THE SENTINEL JOStAH TtTRNra, Jr, Editor. Battb.dat, llonsma, Fbcabt 1, 187S - ... wizxrss ixxia.Ta.0TTs: : 4Jg4to pas ot b iminj front Benator Weriog, elating that he will Beet Ul la Charlotte oa Saturday (to-dy.) T7 If Satin, Gilmer, Morebead, Ctmerpa and Xordeeai were living, they would go Mo the bank or to street and borrow oouglt . money to rtdier t1 Weatcre MIU Vlff VU a", V ' leslalatura to levy a Us to meet and pay off the debt, ria ' ' . r, - a . l , . . i . aa ww su its rn rrjuai a uitta Ire dead Bi'eo, were they living! Ten .....IIJ O-J. -f. untber ttm aavrf North Carolina. Two eent oa the poll sad twasoent tlx hao- dred dollar valuation of property, will re liere tbe road coating $5,0t0,00 and a'jout to be aold foi : 1210,000, We ?Wr the fate of Sodom if we allow it. Th prophet, 1b denouncing watt tteti btlior eoauCriee, mention the) destruction of Sodom, "and intimate that their place aliall ba desert, dried up and uninhabited ; that thy thafl be covered with briar and brambl hod of aalt aad sulphur, where eaa be neither planting not Bowleg.", J Bodora vu flralT buroct ami tlaVo froth- vu Bin wj tun unv cva. Jfotth Carolina waa firtt waalned over by tbe dead tea of carpet-bigger, lis- lag rid beraelf of litem, it I lo be boptd - their ring policy of railroad dealing ta aded, aad that the LeglaUtur will not fear, by levying tax on the people, to relieve tea rtgnteou moo who will bor row enough to relieve the Western North Caroliai Road 1 from the clutclie ol the . wolvea who howl about the lobbies teak tag bow they may devour it . ' Ob fur tea rlghiaou mea or five live ntea, tuck aa the Sve dead we litre Baaed I "" y 'A'"' "' ' " u TUSBATTLK OF JJVK. s Every thing U a battle, Tbe bcnalor hip U a battle. The public priating i a battle Iha taperiotendrnt ol J'uWic Initruclloai wil( be a lUulo,niilc lrer, the Joaa Kao Bootch Prlyteriaa, taa head Gov. Caldwell b bla ttoaeeo to hi party la appointing tr. BmW to - percade Mclver. t If Mr. Battle can toccecd io pmduring CobfuaioO la the rank of the tniuiy it It better tba aay ervk be can nnJer by h ildiog ortjee aiiJer Caldwell, Oraaay Bant, aa tome maiiKnaat relx! call Judge Watta, baa diciJed for ih BcoUhnuftii, hut tti"4 It rather an Jiuiic. tio4 thu ll aw U Hie other wj If Mr. Rattle had to get bi pla by writ of jbdM aurwiu, we ahmild Im ur fiat the court would 'ttkuiitC heiaclf aa he did la the Kiik war, and Mr. lUtik, 1 ke A. O. Meor and othe , will bat made bathing by hie motion. Tbe A.l.ttl U rir, a ludicil ahect, thui dlaamtM on the jI ject ; Tan immaiN o fits law tea. (;.! eaa, rami alt, Thi rurk ball a? tium II im im A oa at I. B aay the Bo)CTlBtrJri t of Public Iaatfueuua, Mslver, to Wrtiid ue kupuna teadeat ol lMru. U., Ualtie. Tfa Scot' bi.iini m ril the pi bruch aound The ruyt'l Urtaa kit flattaea k tbe Tae waU IXmoibw, U th ba liaue mt the baottiab titarti Uaxtm, tkrow onaa tbe af of nr'al naubat to tbe uuiiking atiwiKy i H e eha4dv iww 4 iUlegb aad k nalroa. . Oorau' CJ.iw'.r ba ji4 t.tkr what the 1tuhi kav Utl lelilxg hlm, all the hiK thai J 1.0 41. wuul w awiMcuuie aara lo th Id padll eaa pny. Ite b ertiag, a U be alw hm lirrra what UiV. Vaare ptfiiWM-l lung airo, that Uie lUoub.kane t.r l.u lji.4 raaad ih lie ia lb km aco with taa aij gar, white the lIi and geatl M i IMiVaidK) are eamhw4 i btgb eute, la the park of th Irf aue AvJ tay Waal It y aralaaay lath.T, i i tor tens i. Oovffunr or )Uk)j aa ewe) he eww bnng a ft a a irD.r, a the price of hi almiak a, r.-r a fw oaay anwit lato that blnaed an la. We kaew tiaare waa a grral UeJf, la a forUia tra-tiag Hrpobliraa tin k. In g- the " VaUle ibDeearo a - a a IW be lorae oel Mr. M Im. a IUp ib eaa. aad tuU la Mr, UiU, ttetwatal. UiiUi M J'M k) ttorf 111 fWtM. aa4 ' k aarataur' Mi fr an lUilw m a txr-v f"H" ma I the kUaM, oat be -"l-f lo be buae of tb tutnn kiM.(, a tka ('liiuiUia tUr 1 eatltka hua to tk Are J ite elery Aa4 we acnxwiib M Irev, . He ha the law e) fcU aiJa. II ka Um badly irtat. ob aad k ought ta bt oa kl aaliuoal Am. oat-wl rk h. M Ik baaaca of kla dy, if t -ma ti. nnuc ruixiitQ. VT kr y Uulj trod Ike d rMio aaa U a ewtt a. We lit aaabrt of ktl f ly pft uf IM kale epi Ik al)t. We a mtiug very paiirai y f-wMw patiy rWaU gt IrflM aal itkii ab iktll the atadag W k that t 4 an I fMM aiknl Hy vi t am i a keraway le t pary at ki Ut ataua, we !Wwl a frw mrm Um 4 lb party tkrt lb f $ -4 4rrl4 pap ra aawl pa4 ta by t vy1a a ileg ta 4.i e . y tl TabJie l'fti We iy tiM )( Ik k. w ka4 aa kiiiI pwf tbe 4vretie pprr we ptlf l IM We kite It f'oe t Wt4rf ktaW of the wt H Utt IM rtkr of tb Ut If wa wa ta' mh the M ml Ik T.'