THE PAILY SEMLNEL , - ' ' TV HUOH KD -WT- : fll STHEL KBL1SBIW COIPAI!. nir the. Court IIovi . a .tu o icaaoaimoir. ADVEUmiNO KATES. " AdYertlaenwnt will be buerted l til Dal the loilKWiD: reU xw uar ot , i 1 1 " " euth autxmurnt luaerUoo thB wtk ........ . ... AM t Hare,l werk.l j.V.Mnuar,7ino. tiyO I Imonii, .wil 8 . t.0 , rear, u advene. avmisa.' svewo ThM ntoullta, ia advene ... B8.W i 4JW 1 r Sbjo'. IAwi'i 9 " .W l S' io.wiii . ia " M.M t " 4 j au.ouit u 4S.W Tbe PiiLf Hievtanb win be delivered ta ,07 pat "' taortrirrMAMT mm vol. viiir KALEIGHrNrGATnBDrEEBimAIiS1221 873. I flrVUU . .- ' THE DAILY SENTINEL MI ll! II H II II 'f! II II 47-wY L1BGEST CIlCCUTlOa IF 1H MPE1 FCBLISBED l!i TBS MI. . T.ATCST TCLCG RAFZIIG NEWS ON 4th PAGE. kisasat Wnirriw A Hovfwab, rtoararajper -MteruriLf Ho, 4, ttwath street- tola- more Mi , are Ja' 7 lathorilrd to eoeuwrt for (dnrtiwmooU t onr lowtwt rate. Aiver Ukm la tbtt city are requested to leave their farors with that bout. l.WATHBXt REPORT. . Wmhmoto, . Mth, 1873. ; Fresh Northerly win' td dear cool weather wDI prevail to lb Middle and Sooth Atlantic State. , , CITV ALMANAC. Batumi)!, fob. S3, 1878. . 49. Baa ! .4 ear JkMk HOTEL ARRIVALS. CITS HOTEL FnnarjABT X 1 W Oliver, tmlthfleldlH W Won,CarUl. 0 N Bub, Brnlthoeld W W Wauirh, Carl ale. 0 W Norwood, BelvuelO W Bollock, Clay ton. RATIONAL HOTIL Tcbruabt. 80. 0 D HilU Richmond J D Huffbam, N. 0 R II llnbbald, U 8. A H. Boykin. aaaiiwoa. J. Q Crubtree, lex J B Tlmra-rlake, N. '. K J Riddick, NaletKh 0 F Bail, Kalegu. YASBBOUGH HOUSE Fcbkcait. 10. B B Barrow, Idtcoro be 1) Coleman, Adierille TD Carter, Aetieville A C Avery, Moixnton T AitrfelL New Vork W H Collins, Boston. P H Morton, N. O. R Hay, .Warrewton. A. T. Kedd, Virginia.' Mr Stvron A aon K W Bladaoe. Wake. A H June. Danville. J A i.llnier Unenaboroj M E latou, wilroln i C Baatty, fbilada B W Warren, Hat I H Fearee, La Grange ui o ruitura. CITV COTTON" MARKET, Reported dally by W. C. BUoaacb, Grocer and Commlaatoa Merchant, Fayrttevllle I Street: ; BiXBiua, February M b, ltT.3. Pnre of cotton la our market to day t AtUsa. . lUX Atiu.nL. . Bale . . . ll keceipl. -' li Too of market dull. HOME AFFAIRS. Ta Hop at tbe National but night was a bi illlant affYi r. i aisai Dark tlms aliar ia o'ootk at night - Iff Raleigh. Auction ' f lluni fcu, today t 10 o'clock, by James M. 1'owle, Auction- -er. - - Tu DAT will generally lie obcred as a National holiday, it living Wathingtoa'a birthday. .i i 111 fumral of Mra. 1'ialrU which wa postponed on account of the weather will take place lo day at 11 o'clock from lb a EJratoa Street Methodiat Church. tvrtot Hau Uaiia the title i-f s bandeowely ptttiUd and ably edited ankl Bi atipiri eta JaJu Va., T. C Croj'prr, editor. The ii n , number of the ppvr re before a sad gir- etideace of Unit and abililr. Uuc Co.h feature bf the JlrrtU h that it U dima H the Rtilrmd H ng avfl ge fc Sating the little lb old euni aweaiih k.( elt Bie it.' CaTnw, AantBcirw A On. 1 be advev- tliiBii it of Mer. ( atorf Arwi'mtig A Co., VI7 aad t.H iuliimore Pi reel, B.lti- saore, Md, will be fonad ia aaotbar ti saa. Out Bxfluu It aad milinrra who d.iii all.iaa la. Ut.fa.wjU W well lo i all ea three geotU vtra while oa their Nor her wur lo la; ia tbeir Spring Uk. Read the advertiiesBsat. Man (Aiia A w Wcr p ng up trvwt iaet evoalng, or ettrli.-w oraw I Urge crowd a lb Cumer of Fayrtteville aad Uargett street. Cp si pmarhing, w f.Kitid th aildtttut SAtf smw to be a largw Mracope, througH a hlrk Ik were gating at lite d.ff ewat plaav M'a "Tea coat n lookJJ. W t rU 4 art near aooogh to -look" mto wortal ABB oJ g.itag to dig r n SU, W advWw yaej nil M'n. Jat ws Lewis A C sad pwrebue m of the) WU. tod Boilo Ca4lo U ta the bwl ilo la the vntid W Cm tow, Cera ToWwi, It la Ik otjly Urn naadw l wiU Ca-4 kVert" 1mm II rae U Va4 la Ul eii, tar l by l U.