy t W jaw4 fcsWf , 4, Tb saaiu went aver. li i saw- 1'iivst Uil Jsj, ky the riiL.'iiiLNr. W sstiiauvoB, Jan. (7 J'f (A VMk-W tit l m,Uj Mi.lt rwfM Or J it t VtasBit,il baa Ir tn bruahl l t strfrf. if the I'nTM.l.nt ..f II, tsisti, tKt ifcsry lmsr s, hi.io'C rtvd .(Tj b) p.nj'm ul fruss bos, us o'b mum Bdi tb r-'i titut,.a sad Ues of l t a.is4 H si.s, sbi; Bu l l 1 1.4. stH rlwsi uviva, a,4 isa aadcr ti. t t)...uy U lbs f ! S4, i Trnt4M is stuli Iii'7 Hmins 4 t4 shbiim psl r lj!...s Ba ler 1 1. l.uu is m4 k' .iYsU tbrft. s a ...j ls di.l. t4 ll.s 't, Trriitl s . ..',- t t!,t Mnj t,a. il.sl s,n v tk tl tliilks at h I . i.f fxlrvsl i tb r I 44 lw SI ' j . it l vt4 i;,t, m.,k c" t j tl s ( . 1 St. 1 f. 1 i w,ptk,.m ' "im ,4 tU .-fl lll It t,. . - i guts rirti la g'.st ism sia 4 ' . 's ia ! ra I Is I 4 srt -'''.!'' " 1 i I 1: tv ..tj , t .. r- . nli,.i,, ! s. I S4 t a t I : . j - a. I ..i.if r J'. . . t t . I .i j . , . 1 Um at. i 1 ... . j la k 1 I- k f. ti .1 U-jm si. J after the lourth dat of March. A. D. !SrT3 except U herein specified, persons holding - , , , ,r . any federal civil owe by appointment on- ' - ' der the copsfTtUtron and lawi of the I alt. d Stated, will b expected, while holding Mrcb ofFiest, Bt to accept Or hold any fflce . . . , under any Sist or Termor .at gtvein- . . . ' .1 of ay nmnicijiat Corporttions; and drusgWt, in Nw lfork, i eu v t jour tie r";$Sj.. ,i ;. ,n.,. r ,.niiinnl rut, I M suib "I it W aiivanuife. .--i -ISr-T' w' - imliJ;nfT irf nv fcui ti Stale. Trnt'tut r I Mamcipal tlfii. whether tlettive or by ,ioi!ineot4 or any p-rori holding civil " . office, as aforewtid, under the govtrnmeot of the dtited State, other than Judicial offices, oncer the constitution of tin1 1 i'.; (i.m .!ll L.lrUlwl nni,i of the Federal oflice held by such pertwii, and will be takes to be and be treated at s resignation by such federal cfHccr of hit commission or appointment in the , r- aemceofthe I'niM States Theonjce J)WKLLISO 1DIE fcB RK3i 1. . of lattices of the peee, of tiotaiiis public A Dwllln)j Hoan on Hi corner of illll , . .' . ' . , boro' aitd West Mmk nila nx looms mid and of Cfinniifaioners to take these- every room fumifhed iOj v ex-t,i one. knowledgtnentof deeds, of bail, or to ad- ."'f, pjemto Ur U a tine well of mw D , . . , and all tlie oeceiiuv out bium:s, or fur minuter oaths, shall not be deemed with- tber arUeu' appty to '..' i-i i .i.i- - i ..i W. It. IK?!)D. '" Fvvw v" .. v ..v excepted from its opetatioa and may be I held bv federal officers. The snnointment at dftniitemarahetauf I rr i the United Sutcs mny be conferred upon , , . .. . . , Sberitit or deputy Sheriff, and deputy postmastcrt, -the emoluments of whose Offices do not exceed SIX hundred I dollars per annum, are also executed from ' I the opeuatioos f this order, and tob y ac-1 ct'pt and hold appointments upilr State, Territorial of Municipal authority, provi- ded the same be found not u intefere I wun uie uiiscuerg oi tue auiie s post-1 musters. Heads of departments and other officers I of the government who bav the appoint-1 stent of stilMirilln&t nflirprs ant rrnttlhscl tb enforcement of its provisions and termi wit iinJlie space ef. tbiiir twjtivt , I its or olllees. and