THE DAILY SENTINEL. ri;m.ifnti nv 1M. PIBL1SUIXS COSPASY. ,.tfflneur tUf Coui:t Itou, ma nt ti BU'wlPiioaC Otic yiair, in sdvene ....ftS.OO u humiIIih, In advance , .. 4.50 Ti,n mouth. In sdvaoce.. II . Th Iailt. PuTisii. will b delivered In anv ln of th City at Firrsax CKSrs er week. SIOHMNU EDITION. vol. via. RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1S73. NO. 442. LiRGEST CIRri'LHTIOS OF 1ST UVll H'BUSflEB IX THE CiTI. ? Sliest txegix&pe5o news ON 4th pao: (.rutin ft HorrwAX, Newiuwper Advertii-ii-i Agtiit.-so. , Boom nireex. nu JtiZMK - Hioin' iiiti-T aw-alaSy S'lihwlaed In aaairaut "f atvurtiwuKlit at our lowest rate. Ailver. tiwr iu tlnl i kt v im;. : 'uliM lo lw their favor. ilu thai, house, "-" 1 1 'i" CITY ALMANAC. Mosoav, Feb. 24, 187:1. ,...... 8 87. ft 4 a Sst'", Edwafil Situ tiw!.. Sua sets... WKATHEH REPORT. Wasuinot oh, Fib. 23d, 1878. -Gor the Middle tUtos, diminishing north west winds, sua rUlng temperature, For the South Atlantic State contlnu 1 low terpei-' ture with n-wta west wind veering to north. east dnrin? ih day, with rising temperature. - 7 CITY COTTON MARKET, Reported daily by W. 0. Btronaea, Grocer and Commission Merchant, Fayetteville Street ! RALaiaH, February 4Uh, 1873. Price of cotton la onr market to day i At Vim. - -' ...... J8tf At 4 p. m. ' ,, B.lea - -. Sbalee. Kacelpta, - -'" "" 23 , ' Tone of nmrkot dull HOME JFFAJJELB- HOTieij AHHIVAWr'- YAttiminiCHHocan, febryiri 24tb. W. L. DcUosset, Wilmiugton : Edwaid Kidder, Wilmington; C. D. Rice, Ahe , willc ; Mitbew P. Taylor. Wilmington ; N.W. Woodtlo, Asbcville; Thomas D. Johnston, Uuncmnbe; Jontnaml Uli-ilw, Wake; (J. 'lato Murphv, Hampton j dm. V. etmnR, city; W. I'.'WelcU.N !; Jno. niat:k. Diltimor.-; V. IL Brown, Norfolk; J. E. Peyton, Nw Jersey ; O. W. Julin aton, Franklin; E. II. Hough ; Pliila.; John E. Ilrown, Cliarlntte; J. II. Mirri inon, Ailievilln ; llou. W. A. Pm.tli, Hich land; C.J.Vjorlicca, N.C.; O. A. Smith, Ualtimtire; A. U. Tapacott, N. V.; It It BrirlK"1! Jr-i Wilmington ; 8. S. Jiaah, N. C; KdwarJ D. Herring, Baltimore; W. JLHrdy, Dr. . Freeman,' II. A. Outlgpr, lUltiKh ; W, J. Httu kini, Warren ; A. U. Andrewa, N. -'.; lT J. Dind )inan, St. Loula, MA; J B Cartipbull, Nurfulk Jour al;-. U. AUxauder Cliarlotto; A. Janwn, New York Bulletin ; O. A. Uiillcy, Va.; tieoreP. Peck, Oold.lcro'; Thin. Uitt'in and wife, Wiltnirtpin ; C. F. Krama, M. R tiiula, Ualelg! . -- Natiokal HrTaX, ft. 81. A. t. Williama. Ntw York : IL J. Lodge. Niw York ; W. E. Bimiwm. New York ; J. C. TonHf, North Canilina; J. II. Ifcnfiow, North CaMlina; T. J. Baahford, N. C4 J. A. Porter, N. C4 L. W. Hunipumw, N. C; Anthony Datia, N. C ; J. C. Hhdn, a 0. Um!, N oriole, Ve I K B. Hubbwd, U. H. A ; N. B. CUU, Hu!uy, N. C; J. J. Ja kaon, Piltahoro, N. C; Jolm lluilly, N.C;8. O. Biltf'n, Littlclon, N. L; U. K. t'olcmaD, Cimiimiati, Ohio; Tho. Ai'glvr, Newark, N. J.; J I). Ilulham, N. C ; td. IViulglaod, . C; J. A. Chirnt ham, N. C CtTT H'TFI.. F,hrry 54th 0 W "Xi'.-.i.:.! 11.. r. 1 " v I " j lTi?, ... ud A lulfiTa. WikectrnntV. W L Kt7r iJuJaCHaeol affliuinL ton, An x, N. t J C n ll lmi nod tr, W Waiiaina, Wake couuty." SUPREME COURT. -fyaU in rvL Joa S. Jones, iter., va. Jacob F. Brown, from Warren ; Moore & Gatlinjj for plaintiff, end Bachelor & Sow end PUintiieHfr defendant. Argued. ''tt"'Ft"BSivpnsiTrJimHr,tf.; frcaii Warren; Plummcr and Ilateheliif, end Edward Si Batchelor fr Plaintiff, and Phillips & Meniiuun for dcfundanlt. ArjiiUfl. -- - - Stulj lit, Sniiw. n M 'td c.i nnd Thw, (Jiil!U,.' ir. m Wiikc; All'iimy G:iii'fal lliirruvu iid W. It. Cox tor llw ami T. Dvrcox and B ttolwl, & lititcliclor and Fli nuuii;n, fur defen danta. Argued. , T. C. Ullcy, guwdiiin, va, Tims. "Young et al., frum 'Waki?, (two ami) B.ttchelor, Edwnrda & Biitdti-lor fur pUintitT, and Busbee & Bu&boe and Moore & CUlliny lor defendant. . Argued. Murtlia luno Camp vh. Uicli.ird II. Stuitb, Ex., from Hi!itax ; Pctbli & Peelibe fur plaintiff, end Bachelor & Son end Ed. Goulglend und - Moore & QMtni (t defendant. -Arguvd. aa Three daja ega we wcte tujoyiug pring weuthvr in Raleigh. On Sunday morning it rained, anowed. hailed and IiUms gt gun. Yesterday, we think, 'astliccoldint duy ol tho cold winter rmntrHrrftf -oa-lw-nighf. Uniit yjtrkly of wentliur I e tc 'I'll ri BksatEj verdajr, d.d jin ceer mom amount of woik. In nddi 'un to (lie regular order of busineta, ii. eluding over an lium'a dtbato during the morning aoaum which cloud at la o'olovk , aooie forty iiiila were acted on, thirty-two of whieh were finally ditpoaed of. During the night kh.Idii, fnin 7:30 till 10 