-., Vprkerrb A 1l.a.A Marl trri. Url lU.wb-a ..4 L if. hm k Cm Wi)ar"W tuwat. aad at Udttflm by Jha L A CA Ma irrijNi 0air wtii, by at , addree tbe awiabm f l) le ral is"y aal U fhl4 la (be Hall f lUaeaMi.toU. . that oevwlag 4 TAB o'tLwk.apoO wUw laaoriU, erwaweJ aad aol.ikal, a 5lg ta ft- fr. rw aad : tt NU ( ar.-l.aa. He aWeawloet fwll alldx il aaeeabift 4 g t wmW hrwd I) r Wu4 a ta "W lb tablet 4 bgttMx, i . Kaastew Had-1 a lb Vtt lath fcwK Uy.wa tb Will to tb MBirtiaej ef lb MvW-n aad AWi:w Trt..k fbavt. t fwwal UI4 IK4 be M k4 wr awa, la aw 4 lb Urwagb wWr ta tat t4 ba, MM tmv , mH A 4t.Ug Bwfpaw -t wrn4 fad tr ;"AtAft f-mtm&d BtMrM m to ttaMgb 4 fl . bJtC Wtaatva .lvh ( m ii I a !' SB uet I BV.kH. SUPREMB COURT. Ramon, Feb. 81. L tUtu Tl. Jaa W. Eiliot, from Day'idaon, I Attororj Oetieral Hargror and W. I?. I Bailey tor the State and R. Gorrell and I L. U tteutt foi dt'fmilant Argument re auoicd and cl Jfathauiel Boydca T. Bank of Cap Farf Jrom Bowa. W. H. Bailej U plaintiff and Biackraero. McCurkle arid BUa.V ftona (or di find an. a. Argued. A. B. 8 Uh T. Jaab Lockabill, from Dartdae. W. H. Bilay mad R. Oorrell ww maiDuai aai uiwuu uuuaer aou dbiui i " aud Blackmet McCorkle fur deftndaat. rgued. " v fcMALL PfWUI FaURSUM. 1VW. M. Crtnaliaw, ot Louiabttrg, who ha been auarantiaed in Harrl' Tuwnshin. atteud- kg to in anull boa cases lfcawt ausoa Ua 1 12th of December, hu been permitted to I return to bii lamily, and give ao iuler-1 rating tkuxlt of ths origin, progress uuJ I exllrputiou of the disease in that town-j sh'ijT lie sys he has.peot his days anJ J nights with tbe afflicted people ; has tro itid 28 caae in all ; of these 10 died, from the prevalence of bad weather, want of Skilled nura. ii, procr nonrisbmeiit snd tbe virukney of tbe diseaae. The fatal caae, he H)S were pcrlictly overwhelm ing, parluking l deep conceal ion, and tbiit be diaeaM; could uo be brotightnut. and oilier of tliete cue wcie ooiifluent and typhoid. . Having lia.i conaiderable ejprrience iu inating tbia diaeaae in Philadelphia, New York, Ac, be pW nonnots this altogelber the moat virulent ami fatal viaitition he has tver known atta n;. : .ha .rn clo(i rw,iB he , D - - o ii A to nurae, take measures, Coffin, and li ; t burv the dead. Before be left, the iaeuae bad entirely diaappoared, and every ffurt t .ken 1 1 prevent its again gaining a footing. DmoKKfcT'iMiiKiui.T. Our thanks art ue to the Editir and Proprietor forth Mareb number of tbe M tgaxino abose mmie head this notico. It is one (it not (A bttt) of till the fakbion books that are to our ladies. M idume Dcmoreat'i Fashions are n;t istravagnnt ery one can Bud something to suit tbem, Iron the tober mother of a family, to tbe gay girl I faahion. One article la this No. It oi III l ta price, lb article that trie to induce our girls to adopt the frm Pariaiaa laibioa of a quiet style ofdnseiulbe Street. No la-1) in Pari, would vent ore out in the JLtky cos'iilae wliicb we aie everyday on our atieeta, A lady who akea Dtiuofvat aeed no receipt Ua.k, every taf'Blh b will Bad suluaana of new intipl which ill lurniib direct ions tr simple lre.kfal, or a formal aiuuer. f) aao l a a magazine for the uUPg bilks, allowing lht a bl catering I bit liitJBu lIifa.AC(Li; jhllfl ihii baa t furott.a lb, bttlo one. YKf Jsmtm h sturUs ' riddlra, lebua, etw g uiii snd pretty lit'lv pn-nia, ahichibil dren ran L i lbs ngular " Filday Pmtry," ToMng Amrritu haa In it gowi tele wa Ntural lli b rj Ul Will lull; n it tbe value i-f the 11 00 wbch is Ibe (d th M-gaaiav .. . UA I -A -,OHinXK OX UIU. Mr. Vi;ey. itlul'ford.oo Friday Calbd lite q cii..a ua a OMistitatloaal mrt.i!mrw . William , a e4wd sneea- bet lr. m Fiaukua dnlanj ll Mr. v I ley did not withdraw tb call, k ad bi fdeeds would vol again! cistilutioal a mew J omw U ahick others i they wowld I vol f"f. Was this bargaia aad Sabj at ti U.lm.tb! II .u eerl.'