as relates to I epastmeuU ..........I u.i i; ..ti, I .... timierttMia resoectiveiy. By Jviier of the President, (SigilfJ) HAMILTON i-'ISII, - thwtWj if teuin Wkshlnglon, Jun. 17th, 1873. MAHKEtSi. " Ualtiuokk, Jan. 17. . f . - V .. nH I net riceipia ui. cotton iw; exports Const wise 73. I ... I . . NoBrol.lt, Jan. 17. I Cotton oiiieC Low nilddibir 18 1-2 to 1818, Liviup,k.L, Jan. 10. -4m.hs tM heavy. I'phrnds fhM. Orleans 10 1 ft 1 to 10 1-4.1 SL. ftftdfl , , , I bales, including 5,000 American. J 5iw Yokk, Jan. 17. doM 111 21d i:3 S.rJfor;Il Carolina bonds 13, new IS, special Us 10 Cotton quiet. Bate 1.700 Ulta. Muj. illlno n,.l ..,,1. nrt n. riri...... ei 1 a r .t, I firmer at f!.93 to 1173. Tarpentlse . ' . firmer .si Mil Is 63. llwii Qrut at I 3HU 10 I3J5. Vltnloigh JSlark CA11EFLLLY UEVISEU AND cor- 11 ten; o every day. It ax lea. Jaaaarv, 17, lirA AI'PI-M ! UrB thied 1 BOal 001 ,,. I luw BACOS j flunked, pr lt. I'sautoked An ... trip boulders...,,,,.,,,.,, N. C. Itsia. Bide koB'.dVn ( sftisssrd I BUM . - , , UK" iUaia 1 kalS i.'ii Walt I hl-KsWAX, l-rlb titt r, ossosif , o.,i.. ' 1 1 HAIil.lMU i 7 corrtKi Java, ft r lb. " llr, ordlaary .1. ....... vMi' El Is lttTTO!i Lew aliddid. Oood tknUiMuy ( ti itsiy .... (HIKE 1 LuuiB. .m,il,i,J.v.. I .ir:. 1 .i I 0 I u k I t'l iM YAH.i.w i.k. 1 OltN, pr ks.. Ml! UlnklM: t'ltiS rtiTitkM UtIOlli . U HA .... rLuLK, pm M. M C . i f'ltlt, r- Hi 1 , , HAT, H a)IU IliliKA, p lb.... " 4-y, pstlB, ..... UillltH l C 1 1 i H it t rrrtt .. LXtTiiru n.T.M-i . LA M) all LLIt M"LajK, lrssl .. Uoi.I'tJI Btk,.!-,..,, aiKAL, sv a , OAta. p. te . .... " wl, . r . ii fit AUitS 1 t,i I'H I 4".l f . . I AAlsl Sal ... ii'.si r t , .. ' kstt tai l.a'.J . , t fc 11 ft'-at AO I 11.1 l 7t s I khl n s .. rviiAt' ts, ..., j-t v ., . . n " i Wk. pt 1 Wl ) ti.AH, t iaa.sl, , , , .IT ,sJ tAI liW r-f lb .lu II Mil It rr(al ,.' kit I - 1J , I4ul.ni , . , , ,. . . . t ,,..,. s 1 s r u . m TiU ,tm. . t "A" ISa.S t -tr .. ,. 1 ' P. " r-:t t SI I ail t fSLt risS Anal SI IU O M W t ft , I - w..o fit .taw a.'a'.a!.a,.,s ,a Itttf a w , , . . .. a Ifa . . tft I- t - t imm. aa . ..aa f .o a. " ' ' 1 i- t . i a1- a ...s lie i ; t ii,,...-f ...... a. a la I- AVOID CONSUMPTION. No enemy to Um hurusa raci: onre to be. ereadid and 1 more towdiou Uula epproachi s .u..jk.. than the too isiul desC er o( stalinandnai- fifnl of mjrtld. 'ir,aaPnca la ltjght. Tfonu The dn?v of all is .to Hoard -sainst " a sdvsncee. This mav t done by tb timtly Bitot Or. Tell s Expf-rtoraut Ueifrsir von i1imh; Iaiomi n;l wtuit (IHTTT'C BTTTJ TTTC rpu 'ITI H",M WT1 mme j. I ura fuH? wtirAcd tlwl it hM tul t mi)(jc wbt i. jur whoi-ul p i,e, d i vei earn Kew Iforkf tei me k-iow wutrt acs be had f or Uie prenebt la H V I., anal mm coniuiuuieaie further with you at .uoilier tuue. i crv tmJV oars. . viy. it. BARRON, 1 W Summer rtne rtriet. Iir. Tult's Balr I)j is aoid errrhere. FOIiKENT, Jea. Corner of WHoiiogtoB Mar-is 0. . e-s aa l-lm l-l :''"""' u" ix nu i ir.Ati. tiKht Room, fire Placr in ih. lim all over the Ho ue. Oood well of wa'.ei on vb ; s . . also, Another House and twenty aer.S of Ijind I rS?.u",taK"n,h'rt - qiiuK., ittur ngvui. " uetH if. k W. II. JONES CO, rn O K KENT K, : ' ... - : I