.tt i 111 t rt bfck doa tUa Paanaai. Tie a t,-v.4 6m' 4 U l.IUfi" t tt tvw rawa lo koeaae U i but 4i, t' t' fat TTtJ. ' taaio 4 a lli furl iu, that depend opoa the peoplel Tbe peopft of North Carolina hw tiutaiaed the Ebithil It ba had a greater eir col tiL .tbi waaevr brfgiyew to any paper in tha Ft ite. Caldwell, hie ajegroea and the Ring en joy what they call two victories over the SfKTraEb om laat etaioa and tbe other J h is wntiim. We can ooly say that neither TrftheTWtqnBi waa fail l "nnf-pTi4 both wiU b abort Ue4 Ma .aWtkiuoir eratie paper nt by the Ring. We subfain comma nirat Ion from a friend bo IhU uliiect, hiring i.trlcien out the part wbfcbs might' cffi ad the brethren Editob or tun hcNTisitL: I am an old. line Detuocrnt and don't live in Orange county. I haro read all that la bten ptinted in the 'Iialefgh netripspera. (except thoa of the Radical and briudle- tsilea tuipe,) on tbe autirct olthe pub lic printing, Triim' tM Brirt" cubiroverij bout em aud tm gvadi, down bi th ex traordinary action of the printing com mittee of tbe present Legiilature. taking i he print inn from the Bsktisbl aaer ac knowltJinff, by aolema action, that tbe State, through the agency of. tbe legisla tive department, bad been getting your labot thirty -thru and third per tent too tow, and Kiviog it to other who, to M tbe lout of it, have done and auflured J more for th Conservative party and eood of ttte State than yon have. If thoae who nave aooe tbi tnma think that the Un aervativee and Deiuocrata of tbe State, ouUtde of Orange, look hpon the matter wito tndinvrenco, they are totally mia taken, I know the feelinc of C'onterra- tive and Oimocrat In mora than one count v. bow reiiratnUd hi Ikmoeratt in IM jUgulalur, wbo reel deeply iiidignant at the manner in which you have bern treated, and they will alio w it when tbe time come to org uiiae lor tnotber polit ical contest. Whether this feeling it right or wrong, it ciistenoo 1 a fact, and whether the writer of thli approves it or disapprove It, dor not alter it ( it U m, and it it t reeling tod a ptirps thut will not die out or be forgotten. Tbe people of north Carolina have uot forgotten that when there wtt apparency "no eye to pity and nn arm to s.ive" t'.e white citizen ol the Bute from the ufcr ruin and desolation, private and public, of all they hold dear, by (lis duvilith nm chlnations'of unprincipled carpet bsggcra mid more unprincipled soalswan, aided by deluded and Ignorant negrma, that Jo, Tuimr and the Hkhtinki, in the breach, at th ride of lift, aliniot tingle handed aud alone, uodur daily thread tud denunciations, and even altinipi-o-turai.taie, ami hurled lurk the ahaf of theve vandals. : Now it seem i fashionable with toine as oo aa the bent ot the flht it pst end thev are "out of the niMrriit-w," nr whicli they are more iulnbtd to hiiu tlmn tu any due insnj to try t'.iji (loan a:id (iust him out. Ik-i is the my th people -look at itt Lett year I hey f.-rced luia to do I he print ing of Ihe Htna fur COceuU per thKi-.nil, by w likli every pnntcr, at least, km. a s he kat mouey. The Leiiiltuf itself r kr.vwlvlg that he did the work too I'nv, and raised the price Iroin CO lo HQ cent a thousand ll it slier rn;in it thus I a living figure, lbe ttke it from the m n wbo had lost money in doing tins work, for ibi ra and giv It lo another w ho had lint nothing by vutking fi r tkrra Take inconnou iiou wi ll this that they lake il In. in the man wtoi lias rike hi lilr and all lis held dirnr, tor ilia ask of hi Nie anil hit p-ny, and give It to another alio to aay lb ni'Mt, had done no inorr, it a nint h. And Hire, It la sild rl ( pie 'ou'tiiju if ()ii ifn'' are n.l IT rent mi the sulj.ct! lil. It ia aid the ittmmUtfw did il Well, li t the evHBiaittee bear lb rvinit. tl 111 w. Jtisjuat a prohnble tht Hnny lmpniev il dwne ka lutn brought In Imr, it wat eteieiae l on the f.n rllr thsi ibe many o the eominitli it'hit than oa the body of ih part in t ie l. :r it ature. If tbeLrgiiUluratulxulit lo iHe wn-ajt done by the e- moiilie, au -i lh b-a I Hat I bey k p'el lhe arive In a lnaHlloW Hi at lory coillil not atoid l Ihra the 'people Mty a-k, and a llla k Wkf duiyoa pi ice tinrre're Intmha smgalaf filk I Tbl thing rannot b lnil,r I up an, ishhii Be l o rar snq tiu.wrt im n o no!, at t-ne aeetn li think It ai l. I: linn bum k that t'i p inlti.g Ti T i d gf aTTrr Ih .Vrsfl, bi ti ll It hat tiera t .ken frNH taw ritne4, wart against ! wrf-rf-r P party aad Ihe pe.'iil. It elilor have Ive fa peopla. 