THE DAILY SENTINEL TIIE:T)AILTBLXTINEL .. Mil Nl H.TF.;1- d . '.. oi,;i,t :tl be bi rted lu ihe 11$ .ST tttJi- i,4. ntes ruare ol . ineh, I r t il mli.S fl Hut?. 'u:-.uin- 'iv Utne !. eaeli suW'ifiirui oiiH-rtioi ' S i,r 1 ... Si sq see, 1 wai k, 4 VSo l Uk, 1 urn. JS.'.Mti smthel "pi'BLTsmjie tmhx. Til! OSior, near the Court IIoui llTU or PBSCIUrTJO. 1 1n j sCvsnce -4 !i-r-'t .w - k mit'tuiAr in jmynmTi 9 mo, t'" ' MM JO. IS' a to " 11 Ii " I.OU 44.UI 4H.IHI .4109 Three wnUu in advance....... ta Tbc lii. fBariKtb will be ilcilwedtn any pr ol the CLy al Firiku . sTe per week. . luVJLijJIGH, i. CJ SUNDAY, FEDKUAPvY 23. 1873. VOL. Vlii. NO, 441. tet4 H'BLIXHKu IX TUt C.TI. LATEST TELECIlAPinC NEWS OH 4th PACE. Jtimiu OmrriH HorvaA", Newspaper Ailvisrtiwijr Altent, No. 4, Huutb. street. Balil more. Md , r Ua'y sitkorbwd to cuuinct fur advntl4iUiiiisBi our iowst mv. Auver tltcrSia that i ity si rc'usbja la Wave their favors aitb that hou. C1XV ALMANAC, BuDT, JTb. 13, 1873. Bun ruws. 83. Buu sets.., 6 4a. WKATUKH REPORT. Washimotoh, Feb. SM, 1873. -Winterly wind and clear and partly cloudy weather In tUo ou.h Atlsntic ai.d Middle Statts. . . . IIOTKIj A11KIVAL8. .VAIIO.NaLUOTsL-FsbsiJab. SIX A Haiinuur. New burn IJ 1. Whltford, N. U. Andrew Byrne, d jr. Usson iiuut, Uowss. C1TT HOTEL February il. I. P Tabb. BlUninre.,Mri Nancy ThosiPon. i T Nlbhols,Klh Dam. Miss Oarrte Cordea. W A Kvana, Viruiula.10 ii Coflluld, Uarneta TAKBRUUaa H0U9K February. Kl B T Batthol , BaltlR D Pt-ebW, ! C. 8 II Oriffln, N 'W York K I Wade and wife C o Evaua, il uaooro jmra u x te, iv l.. J liowarU, Ualatuh K H Lee, Now York T Marllat. Nrw Yirk J a iianua, uanimora U fcUaJbrJllh.ToMnt.i. 11 B UliuyleutM.N. C. LR Billoe.Fiye Wvllr JKX ioLU.FaTeUville N ferce. Memlilli I J Natb, N C. Mra Kllutte, Fayutvllk L U .l .inua, FayetteTllr W M mm, Zanasvlllr K K SUiupn, JU. -I 8 Newcumb, K. I. 5t Keen. Kaliiinori! d E W1UU, Itu.ton. Are " otuauuaJL, CITY COTTON- MAllKKT, Reported dally by W. C. BUonacii, lirocer aud Coiuiulaidoa Merchant, Fayullevlltt Blrw-l: RiLEiou, Febrndry "i-'ih, ItfiS. Price of cotlon in our marktil to day : - AtUn. !. At 4 ii. m. title 10 ralca. Kr-llU, 10 TuuboI market dull S J J 1 A HOjVEB affaibs. lk MulNTAis Cues. The Uat cheese to be found U tlic Elk Mmintain, mads in Buncoiuf county. It rivals Iu Northern markets tho best eh, ese limJeio V'esleia New York. We i-.mmend it to our rvsders from the b -1 bat, that oi tasting. It is to be found . the store of Wm. IL Jones' ss well as in New York and Buncombe. , Will It f The Btato Agricultural r i.i..if.i s.! ... 1..,..! t 111 1 -nnnwiwiuiiicviiiHiiiui iii.ugn i tuoscribe ten thousand dollar to enable thaE.amtlT Committee) ot tha 8tal Uy t.f common apploa selling here in IiUMirh. at tl ocr buhel. a lulu a H t C jm rt e'e s ld sot uity months u in ai.i,rn oonnty In s bicn tbry bsve 1 .. .4 a; I 4 casts per bu-4ie4. Lut I g .1 we . lib. a gentler-las alio Is kt .j ...... .1, -it. l'4 J .it IU BIS float S fl it ci-u S hnla-ain houas share thry hJ charged him thirty - v cesu for s b.lf peckof-subbiB" , , , sppaa. mot rosos, or so rosa. T-a... II - ft . , rH. tMaal aabal kLaV hTassl 1 1 't aailAs I LrwaBBt at, aIsvaS lsar ovir tuelth of Jsly Is th Boats. It ba Sot, boavv, dsrasg4 lb tlsd of Feb- TsarfSO tasch. Oa lb list Fibraarv v. ii.. 1 ..1 ,k.i ik. !!. . 1 S " tosrs ssin oody tb itts, m.kiog a la caaa au4 taaaona saeted l Was abia kisgo aw sgravaU 4,siaarav . .... -.-v.,.. . a- asatba et thai pablM-aUuS, bso4 Is .ppaaiaar ynurda,. ll kJ S l b.tat-4 ...Ul saa-. s.k I !