.al. Wa It Intimdstlos I It wa eenaiaif I I k. I. II... Mr A.J..'a a... tot U. V I I PtATITOrCOL WILLIAM MSQ HAM. AS lo rrB tli rVwtf fr- Orai, Mr J An W. Suvwund, anx I dsissa t. Uf eaaS as that be ha re esived iwrtwt l"4.4bg'Wr fr'M M-bawr tile. f lb44krf Was Biagbasm, wba ditd In Savtwa.b aw tb Both Usual. Tb reaaai of 04. nVgbB will arrlt al M t'villa, e Btordy, tied !, TV toa c4 nrb S ntso la tb fanes I. fa, MB pwl.U aalaai.ty, ll saaki 4 44mi tariff 4 raw'y B:u4 T test bo ever, was a 4 aaett-erted f.w ksr title wnH4 wrttef p'Vpvr I M It it. T bi, 4ib k-i mm ag. aad lb grv aa vartory. II t wife aad bill . assay fib. I nWe) S at a .4 sen, with Waire ArvnaV, H b wg rajrw"4ij reew 4 swew. Bll W4-el.i;Jir al wh-4 A wife' atlwM.t bk ao tl k4 Aa badepaw-'! a p... a riAt ed dltnet TtoeAratal qwjey-4 lb W4y t4 tl-4 (set A wry aii ttaf . bj f ally .rt. to at.ks B great kit. Wkya tre im vy iy4 a4f liwa ttoy see a syleai Wrtbaaat ae limaeait be pie.. 4 BW frewew utv la (t 4 b waaatry raw Lam 4 bed at m be ateth t4 ww r-i, sal's i4 to wVUb N sett staeasldj tirer. M's UBikrsUuid that the aaar will ff Judge Fule will be rrmoveJ fnun tlii city about the lat of March to lome (pot Bear Waabiogton, N. C. Tbia la dona to supply the iacreiuej d rnd fr lumber. LATE NEWS Mr. E. It SUmps ia a candidate lor"tlie Legislutnr.1 in Fd,coaib'. . aoce has been iuviud tu lucfure I in Taiboro', Fite colored pireofiera ia tbeTarboro' jB tDtie their escape on Bundaj of hut : The Spring trrm of both Wilson and Warren, Courts comnioaces on Monday sat,1"' ' Mr. John Warren, of Kdgeeoinbeloat his giu Ifiuae and rontnt lat wu-k. LVks 'i"" .r4 W'e Wurn that Dr. B..F. Arringtoo, of Ooldsborti. while sitting in Lie chair on Friday lastsoddenly bi'eaine p -chleis sml unable to ansa from his stat. At I"St mcsovni, however, bis .iJiti..u had much improved. CAS UH BB lMPKALWEDt The Legialature directed the Treasurer, David J. i k us, to give bond for an appeal i... ... .. . . . ininecaHioiiienryi;iew,Hiulcysi.dtl.e - rung ngainac me VMetetn flortti taro- lina Hailroud Cooimnv. in .l.i. l. ih. Stt! It u $4,000,000 alxiut to be sacrificed tor tiu.uvu. u.i tue day tu bond wa to be filed, or tbe property lost. Judue I t .i .i... . r. ... rl it - , . . , . , , , I ,v I .i v.. i : - - i . t I v... .rr u. ..Kn.nis .u oouu .or I an appeal. Couple tliis with il fui H.. i in.l... I Tourgee rcctivei Irom the King thirty or ..... w.uH thirty -five hundred doUara, and w think it demands a committee to. investigate hi conduct witli a view io impeachment si C'OCRISR JoCHKALI-M A Waabington special aa) it i gener ally understood there that . Char es W. Ford will be Secretary of tbe lut rl ir in Grant new Cabinet. Don't aak u who I Charle V. Ford is. W presume (bat, as uual in such casus, nobody oa the face f th earth knows but Gram himself. There is a farmer in New Jersey, they say, who has attended two bund re i fune;. ale. If there I anything in cspericncc. be will ceitainly know how to behava I himself when be Attend hi nwn funersl. Luui Napoleon was buried with bis van snd hi uncle wedding ring oa bis band. II Uamuin had been at the funeral, hi would have off. red til widow a very handsome prirw forihitn. A loniKi ticnt paper (its Iber are no druiikua men u either bouse of Ci ngros. wen, Biep your ei.i; iiu-y ii be In la a few aaouie. . 'It s wrmtTnrTnTTITTTf.iVHtTtie-tmt ctmrtmnttin I uie unirvia 1 it suture wil. stall a new paper." TIh y should first IcarL t i read the old ones. A tX( g Nkillrr calcalatis that 8BI.B00.0uii con nf Lnthi-r's translaiMta f Ibe Hull have len printed Ir -m th nil I nu to lit present. A W'eia tu-a wbiouaj a aa wm elaa b red ber I. u. hand, and aaa arraelid ausd iy4 AW -s ) 4 hrr bmb-irit. th aagratiful brute, rifwedta. pnytbrflrj. Ocrff A Clark. Ih well known 4 ton lbid snsjioaclarrr i4 Nwa k. N 1 lls? 4 'ayBJBJs)y-wJBV TtlffTttBBfss JksTtf davea. 114 111 I raided al 3,OO0,0O0 " little Or. -eg i bote, a. 1 terra aad Ibirtrea. mad eight bake of eotion aad siity bwabel of entn ! sraaoa. ABTllClllll TIM A SAVEt BIXE. --. ... , iJiT?? 1 . l.U. M.' bT W Z ZL aabtt aa a, an., k. I lew what Itoi wali at.a-11 ara very Ii i aT r i n.a mp s e dry s.T f. a 4.. a A M. ll I 1 LIT BXrlUTiiKAT will a ulataialHtUaxUI - eaa le aa ei ary U ac. I .... I ta tervi mam, r ti. aa, lata, la fmtiad f. lb basest iwatt.4 by lb I exwal tiaaB. 