i7 THE DAILY SENTINEL THE DAILVSLNTINEU: rrni.'nis ity OtUe-rV neav th,e Court'IIoue. . ;; . A0VEUTIS1XG RATES. AdvertliM-mmtswi!! be Inorrtfil In th Dii tNTlMtt at Die fuiluwiiu; ruu-a ln.r aijunrc I icco, or ten tuiuiou iiuea. ;j9imrtj tn liuie.... . w.. ..." f I mi .h n balneal 11 rtii-o nn-i hit ; n-riiirnnY tfun.ui.l..u..l. TTT .'HJ ttosyw, in ' fence S00 Ptx ni'Hitht, In advattco..., ., :., 4.SU Tare, nioutbs, in advance f-tS The- Daily SifTiitEi. will be ikllee ed lo sny part ef the I ity at Firm i asis per 1 - i mourn, mi i a :v .(i t " S uMi'a, IS.wi t : it ' .!.( 1 - vt.(K,;t 1' w .t i- ;: ""jjo.wMt ;. - it " -V. ' - W.lK'jl " ' O .Vi.UO t - . .- VOL. VIII. iwVLEIGH, ..Xi' WEDNESDAY, JANUAIiY 22, 13. NO. 114. HOMING EDITION. LATEST TSXXaXtArXUC NEWS ON 4th FACE. LIEGE T CIRITUTIQJI IF All PIPES PIBL1SBED H TBI ClTT. City Almasac!. January 2?k1, 1873. Fun ris- 7:07 ; 8tf 5:17. Wkatukb Hepout. Wa&ington, Jan 21. For tha South Atlantic and Middle; Statt tlrfng bartimtter, freih to brisk -westerly to uorthcrljrwitida and cler and clearing wetituer, with fulling temperature " over the bitter and possible areas of light gnow ovtr the northern portion. ' HOTEL ARRIVALS. National Hotrl, Jail. 18 -W. IT. Itaglty & Co., lojrUtoT$,! JW Bigg's, N. C. i W fl Ball, Greeasboro ; D L Boo gie, Salisbury ; Jama D Buxtoa, Nash ville; JteiJ. W Collins, Warrenton ;. Clia. W (Spruill, Warrenton : J B Timberlake, P W Dowd. Carv ; W F Hargravc, P B Hswkina, Franklin; John J Whitehead, Kenansville; L V Humphreys, Goldsboro Yaiibhowh TJoUfK, Jan. 81th. Dr. 0" W. lilacltmll,' Proprietor : F B Evan Philadelphia ; E II Benzely, Lancaster,! Ky ; W A Graham, liillnboro' ; Thoma MArmatead. Charlotte ; J" turns C Pinnix, Yanceyville; David Scttl, Wentworth ; H F Jordan. Roxbon.' ; Ju per Fleming, Milton; t buries Whirlandijr, Philadcl- phia Wi UMorgan.-jCatri sviUe f Jaittae ttloan, Greensboro' ; H J Parham, 8 J Skinner, U B Harris, J 8 Meadows, It LI Falkaer, Henderson ; t A Jones. Virginia ; Ben) M Collins, Warrenton ; Chas, W. 8pn.HI, Warrenton ; Dr. W.T. Cheatham, lleuvkrw.n, R. Y. McAdiyi, Charlotte; . Misa Lireie Moore. N. C. V. T. Murphv, Famann, Co., N C ; A W Cheek, N 0; w t wamrrrTiTCW miiFrcurK'.TrsTF" fax; J II Omark. NY; AMvcra. Peters limp, Va.; A B Wftxiw, N J W C Cough, ennur, Baltimore ; J W Bitftrs, 8tntcvilic; V V RichardMn. N C; II N Brown, Hltis boro'; Dr M irtin with Mr Ballard ; Hugh II Check, Warrenton; Mr Buxton, Nl!j W W Baxter, Norfolk ;E. P. Harris, Bal timore; 8 P McOowan. Hyde, Co,; Geo J , pwiudie, Hjde, Co.; J W Price, Built more; I) Bell, N C; V Junta Hobiusn, Norfolk.Ya. HOMK AFFAIltSA &uam, roctr Vy"nnioion nie hunt, IStith Moikut Strvct : V ltALama, Jnu nr 91st. Wii. PrHt ot eutlon In oar ma'k t to day At l'l m. ,- - At 4 . m. SaUM Recclpta, Tims ot market qulaL 18a1.'i.c .UUlea, 53 bxU. No polic items yesterday. Ail iuiet. The work on Nash Park Is prngrcwln. HrnfT "W". A. Obauam ia la the city, at tlie Yarboiough. Harnett county, in 1800, reported leM than 50 balrt of cotton, and mde I ail year over 1200 bales. Wa cill attrn'iun to the advertlaeinml f J. IX. Kltkhan io wishes U sll a!nall reSdctwa sail tract of land. Mrna Faurt Lawn Kaa, daughtet ef II. a. Julia Kerr, d ed st lb reaidencaof her fktbf la Tsnwyv'11'. Monday Ut "Tki aJ M a biosTTlmUWa sn3 icrom pllhrd lady. . . . L N. B. Battlb, Esq., of Sl, U la the city. Mr. Battle baa vary acceptably rrprrsoaUil bis county la the legislature, aid ka a be4 dotm tipaa thastump. H kts naay year ef good hard attvice la -brwyrt-; - Pcatuaau Ha U. B. Maoly, of New brra, la la tba city In attradaaea rm tM Supreaaa Cotirt. Wa wara U J H aew aUo,la Ibacity jrttcrday, IWr. Mr. Fi bra, also of Sew brrm. II tU tbes s;ciitU- ia tsotlWal Koakh. Taa Boasaa We dinct attewtla to tba antic of tWa !Uakt' Cigara, wkW ill ba ktmmi la another fotutra. Al all ant'kkars ia tUa city will testify, I tig n an w anm7MH. Piack C ll4ir, tk lUlciw laVotita, la t at4a arrfi tbeva r'f n la nil etiy. r. raraita s list. 4r p W rt lj'a l kb, a tltat tt.a urtirnn of t)a aaoltrrHiy of lh 1'alr.HS hi.t mt taa C'ativJ (Tarvh witl b eMtirl la tttMcni j t-a t traia at ror gracd a-.d ia nui It I'.f -.t, t4 a.l avlirii.a intti tuwa, fi U tn l'iLait, aura l Ihn fcUVa'I'-as i is fart, it h a Bal f4 ilmm a-1 r-l h rg Is r.ira M s a't l bf f. .UUiU iaateB We k.v.! baw f-f-a"H oub a trf I rU f f,H tw.oij-. vr b-wra. If yjwa aval's I a ri I e-a.ntl"'f hi. Wi ara aft la 4 tl mum S aa l'e ta4a U-dif I Ike iiiy wii awatue tlu4r B.