o'clock ixty five bHIa wao acted upon fifty five fina'ly mnkinu asaggrf gate of ,115 wurked off the csileudar, 88 of which were finally dispnttl of. This ii a great daya work and i creditable to til concerned and iti magnitude will bu belter under stood when it is remembered Ibatoter uighty of these bil'i were reitd second end thiid limes. President Brogilen presided durinj the morning nim, femvtor Ir- kciid, of Ouiiford, at night. SENATE. , Monday, Feb. 24, The Senate met at the usu-ii huur. PEIiSONAI, ntlVlIiKOB. IrMurray roe to aouesiion ufuersonaT privilege end astid ; alt. riiKtstuKXT : 1 notice m the Ara ol the 23d itist , a slandemus fabri&ttion kilned M ," fft-eting thu citisi-ni of my County. 1 have, sir, tiuen in atteudaiiee at Alamauce court lor several duys and did not hoar one wuiu ul the Hl!i'g;itiua made by the writer, I saw the cuiiwua mun tioned by M,".leU a iniint j.ithers from that portion of ilio couiiiy, niui 1 he.ird lot one word .oXdiaturbCuuf any kind, nor do 1 oelieve their ts oue word vl truth in that writer' whole statement The groivt jury wks diwlmrged on Friday amii.tmoK umi m ithj i h eviueiieo vua tho utiit'ol lliing i i not ji represented by 41. 1 do think, sir. tiiat it there is a c'UKH if AUiaianct: debased as to sl'iiolcr hie. own-- countymen, bis name liould lie given, sff tllat he could be held up to the gute of the world as a vile, ma licious Uuducer of his own people. I pronounce, sir, the whole statement a maliciou an i slanderous fabrieattojL Indefinite leave of absence was granted to Mr. Grundy on accouut ot illne.-s ; also to Mr. Love, it' found necessary, on ac count o( the serious ilUieaa of niemuer of his family, Mr. Waring was reported absent n account of sicktie.-a. ; Mr. Ficmining from the cummiitea ou the judiciary asked Hint the commit-, tee to be discharged from the further coti- sideiation of tlie -bttf to regulate the-hmtf of freight tad ptaeengers on railroads, lor want or time, witb the promise ol the matter being biought belora the Senate at an early duf htrtstiW."-t7ftttltefn-- Heporta Irom standing committees were presented by Mesar. Murray, Seymour, Love and Todd. , ' SUPKEMK COURT. Opiuioiit were Died on yetcrdy iiy the Justices 4 the following casta : By J'lARtoit, C. J. The Pealo of the State of North Caro lina on relation t Geo. W. Welker t al, va M. A. BledV ct al. No error Judg merit affirmed. . Slat vs Joaepb II, Branch. No error judgment affirmed. By Hkad, J. The People of North Caroliua on rela tion of Welcy Whitiikir et al, s, Johnson et al. No erMr Judguient a filmed. Tlta Puufila. Va IVmuu. utliJul tVnatotKng (ui 'kd lis scit J t'er d.y t r the firtt time si ecu bis pioliacttd l.U-. . . I'ltuWULD Ol-r In Cimsrq'wne of the Jeg'.l,j rrp-rt of the proceedings of the Inoftiir g Malon of lb IVnste yrslrrJay, tho rrKtl of the Bight SeaainB vl thai U d b er.drJ out. - " ! " Okt Yott Cons Cntin.-rr. J L dni n, the Horgrow (. hiroplil, baa af rife l u i Ukra tv mt at the Yarbro.B llous whire hi will II' main a few djs If yint bate coret, Uuntont w kal toils be 4l cure lUrm without pala. LaJt Uti-ri Jr3 at it!r nal lmcrt witljnttt riTt cbarge. aaotlvralf. Uive bint tan. t Ota Naw I'l w K Iai.ll-U ! t -4l f V f r..lrntw"frfl'g t bats a (Wit 1 ha !i'i p a'' ii a d F.d tI t'onirt I.mi 10 lu;. !h, an I tUal at (( 1 1 0 10 will b nlid a. We )" ffw t''e W..1. rj;"e ULi n-Ih-Jl-t if. I. t4 the J'l-h lie a ai j f 'pfia'-i l I ! o g da t-f r - s. i.f.t.. a ti.e :..ti 1 ' it n! iio t-if g C4 aa af pi'p(isi.-a f p il' if I !it g U M. L , t' !" it J.f.'l rjt ta . ' I tf M M'Ht a l.f llt rut-ir j ut rcat I U I" i" "1 , I' 4 e-.i '.. ti f a l 8 f ." an I f-M't b- II f j "1 II J '. N-' I !-n, Iiono"! Mr linS'i 11 IiIViIIim Iti w tUat I Ut H era V." !r L.t?. II I w ! I .t ifc ' a.. a t !. w. 1. 1, , jj i' j- ' ' ' w l. f t!r If j-t. At tlx (. ..i 1 1 te U. f p,p r An 1. Sit t - , The Ptople on relation of Knnp Battle vs Alex. M Iu r. No iiiioi-judg. inf ill affirmed, The Peop'e on n.Ution ofj. Nuholstt iiTITT.iT. M Kieel al. No eror-Jiidg' incut afuimid, fXf lUiUHAM, 1- Job a IL PmWiII. a.lutioia4ratr ts W mington and Wldn Ittilmad. Fr ror judgment n vi rrl C. 8. WiMittn a lmiiiutrtir vs John V tlirrard ar.d ixln-t. rvvrravd. Dy IVniita, J. II. D. Carrier ts J. Cm) Ila'ntifT ap;l fVadaut't apptsl aiCritMuL John Kil'ulbah Vs J nu: j W. NorfTi-ju.lq.iiit .tX ... By finu, J. . H.te vs W. II. W lil ., N. jit tgnwttt affl iin d. hti vs bn kr. Yinir it at" " ' 1 Enor-jii'lgimnt JfHMS nt al, (lae fi vrrar J, I) 1 esislature of North Carolina, i Seuate bill In relntion t Bastardy. . Senate bill t mlallon to frauds ia the elections of 1873. Senate bill to repeal chap. I38,-pn'blic biwsof 1871-'73 general railroad incor. poration act. .... Jlous resoluaon reqiiC'.Jtuig Jhe .Qovcr? nor to iue his pr.n.ltuimtHm iu regiti d to emiirrutiou Irom the State. SeiiHte bill in, relation law. NEW A D VfcK 1 1 KM fc.Yi . I; imci 1 m ;: Livaii! It D.rt. U H 1 1 I I lt .1 t - ymti, l'4 V tt a4 iu.l aula 4AMH M TOwira. UltW, 49., IKVIIUDVCKD. Mr. Norwood introduced a bill to or- ganias the fire ilep irt:nen'. of the city of Wilmington. Keterred. Mr. Alorehead, of (Juilford, a bill sup plemental to aud explanatory of all acts t Incorporation ptaed tuN wa:n oi the Ueueral Aembly. 