1 ht iwprr and Ixea falthfiil l.i us la tl. nlaad w w II trust hue aal i by a aow aad ktTalla;. li ve The Soil aW a Mir ahooing arul hate more au aay, bat tbr a IBotistmlt iW C'"l (onatiisur'a 8'id Ueworrt la diuitb C'anibaa, ho dual will far the ! rtixra, not ah.i aiU have a in4 (leal to tai na ihe aulyiTt a h-n lh time roriHt in aay it. Nu. Mr. KdiU, I waal Joe In tiuHli.ii Hilt cusaoiuuicaiHHi, a I ant n) it oa arrnuni m Ib w al u lo uf. Jf aJ yoar pa(tr, nbtl Ion writ Ira era my soiMiirVi and Ihe ftl iu.B' 4 tl.oiia It i f o'liMa, and the act n blljlhing III" m U any art, ht yi.utt. Mrao. ?u 1 TiTTOS. tiik jtAMior iiii.i,rwur. A Jr tu tm af , w on t aa snw"e f a paptf lk ia iiot.eit la Itatr gk, g itikg aa ipialua uf a, .me aaoi-a uf I taa W woa af Slurtk I aroUaa. W d i lataa.4 l rl Ibewi, aad, a w bats at awn 4 rttttfm, it.lra dwfid lb eal.J'vl to dot herge M f tht Ur of piat iuitBt. Tke lul.4nwli.4i at aair aaa. Oil toaa, SJi-k I. a k . tow f i. larawao ttVal, Uf at Ik fut f Ibe as ciaaa bta waalaaa. la Iba ara'arwrt takwn a lb watt, they taMH draw at'cattaj. but a liaiiltr fnn it s daa-l bt 4 Ik al, tbraas ap kit ) la la irait" taf graa.stwr a a-ac a l taalllNM rrti4Wl. t r. .f aa vlwt, Ibe rf tetnlnrlal (iotnn M Jwfc I a"t aa taa. p aa ltoUlin'. II ka a 4 i..a ! b..t try a U. Ttl-m, aa I It r . l-t k Ira, ra ufl wl'k r sff. r VI lid Wat I'.'tnV Wtla, tt, .t, f hi aila. k arao.t4. What a lao lb rti!tt MHtaiaia." aa! wt an w k s'rwk ok IM Imaiy '4 ik ka Wap. a.4 ibe aa sjltare In (aaHil at Bra la bf M4 li.A 11 tl ana, tr4aaaaj la NaT (v. la, 1 t lw aaik iI m lam It e ef 4 I ll.-Uta-aa k ' I Mi M Itwtrvw, ifctU w lf It la lr't4 lli.lataa a4 Ha) t at MatW t k. M-a' wt tl iw ea : ! tm l-t. . ' 1 be n,fJt t4 Iba p . la M r a . t a s. a ii- Mat, ad a sr4 V '- n ti.k Bil B.a! fVuUarj uf frai 1 li r... a, .a ia I .i i, la ? -a t tiiet t r"r v " Ti ra tar, Froai the Hbetueuw Joaraal 1 tPJTORliL COUUESPOXDiiSCT, TiU CitxrUuTlM CulUat V'ala JLitahtrpic Hill anl L2ry-Tb4 . and L h-trg TH CoHsyt ZO-mry f-th VtllitifJ CuhiaH a Hit i'W -Tlu C&wJ-Tfi' Vest LuZU ..Citartt. Uilu, Jacuaiy 9, ii'.X .. Jfw Ittar . Journal : AccoHi' lo prunise i proowl -ta emio aotiBi of a tour of inspection in tl.: College Buildings, A we entered the gate next to the Hotel, we found the ttepa broken and tui.keu. The broad, b.utirul aa k leading up to the old Lat liuil.iinj, that Uiwd to be kept Willi so orach care, harr groan up with" gr.iM aud weed , except where a narrow, country - looking path winds itt lortuout any aiongr it, snd except, alio, where It had" wath m.u Tbe trrps-irrr-the- t-rwen to -th entranco of the north end of Hie East Building, aheru the Hall atd Library of the IliilutlthrIpirocity'-tdto br, have r ttcd and sunk dowu, ia part, und. ia patt hvc been rut away, a if wiih an sxo. The old II il! wat unlocked and ij window opcri. The old Library Koom wa closed. The riHini,- geper!.lly,in Ihjs building were open ; tli window were raited ; the glv brokco. and,- In many intttnces, the aash broken or entirely gone. Tho door were swin;iiDg, sirne with their pnne's ftirnl in and giber without; A a general rule tbe fl'ioriof the rooms and pussage weretovtrea with fallen plastering, and, it is presumed, will continue to be, a tongaa the walls and ceilii;ff are exposed to tho moisture of ucrensive winter rains. Tho noitlicast corner of the roof of the building ai kniKrkifd off br the fulllnu of a tree during a t.orm tome tune ego. It is dillicutt t im.ij iiie a buil'Hiirf, io an inhabited, civil i-d cotintrj. in a worse or more ditgracc ful condition. We next went in Ihe new Ea-it Build ing, which, for (Mice, was fnstencd. kothst no entmncu t nuSd txi hail, except through a window, vv e wrro intormni mat toe new rhllanthropift ll;ill and Library Wire unlocked. We lind ecpular dcnioniini'lon hut four windows, on the tomb, jidu of th I'bilantliMpic Library, opening into a many alcovea, were wide open. The only reaon, doubtless, why the fifth win dow wat not open, wasthst a atoyc-p'pe, ruuiiing tiinmgli it, wat immovable. Oa the noith side all five ol ibe windows were more or let open. There can he no n,o. 'tl Ion that the books, 'bus exposed to he weath'-r, must be very umUrially hiv ireil,. J5; U rnnciuUae.l. jki that this exainlnatioii was made )'it at the (4 ie of a knur trieU of rainy. r at of, lion I I rrrn'IH tint this Librsrr, at one tint.-, held t in" sc-ven Ihousand volumes, nd would hold them h"W, but for strut - sge and vindnlitiii, and conduct rijii illy icprulii-inili-c. one may be excu'd for a re litltt-r thoughra. - In this bnilillng, t M, the I'laas wat ra n lily broki n. ntiiiii aim io ituum iii:i, it in Rail Itoom," to ue the name by whh h it waa beat knoarn. Tola building containt Iho "College Lrbrary'' pro r, t ) ciMed, to ili.lH'i'i itlfoin the llbrarusorihr twi literary arK-itie. luwut cto-il. 'We un rstand, bonrr.