-al wrrtrkal ra l.'i m, ( a ak eNatoar) a'i4 wmauy fMU w I Pal a.4. la'f d.:T,i 't ft - k it a ( liy a ll) a I pravial a, an r, r.v p. ).; (aa I d a. II t eisaa Wt ,- 1 1. ba lkat . -t i -t.r. ' U I ...si.kiai tin a -rm aa Us t-aa' t lb Sim wa saw V-d t. rwwVrl r ba at.,li.t nf r-H't f . , a tl f i -. i,'u- .( t a . a .. J Ma f-aa a day e taa. aa.4 1 t " a;. .A . t a I.i aa 1 Ik a t.f bt a l.e I i. -. l.j tJ,M dtaiaa eat k k.w It. I. aaa a- n I a Me Ix uis Skat. Senator Price wns iu hi. eut jentcnlay, having ncitvrrcil from hia recent i:id-fpo;tion. " ' W kurn that thcra wire teverul iiatia ticma at Hick mm Lode laat night. H in J. J. IlicWn.u i, of Kentucky, a.di!re9cd the Lodge. ," Mr. M. W. Churchill, City Treasurer, Kcs tr-day for Jjckanrillr, FU , hcre a will spend two or th:ee; witks with ii reUttveii. Daring the absence of Mr. C. Mr. M. Graasffiirfi" ill iitten J "to tlie duties of his office. : W'u take plimunj in annoaucing thnt Miis Blanch IVutr-aa,of this city is agent for "A Popular Lifo 6f Gen. Hubert E1 Im by Eiuilv V. Musoa,' ot Virirtuia Also A Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney, LL. Dn Chii-f Justico of the- Surmii Court i f the United Status," by Samuel TjU-r, LL D., of the Maryland Bar. These books arts published by Murphy & Co., Baltimore, and E. J. flale & Son, of New Y01 k. The clmrr.ctcr of the books needs no Ulnntlnn ' Compmmkntaiiy. Our young towns man, Ltwin W. . Burringrr, eldi-st son of Hon. D. W. Burringrr, rondo his maiden pcech before the Snprrmo Court jester- dny in tlie base of Samuel R. Birdsvy vs. William Hams, for' the plaintiff. A gen- cinau, competent to Judge, who heard Mr. Barringer snya, his speech a rare combination of modesty and talent, and made a decided impreasion on the Court ioilie.tlili'i)t;c. It,, gftteatabiLiilU-ng lawyer thoroughly undeiatood his subject We ore plcnsrd to not t'hla firat fflortxf our young friend. Nkw Autkhtiskmk.xt!!. Iteiul the ad vertisement of A. II. Merrilt's clasiiral sclio,jl, Cary, N. U. A good opportunity for puicnts to educate their children in a good nelioul and healthy locality. - Mulu stolen or si rayed. Read the ad- vertiMment for lurther particulars. Important land sale, Thursday, Jan. 30, TIiiiUiair ruuoUa itav ba U vided into building lots and will be sold. Our leponer calbnl at the re.id.nce of the rnueaaor late laat evening and learned the follow'tnir psrticnlara uf the accident. I Prof. Carr ate some slewed oysters M ,. , , . ,. ... I ihnhM an. I . r. 1 ,1 ... 1 . 1 1 . . ! 1 . . .1 . I ..... ...,.m....j ...,....iU . - small piece i f oyster shell, which lodged I la h.l win!-piic, Iliscfforts to expel tbe I A lilta ot IliM laud nn Iia t,rullini. I cunt ai niiu:l. laiol aa lliev mnv ilnem I ' . . .J ' . r... ,i...i ' . '1 1. bestowed l.y the Hon. Duncan Cam. on r. A. ney. I rawsurer M the aiety. at , Z 'I ' L "i V ,7' Z. P h aValra i f the lUnk ..f the h... the Citia n." National Rink. Re ,d the of ,,.,, Uu,lti nr fl)f llc p4JIBWI. ,5 , l North Carolina, during the long per a.ir.-ttis. uient. ;rt,tnt owners f r the knd a hich ia to be I mhwU hu h'' I1'1' "' de-rvtj Ttaiul th. tii tin.. ..f If W f l.,.n l,l'l io ' PP' .Vf'U?1 V'Tt'"! l",'h.0,J':r,i nJ said llnaece committwi be left to I be .Us J.d by Mr. Gorman, wa. taken uij. . tain tb.t any payment at all ia contem- ',, T'Ti"'.,"' rretioa ..f the county commliouie. T betltMte ..ffcred by Mr. Brown, ol Acr,naKT,P,?!'.u. ' ti plated, the bUWapparently being that the ;f'I'11,u ,b" w'Kk,ho Je,VP?- Adopted. M.-cklcnburg, was read an 1 !. ua.d at Accidst to Pm.rtAH8.