1 elaaarfsl 144 I stf b-tia,jt ta lit evai wrMSerial t as I aawi.g aekkaasar na.blUa. tm eeaeeal Iwnl bad.sS-red dr4 al y altbaaeer e AaUieMaw 4 nV-etl) a4 kraatawai. I we awsaea a, at BB f M. aa. a a . U I.a la yu IstaM.eea4 tb) a. mi .e4 W I alias Satan .la Kfe-l U ii st aib ie I baaaa its aa j bee a4 OS btiaa. a4 bee m ka aa tseO aam II baa baew B na b-eMa te 1 1 1 t.iy fiesias4 H I 4 aa! TMti4a4 SB I weal e Ibreat l ten tea Uai t. Bt.tK.CI.ll IBX. IV tail H.W D, s st taa beat Is a. I 14 BJ 84IT WIT TV IBtLTU TtoatraSil t giwataf y Baewe Bt SWvta baa Ik sewait bat lb aaa We ar bagea e Ii r I der bar f. at to a is tb atom, mt i t ..., bt dt a , lb eaaat ea-at.ea4ad aaaa . 4yea aa. er l UUe aaaaanj t a4 Um swat, at ie4. law awy wmj, to . IweWa, J to iaa,t kl lae la M.awaa M la'( vala a4 --lata Ua aa a.iH, l(4 tanar,! eagaa 1 4m trt a,.e.,4..- sat. iy rm ..rtll ItaiW kv.'kaeat tb bt ' a aweaaary tawu el V. h.a a aama a 11 .M a . lM s '"" t 1 M taa)tli4 el i mt avl M at a-H aa-..- ta la 1 a a aae- r Irwat f to (Wa tea ... aa .r..u.. faf .ral a. aexy mmfM. ear ...aa4 tS It Wa. af , at . i-. '..e tax 1-4 , 4 st rtfy 4J i HUa.UArilu..i. a.4l. babl Ia4 t Betake aaa4.Uaa) Waja md taa Ms awk ( a a ed tb.. saa. eat.miMkali.11 IMa, .a fa . aa4 ta a...! 1ttoMaaV.a4 Mt si Max aa Be laeaa , na . . .... ( t wa sot a.4a.4 w 4aaaaaav bat BaMaiale l..lltal it e af Haaat to , tm Ua a..a eaaet a4 ' 4 Mad at Sa bat , at as - ta tt LeisUtttre f Karth Carolina. . " 6ENATK. Fbiday, Feb. 21. The Senate met at the uaual hour. Habaon. col., presented a memorial of the Board ot Atdurmen of the city of Wil Btiouton, ltulened, . . K -porta of alandioz compiitteia were preavoteU Dy Alrsra. lxive, Cilia, ol to I . ia and) -Wauieri Tbe following bills were reported OB . 1 ... U.'A . 1... t.kt. . . i ' J .. urawij u t wn w itv i.un , . i,. lfill to authon IB a special tax la tbe town of Harfreeaboro . 1 Bill to authorise A special US in the I town el carey, ana Bill to prohibit the sale of lntoitcatw I quortjet itoreb Church, Itobesum The betial , concurred In tH Usua I atnendmeats to tbe bill to incorporate the Olii North but jAinooer aod Maautaclo 1 ring Company. Enrolled. IXJJk AC I Mr. Ciinnlnirham lntr,vinfJ a fi.rl tif wotceliia of the iwowirt i.l tW. L'ni. I . . X 1 Turaity ot tn mate, ttetorrea. : , i ... ..... . . I "Ml the '""JJ . Una nf fJtmrtan nrasr' Ihuimniu w jvia-w:n vtitaiu saiiiiMiu Mabson,col., a bill to amend the char- tif nl I ha Cil tit Wilminoton. It, f. rrpfl I . . " . . I Mr. Love introduced a resolution ex- I lending tbe time lor the public piinier in KltlD8 ou lhB Jurnala and public doru nD 10 'V aa' ,rom ,M l,meo' "nJottrn intent,,. . -s On motion of Mr. FWmmW TO was atrickea out ana UU aUaerted. Ibeitesoll U" Ibeu paased KwiTni.1 aoveuuv iu Eranicq . w nil t?niith, till Monday, to Mr. Mrrriinon till -unuay next, and indefinitely to Mr. Cra- lo r- MeaarA liarnhardt and Trov and Dua ham were reported absent en accrmiit rl (ii'KMb. Jub,,,, ABI) BBlUVUJJt TOKMPlKn. Th. .1 1 I ..... - r- ... ,tn, ... , f.,in.lnu I M.rtAm uJ U .. Doweil Turnpike, being the special order, j ws pUt its second reading. Mr. Uudger supported th bill In 1 lotj-o, tb Legialalnrw appruprikted I Vi.o.vw w am auea persoos as would I undertsk to oon struct a turnpike nsd I In in Msncn t Asheville. Under this I act: the Superintendent of 1'ulilid Wblksl advirtised lor bids for sections of tb I road; bid were made and accepted by I tbe Stat, and sixty Bv mile of ths road' I were built and com plated, and when th contractor presented their warrants f 1 payment, the rubli Treasurer refused to pay beyond the amount accruioit from the! la levied ti "cover'the tppronrtntion. I which was altogether InaulUciaoL being oae tw. .'lundredth of on pet cent oa I pr-'petty tun leaving a large number of - . the hud workinir people of eieht counties or king peo s unpaid. l"' Slale unpaid. II claimed that th Bta'e wa in honor bound to tav the I onUtmding warrant, snd h considered I H a mere t of Justice to tbra pf.r men. 1 As a mailer of economy he n.