-, SJ.U4 by K F. ra'lksaa, wf Hal- gH, J, R. !! )", of t,igesba, a4 U &, ol CbalLaav ri.ew4 Jtar. Tb t at kaaiUf 4 IS Jmrmal alve axaatuM i4 p. bai.g a a aabt so 1""w Htbf txTtnrnsrst Blvsir lb laaiairy aa4 w trawt ll a Ui be hbarab I, saalaiea,! A ttraa. R f. F'hS, IW..ib. H. C I 'artts B Tsva ksKiau 1 ba -tl tb t ii sv.amal el ll praa,l.4 la lb. II Haas wa 1 barad.,, await ail M'Ma( tba ifui baa a kpiaain a 4 M A Ma l.b ..4 tiud,-,. aa.e lb. Aaatiws S a a. .4 bi raa. ap M iliata,- Agricultural Society to complct. th. Col Bingham epos th eve o. hi. depart- -nr The, 1.11 out .boot some abusive J ainal V. iretie.ou tbslfflcal Ud il mZtTT ' bulldissjlsndotherl nprovemenUof th ure r. the S-Mith lt year : langnn-e tpokea by th 6wsscr to Us tW e tl, lUhln.,. market wul lUry J. Mennmger. Ul rcn-iary t4 Mr. Uuns m.lved t tr.,1, ffuiul t p.-!. w TLIS- s.o. BW fair erounds. Ahiwler Creech Huron Brnont,. iflhlalt.r. JifTrnw ti in irked to Cr.ift compare mt f.v rsb!y althNewYirk, Mate, lor lb ewt ut thee book nd for p,Mi. and ilemau.led lh yea aad says 'lm'", p,n4 - e ", Ml. m-ofour m.-l unmins- and enter- JYeisnmW, A. C Jn 19. WJ. tba tf tV rursri, hia ife. he sr.HiM ksvs Jsiu Is clotWng. sp.-isll, Mcdiuss sad ss, .Hfcer trtlki 0t.b-sib th Ms.) tkibitsy ' s.. 'sTs. ra.i.a.1, . u- nneoiour moat uuasMiinipg ana enter- The HupiintiiuViit Us to epr.- to ... ... . .. . k.wer gide. qn-nwar, crockery aad I he nale enstcuried is Ibe naolution. p. Ves la. saa A4 .i u bill H "m 'au I r -f H s. . piuing merchants lead, th li.t with J00. ,h. patr, nl.h, N-kool h,. prol.und r """"". but he went ..ff without ny ilumnixt New York all Mr. Wmth ! Ibst a.ur 11 atl I, . p bMa.t ' , kaaid pi-w h. In the slUrmative, and sur. ly th rot of grrt that the stuie of h In ultii lies e n b.U!edo.noBelrtloa. lit w fil;. 1, d, iiuestion. The msrcbasU Srs getting la -y, and lor lu iLy be inite I In . b, Mr. l tiilm Ulif 1 ins. 1 a - Ismssi.' ... 1.. ..r.. ...- i, M. pelSed bim I be sl-m-it hs piit iiu however, bv Crlt.' ii stunk hnu and vssi LA rob btocrs 4v miimle, Adupiad. tJutliiai la fa 1 1 J V. t.i.ftl 1. ' Vfarst sd s r. II. etoa uf ... ""Krws-'iWttf.h Tl.'ii 1 il ..,.,1.. aiii.ili f,-,L-a'L-!' '' kssslsail.1. ei,.-.,.,,. T,r-r,r-4 -ii, 11 . " ' r.r -r ! . 4we aaew. naa. Si nnnsiinw th. rw t . " TT77r. . .' j ...... t . . I ln in tnrrs i inii-niisju i'i j. "i u 1 J,,!,,,, , ... ,. . M..SS HoAO.:-W.e.ispiWnJ ,eus- h, . lBe-lM,- f a,l,f,,lneas. " F "-' I''-"" " ,VJ2" r?,7r " V ...."l. lb pii .n.U.i Im iuu Vi ZJ'.u. r-.,....i .a I ' " h.4iJ.,ss4 S J.bil. of th IU Mr. to hg s lirug lea pr-aiJra. II. has But sao i-ra sum in. pr.s wer so- loor rr-Ka Italtlmors strwt, aod 1MI,M aawml tb. ebub id Ibe TEA AU TABLE w v t. a 1 s a, a 11 M.,ba.a-idllh.saoli.Hl by adding lb. It ,t ol the o pies, pns- flly naa.d-r.bly etit do... rd. - , - - r "' ' mmahM .,k. ,1 slpte 4 parbsawalar, Uw. o opiuioa a Iher ir1l. h.ddag hi l trt sw. I e.p.lall, .aa,,-ad t'lt Q J f V Cl ra..v.uat . U. I'lIM a lit thst sssmbm tboo 4 t.k. m fif f, u,,,,,,, b. r,k. t,im .Ll j A h, ' ' . k, 4 H .rd, t me.!, uf tM Wbit. n bill f-r th. p-v-wi-tr 1 tea-h S I I j ( ) IS . - HuUd.y. Tbi. hl,l4 thsIiJy Hj. Jhue tin. I. Vmt a faia every thing I at "kt lketa, asd bad la. stortiBcatu of uiHKJf pmKS Viitfaia. sa4 Nwstb raMag d lis .-..! .radisgx J J- V V JLl hj, .. evtr.Bil lb sa-taUr, gsaposd.f. . d aa.l. wbiU, b, Is.-sMngraiift fcrlak! aak. lab -Ca.tHiai.ns 4 sub m siksU-i . i.iMS.LiTiaa, UmK fl I1ta H ARS Oalb..2n4laJlstmlirtsb,dhi. Tb r-.4o.bai nlg W. W. IM.Iw talia THIM a.-1 SilffromthsUoa- aud 11 .cas., tkt.'.nli'llT Wl tadd paas, so h. had .a pay. f. Jl ... t. - -I- ' I'K-tlir AMI IilSfKH U(U,,tU-WlthII.H ssul .rar, I t tl u-!s iChta sXV '"-'- l!m.k. n., ., It Vt' ' -w-, -w- twaaa.11 brtos.s Maey U th uv-earl-s l taeniv. ofus l-ra.y ..: "- be ..peas as! lb. eiUy gM I. I 11,. Sortb t .r,4tr "J T.l f I) T7 Q A I J U o T A ll I, V. w 1 h.4 ta b. UwtWal.,,, lwhi.4 lima. Lrb day', bvga,.