THE DAILY SENTINEL THE DAILY SENTJNEL lU HR'l Br ADYEttTISlXG KATEA. tj-. at IWAY. Adveillments wPt he lnerted In the D-aiW K-iiijiUj. itw lulloHlin; rates oeruuare ol tne int'ttj -or ten minion line. O.R'i-, aar thConvt Htmiac. ttM.iiti4ivout.uine... tl.iv '-;eU ulis:'aci4"ru4erUoB tt UmJi a w..- i; .VI Tim or eiCRirrio). iiare, I wuek,( S..VJ-I inaie,Tmns. r!.m -tmonui, .tt t - -JK.iM line -, in ai'v tncc. ..f v(M ' ....... 11'' 1 Thrwe months Insiv.iice.. ... D S Th IHrLV I'luisn, will l eil -"oil In ni.i' i " nr .hb ' " ; ao.mi;i It 4.U0 s " M4,mii " U 4.Wi any rwf iw titf t tffia.i.itlitr : - ' - : : : - - - t t- - i ' it MORNING EDITION. Latest TixEGiiAPinc NEWS On 4th PAQH Citt Al aii ao. January 21f, 1873 -Kon rise 7:08 Bets 5:18. Weather Report. Wtuhinglon, Jaii 20iA. Fortbo South Atlantic and Gulf States, southerly to Westerly winds, riling a temperature, ciouay n earner suit ram, me former veering to westerly and north we terly over the western Golf Stales, with failing temperature and cleat weather, ,.: ' Yaiibhouoh Uousk. Jan. 20th. Dr. Q W. Jllackmlk Proprietor i J as. W Beard,, New Yrk ; J M White, a C. John III Dillard, Greensboro : Murray II Smith, Greensboro; II Parker, Tnnity College; W Walter, Baltimore; A 11 Anndrews, I. v.. It v imams ana lauv. uomaitoro. Jos. WUIiams, Pauther Creek ; Phil Map man, Phil., K U Arnuld, Henderson ; J H Laasiter, Renders n j J Parker, Wimt loa; J 11 Pricu, Baltimore; W J Robin son, Norfolk ; CjL S 8 Royster, Otaw-" rille; O A Taylor, . Oxford ; H Ilarrii, Honderaon, John Uootlie. Henderson, it K I'arham, N 0. D E Young, Henderaon ; Gil Cofliold. Hruett; John L Ulick, Charleston : F B Hjuiau, Ooidaboro; Ed- ward Bauodera and daughter, Johuatun Miat M M Creeille, MUa.X Creelle, Hyde ; W 11 Green and lady. Company Shop: Thoa, Hayca. Alabama; L .N B Boot, Still Wit-r.N. C T. HOTEL. ARRIVALS. National Hotkl, Jan. 18 W. II. ' RiyUy & CV, I'roprittort : ft L llrin : kle, 8a!ubury, N C, Thoa. U Jenkina, city, U V. Bailgcr, city, L II Yount;, cT. 8 P Williama, lloi kinulmin county, NV, H MChen, Ooldaboro', N C, B K Airinton, Goldsboro', N V. Mr. Bprunt aud daubter.Uuplia couiity, N U. HUME AFFAIUS. 1 Cottom Markkt. Reported by Lynn Adaim, Grocer and CommiMion Mcr- South Market Street : . EilJion, Japaary list, 1CTS. Price of e itton la our market to-day t AtUm Ki8e Al Cp. in :...'UUU0 Ualer - -r s it -; yj Receipts, 80 ba!es. Ton of market quiet. ' - -. m IxroRTAXT from Washisotoh. Our tulegraphic bewa from W uliiogton will be found unusually intctiuJing. rWith Pa- s Wm all at tea 'ion In the advertiMntenl of J. IL Kirkbam whe wislies to suit a valuable reiidence aod tract of land. l aasoRAL. A.n.oogii in visium toingmunaer seinHMi n, vsi, ot sue our city we met o. yesterday, John II, I n . s . i Hubbard, Esq , Alex. Justice, Eq , of I Newbem, in si tendance oo the Buprom Court.' Job! ' Manning snd ergro, aimed Wrigbt Cameron, bare beew committed k Jell la Ofweervitte oo the charge nf highway robbery snd s-iult with Intent I to kill Michael Tooraer, near Marlboro' s few week ago. Foa Tat Poor la tbe ewclosur la ' tit reel of our of&em w are pleased to tw bag pile of firewood which It being boarlr added to darina? tb dav. for th I mliei of tin prr of or cify.Tbli good orkb.,b.eirftb,Yc.DfMV. Cbrlstiaa Asaocistioa of th city. It It s I relief to know last la tb whirl and eilssnawl tA trad sad eomassree tb poet I are a4 lost alght of. "H that givetti tel " til pour Irs lalit L lit L-wJ w Aa Old IltLSioiiira Daata. SV k-r Irosa a icbaage thai Mr. Tbnt. Rf land, trajl. proprietor of tot Cdnmbns (J . J Jfafia, died suddenly at W;sn- loa recently, la the eighty first ywr id bis age. Id eVeiB w tjttiw tpUd, a I a ksd bswa la the siiswta th day bH.w, appareclfy ; j 'jing hit oaataJ g tud health. Mr. Ragtsad wo bra la lUWiga, N. a nsa rrmovwa w usurps la ssriy ma. II a AS bv sinected with tb JTsfsirtr 'new till btrtnflh Him aa aa.1 or. pariorf aad pat at lata Urn SAri With aMlters. ' clj LX01SLA TITM tl'MiABt. la tb Sossra vettavday a large seat- Is )f aaeaaasr were U4 ttp-m, though 1 lsgr part nf lb ) al Is tl. f.H.l..Ya'lo t4 a Un of a a"t l tdiy thsirartthe H4 I .t loror-p-KaU tw-.v.-b C-l.- a Cai'w!Ua t fttipaej," a rp laj rnt of hk;b. by .sou tsws,JattjMUtaUiq. t.aal UaC pr-.-Tadpiia. T is btJ h )p.'in-lal le t!. sal luHpeUa Ih Sw Yk, Kut f .!! ( Itil t . . TU.' i. ( tpy TL bid latied t-i psvas by a very Wt.lf v4r, tat ttst V as m!w.