-r. that -Ihia Horary wtt well cared for by I'rol'uasor Hrewer when here. Oiitheaoith ml of Ihia bull w counted eighttea paries of, kIvs, 12x21 inch In in apparrntly, broken, and fou I en ptnes nn '.he south id. Th 1(1 tas wat brokea by sioneithron a i;4ii,tt lie w indue , at plainly appinred fiom tbe be id theboli therein. I'pon'lhe grouiHi, near a w ml iw o i tu u'.ti s d with a paneol gnus rntirelr gone. tlirMig aluHi ear pteMga in and not cou'.l lie hail, laid ilm n m of a glat j ,r and ural iittln snnk a or iip.i ' tol wnue sort, some li -ti. and other iiirioui tiling II. tt bad rvidenlly lus pr vvr,l n alcohol lor tout poipoe it o ner. 1 1, . damge did not tri m In Islo b-.tulol g ion. Hon th flii. I liug t nettet iiulncl, IV, Miiihill oil rifUl Wat loin. 1 laktil, I h" (J Hr trot aintl ., h iweier, weft gei.iral'y i uol, with tli" lo.'Ki.i, and in imny c it wilH sab ami pane s bn kei or alto.rMiiT m wii'g. II. I -. ba), alt. the D r i t th hi ii s ami r.aoiis mi lormd with lallca pU-.Uu. . I'eimiba WaKt wat to lie I iu-1 I writiltg ol tl.o uioat valvar and obart o chatai trr. It a .r Btr 1 1 r.H.ia N i. I.K.ulli 11 ol.lir Ihne Wa pile ol lr..', ll, nil. I. n pot thin, to r mi l twolMta taaaimal l.wa stkikb It ':.ken. Iit rrru "m, thud ptaaagr, -artj-aif. li g lite r.iiuil ii i,.oib htr I by Pi. ( bai i I"l.iri, Im'h of ahull Weiefjc n. itnn.ia a taliliut i l u.oiMalt t nilaiMng on liuiiiln.l drtaert of timlim t.i: m b tHriuD h j leg lis pr.oli 1 htiuiber p,'i w it. AH id thiac uitatis an uma or aal.wkr.iio far aa I ttamiiH.L l pHi labia Ia the sant Banns bud a UiUiUh rti b k nuibe I i a oa on aid l aue.n f M i.inl ," a I i,a li.oiior uink.d lb l,"ttitTtiiy ol Svrth CaMin," rmio i.( tw itrwwrv at wait luig upuo, U.i lalile Willi I per tuirnt SialUrr.l aiouo I Ibtb-a.k Bat tvid ally tl. Ctta'ega the tnirrfala ia Ih (abimt, and was la riup oat., bring ia 0 msa ts will la li I lot nu'oua thill lw lnl ir d- tln a ill 4 mbllra be very .i llnu 1 ll ant Imp .'.le, 1 1 rri.lww It. 1 1 .el are probably trty km a.ea In A met i. a, or ia lb World, aba laa lak taat u-i4Blia A enlttrraia aud gne to itrk aiiix t l l p V " kaoiltl - aii l aawe. Aw'Wdiag la tUi t-li.'iae, the ( ,toa ioBlamr l la II, ui.r I la kun litd an I a r r if -l a a aptviaa of Mioartla, rd kclad IlUK. y I'OSB iaifVt f tl. kaoaa wind. K f owepaiituf Ikreal k (. thai 1 bapitt Vi tiswuo. laar a. l la In !. I IMCal ta! aaatkar aad Ik Bina iff imsibmm t-va.1 la Kat.aiy I's. . .rtaed, M enm l.'and. Ilaar aiy, Ij lUaa, Itatttmia aad iMUaata. I wa aa.olorr p M apja-ind tkal TrV, na. tiiaaaiaad, Iwati1. M walla, .r aay, la V ) t aad KanrtMbala k a'a aaa-le tten astiilMiiMtM j aarkr rb.a, at Ba'atra't It al lb 1'irai.bal ol Ibe I aiint ir bt wh I ar" .a tlx 4. .a Wuilby traa of k k aad key tl . aaa.a4 I IB'I. Ib.trao .. f B.ooitit a d .dliilMeik Vary Is abe taa saoht I ta k 'f l Bta at tears t ; tV rrmOesM I .l.laiil.M tt wa 4 Ifclnrwiy, lu nta ihiaa kai kaii:v"l tbtt Ha tmt4tt aitiili t-m', I w-iriitl a aad I bra a tdi. us )h.j,i.iii Cbata al kaait t lian ar, a a H uf . ra 1 "W kai aw aaa t, I'ta lnl raant4 iW ttk 11 If oa li ) 1.1 lbT a I t ba a4 ) I htii-al aal 4 I I U fill -a Hi, I r-c t I Is) t-o. 4 II .1 .i "lit t biiaa II-, , W l-a4 la 4- a , ' I a p t. at ! I4y p h 4 fclaat ia I la .h tail Pif ta MVatit "t H, H-a f trf ba4 I y aa la fU, a-l Iba -l,. f . it trfai al t ainaa al v. iJaa 4 aaara---.a.aat. -, Mtal ta4 at IU.I t.jBAtlll Mi'ce old j I "ry, wrte I to r( i-pva ti-H I r Veil uiDiN; i.iiira m-i i r. ltcn u -.lo li.i.ia gliua beioud coun'. aluui. and broken aud uii--k, ar i fl r covered i:b fallen pbftteriug.' -tfaiy;; rltd not long here. The ii?Ut. hl b. di?2U9ting)y rnonotonoo. ' Tbe new weat b'lildiu Wis !ext ap pmache L It provt.i, k .a ever, to be tbm tip. Here, too, was . bioken g,la. Thi it the building our u. i Ji 'l'.vc.i VaiiKut fiiccd picket, il il.cit borse in when they he winil'i,ws,jaJiat I)l.ileA'tic.Lilwr.try tbib tiii -'bu' I JJ In were, I am git. 1 to sir. ebwedT' Next aei htt. PtT B Hill, ot the "old CtispeV" wss examined. -Three of the few recuati m raoms it contains were op-.-a.- TEe steps ae r..iXiB Joan, and are in a' very ricUctr condition. U-re, too, 1 the tsme old tory about open door, broken glass. . Aa, ud natueum. ' Tbi U tbe building which, according to the preaent au nt of the Grand Jury of thi county, nd according to current rumor in tlie village wiis ued as a common aligns iWiaal6uXilLn,C!iiyeritj which 11 rcren 1 Holomao , l ooi o.ia-1 bimtolaiibe.rrLiildioiU-irxiniojabk, iave by the hand of death I , What is th eftvet f all IbM I A ling'eword will tell. Iatlia party with us Was a lad who lii BOW W8liithrr gtrr dtn hours.thst ouj;lit to b devoted to acquiriog a cillc.Ma'e educntiim. ' IH t k'Ucr, who hnt not tbe mcaas tit send hiiu abroad, grailualwi here. IJislatbtr't father graduated b"ic, and so ongbt be, and to douotle's he and hundred! ol others in like piaition would do, but for the course of Kolouiaa rool,and ttte uk-u who sustain and support him. It would, iadeed, be strong language' tliat cbaract:riz.l the course o tlitu on o ia truthful leriu. aV far a in their M;wer li't they are depriving the couiinji mi:o of North Caroliua of the benr-riu oi a thorough and lilieral education. P fur a In-their. ower lie, they are consigning North Carolina to inteilecteal d irkiet and mapping out for her that deuradiuit career in which vice and Ignorance alo: eonWu'l for the mastery. I he fruits ol these men's labor is before thmcjr . They do not err ignornntly. Theyeir wiliiullr, wantonly, knowingly and de signedly. We'Tivy them not tbe Ijate add loathing with uhich they will be r-.