-Th. rumor. ,h'at take pension It such land. a. lent Uj Mr. C.meroa a pair of silver pitch- i rkllulll M amendment tepial. -'e leng.hb, th. author. at usstd at lavt evening that Prof. Carr, State Oeojo- i, needs, and thn leave tha owaeis e",u,:, ?"d .T",". '' ,?f'fil'JOM. ing that prtniaioa of the law rroiiirinB Mr. Brown, of Dvldson, moved t po.t. gist, mason the point of death, we are and the mate to settle it between them- m a alight teailm.ial tue bign rat ma- ,,,,,, commissioners to make publication Pn the bill till Monday. Ihsvs tt.s follow '.n hsppv to stale were without foundation, ael.es a. to tha payment therf,r. The r 1 hicb hi. aervica are held by crUl. fln,cia cmdition of the several M'. '--nnsn moved to refer . tbaJuJi- l8lrt"1,rtw' ul wtnl-p!pc, Ilistn.irts to expel tbe a measing upon ine rraia CI Doutn t .ro ll by coughing, 4c, we,, protracted !' t'.e fity of CbwUs.oa. and it 1. . ,, , ' . said that ha baa a trunk lull of aseHiry, anally became exhaustive, but be nl- bich ,. . re.dy to donate to the mem shell and tlmately sutended, it waa the opiate of bis medical attcr.dant that be could . .. i . t . .. . -u. ,o,,Kef .t. .... great strain upon his system. When ourre- porter left lie was quite (asy, anil, it was ncprOToul of iTangcf . se TUS I.BUlSLA TV UK. in li.e tvasw, yrstrruay, in. impo.ieni meaaage of Gov. Catdarctl. on the sublcrt of IbeBlale debL waa twocetly. lbonEk nerh.r t- anil.Hr. reanoaded to b th. cooimittte oa tbe State's debt and liabil-1 " " Mcl. " Ia ligUtatiri boJiia giswaltt It is aereaaary lor even members to ask leave U Introduce a bill at resolution. In the i...,.ni n.. r-.i i.ii i... i. j I mm . , .1 tbe Urotey to sraJ ia at an t, to th. leg. lala'uni wiihnat rvea the e-tnmiMip'are "byyimr leave " We di awl nt mema-j . . ,l i. .. .1. n . . ... I.'ik.t. , . rm i,t, m a.... wh.wiw.'T. va, we are baclinrd t Ibiok bis aweaaage aad bill oei the f lata drM should have beet ni-m--iu.t..li.'a I tnlA It.a au). , . r-i ' - l.okii.( raoeb i'f public li.t rest as rana:l la t'e fVnate Ibxigh axb srisiarae as itanaawte I. ta tke llti-e tM bary law afrviikd the eiieatiwe m aarbte till afjirf nit it rnr fonrr. Tl raoty. J.s. 31 U.U U. P.dl.. va thm. W.l.l sa 1 Jiha A a Ura, frfjs Jeaajsia'gmd. J i II. Haa.t.t..si ar 1 A. O. Ilut,tt4 pl.'i t t. Of -l; ir a I -f ilif.B lak'a. -oa I IL f. '.I--J as Ui i aiis li.n'.i, 'r-a J.-a ; a're . Pwlih A tf. I tV l'ar e- ft p .('.IT. Bnfjd , I t 4f .d.t. L. Ska Wy ea it. M i.hrm t star. fc Vanh I t'.., ta ft M, ( ft -m Wajaa, r,n.ik A Mr i e f r'aiat t: IL M. t-4a Ir k o..:f. M la Uh Ikvaee a am la 4 ike apprl ad l-j tbe e 't eal rn nt ! Krle bfafieg L.A'.i. U at ml, V. Prw f t . ; arfwl, .aaw la. tia r l.iraa ( I.' a f? AVl. Jj. . sal J ft. lt.. lt,'.W f.d..4at, r. ..'-ti L M ml, t. W U ... a ., I .ar- r. ---i . (Ilia I a f a. a painty tuava f , .' v-IIt,.. la t.- 4.f. '... r ! a a lll I aaa, lin Inn. M S" I a k,t r-iala. Atwaf liaaal ! f H II, !,! (. Jo. William. Wa are giad to we in ti e city our fnetid Ju Wil iann of Yad kin, a ho brings tin kiudly uieacaes and four copies of tlio Rational Jn'.ctlipiiuer from his father Nick M'illiam, so favora bly known throughout the Stuto Oue of the pnpens sent u voatairui the specb 4 -Attxrt Gui'atti rt- Laytrtte--mi7rrrs visit til the t'niii .l StH'mhi 1R71 Th otber. h.v not examined, but will do so Slid tell our roaoVra what tiii-T P ir.t.ln 1 We thank our friend for these old copies cf U ItiUiUjiMer - n his- kinrty Tiles' sage. IFrom tli Wllmiag-on Star.) NEW YORK, NOUKOuK, CHARLES TON AND TOM SCOTT RAILWAY. The "Moiida younwia jroiw IMI iWitiiia," who was so succeskful.at 1U1- eigh tn tuginoeriiia the bill to authoriaii the eonitruiHion of ' New Yotk, Nor-1 to meet with so cordial a reception at Co lumbia as be met with at Raleigh. ltiis very patriotic acnema of Tom Bcoutstlius lavorauiy nienuocea Ml Columbia cornspondeut of theChailiston tievit : A 1110 HA1LUOAD ICIIKUB. One of tha moat ambitious projet ti that ha -erer-bceo- -prewnred -to -theTecotn atructcd Lrgislatuie uf outh Carolina was introduced in the lb-use a dayor two ago by Representative Hurley, or ratbcritwiia not intrtidiiced at all, but was quietly handed to the clerk 1o be enlcted on the journal, ai.d then sent to the railroad coinn'iittee, the apparvat ob. iect uf this liitle sinugL'ling device bcinv 1 ttr niTTfirrOTr1tnnw1eiWTitVlh aeiieme by the newspaper corresjMinilents mini it wassntur hi tv mice J t.t (lot to be IiijPrnI by publicity. It l- entitled a bill to au thorize the centtructiuu ot tlio New York, Norfolk atid Charleston 'Railway, and while it does not a-t k ti incorporaie the aunl company in this btatt-, it propo.