1 1 he bill pmviilut that nothing, con tained lu any ol these acta of incorpora tion shall be conttrued to empower or to permit them 1 1 hold, purchase or convey 11 y real estate, except to much as ts usual and neccnaary to carry on their proper and legitimate busineri; nor shall the exclu sive privilege given, as to location to railroau, steam or viutit,a taxuiuuik'a, couatruction couipmics, telegraph Compa nies, expreaa coup it'ies or other transpor tation companise, be deemed to applet mountain enp', to bridge of rivers or cronsings of peninsulas or swamps; nor shall anything lu such charters be an con stiued as to relieve any of such corpora tions from taxation for a longer time than twenty years, nor to empower or permit anrttrtue m to trade or traffic la any kind ol property, real or personal, or chow a la action ; nor shall any bank charter or char ters J loan aiaociaUitti, or insurance com pany take, hold, or leceive, or tell any rati estate other than what it necessary for the purposes of carrying out the legitimate objects ol I a char er, f,multd tlie-e shall not apply to sueh irai estate as may be ac quired by rmiKio of any mortgage or ticud la trust given to secure debts uue such cor- Hirstioa ; nr shall any of said acts be so ititrue. as to reliuva erwins acting In IS.Ij. Jarrnpsmy frnm tut wr her eb- Itjrtrlon nnder till w hrr bond ; niw hall any such corporation tuke or charge in any Irnnutctioa conuected with Its bus- iiM a retool Intercut exrtie-ling tlist al loaed by the gemtral law ; uor shall any atieli vorpiralmn ben laved liom any ItXes levied m any avhedule ol the twee- uue aetsol this lnuural Anmlily. The bill was tilintd on the mlrnd ir ankoiit riMiriTH r. Sir. ritmtning, t rehiluilon iu Lvor of Jat. II. Eiiiila, it' f. ried, Mr, N jmour, a bill ia regard to the fiia of lnwTi,r of turfM-niiitc. Iti fi ned. Mr. tuiimni,'hsiii. a bill to imurpoiale HietVniml Fire itmurance 1'otnpiny cil North Carolina. lUferrrd. - IIIU WW tans raaaawa. The fulloaiog bit's and resolutions pat. s I ihnr several readings t t i naie bill In repeal . t, T, I and 9, and to B-vti'l wra. 10 and It ot chap. 1, KVutil oudo, eiihtud Agticuiiure Al4.i LlwliHiJ rWnaie bill to autburire ths aale and Uans'er ol fpl pti pty ia f.-ri,ls caara, rv-t sit bill in miHwtt emunty cwniuis ai.uu u la m'.ia ra s UloVU.s silrf. ci.uiM lawful liov. f W"Ve tw It Sp. pMwe tWe wrt.vwt4(S mt U'l as'rt nu' d-r inia urn .tue-. I. B.lf ti, t I'l It tl 1 IU- f 4 11.4 If Ut luH 'l', l..Ul tviit,JlllC. Seiiatu bill to establish a cluonic insane Anlum at or near Charlotte. TUB STATK DanT. Tho bill intwdueed by Mri Welch to ascertain the real debt of tho State and to pfovldi) for the payment of th8vlne, tho special order, waa taken tp;:n it 9 -second reading. ' .' '' Mr. Welch addressed theBeiate. He sa.iJ : ,, . . i ' ' . Tbe condition of North Carolina to-dV. Mr, Prctiideiit, is welt calculated to excite the sympathy of all her citizens, and more especially should it command the anxious consideration and solicitude of those oc cupying teat in this Assembly, whose higheat ambition should be to relieve her from the embarrassment under which she hits too long travajltct. Never in tho his t iy of our commonwealth bae s i 'wide spread dirvvitisUetioii prevailed amongxt our peopl.-. The present liidrbtedninaot the tttote is an lnnubus that pai a'y x evci y energy, and si long at it Continue., there will'bi but little (Mospect of advaucuiuetit iaanyof tbo material inturttts 01' the country. Something imim, m iJoniv.d that speeili'y or our ship of State ia t r ever str.tnded uinullio sho-U offliiancU ruin. The exigency kAipun in our duty I he subterluge ot tquivoca- tion iu relcrcnoe to a matter of jo grnve importance can no firgjr be tuccexilully tnMil Otw (eopl.i demattd 4et4v action nt the hands of tlmir repreeltn- live aud will bo cotitcut with nothing lesa. SO long tn onr rmli arraavment and aggravates the u.kCM. I luut but multiplies and com pbc ilea tun Uilliculiy. There it no ectie other than by "rMiig to tho height of this gient srguiiieul" and nieetiug the ime like me.i The gordian knot must be rut mid 1, for one, cuii.aoe no other way than that proposed in the bill now under cm - tlderation. 