torn,wiy OCCUplwj Ur, imu1 u .i- j " i on VV doedy ant, the HlB day of Jauuary, I W"' ,.rt, ,iri,. f D t td K,eper of the t'apltol. l.ET. I Ttomedi.is family residence of H. pr - Pkin s heirs I for rout during the year is : The house eonuius enoukb rMHiisaudlh The eommcdlous family rcaldene of H A. i. uy;h r,xun and they are o divided as lo arcomiuulate two faml- U frlmU Mwn tbout m yards west of the post ofuVe, bus a nice gstdun of half an acre, sll i;rvdfui outhouses, and a well vf hue water iu lh yard. The premise j 1111 ye mi j cii. i t rvpuir. ror Umius siiply to -dee 111 U MUOItf OATLISO. 'ILKUANT 11CUSB ASU LOT 151 " nr. ti f,v a 1 r 1- 1 NKAL-I .iviit r VI A DAUS ' llsvhirf pnnhsted the el ;ant troperty RBJWS H lUbSS U.LI. U 1110 rttSlUVUCW OI liliie.lsua, ItuaU'd ob heabern Avenue Just outside of the euy limlla, 1 will sell the Same on stvomuoaauuK Jeiws tow a t pries aad credit. . ,.,B wtllinn to sll U.e whole, or o sere, I Wit-'liiilllisr IIssm SlMISlIlltltf lisatl SiM litMi' P. BAT1LE, UU Kaieinh.N.C T-V00M3 TO BEST Oil LtAfeL XV ins ironi rooms iu "i neaer irso i present oecupbd by Uie North Caroiius Land ionipsny aitt tie MiW4 for Iha ftmt lTi, or I Ul beleswd lf ascllcsul Jrj. A 1, i.l. t.i n, iu a n, 0. iiiivbN dCM., dee 17 If f 1 ITT LOT V O It A L E II v Blount and kd. iiU.n streela, eonslstlus; of ball I inarr;, being the It astern part of tbeotd state I Dana Mil l orUrofil,n tsl fmr to U aa- amtgmd- n. u. na 1 tm. recretarj, ae. sUuiiua. Dee. 11th, lsTt-tf. N o ALSiea. Jss. 14, 173. Null. is hereby (rWrit lo tlx sabseribrr lo IIm Cspit.l Stork l Us Kortk Carolina But Life I iuur w Company, tkat nwstitu fur 0 'van 'ratios aili h stld at Ui t ItiA.es ha- tlooal Hk, Kslfiv'i. r C , o irtdsy, Jaaa- ary .its, isia, si is o emeu, John u. otLLUkta. ' W. K. AMIKtsHiiK JOIt U Iti-A k , Us 10 td tomsauwlonm. JJEtCLI) LIE CO. Wlioleasnlo afc ltetnll 'DBUGGISTS, i rsi.'tut.iis sc. it A I. E I ti il , N . f. . llsv la sums ll . asual Uk spp)f t f I t ItE I'lll ti. CII11ICE C1U.M1CAIJI, rirt I' k Kit Ml. Hiks, TOil-IT and FAMl AKTlC IEs! Vea - - l liiM'dl. tit, urii uviims TKC1B, BkHAKIC PAIkNt M It'll UM, MINI SAL M Alklia, VI !, AtHANDir i.4 ,-. b iiitai&s 1 f t ,L .1 t,i. . 1 j f, r V.rt.i in AM Iks drtt.taaJ aad rii aia.tij f vf as But 4 Stuarla, m4 lb sikw k.l.'fs fMra.lf l a If vita Vr 1 al I if, ,- 1 14J slkS s.st. slits y sa; nwav In S I, I .' il (., ai.4 I. It !U a tl s asfat r.-.'.: i.. us. '.'. irrfrna.i ia ia aj dispel kit I rl. kslsaa CTA7I 17 Si lTHi Aft HllA, O kl t. ai aih aa i. im tM Aaawwa (ml. W lil sai Iotas, I Uiaulf. a?S (., . .s la sad I : (tfaK.'aal Mary I oak '.a, ( Lu t Um f r i .f of ... Il sj tfVv In k saiuta. ikna tf Iks rait 1 1. .1 Ifea l,,daiu la 11, abasia sa.mJ m I a - ta..u f tla S-aia, a4 IhaA IAr I r" -' ks tk 1 al..l ft, as4 tfc. ia vaia . a swas of sal a ataiMais 4ariaAMa. m a ama to w-i aaAi t--ata m aa a f so f W' 11 ik,- .a.(-.a ,:.. ..f kl-ov V ,i.a ., an . 1. 1.4 1 sv ! -M-t, Ual f a rwtkiai BaaAa la Aha at. ..4k ll-l iil, ao.a iaa if al ka.wt aa4 ist Imo. a-(; nMAt lain of i,f 4 ks.o'i. tM si sa ".i. s.Aa, (!-', -1,, f I. f( ft i',.ul l bt t t sm.i in'sa af 1. I...... aa'V Ml!.. I'O - aif al la m wao, aa i iMfi'41 fe IS.. aa St i .ttf Ik . Si S HI lot ltsi . t , 'I'.