- f h4lery ,u,k.. ur,eed lo mak. h - - fJuA XtX ' d) Vj Y A. Q s..,s.4'a issh Ilk ITL''1 'rMISU tt R l M.ITIOS! a.y aa cmaki staas is soots, its Uw aa avf.ite o.j s wNk min,ie L ' , , ... cbs'g's sr . ihas ih. ,4 '-f Hbr ...amtM ' I be h.p.d lhal OS Ik. fttlt.14 of cats awe t ses tb. pe-.dsl Is MT If rtr.J a sal l-r tJ U, bot.i ra Ibenty that prMeadt M .ql Xsaaia a l .ll.a a a- - r.brstry U-11-.a.a 01 dlrs M hat Uha4 from Irs I. Iw.t, s., a. h .iV. S wk-s ai.s. f W. h't oaf la lar. ..4 .W.iai-.s, 1.,. m, 14, M ht.V t lUit b-l .-a, aad adl aw y.aH 4 re (awl a4 a4 lkeline TL Aw . X' N i-4 j' f at diaai a4 ik. rfe4 M tb. aaaa, Tk rl aa Mr. owaad's w aa a St, ll - Savaf arras. I 14 t at I , a,,k. a but h f n iwi! it. r it j.;. vs a . Sa,-.aa4i by a. bars ' SaTCS-DAY, Fell. 23. Tattlf & Puett Ex'r., t. uL, W.J. ,PM t, ., friaa CUull. l N. Folk and limbee & BjsImw fr p!uintiu; No counsel fiinlt-fi-ndantft. - Arzued. Ap:xiiiilcr HHiir!,, and wild Vt MLIL rt ; iid etal, from Nash, Uatrta & Soi.i for plaintiffs, Moore AfOuiling and W. T. UiiX idi lutilidanW- JUtfuedr- NiH-l ,f. yallcni-r vs. Ssnvl II Hunt Hal. frmn UiaTill-. Att'rnry-Goneral Har- grovs ami Uuatire & Untbte ind I!atclielnr b Son Tor pluintifl, M, V. L-uiji-r and D 0. Fowle and Oco. H. Snow fur te ftn- danta. Argued. I here are mreecusi a aixv between the nid iartiea and all were argued. M. E: Unnlvv. State f North Caro lina, fnnn Wake, A. & Mmiuion and It, C llndrer for the p'aintifT, AttntiifT Ol' eral Hmgriira fin-the St'tia. Argned. ol i I. aai : ("BfitCH Dibctoit,' Fehrvarg tSrd, 187a iWvicea will be hefd ia the Al lowing Ch arches twlay. We a!au put. liah the time of meeting of the Suhbath Schoula; it rruouisT churob, (Edrntoo Btnel.) Key. A. W. Mungnin, offlcUtiiig. Bar Ticea at It A. M. and 7 P. II. SaUiath Sciuwl W. J. Youni, rUiiwrin tcadent, 9 A. M, . BA1TIST CIICRCII It . Dr. rritchard, olln'i "inif. .Ser- ici-a lit 1 1 A. M. nnd 7 P. M ,&iMath 8eh'ull. M. lin k, Bopcrin Uadaut, A, M.- - FKKKUYTKIltAX Cllt lltll. Iter Dr. Atkinson, odiciiitin. Buryioi at 11 A. M. and 7 i. II. Salixith SeAowJ-A. M. M PliU;i, Su perintcndimt, 9 A. M. kpiwupai. cncKcn llt-v. Dr. Maain, oflicialin;. Scrvicctat 11 A, M., and 7. P.M. SMath School Wm. E. Andraon, Bu perintendent, 9 A. M. . t. joiix'a (catholic) ciirnciL Key. J. V. McNamara, ofliciatine. Scr ntlt A. M. SulJittk &-W-Mr. B irbee, 8uperin- , tciidtut, 9 A. M Uisuuam tcHjob. It is uot improper and we feel it to be a duty w owe to Majnr Bingham sod to the public to state that the death of Col. Wm. Binghsm dot not intmfer with the discipline and suc cess of the hool. In fact the cr and .-ii.- rf.ut. ,jt ih. mhmt r. ....nuii,... 1 stivedutUt of th school fi sometime "'""" " -v..,. . psst uav su laues spos alsjor iiinguam, 1 l b tees by th Mowing Card from I and ncc-a al h wh' Ii hi .-citeeliave osducted the r. 11 H in ins b no. A 1 illrr-,u, Ullll(, Mlurt.t. fc,,,t. M jir Kosrrt l.nnis, who is lu cbaiire"! oflbearh.s.. Th. - . b4 is.ih.w.i-i.l, gt'.;',. 1 lmbrm ain an , w- wn rw"'l 1 sbiiiiy and I i u.rir i Slu Pt tssy r b. s. I their sobs se lu g"t h.B'U. 10.I th. pon,,. fsiM I liAts-BiIriiL I ' r . is s.iuiitt ' I K tmrou 1 I Bu a. store dais fut work la lb Geo- I eral Assembly. tan hua.lrai bil,s I srs os head, aaj tb work iwl I la IK. I K. r. U -u Sna f. h rua.4 u .htrm IM ,, ,L,W Uevrr, J.y. hkt ssMirg fr, as I9 to ida. , i im p-pK-. lill.lll Lib j A Niw t'.,rti,f 0ts,-4 mr'.U diwaa.1 yoaag aa e..ppw4 al a V m.t botel baM . k f s few dip, a4 tavl. srqnwai-. isetenieg a lb a l d.y M It entv.l s su. . ladf rasa. .!-.