-es tn confer upon the corporation, which is said tn liave been chartered ia North Carolina, mie of the moat rrtnaikabie rights and privileges that have ever been proposed. it indicates a bitty disregard ol the pro- ',.;.,.,. ,.f II, 1, .iw....1 I ... iguorca altog. t!,er the n.ual formula f. .n.i;i., .r ... i...u r.....h of tlio r.Hiil, and it piiiviJie Inttfad of all this, simply that the company shall "oc ,,.. "frJL .hii.,uihi. mhi dZ i.:n i a i.i i coursca patrioticaily upon the benefits which are to -accrue bi Cbarlestoa and ". ujrrT ,b uui'ainK bla road, which be drclar.e ia to be bu lit by Henry . .. .... J f-ic-g .Di otm-r radiant minded m loo nine for the aole puroae of conlenlog a bleasingupoa the hrata or boutb taro- bers of the LcKtslature ia tha furtherance ,l,U patriotic aad pbilsntbiopie measure. Thj. bj j, u, U- ;f H.wsecoo.n.itieea railroads, where. It is I pretty sate to say, It will remain lining some affjmrnfiaitia, and social thou sand ot tbtm, are adJiMxd U iuilu a favorable report. i trmr. the rtHIlli Ui. Pra 1 ABOl' f 1'HuMlNEM 1 EX COAFED- I ERTK-. . Ger,J f"" U BreckiaiiJge ivc la I l..HHf.ljlB a ...Itlrk V Thimpeon la Jaka Thompson is living. ) ptyltfltl I rin-aastasMe at Memphis. Uaaregr4 M aeperiotrod.ot of aire, t rl ,l 1 Tns sons of Haeeli Cld are fanaiag, u .,H.g b.lcral.'y since tbe Aoctaae I of Wir lath-, Laogatrcsa. ia. a iiutsuat pt-.uua I -- - - ' ... , .., : I . I Oaral C. Clay ia bur.ed at llua'atillai, ..... .... . I where bw pmpairiy wa. aweily asacw Pwa "P I ("WSJH, I Gef al P. 1. Ild ly, a ha k id s ravsliy Maw Z a 1 bld, U a b.nkir ia g d CirruMatabraw. J, 4-ib.' ,n Is turni"! as s .va L. I I. It li..uisj.ie B at kWiaaaab. II er wia( oid Bike eavoara. Uetra kaaahaw, r4 fVnalk t'an.'iaa la a Wavlu-g tawrer ia tbe a-iit l- ae uf l .m In. an I ia Sua. lag a l.v..ii..-l U.a. I r k Ts'' le iKotb'y lb. H t,--t uf in. t.ii().ra' ti-Bcr,, a(t mib faeaa la biakirg and wt,aa latv i pB- II -t a in N. a at 1102 Mewah, El-traa'nr t 1. i ai is a a las tf la tb tea r4 I am l.n, !.nili ,t,ba, aad Bil l a la.l Main, G. f. ta' a M U lla'Ha laai.laa al M'rv bK afcare fca ml 1 Lata a Vy g .-I I f r- l n if ka Btia a avaa.iia.1 by t, waa I hs .aaa gh .aj a ,t mt il a . .. . dai Ilea. t. ft) V ia . . 1, -f a, (' tS tatiksl Ui.ii, I . a ia 1 in b la airf h aa j a I m Lrlaai luril I OOO Oed- and ka tmm$t i.f tka rm- tarn ad Attaau ra..i I. J.ff Da.U ta tta bit .f ll.N I k ( al ,1 M.S I aaa 1 a a--v t .riaa. .t !-f k s. aa 11 tka battv. .4 a r 1 w m k, a tna t-a k rtr ai t ...! aa i a ll.a ha;Ut Mnlf t apaay dW a .'. k Biwaj U la sa f a.s aaa, aal. ..a-.i r. at. n. T'. a hi .4 arvy ewae ta ika ra-f a.a r. It 1 1. . .-.r St t ala. , Iia , im W 1 aa, a 1 M baa lt la . I tlHI 1-Ttl T. I Vaew fWaa) A'ia . kt raaiW law al Vt .1 i , . , t ' B. B IS 4 e i -ka. ad Am aa as. 1 beat w 4 f ' ,-mU.mi.mA aaa 1 1 a s I', a II. ... t !.-.t I t.t al A' I U DOW ftt Columbia tryinff tiit pt reuitHve L....!,..!.)-.- -.wl 1-... if... -t I rh.ran. in im vmtmu -wiwt. unrl u,, :.r nnll, i repent fHJm lina. But th eUrquont ,ounff lobhvi.t H wrffiM I- M pnj rlgl.i. and "j J"- S K S Itt of tha Tom-ticott tamilv does not anrenr I it ia valued at one dollaT a ticanvweiuht. I ...i. . ... ...i ., . i. I u"" i M augh, a report fn k I ! I a I. 4 B aa . f mt ..M .4 awi tat . a.. I!i IHa t -a'a lfra -., LATEST BY MAIU Piecfy of. We in, Wi.ajington ou Su'i- tlay bitd Monday. ', J Jo, jct',cio'a (our nights in Ba tlmore ! produced 10,500. :. A ulight mow on Hiituluy t the head of toe W. O. A a Railroad sue aitM iw bmw- w-wn.