-'ln r- a.'wo a w i.vwh ii.mI t- ,aa t.s.ost a, a ts..M, i -a 1 1 aw t raw I wk ss "a. ,mmAil u at Lsa 4.4 4 4 sa.M, I'. I a E A. IM H ! ) t a. IN t kill Ctk 'L'tA llll All K M f Alf I . a.l,.l a4 k , -w-. t . f -.1 .t. a .a I- ' " I ' Btaaaa t aa I .o tM . I I a 4 t " a I t , wm I' f"' "-i t . Si .. . f t.. . i. k..ai t,a . w I i. a. I ar A Liime INSURANCE, r- nn nil f 11:l"VIt Vlfiri I I f. C V it I T Y A 4 A 'l N" i V i R K ! Tiir nonnx caxiolzima V nAIXlGU,K. c. Tkia Couijcuit eoulinsa to write Policie, at fair rates, on nil c1u-k of Insurable pro- All Loge are promp y adjusted and paid;' The " HOME " Is rapidly growing In public fsvor. - and iniiMila ltti'nnn.1Po' Inlnnr. vor, and appeula, with conGdec , :. era of property in North Oarollna. au;. in in all rAK la ur ma Bi '-. iw R. H. BATTLE, Jr., PaawssnT. , 0. B ROOT, Tics rB'smant, PULASKI t'OWPEK, fit'i'saviaoit. June 25 tf ruiiers now a'ertlsino: for the "Home" 111 Dleiiae StibsUtaU Uifcv f.vf ilieMVertbtoianta' aireaiiy in tiiem T?TNA LICE lXMHAStE COMPANX JLU - Um over 1 17,000,005 safely Int ested. Jia auir "tl Keveaue of over BA.OUO.IXO. )Is Issuing o rr 10.HMI poUeks anunally. It la Utorouiihly esUbllsbed, and Its ability to furnish tb best security, at low est price, Is not s matter of experiment. I', baa paid death lours In this De part meut, embracing North Carolina and part of Virginia, withla a frattloB of tOO.qoO. Tb conditions of sa MTXA LITE PoLlCT are LIHFJIAL, PRACTICAL, REASONABLE. All pol'.iiia are XOS f ORF EITABLE after TWO TEARS, except reaewabl TEH TEAR laria polkl, and TUEf , i AKI AFTtlt THREE TEAKS. LtPE. KenttiaU-r that tb tlm will riHua whrn yo esa Bo lnrr lalwf tut those ) kive, aad protect ym by poiky oa fosr life. a ... Person d.alrotiA to hold a volley Is tWa taaUd a4 swreaaful umipaay or set as aiftnt, will addre W. II. UliiW. Maxaok Uffii-r, kali vk, N. C. 1) I h c At -liit dit ofs Irirailv obtaiistd Is dif. f.'rwt.l Biala I.kaI lstl. hi f rnrral nt.(Ml i, a., suttl.ient raustt ss pablH'Iti rruirvd n fkarx Balll alvoiew srsntttd di s If l'H e or s.ld'.s Jnnri j. riLTO-v, t vasMllM at Lais, X.. liaj, Bnadesv, N.w Tutk C'HyJ Bov 1 d.tas 1) tAMOXD iritTACLII. Taa ktovtasios art; taiaafa tusad tioss 'ktu.aisy A-siakt A'aaioas saaslaS fcasaiaas'. ao4 aa A,.4 tfumoa W vttt of taw it -Soaos a4 katitlaiM'V, It as ! kavva tal fivata 10s tat ft.aa tr.f.is sv k UI a. i-i-.wa aa rv ajatH.o kw taa ), Wwaas I th .ta.o I kk lla.io koaa k-stl ana Ik 4aa Ik 4'iai4 n asas fc haai So a4-a.A Craa f 4'akkas kao4 ta laaa ss j slf .v mAm.4i 1 kf aia faosl o.ik sraal vM.i.a saos:t, iris t'.-tm HMoi.a al.lwrau.as. a4 .w4atr s kala kiia oa 4l.a . u ia.a 1,4 kt fwa alLiftiiaaat ks aiaa-iatka Moral 4 ky laa fit.s it,4atal Mas atari 11 a ks-faiaai, k.a lt, I o as. ay rsio.a as.. ia sy sit V IS 0 I at, 11. At.. J. a . ,.s as.4 I 1 t.l A la B .is 4, .t .m a k t k. k A , I n. luf San t,, f It' oh -Mt k p..ha rakfrt'Y 4 .ai a oa.f ana sa U if 4 sank. 4, i4l.f A I I U J A L HOTEL. kAt tli.ll, n, !, lias s-w Um Ik l.at'.u s la- .t. A J fAHT'.N. . . (..) sfKa, sV L linktii. . ' ttittl.. B II I lil iV.S. . . . (atas. Mmn i fk- .f IM aa4 A I f t MS, aa.l W a. 4 Iks' 1 1. Staal fa. i ststsifh ' A aliMas-t o.f ij.mi r-.