(. klbra.l4, a4 Ipaiaati, al- Irar44 Ike atbalma 4 tb iapnaIJ a.,aL-i,n, ah taaesi. d hr rbafa. iit a. lb. y a.1 part Iraes bar al tappa. T it tab ' a l a,, far aa In say i .1 b s.i. I saa'ty k,f if at. mm'4 J j war r-a r sal rffervl, Sr a cwsn-!il . I as tb qsba sad) has tb am'ifiajowi ay pw4. lai I rl.M aaay Tb. w.fwr a, a, rp.l, aad bum Ih pT t-"l '4 ,.ri.y. aal anra t l.a If la b by tb. yag saa.4 li par an .lw4 ta, aba .as sai'ad ib. .a s. I ha aaat wa(aM aa pail evaf 4 tb. It V t-i l'.t - M, .a i b. t. I k. SwU. a S su sl d.y r ibxr taaiPaa' twsr It ft ai Mim la lb imtan .ay a km Ih. Ut Ibal Ibe aM wae b4 b a,l bat ait t4 . b J (awW I If 1 fbl. 4'a K 0 Ii UA, m4 Wa,t, ba bi in ta mm eety f ! . bft f baM yr.fUy An,a, U K.l.1 tl t l-.t . i I.I 4 Tut ef 1 parrs S i 14 ha th -LATEST V- MAIL. Tli-; ili'ttni'liu river la vi-t t4 oiuinary h'ii w iter murk. At Entkld gMii'' I iViihiu1 pnrtieii. W!y drnw-p "kci, fiv to IxMat (f. Chm tun over tbc r.u n..d fioiu ili wn b-W to KmiH-MTillp, .ut the middle i. i : ,. ... t . !. ... ( I n. r . , i , . , IKnK.iL Weld il.e olfwiiru ul a ,ib .duor ,J Ihi'tbonr Rttaracr. ' I . . . ' . v.- ' , 1 . Het.ln g.MMi i.e. th. Weaiegl:. J to -e from Uie new HdvtrtKm ut in hu issue, that hia trip py -d. 'Ihe tleevrdtr Uacood pitiwr, and i!a t-ditofa head k , , ;,v r level DutntlUiy.) Times. titrouwi Pkatum. Air, William King, I ' 'I lng.f the Daniil rim, id died h, Mund y momtiig. : M r d ttcgroea, on the emu iJanUtioo hare died suddenly. It I ,. ot known what was the mat U-r with . ... thotu. Mr. King, susp.e s that probablj the water in his welt may be the rouse of the slcknca. ' ' Tnt IUli. a Eliiabktb CiiTv Fnnn p uiics In attendacce at the ball, at the AlUtn .rk- Hotel. ElixaUth City, titen in , . , honor nt l.s op.inK, we learn that it w.a grauj SUCvfaaV Thclmli:! is a huge and conspicuous slructuiv, four s'.orie high, with-Biost ample moduli.... It Is ' not as yet thoroughly completed, but when it is it will lu iinv of the tiumt iu the mtd. - ErtxHtth tntyriiow one of tue liveliest u.wns in ...,, v,Hro1,na,.ai.U is rapidly increasing In weal th, busmon and population. The completion gf ttiii Albemarlo llouo will udd much to ils business and coiniiiuicial progress Rioh ut or a roKcr. Mr. 11. C. Matthews, s young man living bear Peach Tree Grove, Nash county, wishing to frighten s horse out of a fielj, s few day ago, took a pistol which he thought was not loaded and procuring some powder Oiled it, and pointing towards the filly fired, when to hi utter rurprise she fell dead. The nistol must hive been loaded be-I lbiwhafgMigwhh4hwa)pfderrThe,,,,r -nwer-"e tturst nr the ... , ., ,uj , I Cause," and showed s maunlftcent liber I filly was s very valuable one, and belonged .o,- on u " loBt But to Jas. Bunn, Esq., brother-in-law of I " business ia butiniss," a th curreot I day and rsch succeeding day till tlis young Matthews. Unrs u another in- phrsss Uuly states It, and unices BalU- posed of. I 1 . I - I . I A -. .JU...I l.HM ,1.. , . , 1 m m eiaaue 01 ine careura u. m uii in.. 1 Mount inrs. rVrASBtso ArrsAT is Dastiixs, Vs. . , On f0edy.vening,s negro by Art D.B1 im 1 oeeuav eveninir. a nezro ov tire name - - """" v. " nu-um snothsr Brgro by th saox Or. l,',li- In IV r It b.k to It h.e ruinikiiig he Mreaied that hiTi.cii,n iui i li. v. r .t S iotbrr iu.uI , f Vic;ua!. I lie p ilif puue. loin aii, I l Ii i iu in lint'; at, .ut a mi' Ii hi loan omtrtd Hp Wit. 1 i ll ... It Waa .If'Saklikai i . Jrg m a4 be aaof 1H--JI-I -)! i-,wt wnwr. - EM. f il Vau Pa L'sac Os'r ueiiiU U-r, F't i4 tbe Warrenb-a Oairu, pa.Md through tbi pticr, os Thursday, anmd with th enrwr liiury (fur an E- Ii!i.ii,!.,rLafi-UisAUttsia ki. ... i ,.ii.4 ik. n.A 11 r V. Ii. ' ...... . Lau,t,ocrrt si JiorliWk. II ran su there la llms Id kef lb prise r-sl ost , whea th mtUmUiMt sssousreiaest was - , . , , msd. lhal .ly 1,000 out of 50.000 lick- I t of f,4 ba-. M.nry lovsa toa. , thm VmUX. Umy, r,, I.' ,. shut ijip'in im r iaaa a., as M Is