- ir uue t so long aa in, ,r names snau i.e hdwii In PinriU It will Im, reineniM rcd that mldcr the upiosot Mr. 31 :lvtr, tho tuiv-rintcn- but of I'uhiic In'iruclion, :vi effort waa ade to rcsust itate tnd rtvivu the Cni- vrrsity, and lo th s nd that tlrj vacaucir theu ex.siinij by the ixpiration ot tbe lerul of olHoe of a number of Truteea-f were filled by good nien. The first step n be taken aa to remove Fool from the reaideiicy. It wiil be rememUircd, too, lat this H rt failed to be succvs-ful, be tansu of Ibd oppoaition it met with from Holoiuon I'.h I aud beiiator John f ,, bit rot lo r. It i to gratify Hie runty and ambition of !ln wi two nu n that Iht ouiid gsof our noble Uiiiver.:ty, the pride of orth l arolma for generation, ar ? to be lluwed to l cdiu j s pile of ruir.s. Ore it eftveni! how one' gorga ns at ihe thought !" , ! The grievsacea t which the people of this nntor u i ai vill-iun b.tve li xu sub Jil ted, politic il, p c, are without a parallel in him oiata or cm of it. They bsv stood s.lenlly by and ri the bread tak-u f.. m tho m"U't) of th' lemaelvi ami their llit.o unit; III. y have sei:ri their ot-ce InHy str-ets unv up with weeds mi l ljr .-.; they have stag heir dfflHng, and pl.nei of ba-lnfil go i ruin for Ihe W illi ol a b w iloll ir to make the nieosirr ir-pans in Hue time ; year by trirand week by ik and day r ilay. Hoy h ive rem t heir to p ul e lti r luno t g KrnT fanner and fainter, until no, al last, t ieyaieaell nii'U criiali' d wi li lint h-iri ii iimu that come o lr t de'eiml. Ami ail Una evil bare n.nn up tit.t Iw'ple Irani the .i rii.inii im ul S.lom oi I'ool to live and die I'ns'.deiit Hie L'oiveuitv ol r .r'li Carolina lii'd'trnix eg thf f-et. wvpr,aurn, tba.t the L hirer, il y could n it ba n' tilled un der the PimiI ilynntiy, all of the i'lnlcaTa, except Mr nwer, we b lieve, have re siloed. There lnot now, snd fortaelre m inlln or ui ir.'. llieic lis, nut bwi a am c;e itu.leul at the t. nin, if we are eorrrrtlr I'lfirme I. There i n' p-e'ene evta of alioidtrg brie any loino-t "l .r lh CJXlYtui lit li t Miele.n ..I you h, as "duly eiiciMrti(inr tnd iiroin nin mrfm bwrritnf?," aa rinorrrd bv the ertr- cWof Ihe old n.uaiiluiioa. ioi I r whiih Ibe I'nin r-iir wit ie.1. At Mr lliea.-r it t . lil'.v .1 f,.r bl al.iteiijB ap4atmeiit, I're !t domon t''f rvrtte mty rT'oitiwiBE wtaiaaia. na- via f v n r. i..i in I ri'.rgin (ii.'O, li h txea i1iTnofiiatal, ltoi,J p-aa.ui.iit f ilooo'. thai hot i veil Mie Uolu Tin, I., a ol Ihe Luir.oity will send tiie r t-til hrrr, Mikng aa S..:..o,os i'ool isl'ow iikat. We apfp l In ibe Itid ral pr'y then, M en la aiin ut lu Hftting ail taa ab-rtB M I wl tlH-y Mutrar.i(S ar wl.lmg tu liatt, t aa it bo p a.l.le, that t ietetitt -nil t .t Mab in litis saiti i. r, U to b aai nQeed in aralilying Ihe tnibllioa ot -.lom on l i W tinil no', B. II.. w p. b-Asaai. I,t rkm To Ba 11 ai ipiiao "Paul 1'itliii" a. ins la lb Ibmt 4 pleaaaat tinki tl rr of J i.a 11 TkwtoiaB a and I'Atl A. I'm appcart His "lo-a p " c.jn. r ot Lp u.i.ltt Jf'- attn to M y. I . bvy ta m l.-rt t' ik-mi .TvwiTiaW-taravUllv these wbo "alol,." au th u b' of "ffc lltlaa br alia.ilj almond lbs nwtl ponr -ar t-miiMa m-.t ept tna ihe agraa ahb tit twlaja i4 lb Oil If ff erva'r by a liaoiUfcrtliil of rrvwb tt aalr, laki itt. Dal il.t nuvl.i i r. hi o ta ate an ilirr , a ti h I d ! ri ut'itiiir lo hurtal priat; p-rliv joj hi tpse Ur It ill.. M'. la aoi a a In ting the tflkrrn .,rrry Mttmrnfrr, ue a ll.'ual tit. lor la Iba Kl.tonai sarx laia l liial tt'tlbat atf ,tioa of, ral tl. M waaa etewLaly wrrgaUr dnprT Jl ; h a..'al f.-a l. Ihia ltng, an is tpa all s'-a-amtl. If 1 1 I I tit Ih , I aaiy kasy. fan. la.. la. tirwa aa.lar the at.aawal tnlaiaea) rf pnalir fiarsy a 4 a ta latni ' .0 at aia at,' h wat l.kiWIa r-.lrft'. I for a paapa ad I ir i loaiii M tv ai'u.r.t anli h-i Ihr hi, kit I1 aad. b aasi IS'tSM iar.itt.i 4 iba laws 4 N I at, Ihe bald r-b k Was il lo olds (f b t dy w t!,r .1 ,! g..I J - ai t.r) aa.lar aikt t ( aa f h. , 1 1. Lib aa M'K'ti E". ae aa a'waj llaaiat aa I an w il't. tlaa it.y. all. I k- a p a I r a at Ib ta.a is th h lb( I' ' wMk lu fta Fraaa a Utadv st-a-l Na) Balf4 t 1 1 ba an l il I tt bal rxwivad a 4 ! a e.n n ' I :. . s aa I a at dhtb-'lit J Hi Ifrvw par) 'b! b at a. ib ! l J .et I T ! e ifc ,iAr L'n'f M,ttr, aita.taaU ta I .a jafe war, swat " ttm aWwaawf wiik M tot ir a 1 ; kali abf k k la , a I P.. i"g tt Isaaka, rr I ,a.,l il.i ...a, M1, f ll laa IiH t uit.ii!.i;v'.t?'''