( xt 'j re SuaMuUrad t p aaatt l at. frmUf saf tb " r Saaarwd lb Lai The aU la pnat b tU2 of a w ch.ll wit HWt Ja kavait ef ta psraaM aw .vl,(M Uf aai y st ! ar4 Nd.g aod Sal Itl Tl lft(l M ii-J k.'. n. i. i 4 r. rtwtal ff th d'.'iii W W, IM dt, f ' f f Sfoae ba'h as rp 1 W has t -a. K -'f m !; M Iff J , t t'sUeti. sad f-w-faie l-e f'iwe - In U- t-4 T I a, loa. SUPREME COURT. . Monpat, Jou. 20, 137d The court met at 10 a. m., Chief Justice Peats in nd lt-Th Associate- Jati pres. at. Tbe following cases went taken up and disposed of at indicated : . -C.H Bwmuii L; Rirriiyttm, adm., Craven, report confirmed. Humphrey, exee'r., va .Ward, 'rxre'r. al, Oialow, continued for itsuet. John N. Whitford and wife vi William r""T g'l'n-' idm'r., Cracn, rej)-rt Sled Whitford and wffe v V'oy, )d'n and adm'r. Crafen, report filed. f-4'bltfird and W if.-, v Foy, gd'n and aJni'r, Craven, report filed. Bama v an ma, report filed. John N. Whitfird, Admlu'r, l"9l. gd'n and admin'r, Craven, rcpoit fihsd. Same ra. tunc, report filed;' Henry King, exec'r, va. Wiluiingtou & Weldos (Uilruad Cjmpaoy, WiUon, on- tiuued. C. L. Woolen, adiu'r, va. John N. Sher- ard, t al Wa;nc, argued. Wm.T. Blackweir, vfc Matilda Cum-I ming, t jj;noTt att for liearing at end Doe on denvte Exuui Holland, va. Pro bate B. Scott, Wavne, acttled, term to be filed. John II. Powell, adm'r, v. AVilmicjt(in & Weliiiin Railroad Company, Wayne, for end of District. Daniel Perry, va. Edward Hill, Lenoir, argued. J. Heury Davis, v. Wm. J. Smith, Car teret, continued, - .- M. 8. Cohen vi. C. O. Holt, Wiyne, aruued. i . ' '. ltoylaton Insurance Couipauy ( al, yt. John D. Davu, Carteret, arifuud. Iewia M. Pollard, va. Thoa. Wilcox, Jonea, let for Tuesday. . John Andrews, adm'r, va, P. McDaniel, Jmea, argued. From the Kra. INTERESTING CITY r,VSE-JUDGE wTrfs decision. Nohth, Superior .Court, Wake County. J rail Term, 13a. R. 8. Pullcn and otlicis, l'l liiililfi. Tho lioird of Curandiiioucn of the city of Raleigh, DuUudunt. Batik & bona, M ton & Galling, for Plain tllirJU t Hirris, City Ailoruey, and T. M. Argo, f h City of lUieigh. his case having been submittal by the lariHis upon the facts aiireed wtlhuut ac tion, aud having beard the arguments ol couaw.1 for plaintiff and dclendauts, I doc ide as follows t Tbe city of Raleigh being a muuicipal corporation organised ' aud acting under a charter B ran led by tha blale, bich Is made part of lb Mas at-reed, claiui the I constitutioB sua m cusrwa soov erHi,u and secunUea beta dv Persons rt siding In said city. Tb plaiuutf cooUud that th city authoritle have no ucb pow r but can only ux property la tbe now limited sen, excluding from lb mraniug of th word frvfrtf th sAears ia mctum and mturutm spoken ol above. The Case doe aot contain the alKJeviU requircd by sec 81S, C. C. P. to show that th onuovcrsy t real sua in pro- ceeding la good tailb to determio tb rights of the per lice, sad 1 othcrwis a perlectly st tUU. uul a in coutroversy I so doubt real and lo voire questions of Import! tad Interest to Hit parlies, 1 will ptMc -d ti decide It according to say view of tb lew. Tbe case I : 1 be plaintiffs or citixen sod resident within tb corporate timiu ,J tha rut of ltaUlirh. over wboia sad j tW fmp-rty the auUioiiu. of said city parur owe certaia solvent credit aod xarliMS apoa which the city suthoritte have aitssnii a ii ft my purposes, Tbe auaouul and k.nd of this property ait tut sUlod. Ths qwsatioa i therefore prattnled, have lit aaiKantiee of Ute city rbl tw levy a tat lor City purp-wr up. tb solvtol tr.diU and awasd by lb plaio- l.tft and nlbrra 1 bk c J.h.i. Hoc.!, AfV 7, of the eat tutloa pnrvldt tht - All li. IrvieU by sy c-ninty, city. town or Mwoahlp shall be sultitria aod ad Voltirns apoa all propty la ft aa xcept orttpaity sir nipt by ibis cooatjta I tkav. U ni'ix taeswe Mil Usl Ihi U a ovsnttttanawe prataswa tut tbe u aliuw of all pn'party by 11 city . ... ...t i ...I MuviJiaif f mtI K I !i. m. ta mhkk ug Mlkit be levied. I f u Lit piuu-.idt H I oualaadi-d the Word I prtrti aasal awast b UkM U its I retrFwt rm, hu " the kiad ss'StMHaai aw Uleaded brea. My Upiatva Is, Ua; ih tHttua wa In tMd4 to dniar .mp!l lb BtaatM- la bxh aaunia pal wtwtaltoto s!.il l levy uta. to-aitli thai tiy sstowtd be au- 1 da sad e-lfal-irtm. lad a-t to d or! are lb satttkM lo t 114 t'f H-a. 1 hi a to b 4' by Mlt r auM of lb t. !t.itiii mhtt t:i K d sa. J t I taSattu Wa liralrd ii a I (..! lat-l U, and l'l g t laat "I Ruder I . .. l.ln.t. t; Ijj i-i.ut o t.u ulr !.. t 4. m.Mi. pmtHl I s lto ' '' W -f Ci'HW, t-t aa. ti -J t la ut I ml c i a ar l talaU , A . 