is lb tm4 tt. U AW a AS lAf WAT IU HBALTH Tka . p.uu a ka,aBy ka ia alaUv Iaaa la ta.aM. bat lb saaaa Ww t.aia. lai skbb WeH aa aatraasad s,r It f,4 M4 U 4r tb. ekltl af la staatMS blpdk Tkeamt arfttntad (ear f ar'. dyaat w at bUa aaaaa a4 IL, baa, h lb. aai, w.y. b r.Salal lerv tb, B be ettaa.UW 4 tne tb riaal I .j Ulabi s4 raab lb eUv4 daaba(t 'raas T 4. tbi snwaaUy, Ml, a4 tuooa.ftlt (1"1 taralrwa. aaf w4.arf baMia af ia. la . a, m1. I ,M a4 ll.vWIbM t Sane, S S.far, ai 1 . la abw ba tnaai'a ra.ll mmi rare a4 aadiwftetaaft, S a a-H aa.fb aa aa. a. IM VIM mi . a Brar, aba SfttaaOawa. t. rwv11.-.. Wara a-faa aa aaary w I i"l .. aa- ta M aara "f aa at ft.ii ia. ..4 a 4 at .a-7ft a47 ita W-,. . aaiai MM.WW I a. . wtiar fmr pmm a 'a. - after awrf , Hal ,a. UJ aawiaftaa, aft. aa. at Uk aaa a4 .4 pa .... rat.tfa'4.aa. a1 ' I ft a I. ,y aa baa ,ai i lf taaa aa -a 4 ta ai aaat aaa I .wa I . I at ail ina ai -4 I a , aa4 aaa, fta t.. a f?l b.a.11 laaaS.i 4 t, Vt) k a aa aaa mm i I n ml ba 4 . ft. 4 haaaaaaaaw a-1 lafta Miatt laaaiaa) taj st a if rr-w4 ft. r a i-- at i i. ft, at a a, a,. at St IM 5 Hal I tb a, S, ! It i is trim r&i vtitiMonit.- f 9 IT'kui ohr Siecal Uurretiiondeat.t Leaving oit home on the H it ina1-.' had apleaiwnt trip lT way ut tliu'Scaboani road aod the lly Una t ttn muiily RMHinj.' ci'.y. Ai t!i; atemnrr JkHtUtid bi-HiL jo K'-tAiVUifl, ' J.tjij thiiigr iu ft u Uutliui.irc, u:.. t .Vtrvk the ttiag miicei t I'l i'm.o k uud the ateawet had l(, , ut y untUwe aviruahel wi'.hia 8 , I, . t . rf 111.. Unnlrnr T li I Mrr:lit l the atearocr and the oruahtng 1 . i . 4. -i. 1 1 d.lied on eltnef SI Je to mane paJ iga . 1- ,. at. - a aa .. al iuruurauucu twwci uiw ru me wtci like , ,hing ),, ,1BUlied plint riety U doeens ol paaienprera who gath- rcd around the qaoin wiadotve to yiew thedght. Upo Wndin I aoon at the hotel, erjoying a bluEing coal Are, for ,h. ....i., ' ?M i.i,in(, m, m rrivs wo haeh4 tnn and rain and That TVtMfriol awiauna haul niaanisci brilliantlT. On Monday nljjht the great German actress Janausheck, began her second engiiirrment at Forl'i Opera f1"" ( wyrb . mort capacious IrtliUliox.) and played Ui a very large and ..pprcit, vo audience, I had the pleas are nt anting her in the touching charae- ti-r of Miry IJueeo of Hcnta, (Mary Btuart) and the lmprewion made upon me by bit c ,nunimate adlng will remain a tnetnory forever. Hlie ia very . decidedly the rir.t ctwt 1 "'. I saw Histoti and aome iither famous oueeBa b(. wu and when 1 hmed to hrt deepj power, ful voice, o rich, so Biclhfluoua, su ilexi- ,,lt' "ul hl"rd "' 0"n as, slw pronounce ui V veraacular With ah actui- c. ,ni iriS'..MMI qu--to to her suppoiis. raking iu their native tongue, and yrt rmlrnow ahiT 1Tle coul4 detett t yrt rmtrnow ahiT 1Tit-K could delect - an ai-ceiit that l,i trke.d In r V.n.iim hiiUL , mMsMl.d. I she uuired r .. " - ' ' " J I I armlimil I such a know ledge of the 1 nglish langusge in four luonllis aa lu enable bar- I reprv- I sent tome of ber grandest im persons tlons upon the American stage. I am loo hur ried for time to atteaiM anything like a I criticism upon her cxtrsoroinsry power as an actress, bull coulesa the tlitiu M inviting. On to morrow siirbt I hope to I l & . 1 . .1 r 1 nothingness when compared with this I Kreat luislres of lbs blslrionio art, Tbs vr do, intr flin lut umii Urm ll,,n I etttr before The nninla nf tha Riuith I have s very great attachment to tbi great Southern citv. Inirini tlia war ita nannla I 1 ' . " . 1 r- r 1 win uianiitij ae urrai luuwjvwieBie aa e, . . , . . 