1 The provisions of this bill are" plain. Tbe Governor is simply diiocted ti ap point a conimitaion uf cfficiint gentlemen to Bscertttin aud estimate the tulcmt tbe Slate bolds in ruilroada, Canals, and other improvement!; to asceiluin the debt coutractud before the aar, as well as the amount actually expvadod for the bjriti mate puriioaes for which appropriatioi-.s were made of the bonds iatued from the Public "Treasury- 4wing .. and since ihe war, that, after this shall have two ascertains I, tbe said eoniiniiaioncrs are empowered to assign a'l the Interest which the State may bve In avid puulic im- tolmabte iIihii freemen tamely submit to who owe tasted the SWeelaof libel ty. Anterior to the late unfortunate conflict of arms between the two sections of our country, the old North State was more I than a ieto meet all ber just obligation. Her fields blossomed with the fiuits of 8 west f'UttAbund'aiil fiiuitts fow'arohjd tho liibor of htr children. Prosperity to attorneys at I mied o'ei tha land and pence und quiet aim uappincsg o tssea our ncartiiKtooes, But the destroyer came and his fotUM were marked witb dessoUtlon and ruin. North Carolina emerged from that dire conflict torn and bleeding, but, tlnnk to the noble hearts of her biavesons, with no taint pi dishonor upon ber escutcheon, her brow wrtathevrwi'th halo ol glory. And in the duukeat hours of her humiliation though robbed of that weslth which she had accumulated' by year of hottest toil -with a resignation and a manhood un surpassed iu the annals of history, she went gallantly to woik to rebuild her waste places, j Had she then been left alone to rcntilr undisturbed the mislbr tunes of the war,, in a few more years the would have regained something of her former prosperity and splendor. But mark the sequel. No iKimr had the 'rue soldier of the Union returned to their distant homes than a horde of vara pires from Northern dcn, like the locusts of Bgypt, jred over the l.ind to devour I ho somll pittance li l t by the magnum niityof their, pretlecer. Thee cow ardly Biw-renntu, too ignoble fur the file of the federal soldiery, b pandering to the prejudices and exciting the baser pansiont of that itfifortunate cl isu of onr oitiWMis w ho had Just bx'ft ruleaaud 1 1 0111 the sMuekie or Mr. Morehead. of Guilford said the effector the bill w-uld be to enable the compauies to aactitlce the holders of the Elrst mortgage bouda, and other creditors and throw unfinished works into the hinds of ring railroad manager when they thould get posaewion uf a majority of the slock Ueuiovrd .to JOlcud. by oro- viding t hut the debts due from any corpo ratlou piiivr 'to, or at the execution of auy taorigtige or deed of ' trust by any such corporation, ahull have a prior hen upon the property rights and franchise ofsaid eirporalion. , . Jiecsr. Merrimon and Uudger win opposed in the bdl. - lhe aniundiuent of Mr. Alorcbead was adopted, aud thuutiie bill was tabled. BO AltO or I'UBLIC CUAUITtlis. . The bill to amend theact nrovldinir for Board of Public "Charities was called Bp:: ..... : . . Messrs. Allen, Mermnnn, and Alorehead of Ouiiford supported and explained the Bill. 1 Messrs. Seymnnr and Harris, colored. The policy of niin action w hich has igolitaineu in tlie balls only adds Ae m r. mi uif r-m u nt. 1 ae tt la ta I Mr, I" If r-e. 1.4 l-f lb K m t fill, iuM M w ari airnM ta Ik. m'm It r4 t m II m t " ! l'i. lf.t a4 m i. Mly e f r tf4 fm fattiM i--- ta . , Fait at Ctn.HI. k'u. ..It. K.l k,-a. , ri L, AJtm't Tho rcoplo'a I7ATI0ZIAL BAIwK S' I r.A'Uf r CU'ITAL Mm K m-1 'n t . O HI' m-i mtt t 11 l ft; T'tufw ,)) m t4 I . 4.1 t0t 1 fe tha,;. . .M'm -'! le 1 ( ii. '.. ! ,1 I r 1 c-J 1. a 1 I, , t I . 1 ' if I !- tt I 'I- a . i--i t at y )"' -r I I t I 1 i , . w t I . I I 1 ,t( i, '. ', I,,. ! j-ivft. r mUimAhxmi $ i is-.! i '- I 4 Sv4 . I M ttt m I 4 1 t f r I a1 1. I-. . .1... . i (.-'! t' f J" I - I !. V I 1 . a . 1 I '' T t -.: i-. i - 1 - i It., iu . .ii, f,..t- . a 11 s fc ai Ui.t( it w tt I, itw.,, h Y v n i w -. , a i m .4 4 .... I .1 t i-4 lt 'vwl .1 IS f-. I S mi , pmr .. I'a III! l 1 m W 1 1 1 mt 1 Iw-'ltt -f .'. f .' 44e'.r A M tki. 0 'i; ii ) 1 I u . i y .1,1 4 Haw X K I . .4 M , m r . 