1 ..t sanw Li in ('..VaJ pvwat 1 I . LBailii aw in sail ) tl cat taakf ) . t. f p.aU4JtJS ! lb Lgiw I t't w. as) 1 tt rtaiiat l:a pw t4 Ulalfa Sty llan arati.Mt ss It may Iktah strr, ) t gd bansg k I I t !. pw w "4 tk f watttMii,, My (lpataa, tUa' t' i. Hial tk r it of the at Uk it laty Ik. Ul d a4 t p4 m, and a4 i m.i by ln i i, aaUa)a4 liR stti ml ll..lii IkiA, In eaawt t-pd tw lit fttf wr( ( ktad t'y lb : )(!. I it ra' .'j.t' ll i Ut J li b'-'i la f .-r hr l A'- -, ",. bHi 4 I f a I Iki ral . as! n a I'tal a I-- t'in M Ual S a at I' l'l ( I ki.'. t I f 1H. M t Siawai I ana iw a U ik .. tfa laitw J ! j.-w--t. Ik. I ! l'.U-a ! - ntat ta - tl t a I Mt-WwO, ! ) t ' t ai. Ik W. WAtiJ.(VC Legislature of North Carolina. SENATE. ' MoXDAT, JAIU 2i The Senate wa called To order at 11 o'clock, President Broaden in the chair. the Journal or a-ituMay -was read and opprond. bit. lluspefti anuoimot-a Mr. h.1112 as absent on recount ofxick nesa. rKTlTMKK, 0. Mr. Siil'cy pn-aentjd th petition of cit ixeni of B-aufort count, praying for the etabliliinentjf a new county to be culled tmii, out ol the south wit tern portion hf Beaufort oouutv. Mr. Hill, a petuimi of citizeni "1 of Brunswick praying or the nicorpoi tion of Shallott Church In that county. Mrv Eilia, of ColuinUua, a memorial of citizen! Of Bladen cotinty In Tuvof tif change in the dividing Una bttweeu illiv den and Columbu. , Alio, by Mr, Ellis, of Columbus, a peti tion of citizens of Robeaon, aaking the Assembly to pay to J as. McQueen, the reward ottered by tbe State for killing the outlaw Bos 8trunz, the evidence at the killing accompanyinir tbe petition. Mr, MeUauley, a petition i citizeni ol Union county praying for the passage of an act to incorporate Mount 1'rm.pcct Camp Ground, and for authority to the county commissioners to mko the necea aary by-laws to suppress disorders in laid camp ground. ' - Ail of which wero sppropri ttdy re- leweu. K SPORTS OF COMMITTEES. ReTsoTtf ftora st.in6nnmitrtrWRrflrefe presented by Murray, E!H of Columbus and Gudircr. MeMftgei wore received from the Hatha transmitting sundry engrogtsttd bills aud resolutions which were nppropriutuly re- l erica. . istrouotiok or hills, o. - Ur.lMrikh Introduced 4 bill lev provide for the bieuninl election of theollhers ol the Goucrul Aeiubly nnd to prcacribc their duties. Kcrerrei. Mr. Try, a bill to authorin the We jcra Kailroail Coinp'hy t issue bunds. Mr. vramer, a om to amenu me nci providing for a cheap chattel mortgage, lJettfrreil. Mr. McCubc, a bill to authoriza the sheriff of Edgecmlt to cilluct arrc irs of taxes. - Rulerrtd, Mr. McCauli y, a bill in Million to the fees of R-'gistrrs of l?'jj nnd Justices of rw I'eoee. - IMnM. Mr. Moiriinon, a res Kit i in to adjourn without day on Monday 17th February, at G a. in. i.ies over under the rules. rAssAec or ua'i.trioMt. The resolution urging our Senntori and Representatives iu Cotitots to uu Ihcir in ins in pMamg the bJucstionai bill now pendms in Conirreas was adoptwl Also tbe resolution providing for a coin' mines to cancel and bunt taut hers in the Auditor's Olliee. On motion of Mr. Mernmon, a mesas'.; was soot to the House mousing joint -,;,l. nn j.,it U..I.. ..f )r.l ' rill, sc., ost rAsaaajE. On motion of Mr. Cunningham, th role were raspeaded aad the bill In rela tion to tnwnthipt wa put upon It pas sage. Mr. Cunningli un explained tbe object of tb bill to be In provide for appeal from Township Board of Trustee to Board of Dm my C.Minuisdonrr, thence I u 1 1 .1 u.. w v. n ' - prviue vuurw AS m law nuw itfti4 Township B tarda bad power Ut lay out new sn I cIism old rusd without their se tion beinj reviewed rxnrpt by county board. Th bill proposed to restore th right of appeal to a judge review an 1 Irons bis tirciaioa to the Supreme Court. Great hardship wa complained ol ander tb operalloa of the law at present. The bill poMcd its second sod tUIrd readmit. Mr. Todd wa siinunc4 as slwoot os account of rcknes. It wa alto announc ed that tw wtwt MeCauUy bad, bean cora- aeat, but that Senator sooej aHerwald returned to hit seat. A smHiii wa received fruen tl Iloase annouactag tb 0toptlni by that body of th rule 4 ord of last seawtoa for Ih fo.rnBient-rrtri Joint AssrmVyr- lit ltrmlly paawd over, at tbe ugtioi ol Mr. Moreneaa ul uuillora ltn "aoara CASt.lRA C-llKTKl CM It cum r All T. O tnollo of Jlr. Ofan file Wert auaran