-,, . n ia of ' f M W" V!S"C'as!? Pros'utelt' Grvnt prepur.itious are, making for .he cidebrtitinn-if the-Mldl OraS," at New Oiioaua, u tlie 2otU of February, and ex cuwiojTjrains are prii"ct I frina various J pont. ' J . I LCMP or GLU. ,u were sliowo yes-1 tenlav bv Col. V. J.Cowle. the Sumn of gold 1 cumfy vMi.nrJ in Union county, somu iweiity-livu miles ii iuthot Cloulottc, omr Oear B g Richardson Creek, on the I The Hcuiien tounei fstiuuiteo as lining I en a... 1 onn l...i.,r. ih. i ,t,,l..rd I "'"l vv" "-"'a I I M. , , fk V.lrl .1"" li lump wm ue asiuyeu dj w. iho U. S. Mint iu thi city. Chartotl Obterttr. I : - Judg THE LATE JUDGE CAMMtOX. An iociden' in t!ie life of the late Duncan Cameron, which, pcruipa, is uow. lorgouea even ny tne very lew survivors wtio witowaed It, Uw mucti l cliaratU-r nun uiq nnoic me 01 idis uisur.iruiaiieu gem leruan, ami somu. ti ei ot cnarsctcr with the custom of thl-day. that Its pub-1 lication, llimiuh it msy have power to !lK,,Aj"S!ili!i0Z oi's'i i ne prcm in 'aie." "" Mr. Canjit-mw, a aw advuwred agr.'was chosen IVenident of the "Bank ot the tSia'.o ot North Carolina." at its organisa tion in ltH4. and so ert nu-d till his de- dining yean n.ndefc4 him unubte U bear the heavy labora ot Die othm. In lsltf be rexilved to Ueln, tlie oftlce though he knew that the tckhod( a,.. . ua.rc-1 ..... . "' ". .iiiuv .,i ul l. . anu a a ycinBrai iuc'.iiik i ofthestiHrkUoldirs, held in January of i l I ..r ". km, lie tuiiiuiwiiieaicu um um w i that year, he communicated bis desire to l." Uirough bis friend ti.a l.te I Charles L. lliolon.whe intmeiuced to the I merting tttv? ttrttnwtng rrpotmtoiw r M Jltilte.t, That tlie fl l.ulity, ability and indulatigalile atlenlion wbicb have been run iod the them " JUtulcJ, Thnt a cony of these resold tiena,aigncd by the Chairman and cutt tenigned by the tkcreury ol th. uice.ing, ,TU,.., t!: , , . I Tbe resolutiiiBs a ere uneniinouVy adopt, sd. and William A. Graham. David L. bwain, John 1L Bryan tod Richard II fun I wrra i i iiu ins comiunu-e to prearnt i ltMm l'l, a . avina fiai.ii it , .... 1 1., mi.. -Tlia PrlJrnl.,f IK. It.nW tia.in, , Ucn "linl of d"pti"a of tbe for. . ;:".: : going rcsulutl.His, appeared la ix-reon rrtutued bis at knowhdg' awnta ia tbe most impressive manner ht tins marked evidence of the continued eon-deare and kindoeaa of the stockholders, but stated I kal , Pri7. rP- beM faction, aad thrrcfore entreated en oat earmatly that Uie tipresuoa of gratltud. oa their part might be CHifined in w..ida. KANSAS. IfitaiMa' lie Ottnury.itktr!f AJ i - aaW U lit J-ul . J-y- a iU Lf .m. fare. .... Tors a A, Kanaaa. J.auarT 17 Tbe Giivernor's mrasags to the Lrutatatoie, dr- bven-4 yeatetday, traat ea ury of bal Bae'tMW, Laarcnimg the rWa.attial tUe- tta be eats: I would a4 be Badi liy-d aa sasa Uow lr the rrporti I Hal bare Ua so r.f S. J t.n aialrd of lb. all'S'Mll pun haa of the lyv'.i.iara la oof r-i tlntwa. It woald be Idle to dfy . h rrp.Mis tar be inlury Ikes bave m.mm I Ike gnaal I S'M ul Ike tooiiuoua-a th. Wa,d M U wUe fe;l t, att.,. f, .11 sp- I brf M tl a. I Y ttif Aa- i litil LaMAil awfaa.i4 . I lur a.: i... -a ai.o..l I I L fc-arfT J by h a kljh aae of public da- y tm ana aaaa a.tid atarw rt-B k n pui.li as by lM,nt tkl yoaj bad I r ii't".,f I by in f t.i ui t.l via. It ta tn be k rl that 'b- Ut ta 4 las dat taail wlw D. oat. 40 wi I la b a by t Be tula . f tue p-t. I a l a . d d-M i tl.a " at. la 1 1, IM C, (are Is. a Ai.s 1 1 ti it. Aa.a tl.B -t .B t A. A. k, l',.a.J. of ika ti F A gia u.laf .1 Aaaa.ata., kaa pa4i,d l a t i ua.. graiWmaai a.al.ri rl ia ilti'ill e-ianai '. 'm tr tit yf ef J ; Vt . I. Ui.aa', M. M.tgl -m. r. !.. ., J A to .art, W A . -,'. " la t I. 1 kraaa., i . ! aj . ', It-B- sa a k !t F A Wajaa... J It Thi.'p-w. l.ik'-"a.K V vt , II i Lata;, ,1ia II ! .. L. a I ik 'i, I. k A a. I, fU. (a., I. f. 1 ii tm, vlifr;- - Da T. It I A -- t aa I aj-t.S Ika laiaai aatiaMi aiiia mI tm .... a b, - , , . Ili,i . . ard "d. a t?l B'-a . Il l.-l tat B a wa aa d i . a ;,', p ( aa I la a i i r. a.aa i-d a. Il.a a.. - t !?''- r'--'i r-aaBd wwta loy. loavi ; sal at N l,a f .a a.,.aa f f -a i-a .'i - X ki e . I U 1... i. aa '" a f . I, a-. Lpsislature of North Carolina. SENATE, Tuvrsdat, Jan. SI, 18T3 The t-iuta met at the u-ual hour, I'mh I ideut Blgliell in the chair. , Prayer. by U; V. Dr. Atkinson of thecity. i;. ii,iri of s'anamg (tuinmittcea were pre-rated t'T y"r?'emiiio, A't 'U, Q , Finii.in and Murmv. L f- ... i .... ' . .- . 1 ur, nieiiiiiiiiii no-ri.icu a llivilioimi till I the sale of the Eastern Division of the Wi.