14 I w ltl Alt. " ! t I M I I N III b. tic t-n' I aa 4 I I e t I I H 1 ' I. I lMtr ll bid (. t irrt an I Mr :.a. ll-um bid ti iif.i 1-4 la I. I ti'ada 1 te 11 Wate tinlijy. h b.t U,.l 1 1. .null tl but -r 'y I .it 1 t I I 1, 1 t. IIM. I . U , I-. tJ! tod 111 1 1 1 1 ( h. M i .m VSi v. ruu.u b I ( r.'.rs. the I '; way l tttun ti sb I .-t t. v (." 1 4 i! ,i. . .ni,,a II n.m bill .!. id t I. s ' t4 It "a I to ataed lli Ml m t' '' " 4 f. ..! ia 11 f v is. a. i I. I lu .d tin i 1.1 .. 1 In !', i.i . ,,(1 :vi; 1 ( 'in li-flil . 1 ;' I". rwm M I M . fr '4 . ' -tttm A ii. .!.. 14 I-11 !i b j in I j- 1' ely. I I , S1 ,1 !'! tiat in s 1 tie fi.i. 0. Ii I 1 ! iiirMist a ttf.Vn'.l.'. SihI a.l.t.' u J till .'-! 4 ."ji IV, !. i( s:i-;i f : L.,i Ul ll)al li ft. t l-l -s "I l a te'sf- Ii lrAi h t4 i-. it U w ll w i-i " u 4 1;. er; a f r a. i 1 , , 1 j ... , iitfi.ittiin, .4'a 1 it 1. i, ,.,1 4 i' wi e S IL ,( V., 1 rm t- ' .1 I l'i f 4 r- t '- a ,ri'!i,l " A 1,4 ' ' fcl I pr- . r -- J; . J 1 4 tt I f : - ' ... I ru 1. I ) 1 k. I I'.. I t r I 11 provemeota lo the partice holding surti legitimate claims again.t tbe State in such pinpofiloo as the aggregate interuat of the State in such Improvements bears to the aac' rtaincl aggregate c amii, la con ideralion ol the aur.eaUr of al( claims aialnot tbo S'ate, that tbe twple ol Nnttli l"arrtiita In their n pr.'i-ni!'ive ea p.iniy dirlart! that lin y S'lmin y piolut an) o.lur euiiipromiaiMtf iliuir li t bilitus. An boiiot m lender of all Hie woiktof Inn rust linp(ovtiu'titi,builiRpl.7 nieansol tliemoniy renin it In the t-auaae i f bond, la ail that our creditor ahould i xir-t, aln-r our ini-loMnnii. Noihing TrtTitTTHW tw inn eilti'i'S -wiw se -the Si ile an I barikiuplr) l owt p. "pie. In presenting tins ine.i'ii-j li.r tne a I imnii n'. and liiial m t'leinent ormir flriaii. c ml Iron! ill ( kitu lu l If, Mr. I'ri ai dnr, tliat I iv tulipc'lng ni).lf lot lie ti ter irilli and a'lririilv inont ol f'fl.iln c'sw f f j oliiii A c i.u.tis who de Biriiiire iu high souniiiu uiunrry thing kiukuig luaajkU ilia (.ariud ripiidiatio as unaor'diy ol Ibis boJy ami Uir-ytUir; lo lhe of . the Main. Hat 1 wiiuid a.k Ihrwi gi-11 1 k inemita ehat pUa have Ihey piiiiiMd t ' tv t : l t'ns vried yie'l, n f Mist poliry have tloy Indl Ctted as tle surval and beat f -T the filiif irtatat nd Iib aud inivit i.liad people I Theburdi is rapidly twcuinulatii g -mit auaiua I drawing Ut , ami a yet im plan bat Uw natk'ntid otl-tf tbaa lu nsl ij uit y aalil Congrrte la IU J aiHai- I lie dbi, Vt,s r, Ho. It t lie iimt aMas (bar ui uil p-mutt it ia autb lug laurr) a bu Ii bow Ii luilu g the ui aAaUt- .'Its ait AUnt-m Lima tUUtwis but lo ilmi, But wid CiiHiifmM do this I O-'trlil !i tu p, i ff lhw etilire I liia nai4'M and bliM'rd b"fi 1 b' I ins wouiil don tit tja i j .we ! a ilittM ( g t( t;, ltt iltou d mt, i o k -nr ilil avt ! tin iUIu BmicuuiiatUdiViiklt tiiu4 a4 la tho inu net til 1.11 tv t,if. ti M Mil I'llOl! ft!4lf III iMTtlllit I'tltMMllt u 1.IS1 i d II. al t ! I"l I'-e ele brl.ili! laf mrt a ..' d, ! 1 hoi li In Irani ji ia the I l rn j iiiti 11 -i .( p . p ( 111. I. pi. ( !i.H l- ...f I I - f 1 4 I'l f I.I 1 II. fi!t al , ut Ij f, .n 1 .1i.'i.l I all! is I. o.. ( a.. tWf '... ti .iihv 'i l, il, y t" f. l4 I !!... J ft I 'Ml ttl B ' t 111. k !T)1 l-f rT.i,..4S lh' . l I 1. .j , 1 info (.,ifj!.i. 1 1 , 4 r-fti I.,., iu imri'it I i a !4 l(4. iilU I'-lil 14 I l4 III IIS I- ,,!, ik.i lr . I, a t..b4 in ll i. I tiouaa t,p at s-.tiiiiy VH li.t an ti 4 1 a ut i 'i-1 l m t 1 r l'i a. i-- Il ; -rj l.i b 4 rl.i'.-sj m (ijl I !,. , . . .i.l.i jj , ),. in l i .-.f t 1 .t a if t . 'i.. s'' 111 mi'.iiifi'i.'' d 4 .ti -. ,, I nt l.t h. bl-f t, .1 1 ..' It, ,.' 4 i . ! H, .,t t ( . ) I! . Jl Vl.t . , ,' ' .1 1 ' ' ' ' l I t' '. I v. 1 r i4 1 ' tin ,it. a l.f .i a . j j . 1 . .1 .. . i- I f I i4l ,.-. 'I i I.' . .4 l'i. ti. I . I !'- C 14 It. tl II. S rf...,.l 4 1. j m. I, 1 I. ,. a-1 I i S in I.. !.., tn I . i-j I-,.., ,d 1 ' - f I 1 1. it t i " 4 - t I I'. 1 , rt i 4 , I 1 . 1 , . t f '. .. y ,- , ,.,,.1 ). 1 i t-4. -. ff ni 1- ' . 1 . t . . i4 . a 1 1 - t, o. avery liitd' but It Ii litWo'-l'y in foisting thrmao've intu piwi tioiHot honor and truat. Theeii'irtj ol- J "ul! tyveriiment wns e laugid, Tiine !TiViviTiuiTiunn to iTie heart of our iieiiule by lecnllectioii f a glorious piat wi-ru prostrated in thu du.if lnuovaiioiiH hi i,l!ioni.