lo-l and til bill lo 1'icorp .rat th "North Carolina Coawructioa wiasptsj was pal BlHta ll pM2a. Ml. iirsady Ural th pa4.g vt th brtt. WhTi herrnltlid ht toe n the- r-Ki'intni' of I-mt New V . Nw f t k an 1 I'harltl.ta RailraJ, a tbartd M which ha I bat-a granted by the p I N Lnua- t4.H th Ctrl.una r- 1 ee. I Mr. Deabasa t ived tH bdl hw ial B aiLly p.ponl. It r. e t ie I it a ttr"rr that Tf the "-'T -w n facihttl lbs btil disg a.f this tt4. B'tth lr ht I tttwa Mi I f Mt aataiy st fit lime Ih ral'ntad C'lt'lttr was granted, Tl pf.a t.l -kt I iira.4 a try nuwf f- aa auraianH-.'atd cotpjraUot)- poaert Ittulit ik-m I t aaaka In S pit to a rai rd. Nrver . Ulur k d luth potrra lyl Skkol If 1 e'aa)L i.i. t.ra !f u.M Ut. Da inn thou' I l ii;fe,l d . o. ; . u, that ll In I tijut be aaa.. M etraeaarr. 11. e-Hutnltttw ha!i. t'.. I 'll (bejl 1.J y,a-.ifnaieair I 1., wi'h R atturttdmstit w rw4 m tk twa i n r ww l. 10 It at II c ll apoa Hr, Itjn'xftt ll t, ity kit i.i. j ttHata. Mr. D.inli.iS WaUifi4 Lit'. It I aa L,.r -tli a to- Utiure t ll I . taw J Ska at , pn.t !. lit tiw4 la htkiW why the f..j'rtfl tif tb w Shi a1 ant Inrtirps td Ibe pmiUUtwi 4 kit Uil la lb Ml $ aod cbartwl Ik- was sa Iha rwUwdar while IM f ai r I lUl'tt wa l.'' tl. fWas'e, Th bail ttt naalll IS i'tltiwatwi U i ).!. sttail tpx.lUaJ'y al I J ml. Mi. U'ylf -4 4 llae klnl lufmd lit b il. Tb tmyf ttU y a j-l l r gM tt bt '.-t IU r4 ta i-t teitta l tb lg fcat tit -re'd e ( H ii.ta ataetfc IU tmrfaaard ta ' ih ' i t tbe lull M tat.-Ht. - U ttf d anf batatta mitt - satf I km " f-"Mif li"W CtB patlUS mtm t) t.ttfa, w t I ft.-n ' w a- . d fa ti4il"" 1 , .. bww4 M. La a."- tt Iks MM I'.aa ul !., V.I. Matimawa OatJ lhaaat (r4 ' ti n were not alarm'ng mexJy to the ps--p: of this State but to the t'.-ngrcs of he tuned Stale, wtatt were aevisiug means tn check their frrowiog power. He objected to the bill on account of the in Unite owers U sougtit p-iwera, cx tendiug even to the establislimeot of banks, ic. Thb danger was that ere long hev would control the legulatiou id t'.ie Sut and of the country. Mr. K.wrx-ss remindl Sir., SIe(rrtmon -hat tho amendment of the commutee restricted the company t. lhubuilding J the roaci. I Mr. Miiriiiinn thouiria the auuiadment I did no nucli thinsr, , Tli nroiKWed charter Lavu uulimited powers iiiolndinsr that ol nuunicr eertilicalea ot in.lLlKedum ana 10 1 imme iudirnient. flu would not ijive In I support to the bill till its purpose were 1 di unitelv uehneu. Mr. Fiemingsnw tne tnver ttt- twtninx - indirment should tw strieken from the bill. I he charter, however, ui uuiiu me road had been granted. Partius . weie coming ti build the road and it svtmed noihiimbut rik'ht ih.t they should b tiertnittoil to become ino ruorated to pr- tect tlieuiwlfi-s and their Capitol. It was rminoMxl t.k 4fti,hti-li Bimor enruiraLlon I uuder the Kratid corporatUin. Mr. stilley said Hie commtttee hail re- ported that the pjwers souuht could be 1 obtained uudor the general incorporation art, nd therefore the Statu eould not be rjured or benefitted bv the motion to indefinitely postpone. The bill could be tl... t.ttwa..r lis unit . nents. t - v this cmips- lev tho jrene i-provisioni Mi. Dunham did not Hunk nr could be incorporated ander ral ct if lm liMilnrutooiT Its DruviMiiill' I H charged bad faith in Its projector! in not advising the Senate of their purpose whi(re railroad charter was under con- TiTlcraliiR.. Mr Gjdger.oue of the committee, stated thst both bills were before them it the tame time nd that th;J h id conuluiled a tir i- ratiroail bid nrtt, ami tna? i Unreport on, the pvsont bdl had beeu un a.oiUaot. oeia.e. Mr. Dunham re.mnej. lie charged bad fail b in another rcopuct.. Ho was uuured on tho authoiitv of a Beiiiltor, that when the railroad bill was up it Iriuidt gave repeated assurance that R was cot their purpose to ask for subscriptions from counucs, where the present bill sked fur power to rceeive such lubscriptiou. lie repeated that in the first instanoe the rVuate shouta nave- otcn bjvi-i oi an the nowrrs souuht for. Mr. Murphy did not. -an undurstoud tits pT' j vtor ol in bill, no n ia rrea edlv heard them ductule that they wanted every dollar thtt could be raiwd la the State. Mr. Grind f ri uio'J tliat there had be n any bad taith on the part of the Iriends of the bill. Both bill were before the Srua'.e at the same time. He n prated that the present bill wa merely in lurtber ance n4 the buildinu ot the railmad. Ho