1 1 jibv isnr ascsvaasis cuuhi sin ci pert to nerksad Hoot ber o buyers to rusks their purchsais here. But the tact is, I that luutost braoi lnaof buslncMl, oorcily u , ful, rit- uf ... Yolk '4 ' 1 , . .... . , - 1 ia a iuii iiva 01 vw s oia, ana gives every auvaniage toai tne latier ran poa- 'J -.. K-vcery ufsiacee, is m 10 ay Ihe Ion bias 1 am ere nrv-1 . In. Aa .S ,madv sanottuuU, 1 am waimutwl I n the Uous of It Waileld; Co., Bit l . Hi 1 1 mors Btn-i, to, i,ir of Howard snd i.J. all Dar.i)'. (jr, .t eaioly larby. I I,m lb ss kt sogu-il in nisnuiariunug clothing. Tbi l'i. ) o.i us a v, ry Urge scale, If your nwk.ii.aUa-. vw tu. noi ac to k tbry w, ii ,l -nv aeli ihit s sUu.tnt. lLwob. luauulu. tai uk al III Cttde to b f. ui d is Urg - iml l sUb.ishmreta, tin, ale-i n) murl. atlei. tfm to tb Hmt grad, awl ru k titria iusl every way lo Ibe U.l York g. la aUditum, Uw, bat seiiitf V JbbiBg sl kiu.U 4 Bel l Wrw bv lb I ssi b s eloiha, caMbsurv, viviiae, I (-ana, eottooade. Ac , aV. We think a cas abos cna'iMaers Ut fisret sad asuet ""Prt so.tmei to b fos4 la B.1U- mora. , tm irdi.g at tb Foe.tai. II Mel, I " aa, I so very u y - I s. si.ibPUlsi, uUliU'sl lit rritaiss " V irtriUrtiifr inn. 1 at aa.t W avuta u. a . .,!.. w., f. ,! aa I .'-. f,a aaje, '"i Jl I .. te A tTilt II IX TlbtaatVIl SISC. It I k.. a rwwa. 4. a4 tU-t H . IbwaaiaJi e ia aa ea Uaaif g, t f aala.1, a., 1 a, ,i . at va t a ai-rfl aall aia a,f la 41 a twrsvek, I I L 1 1 S t V 1 1 V A 1 bm p. 1 rajtfaaiHIM, , . ra a m al a nna(, Traaswss, Aa. ry as. itn. Ie Ti vvi la tiauiaSa . tb bawa faavfia If U. a. taaa '-, aa ,ih,l, , i a 9 crMaayaW, ms . a alu'U ia,a A iai. a. a , . aiaa m a, ,at f'aa.s I ba4 aa4 IimI. ai , a IS aat.i. at lai at Auaaw .A,f4 hrai.. I aa. I. I am. lb. tat . waiia - fl.aa ta -l I . i l-al tV at, fa4 aa-t at ami it .' f Saba. U m saaas -a-a 4 basa. aa a i I a. 1 1 ' 4 a I aaxAa. aa4 haaa a-t ba aa at la., ai a It fcaa a a faa. a , 1, Ml I aaaa-4 -4 b W tl kaat K. ft. 4 b. ' f '- I. m . a... J H U ll ai a , a.. lIMUv, 4 a UlMW laasaaS turn I 4 a aii, i ata. f , . ...... ... -.-- 4w Ma IIUS4 4j r r tn II. a B e k) O b.t s baa. lai LesMuture of Xorh Carolina. Cl i . ' b EH ATE. ", ; ;'The SiTtAte nift at the uavial hor, Proa-1 h int Hnisdon in the clrair. s , . 1 !Hr. Iv .,kcd jo hate i ntwyd nwiH the j'umi of ihe jjenaie the lolmwirg PBOTtsT : Cuamskm, ltateWh, Feb! 32, 18T5. . . ' !. hu bn vm ".mt nHBltiiAS, I lieiw !ia oecn rt amouit the oeople, 1 duUy m the production and uitinouuou ol ilia Laws, Document aud Journals : and ,. Whmwras. Uis ol the Ty first tuior tanee that theso books should be pnnud, bound and distributed at the earliest poe ib day attet the adjournment of the Ueneral Aswmuly; and .' ' Vt HURRAS, i The Laws, 97UO copies, are now being printed aad stitched, aud wiU II be in too baooi tne uinuer anniu a lew iluvs alter the adjournment ol the Leiiisiature, and will be delivered to the I CHcieisiy in caie, uuuer in ( 1 lion, within forty days after tha-dot of llio sciwion, fur iuiuiediiite diiritMUoo; ami WliKltiA', The" Doctlmenta, beailv 500 copies are, neccsiarily, nearly all printed and antched during the session ; aud WHkhkas, There are only about BU0 copies, ol the Journal to be pruned, which Is the residue of all printing, to be bound ; and ' , , . . . W.irKUE.t, The Binder cn snttb. snd bind in "lull ktu-ep" 1,000 volume thirij" dy; and W 11 Klit. e-, Tlo re aie U4 tli ui 1,000 volumes of Dik uinmi ami Jouiiia: roin- i'uL, ripicimtiyjMT hined ! therefore ."Tt ' v ,. ' ". gaini mo pi-gc "i a n.m.i.m ... Mwit.' . .11 , ..Hi..r.l,ttf if fliu lh,i Hlilillr. I " " " ".' B i Printer ninety diiys alier our adjourniuent I weiiiling the lime flfly sililiiiotial day 1 within which to print, bind . and deliver I by himself; That with profound revsr the Documents and Journals. I snce for the memory of Ooorirs Washing. Euodry bills, Ac, t repoited from stanuitig couiiiiii'cta. 1 ....n, U ,...1 r, 1 ..n.dtiisii nrom'rina til ti,A ettiaana ia ihi II on-coi,cunent in three of the rtenaie ainenilineiits to the PcIumpI juii. I 1 Mr. Kins, of Columbus,, having had I charge of the bill In Uie hnnet., moved lhal lh Senate ruede llolli the amend-I uuiils n i.t:li;d b the II0U40. Ai;reei tu. I 18 to 13, and the bate so InTi.ruiiJ by messatre. p . . . . Uu Hun .r, tuc titosw. 