-ged the I completion of the appropriation, other-1 wtas Hi Dubbed puriion of th road I would b throw away. Mr. G spok of I trie r- ib agncullur sad mineral I luiked up in th tier of connlie s Heeled I oy in plopuara mad. I Mr. Morebeail, of Rockingham, thnuiilit I . i , i t i i uieie gooo, naiua ioc uamanuing in i psxineut nf tbe tuiViadin warrant, but he moved to sink out the 8th section of I of asotber road not originally conbxuula-1 to neeppei-nriatr'in tdtf. Tn scjon Wa aU irk on oat bv S vet id IB to It I 1 be bill then paaaed lia swoond ttSMiins! I by a vol I .0 to 14. I Oa motloa ol Mr. Welch, lb furtber I e.m.rr tina of Ih bill wa prawpiaMd I till I utwiav 011. ran mu. to kui'uri Taa bats o u-1 Tea war. - - -r- I "The fottowlnc bill, rr ported from tbst , (( mniiUiKM a bum Uut aaatuss Lad bean 1 referred, tb special urdar. Wa but arjoa I ll scesod readme : I a mu. to nn axrrruo 'aw act cow-1 cknuiBo twn nam or urntnnrr." I Tit Oeural jtsaflaA'. ,t TKa j . . ! . He 1, That all mrboratiow. chartd b) pecil at ti of tb drneral Assembly of . . .. . ... ' I Uaalaiara ..i u a. iii I notlB LanutaL aa.I all a.a.Tatiaaa I j-ct to sed enwirolled by tb eaMonsaf I iuls . I.uit. 1 rato of lala-nat aad "J "f-l CH.pUf wa hnndred aad f..urt.w,h ol tbe W,t-4 t o.!, rn il'l ! - ... - .w. ..1 IV tril rs iwu; a.aav day of Much. !, 4raiwg lb rsre-4 t... . . . ... " .. ... I I.., n -ll ttewr WW1 . I Heal A All law. ...I ...i. .J t... U . . . " .1 . iwuhs .im .in. Mt be end lb I eia bate by re U tiu . , rehrad, of GeiUurd. oAVrad aa BW-AwdaMw evl l U,a4 kOlb Bg SB lb set h be so ewsetnsrd aa to M eve pntuw art tog la Bdwuary capacity to at IbWr I..u4ily aad ibear bowd. Mr. Hwwohw ntovwd to asxwd Ibis SBMa4arwt that b Iwatfpw ra ee to baa at Mt wesaaww shall be lrb bt ituwW tbe aasnwat of hm ttocfe to wear d pnaltie. Mr. Autaievd Srfc'd hi BsradBarat bt S Baawaar a wratrwiiso to dewas tor. I b BSMOdattbl at ltn ta,. 1 so aia4amt 4 Mr. Mbad. of U I, was a4up)d. Mr. kutsuni av.ra to aawe4 by sw- ereg a as el era Haa. as to be Bad la d,y ol eh yea, of tha) kmJ.u.w of bavakS H . M.rfik a k-4 la ri ul bi t. II. 4.1 w.4 tar . wl ret of blirnwt waa, bwt be leave! rj ta be rat W ae at .11 te be ft swaa t btst iki lb Uaakt ta baaaaag Ibew y to lh4 bahlMaa, M' 4'U ws lv m mt Mr l'wn4't alsati, sa M t.t J nibu Ibe at to ea-wtot to la I to be tovtsd mm baaka lb ttiitl waa 4 a4aL Mr, Miarwaw) iB.4 ax4be tattl ant skab wa M.en4. Mr. Wiwibawvad to I tea. Ik twwssa . .. . .... - . t-aat IA lW ut a)a. SB PXud Ba fb rale td la In eat. le i bl tbi e' Baatt Baatier. f T -44 kwtid to Mb law beat lata 4 trt wt pet teal, aad Bay sat a r t' , Writtraedtw e-fi mm lie r w ibe i-VH-aa seattrea. tr ,i.e.a-j Bsaaataaewt ws J .el .... . Mr W'-l't wual j:! d. Mr fa-tltWseneb a-A-fSed by V4 if it It. Tb .ebe) Wet tton n H e r. rs.4t mt imm b il. Bad It to.! to Met wi.taawt a VWstv A motion was made to reconsider this vote and pending the question the Senate aajsuTnco;; : 77 6KNATE. ' '; ETKMIIta BKJfcMOH. .1 FtrA, Feb. tl. --The St nule g!u met at 7 1-8 o'clock. Tbe caltndar of pmat bdls was re autned The flilliming bills paaacj their aryeral J r - eJimra. havinir occunied almuat the en. ? ' ie af iliilpn t v,,,,,! hill to IneornoraU tha Far mera' fn Rank, of Wilminirton. with amundiuenta which ai r, J it back to the Houe. and Knuma-ai hill t, ineornonte the Gold. Banklnir nd JLoan Association. I with amendmedta oB imnion of Mr. Cowl.. L noueat 0( Mr. Chamberiain, wht was too hoaft 10 k, BeRn , 8lB,ta. the bill to aoi hiM a apwAU ta for too town of Murfreeeboro' w taken from tli labia d placed on the Calendar. motion (II, Mr, S ICDOIton, ice Ote KkLl.. .... 1,. .I.U.1 ..J1m.. "J ... . l.u .. !...... 1 . . . . 