-,f a tha r Marl Hi .aa Ml, I. at,a. la,.t.A 4 J.T mueh, bur yi..u,hre Octa ve;j k.i.d t nie, and per!,!) yoii oB a.ake r. m t..r li sin-cwhcre in the AUaiin;"' tajinjt whit h ha turned and !e!t. r TbnmiMon upcoed t e pii er tnd found the manuscript of "Annot ei Le.e" ne ol tltemost cha'aiing of lute toni. It ap peared in Ihe next aomurr ot tbe Southern Literary Muttrgtr. Thiioipaow. I btliere. ill prttervrt the au'ogcapli . cpy as memento ot roe U aa x ' A WoXP F. BrtL V ttK N 'M ES o n Tbe gQm'hip wilia,'id tbo-.Ancltor ltln?T r- tived sere jettemsy Ironi marrow, aner sn ir Ion" trip of eighteen days caused by atroag brad winds and heavj sra During tlu; pasa?e tli.te on boaro Cere i'treatcd Tl a -Vlhf whicli ii rarrt.r teen st ca, aa follows : Oa the 19th int fr.ia 8 p. m., till 10 p. m., encountered run ttorm, freexing simultantusly. until tbe whole exterior of the vefel,.masi, yards rigglng,j&c., became thickly coati d with ice; at the tame lime ail deck work aad rigging, running in a hor aootat di rection, were fringed with icickrs aa htrg anTsbapeir like Tiilci! parp.-Tbe4 cljafc-yeelt t aaiis tet becauie solid sbet of ice thn inches thick. Whi n the sui. shone out at the begiuuing of the tbaa the spectacle was magnificent. Such ulieai 'iiawii bail necrlieior,e been se by the oldest seaniea on board, During the time of the above occurrence all hand linj of sails was impossible. The gale tu fierce, and the " he ivy rain and jprsy fmae as fast a it fell. DRT-GOOPS, Ac. J. "(I tT X b E t A B K 0 WholcHulo Si, It f fail DKALKK9 IS fttriit in I Domrstie Dry Goods Nvtioni, Boots tai Komi, Bnii md ('apt, Ladles' fin mil .kawh, White booili, Ribbons I'tittn -arai, riaiili, It. k'onicr Fjye'.levllle 8tf nd Eirclianpo fbee, KALEIUH, X. C, f'tlur the followlmr cheap : UenU Vina b ltasvar var Frock Ovrotta !?. wortb tUSt), Uaut't Frenn tn4 American B-arer ack vereoalt . 50 to lift ana at (' ( liilel.llla Ov. re iaU y..'0to tig. (lenu'Obllctailla Taliuetl U,10 00 and -W.iO lienu i ommon uvercott, aaturteU Krsd- s. :io io uu, Uesti' Ctstlmrra Salts from 10 00 to 80 00 Uentt' Hr .wu aii t li.m k Cloth euit si 15.00 lo so w. tients' Coutt, Pantt sad Vest, at ..all pri -ft. oritiirl daiitf s.rl iiuuit aVVia CARPETING The rrHllf!t 8 plr in Ih market, ami caa Kin..- .i..- T. . ,tti ... . v,'.v wiiit. Aula wa ,ui ao ol6.. A truli itix.k or 1. Mlirl ,V sou t B(X)T AU SIIOKS For GenU, Indies. Mlas-t snd I hlldren. all (rades Our brtleU ol LJiuj' V.oruceo tuoel al i V) er i sir. warranted. we llianlt lilt l.oliile . xenerallv for their ptt favors ami hope they alii lav or us with li"ir enniniued patronage. JU1VU r. UULLEI at Doll. O A L ! U A Lt iUO Toa Dlim j,l B.-d At' Coal, 111 per tou tlehvartd, lutt received. net j-u w . u. eTKUNACH 0 Alt! FEMALE ACADEMY CABV, ;. (J. Th tierriw of this Institution will b re uii.aj i a iht oOUi uf Januair. l-il. Carr it s pii-asint v.lbjre, tlliiau d eihl nn't vol of n,i un, sl iba Juoetiiot,I ib N, .rib in lint lib Ilia . btUiaia Kallrvad : that Bcbw aaav olarert- from tut lain of Uia tala. It la rtpecially Hood for iu loca'lon sun a uiumanliy ot g .od moral ei araciur I ll rMiicltail, iiarine? had s -rati vtsra of etiwileaca in I atbh ( b..m li malt s eon- inutanea at wi hn retaa of tna atron. a.t b rrU fort eu.n ii1 tn Hit kooL. Tha liituuctiun wi.l bMbnruuh and m tanuU I onipairnt tflUiiti wl 1 ' employ 4 st rair.'d Ttaaa rsa totioa or rwsaTV wssst. One-halt la AdraneR. TulUoB la KnlUfc Ur; tiliorot. itolli ou ill IV ju nu ftial sme on l iano, " Metis utlia tae. I.aiie or . ,, h " " iraaln. to. I'm of Musk-al lt ramrnt, S) u ar em ba obLalnad lu a.ioj faaillina ai t il pr uiooili,' aa-b. aud lixuia. 9 aruraiara, au 1 . r, Mlii V. C PILL. aaHdlwialai Priieijau. ALV IllLE f ITT Pa'jl'ERrT roH BALK. Hr rlrlaa of a b,-a..l tha I'robai foarl at tl rottii, ia at IntinL 1 a til aril al pa -in tat I oa. aa Ikawairi b. a aaat, la lha el y uf Kal'lb, l- Iba h' BHi4r, ua Staaaaa - Waih au-af a,,n.ra . v .1 it a f laea at , Iba follaa lat P ae PinH of Ind. toaaiaiaiaa - MT ar H-1, a, Bring Brll Lol No Iti Ib tha alaa ol aai4 eiu, ea Ibr a'l t J of i ll Sirrri, ,ttln( tbt laadt of lbs Mai ft tt C . tnd ll C. Vlurray, ur stwty areapt,a; bv W K P.1I. rne t.nV.f una bill aiva. aa.jf uf lata, a ,t fc, In rioarr la Irnat 1 aa Oaarar will ba aaai Vt Warenaaat tlUxsam Ilia i for a reauaa'da raalaaay I0w. Tatats lAJrl-k tad tba raaUaa pty,uU la . - -. iom a vt f m mirrrf I. Bo4 aad eaj4 .e itur rnaaid nil 11 eS'l. a II td Cvaiaav s.i.b r. MlbCKLLASEOt'S 18713. 