-in to the very gonitis ol our goveruim i.t wtt incorpo rated into our fuiidsmenf.'tl lawn. Slid nil t.iat was old and grand and revered was foired to give way (o Uioin-iii li of a blind and biggoted faii!iticiim. The twaatiry was iiep nteii. our noblo University di manticd, and the cn;dit of our people in-tc I l.y lhe most profligate andine (.p msibte iegialatiott known t ancient or modern times. Scarcely a rclio wai left of hat we once were as a landmark to future generations, Nor were these men alone the author uf our ruin. Ready, witn marts tqunliy corrupt, were found among our owo people ta aiit in 1 lie Horn, 1 worn, and well dot they per form their work Everything around us at teste the p Wit ty of North Carolina. Tbe whole Slate leela the chilling, withering curse of the rule that ha been over na. AH the In ttiocU.if ia demahd. t1at ere we are sweut away bv this inaeUtrom of accumulated mi. fort ir. Some thing should be done to rutuciiaie the rrippltd eoutgiee of our people. Our enttni svstem of public improvements has been Uei nned. 1'rade languishes. All tbe InnentlvtM to industrial pursuit are enervated. Kffurts lor Hit develo) ment oi our natural r wuurce meet wuu no eneouragi muiit. The endiiioa of our iiiifortuiiate deal and dumbsfid blind an inutile is pitiable In the extreme. N more than oue-eigblb of litis cliaigehave been tupplird wuu evi u lettonable nc comiiioiLiioiia. llundr.d, air, tiinusaiida of p mr mptian children in svery put of the land erll loudly lor help. IkVuicd the mean of i d ileal i"ii the" ate li lt to grow np lli iiiu....1. 'U' tTi. if u.-.i'j H tiooting sui'h a lead In t riinn and wretclir In,-., and wi,t. hli.ill tlnstlni g eoiitiniiti I Wi I the ri priwiit div tt ol a inice great Male, by tin, sen idal policy of "matt, fly itlartli tt " ifive their 1 0,1 l,ni i ib "ituniHiutf'ti of a C"ii i!;loi i f flairs s-i sliamulul I Ii so, the Juiurij of North Car,. I,na it gliH'iny iodetd, kivrry ileyiii 4n - pwnt twwnt-i4 anl a reign if InteMix tual datkiiin i'nu,ol rale I thai wi'l bdgbl I -r all tin. . evi ry pM.jMa.1 It the ,r.i-ii,l and bappimw ui our p.- ,'. Una tide iuul Lwt'.oi pd. KMiiin.rim xl brarnlnf for lhe ill M-inmaTion i t kB-iabnla and Hie ditl itioa f ni-wal liroji . iple. uiu'l lie bul I npoa the sp it 4w il,.gir'ij l.y i l aid h"Ur ,( nm.rtiitn, W ,( out d-M tn v t rr M l paitn nl ( Hliuli r art bound bv Bo ui n il oUig ill -li, and a iww r will bemad lo da an. tf'Viijg a only nd h'tp" wTtrrn ttiere I. iirnrhnit t besrtea and d-ji'. No people in Ho biauitful Wotid b.v been blread Willi a IWf ' l'Vl l'i lha ui' 1 t iidf I a " '..n I of t'i ii' l ' a ii'i s 1 ii in'e v r ' I iol .li.l.iH at t 1 e ) y I lan e il. Italian k r., t l r li ia all I'i.I pft- d-'Ci" f f a"l e i . . ,4 .- H t . I 1 a 1 ia Al a In p! t . I b . A -l I t i i- '. 1 it a - iia'a 1,1 THE DAILY SENTINEL " ADVERTISING KATES. Advertincnts will be Inserted In the Da'.'y aaviKKi. al the fulluwini; jvte ptir squar ot me ineh, or ten minion linee. Une4(uafe one uine...- ....,...... el-w . . ach eutiasijuewl ituierviua L ea. tiivin wn'iy ,j, ... im 1 iiviiiaj-i',1 WtjiiwA aJ.,luiiiiJe.7j(o,.I"-.i'. I " Vsnontii. e.W'il ' B " la) i ssm's, ia.wii " .i l " j J,;(n, l t. 1() t. 44w, 1 ' :-- -' ai.iaill . ' 11 . m.ow ' I I ft " M.on " . IS U.W I t, ..- ;"2s,0,t - " Bill tn alter the constitution in relation to pay of member of tha Otneial Aattcm-, bly failed lo puss first reading yeas 7 7. nay 37. lit, Guyther moved to reconiider tbe vote w hereby the bill . failed to pass ar-t reading. Moved to make the motion to rcfPttsjidejt rpechil p,fdey for, Jo-morrow nt 11a.m. Mr. Dudly moved to lay motion on llie table. ' Ltar. Mr. Dudly movel lo indefinitely post pone the motion to make special it der. Lost The motion to postpone nd make spenial order piavailud, Ui ll lo alter the constitution . In rela tion to public school and public institu tious failed to puss first reading yeas 80, nays 43. . . The bill to alter the eooalitution in re gard to judiciary and judicial districts latieu 10 pass nrst reading yevs o, nays 41, . , Bill to aulborixe the commissioners of II or t lord county to lev special tax passed mcssra, oevmour anil iiaina, coioreij, 1 , ,. i.W4..i t.. ti ...1 .,..,, i.. I evetl reading. ami printing. ' . ,8,t? bi'J. 'rp"' Meehan- The provisions or the bill aeem to be " ""i"-" to elect a Board of Public Charities to nd f."??-'14d'J?- l, mln'- consist of Oftoen member for four year.' lu lu " nK terms, the board to be made a body poll- I " "Z,2 . .1- ... . f ' ..I Oa motion ol Mt Setda. tha rule want filnpettded and the bill to authorize lo tic and corporate, and to have given to new tn ctiafxjtj fti Asylum for the Insane, the Institution for. the Dear and Dumb and Blind, the Penitentiary, and all other charitable and penal institutions of the ut.... . . 1. . 1. . . . 