1 .., ,....1.4, j k i.nt taAC) sw easy iv 'U"ti sva shiu vh kibuv lh P1'' tot Jl 1 o'clock to- J morrow. . :.. . r -f - 1) .... .1.. u.... A . . '"'' " -i lu P- m., aajourcea, - - ? HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. . Friday, Feb. tl. Ilou-e met at th usual hour, Speaker Hoblii in In the chair. , . BKPOBT, Mr. Moiing from committee on En- grosted Hill, Mr. Brown front committee I oa Proportion and Grievance, Mr. Bry n Irom the committee on Railroad, Plauk loads and Turnpike,- Mr. Morrmin from committee on turulled Uilla. Mr. bbarpe introduced a petition lo prevent ibe aala nf epiritudu IrqUors In MurfTeuaboro. Mr. Guyther, a petition and eountef pe- tition from m from cei tain ciiixens of Waahing- ton. Martin and Bertie counties, lo regard to rulierus In Kosnok River. I Mr. Uu titer Introduced a resolution lor I p.wiev.iow wt nun ia low aiisn vi North Carolina. This resolution provide that th Speaker appoint a commute ol report a bill for the protection of Dsn In tbe waters of North Carolina. Mr. Stanford submitted a report from committo on Finance. Mr. Miarp introduced bill to prevent the sale ol spirituous liquor within 8 nines ot MurlTveaiHwo , llenloid connty On woimhi ol Mr. Inla, the bill to au thortM the" Coinitiiaal.ii.ira of Wilkes County to lasu bouds wa taksa up and I pawed third reading. I . . ... Mr. Junes, Irons lb eommitte on cor- poratloo submitted a report. "Th special ordr being rasulutio to supply the counties of Montgomery. Mc Doweil and others with tb pubU law of 1871 "i, as Ukon DU, . Mr. Browa. ol Mvcklenbmg, moved 14 amend by adding that th tSi'icitof of U n rfauiciai umtnci m mat reeled io bnng suit sgainst oecreiary pi rial, and ut aureuiw lor in arnownt eipended in the purchsa of said ooo sur ewy onirr uaaicai.ona. I The ameBdnumt was adoptod, and tbe I t..n . , i . . i . j . : i p-ru wwu -muKs. Me. Lurkey intrurfweed 4 bill ia regard to additional KrejHiiedation UH the tnOirrr.- Mr. MciSeilb, a bill to change tb llmo iwstewg twewntieTriw coon or rttioeao and Hraiwairk. A bill fi laling to wner and th trrotro ila of crop ia th touulit uf I'rrw n, Vrf. Alaouaoa, Labarrw aud Mm k ssakaarg w aeaeadod aad paaxd third morsf. t" aaotio of Mr. Urysoa of Jackson, Hm Bail to lae.a umata. lb Tranannaklaa Kastiaad Csw p ia V wa eaed saetll orilet suf Alund.y Brit Mil ociovA.. On BxMt..a of Mr. Badger, th rule wrr euauraded and the bill to CaUblivh Ih aewi.t of a bualxl of sweet pnutoea, tnr 'ps , lakwawji. ltods tdUawa . A . sast-sULuU tosh In a adopted and th bill paed IIS third -d"'- 1 1 -ke, ti. weight 4 ,,rr r"41" Bnf P0,1"Jt. to'ps "J aJ. . . I r ... ..1. n..m 1 . 1 r - -1 a" r .... r"- I Bill to aa'bof'io )onBaaHIe af vwes-ew aacd UUrd readiar, Mr. ltt0 a bill to Bulbof , toll to "4 seawawef lb. Ui. Wd of BtaJ-tlt Uaka-ii ad Mi ileal stlai Ss I of Abler- S"-""" wwe-w Ihmiaaed dUdlar to I tie i ilraxietuw mil a , . .. .a . tab! t.lay to Ibw Q Wai ted Volar ad said CM v. aad to Su;b-rle lb lj. bond. B it I B.tLuriM lb Bratld of CuStsbU of Abuaaac iaiy to bry pel4 It I a4 fut Mbef pur La t peea.4 tit Ibird readieg. IL BV Ail to aarBaiato ru lbk ( aaaa Urowa4, Ml the e-waiy id Uanf ed, srvaral rI.Ka II. bV 4l, toll to Mvet tU sal t4 tptrtlowe bqwurt witbMi B ntlbaj .4 lb rnbewal st b..d b"ae N't. I, to Federal uti Twws.b a. Ntw 1 1 aatt r ovwair stand it arvrral read lag. ft B. 4l to bwewitibel aa m. to Beat Ibe eau. .kt ef rvrtal Oawalb A I fR. to t-Biy aj' kla paaard sevev al read bg. rpee-ial KM totag Ike toll U great Wiaaaatf aad wetduw, waa lahew SB Mr. Ikwaeei BaVrd to aawsaaa Wat I 1 d.f Mr. IWt,r-e a4 to to b tatie'y tans savd eaatel IU teas aad seia. Tb. " SB. 4 i IsMtrlaiUI; a,p.. aa il, Bef B. Tb t aei l.rairow mt lb bill We Itow aaaWBusxal ssbl Ta4t twtl 44 11 atbet Mr MitebaJI toisndawad bill to to) set- IIIU4 aa art to taHa. a Ibe Bi af mmm b towa b I ttMbwry, In lb iaiy 4 rltdlas, A tVtOaaf Wa Hltd faiaa lb fbrwat . I vraaaea t mg teauw ' see awaa- I .A aA- Baa - M I t W t awy. . srertaA Tb eaMiletaKeei itow pel Sfaat ltot exwdaaeat wort third stwdiag. 4 Aa art to ratatMWl totA AaU'k 4-14. As t bt meit-a to lb I b, Cteaea aatatara. Aw art to atow to iiraatw - Aa ait to ..