thought tber should be DO objection to 1 it as it proposed to rrinji into in tin I I a . .... I ..I .l,.ll lilHn UT. W C Mnif.ii-i MWI.I-. i .1 7J rif - Zh ! .hr. 11,-1 . nd-Tt Ing a lc.p Hi tl dark, light R " Mr. Norwood obji-cted to the bill wbe- bav beea throw upon ll. The bill l s distinct mnaaure, it not bavisg isaeB l- ,tJ o, ai7.i nboa in cunlunctioa with r ' . . , i . . . ' I iha railroad bill or hvio toa ltro duccd a a .upplcment to that bill, la passion- th railroad bill, tbe Srnate bad been told that tb projictor - ba-l an I abundance of mean to com n let the I work. After the ptsmge of that bill, I then come in th present bill to pni into I ths hands ol th company the mH oil building toe Mao. lie eonsiuerea it very doubllul whether tb bill would have patted had Ihlt condition of t flair been unacrt'iMHi ii tu time. lie wa not in formed at the urn Ibe privilege of build ing this road was granted that the root- pany Oa.i not lot mean in compiming it. A to vuiHimjr too nwi mwi un mil purpoat of th bill. Ml. Norwood bad hi doubt. He asked fenalor la read the bill aod they would aot find a word point In ir la that dirvcttoa ; and but ftr I amendment of the comm. tie si tvmotctloa whatever CouM be triced tsfwa thetit. Th bill bof.ire th aimply sked power to do sn)tbmg, at any lima and la any place witina Iha lian a u uie omt. The amendment of the e-ttiiisntuji ha- diflae its obi-wt tiwiwwhat by providma that th pMaasut;bt should It "nrrr- sary In the eoestroctioa id Ih rttatt. H it snotber eeciHMi wf the bill gave Ih company poasr lo make, ctSitraad I at I Uda,OHrt)ia.ludiiuuU,cfii0cai nilel.tolnva ami ail miner papers lor what I aaked Mr. N'ttwood ; n..l aa "wot auy to rowtfu. t tlie Nw Y ttk, N orloik soil C Utriawloe lltllr i., oil st i sarv to Itt (tb C-xnpatf't) botn Mr. N'trwuoti sill ut t tna b 11 as a bu;(, mia-.baif n, bi n I tw." It al- Iu. st, said hw, ew Wet latnos pt un ttit'ite UieatMvn eiart ol )ttic. Tbey cla'msd the ! ta iwie jotlg- Bteoia sad urn lo itu c rli'leait uf Ihtif oen It ltbte-lne nat pp -d bt any su- k b U. il had c oa n I at I has a htt k bad fi n a 111 a I k ( "f S'H'.ti C taMajf f rttr'P,'t.1 aadbiwou'l mw ft i t If im.lhaJ ltriaiMaiy. aai.ia.l'Hii any ntea.u lo that n I Mr. Tr 1 ra' 4 Ih rfl s . t .'.. Tit o'l t ul I I, and Ih a itt-td-m- Bt d h rwttit:tw wa (Lt. 1 h awl oa l.i't msrrwl t lii a- St' l Ih hi I wl i s aurtm l la ii -i '! II. It il I. del I't p. a by T t"l J lt II, ( ; !t aha .! I IJt f5 ttin ot t 't I' . riMBmi t. t'tao lr, n ;'t.. tr3:-.;.'.i.Tfi.a . x ..; M -'', Xajtn, It"-,-, ywMif, tk. 'h I Wa-lt. a Ui el Ui 'be al t we : ! mii A KM, li.. l."l', ( .'W.C aa- !e, 'im. !., Dtnltsot, f. 1 a, rf ( t lattiotta, Mott , Wi, M' s1, k!f I aw . i. Xl Mow oa. k....- '. M b I. 1 1 0..i l. Mair.y. N . a Xe tl. fttwttl. h.ii, t.J-., liwy, Wa'k'f. t rtB a. t-h It Mi M. ttd jt lb. bid ia tt o'. Uil lit ta. A it i' iM a" -i I il b a l ante M tb !. t4 ' , ati I . I r e.ry. 1 I Irf . i - 'el tat it- Uau.M-l.i-l i-t . i tid I "! iWI'a 'al fc. . i . lie M 'I'f 4 Mat. Ve' tt A- i - ff t ty y. Wi ...1'it l i r. . ii i t. t4 ta L.-i T ai 4Mtpti by M' M i-a ad i b i strati e O t-.,", aj a I. fc- j I a I n.l otln.ioUl .-III. If ' A '.i s il ke tawti-lr IMtfl rejttins: this bill with a view lo Its being'l re- nfeir.'d'for amendment. Adopted and I tht reference so ordered. I A uKJM-ige .-ts received from the IIouc tr.oi.-uiit tn:; a mesaiga Irom the Gover-1 nor, Bccompained by the report id Alex. .M elver, Superintendent of f ubhc Instruc tion, on the S:ii0 or Durum IslsnJ. lielein d to Ilia ciuiiinilt 'O on education. Harris co!., called up tliec:iL'rucd bill to punUh cuticcis ol minor from their parent or, xc , luyoiiU the ttt, or from one pirt ol the Stule to anmiter, wjwiout na cousi'ni ni said p' pent, eia. Mr, Mr. Barnhadt moved to amend by pro- vidtag that such minors should uot be nnrnoTOI or emoioveu. Mr. Cowluf moved to amend by provi- ding that the erttioing, harboring, &1 , isnouia oe aone Kuowiuiiiy nnu wuiuiiy. tiarrnjemt- tuts ronT-imrcna- meet as ditructive of the object of the bill, tiy throwing the onus of prool iin tne parenr, etc. t t, Mr. liilts or Columbus ooncurraa WjlH Harris. .. Mr. CowtK amendment was n iootej... Mr. Biruhardt withdrew bis aiiiuml ment. . Mr. Gudger moved to hmeud by giving ijtiiutce niscreuonary power in tne amount of fine and term of imprisonment, and IU IS t making i-l) the maximum of the former and one month ot the latter, ' - Mr. vt