-ateru N. C. ltiiiTroad. Itelerred. ; I oovfcltNoR CAXDV,ld.l.F.Br;KRD. Mr. Norwood. Rom the Committee on I tin. Stain ili hl ar.l liatiilitu In r.tv,n I to the Ooveraor'a mwage aotLbill on that I subject, reported follows: I H Tl,. !.. ,, lutmntllln.. . .n I k I o,..!,,!,,. .,i nhliiHo. u, . !...., aferred the mewa-re and draft of a bill I n that anbiwtt frin the Governor, have J had the same nedtir consideration. The cwmmlttce'behi'Ve they spmehend I tB, important ot the aublcct of the State uarU tn it as may , ucal promote toe putillc lntereta. na apuniiumn uy ine committee .k. ,.... I... .1 .1,. ...l.l... l tlMIIIVIIB IIIIIHII t KIIW Wl lit. Itllflt, I ,,., K.(r.m r...m ,h. ,... Dion tlie communication of the Governor which to soma it may H-em to pnivoke. "The committee respct'tfnlly ak to be abc'iurged from tlie ftiithi'r comidefation f the eemmmiiwtin;- -- NORWtW)!), Chairinan." a nnfaige wsa received from the House transmitting sundry cagrosaed bills and unmlutiona whieh weru appropriately re- h-rie,! Mr. NmIwkwI, irom the committee on Airiieuln.ro rem.rted a bill for tha im. nnirrmrut uf the Auriftullura of the Htate. which was made the special order for rSTkobi'ctlo or iiiixs, ac. Mr,' Siiliey Intioduc'ed a bill to lay off a new county br the name of Core, out of a uortlou of Ik-aiifoit county. Also a biit ktuip'i iuoiitaf to a bill ti lay on tlie rropincd new county or Core, Bith referred. Mr. Allen introduced a bill for amiuty ,,, pimfm, - r "a'wi Mr. Flcmming, the rules were MHrxtided and the bill to amend ... . .. ,.,, v. , bu h h . .,,,, . ,. ,; 1 OiaaililuLa ul LUa-Bcvairui uUBliea-sway ' meet on the first M ir.day of January ol each and evtry year, or faillr-; a mating at that trm thm tm trie fl-at Monday ol 1 rvbruarv, t r th elertim of t' re ilis- cn- t p-r-oes as a firta' coroimttia Sir. Urandy on"reI aa will lonal wc- tion (MvidMig that the cmpenaatun of counties, aad conflnini that dutv to the I D nance commutee. Adopted 93 to 8. I Iia .1 .....I I (nK ,n' i " " The bill wit. put upon Its third reading. air. oniiey ranrru in rxrepi iM-aui.irt i A,i,,fr,i county Irotn the provisions of the act. . .... i , ,m..i.l. I . a .1 . 1 .1.. f J.. ...I... It. -'"'V aptt i-i w it. Mr. tUymour. aa ameadmmt ex-ctitin. Cr.vea trum t'te owralioa of the law, I counties were also esreptcd, and then I Oa m.Mioa nf Mr, Memming, the bill was tab id Mr. sM'atu ra.icl en Sena's bill to a,,J the bill r.-d Its second ai. Lthir I tsadiaga. Mr. Al'en, by I. -vr, lutrn l it t.l a It! 11 to I pit r. at th aal.) nf tevi-ra.i o ary elata tia- del exi-ctrti wis. Ib-ferrnl Al-, a bid Ii amend the law relating 1 1 p iiehaay-ra under eiruilina, Ib-ferra-d. Mi. lUaw iiiir.liatd a icviluil ia of SalULUiMl tl LUI Uiaiw aa4 giatseatM rf duin.; tutm 4a rrpet Ire tana r.ilU'e ( the late R.C n-ttry nf B'a'e to ditt.'.buie the laaa uf l;i-"il. Ad p'e.1. ll.rna, ed., l.iinxl Jn l a b ll ton. era le Seal JnHgrnrata ml jtatitosof the pave la eilimnal raara. lUfrrted. tr. irpny.a trnt I wtberatabinumtal wf a boapt'al L4 tha Inaae. Itvlarr-d, tie in .... ,4 III. PiHie, Mr, um ass adl l to lh c-TBoiiiue oo inopai- twias al ft SI an. aw a. .u a M Wr. Tr it, tHe te br bk k Ika Iml la nsr-fpvale E l-mmbe p.,,,,,, pJ., , ff.,.Bll I. a . . . . ad, ki tui.a I.K Ilia cuBi4jaIiuei of lbs a-wailiia aa tai ha'bi r mU nival Li". lt.i.eL-..t "O abail .a a Jiiinad kff a ha a pi lkt I ha ta nl :IBa laW pai l. aa I Die a .a a. J Ike so a al aw If I It liaMarva . Iia .a.a 4 Mr. Mft.., Il a fra, hs I., a lmen.lael ya.y ir ii ej f. t j-ai aa'ry ri a. t e.ii tt riiia if.- ... ! it I, S I tl a Ira tjltaaa 1 at aaa rM. Ul I e ila l.ii I'Utal fuiau Blll iau TL. lu t Iu na 'l I i.e tt ait'r t lb ibb uf l. ! ai aaa lt.ii!'J 1 a a. ( vf. I ba b.i' t. sa. ll.a aata .f .,.w l. , i : ia w wk a I e kaia i.f t ki.a iaa Ja I a, ' -S t ' '.. 11 iu.,rft cMii.iy, al i a la paa Ika I. ail, .ll I J l.lra.11 fit 7 I k i a.M 4 ta t.. I a.? l.adJl it M -aaa , IV .i t) .al T- 1 1 aire ea aa aiaal va ay 4aat 4 a a kaaea. - kit. 1 . ( y ri U l a tvm. :.tm pro. a l. g t-4 r hii aimil ultowanl wa i-. , a .. i- li e 1 1 "4,as if ifcap laaa .J l,l i, tvd ta tap tt say aM,EaBt B a?f , ; . a ui' -d d a t l ta ft,a;. l f I. laaa i f I' t '1 M-evat. - H' -a3. mm tf.aaad ra4) a ftawaaa ,...i,. I i a rt a ii i IM aa !e-..4,M ! ;. tU.;nal It ..,.,'. I aj. al a ari ika l -s-ai iy , IM .'