-l t aH-aaa. I raa. a -a al a l ,- il k i c 1 1 1 i r J tins .-.stv il s 1K7M. 1H7M. I'S's-.Js f i HnifH - '!. - eaw 4 t uf r-loiar mi4 M-etaA I. at-, a r . ,..4 If I i. ,', 1 1 r t it . Asei4 l"a..tat. 'HE HP TOP WASUEB. (Pateotca P.b. S ltd ) .r-r-- t W-a r- I - , --at.-.w 1 - A7' ' I i f -'I SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR ' f f 1 1 THIS MACniNK COM&INES MMPLIUTY AKU"ftHAJJlUTI. ACKNOWl.FTKiBD TO t.T. TKK - BtaTKJ!,lMnLrJteOl? COST. .TE'ICI t 8 Tlie most oeifoct Wsstiina Maeliint) ret iu Veined U the TIP TOP MACHINE, hkll for utility and durability can never be surpassed; W equaled. The public bava ever-demanded a aimple machine which all can easily nuder staadand keep in order. No invention has ever met with more favor or encceu in so short a time, than the Tip Top Washer baa. For the reason tht it Is cheap and durable, not liable to get out of order. It is self ad JantinK, easily operated and eaaily handled. being mounted on rolierr. it wears clothing much leu than any oilier Machine or proeu a It watches the dirtiest clothing perfectly eleaa by a rapid succession of pressures or Squecses, Uitireby saving litem from the wear asm vear always susiainea nv me oia process of washboard or rounder. This machine re quire no washing fluid or chemical operation. none but common soaps need bu used to make your clothing white or clean. Tbi Machlna will not damage the tnosi delicate fabric cr tear off buttons, yet it will wanh any sized piece of clothing from a bed quilt to t WKkei handkerchief. It will miv for Itself every year lit the bare saving of clothing. ihts atone should place uie Machine In the plae bands of every family LT3Ho economy U at all duuicd-H uu wUh. W save Ubuc aud pn, serve your health, try it 'I he Tip Top W asher need only a lair and enpreiuuicea trial to con vince the most skeptical ol It eomvlete sue cess. W's invite iruin them the most rigid test aim uniy asa luas our uirecuou ue sirietie followed, which wtil sccomiavij emh maclihiy old. Every machine ia warranted and in every ease the money will be refunded on return of Uie machine 10 good order u It does not give tieriect satMTacuon and litis been ueed accurd ing to directions. 1 his Machine needs only to be seen to be appreciated. A few active aitent wanted. Lnon reeeliit of Hi we will send one ot onr machine to soy ui-sircd roiril. rartie destnnic the ma. ehtne will rt iuit ns the amouiit pei express or uy retsierea leuer una we win lorward mem Uie machine immediately fttrsuus dvsirinir to art as B'-ents will ml dress us for furtuer parlliulir. Coiuiutjiii catlotissuikiUid from iluuufacturcr. - BALN A HATCIIEK,. Manufacturer and Proprietors, sept .Va ly belma, N. U. M0N E V Wanted on tuorbraca of three hundred acres no. luand, valud by Countv Comnai sloners for taxation at f ,0U), lying 6 nliea irominecity. accXMt W. U. JO.il S3 A CO , Ag is. ftUJUT BR ti A'MBL E ' 8 "Llj;bt of Da)" Brand, " ADAMANTINE CANDLES, All riacs, also Hold Caudles at Manufacturers prices. Buhl by UAViU T. BC.HI t CO.. Jan 1-Km llallitnore, Aid NOTICE to Parties of the Saiu ot DALLAS, VEERKOL and WH.KtN."OM. XX T ANTED, full