ortn inouhi the Dill now in t condition to be killed, tine hall ol tin Lnitl.iril niOuilAlhiik nf til wiinl dolpli) permitted their childrou logo unpii) periuiiieit rneir enimreu to go where' they pleaded and hire themselves oii.'This bill would eiieo the door to en.ltes Tiaati.m " endli H litiiuti Mr. Murphy concurred with Mr. Worth Hu would favor a measure to stop th ftrenm ol cinigistinn limit the State, but this bill wouid not ellrt t it. Mr. Miw'iend, of Guilford, favored tlie bill. Hu did not apprehend Jhe lUnt alluded to by Miwi". Worth sud Murphy. iniy evo noer wouiu ue profecui .'iiv 1'lu: bill, by Consvnt. paused it! second reading ami wm relet red to the judiciiry o.niiiiiiitee. Ou motion of Mr. tejuiour the ttenale adjourned till 11 trclnclc, to-mitrrow. NoTU. S nafori TTny, tlriinrty- lend Seymonr were In their icat to dnyv ROL'ali OF REPRESENTATIVES. .MoxdaT, Jan. 29, 1873. llou-e met at 10 o'clock a. ni., PixviVer Robinson iu-Ute-ehaii1.'' ; ' i Prayer Jjt Rev. J. M. Atkinson of the Jo-tru l of Sturd.iy lead ami approved. I Ml (tr Uin tit J-rtsAtl swast slimnl I Iroin h s aeit on iccount of sitknea. Mr. Wsiigh pre n ted a -mum. ral fMm I rertam citu ptot Burry sn l Allcxhinj a. ma rtooiMwii ui io lurnpiae R from It present t.-rminu Ppnit (o th town ul vt iiiiton, Keterre'l. Mr. liu.r'.r, a petiuoa p.xticat.oir sainst any interference with tilt tail ol the Wetttern North Itillnxid. R.f.rre.1. Mr. Biylhe, a petition protuttlug sirtlnst tb0 P-"K u Plbitlng th. wl. of hU,w in ,ow, RenderwinvHIa. Mr. Perry, of Bladen, a petition praying praying the sal "J taW pnh'biUng proiuuii. within . ll '3" on mile of BUUUl ,'""' " w BkFoRTa. Jfr. Anderson, of Davie, a re poll fima the comni tte on rairrotted bill. Mr. Bryvrm, of Swain, a report from the committee on railroads. Mr Brown, of tUcklenlturg, a I c port i nom tu commttlca on pruposiuous and erievancra. Mr. ntanford, a report froia ths 6-tnmit tee oa finance. Mr. Radnor m iva.l that th.i l.tint corn 1 mitlo appointed ttt InvMtltret tb sa!of m western n. c. luitms.l be re.uretfd ion-Xiri aun pi.(iwt tucy nave taaoe In the Invest igtion. Mr. Beonrit frota the romm litre stated that tin CLUiiutt"! hid examined lira T. U Ciioaman, l. w. W otxllla, and a nu.ulicr of iftUera, IR.I would submit a irretrt tn twe ttowre tw the Hon. Mr. lla.l ;. r, a bill to tinrna th law In f rir.l In proceeding la basttr ly . i it. t. rrrii. Mr. iHchev, a bill repeal chtptrr II, ptivat ww itr im;-ti, Jlf, M irhen, a inn to inoorporaK Moaa- Ua Lodt No. lit, of fire snd Ac ptrd Maarm ILIiTTft. Mr. tiidn-. bill to IneorporsieCUwte- I Un I I-od ,re So. ;ll, nf free snd Arrept- I k Mtt. lb (.-rte l, Mr. C'a.. a b ll bt prttliiV.1 1'je ! o oat Hi Mabb.lh. Ib4tied. Mr. U!lVr, a b .l Wi rjl th art la Mtito to qattanUB rtvuUiueit Is n il- atntm ttartttw, ft. l. - H4t Mr. HTtKgJJJsuatl.b,a4ai. t. oily of li;. Mr. Itiw mt to BA.wat the X. C. M ra I'twnpmy. R f rr.-d Ir. D ii, bill 1 1 pti tj fula'.itta IS ftlUil'l c a Oil Ib-tarrrr.l Tne tit t tretw Wtitrs ll an I Ho ttiu iiii-M t-i t tto-irtt ,-tariitw uae IT.. At 'Ci',). to -t..ui4) sat Ih ( bia'-f and ln t Nairn Ueae ll ii. i.i I I .! M ..HI I r t( tit, was k sp ita l J it lit 1 1 rx lix. On at 4 uf Mr. J tha v, Ih Nutti l.t.l rt.a it I iatit til Wa tlijr ftmst lf rrti tit'e ti .lrat at sad . I a l . iei-ir Oa Ct'it 4 M'. i Jja, lb rub m .i. 1. 1. 1 1 t ta u. itaat uUa ta pay M, I. W ii t-4 tfi. !. ! a tit r tail iT lnai la r7 eat ttti '"I 'Itf s t'itty tlitr . ...t - . n i s tt t ,' I ml I'.t 1 l- l t I a t 1 a4 at. A m ' ttt I ' n 1 ft tut tu. e- at t liai.HHi 1 i-;in. aiB( bt sktli ir rial .4 fiil It -.t. t if Jlf. It i 1, ll w.f Nip-tiL 1 aal lit -a. b. l laatth w- li ih. i t ... (i i.f M I t' imrj t I ) ' I a ( . t t f4tbll ' I I .an.!,.,, a (A a Hp aa I pa.l (1 lid t I Itw Sr 4 M' Hut ta. Ik fW i it tt t' n I' t an 1 Ilovt htii'i It P -t ( 1 - i t - . -4 if t. i . I' i k' . at J '.If II It.ttiaa .iii it I .1 I -I Ha . - -1 f , S . tr. f 't at .,- tt v-l . t . sa.l tt Ul ttt tl ml .t a t. i ' ,i- . al It t a t It - t e I M ity, ', t a Iwt. '.tl'i , i W, W 1 .! t. al Ih Uaaaa4 by ia -it 4 I a ... t t a 4 . tt V' It ' t at' Ik Itrnaa t " a u o iii., ; '1 sf IM f-.i On matioa of Mr. Jones, .f Caldwell, '18 fui'iher consideration of the resolution was p wLpuaed ' and m tde titer special order twr 11 o clock on Tuesday the 28ih Junuary. ' On motion of Mr. Houston tho U6. J. J. Hickman of Kentucky, was invited to a seat