1 ... i. a ... nvaio , mw uuain iu m viitpuwcicu iv ,u- I . . ..... ,,, ....... point lub-commitbes to take charge of J which this bill pasted its third reading !. ..... . . I anil A Imv tha mnllo in me sep'nw cttnnusiimenia, - - 1 - '-j -.- v.. Mr. Hoahead. of Gu ford, c ed the J""i, Auditor and Secretary of State to employ additional clerical force wa takes Up and passed second and third readings. Sir. fettle moved to reconsider lb vote we-vioiis question tm the second rciding of the bill. The cull was sustained by a vote of to 11, end the bill thco passed Ha second reading and on motion ot Mr. Mi-hdj-4' UHil4-iidi4 to be printed and made the swcial order for 11 01 lock to morrow, . Si nata bill to regulate the time for the elecdon ot juiticesof the p -ace wa taken up, -'lhe bill itiuoducud by air Troy proposes to hold thee elections bttnnially at the time of the general Stale elections, savin?, as he suld, 111,000 to 50,000 to the State expended id boldirf; - Iheie special electoiia 1 he bill paaard lis second reading and KVKStNO BKSMON. House met at 7 1-3. Mr. Badger ekcd and obtained iod. finite Wve uf abavoca tut Mr. Cox on ac.. count of slekniK in bis lamily. Mr. Moring oblainei( peruiUaiun to to oord hi vottt in tbe allirmalive on tho conatitiitiouul amendments. . .Mr. Slrnvki'lford asked piiimU-ion t it cord liia vote against allowing the Secre tary ol Stat and Audiu-r additioBal cler ical anitani-e. On motion of Mr. Stanford the itilea were siutwuded and A resolution to iiro- vide fur cu:d deBiit In the Tiaasury wa niferred to lhe judiciary committee Biased It several reading. f. . .. i -.1 - I U I . I I 1 i. II I. to lepoit on iu C'infttihllloii-ilily. I ho Beanie -then adjourned till 7 13 p.m. . (' ""1 a ii' 4 t' I 1 le, , 1 , I, I f ... t'i-.. 1 ,f - e , '1 I It 11 a .V. I. I iti a r j Ir n ' K , .1, It-i- m n r- -f -t I., N -eh I t . . 11 a I" W I- .11 ll I, V 1 I I I I I I . i a. I t. 11 r 10- I t.r "1 I. M 1 ! -.1 1 I .'I'l I U - ..' f -4 .it a wi I, t 11 e bf...i 1. I -: ...d .., .t.:,i l, a-1 dt.i .! d ty f !.V" p ,.f In .' ' - a in flute. I f oi (, V a.i I I ft tt .l.ftt I IS' 1. 1 4 t - of t'. , !T.. '- ''a i ft a S'.1 .i iv 1 l 1 I r ..n..(".T l ad m- 1.- i' it 1 I if." n.i'1 i I.. I I m u I '. f 1 1 t -1 ;-' : H a ,. I ,' )., ) Ii 4 t . .j I 1 f a i 11. ' t 1 b I I' ' ! f visi S 1 ii !. I b a l.. I li 1 - , l- a 1 "-,', ait I .f I ' w 14 . a it,. -. i j- y u. a j il, 1 u stf j f 'Hi ll 1. .1 I . , i U -n 1 h L.-I I, ! I.I a- .1 -ill, t-y 1 1 ft t ' 1.1 ( w I ,1, i.i , ', b an I ir.l o l ft. a l . II, 1 .,. I -.ll-,l II- t t ,a f i . at 11 I ot.,, l 1 te I i-.i-t. -a .1 i. 1 -I- I 1 . a I j ;-. , V. I I ti .! . t.- ! t- ft IIOLE OF REPRESENTATIVE, Mokdat, Feb. 84. The llue met at the wvud hour, lb Ppenker in ilia chair, , Mr, II inner was allowed tJ record hi vot iu the aUiriuat.vo nu tha constita tloual ainendmeots, Qi'iumoti or rttivii.Kusi Mr. 2Gt, 1 f . A'amwe ', apo lo a question of privilego in Wgad 10 a (ommunirntion which, ap- if anal in the fr, Sti'urday evening, in reference to cartain emu of that county, and by implcttimi, to himself, lie denounced the i"iinivlon s falsa It every partirnlar. lie had recently re lumed from home, and not one of the al legation of tha articles b.ul.resched hla ear whiln ltcn hvnoinjf view witH hi iDiiatilUetit. Iln h id smn some of 1I1 ell s, lis ip k :i i f li tli 0 communication in Hie A'rw, oiii d M M " a well as other I10111 that iKiiih'it uf lbs c Hint y, and he lid not bear ne word ol lhe reported lut j.'li.rn ,', and ha ill not helluva that tin te a a a Win. I of liulli iu the at dement $4 Jfii' ,wlt',V W''lr1' 'fast' mV4rtlMB4H4J a lio would ainl.'f th Iraiple tit si'rv a jiinii uUr pnrji'Mc, nuiit 10 have bis 11 one uivrrn I 1" public, and not be ;r- millr.l. at. 11 Ilk.', to !nrk llin n,ioii' ilntity u i br th garb of an an myiuons 'indi'frv llr pmrt igW'il th whol alrito iit I f Ik' la'sr. rrilTlons, Wy Irlr, Irta-'i, - reHiimw frttm tMmm ol liranvlii aakiug the ptaaage of t bill l allow IU coun'y of liraaviil lo tub a rib tit lhe capital aia k ol lb GrSB l le Itiliruad i'oinpinv. Mi. Itrown, I siia-klraburg, B pelitiu) (rort (iiiiiwi of Mia-klvabuig coiiat; pra)i..g t in paiuaue of a law atibmittiag iiui ifua U..u of Ui sale of li''lof to the paopl. DII.IA By Mr lUnu- tt, a lull to sionti I SB xt Oi.. rj. it,L,.g the I. l rda'e and lan a - i I 41 1-1 1 hoi ie. ' V-i 4 1.11 il r. j.i to".s an l fe if ,-miue l "Hit I Ink. H-ual lull In litcor poral lb Ureal Weatiri Air Lin K.dwty Compiny IiimiiI i, Mural it t lii'if. M. lU' !in M giaiitr.1 in li fiiil'.s !et ot ,1, . a .