1 llet. nue 1,111 was or.lernl to be printed and mad the order of the d.r f.'r H uVksk on Mon 1 1 1,,, .n i . . . ,,.. ,., . ...... 1 iimiw iihinhiiiihh mm nfiwwi iwi. lion to authorise Ibe recretnrt ol Bute to I porcliaw a otUnfit number ol boi.nd I (olunio i.f lb public lav, "N871-T2 ,, J wulU.. la 1. , ,,.1 1. I "pp'i mnum -i--i whm.w mmiiM m 1 in uniiiuuii'.i i ui jre, at anw nut u w , a.o ,u. .mi.v-, -. iir.te.wB. woven 1 Mrsii'7l'" VI, in a ll, .1. un u,.u, -,,..1.1 , .i.i... 1 ...... m ..... -- 1 .. . ' .1 Air. iii a H,oii, naa iu,u Ci.aurreu m HI lo 1. Mr. U.liilmljl u (tMied aba si on ai-&uul -f au t.rn. I AkSkllAH, 11. caHHHlai i.i, tat bMIWsalh.n lakes so and tbe I u.-a bfb. A.'.. I sera acted ihi a Imlir .U.I : tousta bill lo iMtH pmaK tin OM North Stat Lite laauranow visipaay. l b bill to aUtbi-liM two addbbawal awe ski 1 111 e ti silts ttmrrvirtr 1 I emaiy yal lit s.rt.i i-a.uuga. I 1 be bill .-r tb le l.f id lb, Ciiur-I I cul IUuk ol Wilailn.u-a. aiiu taa,.Le I sbia ducawatua. UmJ to ps its o.l reading-jea 7, s.). Is. I 1 be trwMoiu s Ir lavi Lis p4 it. ssadi. i4 An bar Iks- Tb'a a bi a. . J lU am.aa.Mv. M.aara 4 baaiai.a a, lUnw, r.4 , II it, ii h ,..a, ii-i.. iiiaiaa, 4, Ug. Mttftw. Mevaba, Ami iWAar, MiWr, I -ow. l, l,taa, aa-l . 1 1 1 War bai Valid Mi tb . gt'ire Kwava tea. a. A. a a, I C ' baa, t a, i as, rj . mt alaaba, fit at ('""ualai ftt u ( lia.1.. I. MitauMy, M I ,4 if It4.iui4, Bt.wt. I b-a4 4 U a km, baas, U al ) , b-4. a a, fntw, SaH. rut- I. T -t I, S.l aal tscnb-tl lb, re ft rs .--!. d fH If C s. ' as Mliy. II(. B i'F IU I IlK-gt r ATI VLt, tt teat I. Fib II II HiH at I La awaal lb-a.. t-k, Ik ' .ua ta l a .. J.mjl' m ul yabi4a, aad I Sraa, J Sir -m ti.uj IV,. I Mr , t , bal It k I Hal f Sa4 .4 a... M F -. swi. s4i U-mm t it a, a. p-tag 11, I .., b m.m al 1 S.-StS .--a s.u.1 ... ..J jKJftUl ALlrti. en-a. ii a. t.ewawi taai MWian , tiwa. t.-aa a V .!,., ,e..a, at. Wt-laay B front counii'toe on Finance, Mr Brown lnra cuiimittt-a in l'roixiaitiona and UilvTnnce, nr. Jonra ul (iranKe, troiu committee on Agriculture, Mr, Morrieoo from oouiinittee on EiimIIcI Bills, Mr. Waring ffm coramUtoe mi Engrveaed Win Jlr, Jpoqa, of Ornnuu auue d that ruiooUeaguc, Air. n ataon, wa not fined to hu rouui by alckat'Sa. KKSOLUTtOtB. : rrMsrteT.'i resolution to commemorate the birthday of Washington by proceid mg toenaet gwxl and wlmlcw me laws. Mr, Oormsn : a rewntutHwof instruction lo the Keeper of the Oapitol in regard to tue potratt it wasliii-gton. Mr. Oidner : a resolution to provide or a casual iu licit 111 tne Treasury, , nr. uooawyn: a resolution that so resolution or bill be Introduced Into tbll House alter t--d ty. Mr, 8h iw ; bill to lucurpiraui' lh town 01 Junesuoro , lotr muuty. Mr. Uorman moved , to suspend the rules and uk np the reo!ut.oo In re- Rard to rlcmiinir and coverinu Hie nor- ran ot Vt asuington, The motion ol Mr. Joyuct l lay oh the taute ma not prevail, Ameuduient oflored by Mr. thdgsr Was adopted, '" ; - . ' . On motion of Mr. Oudgcr, the whole mutter whs Indefinitely noetpooed. ' air. nettle suomutad n report from th coinmroittf e on rtalarie sod Fees. ' t Mr. Wadduli iimved 10 rvcoosider the vote by which House) bill SJ. a bill to amend section 604 of the Civil Code of Procedure, passed its stcond reading. The motion prevailed. The bill proposes to auil to sen. 504, rule 8. the following to Wit I ' "When th complaint I in writiiur the answer ninat be in writino. 