-. I-. - . aat.f ant ,1 H f. .. a ( I. l.,n,inaH) at mi a at 1 :.a ai i; . iia m-4 aa- i at ikw arl lwaaa,l ta,a t a. t aafaaf fitait.a.ii.Ha ea a s a 1 I (.' I'- J-t M l totai a. . .. ,"al fa I - i'a t ta.a tria rf I liCUE OF liEPRESEXTATlVES, IttESDAT. Jan. list lfi?i. f I .. ,r . me iiuua am ii in n'r'iKl a.m. PaKr i;obtnsnn in tlio chair. The rtadini? of the loumal of veifenlnv a: T .... ' ' I u mcu wuii. i rtTITIofig. Mr. Warlick, a petition froiu.. cwtun. A lw prtrt,ib.tmc iiig It: i ? I rilllttll. nnil.rd , n , . .T. - MIJMVI, nitiiui lilt ni,u"L""'f,"'wu ""'tl Mrrf.rJ ...,ii,t . r. ' I ...M m ,,v, lut'u iioiii ceriaui cm- Itvatsof Hyde couiity pmyiiisr the .enct-1 t m a law CotriDc inu all v.t. . inirin or L'nin r out nf (X ,raanl. Ir . to take a pilot, Mr. Godfrey, a petition from citiins of 1 aSOIIOf all k Ull . t ., ; - . I . - t of a aw evvim a .,v l-l ... r... ...s.i county. Mr. Slow, a petition fr.tm certain ciil- aetis of tanto8burg, 'Wiarit(, county, ff'y'tg f an act of iucorp.ira.tion. HMMllTS rHOU COMMITrKM. the liidicia- f Davie, a Migrossed nn the coin- mitti on counties, cities and townships ; Mr. Jonoa, .f Caldwell, a report from the cummiiti oa corporations. KKOHlTMS.' Mr. Snevd. a rcsoUitimn nf luatruetlna lii tne Attorney Ueneral, ordering an iuvesti- L'ation of the BfTttrs of tha; lwmoka aav iicatloif company ;'Mr. MiirrjsoiL, a rewUi-' tmn tlwlarbij,' f ho "s'pcciuf tax bonds of N. C, (Vandutcnt and roid. 'ntLUk Mr. Waugh, a bill b prevent usury ; Mr. Stanford to chanira tha timn of liwt. Ing Mayor and Conimisaiimersof the town ufUohUbW; Mr. Moss, a bill to lacor poraie the town of Btautonsburg, Wilstin xt'rKi i , , . iniui leuee. AbtKUt, aol , a bill in n-lattan tn birnra lummbned to' attend inomta. Mr. GodCrry. a bill authoriiin -tha comminionrre of Paaouotank roinVtv i j ., . .. --.j . ."J..TIIIIVU. JU. Gillnt V. a bill to IllcjlMUirnlA TLilliol tuoeiiai; cnurcli, ol Cleaveland county. I Dudley, col. bill to establish a braneh asylum for the colored - . . " I VI. I.r i . ,.. . . - r. neuo, a bill to change the time ol liuTting of the B oard of Lommls.lonera l. ,T: aud the Board of Education of Carteret mTTaWiriiOTa T,,n to rent al chanter lOJoftliulanaof IHTI- Ti. , tr Warlick, a bill .f probibiltbe sale I sointuous huiors in Morirauion. and wiiniu ran mik u the towiishiii. I'ltriXISIIKD Bt'StRKM, The bill to repeal the usury law, jntio- c'fT comnilttrw. "wana. aiciiehee, Anderson i f Clay, and Du ller nil Atilulu. I aaa&sa fn I . .u. i . pom-m.Vt. ' ' ' Mr. MrOeliee In a apwh nfaomo knif b ""i"-w ne pawagnei me bill, Air. Joaea. of Caldwall ani.kaal a..i.ia rrnmm in lavnfnf lis maanga. ir. nianli.rd favored its naaaas. Mr, M aOL'a aia kl In dlimaail-ia ta Ilia Mill. Mr, Munnir stM.ks in oniwinlilun to Ixith .nrnnirinai mil and ul..l tilt. Mr. Uadg argitrd In -farorol the rpal ury laws. '"' turn caf Mr. Houston, tbe Il .uaelliua Powdsr. . y -Mroam mi m e clot k tn-morrow XAmTRTISi:irENT.S. B UIINIlt NOTICE T.-!t 1-aHI.T VirilEUA. U.auftu--. f Uf baakaf s t (ara, ki the I ailrd aiatae Unvatawit lot I Ha Tear araa oa Ui a- v4 Bine SaaJr-e and ,t)wna aVlara aad srtyan'a.SI.I47J.i. 1 haa U waa raid v aaamrarte-arariee Hank.rs t'l.ara. a. A ta a Uifrt aaaat tuaa Uk c uiOIikiI j ma.,la t all Ika anaaafariarara aad drla la the a iiy ay rf k. avvo-aa Is proof aua- llUest tha ori-.a vt ka elv. aaiattd daar.. Jaa in le O T l O B . DawUal ataant-ae fnaaa. iLm, ails III. Ii. (if-woae e.d eUand t the dnioa at ai ' " a. ki W. t III Hi M'l.U aa O It t itf Tnannf. N u T-J Btf.II T fl.awa, aaa .la'.t albf ant I araa at lira ll-ia ar", Bl'l ar ka kWf t I i t I at akaaaii a Iruaw tka rl S m w rut, n it iu. " Jaatllt lkf kg avaa f. U. mt . rjUMUlL AIM MiriKwlTI.'AL ll-lio L I a a.l 1,1, a U.a a' tl Wa a-.J l-aU at K a lkaaraM4. ail k a a 1 li4Mt la, I',. Iva I --a IM t te.aka IVaaad lit M aa--ib Ki.naaafutl.Ha ")l ka aa; ae tmf Ai iy al a-a A M. Ma tai It, aa tl 4 A a I ta, M. C -will itft.xt t.tt itmi m. a ai I Ua a laa a a. a a a . aUdaa at .l a..! It m Sat aaaafa a-a. aV ak ira W aal aiakt Iiaa.iikMrai I tiwaH Ba " kiat a. a I ,S Ika ka baa kaaa aa taa 1m M it aaw Baa a.aa am Im aaaWaV ta. At Bluia aaa l-a . u ia a aa..., f Ik. a. ula sot I k aaavaiae f a- d A : -a. 1 ll H K t!.T.w, ) 41 ft aa SS, X . J M r A T A T L t 1 IUI, taa ad r Urmf I. aaS al tka al l aaa a t.'4 k l. ... - a ta.J - J ta, sal ,u I a aead at a a aa. laa TfirnT.T fHKH.I'l ..k, aad Ika Haaa a. kaa-aaad ta. a aav- i, a ka -I'a k--. a .k ..a-iai: a a - aa ! . I. . a . I ' 1. ta a... f ii aa . e Baa aapaaaiM a . -a aaa a aa I . a - aa a -. a t, t' a j . l aaaV aaa a .... mm-- laa a .a. raa I . .i Va. . ,M a -a to a i--'-a Mt -. '. a a a . r A -a T-. 