psrtbulars of the Chit Tv drm or ilrarendanls of Alexander and WUiuus Ilallaa. Dunean M'K.rroll bv hi wife Isabella Daiia, and ot John Wilkinson by bis wit Janet t aiiaa, all of whoa are enllUrd ta abere In the fauceeasioa of the late feter Dal las of liiargow, in f cotland brother of the euuve-nanud who ilinl, unmarried kud Intes- 1st ob I lis d i one, IN .s 1 h tttrttr wore all native of I 'slv Is leot land, and the famllbwof the three ttrst sansed are upMcd to be in North Carolina, and of solin umm IS Canada. Alhdavita aad evldnir of pedbrree. autben tUaUU bjaUciU.ht Mi.nl, lu bo lodg d llh siat-s OalL of MS W eat Mlt Blreet, uUn Brotlaod, the JadUlal Esctor on Mr. Dalba1 estate, dec 19-ltswma 1st' I' Till! (.i.m im: -w l ys fFAIR BANKS' t T A N I) A 11 D SCALES Mont thin f,0 D.13menl MndifiiatHwi 41'fc.Ms Al..) r-B TUC Birr A) ABU - MoBBt IrtlAWks, ...... Al UVNKI A Co , .11 hrnaJetf. Nt T i k. i'Si ItaiUwis "i. lu i,-,' .'.4 I .fit a rAli:aSK4 A taiu, till lit al i. ut Bl , PWiaiUIpt's FAItHiX", IHii.v, ,", a i,,i "f'tolttl bi . 11 srdaa Ik alt rs. IS'P i7-l. ji a . lAl.litli N C. f AM'LT PL'M i liarf.as sua k fsa-lj Pl.,..ar, V i M r,a'4 - ill RktiIs la.. s"J rw-- 'i f loar, 111 l,.t.,l I. IIM ! a. ... r. , UuMt.tt li.B'i s VI . ..a lim. I .of. .1 bvmi k att.-aa kltr lawf ll'ttf. Ba-.a M iru;ti.-r s4 k,a.ax,a sitr 1 1 -as a iai, M ia ,. ka;a vm .! fotaAi Ira A "k-llU . ( , tT.ioM ACH. )lkUU hil it a. I attt farlkas a4 aa'il tl-a a.ta.luk saaol illff -avtua alk' a. c f .ar at. f ( wsl avsa., aaf wa Mil auk I llil.atlt if at Ilia Stata Vat.unat Baas, a Amms I .1 pttS'lrt B1ts 4 tk Nal'f.-f f-atwal. Alf I", iAIt .!.( u. r. insox, 1TTO HSEt AT LAW, I.B41IAM, M t. f tss , .14 .a a saaata. S 1 a . l-ihT 'noa- It-, i.l ik, f.i',,l , kf'la In ' 4aa,l n; k. XAHir, " ATf'iilNEr AT LAW, . en tjt.k.i- w r . - P-ar'. ta 1 1-... . aa.4 A v . . f aa ka a t ta-s -r sa-s I aajla. laa W aaf j,;., A li !.! n at inti it fit uf i ' ' "' ' J.Sl.afllV'll f S I ft .... ., ,..,.! ''' i. . a. k -a frf C I pm m 4 .1 11 sk Ai ... . - IIAUDAVARE, ic THE PARKER GUN: PARKER BROS WEST MERIDEN.CT. For sale by -JTilUa LEWIS de CXi. . a Agents. bctT-tf 5 -Ti er a 5 h o ii- . t) o o ? ' B - I , f PI t-t S H TJUILDING Lor8, IN TUK TOWS OP XJ ULKIIAM, AMU fAKM 1JI 1 Iir. VICINITY F QJJ S A t E. . For cash or cieilit to suit purchasers. The lloul Properly a Ihirtam, ami Uniltiinx Lots in the heart of tows. Also, the Pratt pkuiUlioB. Also, the Goocb plantation, the llaininond place aud Ui Xer ril place, App y lo 17-tf ii. r. MOKRI8, Auent. a-EL"LIt AHtHHtttTSENf OF TltUNKS, Vaiisriand traveling Oaa;; mstantlyonhatid. 1C B. ANDREWS & CO., CLOTUICKSjASO (ikSTS Fl'BklSlieKS, - ' Stxt door to Tacitsr Uall. June 1 tf KulctU, N. t T B A N C H II II El. UUJtrs MSOLEASD noMLKSnlK Hand made best quality. v. iiAMinoMK run nr.ns for Ladiai and Ml its. PRIM HUB E. PSIl T A NEWSOM. dw B-lf JJ10K BALE. Bainry tlarns, very ebeanl Jly rtlf W 11. JONES ii CO. F A Oood f econd Hand Piano. ep ia u w, u, Junes a co. F 1 u U AN O for wheat or otbw Pall erps as Fish Guaoo, It la aaed extensively and apprortatad by every o. old by W. C, KTRONACTl A CO., RsWks. cuna.vii MAUHiri. ttes. Ageiits aod lieasuTwa, horfolk, Va , p V J.naslui 1 LOP Frcab Mi:'.i ju-t ra.alvud. tfO-tf W.C. STROM ACII Q I U , U , t U W ATTuUNK. it . LAW, Prartlre Is thl tut) Bud Padvral (ktorta Profapt attatloa xia la tb eoileeUos of crates ta ail part of the Stats. Jas IS ass N- ih Intrr! das Jaaaarv lit. aa Ik ass taa ami thre ft CIU uf b-i-.