1 "il"i veiineu uie answer UIUM pe veriuea also, - lb Dill f.lU.1 Oa motion of Mr, Marler, the rules were suspsnded and th reaolulion introduced jooruing outoy proeoeumg to enact good wr ii rovemium, Mr. lUdgcroioved t amead by adding I " w ug 01 our o vnmon cooairy 1 t rsiaeu over the capitot. IU reilu- I uon wa saoptetL Mr. 1 1 eat on moved to sill .urn. Lost. Hones bill fM, S bill to sllow the Cora- Binslouct or Anson county to levy s - SrtXIAL ORDkll. Being sn set to alter the Uoostilutios of Notts Carotins is relation to public cnartera, wa put upon It thud reading t ad fulled to by lb required two-1 thirib vols; Oi uolios ol Mr. Uilmer. the rules I Wrl, Moaed to take up iu' t I t'Miiisliii ut NoatN C bills to Csroliaa, 1 ,,.,,1 ,1.;. "J, , , ..T. by Mr. Wiley, r -- 1 -)n,).SiH 1H J"int t'oSiiniUe on LYnstils 1 famml Anteoilintiiis. Th. bill to slur th iM-atilull.-n f 1 j,. h i .r .iisa Is rl m ihe leftn id i,,o:titsi,.,fll,,-.1 ess i . . .... 1 I 1 Sim rrsaing sn. ,i.. II"" n.mrwr.l NEW A DVKIITKSKM F.NT8. AJIEHWAX STEuLIM Xal rial eel. k.s.k-aj. Fa S' t iut.4at rtpiiT i'F T. II. Illtlf.lia Aft aONf, a a' ib 4 ri , . sgln i.b a i kla aiAAla. - SII14, ll J. If II Ut 11 i ama hp bb. banatlawit. !-. ,a i, a, bustt tiltt a wa I llar a..i t K-ai") la !al a ta. aai taw aa-- wwi r. A AAA". I a ,,r fstkis (aw4Mfta,a,.ftWulaftM i, "V noNiass nr" a . ... a - ' - I MWwt,,. r, ..axiaa I lT " '. : HARDWARE. ABE YOU C0l(j TO PIU t IS THE BEST ItHho WOtlLI) ' 01. ton, C?or or Tobacco. ,, II. Its tho oly I loo made oraiolUlCssMt HtoeU i 1 It im tho oiily 'llitn st(. rood-for usv ; ' ' ' It 1st tho only Iloo war ranted poVlWt In '(.took, tmir,linlmh mid (liiraltjl ' For Bale by '. WILLIAMSON. THOMAS CFCUVSCH, LKAca BKOTiuna. ' A.U.LEKAUO, ,. :i. , . - And a hardware Hose of .ILIfa LEWl & CO., .1'. ' fah-hih, N. f. AND BTRAW . OOODd, 18 7 3 ALSO Alt.nSTltirU, tATOK ds CO.. BonnuU, Trlromlrg; Neek and Bank Klbboas, ' . , anmnet eiiks, Satins, Velvet aud trapes, flowers. r i-ti. iiinmmii, r leimsi. esq. Blrsw Hoaaet and Win and Child rea's liak. Hiauaea an sutrhaiaad And In CoiineeUns; V sreruuwi Wkll Uwode, LltiMaa, Siutiruidnriea, !'. tu.biiiia srtia,- . , Itnultim lit, V eil tek. Head fret, ' No 97sn4 an fal Jur Stiyrt, SALVIMoaS, MS. T. re roods are auau'ctu4 by sa or I boasktfur ihs oiraeily trxxm th kuru,u I asics atauebw K.n,, ewiMaemf U lu hrtrei nvel tea, anraaiud la taWl ad CIm i-u-m m aajf saarSet, rwars llalllil tara, lMuiutiie s aud de. Ple. I S k-S Rata av Auction. o IDs U U f R t tUtrt Hal,,., N C ) AUokStT U N'kLL' k AT LAW, s. wiix iv., s .w 101 cut. ltt ) S.a,.i-1, i !' 1, oViulial l. ) ti1iU4 I. htm. ' H I.. iu M S4 w,ae a 4 A nw -nre wf tl v IHKMkI. ii .. ktim.u.,. 1 Mb. I who Sulk ta baa S r. i.a i a mxKku bhoi4h itir, StWad Swl ta:aa, S sasplaa ll.a.1 iuu. it, r t. butre Sawar tai4 Snakawtibb 1. a, a.t.SiSi'A All k .aaaaa, SI, iaaaary a, latt T "ZaUaMaMa III M baa ' al ai a-ff bnu. la t a k t a .at, ..i .lafta a, aa, a, aw a t4a . I ru aa anaaair lib a 4 l,fta .a.a., ail, p.a,j, n. H awe, !- ear . I. il. ii,t.f , B.t.a a. S t . J.a I tb Tkb) I.-1 t. laat a I..I '.Ul . f ikw Aaat.l. .raba. Save IBwitati, I aa aiaU. .im aail l-a . a-w t.a aa,tft4e a , t, aa,t, fta. W r-,a. . a. tan IrOa I I -a' aa.afa.4 a. ' ta.tae a-. 4 b a. a ia, aaa be SW kv a. a., a ,laat MMH II 11 Hill. I wt. b' it . ir.aVitwt liaaA, aa .f am I . aw ka.4 -4 ta, W4 It i a a4 w III, ad rawaa,.,, h'i aaata.taa t '! A tilt kt.,.i.t.aa. ft ll. fcM-rw a, S C C ""a ut t rs O Hl ti iii 1.1 L II , iiHiii.: ii t ji a na in ()f) f(i fT --dalU -IU.IJ. Ul i.aU , fmt ft, aw la, i a,V MS I It, k.,i a t bf A ( IHI I i a IK. Aim, , lab I -,. iroa waa,-ta I f .m, Ul, ba4 I a la. 11,1 , .. k"

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