4 a a J I a : a . .a a, ,1 k ... i a J a ... I g a at Ii ' ', a l . i ; t " T-a as t. : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TU.IN.A UIP, Four Pirsoks Bi rmbd to DaAM a . cxriAisiuM or a lamp. uiuoabMUA, Pa., Jo. , IW3:- Last eventnir, Bear Morton's Station, In Delaware eoauty, Pa., Mra. Carr and Uirra rbtlitnu wore liurtu'd t drath ty ttiecxlo ion ot combination fluid Mrs. t IT was mime; a lamn which was not I tinted, but lbs Bunt of lit room raiwd a vxir Iroin the ftiiWl ahleh was brnitd br tti nova, from whieh lap was twe yaVda- dAaat..(Mew fork - aaram van. i n, PRATT'S -ASTRAL Oil J PERFECTLY SAFE, It has beea brfore tha public elcht yerts, It is uow uwit hy 400.0UO FAMILIES. It bss never been the Ctiaxeof sn neciiK-at directly or Indirectly, It does rotstuvll. It dors not smoke. It barns la any lamp. It la as claar as Ppriug Wster. " It Is perfectly safe. Hia sold at the same price ts Cowuioa Kerosene. UasesabaMsaH.MHMa-aay- o new lit" nan. . US solil 0SI.Y at the Hardware Bouse of JUUUS 1 EW13 A CO., . ; " - KalolRh, N. 0 . Bole Agents tor Middle aad Weatera N. C. Ask for PRATTS ASTRAL OIL. iHin't take any a her. Knd or write for a circular. ' Jan U U .. ,. gatiR W VAbWAHbK tlT HIPtHTr, . steal ealaU, tiooae si h 1 rooma, (Ira place to each ro-im, wltn all tli ai-aeasarv out bouaea, rood well of water In tha yard. It not sold privately before the HI at of January, ""i l,,d.IT,T,,te.T br'"re ,B B1."1 ' w . wli, g,,! M u,. court lianas door ou that,U. Crt H.k . h.l.. .I ln V.ara HaM lr.,.l ...,. . a " 111 n '"ts to'utt pnrrhra. lal-WUI t 11. KISKIIaM. TNK ALLOOTT. vrmLxsiiTrs'TiLTIiL ROC IS-11 G AVD (ienrrrtl Protluco ComniUiioa Merchant. artb'lv. st Vhi LOW AD fades ef fuiraran.1 Cuff a, Ilai- 'O, ftma, Bulk steata, at ma l.ra, H.-'f, a, I rtre ot beat brands f Jioriliera snd .... Soulliara Hoar, Pea liivs and Ouldea lyrui, lib of all kiuda COKN MtAL AND OAT', Pi'l-ra nf all k'tiila, I uila snd Cream Tartar, I Itracls, 1 ullrt aad Laaadiy Koapa, boat Nurllirra art atiniiiiata Vutlcr and Cbnae. ROTAU KmrtlRII. Twwil.IT. OtMTa ItniUlO !)' tilkl.SU ruA U-Ha, tair'al, Hfins, rloor. Jaaa ana V."m' atrvsktaut Teas, ciNSKo rm'iT AND VI'itTARLI.a Aadevxrytbliil aaually fawi4 la a fanil'y On. rry aue. tit.arat Martial frtee ra'd for Unto, flnnf. Drtad and Unarsj Fraita, atutur, -MS luwl. try, aad sltmatkataoia rntdaee, J kafa aaada arrarym nia, ia eofinrl'-ia Ilk bst kaaiaaaa, to rwaal aad artad t.i:i dally, Bk-ie yaeeaa riy .ae g'U'Bf im and 'r ak. w. .4 t jroa. 4 tt.a vt ad kin a H4nr t ,a all) r.ll and aiamli a my a'.wk of 'la, I am, rartlely, - WAYNE ALLCUT. Ju I If Q I T T LOT t O R I A L E I Ika ValuMa lui la laWk M Sis laaa,. hoant and kamt.ia ataa-ta, riH,.l.lix wl fca.f nTl Batag IB kaatrra it ef U a t suia a la. i V"t of a.!e, .fi ll st r-s t il aa I a4t. tv tl ati nr.. iB. I arrair, A. ita:oit, P l!'h, Mf4 -il- E H.m liULiK AXU LUT II HAL I'.T'af iakaaal tka el , a. l .jii laj.a aa lilt fcat Iktl, lata I' a ana.Jaa.a al Mr K.a.taB-t, ai'.aat'al aa .ira a.-e taaS aadwJa .4 tM aof liaalla, I Bi t a. II U aaa aa ai.-aBJaU4l ta'axa U-'B aa la IVI aad nL. I am ai.iiaf ta av tt tka eW aa oaa a. , Brtal.W 1U darl .M " kkti r utTii r 4m lit I a fa C - 2 H'l-tl) 111 A M. Whutrwitlo aV It.-lnll XItUG GISTS, II rai.l'at .la l , It A L t I G II , N . f . , tU la at.iaa Ui Baaat U rinDkii., t IMU I tlltaiwtl, nri rim t:ti, T'dLkT aad rAV 1 IfcT 1 I f t TIA. tl . itr., S 1 .1 f 1 1 kt , i .w .:, l't"i lata, i .i. . . . la.l. H..I i. , - a laa saat a, aky tW kiaaaaat a.t'fc A ' a I i I . ,., .... ia a a ' r 1 ' . j aa i. a rm fmmrh.4 a- a a a aJ ta 4 M a - y t i . ata.ai.f, a ft" I - J ii L a, IM HtU Ik. ai 'aa Ua'. al sa.w sat )mi 1 a', a--l U.l 1 1 a -a k tweivw. I ja. la aa