-a k.as.U a is It paid aa raa.ata4Sfa of miuj.-io at aitbat irtaoiai sU'ifial df KaWl.h Natiuaal Raak. k-Atikk. . . M. w. V H I Bt II i I.L, . tsalll LU l'rarT, t - B 1 ' " A L t. A M f 10 1 aid Com. II U W, H. JANMsCU L 1 M E 1 I H I Cms kndra4 bartats i Lias ) ar- rfavaj, ALSO. J.a Hi t f soaat l. l ist iaj lasM, Land i'lasif sad ila tarai Aw ia Hsia JA& M. Tul,lV t W Is JJkl WAklNif. tui. ii j. Li's m;.eii (s tia aasvsia W Ik ! v of k takes! VHla'tf a HAS If A MAkl 4 fc" ns.Jaw aa Ik p.m.aljy. Bj oft kaa sti list r"at'(. I -an of Sllrv "- "4 ks If las '-. rs'.tua Bus .-.. tl d. at 14 11 a-., aM - TTSXSSIS A as a i i ' yosi al ka4 ftoaa Iks aaa fa 1 t-it. f sks .A I SJL-4 ikk .s!. s.as ( k a tv 4 A At IS M 7W IB. s 1 1 la , W,f j,., I, 1 tAHt at-MIRNILL I t.i ks vw t-k,SA.aA rfStflfS, flHVV ! ! t tf. crsc- !. - - - !.... . S fs a I.i tl s . ! ! I' Ills i Q o pill 1 1 g ir .-s. .sg, 1 i o ill 1 I i 0 o P 3 E. a w V 1 I? 2 S i1 " Is s r -, S- B S-tiA a:, ! .,,., ,g !T? R till lit4 2 - r if- i s g ta -3 I : r S3 2 IS i 1 i talaatsasli wt. R A f'L U OA is: NGE CT ECUFDULE. 1 :.i.u tASn.Li n,V t- i to, .BtHMiTrs:-i.'i s'ini-ii i. llil.enin. V C , Nov. UIHli t7i (' tmd sfti-r ftili K'uy Nov. Si, 1H73, tnlr it rt th rm diltv ' Uttitrfta, rA'Tteuiwn fnlli as: ' Leaves Kaleitrh tr . ArnvrSat hucob.. ...... ... c w. I raves IVeldoh.. II - m Ar e al K-.li'igb.., 8 'it r- ACCOMAIODATIOB TKAIK. Leaves RaJrlch. ................ .. 8.0(f 1-. m. Amies t VickloB... a Leave Weidon.. ...... ... ........ W.I5n, at Arrives at Kaleit'b. e.00 A w y all train makes is .rt' mctios al W rl donwilh the Seaboard f roanoke hailroad and Bay Line ttuame - v..t, Baltimore, to and from all points (ion , cat and Northavat and wiLh Pelereliurg K oad via Petercbunr, M'hmond and Was ; ton City, to and from all point North and N, rUiwest. Ami at Kaletirh wiui Uie it orlll Carolina Kail. rand to. and from all points rjouth and Sou; west, aiK) with the lisklnh it Augusta A'l Line to Hay wood and Kayettevllle. , 1 Accommodation and Preiht trains, conn t at Weldon with Accommodation and Km t train on, Bcalioaro Jonoke Jtallroad .1 d retersminf Kaliroad. . . And at lUlriich. With Aecvmmodalion and FiefKltt trains da North Carolina Kailroao. rersons livintr alone the Hue ol the Koud tan visit Ksteigh lu- the mornhi: by Accommoua- uou train, rtnuajit vrventt nnurs, ann reruru I' nuae evening. A. BV AN DUX Wit, jaue if-tt v.-. .en. ttti Q H A N G E OF B C II ED V LE. KALEIGJI AUtJUSTA Allt-LINE. BursmjikUB.T Ofrica, li'AXEioa.N. C, Nov. -islhTitlZa. On and after Saturday, Nov. 80, 1473, ti a' lis on tbu KaleUjh d: Augusta Air Line will run oaily tguuday excepted ) as follows- atari. TBAiH. . Lejurea, RaWitltaa. ...... Arrives at buuford.... .. . ... U:15 " ...... 