-i'l' .n-. ol Si 1 -. . .t, iJ-.-.k .I. U-v. 4 tUa.U pitlktu (til' ,1 ii,hi!',.'i o H I I il 1 al ' a l f fit tl !-! 1 ll 1" -'f,)i,. i . of It .11.1 l,.u t rtiH'j 1.1 !; a 1 il l .;l d it. a . i l 11 1 n via M, j Cl III I.i ii of Vf. .t , t e I a ' ' (. . I , at, I I m t I. l'i 1 1 a, j" I .114 I.A i I'l I - I I rf 1 d ift,tili. fit of t; A) lul) I !t H '. I 1 Oil' " I I Ilia 1, J ,; p it.".l i 1 t! 1 J l. in.-. I ,a to ntMrf l-'u I I i n I! t a I, Ao , W.4 r.u, il III i'l .luini'lie I' 4) I . ,'m 1. a i..-Ik .f, t ii.h st'l Hud. Mr It.iil r e In a i i-.ti of pm ii ce 1 . I I f .n il tt I la. a t- f In i', Afe d h. 'I'd-y. .Vi li '-f d KakliU ",tfj;- ia A e counif , Senate bill 407, House bill 403, an act to Incorporate the Haw River and New llopo Transportation and Manufacturing Company. ilouaa reaolution HI?, resolution for tbe protectiou of fl.h lu Ibe Water ol NottU Carolina, Senate bill S33, Ilous . bill 001, an act to iacHrporaUi tli Uabua Gap Short Ui a . Railway Company. Senate bill 33S, House bill S33, aa at t to prevent lb destruction of timber. Oa tiua of Mr. Ouyther the bill was tabled. reost bill Gl4, House bill 649, bill to Ire entitled an act to amend the charter of th Ilaldax and SooUaad N k Kail Wny Company patated Second reading. " St-naltt leeuluiioa 174, llou restitutio) SCO, rmjluibtn in levor uf J, A. Mautoa. ol Cleveland county. Tabled, Hon bill t ail iw eoumluiober uf intlow county to sell former site of poot house (a said county, pd txVeral read lags. s llou bill 424, a bill fir the relief ol the sheriff and lax collector of Hi cotir.ty uf fonjlhe, pasted seieral leading. " Mr. Benn I flora joint emuiutUea ) Wu'ern North I aiolma ltdlroad Coto pany, SubinUted a repoit from said cm Miitlee wliii h a'ai otd red lo bu train m.Ui.til 4ldl SutaifiV litUB- pro(xi. , Uofi tn Jirinl. H'HM bid 39 IS ttslli.tris 1 th Secre lry ol tt dd In furotab d'Cuimnt and, for other purpo. Rriiai iraolMiiuti In favor nf th eeaja " la m itrnnewtrk, IMgiiwiari Nona'' tinpUm, paaaed Several reading. Ilouaa bill to prevent the adulteration ad vale of tpir tiou liqiior. Itel erred. "tl.tUft Lin U las eatt lied aa tit Ut Vs! IJt Ibe shIb 4 ca-rlala .! tlta Count j of Wilkes. Siial bill lo am In ir ia a tp :al .x on lb onnty of lWufmt. Anna Ird t.J Bd ll'H.I ivailiag. A bill to alt" ha lb ScittH Fair near La ir I IIUI in It r'im,i I eu in'y, 1's.ard ajk ASMStdiMalav - - The reauiaiiiiia let pr ut lb ait.lev roll f f Hi Bar IS' 3, paatrd it Kital read ing. lliHka) tv-lj-tuf rtar-1. JlkloiH, MlttlJilriy umnit, 1 ami srHAvr art. ml. 1 mi If 11 li lu. ' i 1 i 1-1 1. Ilo-.ia .a ,1 ur 1 Bu ii 'r"f b" u ,i aa I ; 1 11 uo, t t l u4 lit i I arts ad i. . t.i l,J.aj - f-mi f 1- t, - ' A 1-1 1. 1 , ' , tl , t- ! f 0I j I' I I ii . 1 . 1, I t i t I i 11, 1- (1 1 A I . a ' I la 4jt"' J t . t A : - - -4 1 nn- I t ( I ..- t- 1 k -. - 'S I ' -a... !' U .- It-' I- I 'I.. I ' t t . -tf ' la fee i . - f 1 a . ' r : i' -1 lf,l l.rt l..i 1 - I I 'i t, s.i iv , 1 ... . I . j t I a I., 1 to 44i 1 e,!, I ) Vi, 0 I III Be ll" l.-f M IS '! '', a ..'l b I '...' iu iiae I t u Ike .aaitrs 4 ( ,., 4 I I... I.. w4 I. A, a ap Slid ,1 1 f .! t'i'tia' 1 1 . t . I f.- ,,riiV (' Aa 1 1 (j , ta i la r t-itt ut I ) 1 0"M 4 la A . kit . I I - I I i.i.l i. I . 1 1 t 1 1 I 1 1 i a i" V I la I tt 1 . J . n 4 , .1 n 1 1 11 . . a . V- 1 ea , ( ' ,t a I .,l'-l ' it It I 11- I --! t 1. 1 1 l-t r,i ji ,.11 y lot ta 1,1, i 1. J 1 t I I an I t -i-i Mil ft - 1 3. tu hlt .ootl4. KmrTOi'trrleii, Ae. AIIHHIMMI.CATVU etCXJ., la-pwura, WsaaifWteift aMtt jubWe. rta, fftianvii i Bor aM4 e a l.,!-",, li4iii.t, ii Is, iw,.v iiaa, ! .u.,. t .,! iai, . -fta. t r.aitia. O'tjaiat.aU, V aaaftft A. tr.e BtAB.14 4 Iji.'i 4 I MUrt,' 11. 1. tnaiw-4 -4 inft4 k lu I -' . . .'4 t ... t. , w , .ft tta-aift, I ,., .., . JLw", I. ' ' s 4lw4i t a I, V .. te, Il-ai4 iv.u, o riiiri i'- t.t, . BtkVieK, Bu. T . s" are fta.fttefMtai.4 i- a 4 ta-.Stl tftit ai.w f.-a Ife Itfyii .4 Aftai-ft Hft-ftla ilti ftwtela-ft. , Ik ka-a law! Mat. eMal4 la) i 1 1 anal t,tM, ... Ht aay aa-4 .it ft v4 i It tft., t-.t. iiMa mA 4at 1 I it a li),50U"",r,u,r ... U tm,mm Wl.lft M. - - -H) tet. W alia 1 -ftftaj, .. ft ytmm ta IiM le, ft Wm (ttladdft Mj,e( . Be Uliva tare, ft Vi. l a 4, 1 l-.t if w . s t Ijis- j , a p . V. 4 r S a I t--. '--,. ' - .,,1 ! .! I' K L ... . i.i I .a f I '. 1. . i-rl " . - ft . a. . f " ft." tt I. ---! l- t. aa ; -a 'A- ' t' .1 lint . i t 1 I - I l i t 4. I a I l- a , t I i- 1 'il ... If- l' t-' & 44. 1 1. 1 . . ji'lHI !'. i. 15 a- I I i 1 -a . a ; 1 1 4 I 4 r I I f tt .1 i tt ta t I k-a w . ft., t---4 t ..Kit1 (V. 0