on the II mr. The meMiiL'C of His Excellency, the uovernorj nansmiiteu on 9tturday In at In rdercnoe to the s.le of Durant's hlaud was transmuted to the Senate The rule were sufpernKd and the res olution in iavor i.f the oominisiiioncrs of Madim.n county wo tukeu unand the resolution poasea its third readin vuuur a xunpeuaion in me rules the bill to inoorporate the Farmer Loan Bank, iliuingtoii, N. C, was taken op ami pasted. H seexud readiug. ; , The bill came uo on hi lliiid reaJlnir -wns on hi.huhi in mr. wcueiioii post H"iiei in lo-unurxw t rj m. . i i i .a : ' Under a auspeuiou of the rule the bill to repeal Uis uaury law iutroducod bv Mr. i .......... - . : eviMiuuji waa laaes up. , t n Mr. umvii, ol Miak'euburg, oUerld tbtkutti t the bill. , i '.Mr. Guvtlicr nt,.d to oostnona the A....! . . . . . .. r -. iuriiiiT tMUUier( Ol the but tili Kat nMay next ut 1 1 o'clock a. iu7 v Un motion W Mr. Joint, of Caldwell the House idjnrj.ed till t omorrow at 10 - " ' .seiuivwi. a. m. LATEST BY MAIL. ly . Loath I ' ' Not a ungle intiTmrnt U reiiorted for - - - ..fe.v ........... . .vj.u.ivi .u Oakdulu CcmeUry Uunug the past week, - p . . - t , - 'w lotm wsued d- ,ioS lho P' wecW.all for colored couples. The Clerk of tho mnrke' ropo-ts tbe arrival of 103 market cart dunnj the pnst wrak. , . , .. i Titer.; wei-q tinea Intel ineut ill Pltte Kori-st Cciiiulery jlilttnj Jhu Week, ill t which were adults. During the week closing Saturday the various butchers of this city slaughtered an I.- j l ,.!.. i . I v u , oa., ,u snoep ana a csives, Tber were 21 mi!!c arrests during the week closing Saturday, 4 ol which were .fined, 4 sent ti the Work Hoiiae snd the balance discharged. Col. Biidgers lias tomlly purchased ever! now atul powerful encine for Witmtr.gtoiif We!J..u .lliilroaJ wluclt will be put on the track very ih rtly. lnm WM P"1' ' City Treasury during the post wj k the turn of 11.437 80. (If 1104 80 were for real and pwrnal aid il,2VI 83 f, .pecifie foxes. I o , ,, , , , , ,, . ... I rjoumthkf entered the prenii- of Mr. I I". V. B. Yopp, on between " Eighth sod Ninth ttr eta, a night or two tince, and -captured a numbur of fcb chickriM. ' The Prutileut't late or Jtr la n gar J to (udtiraj offlua-aoUer nccupyiflg stSW m muolcip! offli.ei s!rts ths following la Wilmington i Col. E. R. lirluk, Poeimsaler, County Treasurer and City Alderman. Deosrd'ey, Inpertnr of CuatoiM snd City AUirinsu. Ooorg L M tbsoa, lutp.-c or of Cus toms and Stat rVnttor. Jsmet II -stun, Asdalsnl Asaewor of la- temal Revenue and a mini bet of lb L"f I Wature. I Jas. A. Lowery, Iupctor f Custom tnd Couuty Comin'ttaloner, E. M. Shicmaker, IntpecUtr of Custtaa sod County Comm'waiooer. NoarvLK, Wnaixorua aid Cbaruls. j rwa RttLROAw .... fjen, Cntrtca B. Itnart, pretidMt of lb Not folk, Wllmlngtoa and t liailes'.in Railroad Company, trrivtd la tint (ity jitter lay aioiuieg. At algbl a Ratw.lttg of tb e-tsamtlt apwuUied at j the ne. ol meet is'' at tbe IbamUref Cfniiii ue - bill si lb Tirst .Stl. lall fiabk, at tit plana, parpnsre and ol .j.i i.J tb taterprtw we-t d tcnaafd. ll i reso vtd that a puUk matt-! lug of tilihen It C Ud .T Tamil J Salt, si tlttta oVl.-ik, al lb Cotnnx icial El- h. !-, st Wbirb G'S. Ptas't Will fee pwoil ai, I ii It'.n Hi" ol jt ts. It.'. Mi.tna I sud I. a s ui U. piojt- J iX Vti BUr, lir. The yr IH w ft cill.t vi !., ia tb Riat-a. Th rl.trrre I t bat that ll will find i't tatbh si laa.-b UlsTl A rKt tl.'iaa satli. 4i' y i'.t. Ut lati l f t l- l l 'i! uf lb baSita u K a ft, ti-ata. til, and rd. Ia tb btl J-l Auliai aal l t aate ina-d a.i. il SI 5 0 -0 l(., St 1 ia aw 41 o n. w.a kukd ia th s- t 4. 1 2 ).0 f) f I h tBlded with I at.OsAl It-total., aa 1 al rlaa Kie ae-a IM.frjtf f irmbnt'a sa Mt J I,') (iff .tuna. , Wa nt lt rrt ...w.v bis r. r la 1 it.ait. i. i.J ttu-va , a il ht 4 .in I i4 I ll -way sa s I' J. t . a etj tpry. till I I Alts. bad hi tadwta, t w A aif, it a-y iwh. ttuvhtt f. Jottot, fa. , sfsf Wa la y ftabaltl l lwaa Wbath h b a-. Hhsri pt-aK aM f -tjaa le sM Urt t. .1 ut af lit aa m, S ka. I S4, t ibaa4 aal t k-i.k, haa-WaaaH a.l(iwa l ta.aa, .y. U-t tatl tatt etta aa ! ly 4 latt lu BalWtkt t . -ai oat Sataq aa 4 aa ' mm aat 4 batttt -a 'V tk -a t- t 4 h-aa tt aM m b ta k4 iai aatt p i. 4 i a a'-iw t t h attt haw- St Ba,ta4 attttt baa ka 44 4 y'be It a,wt ;-'!'.-. .t a 44 t ay htt aa atttl e,Ut ana fmmtit4 k la-t ba baa fmmtum f t bt a a; a. a'V t-.