1873. I"rfaj CaniHlfll HlMMlaj. A mt PI ifT r.-r'tr H em Garar ttaaa, laat rr lard l,y Fsrcbtl, LER 4) Hi , Jsa 10 im Itrau. R v u i i r w' a7 gaHijLM, klvi,ta4 a;H t'.p; u 4 fOfKET hiva f'ff kia L ka fa trt't'4 4 U t, 1; I '1.(11 A toUI. law II 8 H att 11' kAtrtnrt Arj a? .aitf fia) PREMItU S.IFETI OIL k . f tat (.! fifl a-'al fa . ai -a f I a.- a T . ., w-a,-.a.a.aa-.'a nr i' ' . a r-- ! ti al f A b , . aa- a W4. k ta U . a. IMMENSE 3 REDUCTION . ( ,t Jl 1 J "a '. ' WINTER CLOTHING, V' . ' . "... r. - AT RAMSEY 29ayettevUlaTSt4 : j'in 18-Jill roruENT,&. jy Wj6LLisaByU.tK.E-R kmi . A Owelllnit Hons on ma torner oi um- Doro' snd Wcsr. Ctre't. witltix looms and very room furhl-h4 Oil Lbr D:fUl!Ara a ail tlie-nece4Mi r .pui uouL't. ruriur tber parUculart apply W . ' VI. Jl. I" 'IM, Corner of Wllmlnfrton 8tr,U, lau t lui . . .-...' HOtE ANt L' T FUU KENT FOK .NEXT VEaB. tight K.xioia, hue facet io each bass all rr the tiuu!e. Gouu wsll ul wa ej on Liu: Let: ALSO, - " . Another llouan and twentv sent of Land attached, known as lite Hex Hospital property. House, lour Kooois. "TTTALUAHLE FAMILY Ii EVIDENCE TO V i,ET. The coinmediout fuiiil'v nuiileiK of II A. t-lkln't heir It tor rent durbusthu vesr 18T3. the lifeline C'ttitaiua cnougti r iotut sua loey sre o uiviileil n U iceoiniuodalu two laun- iiet It front Martin r'tfeet. It atxint 140 yardt wedt of Ihe lioal olUcD, hat a nkat ifaidre ol halt an sere, all l eedlul ouihoUM!, snd s well of Baa wttor ia lus yard. I he prcuiltet III be in ei leel repair. For teiait apply to deelV-U MOOKE di HAILING. JOOM TO KEST Oil LKAiE. flu two front rooms in "Tucker Hall " at present occupied by the North Carolina Land ouipmir win ue r aveo ior mayear isia, or nil bt leaaed for a tel lea uf yeai't. Apply to W.1L ABB. lUCEUv JiCi) dee 17 tf E TtLtGANf ncL'eE ASD LoT IN RAL ElUit FOK SALE Ilavini! iiorehased the decant l roiierty purehated the elegant known as IDbk 1L1), lata the areaidi-Bco of Mr. Kiii.lani, tituattat on Newhern Avenue Juat ouuiile of thu ril) limits, 1 will sell Ihe tame on sccuuinioaaliug teiuit Colli at to liriee sad credit. . ' 1 sin wilUnir to tell the wholu, or ui sere, Incluuiuir the dwclhnir, haute. KEMl'l' BAT1I.E, dec l!-U Uul. ili, N. 0 Yy I A M O S D S 1' E U 1 A C L E o . The tpectaclea are mtnufaeturwl from "Minute I ryi al t'ebtik-t' welled loirulher, Slid ara called Ui .uiond on arc oinl ot their hanlnvM and briilianry. It la well known tl,at epeelaelet cul from Branlita or l-c tcb t hlit.a aru rery Inluriout lo Ihe eye, became of their polarizing Until. Hsvihk leeii t. ilel ailli ihe pouuuc p, lbs diaiauud kmsea bare been found lo sdaiil llt ira ivr cenL lit h stud lav, lhaa any olbor prbule. lliey are fron. nta rrr,t -ie pile acrnraey, ar ire ruta .Mivauu, 'slitHrrall'int. and produe a hrlflnmaa ana dltuurloeM ul rnoon Bol lie fore sit lined at apeciaeks Mannlaulurvd by lha la-neer liptieal M aliufaeturo ff 1 umiaiiv. New York ruraalebjr reaiainaltue tjrenlt IB voryeiiy in the L tloa. H. MaUier.Jewajler tnl fptiel c, U 4ol rnt for lUlajtb. N. C. frooi , Uier Can only u uh iu- I. No MdJlei .in.iU.vtU. t-i ui buy a air nun i yon are the trade una. eecu-dawly 1 OCT K K A GAM ft t ' S i.lht of I)" Br.nJ, ADA MAN I INK CANDLE, Att tl,-, tit i tloli I ( tudiutat Vt.nufacmicrt prma. aoU br lr aVIH T. bliCIir A CO., la Urn Haltliaor, Ui , I , yAlCkts, Ja.vkLEr, fTKKI.INU ILVi:it AMD -TBI m. rt. I rrn nw istt f.-r- - - aava ia natiift ir as .trw Tar arid riare a'eai.a s I rga BaM1awat ( Uia a My aus la f all and ciwaplrle. 1 kna ve b Wad that t rarunari l Ib.llla wa a slurb aa BrJofe iba r. t,W( , Una, akarvia yuaag kad .a a eiaiiptei. b iwahir and bialaotaa i ta.aruarh. o. i., . ' . ' . . My saualnmi uf nvii sre e.HnpVte. AH klaoa frua iu nwta I. lot, Va tail a I art I aaai ma a.nii,i. ol Uia ivuiatur, an.i la. v t" rail aad tra aa at y M4 Plof,. ,, ,i ,l a ". .. , . walry ra - i u. ' ' I'"" r -aine aiida tor all Vis cars. Uorw iwtmi. u ; aawuiba I aill aril rhras f. 1 ..a Ik.. at ar by Iba bit wstrh awr Uia Cap f lot aaa ' i .ohm c. rALMrrt, Hai.oik, S. C. Ll Mb) ALE But It If T sfullTltt 1 ., " " i' llVdi i ' ""bty. Baaal-w.tB. xtbMidlito'ftiiUiMMiaf Lai.itil rtairaa. al-"U b.u. eao.b, balhli. a ill , e iHlaiad al oa .oc uiu, T.J1 tilur ..a - r . . . . . . .... ,, , iiinj,1nij, j Trrtaa- taab, a4 th taaaaiaOrr . . ' "a l" rtaladai ttsod tava at talbaalaVaataf b4dif kK,ala la aaba a tat.alaiiaaia, , tm -, ava - Ta it a a " - itat ... li Mar ,ia Mr, I at I . tmm ua,,, Ua 1 srit Bal. a ail. . ... . . r U.eb ao IS aaa b. - A uf lb. ,ra.M iat a, baral '" waat. wW , ,aa Hma ra. I J a IBM W lUavaaa. t at ia u7. I Ai I rwa. II ki.k ,r B I . a lira. ---at y re uf rr tM,t S. Jaa 14 lw Tib, ta ll'.LT. tarty. aN I I u i i l Hot I L liALlb. Hit baa rr f A i rAlt . L lb Ktiit. il ilti.Ni.a it, S 4. 