- to tbe. &i tA FtbT W.ekt Aa art I 'ail to tb I'alewtsJiy, A t m aet to Ibe IMt' a.t A to asaatiiAS f ,4,tsi bad w bt mt b44tr. An act In relation to annual sessions ot the General Asatmbtv. ' -TbiUnrto incrTM cohrtttatloa In re-1 lation tnFublio Charities elicited much discuaaion, Mrsara, Brown of Mecklen burs. Sod Morrison adToratine, and Meaara. Lnrkey, J one of Caldwell, Gor man and Ellison opposing it. ' T Mr. ttcolt npprwed the amendment. He said that aa a lt moccrat he ctild sapport the smendiucnt, M a Itepabhcan be waa btMrad tfpps it, Mr. Ileaton introduocJ a bill to amend see. 8, chap. 85, of tbe Keviaed Code re lating to statute ol (mutation in criminal oases.'- .'. . ' Mr. Michael obtain.! indefinite leave o( abaeoce on account of sickness. Adjourned. HOUSE Of REPRESENTATIVES. FsutDASt St. 1871' llousa met at 74 o'clock. .u Mr. tleauett. bv leave, rcourted favora bly from the judiciary committee on a bill to allow tbe otimniiaaionera of Anson county to levy a special tax. j Kuie were suapended wild tut Ju'll psxavd second reading. : tin motion at Ur itnil.t. the nnfln. Kihed business, the bill to niter the eoeati- iuivn Mi regara to pntilio charities, wis poaiponea uutil to-morrow at 13 o'clock. On motion of Mr, WhUnant, the rules wt impended, and Uooao bill 488, to ameud chapter B41 of the laws of lbiQ 71, paaited second and third readings. Uy leave. Air. Badger Introduced a reo lution tbst when tha House adjourned to-1 ui;ni ii, aojoura uuiii jHiraaaj moroieg I at tu o'clock out ol respect to tha mem ory of Ueneral Washington. Mr. Morriaoa offered a aa amendment that no memlr, clerk or pa ire shall draw per diem fur batmday (lie 'iil February, . I Mr. Morrison moved lo lay on tb lab! yeas Bl, nays 13. ' . ilous bill 481. to prevent th sal ol liquor la th town of Webster paased it teveral reading. Bill to validate th sal of certain lands ln tht0ountv of WUkcs. oad seoond I reading. Bill to lis tb foe of the County ' urerof Rutherford county paased second readings Mr. Jones of Caldwell. Hon bill 600. a bill to a low certain counties to elect a Finauc eommitte, passed several read ing. Resolution of instruction to th Judi ciary CoumilUe in relation to th present re bill waa indefinitely postponed. Uuua bill 581. to incorporate tb town of Caataha, Naah county, paased several I - readings.- ....1 liouss bill BOO, to incorporate lb Cror Creek ilenevoleut Society of FavattevilU naaard several read intra. . pasacd asveral rwadinir. i. m .iu." wi.t mi. w imitms aa uis i ..ill l. ...ii . i. r... . v. . u.iice ot tb Itao la civil cause pass-1 cd several Madlngs, I uiii to provide lor autercemenu in jus-1 lie.-.' ruillrl. it. uml M..I.I.M I Bill to amend cban. 13V. puolio laws .. . ! I Of 1870-11, pasard It several readmit. Bill to be entitled tn act Concc ruing I Ri to amend section 84, crisp. IS, I sols ol 1K08 ud 'Bit paaaed iu aavcral eeading Hmm -bill lit. to amaod a.tta 404 1 M(1 f U7 ijod nf Civil Procedure, naased . . : - . ... : It sewtwl mdiaira. Hill eonrernlnir iiorriiir ciiurl r'rrksand 'Jusliua' cour.s paaard Muisil suil thud retilirt.'. Uol to amend aeetioa 87. chapter 1 IB. pnuilo law 1809 aad 69, pasd Its sev eral reaitiug. A biM to cbaag lb hwa of Ctatablo psaesd its atenad readiag, aad on ntoUoo ol Mr. Itodger, ma.1 sprciai order tor to ti.rrow at ii cl:k. Oa nsotion of Mr. Joiner, Hon ad- -Daeraaavw Arrwav rw ftiwrwrm A tVlead laforaa n that a abootieg affray onurrtal la raala.a auualy mm laetnrda asat. batweaaa W II ...I ii.. lil... u..v ' I bob bi Mrnat with a drmbl barret hot gaa, lb Bra dawaarw Ukloe effect la bat neck aad lac and lb sweowd b b bark and shoo Id rr. A rbTclaa wa called to w lb wowadrd aaaa aad new- I B.iu-011 bujoa very Mb oaa, thee beteg bwt very !irhl bopaw, If bi rrctry. 1 b didkutty I aatd to kavs orleiaalsd froea lb fart tbal (htdwia wa -rtn agala Ga.'ar ta tboU.I voorv H al. Afar-. A Cowau.ita ArvalW.