-.f ,aaA Wat libit t a at t V tt Ba 'J j t'V " ' -tl a t M, A. WH AT Till SEASON SUGGESTS. To assnme wsna clothing; at the commence ment of the eo'd season a only an act of com mon prudence. Bat omcthlng more than this is required to put the body la asU'enf dofeuw sKalnst the searching atmospher of winter. Damp ha a depressing elTect on lb vital orxan and the animal splrtte. Th amount of lit power taken out of tbe strong, est ot us by the chilling vapor which fre quently loa i the sir at this period of tin year is very cotiflileraUa, and to tb wetk 'and languid they are extremely deleterious. To pro toot tne systems sKtinst their efSecls, U must bs" Inwardly Vmod,' feghlated. snd rein forced, ss well a shielded outwardly by p proprlato icarments. This Msentlal service Is more safety sod sitisfactorlly accompl.thcd by the dally as ot Ilostettor's tStomscb Bi.t- tw ttiaa by y eth r wteane within the pro- -vine of miliol science. The tart sere slated is a tnctmtiroverUMe a a demonstration la mathematics. Nobody dis uta IK It Is ft matter of common bullet and general rs- cord, liar Uis cat m1gb- retted ; bet tbe public, , naturally suoutsb, want to know why this fain .us x-Ktt)l specific is so fr ah aad of all other medicine ot It class. Thl reaMiasb1 curiosity ran t readily (ratlBsd. Tb Bitter eotuprls lye hnportsnt esessentt, rut: stimulant, a touic, so' ajierient, and s blood dspurent Each of tbe rompoaetits, a well a sscb ol tbe othar lubordinaae ti irredlcnU, li the purest and bsst ot It kind. They are praportljned In aeeordanee with a formula that ba been la use for twenty year, and ope rat barmonloasty and slrauItatMOUsly. Uencs tba nnlform soeest of them Ualnsv -ln M-idlwAwn , 5 . -,-.. . , , IT ACTS UKK A CUAB." 4 this Is what we hmr on all side of DB. TUTT JtX!-K,.T iKNT, In eases of Crouu, Bronehltls, Asthma and all dlwatea It atfardalnsUnt relief. It permeates tha vary , siiluuns o( th Lunira and caum s them to throw off all Serld mltor. It Is very pleassnt to th tnste. Children take It readily. , Ntw Tout:, AunstSl,1809. Dt. Wm. II. Tiitt- r Sir Wblls in Aiken, lost winter, 1 sed your Eii.reUimnt for my eond, and found nior injur took half a doaea bottle, hoin wlUt m and have had Wl ! vtm l tt t aiy (riaml, r lease send me one doaen I'V Kipmis, U. U. D. . ALU. "U Cl'UlllMd, IM Wast 81 BWWet Dr. Tu'.t' Half Dto Imparts I natoral'iolor. JalSleodlWAwlt .i . i sat mm Lit PERKINS' Vf ! Mbin Iiici. r Buvar are eaullonrd to avoid UCj nnraerona Counlerfrll and linilatloos ollered lot sale. JOHN l)U N.;AN a A SONS, New Tor, NEW ADVEUTISKMENTS. gALI Or VALUABLt CITT 1'UOPKRTT. ateal estate, henae wl h room. Bre nlse ' I" k room, wlla all Ilia n aeaaarv out hoawa, irood well ( watrr In Ih yard. It l"" ! ef.areth aiotof Ja.uary, I i it wiu ita soiu at ui euart itous poor on I that day. fan eath , balance one and two l-K-tara I IsalU-tdo - J U. kikK.UAM. I t-x n aiiff I XJ . - I lsca Pioson Cvasio vs Dasva it via xrvottoR or ALaau-, , PaiLAOiLraiA, Pa., Jaa. I, ItCl. !-tal tilux, nror Wot'.oa' ttalloa, la IMaware euauly, la, Mra. Csir and Uiree rhuiina am burn t-4 t - tf atb ty th ilo. ti.ta uf caHoblnatloa lu.d Mrs. Carr aa Ulnar a tamp tlu t was a. .1 l nhiad, bat ths bw vt Uis riMMa ialt4 a vapr irom Ih Aula winih was binlled by Ih i', tnmi ahlrh th amp aa two yard d (ant. -(Nee luik Hrnnd Joe. lllU. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL ' rrnnxTLT saps. - It ha hatm btfiaw th pablle tht ysara. ll I bow nat.1 bv 4H0.(H)1 fAMIUTA It haa ttm ba. 1st aa sf sa a. colrkl 4li by tti latl.rv i:y. It i ot aia.ll. U Sua Bait ba ..,..., ....... .ilbotaa ! any Uttts It I a rlaat aa iitf Wsbt. Ii k pat'ia lly aafa. It I tti4 al Ui KB pre a C"U.aaoa ImwiMi Ii nuktt a bolbM 1 It than ay u'. sow la It k a UXLT at Ih Hardware Uwas ef Jl Ut UWUAIM, - Ka . . ',. la. C . J t4r..ULtlUUsa lUUniTril ATR AL OtU, lta't tab ant -. S-a4 o hi lu cu. '!-. it tf JJtsCVl Lit A lO. " VlllloMlf .a. ltl-IUtl 1)11 UG GISTS, H rtj.turv V. lb, 11 A L K I 0 it , it . V,. Hot h at-ita Utl aai ia , fi; , a riAsnkiot, t Ittilcl CiUMlCAU, yin rirt siruiE.. . laaaUtkaaAhvt AKf M it fH. taflttr, II I' . f 1.41 HP'S. i titttACrs, Ilia l V Pa i a a i m im jira i. a, in, I. .AS. '.! II ttf Uta baat a a. , J f V M4. 1 11 i 1 . I t! li t4li 4 latitat ta. f . t m m 1. 1 a t . i all tit Mtii-t, at ii .t--,..i wwM t t 1 . . a tf tat-t.taktl 1- i" t J . 1 . , . .,11 -a I IM W. ,.. I '.. a . f - , ,;. . I ,.l if. a i.l .titti. . - till J" ststatsa e OJaaJt ' 1 I - I wi ti .XJ t K S.a .V M.