1. MABbiao. U tbarsv af ka Baa'aay- f vwai.. . 7 " T mtl ' tbt' IW ,at - a. -I b h A f I , 44. t L..tT, tH Uaai.iaa i tlct tl 4) C . II. I.attt. F. I il.ia,. I b n't fat al, W . tl t"f !ibo. - A (..a H t a 1 1 - W tliiaj a , a I (tu.illa a. i u . . ..". & CO'S.72 bCUUUlaiv JOJaJiflUK.S. Ae. l .u - n ' vr VI titti KAl.M;;i, - ' ' " .! AW t , .. V D .. u i P. n-tnal . - . . 7 . r-6i- The Parlue ierni comuieaoas lb iQtfc of Februsry the lntHtutlon Is now In snweteful opera-thm-' ai,d lha frtncujalt b. lie that i hey era -prepared to offer tuperior adraniage for the eou anon or youn i uioa. . Pruf. A B umn,lonBn3 favorably known as ra areorwolu-hed teacher of vocal and In- trun). a al oiuiic, at aharg of th ainsie Detiarui tut, 3 Fori ircular contilnlin fall particulars 'a' to tern s, ceurae of tin v. &c,a drwta Kv . hLtlWKfX rttlJJ, Jau lS-daww(iui (,. HaleiKh, N. C. gF.LE .T BO-tEDLNG AND DAY SCHOOL. IIILLtiBOUO', N. U The M!-'te KSSII 'Vita KOLL'lCK will rename tiie rxervl ct of their Kclioul on Tuts daj. 7ih of Fetinisry, 1SW circulars foi w arned on applieallon. LKJl'l It.VPT Ii . XAKT. FEMAi.E 8KMI- F P Hi aoooD, A. M .....Principal. Her. A F. Kbdd, A. M , AsMK'iate frineipal. F. A iioHLMAJix, Professor of Mu-lc The Spring setttoii i open ou th ,- llibof FEIIItU hT, The building, having been tnUiixadi I ipa clons, eomiui ulnus sud bandMuua. 'I be Literary Depsrlment ts provided with a atlsct Librarr. a l.v eo lection of Grolojfl. sl Slweiuwua and Bun lliiioanidiloal and i. hem. ' j iial Ap: tratus, i no .viutic nrpartm l Jl provided with a Isifre r-amber of good, JfUnea, 10 OrKJlia snd a Harp, ..,v,.;:.:,ii 'llioliily toucher mployed re alt FIRST Ikiaidiiig pupila are iru,utnt to wear uniform dnm. Board and Erijlltlr tulllon 10 j er w raioii uf t ruobtt). " ' - - For partieiilart, tpi ly lor clrctlar U..eadiawiwwUtlmtl . gOUTHEKN EDUCATION IL It I BEAU 1. To aid all wbo desire Well qualified teaeln-rt. , i. Torepre cot teacher who dcsli'apotb tiout . j, i at To Kite parents luforniatloa cf irhoots, 4. To tell, icui snd excbaiiav svkool pro in;r.i.Hi Adilrias Jas pOUTHG ATE, , dec ldlltwl!&lttiru iliilahoro, N. C, 10 If OBI) HIGH KCHOOb, J. II. lloll.SI.U. It II. OKAVtS Piincipa'. II begin the second Tbs Birlli( t-rssloa Mon ar ia Januari, Terms aa heretofore. Oxford, N. I-. Dec. 11, l-ri. doe t .-dawdcwllawtw w EbLEIAS INSTITUTE. 1 lvi.) iiiio a i v i a-ni-., a , I ' 01'L3 A-SD 0L.N0 L.DIK3. ! ,. . . Il-I4noKo' (ThKkT, ' I -RALEIGH, N , The Ui it iculou U Ibi Irli4uliva a ill ie g a ou Ui 30TU OF JAM ART. Tbt I ulidlnij U Bew. fu.Ud for fkbuo! Br poara, sr.d la ailvaleu in eaa of Ilia nio-t dub lable Beii(lilaih 0a hi Hi toy ut rUlabh; U.rr, (ora un of Uia uio.l deairabls In tha .-tile. The I. itrac loa aid U lUuiuu.h aad yito- ISarosraoof tlu ty wlii o wtU arraneal. aad may auibr va Um Bhou. ralar Laillatlaie wJi, aud ail ibe Oruauwuiai,, il daatiaO. Oaa ui the Pniielpala will a. v.,ie sperlal at Uaiioa to aid Iba live auii b ib baa kad Biuvh ii. crtenea and aue- rtrt:a-v4attaiadMiy laubltji i I -'. - w i virw,r, wnil B VU ,4saB a at aanaa an oliaa W 1M miirr n f, - i BMataal, poll I af BttBaars, sad Birltr of 1 ai'H'ia- J i eaa atrr aay rkua .a l ol'b ao j I ba l-a-dia. ix Mrisaaaa ba aadar ; Uta ra- aal tvamrvlaua uf Iba hi a Ma laaraara i ...a iBrlr al, a,o r!? 1 W Baabe a) s atMI b.wa or Ih aiay waie IB ilia acBO t bBilUMj 1 1 wbo may taaid la Uia icbo I haiMiuc i waa. aaa Bralaf. r - - , ., ilnat a a imatAritaM rauoly, who vaaauaaa taaal uca. ktliW BLANCH rtNTKEM. atita M'u.i.ia lAtoktii, r-ttwrpale. E a aaBk, tl Manl la stta atNM frtniary ttrartaval a A t MAM.I M wiUaVUraraarkw j .-.w,.,,olllI,u waaaa. .TaitiMa. friaatrv l.l tats) IA ou auo ko , BVIUU to u MO AJia..d I a,uM, I sua aad Fr-ura. atlra, ta, b, klaut aa I'ataaar rsaa, a a, r oa (, a uu, 1', 1'xuliWe, . .ilT. ' awalk. IM I Mi I I ar a aia, sijr,a . : J - a. .a i. A JoSilE b tags . , 111 lihMklAN LA.1 j f-CliiE , a-w aaa, ta- aa...,f a ut aa aaua aa a ', Aft hUlllkMAltrtt. aHIHajL, - - . a, i aaa laa, t iiJt al A It li 4 Ami M'NItJ i I, lary, H, Ca jp", tt! ' Malaaj l Ai t ' (aa. " li I'liti 4 i ri fas a if f -.!, itrv ! au ul l . ' Iboroasa la, Uf. , i.i.. ."Ma'"aiiaBaa4 rt ark, t U Al lal tT fjotrp. I ' " 'II ' ?.V , "" kla-Wy. tltl aa aa afrrt-4 ae i s, ta ,il 4 f aaav Na at ti-i,4' l ki. I '; . ! 1 1 I ing I ke Sri if l-ai ao k -I' j aat s If W, M, 4Ah tW aa .atitwaai f saauii ' t a e I a i - m U ar., M li a,. "I

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