-. I'awAtawteW fm 17. Iberv mm a lively row bid. a rpe Iki aaorwiag wa Taalb street, mrmt Penasj Ivaaia Avaa, tot a raw W. IL Hall, a snrieiy trrwWr fut lb Araafey t ottof, aad J M Mawria, cava d tbeedt- tort U lb t Aoreira. Herri Ba I be eg grre, aad lb Tows tad bowtag aad wr.( ealad to let Mawhl parw grspbt to lb t ArwasrAt tonWtiag mm Ur ras. boB, M WsaetaAa-l, attoaptod to gat btl n bbaj aw with a bade awaiaat bae wal, wlrerewpeet abo wsew llarrw s beett-w kippiag. Tb t Arwatet owrerted Ihi atastaiewi.Bt. bwt lb tevarltow wa ware I baa lb art eiieaplaiard mt bene a ava botip-p dawrw aw tb arraa. Test bTt. ew a lurtA-7.i Bentt. Ib4 ww as af I he Pratwylvaala a4 Na Jarar. aad of at aaatv U rail. "'', L avalae , t a,kraam, ate . baasi d Ibfra, k trpaJ.k. Abv, tot ,b!.y, fnli g fWv.ral In t tetiwat lgbtt ware wib h.wt. f tore Baat be mmm- its? I a,4ua avs ik.,, Mr Jae'l Aetna t. let id ibe Kmi.m tln.4, be euid b t lareevst I ibal a.a.t a I ri tired to aw Kliv toa,- HUIIOII L BA a rtktitr I trtrtttrtkirt lltrt. P i- a-e aeal.aat w sew-t Uaa i t e n i la.tu.1.,.. eaat la .ua . mmtm ..M ;.!. 4b4Aia.ktIaet L) kla Mdllau. ja a J. vr tUBcti faV Ifcal Inattealatf 0 fcJtti tlalv MA U A At A Ala I to Sain aaae t' mm aaif aa. aa-aa t Waae aaa a) M la l as ... m ee bf F"aA.f wi.t t aaae w4 aae , ft NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ABE YOU GQ1G TO DIG I i ' 13 THE BEST Isa tl WOULD i'or Cot " ton, Corn oi Tobnooo. It I tlao only Hoe tsaada ' ; orawltd Cat Kteel It 1 the ouljr XIoo , snot ' ; rendyforuie, , . . , Itlsj the only Hoe --war ' ranted iierfoot In ajtoelt, 1 terapor.flnlAli ami durnttll-! y.V.f. . ' !'' " ', ' , for Sale by . " WILLIAMSON, TUOUA3 A CPCIlURcn ' LtACU BR0TUER3, A O. LER A CO . And at hardware Uout of " JULIUS LEWIS A CO., " , v Raleleh, . C. fob in JUUONiJ, MILIUM EHT AND GOODS, : - 1 8 7 3 . BTILAW ALSO Wblf iJod- 7mt,fj.i " a ARMiTTlONO, CATOB A CO, . , ' ImporWra, Manufacturer aad Jobber. Bormeta, Trlaiaalcg Neck and Ba Blbbona, Velvet Kibbuae, Neck lie, Booaet Blllca, alin. Valval aad Crai, riowers. Btnw Boaaels and Ladle and CUldrsn HaU. triiamed and Bnlrlasiaed. Aad la CoaaeolttiK Warerouaa WklU Ueod, Lluea. Ambrulderi, Leea,.Nel,Coliar. Bttts, Uaaukcn biela, Veal- - sag, Hew at tea, - -- vo.,e. No. M" and 3S ralllmoralUcet,' ' " BALTUsoaa, aia. , aad Aeaerleaa Msuslsnsm tu lauet awslitea, aawwwalled U (whl aad " ' S'VWer 114 ! IU eaie, proeaptnas ad d siwteb. sb n-aw III tUUTlUH. 4...... . BATCRDAT, I IP. Run, 1ST , - W It b sold st TOWLtS' Weiefcoa, on Wllaalngtoa Btrtet, sal to eeseeao al I ;t u'tlrk. I lam family ee l ry Ho-aa, tbafll aad ouir ocMejesr. si klDiil s n aoraav tock. -4V Tr 1 ae-fe ra W nc n e4 aa i d a eelleetion of JAMkB M loWLtA, f-ktllt o VIDB 0 V FBI, (UwedBalebih, X.Ck ATTORXIT A 1 01 KstLLOK AT LAW, .. ).laau.ti sw loaauiir ,. . ' WfH sttrhd jraaiLCf ta aU wofsiliTil - '. 1 1 bwl Jbow 4 Aaarww Ja.i-a ( ia aiaae muwau to hie. . I are yt ia ,ut 1 ", 1 s er nan caiuaaa, ai t it Wkoi fmu, LarvUa Bar. 8 NUIIU BRUILIaOj BBKr, I two ltd Beef Teagwaa, BwwuaassaAaw Uaawa CUB a Uasna, ralaawlta aVwad, ("bole la far Carsd rWeakfa.! SUtp Ml W. C. S I HI'S ac H. B AC (I Ml B A C ti 11 M BV aatara Bl Bad Bk-'Awe bW to rkw al W. U. JUbL m LIA ra1w. t. lT-tf w UAT A ftdf KTUSU ia AEI UiBtl tUtkl til or ton ADJU8TA1JLE rUIMU OKI) BOTTONl fe.Kaaa, J C, .a.ary I, Tbe "lljaaaut SHwwaf to) Wf. a eat k" ia bwt t in aaa aaoae a'a. ll. i be', aa.aa araa ftaat W4 Uaat I an Hi art wltb wd Use faajan a araaaaaa. kj U to el'. lwea- tear ifai , T. it bAJi.c.A B.teaaa. M. C, Aa !? l.- I... I mt Ihm TVat raaVtaa taat A4)eatate rta ibanaxi e rat I rarWWt B4 tr. Ib'aa a tary I ' 4a toa keatof ) aa.4 Sa.laf to Wa e. t i I Ia4 au..a I.,, tr bae swe ml 14 Bee. IU'4 M pttTt M4T, t aat- stoeaajt tae-CaM ar.. ftealf. 4 af wttoe ert taaias aa 4 Saw brr a -4 It a .4 e yw ( a 4 aa. baa St -, aa4 Baaaa aw,brM Ms IS A ( I w...,... . B Ummrm ,, , a, kj i SIVfW bt ill-ia B T'l IIT l r . t St. Aaaa. tmf J. , , , te. 1-4 IS ll N tw IB III tlllll 200 TOXS ClTti) fat eat ea 1 ' a r.V C t 'ill' be I . MU t