0:80 A. M. ..... H-.lfJ - i.eare Banford. Arrives al Hali-ich. . Mail train makes close eonnitvlics it Kalf!r with the t.uleigh & iimU'Ji Bftilroad ki-wiil fr jih all poiuU North. And kt Banford with tho Western Kniio...l to and from Fayettuvllle and point on Wes tern Kaliroad. A. B. ANUl'.EW ct, -June 17-tf : SuperiiiUiiitleut, C H O . O L NO T I C S. The Fourteenth Peloti of Mia FKANCk A. 11AY WotlD'd SCHCHiL will commence on M.nntsy, Jiniiiarj' lu, lTa, at the ntildeucu ot Mis E E. lUywood, Newheru Avenue. Payment, part in advance, , 0 dedilcllou is, made forbsence excent iu ct.S3 o' uiotractrd sickness. .iu 1 61 AnOOHKOItTIIEJIIIXIOXI pj i tuarry ajn lh plir eii.u.gn'a v eii.U'ftArsI i i-Ptr ,Ufj rttuui (hewitiai TBifSi. with thai Uttsl dlaowrwrtw i ar!tlsis ar4 kratMUAks 4Uiftiu, bo I i-jrw tins iwj!U."B. Ac. Tbtsis u lttawlisi( rE f foii4r-1 tasl4 ait . whfc MiBrms iBtril)Ta, ttit4 onlatliia IWabki iHlfiriajwuiti f-tf tte kw sr liarrn.(i,iia-onnlfsai lal awar Plaw. BUttUtisa kv4H.li iht.ittt t Im kftt Hstiiw tMS tfua be. an BtUt4 iinwui; aiaant tb tttmast. ItavBUtiMt ths iricin)i sib4 Jvt-a( pKrwiHas TfThiAM rfptitafioB ia rid-irit, shoMlsl bim ibttri- draw-tr ef t-t"7 an4 fnrmi tbrnuc tiiut thwtir t-: -t wmnaf trtmtitttg iB tniti"i)m trir tr-" n all v ByBts-u Itial i axsrih katstWlikS, 4 kksM M tvl pubiiabsf I a attlaew- wer . Ht-nl tt rut an" ifrs f fwtt.stj far ?lfT tVttlg. AtMr-MlfV. kKH ilrsjAMkry ,fi. 13,aViL.ktm4 Bt. iftsit, Mo. Kotlct to & ISLUzici &ni Uiiibrttinitt. tUr ffflrfg lit raBrtM eesskleksiitlttiM ISA Cisxia par-ri r aittf mmf stwikft rwaufHM - Lr. HUS WsT ajsaAiMC aVM Mf Sll II 1 1 tSa ST aWV aWbsSaT svL' yAtr aesivlliAotaj lr. katta sMH.l,is) s1rM !) f tst t slssatorMMi m BMMIt Lht IkMlaaliAmi. Mwitk. a. t .rsrir af Uilt tr Rajrt-. tkatl to! ii(p raarfaanr r bit mi,, mi tn a)ias4 faa4iiki . wwrka. I.te e4 fswriafra. tk.. 1 1 M. Ai4aks) sweaty ka VIIISIS fAva, ssfWsta, ? nov likdiwly Christmas Ilollidayc ! W B. I E. i. TI CECR a CO. uaVs auuxo vo VHiia LA KG E STOCK Many dei.rab, till, W suilslil for GHRISiliKo PRESEfUS. LAWES1 WINTER DEE'S GOOD. aA.AJaM. NkXETlEA, .. (lOTIHIACjft.1, tUiAks, . GLOVES, --wYCits,",'""'M"""' " AC- AC ImT A!si4B sf M.a.tsol tk I rcW latmri is asnr:y tsi!c4 la Ik akoo .. 11 a a aV- SITTtar.1"--- 'e'1 -'" 11 'r,i nM-i--JJ.i--AiJjaitl M ' W lUHTl'mUOO, at ltf. 0 PPICE P. at 0. R. ft., . C DtTlSloX. ftaiawa. Jas. I. tfT4 WefffkjM m t Vlira4 Is ssy t-m f" lUsti'l- f IIM MarkSMOd SA lAaaflila IUiU-oa4, fcorlk LaralAfas f.iuaa, satu las shatif. u.itaua ksta A-a .as4 aitsr vitta iiA,Btiia e est si ts. Ik-w.iy, ' A. L yr AlllkUTuil LIE l-.Mitl.rlM, M'Xi.V'iToM, VUl'ii.JV til Mi-Si U f Bi if tl 1 .lla;' w,i ji ia lbs lf ! I Msatf. f; i ra, ..1-,'s Sis la!, f,.f t. df ti , m ts'f f aa at U, a Ha a I ma fca.f Ik f-voiar fa la tSt,,l ta far .aa astl ratsr a, j t t.t W M tfi 1, h 4 4tw Cifiksf las t 0 yAtl.Wfi A Moi'MiiL f-s M 14 1 1.4 .o,i,a lu ,..-.. o.,l ka .a.4 b. s, t.na '. ij,. . ia lh-ss.iasA t."B,... Sa aa I u U E llai S'.t- S la, Ina kaa St - t. ta , aal at-a aa.4 tv.atai I , " 'it , a 4ffti i.i, SaitAvaf s aa4 t.aata 9 tt..!, ' At W I a... A.., i..... ., a , C, ' t f I - - I - A M Aa tlwol . i t ' . 'ka . . c. .A-rn . a-t - lf,IH i-al y I I ..SAI ,'-- fm a c. If w a i - - f a. A Ka 1 M i awi, ( awt idAetf s'.'ti C.

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